#Gender neutral OC
meowsgirldrawing · 11 months
BG3- Upsides to having a tall partner! (Astarion + Tav)
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Then the downsides-
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thedemonknownasbilly · 8 months
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ucetheones · 1 year
"When was the last time anybody hugged you?"
Cold Water
Jey Uso was separated from his birth family at a young age, what happens when he runs into his twin brother, randomly one day?
Will his existing relationship with Jai, his best friend of eleven years fold under the pressure of trying to find his place with them?
*the story will be better than the description, I promise!
"When was the last time anybody hugged you?"
The question was simple, one the average person could easily answer. But for Jey, it felt like cold water had been dumped all over his body. It felt like someone had pushed him out into the winter air without a jacket, because he hadn't been hugged in a long time.
Jey wishes he could say he was last hugged yesterday, or even a week ago, but that wasn't the case. 
Instead, he said nothing, he just rolled his eyes, kissed his teeth and tipped his head back. "Not everybody has mommy and daddy there to coddle them." 
That wasn't Jey's voice. The tone was softer, but always firm.
It was Jai, as usual. They were always the first one to defend Jey, or divert attention away from him. He was always thankful for them, they had a quick tongue and never backed down.
Jey could easily defend himself, he could quickly remind his friend he grew up in the system, having been separated from his birth family after a freak incident. However, he always chose to say nothing. It was easier than bringing down the whole room.
Besides, Jey aged out of the system with Jai a few months ago. It sucked never being adopted, but Jai was there too. Just as alone as Jey, but never one to show how deeply it stung.
While they ended up in the same foster home, their situations were drastically different. Jai had been abused by their birth parents for years before finally being freed of them. 
Their foster parents were nice, thankfully. They'd only been separated twice since they met.
They'd both been in less than ideal homes in their lives, but the last family they found themselves with had been kind, and inviting. They even helped Jey and Jai find a place to stay after their 18th birthdays, not to mention they stayed in constant touch with the pair.
There was a loud 'bang!' before anyone could respond to Jai. 
Jey was more than glad to grab his stuff and Jai, using the distraction to extract his best friend and himself. 
The sound was just one of the other wrestlers in training having hit the mat a little too hard. Everyone should've been accustomed to the sound by now, but it could still be alarming. 
As soon as the fresh air hit his face, Jey was tipping his head back with a small smirk. "Ten bucks says Hawks doesn't last another month."
Jai clicked their tongue, their shoulder bumping into Jey's. "Man, you know I agree with you. Why would I take that bet?" Jey gives a soft shrug, throwing his arm around Jai's shoulders, "A month is real specific, what if he only lasts another week? You just lost ten dollars!"
Before Jai can respond, Jey's body is tugged away from them, a soft 'oof' leaving the taller of the two. Jai is by his side immediately, though when they glare up at the mystery person, their eyes almost immediately widen.
"Um, Jey? Why is your face looking at me?" Their question falls on deaf ears when the person who bumped into Jey speaks, 
One look at Jey confirms Jai's suspicions, though he looks equally as confused as they feel. 
"I'm Jey." He points at himself, his brows pinched.
Jai breathes a deep sigh, their hair falling in front of their face as they do. 
"Are you fucking stupid, Jey? Seriously?"
Twenty minutes later finds them in a cramped booth at a random diner near their training center. Jey is gripping Jai's thigh for dear life, as the guy who they've learned is named Jon, or Jimmy, munches on a plate of lukewarm fries.
He spent about ten minutes trying to convince Jey they were related, but given the fact they were clearly twins, Jai and Jey both felt it was unnecessary. 
Jey had a dozen questions, but there was one question he couldn't let go of.
"Wait, why you here now? You said y'all lived in Florida, so how you end up in Ohio?" 
Jimmy merely shrugged, "wrestling, man. I start training next week." Jey and Jai share a look, which has Jimmy visibly confused.
"What's with the faces?"
Jey chuckles softly, his grip on Jai's thing loosening, "Us too, actually. We moved from Indiana a few months back." 
"We? Y'all a couple?"
Jai can feel their cheeks dusting red, and given the way Jey's fingers twitched against their thigh, they knew he was just as taken aback by the question. 
"Nah, not at all. We're just really close. Been a duo since we were about seven years old!" It was the practiced answer, the one Jey and Jai gave to anyone who asked.
Because it was true, they weren't a couple. They'd always skirted around it, but neither were willing to risk the years of friendship under their belts for a relationship that might not work out. 
Jimmy looked suspicious at the answer, but he held his hands up placatingly and took a sip from his long forgotten soda.
"You wanna know what's funny, Uce?"
Jey wanted to point out this entire situation was hilarious, but he just shook his head and motioned for the other to continue. 
"Our family is wrestling royalty in the WWE,  so the fact you gravitated towards it without knowing is like…destiny or somethin'. 
Aye, but now that I found you, we can be a family again!" 
It was like destiny, and Jey wasn't sure if it was ironic or something else.
He was taken from his parents at the age of three, the reason is still mostly unknown to him. He spent his childhood being put through the ringer, hoping one day his family would return and sweep him away. Hoping they'd save him from the hell hole that was his life growing up.
No such rescue ever came, but his 18th birthday came and went and now the universe decided to drop his twin brother into his lap. A twin he never would've known he had if he hadn't ducked out of practice earlier than usual. 
Years of crying himself to sleep, wishing for his mother's warm touch, coupled with dreams of fleeting touches he'd only known for a short while, were just supposed to be washed away because his twin brother found him, accidentally?
Yeah, right. 
Jai seemed to sense his discomfort, and immediately shook their head. "You gotta give him time, he doesn't even know y'all. I'm his family, you're a bunch of strangers to him."
Jey wanted to wince at the ice lacing their tone, but he couldn't help but agree. Jai had been his only real family. He didn't even know Jimmy, or his parents. It would take more time than Jey was sure anyone would be willing to take.
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ramenbow1 · 3 months
Idk, like oc shit or smt. Draft/reference character backstory and general plot for something im writing. Enjoy?
RAVEN- She started fucked up. She is cursed to be a harbinger of death, a mark of coming danger. When her mom gave birth to her, she (her mom) started seeing ravens everywhere, so she named her child Raven. The Ravens wanted their raven, the child, raven, 7 by now, to do something for them. But she didn't know what they wanted, and she didn't know how. So they killed her mother, pecking her eyes out. 
10 years later, the Ravens came again, this time hanging near her father. She was scared. So she killed him. And the Ravens were pleased. She slowly made herself into a slave to the Ravens, taking up assasin work and taking jobs that payed well, never failing to take down a target. And the Ravens seemed pleased. Eventually though, she starts doing wrong things. The people she killed were marked with death, but the Raven held other symbolism too. She misunderstood the Ravens wishes for more death, as that was all she had ever known, after all. Eventually, the Ravens become upset with her, and she starts doubting. If they wanted her to kill, or if it was just her the whole time. Needless to say, she descends into near madness, frantically searching for something to just rid her of the Ravens, the curse, that had been plaguing her all her life. She hears, from many frightened travellers, that there was a witch in the woods that could help her. So she went, and she found the witch who wasn't a witch, a boy, who did his best to help her. But curses aren't a thing to be lifted with anything less than a blessing, and after months of nothing working, months of the Ravens becoming more and more displeased with her, taking bites out of her in night, she gave up. And the Ravens, having no more use for her, killed her. With the vessel for the curse having died, the Ravens were left to find a new vassal. So they turned to Condor, who inherited the ravens curse. 
CONDOR- he is blessed. After his family, a notable one, skilled in the arts of magic, were ransacked and murdered in the dead of night, he wasn't the only survivor. Because none of them survived. 
Though, 200 years later, after all the magic arts had been lost to the world, he woke up again, with no memory of the family he once had, none of his little sister, and none of his mothers. He remembered the magics, and his home, and his life, but any time he tried to remember a person, he couldent. So he gave up on that, settling for the fleeting dreams of people that he was pretty sure existed. He was pretty sure he was alive. The scar right above his heart wasn't very good evidence of that, and he had never really seen another person in his life, but he *felt* alive, at least. No people, until a wounded traveler stumbled apon his house in the woods one day, and he made him a potion to help heal him, assured him it was free of charge and sent him on his way. But then more came, every so often, and the tale of a forest witch spread. Not far, but far enough for a certain cursed girl to hear. He tried to help her. He couldent, and now the Ravens were with him, and he had a body to bury. 
SPARROW- They were a normal kid, not especially talented in any areas naturally, so they worked hard. They worked hard to provide for their family that they loved with all of their heart. Their sick mother, their barely there father who brought coin and food every once in a while, but not nearly often enough. Their younger sibling, and they tried to be there to help their older brother when he needed help with his work, until one day he didn't come home from work. One day, their mother never woke up, and one day, they werent careful enough. One day, their younger sibling dissapeared, with no trail. They were too tired to look, anyways. With no ties left in the city, they packed up, took what was left of their mothers coin purse, and left. Only a few weeks later, they met Raven. They got along well, only fighting over food. And when Raven started working as an assasin, Sparrow was there, finding her work, scouting targets for her. Sparrow watched Raven kill someone, and nearly die because of it. Sparrow watched Raven slowly, slowly, become more and more not herself. And when they thought it was getting too much, that Raven was pushing them away and bottling up more than she could handle on her own, they yelled. It was the first time they had really fought, and it ended with Sparrow dead, surrounded by Ravens, with the one Raven they thought they knew, walking away.
The Ravens never demanded death from him. He lived alone in the woods, for the rest of his life, lonely, because he knew if he strayed, the ravens might make him walk the same path the girl had. So he stayed in his woods, helping those who came, thinking. He remembered his family now. His sister, his two moms, and his pet bird. It was a Sparrow, wasn't it?  The girl had mentioned a Sparrow. A person, maybe. He had time to think, and he thought a lot about if he could have saved the Raven, who had seen battle after battle. So he lived past 120, realized that maybe if she was cursed, he was blessed, and realized that a blessing could always break a curse, he knew the answer was yes. There was a way, he just wasn't fast enough.
RAVENS- death, rebirth, transformation, prophecy and insight, messenger, loss and ill omen.
CONDOR- rebirth, renewal, death, and mourning
SPARROW- resilience, adaptability, hard work, a positive attitude, endurance, or perseverance.
GOOSE- guidance, intuition, family, the importance of teamwork, loyalty, the start of a new journey.
OWL- Prophecy, Boogeyman, Prophet, Knowledge, Danger, clairvoyance.
CARDINAL- loved ones who have passed away. 
BUTTERFLY- beauty, manipulation, envy, chase. 
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ha-e-l · 2 years
Eclipse - Chapter 1 [Cod MW2 x OC]
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Here it goes! No idea when I’ll be posting more, but hopefully semi-regularly. Enjoy! CW: Cannon typical violence near the end
To say that I was nervous about this team-up would be a severe under exaggeration. I am fucking terrified.
Joining teams like this could lead to so many different outcomes. Of course the hopeful one is that everyone gets along and works together to successfully complete the mission, but that isn’t a guarantee. 
It is no secret that being in special forces you have to work to prove yourself, no matter which country you’re fighting for. So joining a brand new team, who had no idea what my skillset is, meant that I will have to start the process all over again. My only saving grace is that I have one ally coming with me. 
König and I have been working together for about 5 years, and I can say, without a doubt that I trust him with my life. Standing at 6’10”, with broad shoulders to match, and the constant presence of his mask, people tend to find him intimidating. They avoid deeper connections with the man out of fear, and intimidation. But under that dark mask, he truly is just a big softy. 
In the grips of battle, he is confident, and task-focused; willing to do whatever it takes to finish the mission and come home with his team. Out of the line of fire, however, that confidence bleeds away, revealing the anxious mess of a man below. And god could I relate to that. 
           It’s so easy to be brave when any minute could be your last, but in the quiet domestic moments, that bravery is nowhere to be found. Moments where ordering a drink in a busy café felt harder than being confronted with the barrel of your enemy’s gun. 
And maybe that’s why we bonded so well, we could understand each other's mindset. Understand the hardships that we encountered without judging each other for it. And it does help to have someone there who understands what’s happening, it chips away at the fear until it’s no longer an all-consuming entity, and instead something small that can be tucked away for later. 
But this was a rare occasion where that fear couldn’t be tucked away. I was facing it head-on, and at any minute it would reach its crescendo, and the new team would walk through the door in front of me. 
König was joining us later, as he had a meeting with our director to inform him we had made it safely to the base. I, for whatever reason however, am on greeting duty, and König gets to push it back until later. I’m not sure which one I would hate more. At least this way the bandaid was being ripped off for me. König has to dwell over his late entrance. 
“Sheiße.” (Shit) My leg won’t stop shaking, and I look to the ground, resting my arms across the top of my thighs as I fold my hands together, fighting the urge to fiddle with my knives. My heart feels like it’s beating out of my chest, shaking my entire being with it as I wait for my merry group of men that I will be teaming up with. I take deep breaths, attempting to calm myself, and when that dosen’t work, I curl even farther into myself and hold my breath. 
I release my breath quickly when the door to the room I was in opens, and four men walk in. My reaction is slowed by the lack of usable oxygen flowing to my brain, but as all four men come to a stop next to the table, I rise from my seat, shaking my hands out as I make my way toward the group, scanning them over as I near. 
I had memorized their information when we were assigned this team, and I am now putting information to faces. Or in the case of one man, information to mask. The white skull was glaring against the black balaclava that he wears, and there is no question in my mind that this is Ghost. The man who never had a photo taken of him. But who was I to judge? I had spent the last 5 years partnered with a man, and I had never once seen his face. Everyone had their reasons for their quirks, and I’m sure it’s no different with this man. 
“Good to finally meet you, Sergeant. I hope you had a nice ride over?” Captain Price steps forward, extending his hand for me to shake, which I do.
“Good to meet you as well Captain, and yes, it was a good old military transport.” I smile slightly, trying to convey that I’m making fun of the transport that we were all used to, and I am relieved when the Captain gives a short laugh before turning to the others behind him. 
“Sergeant, this is Gaz, Soap, and Lieutenant Ghost. Gentlemen, this is Sergeant Eclipse.” I give a nod to the men and receive two in response. It’s weird to hear my code name in English after so long, and I’m was hoping my discomfort is hidden well enough. “Our other new addition will be joining us shortly, but until then, I have new intel for you all to look over.” He produces five manila folders and sets them down on the table, taking a step back as the four of us move to pick one up and begin reading. 
The silence that filled the space was neither awkward nor comfortable, just present, and it was beginning to make my shoulders pull tight. The manila folder is light in my hand as I look over the information. Mostly blueprints, some numbers for personnel, and any background we had on them. My hip is cocked to the side, my other leg pointed away from my body. My back is curved as my shoulders hunch in around myself, blocking my neck from sudden attack as I stand prone in the small room.
About 5 minutes later, there is a soft knock on the door that causes all of us to look up and spot the hulking frame of my partner as he ducks through the doorway. He shakes hands with Captain Price and is handed his folder before they turn to face the rest of us.
“Fellas, this here is König, our second transfer.” I cringe slightly at his pronunciation of König’s name and feel my eyebrows draw slightly together as I wonder why he translated my name and not his. With a pat to the back, König is stepping toward me, and comes to a stop at my side, looking down at me. It’s only when he stands this close that I realized he looks taller than usual, and I straighten my posture, standing to full height next to the man. 
“So Klein.” (So small) He raises his hand, ruffling my hair. And while I may not be able to see his face, I know damn well that is a smile in his eyes. I push his hand away, glaring playfully at him as I give him a good punch to the side. His shoulders shake with a silent laugh as he turns to his folder, and I return to mine, re-reading the entire thing. 
Five minutes later, everyone is done processing the new intel, and we all gather around the table again. My hands rest in the arm holes of my vest as I wait next to König to hear what we are to do next. 
“We have roughly three days before we ship out, so use this time to get yourselves in order, whatever that means for you. But you better be ready when we leave.” We all nod, and Price leaves the room, Gaz following after him. Soap turns and makes his way toward König and I, stopping in front of us. He isn’t short by any means, but just about anyone looks short in comparison to my quiet friend. 
“What’re they feedin’ you back t’ere” Soap’s accent was thick, but not to the point of misunderstanding. Ghost steps up behind the man, and I can see the wheels turning in his head as he sizes König up. I can also feel the brush of König’s arm as he tenses behind me. 
“Potatoes mostly,” I say, letting my arms fall to my sides, looking between the two men. 
“That so?” Soap asks, a small smile on his face. I let one claim my face as well, and nod. “We were about to head back to the barracks if you wanted to tag along?” He tilts his head to one side, and I am reminded of the dogs we had back on base. 
“That would be wonderful, thank you.” My accent is thick to my own ears, and I wonder if he is having the same thoughts about my accent as I am about his. He gives a nod, smile still on his face as he moves toward the door. I follow, König behind me, and Ghost behind him. 
Once we are out in the open, we switch to walking side by side, creating a line as we walk toward what I could only assume is the barracks building.  Soap chatters as we walk, explaining where the mess hall is, but that they have a small communal kitchen space where we were free to make food if we felt inclined. He also explained that there are communal showers, but that the showers in the gym were single stalls. I smile at that, glad to hear that I could have some privacy while on base. 
The doors to the barrack building are heavy steel, guarded with a passcode lock, that Soap quickly tells us the code to. 
Once we are in the main hallway, I see the small communal space that Soap had mentioned and spot Gaz leaning into the fridge there as we walk past. Soap points out the door to the gym as we pass it, then pushes the door to our barracks open. Inside there are six single cots, all with the same dull green blankets and white sheets. Next to each bed is a small nightstand with a lamp, and at the foot of each bed, there are metal boxes for storage. It’s simple, but it’s familiar. 
With three beds on each side of the room, the space feels symmetrical, and it is a welcome view. The beds on the far end of the right-hand side of the room contain our bags, and I’m not sure how to feel about getting the bed closest to the corner, and farthest from the door. But, these are the cards I was dealt, and by god I’m going to play them. 
“Thank you Soap, your tour has been very helpful.” I try to give a small smile, but Soap just looks confused. 
“Are you bein’ serious? Or ‘re ya messin' with me?” He asks looking me over as König moves to his bed to dig through his belongings. 
“I assure you, Finsternis(Eclipse) is being sincere,” König says, back turned toward the three of us that are in the room with him. I smile as he looks over his shoulder at us, eyes catching the light and shining through the slits in his mask.  Soap smiles back at us, and makes his way toward his own bed, directly across from König. 
The day proceeds smoothly, and soon I am wearing a white shirt and black shorts as I pull my blanket up to my chest and turn to face my partner in the bed next to me. 
“Schlaf gut, mein Freund.” (Sleep well my friend) I say, smiling slightly at the large man attempting to fit into the bed. 
“Schlaff gut.” (Sleep well) He responds, and we both click our lights off. 
Soap and Gaz are already in their beds, and working on turning their lights off as well. Price is puttering around the foot of his bed, moving things around, but he is dressed in his night clothes, so I expected it won’t be long until he too is in his bed. Ghost, however, is nowhere to be seen. His bed is the one directly across from mine, so as I lay there, waiting for sleep to engulf me, I have nowhere to look but at that empty bed. He keeps his corner very tidy; so tidy that I wonder if he sleeps somewhere else, and avoids this space altogether. 
Eventually, when my brain begins creating different scenarios of what he could be doing instead of sleeping, I decide to close my eyes, turning so my back is to the gap between the wall and my bed, and I can open my eyes and see over König and Gaz and watch the entrance to the room. With my eyes closed, sleep comes easier, and I fell deep into the darkness, the sounds of Price’s piddling fading away.
Pain. All I could feel was pain. Radiating from every point of contact with the men surrounding me. The knife sticking out of my thigh wobbled slightly as one man flicked its handle, and I groaned at the pain, biting my lip to try and cover it. 
“Still nothing?” The man asked, leaning over me. I collected the spit in my mouth, tainted with blood, and spit it directly into the man’s face, watching as the pinkish liquid slid down his cheek. 
“I’ll never tell you anything,” I said, staring up at him. But his smile curled on his face again as he waved another man over. 
“We’ll see about that.” The man that came over held a car battery, and two jumper cables, and I could feel my skin prickle with the anticipation of the electrical current I knew was about to flow through me.
“You can stop this, just tell me what I want to know.” The man said, grabbing the cables and touching them together to create sparks. But I stayed silent, watching as the cables moved closer and closer to my chest, which was exposed except for the tank top I usually wore under my shirts. When the cables finally made contact, the pain was searing, and my silence broke as I screamed out in pain.
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nomorefstogive · 4 months
Through Love, Perfection. r/PrimarchGF and Female Primarch AU inspired story.
Hello all, this is a ficlet I made recently that I thought I would share here, I copy pasted it from the word doc hence the author's notes and such, that said please enjoy and let me know what you think of this mess of an idea.
P.S. Muse is the fan name given to female Fulgrim's lover by the community at r/PrimarchGF. I have gone ahead and made them gender neutral for this fic, though I might make them female in future ones.
Author’s Note: Well, this is certainly a surprise, we have to admit that we never thought the day would come when we would write for the 40k fandom as, despite our own fondness for the setting, we lack an enormous amount of knowledge on it and simply did not know where to start with ideas for it.
And then we saw a most interesting post on the r/GrimDank Subreddit, a post that  opened doors to vistas untouched and undreamdt of by us, each one bringing forth more and more ideas as we watched a new setting grow. 
Ladies, gentlemen, non-gendered individuals, those between, and all those others, we welcome you one and all to our first fic for the PrimarchGF AU!
Created by the wonderful community of the namesake subreddit, after we began to grow a little too large to be contained on r/GrimDank, and with the foundations of it having been laid down by the wonderfully talented u/Sweet_Older-Sister, this is a setting that has such potential for angst and wholesomeness, that we would be foolish to not throw our hat into the ring. 
This particular ficlet, is inspired by the reddit post found at https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/1cr6hfl/it_would_work_and_you_know_it/ made by: AAABIXIX. All credit to this idea goes to them, though I feel my own take on it is vastly different than what they, or myself from when I initially thought of it, had in mind.
We also have to thank the community of the PrimarchGF Subreddit and of Cryptek-01, who has gathered a list of the communities names, for the names used for the female Primarchs, link to post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrimarchGFs/comments/1cypo6g/i_made_a_list_of_names_for_femprimarchs_and_their/
Yet, as with all our tales, it seems that it has a mind of its own, what started as a simple tale of vanity being both bane and hero, became something else entirely, and while we are yet confused as to how we got here, we hope you all enjoy this mess of a tale.
That said, we feel we should make clear that we are quite inexperienced with the characters of 40k, at least in terms of writing their personalities and such, and so we have given our own twist to some of them in this tale. 
Similarly, we have also taken the liberty of altering the timeline, and editing the events that took place across said timeline to better fit with the image present within our mind for the setting of this short tale.
If such heavy OOCness and AU disturbs your reading experience we apologize, and hope that you at least take a quick look at the r/PrimarchGF subreddit and at its illustrious prophetess’ profile, please go and show her some love my friends she deserves it for blessing us with this. 
If you are yet here, and have steeled yourself for whatever form of atrocity against literature it is that we have written, then we thank you for giving us a chance and hope you enjoy our little tale of-
Through Love, Perfection. 
TW for Implied Sexual content and mentions of blood and gore, along with a few mentions of violent thoughts. I think that is all.
“In All Things, Perfection.” Thus was the Creed of the Empress's Daughters, and of the Matriarch who led them forth across the stars to fulfill the great vision her mother had shown to her children once all had been gathered and their crusade readied, to usher forth a perfect golden age for mankind once more. 
Yet this creed did not just extent to the fields of war, upon which they left tableau’s of horror and vistas of carnage of such grandeur that none could deny that their talents in war were of sublime status, but also to all other such things that their Matriarch had taught them.
Poetry, sculpture, painting, dance, singing, it was easier to list a field within which the Matriarch of the Empress’s Daughters did not excel, and which she had taught her children to similarly excel, the Phoenician having guided her progeny to such a degree that were one not to see them in their armor, or the sanguine wake left behind them, they would be scarce to believe such marvelous artisans were instruments of hellish carnage.  
Yet, for all that she aspired to perfection ever did it elude her reaching hands, slipping free as an oil coated serpent, stalling but long enough to mock her with its flickering forked tongue before once more eluding her despite how hard she had pursued it. 
‘Never enough, always better, always better, it could always be better’, such were the thoughts that echoed within her head near to every hour of each day, mocking her with coy and pompous voices that drove her ever forward, desperate to at last achieve that which had eluded her.
And perhaps, in another, much darker timeline, it would have been that which had lead to her fall from grace and descent into wanton hedonism and debauchery, her mind warping and being rent asunder under the seductive whispers of the servants of Chaos. 
Yet, not in this one. 
For as she rose from her bed, skin bare of cover but the bites and scratches that she had willed to not heal for she wished to relish in their delightful aches and stings a bit longer, the saint mix of painful pleasure being enough to help her awaken swiftly as she sat about her preparations for what was to come. 
Below the great fleet that was her children’s armada, there laid a world that they had recently brought back into the fold of the Imperium, no blood having need be shed as the people below, long alone and afraid, had welcomed them as heroes and saviors, having rid them of long standing oppressors of the nearby worlds before their arrival.
And thus they had brought the world into the fold much sooner than they had expected to, indeed, they had anticipated much steeper resistance given the neighboring worlds own acts of futile rebellion, though they were not complaining for now they not only had time to rest and relax before they resumed their campaign, but also to indulge in celebrations due to commence the next day. 
So it was that across the ships that made up their fleet, not only were preparations for their next push forward commencing, but so were preparations for the celebration to come as the Astartes chose their outfits and and cosmetics for the party, or relaxed and allowed for themselves to indulge in their arts for a while before they had to depart to the world below and then forward once more. 
With fingers more dexterous than one would assume given their size, and an equally startling silence, the Phoenician opened the great dark wooden wardrobe in which she had carefully arranged a pair of clothes for the celebration to come, looking over them and making certain that they were in immaculate condition.
Upon her satisfaction of their status of being free of flaw, Fulgrim closed the doors to her dresser and turned towards her vanity, swiftly and silently striding towards it as she looked over the gathered cosmetic items and jewelry, each perfectly arranged and neatly ordered for their usage in the coming days. 
Everything was prepared, their clothes were selected and sealed up such that they would not acquire any wrinkles before the day of the celebration on the planet below them, cosmetics and jewelry neatly ordered, and yet still…
Even as she looked over the clothes that she had so meticulously selected, the makeup designed to make her already striking features even more radiant, and the jewelry meant to make her and her other half as radiant as the stars, she could still feel as though something was missing.
A sigh slipped past her lips as she brought her hand to her forehead, fingers gently kneading the skin as she closed her eyes and tried to focus on what it was that would complete their outfits, what it was that would make them perfect. 
Violet eyes slowly opened, and raked over the room, pausing but to alight with a warm glow of joy as she saw her darling’s form concealed by blankets and pillows laying on their bed, no doubt yet still worn out from their actions the night previous.
Unbidden, a chuckle slipped past her lips as the image of her lover, adorned with bites and bruises looking up at her with a pouting face as they weakly beat on her chest with their hands.
“You said…my turn to top…” Her hand had to cover her lips to prevent her chuckles from growing in volume as she recalled the absolutely adorable way her lover had tried and failed to convince her to let them continue so they could have their chance on top even as they drifted off to sleep beneath her as she watched with smug delight.
She truly had meant to let them be on top, but they were just so adorable as they writhed beneath her, how could she have passed up the opportunity to savor their expressions, their taste, their-
Fulgrim shook her head, while normally she would take the chance to revel in the memories of last night, and perhaps to give her lover something beautiful to wake up to as her moans brought them into wakefulness and into her arms, she yet still felt that nagging sensation and so she instead allowed her gaze to wander once more. 
Faintly, she felt a sensation, as though a gentle caress upon her cheek by a silken hand unseen, that bid her to turn to look at the display case that rested across the room from her, and the treasure held within it.
A prize won through blood and tears and misery, and one that she had taken quite the fancy to at first sight, even if her darling disagreed with her on its beauty, claiming that it clashed horribly with her armor and that the flaming blade she had forged with Ferrus long ago made her much more radiant, indeed it was because of that disagreement, and the threat of involuntary abstinence for several weeks, that she had not taken to wearing the blade as she had wished. 
Of course, there was reason beyond mere vanity that lent credence to her darling’s desire for her to avoid the blade, as not only was it of Xeno origin, but it also gave off a sensation that, while to her was appealing, was to her beloved revolting, and thus her caution on the matter. 
In truth, she had meant to have it sealed in the storage bay, but she had decided that it was safest where she could see it, no one could get into her chambers without her or her Muse knowing, and even if they did, they would find quite the marvelous surprise awaiting them when they did open the container without the proper key.
Something she had no interest in contending with, as she unconsciously began to open  the container and reach out her hand, a part of her yearn, begging her in silent desperation, to touch the hilt of the sword, to give in to that hypnotic allure that so sweetly beckoned her to-
“What did I say would happen if you touched that sword before it got looked at?” The Matriarch of the Empress’s Children jolted slightly at the voice that came from the corner of the room, her hand recoiling from the case she had been reaching for as eyes the color of violet lightning turning to alight upon the form that sat upon the bed, swaddled in blankets of silken cloth and rich fur, and surrounded by plush pillows easily double the length of their body as they leaned against the headboard of the titanic bed. 
The Matriarch's lips curled up into a smile as she saw her Muse adjusting themselves ever so slightly, a low groan slipping from their lips as they did so, eyes keen beyond all form of human understanding easily able to pierce through the shadows that concealed their face from the blankets draped over them and to meet the pair of rather tired looking eyes that stared back at her with no small amount of irritation present.
She could not help but allow her smile to grow a little bit as she recalled exactly why it was that her other half was so weary and covering themself in their blankets to ward off the chill of her room, and more importantly gazing at her with such a delicious look upon their face. 
Truly it was no fault of hers that her lover was so breathtaking, and what kind of connoisseur of art would she be if she did not show such a marvelous piece of artwork the reverence it was due as she laid mark upon mark of affirmation and adoration upon her lover’s bare form until no longer could they deny their own beauty and worth. 
So deep was the Matriarch's recollection of the previous evening’s events, or perhaps it had been the entire day, neither of them could reliably tell and none of the Matriarch’s daughters would dare to interrupt them during a moment of passion unless it was absolutely necessary, several bolter rounds and a flaming sword flung at them the first and only time they had done so insuring their privacy from then on, that she missed her lover reiterating their question to her several times.
Beneath the cloak of silk, fur, and cloth eyes narrowed in irritation as once more the Muse of the Phoenician repeated their query to their lover, taking acute notice of the both the absence of a forthcoming reply and of just where it was that their lover’s eyes were lingering on as they calmly took a deep breath before-
They called out again, this time their tone was coated in both no small amount of exasperation, a faint undercurrent of irritation further making clear their feelings on the matter of their lover having lost herself to her own fantasies as opposed to answering them.
The Matriarch felt a not so small chill run down her spine, mind racing as she tried to  recall just what it was her lover had said, though much to her despair there came no light of clarity or spark of realization, something which her lover quickly registered as well as they began to shift and stir.
The Matriarch could not stop herself from licking her lips at the scene of her lover wearing silken blankets as a gown to cover themself as they began to stride towards her, their movements slow and, at least to the Matriarch, ominous in their approach, as the formation of a thunder head afore a storm, or the faintest hum of wrongness that heralded the Materium and Immaterium being rent asunder as Chaos sallied forth to assault them once more.
As bare feet glided delicately across the richly carpeted floor, the silken sheets shifting and swaying in a spectral breeze, the delicate motions of silk upon bare skin making Fulgrim swallow once more as she watched with dreadful anticipation as her lover drew near, each second an eternity as her lover’s eyes met her own with veiled intentions that made the Matriarch’s heart thunder. 
The thundering of her heart and the racing of her blood did not to drown out the siren song of silken sin that caressed her ears as her lover at last drew to stand before her, barely a third of the towering Matriarch’s height and yet somehow managing to project such a presence that even she, the most beautiful and most might Phoenician, felt as though it were her that was the smaller of the pair.
With hands so impossibly small in comparison to her own that barely could the delicate fingers wrap around but two of her fingers, let alone her entire hand, her lover gripped her hands and directed them to where they belonged, one to their shoulder and one to their hip as they bid her lean down such that their lips could meet, the Muse assuming the role of conductor and director of this intimate dance for several moments, lasting far longer than a normal mortal should have been able to without breaking for breath before they at last parted.
Eyes of violet and eyes concealed in shade both alighted on the thin strand of saliva that linked their lips for but the briefest of moments before it parted, the pair taking a moment to regain themselves before their gazes met once more, Fulgrim’s apologetic and her Muse’s own somewhat calmed in their irritation, though yet still narrowed.
“Apologies darling, I lost myself in marveling at the wonder befo-” Fulgrim found her words cut off as a hand lifted to place itself against her face, index finger gently coming to rest against her lips in a gesture of silence, shadowed eyes narrowing further as the Matriarch was unable to fight her urge to take the tip of the finger into her lips and begin to suckle upon it as her lover heaved a sigh before speaking.
“Why is it that everything that comes out of your mouth is either flirtatious or horribly annoying dear?” The Muse murmured to themself in question, the towering Matriarch merely smirking once more at the query as she indulged herself in suckling on the finger between her lips  for a moment longer before she released it as she pulled her lover close to her, the hands not resting on each others hips moving to intertwine as they looked into one another’s eyes. 
“I don’t hear you complaining, my dear.” The Phoenician said as her smirk turned to a smile as she saw her lover sigh once more, the corners of their own lips curling up into a small smile of their own as they leaned in to rest their forehead against their lovers own, their eyes drifting shut for several moments as the pair basked in the silent affirmation of their bond. 
Yet, even as she held the one so dear to her oh so close, humming a melodious if nonsensical tune low in her throat as she idly swayed along with her darling Muse, their came to the Phoenician a sensation of something missing, a nagging and itching sensation that made her feel no small amount of unease, though she allowed none of it to permeate through her as she held her love close. 
It would not do to frighten her Muse, least of all over what could more than likely be nothing but her forgetting something once again, something she felt had begun to do more commonly of late…hmm…perhaps she should consider taking some time off and taking her lover to visit one of the worlds in the Imperium, she had heard that one was soon to be celebrating a festival of some kind, surely she cou-
“If you keep thinking so hard, you’re going to hurt yourself and miss the party tomorrow my love.” Fulgrim sighed as she opened her eyes to look at her lover, faux hurt coloring her face for a moment as she watched her lover arch and eyebrow at her, their gaze daring her to speak up, a dare she could not possibly turn down.
“Oh? But if I get hurt then surely you would stay with me my Muse. Afterall, who would be there to nurse me back to health if not you my dear?” Fulgrim asked her lover with a delicate and pleading tone, eyes wide and innocent, or at least as innocent as she could make them, though her lover only blinked at the scene before them before the leveled an expression as flat as the plains her sister had taken to riding with her children and lover across of late.
“Hmm, perhaps I should ask Bile to take a look at you after all. If you think I am going to miss watching your sisters making fools of themselves as they try to court their lovers, then you are madder than those fools who think Rus is the dominant one in her relationship.” The Muse could not stop the low chuckle that slipped past their lips as they saw Fulgrim look at them with a faintly betrayed expression on her face, though soon she joined them in their chuckling as she thought of the spectacles that were sure to occur at the party to come.
Indeed she could not fault them for wishing to not miss the spectacles to come, especially given the whispers she had heard regarding the disaster that was Regalia Dorn being drug their by her own lover, well that and her Muse had a valid point regarding her wild sister, the woman wore a damn collar under her armor wherever she went for their Mother’s sake! 
Soon it was that their chuckles tapered off into a comfortable silence as the pair leaned against one another in silence, unconsciously moving to rest their foreheads against one another in a somewhat awkward pose, though neither cared for how they looked so long as they could enjoy the feeling of one another's warmth.
Yet eventually there came the time when the Muse pulled back with a low sigh once more slipping past their lips, Fulgrim letting out a low whimper as she chased them once more, only to be halted by a finger resting itself against her forehead as her lover spoke up once more. 
“And speaking of the party, I thought you were going to be dressing to impress, especially given how Ferrus has been boasting about the beauty of the set of armor her assistant and her have forged. Or have you decided to take pity on your sister and allow her this victory my love?” The words came with a slightly teasing lilt to them, though there was an underlying seriousness to the words that lent weight enough to them for the Matriarch to focus on them. 
 The words prompted Fulgrim to blink at her lover in confusion as she turned to look over her attire once more in the mirror, standing to her full height as she pulled her lover against her as she pictured what they would look like at the gala.
“I don’t understand darling. With what I have in mind you and I will certainly be the ones to steal the show, assuming Mother does not deign to show up.” The Pheonician said as she mentally pictured the attire she had in mind over her lover, a perfect match for her own attire, and one that she had enjoyed the challenge of making, especially given that it had one the approval of the critic that her Muse could be. 
Indeed, it was that critical nature that lead her to lending her ears to her lover’s words, the very nature that had drawn her to them when they had critiqued one of her works before her as her daughters watched on in shock at the scene of the fragile mortal critiquing their perfectionist mother’s work to her own face. 
They had expected her to snap at them, to yell and curse or draw her blade and decapitate them, and instead had been rewarded with the sight of their mother asking for the counsel of the smaller figure in regards to how to improve her next work, something which had heralded the start of their relationship. 
And now she once more welcomed their judgment, though she had to bite down the urge to snap at them, something which made her brow furrow further, she must be more stressed than she had previously thought. 
‘Yes,’ Fulgrim thought to herself. ‘Once this gala is done, we'll take some time off to rest and unwind, maybe we’ll even be able to see that play we have been looking at, I’ll have tickets for the three of…no two of us booked.’ A hand came to rest upon her brow as she heaved another sigh, yes a break would do her good, especially if she was starting to think like that. 
Perhaps she should corner Sanguinia, Volkana, and Magna and ask them their counsel on just what it was that could be plaguing her, the three had long proven themselves the most adept at helping their sisters find what it was that was plaguing them in terms of emotions and thoughts. 
“Fulgrim!” The uncharacteristically sharp tone of her Muse’s voice caused the Matriarch to jolt once more, her head shaking from side to side as she re-focused herself on the present and her lover, who was now gazing at her with open concern on their face.
“Sorry dear, my mind wandered for a moment.” The Matriarch said as she offered her lover a smile, trying to reassure them and herself at the same time, the unease she had been feeling rapidly vanishing as she took in the concern and care in her lover’s eyes as they reached up and delicately laid their hand against her cheek.
“That…has been happening too much of late.” Her Muse narrowed their eyes at her as they gently rubbed their thumb against her cheek for several moments before they closed their own eyes and offered up a weary sigh as they shook their head and took a moment to compose themself before speaking up once more. 
“Once this is done we’re taking vacation, our children can handle any matters that come up, and if it comes to it Ferrus and her brats owe us enough favors that we could have them take over any campaigns that crop up while we are off for months to come.” Fulgrim could not stop a chuckle from slipping past her lips at the last bit of her lover’s statement as she leaned down to rest her forehead against her lover’s once more, sighing as her Muse let out a low hum as the pair allowed their eyes to drift shut for a moment before they parted once more. 
“I was just considering the same thing my dear, we could visit your home world and see what new travesties they have allowed into their ‘Grand Gallery’ surely it would be an entertaining visit.” Fulgrim could not stop herself from chuckling once more as her lover narrowed her eyes at her in a scathing glare at the remark about both her homeworld and their gallery.
“I hope for your sake my dear,” Fulgrim could not stop the shiver that ran down her at the delicious sensations that hearing that voice turn from gentle silk to a frigid whip crack, “that you solely mean my coworkers allowed travesties into the gallery, I would hate to have to discipline you otherwise.” 
Fulgrim could not stop the smile that began to form on her face as she looked down at the narrowed glare her lover was giving her, a gaze of such frigid sharpness that it would drive any normal being to quake in unease and dread, she had even seen it make her daughters feel unease and that was no small feat, that left a shudder of desire wracking her frame. 
Though soon it was that the smile that adorned the Matriarch’s face twisted in a look of faux hurt as her lover reached up to flick her forehead as their own lips curled into a slightly vengeful smirk as they spoke up once more.
“Besides, idiots they may have been, and likely still are, at least they know what style is, something you seem to have forgotten my dear.” Fulgrim pouted at her lover’s words as she locked eyes with her, noting the way her lover let their gaze travel from her violet eyes to the blade that rested on the stand beside her mirror, the target of her comment being readily apparent. 
“Oh? And what does that mean, my Muse?” Fulgrim spoke up, her tone much sharper and colder than she had any intention of allowing it to be, though it seemed to do not to her lover but make their lips purse into a thin frown as their eyes narrowed into a frigid glare for several moment before they sighed and spoke up. 
“Look in the mirror, take a decent look at what you have in mind for tomorrow,” Fulgrim did so, her eyes closing slightly as she pictured the rich violet and cream colored dress she would wear, adorned with the sapphire and golden filigree designs she had spent so long designing, and the dark sapphire and cream colored clothing of her lover that they had both worked on for so long. 
Try as she might, she could not picture what it was that was making her lover so concerned for the coming gala, at least that was until her lover once more spoke up to her as they walked off towards their closet and began to rummage through it.
“You’re picturing the clothing, the cosmetics and jewelry correct? Likely imagining how you would look with that tasteless piece of metal at your side, again a flush of unbidden irritation that made the Matriarch have to bite her lip to still her tongue, but why should you settle for a simple metal blade when you could show off something like this…Oh, and happy early anniversary my love.” 
Her Muse finished their statement as they pulled out a rather lengthy container that had been kept concealed in the depths of their closet, with both hands, they pulled out what appeared to be the base of a blade, the pommel a sapphire colored gem adorned with specks of silver and violet within it, the grip adorned with cream colored leather, each strand of the binding having been carefully inscribed with designs such that when layered together upon the finished product they gave the appearance of thunderbolts striking a sapphire sea that laid above the jeweled pommel. 
Above the leather grip there was the guard of the blade, granted it was a rather unconventional one, not due to it being styled to resemble a pair of great wings made out of silver and gold with violets and sapphires carefully carved to form elegant sloping rings and bands, alongside of being used as highlights for the many feathers upon the great wings.
But rather the guards was odd, for the fact that its center most portion was shaped to resemble the form of the Muse themself, the great wings erupting from their back, their form being adorned with minute carvings and etching to make it as lifelike as possible, their lips spread into a loving smile that would gaze up at the women who wielded the blade. 
And as for the blade itself, which, while upon first glance appeared to be already a masterwork of platinum and silver colored metal, each inch engraved with ornate designs and flowing markings, though of a far too slender a shape for such a sized hilt, there was yet one other facet to cement its wonder in those that beheld it.
It took but the faintest caress upon a hidden mechanism for their to come a humming and crackling sound, one that soon grew in intensity to such an extent that it would be hard to think, and if that was not enough than the brilliant radiance that came forth in the shape of a near blinding light of violet and sapphire electricity that formed into a blade of thunder and lightning that enveloped the smaller metal blade, the electricity triggering hidden mechanisms forged by Petra herself at their behest which made the blade hum and vibrate at such a frequency that not could stop the blade once it was swung.
For a moment longer the Muse gazed upon the blade, their lips curling upwards into a smile as they disabled the lightning of the blade as they turned to present the weapon to Fulgrim, a low chuckle leaving their lips as they saw the Matriarch gape in slight shock at what was being presented to her. 
“This is-!” Fulgrim said nothing more as she immediately devoted all of her attention to the blade being held out to her, eyes wide and hungering as she ravenously took in all of the details of the weapon she was being presented with, her heart beginning to hammer as her thoughts raced at the masterwork she was being presented with.
“You would not believe how hard it was to make that thing without you figuring it out, even with so many of us working on it.” Their words made Fulgrim look at them in silent question as they smiled before they continued. 
“I had each of your sisters help me with it, Petra, Hestia, Ferrus, helped with forging it, then Petra and Ferrus made the motors and engines for the lightning while Hathor, Aurelia, and oddly enough Kassandra and Morrigan helped with the more intricate designs on the leather and carvings on it…their lovers largely just provided moral support and ideas for them.” Fulgrim’s lips had already parted into a gape of shock before her lover continued, their own lips having widened into a smile as they continued. 
“The materials were located by Magna and Juno, and then they were retrieved by Freya, Alakhi, Volkana, and Corra, she was the one to provide the jewel for the pommel, while Magna and Aurelia blessed the sword with some rather powerful enchantments and wards to make sure no one but us can touch it and that is would not dull or rust.” And now her Muse’s smile reached blinding proportions as they continued yet again.
“Lastly, we had Atlanta stress test it by sparring with Freya, Morrigan, Leona, Regalia, and Cora to see if their differing styles would damage it, while the Twins helped with coming up with a way of hiding it from you, they were the ones running interference for most of the time we were making it, and when they weren't Sanguinia was, she is also the one who came up with the idea of the angel motif for the guard.” Her Muse finished, their own eyes shining with mirthful delight as they saw their lover’s silent gape as she looked over the blade she had been presented with.
With a trembling hand, the Matriarch reached out and gently plucked the blade from their hand, the instant her hand wrapped around the grip of the blade there came forth, unseen by the pair, the faintest hint of golden wisps of light that ever so softly brushed against her skin, bringing forth a sensation of calm and clarity that drove away the unseen hands groping at the Matriarchs essence.
Though neither saw this, for they were too enveloped in the moment as the Muse stared into her lover’s eyes, a low chuckle slipping past their lips as they reached out their hand and delicately wiped away the tears, smiling as Fulgrim looked up at them from where she had been inspecting the blade.
“I…I have…I think I need to sit down.” Fulgrim finished as she moved over to their shared bed, sitting down on it as she continued to look over the blade that her lover had presented to her as her mind raced with thoughts as she took in the weapon she held, her hand softly caressing the angel design on the guard for several moments before she lifted her head to look at her lover.
Her vision slightly blurry as she tried to choke out something, anything to say, only for nothing but a low whine to come out as her lover approached her, swaying their hips to the sides as they allowed for their cloak of blankets to fall and reveal their bare form. 
With a smirk on their face, the Muse moved towards Fulgrim, prompting the Matriarch to set her new found sword on a nearby night stand as her Muse straddled her lap, their eyes shining with delight as they saw the Phoenician look at them with tears in her eyes and a slight quiver to her lips. 
“What do you think my love? Not only does it go wonderfully with your dress, but you can also show it off to everyone else and boast about your lover and your sister's talents.” Her Muse leaned in once more, gently pulling Fulgrim down as they allowed their lips to delicately graze her ear, lightly blowing into it before they continued.
“Well, what’s your answer my love? That piece of metal that clashes with your attire, or something that shows off the talents of those who love you and compliments your attire perfectly, which one do you feel like taking now?” The Muse knew what answer they would receive, especially when they felt Fulgrim gently lay her hands on their hips. 
For a moment, Fulgrim’s gaze flickered over to the Laer Blade, the pull normally tugging at her mind gone and allowing her to truly look at it, seeing the blade for the tasteless piece of sharpened metal that her lover had claimed it to be.
So her choice was already made when she allowed her gaze to flicker to the sword she had been gifted with before she returned her gaze to her lover, a silent nod giving her answer as her lover smiled in triumph as they leaned down to seize her lips with their own.
As hands began to wander, and lips hungrily devoured one another once more, the Muse allowed themself to smile as they thought of the faces of not only the poor fools that would be present at the Gala, but also of their homeworld's artisans when they saw a genuine masterpiece during their visit.
‘Oh yes,’ They thought as they felt their lover shift to be laying on her back as she pulled them atop her, hungrily pawing at their bare flesh, ‘we’ll show them what real beauty is.’ And with that last thought, they allowed themself to cease thinking as they indulged in their shared passion with their lover. 
Line Break
The day of the Gala was, as with any celebration that Fulgrim and her legion were involved with, a day of semi-ordered madness and chaos across the entirety of the legion as the Astartes raced to and fro as they tried to make themselves ready for the celebration, their desire to one-up their fellow Astartes matched but by their desire to impress their mother and her lover. 
It was amidst this scene of organized chaos that a particular example of lunacy took place, for the bedchambers of the Matriarch could be best likened to being caught within the embrace of a mad tempest as Fulgrim and her liver dashed to and fro to make sure they were properly prepared for the party to come, the pair having slightly overslept due to the previous day’s activities. 
“Damnit, where did I put my necklace!?” The Muse called out from where they were busy searching through each of the drawers and shelves they could while Fulgrim herself was putting on her makeup, watching the scene out of the corner of her eye. 
“Were you wearing it yesterday?” The Matriarch asked her lover as she finished placing her lipstick on, her gaze flickering over to where her make-up kit lay as she began to search for her eye-liner, though she paused when she noticed something out of-
“Aha!” Her darling called out from behind her as they at last spotted their platinum and sapphire necklace…atop a cabinet that was much too tall for them to reach, the sight making their left eye twitch as they tried to jump up to reach the chain, only to fail as they missed the chain by several inches. 
“Could you help me get this damn thing when you’re done?” The Muse called out as they diverted their attention from their necklace and towards getting the last of their attire on, though they did pause when they realized that Fulgrim had not answered them.
The Muse lifted their head to see their lover looking over her cabinets and displays with a confused look upon her face, her brow furrowed as she seemed to be attempting to locate something for several moments before they called out once more and caused her to jolt her awake from her reverie.
“What’s wrong?” They asked of her as they began to put on the last few articles of clothing that Fulgrim had laid out for them as they awaited their lover’s reply, a low curse slipping past their lips as they messed up a knot for one of their shoes and had to redo it. 
“Did you move that sword from Laer? I was going to have it sent to mother, but I can’t find it.” Fulgrim asked her liver as she glanced about in confusion, a sensation at the back of her mind telling her to search for it, to rend the room asunder to recover it, yet the feeling was fading with each passing second, diminishing in the time it took for her lover to offer her a confused look before they spoke up. 
“My love, I wouldn’t have touched that damn thing if you had begged me on your hands and knees. I have standards after all.” Fulgrim rolled her eyes even as a fond smile crossed her face at her dear’s usual demeanor, the Matriarch shaking her head slightly as she quipped back to her lover.
“Standards? You? Didn’t you tell me that you would have to abandon those when we started dating my love?” Fulgrim could not stop herself from chuckling at the end of her reply as she recalled the thoroughly dumbfounded looks on the faces of those around them, well most of them as Ferrus had been too busy laughing herself into near unconsciousness as her own lover doubled over beside her.
“I did, and I stand by that I have had to drop many of them, such as my standards for getting enough sleep to awaken on time for something,” her Muse gave her a faux glare as their lips twitched upwards as they continued, “and also my standard for not waking up sore and covered in bruises and bites my dear.” 
Fulgrim could not stop the laugh that slipped past her lips as she pushed aside the nagging sensation in her mind as she rose to her feet and approached her lover, smiling as she saw them narrow their eyes at her with suspicion, already planning any and all methods of avoiding her doing something that would make them any later than they would already likely be if the clamor breaking out across the ship was any indication. 
Though the Muse found themself pleasantly surprised as their lover merely reached up and pulled their necklace from where it rested atop the cabinet, slowly striding towards them as the Muse reached out their hand for their necklace, only to be denied as Fulgrim held it out of their reach with a smirk on her face.
“Let me my dear,” Fulgrim said, a chuckle slipping past her lips as her lover once more narrowed their eyes at her wariness coming alight for several seconds before they offered a nod to the Matriarch, lifting up their hair so that she could clip the necklace on.
They realized their mistake the moment they saw Fulgrim’s eyes gleaming with mirth, her lips curling ever so slightly as she mouthed the words ‘Payback dear,’ to them as she leaned in and-.
“Fulgrim, don’t you-!” Their words were cut off as the Matriarch latched her lips onto their neck, targeting an area that would be concealed by their attire, provided it did not shift enough, as she began to suckle and nibble on the skin, her actions prompting a low moan and a shudder of pleasure to rack her lover’s frame as their hands, that had been trying to push her away, instead reached up to entangle themselves in her hair and pull her in-
Fulgrim pulled back, smirking as she heard a low whine slip from her lover’s lips, both at being denied further pleasure and at the Phoenician's actions, their eyes narrowing into a slightly clouded glare even as they pouted up at her. 
Chuckling once more, Fulgrim placed their necklace on them before she turned to head back to her vanity and finish her own preparations, her lover’s murmurs of promises of vengeance for her unbidden attack upon their neck only serving to make her smile and chuckle, already anticipating what was to come both at the party and afterwards. 
Though, she still wished she knew what became of that sword. Perhaps it had been knocked from its perch during her and her Muse’s actions last night, struck by some article of clothing or knocked down when their passions became such that they were tackling one another across the room and taking one another upon each surface they could. 
Idly she shrugged to herself, she could search for it when they returned from the party, the worst case scenario being that she would have to find another gift for her mother and that she might one day find it collecting dust under a piece of furniture. 
Still, as she finished putting on the last of her makeup, all while being given a gaze that promised vengeance by her Muse, she could not shake the feeling that something, some great and irrevocable change had occurred, yet for the life of her she could not figure out what it was.
‘A concern for another day,’ She thought to herself as she rose to her feet, her new sword finding its place at her side as she outstretched her arm to her lover, watching with a smirk as they yet glared at her as they took her hand and rose from the bed to walk with her.
She chuckled to herself as she saw her Muse fidgeting ever so slightly as they adjusted their clothes to try and hide the mark she had left upon them, already aware that the Matriarch would not let them cover it with concealer, her pride at showing off such a mark to others, and her lover’s own pride at it being shown off as well, preventing such an act. 
“Come my dear, let’s make sure everyone else is ready.” Fulgrim said as the pair left their chambers and began to wander down to the shuttle bay of the ship, all thoughts of a missing blade soon being swept aside as they began the laborious task of ordering their children and making ready to depart for the celebration taking place on the world below them.
It was as they were waiting for the shuttles to take them down to the planet below that a thought struck Fulgrim, prompting her to turn to where her lover was working with several of their children to try and force some form of make up onto Bile’s face, the Apothecary fighting tooth and nail as they did so as she hurled curse and abuse upon them for their efforts, her lover eventually pulling back with a nod of approval as she motioned for them to let Bile go.
With a withering glare to the team before her, the Apothecary stalked off to seek asylum in the dark corners of the hanger, the Astartes parting to mingle with their sisters as they noted their Mother drawing near to her lover, the Matriarch chuckling as she saw her liver putting her makeup kit back into her purse before she looked at her. 
“I knew she wasn’t going to be wearing any when she was dragged out of her room, so I came prepared.” Her Muse answered her questioning gaze, her words prompting a chuckle from the Matriarch as she met her gaze once more before she asked her the question that had been on her mind for some time. 
“Actually darling, I was more curious as to what it was you offered my sisters to get their help with making this sword, nothing too precious I hope?” Fulgrim found herself surprised as her lover winced slightly at her words, their hands rising to cup their face as they let out a low groan before they let their hand fall to their side as they mumbled something under their breath.
Fulgrim blinked, already she could hear some of her daughters beginning to snicker at what they had just heard, and while she was tempted to join them, she wanted to be absolutely certain as to what it was she had just heard.
“What was that my love? I’m afraid you’ll have to speak up.” Fulgrim saw her lover narrow a glare at her for a moment before, for but a fleeting instant, a gleam came to inhabit their eyes, one that Fulgrim had come to both anticipate and dread, a gleam of mischief that typically ended with the words ‘I want to try something new,’ or ‘They wanted my opinion’.
A slight chill ran down Fulgrim’s spine as she looked at her lover, watching as the gleam faded and an exasperated look crossed their face as they spoke up, once more, their words prompting many to choke out chuckles or look at her in incredulous shock. 
“Dating Advice. I had to offer those Ceramite headed fools you call family advice on dating, because apparently them and their daughters are all idiots on the subject, and by the fucking Empress was it fun,” The way she spat the word fun, as though it were the most vile thing she had ever tasted caused chuckles to begin to break out once more, Fulgrim finding herself fighting her own laughter as she looked at her lover.
“Surely it couldn’t have been that bad, right my dear?” Fulgrim asked, watching as her lover went still such that they could have been mistaken for a particularly breathtaking statue of lifelike design beyond anything else, that is if one were not to see the way their eyes shifted to lock directly with Fulgrim’s own, molten wrath blazing within them.
‘Oh dear, I think I made a mistake.’ Fulgrim had time to think before her lover’s lips parted, and a volcano of exasperated vitriol emerged, the gathered Astartes being treated to a front row seat for the cataclysmic eruption alongside of their mother as her Muse snapped. 
“Not that bad? Not that fucking bad!? I had to coach Regalia on how the fucking guide book her daughters got her did not cover everything, oh and turns out no one had ever bothered to explain to her what sex is!” Fulgrim was not the only one to gape at the Muse as they continued on, their hands clenching tightly as their lips spread into a perversion of a smile.
“I had to have Aurelia help me explain what it was to her because everyone else was too busy laughing, then I had to try and get Aurelia to stop helping me before she made Regalia’s head pop from how much blood was rushing to it.” Fulgrim felt the chuckles slipping past her lips at the image that played across her mind, though she felt said laughter slip past her lips in greater quantity as the Muse continued with-
“Then I had to tell Morrigan that maybe the reason her lover is constantly emptying  buckets of perfume on her is because she refuses to bathe, that ended up becoming a fucking hour long argument that only ended when Aurelia gave her that pleading look of hers and convinced her to at least try it and see what happens.” Her Muse’s jaw clenched as they took a deep breath before they resumed, seemingly unaware of the laughter and awe filling the room. 
“Sanguinia, Empress bless that woman, all she needed was advice on how to approach her love and how to broach the topics of her curses to them, that was simple enough. Corva? She had the same issues, though instead of curses she wanted to know how to get more comfortable with physical contact. Hestia, another fairly simple one, she just needed advice on how to stop her love interest from running away every time they see her, preferably without traumatizing them.” The laughter grew greater still, many turning gazes of genuine respect to their Matriarchs lover as they took a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm themself before they resumed.
“Aurelia…dear fuck…”The Muse paused for several moments, a thousand mile stare gracing their face as though they were reliving a particularly traumatic experience, their lips moving silently for a few moments longer before Fulgrim;s hand on their shoulder made them look up at her. 
“I think you need to spend some more time with her before she gets her lover…because I don’t think they’ll be leaving their bedroom till the next damn Golden Age starts once the Crusade is done…and bring a notebook…some of her ideas sounded very…interesting.” Fulgrim’s mouth fell into a silent gape of shock, her children joining her for several moments before the Muse seemed to try and shake themself from their stupor by focusing on another subject. 
“Juno, all we really needed was to try and work out how she could approach them and how they could schedule their dates, simple enough. Hathor was pretty much the same, though we also had to figure out how to make the one she wants notice her feelings, not the worst one though it was a challenge.” Here the Muse paused to take a breath, sighing softly for a moment, before they resumed, their eye twitching slightly as they spoke up again.
“Petra really just needs to be honest with her feelings, that’s really all I could offer for advice for her…that and to remember to take off her armor when she tries to do anything with them.” Fulgrim nodded, smiling slightly at the mental image of Petra, sans her armor, trying and failing to flirt with someone, it would be an amusing spectacle to see, hopefully she would get to witness it tonight.
“Ferrus, just needed a reminder that not everyone can endure the heat of a blast furnace like she can…or endure sparks from molten metal hitting them like she can…really she just needs to remember that the one she’s interested in is a lot more fragile than her.” Fulgrim nodded once more, her smile growing softer at the thought of her closest sister finally getting with someone, she would have to send her a gift…hmmm…maybe she could find a copy of her…’educational’ book on intercourse and send it to her, Ferrus could certainly use the material in it for ‘educational purposes’ for when things reached the bedroom…or maybe…
The Muse paused, registering the mischievous glint in their lovers eyes, and while they were tempted to try and quash whatever form of torment she was dreaming up for her sister, she would try and see if she should warn Ferrus later on, for now she had to continue to feed the gossip mill of the Empress’s Daughters as they continued.
“Freya, that was a basket case. First we had to work out that no, you cannot just walk up to someone, hand them a leash and collar and say you are dating now,” Fulgrim’s hand flew to her mouth to muffle her cackles, her daughters trying and failing to follow her example as her lover continued. 
“Then! Then we had to work out that no, you cannot growl at everyone that looks at them before you are even dating, nor can you leave hunting trophies outside their door as gifts, I can only hope that she did not leave some beasts head outside their door beforehand…though…given the look on her face. And don’t even get me started on her asking if it was okay for her to p-ut her scent on their clothes to mark them…I pity them so much.” The Muse sighed as they shook their head, visibly holding back on saying more on the matter as they shifted to another one of her sisters.
“Atlanta…was a surprise, all she really wanted was advice on how to plan out dates with them that don’t involve battle, and on what flowers she should give her Rose,” The incredulous looks they received was enough to make them offer a shrug in response as the Astartes and their Matriarch shared glances of shock and awe with one another. 
“Leona was…not as bad as I thought, really just has to work on working up the nerve to confess and not scaring the hell out of them…or stalking them…Alakhi was pretty simple, she just wanted to know what she should do to make them feel more comfortable around her and not like they had to meet some imaginary standards.” Fulgrim nodded to herself absently, that was about what she expected.
“The Twins…yeah that is a mess of trust issues, fixation, and who knows what else they decided to keep to themselves, the big thing was getting them to admit their feelings to themselves and then try and guide them away from whatever hairbrained plan they came up with to wrangle a confession out of their target…and yes that includes tapping their Vox, assassinating potential rivals,” Fulgrim’s eyes widened as she opened her mouth again, “drugging them to kidnap them, blackmailing potential rivals, framing their target to get them put under their care…the list goes on.” The Muse at last stopped with a tired sigh, taking a moment to catch their breath before resuming. 
“Magna, I’m going to be honest with you if it weren't for her daughters dragging her out of the library I think she would just keep using her warpcraft to spy on her love and not even try and confront them. Anxiety aside, I feel that she won’t really have any issues when she is finally able to come out of her shell…and stop scrying on them constantly…or stalking them with astral projection.” The Muse paused, once more taking a deep breath as they seemed to try and steel themself for what was to come, the slight shudder that wracked their frame as they announced the last name making all of those present gape in shock at them.
“Kassandra…where in the hell do I even…no…you know what, I’m not drunk enough to discuss that Warp Storm, wait till I have a few bottles in me and then try and get that out of me because that…that is something beyond me.” Fulgrim shared in the respect her daughters were directing towards her lover, especially as she saw them seem to collapse in on themself, sagging in exhaustion as they recalled exactly what they had to deal with to get her new sword.
With a smile on her face, Fulgrim walked forward and embraced her lover, chuckling as she felt them go limp and let their head fall against her body, her breasts resting atop their head as they mumbled into her abdomen.
“Your sisters…are exhausting, and not in the good way.” Fulgrim could no longer hold back her laughter at that remark, throwing back her head and laughing merrily at the way her lover sounded, her laughter stopping when she noticed the shuttles arriving as she reached down and lifted her lover up and into her arms. 
“Come on my love, let’s try and bury those bothersome memories with some happier ones.” The Phoenician said as she began to stride towards the shuttles, chuckling to herself once more at the mental images her lover’s words had crafted in her mind, she could already picture the looks that would cross her sisters faces as she-
“Oh, and Fulgrim.” The thoughts of the Matriarch paused as she looked at her lover out of the corner of her eye, mischievous violet eyes watching as her lover looked up at her with a mischievous look of their own, lips curled into a smile that made the Matriarch shudder in unease..
“If they find out that I told you all that information, from you or one of the Astartes, then you will have to make do with your own hand and toys for a month.” Fulgrim went still, her eyes snapping wide open as she gaped at her lover, her daughters having gone similarly still, Eidolon nearly tripping over her own feet as Bile froze in her own tirade against some of her kin, the Apothecaries lips beginning to twitch upwards as she processed what she had just heard.
“You-!” Fulgrim was cut off as her lover lifted up a hand and began to pat her head, a coy smile on their face as they leaned in such that their breath tickled her ear as she purred to her in a tone of satin and sin-
“But, if you can keep it a secret for the whole party, then you can do whatever you want with me tonight, I still have some stress to deal with afterall. What do you say, up for the challenge?” Fulgrim snapped her gaze down to her lover, violet eyes darkening as she unconsciously licked her lips, a hunger welling up inside of her as she looked at her Muse.
“Anything?” She asked in a husky tone, heart beginning to pound as she began to plan and scheme as her Muse chuckled before they leaned in once more, their tongue lightly caressing her ear as they answered with the word that cemented their fate. 
“Yes.” A low squeal slipped past their lips as Fulgrim shifted them just so that her hand was beginning to grope at them, the hunger in her eyes now an all consuming blackness as she licked her lips once more, a shudder of delight at the thoughts racing through her mind racking the Matriarch’s frame as she lifted her gaze to look over her children, a knife cut smile appearing on her face as violet eyes blazed like thunderbolts.
The gathered Astartes looked at one another, several silently vowing to work with their mother, if for no other reason than their own safety, while others, such as a silently cackling Florencia Bile, vowing to do all they could to make the coming party as exciting as they could for their Mother and their kin. 
And so it was that as the shuttle wound its way down to the planet below, the Muse leaned back their head and let out a low chuckle, delighting in the merry chaos that was sure to unfurl, and at the prospect of watching Fulgrim do all she can to earn her reward. 
‘This is going to be one hell of a party,’ They thought to themself as they closed their eyes and relaxed in their lover’s arms, eagerly awaiting planetfall and the beginning of a night full of merriment.
As the Shuttles wound their way down to the planet, a figure emerged as a stygian vessel arrived in silence, the figure swiftly moving aboard the vessel as it began to spirit them away from the fleet, unseen by any and all, the figure that had climbed aboard swiftly sitting their package down and placing it within a vault, the faint light of the ships interior lights alighting for but a brief moment upon a container layered in seals and wards before it was locked away.
Line Break
Silence hung heavy and loud in the halls, broken not by the footfalls of the robe clad figure that maneuvered through the darkness of the black stone halls, navigating not by physical sight but by memory and senses far keener than their ancient form would make apparent. 
With impossible ease they held with one hand a case of dark metal, engraved with rune and symbol of warding magics and barriers, and in the other they carried a staff of metal adorned with a golden eagle upon its top, the flames that normally blazed to illuminate the great bird of prey having faded to not even smoldering embers.
For how long they walked none could say, for in the darkness of the depths of this most antiquated and stygian of vaults, time seemed to hold fast its breath, field with both wariness and awe of the horrors sealed behind great walls of stone and doors of ancient and terrible might, yet even where time dared not to tread, the cloaked figure did.
Unhurried they strode down the halls, the chill that hung so heavy in the air doing not to impede them as they approached their destination, a great door of stygian metal, layered in sigils of warding and restraining, flanked on either side by guards clad in sable with skulls of ivory and lone optics of baleful blue, the twin figures did not to impede the robed figure as it lifted a hand and, with an errant gesture, bid the door to open.
And open it did, great slabs of metal layered over one another parting as mechanisms unseen activated at the command of the figure that now strode forth into the room, the darkness of which hung in the air as though it were the ocean itself, fit to swallow, fit to crush and devour the one that had dared to intrude upon its sanctum.
Coldness such that frost coated the room struck at the figure, though it did not to deter them as they approached the center of the room, whereupon a great monolith of onyx metal loomed, shackles of ivory metal holding it fast to the ground as though it were a beast in need of binding and not an inert piece of metal.
Or perhaps they were there to restrain a different beast.
With practiced ease the figure lifted the package into the air, powers ancient and mighty holding it aloft as the figure lifted their hand and began to tap at the unseen keypad upon the surface of the great monolith, the sequence of numbers and letters, of symbols of languages ancient and dead, taking but a handful of moments for a hand that moved with speed that it should not have possessed. 
The sequence completed, the figure stepped back as there came a silent pulse across the surface of the monolith as it silently slid open, parting such that a slot large enough for the container and that which was held within could be fitted, runes of even greater power glowed from within, these of burning gold that hummed with power mightier than even that which the ancient figure held.
The container rattled, that which was within attempting to flee from the power of that most ancient and terrible of foes, though no ground could it gain in its bid for flight, for the ancient figure seized the container with a lone hand and moved it within the space, slotting it such that the runes pressed against the container.
Faintly, a sound not unlike an agonized scream could be heard. 
With deft movements the ancient figure tapped upon the keypad once more, this time to seal the great vault, and to allow the runes of power to do their long work, they would bleed the object of its power, scorching and searing and maiming that which was held within till not remained of its great might and with ease it could be unmade.
As the robed figure began to depart the room, he thought to himself how the runes had been arranged, of the intent and power held within them, of the tranquil fury that had been upon the face of his ancient friend as they had carved them, the radiance of her power such that the room around her had nearly melted under its might as it was directed into the runes. 
‘I suppose the old saying is true then,’ the ancient figure thought to himself as he left the room, a rap of his staff upon the ground bidding the great doors to seal shut behind him as the figures of its guards blended back into the shadow as a wall of stone rose from the ground to further conceal the entrance to the cell. 
‘No greater force there is, than a mother shielding her young.’(1) The thought in his mind, and his mission complete for a time, the ancient lord began to wind his way through the antiquated chambers.
He would be ash in the wind before he allowed his old friends children, and his nieces, to be lost to the madness that was the 4 and their twisted designs, and so it was that as he wound his way through the halls and back to the surface, the one known as the Cursed Wanderer, began to plan his next moves in the Great Game.
We hope you all enjoyed this mess of a ficlet of ours, it is our first time delving into writing in the 40k setting, and our first time writing for this marvelous AU for that matter, so please let us know just how badly we screwed up in the comments. 
That said, stay safe and take care all.  
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ghoulster1 · 6 months
Delilah Eldridge
Name: Delilah, Eldridge
Age :2000 years
Monster: Eldridge horror fourth dimensional being
Looks : dark hair with highlights of a purpleish, pink, dark eyes, dark, sleepy eyes usually doesn’t have eyebrows has sprinkles of darker freckles on her face, darker skin with a dreadlocks, sharp teeth
Personality: infj , very low-key creature is an inferiority complex but is working on it, quiet but louder on people that most comfortable with snarky psychotic, doesn’t really fear anything(cause you know, she’s the offspring of the Eldridge God fucking fear -more, so she’s more has a fear of disappointment and a tangible thing. Thank the God of fear for having a plus parenting skills< none affectionate>-) they love music is very interested in making of books they go by neutral pronouns. Sometimes they refer to any pronouns because the actual gender is beyond the third dimension beyond human comprehension and how the fuck it works so yeah :0 they are pansexual and have a weird obsession with triangular food
Back story
Delilah Eldridge, is about 2000 years old and is the new immortal offspring of the Eldridge that represents fear
She’s usually adorned in clown, make up and finding creative ways to do so reason why she adorns clan mean, come, because one of their parent represents fear, and she took inspiration from the fear of clowns
She doesn’t have that much of a good relationship with Eldridge that created her own due to the Eldridge, having more favour to her older siblings.
She is a fourth dimensional being, but then most of the time takes form as a human vessel that is flesh. Her true form is naturally compressed sensible to humans.
But due to her, not having a good relationship with her family, she had tended to travel through the different directions, and had stumble upon earth, and then enjoyed the time there to the point, where she created a new vessel to fit in within earth
She does not have many friends but when she first arrived at monster high, she took a liking and basically adopted Jackson Jekyll
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chifuyurain · 2 years
༺Till We Meet Again, Friend༻
[Yugo Asuma x GN VTuber OC]
Yoshikazu Utano is a twitch VTuber like Shoto and they would sometimes collaborate with other VTuber, despite them being under a company or not. On the day Noctyx debuted, Utano became really close with the members. Especially one of them as they treat him like their younger brother.
✦; Genre : Angst all the way cuz I'm sad asf rn (���༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠), fluff in the end
✦; Requested by : Yours truly ;-;
✦; Notes : As you know, it has been announced that Yugo has 'graduated'. I still can't believe that Yugo 'graduated' so fast. He's just the sweetest person I've ever seen. It's really a shock to everyone, especially his gen mates and fans (Yuguys).
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
"Everyone! Thank you for coming to the stream! Please, don't forget to drink enough water and eat a lot. Got it?"
Utano smiles as their model mimics their movement.
The chat went wild as they promised and bid their farewell to their VTuber.
FloofyPoofPoof: "Don't worry! We'll remember!"
ImdedImalive: "Sir, you better do that as well or we'll hunt you down"
Utasimp: "Rest well, Utata! See you in the next stream!"
Utano couldn't help and laugh, promising on their side to calm down their chat.
"Aight aight! Till we meet again! Bye bye!!"
With that said, the Liver ends their stream. Leaning against their chair as they stretch their body until a satisfying pop was heard. "Man, that took longer than I thought." They look at the time that showed that it's past 12 in the morning.
"Time for bed. Maybe, a small call with Yugo. It's been a while, I hope he's doing fine." They went on ahead, getting themselves ready for bed.
Doing the same old routine they do.
Brush their teeth.
Drink a good amount of water.
Change their cloths.
Then hit the hay.
The bed was so comfy, they started to feel drowsy already. They just got in a few seconds ago, was it really that comfy?
"Time to call."
They grinned, going through their Discord to search for their one and only close friend, Yugo Asuma. "Oh~ He's online~" Utano cooed, going over to start a private call between them.
Utano waited for a while, having to yawn once until the call was connected.
"Tata! You're still up!"
The sound of Yugo's voice was angelic, Utano thought they might have gone to sleep. "Yeah but not for long. I just finished streaming and now I'm in bed. How are you doing, Yuyu?" "Pretty good."
There was a small silence between them, causing Utano to mistaken if they fell asleep.
Thankfully Yugo spoke, grabbing their attention.
"Hey Tata, can we promise each other?"
"Hm...oh yeah- But why....though?"
Utano questioned, having to yawn in between their response. Yugo couldn't help and chuckled to hear it from his side of the line.
"Nothing too serious." "Sure....what are we- gonna.....promise?" They ask, their eyes were getting heavier by each minute. Utano tried the best they can to stay awake while they're still in call with Yugo.
"Promise that when the time comes for us to graduate, let's not forget each other."
"Why would I...forget you? You're one-...of my...closed friends. Heck.... you're actually my best friend..."
Yugo couldn't respond to that statement, yet a huge smile appeared on his face. His heart warmed up to hear that from Utano. "Yeah, you're right" He huffs out, going silent again for a good minute.
However, by the time he was about to ask again, Yugo could hear small snores from the other line.
"Rest well, Tata."
As Yugo was about to end their call, Utano jolted up in time to call his name. "Yuyu, can you sing a song?" "Of course! Anything for my senpai."
"I'm not even part of the company, Yuyu" Utano joked tiredly, yet the other just scoff at it. "Either way, you've been streaming way longer than me. So that makes you my senpai." Yugo grinned as he grabbed his guitar, strumming a light and slow tune.
"Okay okay...you win, kouhai..."
Yugo chuckled and started to sing a soft song to them. The way he strummed the guitar was just elegant and his voice was... angelic.
"When we meet...let's play the....guitar and make songs....together."
"Sure. Sleep well, Tata"
"Luv ya...."
Yugo paused in shock, looking at his phone and waited for another response from Utano. Yet all he could hear after that were small snores. The DJ took his phone, holding it close as he held back his cry.
His form shook as he didn't say the 'thing' to Utano.
"I'm sorry."
"No...no...no, nO, NO!!"
Utano cried as they rushed out of their house. Running straight to one of Yugo's gen mates home.
They couldn't believe it.
How could they?
Utano woke up late today, causing them to miss some news which he was supposed to know. By the time they woke up, their phone was ringing with Sonny's name on the ID.
And when Sonny told them the news...
They bolted their way to the police's house without thinking twice.
Utano knocked on the door quite hard. Their form was shaking as they wanted to confirm the news they were given not too long ago. "Utano-" Sonny started after opening the door, yet he was greeted by his collar pulled by the shorter person.
"T-tell me this i-isn't true...He d-didnt graduated...r-right?"
Utano asked shakily, hands gripping Sonny's collar as it slowly loses its strength. The police just frowned and shook his head. Confirming that Yugo Asuma has 'graduated'.
"I'm sorry, Uta. I'm also still trying to process everything."
Sonny frowns, watching as Utano breaks down to the floor. Their appearance was messy until he noticed that he ran all the way here without shoes. The police frowns more as he helps Utano up to get inside.
The duo sat together in the living room in total silence. Utano's eyes lost their shine as they gazed at the table in front of them. Sonny was worried as he knew that Yugo and Utano were really close to each others.
There's no doubt that Utano is feeling this way right now.
"We just talked last night...but it didn't last long cuz I passed out to sleep"
Utano started, their head hung low to the thought that if they weren't that sleepy. They could have had a longer conversation with Yugo. Yet fate did not take their side at all.
"I don't even remember most of our talk too."
"Uh- Uta?"
"He did ask for a promise but I don't remember what it was-"
"Why can't I remember a single thing?!"
Sonny yelled, snapping the other back to reality. Utano turns their gaze to the blond, making him see that they're in tears again.
Yet the look on Sonny's face was....
"Uta, what are you talking about?"
"Sonny, what do you mean?"
"Why are you crying? And why are we here in the first place?"
Sonny frowned in confusion, causing Utano to look at him in disbelief. "Sonny, you can't be serious- We were both just grieving about Yugo! What do you mean by 'why we are here'?!"
"Uta, who's Yugo?"
"I don't remember anyone named Yugo. Are they your friends?"
No no no- this isn't right-
What's even happening?!
Utano stood up from the couch, backing away from Sonny in disbelief. The police too stood up, looking worried as he tried to approach Utano. His mouth was moving as if he was saying something yet they couldn't hear a single thing besides ringing.
Out of nowhere, Utano suddenly tumbles back and falls into a void. They scream in fear as they try reaching for the surface that ceases to be reachable.
Utano jolted up awake, their form coated with cold sweat as they looked around to see that they are still in their room. They let out a huff, leaning against the bed frame to let their mind calm down for the nightmare.
Or was it even a nightmare?
Rushing to look at the clock, Utano noticed that it was 3 AM. They had only slept for 3 hours and it seems like they won't be going back to sleep any time sooner.
Utano didn't waste their time to try calling Yugo, noting that they're still awake from his visible status in Discord.
It didn't take long for their line to connect and just as Yugo was about to greet, Utano cut-in in panic.
"Y-yugo your're....graduating soon...r-right"
There was a long silence until sniffles can be heard from the other line.
"I'm sorry, senpai. I wanted to tell you earlier but you were so tired. I didn't want to disturb you anymore after your long stream."
"I-i'm really sorry, s-senpai..."
Yugo's voice began to crack as he tried his best to hold back his cry. However, Utano joined in as they wailed loudly. The nightmare gave them a fright, now adding the confirmation of Yugo's graduation made it worse.
"I'm not ready! I'm not ready for your leave! You haven't been there that long and now you're graduating!"
Utano cried, tears couldn't stop flowing down their cheeks. Yugo too cries on the other line, feeling the sadness coming from his senior trigger his sadness too.
No one spoked as they both cry their hearts out.
It was so sudden that both sides couldn't handle such a thing.
As time passes by, Utano and Yugo have finally calmed down. They both stayed up until morning as they did some small talk to each others. Retelling the memories they did together in and outside of stream.
They never met each other in real life and they have been planning to do so for content to both of their channels. Yet fate did not place itself in their hands.
"Yuyu, can we still play together even though you're not in the company anymore?"
"Yeah. Of course we can."
"I didn't think that your time would come to an end."
"Me too. I have so much I'd like to show everyone but I guess... now's not the time."
Utano hums in slight tiredness. "Tata, I suggest you rest. You only had 3 hours of sleep." "I'm alright. I want to stay with you until the announcement is made." Yugo couldn't help but smile as warmness fills his chest, yet he's still worried for the others well being.
"Have my number. Bet we won't be able to talk anymore through my current acc."
"Oh yeah. Everything will be private and all of your effort will be archived."
Utano's voice becomes quieter and quieter, sadness starts to pour on him again but then the sound of the guitar can be heard from the other side. "Hey! We can still make more memories! Even though I'm out soon, though that doesn't mean the end, right?"
Yugo smiles, trying his best to cheer his senpai up and it did. Utano couldn't help but chuckles to how lively Yugo sounds. Though they did take a hint of the slight sadness in his tone.
"You're right. That's a promise then."
"Yeah. A promise between us!"
Utano smiles and nods.
"Until we meet again, I'll always remember you as Yugo Asuma. Whoever you are in your next journey, you'll always be Yugo Asuma at heart."
"Thank you, Tata."
Utano and Yugo felt better now that things are well.
Yugo Asuma will be missed
His leave caused a big scar in his team, leaving Noctyx to 4 members left
However, even though they are left with 4 members, everyone will always remember that they came together as 5
5 members
5 brothers
A great big family of Noctyx.
We love you Yugo Asuma
May whatever path you chose next, whoever you are in your next journey, we'll always love you for being the best DJ in the world.
Thank you for the journey
Your hard work and effort will not be wasted.
Thank you, Yugo Asuma
Nijisanji EN Noctyx's DJ
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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sunshinemelody12 · 11 months
"They're mine, bitch."
TW//: Has a gay slur
A/N: I apologize for any mistakes, this is semi-old and I haven't read over it in a while.
It was a busy day at the bar. This was common since it was the weekend, where people come to unwind after a stressful week of work or to simply party.
Morgan was in their element, mixing drinks expertly behind the bar and offering a listening ear to those who needed it. Some of the main patrons had stopped by and offered fun conversation, getting a few laughs and creating a positive atmosphere.
Onyx, their companion behind the bar, was also maintaining a lively atmosphere. He was their second set of hands for the busy bar and helped serve those at tables and booths. The two would exchange looks and check-ins throughout their shift, finding intrigue, entertainment, or even annoyance from the variety of customers they dealt with.
It seemed Onyx had quite the distaste for a specific customer, however.
A young woman, with long blonde hair and green eyes was sat at the bar. Her fake lashes batted at them as they worked, her cherry lips pulled back as she ate them up with her gaze alone. They noticed her a while ago and did their best to ignore the bedroom eyes. It wasn't the first time.
Eventually after a couple glasses of gin she started hitting on them.
“Hey handsome, what’s your name?” She said lowly, her slightly slurred speech ruining any attempt at sounding sultry.
“Morgan.” They answered bluntly, wiping down an empty glass and putting it away. Unfortunately there was a pause in serving customers, leaving them to her flirtations. She hummed, licking her lips.
“That’s a pretty name for a pretty face. You work here for a long time?” She continued, clearly pushing for conversation that would lead to something more. Morgan entertained her, unaware of Onyx’s critical stare boring into the woman.
He managed to sneak his way back behind the bar after a few minutes and nudged them lightly when they had a break to serve someone. “Hey,” he whispered, eyeing the woman closely as she stared unabashedly, “is she bothering you?”
Morgan sighed, sliding a freshly filled glass to a patron who called out in thanks and offering their friend a glance.
“I’m alright. Nothing new in terms of customers getting too cozy. Thanks for asking.” They said, coming to attention when a customer placed down some cash and left. They snagged the money and the empty shot glasses, splitting them with Onyx to clean. He huffed, “If you say so. She looks like she’s two seconds away from asking to fuck on the counter right here and now with those eyes.”
Morgan grimaced. “I hope the fuck not. I’m not even into women.” They muttered, nearly audibly groaning when the blonde waved them down.
“Yes?” They asked, pursing their lips when she very obviously leaned forward to push her breasts up with her arms. She fluttered her eyes at them with a little smile. “Are you single?” Here we go.
“Yes. I am also uninterested. I’m sorry ma’am, but I do not hook up with customers in my workplace.” They explained flatly, uncaring as her face twisted at their words. She puffed out her bottom lip and pouted, turning up her attempt at seduction.
“Are you sure? Not even for someone like me?”
“Yes they are very sure. You know why?” Onyx abruptly spoke up, cutting into the conversation. The blonde squinted at him. “Why?”
Onyx then grabbed Morgan by the shoulder, spun them to face him, and kissed them. Their eyes widened in surprise as Onyx pressed his lips to theirs, his hazel green eyes shut tight. He pulled back swiftly afterwards and draped an arm around their waist.
“They’re mine, bitch.” He said haughtily. She scoffed, her seductive facade falling into something unpleasant. “Ugh, have him. I don’t mingle with faggots like you.”
Morgan blinked, startled by the unexpected kiss and also by her nasty words. Their eyes narrowed. “We don’t like mingling with nasty ass sluts like you either,” they said shortly, Onyx snickering at her offended gasp.
“I’m leaving!” She huffed. “Don’t let the door smack your ass on the way out!” Morgan called as she stormed off, not before paying for her drinks of course. Onyx was giggling at their words, waving at her back as she stormed out.
“Nice one.” He said. Morgan hummed in response, thoughts flickering with irritation towards the woman. Then they remembered what just transpired in its entirety. They tensed up, heat crawling up their neck and tinting their cheeks pink.
“So, uh…” Onyx started, sounding hesitant, “I am so sorry for pulling that on you, I wasn’t really thinking-“ Morgan stared at him with a blank expression for a few moments, processing the fact that the man actually kissed them. The person they had fallen for ages ago made a move like that.
“Did you mean it?” They asked suddenly. Onyx paused his mini speech and blinked  at them. “Huh?”
“Did you mean it?” They asked again, offering no context, yet hinting towards something they both understood. Onyx blushed, his smile turning sheepish.
“The kiss? Uh, yeah… I may or may not have acted out of jealousy because I have feelings for you.” He blurted. Morgan’s heart skipped a beat. Their eyes were wide, staring down at the shorter man with a sense of awe. Something inside of them clicked into place and they grabbed him by the arm, dragging him towards the back rooms. “Wha-hey!”
Once the two were out of sight from the public Morgan pushed him into the nearest wall and kissed him back. Onyx froze, processing, then just as fast as he froze up he returned the gesture. When the two pulled away Onyx looked up at them with hopeful, joyful eyes.
“So I wasn’t the only one catching feelings?” He asked, a hint of a smirk teasing his lips. Morgan flushed a deeper shade of pink, bordering on red. Onyx clicked his tongue and grabbed their face for another kiss. Their face burned brighter, suddenly very flustered.
“Have you ever kissed before? Or are you just shy?” He wondered, watching as they avoided his gaze and shook their head. He gasped. “Oh my god, am I your first kiss?” He asked. They nodded shyly after a moment.
Onyx damn near squealed, kissing them again and then pecking them on the nose. “My God you are adorable! I didn’t know you got flustered so easy. Oooh, you’re so quiet.”
“Y’know what? If you have nothing to do after work today, which you shouldn’t - and if you do - cancel it, and come to my place. We should talk more about this and figure out where to go from there. Okay?” The noirette suggested. Morgan nodded dumbly. He snorted.
“Words, hot stuff.” He teased, patting their cheek. That seemed to get them out of their flustered stupor. “Oh, uh, yeah. I can do that.”
“Bartender!” Somebody called. Morgan came to attention, their blush remaining fairly obvious on their face. Onyx sighed, patting them on the chest before stepping away and towards the bar.
“Well, we should get back to work. But after this, you’re mine.”
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m4nym03 · 2 years
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"Hey, Cupcake. I made too many biscuits, you want some?" Sanji sat down on the stairs, holding out a plate.
"Thanks, Chef Pa." They said, holding it as they picked one of the biscuits and took a bite.
Sanji looked at the sky, glancing over at them every now and then. They looked tired, he observed, and they needed to indulge more. No child of his would go hungry.
"Do you want one?" They offered the plate.
"Just the one." He said, taking one from the plate to encourage them to eat more. "Do you like them?"
"Un, they taste like North Blue." They said, Sanji surprised by the reflection.
"It's a North Blue Recipe." He looked between them and the biscuits. "What gave it away?"
They lit up at the genuine interest, talking about the texture and flavor. He listened, surprised by how in depth it was for the four year old. Zoro opened an eye from where he was resting at the top of the stairs, watching the child's pleased chatter.
"I never thought of it that way." Sanji nodded as they looked to him for his opinion on their review of his cooking.
"We might have a genius little chef over here." Zoro lifted them up carefully, sitting them back down on his legs as he held the plate for them. "Steak knives and swords and strawberry shortcake. Maybe sake too when they reach their teens."
"Psh." Sanji rolled his eyes. "Who's to say they won't choose smoking as their vice?"
"Both." They said, munching on their biscuits as they muffled their yawn.
"We are a terrible influence on children." Sanji said, lighting a new cigarette.
"What was that Marine thinking?" Zoro snorted. "As if any child of mine could be anything less than a menace."
They all laughed at that.
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meowsgirldrawing · 3 months
Spawn Vs D*ck Ascended
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While Ascended Astarion does sound and look interesting on a character delved level, I do think my tav at least would be f*cking miserable with him. Very sad, and very upset with themselves for allowing to ritual to happen. And only stick with him for the hope that their Astarion is still there.
He is hot as hell tho, can't disagree with that~ lol
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thedemonknownasbilly · 9 months
Nephilim - Chapter One
Master List
Ineffable Dads AU || Crowley and Aziraphale are already married
Warnings: child abandonment
Word Count: 1k
Disclaimers: Nephilims are typically human/angel descent, but this will be my own take. Arden is AFAB non-binary, the picture I’ve used to depict them is exactly what Crowley found them in, hence his original assumption.
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“Okay, okay, Angel just wait for me to get there, I can tell you’re excited about this, which usually means talking until one of our phones dies, so just give me fifteen and I’ll be there.” Crowley spoke into his phone, grabbing his jacket and shrugging it on as he went out to Bentley.
“Okay, okay, if I haven’t popped by then.” Aziraphale chuckled on the other end of the line.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Crowley shook his head and hung up, a fond smile playing at his lips as he started up his beloved car, pulling out of the drive of his flat.
“The hell?” He murmured minutes later, passing by the park as he always did, but this time he noticed a child sitting right by the fence, seemingly just watching cars, but their mismatched eyes landed on the Bentley and it seemed to throw them into a fit of giggles. “Looks like you have an admirer.” Crowley said to his car, pulling to the side and quickly getting out and across the road.
“Hey, kid; where’s mum and dad?” He asked, hoping they were old enough to understand him and talk, he never could tell with humans. But the kid, a girl he figured out from her long hair and pink dress, simply raised her arms up to him. “Oh, dear.” He said, an eyebrow cocked as he picked her up. “What’s your name?”
“Arden!” She laughed, her small hand lightly patting his tattoo, and he couldn’t help to smile as he settled her onto his hip and began to walk around, looking for anyone missing a child. But as the sun set, and people began to leave, nobody came up to claim Arden.
“Okay, well, d’you like books?” He was answered by aggressively fast nodding. “Message received.” He chuckled, keeping her from falling out of his arms as he walked back to the Bentley, miracling a car seat into the back of the Bentley and strapping her in. “Whoever invented these ridiculous buttons better be in the farthest corner of Hell.” He grumbled, but smiling when Arden just nodded and affirmed his thought. “Clever thing.” He praised before closing the door and getting into the front seat. Hopefully Aziraphale hadn’t burst in the time Crowley took.
“Crowley! There you are!” Aziraphale called out when he heard the door open.
“Hey, Aziraphale! Sorry, I found this little girl-” Crowley was cut off by two hands grabbing his cheeks, Aziraphale watching curiously.
“No!” Arden said, “notta girl.”
“Boy?” Crowley asked, watching as they shook their head.
“Neither?” That earned him a squeal of delight and another round of aggressive nodding.
“Arden, you’re gonna fall, stop that.” He fussed lightly, fixing his hold on them. “Okay, I found this kid at the park up the road, waited until all the parents left before I did, no one came up to claim them.” He said to Aziraphale who was trying to coax Arden into his arms, his eyes full of love and awe as they settled onto him.
“I’m sure there will be an alert in a few hours, a tired parent probably didn’t notice you had them.” He said, stroking their light brown hair from their eyes. “Oh, Crowley look, such pretty eyes.”
“Almost like ours.”
“Yes, almost. Are you hungry, sweet thing, er, what was your name.”
“Arden!” They giggled, wiggling to try and get down, done with being held and taking off in a sprint to the small children’s section Aziraphale had.
“No running please!”
“Oh yeah, nearly gave themselves a concussion when I asked if they liked books, you saw how they nod, full body nod, I swear.”
“Indeed, appropriately hyper it seems.” Aziraphale chuckled, “Arden, how old are you sweetie?”
“Five and a half!” They called, arms full of books as they made way to Aziraphale’s desk.
“Oh, look at that, they’re basically you.” Crowley teased, going over to Arden and picking them up to put them into the chair since they weren’t letting go of any books any time soon.
Aziraphale chuckled and went upstairs to see what it was he had that a five year old could eat. “Crowley, I’m not sure I have any food that is best for their age.” He called down.
“What about Nina’s, I’m sure she’s got something.” Crowley called out, sitting next to Arden so he could keep an eye on her, and Aziraphale’s beloved books.
“Perhaps, I will run over and ask!”
“I like him!” Arden exclaimed happily when Aziraphale had left.
“Yeah? Me too,” Crowley felt his heart swelling with love, miracling a hairbrush into his hand. “Is it okay if I brush your hair? It seems the wind messed it up.”
“Mhm!” Arden hummed, “gently please.” Crowley nodded, carefully making sure not to tug their hair as he brushed it, apologizing each time he had to pull a little hard.
“I’m back! Nina had some chicken nuggets and a box of mac and cheese. Does that sound good Arden?”
“Yes sir!” They giggled, looking up to Aziraphale, who smiled as he looked at Crowley and the child, Arden perched in his desk chair, Crowley sitting besides them, slender fingers working a brush into their hair gently as they read over Little Monsters by David Williams.
With a quick ruffle of Arden’s hair, not messing it up terribly, and a kiss to Crowley, Aziraphale went back upstairs to his flat, beginning to cook dinner, sending Crowley a text when it was ready.
“Alright little duck,” Crowley said, standing with a stretch before he picked them up. “Dinner’s ready for you.” He carefully brought them up the stairs and into the quaint dining room. Sitting them down in front of the food and going to stand by Aziraphale’s side.
“No alerts on my phone.”
“None on mine… you don’t think,” Aziraphale left the last part unsaid, not wanting to think it true.
“If they did, I’ll drag them down to Hell myself. They’re too pure, didn’t really acknowledge me when I asked where mum and dad were.”
“Perhaps it’s not mum and dad? Maybe some other relatives?” Aziraphale tried to give the benefit of doubt.
“Still hardly excuses the lack of an alert, it’s been three hours.” Crowley frowned. “Are you okay with them sleeping here or should I bring them to my flat?”
“You both can stay here,” the angel said simply, holding Crowley’s hand, “you know I adore your company, and Arden is perfectly welcome as long as they need to be.”
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bunnis-monsters · 4 months
Late nights thoughts
Shy puppy hybrid that can’t help but hump your pillow and favorite stuffed animals when you’re gone. You’re so mean, leaving your needy pup all alone when he’s in rut.
Usually he’s a shy little thing, hiding behind you and yipping nervously when someone gets too close to you… but when you get home today, he’s on top of you instantly, using his taller stature and inhuman strength to keep you pinned to the floor as his fat red cock rubs against your hole.
“Left me all alone… missed you… w-wanna make puppies, wanna!”
He blubbered out apologies and needy whined as he fucked into you, melting into a puddle when he finally got to knot you and claim you as his mate.
Maybe your puppy wasn’t as shy as you thought… at least… not when he really wanted something.
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
Yandere Headcanon: Worship
Yandere Forgotten God (tentacle monster) x GN Reader
TW: Tentacles, teratophillia, gore, dubcon, and yandere themes
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He was an ancient chaos god, one that was once revered amongst humans a millennium ago. But over time he had been forgotten when his fishing village had become a city. Now he was nothing more than a tall tale. A god with no name. He no longer had a humanoid form but was now a blob of black tentacles. It was shameful how far he had fallen from grace from his own pride. He should have made sure he was never forgotten.
The god shouldn’t have been so cocky to believe that monk couldn’t seal him away but alas, this was the punishment he deserved for his insatiable greed.
So when you arrive to his shrine and accidentally break the millennium old ward, he’s shocked. Have his own prayers finally been answered? Has someone come to free him from this lonely existence?
“I’ve heard there was once a god of chaos here so I have come to pray to you… please hear my plea.” You then bowed down in respect to the shrine and cried a bit. “I do not wish to be married off to some senile, corrupt man. Please god, if you hear me, save me.” You cried before him. You wanted to be saved before married you off to some old nobleman. You shared your woes of how this man made your city nearly inhabitable with his high taxes and of his salacious behavior. How could he not be swayed? He felt obligated to help you.
And so the god did what he did best, he wreaked havoc. He used his supernatural abilities to cause a landslide onto that nobleman’s home, killing him instantly. Now you no longer had to worry about being a stupid old man’s property. You could continue on with your life worshipping him! Your god!
You visited his shrine daily and left him small offerings. Ones that he would have rejected in the past but was positively thrilled to have now. The god began to love you. How could he not be drawn to your genuine gratitude? He couldn’t remember the last time someone had been this thrilled with him… it must’ve been over a thousand years ago now? He didn’t know…
What he loved most about you was your smile. It warmed his heart and he adored it. You were his world and he wanted to be more humanoid for you…
When your visits became less frequent, he used that time away from you to try to shape his body once more. He wanted to be with you. To hold you. To touch you, but he couldn’t do that as a shapeless blob of tentacles… but he could if he was more humanoid.
And so here he was with a mostly humanoid body with functioning male reproductive organs… save for the tentacles that remained attached to his back. His face was picturesque but his extra limbs weren’t… it didn’t matter. He would do so much for you, more than any human man. You didn’t entirely have a choice.
The god diligently worked on his shrine to make it more inhabitable for you as well. He needed it to be perfect so the two of you could be here for all eternity together. Him and his savior! His beloved devotee!
When you returned to his shrine after a week of not seeing him with bruises on your face, he was livid. Who had harmed you? Why would they hurt you? Hurt his destined spouse? How dare they… how dare they.
You shared your woes and prayed for salvation once more, this time from your family. They believed you to now be bad luck due to the nobleman’s sudden death and began to verbally and physically abuse you. You looked so miserable… just like him. His poor, precious worshipper didn’t deserve such treatment. No. They deserved to be worshipped.
The god now had enough power to leave his shrine due to your generous offerings. Your worship gave him the power to become a great chaos god once more.
And the god once more inflicted his wrath upon your enemies. This time he tore them apart limb from limb, starting from their mouths to their hands and eventually to their feet. He wished to start out by ripping out the tongues that spat venomous words at you. To break every bone in their hands and feet for the pain they inflicted on you. For every sin committed against you, he would inflict it back tenfold.
This is the first time you were able to see his true form as well… you were so silent the entire time of his massacre of your family. Was he so gorgeous that you were speechless? How cute his darling was!
You began to sob when he held your face between his blood coated palms. The smell of iron was too much for you that you began to retch but he was oblivious that he was the reason of your disgust and fear. Those damn humans must be too much for you to be around… perhaps he should whisk his spouse away?
So he did just that. His arms and tentacles tightly wrapped around you as he whisked you off to your new home together. The revamped shrine. He hoped you’d love it since he worked so hard on making it habitable for the two of you!
You struggle in his grip but he doesn’t relent. You must be shy… how cute!
You try to push the tentacles from you, but they merely wrap around your form to gently massage you. He needed to calm you before you hurt yourself… it was okay!
“Be not afraid, my dear.” His voice made you jump in surprise but he chuckled. “I’m not going to hurt you… you’re my beloved after all. My savior.”
“You’re the god of this shrine…” you whispered softly, which made the god eagerly nod. “You’re Xeros.”
Yes! That was his name! The one he had forgotten over the years. You were so sweet to remember his name…
You don’t even have time to protest before his tentacles wrap around your body in an enticing manner. The extra appendages slip into the waist band of your pants and tease your tight hole. You whine at the sudden touch but more tentacles wrap around your arms and legs to keep you in place
“Your offerings were wonderful but I need a better offering since I eliminated your problem…” Xeros smiled down at you with his hauntingly beautiful face. “I demand you as my offering. You will be my eternal spouse.”
“But I’m just a human- ack!” You gagged on the tentacle that was suddenly shoved into your mouth. Your eyes welled up with tears as the god beamed at you.
“It doesn’t matter to me what species you are. I’m a god. I will always get what I want.” Your back arched when one of his slimy tentacles finally breeched the tight ring of muscles and wriggled inside of you. You moaned loudly at the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that overcame you.
“See? Why would you resist such pleasure?” Xeros leaned to whisper, his hot breath tickled the shell of your ear, “I’m far better than any mortal lover. Don’t you think so?”
Your mind is too cloudy to form a coherent reply, your eyes rolled back in you head as his black tendrils ravish you. The tentacle in your mouth soon replaced with his tongue.
This was the way you should always be. You deserved every orifice of your body to be stuffed to the brim with him. To cry and whine in pleasure that ascends human comprehension. To be his spouse and to lay his eggs.
You deserved to be worshipped as his deity
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ha-e-l · 2 years
Eclipse- Chapter 2 [Cod MW2 x OC]
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Chapter 2!! This one’s a little longer, but things are starting to actually happen now. I know it’s not the most well written thing you’ll ever read, but if I rewrite this section I’ll have to do the rest, and I just don’t have the energy for that. Anyways, enjoy
Roughly 4.4k Words
CW: Mention of suicide, mild blood, joint dislocation, Ghost’s terrible jokes
My eyes snap open, mouth snapping closed to trap my scream as I throw myself off the side of my bed and roll under it, gripping my knife tightly to my chest. My breathing is rapid, phantom pain ricocheting through my veins, and scars burning more than they usually do. It’s completely dark in the room, and even darker under the bed. The only light that manages to make it through is that of the moon shining through the window on the back wall between my and Ghost's beds. I keep my eyes on that light, using it to ground myself in the present and push away the memories of my past. 
But then my light is blocked. A large figure fills the space before crouching down beside my bed and tilting their head so they can look at me. 
The white paint depicting his lower jaw practically glows in the light, and I release some of my grip on the knife across my chest. The dark paint around his eyes is missing now, and the pale skin seems out of place behind the mask. 
He crouches there for a moment holding eye contact as I catch my breath, then nods his head behind him, and stands. I can hear his footfalls move away from my bed, and slowly roll out, following behind him. 
I grab my boots from the foot of my bed and pause momentarily, watching as Ghost halts at the door. Once my boots are securely on my feet, Ghost moves, pushes the door open and slips out. I follow quietly, allowing my other teammates the rest they deserve, as I too slink my way out the door, and down the hallway, where I watch Ghost disappear behind another door. One that Soap hadn’t mentioned on his makeshift tour. 
I contemplate turning around, crawling back under my bed, and dealing with the aftermath of my nightmare alone, but push forward anyways. The door that Ghost had disappeared behind leads straight to a set of stairs, ones that only go up. 
I keep my steps silent as I move up the stairs, wiping the sweat that had collected thanks to my dream, away from my eyes. At the top of the stairs, there is another door, and I push it open carefully, cringing at the squeak it releases as I do so. 
The moonlight is much brighter up here, and it illuminates the roof space where Ghost stands. He’s standing on the slight lift on the edge of the roof, looking out over the grounds, like a watchdog. The cold air hits me as the door swings closed and I move toward Ghost. 
I can feel the rapidly cooling sweat dripping down my back, causing an uncomfortable chill to race up my spine. The twitching of my muscles reminds me of the involuntary spasming that occurred when I was electrocuted, and the phantom pain roars inside my veins again, causing me to stiffen. I stop in my tracks, a few feet away from where Ghost turns to face me. His eyes bore into mine, and in that moment it feels like he knows every thought that’s flowing through my head. Like he knows exactly the pain that I’m feeling, even though it’s all mental, and not physical. 
And I realize, as I push myself to step closer to the man, that he might understand exactly what I’m going through. I come to a stop next to him, about an arm's length from his side as I too stare off into the darkness of the base. 
            I can see people moving around below us, small points moving through the darkness, occasionally illuminated by the bright lights on the ground. 
I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and try to ground myself, pushing the memory far away. It occurs to me how vulnerable I am at this moment. Eyes closed and poised at the edge of the building. Ghost could easily push me off and claim that I had jumped. And maybe people would believe him. I had seen a lot in my years, and people couldn’t fault me too much for letting it get to my head. But that isn’t my intention. 
           My eyes snap open, and I turn to the man next to me, feeling my heart pick up again at the idea. Ghost turns slowly to look at me as well, his calm eyes meeting my fiery ones. I feel stiff, the remnants of the memory keeping me on high alert. And when Ghost moves, I take a small step away from him, realizing, with no comfort, that I don’t have a weapon on me except for the small knife tucked in my boot. 
But Ghost doesn't move toward me, instead, he sits on the edge of the building, hands coming together in his lap as he looks away from me completely. My breathing is fast again, and I can feel the dredges of panic pulling at my brain. The edges of my vision are beginning to blur slightly, and my head feels faint. I can feel the burning of the jumper cables through my sides and bring my hand up to rub at the scars that lay under my shirt. 
“Two goldfish are in a tank.” Ghost’s voice is startling in the silence of the night. I blink rapidly, trying to clear the blurriness, and figure out where this is going. 
“Okay?” I ask, not quite sure if there was more to the statement, or if that was the extent of what he was going to say. 
“One turns to the other and says, ‘You know how to drive this thing?’” He turns his face slightly toward me, gauging a reaction. I stay still for a moment, working through the absurdity of his joke before a large smile overtakes my face and I let out a low chuckle before quieting myself down.
“Quite the jokester, aren’t you?” I say, finally sitting down with him, hands resting behind me to hold onto the ledge, just in case. 
“I could do this all night.” He says, eyes still tracing over my form. 
“I’m sure you could, Lieutenant.” I close my eyes again, looking up toward the sky as a smaller smile covers my expression. The moon is bright, even behind my eyelids, and I take comfort in the fact that it is there. 
Somehow, this man, who I’d only known for a few hours, had known exactly what to do to help me calm down. 
I had always been drawn to the moon. Something about it calming me, while also giving me the strength to do whatever it is I had to do. It’s how I got my nickname; since I prefer night missions, and therefore all people see of me is my silhouette against the moon. Hence, Eclipse. Everyone had a story for their name, mine wasn’t all that fun, but I was willing to bet that Soap’s had some sort of fun meaning behind it. I knew he was a demolitions specialist, perhaps it was because he could create a clean slate after demoing. Of course, Ghost would have to have a story as well, but with how he acted, I figure that he isn’t exactly the ‘share my personal history with someone I just met’ type. And I’m not one to push boundaries. If I like my boundaries respected then the least I can do is respect his. 
We sit in silence for a while, each scanning around the compound, occasionally glancing past each other, but otherwise keep to ourselves. 
Light is beginning to fill the sky when I finally decide to check my watch. It reads 0400, and I know I’m not going to get back to sleep. Ghost is still next to me, back hunched over in a similar fashion to my own as we sit atop the concrete roof. I look at the man, really look at him for the first time since we came up here. 
He wears a dark balaklava, similar to the one with the skull plate stitched to it, but this one’s forehead is clear, only having the lower half painted instead of the full get up. He also wears a dark t-shirt, which exposes the tattoos covering his left arm, and dark jogging pants. He has his boots unlaced, but they are tightened enough not to fall over the edge of the building as he gently sways his feet. His clothing makes him seem more approachable than he had been earlier but it does nothing to change his imposing size. It seems he doesn't need his protective layers to be intimidating. 
“Would you spar with me?” I ask, cringing slightly at the roughness of my voice after going unused for so long. I clear my throat carefully as Ghost turns to observe me. I watch as his eyes trail up and down my form, coming to a rest on my face. The mask makes it difficult to tell what he was thinking, but after years of practice with König, I feel like I can gauge his thoughts through his eyes alone.
“You don’t have to. When König wakes up I can ask him.” Ghost blinks slowly, eyes squinting at me ever so slightly, before he gives a small nod, and straightens his back. I smile, glad to have a new sparring partner, and stand, dusting my pants off as I step away from the edge. Ghost does the same, and I follow him through the door and back down the stairs. 
We exit the stairs, turn right, and enter the gym. Ghost flicks the lights on, illuminating the space. One wall is lined with mirrors, and against the other are three treadmills, and a weight rack, along with other workout equipment spread out across the room. And in the middle of the room, there is padding on the floor, which Ghost and I are steadily approaching. Ghost stops at the edge of the mat, and loosens his boots before slipping them off, and stepping fully onto the mat. I follow his lead, slipping my boots off and setting them next to his before stepping onto the mat. 
I mess with my hair until it isn’t in my line of sight, watching Ghost the whole time to make sure he doesn't move while I’m distracted. Once my hair is out of the way, I get into stance, and watch as Ghost does the same. 
“Ready?” He asks, eyes boring into mine. 
“Ready,” I confirm, and as soon as the word leaves my mouth, we’re moving. 
My left foot moves in a large step, bringing me closer to Ghost, but before I make contact I spin to my right, tucking myself into him as I bring an elbow back to his chest. There is a dull thud as my elbow makes contact, and I can almost feel the breath he lets out. But he reacts fast. 
He uses my proximity to kick the back of my knee, forcing me to the ground. His own knee presses into my back as he kneels over me. I turn my head to the side, looking into his eyes. There is a hint of a smirk behind them as I continue struggling, but it disappears when I get a knee up under myself and practically buck him off of me.  I spin, jumping up as I do, before he dives for my legs. We are falling to the floor before I can take in a complete breath, my partial one being forced out of me as Ghost’s weight crushes me to the mat. I quickly bring a knee up to his back, aiming for his kidneys, but he moves to the side ever so slightly, avoiding the worst of it and sending a spark up my leg instead. He grabs my wrists in one hand, holding them above me as he straddles my legs, keeping them from kicking up at him anymore. The smirk is back in his eyes, and I’m determined to get rid of it. I bend my knees, planting my feet on the outside of his as I use his grip on my wrists to secure us together, then bring my hips up, and push him to the side, ending with me above him. But he still has a grip on my wrists, which he uses to throw me over his head. I land, sprawled on my back, the wind knocked out of me, at the edge of the mat. But I can’t give up, not yet. So I jump up, coming face to face with Ghost as he walks toward me. I only have a few inches of the mat behind me, and I know he’s trying to back me off. I can’t let that happen.
So, as he gets within a few steps of me, I dive to his left, holding my hands out in front of me to start my roll. I feel a twinge go through my wrist but ignore it as I stand again, turning to face him. We are kitty-corner to each other now, and I can see the determination building behind his eyes as he steps toward me again. 
An hour later and we’re both covered in a layer of sweat, causing our hands to slip off of each other as we made grasps. I had slipped off my shirt a little while ago, and I’m now fighting in my tank top and sleep shorts. Ghost is still wearing all his clothes, and I commend him for working through the heat I know has to be building behind his mask. 
We’re circling each other, hands up and ready to strike. Ghost makes the first move, swiping my legs out from under me, and causing me to drop unceremoniously to the mat. He jumps on top of me as I roll over, practically sitting on my lower back as his legs press against my own, keeping me still as he grabs my left arm, and brings it behind me. 
He had abandoned any sense of holding back that he held earlier in our fighting, and pulls roughly at my shoulder just as I was about to tap out. But it’s too late. I feel the joint slip, and click as the pain bursts down my arm and up my neck. My right hand immediately flies back to tap at his thigh as I bite my lip to stifle the noises I want to let out. 
He releases me immediately, moving to stand and look down at me. I bring my hips up slightly as I pull myself together enough to roll over, eyes squeezed shut, and teeth digging into my lip to the point where I can faintly taste blood. I finally flip over, and the intense wave of pain it brings causes me to throw my eyes open, breathing as deeply as I can manage. Ghost is looking down at me, eyes squinted, and unfocused. Like he’s trying to think something through but is struggling. 
My right hand slots into place against my left shoulder, and I gently push at it, making sure it had just slipped out of place. And, as I thought, it had, meaning all I have to do is pop it back in. I groan again as my poking flares the pain, and try to sit up slightly, but fail when the joint moves. I drop onto the mat, deep breaths leaving my lips. 
Ghost looks mortified. That’s the closest emotion I can find in his eyes. His chest is barely moving, as if he’s stopped breathing, and his eyes are still cloudy and distant. I recognize the glazed eyes from when König falls into his panic attacks, but there isn’t much I can do for Ghost until I get my shoulder back in place. 
As I groan through the pain again, I hear the door to the gym open, and two sets of footsteps enter through it. My eyes close again to ward off the pain that zings through my arm when I try to look at who they are. 
“Finsternis?”(Eclipse) Good, it’s König. He knows how shit my shoulder is, and has helped me put it back in place more times than I can count. 
“Ghost?” Looks like Price is the second person present.
 My eyes open again as I feel König drop to kneel next to me, and see Ghost still staring at me. 
“Schulter,” (Shoulder)The word croaks out of my throat as I swallow down the pain. Normally we are able to slip it back into place almost immediately, but it has been at least 3 minutes, and it’s getting angrier and angrier with me. 
König’s eyes slip from my face to look at where my right hand is pressed into my left shoulder. 
“Wir müssen es wieder an Ort.” (We have to put it back in place) I say, looking into König’s dark eyes as they bore into mine. He gives a small nod and moves so he is to my left, pulling my arm out with him. I grit my teeth together against the pain and drop my right hand to my side as he finally gets into place. He places one foot so it’s pushing against my ribcage, and plants the other one firmly on the ground near my head. 
“Auf Drei,” (On three) He says, looking me in the eyes. I turn away, closing my eyes and gritting my teeth again as I prepare for the pain.  “Eins.”(One) But he doesn't wait for three, he barely waits at all, before pulling on my arm, pushing against my ribcage as I feel the ball slip back into its socket. 
“Scheiße!”(Shit) I say through my gritted teeth, hearing the pop externally and internally. The world sways momentarily, but König keeps a firm grip on my hand as he scoots closer to me again. He uses his hand to turn my face toward him, and I open my eyes again to make eye contact with him. 
“Ich hasse es, wenn du das machst." (I hate when you do that) I say, and he shakes with a silent laugh at my expense. 
“Nachstes mal lasse ich es dann.” (Next time I’ll leave it then) He says, and I can see the smile in his eyes. Using my good arm I punch his shoulder. Behind him, Ghost is still standing still, though now he’s scanning the gym like he was cataloging it. Price is somewhere over my head, though he’s quiet, probably waiting for the best time to speak. As I sit up, with the help of König, Ghost grabs his boots from the side of the mat, and slinks out the door, ignoring the captain calling to him. 
I watch as he leaves, not looking back once. 
“What the hell was that?” Price asks, arms crossing over his chest, and mustache twitching against his lip. 
“Shoulder injury that never healed right, it slips out sometimes without much pressure applied. Nothing that affects my performance in the field Captain, I assure you.” Price’s eyes burn into me, and for a moment I’m worried that he’s going to pull me from the mission, but his hands fall to his sides as he finally speaks, and I relax marginally. 
“It better not.” Is all he says before turning and following the same path that Ghost had.
“Was ist passiert?” (What happened?) König asks as he helps me stand. 
“Kampftraining.Ich war nicht schnell genug, um etwas zu sagen.”( Sparring. I wasn’t fast enough to say something.) I shrug my shoulders, then regret it immediately as I feel the dull pain shoot through my arm. “Aber jetzt muss ich duschen.” (But now, I have to shower) I say, and König laughs, pushing me away slightly. 
“Ja, das muss du, du riechst.” (Yeah, you do, you smell.)  I laugh with him as we walk back into the barracks room. Gaz and Soap are gathering their clothes, and Price and Ghost are nowhere to be found. 
I collect some clothes from my bag and turn to make my way back to the gym, where the single-stall showers supposedly are. I have never been a fan of the group showers.
König is sitting on his bed with his weapons, both his knives, and guns, and is laying them out in the exact order he does every time he checks them over. It’s one of his many ticks when he’s uncomfortable in a space, as it gives him control over something, as well as allowing him the peace of mind of something familiar. I push his head lightly as I pass him, but he doesn't  react more than pushing my hand away, eyes still trained on his weapons. 
The walk to the gym is short, and the lights are still on. I see the door on the far side of the room and move toward it. Behind the door, there are cubbies lining one wall, with benches in the middle, and six shower stalls on the opposite wall. The lights have a sickly blue hue to them, and they flicker slightly as I turn them on. It certainly won’t be the worst shower I’ve taken, at least this one will be warm. 
After my shower, I make my way back into the barracks room. None of the boys are in here, so I assume they had all found better things to do with their time. I sit on the edge of my bed and run a hand down my face.  I can’t get Ghost’s eyes out of my head. The look in them when he heard the pop of my shoulder slipping out of place, the blurriness that consumed them in the aftermath. I know that he’s a trained soldier. One who has taken out more targets than I will ever be cleared to know. But that small look of fear that flickered in the back of his eyes, makes me want to apologize to him. To make it clear that it isn’t his fault, that he hadn’t done anything wrong. 
He could be anywhere on base, or off base for that matter. I know nothing about him, his life, or his patterns. I only know one place where he had shown me he hung out, and that’s going to be my starting point. 
I stand from my bed, open the door to our barracks room, and follow the hallway to the door that Ghost had shown me last night. I climb the stairs quietly, a hard habit to break, then take a breath as I exit onto the roof. I’m actually surprised to see the hulking frame of the man, dark against the pale concrete. 
He’s laying on his stomach, tac gear on as he looks through the scope of his rifle. He’s scanning the base, or at least he was until the door closed behind me. 
His eyes flick to me, grip tightening on his weapon. The paint is back around his eyes, making them look colder and less human than they had been earlier. I take a step toward him and watch as he flips the cover over his scope, pulling himself up into a crouching position as he begins packing his gun away. He doesn’t look back over at me, and within 30 seconds, he’s pushing past me toward the door.
“Ghost,” I start, reaching out to try and grip his arm before he’s all the way past me. He spins around, arm pulling away from my grip. I have no time to duck, no time to block the elbow as it comes toward my face. My head whips to the side, hand slipping from his arm and pulling up to cradle my smarting face. My eyes well up with reflexive tears that I won’t allow to fall, and I can feel the trickle of blood beginning to flow down through my nose. I look up at Ghost through my tears. He stares down at me for a moment, hand hanging in the air, the jaw painted on his mask moving but no sound coming out of his mouth. His hand moves towards my face, and I take a small step back before I think of what I’m doing. The hand stops, the jaw returns to its resting place and I watch his eyes harden ever so slightly  before he turns and reaches for the door. 
And then he’s gone. 
The blood pours freely out of my nose, and I just let it, knowing that it was covering the bottom half of my face. My whole face feels simultaneously numb and burns at the same time. I stand there for a moment longer, until the first drop of my blood hits the concrete below me, and then I finally move. The door squeaks open as I pull it, then slams shut behind me as I make my way down the stairs. I don’t go back to the barracks, instead, I go back through the gym, leaving the main lights off, and open the door to the shower room. In the far corner, there’s a sink, with a crappy mirror hanging haphazardly above it. 
The loose washcloth I find makes a good compress as I press it against my nose, leaning over the sink to keep my head pointed down. Lord knows I had seen what choking on your own blood looked like. 
My mind is blank, going through the motions of cleaning up after a fight, nothing I haven’t done before. I replay the interaction in my head, trying to figure out where I went wrong. 
Grabbing him may not have been my smartest decision, and while I’m a little put out that he elbowed me in the face for it, he didn’t seem to do it on purpose. It was a reflex as much as me stepping backwards had been. 
My nose finally stops bleeding, and I clear the remaining blood from around my lips and chin. My cheek is slightly swollen where his elbow made contact, and my nose is turning slightly purple, but I’m not too worried about it. Nothing is broken, and I can live with a little bruise during our mission. 
I throw the bloodied washcloth in a hamper bin that’s next to one of the cubbies, and turn the lights off behind me as I walk out. The gym is still dark, and I walk straight through it, ignoring the slight twinge that goes up my back as I do. 
I need to do something to clear my mind. I can’t exactly change what had happened with Ghost, but I could make myself stop thinking about it. Shooting seemed like just the answer I needed.
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whore-ibly-hot · 4 months
Yandere Boarding school thoughts... (Gender Neutral)
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18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Multiple yanderes, non-con touching, dub-con, perverted thoughts, obsession, bullying, masturbation, aphrodisiacs, general perversion, dry-humping, voyeurism, controlling behaviors, typical yandere stuff, breeding, drug usage, horny posting.
(AN: I have rizz-en from my grave to be horny once more. All of these guys are avaliable for requests, but will be listed under the materlist simply as Yan!Boarding School.)
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Background: Thinking about a Headmasters child!Reader at a private boarding school. For a Fem!Reader, perhaps you're just visiting daddy for the season while he's running the school, or maybe you've been bad, and need more supervision. For a Masc!Reader, it could be the same case, however, with Blackmoore Academy being an all male school, this opens up the availability for reader to be attending.
Student scenarios and profiles:
◇ Harrison Spence, star member of the swim steam, basketball player, and golden boy. Despite jock stereotypes, he's respectful and mature. He always looks out for others, and this lends to why your father suggests rooming with him. Plus... if anything were to happen, your father wouldn't hate to have him as a son in law. He's SOOO friendly when he meets you. Those big strong arms are perfectly suited to lug your bags upstairs to his room. Want help putting stuff away, sure! For a Fem!Reader, he's not suprised how awkward he is when he's unzipping your suitcase, only to be met with some thin lacy garments. He just coughs and backs off. For a Masc!Reader, he wears boxers too! So why does he still feel so hot. He should open a window.
He'll make sure you fit in around campus, mostly steering you in the direction of the athletics department. He'd love to see you at some of his games, cheering him on. You seem so nice, he could really seem himself with you long term, the more he thinks about crushing on you. Besides, you already share a living space. He feels awful about how his body reacts anytime you're too close. You left a jacket behind that smells just like you? He tries not to think about the consequences of fisting his cock into it. Late night out at one of his games? Who cares if you share a dorm and your bed is literally six feet away, it's too far of a walk. Slide into his bed, he's a gentleman. At least until he wakes up the next morning, mind foggy as he instinctively moves his cock up over the waist band, putting a leaky tip against your ass as he resists the urge to press his head into your neck, opting for a pillow instead. He's so, so sorry, but he's gott a deal with it, and you just feel so good. He rationalizes it by saying he's not just some horned up guy, no. You're his roommate, HIS. And what would the Headmasters think! No, he wants a future with you, romance, not just a warm hole to rut...
"Hey, roomie! Listen, practice is running kinda late tonight, so I'm gonna grab food on the way back. Why don't you text me your order, I can bring it back. We can make a whole thing out of it, no need to pay me back! I'm thinking burgers?"
◇ Carter Matthews, student body president, scholar, and in every AP class possible. Even some dumb ones. He doesn't pay much mind to you, you ate very attractive but so is he. If he felt the need for a relationship, he could get whomever he wanted. But he hates... hates how you make the other students, even some of the faculty act. He can't help but follow you around, making sure you obey curfew, and don't get into any trouble. He likes to keep order around here, and it bothers him to have to ignore his student body presidential duties to make sure some delinquent isn't trying to slip you a spiked drink, or some jock has you under the bleachers trying to get your mouth wrapped around their tips.
Eventually, he decides you could be helpful instead of a hinderance. He's busy, may need a form of stress relief, and given babysitting you when Harrison isn't around is one of the main sources of that stress, why shouldn't you help him out. Besides, you look so cute flustered. Maybe it starts small, he tells you your uniform bottoms aren't regulation, and while he tugs them down to 'fix' them, his hands wander a bit too much, grazing the soft skin of your ass. During random room inspections, he may let his hatred of the sports program taking up all the funding by mentioning how obvious it is your roommate wants to stick it in you. Harrison can't stand him, not trusting the cold creepy gaze of the prefect. He'll force you to come to student council meetings, under the guise of assisting him with preparing for a faculty dinner to appease your father, only to get you under his desk while he writes, trying to guide you with one stern hand. He doesn't like to go too deep, not one to enjoy gagging or unnecessary sound that would distract him from working.
"Keep it down." He scolds, cold eyes peering down through blonde bangs. With a sigh, his free hand strokes your cheek. "Just suckle, alright? There'll be plenty of time after I'm done for you to make sweet noises around my cock..."
◇ Evan Reed, CAPTAIN of the swim team, and student assistant PE coach. He's used to play basketball alongside Harrison, but got kicked out for being too violent. Shoving, pushing, and going as far as knocking teeth out. He's a fucking animal. He's handsome, of not a bit of a loner. He isn't popular or unpopular, people tend to leave him alone because of that bad boy attitude and his temper, but he's always welcome to party with the jocks, welcomed into parties and known as a keg-stand king. And boy do you catch his eyes, giving that your always hanging off Harrison, or being trailed by Carter. He's more than happy to accompany you to the pool or help you out in gym class, but it's obvious what he wants. He'll get up behind you in the pool, still smelling of cigarettes as he asks mundane questions while trying to pull your swimsuit to the side and get his hands on that sweet spot between your thighs. Or maybe he'll sit on the edge of the pool, congratulate you on how good your doing, legs spread as he pulls you between them, hoping you'll end up accidentally eyeing his cock. If you are a Masc!Reader, then there's definitely some internalized homophbia. He'll make sure you know these are just normal friend activities, even when he's got you bent over in the boys locker room, ass up. He doesn't EVER plan to be the one on the bottom.
He's a player, chasing tail outside of the school, hitting on peers sisters and mom's alike. But now, he plans to keep you around, not because he necessarily feels like he wants a romantic relationship with you, but because he loooooves how pissed it makes Harrison. He never liked the goody two-shoes, and half suspects he's one of the people who pushed to get him kicked out of basketball. He likes to pick on people, but Harrison sees himself as a knight in shining armor. So it gives Evan a major power boner to make you grind up against him on the dancefloor at some preppy party, while Harrison just has to stand by and not crush his beer can. Evan knows harrison will never, ever do anything to ruin your good guy image of him. Ever.
He's pissed, punching a locker as he let's out a growl. 4-0, what the fuck is wrong with his team? How could they get fucked over so bad after weeks of missing parties for shitty practices. Luckily for him, he sees you on the sidelines, probably waiting for Harrison to walk you back to your dorm. He takes this opportunity to slide up behind you, hands on your hips as you can feel his angry erection rutting up against your ass. "You. Me. Locker room, five minutes, stall three. Be ready, underwear off and bent over or I'll take you in front of the guys who are still changing? Got it?" He departs with a harsh smack on your rear.
◇ Joseph Mick, he's in the newspaper, but it's not like he's the head or anything. He just love photography, and he's the only guy at school to have really mastered the dark room. He's known to be a little... odd. He's the youngest in you and Harrisons class, with a petite stature and thin, lanky arms. He's pale, almost gaunt, but that could be a lack of sunlight given that he spends all his time in the dark room or toiling over photo arrangement mock-ups in the journalism room. People avoid him, but he's okay with that. He's more than happy to just watch from a distance, and photography is his real branch to the world. People only talk to him or react positively if he's taking photos for the paper or the school newsletter. He actually meets you at one of Evan's swim meets, he gets good seats for being student press, and you get good seats for just being Evan's new favorite piece of ass. Your aren't even sure why you were invited, you don't even know anything about how one wins a swimming competition. But Joseph does. He's been to enough of these, and you notice, so you lean over and start asking him questions. He's shocked someone is talking to him, and not about getting a bigger feature in the yearbook. He's more than happy to help point stuff out to you, even if he had to repeat himself or stutter his way through something. He's feeling his heart flutter and his hands shake so much so he can barely hold the camera. Soon, he's watching as you walk away, wishing he could grab onto you and hang you up on his wall to admire like one of his pictures. It's only made worse when he sees a pair of masculine arms dragging you into the boys locker room.
He's a stalker, but it's not his fault! For one, he's got no idea how to approach anyone, much less someone he likes as much as you. And since he's got that reputation as a creep, if he approached you in public, Harrison would be polite but firm at shooing him away, Carter would give him a look that makes him feel like a worm beneath his well polished shoes, and Evan would beat him to the brink of death, but then pass him over to his friends. But God, if he didn't think it was worth it sometimes to just be close to you. He can only get as close to you as his high-focus lens will allow. He's got hundreds of photos of you, some taken by him, some by campus security cams, and he treats each one like the piece that's gonna get him into a top art school. He almost feels bad taking risqué shots of you. He's always following you, and he sees the ways those... those pigs are treating you. If he could stand up to them, he would. He sees (from the cameras he's slipped into your bag) the boner Harrison is always sporting when he in your presence, he even caught a glance of Harrisons late night rendezvous with your pillow. He sees the way Carter leads you through the hallways like his little secretary, lithe fingers trying to get up your uniform bottoms. Worst of all is the way he sees Evan humping you in the pool like a dog in heat, with you obviously unsure about how you feel about this. He knows he'd treat you right, if you'd ever consider being with something like him. Notice he almost feels too bad to take risqué pictures. He can't help it if a picture or two from one of his hidden cams has a bit of an upskirt, or gets a little to zoomed in on your pecs. But know that as he drums humps the table in the dark room, those copies are only so he can keep one in his room and one on his person! He'd never, ever share your sexual exploits, not like Evan would, always bragging about what he does with, or more likely to you.
Being on the newspaper staff, he's got a pretty good idea of everyone's schedules. He's more than happy to try and squeak out some words to you if he knows your many admirers are preoccupied. Trust him, he knows A LOT of good spots to share a meal privately or maybe... maybe you'd like to see the dark room? He's even got a pillow in there, a cushion he can place on a soft stool in case you ever came to visit. He hopes he could get a private photoshoot in, maybe with some silly pictures of you, or even some lewd pics, he's just happy to see his collection expand. He doesn't have a lot of money, but he's more than happy to buy you as much cheap vending machine food as you want as long as you'll spend time with him.
"Oh, shi- hey! I didn't realize you'd be stopping by here. I'm just, uh, editing some photos for the paper." You don't notice as he slyly moves a tray of pics taken outside a dorm window that looks suspiciously like yours. He thanks whoever is out there in this moment that the dark room has a sink as he keeps his right hand out of sight.
◇ Tyler Mertz and Percy 'Pez' Goldberg, two outsiders, and self proclaimed 'dudes with bad tudes'. Put into the same headcanon spot because they aren't ever seen apart. Tyler and Pez got in on scholarship, and immediately bonded because they know they don't fit in among the rich kids at Ridgemoore. Tyler got in on a scholarship to pursue culinary excellence, because if he can do one thing, it's cook. Pez was awarded a scholarship by lottery two years ago, and even though he's barely passing most of his classes and is the biggest delinquent in school, he can't be kicked out. The school made too much of a big deal about his acceptance to create some good press, the faculty are planning to just wait the problem out. Repeating a year hasn't helped with that, though. Still, they are attached at the hip. Both struggle in classes, Pez because of a shitty social life and even shittier focus, and Tyler because he's just a little slow. Still, Tyler excels in cooking, and the faculty know he's trying. There's a few ways you might come across the pair. Maybe you decided to take culinary, and got paired up with a sweet, dopey guy who turns out to be a fucking MasterChef, or maybe your a brat!reader, like I mentioned earlier, and you meet Pez in detention, where he's glad to know the schools newest troublemaker is a looker too. Most likely, you come across them when either Evan makes you tag along to buy some weed and half-priced shitty beer for a post-game party, or Carter tells you he'll personally see to it that your father tethers you to him if he sees you talking to those 'deliquents'. Either way, they're probably some of the nicest guys in the school, even though Pez likes to fight. He's not a bad guy, but the school can't seem to recognize half of the shit he does is in retaliation to someone fucking with him or his friend.
Pez will like any kind of reader, any. If you're bratty!reader, he loves having someone to run around and bust shit up with. But he'll promise to leave the statue of your father alone, if that's what you want. If you're an innocent!reader, he can't deny he'd love to ruin that good guy/girl image you have going on. Smoke a little weed, sneak out a little, let him show you a good time. He promises he won't cross any lines or do something that would really scare or upset you. He's not a bad guy, he just wants to show you there's so much stuff out there to do. Unlike Joseph, he doesn't let the fact that others think he's a freak keep him from hanging with you. He wants them to see that you like him. HIM. He thinks your adorable no matter who you are, and frankly, snuggling up on the Headmasters kid is just another act of defiance he's happy to flaunt. Eventually, he might even open up to you about his shitty home life, and the fact he's only called Pez cause' when he's high that candy is all he wants to eat.
Tyler is a huge softie. He doesn't let the thing people say about him get to him, mostly because he's a bit dense in the moment to know he's being made fun of, but also because he's okay with being alone. He's happy with who he is, a nice guy. But, that doesn't mean he doesn't love his best buddy, or mind adding you to there little group. It's just one more mouth to feed in his eyes. He'll walk you to all your classes, slinging his big arms around you and keeping you close to his side. Unlike Pez, he grew up with a pretty loving family, and they're what he misses most about being away at boarding school. Most of the money he makes selling weed with Pez goes back to his family, but they don't really know how he makes it. He comes to see you and Pez as his new little family.
With these two, there will be lots of late nights with bad movies and pizza made from scratch. Being on some rundown couch squished between to large bodies, at least one set of arms wrapped around your waist. I think they both are pretty open about telling each other about the crush they have on you, given that they are best buds. These idiots probably got super high one night, and Tyler let slip that he, quote, 'thinks he wants to put a baby in you', to which Pez replies he'd like to put something along those lines in you too. It wouldn't be hard for them to both come to terms with wanting to share you, they share everything else. They just hope you'd want both of them, Pez and Tyler can't stand the thought of making things awkward by you only wanting one of them, so they both subtly try to transition you into the roll of being their partner.
Pez would be fucking fuming when he starts realizing the things boys at school are doing to you. Whether he witnesses it himself, or you come to him and Tyler seeking comfort, he'll pound the shit out of anyone who tries to touch you like that. If you like someone else, Pez wouldn't wail on them to eliminate a rival like Evan would, but rather he hands it over to Tyler. Tyler would come up with some rumors, maybe a reason the guy isn't right for you, and why would Tyler lie? He doesn't feel great about lying, but thinking about the things guys at this school do to you, fills the sweet chefs stomach with a bitter bile.
They wouldn't outright pressure you into sex, but rather try and find ways to coerce you into requesting or initiating it. Pez has some weed laced with something, nothing too strong, but it'll make even a nun feel a little frisky. He'll lay back or rub your thigh, hoping the weed will relax you enough to come out and say what you want. Maybe an aphrodisiac or two gets slipped into a warm drink Tyler made for you. It gets you feeling all hot, but don't worry, you can stay in their room overnight and wear their clothes, so they can... make sure you're not sick or anything.
"Hey," you can feel a pair of arms wrap around you from your spot at the library table. You look up and see Pez, with Tyler now playfully laying his head on the table beside you. "Heard that shithead Evan's got an away game, so it looks like your freed up after all to spend a little time with your favorite guys." His lips are dangerously close to your ear, making you squirm. "Yeah, man, we've got a bunch of movies n' shit from the store, and I'll even make your favorite. Stay the night, it's not like we've got anywhere to be tommorow, and my beds so cold..." Tyler teases playfully, eyes wide and feigning sadness.
All these boys make it difficult to get any alone time at Ridgemoor, but the men certainly don't make it easier... (Taboo part two with the faculty coming soon, because I'm horny for Dilfs and old men with questionable dynamics with reader.)
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