#(also oh my gosh you went really far back in posts XDD)
seven-thewanderer · 9 months
I want to EAT YOUR ART.
Oh my gosh XD but thank u!!!!
Thank u so much actually tho that's really sweet of u!!!
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arlenianchronicles · 4 years
Hi!! :D I really liked the last post about Fëanorians because I had trouble imagining their personality and this helped a lot. ^^ I would love to see your Nolofinwëan headcanons ❤❤
Hello again! I’m so happy you liked my Fëanorian headcanon post and found it helpful! :D I understand it can be tough to imagine character personalities when there’s not much of them; I still have trouble imagining some of the Fëanorians haha ^^;;
I have a clearer image of the Nolofinwëans, so I’m excited to go into them XDD I’ll admit I did some projecting onto Fingon especially, but it’s mostly me projecting one of my OC’s personality/backstory onto him too. Tbh, this is more of a sketch of how I imagine Fingon’s childhood played out, so be warned that this post is a long one. I should also warn y’all that my headcanons for these guys aren’t very happy ^^;; I’ll put in a content warning for mentions of bullying and emotional abuse (mostly caused by the Fëanorians).
If you don’t like these headcanons and they don’t help, that’s totally okay! Lots of people have their own interpretations of these characters, so I’m sure there’s some that are much happier than mine ^^;; I’ll put everything under the “keep reading” tab so you don’t have to read mine if you change your mind. And I’ll also bold the main names like in my previous post; I hope it helps for search purposes, just in case.
Let’s start with Fingolfin. As a child in Finwë’s house, living with Fëanor and Findis, I imagine that Fëanor bullied him a lot. Why? Because Fëanor saw him as a threat, given that Fingolfin is the first-born son of Indis. I think that Findis, and later Írimë, wasn’t viewed with much suspicion by Fëanor because they’re girls (and I even headcanon that Fëanor might’ve had a soft spot for them). And once Finarfin comes along, Fëanor sees him as a wimp, someone who can’t do much to stop him. So Fingolfin is the main target.
Now, to be clear, I sympathize very much with child Fëanor when he’s just lost his mother and his father marries a stranger. This Fëanor is likely more grown-up, though I’m not sure how much; I feel deep down that his actions would be akin to emotional abuse, but that’s a heavy term and I’m not sure if this is a good point in the tale to use it ^^;; So for now, we’ll stick with bullying. Once Fëanor’s a full-fledged adult, then I think it’d classify as abuse. Please feel free to give me advice or clarity, if you want!
So back to Fingolfin. Because of all this happening, I imagine he grows up with self-esteem issues and stress, and some anxiety on the side. He'd believe Fëanor and think that he's not good enough to be Finwë's son, etc. Finwë thinks that Fëanor can't be wrong in anything, so Fëanor must be right about Fingolfin. At the same time, he still loves Fëanor as his brother and wishes for a return of that love. It might stem from a desire to please Finwë (y’know, showing that they can be a real family and that Fingolfin’s making an effort), but also, I imagine he admires Fëanor's confidence in public situations – and especially now that Fingolfin lacks confidence and trust in himself.
Also, if you’re wondering about Finwë, he only scolds Fëanor when he thinks his son is being a bit too harsh, but doesn't do anything for the root of the problem (nor does he know about what goes on away from his sight). Given that Fëanor is his favourite son, I doubt he’d really see his son’s actions, and if he does, he’d be in denial about them.
Despite all this, I've always imagined that Fingolfin grew up with a desire to help others. He's good at diplomatic talk and politics, but he's not good at defending himself from Fëanor, even after he becomes an adult. Fortunately, he moves out once he's older, and being away from Fëanor allows for improvement.
And then he meets Anairë. I envision her as very loving and kind, and nurturing. She supports Fingolfin as he gains more self-confidence. I also headcanon that she wears a gold circlet in her hair at times, while Fingolfin wears a gold crown, and these both inspire Fingon to wear gold in his hair.
On that note, let's talk about Fingon. Essentially, his childhood is somewhat similar to Fingolfin's. However, there's now the added stress of being caught between Fëanor and Fingolfin's houses. He wants to make his father proud and uphold their family name, but that’s a lot for his young shoulders to handle (nor did Fingolfin and Anairë ever pressure him). I also imagine that Fingon, when he was very young, witnessed how badly Fëanor treats Fingolfin – perhaps at a family gathering when the others have gone somewhere else, and Fingon's waiting for his father, hiding behind a pillar or wall etc. It'd be frightening for young Fingon to witness that, seeing someone whom he loves and upholds as a figure of strength be hurt so much, and it would increase his fear of Fëanor too.
But, lo and behold, he becomes friends with Maedros. I'm still not sure how they met, but in any case, Fingon is glad for Maedros' kindness and admires his ability to shoulder leadership responsibilities near easily, not to mention his ease in a public crowd. Fingon ends up visiting Maedros at Fëanor's house, where Fëanor and his other sons are. You can probably imagine how that'd turn out.
Fëanor sees Fingolfin as a threat, so Fingon is also a threat by extension. I don't think Fëanor would treat Fingon with quite the same intensity, but it'd still be some form of emotional abuse. Fingon would be deeply affected by it; his own confidence would go down, and he’d think that he’s not worthy to be Fingolfin’s son or a prince of the Noldor. And let’s not get started on Fëanor’s sons (but yes, let’s).
As I mentioned in my Fëanorian headcanons post, his sons bully Fingon both out of jealousy (because Fingon is Maedros’ favourite) and anger and to get Fëanor’s approval. I imagine mainly Celegorm, Curufin, and Caranthir doing this; Amrod and Amras might take part at times (following their father and brothers’ example), but are also uncertain of whether it’s a good idea or not. Maglor probably turns a blind eye since he’s too busy perfecting his music.
Maedros would, of course, scold them for being harsh, but that doesn't solve the root of the problem. Nor does he know of how far back the hurt goes. And I think Fingon would be afraid to tell him of what’s really going on because Maedros loves his family a lot. Fingon fears that, if he told him, Maedros would get upset and possibly resent Fingon, and he might not want to be friends anymore. And Fingon doesn't want that. All in all, it’s all very emotionally exhausting, and I think that Fingon would have some crying sessions to himself, since those can be quite cathartic.
Fingolfin doesn't know what’s going on at first either; I think he’d expect that Fingon would be safe with Maedros. But then he ends up recognizing Fingon’s behaviour and how similar it is to what he had, and he asks Fingon about it one day, and Fingon breaks down and tells him everything. Fingolfin comforts him, of course, and tells him not to listen to what the Fëanorians say, and even shares his own experiences so that Fingon knows he isn’t alone. And Fingon doesn't feel alone anymore. Fingolfin becomes his greatest supporter hereafter.
But boy oh boy, now Fingolfin is furious. This is when I imagine his ferocity comes up; he goes to Fëanor and confronts him about it, and Fëanor is startled by Fingolfin’s fierce side since he’s never seen it before. You can think of it as something similar to my painting of angry Fingon, if you like XDD And this is where Fingolfin shows that he is capable of defending others, if not himself. He is fully prepared to protect Fingon however he needs to. And after this, I think Maedros would have to come over to Fingolfin’s house, since Fingon isn’t about to go over to Fëanor’s house and be bullied more (nor would Fingolfin allow it).
(As a side note, Fingolfin showing his fierce side doesn't really help with regard to Fëanor’s suspicions. In fact, it may even increase them a bit, if not a lot.)
Like Fingolfin, I headcanon that Fingon grows up to be good at diplomacy and stuff, but he is also kind and compassionate, quiet and solemn. And also aroace, since I go with the version of canon where he doesn't marry and has no children. I’m sure he’d be a good partner, but all this in consideration, he’d worry about not being good enough as a father, and he wouldn’t want to put his child through the same pain that he and Fingolfin went through. His family’s well-being is his priority, and he loves them dearly. And on that note (if y’all are still reading this ^^;;), let’s bring in Turgon and Aredhel :D
So Fingon has some siblings now! He loves them so much he thinks his heart will burst. It’s only until there’s a family gathering, and Turgon encounters Fëanor’s sons, that Fingon realizes his duty to protect his little brother from suffering the same hurts as Fingon did. In fact, he gets angry when one of the Fëanorians – Celegorm still seems the likeliest one to me, or Curufin loll – insult Turgon, or something like that. And just like Fingolfin, one of Fingon’s strengths is to defend others (even if he’s still not confident enough to defend himself). Because of Fingon’s protection and the combined family nurturing, Turgon grows up stern and confident and with a firm dislike of the Fëanorians. As canon says, he becomes good friends with Finrod (gosh I haven’t even started thinking of headcanons for the Arafinweans aaahhh). I also think of him as a very good architect with excellent visualization. And, of course, he loves his elder brother like no other :’’’)
Aredhel, on the other hand, befriends Celegorm and Curufin (as said in the Silmarillion). How did that happen, you ask? I’m not so sure myself lmao The best idea I have so far is that the two brothers thought her fierceness and spunk impressive for a Nolofinwëan, and they found that she was more risk-taking and no-nonsense than they gave her credit for. As for her, she wants to explore and hunt and be a badass, and it seems that she can learn to do some, if not all, of those things by being with them. And yet I also headcanon that Aredhel adores Fingon as her older brother, so how does this dynamic play out?
An example I have is a little scenario that I thought up; in her youth, Aredhel overhears Celegorm talking crap about Fingon, and gets angry with him. She says she’ll never speak to him again unless he apologizes, but he’s not about to. So she goes to Fingon and tells him. Essentially, he says that he’ll be alright and she doesn't have to worry (he’s not brave enough to defend himself, but he’ll defend her if Celegorm spoke ill of her). Eventually, Celegorm does apologize to Aredhel about it, but it’s not genuine (something like those “I’m sorry I made you feel that way” apologies). She accepts the apology anyway, even though he technically didn’t do her any wrong. This is because she genuinely wants to be his friend, and if she did notice that it wasn’t genuine, she denies it because she wants to believe it was.
I think she becomes more aware of what’s going on between Fëanor and Fingolfin’s houses, but she still wants to keep the connection between Fëanor’s sons and herself. I haven’t really developed that far into her relation with them yet, just her and her family ^^;;
Finally we have Argon. He’s the youngest of the siblings, and at this point there’d be an age gap between him and Fingon. Since Fingon’s settling in his duty as a prince and doing princely things (alongside spending time with his friends and all), I’d imagine he’s not able to keep as good an eye on Argon as he did with Turgon and Aredhel. Nevertheless, he forms the closest bond with Argon due to the shared emotional exhaustion they experience; I headcanon that Argon is deeply affected by the tensions and stress between Fëanor and Fingolfin’s house, and it takes a toll on him as a young child. So he gets some social anxiety and is afraid of large crowds, but when big brother Fingon is with him, he feels a little braver.
And there we are! My headcanons for the Nolofinwëans, as requested :) I might’ve forgotten something, but for now, this is all I have. Thank you for reading this far, if you did!! It was super long, and I’m sorry to have bored anyone ^^;; I actually thought about writing a fic of Fingon’s childhood, but I doubt that’ll happen anytime soon hahaa Thanks again for messaging me anon, and I hope you have a good day/night! <333
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nekkyousagi · 4 years
Beast Wars Transformers - Season 1 - Favorite Moments
Kind of a summary of a few of my favorite bits of episodes from the second half of the 1st season. This post is long enough, so I might do a separate one of my thoughts about the characters.
Episode 6: Power Surge - Terrorsaur is definitely the Starscream of this show. He’s an idiot...but hey, I give him credit for being the first to actually K.O. Megatron.
Episode 10: Gorilla Warfare
Really painful watching Optimus being forced into a berserker mode by some strange device.  And baby boy Cheetor being the little voice of reason in his mind, ‘please big bot, don’t give in, don’t let it take over you!’ *sobbing*
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I got a bit emotional as he went battle crazed and stormed the Predacon base. And then Megatron has the gall to mock him as he was like ‘Ooh, look what you can do with your moral compass turned off. it suits you.’ Reminded me a lot of how Megatron at the end of Armada was like...’Oh Optimus, you put on the hero act but you really do enjoy battle and killing don’t you? muahaha!’ OH IT STINGS!
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“Gorilla warfare suits you. The old Optimus would’ve never made it this far.”
And then after Optimus is rid of the device and in recovery, how super tsun Dinobot was at his bedside when he awoke. OOOH that was a cute moment!!!! Awwwww! Dinobot has a tough hide, but he really does respect Optimus and...gosh it’s adorable! He’s so TSUNDERE!!!! I kinda love him.
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Episode 12: Victory - Haha nice plan Megatron, but you are a jerk. They finally have a chance to leave and you ruin it. Also Dinobot you idiot tsun just go home with them! We’ll work out the kinks later! Who cares if your a Predacon ughhhh this stupid...! Optimus going back for him was typical good leader thing to do. But of course Megs gotta ruin things, again. I knew it was too early to be worried, since it’s only episode 12, but wow, seeing Optimus fall and get left behind was heartbreaking. Uggghhh! And Megatron appears to ruin things AGAIN but then Rhinox is like “NOT TODAY” and shoves Megatron down the hatch tube like a BOSS and then Optimus comes flying up to the rescue and STOPS THE SHIP FROM CRASHING WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND HIS ROCKET BOOSTERS, WHILE ‘NOT-SUPERMAN-THEME MUSIC’ FANFARE STARTS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND???!!! OMG OPTIMUS ARE YOU SUPERMAN?! *I AM CRYING* XXDDD
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Episode 13: Dark Designs - So I took this as basically the Beast Wars version of a “Synthen episode”...but instead, it’s the calm and level-headed Rhinox getting reformatted into a Predacon and instead of his peace-loving self is replaced by a battle ready warrior,  and he totally trashes the Predacon base, again, LIKE A BOSS. I’m really starting to like Rhinox.  He packs a punch! Even Megatron was like...’oh, I seem to have underestimated him, yessssssss.’ Never underestimate the doctor / engineers!
Episode 14: Double Dinobot - was basically this
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Episode 15: The Spark - I had read somewhere that it was this episode where the idea of a Cybertronian “spark” first appeared. That before this, Cybertronians were either born from the pure metal of the planet or were given personalities from Vector Sigma, while their bodies were just...built. And it was interesting to see how they played out this new form of life origin. Plus, a new character, Air Razor. I was surprised...actually I’m not sure if I’ve heard of her before. But it’s nice the good guys finally get a flier...besides Optimus. Her design reminds me of Hawkgirl from the old Justice League cartoon I grew up watching.
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[ Also, I started noticing this running gag that some of the Predacon goons will get blown apart but don’t...die?! They can just be rebuilt but if one of the Maximals gets a broken joint, or disrupted energy circuits, it’s doom for them! How does this work? Or is it just a corny gag because it’s a kid’s show...???? ]
Episode 19: Call of the Wild - It was really interesting seeing the Cybertronian Maximals dealing with their beast forms. How the animal instincts were taking over their minds! But Tigatron, I love that zen loving tiger bot, he helps them to be one with their animal forms and use it to their advantage, like he learned to!
But the BEST PART in this whole episode was Megatron going on the hunt while being carried on this THRONE like a Jungle Queen?? OMG!!
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I thought Megatron in TFPrime was extra, no, THIS has to be the most EXTRA AND DRAMATIC Megatron I’ve ever seen! He is killing me!!! XDDD
Episode 20: Dark Voyage - Ok, this was another ‘Rhinox is actually a good leader’ episode, no doubt. But it was kinda upsetting to see poor baby, boy Cheetor get strangled by some giant Titanoboa, leaving his shoulder busted and then he says...’I feel cold.’ I was like, NO CHEETOR DON’T DIE, SWEET BABY! Save him!!!!! But it was a great tactic for Rhinox to remind everyone of their battle training and visualize a grid in their mind so they could target attacking fliers, even though none of them could see. Great strategy but whoo, that was too close! Let’s not risk the child anymore, my poor heart can’t take it!
Episode 21: Possession - Starscream...returns?????!!!!!! Maybe I should’ve watched the rest of G1...? I am so lost! XDD
Episode 23: Law of the Jungle - Ok, that was really sad. I think I’m really getting attached to Tigatron. (TAT) Also, Inferno is so feral with his flame throwers and his crazy laugh! Wow...he even got Terrorsaur to slip and say “The Royalty.” LOLOL This episode had a deep message and some lore thrown in. I do wonder if later on in this series, they’ll explain why, and at what point, the factions names were changed from Autobots and Decepticons to Maximals and Predacons? If they’re descendants and fight for the same reasons and motives? But gosh, it’s really depressing that the war has gone on for that long...so very, very long. Like it never, ever ended. [I’m supposing this story is in the G1 timeline, given how the spark of G1 Starscream appeared.] Tigatron made a really important point, even though ultimately he decided to keep fighting. Some really sobering lines mixed in here...hmmm!
Episode 24: Before the Storm
“Yes, my Queen!” “Ughhh, I wish he wouldn’t call me that.”
MY QUEEEEEEEN!!! Ok, this is what you guys meant about Inferno. Omg I love it tho! What a good little loyal soldier ant. *muffled snorting laughter*
A truce? What are you up to Meg?
Oh...oh god. He’s having a spa day?
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Have to look your best before conquering the universe. God, I love this Megatron. I’m crying he makes me laugh so much!
Wow...plot is happening!!!! IT’S HAPPENING!!!!! oH MY!
EPISODE 25 & 26: Other Voices - Wow, things took a nosedive for the worst. Who are these aliens, really? That projection gave me a heart attack, but it wasn’t real. Ok I know our heroes are getting out of this, there are 2 more seasons, but how?? Oh...plans align on both sides! But...BUT!!! OH NO!!! No no noooo! What a terrible cliffhanger to end the 1st season! How dare they end it like that?! I can hear all the 90s kids wailing in anguish~! Having to wait months to find out what happened?! Optimus, dear, you do have a terrible track record. What next...??? On to SEASON 2!!
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crystu-cii · 4 years
XDD YESSS-- YEAH FOR FREE-- we weren't even gonna GET a pet in japan but they found a post about her and were like "...okay fine" and she is so sweet 💕💞❤️💖💞💕💞 oms XDD mood-- oh so what you're saying is you should get a dog with the same color hair as you so you can't tell the difference? XD you'd have no problem with a little extra shed fur-- w h e eze true some people hate loud animals-- I don't, but I do have sensitive ears, which I.. did not take into account when getting a pet ;w;; good luck with getting a pet in the future!!! Again.. I recommend doggos--
XDDD it is SO TASTY-- it's got sweet potato mashed and mixed with brown sugar, with more brown sugar and pecans over the top, then marshmallows on top of those :3c
WOWWW HOW-- THAT'S INSANEEEE-- DAMN THAT'S SOME ROTTEN LUCK-- yeah school budgets? What's that XD yeesh tho that's some awful luck crys-
It is SO AWESOME-- But cRYsSssSSs Portal 2 has a co-op mode!!! And the puzzles aren't too hard-- you even have an in-game polite guide!!! Also I saw a thing today saying "so we obviously can't please EVERYone with a game but I gotta tell you I ain't ever seen a mfer complain about Portal!" WHICH IS SO TRUE LIKE EVERYONE LOVES PORTAL--
Yesss!!!! YEAAAA GLADOS SAYS TRANS AND ENBY PEOPLE ROCK AND ARE VALID!!!!!! I'd like you to know, when I initially discovered it, I had been trying to fall asleep and Couldn't so my mind was wandering, and I was like "....is there a Glados says trans rights thing on the internet?" and I was gonna do it in the morning but I couldn't sleep anyways so I just. Looked it up. At like 2am. Because it was That Important that I couldn't sleep until I looked it up(and then I fell asleep pretty fast, so.. hm--) XDDD
Wellllll what are we supposed to do? Just move it to our dms? gestures vaguely to the length of theses posts You think discord can handle this?? It couldn't even handle me rambling about the cores with it's cowardly 2k character limit! /lh
aawhhh 😭💞💞💕💞💞
and PFTT that would be a lot more chaotic XDD literally right after i vaccum my floor in my room there many strands back on the floor anyway- gosh i have no clue whats up with my hair ;0;; and yeahh- my friend who used to be my neighbor had birds and they would ALWAYS make sound and im like "oh man-" xDD and the BIRDS WERENT EVEN FRIENDLY like- i was there when they first got the birds arrived to them and i was expecting the birbs to be nice but they legit repel from human contact- whenever i would stick my finger in the cage they would hang on the the opposite side of the cage xD so far i imagine they just let them live and dont interact with them at all- doesnt really sound fun to be honest ;w;;
and OOOO MAN that sounds so awesome :0 ooO i should also say how my dinner went yesterday, since it was kinda our belated thanksgiving- we got take out from a chinese restaurant! might sound a little sad that we didnt cook anything- but take out is a very common thing in our family xD and i FINALLY GOT MY CHEESECAKE I DESIRED YAAAAASSSS- and my bro also got cookies! (they were from a high quality place as well) and one of the flavors was pumpkin pie (the cookie even looked like a pie!) and i was happy cause that shall replace the actual pumpkin pie i also wanted xD and it was GOOD?? LIKE MOM- PUMPKIN PIE ISNT BAD xD so that was my night!
and LEGITTTT LIKE- oh my god i can LITERALLY go on and on about how horrible that year was from my previous year- and THEN THERES COVID TO TOP IT ALLLL OFF UGHHHHWUFOAJ
and WHHH IT DOES?? I thought that was a seperate game :OO and oHHH that sounds cool! and BAHHA- fACTSSS xDD and omggg i feel that- i would always search up random things of a fandom and see if they exist or not XDD IM SO GLAD A "TRANS RIGHTS" GLADOS EXISTS XDD i also actually do have a Portal instagram folder where i save portal related posts- OKAY AT THE MOMENT I AM WRITING THIS SENTENCE i looked back wt the folder (its the last one out of all my folders because i havent saved any posts in it for a LONG time) and there arent many posts as there are with my other franchise folders- BUT LITERALLY (ALMOST) ALL THE POSTS ARE WHEATLEY AND IM LIKE PFPFNTKAHFIANJD there were also some chell x human!wheatley there because the way people drew those two were in a very cute art style so i liked it- i hope me liking the ship doesnt sound too weird though- xD ;w;; bUt THATS my experience of being in the portal fandom(?) XDD
and oh yeaH YOURE RIGHT- i keep forgetting that discord has a character limit but at the same time it always gets me- whenever im trying to show my friends a fanfic i wrote discord is all like "IMMA STOP YOU RIGHT THERE" and its shitty- my friends dont even comment on my fanfics anyway- xDD
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