#(i don't talk to very many people on tumblr anymore but im trying to do so & make more friends now that im more active on this site again)
msbunnat · 28 days
thank you for your answer, in any case I was already very excited by your comic and I cannot wait to read more about it!
I honestly cannot understand the people hating on your work. I feel like fandoms has been invaded by a wave of purity/moral policy that shouldn't exist anymore. it's even more wild to me knowing you're working on a greek myth, and the greek myths are KNOWN to have many versions. that's the beauty of them in my opinion, the way these authors all wrote their own versions and they passed them to us. I love the fact you picked Ganimedes, and you decided to explore both Zeus and him. And the mystery you keep about your relationship really makes me wonder which take you will follow!
and speaking of take, I really enjoy yours on Zeus. Gods are complex beings, and sure they're problematic (like duh) and bad, and everything but it's funny how people will decide which pick for who. Like everybody love Poseidon but oh boy, he can be as bad as Zeus people. So yeah, I am actually excited to read the way you're gonna write him! I don't hate Zeus, sure he does seem one of the "worse" when reading most of the myths, but my favorite thing is the way you can love one god in one story, and hate him in another. they're immortal beings. they're not just black and white. so I happen to enjoy when authors write Zeus as more than just a big bad villain. But I also enjoy when they just don't make him a "sweet lovely daddy".
Oh by the way, I didn't know the version of Metis abusing him and I'll have to look into it! We had a more "feminist" vision of her myth in my class, so it's not something that was talked about hmm.
Also, my bad for saying he died. It was a sum up because of him turning into a constellation. I cannot say we studied this myth so unfortunately I don't have sources to help you on it! It's assumed he lives on forever young but the fact he turns into a constellation is why people think he died?
Thanks! I want to post soon, but I'm so tireeed ;w; I prefer to make people wait and do a good job tho.
About the hate... People re affraid (artists have to much power kkkkk) and we live in a time that you need to share your opnion to get validation. In my case, they need to say that Zeus is bad and hate on him and me so they know they re on the rigth side and have good morals. And even after all this, I think its a good thing they just warning people, that way I can get to my real target that can enjoy characters more complex that re not good or evil, but mess up beings (that includes Ganimedes). And even if people in the end critizied my aproach, its also fine, I dont claim to be perfect and just hope that even to the mad ones, they feel inspired to create their version as well. I think they forgot that, like, they can have their version and will be as valid as mine, dosent matter the story.
(I really enjoy everything about Ganymede, if people go and do their versions, its a plus to me! More about him is best for me heheh. I came across two versions of Ganymede on tumblr and I LOVE BOTH!! I really want to do a fanart of the second one, but I'm a lil afraid if they dont want to interact with me, which is fair, but I'm just judging by the dark aproach on the myth, as a horror story).
Thanks for liking my Zeus u.u I'm really more found of him, as I think about his past, but I'm trying not to focus to much on him! He steals the scene to much!!!
About Metis, its not a version, but a interpretation. I'm looking to see if I find a sourse, but anyway, its intresting, since they met when Zeus was still young. And there re some greek myths with female abusers, so... its something.
Oooh! I see. hm... I never see the constelation as a death, so its not clicking with me, but I understand. Any way, I kinda dont like the constelation, for some reason looks wrong to me, but its a valid version and Im totally using the aesthetic kkkk
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simmeons · 1 month
💢Gigantamax - Tell us your favorite thing about one of your friends!
ONE?! nah, im doing them all (so several people don't send it or people don't get upset i didn't pick them)
Mega: you're just a very sweet person. i don't know how else to put it- you radiate flowers and butterflies and even though i know you have your days and you write some. gut wrenching stuff. but you're also so nice to me and other people and you don't get that a lot anymore so i love that about u keep it up pookie
Andi: i know we don't interact a lot (I PROMISE ILL FINISH READING THE COWBOY ENTERPRISE STUFF I PROMISE IM TRYING IM i clutch your pants as im on the floor crying at ur feet) but your posts about your life are a reality check for me. NOT THAT'S IT'S A BAD THING. you're very honest about what you deal with (anxiety, having a child, etc etc) and it kinda helps in grounding me when i have my own anxiety and think the world is gonna die and then i see you out here also dealing with stuff and still making it by. idk. you're indirectly the adult i look to and go "okay i probably won't crash and burn. hoorah" i really hope that's not weird
Jawsh: you're a little weirdo. don't ever stop. ur so funny to talk to and im sorry for the days we don't talk a lot but i love that we can come back and still chat about old men yaoi like nothing happened. also i love our shared bond over hating Sundays. fuck Sunday
Snowy: you're so yuri crazy i genuinely love it. I love Snowbot, i love how enthusiastic you are about Lore. never let anyone tell you ur weird bc that's my job and never stop posting Snowbot please don't ever die (also ur art style is so good brah. like it tastes absolutely wonderful to me. thank you for blessing us)
Leaf: hey man i know you don't have Tumblr so that means i can be a little shit n you won't know! but seriously, i love how we have so many things in common. you got me into Star Trek and i can never thank you enough. you're also great at distracting me and you're always there to show me ur Legos. i wish you and Celery the best (Celery isn't their actual name it's a nickname i gave them)
Matt (Kaklord): you're a ball of fun in our socks server. yes i count you as my friend get in this hug alright buddy yeaahh bring it in. i love how you're very enthusiastic about Vulcans and their. cough. biology. plus Pokemon. you're just awesome sauce man. you constantly wear sunglasses bc ur so cool and you're allowed to flex ur aura
Vitor: you're the reason why i stop and hesitate when i have suicidal thoughts. WOOAH way to hit y'all with something dramatic but im not joking. you're so special to me. you make me stop and think about who i affect everyday and though sometimes i hate how special you are and how much you care because i want to be selfish and end it all without caring about others- but i can't. so thank you for that
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
hello hello ! been a while since ive requested. could i get og micheal, thomas hewitt, jason, and the sinclaires with a really out-there gothic bf? im talking the whole nine miles, extravagante makeup, very gothic clothes, loud goth music, all of it. i just wanna see what their reactions would be! thank you :]
also shhhhh take the dabloons i gave you, even if it isnt applicable on tumblr. please i have too many dabloons i must share my wealth.
- 🫀
Of course I can heart anon. So I was goth for about a year before I just kind of wasn't interested in it anymore and I've had my fair share of out there looks. I've dyed my hair every color under the rainbow, I've drawn on horrible big eyeliner, etc. But I still hold an interest in goth looks, music, etc.
Slashers with an out there, goth male reader
Includes: Og Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason Voorhees, and the Sinclair brothers
Warnings: Slashers being a little mean, mentions of self harm and mental health issues, mentions of stalking, kinda implied Stockholm syndrome
Og Michael Myers
Now Michael first started stalking you because of how out there you looked. He was so curious about your big hair and huge eyeliner.
He'd watch you very often, learning that this is just how you are and not actually a costume. This just drew him in even more.
Now as for when you start dating Michael will be a little jealous because of all the attention you're getting from strangers. He doesn't care how you dress it's the fact that other people feel the need to comment on it and constantly look at you that bothers him.
He's not too confused about why a man is wearing makeup because he doesn't fully understand gender norms but he still wonders why you do it.
I know goth music is a wide set of genres but I feel like he'd like the slow and dark music. He honestly might put on a few of your records if you're out and he's at home.
Overall Michael doesn't care so much how you dress but it is something he likes and thinks you should keep doing.
Thomas Hewitt
I wouldn't say he's scared the first time he sees you but he is kinda freaked out. Thomas is a sheltered Christian man so seeing someone like you is freaky for him. Although if he sees you wearing rosary's he's feeling a little better.
After getting to actually know you he sees that you're not that scary and that he doesn't really mind how you look. Although his family will give you odd looks and rude comments about how men shouldn't wear makeup.
As for the music Thomas is a little sacred. I know that everyone thinks he would listen to metal but if we're being honest he was raised on country music and gospel music. He doesn't mind your music it's just new and a little scary.
He'll also worry about you getting hot in all black clothing. He'll try to get you to wear lighter colors but will give up when he realizes that it's not going to happen anytime soon.
Jason Voorhees
Pamela warned him about people like you. Goth's, who according to her are all depressed and cut themselves. But upon meeting you Jason learns that's not true. You're actually pretty happy and you just enjoy dark music and clothes.
He'll watch every morning that you put on makeup. He loves seeing your process as you create thin sharp eyebrows and big black eyeliner. A little confused about why a man is wearing makeup but he honestly doesn't care too much about it
He doesn't mind the music. I feel like Jason never really listens to music anyway so this isn't too big of a deal for him
He's also glad that you don't really mind being around death. Obviously he's going to keep you away from the people he kills but it at least means that you're not going to hate him for it.
He's a little freaked out by the music. No one he's come across has had this kind of music before so it's new to him. Start off slow with The cure and Siouxsie and the Banshees.
Vincent Sinclair
Out of all of the Sinclair brothers he's the most supportive. His mother would have hated you and he loves that. Especially if you have dyed hair, piercing and or tattoos.
Speaking of dyed hair, if you have it he's obsessed with it. He'll convince Bo to go buy you more when your roots grow out and he'll help you with dying it.
He loves goth music. He loves the instrumental elements and how dramatic it sounds. I have a feeling if you gave him pictures of what some goth musicans look like he'll make some of the wax figures look like them.
He'll steal clothes from victims if he thinks you'll like the clothes and probably makes some accesories for you. He'll kinda treat you like a goth barbie doll with how he want's to constantly dress you up and do your makeup.
If his brothers ever make any kind of rude comments he's quick to shut them down. He loves you so much and he won't let Bo give you shit for wearing makeup.
Bo Sinclair
I'm not gonna lie, he's gonna think it's a sex thing. You quickly shut that down and he realizes you just genuinly like the style and music. But he also never even knew about the music element.
But like Vincent he thinks his mother would hate you and he loves that. Probably one of the reasons he keeps you alive.
He'll think you're a little gay for wearing makeup but point out how he is literally dating a man and he'll quiet down really quick.
Doesn't mind the music and will probably start listening to some of the bands you listen to as well.
He doesn't get the fashion and thinks it's just for attention but over time he won't care as much and understand it's more about self expression.
While he does (lovingly) make fun of you for being goth. If anyone else does it, especially a victim he's not having mercy on them. Sure he thinks you look ridiculous sometimes but only he can say that.
If you have piercings and tattoos he will encourage you to get more. Maybe will drop the idea of getting his named tattooed but if you don't want it then he won't force it.
Lester Sinclair
You scare him a little. But after talking for a little bit and seeing how sweet you actually are, he falls for you very hard.
Again, like his brothers he loves you even more because his mother would hate you.
Thinks your music is scary but he won't tell you that.
Loves watching you get ready and how you turn from some normal dude into a super hot vampire.
He loves to play with your hair if it's big and teased up. He knows it's crunchy form hairspray but please let him touch it Y/n.
Will gift you things made of bones and animal skins that he thinks look gothic. He's glad to have an s/o who's so into death. It makes it easy for him to talk to you about his job.
Will defend you against his brothers. Lester won't put up with Bo calling you freaky or asking if you cut yourself. Honestly I can see him getting physical with Bo if it gets to that point of him being an asshole.
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immabwitherin · 5 months
Trying really hard not to self isolate until I feel better but doing that doesn't actually help. I need new bipolar meds or a higher dose of my current one.
Roomie surprised me with tickets for 2 NBA finals games this week, which will hopefully get me outta my sadness a bit. I'm taking what I can get in the feeling happy department
He's been saying things that make me realize he thinks of us in a much more serious way than I do... we aren't in a relationship, but he wants relationship things from me. Basically, housewife shit and I don't play house with nobody, so why would I be doing wifey shit for him? He doesn't understand that and maybe never will?
Thinking of getting off the nsfw side of tumblr, It feels like the more I open up, the more people demand from me, which makes me retreat. I'm not really an extrovert anymore, and people don't like that, lol. Or they expect me to be bubbly and chatty 24/7, and that's just not realistic for me. "Open up," "have fun with it," "talk more," and "say more." "Don't be so shy!"Send more pics." MAYBE IM BORED OF YOU, EVER THINK OF THAT? MAYBE YOURE NOT INTERESTING ENOUGH FOR ME TO EVEN BOTHER OPENING UP TO MAYBE MOST MEN ARE VERY SIMILAR AND BEING SEXUALIZED IN 200 DIFFERENT CONVERSATIONS GETS OLD VERY QUICKLY MAYBE ITS NOT REALLY WORTH MY TIME UNLESS IM BEING PAID. MAYBE IM SICK OF HAVIN THE SAME CONVERSATIONS EVERY DAY! but we never get there cuz it's all about what they want from me, so it's easier to just disengage and move on then to explain to endless men why I'm quiet and don't trust them enough to be vulnerable.
Which reminds me of that video of a guy asking women if they'd rather be trapped in the woods with a bear or a man and 9/10 said BEAR (I did as well the second I heard the question) and there are men responding to the video in disgust and of course proving our point.....how disengaged from reality do you have to beeeeeee.....they really don't get it. Only men who have been abused by another man seem to get it. Like, they even know they need to be scared of each other. Of course, we picked Bear. Do you even realize how many of us have been abused by a man, multiple times even. Get a grip.
Anyway, rant over. I'm sick of everyone.
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i don't wanna cause any more drama but have you read the new Spiegel article? About the friend of the daughter of another bandmate :/ and being 15 gosh. I don't know what to think anymore honestly.
Serious post alert, and it will get long too...
Please skip or block it as you feel needed. This story will not be graphic (at least i will try not to), and let me state up front that nothing bad ever happened to me personally, nor that i know of ever happening to people i know.
This ask i got right after the Spiegel article was published, which was right before the Brussels concerts. I deliberately didn't answer it at that time, because ofcourse the timing of the media wasn't a coincidence and i don't play that way, and i wanted the final concerts to be just about music, the band, and fun.
In short, the story is about a lady, now 28, who 13 years ago was (and possibly still is) best friends with a daughter of a bandmate of Till, even was in a band with her, she joined the family on a vacation in Germany, and met Till there. They talked, had some drinks, and kissed. Later they went beyond that. Her father found out and ended the situation. When she was grown up she reconnected with Till and they again had an affair. Two bandmates of Till are said to have known about the situation.
The story is under an alias, so if you feel that it's anonymously, i don't argue with that, but realistically, those of us who follow the band a little, know which bandmate and daughter would seemlessly fit that description, and although we don't know the person by name, i'm sure for people who are in their personal circles, it won't be a secret who it is. This is my assumption at least.
The story also does not involve any criminal act, because having sex at that age is legal in Germany (with consent, but consent can be given by anyone over 14 i think).
And ofcourse this is just the one story, no comments from Till, his lawyers or the band have been made, so at this point it is 'a story' and not more than that. We have heard similar stories or shards of it in the fandom over the years, but these too were never substantial. So what was it about this one...
Thing is...this story didn't shock or surprise me. It didn't have me rolling my eyes and thinking 'how could that even happen'.
And maybe more than anything my initial reaction surprised me. So i also took these last days to consider that, and figure out why that was.
I think i figured out...and it's a couple of things, and none of it really have to do with Rammstein...
For those who don't know, i am rather older than the average tumblr user, and as this may be relevant in this case (generational gap?) i will state again what i usually say "i am younger than most of Rammstein (but not all)". What also may be relevant is that i grew up in west europe (netherlands), a very liberal country, sex wise (certainly when i grew up).
Firstly, different from some reactions i read on social media by fans (i don't read much about the Rammstein allegations, but i read some about this one), i am not mortified at the idea of a 15 year old having sex. When i was in highschool at 14/15 i had several friends who had adventures with guys on the weekends when they all went camping. I happened to be a rather naive and unexperienced teen, but my friends sure weren't (i learned much of my sex-ed from them, let me tell you). There boyfriends were usually teens themselves, although usually a few years older, but that sex happened was clear. Also, in the teeny magazines i read at the time sex was on many of the 'sent in questions' that the magazine answered.
(the Rammstein guys are about my age, i think when asked when they first had sex, they all mentioned being in their mid-teens, Richard a bit younger at 13)
I didn't have the sex myself as a teen, i stayed pretty much naive, unexperienced and unremarkable for a long time (maybe i still am), but also, i never did things *because* others did them, peerpressure never impressed me. If i didn't want something, i didn't do it (still don't). I didn't drink alcohol either as a teen, even though that too was pretty common for other teens.
In my early 20's i still didn't drink, still didn't have the sex, and was still naive, and unremarkable. What i was, was being very active in a youth movement (bit like 'Scouting' but a different one). Our youths varied from age 6 to 18, so where we as staff were in large part in our twenties, some of the teens in our groups were almost our own age. Some of the older youth also helped out occassionally as staff, and i have known many wonderful, active and dedicated teens (15, 16, 17 etc). Ofcourse when they helped we always made sure that there was an adult present, that they were never alone responsible for a group, but as there was sometimes only a few years between us, we did not see a problem in them having a beer with the rest of the staf when they helped out (just one, we always made sure no one would overdo, but we definitely weren't alcohol-free).
What also was part of the movement, was that we as staff had courses to teach us skills on things to do with our groups, you know: making fire, frying food without a pan, setting up a camp with tents etc etc. Staff members who were more experienced would be the tutorsand these courses were great fun, camping out in the woods, getting all grimy, long nights at a campfire, singing songs.
One of the tutors who was often involved was a guy who must have been in his mid 30's (maybe near 40) at the time, a great guy, very charismatic, well respected by everyone, because he knew his stuff and explained things very well. There was a great vibe about him, people loved hanging out with him, making things, building stuff, making better campfires. Everybody in the youth movement knew him, and valued him particpating in a course, a real people's person. What we also all knew of him was that he was a ladies man...he regularly had a new 'girlfriend', and even more snogs with not official girlfriends. He didn't flaunt it, but rumours were many, where he was seen heading of to a tent at the end of a campfire night with a woman. We all knew it, women informed eachother about that fact, so anyone getting involved was aware of his reputation.
Like i said, we as staf were usually all in our 20's at least, you had to be 18 to be official staf and to particpate in courses, so i never heard about him getting with younger women, but i realise now that with him being, let's say 35, a 20 year old, may have been a significant age gap in itself from an outsider point of view.
And for me being the naive, unremarkable person...it was amazing that this guy, when i met him on my second course, remembered my name, came up to talk, gave me a 7-up (remembered i didn't drink). Between planned tasks, he taught me as a sidenote, to make a fire with rubbing too sticks together (a pretty timeconsuming way, and not on the official courselist, we had easier ways to do so), which was a fun thing to know. Everybody always wanted to be near him and chat, but if he ended up next to me, he chatted with me too (that never happened to me normally 😊).
I never made a move, and he never did either...but realistically...if i had been interested in 'more', i don't doubt that he wouldn't have turned me away for a night in a sleeping bag..
Years later, i was already away from the movement because i had a busy job, there was a huge reunion, of people who had been staf in the past 20 odd years. So i went, just out of nostalgia, over 300 people attended and the guy was there too (with how much he did for the organisation, not a surprise), and believe it or not, he still remembered me, and we had a nice chat, before others came to talk to him and swooped him away.
I have lost touch with that crowd by now (work, also moved away), but if i met him now, and if he'd remember me 🌺 i'd love to have a bit of chat. But how many women he snogged or shagged back then...no idea...
When i read the story in Der Spiegel, unlike what i see many say as it being unbelievable...i totally get it. I was early 20's, but naive, more naive than my schoolnates at 15. Here is this guy who is easy to talk to, and makes you feel he's interested in what you say (me! never..). I didn't make a move, he didn't either, but had i maybe had a bit to drink, i might have (i sure crushed on him a bit).
And meeting up years later and being remembered, that makes a person feel good. Add a bit more alcohol...well...
Let's say i get it.
I hadn't thought about the guys in over 20 years, but when i read this, i did..
I've been wondering if a guy like that should feel skeevy to me now, with what i know these days, and how much moral has changed. And i don't know.
Do i think now someone should have intervened and have that guy not attend the courses...i think no...like i said, all adults, and we all knew his ways. But is that still an acceptable excuse nowadays. I don't know that either.
Should the guy have kept his youknowwhat in his pants and just had a steady girlfriend, possibly...but i never heard he forced anyone, ever. He just...had a way about him, women were as interested in him as he was in them.
So that's where i am...
If the story in Spiegel did happen, i wish it hadn't, but i'll react to it, when that's confirmed.
Until then, i'm still gathering my thoughts...and try to figure them out..
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mtsk1i · 4 months
❥ · Mitski lyric interpretation ﹕ your best american girl ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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all dividers by danowh0re
im pretty sure this song is about mitski changing herself to fit into the "american mold" she was born in japan so she probably has a different outlook on life.
even as an american black woman, i still relate to this song. i find myself changing the way i behave to seem "more black" around black and hispanic people, and "less black" around white people to fit in.
if anything, i have more trouble fitting in with black people, since i believe my speaking voice is very white sounding... wtv that means ig??
take this with a grain of salt.. im just a silly mentally ill girl on tumblr.. ion know shit.. 💀😭
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ill be calling the man referenced throughout the song spoon
bold = lyrics, a/n
italics = emphasis, verse explanation
green = a/n, verse explanation
🌿= tw
(slight tw of suicide, slight dash of politcs)
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If I could, I'd be your little spoon
And kiss your fingers forevermore
But, big spoon, you have so much to do
And I have nothing ahead of me
if i could id be your little spoon. spooning is a type of cuddling, sometimes with some intimacy.
finger kissing isnt sexually charged i don't think. It's more of a gesture of respect if anything.
the "big spoon" that shes talking about is the man this song is probs addressed to.
spoon has a future ahead of him, and mitski does not. or, that's how mitski sees it
🌿 (since spoon is most likely a white cis guy that was born and raised in america, so he probably has more opportunities. since mitski is a japanese woman she does not have as many opportunities as spoon does.)
🌿 (this could also have suicidal undertones. mitski saying that she has nothing ahead of her could mean that she planned to take her life eventually... her other songs hint at bad mental health so this could be viable)
You're the sun, you've never seen the night
But you hear its song from the morning birds
Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star
But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds
the sun is seen as everything positive, the night is seen as dangerous (not anymore?? i guess???) so, spoon has probably never seen a day in hardship.. 🌿 (specific hardships like sexism and racism. stuff like that can happen to cis guys but its less common than any other group of people._
the "morning birds" are other people discussing "night's" hardships. spoon hears that, but he's never experienced it firsthand
the sun hears the night's song from the morning birds
spoon, poverty people who've experienced it
the next two lines don't make sense. if she isnt the moon or a star, then what is mitski? im assuming shes in the night (not the night itself) 🌿(being a japanese woman in the early 2000s in america probably wasnt easy) she has it hard, but not that hard? shes singing to the birds. she must face some form of hardship, since shes awake at night
Don't wait for me, I can't come
she can't do the things that spoon can, she encourages him to do it without her (she knows she'll never actually have him, she tried to be his "best american girl"... tried. )
Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I think I do
And you're an all-American boy
I guess I couldn't help trying to be your best American girl
the way minority parents can be different then white children are raised ( example, i find that white people ive talked too have more relaxed parents. theyre allowed to curse infront of them,buy things whenever.... just, more freedoms i guess? im black btw...) and spoon thinks that mitski was raised harshly (maybe)
shes trying to accept where she comes from whilst trying to be spoons "best american girl"
she couldnt help to change herself entirely just to attempt to spoons' little spoon
You're the one
You're all I ever wanted
I think I'll regret this
mitski idolizes spoon thinking that hes the only person for her
this last line could suggest that she made an important decision and she did it for spoon. chances are, what she did was probably a bad idea
Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I finally do
And you're an all-American boy
I guess I couldn't help trying to be the best American girl
this last chorous makes me think that mitski looks back at this situatuon after shes gotten older, and shes learning how to accept myself
not only was she trying to be spoons "best american girl" she was trying to do it for everyone around her. she thinks if she became more like the other "american girls" she would become more likable by everyone. she tried to be the best americn girl. tried.
Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I think I do
this shows even now she still hasnt fully accepted herself
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tldr; mitski changes herself, gets rid of her culture to attempt to reach this impossible ultimatum. being "the best american girl"
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risoria · 2 months
Dont know if that helps but there are people like me who use social media to unwind, and specifically filter out political content (i do this on tumblr in particular) because i engage in political work in my every day life. Tumblr is my stupid place to recharge. Insta is mixed. Some apps have specific purposes for me. Some of them help me stay informed but they also bring me down. People not engaging with content that they didnt follow the person for doesnt mean they dont care, if that helps. And some people are engaged in other struggles, and might not have the capacities to deal with stuff in other countries, especially if their country is not involved at all. There are many ongoing genocides and wars, meanwhile europe is shifting to the right significantly. Lots of work. Some people pick their battles. And many battles don't happen online.
thank you for your input, i value these conversations! for me personally, unfortunately they don't really help - im sorry, it's not your fault its just that we have different perspectives!
i’m the exact opposite because my previous work DID mentally destroy me completely because… no one really cared - about the suffering, and how abysmal the legislations and the actual realities were (the context is animal cruelty in the food industry but thats not the point, this goes for all politics because….. everything is politics!) - and coming to social media to unwind does help for a little WHILE, but at the end of the day i have to talk about the things weighing on me just to hear that i am not going crazy because other people feel them too… and those conversations with my small social circle and with strangers etc are more important in the long run, both for me and for our communities as a whole. You are absolutely right though that if we're being absolutely honest there are TOO many battles for any one individual to fight - so its a good thing that people do choose the ones they know the most about and that are closest to their heart. But it's also true and inescapable that people also use this as an excuse, "there's too many bad things :c" just to keep up the status quo.
I know this is different from your experience ofc! It was very kind of you to answer my ramblings btw - dont worry, i am fine now (the projects help a lot!), i’m just musing on the ironic fact that i personally dont want to post about insignificant things on my social media anymore simply because it’s too hard when they get engagement and the important posts do not. Again, i absolutely know this doesnt mean people don’t care, and sometimes people just miss posts - and also like you said, some people do their activism etc offline.
however… i’m sure you have also had the misfortune of trying to talk to anti-boycotters or rightwing politicians etc on for example twitter and thus know that shitty people exist everywhere and hearing mockery and dismissal Constantly is taxing for everyone. so when people ""choose to ignore"" things you cant actually tell if theyre just.... staying silent for whatever reason on their soc med (which is… one hell of a choice :))) and its not the right one. objectively) or if they actually don’t care at all - because how Can you know when people choose to stay silent through nine months of this?
also this is just a tangent, but there's also the fact that yes some people just do in fact simply not see the same posts on their timeline, but at the end of the day we all curate our own timelines and its Very free to look up the specific blogs you want to follow that raises awareness etc! again, this is with the assumption that you aren't an activist / work with politics or charities offline ofc, because not that many people do - i don't, for example, but my goal and dream is to start doing it but... i have to piece my brain back together first...
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strawberry-barista · 5 months
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NAME : Kohitsuji PRONOUNS :She/Her PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : Honestly, if we're mutuals I generally prefer discord because it's something I will be notified on regardless of whether I'm on my computer or not or even which account I'm on. But I also don't mind using tumblr ims or whatever is best for my partners. NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : Sanae Hanekoma (@strawberry-barista), Wataru Koketsu, Megumi Kitaniji, Ryoji, MKN/Mikan, Yodai Higashizawa (@networkscrambled), Haruto Abe (@falseapostle), Aku (@mystical-strawberry-sheep), Souan Awaki, Kaoru Rindo (@enchantedbrew), Mr. Saguaro (@sweetlesson), Director Cyrano (@blueskilled), Byron Rosfield (@phoenixcoin) EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : Lord, I don't even remember. For a really long time, since I was in grade school. There's at least over 10 years in there somewhere. BEST  EXPERIENCE : Oh man. I don't think I could really make a decision like that. I have so many fond memories here already. I've loved every moment I've spent writing with Dusty and Morty and Willow and J and Alex and Egg and Katee and Roxy and Seb and Kellin and Ruby and and... I love everyone. I have had so much fun and I love everyone. RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS : The more I experience callouts and cancellations and things like that, the less okay with it I am. I think I will never make it a rule for my partners to not participate in that stuff because I know everyone is going to have a line where they feel like it's necessary, but I'm legitimately never going to participate or even listen to it myself. I used to sit on this line of "if someone is legitimately dangerous, I should not interact with them", but oftentimes the information I get to inform me that someone is dangerous just does not seem very well put together and reads a lot like yellow journalism in which things are cut and edited in such a way that the full context is totally missing. It feels misleading and purposefully made to start drama, and I really don't feel good about it. I don't think I can even stand by that previous standard I used to have anymore. I just straight up don't believe them, and if someone is legitimately dangerous, I guess I'll have to learn that for myself.
Especially when someone used to be problematic and are trying to apologize and make up for it and grow as a person. I don't feel like it's fair to force people out of a community because of past grievances that they are actively trying to grow past and not repeat. I understand past victims have no obligation to try to reach out again, but I still don't feel like that's reason enough to make sure no one ever gives them another chance.
I think this is the first and only post in which I'm going to go this in-depth about this, because I feel like someone is going to start calling me out just for having this stance. 😂 MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : Smut is almost never gonna happen with me. I will use it strictly to explore the potential of emotional exploration through the medium of physical touch and it's gonna be a whole thing if it does happen. Fluff and angst are loved tremendously and equally, however, I try not to write angst on this blog anymore because there was a time in which I was upsetting a lot of people with those kinds of posts. PLOTS  OR  MEMES : I am so terrible at plotting I run my blog almost entirely on memes. However, for folks that prefer plotting I will absolutely do my best. I just have a really hard time imagining specifics for my characters and have come to understand that I likely don't even really know how to plot properly? Because I thought it was sitting down to form a reason for characters to interact and like, a story arc and how we were going to get there and all that. But I've recently discovered it's mostly just independently talking about your muses to each other and their personal experiences...? I don't really know how to do it. LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES : The only thing that really matters to me is that there is something to respond to. Multiple replies in a row that are all just one line, however, makes me really uncomfortable. It feels like I'm not worth the time to respond to. I can have really short maybe 2 paragraph responses myself most of the time, but I can enough anything as short as just one paragraph to multiple paragraphs, as long as I have somewhere to go after that. BEST TIME TO WRITE : Generally I have the most time to do so from 6:30 am-ish to like 2:50 pm-ish. I might write after this on mobile, but usually after that time folks are home and I have things I have to do with them. And even then, my writing times can vary wildly and I will come on and off sporadically. I do the housework in my family unit so I have both all the time in the world and no time whatsoever at the same time. ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : The only muse I'm even remotely like is Aku, who is a self-insert character. I try to play all of my muses the way I think they would in their canon universes and try really hard not to break the canon already established for them. If you can see me in any muse besides Aku, I'm doing my job poorly and I need to be informed.
tagged by: @charlotte-liddel
tagging: Anyone that wants to steal from me!
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hanabeeri · 1 year
i have a lot on my mind. well it isn't a lot it's just two thoughts that are spiraling TT
I. i don't like the way my sisters husband (and she herself too) restrict my nieces usage of media and the internet in general. the day before yesterday she asked me whether i could give her extra lessons in english because she failed her exam and needs to pass in order to be able to attend the next grade. and i wholeheartedly believe that she wouldn't have failed her exam if her parents would have allowed her to browse the web where she be confronted with english pretty much everywhere. or even play games! my other niece and nephew learned english by playing minecraft! i personally learned english by watching pewdiepie and scrolling through tumblr. besides we're not living in the 90s anymore where the internet was just a nice thing to have, we are living in the 20s of the 21st century and people rely on the internet a lot more and incorporate it more into daily activities! how do they think she will manage in the future? she once came to me because she didn't even have a clue on how to make a powerpoint. i mean yeah at her age i didn't know how to make complex and pretty looking ones either, but most could do a simple one: black text on white slides, consisting of either way too many bullet notes or walls of text. it's so frustrating. also i gave her my phone number and told her to please read the books that i gave her and if she needed any help to ask me. and she still didn't text me. girl, i know you are struggling i tested you two days ago and skfkskdksks anyways. i hope she will pass despite her parents being too restrictive. i'm pretty sure my niece in 2nd grade knows more on how to navigate media.
II. recently i was talking about bl and gl anime and manga with my friend from university, but i was so tired that day that i couldn't properly explain myself. and since i had a small breakdown over it at breakfast earlier i will try to explain myself now. it's not that i don't like to watch anime or read manga (i wish there would be a word like kana, hiragana&katakana but for anime&manga) that have bl/gl couples inside, it's just that i don't like it when shows are reduced to just that when they have a complex story or at best an entertaining one. i also don't like joining fandoms anymore for the very same reason, because everywhere you go there are only ships, and while it's fun to indulge yourself sometimes i'm not that big of a fan of it anymore; i used to be but nowadays i prefer to watch the series and discuss the lore or characters. another reason why i don't like to watch bl/gl anime is because more than not it's bl, and even more often than not they aren't even canon, which usually leads to the creation of a fandom that solely builds its likes and dislikes on fetishes. sometimes it's not even the fandom per se, sometimes it's the mentality of so many people that see two guys hugging each other and immediately stamping them off as gay. people however do not do the same to girls. this just shows how messed up some beliefs still are. i would like to enjoy series without being shoved pornographic art or written work in my face that scream 'i don't care about the series i'm a porn addict that found a bl ship and will not use it to let my mind go wild', good for u, but i personally don't want to engage with that. at least make it worthwhile and have an interesting plot. when im watching or reading a shounen or seinen im there for the series, not the ships, it's just so tiring for me. if there is some bl romance involved (eg banana fish) i don't mind, i like it, too. but again, more often than not those series get reduced to traumatic romances and people forget the rest. (i will continue later i have to catch my bus)
i'm back. anyways. continuing. not every series will obviously be about romance which is why it's of course not necessary that relationships are explicitly made canon. i'm fine with that, but i don't like bait. and yes i do think of many things as bait. i don't care if japan has a different society and culture because YoI was still published and the relationship between yuri and viktor has been so wonderfully displayed and showed even without direct kisses or proclamations of love. i'm just not the biggest fan when a series has a male cast only and fans reduce it to: yeah they're all gay. all of them. they fuck and friendships suddenly aren't a thing anymore. i'm the embodiment of yes i'm gay yes i'm homophobic. that's that. during the discussion with my friend i brought up LOTR because i had no clue that people even shipped sam/frodo or aragorn/legolas until i dipped my toe in the fandom. and then i ran. aragorn has the most gorgeous wife so, no. and sam and frodo wouldn't have been shipped as much if they were female. let's be honest, people ship them because they are male. even in fetishes women or female presenting people are not welcome. i'm not crying about it btw i'm glad gl isn't fetishized to the point where it's uncomfortable, it's usually very childish sjfksksks. i'm simply putting it in perspective. and that's where i will draw the line, and my conclusion is: i will watch the great pretender but i doubt i will see anything more than two guys that are close.
do not mind the text below because i came back to finish my thoughts. my train is late and i don't want to wait until the next class starts so i'm just going home, i'll revise the material on my own sifksksksk
ok nevermind im tired of this discussion with myself maybe i'm just a hater. just kidding i'm simply not in the mood to write out my thoughts anymore. here are the vibes do what u want with them. i was bothered but i found my inner peace again and now i'm unbothered again.
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hermajestyimher · 2 years
Hi! I don't know if it's a good place to talk about that, but i found your tumblr and found it quite inspiring :)
Also I wanted to share something that happened to me 2 weeks ego: i broke it off with my bf of 1 year: (i am 24 btw)
For the history, i met him in january 2021, and it was really casual at first, i've never done that before, and looking back, i realise how toxic this kind of situation can be. We sas each other for 6 months without being actually together, and i only learned later that he saw 2 other girls at the same time... Then he left and i felt sad because i felt something for him that i thought was love.
When he came back from his internship 6 months later, we got together (huge mistake lol). From there, it was me giving a lot to someone who didn't reciprocated at ALL. For mis birthday i threw him a party with some of his friends that lived in other cities/countries, we got him a present + i got him one on my own. He left the party to go to this girl's party (i invited her to his birthday, she knew about it about 2 months before it happened)...
Then valentine's day came around, and i bought him a gift, wore a pretty outfit, because he said he planned something, the something being staying at his eating frozen food that he sut warmed up. I felt really sad because we almost only saw each other to sleep together or go out sometimes, but he never did once do something to surprise me or anything (literally never while i always did things for him) + i always had to go to his place, which was 1 hour away from mine.
He almost never answered my texts, always saying he was so busy with school work... but sometimes i saw on his friends story that he was out partying...
Came my birthday. To set it short, i got nothing but a "happy birthday". He wasn't even present that day, he got a party with his friends this very night.
Summer passed and we didn't see each other: i was at my family's in spain and he was with his, but again, communication was non-existant.
He got an internship in another city in september and almost demanded of me to come see him every week-end but: 1/ i didn't have that much money to spend on trains and 2/ my classes and homeworks took all my free time (i am in law school). And he was so mad about it. (also, i sent 1 or 2 texts per day and he didn't always answered because "busy").
The evenings, when i wanted to talk a little he always told me he bad things to do, and when he finished those things, he was always too tired and told me "goodnight im tired".
We went on a holiday together in october and i got to live with him for a week. And let me tell you, it opened my eyes for good: he did practically nothing, staying on the couch when we were in our rental, watching netflix (my account that i entirely pay, never doing laundry or cooking or washing the dishes or anything at all. Didn't even took care of himself.
So i demanded to meet him two weeks ago, and face to face, i told him everything that bothered me in this "relationship": the fact he never answered, that he treated me more like a friend he has sex with than an actual gf, the fact that he practicaly considered me as his mom/friend/sex friend/cleaning woman...
Some people might find it silly, but never receiving a single gift from him, even for my birthday or valentines really had me crying, because i felt so worthless.
I thought it was love, but i realised it was just a strong attachement to someone who always said 'i love you' but never once showed it.
It's only been 2 weeks, but i feel so much better with myself and my surroundings, i began doing things i love again, and improving myself in so many ways...
Just to say, i lowered my expectations for him, but i am not doing that for a man ever again. I won't be the one chasing. Not anymore.
(sorry for the typos, auto correct :') )
"It wasn't love but an unhealthy attachment to him" 🎯
I loved the ending of your story because you learned from your experience instead of trying to make excuses and going back to the same toxic behaviours. I genuinely hope you've continued to do great, because you deserve much better than that dush.
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askingexorcists · 1 year
So am i gonna have to circle round to anon? Since im blocked on everything else and youre ignoring me on paypal? Thats fucked dude. I wouldnt have had a problem if youd just said to me 'hey man so sorry i actually cant/dont wanna send you stuff' but to block me with no explaination dude?? Cmon! Did you forget youd sold stuff to me? Did you not care?? Did you just want money?? Bullshit.
So I've not been on tumblr for a while now because I've been so stressed out with this... most of you probably know that I sold some blue exorcist merch a little while back...I maybe sent out like 15 parcels round about?
A particular person I sold too claimed they didn't arrive, I had provided proof of shipping, screenshots/tracking number and whatever else. I have no idea if the items actually arrived to this person and she's lying about it, however I don't want to belive that, and I've had issues with royal mail (who I shipper with) in the past so it's possible her package was just lost or something of the sort.
However since it didn't arrive I tried to resolve this with this person, but like I said I had all the proof of postage. I asked if they'd sort if with their bank/PayPal or royal mail. Once it's shipped there isn't really anything I can do about it.
I cannot afford to refund for a package that I have the proof I shipped, especially since I do not know for sure if this person received the money or not. We've both opened a case with PayPal to try resolve this, and since I had the proof of postage there wasn't a lot to go on.
I never wanted to sell any of my merch, it was honestly a very sad sale for me, but I've got my own child now, and life gets very expensive and I just wanted to earn some extra cash for him
Despite this I could NEVER scam anyone or anything of the sort. Every other single person I sent parcels too told me their stuff arrived and were very happy with it. I included little free gifts and notes in every order. I really, honestly tried. I chased up the order with my local post office. I spoke to the post company online. I've spoken to PayPal. I've tried everything for a peaceful ending to this, but ultimately I have to let this person sort this out either their bank or PayPal or something.
It's been really stressing me out and I've been so anxious over the whole thing for a good while now, I've blocked this person and I hope they get their money back/get the parcel or such, and I wish them the best.
I've been in the blue exorcist fandom for almost 9 years now and I've made so many great friends through this app and this fandom, and talked to so many great people. It was such a big part of my life and my childhood. Even though I don't update the blog anymore hardly...I still read the aoex manga monthly, I'm always lurking on posts reading everyone's content, always reading everyone's theory's. I've stayed of my blog a while now as I've been so anxious of all this but now honestly I just want it past me as I know I've tried all I can to resolve this.
Also wanna say thank you to everyone who's bought from me / supported this blog ♡
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kiddosaurus · 1 year
(hi im so sorry i wanted to just agree with a point you made and then wrote a full rant feel free to ignore me/delete this ask)
I definitely agree about the average age feeling like it's dropping (I also think that's just the Internet as a whole, coming from someone who literally got their first tumblr account at 11. also think it's because kids don't lie about their ages as much anymore, like I was lying until I was at least 15 and still vague about it until I turned 18) and part of me gets a little concerned by it? like yeah, I definitely showed interest in things like agere once I hit puberty age but most of my actual age regressing/dreaming I've only done since I was 16 when I had gotten past the initial wave of that
maybe it's the old age (I'm literally 18 lol) but I do worry when I see super young people in this community about the effects that regressing may have on them and their future development? or at least when I see 13-14 year olds post saying they're looking for cgs like I get so scared some weirdo is going to see it and use it as an opportunity to gain some power over them or gain their trust because the kid is too young to be able to realise what's happening
i hope it's alright for me to respond to this, just lmk if you want me to delete this reply
i feel a lot of what you're saying tbh. i still try to be understanding towards the super young folks, as i myself was super young when i first discovered the agere community, but idk. i was 12 at the time, but my situation was fairly odd compared to most folks (at that point i was already well into puberty, and there were times where i was involuntarily regressing from stress and trauma long before i knew what agere was, and finding the community helped me put a name to my experiences), so even then it's still hard to understand a lot of the youngest people in the community now, as the reasons for them getting into it are VASTLY different than any of my own. im only a couple months short of 18, and it never fails to shock me how old this stuff makes me feel :')
i DEFINITELY agree on the whole thing about worrying over possible issues with development and safety, though. i do feel like there's a (for lack of a better way to describe it) "honeymoon phase" for a lot of young teens discovering something like this that makes them happy and helps them cope, where they put a huge focus on it in a ton of aspects of their life, and that's something they just gotta get outta their system before they start to even things out. however, i definitely worry about development for kids who don't seem to learn how to balance agere with the rest of their life; any coping mechanism (including the healthy ones) can become unhealthy if it takes over your life in ways that cause repeated stress or harm, which seems to be the case for a lot of young folks discovering agere.
the whole cg safety thing is valid too. seeing so many 13-14 year olds giving out tons of personal info to strangers in hopes that they'll find a cg that they've never even talked to always makes me anxious. i don't think there's anything wrong with them wanting someone like that in their lives, and i think there are ways to kind of explore that while still staying safe, but the way people actually go about it is worrying. like... when i was young and discovering agere, at least there were plenty of adults in the community who made an effort to teach younger folks how to stay safe with stuff like this, but that doesn't seem to be as much of a thing anymore since the demographic has shifted to be so young as a whole and there are way more teens than adults. 2017-2018 was a very different time compared to 2023.
im sorry that this reply got so long, this whole thing has just been on my mind and it's nice hearing someone who at least understands part of what im saying
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grgie · 2 years
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I posted 1,266 times in 2022
That's 166 more posts than 2021!
59 posts created (5%)
1,207 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 356 of my posts in 2022
#helena talks to the void - 29 posts
#goncharov - 16 posts
#helena speaks to people - 15 posts
#unreality - 12 posts
#knife gang - 12 posts
#taz duck - 5 posts
#work things - 4 posts
#my posts - 4 posts
#hmm - 3 posts
#tagged - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#he is also slightly blue bc i once got bright blue bedsheets without washing them first and they stained everything (including my skin) blue
My Top Posts in 2022:
i never give customers my name at work whenever they ask for it, not because i dont want them to use it to report me to my managers (although thats a bonus) but because of the fae. "can i have your name?" no :) nice try tho you tricky bastards
13 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
uglystudies → grgie
url change!! i now track #grgie (although i'll still keep an eye on the uglystudies tag too, i just wont be reblogging study content to this blog anymore)
19 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Tumblr media
my friend knows nothing about the dsmp or dream and george and is trying to put the pieces together through twitter
23 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
a lil timelapse of me finishing and submitting my dissertation (32 minutes before the deadline) but i realised that this is likely the last study post i'll ever make (not that i was ever regularly posting lol) so its a little bittersweet! ive had this studyblr since 2015 (seven years holy shit thats a long time) and i do think its been an incredibly important part of my life, for better or worse. i started this blog in an attempt to hold myself more accountable whilst studying for my gcses and i think for most part it was helpful (ignoring 2016/17 studyblr... muji and overexposing our pictures really had a grip on us huh) despite the weirdly large number of asks i got from people telling me that i shouldnt do 5 a-levels (i did 5 and i aced all of them. suck it. AND i did an epq as well! extra suck it!)
apparently theres 15k of you, which i simply do not think is true (i imagine the vast majority of my followers are made up of long abandoned studyblrs) but for those of you who continue to stick around and like my silly little posts, even if we don't interact, ur huge and i appreciate u. ive made some many wonderful (and hopefully lifelong) friends as a result of studyblr and genuinely wouldnt change it for the world :')
i've mentioned this in the tags of a post recently but im going to change my url soon to a non study related one because im not studying anymore lol, but dw im not deleting this blog or anything, this blog has always been very loosely defined as a studyblr so you can expect plenty more dracula daily memes in the near future
also yikes that is not the most flattering angle lmao
44 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
[getting validation from mutuals about my spotify wrapped songs]: ah yes, i am winning in being a good mutual with good music taste, something both normal and possible to achieve
172 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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vigorouslycoy · 3 months
okay so, i have very little interest in becoming bothered about the hangups most people seem to have about age gaps in adult relationships. like,,,, looking at the notes on that poll im like aw man u guys rly love limitations huh. but. you do you etc.
and even when it comes to people extending their judgements to me, to my life choices, i have truly surprised myself by how little i care and how much patience i have lmao. but also like. i think irl i give off such strong devil may care vibes that people rarely dare judge me to my face these days, and what they gossip behind my back, well, free press ig. adds to the lore. whatever
like, idec anymore if people go oh, ooh, she likes older men, or the ever popular classic oh dear me she must have serious daddy issues
cuz like, those types of comments rly just say a lot about what's going on in the mind of the person saying it. like, no judgement but. girl why r u soooo fascinated????
anyway so i don't usually bother responding & i don't tend to talk abt the subject much anyway bc it's such a non issue to me and people are perhaps too timid to ask me even if they are curious.
but i do wanna send two thoughts into the tumblr ether, one more of a personal one and the other more universal, but both potentially helpful for anyone trying to understand relationship age gaps:
i do not 'like older men'. i like people who are established in themselves. this can take many forms.
the only somewhat inevitable concern in a relationship with someone 25 years older is that they will die long before you. this needs to be planned for, both practically and emotionally. like, the most likely scenario is you are entering retirement age when the other person dies of old age. what then? you'll need to have people around, activities, things to do and to have a meaningful life for a couple more decades. now that's something to think about.
0 notes
narryffdreaming · 3 months
Dani, do you ever get hate for being on your 30s and still on tumblr? I’m only asking because I’m a bit older than you and sometimes I feel highly unwelcomed by many people here. I’ve seen blogs saying that we (over 30) are too old and should leave, or making me feel dumb when I share an opinion. From what I’ve seen your blog is pretty chilled and you seem very mature, so I was wondering if you have any tips on dealing with this kind of stuff? Sorry if this message is out of place. Thank you! Hope you’re doing well x
hii! first of all, im really sorry people made you feel like that :( and also im sorry it took me days to answer! tbh i don't think ive ever received any hate bc of my age, at least not directly, but i think that might have something to do with the way i interact with tumblr/other blogs? like, i am 32 and i have no problem with that, i actually LOVE the fact that im not in my 20s anymore, so tbh i would like to see someone even try to say something mean to me about it lol no but honestly, i feel like we shouldn't even be listening to this kind of people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i work with teenagers/young adults every day, and not even once they've attacked me or bullied me for being older — in fact, im their therapist or their teacher, so im in a position where they PAY ME for my knowledge and experience lmao. so from my pov, the only reason why people on tumblr act like that its because 1) they're hiding behind a blog/fake account, and 2) they can't actually see us bc we're also hiding behind a blog/fake account. so honestly, if you ask me, the way to handle this would be to filter and choose the kind of people you want to "hang out" with. for instance, would you, outside of tumblr, hang out with a 20yo that makes you feel dumb when you share an opinion? because i wouldn't. and of course this doesn't mean i won't talk to a 20yo, or that 20yo aren't nice or kind or funny or smart, but im 32 and that means im 12 (TWELVE!!) years older. which means by the time they were being born i was already kissing boys and had my period for 2 years yknow? lol so of course we are different and thank God for that. that's how it's supposed to be. like, nowadays i have zero (zerooooo) patience for mean girl behavior. is something that it's just wayyyyy past behind me and that i just find so immature and childish that as soon as someone acts like that around me im instantly like 😴 can't even waste my time honestly.
so yeah, i know i KNOW the internet tries to make older people feel bad about themselves, but in all honesty when i listen to conversations teenagers/young adults have around me all my thoughts usually are "awww that's so cute you're so naive and innocent. just wait until you grow up" shajhdujg so yknow... why WHYYYYY would someone behind a screen hold so much power over me when it's practically the same situation?
anyway, i could keep going and going lol, but honestly in the end what i mean is: you're better than them, just let them be immature and childish and find nicer people to follow and talk to, bc there are plenty of fun and kind blogs around here (including some in their mid 20s) who won't shame you or try to ruin your experience just because.
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gryp3978 · 4 months
@fleetway-super-sonic yes I have anger issues as you've probably noticed, now im not trying to get off topic but, my boiling point at times would greatly resemble these two people, note two are fictional characters and the other's a real person, Martin riggs from lethal weapon, Harry Potter, and Jessie Ridgway from the channel mcjuggernuggets, they get angry too and won't take no shit from anyone, and ive been around lots of angry people who always reprimand me, especially my dad who had lots of anger issues when i was a kid as well, and ive been around lots of people who bully me and it would be really swell if you didn't give me a reason to add you to the list. And for the last time stop calling me names! I don't call you names, so don't call me names, or say any vulgar shit like that. Show some respect.
@fleetway-super-sonic 1, Do NOT! call me a Cockwaffle, and do not tell me such vulgar insults like "go jack off to fucking werewolf porn", that is very disrespectful, and inmature, you're 32 years old, you are the one who needs to get a life, did i speak to you like that when i tried apologizing? I dont think so. and 2 the real reason why I'm saying your being irrational was not because of you telling me to leave you alone, but because I had already apologized and admitted it was wrong for me to wine about that stupid character shit, let me make this very plain to you, I realized at a certain point that I had gone too far, and after I tried letting it go, you didn't give me a chance to let me speak, and you misinterpreted my response and thought I was intentionally being rude, then nomatter what response I gave you, nice or stern, you pushed me away each time, I only got angry at you because you keep antagonizing me, I left you alone for a whole fucking month to give you some space before apologizing, how many times to I have to point that out to you? Your not even acknowledging that, nor are you admitting your wrongs. and don't think for once that I don't respect your boundaries I tried responding to the last message you sent to me around the beginning or mid of May, I tried responding immediately to it in the comment bar on that account and yes the others as well, but my responses kept dissapearing on both tumblr and YouTube, so i had absolutely no idea if they even reached you, if they happened to be the same exact messages on the other accounts i made, its because i had no idea you even saw them, I dont know if you muted me or something, but they kept disapearing, and i dont know how tumblr works, im more used to twitter. I've had conflict with other people before, i know you don't care but im just gonna share this anyway, one person who I used to be friends with, was once as angry at me as you are now, over a misunderstanding and they said that they didn't want to talk to me anymore, and blocked my phone number as well, and you know what I did, I left them alone for 3 months, and I wrote a sincere appology letter to them and explained that I never intended to hurt their feelings, and gave it to someone who keeps in touch with them, I got a response back, and do you know what they said? They forgave me. Now as for trying to reach out to you on YouTube, I was trying to give a more calm approach so I simply sent a short "I'm sorry, can we talk?" Message, but it dissapeared, I am only calling you out because you fucking escalated the conversation, I wouldn't have gotten mad at you, if you didn't Start calling me names and saying my behavior is laughable, especially when I simply wanted to apologize, I'm sorry if i unintentionally harrased you, I wish you would just simply apologize for the way you spoke to me, and i simply wish you'd let us talk this out as mature adults, in a way where we're either not pissed off at each other or cussing each other out, seriously to accuse me of threatening you, and giving me inmature insults, all because of some stupid character bullshit you wont let me live down is absolutely stupid, i will not contact you anymore, but simply stop antagonizing me, I will not post any YouTube videos about you, so long as you apologize, admit your mistakes like I did and stop telling everyone that I'm the bad guy, I go to therapy regularly, don't think I don't, and I've definitely told this to people at work who have these issues with social media as well, and yes when I told a friend on mine about the gaslighing thing you said to me, they said that your the one who's doing it to me just by saying it.
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