#(i mean sort of)
akaluan · 1 month
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Pictures from tonight's effort to crochet my MIL's gift in piece.
Esper please, I love you but I have a Deadline..
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froizetta · 8 months
Looooove how Dan Mora draws the El crest on Superman costume as if his pecs are so juicy they practically distort spacetime around them. Like look at this:
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That's not a subtle indentation over his cleavage, as you'd expect from a spandex-like material stretching over bulky muscle. It's a crease. Like the spine of a comic book but tits. That suit is fucking vacuum-sealed to his body.
It really makes me wonder what would happen if he took off the trunks. Like would the whole shape of the superdick just be fully identifiable against one thigh, like a single link of Kryptonian sausage in a vacuum-sealed package? I will never know, but the thought of it haunts me.
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stormyoceans · 3 months
okay but if we don't get peem and their friends throwing phum the biggest most chaotic surprise birthday party ever then what is the point
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thenorthernchild · 1 year
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two horrific liars
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statementlou · 10 months
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realbeefman · 1 year
frank reynolds is so silly and goofy he is always smirking even though half the time he straight up doesn't know what is going on. has done every single drug ever. canonical war criminal. has a food fetish. banging one of the hottest women alive (artemis dubois). is completely aware that he’s insane and doesn’t care. he is unmedicated and by god he is free
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rat-on-string · 11 months
this is vaguely spooky, right?
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Sherlock: I cannot be arsed to care about the planets and shite William, a budding astrophysicist: I will kill you
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lastoneout · 13 days
So after reading all the reviews on yelp yesterday I have come to the...upsetting realization that despite my neurologist essentially telling me that if I want help with my "migraines" i.e. pressure headaches I would need to see a different doctor, and the clinic staff telling me if I want a second opinion I will also need to see a different doctor, it looks like me going off and finding my own neurosurgeon might be considered "deviating from my care plan" and thus when they find out I did that they very well may discharge me as a patient.
Now tbh I do not want to keep being a patient there, just the thought of going back there makes me feel very intense anxiety, and my neurosurgeon did refer me to a new neurologist, but that new neurologist can't see me until February and I absolutely CANNOT go off of my diamox, so like....if my current clinic kicks me out I won't have my prescription for five months and that's a huge problem.
There is the possibility that my neurologist won't know that I went somewhere else for a neurosurgeon and will just give me a refill and tell me to fuck off for six months again, but I know the neurosurgeon's clinic pulled my files from my neurologist so like...they probably should know? Which then it's like, okay do you not care as you haven't called to discharge me...or do they still not really know? The latter is def possible because they have a long history of just never reading any of the notes any of my other doctors send them and ignoring my previous medical records, but even if they don't know my neurologist might be like "okay we're finally moving on to surgical options" and which point I will essentially tell them that I already have one.
So rn I have the choice between just not talking to anyone and praying this goes over in a way that means I get my prescription refilled , or I could do what I'm probably going to do which is call the nurse/medical assistant for my neurosurgeon and level with her about this and ask if they can take over my prescription until Feb and pray they say yes.
Which, I mean they might, but the thing that worries me about this is what if THIS clinic gets mad at me for having a different neurologist? And like that probably won't happen I told them upfront about that and the neurosurgeon did write me a referral to someone else, but like yikes still scared. Plus I'm also weirdly worried if I call and explain that part of the reason I don't want to go back to my current neurologist is because of the way she's treated me they might like, label me a problem patient or something which I don't know that just sounds bad.
But they also might say no which means I have to go to my current neurologist and hope she doesn't refuse my refill/discharge me bcs then I'll really be up shit creek...
I think I'm just gonna call my current neurosurgeon's office and level with them even though it's scary, because in my experience being honest with people tends to be the best way to actually get things done and I really really really do NOT want to go back to my neurologist's office, my body is giving me the same kind of anxiety about that as it does about the thought of ever having to see my father again which is NOT GOOD, but if it turns out I have to I just....dfkljdlkfj I don't know I'm so nervous I'm just going to go force myself to make the phone call.
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lemoonz · 10 months
hi I doodled a guy
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very not well made pic but my skills are shit
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jacenotjason · 11 months
(If the link doesn’t work here’s a screenshot of the specific video:)
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Do i need a lawyer
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chess-blackmyre · 7 months
"Harvey? Where's my family?" "Where my family died."
Okay so, I re-watched The Dark Knight and after this exchange between Jim and Harvey (and the amount of Duela Dent fic I've been writing) I had an angsty thought that I needed to inflict it on other people.
First, a few things.
It's implied Harvey and Rachel are sleeping together. In the restaurant scene, Harvey states "If I was sneaking out every night, someone would've noticed by now." And takes Rachel's hand, the cinematography showing and not telling us about their physical relationship.
Another thing is, during that dinner scene, she takes a drink of wine.
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And yet a couple of days later, at the fundraiser, Rachel doesn't drink anything.
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In fact, she's pretty much the only party guest we see (besides Bruce himself) not to have a drink in hand.
This is also the same night that Harvey pulls her aside to propose. What if these two details are related. Like say...Rachel being pregnant?
A pregnancy they only found out about recently. It's pretty early, and with everything else going on, it makes sense why they haven't told anyone yet. Maybe they were giving themselves time to let it sink in before deciding what to do about it--maybe Rachel wanted to go to the doctor and get a test done to know for sure.
But Harvey's excited. With this RICO case, they have a real chance of taking down the mob. And he might be becoming a father!
Except, Rachel is not the type of woman to get married just because she's pregnant. But Harvey's already head over heels in love with her (and worried about the insanely wealthy childhood best friend who clearly has feelings for Rachel) so what the hell, he may as well try.
Nothing's for certain yet. But they have time to figure things out.
Except they don't.
And Harvey loses his entire family before he has a chance to even have it.
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tacosaysroar · 1 year
I did hip thrusts today with 135 lbs on my pelvis, which was kind of exciting since that’s pretty close to maxing out. There isn’t really enough room to add much more.
The gym has restructured a bit responsibility wise for staff, so the trainer now shows up in my fitness app contacts.
When his photo popped up this morning, I laughed out loud.
It’s like 90s pulp romance novel cover art meets Hot Jesus.
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linskywords · 20 days
Connor has this pic folded up and creased in his wallet. Do NOT ask him why
Haha okay I literally laughed out loud 🤣
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Escalate (2)
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After some consideration Galeb decides to not follow the Beckoning. Hazel is quick to act and entrusts him with a new task for the Camarilla.
Spoilers for all of Vampire the Masquerade: Swansong.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1,946
Link to Chapter 1
on Ao3
Oh, silver lion, playing my mind Overflow, underflow, lions just everywhere
Should I just leave it alone? It wants to enter my mind
You should not come close but You never had that chance, right?
“You can call me Galeb.”
The music provided them with a certain degree of privacy but also came with a hindrance to speech. Galeb made sure his voice came out loud and clear enough.
A gesture of his hand advised them to sit and he lowered himself onto the cushioned couch as well, adjusting his perfectly fitted black suit in the process.
“In that case, I’m Cyrene Roberts. You can call me Cyrene.” she replied and sat back down across from him, just next to her dark-skinned bodyguard. She raised her hand towards him casually once he was seated as well. “This is James Walker. We work for Mr. Elias Hartwell and represent his business interests.”
“Him too?” Galeb asked, looking towards the aforementioned man in the black suit whose lips in turn curled to a short-lived smile.
“Well, no” Cyrene chuckled softly, her head tilted a little about the slip-up, “It’s mainly me who represents the official business.”
Something in Galeb stirred. The hair on his arms stood upright like that of a mortal, or of an animal, his vitae pumping blood through his veins, reminding him faintly of mortality. But it was something else. It was in her voice, a sense of innocence, purity. Something in her undivided presence stirred him as his body mimicked the one of a human, causing a visceral reaction within him in the process. It was most likely just an image in his head, a distant memory of someone from his mortal life that she reminded him of, a hint of his humanity. The modest white suit with the light blue blouse beneath reflected her demeanour, the black light in the club gave the white colour an illuminating neon effect.
A night club waiter approached their table and Galeb was thrown off guard momentarily, a double-take towards the waiter revealed his state for a split second before they were asked about their order.
Galeb watched his company, silently inviting them to speak up first.
“Gin and tonic please.” the secretary spoke.
“Same” the bodyguard answered with a dismissive wave of his hand.
The waiter looked at Galeb.
“The usual” he ordered.
The waiter nodded and left at once.
“Come here a lot?” the woman asked, a slight look of surprise on her face.
“Occasionally.” Galeb answered truthfully. “A bit too gaudy for my taste.”
The woman nodded, the hint of a frown on her face.
“I was surprised your company insisted on a meeting in a night club. And at this hour.”
“We could turn this into a dinner meeting anytime.” Galeb spoke, his voice raspy, invoking a slight confused smile on the secretary’s face, distracting from the unreasonably late hour. He knew women all too well and had learned far too much in the past 300 years. Perhaps he could elicit a faint blush on her cheeks.
“I know a place. They serve an excellent medium-rare steak.” As if he remembered what that tasted like.
He watched her like a predator his prey. Indeed the smile that appeared on her lips was one of a flustered woman, although efforts were made to conceal it.
“That-- is not what I meant, Mr. Bazory.”
“Galeb.” he corrected her.
“Of course” she nodded, regaining her composure. “Galeb. No matter -- I appreciate you reached out to us. We would really like to work with you. There is just some-- let’s say precautions we have to take into account.”
“I understand, Miss -- or, Mis’ess? Roberts.” He tested the waters, kindly, softly. With curiosity. He looked at her hands, no ring in sight.
“Miss.” She answered, another confused smile on her lips paired with a frown, but she let it go. “Just Cyrene is fine.”
“Of course.”
“So, I’ve heard there is these assets you want Mr. Hartwell to manage. We would need to know the approximate volume of, well, the assets, contracts, stock portfolios, investments and the like.”
“Of course. Unfortunately I am just the middleman, so I know nothing about these things in particular, not the details anyway. But I would like Mr. Hartwell to meet with one of our people in charge.”
“That--” Cyrene broke in, “That is where my concerns come in. Mr. Hartwell has become very careful with who he lets close to him. There has been some asset managers in the financial world disappearing lately. It’s quite frightening news actually.”
“It is. Although the financial world has always been frightening in that sense.” Galeb remembered his life at sea, how ships were sunken in pursuit of gold and riches.
“That might be true.” Cyrene agreed, then looked up as the waiter returned to their table and served their drinks.
The tonic water in the cocktails the secretary and her bodyguard had ordered showed a similar neon reflection as the woman’s white suit from the effects of the black light. The drink set before Galeb appeared deep red in colour.
“Bloody Mary?” the woman asked curiously, her hand wrapping around her own glass.
“You could call it that. A special recipe, infused with only the best local organic ingredients” Galeb answered. Sometimes he had to hold back a chuckle. Organic. That was what they called it.
Swiftly and soundlessly the waiter had disappeared. The secretary raised her glass and watched the other two who followed suit. Their gazes meeting in understanding served as acknowledgment of table manners. She drank a few sips before she set the glass down on the coaster, the ice cubes falling into place soundlessly against the music of the club.
“To make it a bit more clear, Mr. Hartwell has become sort of reclusive in the past months. He needs a lot of trust to agree to meetings with new clients.”
“Understandable, given the recent events.” Galeb’s fingertip chased a condensed water drop on the outer side of the glass before he raised his gaze. “Would it be considered safe enough for him if you trusted someone and were present for that meeting?”
She met his gaze, stared right into him.
“I suppose. I am not sure. To be honest we haven’t taken any new clients in months. I have proposed some to him but he was not willing to take the risk.”
“He barely leaves his home anymore” James added casually under his breath.
“How does he manage the assets of his clients?” Galeb asked.
“Online mostly. Sometimes conference calls.” Cyrene responded, drawing an instant look of disgust from Galeb’s features. “And sometimes through me.”
James scratched his beard, itching to speak.
“He goes out at times to meet existing clients, but it’s very rare.”
“Yeah” Cyrene recalled, “He was meeting one of his clients a few weeks ago. But it is really rare. Only if his signature is required. But usually that too can be done online.”
“I suppose that makes you the executive.” Galeb concluded.
The woman shrugged and breathed out in half a chuckle.
“I suppose. In theory.” She smiled a little. “Look, Galeb, I’ll get to the point. I would like some statements of your assets first. I want to present them to Mr. Hartwell and see what he says. If you could get in touch with your people in the department that handles these things--”
“Oh, we currently don’t have any department.” he interrupted her matter-of-factly.
“Well, that’s unfortunate. But in any case, recent statements from whoever handles it right now. Anything with big numbers. Nothing confidential of course, just an overview of the approximate amount. And we also do a quick background check on the clients we work with, nothing major though. We don’t mean to invade your privacy.”
“I understand.” the Kindred reassured.
“Great. And I will talk to Mr. Hartwell when I receive the details from you.” she repeated herself, making it vaguely clear that the deal had not been sealed. Her fingers were around her glass again and she raised it and drank from it. James joined her, emptying his glass.
Galeb had been watching his half-downed drink but now his gaze was drawn towards her again.
“I suppose that concludes it.” She looked at James, then at Galeb again. “Oh--”
From her handbag she took out a small leather case and from that a paper card.
“Here is my business card by the way.”
The Kindred took it from her hands and looked at it. She gave him a second before she rose. James followed suit. Slowly Galeb looked up, patient in all the matters that she was hasty with. He took his time but rose eventually and with the business card in his left hand, he held out his right hand across the table.
Cyrene paused, her expression neutral but she reached out, touching his warm hand, a gesture of trust, a firm handshake to seal an unofficial deal. At least that was what it had always been for Galeb in the past centuries.
She let go finally, his fingers lingered, brushing against in inner side of her palm as he was deprived of her touch. Her eyes widened. James walked to the end of the table and let her who was seated behind him out.
Galeb followed them to the end of the table and Cyrene pulled out her wallet. Once more his fingers were laying on her hand; soft, warm, friendly.
“Please” he said, “Let me get it.”
“At least for James’ and my drinks” she insisted, “I didn’t mean to waste your time if this doesn’t work out.”
“Cyrene, please.” His hand ran towards her forearm, once more reassuringly. James' gaze followed him but he did not interfere. “It was my pleasure.”
A moment of hesitation.
“Alright.” she agreed and stored her wallet in her handbag again. “Thank you.”
“There is just one more favour I’d like to ask from you.”
Innocently she looked up at him.
“And that would be?”
He looked at her as if she was the only person in the world. Everything else vanished, she stared into his eyes, unable to pull away. Then his gaze lifted towards James who kept his respectful distance. Galeb took one step closer towards her, his hand raised subtly to touch her arm. He met her gaze once more before he leaned in, his own eyes flashing. His face came closer towards her face and ear but there was enough distance between them to not give a wrong impression. It was just so he could speak against the music without effort, his low voice dominant but calm.
“Have another drink with me at the bar. Right now, right here. We need to get to know each other. Just you and me. James will have to wait outside.”
Emem smirked, visibly trying to hide her amusement but unable to conceal her one-sided smile as she stood at the end of the bar counter and watched Galeb and his associate coming towards her. The woman had shooed her bodyguard away. He had resisted, visibly, with his hands raised signaling confusion, but it only had taken her a moment to convince him to give up and walk off.
Emem’s gaze lowered as she, through her curled lashes, watched the dark-skinned man walk out the doors and noticed Bazory’s hand barely hovering over the side of the woman’s waist, guiding and controlling. Involuntarily Emem shook her head, the smirk still on her lips. Oh, he was playing for keeps. Hazel must have given him quite the task for him to use that subtle trick on neutral ground.
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thisintermezzo · 10 months
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A photo of my Christmas coordinate, taken by my wife @othersharkss last winter.
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