#(mun talks too much)
OOC - Mun being Goth dad here
This is a PSA to all my rp partners.
Do NOT worry about replying quickly! If real life stuff comes up, or you aren't feel well, hell if you don't have the inspiration, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! Life happens! people loose muse sometimes. If you wanna drop the thread, that is ok, if you want to plot something new, that's ok!
Never ever EVER feel like you are obligated to reply! Roleplay is what I do for a hobby. It's something fun, that helps me cope with life. It helps the mental stuff I have to, but it is not a job. That applies to you guys too! I love you guys, please take care of yourselves! Take a self care day, drink water, and don't stress about stuff!! There are way more important things than this hell site!!
All my best, and all my love from your friendly neighborhood trash demon!!
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two-sided-stories · 2 months
ooc: mun feeling too chatty hours so you know what, reblog this and I’ll send a link to a song and maybe say why I picked the song. Idk. No ideas and it’s like almost 11 pm :/
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misteria247 · 2 years
Things about Rise Raph that made me lowkey vibe with him extremely hard:
The furrowed worry brows.
Him yelling at Donnie and Mikey for eating poisoned pizza puffs then turning his attention to Leo to answer his question only to deadass stop mid explanation and go "Are you sweating?" in the most deadpanned and barely concealed frustrated tone.
Him trying to fight tears when he was scared by the doll and going "By ThE wAy ThEsE aRe TeArS oF lAuGhTeR-! I'm LaUghInG aT yOu-!!" in a cracking high pitched voice.
Him getting on Leo's case for possibly committing murder and in the eldest child voice asking him what he just did.
The nose pinch of exhausted frustration.
Not wanting to think and just vibe.
Him going to tell Donnie off for his gifts and literally chickening out at the last second and going "Heyyy buddy."
Looking done with his little brothers antics.
Him being pissed about having to leave Tahiti.
Attachment issues.
Social anxiety.
Sweating in trademark fear whenever he's placed in the spotlight.
Rise Raph is the eldest child mood.
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ravarui · 6 months
// Look what just arrived!
I am so happy that I still managed to get a pair of them. I swear this is the most expensive pair of shoes I own, but they are worth everything.
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azmenka · 2 months
“ You’re no warrior. Your brothers were warriors.”
Maron over here, grinning like the complete asshole he is.
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miraclespin · 8 months
Sometimes I get notes on a post or something, but when I go to look at it, it's as if it isn't there. The number goes up and everything, but I can't see who liked the post or whatever was done. If this was my other blog, I'd assume it was a note on that one post that I used XKit to block notifications for since it was clogging my feed. I can still see a notification, but I can't see the actual note itself. I sometimes see the time slot when this happens, though.
I don't have any posts that I've done that with on this blog, though, so I have no idea what the cause of it is. I have a couple of guesses, but that's about it:
The note came from a person who I had blocked on my main, but for some reason neglected to properly block on my sideblogs.
The note came from a person who blocked me on my main, but not my sideblog, for some reason, even though you can tell who owns my more active sideblogs because I literally put my main in the description, and usually link back to it somewhere on the blog itself. Though admittedly, I don't really know who pays that much attention to that; I feel like a lot of people here don't pay attention to a lot of the things I try to say that don't relate directly to the fandom, most notably my pinned post with relevant BYF links and a DNI statement writ in bold letters...
So yes, sometimes I'll get what I refer to as "ghost notes", and I wonder about them. It's a little stressful, due to the probable reasons I cannot see them that I mentioned.
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ge · 11 months
getting misty eyed thinking about chung mun and chung myung.. like dat's his baby... his little annoying goblin his mudskipper... he raised him since diapers. and that's his sahyung(one million emotions compressed in one word) when everyone couldn't understand him chung mun was there. sry i saw that panel of chung mun putting a blanket over chung myung again
grabs my chest ahhhh dont even remind meeeeeeeeeee their relationship is sooo important to me..if i think too much about to found family aspects of rotmhs i start getting dizzy.. chung mun watching the little boy he essentially raised grow into the man he is he must be sooo proud.. i know its said chung myung was never praised in his past life but i refuse to take that as canon idgaf chung mun patted his head and told him he was proud of him everyday
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"What are you?"
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Candy's Go-to response when someone asks;
"What or who are you?"
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"ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʀᴇʜᴇɴᴅ."
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OOC: In a Cookie's perspective, you gotta admit, that would be a rather horrific sight to see.
I would imagine even the most fearless of Cookies would be taken aback, even if at least for a moment. This is usually a side she hides from all, even the beasts. All but ONE would know this dark secret, and to any members of the ST pastry order who were unfortunate enough to run into her.
However with Pastry Cookie herself? She might be the only one to have survived this encounter, given that no matter what state Candy is in, she can pick up others' emotions through her empathy. Candy would sense the feeling of doubt that pastry cookie may have against the order, and give her one chance to leave it before they meet again.
However, over time, there may also be a few cookies who might see that face by accident.
As Candy's stories continue, she might have to deal with troubles that would sling her emotional distress to new heights once again.
Such is the folly of being emotionally sensitive...
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ivycrowned · 3 months
There is a demon in me insisting i play all the DA games and create my canon world for veilgaurd
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epitomees · 4 months
dibs x 1000
send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner
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((I'm jumping on you Topaz!! I'm giving you so many hugs and big ole snuggles!! I can't believe how well we just instantly connected and clicked together. It's been a blast getting to know you more, throwing around ideas and headcanons of our sad kiddos, and talking to you too!! Literally, every day I feel blessed knowing that we're such good friends now! Many platonic head smooches for you too!!
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mine-ventures · 6 months
I can't tell what setting this Minecraft world has proper. It has a certain medieval feel with thibgs like monsters, dungeons, castles, dragons, hell, magic, potions, constructs and the outworldy end. Yet there are modern appliances, talk about planets and modern concepts. The backgrounds and wordings contradict and don't always fit. It takes a bit from the fantasy and the survival feel base minecraft offers.
Why mix concepts? /gen
CW: Long Post holy shit, I'm sorry I never shut up---
Ok, I wanna answer this question first as a Mun, cuz I think it's my duty to do so! (Imma tell u now that some stuff I'll say in here are pretty much my point of view on some stuff, and they're pretty much my headcanons, so, yeah!)
So, here we go!
Why there are some concepts that doesn't seem to fit in here, you ask, my dear, Anon. Well, the answer is very simple!
Everything is set in a different time-line. I mean, some stuff related in the bios of my characters has happened like, many years ago, even more than a normal human being could live for. They've been here for MANY YEARS.
They're pretty much answering in a more... Uhhh... Distant-not-so-distant future?? Cuz some species can live over 100+ years, and some other cannot die unless killed (Ex. The Undead). Minecraft is a VERY old planet... And is definitely NOT the same Earth we all know.
Earth and Minecraft are NOT the same, nor even the Universe in here. You can view it as some kind of "Alternative Universe" if you want lol
Also, the modern stuff you see, aren't THAT modern as you think. Some stuff are still underdevelopment, like, when humans were inventing the first fridge?? or the first TV?? The first Light bulb??? Idk xD Even the fridge itself, is made out of iron blocks, a well preserved ice block, some Iron doors and probably a dispenser/barrels with some buttons/levers so it'll open lol You gotta use your imagination, bud!
I can assure you, they DON'T see their world as if they're in a game. For them, they live their life as if they are living like you! There's no such thing as "Game Mechanics" or "Game Rules", there's no "Health bar" or "saturation bar" or "Servers" or "Chat". Humans aren't called "players", The Nether isn't called Hell.
They're living their lifes, they're not living a game. Cuz this is not a game for them, as the real life isn't a game for you!:]
Also, another answer for some stuff is also: I've based much of the tale in my very old point of view when I first created these silly OCs and their adventures (And that was when I was 10yo... In 2010 lol)... So some stuff might seem pretty outdated, or maybe they don't make so much sense anymore not only for that, but because I always work in a way where I mostly break the laws of the canon just so some stuff could "make sense" in the universe of this tale... Also, because I find it funny and sometimes I just decide to ignore some parts of the canon so I don't have too much limitations lol xD (If you know me, you know how much I LOVE to break the Canon and make AUs and do stupid shit just for fun and some laughs xD)
But yeah, I'm sorry if everything I said is stupid or at the very end doesn't make any sense... I just want to have the same fun I used to had when I was 11, now that I have the free time to do it!
I just missed my blocky friends and their world :)♥
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(Bonus doodle I made of me(?) with my Co-Admin of this Tale[????)
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isefyres-archive · 7 months
house celtigar forever bitter over the tarfs/vals for excluding them.
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ayakoito · 11 months
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Rhodes at night 🌛
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misteria247 · 2 years
I'm just gonna talk for a moment cuz I kinda need to and it'll help me out personally so feel free to ignore this lol:
So I'm gonna be honest here today was a kinda crummy day. For context.
I had this winter hat that I literally adore with every fiber of my being. It was a green hat with a fluffy ball on top and it had a grumpy cat with a bell and Santa hat on its head and it looked like my actual cat Rajah. Originally it was a gag gift that my mom had gotten me at fifteen, sixteen years old to poke fun at me somewhat. Unknowing that instead of getting the typical teenage response of teenage embarrassment, I'd quite literally fell in love with this hat. Put that sucker on my head and wore it to school the next day and it's been my winter hat ever since.
Anyways this morning I'd been wearing this hat and was being taken to work (I'm currently working on getting my license as to why I don't have it yet is something I'd rather not explain) and I'd realized a little bit too late that it was a bit too warm out for said hat and scarf combo I was currently wearing this morning. So I'd asked my mom if she'd take it inside the house when she got home and left it in the car and went to work as normal. After work I get picked up and as soon as I get into the car I'm instantly aware that my mom and sister are ungodly silent. And then I noticed that my scarf was still in the car but there was something missing.
My hat wasn't with it.
And that's when my mom and sister finally broke the silence. Basically my sister (who has her license) had borrowed my mom's car during her work shift as she does sometimes and she'd picked up a couple of friends and spent the day with them. It was during this time that my hat and scarf, having been left in the car cuz my mom forgot to take them inside, had basically went on this trip with my sister and her friends. Long story short my hat had gotten lost and at first I was chill at this thinking that it was lost somewhere in the car but that was quickly crushed when my sister explained that she'd dug around the car searching for said hat when she noticed it was missing and couldn't find it. Which meant that my hat wasn't just missing.
It was lost, lost. As in it's most likely never gonna be recovered.
Once I heard that I basically just.....shut down. My mom and sister were apologizing profusely (and they still are hours later) and I told them that it was fine and that it was whatever while quietly losing it. To make matters worse I honest to God felt my throat tighten up and my eyes sting and realized that I was essentially going to cry over a silly little hat and to spare myself from embarrassment and adding unnecessary guilt onto my mom and sister quickly shut down the conversation and told them it was fine.
To be honest typing this out now makes me feel absolutely silly and somewhat childish, knowing that I was gonna cry over this winter hat (even now I'm getting a bit saddened by remembering it and it's still super embarrassing). Like I'm a 25, nearly 26 year old woman and I was literally gonna break down over a hat. I just I don't know at that moment I was fully prepared to just burst into tears over this hat and it's just really silly now that I've talked about it.
Anyways my mom and sister are gonna buy me a new winter hat to replace the old one. So I'll take that little positive thing and try to get it together. But yeah basically today's been a day lol.
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ravarui · 6 months
The research for the meta hurts me so so much
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tres-fidelis · 2 years
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I ate, I’m slowly unpacking, and hopefully with my return I’ll start to catch up on things I missed as well get back into some writing come this week. For now, I’m gonna lurk about most of the evening/night and maybe answer a few asks across my blogs.))
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