#(i call yae sakura my girlfriend. love her)
haunted-xander Β· 2 years
I want the Mikan figure so bad look how cute she is
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itonashi Β· 1 year
i love your bllk works sm!!! esp lil bro nagi ueueue hes so cute! read the latest one where reader dates sae and me, local sae liker as well, would like to... see more... of sae... perhaps in a reader and sae academic rivals au? πŸ‘πŸ‘
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pairing: itoshi sae x fem!reader
warning: reader is nagi older sister, mentioned of other char, insults, rumours, ooc characters maybe, bullying, alot of flashbacks, honkai impact char involved
notes: this is gonna be my favorite reqs out of all of them ngl... love the suggestion!! yes, i love honkai too much im involving them in this story ☹️🫢. you simply cannot stop me from involving my favorite character in this story.
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yae sakura, your friend is dragging you to the board that list all of the rank for the last week's test. it was out of character of her to drag you and be enthusiastic. she was always a calm and a patience girl.
just what got her so excited?
"sakura. is there a reason why you're so excited to see the rank?"
she halt her step and you almost bump into her. "you wanna know why?" she faced you and let go of your hand. sakura slightly smile "i wonder if that rival of yours is in the top 3." she teased you. you frown a little at the mentioned of 'rival'. "i couldn't careless..." you scoffed.
"let's go now. the others are probably waiting."
"oh, right."
following behind sakura's step; you two arrived at the board and your circle is waiting by the sidelines since the board is crowded with other students eager to know their ranks. they all greeted you and you nod in acknowledgement.
"you're first place this time, [name]!" your boy friend beamed. kevin kaslana, your other half. not those kind of other half but the platonic type. you consider him as your best friend and brother.
"ohhh... then who's second?" you questions kevin. "isn't it obvious?" he flatly said. he averted his eyes to a figure and you followed his eyes movement. 'ahh.. he lose this time.' well atleast you now know who is placed second because of kevin.
"oops! gotta go. my girlfriend is calling me." and with that, kevin run off to who knows where. "congratulations, [name]." su, your other boy friend congratulated you. you shot a tiny smile at him.
every student that's attending this international school have what it takes to be the best β€” but only the selected individuals could be at the top of the world. as of now, there's only 7 geniuses that were selected. all of those selected geniuses have already offers waiting for them. wether it be the sports national team (whatever you called it) or an elite educational university waiting for them.
"congrats." a deep voice said behind you. you turned to face the person. his bored eyes staring into you. "congratulations to you too, itoshi-san." you slightly smile. "i don't need your congratulations." he scoffed. the same as ever, straightforward.
"being salty would get you nowhere, itoshi-san." you lightly chuckles. sae frown at your words and mumbled 'whatever'. "well, we gotta get going now. see you later, itoshi-san." you bid your goodbye and sakura soon followed after you. even if you two were rival, basic manners should be there.
"how's rin?"
sakura slightly widen her eyes at the mentioned of her little sister. "don't worry, she's a strong girl. im sure she's okay." sakura said with a slight tint of sadness. her little sister, yae rin was a sick girl and sakura would do anything for her little sister. she would abide to any wishes that rin want.
saying goodbye to sakura, you two went your separate ways to class. "ahh, there you are." a green hair female taking steps towards you with a mature and annoyed voice. you sweat drop on what's to come from her. knowing mobius, she maybe will hammer words into your head.
"mobius, what's wrong?" you asked with worried voices. "look at your locker." you glanced at your locker β€” you slightly widen your eyes at the sight of your locker with red pen marker. bad words written on it. your lip turning into a straight line. no expression on your face. you walked towards your locker.
and many more.
brushing your hand against some of the words. you went straight to get things to get it clean up. no words spoken between you and mobius. while you were cleaning up, kevin entered the classroom alongside with sae. kevin noticed you crouching down by your locker, scrubbing off things hard.
before you could even finish cleaning it, someone took your wrist that was holding the towel. "who wrote this?" kevin's familiar voice right by your ear. "i don't know." you flatly said, continuing what you were doing after kevin let go off your wrist.
kevin knew all to well about you. if there's a slightest change on you β€” that means something happened. after class finish, you would probably run off somewhere and kevin will have to find you and drag you back.
sae quietly watched the scene just now. someone wrote bad things on your locker... this is definitely some jealous people that did this. seeing you with a different expression feels weird to sae. as he was used to your backhanded and teasing personality towards him. seeing you so quiet doesn't quite suit you, right.
maybe he will go and find out who. using his fame at school to find out who did it. it's likely that only the 3rd years that did this. if he found out who it is, he wants you to pay him back somehow. not with money.
it's lunch time now. as kevin expected, as soon as the bell rings β€” you stood up from your seat and run off to who knows where. just after you left the class, sae soon followed but kevin doesn't care on what he does. "should we go find her now, kevin?" su tapped on kevin's shoulder and kevin nodded.
"she will probably be on the rooftop, archery club or... her little brother's class?" su pondered on the possibility of you being on those three places. you're like a stray cat after something bad happened.
"let's check out the rooftop. she might be hiding in a corner."
"ah... right."
the rooftop have always calms you down. the fresh air upon entering the rooftop of the school. no one to bother you at the rooftop unless someone tried to find you. you felt like you were free on this rooftop, away from the competitive individuals. you went to the railing of the rooftop and just look at the scenery infront of you. you took a deep in and out breath. it was peaceful until someone decided to open a mouth.
"having fun?"
oh, the voice you know so well... you gathered your thoughts before facing him and giving a close eyed smile.
"i was having fun until you came, itoshi-san."
the peaceful time you just have was interrupted by the football prodigy, itoshi sae . one of the selected individuals that was set to be the best. you view him as your rival because he's the only person who gets on your nerves. his snarky remarks and those straightforward, cold personality.
even mobius is not that annoying.
"i never thought that your brother will be chosen, nagi." sae calls you with your last name.
"what do you mean by that? are you implying that my brother doesn't deserve that spot?" you uttered. you don't like it when people doubt that your brother is actually deserving for that spot. you hate people who insult and doubt your little brother. as he was very much deserved for that spot.
"yeah. isn't he that one guy who laze around?" he inquired, he sometimes see your brother lazing around the rooftop β€” just like you but even if your brother didn't try hard. he managed to get into the top 3 for the first years.
"so what?" your voice turn cold. the moment sae said those words. you weren't the person he knows. those three years of knowing you in this school, you had never look at him with that cold gaze. your kind and lovely facade was falling apart in front of him.
"don't bother talking about my brother like that. fix your relationship with your brother instead." you continued your words before leaving sae's sight. the words you said hit a deep part of sae's heart. he clenched his fist and looked at the direction you just left
"oh, she's not here..." kevin and su looked for you at the rooftop. they even look at every nook and cranny on the rooftop. kevin meet su's eyes and nodded, making their way to the archery club. maybe you were letting off steam there?
'rin went home before me...' sae had recently finished his practice when he coincidentally passed by the archery club practice place. he saw you sitting there with an unreadable face with earbuds connected to your phone.
you noticed his presence and he slightly faltered when he met your eyes. he broke off the eye contact and went on his way to home.
'i better get home too. sei, must be starving.." you stood up from your position and took your bag with you β€” leaving the school grounds, you planned onto going to the nearest convenience store to buy some ice cream and instant food on the way to home.
the worker greeted you upon on entering the store and, lo an behold, itoshi sae in the store too. an awkward silence was met when you noticed him in the store. you hoped that he was finished with the ice cream after you finished picking instant foods and drinks.
"she's also not here!" kevin exclaimed. "calm down, she's probably at her brother's classroom." su reassured, trying to calm down kevin who was panicking because this is the first time kevin never found you on the first.
"right! let's go!"
what a change of mood.
"ah, [name]-senpai." reo noticed you walking into his and nagi's classroom. you acknowledged his presence and went to take a chair to sit beside your brother.
reo also went to nagi's table and took a chair to sat at. nagi look up from his phone and noticed his sister laying down her head at his table just looking at him. "i ate already, nee-san." he reassured you. "is that so? very good, sei." you ruffled nagi's hair and look at reo. reo tilted his head, awaiting what you're going to say to him.
"bring him melon pan from the cafeteria, medium size only."
"is that what im supposed to do every day at school?"
"ah no. three times in a week bring him that."
"is this like a schedule for nagi..?"
sae walked past your brother's classroom β€” just simply glancing at the classroom not noticing your head that's in the classroom, right now. the male didn't noticed you but you saw him passing by. 'what is he doing at the 2nd years building? he have no business here.' you pondered the reason he was here at the floor. it couldn't be that he was going to the 1st years building for his brother β€” the building is on the other way.
"i'll be going now, sei, reo." you bid your goodbye and left the classroom following sae β€” keeping a distance. 'am i crazy for following him? maybe.' you snapped out of your thoughts and you saw those typical romance manga scene, a senior with a junior.
the junior is probably confessing her undying love towards the senior. a very clichè plot line, and so the senior probably will accept the junior's feelings.
ah, the junior got flatly rejected by the senior. well, that's to be expected. sae is not interested in a relationship in the meantime but why do i feel relieved that the junior got rejected by sae?
1st stage: denial.
"there you are, [name]!" kevin exclaimed when he saw you at your brother's classroom, hanging around there. you turned your head away from nagi and look at kevin with a confused face. "what's wrong?" you replied.
"you know, we went through many challenges to find you and my energy is drained because of you. stop running off to who-knows-where. i don't even know why i always tried to find you but hey atleast in the end i always found you, you stray cat. oh? why am i calling you a stray cat? maybe..." kevin went on rambling about how annoying you are when you get sad, hammering words into you but it came in the right ear and got out of the left ear. you tuned out his voice and look at su for help to get you out of the situation but su just look at you with the 'no, you're not running away' face and shake his head.
nagi watched the two of you throwing remarks at each other back to back and wondered 'nee-san have alot of energy when she's with them...' blinking his eyes.
when you were with your group of friends, you had a different energy with them. when he saw you happily conversing with them at the end of the school day, it was a new sight to see. in the past nagi even accidentally blurted out 'is that really you, nee-san?'
"now let's go back to class." kevin trying to stern his voice so that you would listen to him. "whatever." you rolled your eyes and start walking to class. su and kevin catching with you β€” just before stepping out of the class, you give your head a turn and smile at nagi, waving at him goodbye and finally make your way to class.
getting closer to the class. su noticed something different, it was noisy than usual. it sounds like people arguing. "it's quite noisy..." su is uncertain if it is people arguing or something good just happened in class.
"what's that group of girls from different class doin in our class... with that itoshi as well." kevin squinted his eyes to get a good look on inside the class before entering with the three of you.
"this is very sudden of y-"
her words got cut off when the three of you entered the class. the class went silent with you guys presence. the faces inside were full of worried, shocked, unbothered, annoyed, angered faces.
"what were you trying to say?" sae's usual nonchalant voice is there. what is he doing? is he trying to provoke them? "aren't you doing too much? doing vandalism that is." sae continued to provoke the girls. were their the people who did those things to your locker? even if their did, why would sae go out of his way for this?
"like i said, why are you accusing us?!" the 'leader' of the girls gritted her teeth. "why? because you guys are the one that did it." sae glared at them and they stiffened up β€” averting their eyes away from sae. one of the girls suddenly met eye contact with you and jumped a little bit, quickly broke the eye contact from your staring.
"it's enough now." you finally spoke up and make your way to them. the girls took a step back from you and you noticed it. you noticed that the girls are sweating at this point. one of them got their palms clenched up, one of them just staring into the floor.
"nagi, we're innocent! we would never do that to your locker."
you scoffed and turn your head to sae, he was starring daggers at the girls but now have turned his attention to you. he tried to open his mouth but you stop him by putting your hand up.
now your attention is on the girls. "now i know who did those things at my locker." the girls widened their eyes and look down. "when i entered the class, you guys didn't mentioned anything about locker. itoshi-san only mentioned vandalism but when i make my way to you guys, you suddenly mentioned my locker β€” that was vandalized this morning." you continued. they tried to say something but words won't come out of their mouth.
"as far as i know, no one knew of this except for the people that was in the class this morning. aren't you girls from the other class?"
"just admit it. you guys are the one that did it."
"y-yes... we a-are the one.. that did i-it." they stammered over their words. "get out of the class and don't mention this to anyone." you huffed and let out of a sigh. they immediately got out of the class, hurrying their steps.
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"you guys go ahead. i have other things to do." you said to your group of friends.
it was already the end of the day except for some people practicing for future competitions like the soccer team. 'now, i should go to the field.' you hastily make your way to the field just to talk to that guy.
you saw the green field in your vision and the soccer team taking a break. you took a breath because you were going too fast going down the stairs. nagi noticed you coming up to the field and stood up. "nee-san, what are you doing here?" nagi tug on your uniform sleeve.
"because i want to talk to itoshi sae. when will the practice end?"
"in another 30 minutes..."
"ill wait."
"are we walking back home together, nee-san?" nagi looked at you with curious eyes. "yeah, we are." you smile at nagi and tap his hand to get back to training. you sit at a bench, waiting for the 30 minutes to end.
"why did you do that?"
"just because i want to." sae walked away from his position after the girls got out of the classroom and sat at his usual seat. you furrowed your eyes but let what happened earlier passed.
"i wonder why he helped me..." you muttered under your breath. you almost curled up your skirt, remembering what happened today. you took out your phone to pass the time, texting with the group.
mei's bf : @[nickname], did you get home yet????
you : no. im waiting for nagi.
personal doctor : stay safe. kevin wouldn't shut up about today. im going crazy.
mei's bf : that's why you shouldn't be my roommate πŸ˜’
personal doctor: stfu, i was forced too...
scientist : oh, did that issue was already solved?
you : yes, lol.
scientist : stop being a troublemaker like kevin.
mei's bf : ok, mobius...
you : LMAOOO 😭 i won't. no worries :x
the texting went on about the day and other topics. you check the time on your phone 'there's 7 minutes left' and you turn off your phone. you stand up and walk towards the field, the reddish brown hair male see you walking towards the field and remembered what your brother said to him.
"my sister wants to talk to you." nagi spoke only those words and disappeared from sae's sight. sae was dumbfounded on why you want to talk to him but regardless didn't ask why.
he sling his bag across his shoulders and walk towards you. "what is it?" his voice surprised you and you quickly look back, letting a sigh, you point towards a quiet place and sae's nod.
nagi and some of the team members watch the two of you walking together. otoya put a hand on nagi's shoulder "bro, is your sister abandoning you with him." one of them muttered under their breath "why is nii-chan with her..." nagi heard that and look at the person who said it, furrowing his eyebrows.
'i wonder what will they talk about...'
you halt your steps and look at sae β€” sae took a step back, looking everywhere but not your eyes. "look me in the eyes." you stern, you want to talk to him while he is looking directly in your eyes. his eyes were already captivating enough for you to get lost in but this isn't the time to do that.
he sigh, and look at your eyes "happy?". you shot a tiny smile and nod. "thank you, itoshi-san." you express your gratitude to him for today and continue "thank you for finding the people who did it. it it were me, i wouldn't do it that way. we may kinda start it rough in the first place but the past is past, right? can i repay you somehow for today?"
the ghost of a smile flitted across his handsome feature.
"i would like to say sorry for that day. doubting your brother." to be honest, you didn't expect him to apologize for that day. you were baffled but kept your composure "it's okay now, im not that mean to not forgive you. forgive me for saying 'that' too but before you said anything, why did you do that? helping me.." your voice turned lower and lower when you got to the last part.
"because you are a great rival. i wouldn't want my own rival to be saddened because of a stupid jealousy, right?"
'im a great rival to him? wait wait wait... what is this warmth feelings. a great rival... this is such a hassle to think about.. what does my face look like right now?' your mind is in scramble after the male said those few words. i mean, this guy that's in front of you have too much ego in his ass, so for him to admit this..
you were 3 points away from having a full mark and that guy itoshi sae got a full mark. you fix up your hair after ruffling it a bit because of the frustration that you didn't get full mark. might as well ask that guy on how he got the answer, right?
you walk up to itoshi sae and he noticed your presence, raising an eyebrow for the sudden approach and look at the paper in your hand. "itoshi-san mind explaining how you got that answer?" you ask with the most polite voice you can muster to him. he hold up his hand and you give your paper to him. he scan your answer and give it back.
"come closer if you want to hear the explanation." he nonchalantly said. does this guy know what he just said? nevermind. you shook off that thought and scoot closer to the male. he start explaining on how he got the answer and you from time to time ask him questions.
"ahh.. so it is that easy."
"well, not my fault that you are reckless at this easy question."
what did that guy just said? this man... if we weren't in class i would've flip him off. "haha, you're right... thank you, itoshi.." you lightly laugh and got away from his table.
you cross your arm "well, you flattered me. tomorrow, tell me what you want." you quickly walk away from sae and meet up with your younger brother. the latter only watch you getting smaller and smaller. the blush on his ears were so evident, luckily there is no one around.
'what should i make her repay me with?'
that was the only thing on sae's mind while walking back home.
you jump on your bed, opening your chats messages that was flooding. looking at the notification, new notif come and it was from itoshi sae. has he finally make up his mind and decided to tell you right now?
opening his message, you write out your reply.
bad hairstyle : home yet?
you : yes.
bad hairstyle : i have already thought off what i want from you.
you : oh... what is it?
bad hairstyle : can it be anything?
you : no. i already read too much things that happened when the character said "ill do anything!"
you : think of it carefully.
bad hairstyle : tutor me.
you : what.
bad hairstyle : are you blind?
you : my vision is completely fine. anyway, are you serious????
bad hairstyle : what? just because im already smart, you don't want to tutor me?
you : do you even have time for this?
bad hairstyle : ill make it work into my schedule.
you : fine. i don't have any objection anyway.
what's wrong with this guy? suddenly wanting you to tutor him. is he drunk or something... whatever.
oh.. at the library β€” more privacy there.
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