#(but then again the idea that he loves iruma immediately is also fun because i imagine itd be him projecting his affection for delkira onto
guesst · 1 month
sometimes i think about sullivan and how his n iruma’s relationship progresses and what made him choose iruma. i mean it was probably something to do with delkira that made him pick iruma up but i also think about that comment he makes early on in the series, that the others in the 3 greats have grandkids and he doesnt and how hed love to have a grandkid. and how he sends iruma to babyls partly because thats what a proper caretaker is meant to do. and how at the beginning maybe hes playacting and thinking yes this is the boy i have brought over for unspecified reasons, My Grandson, and i am the Grandfather (yay!) but its only later on that The Grandson becomes Iruma Suzuki first and then Sullivan’s Grandson second. and then i get happy about it
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
Hello! *Waves* How are you!?.Can i request headcannons of MTC meeting their crush at a mixed Onsen/ the other one that begins with S (can't remember the spelling!). Please and thank you! ❤❤❤ The format is up to you! XD
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x fem!Reader; Juto Iruma x fem!Reader;  Riou Busujima x fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff; Suggestive (PG-13)
Warnings: None
A/N: I actually had no idea that mixed onsens were a thing so I ended up doing some research and went down a long rabbit hole of the history and significance of onsens so...that was fun! Hope you enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
from what we know, Samatoki doesn’t have any tattoos, but since he is a yakuza member, it’s highly probable that he could have a chest or back tattoo
if so, he’s not going to be able to go to many public onsens, and instead would only go to yakuza-only onsens
in my research, most, if not all, of these were male-only onsens so we’re just going to pretend that Samatoki has no tattoos for these headcanons
I headcaon that Samatoki often goes to onsens when he’s trying to blow off steam or when he’s having trouble solving a problem of his
remember when he went to one and ran into Ichiro??
when he first sees you in the onsen, his heart almost stops beating because he never expects to see people he knows here, let alone the woman who’s currently stealing his heart
he tries to play it cool and when you see him and walk over to say hello he’s going to be very casual
he’s a little pink at the thought of both of you being naked together in such close proximity, but he doesn’t make a big deal about it because he drinks his ‘Respect Women Juice’
he might sneak a peak when you’re getting in or out of the water though but he’s immediately looking away and pretending he didn’t see
he’s glaring at anyone that even looks remotely unsavory though, and he’s not afraid to beat someone up buck naked if they’re being a creep
I can imagine Samatoki loving the warm water and onsens are one of the few times he actually fully gets to relax because he doesn’t have his phone and there are no subordinates to give him more work to do
he won’t ask you to, but he’ll secretly hope you sit close to him so that he can talk more to you, and when you do he easily contains his excitement
he won’t want to run around trying all the different pools, instead finding one that he really likes and staying there in between rinse offs and scrubs
if you say you want to try one though, he’s already on his feet and following you because he doesn’t want to leave you alone
he’ll say it’s because he needs to look out for you but in actuality he just wants to spend more time with you
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Juto Iruma
Juto rarely has time off for work, so when he finally catches a break and you mention that you want to go to a mixed onsen, he’s down for it
he’s probably been to onsen’s before, but it’s not his favorite thing in the world
I can imagine him enjoying the heated water for a little while, but not enjoying getting excessively sweaty
I feel like it would get suffocating to him and he would need to take a break either to rinse off or cool down 
Juto’s been to mixed onsens before and he knows the cultural norms but when he runs into you, his long time crush, he’s rather surprised
I can imagine him coming up to you and greeting you formally and rather respectfully asking if you want to go to one of the pools with him
he knows that people come to onsens for different reasons and he wouldn’t want it to seem like he was coming onto you in any way so he’ll pull back a little on his suave-ness just for now
however, when you smile and laugh, saying that you’re surprised he didn’t say some cheesy pick up line, he’ll give you a little smirk and an off handed compliment because that’s just who he is
which would make you blush like crazy but hey, you’re not complaining
once you agree to sit with him, he’ll let you pick the pool you want to go to first, but he’s not going to be running around like crazy trying to test them all out
he’ll definitely tease you by pulling on the towel on your head just to get you to lean into him a bit more
but it’s a public space so he’s not really going to do anything too raunchy
it’s also one of the only times he ever gets to do anything relaxing so he’s going to take full advantage of that
it ends up being the two of you having extremely slow conversations where one person will say something and 30 seconds later the other person will respond
you’ll blame it on the heat but really it’s just the fact that the two of you are getting more comfortable together and both find it quite nice to relax in the presence of the other
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Riou Busujima
Riou had never been before and wanted to know what they were like
definitely the type to read up about the specific onsen ahead of time and learn all of the rules and what to do vs what not to do
when he runs into you there, he’s very cordial and respectful, asking how you are and what you’re doing at the onsen
he’s a little nervous, but it’s more excitement and happiness at the fact that he gets to talk with you again
when you say you just came by yourself to relax he’ll nod and say that he did the same 
you’re going to have to be the one to ask if he wants to sit with you though, because he’ll think it’s rude if he asks
I can see him being the type to prefer outdoor onsens, and if you tell him about the ones in the snow covered mountains he’s immediately suggesting that the two of you should leave to go there  
the thought that you’re nude is definitely going to come up for him, but he would never say anything about it
he might look respectfully though
I can definitely imagine him not being outwardly vocal about your nudity, but sneakily keeping an eye on everyone in the same pool as the two of you just to make sure that nobody’s making you feel uncomfortable
Riou’s the type to constantly asking you if you still have your key or if it fell off somewhere in the water
he wants to try all of the different pools, especially if they’re at different temperatures, and he wants you to come with him
I can imagine Riou really loving the onsen and just sitting beside you with the towel on his head, breathing out a large sigh and nodding 
don’t let him fall asleep because he will fall asleep
he’s also 100% the type to keep an eye on your towel as well so if you have hair, he’s gonna make sure that your towel is never coming undone
if not, he’s still going to make sure it’s not slipping off and falling into the water
overall, Riou is going to treat the whole experience as an adventure and will want to try out everything that the onsen has to offer
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"The Fallen Crest Family"
Chapter 4: Mela Ami, The Mysterious 14th Misfit Student (2)
As the lunch bell rang, Ameri shows up out of nowhere and drags both Iruma and Alice to a room and lock themselves inside.
Ameri: "Sorry for the sudden rush but this was important and I had to be sure no one else can hear us. Do you remember when you asked for research help about the Crest Family?"
Iruma: "Y-Yeah."
Ameri: "Well, I actually had the liberty to ask my father for the closed case files about it, but I promised him not to tell anyone else and to give it back once we all looked at it, I'm sorry, I couldn't just text classified info."
Iruma: "It's alright Ameri, I appreciate this. Thank you."
All three of them look at the files, as it talks about the crime scene. Pictures of the place burned books and dried blood stains. It seemed like the building itself was still perfectly intact. The case files talked about every name that was counted in as deaths, all except one.
Iruma: "...Melody Crest."
Alice: "It says that she was the only one who wasn't counted as dead, since her body was never found and was reported missing for years until the case file got closed."
Ameri: "It's too bad too, I was told she was a prodigy student of Babylus who was labeled as a Misfit."
Iruma: "...By chance, do you guys know what the Crest Family Bloodline Ability is?"
Alice: "Their Bloodline Ability? Oh, their ability is very rare and was told that the family members barely shows it off unless it was for emergencies. Balam knew Melody Crest during his time with her so he remembers it well, once and only once she has used it in battle. The Bloodline Ability Sacrifice, the ability to sacrifice a piece of themselves in exchange for power be it healing, strength or protection. The more power needed, the more they have to sacrifice themselves."
Iruma: "Sacrifices a piece of themselves..."
Ameri: "We should ask more details with Balam then if he knew about the Family Bloodline and we can go to the Crest Family home afterwards."
Iruma: "Oh yeah, speaking of which. Ameri and Azz, can we have one more person help with the investigation. She too want to learn more about the Crest Family Slaughter, and she knows a lot about the Crest Family through her own solo research before."
Alice: "What's her name?"
Iruma: "Her name is Mela Ami-."
Alice: "Iruma Sir, did you just say Mela was a Ami?! Like part of Kirio Ami's family?!"
Iruma: "Um y-yeah?"
Alice still remembered when Kirio returned to the Battler Room. His eyes that has been taken over by the succumbed by his wicked phase and returned to origins. If Mela is a Ami, then he can't take chances with her being a accomplice to Kirio.
Alice: "Why didn't you say she was a Ami?!"
Ameri: "Alice calm down. Iruma, you are aware of the problems this might turn out if we bring her right? You know the reasons Kirio left the school, so why would you associate yourself with another Ami?"
Iruma: "Because she was a illegitimate child of the Ami Family and was abandoned at a young age, so she resents her family and prefers not to be mentioned as a Ami. I doubt she even knows who Kirio even is."
Ameri and Alice looked to each other. Both had their suspicions, but it was clear she probably hasn't even met Kirio. Suddenly a phone call from Clara in Iruma's phone stops the silence between them.
Clara: "Iruma-kins, where are you? Me and La La already finished our lunches in the Cafeteria and playing what she calls Luffy Pow!"
Alice & Ameri: "Luffy Pow?"
Iruma: "Sorry Clara, something happened but me and Azz are on our way."
Iruma and Alice say their goodbyes to Ameri, as they go off to see Clara and Melody of the aftermath with what was basically a paintball fight but with giant cotton balls.
Melody: "That was so much fun!"
Clara: "Let's play again soon like this, okay La La?"
Melody: "Yeah! I look forward to it! But first... Clera Ricos Disineria!"
Immediately after saying those words, the paint cotton balls surrounding them disappeared. All three were shocked as they never saw a spell like this before.
Alice: "Where did you learn to do a spell like that? I never seen anything like it."
Melody: "Oh that spell? It was self taught. It's a spell I made myself."
Alice: "You made that spell?!"
Melody: "Yeah, it's something I've been passionate about for a long time. It's also how I was able to move up the ranks in my first year. Without my spells, I wouldn't be where I am."
Alice: "Spells? As in plural?! You have more?!"
Melody: "Why yes. After my exams, I can teach you guys a few easy Mela Spells I came up with if it interests you."
Alice, Iruma & Clara: "Yes!"
Time passed by so quickly, that school ended and everyone already left to go home. The teachers had a meeting with Lord Sullivan, who need as many teachers to volunteer to judge the Talent Exam. After a lot of discussions Kalego, Dali, Robin, Suzy & Raim decided to be the judges. Similar to the Musical Festival, she had to perform to pass with a 666 marm. But this would be different. No music specialist judges could come at last minute, so she would have to fight against teacher judges for a 66666 mark.
Dali: "Are you sure this is okay? Sure she finished the Written Exam with ease, but don't you think getting a perfect 66666 for all five teachers is a little too much to ask for the poor girl?"
Kalego: "She can handle it if she is ambitious enough to join the Misfits in Royal One."
Robin: "Well I just look forward to see what she has in store! If she passed Kalego's Written Exam so quickly, I'm dying to know what she'll do next."
Suzy: "Mm hm, same here."
Raim: "Hold on... do you guys hear that?"
Kalego: "Yeah, no one else should be in this school but us."
Kalego and the 4 other teachers decide to investigate the sound and as they got close they realized it was more than one sound. The sound of a orchestra coming from outside.
The peeked over to see multiple clones of Melody playing many different classical instruments with several other Melody clones singing in a chorus. The piece they were playing was Six Trillion Years & Overnight Story, a song they never heard before.
Robin however stepped on a twig from behind and in a panic, Melody stopped her music from loss of focus and turned off her clones, as they disappeared with their instruments.
Melody: "Who's there?!"
Kalego told the four other teachers to stay as Kalego was the only one to decide to reveal himself instead. Melody sighed in relief from his presence as he approached her.
Kalego: "What are you doing in the school grounds this late?"
Melody: "I was just practicing is all. I couldn't do it at home, and since the music rooms tend to close off bookings after 6pm, I had to find open space."
He remembers that he had locked and kicked her off the Royal One room because school ended for the day. And if she stayed in the music room after school, she practiced for another 3 hours. That means she has been practicing all day, how is she not tired? But he looked at her face and saw worry and stress.
Kalego: "You have a gift for musical talent. And to be able to play so many roles with mirror clones of yourself takes a lot of focus. And it looks like you have a performance picked out. So what's bothering you that can make you stay in school grounds this late?"
Melody: "To be honest, I haven't chosen a performance yet. All the stuff you saw, it was just to help me think of ideas to make the performance better."
Kalego: "But your performance was-."
Melody: "Good? I know... but I want a performance that represents me. I wanna tell my story as I sing. I don't just aim for scores, Mr. Naberius, I aim to tell my identity on stage."
For a small moment, Kalego saw "Mela" as Melody, repeating those same words all those years ago. But the moment stopped when he felt a hand touching his face, realizing he started tearing up.
Melody: "Mr. Naberius? Are you okay?"
Kalego: "I'm fine, get your hand off me."
Kalego pushed her hand away as his tears dried off. Why was he remembering now? He pushed his memories of first year away because of the incident with the Crest Family was preventing him from pursuing his ambitions. He had to give up on her and deliberately tried to forget her. And yet, this girl who appeared so suddenly makes him remember the girl he tried so hard to push away. And then finally he asks."
Kalego: "Have we met before all of this?"
Melody: "No, we haven't. I only met Balam in a bookstore beforehand."
Kalego: "...Tell me how you saw him without him detecting you?"
Melody: "I use detection warding glasses."
Kalego: "Why would you need them when going to the bookstore?"
Melody looks down, twiddling her thumbs as her face turns a little red. Was she blushing?
Melody: "O-Oh that... Well um... It was... because I was banned from going to the bookstore after multiple accidental spellcasting incidents from reading the spellbooks. I got too excited and I was always a curious person when it came to spells so I... I wasn't always thinking about the consequences. So when I would go there, I would use the detection warding glasses and for extra measure, I'd use a temporary silence spell I made myself so I don't speak out spells in the store anymore."
So that's what happened. It would make sense that a girl who caused so much trouble at a store because of her ambitions and interests. Sullivan was right, she was a troublemaker when it came to her love for spellcasting. If she passes, chaos would ensue, he would have to ensure limits on the girl.
Kalego: "...Tell me. How many times have you caused trouble with your experiments on spells? Give me a average number."
Melody: "I guess like... 3-7 times a day."
Kalego: "And how many of those are serious?"
Melody: "Like... 1 or 2 a day?"
Kalego facepalmed himself. She's worse than Iruma's attraction to danger. At least with Iruma, he tries to dodge danger and unintentionally puts himself in danger through reactions, with her though she speeds head on. Now worried about this girl's future, he's just thinking how her home life by herself. Probably a mess.
Kalego: "You know what...I kept you here too long. Let me take you home."
Melody: "Are... Are you sure?"
Kalego: "Yes, and I guess I can help you try to decide your song as we go."
That confused Melody for a moment, as Kalego didn't make eye contact with her.
Melody: "Why thought?"
Kalego: "Because I was suppose to kick you out originally but ended up stalling instead, so I take full responsibility for tonight. I don't want you doing this again, you got that brat."
Oh. He was just worried in his own way. Kalego was always stubborn.
Melody: Sure okay I guess-.
Kalego: "Also, I want to see the state of you home. You live alone right? I need to inspect so I can confirm you living situation."
Melody: "...Wait what?!"
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blue-spider-lily · 4 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun manga summary - ch 72 - A sharp gaze
Azz and Saburo are arguing (again) when Ronowe comes back and the group immediately notices that Iruma is not with him. 
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And they ofc start to panic. Let’s take a moment to appreciate Balam’s “oh, shit” face
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Yes, Sensei, you lost a (human) child, who happened to be your (very OP) boss’s grandson, in (demon) amusement park.  Meanwhile, Iruma is also panicking. He has a dead phone and no idea where he is. Then Ali-san pops out and he is also panicking.
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Iruma: Wh.. what should I... Ali-san: This is bad, Iru-boy! Iruma: A-Ali-san! Thank god! I... Ali-san: Shuddup! I will totally tease you about getting lost at your age later but now you gotta get away from here! NOW! Iruma: Eeh? Shadow dude: Hey, little boy over there...
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This totally suspicious-looking dude tells Iruma that someone is looking for him “over there” and tries to drag him to some dark alley. Iruma is not that stupid and he knows from experience that “over there” is a place he totally shouldn't go right now (the fact that he literally says “experience”, not “intuition” here makes me add another reason to the long List of the Reasons I Want to Slap Iruma’s Parents for). He would rather run away but can’t free himself from the shadow dude grasp. Then, suddenly he’s leaning against something soft.
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And the soft thing turns out to be boobs! (because what else could it be, duh) What’s better - they are attached to some badass looking onee-san, who claims Iruma to be her little brother and “do you have some business with my lil’ brother?” face is what convinces shady dude to hastily retreat, phew!  The nameless onee-san takes Iruma out of the dangerous alley and gives him The Look™ 
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Onee-san:  That street... is really... dangerous. Going there because you're curious is... BAD Iruma: S-s-sorry...
She tells him which way to go to the Lost Child Station and is about to head back but notices Iruma’s troubled (He has to go to the Station and they going to make LOUD announcement so his companions can find him and this will be totally awkward. And he also totally troubled everyone when they were having a good time...) So the Onee-san got him Icecream! (because she totally bought them by accident)
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She is a sweetheart. And has some Balam vibes too! She decides to go with Iruma (so he won’t get lost again before reaching the station). And they can have some fun on their way! Yay! Petting zoo! But why won’t she join him?
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Onee-san: It’s because... when I try to touch them... they run away
Yeah, Totally Balam vibes here.
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Iruma: Animals often get scared if you try to touch them from above... the trick is to hold your hand out from below. (that's what Balam-sensei said...) Onee-san: What... should I do now...? Iruma” Gently... gently... put them down...
Omg, I love this new character. She’s awkward, kind and so observant. And badass <3 Before heading to Lost Child Station they decide to try looking for Iruma’s friends from above - which means Ferris wheel! It’s the first time on the Ferris wheel for Iruma and apparently on this one, gondolas spin when they reach the top! Iruma then says thanks to his new Onee-san and admits he was feeling really down because he got lost
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Iruma: But because you were so kind to me/ I am glad I came here after all...!
The precious bean. I want to hug him. In return, he gets a head-pat and a (gorgeous) smile 
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Onee-san: ...Great! Onee-san: Oh, it was... hand from below Iruma: No, I’m fi...ne
FRIENDS SPOTTED Look at Azz! He was worried about his waifu Iruma!
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Iruma’s happy to see his friends (and dizzy from the spinning gondola). He wants to introduce his savior, but she’s gone already. 
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Guy: Ah... here you are! Sheeda-kun! Guy: Don't leave your post! You may work backstage but we are all everyone's playmates... Sheeda: Right.../ because we are Walter Staff.
So her name is Sheeda and she works here as well. That explains a lot. And she's my favorite staff member so far.
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Danganronpa Halloween Imagine
| V3 cast going trick-or-treating with S/O
pairing - V3 cast x S/O
genre - fluff 
warnings - none!
requests - CLOSED
A/N - It’s that time of year! This wasn’t a request, but I was just soooo in the mood to write a Halloween imagine, so I just had to. I hope this will put you all in a spooky mood! Apart from that, I am so sorry I haven’t posted lately! I’ve been having a bit of a writer’s block, I’m hoping this post helped it though.  Also, I have deleted any Halloween requests we’ve gotten, mainly because we won’t have time to write them before Halloween is over, I’m sorry :( Also also, we usually don’t write full casts. At most we’ll do either boys, girls or a maximum of 8 characters. - Oh, and I decided to change the way my posts look!
Happy Halloween!
Kaede Akamatsu
Such an overly excited ball of energy! 
Kaede would definitely be the type of person to make a big deal out of holidays and would always put tons of effort into making it perfect and absolutely flawless.  
This year Kaede was extremely stressed out with everything else going on at the same time, so as much as she wanted to put enough effort into cute couple costumes, she just didn’t have the energy or time to do that. 
Kaede felt miserable knowing she wouldn’t be able to get her hands on good costumes for this year, but right as she thought everything was ruined, her s/o showed up with 2 perfect skeleton costumes that looked exactly like the ones she had pictured in her mind. 
“I can’t believe you did this for me!” 
Kaede was overcome with joy and couldn’t put words to how happy she was feeling.  
They didn’t waste any time. 
As soon as Kaede’s s/o revealed the costumes they quickly got changed and went out trick-or-treating for the rest of the evening.
It was the first time Kaede felt stress-free in the last while. 
Angie Yonaga
Angie’s s/o wanted to go trick-or-treating with her, but they weren’t sure if she even celebrated Halloween because of Atua. 
As if Angie had heard her s/o’s thought, she then spoke up. 
“You’ll come trick-or-treating with me right, s/o?” 
How could they say no to Angie when she asked in such a cute voice. It was impossible. 
Angie soon revealed her idea for the costumes. She wanted to paint her s/o into a living pop art figure, and so she did. 
Obviously, it turned out beautiful and Angie copied her work onto herself afterward.
It maybe wasn’t the best costumes for trick-or-treating, but they looked amazing and enjoyed their time together anyway. 
“I don’t care if people didn’t compliment our looks, I know you did an amazing job” 
Blushing Angie 
Himiko Yumeno
Himiko was convinced they didn’t need any costumes and that she could use her magic to get them candy. 
Of course, Himiko was delusional to the point of no rational thinking, but that was a common trait of Himiko. 
“How about I just quickly run down to the store and get us some costumes?” 
“Nyeh! We don’t need that when I have my magic” 
In the end, Himiko’s s/o gave up and just went with Himiko in her normal outfit, but it all worked out since it looked like Himiko was dressed up as a witch anyway. 
“I told you, s/o. We didn’t need any costumes!” 
Himiko’s s/o would just shake their head and laugh at her silliness.  
After collecting candy for many hours, Himiko was exhausted and they had to return home. 
Himiko’s s/o would carry her on their back. 
Himiko would mumble compliments about her s/o in her sleep
Kirumi Tojo
The second Kirumi’s s/o mentioned Halloween and trick-or-treating, she offered to prepare costumes for them both. 
“Kirumi, you don’t have to” 
But naturally, Kirumi insisted. 
Kirumi prepared 2 costume sets. The costume theme was ‘Red Riding Hood’. 
The costumes were extremely good quality and had no flaws whatsoever. But nothing less was expected from someone as talented as Kirumi. 
The costumes fit perfectly and were comfortable as well. 
Most of the night consisted of Kirumi following her s/o around and carrying their bucket to store the candy. 
Kirumi didn’t mind at all, in fact, she enjoyed following her s/o around and watching them be happy.
At the end of the day, Kirumi is a maid and her duty is to help others and please them. 
For her s/o, she didn’t even have to try. 
It just happened naturally. 
Maki Harukawa
Convincing Maki to go trick-or-treating would take some effort. 
Maki did love her s/o with all of her heart, but Halloween and festivities reminded her of her youth and days before becoming an assassin, so she had stayed away from all of it completely. 
“Maki I am begging you. You never have to come with me ever again! And you don’t have to wear a costume either” 
Soon after, Maki let out a deep sigh and got up from her seat. 
As promised, Maki went wearing her normal clothes. Her s/o decided to dress up anyway. 
Maki followed around her s/o the entire evening, walking from door to door.
As much as Maki didn’t enjoy it much, it meant a lot to her that she could make her s/o happy like this. 
Maybe this wouldn’t be the last time she gave it a chance. 
And it wouldn’t be 
Miu Iruma
Miu would be pretty excited for Halloween this year. 
Usually, Miu never went trick-or-treating and instead would create varies inventions to scare the kids away from her accommodation.
But this year was different. 
Miu’s s/o wanted to dress up and go trick-or-treating this year, so Miu had to come up with ideas for their costumes. 
It didn’t go too well and the first attempt failed. After all, she is the ultimate inventor and not dressmaker. 
In the end, they had to run to the store instead. 
10 minutes before the store closed, they ran inside at full speed and looked through the costume possibilities. 
“Miu just grab something, let’s go!” 
Miu quickly grabbed 2 costumes and ran up to the register right after. 
They changed into their costumes in the store’s customer bathroom.
As much as the costumes didn’t fit completely and were also pretty silly, they enjoyed their time together anyway. And that’s what mattered. 
Tenko Chabashira
Tenko couldn’t care less about the costume, the candy (maybe not the candy), but definitely the costume. 
When her s/o mentioned that she wanted to go trick-or-treating this year, her protective instincts would kick in right away. 
“But what if you get attacked? Everyone is dressed up, it could easily happen!” 
Tenko was overreacting, but it’s pretty natural of her to do so. She must protect her s/o from any degenerate males, dangerous people. 
Tenko would go with her s/o when they went trick-or-treating, but only to protect them. 
It overall wasn’t a very fun experience because any person that looked at her s/o would immediately receive a death glare from Tenko.
In the end, things worked out and when they got home, they snuggled up on the couch and watched a scary movie where Tenko could protect her s/o in peace. 
Tenko didn’t act this way to shield her s/o from having fun, she is just a very protective and jealous human being and it comforts her protect someone so meaningful to her. 
But her s/o knew that and also loved her for it. 
Tsumugi Shirogane
I mean it’s already obvious, Tsumugi would be so hype for Halloween and would plan her cosplay/costume months in advance. 
“So, I figured we could go dressed up as an angel and a devil” 
“Oh I already planned out our costumes, s/o” 
Tsumugi would quickly leave the room and return mere seconds later with 2 almost identical costumes in hand. 
It was a simple black dress/pants with a t-shirt. On top of that Tsumugi had handcrafted butterfly wings for them to wear on top of that. Needless to say, she had outdone herself.
“Well, let’s go!” 
Throughout the evening, they got neverending compliments at every door they knocked on. 
The day was a success and in the end, they were both exhausted and went back home to get a good nights rest. 
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta’s first priority would, of course, be his s/o and their happiness. 
When his s/o mentioned that they wanted to go trick-or-treating for Halloween, Gonta’s protective instincts kicked in. 
“But for Halloween everyone masked. Gonta can’t protect s/o if s/o gets attacked!” 
“Please, Gonta I want to go more than anything else” 
And that’s all they needed to say for Gonta to give in to his s/o’s adorable begging. 
Gonta wouldn’t dress up, he would just wear his normal clothing. 
His intention wasn’t to join the trick-or-treating, he wanted to protect his s/o while they went around from door to door. 
His s/o didn’t mind much as long as Gonta was there with them. 
In the end, the evening was a success and Gonta did not fail at protecting his s/o. 
Kiibo was extremely confused when his s/o explained how Halloween works. 
His knowledge of Halloween was based on the original story about how Halloween started, so he just assumed that it would still be the same. 
“You don’t even have to wear a costume Kiibo, just please come with me!” 
Kiibo was conflicted. He wanted to make his s/o happy, but he was also afraid of trying something new and something he wasn’t quite sure what was. 
Nonetheless, he gave in and they went as a cute robot couple. Kiibo was confused and didn’t know what the small balls wrapped in paper were. 
Kiibo didn’t get much out of it since, of course, he isn’t able to eat and wouldn’t be able to taste all the delicious sweets, but it didn’t matter to him. 
Kiibo felt happiness when experiencing new things with his s/o, that’s why they meant so much to him and why he always makes sure to protect them no matter what. 
Even if he doesn’t get to eat the candy
Kaito Momota
Kaito would probably be way more excited about going trick-or-treating than his s/o. 
He was dead set on them going as astronauts. His mind could not be changed no matter what. 
So his s/o wouldn’t even bother trying to suggest another costume idea, they gave in to their boyfriend's needs. 
“Look how perfect these costumes are! We are going to get so many compliments s/o, especially you” 
Kaito’s s/o would just roll their eyes at his cheesy compliment, it meant a lot nonetheless. 
As soon as the costumes were on, Kaito was dragging his s/o with him out of the door.
“Come on keep up!” 
It was like going trick-or-treating with a small child. Kaito was just so excited about everything, it was absolutely adorable.
It also resulted in Kaito being so energized that by the end of the night he was so tired that his s/o almost had to carry him home, but it was okay.
In the end, seeing Kaito this happy was all that mattered. 
Kokichi Oma
In Kokichi’s opinion, he didn’t have to go dressed up for Halloween.
If he just appeared in front of other people they would immediately bow to him and give him all the candy they possess.  
Kokichi’s ego was already big enough so his s/o had to throw him off his throne. 
“Let’s go dressed as flight pilots! You would look so handsome” 
Immediately Kokichi would be flustered and would try to cover his face from all the blushing. 
Kokichi loved being complimented as long as people didn’t call him cute, so hearing his s/o compliment him for being handsome would get his knees weak right away. 
“Okay, s/o! but just for you” 
What originally was supposed to be Kokichi’s s/o dragging him around excitedly, would turn into the exact opposite. 
His s/o didn’t mind tho, Kokichi was always a ball of energy and one hell of a trickster. 
They ended the night with cuddles in bed. Kokichi would quickly fall asleep in his s/o’s comforting arms. 
Korekiyo Shinguji
Korekiyo wasn’t at all interested in dressing up for Halloween, he barely cared about the holiday itself. 
Well, he of course cared about the origin of Halloween, but not the modern version. 
But he completely changed his mind when he saw his s/o wearing a beautiful traditional Japanese mask and some traditional clothing. 
He couldn’t take his eyes off his s/o, they were beautiful. 
“What is this? You dressed up for my taste?”
Korekiyo knew that had to be the case, why else would they look so beautiful on such a modern washed day. 
“Please come trick-or-treating with me. I have a costume for you”
He couldn’t say no. The costume he was presented was just as beautiful as the one his s/o was wearing. 
In the end, Korekiyo was convinced and went trick-or-treating with his s/o. He didn’t care about the candy or much else, he just couldn’t take his eyes off the beauty his s/o was wearing.
Rantaro Amami
Being the laid back person Rantaro is, he probably wouldn’t get too overly excited about getting costumes or going out trick-or-treating. 
All he wanted, was for his s/o to be happy and enjoy their day more than anything else. It was a definite priority. 
Rantaro’s s/o mentioned wanting to go trick-or-treating and Rantaro didn’t hesitate to accept his s/o’s offer. 
He wasn’t a very creative person, so his s/o had to figure out the costumes. 
Since neither of them were creative-minded, they went as police officers/cops.
It didn’t look bad at all and they matched perfectly just like 2 puzzle pieces. 
They received lots of compliments that night and also lots of candy for their matching costumes. 
After a couple of hours of walking around in the cold weather, they went back home to snuggle on the couch and watch a scary movie before they fell asleep in each other’s arms. 
Moments like these made Rantaro realize how lucky he was to have his s/o in his life and how much they meant to him. 
Ryoma Hoshi
He couldn’t care less about something as silly as ‘Halloween’. 
But the second his s/o mentioned it to him and said they wanted to go trick-or-treating this year, Ryoma instantly shook his head knowing what question would follow up to their statement. 
“Please come with me?” 
Ryoma just kept shaking his head. 
“Ryoma come on. You never do anything for me” 
These words hit Ryoma pretty deeply. Didn’t do anything for his s/o, is that true?
These words had Ryoma’s thoughts wandering. He was trying to think of the last time he went out of his way to make his s/o happy and he couldn’t remember when. 
“Okay I’ll come with you s/o” 
So then Ryoma’s s/o went out and bought them matching cop costumes. 
Oh the irony 
Although, they went back home after about an hour and snuggled on the couch while watching a scary movie. 
Shuichi Saihara
Would be shy about going out dressed up in a costume, but lowkey wouldn’t mind if his s/o went as well.
Couples costumes??
“Can’t we just go as the same thing?”
Shuichi’s s/o gave in to his begging and they decided to go dressed as salt and pepper canisters. 
He would be so shy when someone complimented their costumes but seeing his s/o filled with joy, would make him loosen up. 
The night was over and they were cuddling in bed, eating some of the candy they had collected that day. 
And of course, they would wake up with tummy aches the next morning because they had been eating candy until very late at night. So they would stay in bed and cuddle all day. 
And eat more candy
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~ Mod Ibuki
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Danganronpa rarepair week day 1: Fireworks, aka Ouma and Komaeda fuck shit up.
"Oi, get back here or I’ll shove one of those up your ugly ass!" Iruma yelled, running after Ouma. He was trying to steal her wonderful handmade fireworks, you could tell because only she could be such a genius to invent something as wonderful as them. The best part - they worked when you were asleep! Well... by that she meant they would go off randomly at night time, but it still counted.
"How are you going to do that if you can’t catch me?" He sprinted around a corner and seemingly vanished, leaving Iruma wondering which way he went.
"Curse that shitty gremlin!" She yelled, shocking a certain programmer who was walking by. If those fireworks were released now, it would not end well. Of course, they would look absolutely stunning, they were invented by her after all, but they hadn’t been properly tested. She thought the best option would be to wait until nighttime, then wait and see if any of them went off automatically, like they were supposed to. Maybe this was a good thing, she wouldn’t be putting her own life in danger this way.
"Ah, you’re back. Did you manage to convince her?" Komaeda looked up as Ouma entered the storeroom behind the school, putting down his book.
"I sure did! Just asked her nicely, and she gave them right over." Ouma set down the box, and sat down next to him, exhausted.
"I’m glad to hear it. I was expecting you’d steal them." He smiled, slowly putting a hand on his partner's. He knew that this statement was bullshit, but didn’t want to mention it. If he had a dollar for every lie the boy told, his fortune would have doubled by now.
"Me stealing? No, I would never..." Ouma said, whilst sitting on the cushion he’d stolen from the rec room. "So, is everything ready?"
"Sure is!" Komaeda smiled. "The party tomorrow is sure to bring lots of hope to everyone, and these will help a lot, thank you." Komaeda picked up a firework, thinking about how wonderful it’d be.
"No problem, helping people is what I do. In fact, the members of my organisation help exactly 28,384 old ladies across the street every day!" He boasted, grinning ear to ear. "Maybe they’ll help you one day, you’re going a little grey."
Komaeda read the label. "Miu Iruma's ultimate fireworks? Ultimates! They must be full of hope... So, how do we light these? This says: 'These aren’t just any fireworks, they’re... word I do not want to say... wonderful, created by the gorgeous me! They’ll produce a censored explosion so censored censored that they’ll censored censored your censored censored with your censored, especially if you’re censored your boyfriend or girlfriend at the time.' Very helpful Miu..."
"Hey hey, you just gotta tune out the useless stuff, and  by that I mean all of it! Man, she really is an idiot to write this on them..." Ouma read, leaning on his shoulder, causing him to blush. "Hmm, try there, the part that says 'Instructions'."
"Oh, right. 'These bad boys won’t just light up when you want them too, unlike your boy. They’re completely random! Yep, between the hours of 10pm and 6am, there is a 50% chance of any one firework going off, so good luck and don’t let them explode in your faces, even if you like... censored exploding in your face.' Random eh? Say, if we put one of these in a box with a cat overnight, with no ways to check inside, would the cat be alive or dead after one night?"
"Well, if there’s no way then there’s obviously no air holes. Of course it’s fucking dead." He was a little bored, but these fireworks would make the night exciting.
"Ah, I guess you’re right... poor thing. Well, these sound crazy, but they’ll be great for tomorrow."
"Yeah... hey hey! What if..."
"We put a firework in each dorm to wake everyone up? That’d really kick off the secret party with a bang!" Ouma's plan was dangerous. It was stupid. It was the best idea Komaeda had ever heard.
"Ah, that would be nice, but we can’t coordinate them to go off at the same time, or even at all... unless we rely on my luck."
"It’s a deal then, see you tomorrow. Darling." Ouma kissed him on the cheek before leaving. Komaeda smiled, and went back to his book. He was so close to the end, and had already figured out who the killer was.
That night, Iruma stayed up, watching out. However, due to bullshit luck powers, all of them stayed intact for the party. At 6am, she decided she’d skip school that day, and went back to her room to rest hanging the usual sign on the outside of her door: 'Do not disturb, has been up all night doing things I’m sure you virgins would love to hear about.' She had only been stopped from using it once, and after a while she was able to convince Ishimaru up complaining.
That evening, Komaeda and Ouma were putting their plan into action. Ouma broke into every dorm room, and quietly placed two fireworks in each one, to make sure the 50/50 chance worked. Komaeda wasn’t quite sure if he knew how probability worked, but didn’t argue. Once he was done, he returned outside to Komaeda, who smiled at him
'It’s time."
Miu Iruma woke to the sound of her door opening. Who could it be at this hour, and  what did they want to do with her? She was excited just thinking about it, but pretended to be asleep, to see what the person would do. When she heard them leave again, she sat up and looked around, her eyes falling on the two fireworks on the floor.
She left her room immediately and rang Kaede's door.
"Iruma? How can I help?"
Iruma help up the fireworks. "Are there any of these in your room?" She didn’t know if Ouma was only targeting her, but if he wasn’t then everyone needed to get out.
Kaede looked at it. That shape... could it be? knowing Iruma it probably was? "Uh... I don’t..." She turned around, shutting her door, when she spotted them on the floor. "Wait a second, when did these get here?"
Iruma grabbed her hand and ran to the exit, pulling the fire alarm as she left. Hopefully anyone in there would be able to escape.
Ouma saw the two leave. "Ah, here's our first guests!" He waved over to them, and watched as several other people wandered out too, all looking a mix of tired, confused and scared. "Hello there! Welcome to-"
"You little shit! Do you know what you’ve done?" Iruma grabbed him by the collar, and was about to punch him when...
The dorm building exploded in a rainbow of colours. It was undoubtedly the most beautiful fireworks display they’d ever seen, but at the same time it brought chaos and destruction.
The now large group of people watched it burn in amazement and terror, when Komaeda spoke up. "So, welcome to our fireworks party! I hope we can-"
No one cared what he was saying. "You blew up the fucking dorms! Someone could still be in there!"
"I... uh... Komaeda thought about it. The fireworks had gone Of in such a spectacular fashion, his luck was brilliant. He wouldn’t be surprised if one of his friends were dead. "I mean, maybe? But I’m sure the hope coming out of this will-" He was stopped by Ouma grabbing his hand.
"I think we should just run."
"A game of tag eh? How nostalgic and full of hope!"
So they ran for ages, being chased by a whole parade of ultimates, with more and more fireworks going off to light their way. Ouma was talking on the phone as he went, and eventually suggested they went back to the dorms. Komaeda wasn’t sure why, they wouldn’t be able to hide there, but knew Ouma would have something up his sleeve.
The two of them stood in front of the building, waiting for the parade to catch up. When they did, they saw a strange sight - the dorm building was very intact and not on fire. The two of them went to Komaeda's room to avoid questions, and snuggled up together on the bed.
"Nishishi, I think that went well."
"Yeah, it did. I’m sure everyone had so much fun running around, we need to thank Iruma for the fireworks."
"Yeah, we should."
"Oh Ouma? How is the building here? I was sure it was destroyed."
"Hmm, well my friends at Dice have been monitoring this school for months, carefully plotting out every chair and table and item, down to the last toothbrush hair. We built an exact replica, and the team just switched out the buildings whilst we were being chased!"
"Alright, then. I’ll believe that."
"Really! Wow, by now I’d have thought you’d be able to spot my lies. Nah, it was just a cool lights show, also thanks to Miu. Those fireworks I stole were complete fakes!"
"Is that so?"
"Hmm, who knows? But I’ll tell you something, our fun night together has only just begun." Ouma kissed the taller boy, and stared into his eyes. "Let’s play 2 truths one lie for a while. I doubt you’ll be able to spot them though, I’m such a good liar, aren’t I?" Komaeda agreed, and they stayed up talking all night, whilst ignoring the doorbell being rung by annoyed students (mostly Iruma).
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oumakokichi · 7 years
Can you list and describe the purpose of all the known items that Ouma asked Iruma to make? These things usually go over my head, thank you.
I can try! Ouma asked Miu to make several particularlyinteresting inventions. Before her death, she was definitely able to finishmaking some—but the diagrams and plans in Ouma’s room suggest that he had askedfor even more that she never got around to making.
As for the ones she definitely finished, there were theelectric hammers and electric bombs (also capable of being read as “erect”hammers and bombs, thanks to Miu and her humor), a remote control used forhijacking electronic devices, and a device which is basically a vacuum hookedup to a clear jar. This last one I just call “the bug-catcher,” because Oumaspecifically commissioned Miu to make it after hearing about Gonta “seeing abug” in Chapter 2 and realizing that those were actually microscopic hiddencameras.
The electric hammers seem to have mostly been designed withthe platformer mini-game in mind. They can disable just about any electricdevice, be it a panel, lift, even a robot like the Monokumerz or Monokuma. Asingle electric hammer can disable a single Exisal with a direct hit, causingthe cockpit to open. The downside to these hammers is, as Ouma tells them inChapter 5, that they lose their charge very fast. One hit to an Exisal willdrain a hammer’s battery instantly, and they take about 24 hours to rechargecompletely.
The best part about these hammers is that while they’reextremely useful, they’re not actually a threat to people. They only work onelectronics, not on human beings, meaning Ouma clearly asked Miu to make thesewith the idea of keeping as many people safe as possible. This also leads toKiibo wondering whether Miu saw him as a robot or an individual, and whetherthe hammers would work on him or not—but Ouma says he wouldn’t recommend tryingto find out, since if it’s the former, those hammers would definitely fry hiscircuits.
Miu only made three electric bombs for Ouma in total. Mostlikely, they were a little harder to make than the hammers, because their effectis even more overpowered. Like the hammers, the bombs pose absolutely no threatswhatsoever to human beings. A single bomb disrupts all electronic signals andsensors in a 50 meter radius for up to two hours. That includes not only sensorslike the one to detect humans underneath the press in the machinery bay or themotion sensor in front of the electric barrier, but also the hidden camerasthemselves.
Maki stole one of these bombs from Ouma while choking him forthe second time in Chapter 5, and that’s how they were able to enter themachinery bay later on. Even when subjected to an area where the bomb had beenused, it didn’t have much of an effect on Kiibo other than “a reaction similarto human allergies,” causing him some mild discomfort but not much else. Soagain, the bombs were completely harmless to the group.
As for the remote, Miu only made a single one (as far as weknow). It seems to be capable of hijacking electronics, and in particular, hijackingthe Exisals. Only the Mother Monokuma and the ringleader were capable ofdirectly controlling Monokuma himself, so since Ouma couldn’t hijack Monokumadirectly or disable him without the ringleader making a spare, he used theExisals to keep him under lock and key for most of Chapter 5, in order to tryand prevent the killing game from stating back up. He kept a single Exisal inthe bay with him for protection, and the other four circling Monokumaconstantly to make sure he didn’t go anywhere or try to start anything bypresenting motives.
Had Ouma really not cared about the rest of the group ortheir lives, I like to bring up the fact that he could easily have used theExisals to gun down everybody here. He had the perfect opportunity, and as hehimself points out during his bluff with the bomb, there’s no rule againstkilling more than two people. He could easily have killed everyone but himselfand walked out alive. Had he really been the sadistic villain he pretended tobe, or as heartless and self-serving as other people try and make him out tobe, then he would’ve done so. But he didn’t. Not only that, but every singledevice he asked Miu to make was designed specifically to be as harmless aspossible—just like his pranks.
The bug-catcher we know very little about. Saihara and Makiuncover diagrams for it in Ouma’s room, and Maki later finds the actualbug-catcher in Miu’s lab, apparently as something she was working on. It’sunclear if she was ever going to make more, like she did with the hammers andbombs, or if she was making just the one. Either way, the bug-catcher wasdesigned specifically to suck up hidden cameras around the school, smaller thanthe human eye could see. These hidden cameras are actually the sixth member ofthe Monokumerz (trust me, I couldn’t make this up if I tried), and they go bythe name “Monochichi.”
Ouma clearly guessed that these cameras were how Monokumawas observing them and transmitting information to the ringleader, but wasunable to fully stop them without either the bombs or the jar. One thing Inoticed on a recent rewatch of ndrv3 was also that he has a microscope in his room—presumably forexamining the hidden cameras under. I didn’t notice at all the first time Iwatched, but he really must have caught on almost immediately after Gontamentioned “seeing a bug.” It’s proof once again of just how smart he was, thathe was researching these things so intently and finding so many workarounds tothem.
Those are all the things we know Miu actually made for him,but there are other diagrams in his room as well, including plans for somethingthat looks like a gun that shoots rainbows, as well as something resembling a lightsaber. Again,I couldn’t make any of this up if I tried, so here’s a screenshot for proof:
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Maki herself points out that absolutely all of his plans anddiagrams look extremely childish, “likesomething a kid would think up,” contrary to their actual practical uses.
None of the writing on these plans is legible, so we canonly guess as to their uses. I for one would have loved to see Ouma with both arainbow gun and a lightsaber though, so I’m sad that they didn’t ever actuallyget around to being made. Much like his pranks, all of Ouma’s devices that heasked Miu to make seem to have been designed to be childish-looking, fun, andharmless to people. And all of them were much, much more useful than theyappeared on the surface, similar to how Ouma himself was much smarter thananyone in the group could have guessed.
Saihara and Maki both mention that the cardboard boxes inOuma’s room are filled to the brim with “similar” plans and diagrams, but thoseare the only other ones we get to see. He probably had quite a few more devicesin mind, but it’s unclear what those are, or how they might have looked. Sothese are really all the ones that we have any information on.
I hope this helps, anon! This was really fun to get to talkabout—I’ve mentioned the hammers, bombs, and remote before, but I’ve never hada chance to go into this much detail about them. Thanks for asking!
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bluekitsune · 7 years
late DRV3 Ch2 impressions
So...... Did Kaede die in an accident or incident? People’s simultaneous translations can only go so far. But I’m guessing it’s either related to the kidnapping or the hunt/lockup of talented individuals, and the couple (parents?) talking seem to hint that they handed her away
real question: if there’s nothing to polinize the greenery then how is there so many plants around the school???????????????? Gonta plz answer me that
Spoiler: Ahoge hidden under cap lmao
Cannot handle all the references
As I expected the research rooms are all pure fucking gold 
Oh man, a flashlight? Didn’t the Mastermind have time to think of anything cooler lmao
Ok, so there’s that. Everyone was chased for having a talent? Is it because of the Most Terrible Incident still? Talent started being seen as something that could create equally great and terrible things so they were being chased? So how did people get talent brands of SHSL in the first place?
(was it on this chapter or on the previous one that Momota mentioned something about the killing game being an issue because it would turn up against his kid or something? That raised me so many timetravel flags. I keep thinking the time travel will be something with Momota with him acting all over Kaede and Shuichii but I can’t be certain)
Tense atmosphere feels a lot more palpable, maybe even more than on the 1st game. Without the talk of Despair x Hope as well, the Killing Game brings out a much different tone of dialogues! I really like the character dinamics so far
(I feel really bad for Kibo, he just wants to have FUN AHHH)
SHIT these motives and everyone trying to avoid it, its like Twilight Syndrome all over again X_X
Momota yamete
Shonen bonding moment; they should’ve started shouting “My name is Saihara Shuiichi and IM FINE” /shot
Yes Shinguuji, please lecture me more about the implications of supersticion T_T (OMG him telling Iruma to stfu amazing)
Sayan Gonta
Also, Gonta, the only SHSL that doesn’t need to Gullible disease to blindly follow anyone’s instructions
KIBO IS SO PURE WTF He’s so proud and feels so awesome about the recording function omg He is too good for them.... Mr utility belt robot
That was kind of hilarious..... Everyone should be swollen with bug bites TBH
HAHA God I wish they had shown Ouma x the bugs
I was expecting a death right off the bat, so the suspense during the Magic Show was eating me alive
And then when Gonta climbed up the tank and the piranhas fell, I paused the LP and immediately thought it would be Hoshi :C  He’d be the only one small enough to fit in there
“They played us like a damn fiddle” UGHHHHGHHHGFHG I was actually really enjoying his Hardboiled BAMF attitude OH WELL
Did not foresee that comic relief. POOR KIBO stop being so mean to Radio-kun! He just wants to be loved!!!!!! Also what a fucking stupid way to “preserve the crime scene”, you guys totally washed the entire Gym in bloody water U dumb fucks
:C Oh man thinking about Hoshi struggling and drowning makes me so sad. And then I think, the culprit separated him from the piranhas with the glass lid?
Momota shielding Saihara from his guilt and his feeling of failure is kind of endearing
SHSL Detective: Misses a completely fucking obvious trap door by the staircase I stg
Shinguuji if u were leaving my city I would cry too
Shirogane stop calling yourself plain you’re amazing
I think Maki is either really embarassed/ashamed/bitter of the idea anyone else will see her Research Room because she doesn’t like her talent, or they’re gonna pull a big stunt and there’ll actually be a baby in there or some shit
I just laughed for 5 minutes straight when they entered the “shower room” JFC
Actually I thought I’d care a lot more for Purple boy but he’s... He’s cute, and interesting, but I feel like they were trying to hard to put an unpredictable factor after Komaeda, and it’s not cutting it for me  I do like his voice actor tho, he’s doing a great job
I feel sort of bad for Tenko omg... (she’s not as terrible as discourse was expecting her to be. Despite all her remarks, she still treats the boys by their name and acts relatively open to interacting with them)
Idk what to make of this trial so far. I feel like they’re going to lead us in a big circle like YES it was the first/ish suspects all along MWAHAHA???
Iruma officially the horny fanservice girl huh? (Gonta is too good for this world omg)
AHHH Shinguuji called Tojo beautiful i_i If I shipped, I’d ship it
Saihara risking his neck for Harukawa is so out of place? Idk, but I guess this is the DR equivalent of ‘thinking outside the box’ aka pulling bullshit moves out of your ass like Ace Attorney would do
Ugh and then after running around chasing their tail for 3 hours they finally go back to the evidence
OH NO :C Tojo cries and I cry with her..... Did someone do the do and make her arrange the things? Dang
So far I think being drowned in a sink is one of the most brutal murders in DR..... Before we had a bunch of insta-kills with blows to the head. Ibuki slowly choked while she was unconscious? And Komaeda died slowly with poison, but I feel like this is the first real bodily struggle except for Maizono :U
Oh mann
That’s so messed up (Also the irony to have both a Shadow!Prime Minister and the Supreme Lider in the same spot? LMAO)
Damn the stakes are so high on this game. First you have the MC be excecuted and next the Prime fucking minister 
Tojo is like a Fusion of Pekoyama and Sonia in motivation, and of Celes and Peko in looks :C I really liked her
Gonta too good too pure too dorky for us
That excecution was fucking awesome. It makes a lot of sense (somewhat) if you consider the Spider’s Thread parable
So is the Twist now going to be that there was the Hunt and Talented students were being hunted and were so miserable they prefered to be put to death? That’s what Saihara’s reccuring flashback seems to point towards
AND THAT FUCKING MIC DROP DAMN So that’s why she was guarding her Research lab like a hound dog
:C Oh man While the trial felt really convoluted it also sort of makes sense, there’d be nothing pointing to the culprit except the floatee and the gloves because Tojo is such a perfectionist.... SORTA
I feel like the debates are running already a lot deeper than the first two games, specially without the coating of Hope x Despair talk
:C I cant wait for Shinguuji to take the spotlight
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