#also really curious abt the whole blood thing
cinammonelles · 1 month
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I want to talk about this page in particular because the implications here are so riveting.
Lavi is currently 19. Allen is believed to be 16.
Which means that either
The Bookmen are lying
Bookman Jr. did die then and Allen either didn't age the first few years or his age got fucked up multiple times before he met Mana
The first seems highly improbable at this point tbh. If the Bookmen were planning to make Allen take the poison to make him remember his past then lying about when Past!Junior (presumably) died seems counterintuitive and would only make Allen mistrust them more once he was in full possession of his memories.
It doesn't seem like Allen de-aged to an infant. He says his earliest memories are from when he was in the circus. Even if he did age back to an infant, he would've needed caretakers and nothing in the story suggests he had any.
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(Note how little Allen doesn't have his Innocence in the last panel. What the fuck does this mean Hoshino.)
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Allen looks perhaps 4-5 in both of these panels. If Past!Junior died over 19 years ago and Allen aged linearly since then, then he would have to be 23+ by now. Even considering the possibility that he aged back to an infant, he he should be 19+ by now and he looks barely over 17.
We can assume that he must've aged in a somewhat even fashion once he joined the circus because otherwise the performers would've commented on it at some point of time.
What happened in the years between Junior dying and little Allen getting into the circus? Was he in a child's body till he acquired his Innocence? How did he even acquire his Innocence in the first place?
There's also a final possibility that came to me while I was writing this post— Lavi was born while Past!Junior was still alive. He was born with the 'mark' because Past!Junior was no longer fit to be a Junior. I genuinely have no idea how Hoshino will explain this. Will it be some sort of corruption? Memory loss? Chronic illness?
All of them seem equally unlikely options at this point. But so did the possibility of Allen and Bookman Jr. being different people before this chapter :)
Either ways, this was a very intriguing chapter and I'm looking forward to whatever Hoshino has in store for us.
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super-paper · 1 year
MVA Appreciation Post? MVA Appreciation Post.
Rereading MVA with the benefit of some hindsight really makes me appreciate just how well-crafted it is as a story arc. Like, pretty much every aspect of it was tailor-made for the sake of exploring Tomura (like....!! even the conflicts & themes explored thru other characters are still ultimately written to service Tomura's character in ways that only a completely insane person can appreciate, lol.)
Mostly just listing some observations and things I like abt MVA that I feel lay the groundwork for Tomura's entire character + arc:
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There's a lot of significance to Tomura fighting quirk based cults back to back in the same arc that delves into his own upbringing under AFO, I feel! There's also significance to his indoctrination into villainy under AFO mirroring ReDestro's indoctrination by the Meta Liberation Army. Both Tomura and ReDestro are framed as believing that they made a personal "choice" to walk this path, when in reality they were both groomed into their respective roles by predatory adults.
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Underrated and potentially devastating detail that I (a known sicko) enjoy : Tomura and ReDestro aren't even allowed to choose their own villain names after being baptized into villainy.
This part is especially glaring when you contrast it with the earlier chapters, where Class 1A is actively encouraged to *choose* their own names and really think about what sort of hero name best represents them. Even when the kids ultimately choose names that others gave them (Izuku), and even when they resolve to take up the mantle of their family names (Iida)-- the distinction is that they are still very much naming *themselves* and not being named by other people. They are all allowed to assign their own meaning to their chosen hero names. There is a choice.
In contrast, Tomura and ReDestro's villain names are not an expression of their identity, but a suppression of it.
The idea of inheriting a "will" or "name" that completely consumes your own is already in play, and it only gets worse from here!
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Masks are also a big theme! MVA literally opens with the LOV wrecking a group of fantasy bigots who hide behind masks.
Spinner doesn't hide his own identity behind a mask, rather, he hides his lack of identity through cosplaying as someone else.
Jin and Himiko have their "masks" forcibly removed during their respective battles-- Jin is able to verify and assert his own identity, which allows him to discard his mask for the remainder of the battle. Himiko instead scrambles to put her "mask" back on in response to Curious claiming that she's secretly miserable.
Compress gets half of his mask shattered at the same time that his aloof "we're villains not a friendship club!!" façade begins crumble, and he becomes more and more vocally concerned for Tomura's safety. This bit of symbolism is repeated again during the PLW, where the whole mask comes off once he finally admits he loves the LOV and very nearly kills himself in an attempt to save them.
AFO's face is constantly obscured by shadows, but it otherwise remains completely uncovered-- indicating that the "kindly face" he shows to Tomura is, in fact, a mask in itself.
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And here's where Hori's brilliant art direction comes into play! Tomura decays Kotaro's hand-- the very symbol of his own rejection and suppression that he has worn as a mask since his debut-- but he does not embrace his identity as Tenko. The blood from Tomura’s head injury now creates the visual of a mask as he instead embraces his identity as "Shigaraki Tomura", the symbol of fear who exists to beckon acts of mourning into the world. (and the blood mask also resembles the dark shading that constantly obscures AFO’s true face in the flashback chapters! ...as does the creepy permasmile Tomura has for the rest of the arc! :D )
Visually, it also resembles the way ReDestro's (stress-powered!) quirk starts spreading across his face like a mask whenever he starts vomiting up MLA propaganda and ranting about the """glorious""" burden he inherited from the original Destro. (😬)
The mask imagery is even more explicit in the anime, where the red really makes the whole thing pop:
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lowkey it's hilarious that a good chunk of Tomura's story is told through a mix of visual story telling and symbolism, but he also happens to spend half his screen time shirtless and distracting ppl from said symbolism with his eight-pack.
Seriously tho', it's little stuff like this that really cements MHA as a story that's even more enjoyable when you reread it. Moving on!
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Curious 🤝 AFO, Being creepily affectionate with the victim whose story you plan to rewrite and exploit for your own gain
Toga’s failed/rejected martyrdom at the hands of Miss Curious foreshadowing Tomura’s successful martyrdom at the hands of the PLF and AFO-- the inherent dehumanization that comes with martyrdom and turning others into a "symbol", the lack of actual care for the martyr/symbol as an individual, and the idea that Tomura has always been a sacrificial lamb that's lurking just below the surface of every aspect in this narrative. Curious wants Toga to die to fit the MLA’s narrative, AFO wants Tenko to die to fit his own personal narrative— neither Curious or AFO care about Toga or Tomura as individuals, nor do they care about saving them from their circumstances. Because to Curious and AFO, their only value lies in fulfilling a certain narrative-- and that narrative is only fulfilled through their deaths. Both AFO and Curious WANT these stories to be tragedies, and you only beat someone like that by refusing to follow their script.
"Let's turn your death into a tragedy! You'll become a martyr whose tale serves as a parable for the ages!" "I'll shape him! Mold him! He will be a symbol of fear who lusts for destruction!" Toga and Tomura are both depicted as lacking agency in how their respective stories are told-- Toga manages to lash back against Curious' attempts to commandeer her narrative, but Tomura ultimately finds himself written into a corner by AFO.
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The manipulation of media and the '"truth" being a reoccurring theme in MVA through both Curious/Skeptic, and this being foiled with the way Tomura’s own memories/perceptions of his past are called into question multiple times throughout the arc. In the same chapter where Skeptic discusses his plan to edit the footage captured in Deika to make the LOV look like they're the aggressors and the MLA look like brave heroes, we have Tomura lamenting how his memories are like a busted movie recording. He compares his memories to film snippets at the start of the arc, too.
Tomura's perception of his past being directly influenced by his traumatic upbringing under AFO is something that goes without saying at this point, so I won't beat that dead horse any further-- but it's legit fascinating how Hori lays out the groundwork for the readers so that we naturally reach the conclusion that Tomura's recollection is something that we are meant to doubt.
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Yet another notch on the long list of Tomura wearing clothes that other people chose for him, reciting words written by others as if they were his own (.....l-literally reading from a cue card lmfaoooo it could not be any more on the nose if it tried 😭😭😭)
but seriously i could write a a ton on how Tomura's lack of agency with his own clothes is Very Much a Thing in The Story, and how him no longer bothering to self-style after MVA and just letting others dress him up however they want (or y'know... just not bothering with clothes at all!) is one of the best stealth indicators of where his mental state is actually at.
(tl;dr tomura asserting that he's "definitely his own person" and that he "controls himself" when he doesn't even have the agency or energy to dress himself the way he wants and is constantly getting treated like a life-sized dress-up doll by other villains is another one of those understated parts of the series/tomura's character design that makes me Big Depressy)
But!! When Tomura DOES actually add his own flair & individuality to his fashion, he generally accessorizes with things that tie him to the hero side and his identity as Tenko (red shoes as a connecting thread to Izuku, long flowing capes that connect him to heroism)
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What "liberation" does to a mfer
As an aside: ReDestro feeling liberated from his stress as Tomura starts laying waste to the MLA/Deika (but still failing to break free from his grooming despite this!) serves as a dark parallel to Tomura “breaking free” from vestige!AFO during the final war, but still insisting that destruction is all he wants. Both Tomura and ReDestro have been prisoners their whole lives, and thus, have no frame of reference for what true freedom is. They both come so close to having a Realization About What They Truly Want™ only to immediately fall back into what they’re familiar with (ReDestro has always been a follower of cult forced to masquerade as its leader, Tomura still thinks that he wanted his family to die and takes the catharsis he felt from destroying his abusive home as evidence that he was always secretly bad). Hori is horrifyingly realistic in his depictions of the hold that grooming has on people.
Like. It's also the way that Tomura and ReDestro’s quirks are both powered by their misery, but they're surrounded by people who fail to see this as a bad thing and instead choose to romanticize their strength as something they can use to make their "dreams" into reality (and the unspoken question: is it really a "dream" if chasing after it makes you completely miserable? We have a different word for dreams that hurt you, boys!).
I'll stop here bc this is already too long, but man, every time I revisit this arc I notice something new (and horrifying) about Tomura's character. It's literally the gift that keeps on giving.
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theplatypusblue · 2 months
Spoilers for basically everything under the cut :P
In vaguely chronological order (I have already forgotten half of what happened ✌️)
I definitely think the first half is kinda… weak? Somehow? The latter half tho. Oh that latter half. It just felt stronger when we had more stuff going on, I guess. It really started picking up once we met the dragon masters
Man I’m also curious about what got Egalt so emo about humans. Give me the elderly dragon emo backstory…. Give me the centuries old tea about what happened….
Dorama is just?? Hanging out in the desert I guess???? I wonder if we’ll ever get a follow up on that or if it’s just. Y’know. Also I wonder how he controls that puppet thing. Cuz it doesn’t have strings but also I feel like if it was a robot he would be like. Piloting it or something. Who knows.
SPINJITZU BROS MENTIONED!! SPINJITZU BROS MENTIONED!!!! When Wu talked about the sphinx and the Warriors of Felis I was like!!!!!!!!! 👀‼️👆👆👀👀 Ninjago flashback sequences never miss fr‼️
Speaking of flashbacks…. Kai and Nya childhood stuff… the babiues… bwabbies….. babbuysss…. bebies………… buueghugugubuh
Okay tbh when the wolf-warrior Jay stuff leaked I was kinda confused but now I think I can see how we get from point a to point b. Like, Jay. feels like he has to hide his powers for whatever reason, then maybe Ras comes in like “Stop hiding your powers. Quit your job. Join my emo band”
Also Jay screen time has been upgraded! From 30 seconds!!! To 90 seconds!!! 🙌🙌🙏 woo!!!
Cole saying “I’m always adorable >:)” when he has that dog potion I have Art Ideas™ hehe
Ras AND Lloyd have visions…. It’s makes me suspicious somehow. Especially since Ras’ master is kind of associated with gold/yellow. Is his master a source dragon? Like, an evil source dragon??? Cuz that’s the only being we’ve seen so far that can induce visions like that but idk…
When Ras put that shocker thing on the forbidden five guy’s neck, that was like, genuinely kinda scary/intimidating. Cuz like, the whole time, the forbidden five were like, spoken about all mysteriously n stuff. But then Ras just comes in like “ur working for me lol you do what I tell you to ✌️”. Like all the Blood Moon stuff made it seem like they’d be an unstoppable force once they were through that portal, but it turns out they were just another piece of some big evil plan. Crazy.
Now the REAL question is… how the tf is wyldfyre gonna get a boyfriend?? Is it just gonna be some guy she meets in pt 2? Like just some random ass dude????? Cuz there’s been zero (0) setup for that plot point in pt 1, so I have no idea how that’s gonna play out. I’m not upset abt it I’m just totally completely lost and confused if that makes sense. Like how do we even get there bro???
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anonzentimes · 7 days
LONG ASS ASK INKOMING ZEN so its super cold in brazil today so typing is a little hard and there might be weird typos fkshdkjd but
when i was like 14 i had online friends that were also 14 and were into danganronpa but all they talked abt was the flaws of the series and how much they hated the more problematic aspects of it, it was a constant wave of gender discourse and sexuality discourse and nagito is a bad portrayal of mental illnesses and miu iruma is too sexual and this character is bad cause of xyz and that character is bad because of this and that and honestly whatever the fuck else you can argue about this series about, whenever i mentioned that danganronpa seemed fun and id like to get into it my friends would tell me that its not worth it, that the series is fucking horrid that i should run the other way and be glad i never entered the hellhole that is being a danganronpa fan
so thanks to this and like constant fucking weird shit coming out of the hell hole that is the fucking dr fandom on Twitter for like, four whole years I straight up didn't touch the series. a series that I was so fully aware that I would love btw, because i was always into gorey art and i found the art of dr so pretty and the characters had such intresting designs and the pink blood was so cool and i love the killing game genre and the mystery solving aspect, of danganronpa seemed so cool, i did not go near this series with a fucking 10-ft Pole
until literally maybe some months ago at 18 years old a streamer I like said on stream something like "oh yeah danganronpa is fucking awesome im so glad i played it" and I was like fuck it, this guy has high standards, if he likes it it cant be that bad. and so I downloaded trigger happy havoc and i was so pleasantly surprised by it, sure case 2 is a case that exists but like other than that i immediately fell in love with this franchise, i loved almost everything about the game, then i started sdr2 and nagito took over every single part of my brain within 0.2 seconds of gameplay AND DR2 IS SO PEAK JUST IN GENERAL udg was super fucking fun i love touko and komarus relationship and the warriors of hope so much, dr3 was awsome even if i didnt really care for future arc despair hope and 2.5 were awasome the end of drv3 hit me like a truck and it genuenly took me a couple hours to understand that my beloved class 77b wasnt just retconned out of existence and currently im trying to kill executive dysfunction and procrastination and read dr0 and again want to replay dr2 cause my hyperfixated ass would rather play the game when she should be alseep to know what happens next than play it when she isn't too tired to understand whats happening lmao
and after i was done with the series i sat down and thought about how i let 14 year olds on the internet who im not even friends with anymore keep me away from something that now i hold so dear and close to my heart, and i wonder how many people who would love danganronpa will never give the series a chance because not only does the wider interner find it cringe but the fandom constantly tell potential new fans to stay away and act like its the worst midea ever written, the way some people are unable to enjoy what they love without guilt is so sad because not only does it affect them but also others
and this is super personal but i wonder how danganronpa would have impacted me if i got into it back when i found out about it at 14, how much different having danganronpa to hang on to would have made my life when i was burning out at school because i was trying to survive neurodivergency hell with undiagnosed autism and possible adhd
dangabronpa is awsome i love it so so much
YOU JUST MADE ME FEEL SO UNBELIEVABLY YOUNG OH MY GOD. I HEARD ABOUT DANGANRONPA WHEN I WAS 11 I'M PRETTY SURE AHHHH HAHA!!! Overall I think this raises a good lesson that we should trust our guts and from our own opinions on media. Look into things you're curious about, learn if it's worth it yourself, and come to your own conclusions! I feel bad for those who never get to understand Nagito Komaeda, let alone know he exists. This franchise has some negatives but the positives outweigh the issues entirely to me and I wish people gave it more of a chance. dangabronpa is awsome INDEED lmfao.
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flourbray · 7 months
*pulls up chair into yr askbox and takes a drag of cigarette* im here to talk wva/remco. okay firstly literally i think abt the back to back pics like twice a week that whole photoshoot was my first wva/remco (wvemco...??) epiphany. but anyway being someone whose grasp on how contracts in this sport (also just the sport in generally) work is tenuous at best allows my brain to come up with random potentially highly implausible concepts such as: "wva ends up on quickstep". why? who knows! (wants a bigger/different role? something something merger fuckery? i dunno).
anyway but even if it makes no sense the narrative compels me. mainly the wout-pov experience of going from having jonas as the teams crown jewel to remco. there are so many core differences bw jonas and remco that setting wout against that change fascinates me. is remco as clear and concise a communicator as jonas is reported to be? maybe not. there might be more tension bw them wrt TTs and one day races (tho remco isnt going to like,, flanders afaik). i also feel like there have been moments where the media has perceived there to be tension bw wout and jonas where maybe, yes they didnt fully support each other as well as they couldve and they were selfish (bc they both have their own individual goals that they want to go for at the tour for example), but the two of them have such a clear understanding of one another and nothing but absolute support for each other that its obvious that theres no actual bad blood at all. i wonder how different things would be bw remco and wout! especially because remco is young and brash and comes across as moodier (?) than jonas and id be curious to see wout handle him.
id also be curious to see wout Handle him if you know what i mean 🤐😵‍💫👀 i feel like remco is kind of a brat and really wants a reaction and wout might not know how to deal with him. largely in my mind im just like "hmmmm they should fuck" like but i DO think its compelling beyond just that skhvkdjhkdjh
anywayyyy thats a lil word vomit for your askbox sometimes i just go into getty images and search "wout van aert remco evenepoel" just to take psychic damage from their size difference
hi hello hi! i second all of this; belgian national cycling really did some things with that back-to-back photoshoot. the olympics is going to be fun (assuming they're both getting picked)
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hibernationsuit · 9 months
Ask game :)
3. [I] trusted [you]
thank uu!!!
wanted to work on Toby's pre-Hope story so get some tired scientist thoughts who's about to Fuck Up badly :(
I trusted you Sometimes, working somewhere is hard when you have a strong sense of ethics. Sometimes, you want to bring it up. Sometimes, you get fired for that. Good thing there's always a chance to collect some evidence while you're still there. But is talking to your coworker about it always a good thing? aka Tobias sets up a meeting with a journalist in a dark alley in the middle of the night. Nothing goes right. Warnings: death, blood, violence mention, gun mention
also yes he's gonna be fine dw abt it
The whole walk the only thing I had thought about was that I really should've taken a bag. The cold wind was blowing right into my face, and the hood did nothing to stop the raindrops from getting into my face. My hands were clutching a datapad and two folders close to my chest, as if protecting them from the rain was more important than myself.
The streets were quiet. Everyone would be inside right now, drying their clothes and getting a warm meal to fight the cold air and rain outside. No one goes out in a weather like this. Yet here I was.
When I scheduled the meeting with the journalist, I didn't think it would be raining like this. I thought that the dark evening would be enough to keep people from seeing us, but rain seemed like a gift to keep us safe from curious eyes.
Yet I felt like something was off.
Ignoring one's feelings is not a smart mive, but I continued walking regardless, determined to get my voice heard. No rain would stop me from telling the truth.
I spotted the alley right away. Normally, no one notices it - the gates are half closed and its front was always cluttered with boxes, trash cans and other things. That's why it seemed like a perfect meeting spot.
No matter how quickly I tried to walk, I was still late, and the clock on one of the house's walls clearly pointed that out. Sure the journalist would still be there?
I slipped through the gates, carefully stepping over a pile of newspapers and other things that fell out of a broken trash bag.
"Hello?" I called out. No answer. "Is anyone here?" Don't tell me she left already.
I clenched the datapad even more and looked around. The only working street lamp was right in the beginning of the alley, and the orange light didn't reach the end. I started walking towards it. "Hello?"
Still nothing. I felt like pacing around the alley for a while, before deciding to leave. If nothing happened, I'd leave and try again.
Walking back closer to the light I noticed a weird, human-shaped object laying next to an abandoned box, hidden well in a shadowy area.
It was the journalist. With a bullet wound in his forehead.
Oh shit.
I backed off from the body and bumped into the wall. I need to get out of here.
"Found your friend?" A familiar, husky voice startled me. I turned to the entrance and saw Laura standing there, with a pistol in her hand.
"You...you killed her?"
"Yes. And before you ask, yes, I am working with Jackson." She started walking, pointing the gun with the same calmness and steadiness as she held the test tubes in a lab. Has she done this before? "You really need to watch who you talk to, Tobias. Curiosity kills the cat, and so do loose lips."
"You...Are you serious? After all that I showed to you?" My voice trembled, and so did my hands. "I trusted you."
"I have a trustworthly face, don't I?" She chuckled. "Give me the evidence, and I'll finish this quickly."
"No, never. How can you defend all of this?"
"Everything has a price. They pay well for closing your mouth. Now be a good boy and hand over the documents."
"I said no."
"Fine, be like that. I'll just pry them from your dying hands," she frowned and pulled the trigger.
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liquidstar · 7 months
Hello!! Goddess OC anon here! Today I would like to borrow your ear for a spot of cosmology! In my universe, all sapient beings have a potential direct-ish line to the gods in their minds. This is because the gods are not entities on their own, but the eventual result of tens of thousands of dead consciousnesses sharing a single thought or aim until a new being is shaped, like a metamorphic rock. Most of these are the result of cultish rituals, except for the protectoress and the seeker (god of knowledge), since that's what's generally needed to have so many people dying with the same intrinsic desire.
(None of these gods have names yet because I want to give them cool and intimidating titles yet am so very very bad at naming >.<)
The universe is a vast number of planets, many of which are inhospitable, lifeless, or in the last legs of their civilization. Travel between them is possible due to the remains of a prehistoric interstellar alchemy-powered civilization. Opening a star gate requires a sacrifice, not always in blood, but always terrible. Many species exist - some emerging from the radioactivity-and-blood-magic cocktail the Alchemeisters left on the planets they abandoned.
The lines connecting mortal to deity exist in almost everyone, but need to be opened. In the case of the god of knowledge, for example, everyone (well, 70% of every sapient, individual, mentally human-aligned species) is born with a logic puzzle in their mind. If they successful find, consider, and solve this puzzle, their connection to the god is opened up. The opening for the god of bloodshed is a sufficient amount of simple violence, one premediated murder, and one betrayal and butchery. Every female child is born with an open link. It's not perfect - there's all the problems of AGAB roles - but it's the easiest way through, especially since souls don't differentiate between humans and eldritch beings, let alone men and women.
The purpose of priests is to help with this psychic connection, help explain the clauses, to link one devotee's conscious to that of the rest of them to make a sort of psychic gathering. (A groupchat of sorts.) The reason the students of the seeker are so predominantly male is because priests will often crack open the hooks a tiny bit for male babies, making it easier for them to find the puzzle in the first place, and then to connect. Higher priests also serve as leaders of these gatherings.
Luna, the trans priestess from before, is also a member of the Seeker's flock, though these days she mostly just goes there to spy. She finds more fulfillment in the pen than the textbook, these days. This intelligence is how she managed to link herself to the protectoress' ladies by hand.
The Protectoress differs from the other gods in a few other ways, especially related to what happens to priestesses after their deaths but this is long enough.
Happy Belated Birthday, as well! All good wishes for your year to come.
i think this is all SUPER interesting and creative lore for the gods, im not really sure what else i could say beyond the fact that im very invested in this system! i am a bit curious abt the way some of the sex biases work and why though? esp since they dont differentiate between men and women but then at the same time they do? it might be on me for not fully getting it tho lol
i really do have to give you huge props for coming up with such intricate and HUGE lore for a system thats cosmically-based. not just terrestrial fantasy but THE WHOLE UNIVERSE its so cool. it creates such a great sense of scale here, like, the way you explain it really does make it seem big. bigger than anything going on on earth that we could really understand. but at the same time everyone has the potential to really connect with the gods on this scale, like the lines you described... its really very cool. the whole all is one and one is all thing.
AND from the little bits of info on other worldbuilding stuff you give its also clear theres a looooot going on for the mortals too. like the alchemisters and radioactivity magic and stuff. theres a lot of complex lore here building on top of itself that i find super fascinating. its awesome!!!
honestly im not great at names either, so i dont blame you for having a hard time coming up with ones to match this scale. i think my only suggestion (from experience) is to not overcomplicate the names. sometimes short and blunt sounds can convey power in just one syllable. its to the point, yknow? so i think thats something to consider when making names that sound grand too... also sometimes its not the name itself, but the context surrounding it! AT managed to make a name as silly as "golb" seem soo serious and important lol. so dont stress too much abt the name itself but what you can make with it, especially with lore this grand! but obvs youd know what fits them the best
and thank you!!! i appreciate it :) i hope your year is good too just in general :p
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autisticempathydaemon · 8 months
My little submission for the match ups!
I just wanna see who you'll pair me up with!
song I'm hyper fixated in rn is your on your own kid by Taylor Swift the lines "I gave my blood sweat and tears for this" idk I guess it's just cool and I'm academically tired and relate to it
my ennagram type is 5w9 ISTP
video essays are absolutely awesome probably my fav vids! my favorite ones would be like the timeline of a story based/lore based game or some arg stuff
I never really had a childhood friend so I wouldn't know but the closest I had for a childhood friend is a toy I have that I pretend came alive- basically it's a white cat stuffed animal with blue eyes and a pink ribbon
my go-to way of falling asleep I guess is just the good ol' lay down and close my eyes tactic
favorite of redacted would be Geordi's throwback audio and Vincent's throwback with stranger too also Damien's non canon romances audio
Ollie and Aaron I guess I just don't get the appeal of office people
tangled, I watched it so much I practically memorized it
Asher! he's so cool and chill totally would be friends with him and his shenanigans
my favorite playlist would be my Taylor swift playlist- idk other songs just got boring and I just remembered the extensive amount of songe genre Taylor dabbles in and how I love all of it
guilty pleasure media... bf audios no comment
some random stuff Abt me would be:
I love blue! alot, it's just my fav color ig, I kin alot of the "tough on the outside, soft on the inside characters" ex. darlin', Shenhe. And that's it! excited to see who you pair me up with!
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Hmmmm~ I think you and your match have a lot in common but just enough not in common to keep things interesting, to keep you from clashing. You and Damien would have a very interesting but very functional relationship.
I think you and Damien share the same Enneagram and MBTI, both characterized by an independent intelligence, capable and ambitious and curious. (This is supported by you being academically tired.) I think putting two people like that together can be really beneficial in keeping one another in check, in making sure the other doesn’t burn out, you know? There’d be a lot of checking one another’s work, late nights getting junk food and study fuel, helping each other keep an eye on deadlines, and making sure some essential self-care is done no matter what,
With that in mind, I think y’all would be so cute and so… him. Like, I don’t think he loves Taylor Swift, but I think he went about getting you Eras tickets like a man on a mission. He had the whole DAMN crew on ticketmaster and on the phone, coordinating, and drove you there and picked you up so you wouldn’t get gouged by uber surge prices. He buys little blue trinkets when he’s out shopping to let you know he’s thinking about you, because he’d be a penguin-pebbling kind of guy. A relationship with Damien is full of functional, practical but undeniable shows of his love.
And I've always lived like this/ Keeping a comfortable, distance/ And up until now/ I had sworn to myself that I'm content/ With loneliness/ Because none of it was ever worth the risk/ But, you are, the only exception
Delightful, I’ve been waiting for the right match-up to use this song! Damien is such a loving, darling, tsundere motherfucker, and though I focused on what your established relationship together would look like, it’s also so fun to think about the whole falling in love process. I could see a great friends to lovers, maybe even rivals to lovers dynamic, that has the two of you slowly getting closer and wearing down those tsundere walls of his until you become his only exception.
Guy would be a cute match for you because one, he strikes me as the biggest Swiftie of the redacted bois and two, I think he’d be a good contrast to you where Damien compares, you know? James, I like for a lot of the same reasons as Damien, but I liked Damien more since you’re both students.
note: thank you so much for waiting 💙
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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vigilskeep · 1 year
i admit i’m very curious about minerva and broken circle, like who did she bring with her and what did she think on their comments during the quest? did she spare that one blood mage? why or why not? my surana doesn’t personally, even though they’re a blood mage themself, just because they don’t think the blood mage will be able to get out and doesn’t want to risk the templars finding a blood mage among the mages labeled safe and have them go “oh well better annul them then”. was her fade dream the default with duncan or a more personalized one? reaction to the knowledge that irving was baiting apprentices and is the cause of jowan’s whole thing? opinions on the cullen issue? sorry broken circle is just
omg of course broken circle my beloved
minerva brought zev and morri through the tower. she actually brings alistair into the tower but he has that like lightly toned ambient line as you go in that’s like “as i recall shutting the door and throwing away the key was definitely the templar plan b.” which from minerva’s perspective is like, okay well, i just found out everyone i know including the children and my dad have been locked in and left for dead, so maybe shut the fuck up and save the joking around abt it for somebody else. like i think she’s actually mad at him there and the bit where you have to switch a party member out for wynne is her straight up telling him to get out which is a conversation i’d LOVE to write on. probably v startling for alistair, who has likely never even seen her that upfront angry before except maybe to jowan; she’s usually so diplomatic and controlled and she and alistair are such close friends by then that it would be a Lot. but anyway ya wynne zev and morri! not an ideally balanced team w three mages and a rogue lmao which i think shows how upset minerva was. morri is interesting because on a persuade check you CAN actually get through to her by saying these mages might have been her. morri’s opinions on circle mages endlessly fascinating as ever
minerva did spare the blood mage, yes. this is the stage of her playthrough where we’re directly inbetween telling jowan she never wants to see him again and becoming a blood mage herself, so i think that’s a good beat to show her coming around to the idea
if i am hugely hugely self-indulgent, i love love love to exaggerate the fade sequences and expand on them, so i have a bunch of different concepts for dreams you might try to trap minerva in. that’s so fun to explore and i think that would be more interesting and cohesive in a narrative than trying to actually write through the whole lost in the fade quest. i would love to do obvious hits like, she never got taken from the alienage, she and jowan and lily somehow all made it out of the circle, halliserre’s not tranquil and she’s free to be with them in public, she saved ferelden and now the circles are free bc everyone trusts her so so much and thinks she’s the bestest ever, etc. but i’d also love to try slightly wilder ones she absolutely doesn’t consciously think she wants like: what if she could get her magic taken away or even agree to tranquillity. what if her family had never left tevinter and she was a magister’s student. what if she was dalish! what if she were a blood mage haha that would be crazy right... right? i would love to try my hand at writing all of those and pick a few favourites to make “canon”
reaction to irving baiting apprentices... i think minerva kind of always knew deep down. she and irving were so close and so alike. like it’s a betrayal, but also, of course he would. if it didn’t apply to jowan, if it hadn’t been for all her experiences since leaving the circle, would the person she was back then have even questioned it? she understands irving and even if she becomes more critical of him and her old self she’ll never be able to really condemn him
as for cullen... minerva never thought much abt him in the circle. his attention was unsettling in her position especially with his role in her harrowing but he seemed harmless enough and she was confident in her ability to handle it and that if worst came to worst she could always go to irving abt it. the broken circle encounter makes it scarier in retrospect because she didn’t realise it was such an obsession or that he could be pushed to such extremes. she’s deeply uncomfortable with the whole thing and it’s one of the things that makes broken circle such a marked change in her perspective where ultimately she will never be able to consider any mage safe in the circle even the ones like her who “do everything right”. she would avoid ever talking to him again if she could and it would make her incredibly unnerved by the inquisition regardless of its other figureheads and policies
the visuals of minerva’s return are very compelling i would love to have had the demon taking minerva’s form to appear but as the fragile circle mage w long flowing hair and delicate robes and then for the real minerva to show up bloodstreaked in full armour. chefs kiss
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seashard · 2 years
kiriona gaia is written to be as shocking as possible.
the lead up in the novel is that pal has a clear plan. bring nona close enough and soul gravity will punt gideon back into her body and hey presto. it’s simple it makes sense. prevailing fandom theory has been that since you have her soul preserved courtesy of harrow, you have her body perfectly preserved, it’s neatly set up for her to be revived once the two are brought together.
but then they actually finally reach her corpse and there’s this awful unreality around Nona maybe ? hallucinating her opening her eyes? before she seems completely corpse-like again and nothing happens. then she does start talking but she’s so WRONG she’s callous and she’s been conscious for 6 months already and her jokes AREN’T FUNNY (her greatest sin tbh). like nothing is going as expected. so many people come out of her first scene thinking it’s an evil doppleganger or john puppet scenario bc it just seems so fake.
it’s in direct contrast to htn, where Gideon arrives at the end and brings a great sense of catharsis in “she’s finally back and she’s tearing to shreds everyone who wronged harrow over these past nine months”, but now in ntn is only adding to the confusion and pain.
when they’re in drearburgh this scene is set up so you walk in and it looks like Gideon has just killed a bunch of the ninth in cold blood, and you kinda believe it….
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the deaths and resurrections in this series don’t feel cheap. in htn harrow goes through hell for the whole book to keep gideon’s soul intact. im not saying i need the characters to suffer, god knows they’ve done it enough, but you can’t expect gideon to go through everything she’s gone through and come out emotionally unscathed. other people have already talked about the difference in seeing her without her internal narration and her abandonment and loss of agency and possible ulterior harrow-saving motives etc etc (poor girl she’s got a lot going on). this is why i dont agree with theories about how harrow has the part of her soul that is her emotion and her heart or whatever. it feels like a disservice to her character to say it’s just a case of straightforward compartmentalisation and that all her problems can be solved by harrow giving her back her missing piece <3 (she also CLEARLY feels things about harrow and camilla and aiglamene)
however i am curious what is actually going on with her soul re: being restored to life/lyctorhood. TM’s comment about gideon’s happy meal soul and pyrrha’s comment would indicate that some of Gideon’s soul is still inside harrow
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(Pyrrha’s knowledge tends to be pretty reliable, so I kinda believe she’s right abt this but maybe not to it’s full extent abt there being no retrieval possible whatsoever)
palamedes also gave an explanation for why a soul from harrow wouldn’t have gone back into Gideon’s body (jod’s meddling and warding to make her invincible)
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if Gideon’s whole soul is restored to her body it MIGHT bring her back to life? it sounds promising but that’s what we thought about the original plan. a big part of john’s chapters is about the soul and how it’s the key element to resurrection, but then he hasn’t resurrected anyone since the main event. Unfortunately he’s very vague about the actual details of the resurrection itself 😭 so it’s unclear whether it’s a case of he can’t or he won’t. it seems like a decaying body would barely be an obstacle for him so Gideon’s not really at much of an advantage. however he’s definitely putting in extra effort for her than when she was just harrow’s cavalier she was begging him to bring back.
there’s also the question about the state of Gideon’s soul in harrow’s body. I’d say Nona still counts as being unaware of its existence and therefore not absorbing it but I’m not sure, especially since harrow did come back to consciousness in the epilogue. also the lobotomy is maybe still in effect?? but only in this one instance lol, not any of the times she actually saw gideon, but it’s a weird callback to put in.
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I’d say that the most likely path is for harrow to resurrect Gideon by putting part of her own soul in gideon in an exchange like John did with alecto, but I’m not even sure if perfect lyctorhood is the endgame anymore. it’s such a controlling, sinister concept that I don’t know if it can be redeemed, but maybe like with Paul it’ll be the only option they have. idk though there are so many things answered but still so many questions 😭 like even with nona we have the vague idea that she is kind of alecto (but also she’s just. nona) but when it comes to the specifics like what are her upper and lower minds or the voice that said “fool. you’re killing her”, iunno. so i mostly just wanted to bring together some of the hints i saw. would love to know what other ideas people have!
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crusty · 18 days
Opinion on the dunmeshi ladies? I haven't seen you post about them yet and I'm so curious on your thoughts about the feral monster fucking lesbians
GDJSJJDJD that's because senshi and chilchuck are women to me 💀💀
IGXOG ASIDE FROM THAT I feel like ive??? Reblogged art of them that I see that I like... I haven't read the manga I'm afraid but I have seen most of the anime so far and it's awesome! I haven't really talked about anyone tbh I just see a good art and I throw it up on my fridge (my blog)
I THINK THEYRE VERY NEAT AND AWESOME WHITE GIRLS. they're sick as fuck I love that Marcille fucking specializes in dark magic it's awesome I loved seeing her covered in blood and I love falins whole deal I like how crucial she is 2 the plot and that she gets turned into a big fuckoff dragon thing
I love her boobs as well.
ASIDE FROM THAT I'll b honest I don't care for most of the main cast aside from like. Idk senshi and that's mostly bc I find him sooo cute/handsome and imagine that he's a he/him lesbian -_- also chilchuck... bc he's a tired cunt :/
I do think everyone is so well written and I like them a lot they are just not rly enough to make me like. Super psycho abt them yet. Perhaps I just need more time!
I LOVVVE a lot of side characters like namari is so so sexy and swag. I think kabru is so interesting and sexy.. most of the side characters we meet are just so charming and cool. Haven't met the cat girl yet but I know I'll like her. Toshiro is a huge dork I like him a lot so far
BUT YEAH probably unpopular opinion I just haven't really gotten super attached to some of the main charas yet so while I do support the main girls they just arnt my personal cup of tea personality wise?? Idk. If they were more toxic I think I'd have an interest in them but that's literally not the point of their relationship I think LOL. Don't think its like just marcille or falin I think I honestly like them more than Laios. I do not like him that much and that could also be the fandoms fault lol.
Either way, I'm gonna wait and see how things play out before I form a more solid/concrete opinion on characters but as of right now they're just kinda floating around in my brain!
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lucky-draws · 2 years
thinking abt the coincidence/fate/parallel thingy of big boss being in the coma for 9 years aka exactly the same amount of years as the age gap between him and ocelot.
because it's like. at first you have ocelot as the bratty rookie kid falling for the older supersoldier guy and maybe ocelot spends years trying to bridge that gap, to prove himself, to impress, to make bb notice him. but then. once the coma happens and bb wakes up again suddenly it's all different.
ocelot is now 39 aka the same age as bb when he went under. and during the 9 years ocelot has grown up while bb has slept, unchanging, so while bb is now physically 48 really they're mentally sort of the same age. equals now. (but it took a tragedy and 9 missing years of bb's life to get to this.)
but ALSO do u ever think abt. the sheer amount of trust they have in each other in 84. ocelot is entrusting bb with the words to wake him up from his hypnosis. bb is entrusting ocelot to carry out the phantom plan. but it's LIKE. it's not that trust itself but the context of it. like. [continued below]
i think of them as being always sort of scared of each other in some ways. like it's a contradiction of bb knowing ocelot has pledged his loyalty and yet being wary of ocelot all the same. and ocelot for all his ability is still sort of at the mercy of bb like anyone else is. and maybe more so because bb knows the extent of ocelot's feelings for him. (in my mind.) there's power in that fact bc bb knows that ocelot will likely do whatever bb asks of him if it's in bb's best interests.
but also on a more general level they're both such deadly killers. neither is more powerful than the other in terms of a simple physical fight. they're both predators; it's not cat and mouse. and they're opposites in many ways and could even hate each other in some ways but at the same time they're the only people alive who can properly understand each other. and they're linked together by the you killed my mom thing whether they like it or not. i digress but the point is.
they're red string of fate intertwined in weird twisted ways and bb has all sorts of conflicting feelings about ocelot and ocelot although he's madly in love is also so coldly rational at the same time that you never know what he might do and they're locked in this tense thing of mutually assured destruction and fucked up dynamics BUT.
in spite of this they "trust" each other. in 84 bb's life (his safety) is in ocelot's hands. and ocelot's life (his real memories) is in bb's hands. they know they'll meet again, because how could they not. they're inseparable from each other but not even inherently in a romantic way they're just like that.
they almost blur into one. they're both monstrous, they're both deadly. when they fight with each other it's like something they could never find in anyone else. maybe ocelot tried to find it in kaz during the 9 years, but it wasn't the same. kaz is a warrior, a liar, a manipulator, a betrayer, sure; but amongst his lack of morals and his confused cravings for power, control, money, sex, blood, a place to belong, whatever, there's something deep down in him, some kindness or compassion of some sort maybe, which prevents him from ever fully becoming all monster and no man.
whereas with bb it's different. they're both equally insane. when they fight they don't hold back; their eyes glow red.
they're both "sons of the boss" too, of course, which is a whole kinda thing. maybe ocelot hates that bb sees her in him; but maybe he's also glad of it, bc if she wasn't his mother, maybe bb wouldn't bother to keep him around at all. and he can't pretend he's never been curious about his mother, and bb is one of the only people he knows who knew her; so while he might like to forget her, to pretend that she's dead and gone, it's not really like that. and ocelot knows better than most people whether the dead really stay gone or not.
which brings me to something else im thinking abt. like what if it's 1999 and john is dead, everyone says he's dead, killed by his son, but if that's true then why hasn't ocelot seen him? OK, some people don't come back as ghosts, but John's soul hardly deserves to rest in peace. every time it rains he's all antsy, wondering if this time bb will show up, but he never does. and ocelot is as rational, logical and calculating as he is hopelessly in love so he thinks about it and draws two possible conclusions. either bb is genuinely at peace, or he isn't actually dead. it's entirely possible that he's still alive - stranger things have happened, and the man does seem to lead a charmed life. and maybe somehow he manages to hear something from someone that bb is in a coma again. but - my god, if that is true, how long will it be this time? another 9 years? he doesn't even know where john is this time. it's 75 all over again. he should have been there when the crash happened; he should have been there in zanzibarland.
so anyway. too long did not read. do you ever feel just a tiny little bit insane about bosselot. because of things like these.
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urmomification · 2 years
spiderman steve au
- he lives in new york w his roommate billy
- they're more just roommates than actual friends, they aren't close but sometimes watch movies together etc
- billy notices that steve is weirdly secretive but mostly plays it up to him just being like that just kinda assumes that steve just likes his privacy
- steve Always keeps his bedroom locked when he's in there and the door closed when he isn't
- steve intentionally playing stupid to keep people off his trail (he makes all his own tech and stuff)
- steve will come home w an array of green yellow and purple bruises and cuts and never talks abt it
- one time he comes home w just abt the worst black eye billy's ever seen (and he's seen a lot)
- steve always plays it off tho, saying he tripped or something that clearly isn't true
- billy never presses it bc honestly he doesnt care enough to (doesnt stop him from being extraordinarily curious tho)
- like how is this pretty boy getting his shit rocked every other night and having nothing but shitty lies to cover it up
- honestly the only reason steve is so bad at lying is bc hes not used to having a roommate but money was tight so here he was
- billy would rather die than admit it but he loves spiderman, thinks hes a total badass
- steve always tries to change the subject when he comes up, billy just thinks steve doesn't like him
- eventually it goes from steve coming home beat up at 2am and shuffling to the bathroom by himself to billy waking up whenever he gets home to keep him company to billy even helping sometimes when steve is especially beat up
- one night tho steve gets absolutely destroyed (like several broken ribs, stabbed, probably a concussion, etc. its not pretty)
- its a fight for his life just to make it back to their apartment, each swing tugging on something here and tearing something there
- as he works his way back to their place he cant see straight, hes exhausted, one arm wrapped around his stomach, an is mostly just swinging bc of the momentum he has
- makes it top of the a building a few down from his and can see his and billy's window to their living room and the rickety fire escape up the side of the building
- hardly makes it there, swinging directly into the side of the fire escape, rattling what feels like the whole building, and rolling over the side to lay on the grates
- heaves a few breaths and steels himself to stand up
- peels his hand off his stomach to survey the damage, hes in really bad shape, abdomen and arm covered in blood, suit sliced open in several spots, he can feel bruises forming just about everywhere on him
- he pulls himself off the fire escape and leaning heavily on the railings, makes it to their window and slides it as far open as it goes before literally falling thru it
- he groans and lies on the ground for another few moments before standing up again and putting practically all his weight on the wall
- (hes still in his suit too, itd be too risky to change w the chance of the fabric ripping open his wounds again, hes aware of how stupid this is (coming home w his suit on w knowledge that billy will probably wake up and come to at least check on him) but hes honestly more worried for his life at this point)
- 'bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom' is the only thing going thru his head as he goes from the wall to the back of the couch to the hall where he needs to pause to keep himself from puking right then and there w how violently his vision is swimming
- he rips his mask off and bringing it to his stomach as another thing to apply pressure w (also so he doesnt puke in it. gross)
- steve wouldve picked up on it sooner if it weren't for the ringing in his ears but spider sense tells him someones here
- he pries his head off the wall to see billy's door swing open and him step into the hall in pj pants rubbing at his eyes
- he knows its too dark for billy to see him right now, but hes breathing like theres a car on his chest so theres no doubt that billy will notice him within a few seconds
- as soon as billy's hand drop from his eye, he stiffens as he finally notices the breathing and 'steve? that u?'
- all steve can do is grunt, jaw clamped so tightly shut to keep from retching what might be left in his stomach up onto the carpet hes bleeding onto
- 'dude where are u' billy mumbles as he reaches for the light switch by slapping his arm against the wall until he finds it
- steve sees this and knows if that light comes on hes doomed but he cant move and the bathroom door is situated nearly perfectly between them, so hes really got no where to go
- the light flicks on
- 'what the fuck'
- steve's head feels like its now about to implode then explode comically onto the walls of their apartment
- he squeezes his eyes shut and starts to blindly scramble towards the bathroom, feeling his whole stomach start to turn upside down
- practically throwing himself onto the hard tile in front of the toilet before heaving like theres something trying to get out of him
- billy slowly walks up to the bathroom door, still not 100% sure he saw that right (spider man (also steve?)(???)) standing (leaning) in his hall looking like hed just been run over by about 4 monster trucks
- he peeks his head in to see steve's head almost fully in the toilet bowl, mostly just the torn suit and mask on the floor being visible, breathing like he'll never fully catch his breath again
- billy practically runs to the kitchen to grab the biggest cup of water known to man before bringing it back to the bathroom for steve
- at this point, steve's stomach has evened out, but he is eyes remain closed and his head is resting on the rim of the toilet, spitting once to get the gunk out of his mouth
- billy tentatively knocks against the door 'uh, hey man. i got, uh, i got you some water?'
- steve grunts, peels his right arm off his stomach (revealing the mangled mess of suit and skin and blood there) to reach for the cup
- billy nearly drops it when he sees steve's stomach
- lets steve take a few sips before 'steve man what the hell happened let me look at u'
- billy flushes the toilet and kneels in front of steve, pushes him against the wall so he's leaning back instead
- 'how the hell do i get this off steve' grabbing at the suit
- 'hargrove, leave me alone'
- 'like hell im not leaving u alone like this' gives up on the suit to dig thru the cabinet to find the first aid kit
- he hears steve hiss and then groan from behind him and he turns to see steve working the suit off down to his hips
- billy's head spins a little with how much blood is left on steve's hands and stomach when he settles back against the wall
- he shuffles back over
- 'ok first things first, concussion check'
- 'i can tell u i have a concussion, billy, i got hit in the head w a crowbar like i was a fucking baseball'
- billy winces 'ok perfect. awesome. did u get fucking stabbed too? what the hell happened'
- a short nod, 'yeah that too. probably the more pressing issue.'
- 'jesus, uh. ok, yeah. i can do this' billy starts digging the thru the first aid to find wipes
- 'this is about to sting like a mother fucker but i need to see where ur cut and where there's just blood' and starts on steve's face, dabbing at the crusted blood there
- steve winces once but from then on clenches his jaw and focuses on a point on the wall just above billy's head
- billy gets to his stomach and takes a break to check in w steve, hands him the water again
- 'well, good news is there's not many deep cuts and they seem to mostly closed up already which is, interesting'
- 'i heal quickly, i was more worried abt taking another hit than i was bleeding out on the street'
- 'good lord man'
- steve takes a deep breath and straightens up against the wall before looking down at himself
- 'yea i should be good now honestly. if i get this wrapped up and go to bed i should be at least a bit better by morning. uh, thanks. u can go back to bed'
- steve reaches for the gauze and wrappings before billy snatches them up and holds them out of his reach
- 'there's no way in hell that im gonna leave u here to clean urself up, u Literally. Almost died. im staying to help u'
- 'billy. go back to bed im fine'
- 'no'
- 'billy'
- 'im not leaving u alone to deal w this'
- 'i don't need ur help'
- 'maybe not but ur getting it' billy sets down the gauze and starts patting around on steve's chest checking for where the broken ribs are
- steve sucks in a breath and mutters 'yeah some of those r definitely broken.' knocks his head against the wall 'there's not much either of us can do about that part, they'll fix themselves in a day or so'
- 'i don't even wanna know how u know that'
- steve chuckles
- 'ok. i'm gonna wipe u down again ur like, still covered in blood.' billy turns around to grab a washcloth
- steve's eyes are closed and his breathing has (thankfully) evened out a bit
- billy starts on his face again then works down his neck and shoulders then each arm and hand then down his chest to the wound on his stomach that has practically fully stopped bleeding by now (he stops there to marvel at it a little) (definitely not to watch steve breath for a moment)
- 'ok ur all cleaned up now for the most part, can u get the rest of ur, uh. getup? off? for me'
- 'if u wanted to get in my pants hargrove u should've just asked' steve cracks an eye open and grins at him before peeling himself away from the wall to start wiggling the suit down his legs
- billy looks away to get more wipes and rinse out the washcloth before he turns back to see steve in nothing but a pair of black boxers, long legs stretched out across the tile and the suit lying over the side of the tub next to him
- he looks for just a moment too long
- 'picture'll last longer'
- 'sorry'
- honestly if billy's being honest this is a little too close to a wet dream for him
- he crouches down, starting my steve's ankles (not trusting himself to faced directly w steve's crotch and thighs)
- slowly works his way his knees on both legs before looking up at steve when he presses the wipe to his thigh
- steve is watching his hands with a hooded tired look and it drives a hot nasty feeling down billy's spine and his face flushes just a bit before he rushes a bit thru finishing
- sits back and grabs the wrap again
- 'can u sit up? im gonna wrap u up now'
- 'mm' steve mumbles but shoves himself off the wall to sit up at least a bit straight
- billy leans in and steve moves his hands over his head to make room
- billy makes quick work of wrapping and tying everything up before he sits back on his knees
- 'there. all fixed up' he hands steve the water one more time, billy gets up to start fishing for pain killers
- 'high strength stuff is in my room, i'll grab it there' steve mutters as he tries to shimmy off the floor
- billy walks back over and helps him up
- 'sounds good to me pretty boy, let's get u to bed'
- with steve's arm around billy's shoulders, they shuffle out of the small bathroom into the small hall and into steve's small bedroom
- he sits steve down on the edge of his bed before turning around to go refill the water
- comes back and steve is still sitting up but his head is drooped slighting forward and his eyes r closed
- billy walks up to him and pats his cheek a few times 'cmon stay w me for a few more minutes then u can go to sleep ok? where're the pain killers?'
- ' top draw, desk'
- billy grabs them (they're prescription, he wonders how he got his hands on them)
- hands the pills to steve followed by the water 'ok lay down, carefully get settled i'll be right back'
- billy goes back to his room and grabs his blanket off his bed and a hoodie and by the time he's back steve is totally out cold
- billy pulls his hoodie on and sits w his back against the bed and rests his temple on steve's nightstand and pulls his blanket over him before falling asleep right there
- steve wakes up first somehow, and pushes himself to sit up
- he goes to get up but he sees billy curled up on his floor w his own blanket pulled up around his chin and he's drooling a little against the nightstand he's still leaning against
- steve blinks for a few seconds, trying to remember Why. Billy was laying there
- he scoots around him and hobbles to the bathroom
- sees his mask on the floor and suit on the tub before all (most) of it comes back to him
- billy knows
- he leans on the sink to process that for a second before splashing some water on his face and makes his way back to his bedroom
- kinda just stands in the doorway and just kinda looks at billy in his space, deciding he doesn't hate the idea of billy knowing
- potentially even ok with billy knowing
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ahdkshax · 10 months
for some reason ive been thinking really hard abt this platinum au thats been in development for a few months but rn im specifically thinking abt mythology in this whole thing... so like. im gonna talk abt that here lol
the overview of the entire basic mythology base for this au is a couple different things:
dialga and palkia are not two separate entities--its just the illusion of two.
where origin ore came from and what it actually is. bc like. in pla it felt really forced in yk. but i didnt like that so im changing it, but im also keeping it bc im swiping at least some of the idea from pla lol
what the fuck is the red chain. no like seriously its so ambiguous
and because i do enjoy reworking things very much i gave setups for these changes within the mythos itself. is all of it relevant? at this point, no. but i like to think about it so im gonna share it with whoever wants to hear it
it starts with the beginning, which, well, the first gesture matches pkmn canon (arceus hatches out of an egg. awesome). but then i thought hey. let's start by changing this right Now.
(long post!)
arceus hatches out of its egg, the first thing alive in all of reality. it looks around and down to see its shadow, something scholars of the modern day and long past debate if that was around before arceus or if the shadow was formed the moment arceus came into being--either way, theres a shadow here and arceus isnt alone.
arceus is curious when its young and not fully grown, so it chases the shadow around. the two twins change forms together--arceus is just happy to play with the shadow that dances along its feet. and with this love for the shadow at its feet, a deep spiritual connection is formed between the two. this connection allows the shadow to do more than just mimic--it creates its own form, yet its still tied to arceus and still mirrors is, just no longer fully perfect as an unfeeling shadow should be.
arceus plays with the shadow for days and days until it finally gets tired of puppeting it around with its every whim--its become more of an extension of the only being in the world instead of someone new--and so arceus cut the connection with the shadow.
but, instead of melting into the ground opposite of arceus like it was supposed to, to return to nothing more than a reflection, the shadow stayed, and, for once, didnt mirror arceus. within its smoky and blurry form, it adopted the red of this connection in its skin as stripes and rings. this was the second being to ever exist, the divine twin giratina--not an evil being as is often thought, but a simple shadow to the first one, given life through adoration and a blood-red bond.
this was not the only being created from this bond, as once it was broken, the chain connecting the puppet and puppeteer broke into three parts, known as will, knowledge, and emotion--all of which together created what is known now as spirit.
delighted by the new friends, arceus, its twin, and the spirit triplets danced and played for days upon days until one day the triplets became tired, yet they had no place to rest. saddened by this realization, arceus looked inward and created the earth within its chest out of care for the triplets--a beautiful place to live, infused with the connection it had to the triplets, manifested as glowing red ore.
while arceus could not look at the earth by itself with its eyes, it made sure to give it three spots for the spirit triplets to rest: a lake, all surrounding a mountain that would lead back to arceus and out of the world.
time passed and arceus began getting tired from holding this universe in its chest--despite the spirits being able to, arceus was now no longer able to. it was thinking about destroying the world just for some respite from its creation, until giratina approached with an idea: arceus was made of thousands of arms and legs and eyes and bodies--if arceus were to cut off parts of its grand form, it might just be possible to create something that could hold the world instead of arceus itself.
and so the twins got to work, cutting limb from limb from arceus until enough was taken off that a great beast could be created. arceus, already exhausted from holding a universe and now being cut up thousands of times, refused to put the being together, as it would only cause more pain. so giratina was given the honors of sewing the being together, taking great care in every golden stitch that was placed along its legs and back and belly.
after days of creation, the creature was almost finished aside from a gap in its chest. into this hole was where giratina, with the permission from arceus, reached into the creator's chest and pulled the world out. carefully, giratina placed it into the chest of the great beast, then covered the hole with armor to make sure no one else could steal it from its resting spot.
when the beast finally awoke from its cruel creation, it was furious with its creators, so much so that arceus had to lock it away so it would not harm anyone. giratina objected, saying it would be best to let the beast be angry at its existance, yet arceus refused to listen. it was only until giratina betrayed arceus by letting the beast out of its cage did it have the chance to be righteously angry, to be furious at its creators, and yet arceus locked it away again, this time commanding giratina to pluck out the beasts thousand eyes, so that it could not even see its creators any longer or use its divine glare. if it could not see what it hated, it would surely lose interest, arceus thought.
giratina, disgusted with what it and arceus had done, stood up again to arceus, refusing to punish the creature any more--to which arceus banished giratina, creating a prison for it to wander in its chest. it would be a perfect prison, except that giratina would be crafty and persuasive, finding ways to travel from this distorted world to the universe arceus had created--as the two were made of the same flesh, their universes would be intertwined.
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klayfruit · 10 months
i am really curious with the lore you're making! this is a bit of a strange question, but what happened to his teeth? you mentioned that the candymanification happened inside out and he had a fever. how "inside" is a person's mouth? even if it doesn't count as being inside a person, his mouth must of transformed at some point so
did his teeth fall out? did his tongue melt? could he still breathe like a normal person at that point? does your candyman have bones? or is it solid yellow? if only the inside was transformed, and if the candymanness is sort of melty or malleable, does that mean that if you mushed his arm it would indent? i love body horror and the question of teeth came to my mind when i looked at your art again
HI OKAY IM SO SORRY IT TOOK LIKE A MONTH FOR ME TO FINISH THIS ASK i adore thinking abt this topic so much but like halfway thru writing this response i got so excited and had to walk away to stim but ended up forgetting to finish this. anyway i did it everything written here is from months ago except the last paragraph
these are all rly good questions bc i dont know most of them!!! i was thinking earlier and i think i came to the conclusion that the mutation progressively melts fran’s bones and turns it “candy” along with his skin. as fran became more mushy and melty the barriers between organs, bones, skin, etc (eyes being the only exception) kind of all melted together and became the same thing. his teeth got all gooed up and melted/became one with his mouth. same with his tongue, it melted with his mouth. though after the mutation was complete and candyman learned how to work with and transform his body better, he just reforms his tongue sometimes like for comedic effect.
to go further on this topic of francis/candyman (actually im gonna call mid-mutation of him frandyman thats funny) learning how to transform his body, at first he struggled heavily with breathing since his throat+lungs began closing and melting in on themselves. eventually though he was able to transform his body to compensate for this and somehow find another way to get air to his brain, or he just opened his throat back up again im still not 100% sure on this part.
candyman doesnt exactly have bones, but his body does kind of have layers to it. during frandyman the mutation would spread in a red->blue->yellow gradient, and the reds+blues are still in his body despite not being visible. the red is the first layer and is EXTREMELY hard so it practically acts as bones, blue being the second layer and being not as tough, and yellow being the third and having the texture+softness of skin (though still feeling like Not Skin). i have an explanation for why candy’s mouth is red despite it being the first layer but idk how to explain it and id like draw a diagram of it but itd make me look insane So. Come to your own conclusions . also candys able to change the texture, malleability , etc of his body and its how hes able to walk through walls.
during frandyman his body was VERY melty and malleable and he hadnt learned how to control his body yet. whole limbs would just melt, fall off, get disfigured, merge with other limbs, etc without him even doing anything. though because of, Brain Instinct? not sure but it would automatically grow frandy’s limbs back without him knowing how to or that he’s even doing it. when he became candyman he could regrow his limbs much much easier, it all just kind of comes down to how well he could control his body and how it progressed during the mutation.
a plothole i noticed in Candymans Fucked Up Body is that im not entirely sure how his blood and organs would work. i considered his organs melting entirely and his entire body being The Organ That Can Perform Everything The Other Organs Could Perform but that sounded lame. how his brain would work during all of this is the biggest one to me, because i imagine it was heavily impacted and disfigured but shouldnt be entirely melted because the man needs a brain somehow to live! the main thing im going with right now is that the red layer of his body isnt like, a solid chunk of red, but like a hard HARD shell and it protects the organs who are now like massively fucked up and disfigured but somehow still pumpin. i may change this eventually, but its what im going with rn so ! blood is also interesting for me because there’s no space in between each layer for blood to be stored, and the layers themselves dont have blood in them and are completely solid. so for now came up with that his skin kind of acts as his blood, when it’s cut it kind of just. melts on the inside and seeps out of the cut. also of COURSE his blood is silly colored (red, blue, yellow again)
also since this ask was from like a month ago ive decided that candy’s mutation had symptoms similar to like, a mix of rabies and radiation poisoning. both in the sense of once the person has it they have no idea they have it until it comes into full effect, the only sign for like the first week being mild sickness. ALSO fun fact he physically cant sweat since his skin is Not Skin. his sweat builds up underneath his skin and just causes his actual skin to become all mushy and squishy. Anyway tldr they fucked this guy up
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morn1e · 2 years
I would love to hear more about dad man!! Anything like lore or simple hobbies :)))
YIPPIE^-^thank u 4 sacrificing ur letter 2 my aksbox&in return i get 2 RMABLE!!!!!AHAHAHAHAH
anyways. where do i begin.
OK so like from his personality 1st. in a whole dad is really like b4 - he is genuinely just my interpretation of medic tf2. sort of realized i portrayed the canon doc as too ooc in my works so thought an oc was more appropriate + other crap. anyways. only downside? is that dad only more cold?&not as cheerful. prone 2 getting irritated&annoyed easily. he can still b a goof ball but most of the time he is rather serious&concentrated. a smartass on many subjects but too morbidly curious abt cutting up living things. loves cutting up crap so this is exactly why he is a butcher in his free time. also owns a dove. that is the most vital thing. sadly a single one.
idk whenever he was strict or laid back w his kid? prob always was on the stricter end when it came 2 academics but did not give a shit if the principal called in bcuz johannah stabbed some1 w a pencil over dunkaroos. was just really annoyed over the calls. he knew the action was justified but not accepted in others eyes. he was and still is a busy man. never had time 4 shit like that.
also he is mainly @ fault 4 why his daughter has no friends @ 18. he taught his ways of being a cunt - cynical, cold&sinister @ times &jojo just grew up w that way of communicating. just pure out sarcasm&being honest but unnecessary mean. it was hard getting accustomed but dad knew she had potential&was better than those damn other kids anyways. ego much even when it comes 2 his own kid?
he also likes knitting. finds mowing the lawn&cutting up his trees&bushes 2 b really calming. likes his steak blood rare (aka cooked 4 3 seconds) or he will blow up the building. has a large library of vinyl discs. will bot admit it but greatly misses reading tales&tucking in his kid @ night. they just grow up too fast.
lastly. even if he does not show it genuinely loves his kid. johannah is prob the only thing that has kept him grounded enough 2 not let his obsession get the beat of him&lose his license
so um yeah. prob nothing has rly changed. maybe i will change some things as i go but 4 now things r like this. lol
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