#(and now i'm here w/ sasi)
Just thinking about a vid that catalogued some of the most sampled drum breaks in music. Like “Amen, Brother“ and “Apache“... and just how much of it comes from funk traditions (mmm, bass guitars and sax and rock organ.... *chefs kiss*.)
The latter got me into the Incredible Bongo Band (which I’m just going “Heart Eyes Motherfucker” about rn)... and hot damn. They did a fun rendition of “In A Gadda Da Vida“. I just love the psychedelic supergenre of art/music. So much. orz
There’s a reason half my Creativity is a damn hippie.
It’s kind of funny think about how my dad’s taste in psych/prog rock was formative. Pink Floyd’s probably my favorite that he played a lot (which I’ll never not be amused how Logan mentioned “Comfortably Numb”.) And how I see Liam’s temperament being closer to Patton (which that scene has it’s own Dad energy in today’s moment and my own experiences) than Roman as a lighter and more sentimental (and trippy) side of my creativity.
Liam’s less Disney-centric or fairy-tale like in aesthetic, more Yellow Submarine and all that jazz. Vibrant and bold colors, recursive fractal patterns, dreamlike surrealism... yeah.
Which there’s some fuzziness in boundaries with Mel. Surrealism can turn dark and nightmarish like a bad trip (”The Wall” was so damn haunting and it was great to grow up listening to it) - so that’s the kinda stuff she excels in. And some macabre, trashy, absurdist humor too, so she vibes more with Remus and she’s my main squeeze. Still amused she’s more temperamentally like Virgil though.
(But then again my creative pursuits weren’t ever as “extroverted” as theater/singing/acting. I was a visual artist, writer, and cellist.)
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PROPAGANDA (according to submissions)
She's so goth and emo and she talks to demons and she likes death and she edgy and here mom died and I'm in love with her
Virgil!! (the most glorius entry ever)
1. if ur struggling to find hin, szn 1 virgil wears a grey jacket w/ plaid or whatever on it. 2. i didnt submit szn 2 virgil bcuz hes kind of written by different people now, so his character changes A Lot, BUT bcuz they treat him like an eboy now &. nothing. wrong. with. eboys. but its just a little annoying to have a character be canonically called emo, but the writers have no fucking idea what emo even means & would rather hop on a trend that didnt even exist when sasi was made. its not THAT SERIOUS BUT... it has 2 be szn 1 virgil to me. he's more emo than szn 2 virgil (also hes cooler). 3. szn 1 virgil has the emo hair & makeup & the very annoying teenage angst personality despite being like a 27 yr old man or whatever, szn 2 virgil is just Annoying. szn 1 vkrgil shows up in an episode & hes like doing his lottle emo makeup w/ an eyebrow pencil & scoffs & goes "what do you guys want i was just touching up my makeup 🙄🙄" & then a character asks "you look in a mirror when u put that one" (while wearing the worse outfit ever) & virgil goes "did you look in a mirror when u put THAT on" in like. the most angsty emo voice ever .
(if ur the one who submitted the virgil one plz lmk bc ur super cool)
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He Ollie! It's Cef. You might remember me. I just wanted to say hi and that I hope you are doing well. I still love that you are posting t-fics left and right! I miss you all very much! The reason I left the community was because I finally found some meds that work really well for me, except I almost completely lost my love of tickling. I can't really explain it because I have the same reaction as any other regular person now but I do miss everyone here. I just hope you all are doing well still.
cef!!! of freaking COURSE i remember you, you're one of the OG sasi tfic blogs i ever followed!!! (right behind august and dani, right before spikey, pineapple, and felix dfhfdjsk) i actually just recently was thinking about your blog and your writing!
(confession time: i've mentioned before i had a private tfic account before starting this one, and on that tfic account i still have like, TONS of old posts/fics/art that i've reblogged from 3-7 years ago. some of it i can't access if it's behind a readmore and the op has deactivated, but if it's not behind a readmore, i can still read it so..... yeah i have a collection of extremely 2017-2019 sasi t-word posts that would maybe shock the OPs if they knew about it lol)
((and cef, i actually have an old masterpost of urs saved there, i think most of the links are unreachable now since you've deactivated, but it also has 2 links to freaking,,, google doc self insert teases from logan and roman that i just reread recently LMAOOOOOOOO. so yes, of course of COURSE i remember you and the impact u had on my writing and life :3))
and yeah, i still try to stay active around here, even when my tfic writing isn't coming as easy as it used it. it's crazy that u say that abt ur meds bc lowkey that kinda happened to me too... i started antidepressants for the first time last may (almost a year?? holy shit) and although i had been having writer's block for about 3 months prior to starting those meds, i can honestly say that yeah, the meds did change my brain chemicals a lot, to the point where tickling fell wayyyyyy to the backburner of my mind lol. coupled w how busy i've been for the past... solid year lmfao and this blog just hasn't been able to be a priority like it used to be
HOWEVER, not to get any hopes up or anything, but within the last month i have had a p extreme resurgence of thinking about t-word stuff often, rereading old favorites, going through the tags, etc. and i am graduating college (!!!) in less than a month so..... mayhaps. MAYHAPS. there may be more writing coming from me somewhat soon. WHO KNOWS SJDHFGHDJ
but i digress!!! cef, it was really good to hear from you and know you're doing well. when i saw your blog was deactivated, i was surprised but i understand why u did it, and i'm glad to know u remember all those years on here as fondly as i do :3
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Vlad Masters and Virgil Sanders ~ I am the one who conspiress.
I admit this was mostly a shitpost/crack suggestion but I'm rolling with it.
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(Send me a pairing, no ship names, and I'mma respond.)
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