#(nekomata; headcanons)
abyss-is-lame · 2 months
ZZZ Headcanons because I headCANon
also i havent finished the game (im on like mid/end of ch2) so some of these may be canon
Anby has autism. Nothing can change my mind. She is autism.
Nekomata has a lot of cat items, like cat beds, scratching posts, toys, etc. and is a catnip addict. She regularly uses toy mice as forms of payment, and gets sad when its not accepted
Even though Billy is an AI, he sucks at anything math-related
Nicole is under the trans umbrella, cis fem to a ___girl xenogender (probably cybergender/cybergirl)
Corin can and will absolutely destroy you if you piss her off enough, she'll go from nice little goober to the worst pain you've ever felt
Soukaku is picky when it comes to food, if even 1 thing is messed up she'll refuse to eat it
Soldier 11 and Anby literally cannot be separated, and they would both full well die for eachother, and regularly get noodles together
Koleda is an absolute gremlin, and sometimes needs to be held back by the entire Belobog team like a feral animal
Grace will always say random embarrassing events that happened to Koleda when she's with the Belobog team, just for shits and giggles
Ben is treated like an emotional support teddy-bear by the Belobog team (mostly Koleda)
Anton is like the Kirishima of ZZZ. No idea how to explain it
Lycaon is strictly a carnivore, and sometimes just eats corpses in the Hollows because he can
Rina is like Corin's mom, basically helping Corin to function properly and not just cease existing from anxiety
Ellen has anger issue and can't listen to 'No', she will throw hands (and fins) to get her way
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 month
HC just for u: Billy can bleed -> not like a human can, of course, it’s oil and machine grease and thin, but it acts like blood. When an Ethereal gets a lucky hit in, it splatters against the ground and stains his plating :D
the Hares all help him scrub it clean, despite his insistence that he can do it himself -w-
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starguardianniom · 1 month
Stupid headcanons for Billy Kid from Zenless Zone Zero
I just thought the stupidest headcanons for Billy Kid and I'm gonna make it everyone else's problem, here goes:
Billy is immune to acid, in a mission he once got send in a huge vat of acid and then walked out of it completely fine, just without his clothes (they melted) and The Girls (he lost his grips on them when flying so they didn't take the acid bath with him). Hell, Billy is so immune that the acid actually cleaned him up and made him shine as if he had been polished, Nicole, Anby and Nekomata were half sobbing half laughing at the whole thing because they were so relieved that he was ok but also the stress of thinking him gone and then seeing he's fine and in better shape than before made them stress laughing, and also because Anby actually had made a joke about how if Billy would be thrown in acid he would actually get out of it in better shape and polished like a mirror like that one robot from one of her movies, only for her to regret it when she saw him go in the acid, and then being beyond shocked when Billy just came out looking exactly like she and her movie predicted. Billy was mostly mad that his clothes melted, do you know much he loved that jacket? But to Billy acid is like hot water to him, it will just make all his gear and system runs more smoothly because it will melt all the impurities away from his body, so he'll really end up cleaned like never before, oh and his hair also is completely fine too, yeah.
This goes hand in hand with headcanon number 1, if Billy can survive acid, he cannot stand the cold, and will actually frost all over if it's too cold, so he always wear several layers during winter, otherwise he literally won't be able to move, and it also freeze his system so he will be extremely slow to react and answer, Nicole and Anby learned it the hard way on their first winter with him, he was shocked too, though given he's always been living in the Outer Ring before where the whole palce is a desert all year long he quickly adapted, so he has several warm blankets and an heat fan. Also not recommended to try to lick him like kids try to lick something frozen, your tongue will get stuck on him to his utter embarassment, Anby learned it the hard way too.
Billy doesn't charge like other stuff do, when he goes to sleep, he actually stays offline for 8 hours straight afterwhat in sleep mode, so it's literally impossible to wake him up before he finished his 8 hour sleep, his system is locked that way, he's never been able to change it and the Cunning Hares have just accepted that if they get ambushed during the night they will have to defend Billy until morning. The girls tried everything to wake him up, not unlike the Sons of Calydon before, but yeah Billy can't be woken up before his 8 hours are over, so that's really annoying but after that he can toughen up the longest days without problem, and only needs sleep for his 8 hours. Sleep mode is his biggest weakness alongside the cold.
Billy doesn't hide his past because he's actually ashamed of it but because he's so infamous that if words got around about who he truly was he would be arrested immediatly the moment he's recognized by the police, so he doesn't want the Cunning Hares to go down with him so he keeps quiet and never talks about his true identity. He does remember his days in the Outer Ring fondly but also chose to leave it behind and adapt to a new environment purely for the challenge and because he got one good excuse in his old boss no longer being around, so he decided it was his time to try something new. Unlike Lycaon he hasn't changed at all deep down, he just hides it more, but he's just as ruthless as he was back in the day, it just so happens that he just prefers to follows the orders of whoever he lets be in charge of him and Nicole just happens to have more morals than his old boss, otherwise the Cunning Hares would be very infamous very fast with him doing anything in extreme ways to send the message, as he was fond of doing in the Outer Ring, which led to his infamy in the first place. This is the only reason why the siblings aren't in prison right now, otherwise Billy would have sold them out to the Police in the Prologue right there and then. To him it's pretty clear that Nicole is the "nice one" of the Cunning Hares but she is so cunning that he respects her for it and follows her around just because she impressed him that much with it. And given her morals are higher than his are, he doesn't tell her what he did because he's pretty sure she would fire him on the spot if she did (she wouldn't but he won't risk it) and he doesn't tell Anby because he knows that she'll eventually tell Nicole anyway given how she can never shut up about spoilers.
Billy is Quigyi's prototype older brother. He was made first because his creator wanted robot soldiers to fight wars so they could spare more human lives on their sides, and made Quigyi after using Billy's blueprints but made her more human looking to make her a spy, while Billy stayed more android looking as to be easier to identify on the battlefield. Billy and Quigyi pratically won the war by themselves, the former by being unstoppable on the battlefield and ending the army pretty much by himself and the latter by dismantling the other country's government and killing all the ones calling the shots. They were then hailed as war heroes and treated like royalty, until some accident happened that caused most people of their country to be wiped out, but because of their android nature they survived and later got separated because they wanted to do different things, on top of also having to lead different lives, since Billy couldn't integrate himself completely to society because he wasn't too human looking and also fighting was literally in his program so he couldn't stay away from any fighting for long less he goes insane while Quigyi could because she looked like one more and was build more for socialities more than fighting.
Billy's clothes are a nightmare to clean because his body gets dirty a lot with the oil he use and his body just making stains sometimes so his bill to the cleaner is always higher than Nicole's. He eventually just decided to buy several times the same clothes in the end and just changes them when they are too dirty or too much in tatters for him to continue wearing.
Billy is the best liar of the Cunning Hares, if he doesn't want to tell a secret, you'll never find out. This is the one thing Nicole trust him more than Anby for.
Billy can't swim, so if he gets stuck underwater, he won't drown, but he'll also be stuck at the bottom so he can just walk back until he gets out or jump out.
Billy acts childish because his true personality would scare the Cunning Hares, so he keeps his true nature a secret and just play pretend, but he actually ends up liking to play pretend, and if he acts scared sometimes, in reality he is listing everyone's position and scans around to check for any surprise, but sometimes he will just try to act like he got jumped on to check if the rest of the Cunning Hares are battle ready and sharp. See if they keep their wits. He's always doing little things like that to be sure that the Cunning Hares are ready for everything, he secretly trains them but they are too used to his antics to actually notice that he's putting on a show and actually is much more aware than they think.
Billy has a crush on Monica because he actually used to date her before she was a movie star, she was actually someone of the Sons of Calydon before she left and became a movie star and they dated briefly before that, so he really likes to watch her in her job and has bought everything that has her face on it and he is still so very proud of her. He let her go because she wanted to have a new life, he didn't want to leave his old boss behind, and when his old boss bit the dust, that's when he decided to go to New Eridu to try and seek her out, and when he learned that she was famous and stuff, he just decided to let her live her life in peace but also decided to keep supporting by being a fan, not knowing that Monica would take him back anytime the moment she knew he was in New Eridu.
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ninximagicalcats · 1 month
Li shou
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ciaossu-imagines · 10 days
How do you think the Nekoma boys would deal with their manager suffering from period cramps and being more emotional because of their period?
This was an interesting one and, in a funny coincidence, I’m answering it on the day I started my own hellish monthly cycle! Honestly, I’m just super happy for the chance to write for this fandom, since it’s taken over my brain a little bit recently! Thank you for sending this in, my dear, and I hope you’ll enjoy these headcanons, though I feel they got super repetitive, sorry!
Nekomata is an old guy. He’s been around long enough that things like periods don’t faze him at all. I personally headcanon him as someone who has daughters, so I think he’s actually really used to menstruation, able to just casually accept it for what it is – something that happens to a percentage of the population every month. He’s also pretty quick to realize the signs that are common for people on their periods and he kind of picks up on the fact that the team’s manager is on their period. He does absolutely nothing to call any attention to this, though, because he’d really hate to embarrass the poor kid. Most people are going to feel embarrassed about this huge team of boys all knowing they’re on their period. However, he does everything he can to take it a bit easier on the manager. He encourages them to do just what they can at the moment, tries to pick up the harder jobs from them, However, because he’s so soft as to be like ‘yeah, just take a couple days off’, he is still going to expect them to show up and perform their duties. Because he notices how emotional they’re getting throughout their period, he does try to make a point of giving them more compliments than he normally would though.
Naoi’s not quite as used to periods as his other coach is. In fact, he’s a little uncomfortable around the whole topic. He’s not quick to catch onto what’s going on with their manager, other than they’re acting a bit off. He’ll only realize that the manager is on their period if someone else tells him that’s what is going on. When he realizes that, he blushes and stammers out an apology, because he really has been just kind of encouraging them to give all their effort to their duties this whole time. Of course, if their manager completely breaks down emotionally, or seems really sick, he does let them know that he’ll pick up any extra slack if they need to go home, but he does it mostly because he assumes that they’re sick.
Kuroo is rather observant and he notices when the team’s manager starts acting weird. Their expression is one of pain sometimes, even if they quickly try to hide it. They’re more tired than normal. They were tearing up at a video-game cutscene compilation earlier for a game Kuroo and them play together. He’s pretty quick to put two and two together. He’s got an older sister who, while not super open about her body, also doesn’t hide the fact that she gets a period. His sister’s periods tend to make her super emotional though, mostly angry, but Kuroo is pretty quick to understand that that is likely what is happening. Knowing that there’s really nothing he can do to help their manager, he mostly just focuses on keeping their spirits up. Of course, this being Kuroo, he does it by teasing them more than normal. Normally, they’ll joke around, tease him back, banter back and forth with him, but this time, they just end up tearing up. He sees the first tear roll down their face and he knows he done fucked up, but also at the same time, it kind of pisses him off a little. He’s feeling like garbage because he made them cry, but why should he? It was just a harmless joke, something he’s teased them about before and had them laugh about. Why should he feel like a bad guy? I think for at least the rest of that week, Kuroo is walking on eggshells around the team’s manager and the two of them really have to have one of those awkward moments where they both apologize to each other because they were both kind of crappy and then they’re friends again. Moving forward, Kuroo’s pretty good about seeing those warning signs and just cutting back on the week of his friend’s period.
Nobuyuki is someone who is pretty able to roll with just about anything. Like most of the rest of the boys, if his manager is honestly acting really off, not just having subtle little moments, he’s obviously going to notice it. He won’t call their manager out or anything, but he’s going to be quietly supportive. He’ll help out with some of their duties if he can, he’s being extra-encouraging towards them because they’re obviously having a rough time. He is one of the ones who will likely bring snacks or their favourite drink to surprise them with. When they have really bad mood swings, he steps in to help them calm down – he’s a pretty calming presence and is one of the best at calming them down.
Yaku tries to be supportive when he realizes that their manager is acting weird. He tells them that he’s there for them if they want to talk or need anything. He makes jokes to lighten up their mood if they’re upset or sad. He really tries, especially after he finds out it’s their period. However, he only puts up with so much of their behaviour. If they start getting snappy and cranky with the team, he’s shutting that shit down real quick. Their period is not an excuse to be rude to any of the team (except for maybe Lev, who Yaku yells at when Lev ends up embarrassing their manager) and he won’t tolerate too much of their mood swings. Hormones are a real thing, yeah, but he expects their manager to be able to control themselves. If they do, Yaku remains a very supportive friend during that time period, one who will cheer them up with good conversations and encouragement, who will take them out for food or will carry pain relief pills for them. If not…well, those around him don’t call him ‘scary’ for no reason.
Taketora is really not good with periods. Yeah, he knows they happen. Yeah, he knows they’re natural and something that people deal with, but he doesn’t really get them and they kind of make him uncomfortable. As a man, he doesn’t really have to deal with them and he doesn’t really understand the struggles people can face while on their periods – moods that are all over the place, cramps or body pains, fatigue, period poops, etc. He’s going to be a little angry over the whole topic, honestly. He’s not angry at all with the manager, he just doesn’t want to confront this topic, and honestly, he’s not entirely sure why they can’t just suck it up and behave like they normally do. This ends up happening every month, after all, shouldn’t they be used to it? It can’t be that bad, can it?
Kenma is incredibly observant, especially when it regards the people he cares about. And he does care about their manager, whose always so kind to him and genuinely makes efforts to befriend him. He’s really quick to notice their changes in behaviour, even when the changes are really small – he’s probably noticing on the days leading up to their period that they seem off, even before they suffer any noticeable mood swings or pain. He’s worried about them but he doesn’t really know what he should do. He doesn’t know if he should ask them about it. After all, if there really is something going on with them and he’s not just imagining it, wouldn’t they talk to him about it? That’s what friends do, right? He kind of just lets things continue on as they are, though when things start to get more noticeable, as he becomes more sure that something is going on, he’s making subtle little conversational starters, trying to let them know he’s safe to confide in. As an only child, whose mother is really conservative about her period, Kenma’s a little flustered when he finds out that’s the reason his friend is acting so weird. He doesn’t really know how to handle it but he does do some research and combines it with his knowledge of them. By the time their next period comes, he has Midol, their favourite snack, and an extra tampon that he carries in his bag, in a little black pouch that doesn’t look like anything someone would snoop through, in his backpack. He also sends them a lot of funny memes and challenges them to video games he knows they enjoy while they’re on their period, hoping to give them more fun things to focus on instead of just what’s going on with their body.
Fukunaga is pretty chill about the whole thing. Sure, he’s concerned when their manager appears off, but he figures if they wanted him to know what’s going on with them, they’d tell him. He won’t pry into what’s going on with them…he’s just not that kind of guy, plus he really is more on the quiet side. It’s not so much that he’s shy, it’s just that he doesn’t really see the point of needless chatter. However, jokes don’t seem like needless chatter, especially when their mood seems to be down and he takes the extra effort to tell them more jokes than he normally would, trying to brighten their day up.
Inuoka tries so hard to be a good friend when he notices that their manager is struggling. They seem more tired than normal, they get expressions on their face that make it look like they’re in pain, they teared up once when Kuroo was teasing them. They’re just not acting like themselves and he’s worried about them. Add to this the fact that Inuoka comes across, to me, like someone who would develop a crush on the team’s manager, especially if the manager is someone who kind of takes care of all the boys or dotes on them a little, and the boy is stressed, wondering what’s wrong. The second he saw them tear up at Kuroo’s teasing, he was rushing to their defense, yelling at Kuroo and scolding him. The situation de-escalated quickly enough but still happened. When he sees those expressions of pain on the manager’s face, he’s right there, asking them if they’re okay, are they sure? They look like they’re in pain. Is it an ouchy kind of pain or more an AUGH type of pain? Boy’s just trying so hard to be helpful and protective of his friend/crush. When either the manager or one of the other team members just kind of pulls him aside and lets him in on the fact that they’re just on their period, no need to get so worked up about it, Inuoka’s face just kind of goes blank, goes red, then screws itself up into one hell of an expression of ‘wait…what?’ He kind of breaks for a second…he doesn’t really think about periods ever and now he’s sitting and contemplating them and oh god, their manager is really bleeding…wait, they bleed for days on end? DAYS!?! That can’t be healthy…oh my god, what are you even supposed to do for someone on their period. He’s not sure, but he’s going to learn for the next time this happens.
Teshiro is among the first to realize that the team’s manager is acting oddly. They seem more on edge, things that wouldn’t normally bother them seem to make them angry or bring them to the verge of tears, even if they try so hard to hide it. They wince when they move certain ways. He’s not really sure what’s going on, and he’s a little shy about it, but he lets them know that if something is wrong, if something is bothering them or they’re sick, that he and the other guys are there to help them out, whatever they need. When he eventually finds out it’s because of their period, he really is fazed and there’s the briefest of moments, there’s this weird expression on his face that just screams that he doesn’t know what to say or do, but he adapts pretty quickly. While he’s caught off guard and absolutely has no clue what to do, he tries really hard to be cool about it all.
Lev is actually the one who would be most likely, other than Kuroo, to guess that their manager is on their period, though he’s likely to use slang terms to describe it. They’re exhibiting a lot of the same behaviours and such that his sister does when she’s got her time of the month. He’s not someone shy or at all flustered about things like periods. It’s like…they happen, he can’t do anything about it, the person with the period can’t do anything about it. That doesn’t keep him from being a little obnoxious about it though because he will definitely call out the fact that they’re on their period in front of others. Whether or not that would embarrass them isn’t really something he thinks about at all. His sister never seemed too embarrassed about hers, after all. He’s kind of sweet about it though, which makes it easier to forgive him, because he’ll show up with chocolate or suggest a great heating pad his sister uses or just bring a bottle of Midol with him that he stole from his sister’s stuff. That’s typically when he says that he’s doing so because he figures it will make their period easier for them, loud enough that the whole team hears because Lev has volume issues, but his heart is in the right place.
Shibayama has zero experience with periods either. He’s easily embarrassed by the topic, blushing and stuttering. It’s just not something that’s meant to be talked about, in his mind. So, when someone mentions that the manager is on their period, and it’s why they’re acting so weird, Shibayama can’t really handle that. I think that, though he’s really worried about the manager, because he genuinely likes them and doesn’t like to see them in pain or emotionally worked up like they have been, he avoids them as much as possible for about a good week.
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windrelyn · 5 months
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[Akatsuki no Yona]
A Demon Cat in the castle :))
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yumeganekk0 · 2 months
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Kirara's body headcanon
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elreyrata · 1 year
Ughnnnnnnn Lucci’s devil fruit isn’t model leopard, it’s model Nekomata now cause it won’t leave me and my thoughts alone.
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zzz-headcanons · 6 days
when seth & nekomata met for the first time they poofed up their tails like cats do when they see another cat they don't know
spooked kitties!
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The Heartbeat of Nekoma
Word Count: 809
Warnings: None
Headcanons: Nekoma x Fem! Manager ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
The gymnasium of Nekoma High was alive with the sound of volleyballs thumping against the floor, the sharp whistle of the coach, and the occasional cheer or groan from the team. In the midst of this controlled chaos was Y/N, the team’s manager and the only girl among these lions. She moved with a purpose, her clipboard clutched in one hand and a first aid kit swinging from the other.
Kenma Kozume, usually lost in his own world, often found himself watching Y/N. Her ability to anticipate the team’s needs before they even voiced them was something he admired silently. He didn’t say much, but when he did, she always listened, her nods and thoughtful hums encouraging him to share more than he usually would. She knew exactly when to offer a silent nod of encouragement or a gentle nudge to join the team’s activities. Her notes on his gameplay were always precise, helping him refine his strategies without a word wasted.
Tetsurou Kuroo, with his wild hair and wilder schemes, relied on Y/N to keep him grounded. She had a knack for cutting through his antics with a sharp word or a pointed look, bringing him back to the task at hand. Yet, she was always there to share a laugh or a moment of triumph, her presence a steady beat in the rhythm of the team.
Lev Haiba, his enthusiasm often got the better of him, leading to more than his fair share of scrapes and bruises. Y/N was always there, her first aid kit at the ready, her gentle chiding mingling with Lev’s sheepish apologies. “You’re like a guardian angel,” he’d say, and she’d roll her eyes but smile all the same while she patched up another scrape. Her gentle scolding about being careful was something he secretly looked forward to.
Morisuke Yaku, the team’s rock, appreciated Y/N’s quiet strength. Her meticulous records helped him track his progress, and her motivational words before matches always seemed to strike the right chord, pushing him to dive deeper and reach further.
Taketora Yamamoto, would often find himself pouring out his heart to Y/N, her easy manner inviting confidences. She listened with an open heart, her advice always practical yet kind. She reminded him that fire needed air to burn bright, a lesson he took to heart both on and off the court.
Nobuyuki Kai, the vice-captain, saw Y/N as the glue that held the team together. Her organizational skills ensured that every practice ran smoothly, and her ability to juggle responsibilities was nothing short of miraculous.
Shouhei Fukunaga, ever the quiet observer, found a kindred spirit in Y/N. Their conversations were often just shared glances and knowing smiles, but the understanding between them ran deep. He enjoyed the quiet moments he shared with her, often helping her collect the volleyballs after practice. Her soft-spoken advice resonated with him, teaching him that strength didn’t always have to be loud.
Sō Inuoka, loved Y/N’s encouraging pep talks. Her pep talks were the fuel to his fire, her words igniting a passion for the game that he channeled into every leap and dive. 
Coach Yasufumi Nekomata, saw Y/N as a rare gem, her dedication to the team’s well-being reminding him of the true spirit of the sport. Their discussions on strategy and player development were highlights of his day, her insights often illuminating paths he hadn’t considered. 
Despite her involvement in other clubs and her tendency to stretch herself thin, Y/N never let it show. The team knew, though. They saw the exhaustion hidden behind her smile and the way her eyes would sometimes flutter shut during long strategy meetings.
It was during one such after school practice that Y/N’s head began to nod, her pen slipping from her fingers. Kenma was the first to notice, gently propping her up with a cushion. Kuroo signaling for a break, Lev draping a jacket over her like a blanket. Yaku adjusted the air conditioning to ensure she was comfortable, and Yamamoto stood guard, ensuring no one disturbed her rest. As Y/N slept, the team exchanged looks of silent agreement. They would finish practice early today. It was their turn to take care of the person who always took care of them.
When Y/N awoke, she found herself surrounded by her team, their practice finished, each face wearing a soft smile. “We’ve got it from here,” Kuroo said, handing her a bottle of water. “You’ve done enough for today.” Her heart swelled with affection for these boys, her team.  Kai  “You take care of us; now let us take care of you.” They were more than just players she managed; they were her family. And as they walked out of the gym together, she knew that together, they were unstoppable.
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ZZZ Headcanons
Help this game has taken over my free time I love these characters sm <3 Billy Soukaku and Ellen my beloved
Nicole: has a not so secret hobby of bedazzling anything and everything. It’s a real problem in the Cunning Hares apartment, nothing is safe from pink rhinestones and stickers
Anby: cracked at rhythm games to an alarming degree. Can do a 2 person extremely hard DDR song all by herself
Billy: I don’t know how they did it but they programmed an android with autism. Has his own version of a skincare routine which is basically just maintenance on all of his tiny mechanical parts. Can also gain power multiple ways, including solar power. The apartment complex where the Cunning Hares live had a blackout once and everyone used Billy as a personal charging port. Nicole promised to pay him in Starlight Knight merch.
Nekomata: cuts her own hair and offers to do it for other people. DO NOT trust her when she says she’s good at it
Grace: did gymnastics as a kid which is why she’s able to pull off a ton of backflips and flexible maneuvers in battle
Anton: uses actual cement to keep his hair spikes in shape. Koleda caught him in the act once and instead of chewing him out, she decided to apply some to her own hair and now they’re cement combover gang
Ben: is completely vegan and loves chilling at hot springs a lot. Still sleeps with stuffed animals btw
Koleda: I’m making it canon right now Koleda is trans and you can’t do shit about it. Also has welding as a hobby and made most of her accessories from scratch
Corin: when not in Victoria Housekeeping Co uniform, is a Jfashion junkie. I’m talking super dedicated Lolita fits, menhera inspired clothing, the whole shebang. She ofc designs a lot of her own stuff like her bear backpack and is also responsible for a lot of the accessories Victoria Housekeeping Co wears (Rina’s bows, Ellen’s shark jaw head and neckpieces, Lycaon’s eyepatch and tail straps). She also has a massive crush on Ellen and is too scared to admit it
Rina: has a fur allergy and can’t keep animals around. Which also means she’s allergic to Lycaon. She has to take so much Zyrtec before clocking in but has such a good poker face that Lycaon has no idea. Ellen knows tho
Lycaon: specifically wears the heeled boots and has his odd posture because he’s self conscious about his digitigrade legs, he thinks they’re unsightly for a butler of his standing to have. He also tries to encourage Ellen to wear a long maid dress like Rina does to hide her tail.
Ellen: coincidentally falls into a lot of shark stereotypes. She loves seafood, has to constantly be fidgeting or she feels like she’ll go mad, and the kicker, she gets frenzied around blood, or if the thing she’s fighting puts up a struggle. Corin accidentally cut her hand while repairing her saw blade once and both Lycaon and Rina could barely hold Ellen back once Corin began bleeding. Ellen feels awful for scaring the already timid girl. Corin secretly thought it was hot and would die on the spot if anyone knew that
Soukaku: despite being a huge foodie this girl cannot cook for shit. Is also physically cold to the touch and during the summer her coworkers will ask her to hold their drinks because they’ll stay cold. Soukaku always secretly sneaks sips every time they do this to her.
Miyabi: has the worst sleep schedule known to man. Sometimes you’ll find her awake at 3AM and conked out by 4PM, other times she goes to bed at 8PM and wakes up at 4AM. It’s inconsistent and irregular and a gamble trying to contact her outside of work because she might not even be awake
Harumasa: GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY. Also pretty cracked at chess and other strategy games. Is also a major old fashioned guy and doesn’t own a lot of modern technology. He’s not into retro or old stuff, he just doesn’t like new stuff
Yanagi: her glasses are fake. When she was younger she needed them, but her vision had naturally gotten better over the years, so she now wears contacts, but for some reason still insists on wearing her glasses. Loses them constantly during battle.
Lucy: even though she was forced to play piano as a kid, she really wanted to be a sporty girl and play stuff like soccer and baseball. Now she has the freedom to take part in the sports she likes and watch them surrounded by the people she likes
Piper: insanely picky eater to the point it drives Lucy up a wall. Is also picky about a lot of other things, like how different fabrics feel, different comfort levels of chairs and beds, girl is a complainer and will always find something to complain about
Lighter: has a side gig as a tattoo artist, has really stable hands too
Soldier 11: has 5 younger brothers, a younger sister, and 2 older siblings who she doesn’t see super often. Has divorced parents who also liked to adopt, which is why she has such a huge family. Her younger brothers love it when she comes home and plays secret agent military with them
Seth: can’t drive. That’s it send tweet.
Qingyi: is outwardly dismissive of meditation tricks and hacks and tips but utilizes that shit in private ALL the time.
Zhu Yuan: shares the vegetables she grows in her garden with all her neighbors. Is also a REALLY good cook to the point people have encouraged her to potentially consider a different career path
Jane Doe: the rat girl has pet rats go figure. But in all seriousness she’d die for her little guys. She has a white one named Cocaine and a brown one named Tobacco and a gray one named Crystal Meth. She thinks the names are hilarious and every time she introduces the rats to other people their facial expressions are priceless
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billythesimp · 2 months
Uhmmm... Billy and Lycaon with a Therian!reader who always nonchalantly (trying to be) fixes their hair/clothes!! I honestly think that's something cute and intimate between Therians and it's low-key a confession from reader
I cackled at the thought of a Thiren grooming and fixing up Billy. My man would both love and hate it.
Neat and Tidy
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…
I will apologize in advance if Von's part is longer then Billy's. After all, they are just headcanons but also I figured that Billy wouldn't know how to respond to such a thing as he's an android while Von himself is a thiren.
Also it is thiren or therian? I can never tell and I've seen both.
Billy / Lycaon x Thiren-gn!reader
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡…⋙
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tw: none
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✦ With Billy, he only gets mildly annoyed when they are combing back his hair and closing up his jacket at times because of the ‘wind’. Though he does like that they are thinking about his appearance from time to time. He is a pretty good looking mech, he takes pride in his looks from time to time so if he found out his hair was unkempt and a bit messy, he would want someone to tell him for sure. But they were starting to become overbearing in his eyes that he would pout and whine whenever they would start tending to him in public.
✦ He jumps at their touch everytime, muttering quietly that they don’t always have to be babying him from time to time and that it’s a choice, but they don’t listen at times and don’t stop until he is presting and clean. Eventually he just brushed it off as a quirk of theirs despite the fact that no one else in their team got this similar treatment. It’s not until Nekomata told him something rather odd that made him rethink everything he’d known about them. At first he didn’t understand, what did she mean by how he was so lucky that he had someone who cared so much about him to groom him often?
✦ She thought he was joking at first, but it clicked that he was just dumb and really hadn’t noticed, so she held back on telling him so he would ask them himself. He can’t help but wonder what Neko meant by that, cue the therian mentioned before coming over and tsking at Billy before scolding him about his jackets collar and keeping his cuffs even. The more they go on, he can’t help but put two and two together and start to overheat from how cute they were being all this time.
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✦ Since Lycaon was a thiren himself, he knows the mannerisms of his fellow kind. They vary depending on the species but they all fit under some umbrella of shared habits. That being said, he always gets a little flustered when they come up to him and mention that his red tissue is uneven in his pocket, reaching out to fixed it along with any little thing they can get their hands on. While he could have done it himself, a small part of him loves the thought of being doted on, and so lets them do as they please before thanking them. 
✦ They do this often, helping him fix himself up before making appearances or after a job well done, having rough housed a little leaving him a little messy. And Von isn’t one to own another being, so he returns the favor by smoothing out their skirts and shirts, finding an excuse to fix their cuffs to linger his hands over theirs. The way they grow flushed and thank him which only leaves him with a hint of excitement. If he could, he would take them into his office to properly groom them but he thinks that that would be too far. Move at your pace, he thinks, though if they offer to help fluff up his tail he wouldn’t refuse. 
✦ Of course, it isn’t unusual for either of them to fix up the other girls when needed. They are often thought of as the parent figures of Victorian Housekeeping, so seeing them get along well with their little preening sessions and cute moments of fixing each other's clothing. It leaves little to the imagination as Corwin and Ellen have at least spoken about when they would come out and announce that they’re dating. And while Lycaon spends more time with them and hears about this, he can’t deny his urge to ask them out and properly court them. But he wants to hear it from them first.
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 month
Could I have some more cute headcanons and wholesome Hares? I love these cute interpretations <3
of course you can!! thank you for the request, dear anonymous :D
sorry this took so long, i promise im working through each and every request to make them the best they can be!!
Master List
so we all know that Billy is a really good shot, at least with his guns, and i like to think that applies to like- absolutely everything he does -> like- he and Anby make a game where he throws finger foods at her in increasingly complex fashions just to see how many she can catch. Nicole is not pleased, but they haven't made a mess or wasted any food so she can't really say anything
Nekomata rarely takes off the armor around her paws in the early stages of her relationship with the Hares'- even resorting to sleeping with it on in case she needs to make a quick escape- but it ends up hurting her in the long run -> The original trio doesn't want to pressure her when she clearly doesn't fully trust them yet, but they also don't want to see the thiren being so obviously sore. In the end, they just make sure to leave pain killers in very obvious spots and leave 'spare' pillows in places they know Nekomata passes
They're all Gravity Falls fans -> Nicole will deny it, but she ends up lingering like one of those dads that refuses to sit down
Billy's limbs are fully capable of falling asleep like human limbs do. It kinda freaks all the Hares' out at first when his leg just- doesn't work at first when he stands up -> it's definitely a rare occurrence, though, and only really happens when he sits or puts pressure on the wiring wrong
Anby's hair curls when it gets wet -> she has naturally curly hair, but didn't understand how to take care of it//was never taught so it all fell out [she's like me fr fr]
Nicole, sniffing proudly as she looks at Billy and Anby: I love my little fucked up living weapons Nekomata: "-._^.
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starguardianniom · 26 days
Chapter 4 of Zenless Zone Zero headcanons
So to me it seems like chapter 4 will be in the Outer Ring, since we got a preview of Caesar and Burnice there. It would make sense that we get introduced The Sons of Calydon there. Because Perlman flew that way in chapter 3.
I headcanon that Nicole will want to get Perlman back for trial so she can get her money from winning against his corporation, but neither she nor Phaethon knows anything about the Outer Ring.
That's where Billy becomes important, he says he knows the Outer Ring well and can ask his old gang to help them track down Perlman there, but once they get there they'll have to follow his lead, to which the rest of the Cunning Hares and Phaethon agrees.
Billy sets up a meeting with the Sons of Calydon, and they are just all too happy to help him, it's been a while since they saw him and they missed him, at least the members that were around when he was with them, Caesar is pratically the first to be happy to help him, followed by Piper and Burnice in my mind, I headcanon them to have been members back when Billy was with them and I headcanon Lighter and Lucy to be new members who didn't meet him but they were told of him and his reputation so they are pretty intimidated by him.
Me thinks the sons of Calydon and the Cunning Hares will spend half the chapter fighting or playfully/spitefully ribbing the other team, as Caesar, Piper and Burnice think that the Cunning Hares are not good enough for Billy and are holding him back, while the Cunning Hares feels like the Sons are being a bad influence on Billy and feels they don't care that much about him (they care a ton actually but they also know how he used to be and know that he doesn't need to be coodled or isn't as innocent and nice as the Cunning Hares think he is so they treat him pretty normally actually because they know how much capable he is and treating him any differently would be pretty much disrespectful to him in their eyes), because I imagine Billy will act more like his Outer Ring's days once they are there and the Cunning Hares are pretty shocked and worried at how much of a personality shift he exhibits while in their presence, not knowing that he really used to be like that and that he hid a lot of stuff from them.
The other half will be about them gradually starting to respect each other more and thinking that they are good to Billy and end up good friends after clearing up all the misunderstandings between them. I like to think it will come to a head where Billy is gonna be so fed up with their fighting that he's gonna snap and break something before storming off, at this point the Cunning Hares and the Sons will be sorry and apologize to him, and will get his point of view on everything which will make them all realise how wrong they were about each other.
Will most likely end up with Perlman being brought back for his trial and the Cunning Hares and Sons of Calydon starting a nice friendship which each other.
And that's how I headcanon chapter 4.
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ninximagicalcats · 1 month
look, I'm not trying to be mean or anything but I'm just saying there are a lot of similarities between Ester and Tomiko, anyone with eyes and a brain would tell that you were heavily inspired by her, and that's okay, just try not to push it too far (like what you're doing with Ester) because people would start to think you were copying Tomiko with some tweaks, which there already are.
The design of Ester and her mom, down to a similar storyline (of dealing with hard relationship with mother, and dealing with powers, and so on), it's just really obvious, no matter what you say. and hey, it's okay to be really inspired by a character to the point of taking down a lot of their traits onto your character and yea, but to deny when it's really obvious, it's just stupid and making you look bad
again, I'm not trying to be mean, I just wanna let you know, and uhhm copying too much of someone else's work is called plagiarism and it is a crime and you could get sued if the original creator decides to, just letting you know
Look, I'll tell you honestly.
Esther's story is not over.
In fact, it is inspired by the story of my 2020 ninxi that I once shared on my disco network with my 280 followers.
(my ninxi is also a princess)
That's why the problem of potencies, but that of the ancestral ester.
and in fact her mother's problem is not just hers, it is her father's and an entity that wants to take her away because she has a lot of mystical energy.
the resemblance of his mother please clarify it if you have not seen the complete Usagui Yojimbo manga if you have not seen it then you will not understand it
This story was also inspired by my ninxi.
It is also inspired by Nezha.
in their behavior and childhood problems.
I had never been inspired by Tomiko, I had never seen her and I had never met her, to be clear, not until a month ago when my friend explained her problem with Misha to me.
since the name of my friend's character is called Tomika taken from a rock anime
and ps I think you already know the problem up to that point.
That's where everything came from.
my ester was soft pastel purple before
but I changed it because I wanted similarity with my ninxi
Just as its eyes change color from yellow to light blue, it is the reason why it is half snake among other cultural species.
and look, I'm tired of being compared
I have decided to ignore them so as not to stress so much about my gallbladder problem (and be careful, I don't want to seem like a victim because I'm not).
I clarify
If they are going to tag Misha every time in my posts, I don't care anymore, I just continue with my drawings because I know I'm telling the truth.
(tag your friend who says he copied, and is angry)
that's my only motivation
thank you.
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rieamena · 2 months
Got any headcanons for a Billy Kid that accidentally catches a computer virus, causing him to basically simulate a common cold?
not! a computer whiz—
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billy who thinks he's dora the explorer. rummaging around in an abandoned storage unit with nekomata for starlight knights merch (he never found any). he stumbled upon an old computer and "thought it would be cool to give it a try". he immediately shut down.
billy whose system starts executing a sneezing subroutine at random intervals, causing him to "sneeze" but they're really just small bursts of static and sound effects
billy whose voice becomes slightly garbled and distorted, as if he has a stuffy nose. occasionally, he'll give out a couple electronic coughs
billy who moves much slower. his energy levels are severely drained and the fluidity in his movements are practically gone
billy who inevitably starts glitching. his speech occasionally cutting out or repeating words. "i told you guys before! i━━━━and then we we we we━━━━dont you understa━stand?!"
billy whose internal fans can no longer keep up. the virus causes his internal systems to overheat more easily so he has to spend his healing days propped in front of a air conditioner
billy who swears he's funny. he fakes his death at least four times. "is this the end━━the end?" he weakly says, arm reaching up towards the bland ceiling. and no one takes him seriously. "am i━━am i goi━going to robot heaven?" and before you could even respond, nicole steps in, "you'd go to robot hell."
billy who becomes more vulnerable and needy, seeking your help and comfort. he will definitely lean on you (emotionally AND physically) and ask for reassurance that he'll be okay
billy who asks for paper to write messages when his voice bank betrays him. "SYSTEM ERROR: NEED HUGS" or "VIRUS DETECTED: SEND COOKIES" and other similar notes are scribbled all over the page
billy who thanks you and the crew for sticking by him. dealing with a sick robot is not for the weak
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sorry it took so long :(
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billy kid taglist
@pedrosimp137 @mary-moongood @linx-nyx @lemonboy011 @eisblume77
@amaryllisenvy @megan017 @astral-spacepumpkin @corrupted-tale @inkycap
@thurstonw @plapsha @lavenderthewolf @kurakusun @miymiymiy
@sweetadonisbutbetter @cobraaah @mochiitoby @clickingchip @bardivislak
@h3r6c00k13 @cozi-cofee @apestegui-y @luvuyuuji @theitdoitnobody
@fersitaam @cathrnxxo @monkepawbz @fl1ghtl3ssdrag0n @dabislilbaby
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