#(going to bed 💚)
coureirsix · 1 month
hey girlies it's 5 am on the west coast who wants to see david aames run through new york with the most haunting version of barbie girl in the background
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a-problematic-writer · 4 months
I know I’ve been in the MCSM fandom too long because people use Lukesse and Jesskas interchangeably now. (Boomer VC) Back in MY day, Lukesse was for Fem!Jesse/Lukas and Jesskas was for Masc!Jesse/Lukas…
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hanafubukki · 8 months
Now that we know that staff cards are possible because of Crowley SSR… that means there’s a possibility of side characters like Baul…which means…
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twotales · 30 days
I'm so freaking tired and crazy busy today but like I had to drop this here before I forget
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Thinking about the relationship between Tuvok and Vorik, and how despite following the same set of principles, they still have wildly different personalities. And they both know this. They know they're not compatible in that way and that if not for voyager, neither of them would interact with the other at all. But they also know that they're the only two vulcans still left on this ship.
And I know Tuvok might be able to cope with that given his friendship with Janeway and how close he's gotten with Neelix and well... everyone.
But Vorik? (This is all just projection cuz sadly we don't get to know much about him BUT-) imagine that voyager was his first posting, and he's just out here with little to no experience on humans and without having been able to form proper bonds yet or to fully learn to regulate his emotions, and he's trying so very hard to integrate but he doesn't quite know how.
And how Tuvok sees him and thinks 'ah yes, a child in need of guidance' but then notices how incompatible they are and so whenever the two interact it's just this quiet understanding of biologically, culturally- we are the same, but Respectfully I Do Not Like You
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inkcat1987 · 6 months
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Little epic doodle from @dustsansm1 drawing thing! :D
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Simon Casey | Teachers | requested by Anonymous
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oflostinfound · 22 days
|| 🔗 ||: ❝ Lets see... glove, axe, cuffs... ❞
The woman sits on a log, going through her pack. Preparing for her trek back into the forest and muttering softly to herself... Her brows furrowing- before she suddenly dives to the side. Twin daggers sticking into the log she was sitting upon followed closely behind by the man wielding them.
Has she not moved, they would've sunk into her back instead.
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|| 🔗 ||: ❝ Well well, look what we have here! A defender of the forest perhaps? ❞
She grins wide, Grimbright hissing as he stands and levels one of his blades at her. Internally cursing that his initial strike had missed.
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|| 🖤 ||: ❝ You are trespassing, and I don't take kindly to trespassers. Consider this your one warning to leave. ❞
His words only earn a loud laugh from the woman,
|| 🔗 ||: ❝ And why would I do that, Yavuz? ❞
|| 🖤 ||: ❝ What- ❞
That moment of hesitation, that confusion, was all she needed. Before he can blink she's in front of him. Grabbing him by the throat. and lifting him into the air.
|| 🔗 ||: ❝ You don't recognize me? Shame. I never forget a face. Even one covered up by a glamour. ❞
The glove on her hand alights, the woman sticking the sharp tip of one of the fingers into the incubus' neck, causing him to writhe and hiss in pain as he's forced to change back to his other form. His claws dig into her arm while his other hand attempts to stab his dagger into it, but despite his best efforts she's not left with even a single scratch.
|| 🔗 ||: ❝ Or in your case, shapeshifting. ❞
|| 🖤 ||: ❝ Let-- Me- GO-! ❞
He gasps, and she just lifts him higher. Her grip tightening on his airway until his eyes start to roll back in his head.
|| 🔗 ||: ❝ No can do, sweet Yavuz. You might not be my target, but you'll be a wonderful prize to bring back. Especially after what you did to the family. Sweet dreams, they will be your last. ❞
He gets one last glimpse of her, glowing green eyes and a wicked smile the last thing he sees before it all goes dark.
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xxkylarthelonerxx · 9 months
Kylar I just saw your darling get kidnapped and later saw them go to the orphanage so uhh… maybe you should check them out in the orphanage? to at least see if they are okay and maybe comfort them?
i checked the footage once i got back home. it looks like they went to bed right when they got into their room. they didn't even take off their shoes... they must be so tired. i'll ask them what happened tomorrow.
i'm usually good at keeping quiet when i sneak into their room to cuddle at night, but... i feel like i should watch from afar tonight. even though i want nothing more than to spoon them from behind and nuzzle into their neck, to hear their heartbeat... i don't want to mess up and wake them up. so i'll just let them sleep. my lovely darling...
but i'm just still so upset. i'm so sorry i couldn't protect them. if what you're saying is true, it means i could've tranquilized whoever that was, if i were to have followed them earlier today like usual..! but it's not like i can change that now! at least simply watching them is calming me down a bit. and i'm glad i installed a good mic in there before... i can hear their soft little breaths so clearly. it's almost like they're in the room with me now! i'll set up the speaker so it's right next to my body pillow, so it'll be almost like i'm cuddling the real thing.
i wonder if you could hear me now if i whispered good night to you, and told you about how good and perfect you are as you fall back asleep, safe with me. i wonder if our bond is strong enough to carry my words through, even without sound... i hope you'll at least feel the warmth of my adoration in your dreams tonight. i hope my presence in your mind can protect you from any nightmares. i love you. 💚
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axellis-archv-2 · 9 months
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"It's fine if I kiss you now, right?" "...Right."
ummm ok2rb . he/him for both . im going to sink into a vat of quicksand now bye
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pennysno1fan · 2 months
It's 6 AM.
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closetgardener · 8 months
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Shoutout to my dad for keeping our extra room toasty warm in the winter so that I can keep enjoying little sights like this even when it’s brutally cold outside 💚
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hanafubukki · 7 months
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Thank you everyone for your kind messages. Thank you so so much. 🥹💞💞💚💚
I’ve read them all and I’ll reply tomorrow but I really wanted to say thank you so so much.
Seeing everyone’s messages today really just brought a smile to my face and so much joy.
I don’t think I can express my emotions I’m feeling well enough through words other than saying thank you 💚💚🌺🔥🌷🌷
So thank you so so much 🥹🌺💕
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we-survive-endlessly · 7 months
Word vomit about my poor mental state below, feel free to ignore 😬👍
I have literally been so stressed lately that my skin picking is out of control and I’m having heart palpitations. Dealing with grief, my dog being sick again, work stress, life stress, stress and sadness about the state of the world, like my body just can’t take it.
There’s so much I could say about my job. I recently went to my supervisor about the fact that my coworker who I share an office with sleeps all day. Which was really scary and hard for me, but it’s damaging my uncle’s company and the stores she is supposed to be paying the bills for are super behind because of it. Like getting three to four vendors a DAY reaching out about past due bills. Anywho my supervisor said she would take care of it but now our hr person is leaving which will dump a lot more work on everyone and I doubt anything is going to change. They’re also training me on payroll with the expectation that I’ll be able to do it by myself when the person that trains me goes out of town in like a month. Meaning that NO ONE that will be there will know how to do it or help me if weird situations come up. So now I’m stressing about that.
I was just given a promotion that came with a $4 raise which is amazing. Like I’m now making $6 more than when I started and I haven’t even been there a year which should really excite me but all I can think about is the fact that I still don’t make enough to live on my own and that the average salary needed to live comfortably alone in California is $80,000 a year which I am nowhere near. I’m almost 28, and I still live at home with no expectations of being able to move out anytime soon. Every Sunday night I want to cry because I can’t believe the weekend is over and I have to go to work again tomorrow and I’m going to have to do this probably for the rest of my life because retirement seems like a pipe dream if we even have a society or liveable world when I get to that age anyways.
I see what is going on in the world both in other countries and with people I care about here and I cry every day because while I do what I can to help it never feels like enough and I have to listen to family members with just the most awful thoughts and opinions. We live in a world where the people in charge don’t give a fuck about anyone or anything so long as they get paid and I’m TIRED.
My future, the future in general, feels hopeless. Utterly and completely hopeless. And yet here I am. I’ll go to bed early tonight to try to calm the panic in my chest and escape into my dreamland, even though going to bed early just makes tomorrow feel like it comes even faster, and I’ll go to work. Just like I do every weekday. I’ll pretend like everything is fine. Like my coworker sleeping all day doesn’t infuriate me to the point of feeling physically ill. I’ll come home and take care of my dog and then instead of cleaning or exercising or doing any of my hobbies or anything else that I want to do, I’ll just scroll my phone because I’m too tired to do anything else. Maybe I’ll eat dinner, maybe I’ll just go to bed because I’m too nauseous to eat. And I’ll repeat. For the rest of my life because this shit is never ending.
Anyways, if any of you read this, I’m sorry it’s so negative and depressing. I’ve really been trying to tell myself the things that I would tell a friend who felt this way but it’s just not working. I’m just in a really awful hopeless place and I’m sorry.
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linabirb · 2 months
it's my birth month btw so everyone has to be real niceys to me and give me headpats and pick me up and spin me around. it's the law sorry
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