#(and the red of tilin’s bow of course)
cheese-water · 1 year
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our friends say it’s darkest before the sun rises…
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we’re pretty sure they’re all wrong.
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i am sad
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mxheaven · 6 months
Ramon's Birthday!
A Ramon Focused Fic
(With bits of hideduo/fitpac, of course!)
Ramon doesn't have the custom of celebrating his birthdays, perhaps due to how lonely his first ones were. However, today is different. The bright lights and happy laughter bring him a type of childish joy he didn't allow himself to feel for a long, long time.
(Crossposted on AO3, Wattpad and Twitter. English is not my first language, but i hope you all enjoy!)
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         Ramon remembers his first birthday. It didn't have anything special, as far as he could remember. His first month alive was much of a blur, to be honest. He slept more than he'd have liked to.
Spreen wasn't there. Ramon, at the time, had hopes he would be.
It was a simple day. Just like most of his birthdays.
Now, an entire year later, he's still unaccustomed to the bright lights, balloons, songs, people… it was a dream come true, yet he feared it could change to a nightmare.
He and his two siblings, Dapper and Leonarda, celebrated their birthday on the same day. Chayanne, their brother, was only a day older than the triplets, but decided not to celebrate as… “glamorously” as them, claiming that he didn't need it.
Leonarda asked her dad to build a very nice place for their one year birthday party, and he did not disappoint at all. It is a beautiful place with beautiful towers that no one has no idea how Foolish built in two days.
As a courtesy of Dapper's dad (to be honest, mainly Dapper), the place was guarded by intricate, dangerous and technological security assets. Dapper made sure that nothing would go wrong today.
The decoration, however, was the part that Ramon was the most proud of. He and his family spent so long decorating everything just like his siblings deserved - just like he deserved. 
It was full of balloons and pretty lights (which he expected to have, but never expected Fit to be the one to put all of them), beautiful tables with a place for everyone on the island, entertaining songs that Pac (and his rats) chose… Everything was so thought out and Ramon was so proud of his family for doing all of that so well.
He felt especially proud of this decoration, because Pac made sure he wouldn't forget any of the children that would commemorate their birthday today, meaning that the decoration resembled all of the little ones that had already passed, a little altar for each one of them.
Tilin's altar had a few pictures of her, her red bow, drawings, her signature flowers… Pac took the time to talk with all the parents of the eggs that had already passed so he could respect their memories properly.
Trumpet's altar was rainbow colored, it had his little hat, and a few pictures he managed to find with the federation's help. Unfortunately, Maximus had been gone for so long, Pac couldn't decorate it properly since he had no one to consult with his questions. Every part of this decoration was made with Bagi's help, since she spent the Dia de Los Muertos bonding with the little boy. One of the pictures in the altar was one of Trumpet and Leonarda.
Juannaflippa's altar had been the last one to be decorated, since neither Mariana nor Slimecicle had woken up for weeks. Her altar was green-themed, with plenty of pictures of her and her parents, and a few pictures of her and Tilin.
Bobby's altar was the first to be made. Pac gathered all his courage to consult both Cellbit and Roier, unfortunately not being able to ask Jaiden anything since she disappeared. For some strange reason, Cellbit was the one to answer more questions, whilst Roier kept a distance from the topic.
The boy's altar was blue-themed, there were a few drawings that Richarlyson made, his signature gun (don't ask Pac how he got it), a bunch of pictures of him with his parents, with Richarlyson… all of that.
In all of these, there were messages that people put, hoping that the happiness could reach the four that weren't there anymore.
Ramon got distracted looking at the altars. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss those four. They were always making a bit of a mess, that's for sure, but… he'd be happy if he had the opportunity to share a cake with them again.
Speaking of which, we shall not forget one of the most important parts. The cake- actually, the cakes, made by Chayanne himself, were individually created thinking of who it'd belong to. 
Leonarda's cake was purple and somehow even shiny! On the sides, there were some silly faces - made of frosting and fondant - that she requested, just like the multiple hats she's always wearing. The three pieces of chocolate on top of it were painted with food coloring, going from light shades of purple to- yellow? There was one, lonely, yellow piece… Ramon wonders why Leo requested such a specific thing.
Dapper's cake was, of course, black. It still seemed delicious, though, just like Leo's, since it was made by Chayanne. The cake looked amazing because it had some little ghosts - also made of fondant -, some decorations of things that Ramon couldn't quite recognize, everything that exhaled his brother's personality. Chayanne really outdid himself this time.
His cake, well… it wasn't any different. He almost cried seeing it? Well, sure. No one needs to know that though.
Ramon's cake was mainly white, but Chayanne managed to make amazing representations of Ramon's interests, such as the multiple create machines (machines that he info dumped about multiple times to Chayanne), his mustache on one of the sides, the meathead, his glasses…. And a little yellow Pac-Man.
Ramon looked at his parents. Pac and Fit were talking to each other on a corner, probably having some silly conversation, as they always do. Ramon smiled. He was so lost in thought, thinking about how proud he was of his family, that he didn't realize someone was approaching.
— Hey, Ramon! Happy Birthday, king. — Ramon got scared when he heard Tubbo talk, not expecting anyone to come talk to him so early.
What he didn't expect though, was Sunny appearing out of thin air and hugging him tightly. He wanted to answer Tubbo, but couldn't as Sunny restrained his hands while hugging him and basically shaking him. Eventually she let go, leaving Ramon dizzy.
— Happy birthday, my mustache boy!!!!!!!! — She spoke while she signed.
— “Thank you, Sunny” — He signed back a bit messily, forgetting how strong his sister was. 
— Where should we put the gifts? — Tubbo asks, holding three different gift boxes. Ramon couldn't deny how excited he was for Tubbo and Sunny’s gifts, since they had so many create stuff.
Ramon points to a little table that was slowly filling up with gifts.
Tubbo ruffles Ramon's hair before walking up to the table, placing the three boxes there.
Sunny gives him one last, tight hug before running up to her dad again.
Ramon giggles. He's so happy to have them both here.
He was so excited, too. Everyone he knew was going to be there, for the first time! Sure, maybe it's because it's finally the first one year birthday out of all the eggs, after all this time- after everything they went through, they're still alive. They survived.
This thought could rapidly become darker and sadder, were it not for Leonarda and Dapper showing up out of nowhere to bother Ramon and snap him out of these thoughts.
— “Stop thinking about create, Ramon, you're gonna end up overworking the gears of your brain.” — Ramon found himself looking at the hands of his brother, Dapper. Dapper was wearing, obviously, his signature top hat and  little black and blue suit, and alongside him was Leonarda, wearing a dark purple dress and red sneakers, with her red cap backwards, as always. On her cap, though, was a little crown sticker.
— “Así es, tus neuronas se freirán si te quedas ahí. Vamos a hacer algo divertido, ¡es nuestro cumpleaños!” — Leonarda signed. Dapper and Ramon didn't mind speaking in English with each other, but Leo keeps Spanish as her main language when talking to anyone, using the translation tool to speak with people who couldn't understand. Speaking of said tool, the translation apparatus translates her sentence to the following: “That's right, your neurons will fry if you stay there in the corner. Let’s do something fun, it’s our birthday!”
None of the three needed translations, since all of the triplets spoke English, but it helped – the surprisingly silent – foolish to understand their conversation better from a distance.
— “I will! I'm just… waiting for everyone to arrive before I go.” Ramon explained, and Dapper crossed his arms.
— “Casi todos ya están aquí, wey. Sólo faltan tio Cellbit, Roier y Richas, ellos se perdieron en el camino.” Leonarda answers her brother, who fidgets with his hand, anxiously. The translation device, although a bit late, reproduces Leonarda's phrase in English, “Almost everyone is already here, dude. Only uncle Cellbit, Roier and Richas are missing, they got lost.”
— “Okay… if you guys say. What should we do then?”
Dapper and Leo looked at eachother, then shrugged.
— “I don't know. What do you want to do?” 
Ramon seemed just as uncertain as his siblings. The three of them had the same thinking face, showing how connected they were on this, all triplets being confused.
— “We could…. I don't know… maybe-” — Ramon feels a shiver when someone touches both his shoulders, whispering “boo.”
Ramon screams due to the suddenness of it, and can quickly hear the loud laugh of Richarlyson, followed by Leo and Dapper.
— Opa, Ramon, feliz aniversário. — Richarlyson was one of the few children that talked while signing, most of them resorting to sign language basically most of the time. He liked being heard, that was for sure. — Scared ya?
Ramon felt his heart beat extremely, unusually fast. If anything, Richarlyson almost gave him a heart attack. He's also extremely embarrassed for screaming, as he called attention from everyone at the party.
— “Hi, Richas. Obrigado…” — He signs, pulling up his bandanna ever so slightly to hide his embarrassment.
Richarlyson seems way less noisy with the other two, waving and saying;
— Feliz Cumpleaños, Leo. Happy Birthday, Dapper. — Richarlyson congratulates them on the languages the two speak the most, and both smile, Leo more so than Dapper.
Behind Richarlyson were three figures;
Tiny Pepito waved to the three, wearing his little striped shirt with his big glasses and little red shoes. He was so cute and small. 
Roier had a grin, looking at Leonarda. He was the first to speak. 
— Eh, Leo. Ya estás muy vieja, pensé que ibas a morir antes. — Roier teases, and Ramon can see Foolish squinting his eyes on the corner to read the translations that said: “You're already so old, I thought you were going to die sooner.”
Leo hits Roier, who both laugh. They both take the death thing as a joke, clearly, so no one minds.
Behind Roier, was a slightly off putting figure to Ramon. Cellbit.
He hasn't talked to him in a while, after knowing what he did to Pac is…. It's a little bit scary. Ramon waves, and Cellbit's serious face softens into a smile.
He crouches down to Ramon's height, like he did that one time they were together at the boat race.
— Feliz Cumpleaños, Ramon. — He says, and Ramon can't help but smile. He doesn't understand how the man that hurt his father so much was so sweet to him and the other children. It just didn't seem like the same person.
— “Thanks, tio Cellbit.” — He signs, and Cellbit smiles.
— You still have to choose your paranormal room, you know. When we find a way back to the old spawn, we'll find some time for you to choose. — Ramon is very clearly happy with the suggestion. He and Dapper helped Cellbit decorate the ritual room, but he never had found the time to choose one of the paranormal elements that Cellbit talked about.
— “I promise I'll find some time!” — Cellbit smiles when Ramon agrees, getting up and walking over to Leo and Dapper, probably to congratulate them too. 
Little Pepito walks over to Ramon after talking with Leo, handing Ramon a little paper and a painted rock.
— Feliz cumple, Ramon! — Pepito says, he apparently tries to mimic Richarlyson by talking while simultaneously using sign language, but he, just like the many others eggs, seems to have a little bit of problems while talking. Nothing unintelligible, though. For his age, he speaks very well. Ramon remembers he barely talked when he was Pepito's age.
Oh, god. He's feeling old.
— “Muchas gracias, Pepito.” — Ramon thanks the little boy, who quickly got distracted by a butterfly and almost walked away, being grabbed by Richarlyson so he wouldn't get lost.
Ramon smiles seeing everyone, looking as his siblings get distracted with Cellbit's and Roier's presence. He takes the opportunity to leave discreetly, trying not to call much attention. He just wanted to be on his own for a little bit, deep in thought and quietly appreciating his happiness.
While trying to leave without being spotted, he bumps into something, almost falling before feeling like being caught.
— Oi, Ramon! — He hears Pac's voice, and smiles widely, hugging him without any hesitation. — Are you enjoying your birthday?
Ramon lets go slightly of the hug, shaking his head in agreement. When he's with Pac, he barely talks or signs, only communicating through movements and actions, because his Pai understands him so well they don't need words.
— That's so nice, I'm so happy to be here with you. — Ramon giggles, he gets so sillier when he's around Pac, it almost doesn't feel like himself. — Want to see something? Don't tell anyone, though.
Ramon gets a little bit confused, and agrees with a nod.
Pac, still holding the boy in his arms, discreetly walks over to the table with the cake. He looks everywhere around him, sometimes smiling and greeting somebody who came around, making small talk, seeming... suspiciously unsuspicious to Ramon. (Ramon is also slightly embarrassed to be seen this way, being held by Pac, but it doesn't matter right now.) Ramon then sees Pac reach for the table while still holding him, whispering a “Passa tudo”.
Pac, then, walks away from the table and goes to a corner with Ramon.
— It's our secret! — Ramon, confused with Pac's words, finally notices his dad holding a little plastic plate with sweets, mainly brigadeiros. Ramon's eyes shine, he really wanted one but apparently they had to wait for some reason.
Ramon quickly signs — “Obrigado, Pai!!” — before grabbing one brigadeiro and eating almost the entire thing in a bite.
Pac laughs, giving Ramon a kiss on the forehead, clearly happy to be with his neném.
— What are you two up to? — Ramon almost chokes on the brigadeiro when he hears his father's deep voice.
Pac turns to see his boyfriend, smiling happily. 
— It's a secret. A secret-y secret! Is that even a word? — Pac giggles when saying that, and Ramon shoves one other brigadeiro on his mouth.
— Hm, is it? — Fit asks, chuckling. He approaches Pac and Ramon, placing his hand on Pac's waist, to bring him closer. — Can't you guys let me in on this secret?
Ramon looks at Pac, who makes a thinking face. 
— Maybe… — Pac says, smiling. Ramon pinches him lightly, just to send him a sign, it didn't hurt or anything. — Do you think we should tell him, Ramon?
Ramon nods, and Pac smiles, looking back to Fit.
— We may or may not have taken a few sweets from the table… — Fit raises an eyebrow as Pac begins talking, being unable to contain a chuckle. — But no one noticed! You know, what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't feel- or however it goes in English.
— Fair. — Fit answered with a chuckle. — Are there still some for me, or did you guys forget?
Ramon immediately grabbed the last brigadeiro on the little plastic plate, handing it to his father.
— “Pai and I would never forget about you!” — Ramon signed, and Fit smiled, a genuinely happy smile.
— That's true! — Pac confirms, quickly nodding to show Fit how Ramon was right.
— Aw, you guys are too good to me. — He says, caressing Ramon's hair and taking a bite of the brigadeiro. — Leo and Dapper asked me to call you two, they want to open the gifts with Ramon already.
Ramon didn't like opening gifts in public, he was the more reserved one out of the triplets when it came to that. Fit, however, already seemed to notice how Ramon got hesitant, and said;
— It's alright, Ramon. You don't have to open your gifts now, they just want your company. You can send letters thanking the gifts later. — Ramon smiles and sighs, happy that his dad understood.
— We have to go, then! — Pac excitedly said. — Everyone has to sing happy birthday to you, to Leo and to Dapper!
Pac has clearly always been very excited for birthdays. Back to Fit's birthday, he taught Ramon about the Brazilian tradition of the first piece of cake, and was so excited to go to the party, although he unfortunately couldn't in that specific day due to having passed out (spending the entire night farming for a trident may not have been the most healthy idea). 
In any case, he was always so happy with birthday celebrations, and this was definitely showing now, as he carried the boy over to the table where his siblings waited, looking at the beautiful cakes Chayanne made.
Fit followed his family a little behind, smiling as he looked at Pac and Ramon having so much fun together. He felt complete with these two in his life.
Ramon tapped Pac's shoulder, wanting to be put down. Pac didn't take long to realize what the boy wanted, putting him on the floor.
— I'm going to call everyone, go stay with your siblings a little bit. — Ramon nodded as his Pai said that, seeing him walk away towards Fit. Ramon looked back at the cake table, seeing Dapper and Leonarda discussing something.
— “No, I'm pretty sure you give the first piece of cake before people start singing happy birthday, no?” — Dapper explains, and Leonarda shook her head, clearly disagreeing.
— “¡Pero no tiene ningún sentido!”
(But it doesn't make any sense!) — Leo argued.
— “How does it not?” — Dapper confusedly asks. As Ramon reaches his sight, both of the children turn towards him.
— “¿Cómo es la tradición del Pastel, Ramon?”
(How is the cake tradition, Ramon?) — Leonarda asked, assuming her brother would have a better understanding of said tradition considering he has a Brazilian father.
Ramon seemed slightly confused. He wasn't quite sure if he would be able to put it all into words. He thought for a bit, before signing back to his siblings.
— “Uh.. I'm not sure. But Pai said you sing happy birthday, then if you want you do a little speech on why you're giving the first piece of cake to this someone, and then you… just give it to them? I guess.” 
Leo and Dapper exchanged looks.
— “Can it be only one person?” — Dapper asked, and Ramon nodded. — “Oh… that's difficult… Can we make an agreement that we can't give it to each other, then?”
Leo shrugged, and Ramon seemed to agree. He wouldn't be able to choose between Dapper and someone else if he needed to… 
— Alright! — The three heard Pac's voice a little far away. Everyone was already gathered around the table. — Everyone sing happy birthday in your native language!!
— That'll sound a little bit like a mess. — Somebody in the back said. It was probably Tubbo.
— Mmm Yeah, probably, but it'll be nice. — Pac assured. Ramon giggled at his dad's answer.
And with Pac counting down from three, the guests began singing. You could hear any of the languages present on the island there, really. Some singing parabéns pra você, other joyeux anniversaire, even the mostly-asleep spanish speakers were there, singing. In the back, you could hear one voice in German, and a few in korean.  
As Tubbo mentioned, it was a little bit of a mess. It sounded nice, but you could barely pick out who was singing what. They were having fun, at least, but that's what mattered.
Leo is proudly standing in front of her cake, smiling widely. Dapper, although looking more collected, is smiling at his father. Ramon is standing there a little bit awkwardly, but he looks proud of himself nonetheless.
Chayanne was in the middle of everyone singing, as he didn't like this type of celebration to himself, but people were clearly singing it to him too.
The singing stopped, although everyone cheered. The triplets blew the candles, Ramon having to lower his bandanna to do so.
Somebody in the back yelled something in portuguese. Ramon assumed they were talking about the cake thing.
He poked Leo, as she wanted to start.
— “Ehem. Buenos dias.” — Leonarda talked while simultaneously signing with her hands. She didn't have trouble talking, she just didn't like it much. 
— “Ramon y Dapper están avergonzados, así que empezaré.” 
(Ramon and Dapper are shy, so I'll start.)
Leonarda began, and Foolish cheered her on the back, saying something along the lines of “Vamos!!! Mi niña!!!”
— “Como es mi cumpleaños, digo que los fundadores de Fobo cuentan como una sola persona. Todos ellos son muy especiales porque están construyendo mis riquezas. El primer pedazo de pastel es para ellos.”
(Since it's my birthday, I say that the founders of Fobo count as one person. They are all very special because they are building my wealth. The first piece of cake is for them.)
People seemed slightly confused, although Tubbo and Foolish cheered.
— Can she do that? — Somebody asked.
— Meh, who cares, it's her birthday. — Pac was the one to answer.
Leonarda cut one big piece of cake into three, and Tubbo and Foolish walked up there to grab the cake.
— “To Sunny too.” — Leonarda signed, and Sunny walked over, unable to contain her smile.
— I'm not building anyone's wealth, though. It's my own wealth! — Sunny said. She is one of the few eggs that talk more than sign. 
Leo rolled her eyes.
Everyone clapped as Dapper's turn began. Silent took over for about three seconds before he simply said, nonchalantly;
— “Pomme.” 
Although people were confused by the lack of speech, it didn't take long for people to cheer as Pomme walked up to the table, grabbing her piece of cake, clearly extremely moved by her brother's choice.
Ramon was getting anxious. He's not usually anxious but… he didn't want to, for lack of a better word, fuck this up. It was an important tradition to his pai, right? He can't fuck it up. Not right now.
He took a deep breath. Everyone was looking at him. That didn't usually happen. He's not often in the spotlight.
He cut a piece of cake.
He took another deep breath, and made an effort to say:
— I… Uh, since this is a very important Brazilian tradition… — He tried signing while talking, but talking more loudly took a lot out of him and it honestly made him sign a bit slower, to match his voice. — the first piece of cake goes to my pai Pac.
With the cheering that came with that, everybody could hear Pac, almost crying, extremely happy, running towards Ramon. Instead of immediately grabbing the plate with the cake that Ramon was going to grab, Pac jumped over the table to hug Ramon.
— Eu também te amo muito, meu nenê!!! — The Brazilian exclaimed, tearing up. Ramon tried to get out of his pai's arms, almost suffocating, but giving up as he decided to simply hug back.
The songs that were playing before this began again, everyone walking over to the table to grab sweets and cake. Ramon, however, didn't let go of his dad for a while, both extremely happy.
Fit is looking at his boyfriend and his son from a slight distance, smiling more than he ever did. Fit already knew Ramon was giving the cake to Pac, since the boy and him had already been talking about it for weeks.
He takes a happy, relieved breath. He can live like this for the rest of his life.
He hears something, a metallic footstep. Fit quickly looks back, seeing Richarlyson stand beside him, arms crossed.
— I haven't seen my dad happy like this in a while, tio. — Fit looks curiously to the boy, who seems to have some stuff to say. Richarlyson, however, keeps quiet for a while. — You know… he had been very sad these past months.
— I… yeah, I could notice. — Fit answered, waiting for the boy to elaborate further.
— You and Ramon made him happy. — He chuckles, tilting his head slightly to the side. — Thanks for that.
Fit smiled gently.
— You took part in that, you know? — Richarlyson looked at Fit, now curious to what he had to say. — You make your dad and… and well, everyone around you really happy. 
Richarlyson laughs a little, seeming embarrassed. Fit has come to notice how shy this boy actually is, even though he's so loud, outgoing and interactive with everyone.
— If you say so. I'd just like to thank you and Ramon for that, I like seeing my dad happy. — Fit places his hand on Richas’ hair, who fidgets with his hands, a bit embarrassed, but happy.
— Thank you to you too. Now go enjoy the party, Pepito's been yelling for you for a while now.  — Richarlyson looks around, confused. He seemed to be really distracted, considering how he didn't hear his brother yelling for him.
— Obrigado, Tio! Falou! — The translator didn't quite catch what Richas said, but Fit assumed it was a goodbye. He waved to the boy, seeing him grab Pepito, who had begun crying due to not having found Richarlyson.
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It was around 11pm when the party ended. At least for Pac, Fit and Ramon, since they were always the ones to leave early. Pac is carrying a sleeping Ramon in his arms, the poor boy having slept on a chair due to getting tired quickly. He has his head against Pac's shoulder, and snores softly as he sleeps.
— I can carry him, Pac, it's okay. — Fit said as they walked. He couldn't help but stare at Pac, the moonlit night making the yellow on Pac's eyes shine, absorbing every single drop of Fit's attention.
— Oh, it’s okay. I really want to carry him, I don't know if i'll be able to see him again tomorrow. — Pac answered, adjusting his arms so Ramon could stay comfortable.
They spent a few seconds in a comfortable silence, and suddenly, both spoke at the same time.
— Thanks-
— Obrigado-
They went silent again, looking at each other, before they eventually broke into soft laughter.
— You can speak, please. — Fit said, his tone oh-so loving. 
— It's just… — Pac began, before he eventually decided to switch languages, wanting to say it in the best way possible. — Obrigado. Obrigado por estar comigo, e por-... por poder me dar essa vida com você e com o Ramon. 
They stopped in front of Fit's house. Fit smiled so clearly reading what appeared on the translation device. 
“Thank you. Thank you for being with me, and for- for giving me this life with you and Ramon.”
Fit smiled. Such a genuine, loving smile. He couldn't have asked for anything better. Even after all the pain, even after everything he went through, he wouldn't change a thing. He would suffer it all again for these two.
Fit took a step closer, touching Pac's cheek.
— I love you, Pac. 
Pac smiled, and Fit could see his expression soften into what seemed like overwhelming, genuine happiness.
— Eu te amo também. 
Fit leaned closer to Pac's face, the hand on Pac's cheek moving to the back of his head, lightly pulling him closer. Pac closed his eyes, just wanting to feel Fit's presence for a few seconds. Fit did the same.
They didn't kiss. It still didn't feel like the time. But to both of them, what happened today was enough.
They spent at least twenty seconds just appreciating each other's presence, their foreheads touching. Some could say they'd spend more time there, had Ramon not shifted ever so slightly on Pac's arms, reminding them that they had to go. They separated, seeming to smile more than they did before, if that was even possible.
— See you Monday? — Fit asks, and Pac tries to nod, although stops mid way.
— If the rats manage to wake me up, yes. I can't promise, though… — Pac answered honestly, seeming a bit embarrassed. Fit chuckled.
— Fair. Hope they will, though. I already miss you, even if you're still here. 
Pac chuckled, seeming even more embarrassed than before. He slowly and carefully hands Ramon to Fit, trying to not wake up his son.
— Oh, I almost forgot! — Pac reached for his pocket when saying that, and Fit, now with Ramon in his arms, seemed confused. Pac takes out from his pocket a blue bandanna with a yellow Pac-Man on it. — Give it to Ramon for me. I didn't have the time to give him this.
Fit felt more in love with this man with every second that passed.
— Sure will do. Boa noite, Pac.
— Boa noite, Fit.
That night, Ramon slept hugging a different bandanna, for a different reason.
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shavalimonysal · 1 year
a lot of people associate ElQuackity with red and Quackity with blue, but to be honest, i headcanon it the other way
ElQuackity is dark blue/kind of purple to me, i see dark blue as a mysterious color, means something unknow, lurking from the dark, cold. I like to think that ElQuackity is Don Quackity, which is basically Q after Luzu's electoral fraud.
Don Quackity was basically a narco, he even killed children, but, at the same time, he was a revolutionary, he opossed Luzu's dictatorship, not only because of his betrayal, but because he looked after his people, with unethical methods of course. His color not only being dark blue, more like, a purplish blue, being just a little closer to warmer colors like pink and red, but still being blue.
on the other side, Quackity is red to me, or at least, any other warm color.
quackity has a Las Nevadas background, his color scheme in LN was mostly red, dangerous, explosive, angry, powerful.
or confident, energic, sassy, passional.
although Quackity is still blue in general, the blue that represents him is more saturated. He changed his dangerous red for a warmer, "friendly" red.
that's why Tilin's bow is red, Quackity discovered that red means more than power and blood, it also means love and life.
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