#(dash games;;)
shadovan · 5 months
Source found here.
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Tagged by: @galefcrce (Thank ye<3) Tagging: @notyetfixed, @wildskissed, @proelio-procusi, @lolthswcrn, @dalishflame, @infernalxmachinery and you if you haven't done this.
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ncfertari · 13 days
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How well do you know Vivi?
Whoever gets a perfect 10 gets a surpise~
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fatestouch · 2 months
How attractive are you from 1-100?
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puzzledmemories · 1 month
Comfort food(s): I am a lover of food, so I feel like I have a lot of these (or at least, I love food when it tastes good. I am a bit picky, and I don't always love how my dad cooks so it really depends on the day...) Pizza (pepperoni and mushroom, or meat lover's), chicken tenders, fast food burgers, bacon, pulled pork, ice cream, chicken thighs... all sure fire ways to cheer me up. Probably highest on the list is chocolate, though, and the darker the better. I'm a chocolate fiend. Do I probably eat more chocolate than I should? Yes. Will I eat less chocolate? Probably not.
Comfort drink(s): I'm mostly a water and milk drinker. The comfort drink, however, is a frozen chocolate from Dunkin Donuts. I do also enjoy me a hot chocolate, but if it's not homemade, I'm less likely to order those out because I'm sensitive to heat and have to wait before I can drink them. Frozen chocolates are my favorite, though. Delicious drink that heals the soul.
Comfort movie(s): Used to be The Lion King when I was younger. These days? This sounds so weird. But it's season two of Neo Yokio, which is just one episode that is a movie. Neo Yokio sounds absolutely weird to call a comfort media. In my low moments, though, Neo Yokio is a place I find myself turning to. I probably should watch it again soon, since I'm having a rough time of things right now.
Comfort show(s): Yugioh GX and Yugioh Vrains are big ones. I love Yugioh and that's probably not a surprise. Outside of that... Delicious in Dungeon is a recent one. Blue Exorcist is one I really need to get back into. I'm sure there's more, but I'm blanking.
Comfort clothing: I love to bundle up in hoodies and sweat pants. If I'm really not feeling well or I'm really tired, I like to hide in the hood.
Comfort song(s): My music tastes are really specific and weird. If I'm driving and don't want to/don't have time to set up Spotify and my phone, I listen to a local hard rock radio station, but I only enjoy maybe 50% of the songs on it. I don't know how to describe my taste in music, so I'll just list off some recent comfort songs. Creep by Radiohead. Square Hammer by Ghost. Several songs from AmaLee's recent album Rise of the Monarch. A good chunk of Toby Fox's music qualifies for this, I think. Face Up Face Down from the Music to Duel By soundtrack. A lot of Steven Universe music qualifies for this (Change Your Mind and Here Comes a Thought are probably the big two). There's more, but. Shrugs.
Comfort book(s): Warriors by Erin Hunter. I recently grabbed one of the books to get free shipping with the Sonic Tarot Deck, but, uh, that package isn't being opened anytime soon for probably obvious reasons. I really want to read it, but it'll make me cry.
Comfort game(s): I have so many of these. I've put almost 600 hours into Pokemon Violet, but also, it's easy to get burnt out on. Phantom Brave is a game I am constantly coming back to. Undertale was a big one for a long time that I put so many hours into playing different routes. The entire Kingdom Hearts series was hugely defining for my childhood and I always love it. Paper Mario is another big one.
Tagged by: @wifeysaremylifey
Tagging: anyone who wants to join in !
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onepiecc · 8 months
Design a Tea for Your Muse
Nyssa / Leigh
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Tagged by: @shinuchi-ulti
Tagging: @seaoftales / @sunkxsscd / @ladyxamalthea / @videcoeur / @rubctosis / @heavens-sin / and YOU
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heliacalxrising · 3 months
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// Smaller kisses are situational items with this Lilith <3 //
Lilith is silly in private and with the right people.
Lilith is a switch but leans as a top.
Lilith can cook but doesn't now. Modern cooking evaded her. If you give her a fireplace, she can cook.
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"Of course you're my type, my moonflower! I rebelled against Heaven for you and I would do it again!" He is so in love with Lilith, it's honestly inspiring.
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particlecreator · 10 months
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name — Ziggy
pronouns — She/Her
preferred comms — I'm open to Discord and Tumblr IM
name of muse — Eve, and Daku (oc)
experience in RP — I've been on Tumblr since 2010 and have been roleplaying for about 13+ years on Tumblr and just recently started on Discord
best experiences — I miss staying up late talking with RP partners about threads/our muses/headcanons/ideas/and everything in general. I love getting to know great people through Tumblr and interacting with them.
pet peeves/dealbreakers — I guess dealbreakers would be godmoding without talking with me, gaslighting, and I hate not communicating if any issues arise. We are all adults so please come talk to me. Plus the porn bots.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — EVERYTHING! Give me fluff, give me angst, give me dark threads, and I'm alright with smut as long as I know the mun/we ship together as I need plot and chemistry. But give me enemies, fight scenes, love interests, everything!
plot or memes — I'm more prone to answer plots and memes with a plot as sometimes I lose interest in memes after hoarding them like a dragon for too long.
long or short replies — I'm open to either, but I prefer longer replies because I love to build up the plot. Let's set the scene and describe everything from the feelings, and emotions, to the physical. For shorter replies I like those being light-hearted and mostly treat it like crack.
best time to write — I normally write when the inspiration hits me as there are mornings when I feel inspired or even late nights. I do try my best to do replies and post a handful on the weekends since I work full-time.
are you like your muse?: I would say I'm like Eve for sure as I try to help those who I can and I can be very stubborn too. I try my best to live my life to the fullest. Plus I recently broke up with a cheating ex just like Eve in the show/comics
Tagged by: @celestiialnotes / @rubctosis
Tagging: @berscrker / @dragvnsovl / @risingsouls / @peoplcshope / @cmdrace / and whoever else hasn't done this yet
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sleepytime-muses · 10 months
Which Tragic Death Would You Suffer?
the betrayal
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you die at the hands of the person you love most. maybe there are tears in their eyes as they drive the sword into your chest, maybe there is none. there are certainly tears in yours. your mouth will open to ask 'why' only to spit blood instead. you will die never knowing if they loved you at all, wondering if you could've done something to prevent this, or if it was always going to end this way.
Tagged by: @oroanillado Tagging: @sweet-chimera, @autarchi0s, and whoever else would like to.
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allxgene · 5 months
Wrio has appeared! What do you do?
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Throw salt Admire Run away Do "it"
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"I'm no demon..."
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yesfxckyxu · 6 months
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Jack, Ezra, and Xavier.
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a muse to be added… Cain.
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shadovan · 7 months
What do you wish you could say?
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"Everyone else is more important than me."
You're deathly afraid of being selfish. You're also deathly afraid of being forgotten. All you want is to be somebody's favorite person, but that feels like a far off dream. You try and make yourself interesting so that people stick around you. It doesn't feel like that's working. You want to hang out more with your friends, but it seems like they're always busy or that they have better friends than you.
Tagged by: @notyetfixed (Thank you<;3) Tagging: @infernaliscor, @apalestar @daughter0fslaughter, @never-surrender (Aurelia), @galefcrce, @championsofthegate (Gale), @lolthswcrn and whoever else would like to do this, consider yourself tagged.
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ncfertari · 13 days
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Stolen from @voidcenturyseashanties
Tagging: @waxgentleman / @ikkaku-of-heart / @kaizokugaris / @cathiief / @aamaranthiine / whoever wants to steal this
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fatestouch · 2 months
How attractive are you from 1-100?
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"Killin' me would be kinder. This thing practically stabbed me, spat in my face an' called me a slur."
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puzzledmemories · 2 months
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒 / 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Doesn't really matter! By default, Sam is fine (I think it's listed somewhere on the blog, it's also my discord default nickname), any abbreviation of my url is fine, whatever you want to call me. On some parts of the internet I go by Shadesong! The list goes on.
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘: April 17th
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: in the realm of 5'6"
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒: writing, reading, coloring, video games
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊:  Warriors: The Darkest Hour, The Adventure Zone graphic novels, I'm sure there's others that aren't coming to me
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆:  Creep by Radiohead 😔
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄 / 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖:  The original Disney Descendants movie // Yugioh: Go Rush (i'm on episode 46?)
𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃: forgive me for linking a fanfic? The Midlife Crisis of Seto Kaiba by Fortune_Maiden
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: fantasy stories, every yugioh series, Kingdom Hearts, angst (who said that?), other games I grew up with (Mario, Sonic, etc), Warriors, The Guardians of Ga'Hoole, tarot cards
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐔𝐑𝐋: Yugi has a Millennium Puzzle, and Yami is on a search for his memories. puzzledmemories! For recusantmemories and dungeonmemories, i wanted to keep the -memories naming scheme because i thought it would be fun.
𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓: Idk, some yugioh ships I'm a fan of I guess: puzzleshipping, rivalshipping, heartshipping, thiefshipping, monarchshipping, mobiumshipping, competitorshipping...after that i start forgetting the names for the ships. foilshipping, firestormshipping... the list goes on much further, but i do not have it in me to start looking these up, i apologize. sharing this list makes me nervous that people are gonna feel like i wanna force ships onto them. i don't, i promise! these are just fun facts with puzzledmemories.
i stole this, and i feel bad tagging anyone in case anyone doesn't want to do it... so, feel free to steal from me if you want!
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onepiecc · 2 months
use this generator to create some randomly generated headcanons for your muse(s)!
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Leigh has an intense fear of dolls.
Leigh can't spell resturaunt.
Leigh cracks their knuckles very loudly.
Leigh is a horrible liar.
Leigh is very good at walking in platform heels.
Leigh almost drank the lethal dosage of caffine once.
Leigh tells dad jokes.
Leigh likes board games, but no one else wants to play with them.
Leigh sleeps in until noon.
Leigh sings in the shower.
All of these are now true 😂
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heliacalxrising · 4 months
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Mun Vs Muse
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