#(maybe platonic?? We're Both Gay and Dont Know)
tiktaalic · 6 months
let's all talk about supernatural. i'll start. in 2009 kim manners told misha collins it was gay to sit on a bed. due to the lack of distance. he was right. and misha collins did it anyway. what followed was 12 years of television subject to different directors writers and actors all with different opinions on the subject of whether or not dean and castiel were gay. because of this rotating list of minds and directions the messages you receive are varied. but crucially. there is groundwork laid in closeups. standing five feet apart in bobby's kitchen filmed as if they're face to face. across the room from each other in tmwwbk but cuts between close up to close up. now you could easily argue that camerawork that rejects this method is trying to convey a different message of less empathy. but. we are not working only with camera work that conveys distance. we're working with a foundation of intimate conversations filmed as intimate closeups . followed by intimate conversations filmed with yards and yards between them. for an amv i was trying to use the s8 talk where cas is sitting on the bed and dean walks over sits down and says talk to me and i eventually had to scrap it because they're never in the same frame. i was going frame by frame in that scene trying to get maybe three seconds where you can see both of them but you never can. in the scene where dean sits a foot away and asks. what's wrong. you can tell me. you can talk to me. and cas proceeds to bare his soul. which is one of two things: bad directing, or purposeful directing. bad directing requires us to operate under the assumption that people who work on supernatural are bad at their jobs (likely). purposeful directing requires us to operate under the assumption that people who work on supernatural are good at their jobs, and given an intimate conversation, looked for ways to dilute the emotion in it, and did so. this is also likely. when supernatural shows me castiel telling dean i love you, and does it with shoddy camerawork, they are practicing tell not show. they are turning to the camera and telling me. this means nothing. disregard this. dont you see how they're a good court length apart from each other. doesn't this distance make you feel like you should interpret this with a platonic lens. but what they are showing me. is castiel telling dean winchester. i love you. which comes across even through the janky disjointed shots. the diluted effect still has an outsized emotional impact. so my takeaway is not. well i guess this means nothing. it is. i see the tricks you are trying to use on me. and they dont work on me because i know how to interpret storytelling and i'm not young and shiny and stupid. my takeaway is . wow. dean and cas., are in love for real, and they put it on my screen, and i am going to plant dynamite in director richard speight's home
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caandlelit · 5 years
fellas i'm feeling the incredibly specific emotion that is gay and yearning right now
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slymanner · 3 years
sasharcy drabble :D
it was late at night in wartwood.
the blood moon was out everyone was sleeping.
expect for one who hasn't even gotten any sleep.
marcy heard a knock at the door, a certain rhythm she's heard before at this exact same tempo.
it was the knock sasha and marcy came up with when they we're kid's when coming over, kept the exact same even after all these years.
as kid's they didn't really have any music reference they just kinda made it up on their own kinda like a hand-shake you'd make up one day with your family or with the kids on the playground.
it always got one of them exicted to hear that little special knock and it hits especially different now after months of not hearing their little knock jingle.
"oh sasha! come in the door is unlocked..."
marcy said with a yawn as she saw the door slowy open as she see's a exhausted, sleep deprived sasha.
her only having a pillow in her hand's as she squeeze's it in embarrassment for what she was about to ask her childhood friend.
"what's up sashy? you seem...exhausted."
"you think? I've been up for hours and haven't slept..."
sasha said with a tired slight deeper voice not really fully conscious as she usually would be.
"well if you came here for a possible sleep potion, I'm yawn not at that type of magic level yet."
marcy said with a sorta smirk placing her hand on her own chin with tiredness.
"well...that's not exactly why I'm here mar mar..."
sasha gave a big deep breath in and out since she's never asked anyone this before and is desperate for any type of sleep, as marcy looks in sorta confusion but interest.
"so you said if i ever needed your comfort i could come to you to ask you right?"
"mhm, i said that today sasha."
sasha tries to calm herself down trying to not sound too weak or aggressive.
"HHHHH...yeah okay so i have a question for you regarding that offer?"
sasha clenches her pillow even harder trying to not look at marcy's little face too much so she doesn't flop to the ground in embarrassment or anything.
"oh sure! what's the offer..?"
marcy noticing sasha's little look's away's but letting her keep going
"okay so maybe...possibly...how about we....HHHH...."
"we don't got all nig-"
marcy looks at sasha in surprise, sasha showing this level of comfort and trust with this subject makes marcy actually smile a bit and even wake up a bit more after it.
":O sashy wants to cuddle little ol ME???"
marcy fans herself off with her own hand in a joking way making sasha all flustered with this dork's dumb as hell reaction
"are you sure? your tomato is showing HAHA"
sasha after hearing that looks at marcy's mirror in her wagon seeing a blushly red tomato that one of the plantars would pluck up
sasha walks up to marcy and picks up marcy her not expecting sasha's sudden strength.
as she throws marcy at the other side of the bed.
sasha flops onto the empty side of the bed, marcy's soft and comfortable bed making sasha relax and feel like in heaven as she puts the pillow under her own head.
"snort alright alright sasha your the boss i guess."
marcy put the blanket over both of them.
both being at comfort but also slight gay panic as they are both in the same bed as each other.
marcy twiddled her fingers as sasha looked at her both in intense eye contact.
"are you a little spoon or a big spoon..."
sasha let out a little laugh, seeing her childhood friend just laying next to her in the same bed seeing the blood moon sorta shine in marcy's eye's.
"HAHA just..I'll be the little spoon alright?"
"you probably couldn't handle me as a big spoon anyway marshmallow."
sasha turned away from marcy waiting for marcy's arm to wrap around her as she wait's for her dumb little comeback to that big spoon comment
"sure...now just give me your dorky comfort"
right as she says that marcy wraps her arms around sasha's body, feeling marcy's warm but comforting touch as she felt marcy get closer and to her own body, making sasha's worry's of not sleeping fade away as she saw marcy's tiny little soft hands in front of her vision with the wrap around making her maybe second guess this platonic thing and have a sudden urge to hold her hand.
"you good sashy..?"
"haven't felt...this comfortable in awhile actually."
marcy smiled at sasha's suggestion of this giving her comfort as marcy slid the closest she can be not expecting to ever be this close to sasha.
"that's good!! :D"
"you wanna...sleep now?"
sasha was already getting close to sleep as she heard marcy say that.
"OH yeah yeah for sure yeah."
"Alright then night sasha!!"
marcy yawned holding sasha basically like a teddy bear her hands close to sasha's chest
"goodnight marcy.."
sasha was about to close her eyes but she stopped when.
"can we....hold hands?"
marcy gets sorta flusted at that cuddling's being one thing but holding hands was something else entirely.
"um...SURE! if it makes you comfortable..."
"oh great thanks mar mar!"
sasha quickly softly put her hand into marcy's palm feeling marcy's small but gentle hands made her even sleepier then she already was, marcy also feeling sasha's hands comfortably rest in her hands was like heaven to her, both their hands fit perfectly with each other."
"haha...this is..."
"nice? yeah i know marcy."
"this doesn't feel platonic anymore,,"
"don't worry we'll be in denial for a couple of months let's say this a platonic for now."
marcy laughed at that, even she knew.
"HAHA OKAY OKAY FAIR..but...goodnight sashy."
marcy closed her eyes her grip in sasha's hand getting tighter.
"goodnight mar mar.."
they both had a wonderful sleep <3
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maybebi47 · 3 years
Hello I would like my therapy from shein now pretty please! I started university and met this girl who's very very nice and interesting and we have a ton of things in common. We're both bi girls and she has such a nice smile and I've known her not for a long time but it feels so natural to talk to her. The thing is I can't tell if my feelings for her are just platonic or not or something in between??? Like I've made other friends but it feels different with her somehow. I want to be close to her and talk to her all the time and ever since we met she's kind of taken permanent residence in my head. And we text a lot and spend a lot of time together and have so many things in common and once she posted a picture and I think my brain short circuited slightly. Well okay now that I'm typing it out it does sound very gay but I'm worried I'm forcing this to happen because I want to fall in love with a girl so much. This has been a bit incoherent but in short: I want my feelings to develop naturally but of I'm constantly trying to decipher them and I think it's making me even more confused! And on top of that, it's probably a bad idea to develop a crush on her because she seems to see me only as a friend.
So yeah :))) what do you think
hey there!! this is the most relatable rant in existence i mean what is being gay if its not not being able to distinguish between platonic and romantic feelings?
to me it seems like ur already catching feelings🥺 the min you said you short-circuited when you saw a pic of her I just knew, it always starts like that doesn't it? here's the thing i think u should take your time with it, dont rush into any decisions for now, keep talking and texting and hanging out, i get the feeling that she likes u alot, and honestly you would be surprised how naturally things fall into place, you find love when you least expect it :') keep ur heart open! who knows how she feels? maybe ur always living in her head rent free as well! the more time u spend together the clearer your feelings will get, dont overthink it just enjoy those feelings and little butterflies in your stomach. i wish for you the absolute BEST anon🥰💕
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gayroytheory · 5 years
Hi omg this is so awkward you don't know me really but you've been my celebrity crush for over a year now and I saw you posting that you moved to [city redacted] and I just wanted to let you know that I also live there! We should meet up sometime but only if you're comfortable with it and maybe you can sign my Roy Mustang poster? He's hanging up in my living room because my wife loves him and we're both huge fans of your work. Tysm!!! 💙 Keep up the A+++ gay roy theory content
uh thats really cool lol but im taken haha...it’s nice you’re nearby tho we could hang out platonic wise lmao. you should bring your wife im intereted in what kind of person is into such a sexy mysterious hunk as roy mustang who is definitely not me. like wow huh didnt think anyone would have a poster of m- i mean him like yknow i have some pretty lofty ambitions but i didnt think anyone would get all i wanna be your joey ramone on me haha....but yea we could totally meet up as long as you dont mind my flirtatious nature like yknow its all good fun but its kinda my whole schtick also the fact that i am not gay. for sure im not gay at all though just look at my secret notebook of uh...research. science research? dont worry about it
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