#this is a question that bugs me forever WHAT IS IT ABOUT IRUMA
guesst · 1 month
sometimes i think about sullivan and how his n iruma’s relationship progresses and what made him choose iruma. i mean it was probably something to do with delkira that made him pick iruma up but i also think about that comment he makes early on in the series, that the others in the 3 greats have grandkids and he doesnt and how hed love to have a grandkid. and how he sends iruma to babyls partly because thats what a proper caretaker is meant to do. and how at the beginning maybe hes playacting and thinking yes this is the boy i have brought over for unspecified reasons, My Grandson, and i am the Grandfather (yay!) but its only later on that The Grandson becomes Iruma Suzuki first and then Sullivan’s Grandson second. and then i get happy about it
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dangan-meme-palace · 6 years
Yandere DRV3 Girls
I shoulda posted this like a month ago I’m so sorry
Boys can be found right here
(Trigger warnings for the following: Kidnapping, Stalking, Non-con elements/mentions, Non-con drug use, Implied Torture, Physical/Emotional Abuse, Manipulation, Gas Lighting, and Implied Murder)
Kirumi Tojo
I love her don't make me do this
Fell for you when you made an effort to lighten her load 
Definitely one of the more controlling yanderes
You thought you'd have someone you could order around? Foolish.
She wants what's best for you and so she just kinda takes care of everything for you
Which sounds great!
Until you realise she thinks she knows you better than you do
Which isn’t even wrong because she has stalked you intensely
Stalking aside she's gonna try and make your life better whether you like or not
This includes forcing you to eat healthier, exercise, etc. etc. 
Probably uses the Mom Voice™
She won't take no for an answer
Tsumugi Shirogane
Oh boy. Look away children.
Okay so there's 2 ways she’ll become obsessed with you 
1: You are really optimistic and hopeful
2: You are emotionally susceptible to abuse
Yeah this is gonna get really fucked up really quick
Sorry Tsumugi fans
If Option #1 is true for you get ready to be kidnapped
She's Despair so she's obviously gonna wanna kill your hope with no remorse
Just saying, killing your hope might include making you put on humiliating cosplays and posting pictures online of you in them
She also might use those pictures as blackmail
Depends on her mood tbh
If Option #2 sounds more like you then prepare for the stereotypical controlling yandere
She'll slowly get more and more controlling with you until you start to think there's no way out
Which is true
There is no way out
She won't let you leave
But… do you really want to leave her? 
She's all you have now.
She keeps you as a pet :’)
Tenko Chabashira
Fell for you when you showed fierce enthusiasm for something you love
She finds it cute as hell and she can't help but fall for you
She's more of an obsessive than an aggressive yandere surprisingly 
How could she hurt her one true love?!?!?
Gushes about you to all her friends
Takes pictures of you doing cute things like sleeping, showering, and eating
Will defend your honor without any hesitation 
If anyone even makes it seem like they don't want you around or don't appreciate you enough she is going off
She'll talk about every little thing that you do in a reverent tone of voice
It's like she worships you or something
Halfway through her 50th “I love them how dare you!” speech you notice something
She's talking about stuff you've never done around her, stuff you do alone
How would she know about any of that??
If you leave it alone you'll be fine but if you don't….
She won't hurt you but you're definitely not going outside anytime soon :)
Which is fine by her!
More time to spend with you! As an added bonus you're living with her now!
However, all good things must come to an end
A certain detective was determined to solve your case
And his leads all pointed to her
*thinking emoji*
She knew he was onto her
So she just… solved the problem
Rip Shuichi
Himiko Yumeno
She's like 8 you lolicons
Would totally lure you in with her magical loli powers
A well placed “Nyehhhh I can't reach this, can you grab it for me?” and a tired yawn here and there
Yeah, she's got manipulation down to a science
Anything to spend time with you
But it's not enough
She can't get enough of you
She wants more 
So whenever you leave her she'll follow you in secret
She hates that you have to leave in the first place
So, she uh,
Casts a spell on your lunch
Translation: she crushed up some sleeping pills and mixed the powder into your food
Luckily, she didn't give you too much
Unluckily, you're living with her now
And you're not leaving
It's all thanks to ~Maaaaaaggggiiiicc~
Angie Yonaga
“Oh my god, it's god?!?”
Nah, but she thinks Atua sent you to her as a gift
She saw you and it was like the stars fell from the heavens and became you
At least in her eyes
Immediately tries to get to know you and talk to you
She also makes a wax statue of you to put in her room
Might make a body pillow of you ngl 
Talks as if you're already together
It honestly surprises everyone when you say you're not
She's super confused
How could you not be hers?? Atua sent you to her?? You're hers??
Decides that you just don't know that you were sent to her
Silly s/o~
Definitely a kidnapper
She'll frequently ask you questions and if you answer wrong she disciplines (read: tortures) you
Conditions you to love her
God dammit Angie why must you be so fucked up
Kaede Akamatsu
Don't make me do this to her please..
She most likely fell for you when she realized how passionate you were
Especially if it's anything to do with music
Partial to singing but it doesn't really matter as long as you put your feelings into it
She falls ass over elbows for you when she accidentally heard you practicing
She's so shy around you it's kind of painful to watch
She's normally so confident but as soon as you're around she's quiet and flustered
The thing is she doesn't really mind that feeling
In fact she wants to feel it more
So she starts hanging around you more and more and spending all of her free time with you and just staying close to you in general 
Absolutely idolizes you
Thinks everything you do is cute and adorable and oh god she loves you so much
She starts getting nasty with everyone else though; she kinda acts like her pregame self
Why would she want to spend time with them when she could spend time with someone as amazing as you??
Everything seems more irritating and boring without you around
She comes to a sudden realization one night when she was thinking about her feelings
She wants a songbird
You can't let birds out of their cages or they'll fly away from you forever
She won't lose you.
She can't.
So she steals you away in the middle of the night
She treats you like a princess as soon as you wake up
Might ask you to sing for her from time to time but won't push you
She understands that you're going to have to adjust to being her songbird
That's fine!
Or so she thought
But she's just so sick of seeing you inch away from her in fear
She's Kaedone with your shit
How dare you be so ungrateful!!
She gives you everything and you still treat her like a criminal!!
There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep you!!
Demands affection from you
Not afraid to punish you
She hates it though
She just wants you to love her so why do you keep making her hurt you?!
She doesn't want to!! She promises!!
So please!! Just love her already!!
She hates how you fake your smiles
She hates how you flinch before you wrap your arms around her
She hates that you don't love her
But she hates the thought of you leaving so much more
So every day
She keeps trying to get you to love her
And every day 
You don't
Maki Harukawa
She might be a little too good at this yandere thing….
So, she's The Ultimate Assassin, meaning she kills people all stealthy-like
So I'd say she's pretty good at stalking her prey
Not to say that you're her prey but… that's exactly what I'm saying
You can't go anywhere without feeling eyes on you
She's way too nervous to talk to you
So she tries to make up for it with kind gestures 
Like stabbing people who walk too slow in the halls
They're all scum anyways
No one could ever be as kind and caring as you
So who cares if they die
They're nothing compared to you
Have you seen her in-game?? literally she's borderline yandere already
She’s super suspicious of you leaving her though
She knows that her job isn’t the most well-liked career and is terrified that you’ll find out and never want to go near her
And that just isn’t allowed
So she keeps it a secret for as long as she can
Until you eventually find out where exactly all of your friends have gone
If you’re okay with it (read: too terrified to move) you’ll most likely live through that encounter
If not… well...
She always thought you were cuter than any doll anyways <3
She even picks out a cute outfit for your corpse :’D
Miu Iruma
I live for this bitch
She's another yandere too shy to talk to you
She tries! She really does! Its It's just you make her so nervous
Y’all know how she gives Shuichi food with her hair in it? Imagine that x100
A good yandere to compare her to is actually Anna from Shimoneta
Just watch this tbh
She, like Anna, has made food with little bits of her in it
Just buy some damn chocolates you absolute madwoman
She also tries to impress you with things she invents
You’re her latest muse so it’s only fair that you get to try out her inventions firsthand
If you don’t want them she is crushed
She tries so hard, the poor thing
I imagine that if she went off the deep end it would go one of two ways
She either A: Becomes obsessed with trying to impress you. Losing sleep just so she could try and make the best possible present. This leads to her stalking you on and offline because she needs to find out your likes and dislikes. It’s normal to try and find out what someone would like as a present right? So it’s no big deal. She would also bug your house and clothes just to listen to you.
Or B: Straight up kidnaps you and locks you in her lab. Now you have no choice but to try out her inventions. Don’t worry though! She only picks out the best ones for you! She eventually is able to trick herself into thinking that you enjoy all of this and were just playing really hard to get. It’s like she can’t even hear you anymore...
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