#(also please do not perceive her hand in the pic and realize she is actually holding nothing
elliewiltarwyn · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 | Prompt #6: Ring
not about engagement!
6. Ring (661 words)
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Lily turns it over and over in her hand, rolling it between her fingers like she’s seen Thancred occasionally do with his knives. The linkpearl is much easier to trick with and much less likely to slice her open, though.
She studies it carefully, gently, repeatedly tapping her finger against its side, careful not to press any of the buttons. It would be so simple to tap in the right sequence; they’re burned into her muscle memory by now, and she’d just have to slot the linkpearl against her ear, and then… It certainly would be easier than the struggle to defeat a manifestation of deepest nihilism and despair at the edge of the universe.
…Nope, she’s still more scared of this. It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic. Hadn’t she already promised herself she wouldn’t falter on this sort of thing anymore, too? That she wouldn’t hold back on letting the people she loved know how much she cared for them?
…Well, the first person I did that for not actually reciprocating how I felt did kind of put a damper on that. She groans and drops her head back on her pillow, letting the linkpearl fall from her fingers and bounce off her cheek, thumping on the mattress next to her. The stunned expression on Yugiri’s face, in the immediate moments after Lily had confessed her feelings for her, is an image that is going to haunt her for a long time—it already has for moons, really. She’s surprised she had been able to hold herself together enough to focus on the war with the Telophoroi… or the crisis in Garlemald, and the revival of Zodiark… or the Final Days. Truthfully, at this juncture, she’s just so incredibly grateful the empty feeling in her heart hadn’t driven her to the absolute depths…to become a blasphemy. She shudders at the thought.
…We risked so much, came dangerously close to oblivion. She herself had entered oblivion, briefly; she has very vague memories of the moment when she, along with the other Scions, gave herself up to the dynamis in Ultima Thule, so that her best friend in the whole universe could walk unto the end. But she knows it was a sensation she never wants to feel again.
And that this emptiness in her heart is disturbingly close to it.
They’re safe now; the song of despair is over. They’re all free to live how they want now.
So, she thinks to herself, what do you want for yourself in the aftermath of the Final Days, when we finally have the leeway to be who we are; when oblivion is finally in the rear view, and you and everyone you love are triumphantly forging ahead to a peaceful tomorrow…
Lily sighs, curls her fingers around the linkpearl. Takes a deep breath. Lifts it, slots it against her outer ear. Even if this goes wrong, she thinks determinedly, ‘tis better than oblivion. And she punches in the sequence of buttons, and she waits.
The linkpearl rings once. Rings twice. Rings three times.
She lets go of the breath, which she hadn’t realized she had been holding, when a flurry of noise comes from the other side… and then the deep alto she’s been yearning to hear once more, ever since they went their separate ways from the Mor Dhona aetheryte. The voice of her best friend in the whole world. “Hello?”
Lily smiles, and a tear rolls down the side of her head. “H-hi, Ellie. It’s Lily.”
“I—oh! Lily, oh, gods, hi! I—wow, that’s crazy—I was literally just thinking about you.”
Her heart flutters like a butterfly. “What? Really?”
“Swear to the Twelve. It’s just…been a while. I miss you.”
Lily chokes back a happy sob at the words, her heart warming her from the inside out, and she lets the positivity and her hopes bubble to the surface. “...I miss you too, Ellie. Do you…do you wanna get some coffee?”
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
holyyyshit you have a sab au please infodump to me abt it if you would like to ohhhmvgod i read “wilbur as kaz and niki as inej” and i think i’m going to melt that’s soooooooooihnndjkfmf
ok ok it's not super developed, mostly just character placements and random ideas, also this is mostly book soc based so mild, mild spoilers!!! because sab netflix version is like the prequel. anyway:
so first of all, wilbur as kaz, because of course he is (also two of my fav characters ever have way too many similarities it's a bit of a pattern lmao). wilbur is a hardened barrel boss, who keeps walls high up around himself because he's been hurt too many times to trust people. however, he's built himself a crew of people he trusts in tommy and niki (jesper and inej).
tommy is constantly trying to prove himself to wilbur, constantly trying to be more than just associates, but wilbur constantly keeps him at arm's length and he just- doesn't get why. tommy himself is a sharpshooter, a gambler, and a bit reckless, and it's this that he gets reprimanded by wilbur for the most. he and tubbo (wylan) get on like a house on fire, of course.
niki, on the other hand, takes exactly none of wilbur's shit. she knows he's a good man, knows he has the capability to open up, but also knows that she isn't going to be the one to do it for him. she has bigger dreams than fixing someone, she's gonna get her ship and fucking kill some slavers because it's what she deserves!
just "I'll have you without armor, or I will not have you all" type beat
and yet. these guys care for each other so much. wilbur would kill just about everyone for her, but he would never admit it, and he's so impressed with her, always. they see right through eachother.
techno, my favorite placement, is nina. a passionate grisha heartrender with the ability to stop heartbeats, but also heal wounds, albeit more clumsily.
his relationship with phil is at the forefront here. phil is taught to hate all grisha as a druskelle (witchhunter), and believes them all to be heartless monsters until circumstances literally force him and techno together.
and techno is- funny? and sarcastic? he grumbles and mocks phil but saves his life without question, like of course he would, and actually gets phil to laugh a few times. they slowly warm up to each other as they realize how easily they fit together, how well they fight together, until, of course, misunderstanding forces them apart and makes phil hate techno again.
wylan is tubbo, and it's not just because they're both dsylexic lmao. (they're also explosions guys). no, but tubbo is their demolitions man, new to the team and severely underestimated due to being perceived as nonthreatening. in fact, he's mainly brought on because his dad is schlatt (van eck), and he serves as a wonderful hostage, until they realize just how valuable he is. he's a hidden badass and has a storyline focusing around discovering self worth.
also ranboo is kuwei but that's more ck than soc
beyond removing the romance, the story would progress as usual with a few small changes. I'm mostly excited about lock pic wilbur, niki with knives and incorporating the menagerie backstory, the wilbur calls tommy his brother by accident during an argument scene, and any phil and techno scenes.
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prismatales · 4 years
An idea for Endeavor’s quirkless child maybe would be where reader gets the okay from the doctors at the hospital say Rei is stable enough to see reader even though she has red hair now? Or another interaction between Dabi and Reader would be great 👍 love your writings and can’t wait to see what you have planned!💕
This was actually a really good detail to consider, since Reader didn't really dye her hair because of what happened with Rei, but to go as unnoticed as possible in school. But I really enjoyed this, and hopefully so do you guys! 💖
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Deep breaths, positive thoughts, don't drop the box.
Deep breaths, positive thoughts, don't drop the box.
Deep breaths, positive thoughts, don't drop the----
"Todo-chan?" The doctor's voice snaps you out of the anxious chanting going off inside your mind. Why were you nervous in the first place when visiting your mother at the hospital became a regular part of your routine?
Oh yeah....Because this was the first time after that incident five years ago that she'd be seeing you with red hair. You know it was completely different from last time, your mother's mental health is stable enough now, she was able to see Shoto without a problem after all....But the memories from that time still terrify you just thinking about it, the idea of going back to square one with her?
"My colleagues and I have talked it over, and I'm more than pleased to say it's alright to go see your mother as well as allow her to keep this gift of yours, based on the description we're positive it may help with her recovery"
There's confidence in each of her words, and that gentle smile of hers helps to ease the anxiety inside the pit of your stomach, a breathe of relief you didn't realize you'd been holding in escapes which send her into a small giggling fit, but she doesn't say anything else and offers to accompany you on the way to your mother's room
"Dr. Chigusa?" She glances in your direction with curiosity, this woman had been one of the people taking care of your mother since the very beginning of her treatment, her kind demeanor had quickly won over every single one of the Todoroki siblings, everyone who's met her knows that had she been there the day of the accident things would have probably gone differently...
The footsteps echoing through pristine halls are equally soothing and distressing, a seemingly endless hall keeps going and going till a certain room is eventually coming into sight.
"Yes dear?" She takes a small glance in your direction and stops walking, the way your hands grip the corners of the box tightly, she can easily perceive the insecurity and fear coming through every inch of your being, body shaking slightly once you observe that spot in the wall right besides the door, that spot where a young girl once sat with her back against the wall suffering in silence.
"...What if it happens again? I don't want to see my Mom going through that all over again"
Worry seeps from every pore in your body, heart pounding loudly against your chest it's a surprise the woman walking beside you doesn't hear a thing, panic surrounds every part of your being just by the memories of that day.
Chigusa grabs your shoulders gently, the moment her quirk activated all those feelings of doubt drifted away like traces of smoke being carried away withing soft currents of air.
"Listen (Y/N), your mother is an incredibly strong woman who's come a long way despite everything she had to endure, I promise you over my medical licence that everything is going to be alright...Do you trust me?"
Confidence radiates from each and every single one of her words, strongly enough to sway the most doubtful of hearts, even without needing to employ her quirk anymore, her eyes shining with assurance accompanied by the warm hold on your shoulders allows you to step forward to face the one thing that separates your mother from the rest of the world.
"If it makes you feel any better, I'll go in first and let her know you're coming, how does that sound?" God really blessed your family when Chigusa came into your mother's life.
She goes inside the room first just like she promised, leaving you in the hall alone with the box. After a few minutes boredom takes over and you start checking out some messages with our friends. Some of them send pictures of study sessions, the girls from Shoto's class are having a spa day at the dorms complete with face masks and cucumber in their eyes, there's also a text from Bakugo and his friends, one that makes your eyelid twitch in mild annoyance.
"I guess we can't call you Omurice head anymore, uh?" They say jokingly after seeing your new profile pic.
"Have you ever seen a hedgehog covered in glitter? Cause I think you will soon" You quickly text them back.
The door opens right after you send the message and Chigusa comes out with a big smile on her face.
"You can come in now Y/N, I'll give you two some space, but remember everything...?" She goes quiet, waiting for an answer as you inhale deeply before finishing her sentence.
"Is going to be alright"
"Good!" Then she leaves, not without sending another smile in your direction.
Turning back towards the door and staring for another few seconds you take another deep breath...and finally your hands push the door open. Sunlight illuminates the whole bedroom with beautiful shades of golden light...and right in front of the window your mother's sitting with her back facing the door.
"Here goes nothing..."
"Hi Mom"
Your eyes close in panic, a part of you expecting to hear the screams all over again just like that one time carved into your memories, instead the only thing perceived is silence, slowly looking back at her most serene look is adorning her features, confusion slowly morphing into that kind smile which had only been seen a couple of times when you were less than 6 years old.
"Y/N" The smile never left her face, not even when she took a good look and finally caught sight of the one thing that terrified you in the first place, despite that she didn't stop smiling.
"It's been a while since the last time you visited, is everything okay?"
Not only did it not affect her anymore but this time she paid no mind to it, making a wave of relief flow through your body, she noticed the way your shoulders began trembling.
"Yeah..." your hand wipes away a single tear threatening to come out, mouth curving into a tiny smile before looking back at her "Everything's alright..."
That's how part of the visit went, catching up with her after being unable to visit her for the past three weeks, the answer she got was half true to avoid scaring her.
After all being kidnapped by a psychopath and thrown off a building wasn't the best way to start a conversation, right? So all she was told was how busy you had been with classes, along with this new project.
Speaking of project...
"By the way Mom" You get up from the bed to get the box you had left in the small table "I asked the doctors if I could bring you this, is something I've been working on for a while now, and some senior students from school helped me out with it"
Rei gave it a curious glance, specially when you placed the box down on the floor and pulled out a smaller baby blue metallic box with no cover, inside the box there's this white ball that looks like plastic with a few black and brown spots.
"What is it?"
You smiled at her before pressing a small button on the edge of the box, the actions makes it let out a charging noise and the small ball slowly starts to inflate until its peaking out of the top.
Rei's eyes go wide when it starts taking the shape of a mix between a Japanese bob tail cat and a marshmallow, but the surprise is not over yet once the noise finally dies down and the "cat" slowly opens its metallic black eyes and starts looking around from left to right, once it catches sight of her the small thing carefully climbs out of the box like a small kitten.
"Fuyumi told me how much you love cats, and since it's not possible to have pets in here I talked about this project with the staff" The "cat" turns to look at you with curiosity, and when it gets a nod in response the first thing it does is dart straight towards your mother to nudge her feet. Surprising her by how soft its body feels.
"I heard having a pet around can be therapeutic, so It's programmed to behave like a domestic cat and keep you company"
While you explained its function the cat was already being cradled in your mother's arms, purring softly with every stroke of her fingers on its chin, the excitement on her face couldn't be more obvious once it bopped its face against her hand, demanding more of her attention just like a real cat would.
"Do you like it?" It was obvious she loves the little guy, but you still wanted to hear her answer with eagerness.
"I love it, does he have a name?" she asks happily, but you shake your head no.
"Not really, I wanted you to name it since well, it's your new pet now"
That's all she needed to hear.
"Thank you Y/N" She hugged the cat closer to her "Thank you so much"
In the end the last thing you tell her are the instructions, how the box is actually its charging station and it needs to be re-charged every now and then, and just in case something malfunctioned the staff had a small instructions manual and your number, in case it needed any repairs.
That afternoon you left her room with a bright smile and the ghost that haunted your memories finally gone, this time for good.
Nothing could ruin that moment for you while going back to the dorms with a bounce on your feet...Not even when you ran into someone and nearly fell on the floor had it not been for this mysterious person catching you by the wrist.
"I'm really sorry about that! I should have been more careful!" your voice comes out in a nervous squeak, face full of embarassment while this guy just kept staring at you, a black hoodie covering his head and even with the sunglasses he sported the feeling of his eyes staring at you was easily noticeable.
"It's fine, just be more careful next time, you never know who you might run into" The calmness in his voice made you glad he wasn't pissed off by crashing straight into them, but before any more words could be exchanged the characteristic sound of your ringtone went off.
"I need to pick this call, sorry about that again, see you!" Fishing the phone out from the bottom of your pockets the last thing he saw was a small wave aimed towards him before you ran off, this time paying attention to the surroundings while answering the call.
"See you soon...Firefly"
@t-amajiki @undead0relived @shoobirino @bnha-ra @godtieruwu @mysticalite
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Fanfic - Saving a Superhero - 1/1
Summary: Iris was just an intern working a hectic night at the hospital whose break was interrupted by a bleeding unconscious superhero 
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2360
A/N: Based on these promo pics in which Iris is a badass doctor
All Iris wanted was to have a nice, relaxing coffee break.
She was in the middle of one of the worst shifts of her life. A grueling fifteen hours where she'd been running off her feet dealing with every type of job. She bounced between being in the emergency room, to doing post op check ups, then working through piles of discharge paperwork. Anyone who said being an second year intern was hell didn't know the half of it. Iris couldn't remember the last time she'd slept more than four hours straight. Or had outside human contact beyond doctors and patients. Her life was a constant routine of dealing with an array of bodily fluids, stitching up damaged skin, setting broken bones.
She had few small pleasures remaining in her life. One of them was taking a cup of coffee and a chocolate chip muffin up to the roof of the hospital whenever she managed to sneak in a break.
Iris pushed through the metal door that led out to the roof. A sigh of relief actually escaping her lips. The cold breeze felt amazing against her heated skin. The lights of city burning bright against the night sky. She closed her eyes to listen to the hum of noise of the city. Iris immersed herself in the peace and quiet, completely different from hectic buzz of activity in the halls of the hospital.
Her plan was to sit down on the bench, left there for those with smoking habits, drink her coffee and eat her muffin. A plan that came to crashing halt when Iris saw someone already lying across the bench. Iris let out a sigh of frustration. Her day was bad enough without having the one good thing taken away from her.
She probably should have left and found another place to take her break. Iris however was nothing but persistent. She didn't understand the meaning of giving up something that she wanted. Her determination got her through medical school while working a full time job. How she pushed until she got into the most competitive intern program in the country. No way she was letting someone take her bench.
“Excuse me?” Iris squinted through the darkness trying to make out who was there. “I hate to say this but I was wondering...”
As Iris stepped closer expecting to see a fellow exhausted intern passed out on the bench but that was not what she found.
“Oh my god,” Iris gasped out while dropping her coffee. “The Flash?”
The Flash let out a pained groan in response.
Iris stood there dumbstruck. The Scarlet Speedster, the hero of Central City, was currently passed out on a bench. The pained pinched look on his face indicated he wasn't taking a nap either.
After the shock of having a superhero right in front of her Iris's medical training kicked into gear. She rushed forward, her eyes quickly examining his body. Her hands lightly skimming over the hard leather of his costume. It didn't take long for her to locate the gaping hole in his chest. Dark blood pooling out at the slightest touch.
“Oh no,” Iris breathed out, “That's not good. That's really not good.”
The Flash's breathing started to become more labored. His eye lashes fluttering as he struggled to keep his eyes opened. Iris knew she had a very small window in which to help him.
“Flash can you hear me?” Iris circled her hand around his wrist.
The Flash turned his head but Iris could tell he was struggling to focus on her.
“Listen to my voice,” Iris tried to sound calm and in control. “You're going to be okay. I'm going to help you.”
The Flash tried to get up but didn't get far before letting out a grunt of pain.
“Don't move,” Iris said firmly. “I don't know what your injuries are but you probably shouldn't move.”
Problem was Iris had no idea how she was going to get him down the stairs and back into the hospital. Iris didn't know what happened to him but knew he needed medical attention fast. The last thing Iris wanted today was to let the hero of Central City die on her.
But there was no way she could do this on her own.
“This is unbelievable,” Julian hissed at her. “How did you rope me into this insanity? I do know if our resident finds out I'm blaming you. I will not be kicked out of this program because you decided to take in a injured superhero.”
Iris rolled her eyes ignoring Julian ranting. Her fellow intern enjoyed putting up a fuss but in the end he always came through with helping her.
With great effort the two of them managed to man handle the Flash down the flight of stairs and into the nearest empty hospital room. Iris wasted no time examining him once they deposited him into a bed. She brought out her stethoscope to press against his chest, surprised by what she heard.
“What is it?” Julian asked with open curiosity.
“His heart is beating so fast,” Iris replied. “Not humanly possible fast.”
“Well he is the Flash,” Julian deadpanned.
“Help me get this suit off,” Iris ignored his smug British face. “I need a closer look at his injuries.”
The two of them took several moments to struggle with the hard leather jacket. Fastenings were not easily perceived. Eventually they realized the suit was in two parts when they were able to find the zipper for the top half.
“Oh boy,” Iris let out a breath at the sight of his chest.
“That is a decent sized hole,” Julian got serious quickly. “He should be dead.”
“Well he is the Flash,” Iris countered.
Julian gave her an unimpressed look as they both put on surgical gloves.
Iris was about to take a closer look at the wound when the Flash started to thrash about on the table. Sparks of lighting coursing up his body. Julian let out a string of curses jumping back.
Without thinking Iris lunged forward to press a hand to the Flash's shoulder, not the smartest plan considering he was an all powerful superhero who she could not control, to try hold him in place.
“Flash listen,” Iris called out, “We're going to help you I promise you.”
The thrashing slowed but his body continued to tremor. Iris squeezed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. His head turned to look directly at her for the first time. Even with a mask Iris could see his eyes. A pretty shade of green fanned by long lashes. She could see fear in his eyes but also a question of whether he could trust her.
Iris smiled gently hoping he could see in her face that he would be safe with her.
“Okay, lets do this.” Iris nodded her head to Julian. “Bring the tray and a lot of gauze.”
With cautious steps Julian walked closer bringing over the that had all the supplies they would need.
“Lets clear this blood away,” Iris grabbed packs of gauze to soak up the blood. “Then we can see what we're dealing with.”
The two worked together get rid of the pooling blood. Iris felt through the shredded skin and could feel something lodged in his chest. If The Flash had any chance of survival they'd have to remove it before stitching him up. On the other hand they ran the risk of him bleeding out. Which meant they had a very slim chance of saving him. But Iris wasn't going to give up without a fight.
“Julian use the forceps to hold the tissue open,” Iris ordered.
To her surprise Julian followed her orders. Using clamps to hold open the gaping hole in The Flash's chest. Iris turned to her tray of surgical tools to grab the grasper, a tool that looked like a pair of scissors but with flattened pincers instead of blades.
“Hold him down please,” Iris asked.
Julian cautiously placed his hands on the Flash's shoulders. Iris peered through the mess of tissue and blood to find the object lodged in his chest. Carefully Iris lowered the graspers over where she had felt the foreign object. With a deep breath Iris moved in to remove it from his chest.
The Flash head thrashed on the bed as he let out another pained groan.
“Almost there,” Iris said in her most calming voice. “So very close.”
With one last pull Iris took out the object. Immediately she tossed it into the tin of sterilized disinfectant. Through the swirls of blood Iris could see it was the shape of a bullet only it was glowing a eerie blue.
“What in the world is that?” Julian peered over.
Iris didn't have a chance to answer. Too distracted by the Flash spontaneously vibrating. She turned to calm him down but it was too late. In a burst of yellow lighting he got up from bed and disappeared before Iris could blink her eyes. Nothing but a gust of wind blowing through her hair remained of his presence.
“West if a superhero ever shows up bleeding on the roof,” Julian glanced over at her. “Don't ever drag me into it.”
A week passed with no word from The Flash.
Iris knew he was okay thanks to reports on the nightly news. He was spotted downtown capturing Captain Cold hours after Iris had removed that strange bullet from his chest. Since then he'd been zipping around the city being the hero everyone needed.
To be honest Iris felt put out. Not that she expected recognition or anything. But it would be nice if inbetween capturing bank robbers and taking down meta-humans The Flash would have thought to zip by to say 'Thank You'.
She'd then remind herself she didn't become a doctor to get thank yous, she did it to help people. If she was being truthful Iris just wanted another chance to stare into those pretty green eyes again.But she had to let that go, she was too busy at work to pine after a superhero dressed in red leather.
She was in the middle of yet another crazy work day. She'd been running off her feet since her shift started. Once again she was heading up to the roof with a coffee and muffin in hand ready to enjoy her spare fifteen minutes. She'd been doing this a lot lately. Secretly hoping to catch sight of her favorite speedster. So far no luck.
Iris sat down on the bench. She sipped on her coffee while picking at her muffin. All the while doing her best to keep her thoughts off a certain scarlet speedster.
Which is why it took several long seconds for her sleep deprived brain to registered that the Flash was stranding right in front of her.
“Oh! You!” Iris started in surprise, jumping to her feet and in the process dropping her cup of coffee onto the ground.
Great, Iris thought to herself, just great.
She just had to be a clumsy mess in front of The Flash.
“Um, hi there.” The Flash awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.”
“Its okay,” Iris smiled. “Good to see you again. Not with a gaping hole in your chest which is a good sign.”
Iris let out an awkward laugh that she quickly smothered when he didn't laugh too. The worst time for Iris's doctor humor to rear its head. To her surprise though Iris swore she could see him smiling despite the shadows shrouding his face.
“Um here...let me...” The Flash gestured down to her spilled coffee. “I'll be right back.”
Iris had no time to process anything as he zipped away then reappeared barely two seconds later.
“For you,” The Flash held out a coffee cup from Jitters with the steam still curling from it. “Thank you for the other night.”
As Iris reached up to grab the coffee her fingers gently brushed against the re-enforced leather of his gloves. A white spark of electricity passed between them causing both of them to jump back in surprise.
“Oh wow. Um...” The Flash awkwardly laughed. “That was weird.”
“Yeah weird,” Iris breathed out, her skin tingling where the lighting had coursed through her skin.
Now calming down Iris became more hyper aware of her appearance. Loose fitting purple hospital scrubs and her ratty old sweater. Her makeup had long ago smudged off and her hair was piled up in a messy bun. Definitely not the appearance she wanted to have when face to face with The Flash. He looked far more impressive in his dark red leather.
Yet despite her less than glamorous appearance Iris swore The Flash kept sneaking glances at her then would smile bashfully every time their eyes met.
Iris never thought herself capable of having that sort effect on a superhero.
“Seriously thank you,” The Flash eventually collected himself. “You saved me that night.”
“I did what any good doctor should do,” Iris shrugged. “Julian helped too.”
“But it was your voice.” The Flash insisted. “Your voice was what got through to me.”
Iris felt heat rise in her cheeks. No one had ever said something like that to her.
“Well you're welcome,” Iris tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “If you ever get injured again feel free to collapse on that bench.”
“Well I wouldn't want to interrupt your coffee break,” The Flash gave her a shy smile.
“Hmmm true,” Iris smiled at him teasingly. “Maybe you could join me for my coffee breaks instead?”
Iris had to admit watching the hero of Central City become a stuttering and blushing mess was a lot of fun. She took a long sip of the coffee The Flash had brought her feeling very pleased. She had a feeling this would be the start of something amazing.
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