hurlyburlytopsyturvy · 5 months
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i had these funni videos recommended to me and once the homestuck rot in my brain picked up on some dave coding— i couldn’t help myself ↓↓
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↑↑ rewfewence CartierKy (TheCartierKy) on youtube
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jerswayman · 2 months
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jeremy swayman moments that make me wanna rip my own eyes from their sockets because he's too damn fine: 2/??
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kadextra · 5 months
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nobody talking about how qsmpen updates paused their beef with q!bad and became his #1 supporter btw. crazy
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correctproseka · 5 months
Do you think Mizuki ever started laughing over her sister's name being Yuuki and this one stranger she met online being Yuki?
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 25 days
It always scares me when this happens. Why are you perceiving me-
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this came to me in a vision
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the-darkestminds · 17 days
The reason I take issue with Cassian never telling Nesta he loves her (aside from personally enjoying my romance novels to end with a declaration of love from both MCs) is because on the very last page, Nesta is still thinking to herself that she will work hard to earn and deserve Cassian’s love. She still thinks she doesn’t deserve her father’s love, the man who failed Nesta and her sisters so horribly that he was ready to let them starve. Her journey should have taught her that love isn’t conditional. So for her to still believe that she didn’t deserve it bothered me. It would’ve been nice to hear Cassian say it at least once.
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maxmagic · 20 days
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SHIT I realize I never posted these losers on Tumblr
Uh- Here they are !!! At some point I decided to give the boys some more members (kind of...). These are only concepts too I will defo redesign them ^^'
The first is the third band member we see in the pilot. At first I thought his name was Locust (like the bug), but someone on the disc said his name sounded like Lucas, so hes Lucas now.
The second is a full Oc- Aka Samantha/Sam
✨Descriptions and design explanations under read ✨
-Lucas came to my mind first. Like given how Mollox looks it was pretty obvious he would have been a potential hero member if the show got picked up, so I HAD do give him a design.
-He has a skull motif, because of the original thought of his name being Locust (and they're usually associated with plagues... And plague causes death... You catch my drift). And I did add the same robot arms the Mollox drummer has, but he also has it in his costume. I wanna redesign him at some point cuz I'm still not 100% with the design
-I also want to tweak his colours at some point cuz like I wanted It to be green, but Hank is also green (technically a neon yellow bit fuck that, that's green)
-I imagine he can summon giant drum shields or maybe even sort of bombing based abilities. Like he uses the beat of the drum to basically make explosions.
-I also posed him poorly, but he is supposed to have a spiky mohawk 😭😭
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like this ^^^^^
-Samantha came after, cuz I felt like the team would be rounded out with a keyboard (and I personally like rock songs with piano so sue me)
-She has a wing motif. When I was looking up what kind of themes to give these two I realized Hank and Ronnie both have motifs that are common in rock imagery (fire and lightning) so I basically went to Google images and both skulls and wings appeared the most next to the first two, so they got that
-The rollerblades are only there cuz I had the idea she can summon like piano ramps that, when she slides over, make noise as if you went over the piano keys with your finger. With the belts the kind of resemble sandals and with the wings it kind of nods to Hermes. Her hair is also supposed to be wing-ish
-I also thought of maybe her keyboard can split to form wings on her back, with the keys kind of looking like wings. I do want to redesign her keyboard it just looks to plain to me, but it's so hard to styalize a keyboard.
I have a lot more ideas about their personalities and how they'd interact and join the boys
So if y'all are interested drop an ask or DM :D
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theosphobia · 4 months
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caboose training....
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s-aint-elmo · 8 months
put marcille donato in the 21st century and she could bust out unsubstantiated slash fanfiction like nobody's business
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snalz-artt · 1 month
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watched every episode of dungeon meshi in two days. i like this one.
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ind1c0lite · 10 months
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queerfortress2 · 2 months
Medic x reader headcannons????
if you were looking for a extremely romantic and sappy lover, than you are in the WRONG CATEGORY BUDDY, BECAUSE WOOO HES IS NOT.
he does try, really, but in a very unorthodox fashion. like yeah it has a romantic intention when he gave you a beating heart of the enemy soldier saying it’s for you, but you did react quite badly to it.
definitely had to be coached on how to be Normal in a relationship because otherwise he would NOT get it. turns out!! people don’t like organs and guts and murder like he does. it’s just a him thing.
he does delve deeper into your interests but more importantly— your health! dating an ex-doctor has its benefits! he still remember going to medical school and residency so he can still (illegally) perform on you. of course, you deny this advance, assuming you are sane my dear friends, but it’s the thought that counts.
slowly but surely the organs and medication are replaced with flowers and chocolates, it just took awhile to get there. he really is struggling but with a— albeit creepy— smile like that, how could you be mad at him?
his love language is most likely acts of service, which means he does the little things for you. said little things being anaesthesia but details details… you’re doing better off than his subjects teammates, so can you really complain?
and let’s be honest, being a mercenary pays well, you will NOT be going hungry bestie. with this advantage no matter who you are and what your stance is on paying for dinner, he is PAYING FOR DINNER, you cannot take that away from him. good luck trying
i think he uses you as an excuse to get out of things as well. new project coming up in 2fort? that’s too damn bad he actually needs to teach you the complicated anatomy of your central nervous system. it’s a very important thing, engineer! he has to waste.
also heavy hears about you so often he probably knows more about you than you do by the time he finally meets you face to face. i mean the whole shebang, full name, likes, dislikes, little fidgets, that thing you did last week to mess with medic, social security number…/j
he can’t help it, in his eyes you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread! maybe even the greatest thing since hemlock leaves in surgery prep!
…if you even knew what that meant when he said it to you.
all in all, god speed to you medic lovers because you will not get a DAY of rest with this man, he’s either working, causing something extraordinary or reeking havoc in teufort without many precautionary measures. we all saw expiration date. beware and tread carefully you fools (me included).
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honeylemonbutte · 4 months
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I needed to draw young Joshua Wei & Jane Corvin (absolute need). I think from the time they were elementary school kids to age 15, they just constantly nerded out at each other.
They are assigning pokemon teams to the justice league! 😭😭😭
Joshua & J. Corvin from The Fernweh Saga (@lacunafiction)
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totally-average-kid · 3 months
ykw, fuck it. J!Charlie with Ed and J!Ranboo with hearing aids
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It was fun to research about it for a bit and MY FRIEND GAVE ME NEW HIGHLIGHTERS WE’RE SO BACK
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retropopcult · 9 months
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Back to the Future (1985)
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