#(as well as normal veins but yanno)
heyheyloki · 4 years
Why Stop Now
Summary: Reid starts getting jealous when witnesses start to hit on the reader.
Spencer Reid x M!Reader
Word Count: 2677
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The case before the BAU team was getting tedious, to say the least. It was one of those cases that needs witnesses to actually get a step ahead of the unsub who left basically no evidence behind. It was surely pissing off the team, but it pissed you off the most. You were someone who needed control, someone who couldn’t stand the taunts of others. That was profiled about you when you first joined, but you didn’t have a probably showing that side of you off at times. So, at that point it was just a simple fact that surrounded your complex personality.
“This shit sucks,” You hissed out as you slammed your hands against the table, looking at the pictures of the victims. Searching eyes hoping, praying that you had for once missed something. “This is seriously pissing me off.”
“You know you didn’t miss anything. I don’t know why you’re looking at them.” A voice called out from behind you. The footsteps they took now clear as day as you watched Spencer Reid come to your side. 
“You’re only going to stress yourself out.” He said in a sweet, mellow tone that made you take in a few deep breaths. 
“I know,” you uttered out before turning to him. One hand still on the table to hold your weight. “I just want to help these girls and I can’t do that until I find more things out about our unsub.”
Reid’s face leaned to the side a bit. A small frown on his lips as he stared at you with soft, kind eyes. “I know you do, but you aren’t going to get anything more from them.”
You press your lips together, frustrated at the situation before you. “So what? I have to wait for another woman to die to catch this son of a bitch? 
Reid looks down for a moment before saying softly, “Well, we have another witnesses in here, Hotch asked me to come find you.”
“Again?” You asked in a groan. “Please don’t tell me they’re gonna make goggly eyes more at me than actually answer the questions.”
“That’s why Hotch asked me to get you. He wants you to ask them some questions.” Reid informed you. “I’ll stay with you, if you want.”
You gave a soft smile at the taller male before you pressed your hand against his shoulder, rolling it down before making soft motions with your thumb against his chest. “You’re sweet. I appreciate it, Spence.”
He nodded his head, grabbing your hand that flushed against him. He squeezed it a few times as you watched the most faint blush you’ve seen on him appear against his pale cheeks. It was heart-warming that you were still able to make him blush the way he does by such a simple expression of affection, especially since you’ve been together for a little more than a couple of months now.
“It’s no problem.” He stated before quickly leaning in and planting a soft kiss against your cheek. A giggle immediately coming from your chest as soon as you felt his hot lips against your cool skin. In all honestly, physical contact at work between the two of you was never a thing. Even by if it was just the two of you at yours or Spence’s place, the most you guys did was a kiss here or a few cuddles there. And honestly, you had to make the moves a couple of times given Spencer and his issue with physical contact. He did get used to your touch fairly quickly though, and he enjoyed it. 
When you both approached the witnesses that was sitting near your desk, she looked you up and down, the look in her orbs pure lust. She was a short woman with voluptuous build. She wore a simple white crop top, sporting high waist jeans. It was obvious what kinda aura she gave off. It was both responsible, yet at the same time, someone who liked to have fun.
The ends of her lips quickly churning up at the side of you. Her legs quickly crossed over one another, her mouth slightly open as she chewed her gum.
Spence immediately read her like a book, but he tried not to show his growing irritation. He knew you were good-looking, and he knew people would look. Though, it was just annoying at how much it was happening at one day. Especially at work.
“Hello, ma’am.” You said with a smile before introducing yourself. Your hand then gesturing to your boyfriend before saying, “And this is Doctor Spencer Reid. We’ll be taking your statements today.”
The lady didn’t respond at first, but instead take in your handsome features for a moment before saying, “You can take a lot more then just my statement, baby.”
You gave a soft chuckle as you cupped the back of your neck. It did catch you a bit off guard, but not so much any more since this has been happening for around three hours now. You did, for some reason unknown to you, look over at Spence. The look in his eyes made you frown. It wasn’t anger, but rather, extreme discomfort.
“Right,” you hummed out before sitting on the edge of your desk. Spence taking a step to move closer to your side.
“Can you take me from the beginning? What did you see?” You asked in a stern toning, telling her not to play around anymore.
Her eyes played with yours for a moment before agreeing to answer your questions. It was okay at first, she didn’t seem all that distracted like the others before with your presence, but after getting mid-way into her story, her hand started to dance along your desk. It was obvious how close it was getting to your thigh, both to Spencer and you.
It was like a spider trying to go after its prey. Overall, it was uncomfortable, but you knew you had to focus on her story before even thinking about her hand. It’s one thing if it was just approaching, but another if it actually touches you.
“I mean, the dude was weird, sure, but I didn’t think he’d be kidnapping and killin’ girls, yanno?” She asked, her fingers creeping their way across on your outter thigh.
Your body flinched on instinct for just a moment before you immediately moved your leg, now standing up next to Spence. You could see the small disappointment in her face, but you could honestly care less. You got her story, so now you were finished. At least, that’s what you thought.
“Thanks again, ma’am.” You stated with a kind smile for Hotchner’s sake. You then took out your card that held your number and name, moving it in her direction as you said, “If you think of anything else, doesn’t hesitate to call.”
She gazed at the card for a second before taking it. And while normal people would take it right away, she held on and swiftly moved her hand to touch your own. Her thumb moving in circle, suggestive movement along the top of your hand. You didn’t know if she caught on that you already were taken and trying to do it discreetly since the card was in the way, or just doing it for the fun of it.
“Believe me, sugar, you’ll get a call from me.” She stated in a seductive tone. “You don’t mind some calls at, well, before bedtime, right?”
Then, she did that and it was like everything stopped. Both for Spence and you.
She smirked.
It was one of those smirks that really made something turn within you that was pure fear mixed with uneasiness. The uneasiness coming from your wonder on how Spence was doing. You knew he had trust in you, as you did him. Though, even you would break under all this reckless flirting. Especially at the work place where it was unprofessional to engage in public displays of affection.
“No, sorry, ma’am.” You stated sternly. Your face devoid of any sweetness you might have shown before. “Please, just anything related to this case and nothing else.”
You watched carefully as a bitter sense took her over before she stood up abruptly and said, “Fine.”
And with that, she left. Honestly, you felt so relived that you let out a deep sigh from your lips, unaware of how much air you kept built up in your lungs.
“Glad that’s over,” you huffed out. Your body turning to face Spence, your mouth hanging out a bit to speak once more. Though, when you saw his face, it was like your veins became invaded with ice. You couldn’t move, and if you did, you felt like you’d break.
His eyes blasted directly into yours, almost completely shutting down your sharp-mouthed tongue that got you into trouble with Hotch frequently. They didn’t carry anger, nor sadness. It was something that made your chest tighten, knees completely weak. It made your heart skip a beat, almost breaking a rib with how hard it pounded for that split moment.
“Spence?” You mumbled out. “Something wrong?”
“They kept making passes at you,” he uttered out. His voice barely even audible.
“They did.” You stated. You didn’t know where this was going.
“And I was right here. Right in front of them. Next to you. It was like they didn’t even care if they were making a move on you while I was around.” Spence ranted on, his tone of voice growing more and more irritated as he went one.
“Spence, I don’t think she even knew I was dating someone. Much less having that person be standing right next to me.” You explained kindly. You get how he felt, you did. So, you just planned on trying to make him feel better in any way you could.
Though, as you were about to step forward and maybe grab his hand to reassure him that everything was still alright, he moved first. His tall figure stood right in front of you, barely even a foot away. His face slowly inching towards you despite where you both were.
“Come with me for a second,” he whispered, his hand slowly moving down your arm, that feeling alone causing goosebumps to graze your skin before he held your hand within his. 
“Okay.” You agreed, wondering what you were even doing. 
He didn’t even have a smile perk up on his lips when you agreed, but instead stared you up and down. Slowly, carefully his eyes traveled your body. You shied your head away as you let Spence lead you into the changing rooms the officers use in the morning after their shift was over. 
You noticed Spence make sure no one was inside before his long, slender fingers locked the door. You couldn’t help but remain still, trying to wrap your head around his sudden change in demeanor. You knew he was jealous, it was obvious to anyone. But it was odd at the same time since he was never one to start much of anything, still, in the end when he backed you into the lockers, you weren’t complaining much. 
“Spence, you sure?” You mumbled under your breath as you flickered your eyes between his own and those soft lips that slowly approached yours.
He didn’t answer you with words, but instead gave you answer when he pressed his lips against your own. You were quick to wrap your arms around his neck, taking one of your hands and lacing it through his long, curly locks and the other resting on the base of his jaw. You thought it would be a few sweet kisses and than back to work, maybe even some jealous words, but the moment he started to play with the end of your shirt you knew this was going in a completely different direction. 
To keep his lips to yours you moved your hand that rested on his jaw over to his own, guiding his hand under your clothes. You groaned into the kiss at the sudden chill that ran up your spine when your hot skin collided with his rather chilly fingertips. It was an intoxicating feeling, one that made you desire more. 
When he got the hint that you were okay with his touch, you noticed how quick the atmosphere changed. Within mere seconds he started to push himself more against you, giving you little room to escape with your back flat against the lockers and him on you as well. 
Spencer’s hand start to slide more up your body, feeling every inch of you that he desired. His touch was both full of affection yet the lust you noticed as well was undeniable. It was as if he revealed something that he had kept hidden within himself for a long time now, and you were happy that he felt like he could share that side of himself with you. 
Though, as the sinful urges started to start showing their true colors, the need for air started to dominate. When Spencer unlocked his lips from your own, your breath got stuck in your throat. The look in his eyes was nothing to just brush off as passion. It was like something darker took over, something that he needed to chain down almost all the time. His chestnut orbs held a film over them that was swirling with red, as well as a need that only you could fulfill. 
In a swift movement, Spence’s head moved lower, his lips aiming at something different this time around. A soft gasp escaped past you when you felt his lips latch onto your neck, kissing, biting, and sucking at your skin. It felt good, so good that you suddenly moved one of your legs up and wrapped it around his hips. His free hand that wasn’t exploding your body gripped onto your thigh, holding it in place. 
The more he ravished you, the louder you got. At first it was simple heavy breathing but you swore he was aiming at all of the weak spots on your neck and collarbones that turned you into a mess before him. Though, you didn’t think you were so loud for him to suddenly growl, “Try to keep quiet. We don’t want to get caught.”
Your eyes widened a bit before you leaned your head to the side shyly. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s not like I don’t enjoy hearing you,” he mumbled, his words peaking with more embarrassment than a pure teasing tone.
You nodded, your hands moving down his back and gripping hard onto his shirt as you allowed yourself to be swallowed up by the pleasure he was giving you. You really don’t remember how much time passed, maybe a few minutes, maybe ten. Still, by the time both of you calmed down and made sure to get your fill from the other, someone started to knock on the locked door. 
Both of you two looked at each other, some fear running through your orbs before hearing the familiar voice of Derek Morgan say, “If you two don’t hurry up, Hotch will find out and get mad.”
“Shit,” you groaned as you tried your hardest to flatten out your now disheveled shirt. 
“Sorry about that,” Spence said shyly as he scratched the back of his head, wondering if he should try to help you or not.
You let out a deep sigh before planting a soft kiss on Spence’s cheek, his face heating up in a mere seconds. “It’s okay. C’mon, we should get back to work.”
“Right..” His voice trailed off in a shy manner, his fingers lacing with yours once more as he returned the favor. This time, placing a soft and chaste kiss upon your lips. It was full of love and affection, something that made you hum lovingly into. 
“Hopefully we don’t get anymore witnesses.” You groaned as you walked ahead, flattening your hair. 
Spence couldn’t help but laugh at your words before following behind you back into the professional setting. Luckily for the both of you, Hotch never found out, or he made it seem like he had no idea. Still, you had your doubts since Morgan and Garcia were almost relentless in teasing your boyfriend and you for a straight week. 
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kenobihater · 3 years
(I hope u dont mind me sending this as an ask i was gon do a reply but it ended up being long ;o;) idk if this classifies as romanticization but i love stories or hcs where witcher mutations are a bit more otherifying than we see in canon - such as changes in blood color/viscosity, maybe muscles that are anatomically different than nonmutated humans/elves, and the fangs like you said - the closer they hit Uncanny Valley the better. mainly because i think that its a little cheap that witchers look exactly like a normal human/elf (besides the eyes, depending on the canon, since i think in the books they keep their normal coloring - geral's eyes are described as "dark" often enough for that at least). visualizing the trauma inherent to witcherhood and making the metaphorical stripping of humanity/personhood manifest physically just Hits Harder, yanno?
and also i absolutely adore stories/settings/hc that actually acknowledge the witchers' enhanced senses and apply them realistically. cause like, we don't really know how far their hearing stretches, for example (at least i can't recall any specific details) but I think it's mentioned that witchers can hear heartbeats well enough. so they could easily be overwhelmed by sound even in a room so still and quiet that a normal person could hear a pin drop, simply because living beings are within that room - how difficult it must be for them to sleep in human settlements or share barracks freshly after the trial of the grasses when nobody speaks yet everyone is defeaned by their hearts and lungs and blood thundering in their eats. and hell, stomachs make lots of sounds that we can't usually hear - the witcher probably have a front row seat to all the fucked up noises all bodies make.
i dunno why i sent all that besides wanting to start a discussion to hear your opinions on it so i am a) sorry for bursting into your ask box like that and also b),,,,could you,,,,Rant About Things?? like both the whole discussion that prompted this and also whatever thoughts you have about witchers bc i love that (once again i am sorry)
i love getting asks, don't apologize! this is gonna be a disjointed and rambly response, so heads up for that lol! firstly, yeah, idk if that counts as romanticization, but i love the trope of a more heightened otherness too, and that's the kind of romanticization (if you wanna call it that) that i enjoy! anything that really makes them not quite human really helps to, as you said, stress the changes both mental and physical they go through during the trials.
secondly, yeah, acknowledgement of enhanced senses is totally my jam. i struggle to remember to do this in fics sometimes, but i've been getting better about it because it's just such a cool concept, yanno? balancing the right amount of enhanced senses in writing kind of reminds me how in my star wars fics i had to learn to acknowledge the force as a baseline sense for my force-sensitive characters. it's there, but you don't want to draw undue attention to it that would distract from the story. you want to use it to enhance, not hinder your plot, but it is important to recognize when it could actually be a detriment to the story you're telling and allude to that in the text (like, for example, in one of my upcoming fics i have someone lie to lambert and he mentally acknowledges it's a lie bc he can hear her heartbeat, but doesn't call her out on it for a reason. if i didn't acknowledge his superhearing now with the lie but bring it up later, it could ring false to the reader).
also, in the same vein of enhanced senses those are all wonderful points! sensory overload is something i occasionally experience and it is a cruel bitch, so having that due to enhanced senses all the time, and you're unable to turn it off and just have to learn to live with it and tune things out? oh, it's so good!
thank you for sending the ask, and also you're offering me free rein to rant? thank you! currently, the only thing i feel i could rant about is how psychosis is treated in the fandom by non-psychotics, particularly in regards to cat witchers.
you can't just decide to go the route of writing them as psychotics and then just go "oh yeah, this character is psychotic :)" and NOT elaborate properly! that's literally like saying "oh yeah, this character has Symptoms of a Disease" and not fucking telling us what disease they have! because at the end of the day, that's exactly what psychosis is - a symptom for several different diseases! usually, the only elaboration fic writers do is going "ooooh, they have psychosis so they are Evil and Violent now" which, i cannot overstate this enough, is the single worst misconception about psychotic people i know of, one that has real life repercussions for psychotic people and has caused untold pain and suffering. putting this dangerous misinformation into your fics because you want to write a character as Edgy and Morally Bankrupt and blame it on the psychosis is fucking disgusting, and if anyone reading this does this you owe me and every other psychotic person in the fandom $50.
also, i don't like the take that mutagens can cause people to be psychotic. to my knowledge, drug-induced psychosis is possible, but isn't permanent, meaning even if the cat mutagens caused acute psychosis in the people receiving them, it wouldn't last more than maybe a few months, and while it could trigger an underlying, latent mental disorder, it could not create one. there's no such thing as injecting someone with fantasy steroids and accidentally giving them bipolar disorder (because it's always bipolar, when the writers do deign to name it). brain damage is another thing entirely and can cause personality changes, but i don't know nearly enough about it to talk about it with confidence.
bottom line, if you're non-psychotic and wanna write psychotic cat witchers, do your research, don't imply the mutagens did it, don't act like their psychosis is linked with their violent tendencies, and really think about why you want to write the characters that are almost entirely referred to as evil and morally bankrupt (except for lambert about aiden) as psychotic. psychotic people can write whatever they want, hell, i'm writing aiden as bipolar, but the difference is i'm doing it to see myself in the character and i'm also not implying he's unhinged and violent. i don't speak for all psychotic people, but those are just my two cents on something in the witcher fandom that REALLY irks me, and i think i'm gonna write up an actual proper post on it. thank you for letting me rant, i really needed this because i'm Fed Up lmao!
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shoutogepi · 4 years
His Reaction When His S/O Reveals They Have a Breeding Kink
with Hawks & Todoroki Shouto
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genre : [ ✘ (NSFW!) ]  
hc prompt : how would he react when you reveal you have a breeding kink?
author’s note : so this is uhhhhhhh nasty but y’all asked for it (not that i hated writing it or anything heheheeee)
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honestly you’ve been waiting for a long time to tell him about your dirty little secret. it feels shameful to have such a weird kink, something that gets you dripping wet when you think about it. and you certainly have thought about it, many a time before when he’s thrusting into you. you’ll close your eyes, imagining him whispering those nasty words to you, instantly making you clench onto him— and he has absolutely no clue that your mind is racing with such sin.
it’s taken, well, an embarrassing amount of time for you to finally sack up and just tell him, and now that you’re here underneath him, your heart is racing in your chest. before he’d gotten home you’d been so confident that today is the day you’ll tell him, but now that he’s sucking his mark onto your throat, his rough and nimble fingers slipping underneath the hem of your panties to tug them down your thighs, your voice is silent.
when you finally manage to squeak out his name, hawks stops his assault on your neck and leans back to look at you. the tone of your voice immediately alerts him that you’re uncomfortable, and it startles him into moving his hands from your thighs to rest gently on your hips, those gold eyes peering into yours. “what’s wrong, feather?” he asks, the usual playful tone absent as his thumbs stroke across your skin. “not in the mood?”
you shake your head and look away, heat rising to your cheeks as the moment of truth approaches much sooner than you’re ready for. “i am, i just… i wanna tell you something,” you say, eyes trailing back to lock with his. “and if you don’t, i mean— it’s kind of, uh, weird— so if you’re not comfortable with it, please just forget i ever said anything in the first place, and we’ll just continue like normal, okay?”
hawks is looking at you thoughtfully, and he takes you by surprise when he presses a chaste kiss to your warm cheek.
“well, ‘yanno you’re dating a birdman, so i'm used to weird... but alright, go ahead, dove.” this man never fails to make you smile, even if this time it’s less than half-hearted, the blood rushing in your ears.
after a very uncomfortable pause, you finally say it.
“i kind of have an, um… breeding kink.”
you’re not looking at him but hawks’ eyes are the size of dinner plates. he’s absolutely floored that his sweet little bird indulges in such nasty thoughts— that something so intimate and rather, well, primal could possibly make you squirm.
you take his shocked silence as a rejection, just wanting for this embarrassing confession to be done with, and forgotten. your hands cover your face in mortification, hiding your skin so you can’t feel his judgement “oh god, we can just— please just forget I even—“
his hands grab your wrists, secure enough to pull them away from your face, but gentle enough not to shake your mess of emotions further. a sentiment unlike any you’ve seen before fills his half-lidded eyes, which hold your gaze almost magnetically.
“don’t be so mean, birdie. you’re gonna take it back before we even get to try it out?”
your flushed back hits the cool sheets as he pushes you down, crawling up your body so he hovers above you. it’s your turn to look at him with wide eyes, and that cocky grin is on his lips once more.
“want me to put a baby in you, dove? god, that’s fuckin’ sexy,” he groans, hand dancing along your jaw and dipping his thumb between your lips for you to suck on. his knee slips between your legs, pressing against your pussy so he can feel you twitch in anticipation.
red feathers shiver behind him, the only visible sign you can see that conveys how truly excited he is by the premise of breeding you. well, that and the raging erection he presses into your naked hip, his thin pair of briefs doing their best to hold back his throbbing cock.
“gonna fill you so good, feather, you’re gonna look so good all round with my kid— fuck,” he groans, ripping off his underwear and lining up his swollen tip with your slit. he’s achingly hard and a trail of precum dribbles down his length, another sign of how into this he must be.
he moans as he slips into you, and your back arches as his hips bump yours, his cock nestling all the way inside your ready core. he starts off slow and passionate, taking your leg and slinging it over his shoulder to reach even deeper.
he will not stop his impassioned assault until you’re begging for more— for him to fuck you harder, rougher, faster. and hawks is definitely a tease in bed, so he’s gonna be pretty playful, even while he’s humoring your kink.
“yeah, dove? you want me to fuck you faster? need ‘ta feel these balls fulla my kids slap your pretty pussy?”
“take it, feather— take this cock and show me how bad you wanna carry my kids. fuck yeah, louder— wanna hear you sing for me.”
“god, you’re fuckin’ soaked. y’like hearing me talk about knockin’ you up? y’like it when i tell you i’m gonna make you my mama bird?”
hawks wants to fuck you as deep as he can, so when he cums his seed covers your womb as much as possible. he knows you love it, and it drives him crazy when your pussy clenches onto him as he’s climaxing— like you’re desperate to milk him dry and take every drop of his load, so your body can become swollen with his kids. knowing that only makes him orgasm harder, and maybe he even shoots out a few extra ropes of release because of it.
he will certainly incorporate this new kinky knowledge into your regular sexual routine, and you can safely bet that he will also use it to his very satiating advantage when he’s dealing with his ruts.
GOD when he’s in a rut, this birdman will take you to the next level. his hormones are already screaming at him to mark and claim and fill you, and that extra awareness that you want the same thing just feeds it even more. pray for your pussy during these times. and thank god he has the salary he does, because you’re gonna have to keep buying new sheets, again and again.
hawks will never make you feel judged for having such a kink, because he himself embraces it wholeheartedly. it makes his cock so hard knowing that the premise of him putting a kid in you makes you that wet. he will indulge you to the absolute fullest, and when he’s finished breeding you each session, you’re gonna be worshipped like the absolute queen he regards you as.
so if you’re dating shouto be prepared for your friends to assume you like vanilla sex. it’s not that they don’t think he’s not physically capable of fucking you into next year (he’s a pro pero, like, have you seen his muscles?), it’s that shouto has always seemed more of a reserved, analytical kinda guy to most. but as his s/o, you’re exposed to the real shouto, the sassy, suave, and kinky motherfucker.
even if he is kinky, you’re still a bit hesitant to let him know about your breeding kink. the kink is, after all, not the most conventional, and it’s a bit of a… raw and crude kink, compared to others. and of course, you’ve never really revealed this part of yourself to any of your other lovers, because you hadn’t realized you even had the kink in the first place until you met shouto himself.
but the thing is, shouto is such a kind and understanding boyfriend, that you don’t feel too intimidated to keep the kink to yourself for long. actually, it kind of just slips out one night when he’s already balls-deep inside of you, taking you from behind as you’re bent over the kitchen sink.
his fingers are hooked in your hair, bending your spine to his will with his other hand firmly planted on your waist to keep you in place. he’s fucking you so roughly that your submissive nature is oozing out of every pore, your face probably twisted into the most lewd ahegao expression possible.
it’s clear that the reservations of your natural state are tossed out the window in front of you, and it’s not like shouto is holding anything back either with the way his hips are slapping into yours, groans tumbling from his lips.
at some point he’s shifting your leg up onto the ledge of the counter so he can drill his cock into that familiar sweet spot of yours, which coincidentally is located deep inside of you, close to your cervix and therefore your womb. the stars that dance along your vision cloud your brain, and you start babbling numbly as he finds the exact spot with precision.
“p-put a baby in me,” you whimper, pussy quivering to hug his intruding length, your legs nearly shaking at the intense stimulation.
shouto’s hips halt immediately as he sucks in a sharp breath, heterochromatic gaze connecting with yours in the window reflection. for a second he’s wondering if you mean you want to start a family with him, but after examining the carnal lust simmering in your eyes, he realizes what you’re truly asking of him.
and it turns him the fuck on.
“you wanna have my baby, hmm?” he growls and thrusts into you particularly hard, slamming into that sensitive spot and drawing a broken moan out of your breath-starved lungs. the hand on your waist travels to splay against your abdomen, long fingers pressing into your soft skin. “want me to fill you up,” thrust, “flood this pretty pussy with my seed,” thrust, “and make this perfect body swell with my child?”
you’re crying out as he starts pistoning into you, this time much harder and faster than before. he’s jabbing your g-spot with the head of his cock, the veins that decorate his thick length rubbing deliciously against your velvet walls. you can’t even form words, the premise of him knocking you up dominating your brain as you beg for more, for him to give you a baby.
your pleading is really getting him there, his cock aching to just stuff your pussy with his load already, but shouto wants something more. in no time he’s flipping you around, pushing your legs up so your calves rest against his broad shoulders. his hands gripping your waist, thumbs rubbing over your stomach as he eyes your flesh, he frantically pumps himself as deep as he can inside your heat. you can’t help but clench at the look on his face, his eyes fixed on your stomach as if he’s imagining what you’ll look like, belly round with his baby.
and oh my god, his dirty talk is absolutely sinful. he’s really finding enjoyment in exploring this new kink with you. 
“you’re gonna look so gorgeous carrying my baby, angel.”
“i promise i’m gonna give you load after load, ‘til you’re round and full and— shit, you really like that, huh?”
“you’re gonna be a good girl for me, right y/n? be a good girl and say ‘thank you sir’ when i give you this cum— fuck, come on, baby— say it.”
when you both finish (it doesn’t take very long after that), you kinda just laugh together, and even though you’re still a little embarrassed that you were the one to bring it up, shouto makes you feel safe and accepted, because he seems just as into it as you.
it’s safe to say, that isn’t the last time you two explore your breeding kink. after the pair of you have become more comfortable with the kink, shouto finds himself getting perhaps even more into it than you.
he’ll research what positions he can go the deepest in, and will not be afraid to bend you into them because he knows you love it when his cum seeps into you as deep as possible.
he buys you a plug to keep his cum inside of you— “you thought i was gonna stop after just one round? don’t make me laugh, baby, we’ve got another two gos at least until you’re full enough for me to use the plug.”
his mischievous ass will make you wear it out in public, dragging you out on a date or to grab lunch with his siblings. and you have to pretend that everything’s fine, that your pussy isn’t packed to the brim with his seed while you make small talk with his clueless sister.
when fuyumi asks if you enjoyed the meal, he’s quick to answer for you, his eyes meeting yours and glittering with something darker. “oh, y/n’s absolutely stuffed. isn’t that right, angel?”
you’re sure as hell getting dessert when you return home too.
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➥ masterlist
➥ prompt party masterlist
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lucijade · 5 years
Never have I ever lived a year that I felt as though I needed to write about, but I guess there's a first for everything- right? On January first of 2019 I wouldn't have believed you if you told me I'd be where I am now. I was home visiting from college wishing I could tell my parents that I was too anxious to even go to my classes. But I didn’t want to let them down. They were so proud of me for going to college and ‘setting an example for my younger siblings’. So, I didn't. I continued to live that lie and I had accepted my fate. I was sleeping in my younger sisters bed because my room was non existent anymore (my siblings were betting on my old room before I even was accepted into college.) I desperately wanted someone to confide in seeing as I had no friends. And then I met Patrick. From that first swipe I knew something big was coming.
It was like an earthquake that happens before a volcano erupts, I didn't know if that was going to be the whole show or if I should stick around. And let me tell you, am I glad I stuck around. Our first date we broke into a park -the most exhilarating thing I've ever done. Patrick wanted me to see his favorite place but being the workaholic he was, he couldn't catch the park while it was open. Climbing over that fence, I had never felt more right doing something wrong. Normally my anxious self would have laughed at the idea of it but I wanted to look cool for this boy I just met who was so much cooler than me. We sat looking at the ducks as they swam around in the pond. Everytime I heard a noise I’d look all around because I was so sure cops were going to come and take us to jail because we were in a park after close, but I loved it.
The day after our first date, I had to go back to college. Patrick and I texted the entire ride, planning when we would see each other again. First week back to classes, I continued my streak of being too anxious to go to classes. This time instead of hating myself for my anxiety, I had someone to talk to. I spent all my days wishing I was with Patrick and not alone. Then, there was a Greyhound leaving my college town in an hour. I booked it.
I was terrified. Never had I ever taken a public transportation that wasn't a school bus. This feeling of adrenaline manifested in my veins as I downloaded both the Greyhound and Uber apps. I punched my cards’ information into the apps as I haphazardly packed my bag that was bursting at the seams. Greyhound ticket? Bought. Uber? Ordered. I had that same feeling of adrenaline that I had when we were breaking into the park. My moms voice echoed in my head telling me to not meet strangers online. At this moment I decided I’m not telling her, in fact I wasn't going to tell anyone. I know, I could have ended up dead and no one would have known, but I lived to see another day!
I got the notification that the Uber had arrived and I embarked on my journey. The Uber driver and I talked about how this was an unexpected trip and I explained to him how I never do things without a plan. He said to me “yanno, some of the best trips I’ve ever been on were unexpected.” The Greyhound station was scary, I was alone with a six hour ‘layover’. No one knew where I was going besides me and Patrick, I felt like I was on a secret mission. The entire Greyhound trip was not as bad as I made it up to be in my head, it was even (dare I say) pleasant. When I arrived to the town Patrick lived in, we went back to his apartment where he had my favorite things: Hot Cheetos, a green Monster energy drink, and a huge stuffed sloth. He cooked me dinner and we stayed awake all night talking. We did nothing but hang out that entire weekend. It was perfect.
That weekend was only the first of many weekends to come, I would not go to classes, talk to Patrick, then visit him on the weekends and repeat. After about a month of doing this, I decided I was going to drop out of college. I never really wanted to do college in the first place, I was always too scared to say what I wanted. I was scared of hurting other people's feelings, but I decided the debt wasn’t worth sparing someone else's feelings. A couple trips ago, Patrick had mentioned me moving in with him and I decided to take him up on his offer. I booked a one-way Greyhound and I threw my personal belongings in a bag. I decided I was going to surprise patrick. (great idea, I know) I got on the Greyhound knowing damn well I wasn't going to be back anytime soon. The whole time I texted patrick as if I were still in my dorm being miserable. Once I was off of the Greyhound, I ordered an Uber to Patrick's apartment. At this point he was catching on to my suspicious activity. I knock on his door at 9 o’clock at night. And then I just never left.
I was able to experience Patricks town through his lenses. He lived about a 30 minute drive away from where I grew up, so I had been here but I didn't know the ins and outs of the town. He showed me all these amazing food places, including this shawarma place right across the street that we admittedly ate too much of.
Eventually I had to get my horde of things from my dorm in my college town. The drive there is about four hours away from where Patrick lived. Seeing as we had no car, we were going to take a bus to my ex-college town and then U-Haul back down. We almost missed the bus there, we had to run a mile to catch the bus that was leaving in 5 minutes. We barely made the bus, and I was wheezing for a solid hour recuperating from the run. Once we arrived to my ex-college town we got Sonic, which was my guilty pleasure. After a couple corndogs and fries it was off to my old place of living. We quickly packaged all my things and took off. Before the long trek home, we stopped for gas. This is where I scraped and dented the entire side of the Uhaul, sending Patrick and I into a 40,000 dollar panic attack. Luckily, when we returned the U Haul, there were markings of previous damage in that very spot so we didn't end up with that charge. But, I was officially moved into Patricks apartment. It was now our home.
I've always been a self conscious gal when it came to my weight. I was always the heaviest set of all my friends but I always chalked it up to: my whole family was heavy set. Nevermind the bag of hot cheetos and my venti caramel frappuccino with extra caramel on the daily. Or if I was being healthy, a green Monster energy drink. (Yes the green part is important) In March of this year I decided I wasn't going to keep pitying myself, I was going to make a change. The way I looked and how awful I felt wasn’t going to change while I sat on my ass. I cut out all my sugary and snacky addictions right then and there. I started eating healthy and going to the gym. I was extremely serious and even more determined to prove myself wrong. I now occasionally allow myself some hot cheetos and even a coffee when we’re out sometimes. But I made the health decision that I never thought I’d be able to.
When summer time rolled around, I told my mom (keep in mind she thought I was in my college town this whole time) that I was going to move in with Patrick instead of moving home for the summer. She was weary but I didn’t really give her an option.I had to pretend like I was moving down here all over again, but I did it. I couldn't believe my lie has lasted and she still to this day doesn’t know that I was in this city for the first half of 2019. When August rolled around, my family was asking what my plans for the school were, seeing as I had no intention of going back to college. I told them that honestly I had no plans and that I was perfectly content with that. I have interests in many things including photography, videography, and traveling and I was determined to find something I could do in regard to one of those. Haven't gotten there yet but making progress.
This year has been the year of me making my own decisions. My whole life I’ve had long bleach blonde hair. Some time in 2017 I decided that I wanted short hair and bangs, so I told my mom this. As none of you know seeing as this is my first blog post, my mom is a hairdresser. A hairdresser who specialises in long blonde hair. While I was always thankful for getting my hair done for free (a treat some girls would die for) it wasn't fun not having the freedom with my hair that I desired. So, I bought some black box dye and booked a hairdresser appointment. Needless to say, I ended that day with a black bob with bangs. And I felt so cute and independent, not like the carbon copy my mom so wanted me to be.
Moving on with the timeline, Patricks lease was up. We didn't know if we wanted to move to Washington State or stay in this metropolitan city. We decided to stay in this town for now (leaving is a long term goal, just isn't in the cards right now). We moved to this two bedroom apartment which we desperately needed. We needed the space to go through our things and figured out what we had duplicates of and whatnot. Once that got all settled, I set my goals on minimalism, but that's a topic for another time.
I cut people out of my life that I had needed to for too long for my mental health. It was hard, but after doing it I no longer feel as though I carry the burden that was them.
I've grown into the kind of person I’ve always wanted to be this year, me 365 days ago wouldn't have believed you if you told me I was going to be where I am only a short year later. If I’ve learned one this year it is that if you want something, you need to do it. You can't wait for the opportunity to fall into your lap. You are the creator of your own future, so make it and make it sick.
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smellyunfortunate · 5 years
“Y’know,” Shaundi says. “Flowers seem kinda out of character for you.”
They’re tangled together on the shitty mattress in Essie’s equally shitty apartment. Shaundi’s not really sure why she hasn’t upgraded it, considering she more than has the funds, but Essie said something about it being rustic. Shaundi personally think it’s just gross, watching one of the pipes that runs along the ceiling drip a steady trail down the wall.
She’s tracing idle fingers across Essie’s bare back: the thing’s a mess of scars and tattoos, a patchwork of puckered and disturbed skin she hides with inked designs. What’s really drawing Shaundi’s eye, though, is the flower sitting innocuously on the back of her neck. It’s a simple rose, nothing really important about it, but it’s out of character among Essie’s other tattoos, skulls and crossbones and guns and pin up ladies.
“Oh, that?” Essie says distractedly, somewhat in a sleepy haze from Shaundi’s ministrations. “It’s nothing important. I got it for Mom.”
“Mom?” Shaundi says, confused, then snorts. “You know, it’s funny, I almost didn’t think you would had a family. Like you just popped into this world screaming and ready to shoot at anyone flyin’ the wrong flag.”
Essie snorts. “If only. Nah, my mom is still around. She lives a few cities away. Don’t give a shit where my dad is. Dunno about my sister. She’s probably out somewhere not being the family disappointment.”
“Were you close? You and your mom, I mean. Considering you got a tattoo for her.”
“Guess so. I dunno. She got fucking annoying once I started getting into trouble. Always looking at me with those sad eyes. Telling me I was strayin’ off God’s path He set out for me.”
“Oh, and you’re Christian! I’m learning so much about you by being in your bed.” Shaundi coos.
“Ugh, don’t even start. God’s long ago told me to go fuck myself.”
“Can God say fuck? Like, legally?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know, Shaundi, it was a metaphor. Your pillow talk is shit, yanno.”
Shaundi laughs. “So-rry. But really, your mom still think you’re just ‘off God’s path’? I’d say you’re a little further than that.”
Essie grimaces. “It’s worse than her rejecting me, even. She just pities me. Calls all the time, leaves voicemails asking me to come home. It’s the worst.”
“That doesn’t sound bad. Just kinda... sad.”
“I know! I’m not supposed to have a conscience! You know how many people I’ve run over with my motorcycle alone? Like, I don’t think God’s coming for me at this point, stop calling me!”
Shaundi is, in fact, reconsidering her choice of pillow talk. It’s a little strange hearing The Boss talk about her mommy issues. Like, two minutes ago, she didn’t even have a mother in Shaundi’s mind. It was more like she was born out of the flames of that boat, and baptized in a prison break. Not like, a normal person who grew up with a nice mother and went to church every Sunday.
“Have you ever... actually gone home?”
Essie turns to face Shaundi then, and it’s almost too much too suddenly. Her eyes are dark and wild. “No.” She says. “I promised myself I wasn’t ever gonna go back there.”
Shaundi almost wants to press further. She’s enticed by this glimpse of Essie she’s gotten, this chink in her armor. She’s got a family, for godssakes, one that shares the blood running in her veins rather than the blood she spills together with her gang.
At the same time, though, it’s too much. She’s not sure she wants to see past the curtain of The Boss. The one who smokes from broken lightbulbs with nothing but a sarcastic joke, who mows down her enemies with a submachine gun and never looks back. She’s someone to spend a night with, not a life.
“Well!” Shaundi says, sitting up. “This has been enlightening. I think I’m going to go now. Places to be, things to smoke.”
Essie snorts. Rolls back over. “You do that.”
Shaundi thinks, as she closes the door, she might need something a bit stronger than usual to forget the afterimage of that rose.
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flockofteeth · 6 years
we were in some kinda fuckin. school crossed with uni or someshit, vague dream world bullshit, and we were in this group of kinda normal ppl? i guess? and then they were like holy shit cause this one girl with long brown hair had just. fuckin REMOVED HER LOWER HALF AND REPLACED IT WITH METAL SPIDER LEGS ?!?! and then she brushed the hair back from her face and she'd done some wild shit to one eye and one side of her face too??? all metal veins and metal eye or something??
and they were all freaked out and they scattered. she had that VIBE, you know, that This Is The Evil Person In The Dream vibe - very meta - but i just kinda .... hung out with her??? and idk she just ... didn't. .. do anything evil or bad at all and like maybe she was a little menacing but we were just chilling, wandering through the building looking at lockers and art projects and it was just like. we were just together yanno it was me and her and
well i feel like we just wandered the earth together and lived happily ever after
the end
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tuiliel · 7 years
Hi, I know fae are not the tiny winged people depicted in modern art but are they as terrible as tumblr paints them? Because here any other being is considered more balanced, demons, deities and spirits in general are considered safer than fae. Are fae that worse and dangerous than anything else? I’m just learning but being guided towards fae and faekin and I’m scared. Also fae are normally said to be absolutely alien compared to humans with an emphasis unlike any other spirits, why? Thank you.
Okay, short answer: no, they’re not inherently more malicious or dangerous.
Longer answer:  There’s a really good reason that a lot of practitioners emphasize the danger of working with faeries, and that is mostly because there is a LOT of bad information out there that claims all fae are benevolent nature angels.  That is dead wrong. The fae are neither wholly good nor wholly bad, both as a group and also individually, and honestly what humans think of as “good” and “bad” is entirely different from what faeries think of as “good” and “bad”, so it’s not even really that they’re immoral or even amoral, just that they are incredibly different from humans in a lot of ways.  Incredibly different and a lot more powerful and yet they still often look and seem a lot like humans, and that’s where the danger lies.  Just because they “seem” to be like humans doesn’t mean they are, and cultural misunderstandings can be frustrating at best, and deadly at worst.  And also - some of them are tiny winged beings, but yeah, not all of them are smaller than human-sized.
Practitioners know, when they’re working with gods, that they’re dealing with vastly powerful beings who may or may not have their best interests at heart, and they treat them accordingly.  Sometimes, yeah, you can trust them but I don’t recommend trusting the gods blindly because even if they do have your best interests at heart, that might mean something different to them than it does to you.  For example - your best lifetime interest might mean you go through bad shit right now, and the best community interest might mean you get sacrificed for the greater good, etc.  Deities are often humanized on paganblr to make people not so afraid of the common characterization of them as powerful forces almost beyond comprehension, and in the same vein demons are also usually depicted as incredibly alien/inhuman outside of witchblr (and associated blrs), and so humanizing them is a similar sort of “correction”.  Faeries, as I said above, need to be “corrected” in the opposite direction.  (Note: I do here mean “demons” as in the Goetic type and/or fallen angels and/or the sort of beings commonly associated with Lilith, any of whom can be either helpful or not as they please, rather than “demon” as in a generic term for “malevolent spirit”.)
When it comes to faeries (and honestly, this applies to a bunch of other kinds of spirits as well), you really shouldn’t ever assume they have your best interests at heart, and honestly I’d expect trickery from most of them even when they claim to be acting in your favor.  Yes, faeries can’t lie, but neither can lawyers, right?  “Not lying” doesn’t mean they can’t tell you partial truths, conditional truths, or mislead you by making you believe they’ve implied something they haven’t actually said.  If you’re not the one being bamboozled, it really can be a breathtakingly beautiful bardic artform.
That being said, don’t be scared!  Just do your research, keep your wits about you, question everything, assume nothing, and go make friends!  Make them earn your trust, the same as you’d do with any human (because serial killers look just like everyone else, as we all learned from Wednesday Addams) and you should be fine.  If you wouldn’t give a random stranger you met at a bookstore your house key, don’t invite a random faery into your house, yanno?  Common sense goes a long way to keep you safe.  Besides that, you’ll need a number of basic skills: learn to work with your intuition, learn to ward your space, learn to cleanse your energies.  A form of divination or a way to interpret omens is useful if you can’t “hear” or “see” spirits yet.
And do see my posts on Working with the Fae and Appropriate Offerings for the Fae.  You may also want to check out my #fae and #faeborn and #spiritwork tags. Best of luck as you move forward!  And do let me know if you have any other questions.
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patriciaselina · 7 years
[Animemashite] Kousaka Atsushi cross interview extras
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“Of course I know, from within, that I want to take part in recording over various things, work from a script, but recently there's been various experiences that made me think, ‘ah, the way people recognize the seiyuu industry has changed, hasn't it?’ Just like how we're doing a TV show like this, or if one day you'd have to sing songs - not as a character, but as yourself, or if someday you'll do MC - be an MC for radio, or take part in events, and stuff. And aren't those fun in their own way?”
(Image source)
Happy birthday, Kousaka Atsushi! This is an English-translated transcript of the extra video of his cross interview for the March 13, 2017 episode of Animemashite!
You can see their original answers for the interview here!
Interviewee: Kousaka Atsushi (A)
Interviewer: Kawanishi Kengo (K)
A movie/book/manga you recommend | Nakayama Atsushi’s “Nejimaki Kagyu”
K: Nejimaki Kagyu. Well, I know this one too. I’d read it.
A: Really?
K: Mm. Kagyu-chan.
A: I liked it a lot.
K: What about it did you like?
A: The way it somehow crashes into you with impact? Like - I had never seen [drawings] being used so boldly in such a manner, was what was in my head when I was reading it. Such a cute character was there, when you look at her she’s really cute, but sometimes when her expressions would change, it seems like the [way the faces were drawn] would change eras, too, and just when it seems like that's become their face for the second half [of the story], uh, the eyes would get reaaaaally large, ah, somehow, within me I really felt as if the pictures were flowing - as I reread it, rereading it as an adult, I thought that it may be the first time I've been excited over something this much.
K: Ehhhh.
A: That’s how I feel.
K: Certainly, though... Well – the facial expressions change very rapidly, that’s good, I thought when I saw it, but, somehow, recently, that author has a new work, don’t they –
A: Ah. Urataro, right?
K: Yes yes yes. I’ve read through that one quite a bit too.
A: It’s interesting.
K: Right? Really good. Mm.
A thing you’re hooked on lately (your hobbies, etc.) | Marvel Heroes
A: You know...what I think makes them fresh to me is that their heroes have things Japanese heroes don’t have. ...First off, there’s the protagonist – they’ve got a lot of protagonists who aren’t young boys.
K: Ah, right. Adults...
A: Yes, adults. ...And also, even if the protagonist is a woman, because she’s a hero, when she transforms, she becomes a gorilla!
Both: *laugh*
A: Isn’t THAT exciting?!? This, WHAT development is this gonna lead to?!?!?!? kind of feeling. Isn’t it exciting??
K: ...that’s...right... They have that green giant too,
A: Yes yes yes yes. Those times when they're really supposed to hurt, but they have [healing powers] are also interesting - or so I think. The stories have been going on for SO LONG, so they’ve come up with loads and loads of plotlines, even some that would make you think “is it REALLY okay to be using THIS topic???” There’s also stories that make you go “WHAT’S HAPPENING – AHH, SO THAT’S WHAT’S GOING ON,” too. And that’s interesting.
K: *points to camera, in Kansaiben* They're never gonna call you up, yanno. lol
A: WHAT THE HELL???? I WANT to be a Marvel hero!!!!!
Describe yourself in one phrase. | lazy
K: Somehow, it’s understandable, isn’t it.
A: My hips feel so heavy.
K: *laughs*
A: My hips feel just about as heavy as my ass.
K: So this isn’t ‘cuz of your age?
A: ‘Cuz of my age – it’s been like this since waay back.
K: Way back!
A: Way back. I've only ever had [personal] growth when it comes to work. ...So I guess, because I give my all in that aspect, I've become like this? Is what I think.
K: What are you lazy at? Stuff you’d go “I don’t wanna do this” at –
A: Everything.
K: *laughing* E-everything??
A: On off days all I wanna do is sleep at home.
K: Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
A: Whenever I have time off I just want to sleep.
A: *beat*
A: ...yup.
K: *laughing*
A: OI EXPOUND ON THAT!!!! Get to know me better!!!!
K: ...I dunno how I’m supposed to expound on THAT, though...
A: *laughs*
A seiyuu who shocked you | Nozawa Nachi-san and Yajima Akiko-san
A: Nozawa Nachi-san was, I used to hear him originally as a dubber, but he also dabbles in anime stuff, uhh...like that thing that had been rerun, Cobra.
K: Ah, Cobra, huh?
A: I got to watch him in that, and also, in Star Wars as C3PO. He didn’t change his voice all that much, but he’d managed to change how he portrays the characters by that much. He gets characters who are a bit mad, calm characters too, that was such an impact to me as a little kid. Also, Yajima Akiko-san – when I was a kid, I ended up unintentionally watching Crayon Shin-chan, and then, when I watched Gundam Wing, I saw the cast list – I wonder if I was in fourth or fifth grade of elementary at this time or something, because by that time I paid attention to the cast lists of anime. Because I was curious as to who was playing who. And then, when I saw the cast list, the heroine Lily was portrayed by Yajima Akiko-san. And I was thinking “where did I see this before? I’m pretty sure I saw this name before...” Days passed, and then suddenly I came across Crayon Shin-chan, and on the cast list, Crayon Shin-chan was: Nohara Shinnosuke – Yajima Akiko-san. And I was like – EH? EHH????? ...I didn’t notice ANYTHING at all! “Eh, people can change their voices THAT much??” and that was another shock I remember.
K: It really is...
A: Child actors are AMAZING!
K: They ARE!!!!! SO good.
A: They're PERFECT. And what’s more, they have to continue acting in that child’s role for so long, too.
K: Yes yes yes. That kind of thing – it’d be nice to try out, huh.
A: Right...I think I can’t pull that off though?? Hahaha! Well, let's go at things one by one, shall we?
Something that makes you glad you’re a seiyuu? | I think that my work is fun.
A: Of course. You’re chasing after your dream. I think that it’s no good if you’re not having fun doing it?
K: Maa, ne...
A: There’s a lot of things that make me feel frustrated, and, and there’s also a lot of things that make you think “should I just quit?”
K: There really are.
A: There are, but...when you're actually recording, or when you're somewhere like this *vaguely gestures around the Animemashite set*, and when it makes you feel, “ahh, this is really fun,” I think that’s really a joyful thing to have.
K: Because you really do like this job, don't you.
A: I have my worries, but, the extent of wanting to do - mm, I think the feeling of wanting to do more overtakes all those.
K: I understand.
Anime character you fell in love with? | Kamigishi Akari from “To Heart”
A: *deadpan* I love her.
K: *laughter*
A: The hell are you laughing at.
K: No no no. No no. It’s just – I know To Heart. I know it, but –
A: Did you play it?
K: Did I? I wonder? I think I just saw the anime, though...
A: Ahh...
A: *in a very quiet, serious tone* Please play the game.
K: AHAHAHA – who is that supposed to be?? *Kansaiben* Who are ya supposed to be???
K: Anou, I might be remembering this wrong, but Kamigishi Akari-chan is, the one with the pink hair?
A: I think it’s red hair?
K: Red, huh? That red hair has, uh, what was it, a hairband?
A: Yes yes yes yes.
A: During an event though, she changes her hairstyle halfway through. Uses a hairband. Changes those pigtails.
K: I remember now.
A: Somehow, there was a lot – I wonder if I was a sixth grader, when I started playing Tokimeki Memorial? Well, I dabbled a bit in bishoujo games and stuff, and the childhood friend heroine, when she would change her hairstyle, somehow it felt new. And the way you’d look at her would change, too. And I felt that was very realistic of them. And gradually, you’d get along better and better with that childhood friend – well you’ve always been close to her, but as time went on the love you had for her in your heart would change. It’s a novel game, so eventually you’d get to read what her real feelings were, and that made me go all mushy inside. Hehehe! “Ahh, so this is what love is,” I ended up thinking.
A: *averting his eyes* Yeah...it’s embarrassing for me to say, but, that was love. Yes.
Both: *laugh*
What kind of seiyuu do you want to be in the future? | An entertainer who is an actor at heart
A: Well...when I decided to be a seiyuu twelve...thirteen years ago, the industry didn't have the elements it has now - where you show your face, sing songs, and even go dancing, right?
K: Yeah...I guess...we're almost reaching the point where we're asking "are we idols?" right now, aren't we.
A: I know, right? Especially male seiyuu, they didn't do this kind of work before.
K: They didn't.
A: That's why what I aimed for myself is - as an actor, a seiyuu, um, of course I know, from within, that I want to take part in recording over various things, work from a script, but recently there's been various experiences that made me think, "ah, the way people recognize the seiyuu industry has changed, hasn't it?" Just like how we're doing a TV show like this, or if one day you'd have to sing songs - not as a character, but as yourself, or if someday you'll do MC - be an MC for radio, or take part in events, and stuff. And aren't those fun in their own way? Of course doing normal seiyuu work is already nice, I think. But inside you, on your part - mm, realistically? At the root of it? "I'm doing this as an ACTOR," you should never forget this. Like...you portray an idol character, you dance and sing on stage, fans scream over you - but that doesn't mean you've become an idol, and I think that shouldn't be forgotten. In that vein, even if you've become an MC, and had come up with a lot of good conversations, "ah, I'm not an MC, and I'm not a comedian either". Because at the root of it is being an actor. And so I think that as an actor, you've taken part in all these other things. So going on forward, what I've decided on is - I wonder if I should call it an entertainer rather than an actor?
K: I understand...yes yes yes.
A: Or rather, someone who is an entertainer through [their capacity as] an actor. That's what I'm aiming for.
K: I see...you said a lot of good stuff...
A: Well it's - isn't it THAT kinda corner??
K: *laughs*
Question from Kawanishi Kengo: How could you describe how it's been since you graduated up to now? | I can't describe it in one phrase.
A: Way back, I'd had feelings that went "if it comes to scenes, if it comes to the emotions behind the scenes, I'll never lose to anyone." But of course you could never win against the ones before you, you'd wonder why, how you could make it okay, and get all depressed, I guess? I got depressed.
K: I see. So now, after those failures - if we call them failures?
A: Just like you said earlier, we should take it easy. What I was taught kinda fits, but it's - instead of just wanting to be “enough”, aim for being “good enough”. Don’t just be “enough”, be “good enough” instead. So it's fine if you feel like you have to take down notes, because you should go at your own pace; I've read a lot of books and watched stuff on TV and, thinking "ahh so such things exist," absorbed them as part of me. And...going in that manner, I realized, mm, I guess, mm, I am me, and they are them, that's why I'll never be the same as other people. So why did I even think of comparing myself to other people, in the past? That's why, hmm, I wonder if I got rid of that habit now...
K: Mm...I see.
A: I think people can’t help but compare themselves to others though? No matter what.
K: I guess?
A: In auditions and stuff, no matter what you do, winning and losing...it sounds odd to think about it as “winning and losing”; just because you passed [an audition stage] doesn’t mean you can relax. And even though there are things you can compare, fundamentally speaking...that kind of...feeling where you’re always wondering how you would stack up against someone, I [think] I’ve lost that.
K: Mm. Then...I guess it’s something you understand now after becoming an adult, huh.
A: I wonder if it is...Mm. As long as you focus your strengths on it –
K: That’s important, isn’t it? Mm.
A: Mm.
K: Of course that kind of...right? How you were during your first recording? That kind of voracious performance? You can’t go back on that.
A: Well, I guess I could think that I’m thankful things actually happened that way. The kind of voracious energy hiding under the nervousness of my past self – do I still have it now? Haha. Don’t you ever think about that?
K: Ahh...I guess I have those [kinds of thoughts], right? That kind of – somehow – freshness?
A: The thing that kinda. Shows on your face.
K: - there are times when something like that breaks through, mm.
A: Ahh, that...during the times I would see the script, there would be a part of me that made way to say “ah, I can’t do that~” but. If only I could meet the me back then, I���d like to tell him. “Have more confidence, and just give this a try.”
K: I see.
A: I didn’t have confidence [in myself]. There was a part of me that thought “I won’t lose!”, but there’s also a part of me that has no confidence. It’s been like that for a long time. Mm. Something like that?
Episode #141: Kawanishi Kengo’s impression of Kousaka Atsushi
...yes. Ehhh...we’ve finished two episodes now, ehh...what should I say? Twel...ve years ago, I guess? Somehow, just this –
(In the background, Kousaka throws his cardigan open. Staff-san laughs. Kawanishi bursts into laughter.)
Just that...that I was able to talk like this. With Kousaka-kun. It’s. During that time, umm, I didn’t know about him. We were in different classes. There were rumors spreading – ah there’s this guy over there and that guy is good, and stuff, so, yeah?
(Points to his temple. Probably referring to Kousaka’s glasses?)
I’ve heard about him, but...somehow...
(In the background, Kousaka has long since thrown his cardigan to the floor. He is dancing some weird kind of dance. Staff-san is still laughing.)
Right now, where we got to meet up, and talk. Getting to hear from him – anou...
(Kousaka continues dancing. Staff-san is still laughing. Kawanishi bursts down laughing as well.) I’m curious...
Right. I know now those, the kind of things that say what kind of person he is. Mm. That he knows [how to deal with] the people around him and stuff, mm. And of course, our similarities, right. That we’re both from the Kansai area. We graduated the same year from the same school, too. From here on out, if we could ever work together again, in lots of kinds of work –
(Kousaka is striking pinup poses and had just pretended to take his shirt off. Multiple staff members are laughing. He at least pretends to be embarrassed.)
- It’d be good, I think...I wonder, what the hell is happening over there, I will never understand what the hell that kid is doing, mm,
(Kawanishi sucks in a deep breath. Behind him, Kousaka is miming yelling at him.)
Maa, I guess that’s good enough. Un. Well, but if you’d cheer on Kousaka Atsushi and Kawanishi Kengo, it’d make us glad. We’ll be in your care. Thank you very much.
my translation index
jesus christ the man. talks a mile a minute. i know i always say i never promise 100% accuracy but ESPECIALLY here - transcribing this DRAINED me. transcribing this AND attempting instant translation in my head???? god. why did i do this.
just like with kawasan’s extra interviews, this was supposed to be a vidsub, but that means i have to watch the video again to time it and a third time to sub it and oh my god. i am so, so tired. why are you both february babies WHY RIGHT AFTER EACH OTHER.
that being said though, i still stupidly might use this for a vidsub someday, so please do not redistribute this translation anywhere!!
thanks for reading!!
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heyheyloki · 4 years
Scary Love
Summary: You spend the day with Steve Rogers only to run into an unwelcome character.
Steve Rogers x M!Reader
Word Count: 1826
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Being an Avenger, you got to meet some amazing people. From the billionaire Tony Stark to the infamous Bruce Banner, all of them gained your favor in ways you couldn’t help but be grateful for. They’ve been there for you as you have been for them, rough patches that would have been seen to past you as catastrophic seemed manageable now that they were around. However, out of all of them you grew the closest to Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. The two were complete opposites, and yet you enjoyed both of their personalities on a level that you couldn’t quite grasp. 
Both have almost been like your rock, able to bring you down from intense emotions and help you not lash out. Your powers weren’t like Banner’s though, not at all close. The only similarity between the two was a science experiment gone wrong. He gained the Hulk, you gained the ability to burn as hot as the sun, completely set your body on fire without no repercussions. 
Everyone always talked about how cool your powers were, and Tony even wanted to do a bit of research on you, which you agreed to. Though, not everyone shared their opinions. Your recent ex certainty didn’t. Hell, he almost threw an entire fit when he found out since you try to keep your identity a secret when working with the Avengers. He threatened you, and even some of your friends calling you and them ‘freaks’. After that, you haven’t felt the need to get into a relationship, but instead spend some time with friends.
“Hey, Steve, you almost ready?” You asked as you phoned the super solider who was currently getting his bike from the garage. 
“Yeah, get down here before traffic starts.” He said before hanging up from his end. 
Today was a free day from any missions and or extraterrestrial beings trying to take over the planet, so you asked Steve the day before to come to the mall with you. You didn’t have anything set in mind that you wanted to pick up since in truth, you just wanted to hang out with the super solider without the company of any of the others around. After all, you could tell he was getting a little uncomfortable with their recent jokes. You found them quite amusing, and you even joined in the fun from time to time. However, after a couple of days, you noticed how he looked when the other joked about his supposed crush on you.
You didn’t think about it much, and when you didn’t you couldn’t help but brush it off. Sure, your heart would speed up a little at the thought of him actually liking you in a romantic nature, but you knew deep down it would never happen.
By the time the both of you got the mall it was around noon. Both of you weren’t exactly looking to eat at the moment, so you both came to the agreement of looking around for an hour being heading to the food court.
You decided to head into an all male clothing store first. It was one of your favorites and had some amazing t-shirts that actually fit you well.
“How about this?” You asked as you held the shirt up to your body for Steve to judge.
“It’s nice,” he answered causally. Though, his eyes followed your hands as you pulled out a see through laced shirt. The joking smile on your face was obvious, but Captain America himself couldn’t help but picture you in that within his mind.
“How about this? Or is it too flashy?” You laughed before putting the item away. Honestly, you would have liked to try it on but you knew you would probably never wear it. You let out a sigh before grabbing another item and heading towards the changing room, leaving Steve behind.
By the time an hour passed, you both ended up grabbing some food by the food court. You took a seat far from others so no one would disturb you both.
“You know, the hat isn’t that big of a disguise.” You hummed out as you placed a french fry in your mouth.
“Do you have any other recommendations then? Cause this seems to get the job done,” he snapped back with a teasing smile that made you chuckle.
“Nah, but I mean,” you trailed off before standing up from your chair. You kept eye contact with the super soldier as your hand came up to the hat, lowering it an inch to truly hide his face better. “It’s more effective like that.”
Steve stared at you with an aimless stare before mumbling out, “If you say so.”
You smiled as you sat back down in your seat. It was a good time spent chatting with your friend and enjoying the food you bought. Though, that was outlived when your eyes caught a person that walked past Steve. He was with a group of friends, and his eyes only made contact with yours for a moment. However, in that moment, fear ran through your veins more than when Ultron ran around. Your instincts kicked in without hesitation and stood up from your chair in an abrupt manner.
It alerted Steve instantly, and when he was about ask you what was wrong, he noticed the fear in your eyes. It was unlike anything he’s seen before, and in that moment, he asked no questions. Instead, he followed you. Kept by your side and always looked over his shoulder. He didn’t notice anyone in the beginning, but after around ten minutes of walking around without a destination, he noticed a familiar face. A face that belonged to your ex. It was then that he understood your actions and asked lowly, “Do you wanna leave?”
You wasted no time answering. “No, I just want to lose him.”
“Okay, then we’ll do that.”
Both of you continued to walk, not run. You entered a few stores as well, but no luck. When it came to switching floors, you came up dry as well. What was worse was that it wasn’t just him, but his friends as well.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you and Steve started to ride the escalator down towards the first floor. Your mind raced with ideas on how to get out of this damned place, hell, you even debated just using your powers to get the hell out of there.
Though, as you were in your head, you completely missed a certain someone getting on the other escalator. When you did notice, your brain completely froze. It was like everything you were thinking stopped as if someone slammed on the breaks.
Your immediately turned around to face Steve who was taller than normal thanks to the steps. You could see the uncertainty in his eyes when you faced him, and you were unsure why these words left your mouth, but they did.
“Kiss me.”
“What?” He asked with a shaken tone.
“Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, they do.”
Your heart beat faster as you leaned in. You weren’t too sure if it was from almost being caught by your ex’s friends or because your lips were about to come in contact with Steves’. Though, when your lips locked with his, you definitely knew it was because of the kiss. You could feel how tense he was, even more so when you noticed how he didn’t take any lead. You moved yours slowly, telling him it was okay. When he got that, you noticed his attempts to kiss you back. However, they all still felt like he was standing on broken glass.
After a second or two, you broke away. Your eyes moved over to see your ex’s friend a bit higher up than you now, your lips releasing a heavy sigh in turn.
“Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” You hummed out before turning back around to get off the escalator.
Steve followed close behind you before saying, “That wouldn’t be the exact term I’d use.”
A thick layer of silence rested between Steve and you from there on out. Honestly, you thought it would be best to wait it out until tomorrow to talk about it, but sadly the odds weren’t in your favor.
You had completely forgotten about the movie night that took place every other Friday at Avengers Tower. To add even more unluckiness to your cards, you and Steve were the only ones without a job in this week’s rotation. So, you both sat in the living room, alone and with a spread of movies in front of you curtesy of Tony Stark.
You kept your hands locked together in the middle of your lap as you gazed down at the movie selection, making sure your eyes kept away from Steve. It wasn’t like you were embarrassed about it happening, but more so embarrassed about how it made you feel. It wasn’t like he was a new friend that you possibly had a chance with. No, this was your best friend who you’ve been with for years. A best friend that you listened to when he came out of the ice and his love from over 70 years ago. You knew he talked about her less nowadays, but you shouldn’t believe because of that he was over her.
“Steve,” you hummed out. Your guilty heart beating faster as your palms began to sweat.
You sighed and finally took up the strength to look up at him, though for a second you swore you saw the Captain America actually flinch at meeting your gaze. But, you just assumed that was your imagination.
“I have a question, and you don’t have to answer it but I feel like if you do you kinda are answering it, yanno?” You rambled on, your words flooding out of you without stopping until Steve rolled his eyes in a playful manner and asked, “What?”
Your gaze never left Steves’. Let it be true or fabricated confidence, you didn’t let up. Even as the words left past your lips you wanted, needed to see how his face looked as he thought about your words.
“Was that your first kiss since 1945?” You asked, your gaze digging into Steve’s head as you watched his calm expression change before your eyes into a mix of something close to embarrassment and anxiousness.
“That bad, huh?”
Your eyes widened a bit as you instantly placed your hands in front of you, waving them slowly. “I didn’t say that!” 
“It sounded like it.”
“I didn’t mean for it to. I was just curious.” 
Silence struck once more. It wasn’t like before, you thought. This time it was more uneasy, more undecided, and the one thing you couldn’t deny was the immeasurable tension. For once, you broke your composure and gazed away from Steve before taking a bold move of simply inching a bit closer to the super soldier.
“It wasn’t bad yanno,” you suddenly said as you leaned your head against his upper arm.
You could feel his muscles tighten for a moment before completely relaxing when he said, “Yeah, it wasn’t.”
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