#(it's more like the memory of iggy rather than iggy themself)
lenasai · 1 year
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ID: Four drawings of Houston Spies players holding one of the four Umpire masks in front of a Solar Eclipse. The images are mostly grayscale, with the exception of the players' eyes, the accents on the Umpire masks, and the background details, all of which are the color of the associated Umpire. The first image is Esme Ramsey holding the Rogue Umpire's mask with flaming skulls (the icon representing incinerated players) and fire in the background. The second image is Rivers Javier holding the Knight Umpire's mask, surrounded by hands reaching up from below. The third image is Ivy Mason holding the Bard Umpire's mask. Above them is a circle of seven daggers pointed at them. The fourth image is Howell Franklin holding the Mage Umpire's mask. The background resembles the Alternate modification icon, with the person in the center replaced by Igneus Delacruz. Iggy has a hand on Howell's shoulder, and Howell reaches up with their free hand, as if they're trying to hold it. End ID.
strike one: esme ramsey, familiarity with death
strike two: rivers javier, familiarity with the shadows
strike three: ivy mason, familiarity with curses
strike four: howell franklin, familiarity with alternates
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just-a-carrot · 6 months
Wonderland being able to affect the real world continues to be so interesting to me... this tree decided to sprout and become Everyone's* Problem. Also slowly becoming my dumb little theory that the tree got tired of waiting for them to return so it just trapped them in D&D world** 🤣 it has an AoE effect. It sounds 110% nonsensical on paper, but since Wonderland becomes more and more distorted as the loops progress... I feel like a significantly morphed version of it could exist and be 'Fantastic Wonderland' and that would explain a bit why the cast retains memories of OFW. Anyways, thank you Arc 1 ending*** for me being able to make the single most over-complicated OFW theory. And thank you tree for being the real MVP (Most Valuable Plant).
*A small handful of people **Well, not really that it got 'tired', but that the effects of Wonderland could continue to influence the characters' everyday lives... I think maybe at one point a character might have wished for themself to have been in an entirely different world/an entirely different person/something along those lines, and retroactively The Tree made it so that they'd go into Fantastic Wonderland during the D&D session. Which also explains why life eventually goes on for the main cast while there are still the Fantastic Wonderland counterparts living out their lives, since Iggy died in the loop HOWEVER so did Ignatius so Iggy restarted in his world and Ignatius restarted in Fantastic Wonderland... ***The one caveat is that maybe it only worked because Iggy was going to die anyways and reset the loop so it Didn't Really Matter if he was erased... and to that I say: maybe. (But also-- Iggy making a poorly worded wish to have never gone into Wonderland only to realize how dramatically that would impact their lives as he never specified within which time frame is SUCH GOOD ANGST if the tree can, and will, make any wishes a reality****. Since while all the worst stuff in their lives goes away, so does the secret that kind of kept the whole group together.) ****Caveat to this is that the tree probably really doesn't want to make a wish actively harmful to itself, but if I include any more caveats my footnotes are never going to end.
"continues to be so interesting to me" -> me, as well, to be honest, since i'll be real and admit that i have not thought through every possible possibility for things that could happen in this world or with these chars or with this tree, and i don't have all the answers (and never will) so i'm always really intrigued and curious when people have their own theories and ideas for How Things Work or what other types of scenarios and/or adventures that could happen as a result of the whole situation they've gotten themselves into
ofc OFW being The Most Out There one of all like what is even up with it and why does it exist. i could not tell you LOL but i actually quite like it that there aren't a lot of cut-and-dry answers because it leaves so much room open for theories and interpretations and people can come up with their own ideas, which opens up the world and possibilities even more
even with the finale though a number of Big Questions will finally be answered, there's still a lot that i've kept unanswered because i just prefer it that way. i'd rather people enjoy that realm of possibility than state everything matter-of-factly and limit everything that could possibly be
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sayuricorner · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug salt x Jojo’s bizarre adventure: “Biodad!Jonathan Joestar” AU
Headcanons part 1
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing.
Warning 2: This AU content salt don’t like don’t read!
Warning 3: For the Jojo character’s palettes colors I use the anime palette colors as reference.
If you want to use this AU you can! just credite and tag me in return please! :)
So, in many ML biodad AUs Marinette’s bio dad is most of the time someone like Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark, but how about:
                                 Biodad! Jonathan Joestar AU
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I mean when you think about it both Marinette and Jonathan are alike in looks and personnality!
-Both got blue hair
-Both got light blue eyes
-Both are kind souls
-Both are selfless and think about others before themself most of the time
-Both got a strong sense of justice
-Both are very smart
-Both are combative when needed
-Both don’t hesitate to put themself in danger to protect others
-Both can over-react when they’re carried away by their emotions
And just imagine the story possibilities with this AU!
“But Sayuri! Jonathan Joestar is from the Victorian aera and Marinette is born in the french modern aera how Jonathan would be Marinette’s bio dad in this AU?”
Well the same way which make Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel Jonathan’s kids:
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Yep! In this AU Marinette is another child born from Dio’s one night stands!
Now I know that make Marinette Dio’s daughter too and I know Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel are mostly know as Dio’s children but to be honest I consider them more as Jonathan’s kids than as Dio’s because honnestly outside of the head the rest of the body is Jonathan’s.
How Marinette’s conception happen then? Well here’s how:
Years before Marinette’s birth, a young adult Sabine Cheng was on a trip in Egypt, she meet Dio in a bar one night, he seduced her and they got a one night stand, with Dio having the intention to suck Sabine’s blood after, but at one Dio got a brutal crisis.
Normally anyone would get afraid and run away but instead Sabine, being the kind person she was, had done all she can to calm down Dio with all the tenderness she can give. And without being aware of it this actually saved her life.
After helping Dio to calm down both fall asleep, Dio woke up later in night while Sabine was still asleep.
Remembering the warm and familiar kind feeling he experienced during his “episode”, a feeling he didn’t feel for a very long time, he decided to spare Sabine under the pretext he wasn’t in the mood to suck her blood anymore before living to go back to his mansion.
In the morning Sabine wake up only to notice Dio left and never see him again after that night, she go on with her trip and when she go back to France she found out she was pregnant.
She decided to keep the baby, times later she meet and fall in love with Tom Dupain, both end up marrying to each other and Tom adopt Marinette and became legally her father.
The Dupain-Cheng couple also decided to give her a middle name “Joanne” in memory of one of Tom’s aunts with who he was close, making her full name “Marinette Joanne Dupain-Cheng”
Does that mean Marinette in this AU had the Joestar birthmark? Yep, she does! And she also got the Joestar genes when it’s come to body shape: as a kid she look like a shrimp but when she will be older she will get rather tall and will got more muscules to her peers’s surprise.
Did she had a stand in this AU? Yes!
Her stand is called [Viva la vida], a reference to the Coldplay’s song, this stand had the power to create miracles like making plants grow, healing illness and bad injures or being a big source of luck she also had a big affinity with plants and animals. But her powers had limits for example while her miracles allow her to bring back someone to life it’s only possible if the dead person isn’t dead for a too long time and make a powerfull miracle drain Marinette energy and she end up knocked out for a time.
When Marinette is Ladybug, [Viva la vida]’s miracles powers are stronger.
[Viva la vida] isn’t a stand know for her strengh but she’s very fast which allow her to make a lot of punches and kicks at the same time.
Stand’s appearance: [Viva la vida] is an humanoid stand with beetle features, her color schemes are black white and pink, she had beetle wings, big rond blue non-reflective eyes and her head is rond with two anthenas and is a head smaller than Marinette.
But if [Viva la vida] is a cute stand when Marinette is a civil, when the young girl took her Ladybug form, her stand took a more imposing and majesting appearance, she became taller, more muscular, her eyes smaller and almond shaped, her whole body get more armors features and her colors scheme change to black and red with black dots and she emit a rather intimidating aura.
Stand’s behavior: [Viva la vida] is a very expressive stand and very sentient and is a friendly and playfull stand. She’s very curious by nature and had the habit to examin in curiosity when Marinette meet new people or stands. Her being very sentient allow her to sometimes act as a conscience to Marinette.
She also love to eat cookies baked by Marinette.
When Marinette is Ladybug, [Viva la vida] is more serious and a more combative behavior.
Stand’s cry: “Mira!” a reference to “miraculous” and to the word miracle.
AU additional details:
-Class salt
-Bustier salt/bad teacher Bustier
-Adrien salt or Adrien sugar(it’s up to whoever use this AU)
-Lila salt
-Chloe redemption
-Class redemption, a part having a redemption or none of them having a redemption(you choose)
-Permanent miraculous user Luka
-Permanent miraculous user Kagami
-Stand user Luka
-Not everyone die AU/temporary death AU: if some Jojo characters like the Pillarmen, Caesar, Kakoyin, Avdol and Iggy are alive but others like Buccellatti, Abbacchio, Narancia and La Squadra are still dead but will not stay dead(You’ll see).
-Good father Jotaro
-Marinette's closed friends/loved ones calling her "Jojo" in reference to her middle name "Joanne"
-Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel adopted by the Dupain-Cheng
-Protective siblings Donatello, Giorno, Rikiel and Ungalo
-Marinette being the baby sister of all Jonathan’s and Dio’s kids
-[Viva la vida] being a cute stand
-Marinette, Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel not acknowledging Dio as their dad
-Protective Joestar family
-Good parents Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng
-Permanent miraculous users Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel
-Badass Marinette
-Scientist Gina Dupain at Speedwagon Foundation
-Diavolo and Doppio getting differents boddies
-Akumatised Marinette with her stand being corrupted and turned into a sentimonster.(You’ll see! ;) )
-Temporary Ladybug!Giorno (You’ll see! ;) )
-Diavolo still stuck in the death loop(’cause it’s only canon if Diavolo die!)
-The Pillarmen knowing about the miraculous
-Shipping:You decide the ship you want just not Adrinette please
Arcs for this AU:
The bizarre origins arc:
This arc is about the origins of Marinette’s birth, her growing up and getting a stand, becoming Ladybug and learning to accomplish her duties as Ladybug while learning to control and use her stand and meeting others stand users.(ex: Luka)
The bizarre USA adventures arc:
Take place times after Lila’s return, the liar keep her word and little by little Marinette’s friends turned their back on her and the fights against the akumas are always very hard to not say harder especially ever since she became the guardian.
Seeing their daughter’s moral so down Sabine and Tom decide to send Marinette to Gina to the USA for summer break. After making sure to had Kaalki with her to teleport back to Paris when an akuma attack, Marinette go on a trip to the USA with her grandmother.
But what should have been a normal vacation trip will take a bizarre turn when Marinette will learn about Gina’s job at the mysterious Speedwagon Foundation which will lead to a meeting with four ancients Aztec gods of fitness, getting informations about stands and her mysterious lineage and a meeting with three american unknow brothers.
(In this AU the Pillarmen aren’t dead after Battle Tendency but they’re detained by the Speedwagon Foundation)
The bizarre mass resurection mystery arc:
A lot of things happened in Marinette’s life, things she didn’t expected whatever in good or bad.
Finding out about her grandmother’s job at the Speedwagon Foundation, learning more about her stand, finding about the existence of three brothers and having said newfound brothers being adopted by her parents, her friends isolating her thank to Lila and learning she by Bustier she and Chloe were banned from the class field trip...
So she decided with to create with other classmates from the school a trip club and after some successful fundraisers the club get a trip to Italy.
And since Hawkmoth seemed to not have attacked for a time there isn’t any problems to go on that trip.
In Italy, on Giorno’s side the part 5 events happen just like in canon while on Marinette’s side she and the trip club get a good time in Italy until a particuliary violent stand user akuma attack the country. He was akumatised by Hawkmoth ‘cause Gabriel Agreste was on a business trip in Italy and thought creating a akuma in the country would attract Ladybug and Chat Noir and give him an advantage since the akuma attack in a unfamiliar place.
The fight was very hard but in the end Marinette and her allies were able to beat the akuma and with her miraculous powers combined with her stand powers she revert any damage... it’s even worked for damage/injuries/death by stands leaving Marinette knocked out for a time since she use a lot of energy while using her stand’s miracle powers.
On Giorno’s side after he beat Diavolo and became the boss it was noticed that Buccelatti, Narancia, Abbacchio, the whole La Squadra were bring back to life.
Even Doppio was back but in a boddy of his own.
Everyone thought at first this was the work of [Gold experience requiem] but it was reveiled later this was the work of another stand which will put Giorno, his gang and even Jotaro with the SWF on a big infestigation which will lead them to the stand user resposible for this mystery and unknowly to them and to Marinette to one big bizarre family reunion.
The bizarre family arc:
With everything which happened in Italy, Marinette not only had to deal with Lila, Hawkmoth, the akumas and her guardian duties but also with the discovery of an extended families and horrible and disturbing informations about “one of her bio fathers”.
And one day Lila took things too far leading Marinette to unleash all her frustration, stress and anger making her akumatised and it will be up to Giorno as a temporary Ladybug holder, her true friends and her family to saved her from herself and from Hawkmoth’s influence.
But the task will be hard with not only Marinette being akumatised but also with her stand [Viva la vida] having being unconsciously corrupted by Mayura while trying to corrupt Marinette turning her into a sentimonster.
The bizarre final showdown arc:
A alliance between Hawkmoth and a mysterious priest will lead the miraculous villain to his ultimate plan by helping the priest to resurect a powerful man, a man infamous for being a curse to the Joestar family and to the world, with the promise to achieve Heaven and to gain a power which will allow Hawkmoth to do all he want.
It will be up to Marinette, her friends, allies and her new found family to put an end to Hawkmoth once for all and to beat this priest before the worst happen with the resurection of the infamous Dio.
But bizarre chains of events will lead to another resurection, the resurection of a man very well know by the Joestar family and who’s tightly connected to Marinette, Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel.
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chocobostrinket · 8 years
would you be willing to continue that iggy/childhood s/o scenario? like they spend time together during the Moogle Chocobo Carnival (bonus if the group stalks them lolol), and maybe a proposal on a gondola during the fireworks? muchly appreciate extra fluff. thanks!
omg. Yes. Totally willing. A+ prompt here.
During a visit to Lestallum the boys(And Iris), despite Ignis’ wishes, manage convince his S/O to come with them to Altissia. 
This is of course, after they’ve grilled him till he’s burnt about their relationship for the past few months. (They can CLEARLY see he misses them. After all, they used to see each other everyday…They still haven’t found out about the two’s old living situation. Ignis managed to keep THAT under wraps thankfully.)
He’s rather cross with the boys, and his heart does slightly falter when he thinks of them travelling with them when any number of things could happen…
But ultimately, after spending almost every moment of his time traveling next to them, he’d figure out he was glad to have them beside him, worried or not. 
Prompto is actually kicked to the backseat because if he’s taking them along into danger he’s damn well going to spend his time behind the wheel holding their hand. 
As they’re finishing up a few last minute things, they do go along with them on hunts for extra gil and such. Which freaks him out because ‘it’s DANGEROUS’. 
Which results in them KINDLY reminding him that they can handle themself in a fight.
And by kindly, I mean joining in on one of the boy’s training sessions and not pulling their punches. (Literally, they’re not above just straight up throwing a punch in the middle of battle while they wait for their weapon to return to their hand.) lowkey headcanon that this particular S/O specializes in using giant  shuriken.
He wouldn’t be so concerned for them after that, but he does wish that they would STOP flinging their weapon away from themself. Because he knows they know how to fight with it in hand.
Anyways, they get the things to finish the boat and start their journey to awaken the leviathan. 
Most of the trip there Ignis is letting them lay across the back seat of the boat and rest their head on his lap. Seasickness hits them without mercy, and the most he can do is try and keep them asleep and relaxed.
It would be a sight for the boy’s to see, not that they’d be watching closely of course(they totally are )., 
Ignis wouldn’t be much different from usual, he’s still composed and unflappable and almost seems like he has no emotions toward his S/O around them. (And the S/O the same way around the boys, which is kind of sad. The others sort of LIKE seeing Iggy so relaxed and like seeing the sweet way they treat each other.)
But…there’s small thing they’d never seen him do before. Like running his hand through their hair absentmindedly. Or occasionally looking down at their face like he’s reading words written there. Sometimes, underneath their own conversations with each other (they didn’t want to bother Ignis and his S/O) they’d hear him whispering reassuring things to them, and occasionally they’d catch them reminiscing quietly about memories that were between the two of them and them only. 
They’d never seen him so…attentive. Even without showing his emotions, his actions betray the love he feels for them.
Upon arriving and the boys see something and would want to dart off immediately without explanation. “And you both HAVE to come with us.”
He’d be super suspicious of why, but wouldn’t be able to place exactly what made him so. Perhaps it’s because they just won’t stop grinning. 
They’d get a room right away so they wouldn’t have to worry about it later and spend the night just exploring the town. Ignis would be happier than he’d been in a while and so would his S/O. They’d all have dinner together and just let themselves relax for a moment. It’ll be a week before they can arrange an audience with the council woman, and Luna is recovering before she can see them, so they’ve nothing to do.
(They end up spending about three weeks in Altissia before the summoning.)
It’s only the next day, when Ignis wakes up with his S/O in his arms and sees that the other three are gone that he knows for certain that something is UP.
As it turns out, they’d been hanging out with them all night to ensure that neither of them saw the signs and advertisements for the Chocobo Moogle Festival! Surprise for them!
They’d leave them a note on the desk that they’d basically ditched them for the day, and to go have fun with each other.
They’d sort of look at each other and just know that they both were debating on just going back to bed. But, not wanting to hurt the other three’s feelings, because clearly more though than they’re usually capable of went into this. (Because lets face it, the only one who actually plans things on this level is Ignis.)
So they’d get ready for the day. And it’s remind them of their apartments in Insomnia. Without even realizing they were doing it, they’d fallen into the old habit of adjusting the smallest things on the other. 
It’d be just little things. They’d help him fix the sleeves on his jacket just so…He’d help them put on their necklaces and bracelets…It’s be so normal they wouldn’t realize they were doing it until they’d adjust his glasses ever so slightly and their eyes would met.
This would be one of those rare moment that they’d both be sort of embarrassed. It was terribly domestic of them, something neither was used to acknowledging. It just ‘was’ with them.
He’s then smile in appreciation and gently grab their hand, press a kiss to the knuckles and lower their hands. A silent signal that they were ready.
…On second though, upon seeing all the yellow they were NOT ready.
Both are slightly shocked at how the city had changed over night. 
And naturally, their first experience of the carnival is Kenny the crow…
They go to sit on a bench to sort of…just let everything sink in. 
Cue Kenny’s creepy head turn and scaring the crap out of them both. 
They’d end up falling off the bench with flailing from Ignis and a yelp from them. And the crow would just cackle before wandering off. They’d look at each other and just KNOW that today was going to be an off day. (Especially when they hear a laugh that sounds suspiciously like Prompto’s suddenly being cut short, as if someone had attempted to muffle it.)
“…Should we…?” “Just let them have their fun dear.” They’d know that they were being followed. 
Knowing they were being followed would sort of start a game between the two of them by accident.
What would get the loudest reaction out of the three following them?
It goes back and forth, Ignis suddenly slipping into one language, and his S/O replying in a completely different one. (Also a game between each other to see who messes up their conversation first.)
A small, “What the hell?” from the prince could be heard somewhere behind them. Point for Ignis because he started that game. 
The second? Ignis would be playing the shooting game, both deciding to try winning those seats for the firework display. (And staying in the suite had it’s appeal as well…)
But then, when he’d completely distracted they lean forward and wrap their arms around his shoulders from where he’s sitting and whisper something in his ear. It was just an embarrassing memory, something they’d held over Ignis for YEARS. And being reminded of it so suddenly causes him to lose his composure and his cheeks turn a VERY dark shade of red. 
The other three, thinking they’re being quiet and they were out of range would whistle and say out loud, “Whatever they whispered must have been something else to turn him THAT color.”
Three points to his S/O.
From then on it’s back and forth until they’re both tied at 23 points. 
They’re walking along one of the docks to sit at the end of it and laugh together. It’s been a fun day so far. 
He’d been perfectly gentlemanly all day, their arms had been circled together as they walked, he’d putting a guiding hand on their lower back when he didn’t want to get separated, and he’d always check with them to make sure they were alright. 
They in turn had been very affectionate. Whispering sweet nothings out of earshot of the others, reminding him of different memories and pointing out the different things they though might interest Ignis. 
So, in a conspiratorial whisper, they decided to end the game in a big way. They had enough medallions to get the suite and fireworks seat. And they wanted to rest before seeing the show. And they really wanted to see the other’s reactions to what was about to happen.
In a planned move, he suddenly sat up from where he had been leaning against their shoulder and shoved them off the pier. 
They could literally hear Prompto screech across the distance in a shrill tone, “HE DID NOT JUST-” before they went under the water. 
When they surfaced they laughed so hard they had trouble catching their breath. Ignis would reach down a hand to help them, but instead they’d pull him in as well. 
They’d then laugh together, sneaking a kiss before getting out of the water.
After stripping off as many outer layers as they could while still preserving their modesty, they would say just LOUDLY enough for the three people following them to hear, “We should head back to the hotel and see what the others are doing.” 
“Shit.” could be heard and then rapidly fading footsteps. 
Upon arriving back they’d greet the others and pretend they hadn’t seen them all day, and then they’d take turns in the shower. 
The other three would pretend to be enamored in their phones, but would watch them fall into their habits again. (Not creepy at all guys…)
They really had never seen this side of Ignis. They knew he could be affectionate, but this was a whole other level. 
Ignis would help dry their hair, and they’d tease him by saying it would be fine air drying. He’d press a kiss to their forehead after they comb his hair back for him. 
Small things that were really killing them all with sweetness. 
They’d finish getting ready and head out to the fireworks show, content and happy with one another.
Ignis and they would sit in the gondola and just…think of all they’d been through and talk about it. 
They had been through a lot. And they loved each other.
When the show starts their attention is only held by it for a short while. Because the other would catch their eye in the light.
Like so many of the major changes in their relationship, it would be unplanned. 
“Marry me.”
They’d look at him, and then smile at him genuinely. “Okay.” 
And it just as simple as that.
However, in a nearby gondola, the three are sitting and cheering for their friend. But thankfully, it’s drowned out by the blasts overhead. IF Ignis had known they were there, he probably would have waited until later to ask. 
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chocobostrinket · 8 years
Of Temperance (Prt. 2)
*Summary: A series of connected vignettes on how an OC meet’s the four chocobro’s. Warning, a lot of liberties were taken.
Meeting the Prince was the quietest of all the meetings.
It was their first dancing lesson, and he looked very…enthusiastic about being there. He was sitting on the floor of their studio, leaning with his back pressed against the wall. His eyes were closed, and at first glance he just seemed to be bored and resting with his eyes closed. However, being able to hear the snoring was something of a tip off that the prince was actually deeply sleeping.
Alec sighed heavily and pressed their fingers into their eyes and rubbed them. They’d never had a student fall asleep on them. With a huff the stalked over and crouched down in front of him. They tilted their head and tried to decide what they’d do. Wake him by yelling or shake him? In the end, they decide on neither and simply reached out and plugged his nose.
With his air supply so suddenly cut off, Noctis sputtered awake. At first he glared at the one who dared disturb him. But then it dawned on him where he was, and he connected the dance studio to the person in front of him. Presumably his instructor. His face immediately began to burn when he realized that he had already been caught sleeping in class and they hadn’t even met yet.
They beamed brightly at him, and he had the sudden sinking feeling they didn’t appreciate finding him asleep. “Welcome to the world of the living! Now that you’re back, you ready to get started?”
“Uh…Yeah?” He said hesitantly.
“Good!” They stood up in a fluid motion and pulled him to his feet. “My name’s Alec in case you don’t know. And we have exactly 6 months before you have to be able to dance at the king’s ball.”
He was about to cut in but they did’t pause in their talk. It didn’t help that he was suddenly rendered speechless when they grabbed his hand and placed it on their waist and took his other hand in theirs in the most basic of forms.
“The king’s ball, as you probably know, has been something of a tradition for ages. It’s held annually, but only adults are allowed to go. And this is your first year in attendance correct? Don’t interrupt.” They had placed their other hand on his shoulder, and when they saw him try to respond they frowned and mildly scolded him. “Anyways, it’s not every year we have a prince in attendance. And considering your lacking knowledge of the most basic of courtly dances, your father sent you, and your friends because I’m assuming they’re going to be in attendance with you, to my mother’s academy. Keep your hand here.”
They guided his hand back onto their waist, as he had let go while they were speaking. “My mother taught your father this too. And my grandfather taught the beloved queen before Regis, may she be at rest. So, I guess we’re next in this odd tradition. Now, pay attention and remember where your hands are. This is just a simple box step.”
They used their feet to guide his to their places, one at a time and step by step. Noctis was a bit tongue tied at how they seemed to be rushing things. He suspected they were a tad nervous, but didn’t want to point it out. When they were satisfied that he had the basics, they nodded and pushed him a little faster through the step. For a moment he thought it was rather easy, and there was no way it was going to take six months to learn this. But then he stepped down onto their foot and they winced. “S-sorry.” He looked up from their feet and they shook their head.
“Happens all the time, don’t worry about it. I lost count of how many times Ignis has stepped on me. And don’t even get me started on PROMPTO.” They snickered and he couldn’t help but chuckle along with them.
They spent the rest of their time together talking about nothing, and just going through to motions. Muscle memory would be key and they wanted him to memorize this. And there was never an awkward moment, though there were a few times where Noctis stumbled or stepped on them again. But they were good at keeping thing moving fluidly. When their time came to an end, they both felt as if they had made another friend.
Meeting the fourth of the quartet went smoother than they expected. Smoother, if the definition of smoother was ‘most stressful’.
They had yet to meet the infamous Galdiolus Amicitia, as he had skipped about a month’s worth of lessons. Which wasn’t too big of a surprise. He’d texted the first week to let them know just how useful he thought dance lessons were in the first place, and that he wouldn’t be attending. Now, it was rather petty of them they knew, but they had gone straight to Ignis with his attitude. They felt it unfair, considering the lessons had already been paid for, that he’d walk out of lessons with them without having learned a damned thing.
Ignis told them where he could be found when they stated they were going to drag him to his lessons by his ear. Though he didn’t say anything against it, and even gave them a fair warning the Galdiolus could be difficult. He wouldn’t even go when Ignis had asked him to. Then they saw that look on his face and knew that there was something he hadn’t told them. And they quickly found out what it was upon reaching the training arena for the recruits for the crowns guard. Apparently, like them, he was the child of an instructor. Difference being his family specialized in combat. But still.
They were not expecting a GIANT.
They had barely asked a recruit where Galdiolus was, or rather demanded to know, they heard a gruff voice say, “Behind you.”
The recruit scurried away with a look of terror on their face and Alec frowned at the reaction. Surely he wasn’t that scary. They turned on heel, ready to give him a piece of their mind only to come eye to eye with his chest. They blinked and then craned their neck backwards to look up.
…Sweet mother, what had they done to get him as a student?
Unfortunately, they were so caught off guard that the first thing to pop out of their mouth was, “Whoa.”
Then they shook their head and took a step backwards so they didn’t have to crane their neck so far, and he had the audacity to laugh of at them. They crossed their arms and waited for him to quiet himself before speaking, their cheeks turning color. They knew they were a tad bit on the short side, but standing next to him seriously made them feel like a child again. No wonder Ignis laughed. Even they had a hard time picturing anyone dragging him by anywhere by his ears.
“So you’re looking for me?” He finally said after settling himself, a wide grin on his face.
They nodded, their face still burning. “Gladiolus ‘won’t dance’ Amicitia I take it.”
He frowned but the amusement never left his eyes. “The one and the same I guess. I take it you’re…”
He paused and then frowned for real this time.
Alec’s eye narrowed. “You don’t even remember my name, do you.”
He shrugged and didn’t meet their eyes in embarrassment. “To be fair, it’s been a month since we spoke…”
“Which is why I’m here.” They sighed. “You haven’t been showing up for your classes. At all. And you’re still listed as one of my students. As one of my students, I fully expect you to be in your sessions and-”
“Yeesh, when did ballerinas become bounty hunters?” He drawled, turning his head to hide his smirk. He didn’t want them to know he was messing with them. It was kind of funny seeing someone so small trying to scold him.
Their mouth dropped for a moment before they could collect themself, “Excuse me?”
Their arms dropped from their chest and they seemed a bit stunned by how offended they felt. So they marched over to where he was standing and jabbed him in the chest before launching into a rant.
“Now listen here Tiny!” Gladiolus blinked at the nickname, but was curious enough to let them keep going. “You are currently listed as one of my students, and as such you are expected to show up and learn something! IF you’re not going to attend, then tell whoever it is who paid for the class to get a refund so I can drop you as a student. I can’t have you walking out of my class having learned NOTHING! You are messing with my reputation and I WON’T HAVE IT.”
Alec, at the end of their rant, looking like a small bird with its feathers ruffled, sent a scathing glare at Gladio when he started laughing. Again. While his eyes were closed and he was distracted, they muttered to themself, “Well, Ignis didn’t object to it…”
So without really thinking it through, they reached up and grabbed his ears and pulled him down to their level. “Ignis said you’d be difficult.”
The got Gladio’s attention and he fell silent, shocked that this person had actually GRABBED HIS EARS. When they were satisfied they had his attention they let go and crossed their arms once more.
“Now, I know you don’t think much of dancing, but you will be attending the king’s ball in 5 months. No student of mine is going to walk into something that important without knowing what to do. So either quit or start showing up.” They narrowed their eyes, “Am I clear?”
He blinked and shook his head, shaking the surprise away. “Yeah…”
They then smiled almost too sweetly, and said, “Great! So see you tonight at 6.”
They then pushed past him and walked out, with a triumphant smile on their face. Neither seemed to notice that a small group of the trainees were watching them with amusement. Nor did they notice Ignis when he stepped out from where he had been observing the event. He couldn’t keep the chuckle from leaving him as Gladio saw him and walked over to speak with him.
“Really Iggy?” They both watched Alec disappear around the corner, their grin still in place. “You siced a rabid pigeon on me?
“Well, they’re perfectly civil when you DON’T call them a ballerina.” Ignis shrugged. “…And I honestly didn’t think that they’d actually grab your ears.”
Gladiolus laughed at that, and asked, “So, you wanted to meet up to talk about something?”
Ignis nodded. “Yes. Combat lessons for someone who wants them.”
His head tilted. “I’ve already got Prompto, who else would to learn how to fight? And why me?”
“Well, I don’t rightly know. And I may have mentioned something about knowing someone who might be able to help.” Ignis got that look in his eye again, and Gladiolus frowned.
“Alright…Doesn’t answer my question, but I’m willing to meet with them if they’re serious about learning.”
Ignis huffed with suppressed laughter. “That’s good. Because you’re meeting them at six tonight.”
“I…already have a meeting then as of five minutes ago…”
Ignis raised an eyebrow.
“…You mean...”
“That’s right ‘Tiny’.” Ignis smiled, “And for future reference, their name is Alecto Sollertia.”
Now there was a name he knew. “From the Sollertia family? Like the ones that received the king’s commendation?”
Ignis shook his head, “And you called them a ballerina. No wonder they got so riled up.”
Gladiolus sighed. What a wonderful first impression. Though… “So what’s an artist want with learning combat?”
“You’d have to ask them that question, I didn’t pry.”
It was then the conversation turned from Alec and onto other things. Gladio went to his lesson that night, and talked it over with Alec about them learning a form of combat. Which they decided to merge both lessons into one, spending some of their meeting time on dancing, and some on fighting. Slowly, not that Alec noticed, Gladio shifted the lessons completely from dancing to fighting. Which was fine by him.
Though he never got his answer on why they want to learn how to defend themself. Not until much later.
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