#(and am scared of whatever happened to the hanging tree happening to these new songs lmao)
royalnugget42 · 3 years
3RD Life x Steven Universe
Green Pearl. It was irregular for an emerald to have a Pearl, but this emerald was one of the best of them. Such a rare gem, and with a more decorated past than any but the diamond commanders. It seemed only fitting that she be gifted a Pearl as reward for years of service to the Diamond authority.
Of course, she didn’t really spend much time with said Pearl. More often than not, she was out fighting insurrections or attending ceremonial battles in the arenas. It didn’t leave much for her Pearl to do really. That’s where the trouble started.
Green Pearl, or just Green, as he liked to call himself, was not a very well behaved gem. The first instance of this being his constant use of he and him. It was a habit he’d picked up from one of the more distant colonies, something that the organic lifeforms apparently used. He just couldn’t get enough of it, and though he didn’t correct his Emerald, that didn’t stop him from correcting everyone else.
He was bored so often. With nothing to do but stand around and hold things and sing songs every now and then. He liked singing, but Emerald didn’t ask him to often, so most days he spent thinking up ways to perform his usual acts of petty mischief. Because Green Pearl absolutely loved to prank people.
Usually these pranks consisted of sneaking up on unsuspecting gems and scaring them. Sometimes he’d make a loud noise, sometimes he’d announce the presence of his Emerald, and sometimes he’d sneak up to just say hello. Something he loved to do was give them strange random items that he’d collected and stored in his gem. He had fabric scraps, balloons, dirt, some flowers, and his favorite, something Emerald had called a tree branch. This he never gave away, choosing instead to poke other gems with it from a distance.
It annoyed other gems of course, but for a Pearl he spent so much time with soldiers who either laughed it off or just ignored him, that he faced little to no punishment most of the time. At most one of the soldiers could call Emerald over, and she’d just sigh and put him in her chambers for awhile.
He was still in there plotting his next practical jokes when she returned, talking loudly into her communicator.
“Yes of course, my diamond. I will of course be present to observe.”
Immediately he hopped up from where he was seated, hands outstretched for anything she needed him to hold. She ignored him, finishing what sounded like a very important conversation.
“Yes my diamond. Thank you for this honor, I am so unutterably flattered. Emerald, out.”
She waited for her diamond, yellow diamond, to hang up, and passed the communicator off to Green. He dutifully stored it in his gem, eagerly awaiting what he assumed was important news.
“There’s to be another tournament, and I will be attending to oversee the event and evaluate the battle. Begin preparations to leave for sector 3,” she instructed.
“Right away, my emerald.”
“Oh and Pearl?”
He frowned slightly, at not being called Green, but replied, “Yes, my emerald?”
“Please, for your sake if not for mine, do try to behave yourself. This will be a very important event, and I’d rather not deal with any of your little pranks.”
Without waiting for a response, she left the room, slamming the door behind her.
Little pranks. It was all he could do to pass the time, though, and other gems fighting each other wasn’t nearly as exciting as they made it seem. It was all respectful dueling and perfectly choreographed movement. At the end of the day it was all staged. It wasn’t a test of skill or instinct, or reflex, just memorization. It bored him to death. They could at least add a few explosions.
Behave yourself. Stay still. Don’t bother the agates, don’t upset the hessonites, don’t ever disobey your emerald. It seemed like at every turn he was ignored and told to sit still and make as little noise as possible. Maybe he should try to behave, just once, but the more he thought about it the more it irked him. No, he would simply have to do the opposite. Maybe if they wouldn’t add explosives to the fight, he’d just have to bring some of his own. He smiled, and brought some of his more secret items out of his gem.
Not much can be said about the actual event other than the fact that it was utterly boring until Green managed to sneak away to prepare his joke. Of course, it wasn’t supposed to actually cause any real damage, just some colorful lights and loud noises. Really, that Sardonyx Agate was so oblivious that it was hardly his fault his form was destroyed.
But of course Green took the blame, and there he sat in a room listening to one of the other agates complain and berate him. His punishment was apparently a demotion. He would serve not as an Emerald’s Pearl, but as the Pearl to the Sardonyx he had inadvertently damaged. It was fair enough, he supposed, he just wished he could have at least told off Emerald if he was going to be punished. In for a penny in for a pond right?
But no, he just had to wait quietly for his agate to reform, and then he’d help with whatever it was that an agate does. Maybe it would at least be more interesting working for someone who hated him, but he doubted it. Most likely his agate would just ignore him like everyone else.
It didn’t take long for the reformation to be complete. Green supposed it was a better punishment than being shattered or rejuvenated, but he had to grit his teeth for what would pass through them when the light started shining.
As soon as the agate reformed, Green went into his prepared speech.
“My agate, I’m glad to see you have reformed.”
Sardonyx just looked confused, which was understandable. A Pearl being assigned to an agate, well, it was probably something that very rarely happened, which of course served to make the appointment even more embarrassing.
“I see you are confused, allow me to introduce myself,” he said with a humble bow. “Your physical form was destroyed by some mischief that I caused at the tournament. Therefore, I have come to offer my deepest apologies for my transgression, as well as my service. I am Green Pearl, but you may call me Green if you so choose.”
All in all it was a masterful speech. He had spent a while working out the exact phrasing, and to practice sounding genuine in his regret.
“Well, I am a little surprised, but I accept your service, and your apology.”
“Thank you, my agate,” he said, breathing a small sigh of relief. The Sardonyx wasn’t angry then. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. “I assure you, it will not happen again. I look forward to serving you.”
Green waited quietly for a response, or a dismissal, or something, but when he looked up he saw his Sardonyx staring intently at him.
“Um...my agate?”
Then suddenly his agate laughed. And laughed and laughed. Green started to join in nervously, unsure of what was so funny.
“Oh you nearly had me,” Sardonyx said, still chuckling. “You’re an excellent liar, Green.”
Had he said something wrong? Had something in his manner been incorrect? He had practiced so much. No one could tell when he was lying, not even Emerald! Perhaps this was a test of some kind?
“I...I assure you, I meant every word. I-If you are still upset I understand, but please, I really am sorry!”
“Relax, relax. I’m not upset. You don’t need to lie to me, though. You shouldn’t apologize if you don’t mean it,” Sardonyx said matter of factly, as if he wasn’t accusing Green of something he could be destroyed for.
“Wh-why? Why won’t you just believe me?”
“Are you angry?”
“Yes of course I–“ he cut himself off before worse words could be spoken. He didn’t want to be shattered. I’m the agonizing moment after he made his mistake, before anyone realized what had happened he had come to that conclusion. He didn’t want to be broken.
But if he was going to be shattered anyway, he might as well say what he was really thinking for once.
“You know what? Fine. You want the truth? I’m not sorry, I never have been, for anything that I’ve done. It was your own fault you weren’t paying enough attention to avoid the fireworks and still, even if you were standing directly in the line of fire, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. The look on your face when you got spooked was worth it, it was hilarious.”
Sardonyx looked up as though preparing to interject, but Green just cut the agate off.
“And frankly I added better entertainment than anyone else at that awful tournament! Do you know how agonizing it is to sit there clapping politely for a victory you already know is predetermined? There’s nothing interesting about it. And for the record, when you do have me shattered, feel free to call me Green, because that’s my real name, and use he and him when you refer to me, and–“
“Whoa whoa whoa, why would I have you shattered? This is great!”
Ok, now that was a weird turn to take. Either this agate was especially cruel, and willing to drag it out, or they were being genuine.
“Why...why is it great? I just insulted you, my Emerald, and plenty of other gems.”
“Because I don’t even have to get you one my side about this! You’re already very anti Diamond I bet, and what did you ask me to call you? Green? And you use he and him instead of she and her? That’s so genius, it sounds so much better, wherever did you learn that?”
“Um...thanks...I guess? I just sort of picked it up. Seemed to annoy people so I kept it. You can also use his for when something belongs to you.” Green was very confused now but he wasn’t going to question it. What was the phrase one of the soldiers taught him? Don’t look a gift horse in the towel?
“Yeah, ‘He walked. He is an agate. His Pearl taught him something new.’ Oh that is fantastic, can I use he and him, too?” The Sardonyx was beaming, like he had been given a new toy.
“Sure, I’m...uh...not in charge of you. So…”
“Great. My name is Scar by the way, so you can drop the whole ‘my agate’ thing.”
“Uh...why Scar?” Green asked, growing more curious and less scared by the second.
He replied, “Oh it’s sort of a joke. I have a stripe that looks like a Scar on my chest, so some of the others started calling me Scardonyx, and then it just got shortened to Scar.”
Now that was intriguing. “Others? What do you mean others?” Green asked excitedly.
“Oh just you wait, they’re gonna love you! We already have a Pearl with us, we call her Moon, but she took so much longer to really open up to us. Come on!”
“I’m still confused, where are we going?”
Scar turned around, smiling blindingly bright. Green could see in his eyes that this was someone like him. This agate knew how he felt. Suddenly, for the first time in his life, Green was not alone.
“To freedom, Green. We’re going to freedom.”
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trashcanwrites · 4 years
📺┊ Watching Kids Shows with the Haikyuu Boys!
► Oikawa Tooru, Tsukishima Kei, Hinata Shouyo, Bokuto Koutaro, Tendou Satori ft. Hinata Natsu (GN! Reader)
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: I left one or two swear words? Other wise there is none ❤️
『♚ Will's Message』 ▸ Heya!! Here's some headcanons I thought about when me and my sisters were listening to Sofia the First and Barney soundtrack 👁️👄👁️ Hope you guys enjoy! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
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This boi just barged into your house saying he wanted to watch Sofia the First with you—
Well I mean you couldn't complain cuz Sofia the First is amazing 🤩
The both of you were just chilling on the floor cuz the couch is for the weak 😤
Once the intro starts playing the both of you guys just start screaming the lyrics
The both of you sound like hyenas dying from being strangled I swear 👁️👄👁️
Like the your neighbors are lowkey higkey concerned
Whenever a character would start singing y'all would start singing too
But the thing is when one of you forgets the lyrics one of you starts singing gibberish
Then the other one starts to get confused cuz like wtf you singing??
The both of you would also start dancing too
Like he's the prince and you're some exaggerated elegant af royal ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
He would definitely kiss you hand—
But that's about the only part he's good at cuz the two of you would just step on each others feet and stumble
Oh to be a good dancer 😭
Oikawa's favorite character is probably Amber you can't change my mind
The two of you would argue who's best girl I swear
It's like a war zone when you argue about it you guys will make up eventually
After the marathon the two of you would just eventually fall asleep on the floor after talking about your favorite episode ❤️
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You were bored out of your mind so, you went to Tsukki's house to hang
You were feeling nostalgic so...
You forced him to watch Barney with you.
You know how Tsukki likes dinosaurs???
Well he doesn't like this one
Cuz he says Barney's just some 'discount dinosaur'
Probably that one show his parents made him watch as a kid but he didn't wanna cuz he thinks Barney's 'fake' I mean he technically is
I never really thought Barney was a dinosaur as a kid either, I only found out when I was 8
While Tsukki was watching it he looked so... Disgusted
And the fact that you were playing along with the show makes him cringe even harder— 💀💀
Tsukki be like: Why am I with a five year old??
He didn't even know why he let you watch BARNEY FRIGGIN BARNEY at his house when he could have easily said no 🤡🤡
He just wanted the torture to be over
Just when the show was about to end and he could rest easy, the song started to play
And you just started to sing along with it, you even came up to Tsukki to hug him I— 😭✋🏼
🎶 I loVe yOU, YoU LovE mE 🎶 ⊂(・▽・⊂)
He stood up and shoved your face away before you could do it cuz he's had enough of your shit today 🙃
After that you felt bad for him putting up with your idiocracy so you promised to do whatever he wanted
You best bet it was some sort of mental torture equal to the one you put him through—
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Natsu said she wanted to watch a show with y'all 🥺🥺🥺
So you did
She picked Winnie the Pooh
I swear it's probably her favorite cartoon—
Bby Natsu wanted to sit next to you while you hugged her 💕
While big bro Shoyou sat in next to you!!
Lmao Hinata would probably get so bored, he doesn't like Winnie the Pooh apparently 😔
But he tries his best for his sister
His favorite episode was the one where Pooh got stuck in Rabbit's 'door' so they had to pull him out
But then when they did pull him out he got stuck in a hole in a tree filled with bees 👁️👄👁️
It made Hinata laugh his ass of
He said it reminds him of Kageyama??
And Natsu was laughing too cuz if her big bro is happy she is too and you just sitting there giggling holding Natsu
Bruh I swear the Hinata siblings are next level wholesome
Natsu would definitely have a crush on Christopher Robin 😤
Like whenever he shows up on screen she would blush and just look at her dream guy 💘
Hinata probably doesn't notice or know cuz he's dense LOL
But you do 👀
Once the marathon is over you told Natsu about what you found out—
You just smiled at her...
Natsu was chasing after you telling you not to do it
But then Hinata heard and he was like: w h a t ?
Natsu tried to ignore you for the rest of the day while Hinata went up to you to complain about it 😌
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Bo was hyper today you asked him to watch Scooby Doo with you to calm him down ❤️
He is so determined to solve the mystery
You guys bet on who's the culprit
Lmao Bokuto would defend his choice so much
Like he would give a lot of random reasons as to why he chose them 👁️👄👁️
And you would just be like no
Then he would just argue even more
When you guess right he just pouts at you and looks away
If he's right he does a little victory HEY HEY HEY like he's all happy and jumpy
The loser has to put hot sauce onto whatever they were eating, they eat the food at the end of the marathon
You were the one who picked the consequences for the bet—
While y'all were watching the both of you were just screaming like wtf
The screams aren't even cuz your scared it's just cuz whenever there's a new clue both of your big brains theorize who's the culprit
And then the two of you just shout what you guys thinks gonna happen and there would be some sort of debate 🙃
Bo's favorite character is Shaggy 🥰 I dunno why I just get the feeling
In the end the two of you had to eat the food you guys filled with hot sauce
It looks red af btw
Bokuto just straight up ate it all like it was so fast
And you were looking at him like ಠ_ಠ
You ate yours and your mouth was on fire—
You had to drink gallons of water cuz there wasn't any milk 😔
Someone reserve the bathroom because one of you two would probably blow any minute now—
Bo rushed in first
But then you had to go in too so you did the little pee pee dance outside while you were waiting
Overall 100/10 would do again 😌
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You and Tendou planned to hang and watch a show
It was your turn to pick a so you chose Teletubbies—
Tendou went 😊 to ☹️
Like he was just so happy when you came and the you tell him your watching TELETUBBIES with HIM
He just wanted you to watch it alone at this point
But y'all promise to hang so he let you watch it 😤😤
The whole time you two were watching he was just complaining about how obvious their questions were
He's just there arguing at a tv know it won't respond to him at all
You just stare at him like 👁️👄👁️
He was so annoyed lmao
Then you would tell him it's a kids show
But then he's like: then why are we watching this?
It's for nostalgia purposes I swear
It's not like you purposely picked it to mess with him or anything
The mans kept pestering you to watch something else cuz he just can't take this torture 😭
He really doesn't like the Sun
He says it looks weird, why would you put an actual baby's face as the sun??
It laughs and everything
At one point he just had enough and grabbed two pillows and shoved it in between his head
He didn't wanna hear any of it anymore HAHAHAHHAHA
He even went as far as to constantly poke your face and tell you to 'make it stop'
In the end you two didn't finish it cuz he was complaining a lot and you two ended up watching Don't Breathe 😔
I lowkey was scared of Teletubbies as a kid
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Guys, idk how to tell you this, but we’re nearing the end. I mean, i’m gonna write more smaller pieces and maybe another long one in the future, but this one specifically is ending soon
Mumbo walked down a hallway behind Drista. It looked like something Scar would have made as it looked more like a decorated underground tunnel than anything else. Stones of different types lined the walls and some vines and grass were present here and there. He kept trying to ask questions to pass the time, but Drista always shushed him. 
Since he couldn’t really have a discussion with her, he just looked at the walls around then that looked worn by time. Some ores were present in the walls, though they weren’t any Mumbo recognized. When he looked away from them, the redstoner could see what looked like the tunnel widening up ahead, likely to a room or sorts, though based on their surroundings, it could be more along the lines of a cavern.
He was right as when they stepped out of the tunnel, the ceiling was still made of rocks, but the room itself was filled with life. Trees of varieties he had never seen before littered the area. Leaves of blue purple and gold were scattered around and hanging on the trees. Flowers of every color. A small pond to the side, small lily pads covering a good portion of the surface. It was beautiful.
“Alright, a couple of the fam are headed over here to talk with you. Don’t go wandering around because this place is like a labyrinth and you don’t have the ability to get out yet.”
“You sound like you’re going to leave me here.”
“Cuz I am.” And with that Drista ran off down another tunnel that connected into the room. With nothing to do but wait, Mumbo wandered around the cavern, trying to not stray too far from where they had entered. He really decided to stay close when he saw what he thought was an armor stand wearing armor, slumped against a wall. When he got closer and noticed the skeleton within that was obviously not a reanimated monster, he made sure to run back and stay in place.
After he started to become a bit restless again, Mumbo was slightly glad to see people approaching him. All of them wore some sort of mask, which unsettled the redstoner a little bit, but he remembered how Drista and Dream had worn some of their own, so it must have been a Vault God thing. Come to think of it, Grian also showed off a Watcher mask once. Did these higher beings just wear masks?
“We do indeed. It hides the self and keeps us separated from those we… work with.” A chill went up Mumbo as he realized that they had just read his mind. “Yes, another reason for the mask, though that enchantment could be placed on anything.”
“Should I just ask questions in my mind then?” Mumbo asked, now trying to keep his mind empty.
“Nah, just Song being cryptic and stuff.” A new voice spoke from the Vault Gods and one wearing a mask that resembled a turtle slapped the back on the head of one wearing a mask decorated in music notes. “We can control it easy enough, some people just get used to various powers and tend to overuse them.”
Mumbo sighed in relief at the casual tone from turtle mask. He had no clue what to expect from whoever he would meet and assumed they would be very strict and cold people. “I see. Well, speaking of powers…” He trailed off, not sure how exactly to ask.
“Drista’s kept me updated.” Another new voice spoke. They gave a small wave when Mumbo tried to figure out who was speaking. He had to shift a little to see them properly, but taking a step to the side, the redstoner would see their mask which seemed to be a generic green alien. “You don’t want to be a Vault God, but you used your powers out of necessity.”
“I shouldn’t have any to begin with!” Mumbo argued. “I said no the last time Drista showed up and they went away. It wasn’t until I found Dream that anything happened again.”
It was quiet after he shouted, long enough that Mumbo was beginning to worry he shouldn’t have said anything.
“That does change things.” Someone in an earth mask stepped forward. “Due to Dreamon’s work with the abandoned Watcher he obtained.”
“His name is Grian.”
“Yes, that one. He was able to shield his world from the sight and hearing of both us and the Watchers. His abundance of power is likely what pulled yours out again, not true willingness.”
“Are you saying you can do something about it? I don’t want to be one of you. Grian’s a Watcher and he’s told me many times that your magics don’t mix. I lo- We’re… really close to each other. I don’t know what I would do if us being around each other caused problems.”
Again, there was silence from the Vault Gods. This time Mumbo wondered if, being able to read minds, they were communicating telepathically. “I suppose there is something that could be done.” One of them finally spoke up and Mumbo sighed in relief. “Masks are usually used as a limiter, that is due to enchantments, but others could be placed on it so it has the opposite effect.”
“That being?” Mumbo asked.
“It can be so that only when used will you be able to access your self as a Vault God. That being said, to do that, more than just powers would need to be sealed within the mask.”
“I would be able to stay around Grian though?” Mumbo asked, not caring about any side effects if it would get him what he was after.
One in a mask that seemed to house an entire galaxy spoke up next. “Yep, pretty much any Watcher if you really wanted to. I mean, doubt you’ll be around many, but hey, if you help out when we have to deal with… or I guess work with other Watchers, it would help.”
“Then I’ll do it.”
“Ey Big Geeeeee!” Tommy burst into the room, followed by Grumbot who had led him there. “Tubbo went with Sparklez to go see some of his family. Meaning time for you and I to get back into things. What are you thinking? New normal war to teach people things? Invitations to the upside down? Take people on base tours and blow their minds? Or maybe we go with the tried and true chicken bombings?”
Grian just rolled over in bed. “Noooo. I wanna go but everything’s catching up to meeee. I’m a messssss.”
“Dad is feeling sick from bad magic that was left over in your world.”
Tommy sat down and slumped. “Great, another thing Dream messed up. Can’t you just do some shit to get rid of it and be better already? The longer we wait, the less fun it might be.”
Grian gave a small hum as a signal that he heard Tommy. “Yeah. Left it on a table. Mask I was wearing when you stabbed me.” He pointed in a general direction and Tommy left to grab it. While he waited, Grian curled up more, wrapping his wings around himself. He was glad that the feathers helped muffle the sound around him which was starting to give him a headache. Stupid living base that you could hear everywhere.
When Tommy returned, he tugged gently on one of Grian’s wings. Because of the avian’s current state, he panicked and hit Tommy away with the wing. The blond was pushed back, glad his armor negated whatever damage that would have caused. “Sorry for startling you. I found it.”
Grian took the white mask from Tommy and put it on, glad that it started to block out whatever was making him feel sick. “Oh, that’s much better. So, what were your ideas again?”
Grian, Tommy and the bots were enjoying themselves as they returned to Mumbo’s base. Jrumbot was admiring the diamonds he had scammed someone out of while Grumbot put away the last of the discs he had been playing around, making sure he couldn’t be seen while they played, confusing whoever heard them. Tommy had emptied a shulker box of eggs onto the smp island and Grian had placed signs all over the place with cryptic messages.
“Oh man. We need to get Mumbo and get him to drag some people into Hermit Challenges.” Grian said through his laughter.
“I dunno. Me and him aren’t really on the best terms right now.”
“I know, but that’s exactly why you should do it. It’ll give you the chance to clear the air and ask why he was so upset.”
“Daddy yelled at us too.” Jrumbot looked up briefly from his diamonds. “Auntie Stress took us to see him but he got upset and wanted us to leave.”
“I wasn’t able to get a good look, but he had seemed scared. People tend to have different reactions when they are scared. Some get angry, others panic, even more just hide it.”
Grian picked Grumbot up in one arm and nuzzled him. “And we’ve all been through a lot so we know that. Mumbo hasn’t been through nearly as much. It would be better if it never happened, but the fact that it took so long is a good sign.”
“I guess.” Tommy responded, but he still seemed upset.
Just before they reached Mumbo’s base again, there was a burst of energy that came from it and Grian narrowed his eyes behind his mask. “They were told to stay in your world.” Then before Tommy could ask what Grian meant, the Watcher set the bots down and shot up into the sky so fast he left some feathers behind.
He scanned the base until he spotted a figure and dove towards it, landing nearby. “You shouldn’t be here. This is Watcher claimed. Get out before I make you!” He almost growled at them. He was prepared to shove them through a rift to send them to smp island and then throw them through the portal when the figure turned.
They wore a familiar suit, except for the fact that it was stained a bright red color. They wore a metal mask with piercing red eyes, and most importantly, a mustache. “Grian.”
Grian’s eyes widened. “M-Mumbo…” The Watcher felt himself start to cry. This couldn’t be happening. Mumbo had said no. Why would he change his mind? And he had protected Mumbo so this could never happen? So why had it? “Mumbo… please… why? Why would you-”
He didn’t get to continue as Mumbo pulled the mask off his face and discarded it by letting it drop to the ground. He followed it, collapsing to the floor and Grian rushed to him. Before he could do anything though, he noticed the lack of any foreign energy in the air. “Oh Mumbo… I’m sorry I thought you said yes.”
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
Head First, Fearless: Dean x Reader
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A/N: Hello! Well here we go again with a song fic that is brought to you by @my-proof-is-you​! She gave a good prompt: “But you're just so cool, run your hands through your hair, absent mindedly makin' me want you” from Fearless by Taylor Swift! All credit to this song goes to her OBVIOUSLY but there’s a few people, who I will not name, who didn’t believe this and one of them, happens to manage three of my favorite artists so I lost ALL my respect for him since I found out he was a part of this. It put me in a horrible place but I’ve been a Swfitie longer than I’ve been a fan of the other artists. My loyalty lies with Tay; always.
Anyway, I LOVE this song and I am so excited to hear the rerecording of the whole album, because it’s HERS now. Like it should’ve always been. And of course, I love Supernatural so I’m excited to bring these two worlds together again! 
If you want, I used Lover for a Castiel x Reader imagine that can be found here. Let me know what you think of it!
Warnings: All the fluff!
Word Count: 2048
As always, masterlist can be found here. My Supernatural masterlist can be found here. And here’s a link of Fearless so you can listen while you read! All lyrics are in italics! 
 “There's somethin' bout the way, the street looks when it's just rained, there's a glow off the pavement, walk me to the car, and you know I wanna ask you to dance right there, in the middle of the parking lot, yeah.”
“Dean!” You squeal as the rain continues to pour, soaking you and him. 
“Come on (y/n)!” He yells, as he leads you up to Baby in the parking lot. You two had just gone out to spend the day at a Farmer’s Market that was set up in the town you, him, and Sam happened to be in for the week. The case you were working was taking longer than usual and you felt like Dean had been working too hard so when you saw a flyer hanging from a pole in the town square about the Market on that coming Saturday, you thought it would be a fun little treat for you and him. 
Of course, you were not expecting the rain and when it first started, it was relatively light rain but it gradually got way, way worse, very fast. Just as you reached the car, an idea popped into your head; why do people run to get out of the rain instead of just enjoying it? 
“Hey Dean?” You say, stopping him in his tracks. “Dance with me,” 
“What? (Y/N), it’s raining.” He says.
“I know, but I think it would be fun.” He chuckles but walks to you anyways, hands placed firmly on either hip and swaying back and forth to the sound of the rain falling and some song Dean was humming. 
“If we get sick, I’m blaming you,” he says softly. 
“M’kay, I’ll take that blame.” 
Your relationship with Dean had always been a flirty one but you two never crossed the line of friends turning into more than that. You were scared to ever admit how you really felt about him because you know how he feels about relationships to begin with. Both him and Sam haven’t had it easy when it came to that kind of thing so why would you suddenly change Dean’s mind on the subject? But for him to be slow dancing with you in the rain in the middle of a busy parking lot is new for you two; it made your heart race. 
“We're drivin' down the road, I wonder if you know, I'm trying' so hard not to get caught up now, but you're just so cool, run your hands through your hair, absentmindedly making' me want you.” 
When you both decided it was too cold to stay outside, you got in the car and made your way back to the Bunker. Your mind was racing as you thought about what just happened with Dean back in the parking lot. Why would he slow dance with you if he wanted to just be friends? It was out of character for him to agree to something like that; he can usually be more stubborn than that. It didn’t make sense to you and all you could think was how great it would be to actually be more than friends with him. And when he rolled the windows down after it stopped raining, the wind was starting to blow and irritate his head, so he ran his free hand through it a few times; making him all the more attractive to you. He just seemed so cool and carefree; you wanted to be around that kind of attitude all the time. 
“And I don't know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me head first, fearless, and I don't know why but with you I'd dance, in a storm in my best dress, fearless.”
“So today was actually quite fun,” Dean says when you two walk back into the motel you were staying at. 
“Oh, so you’re not really an old man who just gets cranky when he has to get up early for something that’s not hunting?”
“Okay first of all, I’m not old and second, and second, I am not grumpy.”
“Yeah okay, Grandpa,” You say, teasing him. “Hey I just can’t believe you agreed to dance with me in the rain like that.”
“There’s a lot I’d do for you, kid.” He says, like it was an everyday saying for him, but once again, it made your heart flutter. What is he getting at?
“Well I think you’re the only person in the world I would let a perfectly good dress like this get wet in a storm. I don’t know why or how that even makes sense but it’s true.”
He just smirks at you before he heads down the hall to his room.
“What was that all about?” Sam asked, suddenly making his presence known.
“Holy shit, Sam, you scared me. I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Oh cut the crap (y/n) I know you secretly love Dean.” Shit, Sam was onto you.
“It’s no secret, I love him like I love you. You guys are like my brothers.”
“That’s not what I mean (y/n) and you know it.”
“Okay fine, but you can’t tell Dean, alright? I have this under control.” 
“Oh do you now?” He asked, pressuring you to spill the truth. 
“Yes, now don’t bring it up again.” 
“So baby drive slow, til we run out of road in this one horse town, I wanna stay right here in this passenger's seat, you put your eyes on me, in this moment now capture it remember it.”
A few weeks had passed and things went back to normal for the most part. The only thing that was different was Dean was being more attentive to you and more caring of your needs. It was like he was your boyfriend without actually being your boyfriend. It was out of character for him but you weren’t complaining. 
“Hey (y/n) wanna go for a drive?” Dean asks when you open the door after he knocked on it a few times. 
“Yeah, sure. Where are we going?” 
“Nowhere in particular, just thought you’d like some fresh air and to get away from this place.”
“Yeah okay, we can do that.” You weren’t going to lie, it was unusual for Dean to want to take a joy ride, especially in Baby, given the fact he doesn’t ever want anything to happen with her. But you figured he knew the risks of taking her out for the day so you went along with him. Going to sit beside him in the passenger seat, you felt your heart race all of a sudden. What was he trying to do?
“So, is there any particular reason we’re going for a joy ride in your most prized possession?” You ask.
“Actually there is, but I can’t tell you what it is, yet.” He said, looking over to you and keeping them locked on your for a moment, intensity radiating from them to you, before he looked back to the road before you. As the drive continued, you felt as though he was driving slower than he normally would but you were savoring the moment. Whatever this was, whatever he has planned, you were capturing the moment in your memory forever.
When the car finally came to a stop after driving for a while, you pulled up to a campground that was full of families that had stopped there for the night. Campers and RVs, fires burning and food being cooked surrounded the environment around you. The feeling of summer was lingering in the air, as the sun began sinking behind the trees. You had looked to Dean, who just met your look with a big smile on his face, but not saying anything. You watched as he sat on the front hood of the car, surprised that he was okay with doing so, but you followed his lead and climbed up beside him. 
“Are we camping out here?” You ask. 
“Oh no, I know you aren’t one for sleeping on the ground or away from a lot of other people, but I thought this would be a perfect place to tell you what’s been on my mind for a while lately.” He said, looking at the darkening sky above you before making eye contact with you.
“What’s that?” You ask.
“I want you to be my girl,” he spoke simply, getting straight to the point.
“Your girl? Like your girlfriend?” You asked for clarification. 
“Exactly. Look, I know I don’t normally date and do the whole couple thing but I feel like I need to do that with you. I want everyone to know how I feel about you without them knowing how I feel about you. I want all the chick flick moments with you, I want to be that couple that everyone gets annoyed with because they can’t keep their hands off one another. I just want to be with you, no matter how that looks. I’m all in and I hope you are too.” 
You had to take a moment or two to grasp what he had just told you. The feelings you had for him were mutual; you weren’t crazy for feeling them. He had wanted you the way you wanted him and it was the best feeling of relief you could’ve asked for. Shaking your head with a small smile on your face, you psyched him out to make him think you didn’t feel the same until you leaned over and kissed his cheek. 
“Well good, because I feel the exact same way. I’ve had feelings for you for a long time and they’re not going away anytime soon. I’m relieved to know that you feel the same way.” You admit. He just smiles his big, beautiful smile, making your heart melt more and more. Over the new few hours, you two sat and talked, watching all the other camp-goers enjoy the outdoors. Some kids even invited you to make s’mores with them, which you two happily accepted. 
“Well you stood there with me in the doorway, my hands shake, I'm not usually this way but, you pull me in and I'm a little more brave, it's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something, it's fearless.”
As the night came to an end, you couldn’t believe the change in Dean. Gone was the stubbornness of feelings and of showing those feelings to someone he cares about and it was refreshing. When you got back to the motel, before opening the door to let you in, standing in the doorway, he grabbed a hold of your wrist, and pulled you back to him. Suddenly there wasn’t a lot of space between the two of you and you could feel your hands shake from the nerves you were feeling. You were usually never like this with guys but Dean is not just any guy. He is the best guy you ever knew and you were going to love him in the way he has deserved and lacked for so many years. It started with his parents; Mom dying when he was four and Dad abandoning him every chance he got. Then, life just kept hitting him with curve balls where he started to believe he was unworthy of anyone’s love. But you were going to show this beautiful, broken man before you, what it meant to be loved wholeheartedly and completely without any conditions or worrying something was going to happen to the other person. 
Waiting in anticipation, he slowly and completely closes any leftover open space and brings his lips to yours. It felt like time had stopped so you could let the feeling sink in; he was finally letting you in. You weren’t sure how it could get better than this moment right here, right now, but you were excited to see where your relationship was going to go. An unknown feeling had washed over you after you two separated and went back in the room. A big smile and reddened cheeks never left your face but you struggled to find a word for it. When Sam had asked how your night went, and Dean had come over to kiss you again, right in front of his brother, the word finally hit you; it’s fearless. 
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Ezra x reader
A/N: So. This is a thing that happened. Title and lyrics are from Cycles by Tove Lo. Apparently I’m making a habit out of writing Pedro Pascal’s characters one-shots with Tove Lo songs as some of the inspiration.
Warnings: This is something that happens to me, usually at night when I have a harder time distracting my mind. I get overwhelmed by my own thoughts and I can’t break out of the cycle of thoughts and it’s terrifying. Not like a panic attack but the only things I can do are squeeze something soft, sway in a rhythm, and hum horribly until it passes.
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I'm in a cycle / yeah, I admit it / how can I change it when I don't know when I'm in it? / i'm in a cycle
You aren’t sure if it was the humming, the rhythmic rocking sway of your bare feet on the metal floor, or the lack of your body next to his that woke Ezra. Maybe all three.
But you only have a brief moment to notice the confused look on his face, half in shadow, as he searches for you in the low light of the pod. And then it pulls you back under.
That wave of endless fear, dulled only by the coursing of random thoughts that leave your muscles taught and shaking as you squeeze the fabric of the softest blanket Ezra could find you.
It's balled up against your chest, curled and twisted in on itself, the drag of it's plush texture soothes it's way across your arms, your chest, and pushes itself through the thin tank top. You've been rubbing a corner of it between your fingertips for as long as you have been standing here.
It could have been hours and you wouldn't have noticed.
The ends of your hair drag back and forth like a painters brush on your bare upper arms. The only sensations that matter are the ones that keep you from choking on the void of repetitive and disastrous thoughts.
The moment Ezra finds your form, hunched over and drifting side to side with some unknown, intense purpose he scrambles from the cot and over to you as swiftly as he can in the darkness. And once he is close enough, hand outstretched to grasp you, he sees your eyes, they way they reach past anything he can see, tilted up to look out one of the glass panels of the pod.
But you aren't really seeing, you haven't even acknowledged his presence a mere step in front of yourself. Sleepwalking, he considers. But no, this hasn't happened before, and surely you would have mentioned such a thing. Especially being out in the Green.
Oh no, this is something hauntingly different than the you Ezra sees during the waking hours. Your eyes are now fixed, on what he won't dare imagine, when they normally cannot seem to stay in one place. Always searching out something new to see, eventually coming back to land on him.
You are his Hummingbird, quick and skittish, but tenacious. Hungry for new opportunities, new things to learn, to consume and love and protect.
Oh you are a lethal protector, even in your kindness, a fray even he would hesitate to throw himself into.
Your swaying creaks the flooring of the pod in an offbeat tune and he wonders if it isn't helping to keep you locked in whatever state this is, the lines of your body tight with strained muscles.
He puts his hand on your arm but nothing. Not a flinch, no reaction, just the brush of his palm to your skin and you continue in your eerie dance. It sends a slow crawling fear down his gut, cold and precise.
"Hummingbird" he speaks quietly at first, putting his hand on your arm with purpose, not to stop you, just to make contact.
You let out a small hum and it's a weight lifted off of his shoulders.
"Birdie, can you look at me?" he asks, hand grasping more tightly, feeling the muscle beneath your skin coil and relax in turns.
Another hum vibrates the air and he can't decipher its meaning. If Ezra is a man of words, and indeed he is, you are a language he isn't always able to understand, even before now.
It scares him, that he can't always reach you with words, and now he is adequately terrified. He is more than confident that you are aware of this, you speak in looks and silent motions, subconscious expressions are your prose.
So he attempts a line out of your book. Putting his only arm around you, not pulling your body to him but the other way around. He secures himself to you like moss clinging to a tree and sways with you.
The blanket you have clutched against your chest is now a cushion for his as well, your arms caught in-between. Both barefoot on the grating of the floor, the metal is sure to leave imprints as a reminder.
Your head is tilted back, eyes on that far off point he'll never see, so Ezra watches the movement of your neck, the lift and fall of your chest, fingers gripping the cloth of your top where his hand finds purchase on your back.
He doesn't know how long you both stay like this, only that he tries to keep his own body relaxed, hoping it will leech into yours. And he keeps his words from tumbling out, trying to translate them instead to the movements of his fingers, the pressure and placement of his hand on your back.
He would stay here, silent as the coldness of space, for as long as you needed him.
The small tears that roll down your face feel like heaven. Because it's a feeling. Anything other than the blind dread that had woken you, locked you inside with racing thoughts too big, too scary, to have in the dark.
You can finally focus in on the view outside the pod, the foliage hanging above you and the stars beyond it. There is something different about seeing them from a planet or moon, wholly different than being out among them on a ship.
A subtle shift in angle, but not of sight. A shift in being. Being so fucking small.
"Hummingbird, can you look at me?" Ezra sounds worried, teetering on the edge of something akin to panic.
His hand slides up from your back to the stiffness of your neck, cradling the base of your skull and stroking away the tenseness he finds there.
The hum you make sounds broken, mixed with a sob hidden deep somewhere inside your lungs, and you pray to kevva he understands you.
Help. Help me, I can't crawl out of my own head. Please help.
Slowly, he manages to bring your gaze down to his, his grasp on your neck pulling you out of the ether and back into your body. You've stopped swaying. The ache in your muscles is deep, like you've swam against a strong tide.
"There you are" Ezra whispers, the quietest you think you've ever heard him, as he leans his forehead against yours.
His eyes are as deep as the space that you traveled to get to this place, where it is you can't honestly recall right now. But they aren't empty, not an abyss of fear that plagues you in moments of weakness, when you feel your mortality like a monster stalking you.
Ezra's eyes are rich with worry as you simply stare back at him, finding purchase in them, ground you can cling to. You know he finds his place in words and that he's just spent kevva knows how long wrapped up in silence, utterly shut out from you.
"I understand that look, Hummingbird, and I will not for one moment have you entertaining the absurd idea that I need an apology" he says, nose nudging yours and settling you with a look that brokers no counter offer.
"Okay" the word slips out, your voice watery and shaking.
"As for an explanation, I would at some point hope to be privy to one, but only when you feel willing and able to share. Is that alright?"
"Yeah, I just-" a few more tears escape you and you try to blink them away "I feel so small, weak, sometimes and it swallows me and I can't climb out. I get stuck."
You can feel Ezra nod, foreheads still pressed together, as he offers you a small smile, dark brown eyes warm as sun drenched soil,  freshly turned.
"I know you are not inclined to believe things like this so easily Hummingbird but you are the furthest thing from weak and please, understand when I impart to you that I will always be here to pull you from wherever you find yourself trapped, I mean it wholeheartedly."
Nodding, you give a smile that wavers only faintly, eyes closing when Ezra pulls away only to bring his lips to your forehead, pressing a kiss there before ducking down to place another on your lips.
It makes you feel as tall as some of the giant trees you've stumbled upon in the Green, reaching up to the sky, growing against the press of the universe, climbing up and reaching out to the dark. Unafraid.
Your hands have long since gone slack in their hold of the blanket, so you pull your arms free to let it fall at your feet. Slow and shaky, your hands reach up and cradle his face when you break the kiss.
"Thank you Ezra, for listening" you lean into him, thumb stroking the thin silvery scar on his cheek.
"With you, my Hummingbird, I am always listening“ he leans into your touch, pulling you closer, intent on never letting you fall again.
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Music Worth Making Part 6: Finally Free
Requested: yes actually lol
Warnings: Luke’s birthday is in this chapter, so sadness, but I think that’s it (other than bad writing of course)
Series Summery: When the reader’s life is ripped away from them, they’re distraught. But with her two best friends and three certain ghosts, maybe the afterlife isn’t so bad after all. 
Chapter Summery: You and the band play at your first gig.
Word Count: 3,233
A/N: Aaaa I’m so sorry this took so long! I was in a bit of a writing slump, and then school started. Also, I was trying really hard not to cry writing Luke’s birthday scene, so I have no idea how I’m gonna get through Unsaid Emily. Anyway yeah I hope you enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Masterlist
“How can we die if we’re already dead?” Luke asked, locking eyes with you.
After what happened in the gym last night, you decided you needed a little time alone, to process everything. Whatever it was had scared you, badly. 
You poofed into the Molina’s guest room, where Danny was staying. Wincing when you landed on your bad foot, you limped over to the window seat and sat, looking out at the street below. It was such a neighborhood. It was hard to believe that anything bad could happen here.
And yet, it had.
You gasped as the memory of the club came rushing back to you. Not the fun you had, but before that. Seeing the man who had killed you floating above the table. The Club had somehow made you forget that your host was a murderer. 
Sometime around 9 am, you decided to go check on the boys. They had been hit with the jolt too, after all.
“Y/N!” Reggie called out as you appeared in the studio.
“Where’d you go last night?” Luke asked from his chair. 
“I just needed some time to think.”
Luke nodded once, knowing from your tone not to pry.  “Uh, hey, we were gonna go to a cafe, you wanna come?”
“Oh! Yeah, yeah sure. Sounds fun.”
Luke narrowed his eyes slightly in confusion, but grabbed your hand and teleported to the cafe. 
“Oh, great angle, yeah,” Reggie said as the lady snapped a picture of her food. For some reason, you, Alex, and Reggie were all sitting with this lady while Luke was standing at the counter. 
“Is this what we’re here for?” Alex asked, his voice showing that he was regretting all of his life decisions. “To watch people take pictures of food?”
“It’s fun!” Reggie defended himself. “Watch this, people never stop looking at their phones.” He began to move the woman’s food around the table. She looked around in confusion before leaving the cafe. The three of you chuckled. 
“Plus, Luke said something about this place being a hot spot for music industry people.”
“Boys!” Luke said, sitting down in the chair the lady had just left. He glanced at you before continuing: “and, uh, Y/N, being a ghost definitely has it’s privileges. I just wrote our names on the playlist for tonight.”
“I’m getting a little worried about him,” Alex said, speaking to you but loudly enough so that the others could hear him. “He keeps forgetting that Julie quit the band.”
“And that she’s gonna come back!” Luke protested. “Just as soon as she knows we have a great gig.”
You bit your lip. You knew how stubborn Julie was, and she was pretty mad at the boys.
“But if she doesn’t come back, let's not forget we do have somewhere else we can play,” Reggie said, noticing the look on your face. “And eat pizza.”
“Dude, I know, it was awesome to be seen by lifers at Caleb’s party-” you flinched. “-but we got this with Julie. We don’t need him.”
Pain flared through your body again, almost making you fall out of your seat. It was getting worse; it felt like being stabbed again.
“It’s that same thing again,” Alex said, rubbing his side.
“Just like yesterday!” Luke added. 
“It feels like that time I was fixing my amp in the rain,” Reggie said. You stared at him.
“You shouldn’t… okay,” Alex started, giving up. 
“Look, do you think something’s wrong with us?” you asked, to no one in particular. 
“Yeah, yeah, we ate 10 pounds of pizza yesterday without a stomach. I’m sure it’s just our bodies working through it,” Luke said, although there was a hint of worry in his voice. 
“So we’re just gonna forget about getting back at Trevor?” Reggie said, desperate to change the subject. “That jerk stole our music!”
“And he has to live with that guilt. It’s like what Julie said, we have a new band, a new sound, okay? That’s what we should be focusing on.” Luke leaned back in his chair, looking at the three of you. 
Alex suddenly sat up straighter. “Isn’t that Willie?” he said, walking out the door. 
Reggie smirked. “Well, someone’s not focusing on our music.” You gave a small laugh. 
“Hey, Y/N, are you okay?” Luke said, leaning over the table towards you. 
“Oh, oh yeah, I’ve just got a lot on my mind right now,” you said, giving him a small smile. 
He leaned back in his chair, chewing his lip. He knew you weren’t being completely honest, but he didn’t push it. 
“We’re sorry
So sorry
We’re super-duper, crazy stupid
The boys sang as Julie walked into the studio.
“In case you missed it, we’re all really sorry,” you said, walking over to her. 
“Yeah, I… I got that part.”
“We’ve been here for like, three hours,” Alex said, high-fiving Reggie.
“We almost sang to your little brother.”
“He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom.”
“It’s not our favorite part of the day,” Alex whispered. 
“But, Julie, it wasn’t okay that we flaked on the dance last night,” Luke said, getting the group back on topic. 
“We know we let you down,” you said, moving to stand with the boys. 
“And none of us wanted to disappoint you,” Alex said quickly. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to us since we became ghosts.”
“So, in hopes that you’ll rejoin the band, we booked a new gig,” Luke said, nervously handing Julie the flyer.
“A mega important, life-changing gig,” Reggie smiled. 
“Oh, okay, check it out. Tons of managers go here to listen to new bands. All we gotta do is blow them all away, and we’re living the dream.”
“So, this means a lot to you, huh?” Julie said coldly. “Kind of like how playing in front of my entire school meant a lot to me.”
“Sounds like sarcasm… I’m starting to think our plan isn’t working,” Reggie muttered to you and Alex. 
“Look, we know we messed up,” Alex started. 
“But, we need you in the band,” Luke finished. 
“Of course you do. Because without me, no one can see you guys playing.” You looked at the ground in shame as Julie spoke. “You know, I thought that the music we were writing was special, but you’re too obsessed with your past to even care.”
“I do care!” Luke protested. “Our band has a real chance at greatness, and I’m not gonna let that get away from us again!”
“Uh-huh. Right. So then why did you bail on me to get back at Trevor? I’ll tell you why. ‘Cause there’s only one thing you care about, Luke Patterson, and that’s yourself.”
She turned and stormed out of the garage. “Y/N, are you coming?” she called out. You glanced at the boys apologetically before following your best friend. 
Julie sat on the couch, quietly scribbling down answers to her math homework. You sat in the chair next to her, sketching on a piece of paper you had found. 
“You uh, you got a second?” Alex asked as the boys poofed in. Julie ignored them, turning on the couch so they wouldn’t be in front of her. You stared at the paper you were holding. 
“Oh my gosh, she can’t see us anymore!” Reggie exclaimed. Alex gave him a look; Reggie muttered “oh.”
Alex sat on the arm of the couch. “Julie, please.”
“I already told you, I’m done with the band,” she finally spoke. 
“Yeah, we know, alright? But before you decide that forever, we just… we wanted you to know that Luke isn’t as selfish as you think he is.”
“Yeah, you’ve got him all wrong,” Reggie spoke up. 
Julie scoffed and went back to her homework.
“You remember that song ‘Emily’? Can we at least show you who that’s about?”
You never thought you would be spying on a ghost boy, but here you were. The four of you had walked to a house not too far away from Julie’s, and were peering through the front window from a distance. Luke was sitting on the counter, his eyes red from crying, watching an older couple move around the kitchen. It was Luke’s parents house.
“So, Emily’s his mom?” Julie asked, peering out from behind a tree. 
“Yeah. Yeah, Luke comes here a lot,” Alex said, crouching behind a chair. 
“He thinks we don’t know but, we’ve been following him,” Reggie admitted. “All he does is just, hang out like this and watch them. They never really do anything, though.”
“They’re having cake,” you noted. “That’s something.”
“It’s a… it’s a birthday cake. For Luke.” 
A tear slid down your cheek, matching the boy inside. 
“I never knew Luke was hurting this much,” Julie said.
“Yeah. It’s even worse because when he died, he… left on bad terms. You know, his parents didn’t want their 17-year-old to be in a rock band, so… he just left.” Alex said softly. “He never got the chance to make up with them.”
You watched as Luke blew out his birthday candle. His parents relit it and blew it out together.
“That’s why Luke was so angry,” you guessed, tears falling freely. “If Trevor had given Luke credit for writing all the songs, then…” you trailed off.
“His parents would have known his dreams were worth chasing,” Reggie sighed.
“They would have been so proud,” Julie said, her voice breaking a little. You looked over at her and saw that she was crying, too. 
Alex stood up. “We know how bad it hurts when someone that should’ve had your back… completely lets you down. We never meant to make you feel that way.”
“Julie, we love our band,” Reggie said, still crouching behind a plant. “And Luke does too. Please give us another chance.”
You looked back at Luke and his family one last time, noticing a bouquet of flowers on the island. You smiled to yourself. They were dahlia’s, Rose’s favorite.
“Marching on proud
Turn it up loud
‘Cause now we know what we’re worth,” you and Julie harmonized.
Luke suddenly appeared in a chair. “Whoa,” he said as the music died out. Then he smiled. “Julie.”
She smiled back at him. “Grab a guitar. We got work to do.”
“What made you come back?”
“I realized how important music is to all of us. And we’ve lost so much already. We can’t lose this too.”
“Thanks,” Luke said quietly. Julie smiled at him. “Alright, boss, where we at?”
Julie smirked, taking pride in the name. “Oh, and by the way, happy birthday.”
Luke looked a little stunned, and he glanced at you. 
“Happy birthday,” you said quietly, smiling at him.
A slight blush creeped onto his cheeks. 
Julie laughed slightly. “Let’s go from the pre-chorus.”
Alex smiled. “One, two three four!”
“Guys, are you sure? She’s probably just getting dressed or something,” you said as Luke, Alex, and Reggie stopped outside of Julie’s door.
Reggie smirked. “Which is why I’ll be doing this.” He stuck his arm through the door and knocked on this inside. 
You heard Julie chuckle as she called out: “What are you guys doing?”
Reggie stuck his head through the door. “We’re being classy,” you heard him say. You and Alex pulled him back. 
The four of you walked through the door.
“Why are you still here?” Luke asked. “We’re going in like, twenty minutes.”
Julie sighed. “I lied to my dad, so…  now I’m stuck in my room all night.”
“Yeah, but, we were just at the venue! I mean it’s packed, like, VIPs, managers…” Alex trailed off. “It’s kinda crazy.”
“What are we gonna do about my aunt?” Julie asked, sighing again. “She’s right downstairs.”
Luke walked over to her window, smirking as he opened it. “You’re not taking the stairs.”
Julie shook her head slightly. “Okay. Let me get dressed. I’ll meet you guys there.”
The guys all poofed out, but you stayed behind for a minute, admiring your best friend’s room. It was just so… her.
“Y/N?” Julie asked, making you jump slightly. 
“Oh, sorry, I’ll leave-” you started, but Julie cut you off. 
“No, it’s fine.” She walked over to the trunk of her mom’s clothes, pulling out a leather jacket and turquoise romper.
“So,” she started. “What’s the deal with Luke?”
You felt your face go red. “Huh?” you sputtered. “I don’t-”
“Oh come on, Y/N,” she said with a smirk. “Everyone can see the way you look at him. And the way he looks at you.”
You shook your head. “Even if I did like him, which I’m not saying I do, there’s no way he would like me back.”
Julie rolled her eyes. 
“Really Jules! I mean, look at me!” You gestured to yourself. “I’m a mess, inside and out.”
Julie walked over to you and let her hands hover over your shoulders. “Y/N, you are one of the most beautiful people I know. Inside and out,” she smiled. 
“You really think so?” you asked. 
She nodded. You smiled. “Thanks, Jules.”
“Anytime,” she said, smiling back before putting on her outfit for the night. 
“Next up, Dirty Candi,” announced the MC. 
“Am I too late?” Julie said, rushing over to where you and Flynn were standing. 
“Too early,” Flynn said, staring at the stage where Carrie was standing.
“Hope you all came to have a great time!” she said in a peppy voice. 
You glanced back and forth between Carrie and Flynn a few times. 
“Dirty Candi? How’d she get on the list?” Julie asked.
Flynn scoffed. “Her daddy probably made a call.”
You saw the way Flynn was staring at Carrie, trying to hide behind disgust. You smirked to yourself, but didn’t say anything. 
“I like this!” Flynn said, examining Julie’s jacket. “Pretty flower.” 
“Thanks. It’s a dahlia. My mom’s favorite.”
The three of you fell silent as Carrie started to sing. 
“Whenever I walk in the room
All the focus on me
The way I talk the way I move
They all want on my team.”
You rolled your eyes; it was clear that Carrie was just bragging about herself. Although you had to admit, the song was catchy and the dance moves were pretty cool. 
The guys appeared behind you, smiling as they watched the routine.
“The party don’t start ‘till I walk in
I’m stealing all the attention
Don’t get me started on mentions, yeah”
Suddenly Alex was on the stage. You and Reggie looked at each other in confusion, but Alex looked just as confused as you did. 
He quickly got over his confusion however, and he started dancing along with Dirty Candi. You laughed at his antics, making Flynn look at you in confusion.
 “Oh, it’s the guys,” you explained. 
Alex poofed back off the stage. 
“You having fun out there?” Julie asked him, laughter in her voice.
“It’s not my fault it’s my… it’s my feet.”
Julie scoffed, smiling at him. “Yeah.”
Alex grinned. “Put me back in, coach,” he muttered before appearing on the stage again.
You were thoroughly enjoying watching him dance around on stage, walking through Carrie and obviously having the time of his life. 
When the song ended, he hopped around in a little circle. “You’re making me blush,” he said, pretending the audience was clapping for him. Four members were.
He poofed back to you guys. “I um, I was just doing that for you guys.”
“Mmhmm. You can stop smiling now,” Reggie said playfully. 
“I’m not gonna lie, that was… kinda good,” Julie said. 
“Yeah.” Flynn scrunched up her nose. “I forgot why I hate her so much.”
Carrie walked up to the six of you, although to her it only looked like Julie and Flynn. 
“Hi girls!” she said brightly. “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
Flynn turned to Julie. “Now I remember.”
“If you’re looking for Nick, he didn’t come,” Carrie said coldly.
Julie stepped up to her. “That’s not why I’m here.”
“Okay, looks like we’re closing out the night with one more group,” the MC announced. “ ‘Julie and the Fat Ones’.”
You, Alex, Reggie, and Julie all looked at Luke as Dirty Candi laughed. 
“Really?” Alex asked him.
“Yeah man, my handwriting sucks.”
Julie walked past Carrie onto the stage, the four of you following her. 
“Uh, hi, it’s actually ‘Julie and the Phantoms’,” Julie said, her voice coming up at the end of the sentence, making it sound like a question. 
“Okay,” she muttered when no one answered, and started to play the piano.
“Hearts on fire
We’re no liars
So we say what we wanna say
I’m awakened 
No more fakin’
So we push all our fears away”
You joined her, appearing on stage and taking the harmony line. The crowd gasped.
“Don’t know if I’ll make it
‘Cause I’m falling under
Close my eyes and feel my chest
Beating like thunder
I wanna fly
Come alive
Watch me shine.”
Suddenly, the boys appeared too, making the crowd gasp again.
“I’ve got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you’re a part of me
Hands up if you’re with me
Now ‘till eternity
Hands up if you believe 
Been so long and now we’re finally free”
Julie smiled, letting you take the second verse. 
“We’re all bright now
What a sight now
Coming out like we’re fireworks
Marchin’ on proud
Turn it up loud
‘Cause now we know what we’re worth”
You smiled as Luke joined you.
“We know we can make it
We’re not fallin’ down under
Close my eyes and feel my chest
Beating like thunder
I wanna fly
Come alive
Watch me shine”
The five of you launched into the chorus again, Julie taking the melody. You dropped out, letting Julie and Luke sing the bridge.
“I got a spark in me
I got a spark in me
And you’re a part of me
And you’re a part of me
Now ‘till eternity
Now ‘till eternity
Been so long and now we’re finally free”
You smiled into your microphone as Julie nailed the high note, taking the melody of the chorus.
You grinned as the song came to an end, enjoying the adrenaline rush that came with singing in front of a crowd. You heard the crowd gasp again as the four of you disappeared, leaving Julie apparently alone on stage. 
“Thank you, we’re Julie and the Phantoms. Tell your friends,” she smiled before stepping off the stage. She immediately ran over to the bar area where you and Flynn were waiting.
You all squealed as they hugged each other.
“You were incredible! Both of you,” Flynn said, beaming at her two best friends.
“Yeah we were!” Reggie said as the boys appeared. 
You stood there in an excited silence for a minute more. 
“Hey, hey, whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming this way,” Luke said suddenly. 
“Oh, it’s…” Julie trailed off as she turned around and saw the woman making her way over.
“She looks all business,” Alex said a little nervously.
“Wait, who should do the talking?” Reggie asked. Julie looked at him. “Oh, right.”
The woman stretched her hand out for Julie to shake. “Hi, I’m Andi Parker, and I’m-”
“Julie.” Andi Parker was cut off by Ray. 
“Dad!” Julie said in surprise. 
“It’s time to go.”
Tag List: @xplrreylo @ifilwtmfc @sunsetcurvej @yagorlemmalyn @caitsymichelle13 @phantompogues
add yourself to my tag list!
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call-signvalkyrie · 4 years
Save Tonight
A/N: This was inspired by “Save Tonight” by Eagle-Eye Cherry. I’ve had that song on repeat for DAYS so I figured why not! This is also my first Star Wars fic! I hope y’all enjoy. (Flash backs and inner though will be in italics). 
Pairings: Poe Dameron x Mechanic!Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 2,250
Go on and close the curtains Cause all we need is candlelight You and me, and a bottle of wine To hold you tonight (oh yeah) Well we know I'm going away And how I wish, I wish it weren't so So take this wine and drink with me And let's delay our misery
Poe remembered the day he met you. He got up early that morning to give his X-Wing a good look over after the rough patch he had gone through the night before. He wasn’t much of a mechanic, but he could get the job done. He took a step into the hangar and there you were. Grease suit tied around your waist; white t-shirt stained from your using it as a rag. Your hair in a double braid down your back, elbows deep in the engine. He had never seen a more beautiful sight. At least he thought that until he saw you smile. He had to steady himself on a nearby fuel container before he doubled over completely.  
“Hey! Sorry to scare ya, I’m Y/N.” You said, sliding off the side of the craft and down to the hanger floor. You grabbed a rag out of your pocket to wipe away some of the grease before offering your hand.
“And I’m...”
“Poe. I know.” You flashed that smile again. Maker, he could have kissed you right then and there. He had never thought his name could sound so beautiful but there it was.
And here he was. Standing at the door of your room like an idiot. It had been almost two years since that first meeting and nothing about the way he felt about you had changed. He had teased, dropped hints but you never seemed to get the message. There had been a time when he tried to get you off his mind but he just couldn’t shake his feeling for you. He had been almost convinced you would never feel the same way until about a week ago.
One Week Earlier
“Finn! I’m serious! You can’t tell anyone, not even Rey.”  
“Y/N, I’m sorry to tell you but everyone already knows.” Finn gave you a cheeky grin that made you want to slap him. There was no way anyone knew how you felt about Poe. He was your best friend and had been for the last two years. You had done an amazing job at keeping your secret. Well, you thought so anyway.
“What do you mean everyone already knows! I’ve literally never told anyone. Shit, I've barely even admitted it to myself.” That was completely true. Poe would never feel for you in any way other than a friend and you were okay with that. You just weren't ready for everyone to rub it in your face.
“Whatever you say Y/N/N, I’m just telling you what I know.” Finn threw his hands up in mock defeat.  
“Whatever, Finn.” You said, sticking your tongue out at him as you walked past and into the hanger.  
“Finn! Finn did she just...” Poe came around the corner, catching his friend by the arm.
“Did she just say what I think she did?”
“Maker, Poe. You both really are so blind!” Finn rolled his eyes, putting his hands on his hips. “You two just need to get your shit together. I’m tired of this!” Finn threw his hands up in real defeat this time.  
“I know, man. I know. I just don’t know how to tell her.” Poe ran his hand down his face. He had to tell her.  
“You have to tell her. Soon.” Finn grabbed his friend by the sholders, shaking him gently.  
“You’re right. I will, soon. I promise.”
Save tonight and fight the break of dawn Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone Save tonight and fight the break of dawn Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone
Well, Poe. It’s now or never. He took a deep breath and knocked.  
“It’s open!” Your muffled voice came from deep within the room. Poe punched in your security code and stepped through the sliding door. You turned to see him, still wearing your grease suit.  
“Hey, handsome! When did you get back?” You grabbed your friend in a hug and gave him a good once over. “You take any damage this time?”
“No, thankfully. I’m fine.” Poe said, giving you a soft smile.
“I was talking about the X-Wing! I worked way too hard on that motivator for you to fuck it up again!” You said, winking at the taller man.
“Ha-ha, you’re so funny.” Poe said in with a fake laugh. He was so nervous. Get it together, Poe. “Anyway, you busy tonight? I’ve got a debrief in about 20 minutes but after I thought we could do something. Maybe take a speeder out to the edge of the base and hang out? Just you and me?”  
There was a twinkle in his eyes that you couldn’t place. Something about him was different today. He had more of a spring in his step but he almost looked nervous.
“Sure. That’ll give me some time to shower and change. Meet you back here after the brief?”  
“Sounds perfect.” Poe smiled then and pulled you in for another hug. “See you in about an hour?”
One Hour Later
After scrubbing most of the grime and grease from your body, you climbed out of the shower feeling relatively clean and refreshed. You stepped into your room, letting your y/c/h fall out of your towel. After pulling on a pair of black leggings and a grey tunic, you slipped on your favorite boots and a light jacket. Swiping on a bit of mascara, you let your hair fall freely over your shoulder, opting to wear it down instead of in your usual braids. Something felt different about tonight but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Taking a look at your data pad, you realized there was a comms message.  
------------------------------Communications Log 7189443------------------------------------
                    --------------One (1) Unread Message
--------- Dameron, Poe
Running late, explain later. Meet me in the hanger at 22:00. Bring caf, please.
There's a log on the fire And it burns like me for you Tomorrow comes with one desire To take me away (oh it's true) It ain't easy to say good-bye Darlin' please, don't start to cry Cause girl you know I've got to go (oh) And Lord I wish it wasn't so
Running out the door, you had just enough time to get the caf before getting to the hanger.  
“He, Y/N. Sorry about the short notice.” Poe called to you as you walked through the hangar. He was leaning against a borrowed speeder, a blanket draped across the seat.  
“Everything alright? I got here as quick as I could.” You walked up to the taller man, handing him a cup and taking a seat in the speeder.
“Yeah, um. Actually, no.” Poe climbed into the speeder, turning to look at you full on. “There’s something I need to tell you but I want to show you something first.”  
15 minutes later you were on the farthest outskirts of the base. There was a small clearing, mostly made of scrubby brush and a few spindly trees. Above the clearing, however, was the most incredible light show you had ever seen.  
“Poe, what is that?” you stared up in amazement. It was like the stars were playing tag across the night sky. Zig-zagging and blinking back and forth, changing every color and then back again.  
“They’re native to the planet. Completely harmless and virtually undetectable during the day but at night. Well, they do this.”  
The whole time you were staring at this mesmerizing light show, Poe couldn’t do anything but look at you. The way your eyes sparkled as the colors danced across the sky, your lips slightly parted as a soft smile spread across your face.
“Beautiful.” Poe said aloud. He couldn’t help himself.
“It is. I’ve never seen anything like this in my whole life.” You said, turning to look at him.
Poe stepped closer, filling the space between the two of you.  
“Y/N, I didn’t just bring you out here to show you this. I need to tell you something.” Poe took both of your hands in his. His heart felt like it was going to explode right out of his chest. He took a deep breath.
“My debrief earlier, the reason it went over. We’ve been sent on a new recon mission starting first thing in the morning. I leave at first light.”
“Okay, and you brought me all the way out here to tell me you want the galaxy’s most incredible mechanic to hitch a ride out with you?” You giggled, squeezing Poe’s hands in yours.”
“I wish it was that simple. No, Y/N...” Poe paused. Why was telling you how he felt so hard?  “I brought you all the way out here to tell you that this mission is different. I’ll be infiltrating enemy lines. I’ll be working on important intel that could help end this war. Leia says it could take up to 5 weeks to get the information.”
“5 weeks? Holy shit, that’s a long time, Poe. Is Finn at least going with you? What about Rey? I...” you were starting to feel a bit uneasy. Why was he doing this? He had gone on long missions before. Just last cycle he had gone on a 3-week recon.  
“Poe, what are you not telling me? What's wrong?”  
“Hey, hey. Calm down, everything is okay.” He stepped closer, cupping your jaw with his hand and caressing it slightly.  “Rey has to stay here and continue her training. Leia wants her to be almost finished by the time we get back. Chewie and Finn will be with me, yes but I wanted to tell you before everyone else started talking.” Poe shook his head. It was now or never.
“Start talking? Poe what do you mean? What happened at the debrief?” You pulled away from him, suspicion taking over everything else.  
“So, I might have asked if we could push our leave time to first light instead of immediately. And the General may or may not have read me the riot act after she dismissed everyone, causing me to be late.”
“Poe, why would you do that?! This mission is obviously super important, why would you...”
“Because, Y/N...” He stepped closer again, taking your hands back in his larger ones.  
“Because I wanted to spend possibly my last night here on this planet with the girl of my dreams. Because I couldn’t bear to leave this planet for 5 weeks without telling you how absolutely head over heels in love with you I am. I couldn’t be half way across the galaxy knowing that I was willingly putting myself in harm's way every single day and I never had the balls to tell you how I feel. I’m completely and totally in love and I don’t want to go one single second longer without you knowing.”  
You stood there, stunned. Was this a joke? This had to be a joke. There was no way that, Poe Dameron, THE Poe Dameron just said those words to you. But he did and here you are and HOLY SHIT you thought you might faint dead away on the spot.  
“Y/N/N, you okay...”
Before he has the chance to finish you grabbed him by the collars and pulled him into you, crashing your lips into his. He wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you to the edge of the speeder. Running your hands up to his curls, you give them a soft tug which pulls a low moan from deep in his throat. Your tongues dance together in perfect synchrony, both of you not wanting to break this perfect moment. Eventually you both pull away, lips swollen from the contact.  
“I really thought you’d never say it. I’ve felt the same way about you for so long now but I never even imagined you felt the same way.” You flashed him your signature smile.  
“So, you feel the same then?” He asked, a silly grin spread across his face. “Why didn’t you ever say anything? All this time we’ve spent together, all the time I spent trying to get a read on you and never could.” He smiled, kissing your knuckles.  
“You’re joking right? You’re asking me if I feel the same. Were you there five seconds ago? Do you not remember that kiss?” You laugh, lightly slapping his chest. “I never wanted to tell you how I felt. I thought it would ruin our friendship. Figured we’ve lost enough due to this war. Didn’t want to make us another casualty.”
“Yeah, I remember. I just want to hear you say it.” He smiled, kissing your lips again. “I understand. I’ve thought those same things all this time but, I don’t know. I just... This time is different. I needed you to know. And I’m overjoyed to know you feel the same.” he smiled that damned smile of his.  
“I love you, Poe. I have for a long time. I’m glad to finally let you know that. Ya know, to your face?” You giggled, deepening the kiss.  
“So, did you really ask Leia if you guys could leave at first light?”
"I did,” Poe said, “So just get ready for all that teasing that’s heading your way.” He gave you a wink.
Save tonight and fight the break of dawn Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone Save tonight and fight the break of dawn Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone
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straighttohellbuddy · 4 years
World building is the best tbh. I’m forever world building and now I have several worlds to play in and my neurodivergent brain cannot stay still enough to focus on one lmao. SLOWBURN ROMANCES ARE MY LITERAL JAM LIKE PLS!!! I LOVE THEM!! Also!!!! Concepts!!!! Pls share!!!! I love learning about the worlds of my fave fics and I can hands down say right now that this fic will literally shoot to the top of my list of favourites which means you’ll occupy the top three spots. Sorry to hear that ur feeling rough, so am sending u the biggest hug. I’m not okay but I’m taking care of myself today so that I will be 🧡-🐈‍⬛
alsjfsldkjf i have too many worlds TBH, literally one of the best parts of my 2020 was writing for the classic rock fandom and writing one of my good friend’s ocs alongside mine, like there’s so many different worlds that our two characters have now, i’m like 26k deep into a high school au that i need to get back to at some point, and then i wrote a oneshot abt the high school au but they’re adults, and then there’s also the original timeline, and then there’s the present day in the original timeline where they have kids and i probably care too much about people who aren’t real...... hahaha
yes i have a playlist for each, if you wanna hear how i interpret the vibes of the songs. if you interpret them differently, thats awesome!! i’d love to hear y’all’s opinions on them!!
testing one two - the first ep they release, the song titles are mostly themed (fast forward, press play, pause, rewind), but are mostly things y/n has been working on for a while but never got around to finishing, things they are rather proud of. i see you shiver with... is the first song they wrote specifically for the album, and it’s the last song on the EP because it’s a Rocky Horror reference; i see you shiver with...
a n t i c i p a t i o n - first full album!! the vibe is Hopeful But Hesitant it has all the songs from the ep, plus some new ones!! collabs with youtube musicians troye and dodie, and y/n’s label sets up a collab that turns into a genuine friendship. the breakout dance hit is what else is there to say ft. Troye Sivan, which is about not knowing what to make content about when it feels like you’ve already told the world everything. it featured the prechorus and hook
You, know, ev-ery-thing about me / gave it all for free / my life in HD / So, let’s dance, let me see your hips sway / we’re gonna be okay / what else is there to say?
So say that you love me, say that you love me, say that you love me / let’s die hand in hand. / I’ll tell you I love you, tell you I love you, tell you I love you / supply and demand. 
personally, i also conceptually enjoy srs bsns which is a really upbeat song about how they don’t care if people don’t take them seriously because they know in their heart that what they’re doing is good
hyperfocus - 2nd EP, a pretty substantial departure from their usual style, but also happens to quietly be Corpse’s favourite, and is actually y/n’s most polarising, because it has both the Grammy award winning HEARTBURN and the o brother where art thou which was written partially as a joke to capture a fond moment of them and 5SOS dicking around together in a hotel. written while on tour wit 5SOS, im writing the reader as having ADHD (because I have ADHD and i can do what i want), and the backstory is that they’d changed the medication/dosage they were taking, and as it’s their first full tour, they were under a lot of stress and were in a weird place mentally and emotionally, and hyperfocus is the result of that. i’m going through some stuff has HUGE agoraphobic vibes. 
HEARTBURN has the same vibes as Florence + The Machines’ Howl. It’s about being a demon without saying that or directly implying that unless you know demons real well. This is when the pressure for them to confirm their identity got real bad, and it was their way of working through those emotions.
tear in existence in the shape of a person / when i’m seeing clearly i can’t see myself / world can’t swallow what it can’t get it’s teeth into / got everything i wanted but i ain’t got my health
Got heart-burn--- / I’ll tear me apart / I’ll tear you apart / I’ll tear me apart. 
SCREAM gets rereleased as a remixed single featuring Fall Out Boy the following year. It won the MTV music award for best collaboration in 2018. 
In the time between hyperfocus and working on it, Y/N releases several singles, including a cover of Tell Him by The Exciters to be featured in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. They also take time to sort out their health, do a little bit more YT stuff, and travel internationally to do festivals. 
working on it - is kind of a middle ground between their original stuff, and hyperfocus, like pop-punk meets horror-pop meets whatever you’d classify halsey as. the first three songs were mostly written before the fic starts, so before they’re getting back to YT, but the last three, nightmare scenario, designed to hurt (touch me), and not scared were all written after they’d started hanging out with sykkuno and corpse. 
in-universe, imposter syndrome was originally something else, along the same lines of tired that they’re hiding that they’re a demon, but after meeting corpse nd sykkuno and having people who know, and lowkey being influenced by corpse’s music, the song changes directions, and YO OKAY YO::
I literally am so fucking flattered, my darling friend @bingusmode​ wrote lyrics for imposter syndrome and I’ve been yELLING about them ever since i’ve read them!! (also bunnie is fantastic and lovely in general 10/10)
if you thought you saw me 
i’d think about it twice
cuz while i know i’m naughty
everybody thinks i’m nice
cutest giggles get me
places that i long to be
but it’s not long before
everybody hates me
when you figure out i’m fucked up
you’ll probably think that can’t be right
but babe my image runs to save me
cuz i’m ugly day and night
nothing good about me
not the angel that i seem
cuz i’m a piece of shit
and i’ll ruin your fuckin dreams
i’m an impostor babe
you better run for your life
cuz there’s a bloodlust runnin through me
and you’re dripping off my knife
there’s no one here to save you
cuz you ate up all my lies
so beg me while you can
and draft up all your goodbyes 
if any of y’all are inspired by anything i put out, feel free to take it and run!! you have my blessing!! i am so overwhelmingly flattered by people who like my stuff enough to create because of it, directly or indirectly! lyrics, art, songs, anything!! legit! I love you!!
okay so designed to hurt (touch me) has big House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco vibes, and YES it’s about Corpse. YES it sends mixed messages. YES it has greek myth imagery and YES that imagery is confusing. not sure if any of these sets of lyrics actually go after each other but also idk??
will my fall from grace be graceful / as each move i see you make? / propped up on pedestals side by side / beneath our feet they shake / i’m the only one to hear you ask  / “What have they done to me?” / My boy, your wax throne is sun-drenched / you’ll fall in the name of your legacy.
eyes like yours watched rome burn / while hands like mine lit the pyre / we both heard me say we’d go down in flames / now you’re turning me into a liar / since you smile like that, like you can’t feel the sting / and we both know i can’t feel the fire
been telling myself i’m designed to hurt / but, baby, aren’t we a sight? /
check your reflection, your angles, apollo / you’re icarus in the right light /
we’re on the edge, i’m not scared to fall / we’ll take refuge in the night /
been telling yourself you’re designed to hurt / but, baby, doesn’t this feel right?
also, albumtouralbumtour is a reference to Bohemian Rhapsody.
n o s t a l g i a - the album the reader’s working on during the fic.
literally as i was writing this, bunnie sent through some FIRE lyrics for how the light gets in, (@bingusmode) i am going to be thinking about these on REPEAT for the next MONTH BRUV
little bit of darkness, treat me like a toy 
i got my hopes up and got them destroyed
bitter taste of regret sitting heavy on my tongue
can’t believe i let you convince me that you were the one
sitting here in silence, fabric running thin
petals burning in my lungs and stealing oxygen
embers from a cigarette falling to the floor
god i can’t take anymore
so i stumble to the window and pull the shades
and the moon pours in like you threw a grenade
i can’t understand why
i keep trying
cuz i never seem to win
but having any hope is how the light gets in 
from there, moment before impact ft. Billie Eilish is a club anthem along the lines of bad guy or COPYCAT, bass heavy with a drop that’s out of this world.
powdered pain, i’m in your veins / i’m the sting, the drip, the thing / you’re craving, but you hate to see me misbehaving / i heard my breakdown got you high / it’s true, but baby i can’t lie / i never got that rush, that burn / that makes you feel alive, i had to learn / to pick the slippery slope down which i fell / plan my pitstops on the way to hell / to pick my padding before i spiral / so if i break it’ll be in style
watch my misdirect, now freeze, / notice you can’t see the forest for the trees / you’re so desperate for my demise / but baby, i’ll make you watch me rise.
this is the moment before impact
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i know you hope i’m not okay / you get off on my audio misery
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i need you to know i want it this way / my breakdown won me a grammy
and this is the moment before impact
ur my favourite - interlude ft. sykkuno is probably one of my favourites, it’s just really soft, just a snippet of a conversation between the reader and sykkuno, maybe one of them told a joke and they both just sound real happy and sweet. its nice. it’s a nice moment.
means something is also for sykkuno!! it’s about how good-strange it is to be open and honest with friends, and how they usually aren’t but they’re glad they can be open and honest with him!!
meanwhile, i don’t think about u - interlude ft. CORPSE is a phonecall between corpse & the reader right after they announce they’re going to feature on acting like that, where corpse asks if they do this sort of thing to spite him, to which the reader responds ‘do i consider you when i’m making decisions about my career? no, corpse, actually i don’t think about you at all’ which then directly contrasts the song that ends the album, which is (how it feels to be) beautiful fireworks, which is essentially ‘i know how hard it is to exist like this, to be the centre of attention, to give off light and bring people joy, even when you’re in pain. i’m here for you. i love you.’
okay, i swear im done now, i’ll get back to writing the fic! (also i cannot BELIVE i managed to figure out how to embed those playlists but im so happy) edit: it didn’t actually work when i posted the ask, so anyways im sorry but y’all are abt to be spammed with playlists because i care too much abt this fic
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twittytelly · 4 years
An Unexpected Gain
Chapter Four - Once Upon a Time
Colin Shea X Female Reader
Series Masterlist
A/N: So this is the end of the main story, but not the end of the road. I am planning on writing a little epilogue, plus once I get it off my old laptop I'm going to edit my first first draft of chapter 3 and turn it into another side chapter. I just want to thank you all so much for your feedback on this story, it really means the world to me – I will definitely be writing more Colin stories alongside fic for some of Chris' other pre-Cap roles in the future. Also this chapter would probably not exist without @southerngracela​ read this to see why.
Warnings: Sexual references, swearing, bleeding in pregnancy, miscarriage scare.
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Mood board by@imanuglywombat​
Colin didn't sleep that night, paralysed by the guilt that had flooded his veins. He was desperate to find a way to make things better, to make things right. He knew that things could not go back to how they were before, but he didn't mind. Deep down he had always wanted the traditional rituals, pumpkin carving, Easter egg hunts and Christmas tree decorating; but he figured that being raised by his father, who's only method of father-son bonding was to bring him along to a stakeout coupled with his selfish nature meant that fatherhood was not for him.
The blinding sun that invaded through the crack in the curtains informed Colin that morning had arrived. Forcing himself out of bed, he had a new resolve. Colin figured that he may have blown his chance with you, but he could never forgive himself for fucking up his chance with his kid. Besides, you deserved far better than he could ever give you.
Things had gotten better between yourself and Colin in the weeks following the showdown in the hallway. While that night was not mentioned again, Colin had gone above and beyond to show that he wanted to be as involved in your pregnancy as possible. The day after the confrontation, you had arrived home from work to find a big bouquet of your favourite flowers alongside a hamper full of crackers, hard boiled sweets, and all the ginger flavoured snacks and drinks available with a note saying:
If none of this works or you get a weird craving, let me know. I'm at your beck and call. C xx
But that was just the start of it. Colin seemed to have obtained every baby book in Boston, and then set up a shared iCalendar so he could be there for every appointment. There was also the extensive research he'd done into midwives, antenatal classes and even hypnobirthing. Not a day went by without Colin sharing a link to a baby product, stating that he would have to buy most things for himself to keep at his place anyway – as much as that stung you were pleased that he was prepared to step up for the sake of the baby.
You were trying your best to overcome your feelings for Colin, but his actions had caused the opposite to happen. How could you not be in love with your handsome neighbour who rubbed your back as you vomited and looked at you as if you were most amazing person on the planet; who would always get you whatever you were craving after a gig, even if it meant going out of his way; who you could talk to about anything and everything, from absolute nonsense to your deepest fears about motherhood?
Colin was tearing his apartment apart looking for the right cable for his amp. Band practice may have only been taking place on the roof, but he didn't want to make his bandmates wait around. While he was rooting around his desk, he knocked his mouse, causing his computer monitor to come to life and your face lit up the screen. Colin remembered snapping that moment months ago, when you found him alone on the rooftop after one of your dates had gone wrong. You had weasled Colin into playing one of your favourite songs and began dancing in the moonlight. Colin recalled how he had to capture the look of pure unadulterated joy on your face as you swayed in the glow of the city. Colin could still hear you giggling as you raced down the stairs to his apartment and he realised then that he was done for. He didn't fuck you that night: for the first time in Colin's life, he had made love.
Colin was so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn't hear the frantic banging on the door. He looked away from his computer and sighed.
“Hang on I'll be up in a s-”
“Colin I'm bleeding!”
Colin would never remember how he had gotten you both to the hospital, but he could never forget the tension that filled the air as you sat in the waiting room in the maternity ward. Colin was trying his best to stay calm for your sake, but his insides were still twisting and turning. His heart shattered as he felt you tremble in his arms. He did his best to soothe you by delicately running his hand along your back, your face buried in his shoulder. If Colin had his way he would pull you onto his lap, however he knew that now more than ever he had to respect your boundaries. Colin noticed his shoulder moisten as your trembles turned into sobs, he tightened his arms around you and placed a chaste kiss to your temple.
“Hey, hey you're gonna be okay” He said desperate to comfort you. “Whatever happens, I'm here.” You hands tightened on his plaid shirt as you looked up into his eyes. In that moment, Colin swore that he would do anything to take away the fear that was in your eyes and used his thumb to wipe away the tears on your puffy cheeks.
“I'm just so scared Colin.” You said in a voice barely above a whisper. Colin leant down to place another kiss on your forehead.
“I know sweetheart, me too.” Colin confessed. Colin opened his mouth to say something else, but before the words could come out your name was called out. Once again your destiny was calling you, except this time you were hoping with every fibre of your being that pregnancy would be the result. Colin rose from his seat and turned to you holding out his hand.
“I promise that we're in this together.”
Once you had heard your baby's heartbeat, it was explained that it was likely a sub-chorionic bleed and you were still likely to have an healthy pregnancy. As the nurse explained that you needed to take it easy for a few days, you couldn't help but zone into Colin's demeanour. As your twelve week scan was still a couple of weeks away this was Colin's first scan. When you saw the look on his face as he heard his child's heartbeat for the first time, you knew that no matter how abnormal this whole situation was; you could not be happier that you were doing this with Colin.
You felt that you should have been excited or at least relieved, but you were numb and exhausted. As you climbed into the passenger seat of Colin's van, you barely registered him speaking to you; luckily he didn't press you for an answer and he began to drive. Instinctively you placed your hand on your belly, where your warm hand brushed against the strip of skin that was exposed after your top had ridden up slightly.
You were still preoccupied when Colin made an unannounced stop and so you didn't notice that he had gotten out of the van until he was getting back in. He passed you a warm paper bag that smelled of fries. As the engine came back to life you noticed the excitement was rolling off Colin in waves and for the first time in what felt like decades a small smile crept across your face.
Soon enough you were outside your apartment block, where Colin escorted you inside with one arm slung protectively around your shoulders. Once you were inside and settled on the sofa, Colin retreated to the kitchen, but within seconds was back and handing you a plate of your exact order from one of your favourite burger places. Without saying a word, you inhaled your meal like a lioness devouring her prey. You noticed Colin sit beside you as closely as possible and you both ate in silence.
You couldn't help but think of the parallels between now and that night a few weeks ago; especially as Colin was there for you in the exact same way. It was as if he intuitively knew what you needed. You knew that the pair of you were committed to having this baby as friends, but you couldn't help but feel that he was acting more like a boyfriend. You knew that once the stupor had worn off you had to bring it all up again.
When you both had finished eating, Colin took the empty plates into the kitchen. As he returned you noticed that the excitement had evolved into nerves as he tried to calculate his next move. He stood to the side of the sofa and fidgeted about, until you stood up and made your way to him. Taking your hand in his, you looked up into his beautiful blue eyes.
“I don't think I can sleep if I'm here on my own, please can you stay until I drop off?”
“Of course I will sweetheart,” Colin answered. “You know I'd do anything for you.”
Once again he let you lead him into your bedroom, but Colin looked away as you kicked off your trainers and socks. Not bothering with your pyjamas, you shimmed out of your jeans and bra. As he heard rustle of your quilt Colin lay on the bed beside you, staying above the duvet.
“Sorry for being such a misery guts, I know I should be more excit-”
“Don't be silly Y/N.” Said Colin sympathetically. “God knows you've been through the ringer tonight, of course you're exhausted.”
You nodded gratefully. “I know this may sound a bit silly, but could you just – I don't know – tell me a story or something – I need to take my mind of tonight for a bit.” Colin gave you a thoughtful look, before kissing you on the forehead again.
“I know just the tale.” He said jokingly as you made yourself comfortable and closed your eyes.
“Once upon a time, just down the corridor lived a jester. The jester was handsome, smart and sexy as hell.”
You did your best to suppress the snort that broke free, of course Colin would use the opportunity to talk about himself.
“The jester was a gifted musician, who would often use his talents to enchant a wench back to his chambers: where he would demonstrate his other mind-blowing capabilities.”
“Colin if you're gonna use this as an excuse to brag about your sexual escapades then I'd rather be alone.” You said in faux annoyance.
“Of course not and if you stop interrupting me, you'll see this is an epic love story.”
Sighing, you indicated to Colin that he was free to continue.
“One day the most fair and beautiful maiden moved in opposite the jester. The jester tried with all of his might, but the maiden was immune to the jester's charms; for she dreamed of being swept off her feet by a handsome prince and the jester believed that true love was not his fate.”
You opened your eyes and looked at Colin as he was staring at the wall. Was he talking about you? A past conquest? Some made up fantasy woman? As Colin turned to look at you, you quickly closed your eyes and hoped he didn't catch you staring.
“The maiden found many suitors, but they did not appreciate the maiden's beauty and kind nature. One fateful night, the jester saved the maiden from the clutches of a troll disguised as a prince. The maiden thanked the jester by letting him spend a magical night in her chambers.”
Your heart started to pound against your ribcage. Yes, he was talking about you, but why? What was Colin trying to achieve?
“The next day the jester promised to help the maiden find her true love and would satisfy her needs in the mean time. However, as the jester spent more time with the maiden, he began to enjoy her companionship and as the weeks turned to months the jester realised that he had fallen in love with the her.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and your heart skipped a beat. Colin was in love. With you... But when? How? Why the fuck didn't he say anything?! You noticed that Colin's breathing had changed and as his fingertips tentatively brushed your across your face to move a stray hair, you opened your eyes to see the azure of his eyes looking right back at you with the boldness to take down a dragon. Before you had the chance to say anything, Colin continued to speak.
“The jester knew that he was not good enough for the maiden and believed that once she had found her prince charming he would have to do whatever it took in order for her to be happy.”
“Colin I-”
“Sh!” Colin interrupted, pressing his index finger to your lips. The story isn't over yet sweetheart.” You decided not to argue to see where Colin was trying to go. As Colin removed his finger, he took a deep breath.
“One day the jester decided to visit the maiden to find that she was most upset. The jester did his best to comfort the maiden, but he found something that did not belong to him... something that... I assumed that it wasn't mine.”
You sat up, your heartbeat accelerating. “Colin wh-”
“The week before, you brought home that James guy home.”
“He missed the last train home and I offered him the couch, but he tried to get into bed with me so I kicked him out. Anyway Colin I was six weeks along when I found out.” You explained as you tried to figure out if you were angry or hurt. “You were the only person I was sleeping with for a while. Colin we could have been together weeks ago, why didn't you say anything?”
“Because I'm not the guy girls want to end up with, I'm just the slutty neighbour. All everyone wants from me is a second round in the morning.”
“Yeah and you proved that when-” you started feeling more agitated.
“If I could take that back then I would!” Colin almost snapped, hurt filling his eyes. Colin went to look away, but you reached out and put your hand on his cheek, forcing him to keep eye contact. “Y/N don't forget that you hid from your feelings for as long as I did. You deserve to be swept off your feet and to ride off into happily ever after with your prince charming, and that's not me.”
“Listen here, Jester.” you said as your thumb stroked Colin's cheek. “I don't want that bullshit. I want Once Upon a Time with you; the guy who never fails to make me laugh, who filled his cupboards with the exact brand of ginger tea that I like, who always comes to my rescue when I need him most.”
Colin's eyes widened like a child on Christmas morning as you leaned in closer and dropped your voice to a whisper.
“Also don't tell the little one, but the sex is pretty mind-blowin-”
Before you had a chance to finish, you felt Colin's soft lips on yours. Bedsheets were shoved to one side as arms wrapped around each of your bodies, pulling you both as close to each other as possible. You deepened the kiss, allowing Colin's tongue entrance, where you both tried to disclose the feelings that words could not define. Eventually, the kiss came to an end, and you both parted for air. Resting your head on his shoulder, you watched as Colin hesitantly placed his hand on your belly. There was no bump yet, but you couldn't help the goosebumps that appeared as Colin stroked your stomach. Colin looked up, with the biggest grin you could ever imagine, excited for what the future had in store.
“I love you Y/N.” Beaming back at him, you replied simply with the only four words needed.
“I love you too.”
Taglist: @whiskey-cokenfanfic @mrs-captain-evans @ransomsweatersandcappuccinos @southerngracela @katiew1973 @supersoldiersruined-me @kelbabyblue @amiquette @feelmyroarrrr @patzammit @daydreamerinadazedworld @denisemarieangelina @jeremyrennermakesmesmile​ @bellaireland1981
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fandomsilhouette · 4 years
fan the flames and face the fire (all these sparks make me a liar)
Some glass is crystal clear, with all the world behind it to behold. This glass sends color ricocheting off the walls, brings light where there was none and makes the world look brighter, more valuable than it was before. It makes the world look worth exploring, worth loving. Worth being vulnerable for. 
They’re both glass. Just glass, right? 
Felix was used to the feeling of eyes on his skin like judgement, like insects or shame crawling up his spine. It was easy to ignore; years of practice made shedding stares like shedding a coat after stepping indoors. 
Hanging out with Marinette made his nerves tingle, every curious glance like a spark waiting to set him alight. He itched, squirmed under the attention, didn’t know how she could bear it so poignantly. It took him two months to ask. By the time she responded, head tilted cutely, bangs falling into her eyes, he wished he’d never even thought of the question. 
“What stares?” 
She didn’t even notice! Marinette had spent her whole life existing in a circle everyone wished they could be a part of, for good or for evil, curious and conniving and hopeful and horrible and everything in between, and she had no idea. Being in the middle of a hurricane that he had spent five years caught in the winds of was surreal. It was like floating on the same clouds that had left him drenched and drowned for so long. 
Marinette handed out pieces of herself so casually, as if this information wasn’t unbelievably precious, as if they were scraps of paper like notes dropped onto his desk instead of gifts of gold he hoarded like a dragon, as if  Felix didn’t desperately want to make up for the last five years of distance. I like to sew, she mentioned, I want to be a fashion designer. Do you want to see my sketches? Baking is stress relief for me, she explained when her parents dropped off the mini cinnamon buns she’d made in the shape of little cats. I don’t like to bring them to school myself though because I’m either confident or clumsy, and I haven’t figured out how to choose yet. She brought him notes when he was sick, because catching up when Chloe got me wrongfully suspended was so hard, and even when it was overturned the teachers didn’t offer much time for recovery. She was astonishingly good at science and never learned how to subtract; she liked to quilt and cross stitch but she knew how to bind her own books too, because reading on the screen gave her a headache. 
Felix learned all of these things like they didn’t matter, like the way that she hummed off key under her breath and the way that she swung her arms in time to his footsteps when they walked together wasn’t important, wasn’t as essential to Felix’s life as his own breath, his own heart. 
Felix grew up without friends. By choice, by necessity, by whatever he chose to label it: but now he was here, and he wanted everything. This being friends thing was so… was so intense, with the way his heart pounded in his chest and his words disappeared with one glance of her playful blue eyes. Felix had never felt so flustered in his life, like he was always a step behind her, like every time he managed to catch up she disarmed and sent him reeling long enough to race forward again. 
Felix had spent so long learning how to be a good boy, a mature boy. A young adult confident in his skin. Being around Marinette meant learning how to be messy, wild and spiraling out of his body, taking up space and throwing words against a wall to see what sticks. 
Marinette made him feel like it was okay to do that. 
Marinette made him feel like he was good when he did. 
It’ll be the first year they’ll take the bus to camp together, really together, the way they should’ve at age seven. Felix is bouncing in his seat, clenching his fists over air when he can’t find anything to grab, to hold onto or tear at. He’s clutching at the windowsill waiting for her signature ponytail to bounce into sight. 
She does, and his pulse races. Her tank top stretches over her shoulders, rides up against her stomach, and Felix nearly topples out of his seat. She’s here!!
Immediately, two campers rush to grab her wrists, already pulling at her. Felix remembers them from last year, so scared to be away from home for the first time, and it looks like they remember her well. Another child is crying quietly, and Marinette makes her way over, kneels until she’s at their level. 
“Hey there, little bird!” She tugs at their t-shirt, hanging loosely off of their shoulder. A cartoon bird is ironed onto the pocket, and Marinette pokes at it gently. The child hiccups a laugh through tears, and Marinette scoops them up into the air. “Gonna fly away from me, little bird?” They laugh and kick until Marinette pulls them into her chest, where they bury their face into her neck. 
“No!! I’m gonna stay here with you!!!” Suddenly shy, they peek up at her. “If… if that’s okay?” 
“Well gosh! I can’t imagine being anywhere else.” When Marinette winks, Felix sees their shoulders relax, draining of tension. They snuggle into her, and he knows she’ll be spending the bus ride in the back with the youngest campers. Something like disappointment and pride curls up in his stomach, a cat making its home by the hearth. 
Marinette waves at him as she passes and another camper, nine years old and too hyper for their own good, throws themselves at Felix. He catches them, and grins at Marinette. His smile is crooked and the child is already yanking Felix’s shirt out of place. 
She takes a picture, and Felix grins harder. 
Being at camp as the eldest campers is a wildly new experience. Nino has taken over the guitar laying haphazardly by the fire pit, and there are always camp songs drifting across the fields now. His wrist is decorated with friendship bracelets from all the kids he sings with. Felix and Marinette have matching ones and Nino likes to tease Felix about them being the only pop of color on his otherwise grey palette. Being friends with Nino is new and thrilling too, inside jokes and playful ribbing that makes Felix grin. Marinette has admitted she likes watching the two of them interact, and Felix makes an effort to do it more often just for that. He spends time with Nino even when she’s not there, though, and it’s nice to have another friend, no matter how much it doesn’t feel the same as being friends with Marinette. 
Camp looks the same and different now. There are so many people they already know, who are still finding all the best spots in the forest to hide in, the best trees to climb to see all the way out to the waterfalls just ahead of camp, the best foods from the great hall and the best ways to roast marshmallows over a campfire to get that perfect char, that melted inside. 
Every now and then, Marinette smirks at a particularly perfect marshmallow and then glances at Felix. He refuses to ask until almost six weeks later, she adds a little shimmy of her shoulders and an eyebrow wiggle, and then he folds like a bad hand at poker. 
“Okay, fine, what is it?!”
“...they’re like youuu!” She does it again, and this time her shimmy leans her into his space. Felix holds himself still and hopes the light of the fire covers his blush. 
“Grumpy on the outside and melted in the middle!!” Her voice is sing-songing and Felix refuses to acknowledge exactly how melty being around her makes him feel. 
“...you’re just as melty, okay.” His voice is gruff and he’s worried as soon as he says it that she doesn’t want his friendship in that same consuming kind of way, that she’ll laugh and prove him wrong. Instead, she stays quiet for a long moment that sends Felix into a whole new kind of panic and then responds, almost too quiet to be heard over the crackling of the fire. 
“...I really am.” 
Felix is suddenly overwhelmed with the way that she says it, like there are so many levels to what she’s saying that he can’t possibly burrow through them all. 
“I-- Marinette, I’m so lu-- lucky to be your friend. I know that I could’ve had yo-- uh, could’ve been your friend years ago, and it’s my fau-- my fault, but I have you now and I’m… lucky, thank you.” 
“...I’ve never heard you stutter like that.” 
Shame flushes through his body. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so-- I’m sorry, Marinette, I’ll stop.”
“I kind of like it.” She isn’t looking at him. Her voice cuts through to his heart anyways. It pulls at him, yanks his response out of him before he has a chance to grab it back, pull it into himself and tear it apart. 
“I like it when you fall apart like that. I feel like… I feel like I get to know you more than the polished perfect boy you used to pretend to be, like I get to see the way you think as it happens. It makes me feel trusted, and I just… I really value that, Felix. I know how special it is.” She watches the campfire spit flames at her marshmallow and turns it idly, following the glittering trail of sparks across the skyline, then peeks at him between her bangs. 
“I know how special you are. I’m pretty lucky, too.” 
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captaindaddykru · 4 years
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☆for emily☆
today it’s @keiraknighted‘s birthday. i wanted to finish this before today, but everything is flaming garbage, so a preview will have to do. no, i will no be giving out more details. happy birthday to my musical soulmate, the kinkiest queen of them all, em. my ol’ cobber. my favorite drongo. quite the spunk you are. you’re a classic. and you live in the worst possible timezone imaginable. here’s some best friends, pining, sexy, below <10k hopefully. also, sorry for the ugly temporary moodboard???? i was getting desperate at this point and am no grapic designer. i just needed something to distract from what you’re about to read. cheers!
So, by the time their holiday break rolls around, Clarke isn’t only sexually frustrated, she’s also kind of desperate. Which only intensifies when a few days before they’re all flying back to their hometown, Wells casually lets it drop he’s now in a relationship with a girl from his old chess club and things are ‘heating up fast’, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. She’s just more aware than ever she’s running out of time. 
Clarke doesn’t even know why it’s such a big deal to her. Maybe it’s her competitive streak coming into play, or the fact she really just wants to get the whole awkward virginity thing over with, maybe it’s the dark inexplicable pang in the middle of her chest whenever she sees the constant rotation of girls on Bellamy’s Instagram and Snapchat. She figures it’s a healthy amount of jealousy, courtesy of their very codependent ways, sharing everything with each other since childhood. They’re all apart for the first time in a decade, going their own ways, perhaps even growing apart. 
She doesn’t think about why Wells’ honest to God girlfriend doesn’t bother her as much when in reality that should make her feel even worse. A girlfriend could screw with their dynamic, a bunch of one night stands rationally speaking won’t. It could be that she knows Wells too well to know there’s still a very big chance he won’t go through with it, that he’ll let the girl down easy before Christmas even rolls around. 
But. Then she finds herself thinking of his jacket covering her shivering body, drenched from the rain, her left arm throbbing with pain, his hand wrapped around hers as he told her it was all going to be okay. She thinks of that time he left Gina’s birthday party early to come pick her up at a friend’s house after almost having a panic attack, the nights he spent sleeping in her bed after her father died, how he never once complained about getting her coffee from the drive through that was more than his hard limit of three dollars, and that one throw-away moment at the end of summer. That goodbye hug that lasted just a little too long, his arms tight around her waist, the intense look mirrored in both of their eyes as they pulled apart, the way she was afraid to say anything in case her voice gave out, before she got into her mom’s car and watched him and Wells disappear in the rearview mirror. 
It’s hard to explain, even to herself. It’s why she never thinks about it for too long. 
Which all brings her to tonight. A new year’s party at the house of someone who went to the same high school as them, that has all the charms of a bad hang-over in the making — terrible beer, music that’s mostly EDM and completely shit-faced people plastered across every surface.
She hasn’t seen Wells since his father’s Christmas party. Clarke finally met Luna there in person. She’s beautiful, easily talked to her about the non-profit she’s interning at for half an hour and had nothing but love in her eyes whenever she looked at Wells. He’s with her at her parents’ ski cabin right now, and from the way Bellamy was clapping his shoulder before he left early in the morning, Clarke figures he’s probably losing his v-card to her there which means that she’ll be the only one out of the three of them not to complete the pact. There’s no way she’s finding someone before midnight that she’d both feel comfortable with taking hers, and is even willing to do so in the first place. 
To make matters worse, Bellamy has totally ditched her to play beer pong with Bree, which she isn’t even sure isn’t code for hooking up in the coat closet. He knows she hates parties, especially when she doesn’t know anyone else there, and that she’s horrific at first impressions. She’s forced to make small-talk with Murphy, the loser who still hangs around their high school parking lot and she used to share one Culinary Arts class with before he got suspended. 
All of it combined has put her in a sour mood. And a drinking mood, but since all there is fucking shitty beer that might as well be toilet water she can’t even get drunk, so that just makes her even more unreasonably upset at nothing in particular. Maybe at the fact she’s so high strung and obsessed with controlling every little detail, that she didn’t just get it over with back on campus with some frat boy she never had to see again after, or that Wells and Bellamy managed to make it happen without even trying. It’s probably because she’s trying way too hard, people can probably tell.
It’s not fair that both of them beat her to it. Clarke wants to just be done with already, too. She wants to get it over with so she can get to the good, non first time stuff like them. She wants to be flirting with boys and girls at parties, or ask for someone’s number at a coffee shop without having to worry about having to explain it’s her first time doing any of it when they eventually invite her over to their room. She wants to be free and nonchalant and spontaneous, not constantly weighed down by the fact that she’s a virgin. It’s not like she’s asking for much. 
Half an hour to midnight, she pushes her way outside to the porch for some fresh air. It’s there where Bellamy finally bothers to leave Bree and her attention-seeking ways behind and come find her. 
“What’s up with you?” He asks, half a chuckle in his voice as he leans his forearms on the railing, mirroring her. 
Clarke grits her teeth together, then slowly exhales through her nose. She keeps her eyes on the tree swing in the distance, swaying softly because of the wind. “Nothing.”
He elbows her playfully, although his tone is serious. Of course he sees right through her. “Come on. Don’t give me that.”
She just grumbles something indecipherable, pushing back her hair from her face with one hand. She still doesn’t look at him, scared she might give anything more away. From inside, there’s the muffled beat of a hiphop song playing joined by the distanced tumult of college kids getting drunk and having fun. Except for the couple making out on the other end of the porch and one stoner sprawled over the grass smoking and staring at the sky, they’re alone. 
“I’m sorry about leaving you for Bree—” Bellamy starts, straightening back to his full height, and before she knows it, a flare of anger rises within her, burning white hot. She doesn’t recognize the feeling, but gets too lost in it to analyze it for very long.
Her head snaps to the side to glare at him, fingers tightening around the railing until her knuckles turn a pale white. “It’s not about Bree and her pathetic fuck-me eyes.”
“Okay,” he replies, sounding a bit too amused for her liking. He leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. It makes his biceps bulge in a way that’s completely unfair when she’s been perpetually turned on since Halloween, and it sends a surge of want pulsing from her core. “Then what’s it about, princess?”
Has his voice always been so deep? She hesitates, not sure she even wants to share this with him. He might be her best friend, but it’s embarrassing on a level she can’t even try and start to describe. “I’m annoyed, okay?” She bites, heated, which immediately makes her feel guilty. It’s not his fault nobody wants her. “I expected that I’d at least beat Wells to it. And since it’s all I can think about all the time now, I’m constantly horny.” A blush forms on her cheeks, down her neck and all over her collarbone, but she refuses to let that or the way his eyes widen slightly stop her. It’s only awkward if she lets it be. “I just feel so stupid. I mean, I had five months to get it over with like both of you, and here we are. What the hell is wrong with me?”
A tense silence wraps around them for a moment, Clarke’s heart pounding loudly in her chest as panic claws up her throat. She’s such a fucking idiot. She shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place. She’s sure neither of them would’ve actually held it against her if she didn’t lose her virginity before new year’s, they’re better than that. She knows they are. Clarke is just so — frustrated.
His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and she finds herself entranced with the movement. “I didn’t know you were so upset about it,” he starts, tentatively. Her blue eyes snap up to meet his, a smirk breaking across his face. He’s teasing her, the asshole, when he says, “I mean, if you’re that desperate, I’ll do it.”
Her eyes narrow, finally pushing off the railing. A gust of wind greets her body, bristling her hair and making tiny goosebumps appear over her arms. She’s seconds away from angry tears, she can tell. “Don’t make it sound like it’s such a fucking chore.”
Bellamy just kind of stares at her dumbly, his whole body grown tense, making her even more furious. Did he lose his tongue all of a sudden? He’s never had a problem sharing his opinions on her, no matter how negative, before. “What?” She snaps, roughly brushing  a strand of hair behind her ear before tucking her hands back underneath her opposite armpits.  
“It wouldn’t be a chore, Clarke,” he corrects her, his eyes still slightly widened as if alarmed by the sound of himself speaking. He swallows visibly, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down in the low glow of the Christmas lights draped across the ceiling of the porch. Bellamy lifts one of his shoulders, casual, even if the movement is stiffer than it usually would be. “I just — I didn’t realize I was an option.”
Her heart trips over itself as silence stretches between them for a moment. She wants to ask him a million questions, but the best thing she can come up with is, “So you were serious?” Clarke raises her eyebrows, trying to figure out if he was just being nice, taking pity on her or if it was something much more dangerous than that. “You’ll do it?”
His jaw clenches briefly, his nostrils flaring. Another second, and he asks, rough, “Do you want me to do it?”
She considers it. This is Bellamy, her best friend. He can always make her laugh, and there’s no one else she feels as much at ease with, and he’s definitely attractive, even she has noticed as much. She likes his stubborn curls, his smile when someone catches him off guard, the sharp line of his jaw. And at the very least he would know what he’s doing. She trusts him. “Yes.”
Now that she’s aware it’s a possibility, she refuses to want anything else. It’d be kind of perfect, actually.
He clears his throat, blinking hard as he tears his eyes off her for a second, scrubbing his face with one of his hands. It’s very big, and Clarke finds herself wondering for the first time if it means the rest of him is big as well. Bellamy sniffs when his dark eyes land back on her. “Have you been drinking?”
“Just half a beer,” she answers, maybe a bit too eager, her hands dropping at her sides after smoothing down the bottom of her glittery top. She doesn’t want to give him enough time to talk himself out of it. “And I think someone diluted it with water so it barely counts.”
He nods, once, then nudges his head to the side. “Want to get out of here?”
Taking one more look around the porch, Clarke worries her bottom lip pensively, shooting him an apologetic look. “My parents are having friends over, so my house is definitely not an option.” 
Besides, she doesn’t want to risk them finding out and making it weird. Especially not if the consequence is going to be an open door policy whenever he or Wells are over. Nothing has to change after tonight.
“Thelonious is out,” he offers, then flinches when he seems to remember something else. “But Octavia might show up with her friends.”
Clarke nods, giving him another long searching look before she makes up her mind. It’ll be fine. This is Bellamy. She’s a pro at compartmentalizing and he’s sleeping with a different girl like every other night. It can just be sex. “Upstairs then?”
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Field of dreams
Henry Cavill x OC Lisa - multi-chapter fic
Author’s note: The Scottish highlands, some bear tears and a whole lot of (outdoor) loving. 
Word count: 4.432
Disclaimer: fluff and smut
This is part 19 of the Tea for Two series. 
Find the Masterlist here. 
< Go back to part 18
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Tall wet grass blades licked my calves as my rain boots plowed through dewy fields, the tiny water drops sparkling in the light of a watery sun as it slowly rose over the steep Scottish hills.
It was about 7 am and the world around us was slowly waking up, its wild scenery conjuring itself up from the stormy dark of the night before. It had rained all night and the animals were glad to be out and about again. Birds chirped their morning song, supple wings carrying them with grace through the rain heavy skies, while a few big Scottish highlanders mooed at me and Kal.
Henry had left for an early start at work - I don’t know how that man could be such an early bird -, so it was just the two of us as we slowly trodded to the set that lay a few miles north of the cottage we resided in.
After months of jet setting through the hustle and bustle of large cities, it was almost unsettling to not have a single person around for miles.
What if something happened? What if I got hurt?
I pushed the thought aside as I was greeted by Kal’s wet nose pressing into my hand, his big paws quickly zooming past me as he continued to pee on every rock and tree he could find.
I smiled, taking a deep breath.
Scotland was every bit as beautiful as the pictures I had seen in magazines. It was raw, wild and fantastically beautiful. Like a painting, the landscape oozed “magic”. Lush greenery, with speckles of rock, yellowish moss and the occasional abandoned ruin that once had been the homestead of some civilisation long gone. The wind licked at our hairs, pulling it wildly back and fro as little misty drops of water kissed our faces. A remainder of the previous down pour.
Even the smell was something out of this world. It lay almost thick in your lungs, so fresh and earthy, the wet grass mixing deliciously with the muddy earth and the warm wool vest that was snuggly wrapped around me. It almost smelled like…home.
Home, in my case, being a rural area in the Netherlands, its outstretched flat landscape housing more cows and sheep than humans. My whole youth I had spent cycling and walking through similar green fields. Be it to go to school. Or the small supermarket. Or friends. Always there was this vast landscape enveloping me, making me feel ever so small and insignificant. It had been humbling, for sure, and even to this day it reminded me to humble as a human being.
And sure enough it had not only been the land, but also my mom.
As my rubber rain boots slushed through the grass I could almost hear her voice again..her never ending rambling as we walked the dog at an eerily early hour of the day. A moment we both cherished dearly. She, because she could talk without being nagged by her annoying colleagues or my grumpy dad. I, because I enjoyed listening to her while I slowly woke up from my dream-laden sleep, my jaw cracking open in large, relaxing yawns.  
And just like Kal did, our border collie would zip through the tall grass, chasing down small animals and doing his business before quickly rushing back to greet us with a happily lolling tongue.
I could also remember the last time we walked together, before I moved out to “the big city”. Her words still regularly swam through my mind in a moment of quiet.
‘Never forget I love you. Never forget I’ll be here for you. And most importantly: never forget to be there for yourself. Know it is okay to find things frightening. But don’t let it hold you back. Embrace it. Study it. Question it. And you will find it isn’t quite so scary at all. It is just..new!’
I had cried that day, for the first time in years. I had been scared, even though I sure as hell didn’t want to stay at home forever. I did want to grow up. I did want to live a life of my own. I did want to discover the world. It was just that the first step was particularly hard.
Now, some ten-ish years later, here I was. In the Scottish highlands. Walking the dog of the man I loved more than I thought possible. And I was discovering a new bit of the world every day. I was living my own life.
Sure, I was still scared at times. But that was okay.
Being scared was okay..come to think of it.
Just a week ago we sure had a scary moment. Or should I say new and exciting? As the days progressed the experience of a false alarm pregnancy was slowly turning from a shock into a new sense of wonder. Would I ever be a mom? Would I ever have a child of my own? To talk with him or her while our feet trampled through tall wet grass, a dog skirting our sides? Was that really such a scary idea?
Perhaps not.
It was just new.
Yes. New.  
My eyes picked up the glistening of something. I peered into the distance and realised it were aluminium roofs. The set! My heart thumped in excitement as I felt a slow smile creep up my cheeks. Moving further up the hill I got a better view of the small encampment of trailers, tents and trucks that were scattered amidst some old ruins. Just another mile or so and we could start another day of “something new”. Something new not being human babies, but a new season of the Witcher.  
All day I hadn’t seen or spoken to Henry. Which was slightly frustrating, sure, but I could quickly put those feelings aside as work had started to pick up pace. More trucks arrived, schedules needed to be adjusted to fit weather forecasts and set pieces needed saving from the never ending flurry of rain showers. This was what I liked most. Hands-on, hard work.
Before long the day was drawing to an end. It was 6pm and the crew had just finished packing and securing everything in containers, the night shift starting soon.
Also, at long last, I had managed to get a hold on Henry, who was just getting out of a costume fitting, his tumble of dark curly hair slightly dishevelled as he walked up to the car.
‘Hi there handsome.’ I smirked, leaning against the back of the SUV, my feet sunken away in an inch of mud. He came up to me and Kal and smiled a quiet smile before placing a kiss on my lips and scratching Kal behind the ears, his other hand rummaging through his pockets to look for the car keys. Not being able to find them at once, he furrowed his brow, cursing under his breath. The pent up frustration of more then just hard-to-find car keys was tangible in the air.
‘You okay dear?’ I asked carefully, my hand moving out to stroke his arm, but instead tentatively hovering mid air. His whole body was screaming “I’m not okay”.
He groaned and shook his head. ‘Just a bit of a bad day.’ He swallowed, finally finding the car keys and sighing softly.
‘Here, give me that. I’ll drive. YOU sit back and relax.’
‘No, no. It’s fine. I can drive.’ He muttered, his body language telling me otherwise. He was in fact not even making an attempt to walk towards the driver’s seat, instead opting to just stand there, looking a bit forlorn.
‘Look at me.’ I commanded, finally moving my hesitating hand to his arm, offering him a gentle rub. He looked up at me. Our first eye contact of that day. And for the first time ..ever, I saw something I don’t think I had ever seen before in his eyes. Tears. Unspent, hot, burning, tears.
I felt my heart sink.
‘Let’s get into the car.’ He finally croaked, moving to the passenger side of the car as he offered me the keys.
He didn’t even put up a fight, like he usually would when I offered to help him out. It was really bad then, huh?
I clicked the car open and Henry climbed in without a word, Kal quick to follow suit. I looked at them as the door was pulled closed, my mind not fully registering what was happening until I felt my feet instinctively carry me to the driver’s seat, the mud slushing below my well-put-to-use rain boots.
As soon as I plopped down on the soft leather seat, I could see him unravel. The usual big presence that was Henry Cavill now melting down to a slumping mess of chocolate brown curls and shaking shoulders, his large frame hanging heavily into his seatbelt as he curled his fingers through little bits of Kal’s fur. Grasping on like the dog was his very life buoy. His breath hiccuped as the waterworks opened up, salty tears burning like acid over his beautifully square jawline.
What should I do?
I hesitated a moment before moving my hand to his shoulder, rubbing slow, big circles over the tense muscles, opting to not speak for the moment as heavy sobs echoed through the car. He probably just needed a moment to cry. Release whatever he was holding in. And I was glad he didn’t hold back, his bone wrecking sobs now filling the air with a certain heaviness.
It all came pouring out.
We sat there for a few minutes, his hands now moving to his face, covering his teary cheeks as he let out a few more shivery breaths. I was glad he had parked at the far end of the parking lot this morning, this spot offering us some privacy so none of the other set members could see us while they got into their own cars.
I moved my hand up through his curls, massaging his scalp in slow kneading movements, my other hand moving to Kal’s fur, Kal now quietly pushing his head into Henry’s lap. I truly believed that dogs could sense what their humans are feeling. And needing.
At this moment, Henry just needed us with him.
‘I’m sorry about that.’ Henry finally muttered, his voice slurred with emotion.
‘Don’t be.’ I said, my hand still moving slowly through his hair, the thick hair soft below my finger tips.
‘I just…’ Another sob came over him, his shoulders sinking down as he bent forward to rest on his elbows.
I moved my hand down to his back, rubbing more large circles over the warm plane of muscles that sat below his leather jacket and auburn woolen sweater. He shook his head slowly, his face contorted in sorrow, half hidden behind his large hands. My heart cried for him, my lips pulled into a tight line as I saw the love of my life torn to pieces by something unknown.
Had something bad happened? Did someone hurt him? Did someone die?
Slowly his sobs calmed again, his face remaining hidden behind his hands as he took a few deep breaths.
‘I’m here for you.’ I said gently.
‘I know.’ He said feebly, finally looking back up at me through tear drained hands. ‘Let’s go home.’ He pleaded softly. I nodded and revved the engine, the vehicle gently rolling back through the thick mud as I clicked on my seatbelt.
The road was zig zagging through the lush green hills, giving me a decent excuse to drive nice and slow, the car now quiet as Henry and Kal both stared out of the window. My eye moved from my two sweet men, to a lake that lay just behind one of the slopes. 
Without much of a second thought I decided to take the next exit from the main road, a slightly more bumpy country road taking us to a small parking lot that was placed just behind the hill that hid the beautiful vista of the lake.  
Henry looked up, slightly confused, his sorrowful blue eyes looking at me with question. ‘Let’s get some air.’ I said, removing my seatbelt and swinging open my door. The sun was slowly starting to come down from its high perch, the greenery kissed by its sinking rays. I moved to the front of the car, stretching out languidly and waiting for a very hesitant Henry to also climb out of the car.
He didn’t say a word as he moved next to me. Kal was left in the car.
‘It’s just ten minutes to the house.’ He said, his voice still cracking a bit. I nodded and shrugged. ‘I know. And we’ll get back home, trust me. I just think you would like to see this.’ I smiled gently and stretched out an arm, enveloping his hand in mine and tugging him towards the small path that curved up the grassy hill.
We slowly paced up the hill, our feet sinking away every meter or so in the slippery mud, until we reached the top. Our eyes met with a most magical sight. 
In front of us lay the lake in all its desolate glory, the water reflecting the patchwork of colours that surrounded us. Baby blues, lush greens, bright pinks, various hues of yellow and brown, splashes of grey rock and the grey-ish blue sky up above.
I let another deep breath seep into my lungs as I smiled at the sight, softly squeezing Henry’s hand as I also heard his breath halt for a moment.
‘Wow.’ He said, his voice slightly more upbeat then before. I decided to not look at him, and instead released his hand so I could balance myself as I started walking down the slippery hill, moving closer towards the lake. Henry followed suit, his foot falls not far behind me.
‘I walked here this morning and thought you’d like to see it as well. It sure is true what they say..’ I turned around to look over my shoulder, seeing Henry struggle to keep his footing as he met my gaze. I smiled. ‘..it’s magical out here.’ His eyes remained locked on mine as a very small smile tugged at his lips, his ocean blues still blazing with emotions unsung. I turned back to continue my path, but was halted by Henry’s hand as it slipped around my upper arm.
I looked back up at him, his words already moving through the air.
‘My brother Charlie and his wife are expecting again.’
His words were uttered with a dry matter of factualness, but it was weird since this was the first thing he said to me after his outburst..Something told me there was some co-relation between the two.
I whisked up a kind smile and pushed the thought aside.
‘Congratulations. They must be overjoyed! That’s their..fourth kid then, right?’
His jaw clenched as a feeble smile appeared on his lips. ‘Yea.’
Our eyes remained trained on each other for another moment before he broke our gaze, looking back over my shoulder and taking in the beautiful vista.
‘I’m sorry for just now. Really. I don’t want to scare you..I just..’ He took in a deep breath as he closed the distance between us, his foot nearly slipping again in the mud. We both let out a little gasp, our small smiles now turning into large grins as our hands entangled to both find steady footing again. Henry chuckled softly as he settled for a steady spot, his hands moving up to cup my cheeks as his fingers brushed away a few strands of hair.
‘I just have a bit of a hard time with this news after that..thing..earlier this week.’ He looked down at our mud soaked feet, his thumbs drawing soft circles over my cool skin.
‘It’s been a lot on my mind as well.’ I agreed, moving my arms to encircle him, my head leaning against his chest while my eyes quietly peered over at the lake. ‘Pregnancy was just..not something I had ever really given much of a thought and the possibility of a slip kind of took me by surprise.’
I felt him move his head, his nose nuzzling my hair before planting a gentle kiss there. ‘I didn’t sleep a wink that night. I was just..so…’ He sighed. ‘Excited. Gosh, I’m so sorry for that. I knew there was only but a tiny chance and..even if it was so, you might have not wanted to keep it, or something could have happened..and…’ His voice hummed in my ear as I noticed two majestical swans coming over the hill, their large white wings elegantly curling so they could slip their large bodies into the shimmering water.
I stopped him mid-sentence.
‘If I had been pregnant I would have kept it.’ I said, my cheek still pressed against his chest. I could feel his thumbs still on my cheeks, his breath hiccuping as the words found their rightful meaning in his head. It took another long moment before he finally released his breath again, his hands moving down to tilt my head up.
I looked up into those big blues, his eyes pouring out all the love they could give. I wish I could capture this moment and put it in a frame. Forever to keep so I could be reminded of what it was like to be loved a man like Henry.
‘Why?’ He asked, a bit dumbfounded. I chuckled, and looked back at him lovingly.
‘Because, although it’s scary..it’s far less scary when I know I can do it with you. Besides..’ I smiled and shrugged. ‘..I bet you’ll be an awesome dad. Bad jokes and all.’ He grinned and tilted my head up further, his lips softly brushing over mine. ‘I’ll try my best.’ He said, a smile quickly growing on his lips.
‘I’m sorry for scaring you Henry. I know what I said was..difficult to hear. I mean. I know you really, really, really want to start a family, and then to say that I’m scared and..’ I rambled on but his lips quieted me, his tongue demanding entrance as he pulled me closer, kissing me with such passion I forgot how to even stand up straight, my knees becoming putty.
‘I can wait.’ He finally breathed in between kisses. ‘For babies that is. Not for you. I..’ He kissed me again. ‘..Need you. I need you always. I never loved a woman like I love you.’ He pushed his groin flush against me, his very evident rock-hard need now pressing into my belly as his tongue danced with mine, my lips widening as I gasped at the feeling. ‘Fuck.’ I breathed, my hands now pulling at his shirt to steady myself.
Come on knees, don’t give in on me now!
Henry noticed my struggle and just like in a movie, he pulled us down, our bodies sinking gently into the grassy hillside as his lips kept peppering me with his devotion. ‘I love you so, so much.’ He groaned, his voice thick with emotion once more. I let my head fall back into the soft grass mounds as his lips moved down to my jaw and my neck, his lips leaving a burning trail of tender skin, slightly reddened by his five o’clock shadow. 
The damp grass was slowly drenching my clothes, but I couldn’t care, the sensation of his heavy muscles pinning me down along with his musky scent mixing with the smell of crushed grass..it was all I needed.
Without much of a thought my fingers nimbly moved to unbuckle his belt, the metal clanging ringing like bells in the soft wind,  his hands in turn moving below my jacket to knead my lower back through the thin material of my summer dress.
‘Please.’ I begged, hastily tugging open his jeans.
‘Please what my love?’ Henry grinned, moving up ever so slightly so his dark eyes could peer into mine.
‘Want me to dirty talk huh?’ I quirked up an eyebrow, finding him smile at me in amusement.
‘Well.’ I licked my lips. ‘I want you to fill me up so good..our heartbeats become one. I want you to claim me…’ I pulled him down with a tug on his jacket. ‘I want to feel you inside me. Hard and pulsating and..’ I didn’t need to continue, his hands making light work of pushing aside my dress and panties, his erection springing free from his boxers.
‘Fuck baby.’ He growled, his velvety hardness pushing eagerly against my petals, his hips slowly..ever so slowly..forcing me to take him in. I let out a shivery breath as the sensation of the cold grass in combination with his hot flesh overflowed me. I didn’t even have control over my body anymore. As by second nature my legs wrapped around his hips while he pushed himself further and further into me, stretching my soft walls to accommodate his need.
My hands clawed at his back and our tongues darted in a sensual dance. A dance we had become well practised in now. Prodding, teasing, rolling, sucking.
My back arched up as he finally bottomed out inside me, his arms now moving to pull me up from the soft wet grass, our weight being shifted on his knees as he sat up. I no longer felt the cold dampness, but instead a wave of heat as his large arms encased me, pulling me as close as he could.
‘I am yours.’ I breathed, feeling Henry around me like a blanket of love. His hot breath against my cold cheeks as his lips bruised mine, his arms my bed and his cock my life force. I did not need another thing in the world right now, my eyes just lazily taking in our surroundings as he started to push inside me.
Low golden sun rays caressed his skin, making him as beautiful as a son of the gods, his chiseled jaw clenching in effort as his hips started to move at their own volition. It was like one of those great marble statues had been brought to life, no ink spared to paint him to be the most beautiful human being I knew. Strong, yet sweet, proud, yet humble, loyal, yet thorough. And did I mention well endowed? Yes. All of the above.
I leaned into his arms as I felt myself practically float, the grass blades that occasionally tickled my naked flesh the only reminder that I was in fact still earth bound. Henry’s delicious roars and moans filled the air as the sun set behind the hills, his hips jerking now in earnest.
I could feel a few drops hit my skin.
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Was that sweat?
Was he crying?
I finally came back to and looked up at Henry, his face contorted in ecstasy. No tears, that was for sure. I let out a low moan as our eyes met. Dark, smouldering, filled with want. Seeing those dark stormy eyes as he filled me up so deliciously made my insides coil up, my nerves shoot small sparks of electricity.
‘Gods.’ I gasped, giving in to the sensation as my body started to spasm, my legs locking even tighter around his hips as my eyelids became heavy with lust.
‘Come for me my angel. Let go.’ He said, his low voice now ringing somewhere in the back of my mind as hot fire emblazoned my groin, my hands feebly scratching at his shoulders as my hair kissed the grass that lay beneath us.  
Stars struck my every nerve and I lost all control of my body, my body spasming beneath Henry’s iron lock as my throat let out a lone cry.
Henry did not stop, his hips still pushing me further and further over the edge as I keened and pleaded. My orgasm slowly made way for a pleasant high, my body still moulding perfectly around Henry as he searched for his release.
I could feel more water drops hit my face. I looked up and noticed the threateningly dark sky that now drifted towards us.
It was about to rain. 
I reeled up my head and let the cool water drip on my heated skin, my cheeks so flush with need that the heavenly water was a welcome guest to our conjoinment.
The small drizzle became bigger drops.
Henry pulled me closer, ramming into me with a certain earnesty now.
I would be sore later.
Bigger drops became a pour, our clothes slowly becoming wet with not just our sweat, but also rain.
I let out a low moan as I started to feel him twitch inside me, his hands now clenching me so hard he’d surely leave some marks.
‘FUCK HENRY.’ I gasped, my whole body being shook by his punishing pounding.
So this was sex like with an emotional Henry. Fuck me.
The rain started to pour harder and harder as Henry’s thrusts became sloppy, his head flopping forward as he let out a low roar.
‘FUCK BABY. FUCK. I. Love. You. So. Much.’ He jerked as he spilled his life giving seed in my womb. Once more sealing our union, now for the world to see without the protection of stone bedroom walls.
I could visualise it. Our bodies half clothed, sprawled out on the tall wet grass. Completely soaked. 
Heavily panting he pulled me closer, shielding me somewhat from the rain as he rubbed slow lines over my back. I was drenched. Everything about me was drenched. In and out. Super wet.
I let out a soft giggle as our eyes finally met again.
‘I. Am. Wet.’ I sniffled, earning a chuckle from him in turn, his hair now forming a wet frame of delicious curls around his face.
I hope our kids will have his curls.  
We quickly hurdled ourselves back to the car, finding an enthusiastic, but also slightly confused Kal as he licked our salty, wet hands. I sat back behind the wheel as Henry gave Kal a big bear hug, his eyes quickly trailing back to me. We didn’t need to speak, the only sound in the car now being the rumbling of our empty stomachs.
I chuckled and Henry moved his hand over my growling belly, his eyebrows lifting in a teasing matter. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, quickly starting the car before I’d have to devour him in the literal sense of the word.
Part 20 >
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8makes1cheese · 4 years
f2l with Song Mingi♡
Pairing: Mingi X Reader
RoommateAU, (and like High SchoolAU in the beginning and kinda CollegeAU?)
Tags: cursing, shitty attempts at comedy, fluff, kinda sorta suggestive?, ig drug use and drinking?(booze and weed)
Words: 2.5k
A/N: Okay so, this is my first bullet scenario thing? and its weird...like this is so weird but I tried XD it ended up this weird mix between bullet scenario and oneshot fic and i-
...............all I can do is practice and try to get better but yeah. SO HERES THIS :D (im srry don hate me T-T)
-Finding Your Best Friend-
this bb would be the best-est friend you would have in this world
probably why you fell for him in the first place, but let's not get to ahead of ourselves
you guys met freshman year of high school
your guys' mutual friend Yunho is really the reason why
you just moved to town, and since said town was small, it was clear to you that everybody knew everybody else
you felt pretty lonely on the first day because of that
second day of freshman year is where is all started to come together
you were looking for a nice spot to sit and have your lunch outside because you didn't want to look like the weird loner person eating by themselves in silence
you found a pretty spot under a big tree near the track field, you put a random cool cake making tutorial on your phone and ate your lunch
the video was at a part where they were placing intricate designs in frosting all over the cake when you hear "Whoa, that is so cool!"
you jump about 3 feet in the air and immediately gather up your phone and get up to spin around to see who interrupted your quiet time
a young man, not sure his grade, with peach colored hair and a worried expression on his face, raises his hands in a surrender pose
'okay but what the hell was he doing, watching my phone behind the tree?'
well reader, we'll never know
"I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to scare you that bad! Really, I am so so so sorry!"
you, still in shock, just nod at him
now you're both just standing in front of each other
not saying anything
this is awkward
"I-I'm Yunho...by the way."
you clear your throat, not sure why, nervous habit
"So, uh... Haven't seen you around here before.."
once you explained you were new, and new to the town in general. There was no escape.
you were now best friends with the giant teddy bear and there was nothing you could do about it
yunho immediately took you under his wing and showed you around the campus. Then the town itself after school was out.
but Ro this seems to be turning into a yunho x reader fic/ bullet scenario
stfu I'm getting there
what did this turn into even
so now you and Yunho are bffs
enter giant teddy bear 2.0
you and yunho are hanging out at lunch, it's become a usual for the past two weeks
and Yunhos other bff is becoming sus about why Yunho hasn't been eating with him at lunch or doesn't seem to have as much time after school for him
that's when giant teddy bear 2.0 (if you don't know that its Mingi then idek-) finds his bestie with some random chick
a really adorable random chick
"So this is where you have been?"
you and Yunho start, not expecting someone to find your guys' spot
Also, deja vu, amiright?
"Oh, hey Mingi!" Yunho greets the tall dirty blonde haired teddy bear
And you're totally not sitting there thinking, 'holy shit, he is...wow.'
and that's how it all started
he stayed and introduced himself and you hit it off just as well as you and yunho did
maybe even better..
he started showing up everyday, at the what was dubbed 'The Cool Kids Spot™️' by you all, with yunho
even tho we all know you guys were NOT the cool kids
then it went to him being at the spot before everyone showed up
so he could see you first
then it turned into him meeting you up after class so you both could grab your food together and meet up Yunho at The Spot™️
before you could even realize it, he became your person
you were the first person he ran up to and hugged after him and Yunhos dance group took home 1st place at a competition
he was the first person you called when you were told that your poem won an award
you were the person he'd come to if he needed any kind of advice
and he was the first person you went to if you needed to get out of your head or your anxiety was getting to you
the high school years went by so fast
a lot changed
but what never changed was Mingi, he may have grown
and damn he grew
but he was your constant (and yes, yunho too, we can't forget yunho bro)
-Knowing They're The One-
high school came and went
Mingi and Yunho were accepted by a prestigious performing arts school
you, however, were going to just a regular college
luckily, both schools weren't terribly far from each other
which is why, instead of suffering in dorms, you and Mingi decided to get a apartment together, not far from both schools
yunhos ass stayed with his parents because they live like right next to the school, lucky hoe
you all still make time for each other
but you and Mingi prefer to stay in, order takeout and watch random stuff on YouTube
whenever you or Mingi went out it was always together (unless it was classes)
Grocery shopping? Together. Doctors appointment? Together. Girls night? Together. Guys night? Together.
"So, you must be suffering right now" his friend Yeosang said to him on a rare guys night that didn't involve you.
Mingi looked at Yeosang perplexed, ignoring whatever Wooyoung was talking to him about
"What are you talking about?"
"You and [Y/N] are literally always together, the fact she isn't here surprises me."
Mingi laughed. "We're not always together."
A cacophony of "LIES" and "BULLSHIT" filled the air as all of Mingi friends called him out on his bullshit
Mingi could feel his face heating up
"W-well, so what if we are! Were best friends AND roommates."
"And lovers~" his friend San whispered in his ear from behind and laughed, dancing away before Mingi could hit him
"We're not together!" Mingi exclaimed, rolling his eyes.
"But you want to be."
Mingi turned to look at the owner of the voice. It was Yunho, leaning against the entrance of the kitchen everyone was gathered in
He was looking at Mingi with a smirk
Mingi knew Yunho knew how he felt about you
and not because he told him
well...he kinda did
it was your guys' high school graduation
more specifically, the night of, and you were all partying and yunhos house
celebrating the fact that you all were officially adults now
lol you thought
and what better way to celebrate that than with underage drinking
be safe kids, don't drink irresponsibly
and Mingi. Got. Wasted.
by the end of the night, he was crying (and maybe puked once or twice...) in Yunhos arms about how beautiful you were, and how amazing and talented you were
wouldn't shut up about how soft and perfect you feel in his arms when he hugs you or vice versa
"She is my soulmate." After every other sentence mentioning how perfect you are
but wait, where were you while Mingi was crying and puking you ask?
That night you met Yeonjun, who is now one of your closest friends
  at first, a friend of Wooyoungs, who you all became friends with junior year, along with his best friend San
Yeonjun, who went to a different school across town, was invited along by Woo and San
you and Yeonjun hit it off so well, drinking and laughing, and talking about how much he loves his boyfriend Soobin, and maybe you drunkingly going on about how amazing Mingi is
however, Mingi didn't know Yeonjun
and what he saw that night was you, enjoying your time with someone who wasn’t him, laughing at jokes that weren't his, hanging all over someone who could never know you as well as he did (and that totally wasn't the reason that Mingi drank like 2 bottles of straight vodka, not at all)
and at that moment
he knew
he fucked up
he was in love with you
Mingi wasn't sure what to say
he could deny it sure, but he knew it was useless
not after every person in the room gave him a knowing smirk after Yunhos comment
“She doesn't-”
“Oh, whatever. you guys are literally already a couple. And dont even try to deny that. If she was here right now, she’d probably be on your lap and you two would be sitting in some corner of the house whispering some weird drunk lovey shit to each other.”
Mingi really didn't have a argument for that
that night he came home sober
but you didn't know that until months later when he told you he wasn't actually drunk
anyways when he got home you were sitting in the living room
music playing away on YouTube while you type away on your laptop
you didn't hear him come in, softly singing along to the song under your breath
he stood there for a moment and just..looked at you
your hair was a mess
you had on the same clothes as yesterday
probably haven't done a skincare routine in months
you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life
he felt so much love swell in his chest
hes known it for a while now but at that moment all that was going on in his head was
“That’s my soulmate. I love her. I love her so much.”
he wasn't sure if he had said it loud enough but apparently he had because you flinched and turned to see who the ‘intruder’ was
“Oh, Mingi! Shit, you scared me...” you laughed. “How was guys night?”
He made his was over to sit on the couch as you told him how your paper was coming along and then waited for him to answer your question
he sat for a good minute not saying anything
he looked at you
“you okay hun?” you asked, placing your hand on his cheek
and then he kissed you
it was so quick, you had no time to register that it was happening at all
and he left just as quickly
slamming the door to his bedroom and leaving you flustered and panicked
the morning after the kiss was the most awkward moment that you and Mingi had ever had
luckily it didn't last long at all
you two were silent, awkwardly making breakfast
then Mingi busted out with “Man, I’m so hungover! I barely remember anything from last night!”
“Do...do you remember anything from when you came home?”
“No, to be honest, I don't even remember coming home...”
-cue forced laughter-
-cue Mingi not trying to be disappointed when you looked relieved-
 he asked you if anything happened and tried not to feel sad about the fact you were going on about how nothing happened and he just came home and went to bed
why wouldn't you mention the kiss? maybe everyone had it wrong, you didn't feel the same. why else would you avoid it?
but everything went back to...normal
you two would cuddle every night on the couch
you showed up to every guys night like usual
(there may or may not have been more knowing smirks thrown Mingis way)
he showed up to the rare girls nights you'd have with your (like 2) girlfriends
(they literally just consisted of everyone chilling in some secluded spot and sparking up a blunt or two and bull-shittng)
but everything wasn't normal
because even though it lasted 0.0002 seconds long
Mingi cannot stop thinking about that kiss
neither can you for that matter
that's when you confided in your bestie Yeonjun
who knew all about your love for your other bestie
you went to Yeonjuns one Saturday afternoon without mingi
its been a month since the kiss and Yeonjun is only disappointed in the fact that you didn't tell him sooner
his solution was simple, just tell him how you feel
its so god damn obvious he feels the same
but who are you to do the simple thing right?
so what do you do?
you go with Soobins idea
and :) you:) go:) on:) a:) blind:) date:) with one of soobin and yeonjuns friends:)))))))
at least you were supposed to..
the night comes when you were supposed to meet at a nice cafe with their friend Beomgyu
you. were. lookin. FIRE BABY
you were in the kitchen grabbing your keys
and maybe prolonging the fact that your going out with someone who isn't MIngi
when Mingi walked out to heat himself up a noodle cup
and maybe one for you too because he didn't think you were going anywhere and was going to ask if you wanted to chill in his room and play mario kart
his jaw DROPPED when he saw you
he felt like he was just kicked in the gut, all breath left his lungs
and he may or may not have gotten an instant boner but-
he cleared his throat to get your attention
“You look...nice.” wow, Mingi, smooth
“O-oh, thanks, um... ill be back later okay?”
when Mingi asked where you'll be going and you said you had a blind date, he swears to this day he blacked out for a moment
next thing he knew he had you pushed against the counter
“You don't have a date.”
“But I do-”
then his lips were pressed against yours
and unlike the first, this one lasted a hell of a lot longer than 0.0002 seconds
it wasn't fireworks or butterflies or a sudden realization of unconditional love
it was rough and messy and filled with so many emotions including relief that your love for each other can finally blossom
you didn't say a word to each other when you parted
you stared at each other for a while, panting with big smiles on your faces
once your breathing returned to normal you gently pushed him back so you weren't pressed against the counter anymore
“I’m going to change in PJ's.”
Mingis smile lit up his whole face. “But I thought you had a date..”
“No, I don't.” you kissed his cheek and left to change.
so you guys never really sat down and were like ‘hey so are we...?’
because you both knew you just....were
after that night you guys started acting like you had been dating for months
it was just like before
because of course, like always, Yunho was right
you guys already acted like you were dating
now kisses and a lot more were added to the mix
which just made everything 1000x better
everyone knew it was just a matter of time
you loved waking up to his arms wrapped around your waist and him softly snoring in your ear
he loved waking up to you peppering kisses all over his collar bones and neck
your loved bloomed♡
A/N pt2: Im sorry if the end seems so rushed as well, I started running out of steam and my mind blanked but I didn't want to prolong this and never post it...like i do with everything...
Thank you for reading!
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finnyboywolfhard · 4 years
Song That The Morning Brings (Prologue)
Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader Series
Summary: Y/N Henderson is new to Hawkins and what better to have than someone willing to show you around. She befriends someone who eventually becomes her best friend, but the ties begin to break as they face some changes. 
a/n; hellooo! this is going to be a S1-S3 slowburn fic. I’m going to try to update regularly but I can’t promise anything. Let me know if you want to be taglisted or anything :) enjoy!
warnings: cursing, angst, slight mention of abuse, alcohol
word count: 2.1k
The  Hendersons arrived in Hawkins only a few days before the beginning of the school year. Luckily for Dustin, he had only just finished 4th grade, his friends were mere technicalities in the move. However for Y/N, that meant that she had to leave her friends right at the start of high school. She couldn’t necessarily be mad at her mom for leaving her dad finally, Dusty was still a little too young to understand the severity of some of what happened between their parents. Their dad didn’t ever get physical with their mom, but the damage done to her mentally was enough for anyone to break. So, Claudia helped her kids pack their things while their father was away and move the distance to Hawkins.
“Hey mom, I’m gonna walk around the town a little bit just to try to get acquainted. I’ll be back.”
“Okay honey, please be careful. “ Claudia kissed her daughter on the cheek and let her wander off.
It was still warm out, which was nice but what was even nicer was the cool breeze blowing in her direction. She walked down past Lincoln Park and found herself wandering into a clearly richer neighborhood.
The girl was scared from her thoughts as she bumped into a boy who had been running in her direction attempting to catch a ball.
“Ah shit! I’m so sorry.” He said.
“It’s alright; I was kinda in my own little world anyway.” She said with a smile, slightly taken aback by how attractive he was. Maybe she could get used to being in Hawkins.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but do I know you?” He asked her.
“Steve! Dude! Come on!” A boy yelled from far away.
“No you don’t, I just moved here. My name is Y/N” She reached her hand out for him to shake it, “It’s nice to meet you Steve, but I think you should probably get back.”
“Y/N, you don’t have to but tomorrow I can give you a proper tour of Hawkins if you meet me here tomorrow morning at like 10 AM.”
“Steve that would be lovely.” She waved goodbye to him and began walking back to her house.
When she got home, she ran to tell her mom about what had happened, before her mom sat her down for a serious conversation.
“Y/N, I know this was hard for you, and I’m so sorry that you had to move away from your friends.”
“Mom, it’s okay. I’ll make it out okay. I just know it. And I know Dusty will be just fine too. You don’t have to worry about us.”
“I know, I just know I can’t be the male influence in your guys’ life, and that worries me.”
“Mom, you’re the best influence we have, okay? I’m gonna head to bed and I think you should too. I love you mom.”
“I love you too my dearest. Trees, Leaves and Needles.”
Y/N went to bed that night with her mind going ninety miles an hour. She couldn’t stop thinking about Steve and whether he was playing some grand practical joke or if he was being super genuine. She thought about what her mom said about a male influence, because in all reality she never had one nor needed one, but Dustin would. Neither Claudia nor Y/N could be that for him.
When she rose the next morning, she was eager to get ready and head over to Steve’s. She didn’t even say goodbye to her mom and brother. The walk was super pleasant and she got there quicker than expected.
“Y/N! Hey! I’m so glad you actually came!” The tour was the official start of their friendship.
After that day the two were inseparable. For all of freshman and sophomore year, the two were never seen without the other. On the last day of Sophomore year, Y/N had just gotten back to the school to clear her locker out for the summer.
“Hey Stevie!” Y/N hugged Steve from the back, hands flying around his waist.
“Hey Y/N/N, where have you been all day?”
“I told you! Today was when I went into meet Chief Hopper about being a work study for him over the next few years.”
“Oh yeah, and you’re positive it’s not because of your dumb school girl crush on him?” She slapped his arm for that response, having been embarrassed of the fact that she opened up to him about that in the past.
“I am 100% positive about that. I am also 100% over that. Anyway, I’m primarily gonna be working with Flo, and if I’m not with her, I’m gonna be filing shit away for them. So, how was the final day in Hawkins High for the year without me?”
“I got invited to a party!”
“Wait, really? By who?”
“Tommy H! He said it’s gonna be super laidback and fun, and I was thinking that you could come with me….” He was nudging her in the side, her blatant disgust by the idea stayed on her face like cement. “Come Y/N, just one party that’s it, that’s all I’m asking.”
“I’ll think about it, when is it?”
“Tonight.” He muttered under his breath, knowing she was gonna freak.
“Tonight?! Steve! I told you that I have stay with my mom and brother tonight because we’ve hung out every other night this week.”
“I know, but I was hoping that maybe your mom would be chill if you just stayed home tomorrow instead.”
“Steve, we have plans to hang out tomorrow already. Remember?” He shakes his head a little. “We are gonna go see Trading Places and then dinner.”
“Y/N, please. I really want to go to this party but I don’t want to go alone.” The girls heart broke a little at the sight of him so let down. But she had made a promise to her mom, and seeing her mom like that would be so much worse.
“I’m sorry Stevie. I made a promise. I’ll drive home if you want? I don’t have to pick up Dustin for another hour.” The boy agreed to her driving him home.
Later on in the night, she had just sat down in the living room to watch Raiders of The Lost Ark with Dusty for probably the sixth time in the past few months when her phone started ringing off the hook. She rushed over to pick it up.
“Y/N! Oh thank you for ans-s-swering. I n-need you to come-“ A burp interrupted the sentence deliriously coming from the other end of the phone. “To come get me. I’m a little drunk.”
“Steve, where are you?”
“Tommy’s house. He lives on Holly Avenue.” This sentence a little more clear, but definitely still slurred.
“I’ll be there in like 5.”
She hung up the phone and walked over to Dustin, letting him know that she would be back soon and that he could keep watching the movie without her. She walked to her car, already feeling the anger she was gonna feel when she got there. As she started her drive over, she played her favorite Grateful Dead album, Wake of The Flood. They always helped her stay calm when she was gonna burst. When she pulled up, she could already hear the loud, overbearing music and could already see the stumbling teenagers rejoicing in the end of their school year. She parked her car, and decided to dive head first into the sea of her peers in search of the dumbass boy she had befriended last year. The floor was sticky beyond belief, and the smell of the air was a mixture of disgusting and putrid. Her blood was already beginning to boil, but reached its point when she heard, “Harrington, your girl is here to pick you up.” The girl whipped her head around and saw a pack of boys standing around Steve cracking up, all of them visibly less gone than he was. She hurried her pace to go over to the group, she grabbed his wrist with a firm grasp and an authoritative “Let’s go”. Steve followed close behind her, stumbling ever so slightly, slowly becoming closer and closer to her, almost as if she was a stable surface to push his body weight onto.
“Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N, you’re going too fast. “ The girl slowed her pace a little bit.
“Y/N, are you mad at me? I don’t want you to be mad at me. I was just trying to have a little fun for once.” It felt like a dagger going through her heart, ‘for once’. That one hurt her.
“Y/N, please talk to me.” They had just reached the passenger side of the door, and she was buckling him in, just as Chief Hopper arrived to break it up.
“Steve, stay here.” She had rushed over to Hopper when he was getting out of his car.
“Hey Hop. I’ll file this tomorrow morning; this is Tommy Hagan’s house just so you know.”
“Believe me, I know. This isn’t my first time coming here. Why are you here?”
“I had to pick up an idiot friend. I’ll let you go do your thing, just thought I should inform you just in case.”
“Thanks Y/N, see ya.”
She prepared herself for what was coming once she got in the car. Her heart was beating out of control. However, she was pleased when he was quiet while she was buckling herself in, but once she started her car the chattering was back.
“Y/N/N, why are you mad at me?” His voice was super sad, but she was also really upset.
“I’m mad because I didn’t really want you or me coming to this party tonight, but you came and I had to come to get you because you can’t handle your alcohol. Also, you said have fun for once. I thought we had fun when we hang out but whatever.” At this point, she was on her way to his house.
“Y/N, I’m Sorry. I promise.”
“Yeah, whatever its fine.” The car then fell silent, until he realized she was taking him to his house.
“You can’t take me to my house.”
“What? Why?”
“My dad will kill me if he finds out I have been drinking.” She could tell he was starting to sober up, even just a little bit.
“Okay, well I can’t take you to my house with me, so how about we drive around until you think you can see your dad?” The boy nodded his head. Just as he did that, her favorite song from the album came on. She started humming along until the chorus hit, where she started full on singing.
“Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world,” he began staring at her as she sang along, “This is my favorite lyric Stevie, ready… Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings, Isn’t that beautiful?”
“Yeah, it really is.” Love starting filling his eyes, but she never saw it. They drove for a while longer, until he felt comfortable enough to go home. She looked at the clock, and saw her curfew was about to expire in about 20 minutes. This dwindled down to ten by the time she got to Steve’s. She put the car in park, got out and walked him up to his room, knowing the layout of the house as well as she’d known her own. She got him up to his room and ready for bed, before walking over to the door to leave, knowing she’d be the one to have to talk to Mr. Harrington. Steve stopped her as she was leaving by saying,
“I really am sorry Y/N. I promise you that this will never happen again.”
Except that promise was repeatedly broken. The amount of times that she had to leave her house to rescue a drunken Steve Harrington, or as people would say “King Steve”, from a disgusting party became too much for her. The last time he called her, was the last time that they had ever talked after nearly 2 years of nonstop friendship.
Junior year came at her like a flash, and here she was three months in, finding herself lost without Steve by her side. But deep down in her heart, she knew that this ‘King Steve’ character was just a façade that he needed to deal with, and that her best friend would be himself again eventually. That didn’t make her feel any better about the whole situation regardless.
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alrighty, let’s recap this bitch!
I looked up when National S’mores Day is (because I’m a nerd) and it is August 10. So either the photo later was mislabeled or, more likely, Launchpad got the wrong info
Huey with the little baby scouts is TOO CUTE!!
I wonder if Violet’s there. Probably not because she would have been hanging out with Huey if she was. Or this episode was meant to come before Challenge
It’s a baby beagle boy! I wonder if he’s there of his own will or if it is part of some plan
He scared away most of the kids! Now they won’t get to enjoy s’more-y goodness
His s’more sounds DOPE AF, though it probably would give you INSTANT DIABETES
“Aw, not even a modern robot.” MY SWEET SON!
I know it was the bully saying it, but Huey should chill a bit when it comes to doing things EXACTLY and PERFECTLY. It’s just gonna cause stress
“Would you like to be friends?” “Sure. Wow, that was easy.” If only it was always that easy
I don’t know if Huey has the JWG as memorized as he thinks, going by Challenge and Quack Pack
“We’re just kids.” “Definitely!” *uses laser eyes to light fire*
This episode does a good job showing what a trigger word/phrase is like, though I’m not sure if that was the intention
I like that a squirrel with a burnt tail scurries out of one of the trees. It’s the attention to detail that helps elevate this show
Instead of jumping out of the way or hiding Huey jumps straight onto Boyd to try and help him. Huey already sees Boyd as someone worth protecting
The kid that just runs across the screen while his hat is on fire is great
Not sure why they took the time to change before going to Gyro but whatever
“I’m more than an intern, I’m a scientist.” I feel like this might be hinting at Fenton’s arc for the season, possibly wanting to be seen more as a scientist than a superhero
I’m gonna pretend that using sunglasses on someone who is shooting lasers out of their eyes is a Cyclops reference. And they look pretty dope too
At least Fenton knows when he is in over his head...this time
Gyro trying to climb up on the table to avoid Boyd was kind of funny. And then him protecting himself with Lil Bulb
“Which one?” Manny is DONE with this shit
“Boyd? What idiot called it that?” Even when he’s not there, Gyro can still burn Mark lol
I figured 2-BO was a reference to something but wasn’t sure what. Apparently it’s a bit of a play on the name of Astro Boy’s in-universe creator’s son. Neat
 Huey stays in between Gyro and Boyd to protect Boyd
Fenton’s face cracks me up. There are NO THOUGHTS in this man’s head lol
“You were an intern like me?” “Nothing like you.” Damn Gyro, why so salty?
I don’t know why Fenton is so surprised that Gyro was an intern. I feel like that’s a pretty standard thing
It make me sad when Gyro mentions how many times Boyd’s core programing was altered. Poor baby doesn’t really get a say in what happens to him
“ROAD TRIP!” Huey, you do these kinds of things ALL THE TIME. I feel like he should be used to this by now
“YOU’RE not going. GIZMODUCK is.” Does Gyro see Fenton and Gizmoduck as separate entities or is this just a no, but yes type of joke?
Huey standing up for Boyd is so sweet. They barely know each other but Huey trusts him
When the episode doesn’t have the theme song you KNOW shit’s ‘bout to go down
I wonder who’s flying the plane. My guess is Launchpad because Della would have been cooing over Huey making a new friend and go into embarrassing mom mode. He probably went of on his own adventure or did tourist things like buying collectables. Or maybe Gyro flew them there. Who knows
As many people have said, the art direction and animation for this episode are BEAUTIFUL. I love the pink tint the lighting has in most of the episode
I bet Mark Beaks is a Sailor Moon fan
I like that the in-universe Sailor Moon is a bunny because Usagi is Japanese for rabbit
I love that going incognito nowadays means you wear a hat, a hoodie, and sunglasses. Boyd looks good in red (though red is my favorite color so I might be biased)
Gyro-takes one step and the fuzz shows up. NOICE
I like detective lady. She has a cool design
Huey and Fenton are awful at acting casual
“Crimes?” Oh my sweet Hubert. I’m pretty sure most if not all of Scrooge’s employees have had run ins w/ The Law
Gyro is like, move I’m gay
I wonder what it actually says
Fenton just watches as the inspector chases Lil Bulb
Seriously though, Fenton does a bunch of silly stuff in the background and this episode warrants a rewatch SOLELY for him
How did Lil Bulb know where to find them? And how did he shake off the inspector? I want to see his little adventure
“Blah!” *arm armor attaches* I want this joke to come back
Fenton and Huey INSTANTLY nerd out. I love them
Fenton being a Gyro fanboy is ADORABLE
“AH, DUST IN MY EYE! The dust of GENIUS!” What a dweeb lol
I like that Fenton keeps the arm on for the whole scene
Poor Boyd, he looks so scared
Huey going into protective big brother mode
Doofus continues to be equal parts hilarious and disturbing
Where are their parents? Like, someone should be looking after these kids! ESPECIALLY DOOFUS!
“Do you need a hug?” I SURE FUCKING DO
Mark is such a prick lol
“Seems like the little guy’s had it tough.” MY POOR BABY
Lil Bulb gets SO PISSED he blew a fuse
You really shouldn’t have left them alone, Gyro
Why does Fenton automatically jump to superhero for Boyd? I mean the theme of the episode is letting Boyd choose who he wants to be so of course Fenton would have his own idea of what Boyd should be, but why go straight to superhero? Do you want superbros, Fenton?
Huey already realises this might be a bad idea, because he’s more concerned about Boyd as a person rather than Boyd as a machine
Dr. Akita’s setup made me laugh. I DIED when he “enhanced” the image
I recognized the character on the chips though I don’t know their name. I’m more of a western animation fan, so many of the references probably flew pass me
I also have a key on my laptop that flies off (it’s the u key)
I LOVE BABY GYRO! It’s so cool they went with his og look (minus the red hair) to show him younger
Huey is so DONE with Fenton
Such a polite boy
“My bones are metal!” This line and Boyd’s catchphrase of “Hi, I’m Boyd/2-BO, a definitely real boy!” reminded me of Olaf. The end of the episode gives Boyd even MORE Olaf parallels
Gizmoduck sliding by those boxes was cool
How did Gizmoduck get himself unstuck from that alley?
I loved the double take the female outlaw does
I legit thought Boyd was gonna light the oil on fire the first time I watched and I was like that won’t help
“So, what do we do now?” “I...don’t know.” This is why you don’t leave babies alone to fight criminals
Boyd reminded me of Calculester from Monster Prom when he asked the lady to return the money
“Why do we always fight when we’re on vacation?” Because this is Ducktales and there is no such thing as a normal vacation
Lil Bulb just kicking his lil feet
The “lab” safety poster made me chuckle. Then I remembered Akita is also a dog and I laughed more
LITTLE BABY GYRO GRADUATING! My guess is his professor/dean/principal influenced him on a personal level and is partially the reason Boyd is a parrot
Lil Helper blueprints. Nice reference to the og series
Has anyone talked about the poster with the cogs and the dogman in old-timey clothes that says GIZMOS on it? I think it’s a Dr. Who reference
How did he NOT notice the second hole in the wall?
That is a surplus of handcuffs. Do you think she uses them for...fun times?
“I’m just a guy! With very bruisable skin!”
Poor misunderstood Gyro inventions
Boyd just politely waves at everyone
Huey is WAY calmer than I would be if I got lost in an unfamiliar city
Boyd says FUCK WORK
 I love Huey stimming. Really hope Disney will let them confirm in words that Huey is autistic
Is it more common for two kids to wonder around by themselves in Tokyo? Because as an American I find it super stressful and would want to find their parents so they could be safer
Do cats just take buses on their own in Tokyo?
“And I know what you’re thinking, what about ninjas?” I am ALWAYS wondering about ninjas
I like that Huey finally has a friend who shares the same interests and doesn’t mind info dumps
“Boyd, I don’t think you’re a killer robot. You’re just a kid.” “Aw, that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” T_T
I like Boyd’s motief
Akita is us after the quarantine
When he complained about being stiff I was like mood
I like his Green Goblin disc thingy
The other people don’t give a shit about Boyd just FLYING DOWN WITH HIS ROCKET FEET!
Gyro shows up *dramatic wind*
His tablet has a duckie on it. I wounder if they have a Mac/PC thing going on with Waddle and what brand the duckie represents
When the adults argue and Boyd gets all sad and scared I FELT THAT
Huey doing his best to keep Boyd calm and defend him SO PURE
“Because of you I’ve become an outcast.” I feel like you did that to yourself
ngl, that shit was TERRIFYING
“You don’t have to do what Akita tells you. Do what I tell you.” So close
Huey must weigh NOTHING if Gyro can pick him up
Akita’s tail looks like a cinnamon roll
Huey always finding that hidden info
The gibberish Gyro says is great
“You’ll never invent anything worthwhile.” LIL BULB HAS ENTERED THE FIGHT
Are doggos recyclable?
Blue eyes=good robot
Be Only Yourself, Dude
I like that basically Gyro admitted that he was like Fenton if Fenton hadn’t had support
“That’s not technically how doctorites work, BUT I DON’T CARE!” Do you think Gyro doesn’t have his doctorate or do you think he assumed Fenton already had one?
“The hugging is a ‘just for today’ thing.” YOU CANNOT STOP THE HUG TRAIN!
“Leave. Now.”
Are they gonna go to the plane?
This season has been consistently knocking it out of the park! I’m a SLUT for backstory episodes, so I enjoyed this one a lot. I loved seeing Gyro when he had hope and faith in the world. It SUCKS that Akita took that away from him. Hopefully Gyro will see things slightly less cynical now. Fenton was a dweeb the whole episode and I love him for it. Boyd is SO SWEET AND PRECIOUS and in NO WAY deserved the treatment he got. I have a feeling there is more to Boyd’s creation/Dr.Akita that we’ll get later on. Huey was ADORABLE this episode. It’s really sweet to see him hangout with someone who gets him. Everyone deserves to have at least one friend like that. The fight scene was GORGEOUS! SO FLUID! I really loved this one and I hope we get more Team Science episodes because these characters play really well off each other. 
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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         April 23rd - 29th
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Kim Seokjin: DNA
You were visiting your friend. She had given you her address as you both had plans next week but you wanted to surprise her so you arrived early driving into the gated community. It was a whole town fenced off. Weird. You passed through security by dropping the name of your friend you were visiting and headed through. 
You pulled up in a guest parking lot and walked to her house knocking. She grabbed you pulling you inside, “who knows you are here, did anyone see you?” “No but why is this place so cult-y I mean that rose business is everywhere the flags the buildings it’s even on that damn necklace you are wearing, if this is a cult I have to get you out. Don’t drink the kool aid”
She tried to rush you out the door telling you to get in your car and you both could leave, “look you have to go quickly out the way you came, if they find you I don’t know what will happen”
You were scared because she wasn’t joking there was no ‘haha just kidding’ no ‘April fools’ this was serious. She was serious. You went to race back to your car when you heard a chorus of howls. You were soon surrounded. By wolves? Pausing as they growled around you. A man coming out and leading you across town. 
After the regular interrogation who are you, why are you here? You made it to a large building; it looked like a large frat house. You were led inside and to a door, standing there you smelt something pleasant, a soft jasmine, and cedar with a sharp fresh aqua. The moment you stepped inside you felt his presence, lowering your head like everyone else you felt weak. His back was to you and you didn’t know what was happening but the scent was all over the room and instead of being overpowering like axe body spray. This made your head fog up in the most pleasing ways. 
“I heard you trespassed on our land sweetheart?” The word wasn’t spoken with endearment, as he pulled your chin up, your eyes caught his seeing a golden spark fill his dark eyes. He had stilled for a moment, your eyes scanned him over he was devilishly handsome and had broad shoulders, strong arms, his waist was thin and his legs firm. Your eyes met his once more realizing how you were blatantly ogling him.  “Mine”
Min Yoongi: Pretzel
“Welcome everyone to the weekly CBM meeting, I see a lot of new faces so let's begin with introductions and why you are here?”
”Hello I am Kim Seokjin, I’m a werewolf, I have been coming here for three months because I accidentally shifted one night and my bonds broke, and they found me lying in the park and deemed it inappropriate. So now I spend every Wednesday for the next six months coming to Creature Behavior management”
“Hi I am Jung Hoseok I um saved a girl from drowning and swam her up to the beach but when I pulled her out of the water and shifted back I had no pants and her father beat me and I am here to prove I am good and I mean I get to meet new friends so it can’t be too bad right?” “I am Min Yoongi, a Zombie, strictly vegetarian, I just wanted a pretzel and apparently it’s considered inappropriate to threaten to eat someone if they try to push in line”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that and the zombie looked at you across the room swinging your legs back and forth on the chair. “I would let you eat me” You giggled watching his pale undead cheeks stain a dark grey. “My name is Y/N and apparently refusing to let a guy get you a drink at a house party makes me a tease and when you refuse their advances, they try to take you to the bedroom anyway, Yet when you refuse again publicly they accuse you of using your succubus powers on them. Then when you actually use your powers on them and force them to make out with one another, they don’t seem to like that”
“Ahh... my undead heart, you are my soulmate.” Yoongi laughed along with everyone in the circle muttering under his breath quietly but you still were able to catch it. “Marry me” “Okay bring the documents baby we can get married” You smiled and he lent forward licking his lips eyeing you up and down.
“How's next Wednesday for you?” “I will wear my best dress” You winked at him and he snapped his teeth back at you.
Jung Hoseok: Scale
Your father was a fisherman, and you spent your childhood years on the water. Sitting on the bowsprit legs dangling as you sang songs dreaming of pirates and mermaids and sea monsters. You would sing songs you made up and sometimes when you looked really hard you could see figures moving under the water. It was all the brilliance of a childhood imagination. But here you were years later a young lady home from the city, your father readied the boat some of the fishermen were new and some of their eyes lingered a little too long for your liking. 
You sat on the bowsprit singing the old songs from when you were a kid, it was nostalgia and you remembered every word. Arriving at the usual fishing spot you swear you saw something move under the water. You grinned as your childish wonder had obviously come back to greet you. 
You continued singing and playing on the ship sticking to the bow you loved looking over. The waves picked up but they did it so often you barely shifted. Your sea legs had long since been of use. “You might want to go in girl if it’s too scary for you”
You rolled your eyes standing and walking down the bowsprit like it was a tightrope grabbing the thick metal cord standing on the very edge. You were happily spinning around the cord when you definitely saw what looked like a torso. You saw it again. “Man overboard” You called across the boat. Everyone scrambled and you jumped in after him. 
Just as you reached the area you had seen him he was gone, you turned to face a giant wave taking a deep breath. 
You were pushed down hitting the side of the boat you tried to swim but the force of the wave was so strong. Arms wrapped around you and your eyes flew open seeing him the man in the water he looked oddly familiar. He swam quickly to the surface and held you there to breath. 
“I never thought I would see you again,” he grinned and you felt the heat in your cheeks. “You used to sing all the time here, oh there is another wave hold your breath or whatever human thing you do” he tucked you against him and swam quickly under the wave. 
You felt him rolling his hips against you and you tried to push him away, you had just met what the hell does he think he is doing. Looking down your eyes widened and looked away quickly. He wasn’t trying anything with you, the roll of his hips was how he swam. He was an actual real life mermaid. “Hang in there darling, I will bring you to the surface” he swam you to the boat. 
Kim Namjoon: Pin
Watching the streets, the humans were getting smarter, locking themselves away at night, but what was this? A little girl walking the streets no more than four or five calling out for her mummy. Taehyung held his hand up telling his men to wait now wasn’t the time to strike; they had to be patient. “Mummy” she called crying, she tripped the scent of blood filled the air as she had scraped her knee. She cried hysterically and the door opened. 
“Darling are you hurt?” The girl nodded, tears pouring down her face, her little heart beating hard from the hysteria. “Come to me okay” she whispered and the little girl got up and walked over. Taehyung signaled to his people and they dropped down from the roof into the shadows. 
“They are coming Abigail bring the girl inside” “Where is my mummy?” She cried “please my mummy?” Men came out guns pointed at the red eyes glowing from the shadows, “is she human?” “She is bleeding, vampires don’t bleed” “Come inside sweetheart” the woman said and the vampires started to attack each human was captured and tied, each dragged back to the castle.  “We brought dinner sir?”
“Shut that child up” Namjoon waved his hand and Taehyung did just that and the room fell silent as her body fell limp on the floor.  “Okay not only did you steal my prey you snapped my neck?” The little girl shouted and with a loud crack her neck sat normally on her shoulders. She stood up, form changing from a child to an adult. “I spent years perfecting my skills of shape shifting to lure people out and you want to steal my kill.”
Namjoon’s eyes widened, “Restrain her” and she was taken to the cells except being a shapeshifter it didn’t last long even if it was bars of silver. Namjoon was in an important meeting when a cat jumped onto his desk and transformed into that woman again. He leaned back in his chair pissed, she talked too much. His hand gripped around her throat tightly and she smiled unaffected despite the little uptick in her artificially beating heart. 
“You can’t kill me” she scoffed “I can damn well try” 
Park Jimin: Zipper
Running through the forest on your early morning jog, you let your mind wander. The music in your ears takes you away to another world as you put one foot in front of the other. Before long you realized something was wrong you weren’t on the path. 
The tree’s were dense, the air cold and your music cut out your phone battery dying, something was seriously wrong. Walking along scared this is when someone either dies or the early morning jogger finds a dead body, it’s always the joggers. What did they ever do?
The sky darkened and it started to rain, an hour lost became two, three, four until the small glow behind the rain clouds disappeared and it rained on through the night. You were cold but you kept stumbling around looking for the path looking for something. 
There was a light in the distance and you strode over without hesitation, behind you it sounded as if someone was singing it was beautiful too beautiful for a creepy night in the forest. You continued toward the fire but the singing got louder. 
The voice was angelic and it almost pulled you away but the thought of warm fire kept luring you in. It was a camp, there was a fire and a big pot over it, there were people walking around. On closer inspection the people looked unnaturally long and thin and all you could smell was a bitter rotten scent. You almost stepped into the camp when you noticed hoof prints in the mud. All too soon you realized the singing had stopped when a hand covered your mouth you couldn’t move your body frozen. 
“Shh, don’t make a sound or they will kill you” the angelic voice whispered gently singing and walking you backwards. You were entranced by the words flooding your mind and making your head spin. The figure behind you tripped and you fell with an audible groan. 
“Run” he grabbed your hand taking off through the trees, those things roared and you heard loud hooves and grunts that seemed so close to you. 
The man in front of you was wearing a cloak and had such an agile form he moved like a serpent or cat so smooth and graceful. His body Zipping in and out of the trees, unlike you, who stumbled and tripped hitting every branch along the way. The screech behind you sent chills up your spine and you started to turn to look behind you. 
“Don’t look at them! just keep moving we are almost there” Wherever there was you were unsure. There was a weird feeling like you had just dived into warm water and you felt safe and he slowed down. 
“We are safe here, come inside you are all wet I will get you some clean dry clothes” he returned and you saw just how beautiful he was. “Please don’t look at me, I know I am nothing like the men you are use to, tall, strong, bearded protectors like that with broad shoulders and big muscles, it’s just Fae are smaller with weird features so I am just”
“Beautiful” you whispered your words shocking him. 
Kim Taehyung: Honesty
Kim Taehyung had lived in the elven city all his life and was a little odd for an Elf. His features were a little different for any normal elf as well, his ears stuck out a little more and his features weren’t as pointed as the other elves. He had a strange view of the world and didn’t think the same way as everyone else. For one he was too playful for any young adult elf, he was expected to be more mature for his age and two he had a wolf companion. Mind you it was a tiny thing, a runt of its litter and super fluffy with dark fur that shone in the sun. All this wasn’t passable for a common elf but to make matters worse. He was Prince Taehyung, the middle child he had one older brother and one younger sister.
Walking into the city you were confused, Your parents wanted to unite the kingdom’s and have you marry someone of the royal family. You hated it, of course you had been disciplined every day to act like an elf but you didn’t want to live your life stifled by propriety and poise. You reluctantly waved out the window and stepped out in your frankly too big dress, your father greeted the other elven King and you saw the first Prince step forward and kiss your hand like a gentleman but you hated it he was textbook royalty and just as you hid your disdain behind your lace fan another prince ran in his hair a mess of twigs and from his knees down was just mud and grass stains and following his muddy footprints was a tiny fluffy wolf trailing his own paw prints across the marble floor.
“Please forgive my son” the queen turned to her son and gestured for him to leave and he bit his lip looking upset. “How about we adjourn to the dining room for some refreshments?”
“I would like to bide in my room, if you could kindly escort me whilst on your way to your Quarters? I need some time to collect my bearings after such a long journey?” You used your fake princess act and the younger prince nodded looking slightly alarmed at his family, his mother nodding earnestly and he swallowed, gesturing down the hall.
“I deeply apologize for my current disheveled appearance, I was in the garden” “Your hands seem clean?” You said curiously “I was wearing gloves” he grinned “Ah gloves” Once out of sight you bent down “And who is your tiny companion?” The wolf jumped up placing his dirty paws on your dress.
“Princess!” He looked ashamed “Your gown” “Oh well, it is dirty now, what's a little more?” “Princess I must implore” His voice came out more like a deep childish whine and you couldn’t help the elated feeling it brought you. “Implore all you wish, but I will not yield”
“Stubbornness is unbecoming of a Princess” “Do you know much about being a Princess?” “Sadly my knowledge in that area is limited, but, I believe it shan't be different from the wonders of being a prince.” “You too recite somber balladry and compressing yourself into derisory bodices”
“I don’t know what you just said but it sounded fancy” He smiled sheepishly. “Can we drop the act, I feel you hate being royalty as much as I do” “If I am honest there are not enough fanciful words that can express my loathing for being born royal, I am a laughing stock of the village Prince Taehyung thank the stars he is the second brother he is as odd as he is odd looking”
“I think you are handsome, more so than your brother, I would love to bask in your very presence and gaze upon the pleasantness that is your beauty. Perhaps we should switch places and you can be Princess y/n” “Your room Prince Taehyung?” He grinned
“I see Shall I escort you, to your room Princess y/n?” “How kind of you but I am simply at the end of the hall, do not trouble yourself?” “When we have composed ourselves and our outfits, Can I have the pleasure of escorting you around the uh courtyard perhaps?”
“Perhaps the library instead, if I am caught outside once more the queen will have my head” He took your hand and flushed a little as he pressed his lips to your hand softly. “I will be eagerly awaiting?”
Jeon Jungkook: Batman vs Ironman @yungisseesaw
It had been years since Jungkook’s people and the Human’s world became one, it was strange like two alternate timelines crossed over joining into one. The humans were not so welcoming for the first few years and so growing up Jungkook had people stare and judge him for his differences.
Jungkook was now a Young adult and a big time nerd, he spent his time watching superhero movies and playing video games, going to the arcade and funnily enough playing DND with his friends, all of which were human. Jimin and Hoseok were roommates and they had a really cute neighbor who Jungkook had seen only a handful of times over the fence a few times which meant she didn’t know he was a centaur. So while the others went to get pizza and movies Jungkook was home alone. Him and cars didn’t really mix well, not only didn’t he fit, they made him nauseous. You had chosen that moment to invite yourself over, except in a towel. “Hello, Hoseok, Jimin, are you home, I know you said to use the key for emergencies, but my hot water ran out”
“They aren’t here?” Jungkook said hiding behind the couch she turned and squealed “They went to get pizza and movies” “Oh well is it okay if I borrow the shower, I am freezing”
“Of course go ahead?” You went upstairs and he frowned curling up on the couch trying to curl his feet up and cover himself in blankets and pillows to hide his legs from her. “We are home?” Hoseok shouted and they laid out pizza boxes and drinks. “Why do you look so pale?”
“Y/N, is in the shower right now, her hot water ran out and she asked to borrow your shower” “Dude, you finally talked to her face to face, how did she take it?” “Well I was kind of hiding behind the couch?” They looked down at the fort he had made around himself and they smiled sadly.
“Wow that feels better” “Hey, Y/N, what do you think of centaurs?” Jimin grinned dodging Jungkook’s hand as it was swinging with vengeance “Hmm uh I have nothing against them, they are people too” “Would you ever date a centaur?” Yoongi added that any girl for their best friend had to get through them first.
“I mean yeah, I don’t know how the business would work but if I like someone it’s for who they are and not what they look like, any of you could come out right now and tell me you were one of the Cenpeople and I would still love you all just the same.
Yoongi seemed to approve and ripped the blankets off of Jungkook revealing his horse lower half and his weird four legged lounge pants. “Hyung!” Jungkook tried to grab at pillows and the blanket to cover himself back up but resorted to burying his face in a throw cushion sniffling in shame and embarrassment. His ears were bright red.
You looked over at him and sat on the couch across from him, “Do you know what I have a problem with Kookie, that you think that Iron man is the best rich orphan powerless superhero when clearly it is Bruce Wayne”
“You two are still arguing about that?” Namjoon scoffed “They have been going on about it for three weeks now” Jimin grinned “It’s like their odd way of flirting I think it’s cute”
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