#(also i can't believe you guys think it's acceptable to give me homework haha
sothischickshe · 3 years
fave line game
RULES: share your favourite sentence/paragraph from each one of your fics and tag 6 other fic writers to do it too :)
TAGGED by: some very mean ppl! what the FUCK why would you do this?! this question is SO HARD!!?!?!?! @septiembrre @inyoursheets @mego42 @riosnecktattoo
TAGGING: this is such a mean q, i dont know that i can in good conscience foist it upon another human being so extremely v much no pressure but i taggeth @yellowhammerga @peachraindrops @adecila @ejunkiet @lewraea @kenrune which i think is 6 (?) n if youve done it already whoops n also that means u HAVE to go find it n tag me in it so i can see!!! ty!!!
just thinking abt working out what they’re all called is making me want to go have a nap
ok fuck it let’s go:
The Good Kind:
maybe ‘Or maybe he’s just curious to find out how far he can push her? Beth’s pretty sure she doesn’t want to know the answer to that last question, she’s scared to find out that the answer might be to anywhere.’
(i maintain that if you assume beth had semi public phone sex with rio somewhere btwn leaving his place & the kidnapping, the s2 finale makes more sense)
yourself and others:
mm, ‘When he didn’t flinch at Beth’s surprisingly competent velociraptor impression coming out of nowhere, even Ruby had to admit that she was impressed with Stan’s performance.’    
(this is tough for a number of reasons inc. this is the longest one + i love a lot of the dynamics in it, but ultimately: beth puts stan in liar bootcamp is a god tier trope & unrelatedly i definitely understand what a trope is yuh huh)
Even the best laid plans:
ha ‘She started chanting a long ass litany of ‘no’s, like she’d been listening to too much early Destiny’s Child and couldn’t get the song out her head.’
(4eva bless the set designer or whoever decided on the vinyl, without whom this fic wouldnt be)
Bringing down the neighbourhood:
!  “Only dangerous if you fuck it up.”
(the GALL)
Uncontrollable notes, from her snowy white throat:
mmmm: His mouth hung open when she added, “And you’re the… miscreant who doesn’t seem to care about his fines.”
(brio + roleplay is a god tier trope)
People can be so cold:
i think: ‘Rustles sound out as he pushes his skull around, carving out previous comforts.’
(i like the phrasing and the ambiguity)
What a sight to see:
probs: ‘Rio's never been so turned on, yet so terrified off the vaguest prospect of a blowjob, at the same fucking time.’
(he’s valid!!)
Through the park and by the tree:
oof idk, maaaaybe ‘She acts fast, pulling an Annie on the originator of that trick – bamboozling and barraging with a thousand and one questions, using her forward momentum to encourage her sister into the kitchen.’
(this fic is SO self-indulgent and i love it haha)
Climbing up the walls:
ha ‘The number of people he’s fucked then shot is zero, which has to be the kinda respectable, solid ratio a person was aiming for.’
(i have slowly come around to the idea that this story is also funny)
A time to refrain (from embracing):
i suppose: ‘It’s not real, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.‘
(i love it as an opening line for this type of story. it’s actually snipped from an original ficton thing which ive returned to a lot over the years, most of which isnt written down, and i ended up using it here but like...i feel like that doesn’t mean i can’t also use it there too!)
Maybe it’s something in the water:
perhaps:  She shuffles closer, towards one of his ears, to quietly grit out, “I do not want to pee on, or ugh, be peed on–”
(it’s like the crux of the thing, which is pretty silly, but it cheered me up when i was in need of cheering!)
a time to every purpose (under heaven):
ahhh: “I want to.”
(the joke is, rio mishears/mistakes ‘i want, too’ as i want to’, and it just makes me cackle in context)
It’s a dirty, dirty game but (you should’ve called before you came):
im gonna go: ‘Jane asks if Ruby’s her wife, making Beth realise that – shit, her kids haven’t seen Stan for a while.‘
(yes im picking this over ‘i’d know’... i just love it a lot)
waiting for someone who needs me:
hmph, perhaps: ‘The corners of his mouth become curlicues.‘
(writing antiquing beth pov was a lot of fun!)
(a) time to kill:
oh i know this one!!!! ‘He’s just coaxing the thing off her shoulders, when Mick says, “Howdy.”‘
(ok i didnt need to reread this one to work that out haha, but i had fun anyway!)
found my thrill:
im gonna pick:  ‘That duo are like a set of eyeballs, Jimmy decides, resting in the ridged sockets of the selfsame skull.’
(writing turner as fascinated but disgusted by beth + rio was a lot of fun!)
do you like drugs (tonight):
gah! mebbe ‘Of course the man who constantly dares people to shoot him taunts kitchen appliances to damage in similar fashion.’
(rio/bacon is the ship of ships)
Filing her nails while they’re dragging the lake:
praps: ‘He gets her broadly appeased, agreeing to an inn instead – because she clearly can’t imagine any version of herself that isn’t pedantic as all fuck.’
(i maintain brio + roleplay = god tier trope)
around here we say birds not bitches:
hmmmmmmm, perchance:  ‘How his focus clung like wrapping-saran, swept her under its spell; how good it felt to be the centre of his attention.’
(i wanted the pov to feel off & pay off the reveal/reward rereading, without tipping it too obvious, so there’s a lot of double speak/stuff that applies to both povs, as well as weaponised britishisms & stumbling over americanisms like panties, movie theatre and saran wrap...i was perhaps having too much fun haha)
upon your ignorance (and the gray despair) of your ugly life:
oh gosh! strong argument for it being:  “I’ll call Three Star, okay?”
(beth like demoting a star off dean’s workplace is extremely funny to me ha)
........okay, while i still feel like this is an impossibly difficult question, it was delightful having a reason to read them all in a row so ty <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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