#(edit: I don't know why it turned out so grey!! my eyes aren't working today)
dailynakaharachuuya · 8 months
Skk kisses please
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 3 years
→ man in my dreams (PT1) bucky b x reader
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inspired by @demonsandmischief 's story something special ↪link to their story: something special part one prompt ↪ when you go to sleep at night, you have dreams of a man. A man that you have sworn to have seen once before in your life, every morning you try to write down everything you remembered about him from the dream but the only thing you could remember was blue eyes. You didn't know what the dreams meant but you knew that it had to be something to do with him, until one dream changed everything. "you're that man in my dreams..." warnings / other notes ↪delusions, its also confusing but to me I understood it. ↪you might need to keep an eye out for the POV change cause its one of those one, and i dont know if there is alot because i didnt reread this or edit it. ↪ the grey lines are a sign of scenery or pov change if you don't like this pov idc im bored Y/N's POV It had been playing on my mind all week, why was this man always in my dreams. I haven't been able to dream about normal things for months, what was the reasoning behind his abnormal appearances and why do I only remember his blue eyes. His blue eyes, naturally I'd go looking at peoples eyes but even though blue is a rare colour I just can't walk up to people and ask what their eye colour is. "blue eyes" I had been sitting in this position on my bed for hours I didn't even notice what the time was until my phone started buzzing, grabbing it i look at the clock and notice that it was 3:32 in the morning and that I and been sitting here trying to draw his eye area for almost four hours. There had to be a reason why this man kept appearing in my dreams, it wasn't a normal dream either. I'd be there watching him fight bad guys and sometimes I'd see him sleeping almost as if I was spectating his day. Even during my days at work, I try to remember were I had seen those blue eyes. It didn't haunt me but it also didn't sit well in my stomach, the man it was odd that the only thing I remembered from the man was his eyes. Nothing else but his eyes. I wasn't focused about any other day though, when I was having a nap earlier today I seemed to remember something else about him... his voice. His voice wasn't exactly deep but it wasn't too high either, I did notice, however that when he wanted his voice could be deep.
His voice was smooth, more menacing and threatening when it wanted to be and I remembered a name "Sam?" I mutter jotting down the name on the piece of paper where I had his eye drawn down. Obviously, I wasn't an artist but the eye I had drawn was good enough for me to remember what it looked like even though I saw them every night. The dream, it disappeared within seconds of waking up but I'd always sleep with a pen and paper scribbling down anything I could remember, but it would all come back the moment I fell asleep. a tower? sam? a jet... a jet? They gave me no hints, at first I thought it could have been Tony Stark given the tower and the jet but Stark's voice couldn't be that deep even if you gave me testosterone. Besides, Stark didn't have blue eyes. I've seen him on the television enough times to know that brown was not blue. Yesterday I had asked my best friend if she had any dreams like these, spectating a man and his everyday life but every time I asked, she would deflect and ask if I was on my meds. My meds aren't even for a mental illness or anything, it was for my asthma. I sketched the blue eyes over and over again, trying to make a face out of it but each time ending in someone with blonde hair and small lips. Although that could be the guy, I just dont feel like someone like that would have such a sexy.. hot, voice. So blonde hair was out of the picture, but what if their hair was dyed. I give up. I placed my sketchbook and pencil on my bedside drawer turning my light off. Closing my eyes trying to fall asleep once more.
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The dream, here I was, there he was. Watching Television? He looked handsome, sure I had seen everything he had done but i can't help but think he was just lost. God he looked hot. "I can't believe anybody would think this was a news worthy story, can you believe this?" he says holding the remote throwing popcorn in his mouth, he turned around. He wasn't in his usual dark room, this room was lighter. "Sam?" he asked turning around, Sam seemed to be well I don't know, I couldn't see. I could only see him and his surroundings, not the people he fought with or even interacted to. "Yes Buck I don't believe it" Sam would mumble, Sam sounded American like the man in my dreams but Sam sounded less stressed, less angry all the time. He had appeared a few times in my dreams of this man, he must've been the man's friend although this man didn't have many friends but it didn't seem to bother him because most of the time he was alone, in his own company and whenever he was he'd enjoy it more than anything else. He always seem to look down at his arm, his arm was made out of metal almost like Iron man's suit but this arm wasn't a suit it was like apart of him, this was a detail I could never remember but I swear I know some famous guy with a metal arm. The man scratches his neck "do you get that feeling like you're being watched?" the man asked "we are avengers, of course we would feel watched everyone's on our asses Buck" Buck.... the winter soldier bucky? Avengers? They had never mentioned this, but I guess thats a given since everybody already knows who they are but then again everyone else can see their faces. "Bucky" I whisper and he turns around "Did you hear that?" he said. Did he just hear me? "Hear what Bucky? There's nobody there" Sam says, there it was his face, his perfect face. It was unusually symmetrical for an old man. "I swear I heard something" Bucky said shrugging it off. The scenery changed, what? it's never done this before it was always Bucky did it change because I figured out who he was? What the hell is going on. "you need to get that soldier back online" it was a man, a hydra man. I could see everything here? I have so many questions and no one to answer them, god this sucked, but it was like a james bond film sort of. "we can't he's been healed" a man stutters "GET HIM BACK, HUNT HIM, CUT HIS OTHER ARM OF JUST FIND HIM" the old man yells smashing the table in half. Then everything went black, still black and then it's back to Bucky sitting watching TV. "Hydra has a plan Bucky I just cant put my finger on it" Sam said, I could see his face this time. He was the falcon guy, he was given Captain America's shield but gave it to the local museum or whatever, I don't know I didn't catch up. I start saying my number "x-xxx-xxx-xxxx" it was faint, I couldn't even hear my own voice for once. Bucky and Sam look around "you heard that right?" I had never been able to speak to them before, this was odd. Maybe the universe wasn't after Bucky like he always says it is, but out of all people why me? Maybe he gets the same dreams I do "hello" Bucky says spinning around. "hello?" I say "who are you?" Sam yells "relax you don't have to yell.." I say quietly, they were both now standing at a table where I was situated on the opposite side of them. "you can hear me?" I ask them and they nod "can you see us?" Sam asked "yeah uh hello im right in front of you, I suppose you can't see me" I say look around "are you like dead?" Bucky said. "If I was dead, I wouldn't be here. Come on James pull yourself together" I mumble "repeat the number" Sam says pulling out a pen "ugh x-xxx-xxx-xxxx" I repeat, I could now feel myself waking up and everything falling apart "call me, say your names and hopefully I'll remember and explain it all" I say. My voice was fading away, the vision would go from black to seeing them again until it went completely black "You feel that, the presence its gone" Bucky says "are you a psychic?" Sam said, their voices faded.
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my phone started ringing and I sat up immediately, so it was like a real real person. I answered the phone hello is this y/n y/l/n i hope so the voice said, why could I remember everything now? I remember who he is, James Buchanan Barnes the Winter Soldier. "Bucky?" I whisper, the image of his beautiful face printed in my mind thats me uh who are you why could i hear you "uh I can't quite explain it" I stutter grabbing my paper and pen taking down his number incase it disappeared when I hung up. "hydra know where you are" I say whilst writing the number what, how do you even know? "I dont know i just have these visions I could explain it but uh I dont know how" I continue to stutter. What was I suppose to say, Hey Bucky I see you all the time but you can't see me and sometimes, I don't remember it but like for some reason right now I can. great then where are you another voice said "Sam?" I ask how do you know who i am? he asked "god I don't know if only I could just like explain it all but now im paranoid" I clear my throat looking around my room. It looked as if it wasn't my room anymore, the room started distorting "oh god" I say what, what's happening? the voice said over the phone "i dont know i've never had this before" I clear my throat, the old man from hydra, how? what? "look i know you are across the world but when you're on your way back message me and meet me at the closest cafe to the tower" I say before hanging up. I stand up getting out of my bed who are you the man spins around "wait you can see me" I ask, how is this even possible. how did you get in here the old man says walking towards me grabbing my arm "i-i i'm sorry sir i have no clue who you even are, or how i even got here" I clear my throat. get out of here girl, this is no place for you he says throwing me at the door as I shut my eyes. I wait to feel my face against the wall but a couple minutes go by and still no wall, I slowly open my eyes and I was back in my room. My phone on my bed with my drawings. My phone vibrates constantly, I speed walk over to my phone hello? hello? y/n? where did you go? are you alright? we are on our way. Be safe. im fine jesus christ great sorry read 8:24am
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Bucky's POV My thoughts ran wild, I had sworn for the past few nights I had felt someone's presence lurking in the shadows, following me. Then I heard her voice, I swore I was mad but then I heard her voice, it was like the voice of an angel. Staring at my phone waiting for a response. im fine jesus christ A weight was lifted off my shoulders, I hadn't particularly known her for ten minutes and I was already worried about her, thinking about what she was doing. "Sam we need to go see her" I finally speak up "No Kidding" Sam rolled his eyes, I turn to see he was already packed. Had I been standing for long? Packing my backs Sam taps his food against the wooden floor "Shield says to take her with us, if she knows hydra, hydra knows her" he says and I turn to see him leaning against the doorframe with a serious face. "great, another passenger as if Zemo wasn't enough" I rolled my eyes at him getting back to packing "Zemo was your doing, your responsibility" Sam says I can hear his judgy tone "you're worried for the poor girl aren't you" he asks as I throw my bag over my shoulder walking past. "That's why your acting like you don't care" he runs up to me "I don't care for the girl, I care about myself not going back to that monster alright and if she has answers I want them, lets go" I mumble grabbing Zemo as we walk out to the car. My mind for once was clear, clear for everything except her. What did she look like? I imagine black hair with brown eyes or maybe brown hair with brown eyes. It was all so thrilling to me, if her voice was enough to calm me imagine how beautiful she is. "we will be there tonight so I suppose we'd have to surprise her at her apartment, luckily shields kind of pervy for that kind of stuff" Sam says handing me a file, I hold it seeing a top of a photo which I presume to be a photo of her. I wanted to open it, but I didn't want to invade her privacy, to know everything on record about her. "aren't you going to open it" Sam asks "well of course he won't he doesn't want to spoil the mission" Zemo says in a snarky tone. "Talk one more time and I'm throwing you out mid ride I'm serious man" Sam says "look she isn't a mission, I just don't want to intrude on her privacy i mean she's 24" I say "exactly she's 24 what could be the worst on her file" Sam says, I take a look at the thick file. There was no way she didn't have a secret with a file this big, she must have some special thing going on. "Sam, I'm not going to alright" I mumble "fine" he says. My phone buzzes once more and I open it. are you actually gonna meet me though, isn't it like ridiculous you know im not having second thoughts. you are so having second thoughts we are on our way now but we won't be there until tonight Im assuming you have my file read it if you want im sure everyone already has. it's fine, sam knows where you are so i guess keep an ear out for us be safe i will jeesh you old people are so ... weary I chuckle at my phone screen and Sam looks next to me "is it that girl from the restaurant?" he asked "what girl?" I ask "you know the waitress" he said, she was alright her voice was smooth but not as smooth as y/n. Why was I so attracted to her, I hadn't even seen her and I haven't even known her for a day what made her so special that made me forget about the real world for a brief moment. Sam looked at my phone "oh its y/n" he said "she was just asking a question" I say putting my phone in my pocket taking off my jacket "god this thing itches my arm" I say scratching my arm "that gets itchy" Sam says "not his metal arm fool" Zemo says. I'm so thankful Zemo was
rich, otherwise we'd still be here by the end of the day. I'm far too eager to meet y/n right now, I don't know why. Sam pulls the car over at the airport runway and Zemo's butler is there waiting, the butler smiles and I roll my eyes stepping foot into the jet.
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Y/N's POV It started getting late and I finally got off work, working overtime sure sucks but it distracted myself from the fact that I might be meeting the man in my dream that's not only handsome but an avenger. The avenger thing didn't really matter to me, it would shock a lot of other people but my life doesn't revolve around superheroes... or it didn't. Walking through my apartment door was a relief, smelling my homely scent flopping back onto my sofa turning on the TV throwing my jacket and bag on the floor like it was rubbish being tossed in the bin. Now it started getting really late and time was going by fast, 9pm, 10pm, 11:30pm, 12am. When are they coming? are you far? I dont think so, i dont know nyc that well but uh i'd assume we aren't far since we are driving i hope you aren't driving and texting old man that is very very dangerous I laugh at my cheeky text, he had been looking out for me the whole time he was on his way. Rightfully so I suppose because hydra knows who I am now, thanks to this stupid vision stuff. Bucky had been on my mind all day at work, not for any particular reason but he just was, well I guess there was a reason. He was coming to my house. A couple minutes later I hear footsteps getting closer to my front door "PLEASE TELL ME ITS THEM" I yell throwing my head back and then I hear a knock at the door. Rubbing my eyes I stand up and walk over to the door, opening it to be greeted by three men. "great I forgot the jailbird was with you" I yawn placing my hand out, Bucky shaking it, then Sam and then Zemo "y/n" Bucky nods "Come in" I say inviting them in. "I was starting to fall asleep, I thought you'd finally let it go" I say "no we're not letting it go, if you know hydra, hydra knows you" Sam says and I nod, I've had a history with Hydra when I was a teenager I killed a few of their agents not long after the death of my parents. "now which one of yous read my file" I say "drink?" I ask and none of the nod "great because uh I'm broke, new york is expensive" I mumble, I was extremely tired waiting for these idiots. "zemo and I read your file, Bucky refused said it was an intrusion of privacy" Sam says as they all sit on my sofa, I stand infront of them "you, didn't read my file when I said you could" I point to Bucky who nods, I may have sounded rude but my heart was beating so fast it could be exploding in any second just by looking at him. "well I just didn't want to" Bucky shrugged. "Right, I just wasted your time honestly so I'm going to bed" I turn walking off "What?" Sam says "Look I love your guys saving the world thing, but my memory is currently weaker than Bucky's and he is like 80 years older than" I say "no offence" I smile sweetly to him. "Luckily for you I have a spare mattress and a blow up mattress for when my friends stay over, follow" I say as they all stand up. I lead them to my spare room that had a queen bed and a queen mattress, despite these mattresses being STRICTLY for my friends I'm sure they wouldn't mind a few hot guys sleeping in them. "If someone doesn't want to snuggle then the sofa is an option" I say opening the door to the spare room "the blow up is underneath, its no luxury but crash where ever in the house that isn't my room" I say yawning scratching the top of my head. "I promise, you will wake up with more intel and whatever" I say "explore the apartment, end room is not to be walked in to" I continue and the all stare at me with blank faces except for Bucky who was grinning whilst licking his lips, god it was so hot (gif). "goodnight, dont let the bed bugs bite" I smile closing the door leaving all three grown up men in the room to fend for ourselves "she so handed it to you" Zemo
said "Shut it" Sam said as I laugh and walk off. Before I go to sleep, I usually go to grab a bottle of water to drink whenever I wake up in the middle of the night, so I exited my room and walked into the living area then the kitchen area to see Bucky on the sofa. "you got the shit show, how did the other guy get the blow up" I say grabbing two bottles of water out "I know right" he chuckles poking his head up looking towards me as I walked over handing him a bottle "thanks" he smiled. I sat on my coffee table staring at him as he sat up, "do I have anything to worry about" he asked and I shake my head "if you read my files you'd know i have the best gunman award in SHIELD and I'm a great double agent" I say cocking an eyebrow "for a 24 year old huh" he says and I nod "yup" I smile, the time was probably 1am and instead of going to bed I was talking to the man in my dreams. "how did you get these visions?" he asked "again Bucky if you read my files you'd know, SHIELD never told me that but they are random or thats what I was told" I mumble "any other questions war boy?" I say standing up "do you get nightmares, like do you see what I dream about?" he asked. I had remembered the time in his apartment where he was dreaming about him, the winter soldier. He had woke up in a sweat before turning on the TV to see the news of the fraud Captain America. "a few times" I said "but if you were going to ask me if i hate you for it, to put it easy, I don't" I shrug "I don't know why, but, I'd rather know than not and it doesn't scare me" I smile as he smiles back. This was the first time I had seen him smile, ever. It was a very bright smile to say the least, it was beautiful. "uh if you need me, i'll be in my room" I smile as he nods "goodnight" he whispers and I wave him goodbye. part 2: man in my dreams (PT2)
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Part 15
(Rose and Eri sat on the beach, their hands laced with each other, they watched the waves crash onto the sand. Eri pushed up the sleeves of her light white hoodie she was wearing, and dug her toes into the sand, her black leggings were rolled up to her knees, Rose wore a similar outfit, a light red hoodie and blue leggings).
Eri: (Picks up a clump of sand and throws it towards the water). This is nice.
Rose: Yeah, its feels good outside too.
Eri: Hey, I had fun last night.
Rose: Yeah, so did I. Want to come spend the night again?
Eri: I can't, I have to work tomorrow, Isaka only let me have a few days off and I promised I'd come back tomorrow to get some stuff organized.
Rose: Okay, I understand. I go back to night shifts this weekend.
Eri: Maybe we can do Lunch friday?
Rose: Yeah, sure!
Eri: But, hey it's only noon, still early, we have the rest of today!
Rose: That's true! What do you want to do? you hungry?
Eri: Sure, lets go get a burger.
Rose: Yeah, I know a great Place, it's called "Blacows" it's about twenty minutes from here.
Eri: Sounds great! (Stands up, pulling Rose up with her, they grab their sandals and wipe their butts off, then they head up the beach to Rose's car).
(Misaki walked out of the bathroom towel drying his hair, he peeked on the couch, good, Usagi was still fast asleep, he quietly walked up to the the his bedroom, he loved that he moved into Usagi's bedroom, at some point they wanted to knock the wall down and expand into the extra bedroom so they'd have more space. Misaki, threw his towel on the floor, slipped on blue boxers, Black sweatpants, and a white tank top, and white pullover, he walked down out of the room down stairs and looked through the pile of take out menus, he really wasn't in the mood to cook, and they were running low on food that isn't junk. Misaki found a menu for Priya Japan, they hadn't had indian in a while, it sounded really good in fact, Misaki picked up the food, walked outside to the balcony, and leaned over the brick wall).
Priya: Priya's how can I help you?
Misaki: Yeah, I'd like to place an order for delivery?
Priya: Sure, what can I get for you?
Misaki: Can I get an order of chicken Tikka Masala, two orders of Palak Paneer, four orders of garlic nan, two orders of cheese nan, and two orders of basmati rice.
Priya: Is that all?
Misaki: That's it.
Priya: Okay, your total comes to nine thousand eight hundred yen.
Misaki: Okay thank you.
Priya: And can I have the address?
(Misaki gives the restaurant the address, hangs up, and puts his phone in the pocket of his hoodie, it's twelve-thirty, he hopes Usagi will be up in time to eat, but he also wants Usagi to get his rest, Usagi also need his nutrients. Misaki sighed he looked out into the city, it was a beautiful sunny day, tomorrow would be cloudy an awfully bad day to take a test, but at least it was a his last test on a thursday, and he was definitely prepared for this test, he loved psychology sometimes he regretted not going into that field. After this test he had friday and the rest of next week to relax before his graduation March twenty second, the only thing that would suck his figuring out what he and Usagi would do, it's not like they only had sex, but a lot of their relationship consisted of it, and until the day of his graduation, they needed to find something else to do. Maybe they could play cards, he recently learned a card game called "kings in the corner" It's like solitaire but multiplayer. Misaki heard the the door to the balcony open, he didn't turn but he waited for Usagi to come beside him).
Usagi: (Groggy voice). Hey, what are you doing out here?
Misaki: I was ordering lunch, You were still sleeping, I didn't want to wake you.
Usagi: (Pulls Misaki into a hug, gives him a kiss on his head), thank you Misaki, but you could've made the in the house.
Misaki: I know. (Turns to face Usagi, he puts his arms around Usagi's neck, smiling at him). Look, I just want you you to get your rest, speaking of which, tomorrow is my final test, are you going to be okay alone for a few hours?
Usagi: (Usagi put his arms around Misaki, pulling him closer to him). Misaki, I think I'll be okay on my own for a few hours, plus it's your last test, you have to take it and pass so you can graduate and we can go on a trip.
Misaki: What kind of trip?
Usagi: Well are you sure you don't want to go on your graduation trip with your friend?
Misaki: (He shook his head and looked up at Usagi), No I want to stay with you Usagi. So if you want to plan a trip for us after my graduation you can, just keep it in tokyo. I don't want to go far, maybe for our honeymoon.
Usagi: (Takes a hand off of Misaki's waist and holds up a finger) Wait a minute, you're saying that when we go on our honeymoon, I can pick the place and you won't yell at me about the expense?
Misaki: Yes Usagi.
Usagi: I'm going to need to get that in writing.
Misaki: Ugh, whatever.
Usagi: Um, but you can get mad at for our trip after you graduate because I already got the tickets, but I did keep it in Tokyo.
Misaki: Fine, but we need to go inside because i'm sure the food will be here any minute.
(Misaki grabbed Usagi's hand and the second they closed the back door, the bell rang, the food had arrived, they spread the food on the table.
Usagi: Oh, Indian smells amazing, we haven't had that in a while.
Misaki: Yeah, I was looking through the take out menus and had the same thought. (Looks up at Usagi) Why do we even have take out menus when everything is on our phone?
Usagi: Because, the ones we have here are from our favorites.
Misaki: (Laughs as he walks into the kitchen), Usagi there's like twenty, we don't have that many favorites. do we?
Usagi: Well of we have that many menus we have that many favorites.
Misaki: Okay Usagi, do you want something to drink.
Usagi: Wine.
Misaki: What kind?
Usagi: Red.
Misaki: Okay, (He grabbed some plates, a bottle of wine and two glasses).
Usagi: ( Takes plates from Misaki, distributes food on the plates while Misaki pours the wine, they sit down in their normal spots). This looks good Misaki.
Misaki: (Mouth full), It taste good.
Usagi: So, what's bugging you?
Misaki: (Shit, Usagi always knew when something was on his mind) How'd you know?
Usagi: Misaki, no matter how much you try you try to hide it, I can always tell when you're upset about something.
Misaki: Well, it's kinda a few things.
Usagi: Okay, (Takes a sip of wine) what are they?
Misaki: Well at some point we need to, um-
Usagi: Tell the public about us? Aikawa is working on setting up an interview unless you want to, it will be part of your job?
Misaki: No, she can do that. When is she planning on doing it?
Usagi: After graduation, before our trip. Is that okay?
Misaki: Yeah.
Usagi: Is that what the problem is?
Misaki: My problem is what will happen if we tell the public? What if people don't accept you, I mean you know how the ladies love you, Usagi you could lose a lot of fans, this could end your career.
Usagi:(Rolls his eyes) See this? (Holds his hand out with his engagement ring).
Miskai: Your engagement ring?
Usagi: Yeah, this bonds us Misaki, you knew that when you proposed. So that means when we come out to the public, whatever happens, happens. I've always told you, I don't care what happens as long as I have you.
Misaki: I know. I love you so much Usagi, everything will work itself out. (Places left hand on top of Usagi's left hand).
Usagi: Yes it will. So what's your other problem?
Misaki: Oh, it's really dumb.
Usagi: What is it?
Misaki: Well, tomorrow is my last test and after that i'm going to be around for a week and a few days, which usually isn't a problem, but since we can't have sex for a while we have to find something to occupy ourselves, like playing cards or something, so while i'm gone tomorrow, you need to figure that out. Make a list of stuff okay?
Usagi: Yeah, I was actually thinking about that too, but I was really hoping you would bring it up first so I wouldn't have to.
Misaki: Well thanks. Anything you want to talk about?
Usagi: Nope, I just think we should eat before this food gets cold.
Misaki: Agreed.
(Rose stood at Eri's apartment door, their hands laced together)>
Rose: Are you sure you can't stay at my house again tonight?
Eri: (Grins), I wish I could, but I have to work tomorrow.
Rose: I thought Akihiko had like four months off.
Eri: (Laughs) Yeah, well Akihiko isn't the only person I edit for, but he is the main one, plus I have four months of transcripts from him that I have to edit, if I get them out now, well that will be huge for the company and him and Misaki.
Rose: Oh, yeah well that's awesome, when can I see you again?
Eri: We can meet for lunch tomorrow?
Rose: Sure, yeah I start back at work again tomorrow, but I should be able to make lunch before my night shift.
Eri: Okay cool, i'll see you around noon?
Rose: Sure.( Smiles and softly kisses Eri on the lips) i'll see you tomorrow.
Eri: Okay.
(Rose kisses Eri one last time before walking off, Eri sighs and walks into her apartment, sit her turns on her hall light, slips her shoes off, she walks to her couch flipping on the telvelstions before flopping on her couch. It was two pm, the time of day when nothing good was on. Eri sighed and flipped on her side, she decied she needed a nap).
(Misaki sat on the opposite couch while Usagi laid stretched out on the other one, he typed away on his computer looking for property).
Misaki: (Sighs, glances at Usagi whose focused "Greys Anatomy, which he was currently binging again. He sighed louder hoping he would get Usagi's attention, but he still didn't. He loudly cleared his throat).
Usagi: Misaki, what's wrong?
Misaki: What if I was dying, and you just now noticed that I needed you?
Usagi: Well you aren't dying, you're on the computer, what are you doing anyway?
Misaki: That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about, I was thinking, have you ever thought about selling this place?
Usagi: It's crossed my mind a few times why?
Misaki: Well I was thinking (He gets up and sits on the edge of the coffee table taking Usagi's hand). I Want us to buy a house, a-a-and not just buy a house, I want us to buy some property and build a house, or at least design it and have people build it for us.
Usagi: (His blue purple eyes lit up, he gave Misaki a half smirk). You wanna buy land a build a house together?
Misaki: Well yeah. Why, is it dumb? it's dumb right? Look, nevermind, it's just I found this amazing property in Kanagawa and its sixty two acres, the going rate is one hundred twenty-eight thousand three hundred eighty-nine yen. It's huge Usagi, and it could be perfect for us.
Usagi: Really? (He sits up grinning at Misaki), what makes you think that?
Misaki: Us getting married, and I had a dream about us buying land and building a house, and I want us to have a family, plus I love this house, but it's not mine it's yours, I want us to have a house together, one that we can grow old together in.
Usagi: You've really given this a lot of thought haven't you?
Misaki: I have, Look we have until June before we really start work again, and Maybe we can look at the property on friday?
Usagi: And where does that leave us the rest of the week?
Misaki: Making design plans, on pintrest.
Usagi: Pinterest? Like that dreamboard app thing?
Misaki: Yeah.
Usagi: Okay, I'll call my realtor tomorrow and see if he can help us.
Misaki: Really?
Usagi: (He smiled running his hands up and down Misaki's thighs) I think us buying land and designing a house together is amazing, I mean we need people to help us clearly because we don't know how to do that.
Misaki: I know, I said that earlier.
Usagi: Let's start by looking at the house.
(Misaki grinned, and leaned forward kissing Usagi softly).
Misaki: I'm going to start making pinterest boards.
Usagi: Have fun with that, I'm going back to watching Greys.
Misaki: have fun that.
(In the early hours of the morning, before Misaki raced to get ready for school, Usagi pulled him close, kissing his head, running his fingers through his soft hair, this always relaxed him, and even though Misaki was extremely confident about this final test, he wanted to stay in Usagi's arms for as long as he could, especially since they couldn't have sex, it felt nice just to cuddle, their body heat filling each up).
Usagi: Misaki, are you sure you'll pass this test?
Misaki: Why are you doubting me, you know psychology is my favorite.
Usagi: Still, I just want to make sure you're prepared.
Misaki: (flips on his side to face Usagi), I am, why don't you believe me?
Usagi: I do, but sometimes overconfidence doesn't mean anything you could still fail.
Misaki: Why are you being mean to me?
Usagi: I just need you to pass so you can graduate and we can-
Misaki: Can what?
Usagi: Begin our lives together.
Misaki: Beautiful save, but I already know about the trip you're planning for us after I graduate because you told me.
Usagi: Oh yeah.
Misaki: What time is it?
Usagi: (Reaches behind him and raises his phone to check the time), six.
Misaki: (He groaned burying his head into Usagi's chest) I gotta get up. I have to shower, my test is a eight.
Usagi: So why aren't you moving?
Misaki: You're comfortable.
Usagi: Go shower Misaki, go to school, kill the test.
Misaki: What are you doing?
Usagi: Going back to bed. I Love you.
Misaki: I love you too.
(Usagi sits up up giving Misaki a small kiss before he walks into the bathroom).
(Usagi leaned back in his chair, his phone ringing, wating for the person on the other end to pick up).
Ren: Akihiko Usami, it's been awhile.
Usagi: Yeah, what thirty two years?
Ren: Yes sir, are you moving out?
Usagi: You didn't think I was just calling to check on your kids did you?
Ren: (Laughs) No sir, so what's making you move, you've lived in that space since you were sixteen.
Usagi: My fiance and I want a space, well he wants to build a space or a lot to build our dream house.
Ren: Wow, Akihiko getting married, that's something I never thought I'd hear.
Usagi: Yeah, well he found a place, can I send you the address, we want to look at it tomorrow.
Ren: I think I can work that out.
Usagi: Well thank you, and we might need some carpenters.
Ren: I have people to help build your house, and interior designers, anything you need to help you build your dream house, my company and I can help you.
Usagi: Thank you Ren I appreciate it.
Ren: Of course.
(As Usagi hung up, another call came through, it was Misaki, Usagi grinned, even though they've been together forever, his heart still raced and he got butterflies whenever Misaki's name came across his phone).
Usagi: Hey you.
Misaki: Hey Babe.
Usagi: How'd your test go?
Misaki: Great, it's being graded now.
Usagi: Ah, and how long will that take?
Misaki: Not sure, it's a small class so maybe twenty minutes at most? Enough about me, how was your morning?
Usagi: Well slow, I had enough time to talk with my realtor, we might be able to have a look at the property in the morning.
Misaki: Oh that's awesome!
Usagi: (Chuckles) I'm glad you're excited about it.
Misaki: I am, I'm really happy.
Usagi: Okay, well i'm on my way to come get you, we can grab lunch.
Misaki: Okay, i'll see you soon.
Usagi: Alright, I love you.
Misaki: Love you too.
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