#(and these are actually NOT big spoilers btw i haven't even mentioned the BIG changes)
aniseandspearmint · 2 years
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fingon | Findekáno/Maedhros | Maitimo, Fingon | Findekáno/Finrod Felagund | Findaráto/Maedhros | Maitimo, Celebrían/Elrond Peredhel, Elrond Peredhel & Maglor | Makalaurë, Elrond Peredhel & Maedhros | Maitimo, Thorin Oakenshield/Being Tricked Into Being Friends With Elrond's Chaos Disaster Family, Fingon | Findekáno & Finrod Felagund | Findaráto, Galadriel | Artanis/Maglor | Makalaurë, Argon | Arakáno/Galadriel | Artanis/Maglor | Makalaurë Characters: in rough order of appearance we have, Thorin Oakenshield, Elrond Peredhel, Kíli (Tolkien), Celegorm | Turcafinwë, Argon | Arakáno, Aredhel | Irissë, Maglor | Makalaurë, Turgon | Turukáno, Arwen Undómiel, Maedhros | Maitimo, Aragorn | Estel, Fingon | Findekáno, Celebrían (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Finrod Felagund | Findaráto, Galadriel | Artanis, Curufin | Curufinwë, Bilbo Baggins, Narvi (Tolkien), Maeglin | Lómion, Caranthir | Morifinwë, Haleth of the Haladin Additional Tags: Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, both tags began in the silmarillion but have rippled down to affect the hobbit too, mildly eldritch line of finwë, me realizing just now after being obsessed with tolkien since i was six that elves are telepaths, definitely not LaCE compliant, Crack Treated Seriously, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, technically they did die but then they got kicked out of mandos for being annoying, Trans Fingon, Trans Finrod, baby aragorn!, the elves just want to eat smaug, they are the natural predator of the dragons now, Eldritch Peredhel (Tolkien), i misread celeborn as celegorm once and an entire cracky idea came from it, fingon shows affection like a housecat Series: Part 1 of the let love win 'verse Summary:
Thorin thought his quest to reclaim his home was going rather well. Until Gandalf insisted they stop in Rivendell. While Elrond's extended family was there.
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sabrondabrainrot · 7 months
I forget I can just ramble and rant my thoughts!
I try to focus on sharing just my art but I also do writing and try to have a bit of a critical mind when it comes to media I consume.
Now that it has been a few months since I watched all of TMNT 12 I do have some thoughts and opinions and kind of want to just ramble about it before I forget, in an informal manner.
I at first really liked it, it was the second TMNT show I watched after Rise, now that I've been watching the 87 and 03 shows my opinions on 12 did change just a bit but I still do like it!
Literally all the turtles are my son's now. Especially Leonardo (he's blue coded so-). I just think they're so cute and neat!!!
I'm going to put thoughts to spoiler stuff of 12 so if you plan to watch the show then don't click beyond this point!
So in the last season of TMNT 12 it kind of feels like all the scrapped ideas or random plots that couldn't be fit into the prior seasons were put in this one? I really like the new op it gives of Cowboy Bebop vibes. The op song change is really nice to because I never really looked the tmnt 12 op song before.
However, the plots feel all over the place? There's a mini ark where they're jumping through time meeting Halloween monsters and then another ark where Mikey defeats Satan? Then we get another really tiring ark that's this implied alternate madmax fury road parody that is honestly so depressing? Donnie is just dead.
Which btw, the show likes killing ppl off for dramatic effect. They killed Master Splinter three times and had Mikey and Donnie get scattered to atoms on two separate occasions. I should also mention Leo was in a coma for 3 months with no IV or anything and he woke up relatively fine.
Anyways, going into the last season and stuff leading up to it... They kind of ended with the 87 turtles and the 12 boys finding new passion and inspiration from teaching the 87 boys. I didn't really vibe with it because it just made the 87s the butt of the joke and made them out to be incompetent silly little guys.
They ARE silly little guys but the thing is they're not incompetent. The 87 boys have done some insanely incredible things even when unarmed. Especially when unarmed. I actually think the angle of finding a new way to help people as a means to end the series on an inspired note is fine, the 87 boys even carried on the will and told Bebop and Rocksteady they can be more than Shredder's mutant henchmen. It is very cute and wholesome. I just think they could have maybe done it differently?
Why not set up for them to teach Chi arts? The turtles of 87 don't have any mystical abilities and it would have been interesting to do a set up like that? There are ways to write the finale without just dumping on the original source.
Focusing back on the ending of 12, we also leave on a seriously alarming note. It's just a big mixed bag. After Master Splinter went to run on the hamster wheel in the sky, Leonardo was handed the reigns of the family. He was told "You're the teacher now Leonardo. You're the father. Look after your brothers" and Splinter then willingly walked into his own death. I think the writers maybe thought this was amazing and inspirational or something but I found it incredibly messed up? We start tmnt 12 on all 4 boys birthday. Meaning Splinter himself considers them all to be the same age. And since the series was running they haven't on screen celebrated a birthday and from the implied weather changes most of the seasons 1-4 seem to take place over just a year??? We don't get a definitive timeline (or I'm a bad audience and didn't notice).
So one can only assume Master Splinter was telling his...15 year old son to be the father to his other 15 year old children.
Why do I bring this up at all? After Leonardo takes over the family and he KILLS shredder they go into this rushed cult demon resurrection arc that culminates in the classic dead walk the earth and Mikey defeats Satan. In this arc we meet a ghost splinter who does not even go to see his kids, he just helps Casey and April. But throughout and the lead up to this we have moments of Leo having conversations with what we can perceive as Sensei's ghost in the dojo.
But the climax of the arc cements splinters ghost has not once visited his son's.
So Leonardo is quite literally having full on conversations, in the dojo for his brothers to hear, with a hallucination of his dead dad. He's coping this way. His family does nothing about this.
Tmnt 2012 has the worst Splinter. He ignored his son's and chose favorites. He told Leonardo to die (season 1 finale). He calls Mikey dumb and insights the others to do it too. He told Raph his anger makes him exactly like Shredder and never elaborates or teaches him how to better work through his issues. And he straight up calls Donnie useless.
None of that is even an exaggeration. Adding context just makes it worse.
Here's a list:
Do you know the turtles are the equivalent of helicopter raised homeschool boys? They've never stepped foot outside of the lair except at the start of ep 1.
They learn ALL of their lessons from old shows and cartoons. The show writers even sometimes use the cartoons to set up the theme of the episodes!
When Leonardo rescues Mikey he pats him on the head to comfort him.
Literally almost all of their ninja weapons have hidden weapons. I love it I wish I saw more of them using them.
Michelangelo is the family chef because somehow none of the rest have any life skills. Not even Splinter (explains so much).
They all have such cute shape language. I love bean pole Donnie, blocky buff Raph, perfect pear Leo, and round freckled Mikey.
They also now have unique eye colors. I love their eyes. Donnie with his big beautiful brown eyes (sometimes they look red). Raph with his acid green stare into your soul eyes, they look like they would glow like mako eyes in ff7. Mikey with bright blue eyes all big and round. And then Leo with the cunning dark blue eyes!
I just want to pinch their cheeks and kiss their foreheads and give them hugs.
Also, Leo is so affectionate to kids and his brothers??? My heart??? Couldn't take it??? He just randomly hugs them?? He had a tea party??? He wore a pink feather boa? The way he just immediately held baby Miwa??? Too good. Too good. He's such a good big bro.
Raph is also such a soft guy. Like yes he's a Butthead that beats up his brothers and takes every single violent urge out on Leo when he's even minorly inconvenienced but he does learn to do better. He helps Leo a lot and he even is there for the others a lot too.
Raphael also does art and seems to like fine arts.
Raph, like Leo, is a resident baby man. He loved tiny helpless creatures. He had a pet turtle he loved with his entire being and then later on adopted a space alien baby turtle that he also loved with his entire being.
I love Donnie in this, his cute little tooth gap, his gentle demeanor, the fact he'd rather be in the lab than training. I feel bad for him tho cause he clearly wants Splinter and Leo's approval with his inventions and efforts but very rarely gets it (Leo is the only one to really praise him and get what he does). He's also a good team player but he has so much stress and no confidence.
Donnie needs a big ol hug.
Mikey is so cute. But he is so weird. Why did they write girly pop collecting underwear. Why did they have him cannibalize a mutant pizza man? They do the most random things with Mikey. I like that he avidly tries cheering ppl up. He tries so hard for his bros. He's just a sweet little guy. I wish they did more with the baby bro.
Mikey should have kept his lightning powers.
They fight a lot but all the brothers love each other. I think they're just stressed and cooped up too much.
I like drama tho it's juicy when they argue.
I read on the wiki that Donnie is supposed to be canon OCD and Mikey canon ADHD and it makes so much sense in the show.
I really like all their voices. I miss Leo's first voice he was so dorky and sweet. The new voice is all sad and serious. Raph sounds perfect. I like Donnie's voice but instead of him always yelling why not have him do the low angry science rant because that's a good time. I like Mikey's voice he sounds like a high pitched beast boy.
But despite the occasionally baffling writing choices of the show I still like it. It's entertaining in the same way as a telenovela or kdrama. They literally have a plot where one of the turtles falls in love with his secret half sister. Something I've seen in telenovelas and kdramas.
2012 tmnt makes a great dogblooded drama.
I think the CGI art can get pretty bad at times but other times it looks great. The music is pretty good and I really like the voice cast. I actually totally see why so many people like this show but I definitely don't think it's the best one. From what I've seen thus far, I think the 2003 TMNT show might actually be a masterpiece. Better than Avatar the Last Airbender levels of masterpiece (not a competition just giving an example of another show I find monumental).
That's it, that's the rant, thanks for reading!
Btw if any one has any good 12 fic recs pls hand them over. I need 12 hurt comfort, or fem Leo, or transfem Leo, or anything introspective, or just anything with a fun plot. Pls I'm dying here send fics.
Thank you :)
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 1 year
The Inevitable Farron Post
So I mentioned it a tiny bit offhand in places people likely didn't notice, but Dusk has ... hm, how to put it. The characters are already married in game, so I tend to refer to him as Dusk's husband, but in their actual RP timeline, they are decidedly not married yet, because they haven't known each other THAT long and are already barreling along their relationship at breakneck speed as it is.
In any case, Dusk has a partner, let's use that term.
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His name is Farron, and Dusk loves him very much.
(some environmental spoilers from EW, if that bugs people)
Farron has his own tumblr over at @petitfarron and I am going to let him decide how much jibberjabber about the character he decides to do. Strap in for a long post, though, because I can sense I'm still going to write a lot even skipping that.
I have so many pictures of these two, and over time I'm sure I'll shove them in people's faces. You will inevitably notice as you look at them that Farron has changed his coloration, his height, his hairstyle several times. He's actually done it far more than I've chronicled, because after four plus years of watching this dude repeatedly fantasia himself, I can usually tell the difference between a flight of fancy that won't last more than an hour, and an actual change, and I do not bother with elaborate gposes if the appearance has no staying power.
When we first started RPing, I intended to RP Dusk as not-the-WoL, but Farron encouraged me to change my mind. And I figured fuck it, it's just us, who cares. It's turned out to be really fun, because regular-ass Farron learning about what absurd shit his boyfriend got up to before they met has been really, really funny.
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They first met after the end of 6.0 in Gridania. Dusk is technically a member of the carpenter's guild in addition to being the savior of the world, and after a day of being a big weirdo with Beatin (Beatin is 100% what I expect Dusk to turn into once he's old and retires from adventuring, btw), he walked outside and was accosted by Farron, who (correctly) asserted Dusk looked like a man who could use an energy tincture. Dusk, even after all the times he's had something to drink and it didn't go well after, is still a trusting soul and downed it.
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Farron wanted to 'observe' how the tincture affected Dusk, who did not seem to think this was weird at all, and since Dusk had mentioned being hungry, invited him to dinner at the Last Stand. Dusk found it mildly surprising this rando was assuming Dusk could get there, but he could, so off they went.
Dusk was blissfully unaware he was on a date at this point. Farron, if he wants, can explain why his brain melted over the course of their meal, but he went from brazenly walking up to Dusk and just talking like they've known each other for years, to a blushy mess before dinner was over. Dusk politely pretended not to notice, since he didn't want to embarrass him.
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Farron met Duck (of course he met Duck!) and they went for a walk, and he mostly calmed down enough to have a nice conversation. Although he almost exploded again when Dusk offered to walk him home after they got back to Gridania.
Nothing sexy happened that night, but Dusk did spend the night (it was perfectly chaste) and Farron made him pancakes. They agreed to hang out that evening. Dusk was still completely unaware these were dates in Farron's mind.
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He figured it out eventually.
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And Farron got some of his swagger back. Some of the time, anyway, Dusk can still make him melt into a puddle of embarrassment if he hits him with the right sort of sentimental nonsense at the right time.
It was a couple of weeks before Farron figured out his Dusk was THAT Dusk. It was one of those situations where it never felt like a good time for Dusk to mention, and the longer he went without saying it, the harder it was. Luckily, Farron wasn't mad.
They're currently in 6.1 (Farron got to go on ~adventures~ with Dusk, very exciting!), moved in together in Empyreum (I need to take some pictures for you guys to see, Farron did the bulk of the decorating and it's so cozy) and we really need to pick up our pace if we're going to actually get them to 7.0 in a timely manner. :D
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Farron's pet rabbit is named Miss Wiggles, by the way. He was embarrassed to tell Dusk this, but Dusk thought it was incredibly cute.
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Now that I've told you the extreme basics of their relationship and where it's at, I am going to complain. So kisses are, by far, the most difficult thing for me to pose. They feel EXTRA DIFFICULT when there's a huge height difference, and I was glad Farron was at least tall for a viera dude.
At first.
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The DAY AFTER they got married, Farron fantasia'd to be a 20 on the height scale.
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Fine, I thought. It's annoying, but not the worst, I can deal.
Then a few days later, he shrunk all the way down to minimum height.
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He's lucky I like challenges.
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woodchipp · 1 month
So, I've just read the third issue of the OMORI manga.
It's a joke.
The only change I liked is Kel paying off the storeowner (with Sunny's money lmao) so that she doesn't turn Kim in. That makes more sense than Kim and her brother fighting Sunny and Kel for no solid reason
The rest, though... hoo boy.
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I don't think just mentioning the Hooligans' past criminal exploits like this has the same weight as the reader being shown one such exploit firsthand. Why not open the issue on a scene of Angel throwing eggs at a car/house before Kel stops him (with that threat to tell the entire town about the summer camp bed-wetting he used in the game, ig?) and learns Kim might know something about Aubrey's whereabouts? idk, if you want to use her gang, at least try to use them in a way that makes some sense
"Maybe you'll finally be able to learn something in juvy!!" Logically speaking, shouldn't have those "antics" earned all of them a stay at juvy at some point? lmao
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oh I can tell the artist straight-up didn't bother lol. The whole point of the church fight is Aubrey getting publicly humiliated by a big crowd, and six people is hardly a big crowd
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...Am I supposed to take his stare seriously?
This is a problem I had with the game as well, btw. The artstyle's too unfittingly cutesy for me to take anything in the plot seriously.
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oh no who would've thought invoking Jesus Mari's name to someone who made it clear they still haven't moved on wasn't a good idea
Kel. why are you so shocked. what did you expect
(feat. Aubrey doing her best Sadako impression)
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"No... that's not true..." IT'S BOWLSCHET! I DID NAHT HIT HER, I DID NAHT
So the six churchgoers shittalk Aubrey, Sunny inexplicably flashbacks to him and her playing on the swings (y'know, gotta feed the shippers somehow) and then we get the issue's absolute Peakest moment
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This is literally infant behavior. Why try to apologize when she made it clear you hurt her? No, cover her ears so she won't hear the Meanies!
Besides, she could've... just covered her ears herself if she wanted to. She already heard what people think of her. Sunny's action is useless.
why does he look like he's been intentionally drawn to look as kawaii-desu as possible. why is the artstyle so dramatic compared to what's actually happening. what is this issue
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1) Even Game!Kel, who is generally an insensitive moron, bothered to note he felt bad for Aubrey after she ran out of the church, even if he promptly forgot about her half a minute later. Manga!Kel doesn't see the need to.
2) Sunny passes out into Headspace from running too fast. peak
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"It's almost like... something just took him away." "Wow... we truly live in a vast forest..."
can't wait for omori to say "it's omorin' time!" and then omori all over his fear of heights in the next issue
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weirdlyfitting · 2 years
Okay so yesterday i watched love and thunder and i think it's okay (and yes definitely way better than mom)
Spoilers btw
I think it has a tone problem tho, i like the comedy stuff there should be less jokes in this one
Gorr is amazing as a villain holy shit, the time he appears when he's already corrupted i got chills down my spine! The camera works are *chef kiss
With him being the villain, back to the tone problem i think that's what made this story didn't turn well. Gorr literally wanted to eradicate ALL GODS, that's probably the highest stake in every thor movie ever had.
And gotta admit, i'm thinking a lot to moon knight's story. As in i tried to search for the connections yk but i'll talk abt this later
I feel like there should be some infinity war element kind of tone in here, it's not that in the end the gang's supposed to loose tho but make it as if they're actually going to loose
When gorr almost got to the eternity i feel a bit dissapointed cause yea i knew he'll change his mind/heart or prob not succeeded
Compare this in ragnarok tho, i feel like the stakes with hela was much bigger/higher cause ragnarok pretty much showed a lot of the damages hela has done to the gang from act 1
The screaming goats ruined the scene when the gang just arrived in shadow-realm-planet(???) sorry i forgot the name lmao, anyway i love the goats in other scenes but i hate them in here only, cause seriously it didn't match the gloomy, dark, corrupted tone of the place itself
And i miss loki being in here, i get that the loki that thor knew is gone-actually-gone but i wish there's more of him talking about his bro :(
Aight moving on to stuff that i liked about the movie :
MOON KNIGHT IN THE MARVEL INTRO. I REPEAT MOON KNIGHT IN THE MARVEL INTRO AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! This is the actual reason i want to watch love and thunder lmao, i'm afraid if this is the first yet last time i'm able to see mk in the big screen of this year so yeah
i love the dynamic between the gang tho, and the shenanigans between thor and guardians aweee!!
the kids getting thor's power just pure awesomeness aaaaaaaa!!!!
Val and jane being such awesome sisters in here hehe, i love their energy 🥺
The battle in shadow-realm-planet. JUST LOOK AT THOSE CINEMATOGRAPHY HOLY SHIT!!!
Gorr. Yea only gorr because he's that cool as villain seriously, no other words can explain how i love his character so much
The "just look at the eyes of people that you loved" line aweee, peter's looking at the other guardians and my heart really melted
Mjolnir and stormbreaker lmaooooo, i feel like strombreaker should meet dr strange's cloak???? The chaos from these two omg
Okay now that's sorta everything now i wanna talk about the moon knight connections
When gorr said he'll kill all the gods OH SHIT I'M WORRIED FOR KHONSHU 😔😭
He's a bad as a god and just a pigeon w angry issue yeah but- BUT goddamn i'm actually worried????? Not to mention with jake now serving him so.....the moon bois are technically not safe either SHIT-
Okay maybe they are safe actually? Cause khonshu's the one that'll die
Anyway anyway
Does this makes the whole ammit & harrow trying to eradicate the bad ones POINTLESS in moon knight? Maybe???
Like imagine gorr arrives on earth while ammit vs khonsu stuff is happening, THEY'RE BIG AND WHAT'S HE GONNA DO HUH???? Then even if he's able to kill ammit (and khonshu) this only makes moon knight's journey more pointless and i hate it! A nobody (on mk's perspective) just popped out and finished what marc, steven and layla were trying to do what the hell- >:(
Luckily gorr haven't kill the enneads yet tho, but still this bothered me
Oh and yk we could've had jake joining the gang to kill this god butcher right? Like come onnn (ignore me i'm desperate for more mk lmao)
And- AND
If gorr ever meets harrow i think they would've had a very interesting convo. Harrow is a fanatic while Gorr is a non-beliver, just imagine how clashed these two would be holy shit!!!
Amd I think there's a line that said "eradicating" and all i could think about was harrow, he too was trying to eradicate something tho
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cinnamonblueberry22 · 3 years
Optigami Review + A big rant on Cat noir in season 4
Alright, I haven't been really active on Tumblr lately mainly because of school and all the work I've been receiving, but this is the one time I can post so just bear with me lmao.
Optigami Review:
Honestly love Ladybee, her transformation did look a bit rough, but her suit looks stunning. Too bad Cat noir didn't get to see it.
Kind of lost as to why there's only Luka, Kagami, Max, Chloe, and the other miraculous holders that Shadowmoth knew the identities of, did Gabriel just ask Adrien those specific people, and Adrien just, did not find anything suspicious about that?
Did Adrien just not question as to why Kaalki, the kwami of teleportation, was there with Rena Rouge?? And why Kaalki even teleported him somewhere so far to the Montparnasse Tower even though he's literally Cat noir and needed to fight??
Why were the kwamis magically able to be heard on the phone?? I thought they weren't able to be seen in technology, the phone is technology... So why were they heard??
Now for Alya. Honestly, she did seem a bit suspicious earlier because she wanted to be a permanent holder even though it's not the wisest decision and then completely acted like everything was fine after saying "It's your choice tho" and then immediately got to be a permanent miraculous holder... Seems like she wanted to cover her plans up by seeming sincere and then got her chance. Foreshadowing? Even if I love Alya in general, I do love some betrayal plot twist stories.
Mari is not making the right decision because, it will be okay for a moment, but Shadowmoth literally knows who Rena Rouge is. And at the end of the episode, we see him wanting to get to know Alya better. Alya is going to be in danger. This is going to affect Ladynoir. I mean, yea, I want angst but still.
Overall, I rate this episode a 7.5/10. It was impactful, we got to see Cat noir upset about not being needed, but there were also some questionable things in this episode like I mentioned previously. Other than that it was a decent episode and for once I liked Shadowmoths plan tbh.
So there's been a ton of people talking about "Cat noir is being replaced by Rena Rouge!" and all that... I just have one question, why? Why are you so upset over the fact that Rena was here for like, what, two episodes? And then saying she's replacing him? It's as if you're living in Cat noirs mind lmao. I swear I saw at least 12 videos in the span of two days after the release of Optigami saying how upset Cat noir is and how they're bashing Rena for it as if it's entirely her fault for getting to be a permanent miraculous holder and about to be replaced as the next Guardian of the miraculous box. Look, if you despise any girl that's getting more screentime over a DEUTERAGONIST, just say you're misogynistic and go. I don't mean to sound controversial, but what's up with you hating and bashing on girls that "Get in the way" of something that you cherish and baby (Ex. 'Kagami gets in the way of adrienette, Rena is replacing Cat noir, Vesperia is a replacement of Chloe and gets in the way of Ladynoir' who, may I remind you, is a racist rich girl and Cat can like anyone he wants so shut it)
Now back to the main subject, yes, you can be upset over what's happening to Cat noir, but that doesn't give you the right to completely bash the girls who have nothing to do with hurting him unintentionally (BTW, Ladybug is the one who is hurting him by not telling him anything, still doesn't mean you should hate on her, you can talk about it but bullying her over- dramatic; this is a kid show for god's sake). I am upset about Cat noir, but it's clear that the writers are planning something with him, as I will talk more about in the rest of this post.
There have been tons of foreshadowing in the past episodes about Adrien/Cat noir, so let me talk about it.
I'll start with Truth. In Truth, Cat noir gets hit by the spell, and Ladybug asks him his opinion on her role as Guardian of the Miraculous Box. He then says "If it doesn't change things between you and me, then I'm good with it!". But things are changing, and he's clearly not okay, this was some good foreshadowing I did not notice earlier lmao. This was a good part on the writers job.
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In Mr. Pigeon 72, the end card is quite interesting. Practically all the photos of Adrien in this end card are of him wearing his blue scarf. When it wasn't even mentioned in this episode. Even if it wasn't said, it actually is still there. In Bubbler, when Adrien arrives to school, Nino says "Wow dude, guess adults can really change!" This line is effective to Adrien. The moment he got the scarf and apparently it was from his father, he was so happy. From the scarf, he thinks his father can change. He thinks his father is just demanding and over protective. He thinks his father just "Doesn't know how to show his love for his son" Even though, us, the audience, knows thats not true. Adrien is not blind. From the scarf, that's what's making Adrien keep on thinking his father isn't bad. And in Mr. Pigeon 72, he literally tells Marinette the moment he wants to walk with her in the rain and then sees the gorilla, "I can't, you know my father, he's demanding." Even though that's not the case. So why was it included in the end card? Foreshadowing that there will be a scarf reveal. Foreshadowing that Adrien will find out the truth. Even if the truth isn't always great.
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Now for Solecrusher. I picked this scene because, I find it really upsetting. When Zoe was opening up to everyone talking about how she made different roles to please Chloe, and when Ivan hugs Zoe, Adrien is upset. Why? Because he relates to her. He makes different roles of himself or different personalities, to please everyone. That's why he's upset.
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Now for the end card. Here's a little close-up. We see Adrien, Ivan, Juleka, Luka, and Rose. However, Adrien is farther from the others. He stills feels isolated and stuck. While everyone else is happy. He stills feels the need to pretend. Which is making Adrien feel worse.
This isn't specifically about Adrien, but I kind of see a little pattern here. Solecrusher shows Andre is the one who made Solitude. Queen Banana shows a movie being made. What's the next episode? Gabriel Agreste. This episode will probably be all about flashbacks. About the movie Solitude. About Emilie. Showing Gabriel, Emilie, and Adrien younger. I honestly think that Gabriel and Adriens relationship is still as bad, I just think that even if Adrien claims it was better before.
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This was honestly the episode I felt the worse for Adrien. He nearly killed himself and Ladybug didn't even talk about it after. Now, I know Ladybug wouldn't know what to say, but she should at least speak up?? I mean that's all I want tbh. The end card seems.. Off. Adrien is not included even though he had a big role in comforting Juleka in the beginning of the episode. Cat noir is shown to be, smiling.. But the smile doesn't even seem genuine. He's still upset. He's still not okay. Foreshadowing that he's feeling even worse than before.
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Optigami. Holy this episode. Well I already rated it before but yea. Take a look at his facial expressions. He's upset he wasn't even in the battle (Meaning he wasn't never happy with the fact that he's sometimes not even needed in fights like Style Queen), he's angry, shocked/disappointed, then pretends he's the same old Cat noir with the flirty jokes, but the moment Ladybug leaves with her superhero allies (Still questioning why she even left tho; Shadowmoth knows those identities yet Cat noir doesn't..) And Cat noir is just upset. I couldn't take the exact frame of him alone but I see him looking all moody and sad. He's now pretending to be fine as Cat noir. Which is not getting any better, but more angsty lol.
As I saw all the foreshadowing in this season, the writers seem to be isolating Adrien even more. And after the scarf reveal, I'm pretty sure he's going to pretend to be fine with that too. I feel like a lot is going to happen to him. Maybe even him possibly becoming a.. Villain? What? In Queen Banana, it shows the hero of creation, and the villain of destruction. Could mean something. Other than that, I've been thinking about a lot of angsty fake scenarios of Adrien lately lol.. Back to the subject, the possible breakdown or conflict between Ladynoir would happen in season 4. It's the most logical time.
Oh, and one more thing:
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