#(but oh my god.)
snurtle · 18 days
I, an old man with a lantern at a dark crossroads, hold my hand out to you to halt you in your path. I have grave wisdom that I must dispense to you before you go on your way. Listen.
If you like Dragon Age and just generally enjoy text based games with rich dark worldbuilding that incorporates the complexity of choice, the ambiguity of it, of really, really trying (or not!!!) in a world in which you don't have all the answers going in...
May I suggest playing Roadwarden? It's a visual novel available on Steam.
incidentally, it's also 50% off right now. That's just fiiiiiive dollars (and some change).
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monards · 1 month
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oh this is so fucked. dove's unwavering sense of justice and guilt v.s magnolia inherently going against that sense of morality to dictate justice aaAAWUWUGHHHHHH
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crimeronan · 1 year
trying to look up hair care tips because my hair (which i'm PRETTY sure is 2b) can't decide whether it wants to be a dry twig nest or an oily mass of grease-coated wetness at any given time. the problem is that most articles are very fashion-oriented for women with mainstream styles so they're like "congrats on your perfect feminine gorgeous beachy waves :) you are so pretty and perfect :) here are all the products to buy if you want to keep being a model-beautiful woman who turns men's heads" and after 5 minutes spent scrolling thru these webpages i'm like ok. i'm gonna go shave my head now.
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nekrotiize · 6 months
Why is finding a comic reader with Hellboy in it so fucking difficult. Help.
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fawna12 · 9 months
sometimes I wonder if I have a form of synesthesia or if this is just me being neurodivergent as hell in my normal ways (adhd, sensory processing disorder etc) because I'll be listening to a song and it'll be scratching the brain itch in the right way and
it. needs. to. move. I need to move in the way it needs to but usually that's physically impossible. I need to be able to make a visual representation of how it's supposed to move but I'm not good enough at animation or drawing multiple lines at once while a song is playing and having it be in the right order for someone to be able to follow
the song is in space, the song is up and down and around and sometimes it's curvy and sometimes it's sharp and sometimes its connected and sometimes it's strong and deep and 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 like it isn't at other times and I wish I could represent that in a way to make my brain feel good but I can't goddammit I might be able to stim-dance in the right way but then I wouldn't be able to see it
anyway. I don't actually see the music moving. Or feel it. It just. It feels like it's supposed to move in the right way and then it only does a little bit in the way sound does.
square hammer (ghost) is scratching the brain itch a lot right now
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dreamcast-official · 2 months
the question is. is this bad enough to finally kick me off this damn website (no)
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genderqueer-karma · 6 months
commune update
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kicking him out i swear to god
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razzmothazz · 4 months
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fabulouslygaybean · 5 months
ohhhvjdj bdjsj AGH. im losing my mind
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windandwater · 1 year
my brother is peak middle child in the sense that sometimes he's very independent & stubborn & won't listen to advice from anyone who knows better, like when he's cooking and insists on following the recipe to the letter despite multiple better cooks telling him he doesn't have to be so rigid--and sometimes I have to sit on the phone with him because he's wiping a computer then reinstalling & upgrading Windows on it and is scared and needs someone to talk to.
I'm not knocking it. it's very emotionally mature to know when to ask for help and what help you need! and I was happy to be there as emotional & practical support. but also: oh my god.
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loveinstreams · 8 months
not me losing my goddamn mind over a rpf fic
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manwithoutaspleen · 7 months
August experiencing being in a body and like. The anxiety is Winning.
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crowcryptid · 8 months
Switched to a closer gym to have more time to workout
New gym is filled with people who sit on a machine for 10-15 minutes doing absolutely nothing but if you ask them they say they’re using it
Ends up reducing time spent working out despite spending an extra 20 mins in the gym
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khaothanawat · 1 year
oh oh i’ve got so much to say about never let me go ep 4
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lunariarts · 2 years
Double fisting my Vaporeon and Totodile to quench this Bad Boy Thirst on this most smoldering of Texas afternoons via a double dose of Dragon Danced Water Guns
I literally dont know what to say when my phone was sent a push notification I only got the first five words and I screamed
I.. I hope you got... got quenched anon
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fooltofancy · 2 years
let me upload the stupid image tumblr please i am begging you
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