#(i read your verse info and i wasn't sure if no one knows he's a mage or specifically that he's immortal but either way)
softersinned-arc · 11 months
@koschyei said: ❛ You know, this is an interesting and efficient method of murder. I need to write this down. ❜
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The smile on her lips doesn't meet her eyes, and she tries to ignore the churning in her gut; she knows better by now than to trust anyone, let alone another politician, but she wants to, and badly. She can feel it in him, some sort of power that is at once old and incomprehensible to her, and there is a part of her that wants to sit at his feet and learn, and another part of her, a greater, a louder part of her, that wishes there were some way to sink her fingers into his chest and rip it out of him to keep for herself.
She has been powerless before and has learned to survive, even to thrive, in spite of it, but it did nothing to dull her hunger. She imagines power sometimes like an organ and she imagines what it would feel like to tear the power from another person and swallow it hole, blood staining her teeth, magic burning her tongue. She is a creature of want above all else. She always has been.
"I'm afraid I'm little help to you when it comes to the Anchor's power." Not technically a lie, but certainly not the truth. Astoria's left hand pulses a gentle, glowing green, and she thinks, not for the first time, that her blood sounds different now that it's been infected by the Fade.
But it was not the Anchor's power, this time; it was her own, and a power she understands plenty well. One need not tamper with the blood as a whole when one can tamper with the things that make it, and there is plenty of water in blood. To manipulate. To move. To boil. Not technically blood magic, but she knows enough by now of the chantry to trust that not technically blood magic is hardly a solid defense. She takes in a deep breath and immediately regrets it as the euphoria of battle fades and she feels the sudden and sharp pain in her chest that means her ribs have broken again.
The dead men at her feet steams like cooked meat, their skin reddened and bursting from the heat that had poured out of her and into them. Around them, the snow has melted enough to reveal the hard, barren ground beneath it. Had she known Koschei was near, she would have been more cautious, but the Venatori had caught her by surprise. Astoria tucks her hands into her sleeves and shrugs apologetically.
"If I knew better how it worked, I would use it better. Unfortunately, much of Solas' research into rifts is beyond me. I never received a formal training in magic and I'm afraid the theory seems rather muddy compared to what I learned at the augur's knee." She raises her eyebrows, retracts her left hand and holds it out to him, palm up, as if in invitation. (In challenge.) "Though if there's knowledge in Buyan that has yet to cross the Wilds, that could guide me, surely you would know it...?"
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dg-outlaw · 7 months
Blue Beetle - Movie Review
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Finally got to see this on HBO Max... yes, "MAX" we still think of you as HBO just as Grogu is still Baby Yoda. Deal with it.
So, back to 'Blue Beetle'.
Long review, short, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and think it's one of DC's best in their quasi-DCEU/not DCEU or whatever is going on with WB and the DC movies these days. From what I understand, James Gunn/WB is not scrapping everything from the Snyder-verse/DCEU, but changes are coming and there's rumor that this iteration of Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle will stick around and I really hope so. I also think it helps that there were no character cameos in the film, only mentions of heroes like Superman, Batman, etc. so this Blue Beetle could easily be folded into the upcoming Gunn-verse.
As a latino I'm both ashamed to say I don't know much about Jaime Reyes' Blue Beetle outside of his appearances on the 'Young Justice' animated series, but I was also excited to see him on the big screen (metaphorically) and plan to go back and check out his comics.
I won't do a random synopsis as you can easily hit up a Youtube trailer or read an IMDb blurb to get that info, but I will talk about some of things I really enjoyed about this film. Warning: Slight Spoiler's ahead.
First off, this was overall a well-polished, well-written, directed, acted, and enjoyable film. The CGI was CGI, but it never felt janky and I could see the attention to detail in a lot of the VFX work, even with Jaime's practical Blue Beetle suit. I also truly appreciated that this film took risks and didn't shy away from taking those risks, creating stakes and sometimes following through, and addressing certain cultural and socio-economic subject matter without being preachy. In some ways I compare it to the MCU's 'Black Panther' in tackling the cultural and socio-economic things that mainstream, especially Disney, often tries to shy away from.
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While 'Blue Beetle' isn't as serious in tone as 'Black Panther' there were several moments in the film where you knew that the writer and director had some creative leeway as opposed to having lots of studio oversight, just as Ryan Coogler had in the first 'Black Panther' film. I'm not sure if this is because WB wasn't paying attention because the DCEU was dying off or if they were somehow convinced to let the creators do their thing.
There were also so many moments where my Hollywood Blockbuster/MCU-trained brain said, "now is where they pull away from the hard moment, make a joke to pull away from a real emotion, or water down the stakes", but that didn't happen in this film. Yes, it was funny throughout, and jokes were made to lighten the mood where appropriate, but it was never at a disservice to the story or the characters. There were no moments where I felt like some director/screenwriter/studio-exec was getting embarrassed because it's a superhero movie so [insert Whedon-esque quip here] to avoid showing feelings.
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Plus, you had George Lopez bringing his well-known loud, wild humor as the conspiracy theory spouting, 1% hating, mad-scientist Uncle Rudy, but if anything I think he was needed to give light to a story that potential to be really dark and sad at times. This is not to say there weren't moments that tugged at your heartstrings and made you feel or think. This movie went there because yes, we can think it's cheesy because it's just a superhero movie, but in-universe these events are reality for the characters and I think other superhero movies need to remember that. This was really well done in the first transformation scene of Jaime into the Blue Beetle as it started with light humor and slowly morphed into an almost horror-film like scene. There was no gore, but you felt the terror that Jaime and his family were feeling by watching things unfold. We, as the audience know what's going on, but for him and the family, the shit was hitting the fan and they didn't know what was going on.
Honestly, I didn't know what to expect from this film. Having recently watched Shazam 2, which I thought was really funny and better than the first, but also forgettable and the Flash movie (which I also thought was fun but forgettable), I just expected more popcorn fun--the last sugary drops of the DCEU slushie before the Gunn-verse got underway. What I recalled about the trailers and vague reviews about this film was that it was a fun superhero movie that focused heavily on family.
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But unlike the popcorn, turn your brain off and enjoy chaos of the Fast franchise, it didn't require Vin Diesel, 30 movies, and an endless string of memes to drill that concept into your head. Yes, Jaime Reyes is the hero in the film, but it's the collective efforts and support of his family that ends up helping him win in the end and it's what gave the movie heart.
This is also not meant to take away from Xolo Maridueña's performance as Jaime Reyes as the hero, an actor I've enjoyed since first seeing him on the Netflix series 'Cobra Kai'. Just like in 'Cobra Kai', I continue to enjoy his almost innocent boyish charm, shyness, and vulnerability he exudes on-screen. In some ways his character and performance remind me of Tom Holland's Spider-Man as just this kid trying to do the right thing, but is totally in over his head as a teen superhero (even though Jaime is a recent college grad from Gotham U). And just like Peter Park, Jaime didn't ask to be a hero and had no real aspirations for being a hero, other than to his family, but in the end he stepped up. This was not for cool points, though Jaime eventually learned to embrace the scarab's many cool powers, but because he knew it was the right thing to do. And yes, Mr. Vin Diesel, because of family.
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I could go on and on about all the cultural moments and subject matter addressed in this film that I thought was really brave and refreshing in a superhero movie, but I won't as that's a giant article in it of itself. But I honestly think Disney/Marvel could take some pointers here as they often pull away just as they are about to get there. Also, no hate on MCU. There are many of the MCU films I enjoy, but the overall formula hasn't gotten tired and needs a revamp. Again, another post for another day, but just putting in a BIPOC, female, or LGBTQ character in a movie doesn't make it good and marketable. And no, we don't need PSA sob-story movies beaten into our heads, but what does it mean to be part of a marginalized community and be a hero? What does that look like? What different perspective does that character bring to the table?
In the end, yes, enjoy 'Blue Beetle' as a superhero movie, but also keep an eye out for the smaller messages and heart of this film as it was a delightful surprise for me. I hope we get to see more Blue Beetle in the future of DC films and I'd even be down for a live-action adaptation of 'Young Justice', with Jaime on the team.
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
Daily Mixes Challenge - 2K follower celebration
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I wasn't sure about doing a follower celebration as I'm quite sporadic with posting but I just surpassed 2K followers, I will be celebrating my birthday in May (the same day as Sam Winchester), and my blog will be turning 3 and I wanted to celebrate.
A multi-fandom challenge with no end date for sign ups or posting entries.
Music inspires me in my day to day life and as I have progressive hearing loss I listen to A LOT of music. I want to consume as much as I can before I can’t do it any more.
So my challenge is this: send me an ASK picking one of the below categories: 
Daily Mix 1
Daily Mix 2
Daily Mix 3
Daily Mix 4
Daily Mix 5
Daily Mix 6
Hip Hop
I will hit shuffle on the corresponding Spotify playlist and give you the first song that plays. You then have to write a fic or create a mood board, aesthetic or piece of art based on that song or the feelings it gives you.
More Info below the cut.
I will make sure no one gets the same song.
For anyone who doesn’t use Spotify, it creates “made for you” playlists that are personalised to your tastes and they change from day to day. It changes DAILY, so I don’t know what song you could get. I listen to anything from cheesy pop to hardcore rock.
Info & Guidelines - cause no one likes rules: 
Fandoms I’m interested in but you can write for any fandom you wish. Supernatural, Marvel, Top Gun: Maverick, DC, Shadow & Bone, The Witcher, Outer Banks, Yellowstone-verse, Sons Of Anarchy. And probably more feel free to ask. 
Bonus points for: Sam Winchester/Jared Padalecki, Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie, Erik ‘Kilmonger’ Stevens/Michael B Jordan, and Geralt/Henry Cavill.
MARVEL NOTE: I won’t read Tony Stark fics. He can be a supporting character but I won’t read anything that is centred around him. Sorry. I have a reason for this that I’m happy to discuss but it’s a bit dark and this is supposed to be fun.😉
Feel free to combine this with any other bingos/challenges you are partaking in if they allow the same. 
Can be fluff, smut, angst, kinks, crack, A/B/O, AU’s whatever floats your boat. Dark themes welcome. 
Any and ALL trigger warnings must be highlighted. I’ll step out of my comfort zone and read anything - except Tony Stark, paedophilia, necrophilia and scat play (don’t look it up).
Any and all ships welcome.
Can be reader insert, 1st/3rd person, OC or character’s POV. Whatever you prefer.
Fics can be any length, but PLEASE use a ‘keep reading’ line for long posts or fics over 500 words.
If the song you get doesn’t spark any inspiration, there’s no pressure to do it, and feel free to ask for another.
Can request as many songs as you want. 
You don’t have to be following me.
No end date for requests
No due date for entries.
Use the tag #666DailyMix so I can find it and don’t forget to tag me in your work.
Would appreciate a reblog for a signal boost
I will reblog all entries
I will create a master list and update whenever there is a new submission
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heavenssexiestangel · 3 years
Your soul sang to me
Hey everyone, this is my latest fanfiction :)
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Rating: Teen and Up
Ship: Gabriel/Dean
Square: Secret Identity (@gabrielbingo)
Word count: 3028
Tags and Warnings: Human AU, Rockband AU, Masked party, Singer!Gabriel
Summary: Gabriel is one of the members of the band "The Archangels". Lately, he hasn't been able to write songs or even sing. When he sees the flyer for a masked event, he decides to participate... And meets a jade eyed stranger that awakens something in him.
Notes: This story wasn't supposed to be this long. I still don't know how long it will be, but I am glad I at least finished Part 1, as I've been working on it for quite some time.
I'd like to thank @hectatess for the beta and support: English isn't my first language and I have been extremely discouraged for all kinds of reasons as of late... Especially because of my writing.
I'd also like to thank Gladbird on AO3 for a totally different reason: In this fic, you will see song lyrics. These are ORIGINAL songs written especially for this fic. I had the initial idea of the verses, but Gladbird tweaked them and made them as beautiful as they are now.
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Gabriel sipped his whiskey and looked at the fliers on the counter of the hotel’s bar.
He had been trapped in his room for a couple of days, trying to write new songs. To no avail: the words wouldn’t come, nor would new music. So, drinking it was. Maybe he would meet someone new, and he would get inspired. Sure.
Taking a flashy colored flyer in his hand, he scanned it over with his eyes: it advertised a masked party that would take place that same night, at a club not too far away from the hotel. Gabriel arched a brow. Could be fun, he thought, turning it over to check the other info. The event would last for two days. His brothers would probably tell him not to go, that they had a concert in three days, and they needed to practice. Shaking his head, ran a hand through his longish locks.
Gabriel wanted to go. With a flick of his wrist, he drank the rest of his whiskey and got up. Grabbing his leather jacket, he nodded to the bartender and walked out, into the welcoming hall. He was met by the chilly evening air coming from the open doors, which made a shiver run down his spine. He was tempted to put his jacket on but decided against it; instead, he went for the elevator.
Tag list: @emblue-sparks @wellshitweredonefor
If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving comments and/or kudos :)
You can also support me by donating me a Ko-fi
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Name: Verdona Levin
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday (Zodiac): January 16; Capricorn
Species: 50% Human, 25% Osmosian, 25% Anodite
Ethnicity: White / Alien?
Native Language(s): English
Nationality: American
Appearance Info
Height: 5'9"
Skin tone: Light
Eye shape/color: Round; Green
Hair style/color: Long Wavy; Black
Outfit style: Oversized Sweaters and Jeans
Accessories: Charms
Markings (birthmarks, scars, etc): N/A
Alignment Info
Hero/Villian/Civilian: Hero
Rank: Vanguard League (Supernatural Department)
Natural Powers (By Mother) 
    -Mana Manipulation
    -Mana Absorption
    -Mana Detection
    -Memory Manipulation
    -Portal Creation
Anodite Powers (By Mother)
    -Anodite transformation
    -Astral Projection
    -Size Alteration
Matter Absorption (By Father)
Fighting Style: 
    -Taekwondo (Taught by Mother)
    - Jujutsu (Yaught by Mother)
    -Spell Book
    Verdona is very nonchalant, she tends to be very relax and reserve with people. She's kind and can be motherly to some of the other members, making sure they're fine if not then she would offer her healing. She enjoys music, it's something that puts her in a good mood. She's not nesessarily quiet but she's also not very talkative. She's the type that needs to be spoken too, however she has her moments when she gives a remark. She can be somewhat sarcastic but it's something that makes other laugh. She's very helpful and is a good ear, listening to other people's problems and helping them out.
    Born in Bellwood her parents had always given her a nice life. Making sure to not let their jobs or plumbing take up too much of their time. She was raised to be skilled in fighting, so when she's older she can help people like they did. Kevin, her father, had taught her how to use her osmosian powers in ways of defense and even offense. He gave her an insight to the good places to brokers. Her mother however taught her the ways of magic and being Anodite, even gave her lessons in some martial arts.
    Having these skills made Verdona a nice assest to a team, so she had asked about maybe joining the Vanguard League. Her mother was glad she would be wanting to join heroes, her father didn't seem to care. He was a villain and a hero, very hard to pick a side. But he was happy that she's doing something she wants. She teleported to Townsville and had search but managed to find the Vanguard League, where she met Damian. Son to Danny Fenton and Valerie. She had grown a crush on him. However she kept it professional and asked to join. After showing all of what she had the League had seen her as a valuable member for the team and she was accepted.
    She was excited and even transferred to the local school. Of course she teleports to the school and League whenever needed, she just needed a reason to be somewhere new. Plus she got to see Damian more. She was growing a liking to him and even wondered if she had a chance with him.
- Gwendolyn Tennyson Levin (Mother)
- Kevin Ethan Levin (Father)
- Ken Tennyson (Uncle)
- Ben Tennyson (First Cousin Once Removed)
- Max Tennyson (Great Grandfather)
- Verdona (Great Grandmother)
- Frank Tennyson (Maternal Grandfather)
- Natalie Tennyson (Maternal Grandmother)
- Mrs. Levin (Paternal Grandmother)
- Zed (Pet)
    Her parents and her get along well. Gwen and Kevin have their moments when they argue about the way one another trained Verdona but in the end they have seen that she's grown to be a wonderful daughter and fighter. She gets along well with her father being daddy's little girl, however she also gets along well with her mother. They are supportive and helpful with Verdona's future.
    Damian is the leader of the Supernatural Department she's in. She had grown a liking to him after their first encounter. Something about his scaredy-cat personailty made her smile. She just wanted to be there to help and protect him. In fact in battle she tends to be very protective of him and the team. She stays by his side and listens to his commands, and sometimes at school she can't help but ogle him from her locker. 
    As for Envie, the two seem to get along well. However they have their moments when they engage in a sarcasm battle that some people in the team wonder if they're fighting or just casually having fun. It's usually the latter.
    Vivian is someone Verdona has a hard time getting along with. Mainly due to her being unable to withstand Vivi's obnoxious and loud personality. Verdona tries to avoid her as best as she can but being in the same team it tends to get difficult. 
Small Stories w/ Characters:
    As she saw Damian walk by she nervously waved a hand at him, hoping to get his attention without scaring him. He stopped in his track and looked up at her.
    "Hey Damian, I don't mean to hold you up long, but... I was just hoping if you'd like to read this in your free time." She smiled and cautiously handed a small black journal to him, his hands took it curiously and opened it, skimming through it's content.
    "What is it?" He asks, but quickly realizes that it appears to be a journal filled with poems.
    "Just some poetry, I heard that you liked poetry so I wanted to show you some of my stuff. Maaaybe you can let me know if they're any good? I want to go to a poetry slam but I'm just too afraid that my work is ... well childs work."
    Damian smiles and gladly takes the book, he looks up at her eyes, "Thanks, I'll give it a read and let you know what I think about them tomorrow." With that he walked off, leaving Verdona to respond to his dissappearing body.
    "Awesome! Thank you-" she pauses, "Wait tomorrow morning?!" He was gone and she was nervous, was he planning on reading them all in one night? She creates a portal sending herself home, hoping for tomorrow to come sooner.
            Next Morning
    She walks around a room in the league where she ran into Damian the day before. She impatiently fiddled with her scarf before seeing him phase through a wall into the room.
    "Ah there you are," Damian spoke softly and she responded in the same manner.
    "So? What'd ya think?"
    He thought for a second and reassured her with a smile, "It's good. I think these would be perfect for a poetry slam."
    She blushed, taking her journal back she hugged it in her crossed arms and smiled at him, "You think so?... Hey maybe if you aren't busy, you'd like to join me friday for the slam?"
    He smiled, "Sure, Just text me the details and I will meet you there." She nodded, and with that he left again. She excitedly texted the details right away and walked out of the room her book still in her arms as she internally squealed with joy.
    It had been a while and Vivi hadn't stopped talking, she was talking to another member in the group and they didn't seem to mind her constant blabbering. However Verdona was starting to get a bit irritated, and with the potty mouth Vivi has Verdona found herself finally speaking up.
    "I know this space is free for members to socialize and relax but do you think you could maybe tone down the profanity?" She dodn't want to come off as a goodie goodie but she just wasn't a fan of profanity, mainly due to her high intelligence she found slang to sometimes be unnessecary.
    "Oh shit sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt yer quiet time," she reponded, only to turn back and continue her conversation. Her profanity had lessen but that only lasted less than a minute before she continued to do it again. Not on purpose, just out of habit.
    Verdona groaned, she just wanted to be in this room and enjoy some poetry reading with Damian, but he was running late and she was running out of patience.
    "We have a language filled with so many words that can replace that vulgar slang street talk of yours," she said slamming her book shut.
    "Why are ya bitching so much? I have the right to use any words I want, freedom of speech look it up."
    Her hands became fists and she stood up from her seat,"For your information I am fully aware of the Amendments-"
    "Well are you fully aware you got a stick up your ass that needs to be taken out?"
    Without another word Verdona gave up and grabbed her book and walked out, Damian had just walked in but quickly followed after her.
    Vivi sat there, a bit confused,"What's her problem?" 
Welp that's it for my entry oof took forever
But I'm glad with the outcome, I love both of my new children and if neither wins I wont even be mad, I just love them too much xD
Sorry if any character is OOC, if I need to change things just let me know!
Bio Template (C) MintQuetzal 
Vivian (C) ppgzmlpfimlover 
Verse, Opal, Damian, Vivian, Serena, Kandi (C) PrincessCallyie 
Art, Junji, and Verdona (C) @japanda-draws
Any other character belongs to their rightful show and creator
She will be in @ej-cappy-universe 's GRS series: The Neighbors.
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
What do you think of Jazz Fenton? I wasn't sure about her at first, but since "My Brother's Keeper", she's really starting to grow on me. I think she might even be my second-favourite character (after Danny). I wanted to ask you this because you've implied that you're studying Psychology or something - do you identify with Jazz's interest in psychology, or do you think her portrayal continues to peddle stereotypes about the field?
Ah, you must be the Anon who asked if “Danny Phantom” was worth watching. I hope I haven’t given you too many spoilers if you’re still making your way through it. Then again, if I did I won’t feel too bad, ‘cuz the show’s been off the air for ages.
Jazz is good. She has both strengths and flaws, and I like that. Keep loving her- she just gets better and better in later episodes.
I find her to be pretty accurate as a psychology student. She takes obsessive notes about her family, but that’s more of a Jazz trait then a psych one. She never references any real-life studies or people in the field, if I remember correctly, which works well for the creators because then you don’t end up with people like me double- and triple-checking her facts and being nitpicky. She keeps things loose and general, and is written in such a way that you can’t tell if she was written by someone who majored in an aspect in psychology, or if someone with limited knowledge just gave it their best shot. It works!
Jazz is into a lot of the same stuff I am: behavior analysis, cognition, things like that. She’s a pretty cool character.Given that Youngblood seems to be pretty sharp on those things himself, I see the pair as opposites in the field. Youngblood’s into Thorndike’s work- ESPECIALLY law of recency (that the most recent response is likely to occur again), though he doesn’t know what it’s called. When he watches people, he constantly tries to stay one step ahead of the game, constantly discarding or rewriting previous assumptions and incorporating new information. 
Jazz would have a nightmare with that- she would be like “NO! This thing happened! It must be weighed equally against all their other behaviors, because cognition is king and everyone’s outward behaviors reflect their inner self all the time!” while Youngblood would be like, “Dude, she was sick that day, had lost her keys on vacation, and her kids were stressing her out- just treat it as an outlier and toss it”. Not that this comment is based on personal experience or anything. 
Basically, Jazz is way more likely than Youngblood to fall prey to fundamental attribution error. She views what people do as part of their personality. Youngblood attributes many behaviors as a result of the situation too.
But Youngblood tries to analyze and react on his feet after gathering limited information, leading him to be wrong way more than Jazz. What I wrote for him in “No Anesthetic” (specifically the middle part where he made the assumption that Candy was going to shoot at him, and he needed to time his run at her immediately after this because she would be reloading her blaster; you can use your computer’s search option to find the word “surrender” if you want to jump straight to it) is more or less the limits of his psychological knowledge. 
What I mean by that is, he’s good at reading people and noticing details of their personalities. And their surroundings. Again citing “No Anesthetic”, when he was in Painter’s lair, he took the environment into the situation (“He has a fruit bowl on the counter? I guess ghosts need to eat”, while environment is a detail Jazz just doesn’t pay attention to because she focuses on internal stuff. After noticing the environment, Youngblood concludes a person’s cognition based off their behaviors (an upcoming scene for “N.A.” where he explains to Sitarist why he thinks Skulker invited Technus over for breakfast despite Skulker having said earlier he himself never eats food in the Ghost Zone because he prefers meat from the outside will make this especially obvious).
Yep, Youngblood is a people reader. This was implied in “Fenton Menace” with his comments that Jazz “thinks she’s an adult”, despite the fact he shouldn’t know her very well, so he’s had limited time to observe her and yet was still spot-on with this, and the fact that he knew exactly what to do to make Danny fear he was going crazy, and cheerfully said, “One more day of driving him nuts, and his family will be ready to chuck him to the crazy persons’ huzkow!” That’s something I find fascinating about him- he didn’t want Danny dead, he didn’t have plans to expose him to his family as the ghost boy, and he doesn’t even want to take over the world. He just wanted to use psychology to make Danny miserable out of revenge for his sunken pirate ship.
Anyway, you asked about Jazz. Youngblood observes people in the moment, trying to use the current environment as a cue for how they’ll act. Jazz (bless her heart) is a note-taker extraordinaire. Youngblood acts, Jazz mainly observes. He predicts the cognition of people he barely knows (and is sometimes wrong), while Jazz prefers to gather as much information as possible and conclude a person’s cognition from their behavior based on all of that. It’s safer that way- she wouldn’t handle Youngblood’s way of life, because he’s wrong way too often for her.
And she doesn’t really do much with the info from her notes. She just likes to have it. She probably plays little games with herself, guessing what someone will do and then watching to see if she’s right. She often is, though will fall into a bad mood when she isn’t.
As implied by the first episode of the series, she seems to have a heavy interest in developmental psychology too (which I didn’t give Youngblood). And being older and actually learning psychology more than picking bits up mostly on her own, Jazz is definitely better versed in psychology than Youngblood is, so while his knowledge of classical conditioning is hazy and only goes as far as his own observations, Jazz is an expert in that stuff, and presumably uses it all the time, along with the Ben Franklin effect (asking people to do favors for you so their brain assumes “If I’m doing this for this person, I must like them” and they start liking you).
If that makes any sense. So yes, Jazz seems to be psychologically accurate.
Headcanon that Jazz dressed up as Sigmund Freud for Halloween one year.
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