aniseandspearmint · 2 years
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fingon | Findekáno/Maedhros | Maitimo, Fingon | Findekáno/Finrod Felagund | Findaráto/Maedhros | Maitimo, Celebrían/Elrond Peredhel, Elrond Peredhel & Maglor | Makalaurë, Elrond Peredhel & Maedhros | Maitimo, Thorin Oakenshield/Being Tricked Into Being Friends With Elrond's Chaos Disaster Family, Fingon | Findekáno & Finrod Felagund | Findaráto, Galadriel | Artanis/Maglor | Makalaurë, Argon | Arakáno/Galadriel | Artanis/Maglor | Makalaurë Characters: in rough order of appearance we have, Thorin Oakenshield, Elrond Peredhel, Kíli (Tolkien), Celegorm | Turcafinwë, Argon | Arakáno, Aredhel | Irissë, Maglor | Makalaurë, Turgon | Turukáno, Arwen Undómiel, Maedhros | Maitimo, Aragorn | Estel, Fingon | Findekáno, Celebrían (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Finrod Felagund | Findaráto, Galadriel | Artanis, Curufin | Curufinwë, Bilbo Baggins, Narvi (Tolkien), Maeglin | Lómion, Caranthir | Morifinwë, Haleth of the Haladin Additional Tags: Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, both tags began in the silmarillion but have rippled down to affect the hobbit too, mildly eldritch line of finwë, me realizing just now after being obsessed with tolkien since i was six that elves are telepaths, definitely not LaCE compliant, Crack Treated Seriously, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, technically they did die but then they got kicked out of mandos for being annoying, Trans Fingon, Trans Finrod, baby aragorn!, the elves just want to eat smaug, they are the natural predator of the dragons now, Eldritch Peredhel (Tolkien), i misread celeborn as celegorm once and an entire cracky idea came from it, fingon shows affection like a housecat Series: Part 1 of the let love win 'verse Summary:
Thorin thought his quest to reclaim his home was going rather well. Until Gandalf insisted they stop in Rivendell. While Elrond's extended family was there.
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spinningalbinoturtle · 10 months
Thanksgiving headcanons for the Lotr crew
Its hosted in Rivendell but Elrond lets people extend the invite to others so everyone comes
Sam is in the kitchens from 6am cooking a million things-he also brought several side dishes premade
Frodo is all over the decorations and setting the table but he also made some cookies
Arwen is also very particular about this particularly the table
She has made a seating chart which she hopes will minimize squabbling
She has also set some ground rules like no dissing on your child’s interracial marriage (for Elrond and Thranduil)
Bilbo helps Sam cook in the morning but then he starts drinking around midday and doesn’t stop til he is dragged to bed by Frodo and Erestor
While Elrond is hosting he doesn’t do much just sits around and judges
He and Thranduil will be breaking Arwen’s rules
Thranduil and Gloin out drink Bilbo. They are having a silent drinking contest which has not been spoken of. Each one just decided to out drink the other
Thranduil wins cause he drinks like three bottles of a wine a day
Gimli and Legolas are just trying to avoid their parents
Thankfully Arwen sat them at the opposite end of the table
Unfortunately near Elrond who asks several awkward questions about how elf/dwarf sex works (he’s curious from a medical standpoint)
Bilbo drunkenly tells them how he had a dwarf boyfriend once so he totally understands what they’re going through at which point Frodo cuts off his wine supply
Frodo is actually trying to slow down Bilbo’s drinking all evening but with little success
Elladan and Elrohir have bonded with Merry and Pippin who introduced them to pipeweed. The four of them are stoned out of their minds and consequently eat more than everyone else. Arwen doesn’t understand what’s wrong with her brothers.
Aragorn is in charge of the turkey. Its excellent
He is mostly trying to hide from Elrond the whole time
Boromir tries to assist him with helpful turkey roasting tidbits but Aragorn would rather just do it himself
Eventually he assigns Boromir to the stuffing- its actually not bad
Erestor keeps Elrond occupied, they hang out and play chess in the middle of all the chaos
Glorfindel is the guy who is just ready for the holiday season to start
He keeps pestering Maglor to play Yule carols but Elrond’s rule is not until after dinner
Gandalf sits around and smokes and occasionally yells at Pippin. He takes turns hanging out with Bilbo and getting him drunker, hanging out with Elrond and Galadriel
Galadriel intimidates everyone no one knows where she was before or after dinner
Celeborn brought lembas rolls and cranberry sauce
Faramir makes a mean pumpkin pie
He’s just happy to be included. He fangirls over all the elves who indulge him mostly
Eowyn is enjoying watching the antics. She can’t cook for shit so she doesn’t bother to help with that but she does help clean up
So do Merry and Pippin but only because Gandalf forced them
Eomer brings “traditional Rohirric appetizers” and its smoked horse meat. Pippin and Sam are horrified to learn this.
Everyone has their favorite: Sam’s is obvs PO-TAY-TOES. Frodo likes cranberry sauce. Merry inhales stuffing. Pippin loves rolls.
Drunkest in order of most to least would be: Thranduil, Gloin, Bilbo, Gimli, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Aragorn (but you can’t tell), Eomer, Eowyn, Glorfindel, Sam (he would’ve drunk more but he was busy cooking), Elladan, Elrohir (they’re so high they don’t drink much) Arwen (not a big drinker), Frodo(alcohol fucks with his anxiety so he just has one glass of wine) Faramir (who’s a teatotler cause he thinks if he did drink he’d become an alcoholic).
Lots of songs are sung before people start to retire for bed
Legolas and Gimli have sex really loudly between their fathers’ rooms to annoy them
Galadriel shows up around midnight and helps finish cleaning up
The clean up crew includes Eowyn, Merry, Faramir, Pippin, Gandalf, and Legolas and Gimli. They have a great time.
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shirefantasies · 9 months
Congrats on 100 followers!!
What are some of your lotr headcanons?
Thank you so much 🥳 Ooooooh good question 👀 lessee *cracks knuckles* I’m going to do some regular one & some romantic ones, enjoy 😘
Some of my LoTR Headcanons!
✧ Aragorn may have worn Boromir’s bracers, but he also kept a drawing he found in his pocket. Turns out Faramir had drawn it one day when they were boys and his older brother held onto it until the end of his days.
✧ Legolas is so soft around little ones. He tries to act all like a wise guide but devolves into letting them climb him and carrying them up to rooftops for starlight stories. Doesn’t even care if they grab his hair or his ears, he’s still smiling so gently at them.
✧ Pippin is what would be called in modern days neurodivergent, more specifically with autism and ADHD. His parents and Merry were the most understanding ones, the ones who knew what he needed to hear and how he would process it best when others didn’t always understand.
✧ Legolas and Aragorn had the habit of singing together at fireside, quiet elvish songs, until one evening Gimli decided to put a stop to it with a dwarvish drinking song. In the end, the others find it so funny they learn it and join in, all three of them leaving their troubles for one night of song.
✧ Lord Elrond? Elrond of Rivendell??? Makes the best cup of tea in Middle Earth, fight me.
✧ Faramir teaches Pippin his favorite childhood game, probably something akin to chess, not really expecting the hobbit to enjoy it but Pippin ends up beating him out of sheer luck
✧ Frodo, Aragorn, and Legolas could have totally talked some shit in Elvish to each other and I firmly believe they did
✧ Arwen thinks of Lindir as a friend, but he’s so formal that in his mind such a lady could never see him so casually, leading to comical differences in the way they address each other
✧ Pippin wants a shit ton of kids some day. Sam is happy with around three, Merry wants a boy and a girl, Frodo isn’t sure he even wants children at all, but Pippin? He’s down for five to ten no problem, and he will be best friends with every single one.
✧ Eowyn teaches Faramir a bunch of horse riding tricks and he falls in love with riding as a sport, smiling as he takes in an act he only performed in war during a moment of pure joy and prosperity.
✧ Merry and Pippin are both such passionate kissers. OMG you will be breathless
✧ Elrond is the gentlest lover, handling his partner so carefully as if they were like gorgeous blown-glass in his hands and could break.
✧ Boromir is the type to grab his partner’s booty when they’re kissing in private
✧ Frodo’s ideal partner is not the smartest person or the most well-read, but someone with lighter spirits than his, someone who can never fail to bring a smile to his face and a laugh out of him.
✧ Faramir absolutely adores surprising you with flowers, so get ready to find them everywhere.
✧ Legolas is incredibly shy, inexperienced, and unsure with romance, so he prefers you to lead so that he can respond in kind, learning and studying with each touch, each act. He discovers his favorite thing is tracing a hand up and down your spine as you embrace.
✧ Gimli likes to act so rough and tough for someone who, in modern terms, would be called a massive simp, practically rolling out a red carpet for his partner and worshipping the ground they walk on, kissing them almost reverently unless the mood shifted deeper.
✧ Eomer is so good at giving massages, his partner will feel like royalty whenever he helps them relax
✧ He doesn’t look it, but Sam 100% would be the type to hold you up against a wall as he kisses you
✧ Aragorn enjoys being little spoon quite frequently. Fight me.
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thegreatzombieartisan · 2 months
Elrond, Faramir, and the Untold Death of Siblings
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Death of a sibling is different than a parent. This is both obvious yet not readily intuitive. While it is expect to outlive parents, it’s easy to take for granted that siblings will be with us for a lifetime.
Moreover, most sympathy and condolences goes to the parents, disenfranchising the grief of surviving siblings who are simultaneously expected to support them. If before old age, death to brother or sister is always under tragic, and even possibly sinister, circumstances.
Elrond and Faramir are the only prominent characters who loose siblings; and Elrond is unique in that he is the only Elf whose dead sibling was mortal.
How might they have experienced the loss of their beloved brothers Elros and Boromir?
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A sibling’s death casts a shadow on the past and future
A unique sibling co-history is broken
Siblings are co-keepers of our childhood. A brother or sister shares common memories, inside jokes, secrets, critical experiences, and family history. When death takes a sibling, it also takes away our connections to the past; a version of ourselves unique only with them.
The future is forever altered
Elrond and Faramir will get married, set up households, succeed or fail, grow older. Yet each life event underscores the terrible reality that their brothers won’t be there. Never will again.
Forever after, all events — be they birthdays, anniversaries, or special occasions, no matter how wonderful — will be bittersweet. So many memories never to be made. Did Elrond cry for his own future children who would never know their uncle and cousins?
Did Faramir mourn the nieces and nephews he would never meet?
How would each man explain their brother to others? How would they ensure that their brother’s essence wasn't lost; that he wasn't just a tapestry on a wall, name on a tomb, or a handful of tales?
Manner of death plays a significant role in how grief is experienced
Faramir almost certainly expected Boromir (and himself) to die in the fight against Sauron. He died as he would have wanted: protecting the defenseless, and for love of his friends and Gondor. The “rightness” of Boromir’s death would give Faramir a measure of comfort and closure.
While some may think Faramir discovering Boromir’s body would be further traumatizing, it’s clear it brought him closure. Visual confirmation can allow for acceptance of the beloved sibling’s death.
Elrond knew death but before that of Elros. Yet he never imagined his brother would accept the fate of Men. As an Elf, it makes Elrond’s grief unique in three ways.
Firstly, anticipatory grief. While centuries might pass like an afternoon for Elves, each year would bring his brother closer to doom. Elrond would wonder, if at Arda’s end, they would reunite; for the fate of Men’s souls is unknown.
Secondly, the unique severing of the twin bond, of which twins describe as missing a piece of themselves. Interestingly, many twins say they were struck with a sudden uneasy around the time their twin died. Did Elrond psychically “know” when Elros drew his last breath?
Thirdly, unlike Faramir, Elrond never saw his brother’s body, never for that visual closure. Almost certainly he struggled to accept Elros’s death. In his memory, Elros will always be youthful and beautiful, full of life and vigor. How could he grow old and die?
Anger, Survivors Guilt, and Regret
Feeling guilty for having outlived a brother or sister may seem silly yet this is normal. Guilty is often about things left unsaid or undone, making surviving siblings feel unsettled.
Nothing indicates Elrond and Elros maintained contact after the latter departed mortality and Middle Earth for Numenor. Chances are, at least in retrospect, Elrond might have had some regrets. If so, they burdened his Elven weariness because of these immortals, for better or worse, possess near-perfect memory.
And with all the hard times ahead without Elros beside him, Elrond no doubt had bouts of anger over his brother’s decision; another perceived abandonment in a litany. Maybe that’s unfair but grief isn’t rational.
Faramir’s survivor guilt manifested through accepting his father’s suicide mission, taking Boromir’s place. While the brothers loved each other, Denethor’s favoritism toward his heir would have sometimes stirred tension between them. And Faramir probably had some regrets and shame over the times his jealousy and resentment got the better of him.
Shifting Family Roles
Death disrupts family dynamics. Surviving siblings may suddenly become the only or eldest child. In any event, they must redefine their role which may include new (possibly unwanted or burdensome) familial expectations and responsibilities. A reality most relevant to Faramir than Elrond.
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Faramir had envisioned a life faithfully serving his father before his brother. The role of heir is unexpectedly thrusted upon him in the bleakest hour and with a half-mad father who disfavored him. All without his older brother for guidance and support.
Sometimes the departed siblings served an unspoken peacekeeping role within the family. In their absence, dysfunction can exacerbate; estrangement can ensue. With Boromir gone, it’s just Faramir and Denethor.
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Family favoritism, as Faramir suffered, can be particularly excruciating for surviving siblings; for in death, parents can almost deify the favored child while the perceived shortcomings of the surviving siblings are magnified. Denethor’s unabashed partiality toward Boromir would have compounded and complicated Faramir’s own grief for his brother.
Compounded Loss
Death causes people to revisit the feelings of other losses — family, friends, even life goals — compounding sorrow and a sense of disorientation.
Elrond would think of this parents, though not dead, were no longer of this world; and perhaps more painfully, the unknown fate of foster-father Maglor.
As for Faramir, his thoughts would stray to his departed mother. Like-minded in spirit, he would lament the loss of an ally against his father’s favoritism and failing rule.
It’s not inconceivable that he might feel more like an orphan than merely a surviving sibling; for with Boromir’s death, Faramir not lost a sibling but his own father to the enemy from madness and grief.
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hwestalas · 7 months
Me: Sam is very affectionate, but... Come to think of it, I don't remember Tolkien ever mentioning anyone kissing Sam. =<
Faramir with his Free Forehead Kisses: HOLD MY WINE.
Funny thing, but Faramir kisses at least three of his new friends on the forehead within the first day or five.
(Eowyn took a little longer to warm up than Frodo and Sam. But once she was amenable, she got a second kiss, and from the amount of public attention it drew, I'm pretty sure it wasn't on the forehead... although technically Tolkien never said... it could have been on the shoulder. Whenever I "take someone in my arms and kiss them" it's on the shoulder, but it's also always a parent, sibling, or friend, so I won't keep pretending I don't understand what the author meant ;) They're my favorite Tolkien couple, after all. <3 <3)
Faramir seems to just be physically affectionate, like Sam is emotive, and I love them both for it. All I've wanted to do during the parts of the last few days when I was extremely exhausted is cry, sleep, or imagine Faramir getting hugs (and preferable get some myself). Because he both needs and deserves some reciprocation! (But mostly because, as Oskar N. Reteep and my real-life friend say, "Hugs. I need to hug.")
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
Discord Highlights: WAIT! Beregond! (And Too Many Pippins)
meg is me:
I like to think Faramir is the oldest of Pip's kids just because of how triumphant Pip would be to name his son Faramir before Merry gets the chance to use the name 😂
Imagine Faramir getting the letter from Pippin telling him, "Yooooo I had a son and guess who we named him after?!" I feel like Faramir would be so freaking excited.
meg is me:
Beregond like shoot i was saving that for kid or grandkid name
WAIT. I headcanon that Beregond and Inzilbeth were expecting another baby fairly soon after getting settled in Ithilien with Beregond’s new job. Imagine it’s a boy. Imagine Beregond names that boy Faramir.
Windmill to the Stars:
Would it be taking this joke too far if Pippin had another son he named Beregond and called him Berry?
I’m just imagining him rolling up to Ithilien like “and here are my sons, Faramir and Beregond and—” so on and so forth, deliberately pretending to not notice how both Lord Faramir and his bodyguard right beside him are suddenly holding back tears.
Or or beregond has a second son and names him peregrin because pippin saved his life at the black gate
Writing Valkyrie:
Princess of Words:
Or both!
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Ladies. Romans. Countrymen.
I’ve been scrolling back through our discussions here looking for stuff to post on the blog, and I just realized I neglected to share a particular mental image at the time it was relevant.
So we all know that Pippin canonically names a son Faramir, right?? And in our headcanons, Beregond named a son Faramir too??
Imagine. Pippin brings his family to Ithilien. Beregond brings his son to work.
There are now three Faramirs in that room.
AND. If Pippin names a son Beregond, and Beregond names a son Peregrin, there are also two Beregonds and two Pippins in that room.
I almost don’t dare imagine that Faramir would name any kids after those who saved him from the pyre because that means nine people in the room and three names shared between all of them.
Imagine the chaos. I can’t even. The world would probably collapse by the sheer power of three Pippins alone.
Well according to our headcanons there ARE three pippins The og Beregond's son And periadoc
I love this so much. So, so much! Chaos? Of course. But like…. Adorable fluffy chaos.
All I can picture is all of them ending up doubled over with laughter over name confusion.
[Bonus - 4/30/23]
At this rate we’re gonna have an entire generation of post-Quest kids named after their parents’ friends 🤣🤣
And this is a problem why??? Imagining all their happy endings is giving me life right now.
Merry: hey pippin
Several voices echoing through middle earth: yes?
InvisibleWashboard is @invisiblewashboard, Windmill to the Stars is @windmilltothestars, chaosandwhatnot is @grondds-and-roses, Writing Valkyrie is @writingvalkyrie, Princess of Words is one of our beloved anons, and meg is me does not have tumblr :-3
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borom1r · 2 months
4 5 6 9 12 14 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 and 26 (freebie: favourite h/c or whump headcanons because I’m a Fiend) for Boromir, Faramir, Éomer, and Théodred >:)
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
UM. ok this is so fucking. this is SO DUMB but 1) Boromir is just inextricably tied to fantasy to me sorry BUT. im sticking him in The Sword and the Sorcerer bc i think if ANYONE deserves to get to mess around with a three-bladed magic rocket sword its Boromir
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Shock Me! by Baroness
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
loyalty :3 also bad at quantifying my own emotions sdkjhfsdkjf
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
YE. i think i could totally be roommates w/ him
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Boromir struggling with self harm impulses was sth that just kinda came up naturally in one fic + then got expanded on and now its. a very important hc to me actually, as some1 who also struggles w that
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
HRM. this feels like a cop-out answer but truly from the depths of my heart i think modern AU Boromir just dresses like Sean Bean. he'd just dress like a dad
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Boromir&Faramir sibling relationship is Everything to me forever + ever
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
huh. idk? i think all the relationships he has are interesting so there's no specific relationship that's bad on a fundamental level. like i think Denethor is a shit parent and i do not think he and Boromir have a GOOD relationship. but it IS narratively interesting
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
HM. like Merry and Pippin obviously but also i do think he and Éowyn would get on like a house on fire if they got to meet.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
hmmmm i like putting him in situations where hes Loved. my Boromir/Théodred/Aragorn fic is one of my favs just bc i like Spoiling Boromir. he deserves to be spoiled sdjkfhsjk
i dont.. Know that theres anything i dont like abt writing him??? hes very cathartic to write
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
same answer as above pretty much :3 i love when hes treated with tenderness and love by the narrative
+ ive bitched abt this before but fics that just make him a brute are the woooooooooorrrssst. like. thats. thats so antithetical to even the most BASIC reading of his character. worsties how do u get him THAT wrong???
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
HM. HRM. idk :3 hes very special 2 me like he is THEE comfort character rn so idk anyone else off th top of my head where im like oh theyre Like Boromir
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
i did not care abt Boromir when i was a child first getting into LotR. Sighs. i was a legolas + merry/pippin stan. NOW he is thee singular guy of all time forever. i wld die 2 defend him <33
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!! — favourite h/c or whump headcanons?
ok kinda already answered in 12 but i do love any fic exploring how Boromir reacts when like. it sinks in tht he doesn't have to shove everything aside to be this unbreakable pillar of strength. u know
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
oh easy. The Last Unicorn. like again sorry ik its fantasy still but theres such a quiet melancholy to that story, and so much love and care.. I think Faramir would fit right in
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Living Pyre by Khemmis
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
far too willing to sacrifice ourselves in search of approval
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
ye :3
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
he's so autistic. to me <3333333
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
i feel like he wld rlly like corduroy. modern au i think he'd still lean fantasy-inspired for his fashion sense
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Faramir&Aragorn and Faramir&Pippin friendships ilyyyyy
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
same answer as Boromir skjhfskjdf
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Aragorn!! autism2autism communication
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Faramir is so versatile w/ writing skjdfhskj i love him for angst, i love him for fluff... guy of all time (he deserves so many hugs)
he's very introspective so character studies are also very fun w/ him
(nothin i dislike wrt writing for him)
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
sth i like? love reading character study moments w him as much as i like writing them :3
dislike? woobification. he's an extremely capable soldier in his own right and captain of Ithilien's rangers. he does not need to be Babied
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
ties in2 my answer for four but the Lady Amalthea from The Last Unicorn actually. like again idk Faramir is so autistic-coded And trans To Me and just. yeagh. ethereal otherworldly magical creature trapped in a body that is fundamentally wrong + suddenly dealing w/ people who expect things of her that she just doesn't comprehend/expect certain reactions she cannot/does not give.
and her growing to love Lír because Lír takes the time to learn how to woo her in ways that truly work for her (instead of the ways princes are Supposed To woo their loves).
i think if Faramir got to watch/read The Last Unicorn it would rewire his brain love + light
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
again i never rlly thought much abt him originally. now tho? [aragorn kinnie voice] thats my whole entire little brother
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!! — favourite h/c or whump headcanons?
HRM. i think he does wind up with burns on his torso/arms at Least. at least. i do like the tenderness of him letting Éomer help look after the scarring
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
ummmm not so much sth i would put him in but i do think he should be allowed to marathon the Fast & Furious movies while intoxicated. fast cars hunky guys ridiculous stunts, 10/10 extremely fun
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
HM. ok this is like. in the context of Éomer/Faramir but Ride On by Cruachan
also Hulde Aan De Kastelein by Heidevolk
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
HRMGH. big fan of horses
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
uhhhhh yea?? maybe?? I feel like we might butt heads a little but not too bad
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
he’s nonbinary to me :3
at some point I’ll continue that post expanding on th theoretical overlap between Iron Age Norse conceptions of gender/mysticism and Rohan. but he is nonbinary To Me
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
farmer fashion lmao. again modern au Éomer is like. jeans work shirts boots etc. purely practical clothing + 100% has a farmer’s tan
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I love his relationship with Éowyn like I do love sibling relationships so much. also really love his relationship with all of the Three Hunters like they’re so funny together
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
same answer!! nothin I really dislike bc even his negative relationships are super interesting
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
i genuinely really enjoy his + Gimli's banter i think they should get to be Actual Friends. that wld be a really fun dynamic i think
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
again idk anything super specific?? soz skjhfsjk i feel like im giving lame answers but i will say i do think its very funny that every time ive written a sex scene with Éomer its been outdoors. no beds for that Rohir
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
hmmmm im a weak bitch for Éomer/Faramir fluff fics :3
for dislikes— similar vein to Boromir but fics that make him a brute or treat him like hes stupid. feels weird besties
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
HM. i feel like i Should have an answer for this but i dont -_-;; th brain has been on 24/7 LotR lockdown for. So Long now. so i try to conjure other characters n my mind goes Blessedly Blank
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
look man. look when i first read lord of the rings all the way through, i was a weird trans autistic teen dealing with chronic depression and such a massive disconnect from humanity i was fully convinced i was a changeling. i was NOT paying attention to the Men in these books i was paying attention to one (1) elf and two (2) hobbits
impression of him now is [kinnie voice] brother in law :]
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!! — favourite h/c or whump headcanons?
touched on this briefly in one fic but i do think Éomer falls into a similar trap as Boromir where its like. "why should i bother Processing Emotions when i could kill 20-30 orcs instead. i will certainly not regret killing 20-30 orcs. wdym 'how am I feeling?'"
sth sth sth throwing himself recklessly into battle to combat crippling feelings of uselessness bc his cousin/practically his older brother is on his deathbed, his uncle is close behind and he's been exiled from his homeland, leaving his sister in the clutches of a skeezy little slimeball. getting hurt + not having the injury properly seen to until After bc, you know, he's got 20-30 Orcs To Kill
(don't be like Éomer. take care of yourself)
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
idk how much this counts but i wrote a fic retelling the story of Aran + Asmund with Boromir + Théodred, so that :3
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
ok well i feel like Théo is such a blank slate character with how little we know of him in canon that i can't give as solid an answer, but I'll drop the songs I've used to title Théo-centric fics:
Shine by Baroness (Boromir/Théodred)
Blot by Månegarm (Boromir/Théodred/Aragorn) < this one fits my personal vibes for him extremely well
+ technically, My Mother Told Me (Théodred&Éomer&Éowyn)
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Big Sibling w/ two younger siblings sdkfhd
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
ye!! we could vibe i think
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Well Again, I Think Théo Is An Extremely Blank Slate. BUT Théo being trans is deeply deeply important to me
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
modern au Théodred dresses practically when he needs to but otherwise very cozy. hygge is real and he Is embodying it
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
sth sth i feel repetitive im sorryyyyyyy but his sibling relationship w/ Éomer + Éowyn is SO important to meeeeeeeeee
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Same Answer As Everyone Else lol
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
BOROMIR. like i think they were more than best friends (wink) but also they are just. Best Friends. the basis for every lasting healthy relationship
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
he's very lighthearted 2 write. i love writing silly lil romantic fics w/ him. nothin i particularly dislike sjnjsfd
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
i havent actually read any Théo fics other than the ones i wrote sorryyyyyyy sdnfsjdfhk
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
i think i have actually pulled some of my voice for him from Lír in The Last Unicorn and Taran in the later books from the Chronicles of Prydain, so there u go :3
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Forgot He Existed. now i have a big soft spot for him lol
26. FREEBIE QUESTION!! — favourite h/c or whump headcanons?
ok this was sth i totally misremembered based solely off of the supremely excellent skeeziness of Brad Dourif's performance and just the way he says "oh.... he must have died sometime in the night" when he visits Éowyn while she grieves... anyways i think that could easily be read as Gríma having sabotaged Théodred's recovery
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hobbitwrangler · 6 months
20 questions for writers
Thank you @scyllas-revenge for tagging me! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 6 so far.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Tolkien fandoms so far.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lol since I only have 6 fics this is basically all of them but from highest to lowest it's Victory in Defeat, A Monster in the Shadows, The Power of Tea (did not expect it to be this popular), At the Death of a Friend and Too Burdened to Fly.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course! Not necessarily immediately but I always reply.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I feel like At the Death of a Friend and Too Burdened to Fly are more sad than angsty, so I'll go with A Monster in the Shadows. That fic really put me through my Théoden and Éowyn feels.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm going to say it's a tie between Victory in Defeat and White Blossom, although Victory in Defeat gets to the happiness with less reflection beforehand.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, I have neither the courage nor the conviction.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. Much as the idea of the three main Istari meeting the witches from Discworld fills me with great joy, I do not have the necessary skills to pull it off.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be open to the possibility.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and I think I'd need more time to grow confident in writing within Tolkien's universe before I'd consider it - although it sounds like it could be very fun!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Farawyn have had me in a chokehold since forever, as anyone who has been on my blog for more than about five minutes will probably know. However, I must also give credit to Odysseus and Penelope (who are getting revived by me rereading the Odyssey), Kaz and Inej and Cor and Aravis (icons). Also Vimes and Sybil (my parents actually).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Hunger Games fic which I started a few years ago because I needed a way of digging into how horrific the idea of Career Districts really is. The characters from it have a very special place in my heart but I don't think it has enough plot to work properly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue? I tend to start with dialogue and then build the scene around it. I also think I'm fairly good at representing people's emotions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description/scenery. I have to force myself to do it every time and it's usually the last part of the writing process for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I could do French and Spanish but that's unfortunately not very useful in Middle Earth. I might be able to sprinkle some Sindarin/Quenya words here and there but whole sentences? No.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Lotr actually! I've come full circle.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is like asking a mother to pick her favourite child. I like all of them equally because they've all challenged me in different ways and allowed me to explore different character dynamics, some of which I've loved for ages (Théoden & Éowyn, Éowyn/Faramir) and some of which have only occured to me recently (Saruman & Galadriel, Bilbo & Gilraen). But if pushed I'll go with A Monster in the Shadows for now, since it allowed me to give my take on Théoden and Éowyn's relationship, which I've loved ever since I first watched the lotr movies as a kid.
tagging @imakemywings @glorf1ndel @emyn-arnens @searchingforserendipity25 @brigwife if you haven't done this already!
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Of Princes and Witches (Rewrite) Epilogue- Legolas Greenleaf x OC
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Legolas Greenleaf x Alphine Barrowes
Description: N/A
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: I'm surprised I was able to write like three or four more chapters for this rewrite, but I'm happy nonetheless. Also, for those who didn't like ROP I don't apologize for the Halbrand/Galadriel-esque plot twist in chapter 20 because I liked it for this fic, but hopefully you'll get over it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this because I loved writing it!!
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It had been just after noon when word finally gotten out: Prince Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland realm was finally marrying his fiance Alphine Barrowes! Their courtship hadn’t really been a known thing amongst people as they courted while traveling around Middle Earth for a few years. Nevertheless, it was a huge event, everyone was talking about it even before the actual day was upon them. 
Naturally, being the son of a King, many people were invited, but the people that Legolas and Alphine made absolute sure of that would attend would be their friends from the Fellowship of the Ring. Gandalf, Gimli, Sam, Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Aragorn as well as the allies they made (such as Haldir, Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir etc) were all invited to the joyous occasion. Every single one of them showed up, not wishing to miss the happiest day of their friend’s lives.
The wedding was held in the palace chapel of Mirkwood’s palace (unsurprisingly). The chapel was absolutely packed with beings of all races. Elves, Dwarves, mortal Men, Hobbits and Fairies all sat mingled amongst each other as they awaited the bride’s glorious entrance. King Thranduil and Legolas all stood at an altar at the front of the room waiting patiently, smiles on all of their faces. The Hobbits (plus Gimli), being so short, were given permission to sit up front so they could see.
Finally, the anticipated moment arrived. Music began playing from somewhere that the Hobbits’ couldn’t really pinpoint, and everyone stood up respectfully. Every guest in the room couldn’t help but gasp as the bride appeared. Alphine looked radiant, like some sort of angel sent to grace the peoples of Middle Earth. She looked so elegant as she began walking down the aisle that for a moment several guests thought that she was floating. Gandalf, being her oldest friend, was the one guiding her since her parents weren’t exactly in the picture. 
All eyes were on Alphine, but she only had eyes for Legolas. She couldn’t help but smile when she realized that the Prince had begun crying. It seemed that the sight of his bride alone had brought up enough motions that ultimately made tears form in his eyes. He turned away to rid his face of the tears silently slipping down his face, and once he turned back around there was an undeniably wide smile on his face and love in his eyes. It was a sweet moment that made several people coo at him, including Alphine internally. 
By the time she reached the altar Legolas was standing at the bottom of the steps waiting to lead her up. Alphine pressed a kiss to Gandalf’s cheek before taking Legolas’ hand, allowing him to lead her to the top of the altar, where Thranduil stood with a proud smile. 
The wedding procession went beautifully. Legolas and Alphine were standing at the altar hand in hand. They faced each other with the widest smile anyone had ever seen on either of their faces. It didn’t even seem like they were fully listening as Thranduil recited a speech over the two of them. 
“Legolas, do ci take Alphine, selyë o Cirrus Barrowes, nacca bestannen indis noin Iluvatar (Legolas, do you take Alphine, daughter of Cirrus Barrowes to be your wedded wife under the Iluvatar)?” Thranduil inquired, facing his son with a proud smile. The Prince couldn’t even begin to force down his smile as he nodded. 
“Inyё (I do),” he responded, not looking away from Alphine. 
“Alphine, do ci take Legolas, anon o Thranduil Opherion, nacca bestannen indis noin Iluvatar (Legolas, do you take Alphine, daughter of Cirrus Barrowes to be your wedded wife under the Iluvatar)?” The girl looked as if she was on the verge of tears. 
“Inyё (I do),” she answered with a nod. With their vows out of the way, all that was left was everyone eagerly anticipating and waiting for Legolas and Alphine’s first kiss as husband and wife. 
“Eithel, by I melehtё invested mi nin, nu I iluvatar, Im sin pronounce ci venno ar indis (Well, by the power invested within me, under the Iluvatar, I now pronounce you husband and wife),” he announced with a proud, bright smile before looking at Legolas. “Legolas, lye calainis miquëcca acairis (Legolas, you may kiss your bride).” 
The Prince wasted no time in pulling Alphine close to him and pressing a delicate kiss on her lips. Almost immediately, deafening cheers filled the chapel along with applause. Once they pulled away they just stared into each other’s eyes, even wider smiles on their faces before they finally looked at the guests.
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When the official ceremony had ended, it was time for the guests to move to the ballroom for the reception. It had been gorgeously decorated, but yet again it wasn’t really a surprise considering this was an Elven Kingdom. After everyone found and sat in their designated seats, the feast began. Chatter and laughter was plentiful between eating and drinking only the best wine for the Prince’s wedding. 
The night went beautifully. It began with a speech from Legolas. He thanked everyone for attending such a joyous day before directing his attention to his new wife. He explained how before he met the Witch, his life seemed so unfulfilling, almost to the point of boring, which surprised several people (including the King). Then, he told the story of how they met, and how ever since he just couldn’t take his mind off of her. The thought made several people coo like they had during the bridal march.
Next came cake. Now, cake was not unusual in an Elf’s diet. In fact they were probably one of the most common ones, especially one of high status. What wasn’t as common in their culture were wedding cakes. It was a tradition that mortal Men had made up for special occasions (such as a wedding), one that Alphine had found quite endearing. Sure normal cakes were lovely, but just imagine a cake made specifically for a special occasion! The thought was absolutely delightful and intriguing to her, and so one of her (admittedly few) requests for the wedding was that they would have a special cake made for them. It wasn’t a difficult demand so it was done. 
The cake itself was absolutely gorgeous. Four layers of sweet and delicious vanilla cake topped with pure white icing that was mouth watering just to look at. Though it had been an odd tradition to Elves, there wasn’t a single person not applauding as the bride and groom cut into the cake together. Cake was passed out by the Mirkwood servants, but no one ate a bite until Legolas and Alphine fed each other a bite, as was apparently a key part of the tradition.
After dinner and dessert had been served, it was time to dance. The second demand Alphine had was another mortal tradition: a husband and bride’s first dance. The orchestra had been playing music in the background the entire time, but once King Thranduil announced that it was time for the dance, they paused and prepared to play the correct song. 
Everyone watched as Legolas stood, then helped Alphine up and led her to the center of the room. All eyes were on them, truly captivated as they began to dance to the music. It was a song Legolas requested be written specifically for the wedding, which made it even more special. The composers had not disappointed either. The song sounded almost ethereal, filled with gorgeous harp strums and melodic flutes with soft vocals to accompany them. 
The couple danced like they were always supposed to dance together, two separate partners meant to come together as one. Their eyes never strayed from each other, and the lovestruck looks never left their faces. The amount of love in their expressions made several people tear up. Everyone could tell just how in love they were with each other. They watched the couple, utterly entranced. Several guests even found themselves swaying along to the music, a smile on their faces. She just couldn’t help it though. It was hard not to watch the couple be so happy with each other. 
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The reception felt like it lasted an eternity. The only way Alphine knew that it wasn’t was because the rest of the Fellowship was still there. It had been a very happy and successful day for both her and Legolas. They did get married, after all.
Now, the party had ended and everyone was either given a room for the night or they went home. Alphine followed Legolas to his room once they wished everyone a good night. Well, technically it was their room now, but it still felt a bit odd to say. Once the door closed behind them, they prepared to head to bed. Elves usually didn’t need to sleep, but today (and the days leading up to it) had been rather tiring. Besides, Legolas wanted to be with his wife on their wedding night, so he began changing into more comfortable clothes. 
After that was done he faced Alphine. She was still attempting to get all the clips and ribbons out of her hair, though it didn’t look like she’d gotten very far. A small, amused smile played at the Prince’s lips as he walked over to her. 
“Sit, meleth nin (my love),” he instructed gently, carefully moving her to sit at her new vanity. Once she was settled in he began untying the intricately braided ribbons out, being careful not to pull at her hair. A content sigh left her lips as he did so. She loved when he played with her hair. 
It unfortunately ended all too soon and before she realized it, Legolas had begun unlacing her wedding dress. She stood to make it easier for him, then stepped out of the elegant gown when it fell around her ankles. While Legolas picked it up and laid it over the vanity chair to be hung up tomorrow Alphine slipped on her nightgown. 
They climbed into bed in unison and immediately moved towards each other. Legolas’ arms went around Alphine as her head laid against his chest. She hadn’t realized just how tired she was until she was in bed. She was on the verge of falling asleep when she heard him speak. 
“Amin mela lle (I love you),” he whispered, eyes also falling closed. His words brought a smile to her face, and she cuddled in closer to him. 
“Amin mela lle.”
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lillytalons · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @valiantnomore, thank for tagging me I also want to get to know you more 💛
Three ships: So it depends on my mood/vibe most of the time (or how well an author can convince me) but a few that I really love: Definitely Alec/Magnus from Shadowhunters, I actually can’t ship them with anyone else. Same with Joe/Nicky from the Old Guard. I have to agree with Faramir/Eowyn as well, I always liked them, then I saw @liridi ’s art and I couldn’t see them with anyone else. 
Last song: I was on a Talk is Cheap radio so I’m not sure but the genre is more smooth vibes in my mind, not as energetic as what I normally listen to. 
Last movie: It was either Song of the Sea or To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, but they’re both very good in very different genres. My roommate had never seen to all the boys and I had never seen song of the sea and it was incredible the art and mythology was amazing, and I actually cried which I hardly ever do during movies. 
Currently reading: Currently reading the Naming (I think it’s been renamed the Gift?) and Lattes and Legends. Plus I’m always reading fanfiction but I’m in between fics right now, can’t figure out what vibe I’m looking for. 
Currently watching: I’m not really sure, I’ve been watching the Last of Us and Modern Family with my roommate, I’m not watching anything personally right now but when Ted Lasso comes out on the 15th I will immediately be watching that.  
Currently consuming: Water at the moment, I try to drink a lot when I’m not at work cause I always forget when I am. I’m hoping to order chicken nuggets for dinner though. 
Currently craving: A milkshake, or my mom’s homemade brownies which are so good but I hardly ever get them since I don’t live near my parents and I’m too lazy to make them myself. 
no-pressure tags: @hergnomieness @thegentlehoneybee @knightwayne @silver-lily-louise @rhosyn-du @alllthequeenshorses @bromanticgigglefits @ocean-sunrise @storm-pirate and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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arofili · 2 years
StorkSwap 2023 letter
See my signup for DNWs/general likes/etc :) Here are my specific prompts for each request!!
Aragorn/Arwen/Éowyn/Faramir: My LOTR OT4! I love the idea of these two couples being one big polycule :) Having them all be cis, with Arwen and/or Éowyn pregnant, would be great, but I also love the idea of some or all of them being trans. Pregnant transmasc Faramir would be especially wonderful; I also love transfem Faramir if that is something you’re interested in. Regarding babies, it would be so cute to have baby Elboron (canon Faramir/Éowyn baby) and baby Eldarion (canon Arwen/Aragorn baby) hanging out together with their squad of parents—or with those two being a bit older, and hanging out with their little sister(s), Arwen/Aragorn’s daughter(s)!
Pregnancy tags:
Happily pregnant trans character: This is quite possibly the Most Important tag in all of my requests—I love love love trans characters and trans headcanons, and trans pregnancy is one of my favorite things too. I don’t want any angst about trans characters being pregnant (unless specifically requested) and I love to read about transmasc pregnancy as gender-affirming! You don’t have to get super into a character’s transness if you’re not super comfortable with that, but I’d like to keep transphobia to a minimum both in and out of universe.
A&B compete to get C pregnant: I think I would actually prefer if baby parentages remain the same as canon (ie, no Éowyn/Aragorn or Faramir/Arwen babies...though if you wanted to do an Arwen/Éowyn or Faramir/Aragorn OC baby, that would be great! just keep Eldarion & Elboron’s parentages canon, please), but this could be very fun in a foursome situation with Aragorn and Faramir each competing to see who can get their “official” wife pregnant first. Or mess around with gender/sex and do some other combination of pregnant person/impregnator, if you’d like. If you want to do an OC baby, maybe Aragorn and trans!Éowyn compete to get Arwen pregnant? or something?
Polyamory - character smug about getting both their partners pregnant: Aragorn or trans!Éowyn being smug about getting both Arwen and trans!Faramir pregnant! And lightly teasing the other possible impregnator in the scenario for not getting there first :D
Character A and Character B Are Both In Labor At The Same Time: Arwen and Éowyn (or whoever you decide to be pregnant) having babies at the same time! Aragorn and Faramir (or whoever) are very stressed out/concerned...especially if this is the first baby for both couples!
Character A is heavily pregnant while Character B is just starting to show: Or Arwen is almost due, but Éowyn is just starting to show, and Arwen tries to give her advice, except she’s not really *that* experienced, and also Éowyn’s pregnancy is progressing very differently...
A gave birth to first child so B gets to have second: Taking turns getting pregnant so three people can care for/pamper one person at a time!
Character has higher libido when pregnant: This is one of my favorite tropes! Lots of fun kinky pregnant sex, please!! Especially if the pregnant character is constantly horny and constantly in need of satiation, but can’t quite get it...even better if there are two pregnant characters getting each other off!
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: Especially if pregnancy makes their clit Extremely Sensitive...mwah, chef’s kiss, etc
Pregnant characters breastfeeding from each other; A sitting in B's lap to make out and their stomachs pressing together because A is pregnant; A sitting in B's lap to make out and their stomachs pressing together because both are pregnant; Pregnant characters' bumps pressing together as they make out: uhhh HOT? Would love any of these for Arwen and Éowyn, specifically.
First Time Having Sex Postpartum: Body worship / relearning each other’s “new” bodies <3
Baby tags:
Baby crawling away screeching in delight while parents playfully give chase: Cute baby shenanigans! Could also work with older siblings chasing the baby :)
Baby’s first laugh; Baby’s first words: Just. parents melting over how cuuuute the baby is. Meaningful first words, maybe?
Baby wants food item they should not have: This could be fun with peredhel/elf misunderstandings. Maybe the food item is actually okay for baby elves, so Arwen’s not worried, but her human spouses are very concerned for their part-human baby! Or Arwen, not knowing what this kind of peredhel baby can handle, is overprotective while her human spouses reassure her that yes, actually, human babies can eat that, don’t worry.
Dressing Baby Up in Little Outfits: Royal portraits! Little royal outfits! Tiny Gondorian ceremonial outfits! Would love to see older siblings very seriously dressing up their baby siblings <3
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: Eldarion is very cleverly the “son of the elves”; Elboron’s name could be interpreted as referencing Boromir’s name...how did they arrive at these names? Did they have other names too? And of course with OC babies you can go crazy with naming!
Gifting Baby Important Objects: There are soooo many heirlooms these royal babies could get! The Elessar, Arwen’s evenstar necklace if you go with the movies, any number of artifacts from Rohan, the halves of Boromir’s horn, etc...
Anairë/Fëanor/Fingolfin/Nerdanel: One of my very few incest exceptions, I find Fëanor and Fingolfin to be a very interesting pair. It’s the rivalry!! However, I hate when they abandon their wives to fuck each other, so I want Anairë and Nerdanel to also be involved in this relationship. Anairë is a holy woman; how does she feel about Fingolfin transgressing incest taboos? What is it that made Fëanor and Fingolfin break, and fuck instead of fight? And of course I’d love to see Nerdanel and Anairë getting it on too. Fëanor and Fingolfin getting riled up about cuckolding even when they’re in a foursome situation is extra juicy! (Though I’d really prefer to avoid any situations where Fingolfin has kids with Nerdanel or Fëanor has kids with Anairë. They can talk about it/kink on the idea, but no actual pregnancies in those configurations.) Probably it would be best if this OT4 came together after all their kids are born/mostly grown (though Argon and the Ambarussa could be young still)...OR it could be an OT4 situation where they’ve all four been together all along (again, do still want the parentages of their kids to stay canonical!) so Anairë and/or Nerdanel can get worshipped by their lovers while pregnant :) A bit of dubcon between Fëanor and Fingolfin is okay, but I don’t want noncon.
These two pairings on their own (Fëanor/Nerdanel and Fingolfin/Anairë) are also great. I’m always super here for t4t Fëanor/Nerdanel <3 Fëanor has a breeding kink no matter how you slice it and I think he’s the kind of person who would looooove being pregnant! Nerdanel too, but I’m especially into pregnant Fëanor <3 And I’d love to see itty bitty Maitimo getting super excited about having a baby sibling on the way!! (in the form of Maglor. pls don’t write Maedhros and Fingon as brothers.)
As for Fingolfin/Anairë, I see them as having been an arranged marriage that developed into true love. There might be some slight distance between them still that a pregnancy helps break down :) And Anairë/Nerdanel...what can I say, they are both hardworking ladies with exasperating husbands and they deserve to have some fun together, with or without said husbands!
My headcanons/preferences around these four are complicated, so if you’re writing them, don’t hesitate to hit me up on anon to ask questions! But I think the most important thing here is I want the parentages of canon children to remain canon, and I especially don’t want a Fëanor/Fingolfin baby. BUT anyone can have sex with anyone else in this foursome, so long as it doesn’t lead to a non-canon pregnancy. They’re elves, they have built in birth control, they can manage! And having sex with a person who’s pregnant with another partner’s baby is very hot and definitely encouraged. And fantasizing about non-canon pregnancies is also fine, I just don’t want it to actually happen.
Pregnancy tags:
Happily pregnant trans character: Trans pregnant Fëanor can be so personal,,, (see above comments. this is especially thematically resonant in the context of Míriel’s death...)
Character A is heavily pregnant while Character B is just starting to show: Anairë and Nerdanel sharing pregnancy feelings! Especially if this is Anairë’s first pregnancy and Nerdanel has been through it a couple times already :)
Character Jealous Of Their Love Interest's Pregnant SO: Fingolfin sees Nerdanel pregnant and is absurdly jealous. Probably pre-F/F relationship. Fingolfin decides to get Anairë pregnant in response? Perhaps he fantasizes about getting Fëanor pregnant...or guiltily wishes Fëanor had gotten him pregnant instead, even though he’s cis and that’s not really possible.
Character loves being pregnant because of how horny it makes them/how good the sex is; Pregnant Sex; Pregnant Person is Highly Desirable to Their Partner: Desperate horny pregnant sex!!! Especially if it’s the pregnant person’s partner who is even more turned on than the pregnant person, and can’t get enough of their pregnant partner’s lush, sexy body.
Couple thought family was complete until surprise third or fourth pregnancy proved otherwise: Or fifth. Or sixth.........
Crafting Jewelry For Baby or Pregnant Partner(s): These are Noldor! This is FËANOR! Of course there’s going to be lots of bespoke jewelry for both the pregnant character(s) and the baby! This would be especially interesting if pregnant!Fëanor is crafting jewelry while heavily pregnant and he proooobably shouldn’t be in a forge...
Fear of Pregnancy After Mother’s Death; Non-Birthing Character Terrified/Inconsolable During Labor: Fëanor after Míriel :( This could work both with pregnant Fëanor convinced he’s going to die...or with him inconsolable thinking Nerdanel is going to die :((( Hurt/comfort with a happy ending, please!
Fix-It - Parent who canonically died pre-birth/in-birth survives: What if Míriel DIDN’T die?? How would that change things for Fëanor? Probably he and Fingolfin would have been raised as brothers with less tension, and so wouldn’t be in any kind of relationship; some nice platonic brotherly bonding while their respective wives are pregnant could be very sweet here, with Finwë’s two polyamorous wives watching on fondly.
Pregnant characters breastfeeding from each other; Pregnant characters' bumps pressing together as they make out: Anairë and Nerdanel!
Baby tags:
Baby Is A Mini Version Of One Parent: This is just Curufin, lmao.
Baby's first words: Fëanor is a linguist! He’s especially interested in this milestone for his child(ren) <3
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: ALL their kids are named after SOMEONE.... The -finwës are most obvious, but Nolofinwë Arakáno names his -kános after himself, Írissë is probably named after Írimë Lalwen...and then of course there’s Curufinwë Atarinkë and Nolofinwë’s youngest, Arakáno. What went into these names?
Making Toys For The Baby: Again, Noldor!!
Toddler Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling to Baby; Older Kid(s) Meeting New Sibling(s); Older sibling excited about new baby: Thinking about this specifically in the context of little Maedhros and baby Maglor <33 But Fingon meeting Turgon would be cute too!
Aredhel & Baby Maeglin: Soft mom hours <33 They deserve some good times! I’d rather Eöl not be involved here; I don’t particularly like him and I see him as abusive/controlling.
Aredhel/Pregnant Celegorm: I don’t think Aredhel ever wanted to be pregnant. But Celegorm might find it interesting! This cooould maybe be an exception to my “no cis mpreg” rule, if Celegorm is magically impregnated by Oromë, and Aredhel finds that hot? Or we could have a more simple version of t4t Aredhel/Celegorm, where she knocks him up. Maybe not entirely intentionally...breeding kink gone awry, perhaps?
Pregnant Aredhel/Celegorm: For this situation, Aredhel would be pregnant with Maeglin, and escaped from Eöl. Celegorm (and Curufin) take care of Eöl (preferably violently) and then care for Aredhel in the aftermath. Celegorm is basically Maeglin’s dad now :) NOTE: My Aredhel is always aromantic (“to none was her heart’s love given”) and I don’t want her and Celegorm to be in a romantic relationship—but a sexual and/or queerplatonic one would be great!
Fingolfin & Baby Maeglin: This would have to be an AU (maybe in the same one as the situation above?) but look, Fingolfin deserves to meet his grandson, and Maeglin deserves to have a doting grandpa!!! Also, the implied Aredhel & Fingolfin hurt/comfort is a plus <33
Bedtime Stories - not really child-appropriate but baby loves them anyway: Celegorm telling Maeglin inappropriate bedtime stories?? And Curufin (already a parent) trying to rein him in a bit, lol. I bet Aredhel would only encourage him!
Dream Sex Leads to Real Pregnancy: This could work for a pregnant Celegorm situation—either magical pregnancy by Oromë (if they’re already in Beleriand??) or Aredhel/Celegorm dream sex while separated, or just they’re having sex while asleep and dreaming and oooops wake up with a baby in your belly!
Falling asleep while holding the baby: Fingolfin and baby Maeglin!!!!! Also Celegorm with baby Maeglin, but mostly Fingolfin <333
Grandparent So Touched to Meet New Grandchild: Fingolfin and Maeglin <3333
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: It’s what Aredhel DESERVES. I guarantee Eöl wasn’t treating her right while she was with him...so if she escapes, Celegorm is going to make up for that!!!
Pregnant Maeglin/Celebrimbor: Poor doomed smiths! I love them very much. I usually imagine them getting together post-canon, after all their traumas, when they’ve been reembodied and are trying to live again. Aredhel is good friends with Celegorm and Curufin, so of course Maeglin will be introduced to Celebrimbor... You could also go the Celebrimbor in Gondolin route, but that’s not my preferred canon.
My Maeglin is always trans, so he’s the pregnant one in this situation. I think he’d have some hangups about pregnancy wrt his mother’s past (and possibly some dysphoria too; this is a situation where a bit of trans-related angst would be acceptable) but in the end he decides to keep the pregnancy and love his baby. Celebrimbor should be absolutely supportive and accepting of whatever Maeglin’s decision would be, but is excited to become a father himself! It would be very sweet if they ended up having a baby girl :)
Communicating with Infant In Utero: Maeglin deciding if he wants to keep the pregnancy and feeling out the not-quite-yet-a-soul inside him? Celebrimbor bonding with the baby pre-birth?
Falling asleep while holding the baby: Maeglin watching his lover (maybe not-yet-husband?) be very sweet and tender with their baby and realizing, oh, maybe I’m in love
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: I can imagine Maeglin as being super grumpy and fussy during pregnancy and Celebrimbor deciding to make him feel better by giving him oral. Or Maeglin demanding an orgasm and Celebrimbor happily getting to work!
Pregnant Bëor/Finrod Felagund: I headcanon Balan (Bëor) as trans, having 2 sons before meeting Finrod with a husband who died in the crossing of the Blue Mountains. He’s been widowed for a while when he meets Finrod, and ready for a new relationship! He’s older and a bit surprised when he gets pregnant again—but not nearly as surprised as Finrod, who hadn’t been intentionally conceiving a child! Peredhel shenanigans <333 My headcanon is that their peredhel son (the FIRST peredhel ever, maybe!!) is named Inglor, and he’s born among Balan’s people but moves with his dads to Nargothrond as soon as he’s old enough for them to travel. Eventually he grows up and has a kid of his own...Gildor Inglorion!
Accidental pregnancy - didn't realize species were compatible: They didn’t worry about birth control because they assumed they couldn’t have kids...and on top of that, Finrod assumed humans have the same built-in birth control as elves!
Communicating with Infant In Utero: Finrod talking to the baby in utero, which totally awes and charms Balan <3
Culture Clash - Babydaddy's Culture Treats Pregnancy Differently From Pregnant Character's Culture: Setting aside the biological differences, the cultural ones are fascinating too! What rituals/gifts/celebrations are traditional for Balan’s people? What Telerin/Noldorin things totally weird Balan out?
Half-elf baby: Inglor (or your OC) is quite possibly the FIRST peredhel EVER...
Happily pregnant trans character: Balan’s culture has absolutely no hangups about a man being pregnant. Maybe the Amanyar did, and Finrod is unlearning that—or he’s awed and impressed that other cultures don’t have the prejudices/assumptions he’s used to?
Hybrid Pregnancy - It's Unknown What Ways The Baby Will Resemble Either Parent: Genuinely they have no idea...especially when it comes to the fate of the baby’s soul :(
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: Because it’s what Balan deserves. Also I think Finrod would be really into it.
Singing to a baby: Finrod and Balan met when Finrod took up Balan’s harp and played a song...passing that story on to their baby, through song, would be beautiful :’)
Pregnant Curufin/Finrod; Curufin/Finrod & Baby Celebrimbor: Trans Curufin whose babydaddy is Finrod is a favorite headcanon of mine <3 I especially love a very fraught relationship between Curufin and Finrod, where Curufin never actually acknowledges that Finrod is Celebrimbor’s father...which makes for a veeery awkward time in Nargothrond...
Communicating with Infant In Utero: Curufin reassuring unborn Tyelpë that he’s gonna have the best family ever (in the form of the Fëanorians). Maybe he confesses some complicated feelings about Finrod to his unborn child, which grown up Celebrimbor doesn’t remember, but does have some faint feelings about Finrod due to this...
Happily pregnant trans character: Curufin may not have wanted a relationship with Finrod, but he definitely wanted this pregnancy!
Making Toys For The Baby: Curufin is a NOLDO and his family are renowned craftspeople!! Of course they’re gonna spoil baby Tyelpë with all sorts of fantastic toys!!
Parents watching baby experience something for the first time: This would be especially bittersweet if Finrod is witnessing a toddler Tyelpë experiencing something (maybe a Telerin holiday that the Fëanorians showed up to in Alqualondë one year?) and thinking, I think he’s my son, but I don’t know, and I can’t say anything...but at least I get to have this moment ;-;
Pregnant Elenwë/Finrod/Turgon; Turgon/Elenwë/Finrod & Baby Idril; Turgon/Pregnant Elenwë/Finrod/Amárië: This is another one of my OT4s! I usually love a very repressed Turgon who’s angsting over his feelings for Finrod, but this time I’d like to see him, Finrod, and Elenwë (and maybe Amárië too) in an established relationship. That doesn’t mean it’s drama-free, though! You could have some domestic bliss in Valinor, where everyone is pampering pregnant Elenwë or doting on baby Idril...or you could do something on the Helcaraxë, where they’re all dealing with the horrors of the Ice and having a child there with them, and with missing Amárië :( If Elenwë is somehow pregnant again (HORRIBLE timing) that’s even angstier :((( Would love a bittersweet slice-of-life situation here...maybe not outright canon-compliant tragedy, but this one can definitely lean into the angst. A focus on Finrod’s role in young Idril’s life would be fantastic—does she know about his relationship to her parents? Does she remember happier times and miss Amárië too? Or is she just too young to know about those things?
If you want a grasp on my favorite kind of dynamic for these four, check out my description of them here in my S4S letter. Also: I don’t think Amárië is the kind of person who would want to be a mother/be pregnant, so I don’t want to see her pregnant.
Baby crawling away screeching in delight while parents playfully give chase: Rambunctious baby Idril <333
Character Jealous Of Their Love Interest's Pregnant SO: Finrod jealous of pregnant Elenwë! Maybe wishing he could get pregnant with Turgon’s baby too? (Usually I have Finrod as a cis male, but he could be trans here, and that could be an actual possibility...I would not be opposed to a Turgon/Finrod baby OC!)
Dream Sex Leads to Real Pregnancy: If one of Turgon and Finrod are trans, dream sex while they’re in their hidden kingdoms leads to real pregnancy? Or t4t Finrod and Amárië having dream sex while separted, and Finrod gets pregnant?
Singing to a baby: Finrod is a singer, and he’d be wonderful at lulling little Idril to sleep :)
Tolkien - Three+ elves can collaborate to make a baby: Let Idril have three/four spiritual parents!!! (Bio parents should remain Turgon and Elenwë though)
Maedhros & Maglor & Baby Elrond & Baby Elros: Kidnap fam my beloved <3 I love a nuanced take on this dynamic (aka, no Elwing bashing, but also no Fëanorian bashing). Are E&E actually babies, or a bit older? They’re canonically 6 when they’re kidnapped...something in the difficult early days would be really interesting. Or maybe E and/or E reminiscing on their childhood when they’re older, with babies of their own?
Accidental Baby Acquisition - baby has magical powers; Baby has magical powers: Eldritch peredhil babies!!!!!
Falling asleep while holding the baby: Mae falling asleep while holding the kiddos would be absolutely adorable <333
Half-elf baby: Fully-elven M&M figuring out how to care for part-elf, part-human, part-Maia E&E!
Kidnapping babies for ransom and having to raise them as your own: This is a very plausible interpretation of the kidnapdoption...would love to see M&M falling head over heels for their new charges, and realizing that they’re not really holding them for ransom, they’re raising them.
Singing to a baby: This is Maglor. C’mon.
Russingon with Pregnant Maedhros: Russingon is my OTP of all time, I’d LOVE to receive something about them—and transpreg Russingon is even MORE of a favorite <333 For pregnant Mae, I’m imagining some Valinor-times AU-ish drama, where the secret relationship aspect is a real issue, especially regarding Mae’s family (most of all his dad...) but I do also have some ideas for drama-filled Beleriand scenarios. The baby (or babies) could be either Gil-galad or Erien—or both, if you want them to have twins!
Pregnancy tags:
Accidental Soulbond - Also resulted in bottom partner pregnant surprise the first time they had sex; Unplanned pregnancy as a result of sex pollen; Breeding Kink: This shit is like catnip for me <333 Sex pollen and/or breeding kink going way farther than anticipated and ending up with a surprise pregnancy (a LaCE loophole, if you will) is sooo juicy and fun!! And of course that’s going to result in a soulbond/marriage, too <3
Friends with benefits while pining further complicated by unplanned pregnancy: Could be tied in with the above—Mae is pregnant and both he and Finno are pining like crazy, but are worried the other is only tolerating their romantic affection because of the baby, but no they’re actually in love!
Courting Pregnant Love Interest (Baby Theirs); A finds out about B's pregnancy and asks B to marry them and be a family (baby theirs): Again, similarish to above—whoops, Mae is pregnant, and now Finno is determined to Properly Court him and marry him!
Secret relationship revealed due to accidental pregnancy: Orrrr they’ve been together a long time, but now this pregnancy means they can’t hide things any longer! Cue family/political drama!
Pregnancy Revealed To Impregnator When Parents Are Reunited After Forced Separation: Fëanor (or someone) finds out about Russingon and forces them apart...maybe because he can tell Mae is pregnant? But Finno doesn’t know that yet! And he doesn’t find out until much later, when Mae is visibly showing, and he’s hurt that Mae got over him so fast and got pregnant by someone else...until Mae is like, no, the baby is YOURS....!! And eventually things get sorted out and they live happily ever after :)
Happily pregnant trans character; Pregnant Sex; Character loves being pregnant because of how horny it makes them/how good the sex is: Super Duper Horny pregnant Maedhros is THE BEST EVER and also Fingon is SooOOOO turned on by Mae’s pregnant body and most of all Mae’ insatiability!
Self-sacrificing character forced to take care of self due to pregnancy: Mae is extremely self-sacrificing/self-sufficient and takes everyone’s problems upon himself, but now his family & Fingon are forcing him to take it easy...and learning to solve their own problems, lol.
Badass Character Remains Badass While Pregnant: Beleriand-era pregnant Mae refuses to back down, despite Fingon (and everyone around him) being extremely concerned about his health & the baby’s health.
A comes back from the dead and finds B has given birth to their child: Fingon returns from the dead, either miraculously and shortly after the Nírnaeth OR the “normal” way via Mandos—and finds out Maedhros had a baby while he was dead! If he comes back during the First Age, you know he’s gonna do his damndest to get to his husband and child, no matter what. And if he’s reembodied later...he’s gonna be an emotional WRECK. But maybe having Fingon’s baby changed Mae’s path/choices from what they are in canon? Maybe he could resist the Oath more because he had a bond with his child to cling to? Or maybe he still did the Kinslayings, but decided to submit to the Valar and return to Valinor when Eönwë commanded him and Maglor to do so, and so Fingon can actually reunite with him swiftly-ish!
Long lived character is reminded of long ago pregnancies/children during new pregnancy: Post-canon Maedhros, when he and Fingon are both reembodied, having another (probably OC) baby much later in life, and reminiscing about his earlier pregnancy/pregnancies from his first life <3
Baby tags:
Baby finds skin to skin contact calming; Falling asleep while holding the baby: Soft baby cuddling times <3
Bedtime Stories - retelling past adventures as bedtime stories: Could be tame-ish Valinor adventures about hunting and climbing, or it could be Maedhros telling great stories about how wonderful Fingon is, especially regarding the eagle rescue!
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: I have soooo many feelings about baby names for Gil-galad!! Why “starlight”? Is “Artanáro” a reference to Fëanáro and Ar(t)akáno? What’s his -finwë name? Did Finellach come from somewhere? Tell me everything!!
Telepathic Bond with Baby: Communicating with the baby over long distances, since Mae and Finno are necessarily in a LDR while in Beleriand...or maybe in Valinor they are exceptionally sensitive to their baby’s psychic needs.
Russingon with Pregnant Fingon: For a pregnant Fingon, I’d like to see something focusing on their time in Beleriand with Fingon as the High Prince/his father’s heir! The Russingon relationship here wouldn’t be a secret, though it might still be controversial, but overall Fingon is providing the crown an heir! This baby should definitely be Gil-galad, but I like Gil and Erien as twins, so she could also be involved if you want :)
Pregnancy tags:
Couple has fun and kinky sex while trying to conceive: For pregnant Finno I generally imagine them conceiving intentionally...and having lots of fun while doing so!!
Admiration of pregnant body: Body worship <333 I love a chubby Finno, and he’s even chubbier when pregnant, and I love Mae just absolutely loving every inch of his husband <333 Bonus points if Finno is short/small and they’re both kinking on the size difference!
Baby bump is BIG: BIG baby bump for a SMOL Finno!! Bonus points if he’s expecting twins :D
Pregnant Partner Wears Lingerie: Sexy fat pregnant Finno in lingerie makes Mae’s brain go BRRRRR
Cooking for Pregnant Partner: Good cook!Mae is a favorite headcanon, I’d love to see him doting on Finno and supplying him with as much food as he could possibly want, satisfying his every craving!
Character loves being pregnant because of how horny it makes them/how good the sex is: ...including the sexual cravings ;)
Happily pregnant trans character: Trans Finno being happily pregnant means THE WORLD to me <333
Late Night Conversations About (Future) Parenting: Hopeful planning about the future <3 Daydreaming about a world without war, where they can live together as a family and be happy...
Canonical death averted due to baby or pregnancy: ...and maybe they CAN!! What if Finno being pregnant makes him more cautious during the Nírnaeth, and he survives? Doesn’t necessarily mean an angst-free win, but with Fingon by his side, Maedhros will be a lot more put together after their loss...
Resurrected Pregnant Character Unsure if Their Unborn Child Survived Their Temporary Death: OR maybe Fingon DOES die, but only temporarily, and Maedhros brings him back with the Power Of Love or something—and Fingon is terrified he lost the baby!! Bonus points if Mae didn’t even know he was expecting :))))) But PLEASE have a happy ending with the baby being okay!
A discovers they are pregnant with B's child after major falling-out with B: This feels more like a Valinor-times prompt to me—Finno and Mae have a huge argument, probably over the Sword Incident, and Mae goes with Fëanor into exile...and then Finno realizes he’s pregnant. DUN DUN DUN! Again, happy ending is a must, but I love to read the angst along the way!!
Non-Birthing Character Terrified/Inconsolable During Labor: Given uhhh the whole Míriel situation, this is a Must for any Fëanorian who has a partner in labor....but Fingon is strong and confident and everything turns out okay in the end.
Baby tags:
Baby crawling away screeching in delight while parents playfully give chase: Bonus points for TWO babies chasing each other!!
Bedtime Stories - retelling past adventures as bedtime stories: Telling (child-appropriate) versions of their exploits, such as the eagle rescue, the Dagor Aglareb, chasing off Glaurung, etc...
Dressing Baby Up in Little Outfits: Royal babies in royal outfits!!
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: See above regarding names :)
Grandparent So Touched to Meet New Grandchild: Fingolfin deserves to hold the baby!!! (Also Fëanor, if he’s still alive he should definitely get to hold the baby too. And bonus points for Fingolfin and Fëanor competing to be the best grandpa ever and finally putting aside their rivalry for the grandbaby’s sake!)
Kingdom celebrates birth of the heir: Royal heir Gil-galad! Everyone loves him and is excited for him to be there!!
Sitting for royal portrait with child: Family portrait! With Fingon and Fingolfin and baby? Or does Fingon insist Mae be there too, even though he’s not the most politically advantageous husband/babydaddy?
Parents watching baby experience something for the first time: Gil-galad experiencing the wonder of Himring’s snow? Or riding a horse with his dads? Anything cute and fun like that would be very much welcome <3
Kíli/Tauriel & Baby & Durin fam: My OG Tolkien ship <333 I adore a half-elven baby, even more when the other half is dwarf, not human!! They’re so sweet together and deserve so much more than what canon gave them. I’d like this to have minimal angst—an everyone lives AU where everything is fine, and even the more elf-resistant Durin family members have mostly come around to Tauriel...especially now that she and Kíli have had a super cute dwelf baby. That just seals the deal!
Kíli and Tauriel can be cis, with Tauriel pregnant, or they can be t4t with Kíli pregnant! I have a very soft spot for t4t Kiliel, I must admit, and I’d be thrilled to see a trans pregnant Kíli <3
Pregnancy tags:
Alternating between oral sex and kissing pregnant belly: Kíli and Tauriel just love each other and I’m positive they love each other’s bodies too <3 Especially I can see them kinking on the differences in their biology; ESPECIALLY a size kink, even more so if they’re t4t and Kíli’s something of a size king for Tauriel’s big elf dick <3
Communicating with Infant In Utero: This is totally normal for elves, but not for dwarves—unless it is? Maybe dwarves have a different way of communicating with the unborn baby?
First Time Having Sex Postpartum: More body worship!
Happily pregnant trans character: Pregnant Kíli who is ecstatic about being pregnant! Especially if dwarf pregnancy is rare/difficult, and so everyone else is also very excited for him.
Heavily pregnant A working with kids; B is enchanted as they watch: Kíli and Tauriel welcoming little dwarflings coming to Erebor for the first time? (Do not want Fíli to have any kids, though he can also be present, just not as a dad)
Late Night Conversations About (Future) Parenting: Staying up late, under the stars, daydreaming about the future <3
Baby tags:
Crafting Jewelry For Baby or Pregnant Partner(s); Making Toys For The Baby: They’re dwarves!! Kíli absolutely is making things for his pregnant wife <3 It would be a great show of respect/acceptance if Kíli’s family made some for her too.
Baby finds skin to skin contact calming: Especially if Fíli or another relative is calming the baby, and the baby is comforted by them <3
Witnessing baby's first steps: <333
Baby gets sick for the first time; new parent(s) freak out: Especially if Tauriel is freaking out because elves don’t get sick and this is all new to her!
Baby's first words: What language is it in—Sindarin, Khuzdul, Westron?
Baby Looks Like a Mix of Both Parents; Half-elf baby: A baby that is obviously both a dwarf and an elf!
Bedtime Stories - retelling past adventures as bedtime stories: Kíli going on and on about how amazing Tauriel is, how she saved his life, etc <3
Character on parental leave is SO BORED and keeps sneaking into work: This definitely feels like Tauriel, lol. She brings the baby to the training yards!
Dressing Baby Up in Little Outfits: In both dwarven and elven traditional clothing!!
Falling asleep reading to child: Especially if it’s one of Kíli’s family members reading to them <3
Gifting Baby Important Objects: The runestone, perhaps?
Grandparent So Touched to Meet New Grandchild: Dís being touched and awed by her grandbaby <3 Bonus points for this being the moment she finally completely accepts Tauriel as a daughter-in-law!
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to whatever it is you write for me <333
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shiveringsoldier · 2 years
fandom ask: L, N, U, and Y!
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
I'll do Chuck since my parents and I are watching Better Call Saul. I like that he has some sympathetic traits. The scene of his and Jimmy's mom's death was genuinely hard to watch, and I like the way that the show uses visual and audio distortions to portray Chuck's sensitivity to electricity. Those things make him a human being, not a one-dimensional abuser.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I'll do fandoms in general
Fandoms have a tendency to hero worship male characters who regularly commit morally unconscionable deeds while treating female characters whose wrongdoings are small potatoes compared to the male characters' as if they're worse than Satan. I'd like to see an end to that.
More focus on the effect that traumatic events have on characters who experience them
A few of my favorite characters need more content
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
LOTR: Frodo, Sam, Éowyn, Faramir, Gandalf
Dunkirk: Shivering Soldier, Mr. Dawson, Farrier, Peter Dawson, Gibson
Breaking Bad Cinematic Universe (BBCU): Skyler, Gus, Kim, Marie, Jesse (also Andrea gets an honorable mention since she doesn't get enough love)
M*A*S*H: Hawkeye, Father Mulcahy, Klinger, Margaret, Henry
Peaky Blinders: Grace, Ada, Arthur, Polly, Esme
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
At the moment, the main one is Interview with the Vampire. I would like to watch it at some point, but I'd have to watch it through 100% Legal Means since my parents' cable provider no longer carries AMC
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miriel-therindes · 3 years
Tell me about your Denethor and Boromir opinions...
Dangerous question, anon, but sure.
Soooooo on this blog I stan stewards, not kings, and i specifically love Denethor II, Lord and Steward of Gondor, and his sons.
(And I only acknowledge the book characters, not the m*vie versions of them.) So anyways...
The three of them are some of my favourite characters in the legendarium. I love the complexity of their characters and morals and motives, the complicated family dynamics, and Gondor as a whole.
Buckle up, tumblr, because I can ramble for a long time about all of my thoughts about these lads.
Ok so about Denethor- he’s so interesting and INCREDIBLE and I really love him so very much...this man held Gondor against sauron for DECADES and stared the dark lord in the eye while he was showed every terrible thing that could happen to his family and his beloved country, and he barely blinked. This man had no hope to speak of, he knew that by all probability that his country would fall, his sons would die, he would die, everything he’d ever loved or fought for would perish into ash and flame and he held FIRM. He loved and fought so goddamn much and in the end, the reason he broke was out of grief for his sons!!!
Book!Denethor loved both of his sons. I’m not saying that he was the perfect parent, he did favour Boromir over Faramir, he did have a ton of relationship issues with both his sons.
See, the thing is, he was a father and they were his sons. But he was also the Steward of Gondor and Boromir was High Warden of the White Tower and Faramir was a Captain of Gondor and when relationships are both familial ones of love and and political ones of trying to defend their country from a devastating doom with their lives, things get. complicated.
And lord I’m not saying he was perfect, they all had really screwed-up relationships with each other! they were all human and making mistakes and snapping at each other and pushing away. Denethor didn’t, I think, have very healthy relationships with his sons. That does not mean he was abusive. They are all grown men with complicated family dynamics and ulhealthy relationships do not equal abuse!
A lot of the tension between Denethor and Faramir, can, I believe, be attributed to a disagreement about situational ethics BUT that’s a whole other ramble and I’m not going to go into the details of analysing their disagreements here.
OH! Also! Something worth noting is that it’s canonically said that Faramir is more alike to Denethor than Boromir is. Which is really interesting to me and brings me to the conclusion that Boromir was more alike to Finduilas, which I love.
And for the record Denethor never sent Faramir on some sort of suicide mission to Osgiliath.
Oh, and I will never forgive Peter Jackson for robbing us of the scenes of Denethor’s profound grief over Faramir...his attempt to burn himself and his son alive was not over some stupidity but rather knowledge of what would wait them when the city fell. Whether or not that motive is morally acceptable can be up for debate, I suppose, but it wasn’t over this “my line has ended oh noes i gonna burn me and my alive son who i think is dead???? in the fire” nonsense from the movies. It was an act of protection and desperation and love and despair and grief and PETER JACKSON HOW COULD YOU DO THAT. THAT SCENE IS ONE OF THE MOST MOVING ONES IN THE BOOK.
Ok so Gondor...I have a lot of Feelings about Gondor and a lot of them are just about the utter fatalistic bravery and determination and dauntlessness of these people...see there really was absolutely no hope left in Gondor. They knew they would lose and that it was hopeless and that they would die and they. kept. FIGHTING. There’s a really incredible bravery in fighting like that when there is no hope and it was found most in the people of Gondor, the front lines, the red blood spilled without hope but with LOVE. I think about Denethor wearing chainmail under his robes and the grim determination it takes him to get out of bed before sunrise and face another day against the Dark. I think about Faramir and Boromir at Osgiliath...not the straightforward victory that it was in the flashback scene in the movies, but the absolutely DEVASTATING loss- the last stand at the bridge, desperately trying to destroy it...MY BOY BOROMIR RETOOK OSGILIATH and then the risk and sacrifice it took to blow up the bridge- and they all died, they died, every single one of those soldiers DIED except for two who escaped with Boromir and Faramir. THEY KEEP FIGHTING AND DYING AND FIGHTING SOME MORE
*takes deep calming breaths*
Okay on to Boromir. Boromir my beloved...
Boromir is such an amazing character and anon i could go on about him for hours but I eventually need to stop rambling about Gondorians and my beloved steward family and post this, so I’ll try to keep it concise.
Boromir is sososo brave and dependable and good and kind and I love him, I love him SO much anon. And he deserved so much better- it breaks my heart to know that he never got to see Gondor free from the crippling fear of Mordor, that he never got to see his baby brother wed, that he never got to shed even for a moment the crushing responsibility and pressure that was on him for his whole life. Boromir bled and sacrificed so much while knowing he would never be able to entirely succeed and he did it anyway.
And he tried to take the Ring from Frodo. Yes he did! And this cannot be excused! But it’s IMPORTANT to remember what his motives were in taking the Ring- like always, like he’s been doing his entire life, he’s trying to save his family and people and country. This isn’t an excuse but I’m trying to point out WHY he did it- it wasn’t some inherent weakness or evil, it’s desperation.
Boromir knows what will happen if Sauron gets the Ring- Galadriel showed him. And here the Ring is going TOWARDS Sauron in the hands of a strange creature not even four feet tall. Try to see it from his point of view for just a minute, not condoning it, but understand.
And maybe it’s his failing- but you see the thing is! he didn’t fail in the end!! He fell but in the end his failing was NOT the ring, he realises his mistake! in just a few moments he turns around and realises the terrible thing that he did and tries to make it right!
And then he gives his life in defence of two little hobbits, his friends. And in the end, maybe his defence was pointless, Merry and Pippin were still captured, he didn’t achieve anything. But it was heartfelt and it was love. There’s a beauty in sacrifice without hope or victory but just out of goodness and courage and LOVE- 
Anyways Denethor and Boromir are without doubt two of my favourite characters in fiction ever and asdfghkuhiwhatighaieughtiawught the m*vies messed them up SO bad. I will never forgive Peter Jackson for his slaughter of EITHER of their characters.
Thanks for the ask anon, this has been Unpopular and Controversial Opinions by Aurlynd time <3 You don’t have to agree with me I support everyone’s right to dislike Boromir and Denethor as long as they do it for the right reasons.
(I think I’m at least mostly right about them though)
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incomingalbatross · 3 years
Tolkien things I want to know about:
What Gerontius Took was like. Every hobbit we know aside from Sam is related to him and he was best friends with Gandalf but we know NOTHING about his personality. We can only assume that he was the essence of Tookishness.
Speaking of! His friendship with Gandalf! Did he got on adventures with him? He must have, right? At what point in his life? When did he become friends with Gandalf in the first place? Was Gandalf friends with his parents?
Tangent, but Gandalf became friends with hobbits in the Long Winter, thirty years before Gerontius’s birth. Were the Old Took’s parents some of Gandalf’s first-adopted hobbits?
The Old Took’s three remarkable daughters! All we know are that their names were Belladonna, Donnamira, and Mirabella, that they’re grouped together as “remarkable,” that Belladonna at least was friends with Gandalf, and that they respectively ended up marrying A) Bungo Baggins, literally the most boring hobbit in Middle-Earth, B) an unremarkable Boffin, and C) the heir to the Master of Buckland.
Again, did these girls go on adventures? Does The Hobbit’s narrative linking them as a trio mean that they went on adventures together, out on the Wide World? Did they ever see Rivendell?
Going on from there: Bilbo’s PARENTS. I want to know more about Bungo, and how he and Belladonna ended up together. Like, I love and support the idea of their relationship, but I want to hear more about how the “famous and remarkable” Belladonna Took turned aside from Adventure, looked at the “solid and respectable” Bungo Baggins, and said “yeah. I want HIM.”
...Are Belladonna and Bungo just the Shire Edition of Faramir/Eowyn.
You can’t prove that they’re NOT.
But also, in general: What were Bilbo’s parents like!! We know he quotes his dad’s aphorisms and, like...probably a lot of his manners and so on come from Bungo. But we know so little.
Is his extreme dad-ness inherited from Bungo? Was Belladonna daring and proud sometimes, like Bilbo at his most Tookish? Was Belladonna a poet? Was Bungo awkward in emotional moments like Bilbo? Did Belladonna have good aim? Which one did Bilbo get his snark from (or was it both)? How did Bilbo learn his kindness, and his business-knowledge, and his good hobbit-sense?
BILBO. At thirty, according to one text of “The Quest of Erebor,” Gandalf knew him well (”better than he knew me,” which is a very Gandalf line) and liked him, and Bilbo used to pester him with questions about other hobbits who had gone off adventuring. At thirty-six, Bilbo lost his father and became master of Bag End; when he was forty-four, his mother died; and at fifty he’s become “a second edition of his solid and comfortable father.” There are MANY THINGS I want to know here.
Did Bungo dying push young Bilbo to be MORE Baggins-ish? Why did he and Belladonna both die relatively young (in their eighties)? Also, it was just Bilbo and his mom for eight years of Bilbo’s adulthood and I was shocked to realize that. I want to know more, and I want to know why, in light of that, he’s outwardly so un-Tookish at the start of the story.
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ilovedainironfoot · 3 years
They get a kiss on a cheek and a hug, how do they react ? ( Boromir + Faramir + Legolas + Gimli )
(none of the gifs or pictures are mine )
asked by @flowerieta​ to celebrate my 100 followers \^o^/
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-he didn't expect a kiss 
-hugging is normal for him, he hugs his brother, his men, children and women who need to be reassured
-but the kiss, it caught him off guard
-So surprised that he doesn't know what to do with his arms, should he wrap them around you to return your hug? 
-he doesn't know what to say or do and his cheeks turn red and his heart misses a few beats
-he knows how to stay calm during a battle but for a few seconds there he is nervous
-he awkwardly thanks you, then stammers because he thinks that it was not the right thing to say
-he coughs a little before admitting to you that he was surprised by your gesture
-he admits to you that he didn't expect so much affection from you, if that's what that kiss really meant to you
-he will not make it clear whether or not he has an affection for you that is greater than friendship
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-even though his mother died and his father was reluctant to show him love, Boromir made sure that his little brother did not grow up without feeling affection
-Boromir did his best to make sure his little brother didn't feel neglected and he did his best to fill the emotional void their parents placed on Faramir
-Faramir is grateful to him and even if he had lacked love he is not completely in need of affection, not as touch-starved as it might seem
-despite everything, the hug and kiss on the cheek left him speechless
-he didn't expect it and on top of that there are three thousand questions that just popped into his head
-he doesn't sleep all night, wondering again and again if this means you love him or if it was in the heat of the moment, the joy of having won the battle, alcohol or anything else
-he will then pull a second all-nighter, wondering if he can return your affection, hug and kiss or if he's getting the message wrong 
-he will eventually come to you and tell you about their his feelings and what your action has meant to him
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-elves do not hug each other
-they use gestures to express their affection but they do not physically touch each other
-so when you hold him in your arms he is perplexed and a little surprised
-and completely lost when you give him a kiss on the cheek
-he doesn't know what it is, why you did it and what it means
-but for fear of offending you he will not say anything, he will not protest
-he will return your hug, because he knows what it means
-but he won't kiss you on the cheek because he really doesn't know what it means and doesn't want to give false indications or worse, insult you
-he will take advantage of a calmer moment, in the evening by the fire, to talk to you again and admit that he does not know the meaning of this gesture of affection
-he will blush when he learns that this is a very deep sign of affection
-it will take several weeks before he tries to give you one
-it is a very shy kiss, very fast and very awkward but he really wants to show you his affection the same way you do for him
-he finally understands why you didn’t respond to his own signs of affection before, those that his people use, because you didn’t know them and nobody explained to you
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-dwarfs are very affectionate with each other
-they hug each other, between family members, between friends
-kisses on the cheek are used to give courage and luck and are mostly given by the elders (a grandfather to his grandson, a mother to her child ...)
-then when you take him in your arms for him it is quite normal, you are friends
-on the other hand that you give him a kiss on the cheek, there he is a little disconcerted
-He who thought he was a big brother to you, is in fact your little brother in your eyes! 
-he didn't expect you to see him like this at all
-so at first he looks for what he did and said so that you see him as a little brother
-it makes him a bit grumpy
-but he is still flattered that you see him as a member of your family
-therefore, he understands that he can also give you a kiss on the cheek to wish you good luck and courage before a battle or when you are afraid
-he doesn't suspect for a second that kisses on the cheek have different meanings for different peoples
-it will take months before both of you understand that there is a misunderstanding somewhere and to tell the other what kissing on the cheek means to you both
-he feels very stupid
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
I’m home alone and bored so I’ve revamped my next-gen HCs for the houses of Húrin/Telcontar/Eorl mk. 2/Dol Amroth.
Faramir and Éowyn are first to produce an heir because they are nothing if not efficient.
They have twins: Elboron and Théodwyn (I like the name less and less with each passing day—also not sold on Morwen, am considering a swap to Andreth or Saelind for ~reasons~)
The twins are born in FO 1, three years after the end of the war, two years after Faramir and Éowyn are married
They’re each very much like their parents: Elboron inherits his father’s proclivity for melodrama and his mother’s sense of duty, Théodwyn his love of learning and her never-take-no-for-an-answer attitude.
Elboron inherits Éowyn’s blonde hair, Théodwyn Faramir’s black, both are taller than Éowyn (who, I should remind everyone, is not short) by the time they’re sixteen. Éowyn makes out that she’s furious about it, but secretly loves it
Both have a slightly reduced turbo-charged Númenórean vibe, but it’s still very much there. It’s more obvious with Théodwyn because she leans into it more aggressively, Elboron, by contrast, likes that people still think he’s ~exotic~ for looking more Rohirric, so tries to play that up. He grows into embracing it later in life.
Théodwyn hauls ass out to Harad the first chance she gets—it’s a Whole Thing for the family, but Éowyn’s already quite sensitive to not making her kids feel trapped, and Faramir’s quite content to get as many people as possible in on his anti-war crusade, so he does eventually get over his panic at her going.
She meets her future husband there, though it takes them several years to seal the deal. They have a quieter sort of courtship, Théodwyn has no interest in being compared to her parents, and feels like she finds a kindred spirit in Bijan in terms of the balance of practicality vs individuality.
After they marry (in Harad, again, it’s a Whole Thing), they return to Ithilien for a time, and then move to Minas Tirith so they can each play politics
Elboron, meanwhile, goes out on one of Aragorn’s imperial wars (to Rhûn, imo), expecting he’ll love it, only to discover that, ah, yes, his parents were in fact right about war sucking ass.
He immediately begs for—and is given—a semi-diplomatic position in the Northern Kingdom.
He falls in love and has it bad for one of the daughters of the Rangers of the North. He, à la pops, plays up the drama 100%, and Ilmarë loves it, because she feels like Gondor is so trendy and established and that the Northern Kingdom doesn’t have the same pizzazz.
They marry in Ithilien but immediately return to the North for a few years; a few of their children are born in the North.
I think, as is the fanon standard, there are three daughters born to Aragorn and Arwen before Eldarion comes along.
The first daughter, Míriel, is born Summer 3020. Second and third are born quickly thereafter, Arwen is basically pregnant constantly between Autumn 3019 and FO 5.
This complicates things re: her father leaving M-E. There’s drama.
Eldarion is born Spring FO 3, and then A+A’s last daughter and then second son, (named Fintherion) are born three and five years after that. RIP to Arwen’s pelvic floor.
There’s a lot of outside pressure on Míriel and Elboron to get married, even from their youngest years, but their parents are incredibly hardline on not letting that happen—Míriel takes a broad Fuck Marriage position, whereas Elboron takes the far more politically-aware approach of “even if I did (I don’t), someone would murder one of us if that marriage was attempted, it’s too much concentrated power”.
They still end up as quite close friends, and egg on each others’ penchant for melodrama, which is cute when they’re kids, but starts to get them in trouble when they’re older.
Eldarion grows up like Emma Woodhouse, spoiled but extremely charming and clever. He has the entire Emma plot line with one of Éomer and Lothíriel’s daughters, and they’re married basically without a hitch.
Unnamed Daughter #2 marries Bard II of Dale—this is mostly a political thing; Unnamed Daughter #3 very astutely marries one of the sons of a lord of Gondor (I’m thinking Lebennin); Fintherion doesn’t marry; Unnamed Daughter #4 marries a northern lord (sort of political sort of not, she just wants to get the fuck out of Gondor)
The kids generally end up in this weird social space when they’re growing up where their closet pals end up being Éomer and Lothíriel’s kids and the kids of other various lords who set up camp in Minas Tirith. The Húrinionath are sort of isolationists in Ithilien because of how much work there is to do there and because Arwen and Aragorn end up quite difficult to socialise with.
Eorl mark 2
Éomer and Lothíriel marry in TA 3021—this is a semi-arranged political marriage. Éomer doesn’t give a shit one way or the other about marriage, Lothíriel has been raised to see marriage as an important political tool, so is earnestly only interested in it in that regard.
They, like Aragorn and Arwen, go through a lot of daughters before they get to Elfwine.
Their first daughter is born FO 1, then there’s a gap until the next daughter is born in FO 3. Then there’s one daughter a year until Elfwine is born in FO 8. There are no more children after that.
It’s daughter number three that marries Eldarion.
The kids are raised in both the language of the Mark and Sindarin. Lothíriel ends up compared with some frequency to Morwen Steelsheen, though never earns an epithet of her own.
The kids actually don’t spend an enormous amount of time at Dol Amroth—given that Éomer is the king and therefore wildly outranks Imrahil (and later Elphir), it’s the Dol Amroth brood who have to visit them. They routinely split the difference and just meet in Minas Tirith, EXCEPT when Éomer goes off to war while the kids are still young, then the older kids are sent to Dol Amroth while the younger kids remain in Edoras with Lothíriel
To Lothíriel’s chagrin (and Éomer’s delight) the kids mostly marry within the Mark, bar daughter #3 who marries Eldarion.
Clan Dol Amroth
They do their very best to stay the fuck away from the northern families. The Hurinionath spend a decent amount of time in Dol Amroth when they can, but there’s no attempts to marry any of them off to one another—or of making that bargain with Aragorn and Arwen’s kids.
Imrahil does try. Éowyn occasionally helps (vis a vis Aragorn’s kids) because she’s a shameless shit-stirrer.
Alphros has two younger brothers born after the war, no sisters
Erchirion never marries, plays Did You Know I’m A War Hero for life, to great success. Spends a lot of time at sea, likes showing up in Edoras or Emyn Arnen unannounced with things to rile up the kids.
Amrothos marries the daughter of a Belfalan vassal lord. He’s gay, she’s gay, it works out great for them. They spend a lot of time travelling together—of all of the folks mentioned, they’re the ones that get to take the fullest advantage of the Reunited Kingdom. They go from Mithlond to Dale and Near Harad and have a grand old time of it.
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