#bleeding in pregnancy
shiftythrifting · 2 years
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A collection of shirts and some cups from american family thrift. Was tempted by the left-handed mug.
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grendelsmilf · 1 year
the fact that shiv was forced to make a choice between men who all represent next generation logan roy in their own ways, who all denigrate and dismiss her and use her up and bleed her dry as they see fit, that the final shot of her is taking tom’s hand, precariously, as she cannot stomach the sight of him and looks away. she is never getting out from under the thumb of her abusive father. even as one of the most privileged women in the entire world, patriarchy is inescapable.
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briarpatch-kids · 1 month
Having a bad time rn
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halfyearsqueen · 10 days
rhaenyra’s contentious relationship with her own bodily autonomy
#like so much of it is the fact so much has been so uncomfortably exposed as topics of conversation for so LONG#like the rumors of her ‘sexual exploits ‘ having been circulating since she was fourteen years old and like she has to cope with that#without having it reflect on her face or result in a change in behavior because her charm is what drew people to her in the first place#and in court weakness is the worst thing you can display to people if you want political power and want to advance and like she’s 14 ? bein#being that young of course it hurts😭 it can’t not hurt#but like it HITS - it does. Like it makes her feel exposed in a way that’s so oddly disjointing because she didn’t DO any of it#like the desirability politics at play take such ? a Slow and steady toll on her#like she can’t really escape the viscious cycle of being so exposed because that’s exactly why people are so open to her being queen#like her body is criticized after she didn’t lose weight after three continuous pregnancies in the span of 2 and a half years#and that’s not even getting into why pregnancy scared her which IS the fact she’s essentially sharing her body with this person and it coul#die or it could kill her or she could die and she could leave it alone which scares her the most#like pregnancy is the one continuous aspect of her life she can’t wholly control and that terrifies her because that makes her feel like sh#cant protect either of them#and like she doesn’t want the possibility of a son to overshadow the fact her life matters too#like the way her appearance is always so carefully curated and after she gets the throne back#her always sitting the throne in her arm and intentionally gripping it until her hands bleed is so#LIKE ITS SO 😭
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rebouks · 2 years
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Courtney: [gasps] Noooo… Oscar: I did warn you. Courtney: I didn’t think you’d actually get rid of it.
Oscar: C’mon, when do I not follow through. Courtney: Hah, at least-… [UNINTELLIGIBLE SCREAMING]
Courtney: Was that your mom? [HEAVY FOOTSTEPS] Oscar: Mom?!
Sidney: ALLY! Oscar: What-… Sidney: OSCAR!
Oscar: WHAT?! Sidney: Aspen had the baby! Oscar: Oh my god!
Sidney: ALLY GET IN HERE! Oscar: Girl, boy?! Sidney: God-.. I don’t know, I didn’t ask-.. Noah didn’t say! I freaked out! AL!
Alton: I’m right here, quit yelling! Oscar: Ring him back! Sidney: Little shit, he knew I was on shift! Why wouldn’t he tell us she was in labour?!
Oscar: Maybe they didn’t want us all showing up at the hospital. Alton: So.. should we? Oscar/Sidney: YEAH!
Alton: Oof-.. my poor back. Courtney: Oscar… Oscar: C’mon, let’s go!
Courtney: I think you’ll be a bit chilly in that outfit, or lack thereof. Oscar: [laughs] Oh, right… Courtney: Uh-huh.
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whentherewerebicycles · 7 months
well that sucked lol. I mean I have no new info about the pregnancy as they said they wouldn’t do an ultrasound or the doppler to listen to heartbeat as they were not medically necessary. I also was like ‘I feel like I’m losing my mind with anxiety I think about my baby being dead all the time I can’t focus at work some days because I’m so full of irrational fears that I can’t seem to rein in’ and the response was ‘well motherhood is about letting go of control so you have to do the work. we can’t do it for you. try going for a walk with a friend.’ lol. and then when I tried to be like the walks with friends aren’t really cutting it she was like ‘why are you anxious? you already saw that the pregnancy was in the right place so you know it’s not ectopic’ and I was just like… I don’t KNOW why I’m anxious I think what I’m trying to tell you is my anxiety doesn’t make sense and is consuming me despite evidence things are okay.
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sliebman10 · 3 months
(Parvati/Lavender, 251 words, @sapphicmicrofics)
CW: Bleeding, pregnancy complications
“Par? What’s wrong, babe?” Lavender asked as she rushed into the bathroom after hearing a guttural cry. 
“I’m bleeding…I have to go to the hospital,” Parvati said in a strangled voice.
Without stopping to think, Lavender grasped her arm. “Can we apparate or is the Floo better?” she asked, urgently.
“Ok, hold on.” Lavender apparated them to the point outside St. Mungo’s. She rushed over to th emergency desk. “Hello? Hello?”
“Yes? Lavender, is that you?” Blaise asked, hurrying over.
“Yeah. Par’s bleeding. She’s 17 weeks pregnant.”
“When did it start?” Blaise asked, following Lavender over to where Parvarti stood, clutching her stomach.
“Um…a little spotting this morning, then a gush about ten minutes ago,” Parvati said.
Blaise’s eyebrows furrowed as his bewitched quill took notes. “Alright, let’s get you inside.”
About fifteen minutes later, Parvati was situated in bed and Lavender was sitting in a chair next to her, holding her hand. They were waiting for the results of an initial scan that Blaise did before admitting Parvati. Her face was pale and anguished as Lavender moved to perch next to her and kiss the top of her head. “What if something’s wrong with the baby?” she asked in a small voice.
Lavender closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Let’s wait to hear what they say, ok?”
An unfamiliar Healer opened the door. “Hello, Parvati?”
“I’m Healer Abbott. Good news. You’re not having a miscarriage.”
Parvati went limp against Lavender with relief. “Thank you,” she whispered.
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dark-mnjiro · 5 months
You know what they don’t warn you about when it comes to pregnancy? Your gums just randomly bleeding because why not and just constant Charlie horses.
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cowlicks-and-curls · 11 months
Stupid ass health anxiety beat by an actual very painful problem that the hospital twice said idk but you're not dying so I assumed feeling like my stomach was gonna rip out is normal and then getting quite the burning feeling and feeling a niggle in the back of my head but I ignored it because it's probably "nothing deadly" again and I actually had to be talked into going to the er because i was just deadass gonna ignore it until I couldn't and then it ended up being internal bleeding that can easily be deadly and....ugh
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theonpilled · 1 year
had the weirdest dream..
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vizthedatum · 6 months
I started bleeding this morning - I don’t know what this means. It could be a period?
It’s all so complicated, and the thing is, I do feel sane. I feel sane and I am bleeding and it could be a period but I also still feel pregnant.
It could be spotting.
It could be a full on I-am-not-pregnant period.
Very complicated feelings.
I am okay. I will be okay. I had a wonderful time with my girlfriend, and I’m optimistic about today and the year.
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possum-tooth · 7 months
i think im spiritually on my period
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crj-200 · 9 months
sometimes the world crumbles around me and i become a shell of myself. then i realize my blood sugar was actually just 44 and i need to eat something
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yulsbabymama · 1 year
saying “bleeding ppl” “chest feeders” “birthing ppl” “ppl who menstruate” is not going to end the world, cis ppl.
ur womanhood or manhood WILL NOT END if someone who isn’t cis give birth and prefer the term ‘parent’ or ‘birthing person’ 🤷🏼‍♀️
women, u’ll still be referred to as “pregnant women” but don’t get mad when someone who isn’t a woman gets pregnant & prefers to be called “pregnant person”
it won’t erase ur womanhood.
men, u’ll still be referred to as “fathers” but don’t get mad when someone who isn’t a man becomes a parent & prefers “parent” or any other name.
ur masculinity won’t magically disappear.
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gworlinterrupted · 1 year
getting the bc implant was so chill btw, glad i had someone with me to hold my hand cause i got pretty anxious but it didnt hurt at all and was rly quick
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nuclearhearts · 2 years
i get annoyed whenever i see someone claiming a period is a punishment for not being pregnant or some shit along those lines bc not only is that biologically incorrect (mensturation occurs to flush out poorly implanted/weak embryos...it’s your body trying its best to make sure you’re NOT pregnant bc of how dangerous and nutrient taxing a pregnancy is on the body) but also bc its pushing a highly misogynystic concept that the female body exists to be pregnant, and will punish itself for failing that purpose.
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