#(and us)
queersouthasian · 8 months
Now that pit babe is over, going back to rewatch the show and seeing babe push Charlie around 'cause Way can't keep his fucking hands to himself and is continuously manipulating him (the hypnotism thing becomes too obvious with every rewatch ngl) , especially that scene where Babe comes home drunk and distressed, pushing Charlie away saying "you are only a sex partner", this with the scene of Way asking who Charlie was and him saying the same but with the "What a person like me can be?" breaks my heart to fragments. I have mentioned before how Babe is loud in pain and silent in love exactly how Charlie is the damn opposite. So, babe's pain is very prevalent but Charlie's is so subtle. Charlie saying that he can't tell who he and jeff are but they are definitely not fucking is like an open reminder that he desperately was trying to protect two people, his brother and his lover. He looked like a kicked puppy everytime Babe pushed him away, he looked so broken and then the next moment he is smiling. UGHHHH. I cry thinking about how Charlie believed for years he doesn't deserve love 'cause he is way too basic, he is replaceable and someone who can never be anyone's priority. On top of that he takes away people's powers, something not under his control, making him "threatening", thus unlovable. No wonder Charlie didn't expect Babe to mourn his death to the extent he did. Charlie knew Babe would be sad, but "sad" is an understatement to what babe went through during their seperation and how desperately babe denied the death. Charlie never once imagined this to be to that extent. So jeff confirming that Babe was "as sad as" Charlie was, was a direct punch to his face. He was not happy, he was devastated that he hurt babe. There are so many moments where we can see another side to Charlie. His insecurities. In ep 7 when Babe denies Charlie giving up his life and they hug, Charlie has such a gentle look on his face:
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He looks so relaxed, a "oh he loves me".
Seeing Charlie being so happy during the reunion made me so so glad they found each other 'cause Babe loves him beyond every boundary, every restriction loving Charlie has been posed. No one ever really loved and cared about Charlie so much. Charlie has to be someone so important to babe for him to enter his abuser's home, working with his assaulter to take down his abuser 'cause how dare he hurt Charlie, his beloved (such a wild sentence my god). No one ever has done 1% of what Babe did for Charlie. Not only this but all the times Babe pushing Charlie away from the face of danger 'cause Charlie's life matters, to him more than anyone.
What actually makes me so happy about CharlieBabe's ending is that, we came around a full circle. Charlie thought he is worthless and the only thing he can offer is care, affection, protection and most importantly love. But in our world, how many people actually care about that? How many will appreciate your love? People even in real life think, love is cringe or something that leads to nothing. Whereas Babe created his "Pit Babe" reputation 'cause that helped him gain attention and love, albeit false and mostly sugar coated but atleast he got cheers and he was so damn scared of those cheers dying down 'cause he was so so starved of affection that loosing his first place meant his life would come to an end. At the end, he ended up really not caring about either his powers or his first place. He only cared about one person, Charlie. Charlie who loved him and loved him like no other. Babe knows no one can love him like Charlie can, like Charlie does. His love is insane in all ways, extremely transparent and only for him to see through. Charlie's ability to love him to the extent he does, the way he does, always left him surprised. He didn't voice it out, but you could see how he always looked so amazed that someone like Charlie, someone so genuine and selfless can love him, that he ever really doubted him. All of which makes his grief and the "I am sorry I always talked bad to you" during ep 10 more painful. He didn't get the chance to let him know how much he meant to him, he thought he made Charlie think the love and protectiveness is one sided. So Babe saying "I love you like I have never loved before, Understood?" Is so damn beautiful, 'cause we finally see Babe telling Charlie, in bold fonts, that he has never experienced love like the love he has for Charlie. Romantic or Platonic, the love he has for his beloved is the most and Charlie is not just his no. 1 lover, he is his sole lover and no.1 in general. The entire journey of Charlie, going from " what a person like me can be?" TO Babe's only priority, his "phi babe" 's only lover and the audience's beloved Charlie is just way too much for my heart.
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khihi · 9 months
$200 in tips for soapy boobs, everyone give it up for $200 in tips for soapy boobs!!!
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rootlessly · 1 month
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im sorry but this exchange with N made me laugh for a solid 8 minutes (i’m still laughing)
this whole exchange is solely bc he wanted to use the darcy hand flex gif on discord lmaoooo
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blmpff · 1 year
Cr. 8.10.23
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I know this is an extremely controversial topic and we shouldn't discuss what we don't know but this is coming from a good place.
I'm just worried. I hope Richard's health is good. But surely him having a belly like that is a sign of something that's not going well. He's not gaining weight anywhere else on his body and this isn't about his weight at all. I'm just concerned that his gut may be a sign of something like IBS, bad liver or heart problems due to his smoking.
Again I'm sorry for bringing this up but it is not normal and I don't want him to suffer in any way.
Hi anon.. it's kind of you to worry about his health, i think we all want our guys to be happy and healthy and enjoying life 🌺
That said, i think we shouldn't try to put diagnostical health labels on what we see, we have no idea how his health is (and we shouldn't really)
Richard's bodytype has always been of the 'rounder' variety, even in his younger days; he was never as lean as for instance Flake or Olli. Maybe just in the 'cocaine years' he was a bit more angular, but we don't want to go back to that (at least i hope he won't).
to me he looks a bit 'better filled out' all over, also especially in the chest and shoulders area, and the tummy gets the extra effect of sticking out about because of the curve in his back.
Most importantly for me, he feels comfortable the way he looks, even giving us glimpses of the goods by letting his coat hang open (and bending forward....he knows we're looking 👀)
And who knows, maybe he carries a little bit extra weight because he quit smoking and is eating sweets instead....come to think of it...has anyone seen him with a cigarette recently 🤔
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cobaltbluesky · 2 years
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Travis truly is having the time of his life with Chet, isn't he ?
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beansnpeets · 1 month
Sled dog guy had mentioned he needed one of his retired dogs to be indoors for the winter and so I offered to take her for the winter. So Jewels the lab mix will be boarding with us this winter! I hope Sprocket likes having her here. She is on the older side, but still very spunky and fun. It will be an interesting experience and I am excited! Should be nice 😊
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astrono · 7 months
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deesi-academia · 11 months
the world makes me so so sad. and what's even sadder is that just one country has been given so much power to completely shift the narrative in their side every single time. i can't belive how easily history repeats itself and all the people in power stand still to watch it like a story.
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rin-link · 1 year
No! Not again!
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thxmomentiknew · 2 years
i hate that she has to release them all together because someone leaked the tracklist, we were supposed to be closer to midnights release when she only had two balls left…
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unnerd · 1 year
sometimes im surprised this account exists... its been a while and ive changed tons, but my posts still get notes.. thats wild... you all are reblogging a different version of me, another person entirely. i hope you little people on my phone are doing okay, i hope youre getting rest, i hope you still play your fantasy game with weird dice. just know that i love you, even though i dont know you and you dont know me. someday we will understand all of this.
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blmpff · 11 months
Great and Inn know how to start their new chapters with a BANG
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“I feel like we fell out of the lucky tree and hit every branch on the way down, ended up in a pool of cash and Sour Patch Kids.”
-Ted Lasso
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storyofelba · 2 years
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xomoosexo · 1 year
astrology flare is a dream stan and a dnfer, they followed dnf stans and yeah :]
I don't use twitter I don't even know who that is but good for them
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