#(now with MULLET NOAH)
anarchoarchie · 1 year
an eighth grader just asked me my pronouns and then said “you look like that guy from stranger things” and when i asked which guy they went “idk i’ve never seen the show.” the kids are alright👍
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cactuscas · 6 months
raven cycle character cards
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finally finished the guys!
details under the cut :)
(as well as the song's I posted them to when I posted this on instagram)
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"Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High" - Arctic Monkeys
the barns in the background
dreamt up keys to the pig
kavinsky's glasses
not pictured but also my fave is the cross necklace and one little earring
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"You Can't Catch Me Now" by Olivia Rodrigo
matching friendship bracelet with blue (they are so dear to me)
his old driver's license
not pictured is his skateboard (rip)
I would have added a blink 182 sticker instead of the little ghosts but oh well I didn't think of it in the moment
he is so blurry and I can't figure out why oh well he's a little smudgy I guess
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"True Blue" by Boygenius
matching friendship bracelet
I had a lot of fun with patterns for her
the crochet leggings will be the death of me
fun eyeliner blue truther
I wanted to do yogurt cups for her in the background but i Totally Forgot
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"King and Lionheart" by Of Monsters and Men
mini henrietta model! terrible boat shoes!
had a lot of fun drawing his journal - i think it would be a bit more messy with more stuff pasted in but i only had so much space (it does actually say things but it's a question of whether or not you can read it)
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"seven" by Taylor Swift
not pictured here but obviously had to give him the cocacola shirt
i feel strongly about him having an almost mullet
tarot cards for each member of the gangsey! (page of cups - blue // the magician - adam // the fool - ronan // king of cups - gansey // death - noah)
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subaquatic0mess · 2 months
Genderswap! Team Escope au
Except everything feels oddly personal as I overthinkwd everything.
Prepare for a big rant!!
Izzy's name is Zach.
He hates that name and no one calls him that. Everyone knows him as Izz.
He claims he got that name because he was raised by snakes and that was the name they gave him.
If anyone dares call Izz, Zack they won't leave without him launching himself at them screeching. (You definitely got a bloody nose from that)
Team Escope are the only ones that know that Izz's true name is Zach. But they know Izz is just Izz that's his name done.
His hair is somewhat more curlier and messier than Izzy's but it's basically the same. (Height of the hair is also very similar it just looks slightly shorter because it's curlier)
He's the tallest out of team escope.
The only difference in his clothes is that he wears shorts under the skirt (?) thingy Izzy wears. He also doesn't have the hole on his chest because yk he a guy now. (Scrap that Izz wouldn't care about wearing women clothes it's only the pants that are different)
Izz laughs like the joker for some reason.
Noah's name is Eleanor.
That's because I wanted to keep the fact of Izz calling her No-no's. (Every Eleanor or Leonor that I know is nicknamed that)
Nobody really calls her that tho. Most people call her Leo/Lea. Izz and Owen have their little nicknames for her tho.
She isn't very different from Noah physically.
They dress the same. Sometimes she dresses like Adam Sandler tho. Evan and Izz find it outrageous. She doesn't give a shit.
I think appearance wise she would literally look the same just maybe with bigger lashes or smth. (Even the hair looks the same or whatsoever longer but for like a millimeter)
Eva's name is Evan.
Not a big change there.
Instead of iron woman Leo calls Evan the incredible Hulk. Or just Hulk.
Just as buff as Canon Eva. Physically his strength is more visible but its still the exact same.
Evan has a mullet. That he can somehow manage to put in a ponytail. Leo still doesn't understand how.
His shirt is similar except now its more of a tank top (?) They have more body hair. (Something they tried giving Eva but was barely shown)
The rest of his clothes are probably the same but his shoes might be swapped by sneakers. (Different ones I mean)
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saraminia · 7 months
an interesting fact about yourself
would you rather noah bald or noah with a mullet
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I had written a long and winding answer to the Noah question when my phone died and by the time I got it charged enough to open it again, what I'd written was obviously gone, so now you're just getting this traumatizing image instead.
What comes to interesting facts about myself, I think I exhausted that list with my 'eleven truths and a lie' poll lol. I can only come up with boring stuff right now. Let's go with I've been to 25 countries. God now I wish I had written down all the stuff that didn't make it into that final list of eleven truths. But alas I did not, so I'm all out of interesting facts at the moment.
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mourning-innocence · 5 months
Update is that Sam has been quiet for months musically, bar Iris and the Noah Kahan collab (would love to know your thoughts on both!). He’s possibly been doing some recording tho from what people have worked out, although idk if that’s speculation
no news on anything to do with an album or a tour
As a result of the lack of music gossip, everyone has gone a bit mental over his love life, some people think he’s got a full on girlfriend, others think he’s still hoeing. theres quite strong evidence for the former but can’t say the latter doesn’t potentially have some points too. I don’t want to mention her name on here cos things started to get quite nasty but you’ve previously mentioned her on here and she was around this time last year too x
I seem to remember you were always a voice of reason with stuff like that and you always had funny answers so that’s why I liked you the best 😂
Also some people like the latest hair (although RIP mullet) and chunkiness developments but some people think he doesn’t look well lol
sorry this took me forever to answer I’m still very very sick and not doing well at all 😷
loved homesick!!! loved loved it, it’s beautiful. it’s been so long since we heard anything new from him that hearing his voice again on something new almost brought me to tears 🥺 haven’t heard the other one though? someone point me to it pls
my thoughts on the album are that it’s probably super close, I can sense we’re very near the new era, although I’ll admit I thought we would already be in it by now?
as for love life gossip, I saw a couple of things about it right when I got back. my humble opinion is they’re very much so dating and he’s back on his boyfriend era, and you know what? I’m glad his whoring era is over, it was exhausting keeping up with it and the whole timeline on here 😫 that was the fucking trenches
I’m very glad you perceive me as a voice of reason, I am indeed a libra lol — the death of the mullet is devastating to me and I think he still looks super cute so 🤷‍♀️
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krakenbait · 1 year
bragging rights bracket update #7: this one’s for all the marbles
good day bracketeers, and happy end of may! commissioner lara here. i’m casually wondering why the nhl season is so long. 82 regular season games plus pre-season and post-season, stretching all the way from the beginning of october to the beginning of june. feels a little excessive.
with that meditation out of the way, it is time i bring y’all the final results of the 2023 stanley cup playoffs bragging rights bracket! with how chaotic this year’s playoffs have been, not one person correctly predicted a possible winner, so everyone has hit their points ceiling. at least it was later than the first year, i think we called a winner after round two. but enough preamble, you guys want to see who gets to lord their victory over the rest of their friends for the whole year! 
congratulations to (drum roll please) ... @natashastarkk! after winning bronze last year, nat secures victory! you have official permission from the commissioner to rub it in everyone’s faces. 
rounding out our top three are two unexpected medallists. emily snags silver, while alex (@patron-saint-of-boston-hockey) lands bronze... even after I made that meme with the sword in their back. 
now, enjoy the final bits of commentary for the 2022-23 season. 
166 points
🥇 Hughes line is it anyway? (@natashastarkk​) - winner winner chicken dinner!
134 points
🥈 Chaos mode (Emily) - representing the avs server on the podium!
96 points
🥉 hopelessly optimistic bruins fan (@patron-saint-of-boston-hockey​) - i’m as surprised as you are!
91 points
more hairy men (abby) - first is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the treasure chest, fourth is the one with the hairy chest. fitting, eh?
81 points
raise hell or whatever (@dawson-mercer​) - you’re tied with noah for best result from the devils server
you know :) (@nastybastian​) - you have too many points for someone with such questionable taste in hockey men
68 points
come on and raise up (@andreisvechnikov​) - have the canes apologized for ruining your sleep and then losing in that 4OT game?
ready 2b disappointed but not surprised (@morganfrost​) - “moose says you’re closed, I say you’re open!”
the commissioner is not supposed to win (me) - and to think i came in fourth last year. 
66 points
Jack i will pay u to get a mullet (@puck--off​) - be careful next time you play an ill-advised mini sticks tournament
61 points
battle of the matty b’s (@shea-theodore​) - well, at least your t-birds boys on the knights are still in it. 
58 points
The head, the heart, and the himbos (@circle--of--confusion​) - i think the yotes should move to atlanta, give the city a third try
56 points
GOOD vibrations (ki) - let’s go avs roomies!
Hold me like a grudge - how’s that working out for you?
55 points
big advocate for naps (@turbolainen​) 
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i had big hopes for you and your canes! alas...
53 points
the bringer of chaos (Brett) - poor showing for your first time out. better luck next year. 
46 points
Djoker’s actual bracket - “you don’t pay no tolls, you don’t get no rolls.”
33 points
last season 69 points (@arsonandhockey​) - how did you do only 13 points better than last year, when your friend who doesn’t know anything about hockey made your picks?
13 points 
if the bruins don’t win, don’t talk to m (@saucysliceodoyle​) - *insert screaming rubber chicken*
that’s all for now, folks! good luck to the panthers and the knights. i got no skin in the game, so i’m just here for the chaos and good hockey. thanks for participating everyone, and see y’all next year!
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
Pspsps haha heeyyy.. so I’m dumb of ass and have difficulty navigating tags and finding good references so uh,, could u assist lil ol me with finding refs for Noah and Issac?? :,,) with colors too maybe 👉👈 I’m not doing anything with this, totally. Truthfully 🤞
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lil notes:
-the ref for Noah with the colors (ignore the heights I don't draw them like that anymore) is slightly outdated bc he has that mullet now
-Noah's lil earring is a gold color
-both of them have cheek dimples (nd Noah has a chin dimple)
-Isaac usually has their glasses on, Noah has reading glasses
-feel free to put makeup, nail polish, more "girly" things on Isaac but (not that you would pea, this is a general statement) pls do not remove the body hair or the chub
-Isaac can have whatever as earrings, but the two helix piercings and the cross piercing I usually draw them with are silver (same for the tiddy piercings)
-Noah is 5'10, Isaac is 5'8
-Noah has Resting Smug Face but he's actually very expressive outside of that
-pls do not stress over details, if you get smth wrong that is Okay I will Not bite you and Ben is even less likely to bite you because he does not remember what his own OCs look like
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werewolfashton · 1 year
2022 writing evaluation
darling @igarbagecannotevenoteven tagged me to do this, honestly unbelievable, thank you megs <3 your answers were so interesting btw!!
i’ll also include all my works in this bc i haven’t written much in 5sos this year lmao. the other stuff can mainly be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/villainous_intentions
number of stories posted on ao3: 4 for 5sos, 20-30 in other fandoms, mainly stranger things (this is such a vague number bc i’m including drabbles)
word count posted for this year: ~53.332
fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, stranger things, the iliad/tsoa, [redacted]
pairings: lashton (2), malum (1), ot4 (1), harringrove (like 20+ and some platonic pairings), patrochilles (1), [redacted]
story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: for 5sos it’s but underneath we had a fear of flying in all regards
for other fandoms in kudos and bookmarks it’s don’t that man look pretty and in terms of comments: i was far too scared to hit him, but i would hit him in a heartbeat now and into the deep
work i’m most proud of and why: i’m really proud to have written 4k in one sitting for a wild and an untamed thing, and really all i wrote for the harringrove harvest probably
work i’m least proud of and why: ngl i really don’t like any of my 5sos fics very much except maybe the 2 song fics and some horror aspects so
share or describe a favorite review you’ve received: i got and still get so much love for one of my drabbles for st, those always make me smile and then recently i got the funniest review of my life tbh but that stays between me and the unfortunate souls that have my insta
a time when writing was really, really hard: the only time writing was not hard was during the writing challenges in june and october. or well it was still hard but i was putting out words like an insane person anyway. blessed days.
a scene or character you wrote who surprised you: still surprised to be writing in the first place. certainly wrote a lot of stuff towards the end of the year that i did not expect. wrote about a shitload of trauma. OH i wrote crack. did not expect to be able to do that. 
a favorite excerpt of your writing: i mostly like some of the one liners in my fics and this is one of them from into the deep end: "Fear spreads through [Steve] and he rushes forward, half expecting a monster in the middle of the bed, but when he moves behind the others to look into the room he stops as well. It’s not a monster, not really. At least he doesn’t think so. 
It’s just a mullet wearing asshole that’s supposed to be dead."
and i wrote this baby of drabble that’s one of my fav pieces of writing idk i struggled with this point of the review
how did you grow as a writer this year? i have become more open to just writing what i want. especially recently i’ve stopped really caring? like i still look at numbers too much but at least i write what i like now. i’ve also started writing longer works (at least sort of)
how do you hope to grow next year? i wish i had more time to write which isn’t really something i can force so i think i’m just hoping to not care about statistics as much. as to writing itself i wanna just expand my vocabulary.
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? alright so, idk. i often feel very uncomfy speaking to people about my fic bc i think i annoy them and they only put up with it. i certainly have some lovely people who have been supportive (like em) and have been kind enough to beta for me (e.g. helen) and especially noah has been helping me with ideas. but yeah overall idk i shy away from talking about my fic bc it just ends up making me feel bad. thus i think the only overall actually very positive influence was the stranger things fandom, lovely feedback, actual engagement with fics, all that stuff has been helpful.
anything from real life show up in your writing this year? haha. y’all don’t need to know how much i projected this year thanks!
any new wisdom you can share with other writers? stop! fucking! looking! at! the! stats!
any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? @pixiegrl birthday fic. like 30 harringrove drafts. much [redacted]. we shall see though i’m trying not to stress myself
tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: aight idk what’s going on here anymore so i’ll leave this as it is
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doglover502 · 3 years
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Taking a HC from @blogging-not-my-forte about Noah's hair
Noah is trans (we already know this), and his hair used to be really long as a kid. (Do you like his sweater? His Nana knitted it for him. It's totally not the same sweater I used in my Slippery Slopes fanart pic (which is a good fic btw and you should totally read it))
But later, he cut it short when he started to transition. Only to find out, he REALLY didn't like having short hair, and wanted to grow it back out.
And that's why his hair is a weirdass mullet looking thing now, because it's still in that awkward growing out phase.
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hockeyisit · 3 years
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Summary: Kai gets a ball to the face.
A.N. Hey! I meant to post that eairler but I accidentally fell asleep. Took maybe like a four hour nap so sorry about that lol. Hope you guys enjoy this new POV I really enjoyed writing in it. Hopefully its enjoyable for ya'll. If you don't ever want to read it again lmk!
Word Count: 5,104
I rolled my eyes as I walked out of my room, my backpack on my shoulders with a change of clothes for after my game. My parents could be heard screaming at one another from downstairs.
“Hey,” Kai called out. I turned my head to face my brother who was in his room with Charlie.
“Sup,” I said nodding to Charlie in greetings as well.
“Good luck at your game,” he said, causing me to let out a nervous grin.
“You too.”
It was one of those rare days that we had a game at the same time. We were both pretty nervous because each of us had scouts coming today. Just by looking at Kai I could tell he was nervous, probably more nervous than me. Which probably explains while Charlie was over. He was probably trying not to think about the game and one person you can always count on to not talk about sports is Charlie. It’s pretty funny actually considering his parents are Steph and Mitch Marner, the famous NHL hockey player Mitch Marner. There’s also the fact that he's best friends with Kai and I. It wasn’t like he didn’t know about sports; he just never brought them up in conversation.
“No, absolutely not Auston!” I heard my Ma scream causing me to turn to the stairs.
“What are they arguing about now?” Kai asked, shaking his head. I tried to listen for a second before shrugging my shoulders.
“No idea probably something dumb,” I answered. I went to add something but two things happened in rapid seccion causing me to paugh. Sunshine jumped off the bed where she was sitting with Charlie and made her way straight to Kai and begged to be picked up. While Brody walked out of the bathroom.
“Hey little dude,” I grinned at my brother. He rolled his brown eyes as he stopped walking.
“I’m not little,” he puffed his chest out a bit trying to make himself bigger. I snickered as I walked over to him.
“What’s this? We back in the mullet ages?” I asked as I tugged on a piece of his curly hair. He swatted my hand away before he pulled his glasses off. I took a step back so that he could clean his glasses or whatever he was going to do.
“I like my hair the way it is Noah. Sorry you're jealous,” he responded, causing my mouth to open in shock. He laughed as he moved around me to go into his room.
“Well then, now that I’ve been burned I’m leaving. Good luck brother, and see you Charlie,” I said, holding my hand out to Kai for a fist bump.
“Yeah yeah you too!” he grinned. I let out a laugh as Sunshine reached her paw out and rested it on our fist. I quickly reached out and ran my hand over her neck before turning to make my way down the stairs.
“You only like her because her tits are huge,” I heard my Mama scold Papa as I made my way into the living room where they were watching some love show on tv.
“Um child present,” I called out as I walked into the room.
“That's not true. Hey Noah,” he responded quickly. I waved my hand as I walked over to the counter.
“Who’s coming to my game?” I askeds as I opened the fridge looking for something to eat.
“Oh honey I made you a sandwich, it’s on the top shelf,” my Mama called out as she stood up from where she was curled under Papa’s arm.
“I’m going to come to your game,” she smiled walking over to me. I relaxed slightly as I heard her say that. It wasnt that I didn't want Papa coming to the game but I knew that if he was there the pressure would be insanely high and a lot of focus would be on the fact that The Auston Matthews was at the game. I took a big bite out of my sandwich as I nodded my head.
“I’ll be getting updates from your mother,” Papa called out as he made his way into the kitchen. He grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and took a bite from it.
“Good luck tonight,” he reached out and patted me on the shoulder.
“Thanks,” I grinned as I reached up to pat his hand that was still resting on my shoulder.
“Yep, just have fun and play your heart out. Also just make sure that you-” he started to say but my Mama elbowed him in the ribs stopping him from continuing.
“We love you and no matter what happens it’ll all turn out the way it's supposed to,” he said after he recovered from the elbow. I finished my sandwich as I nodded my head.
“Love you guys too,” I pulled them both into a hug before making my way over to the closest that had all our hockey bags and Kai’s baseball bag.
“I gotta go,” I grabbed the keys off the table near the door and made my way out to the jeep.
“Yo Noah,” Hunter, my liney, called out to me as he hopped out of his car. I waved from where I was grabbing my bag out of the trunk.
“What’s up?” I asked as I swung my bag onto my shoulder and made my way over to where he was.
“Oh stoked for today,” he grinned as he adjusted his cap.
“Yeah same, where’s Kelley?” I asked as we started making our way into the building.
“I don’t know he wasn’t texting me back this morning so I just came on my own. Dumbass is probably still sleeping,” he joked as he pushed his way into the locker room.
“Fucking Keller,” he muttered as he took in Jason Keller sitting at his stall.
“Yo dick text me next time you decide to find another ride,” Hunter said, making his way over to his stall right next to him. I laughed as I made my way over to my stall.
“Matty I heard you have scouts coming today,” Max called out, gaining the attention of others. Whenever someone on the team had scouts coming out everyone would get so excited. I shrugged my shoulders as I pulled on my pads.
“No biggie,” I responded before popping in my headphones so I could focus on what was to come. I normally am a big talker before games but this was one where I felt I needed to chill before.
We went through our warm ups surprisingly fast and were finally heading out for the game to start. I took my normal spot on the ice, I was on the first line. Kelley and Hunter skated up to me.
“You ready for the faceoff?” Hunter asked, slapping my helmet. I nodded my head as I moved away from him to get his hand off my head.
“Always ready,” I smirked, skating my way over to the faceoff circle.
I lined myself up and smirked as I locked eyes with the opposing player. Time to play.
I let out a deep breath as I leaned against the wall trying to catch my breath. I had just gotten off of the ice after being double shifted in the middle of the second period. The game itself was going great. I had around 9 or eight shots on goal and had scored a goal.
“Dude great shot,” Nate shouted across the bench holding his fist out. I continued breathing harshly as I connected out first. Glancing back out the ice I noticed that it was getting closer to my turn again. I looked around at the crowd that had attended the game and found my Ma sitting up high wrapped up in her TML blanket. She was staring at her phone intensely as she typed away. I frowned at the sight before turning my attention back to the game. It was my turn.
I hopped over the bench wall and made my way out onto the ice. I skated my way into the attacking zone where we were going to do the faceoff and readied myself at the circle. Bacus was across from me and I had played him a few times before. One thing I remembered about him most was how he was always trying to take the faceoff too early.
As the ref went to drop the puck we had two false starts before they kicked Bacus out.
“You going to give us a few more false starts?” I chirped Stanton as he skated up to the face off area. He didn’t respond like I hoped so I shrugged my shoulders and crouched down. The ref dropped the puck causing me to quickly swipe it back to my d, which happened to be Trent. He guarded the puck allowing us all to move freely before he was able to line it up and send a pass to Kelley. Once it was one Kelley’s tape he glanced around looking for the best route. I skated as close to the net as I could without losing my chance on the net and when I knew I had it I slammed my stick on the ground to create some noise.
I’m right here, I’m open, pass to me!!!
Kelley swung and sent a beautiful pass to me allowing me to grab it quickly and snipe it top shelf out of the goalies reach. We all immediately made our way to each other to celebrate. When I was done hugging my lineys I looked toward where my Ma was sitting, only when I looked she wasn't there. I frowned as I made my way over to the bench.
“Matty smile, you just scored,” Trevor said as he punched my shoulder. I gave him a fake smile as I looked back to the stands. Something had to have been going on. My parents never leave in the middle of the game.
“Matthews,” I heard my coach call out to me, causing me to look at him confused. My confusion grew even more as I saw my Ma standing behind him.
“What?” I asked, my voice growing louder than I thought it had.
“Come here.”
I pushed myself off from the bench and walked over to where the two were standing.
“Kai was hurt during his game,” my Ma started to say. I went to say something but she kept talking. “Papa is taking him to the ER right now. I’m going to meet them there. Come after the game okay?” she questioned. I stared in shock as I shook my head.
“What no I’m coming with,” I told her trying to step out of the bench completely to join her.
“No Noah stop. You have scouts here. You need to finish the game, Kai would be so mad if you left. Papa said that he seems fine. They are just taking him to the ER because they are worried about the concussion. He’s asking for me though so I need to go, I can send Papa if you want?” she said, reaching out to rest her hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath as I shook my head.
“What about his scouts?” I asked worriedly. She bit her lip as she shook her head.
“I don’t know,” she answered after a moment. I couldn't think of anything to say so I just shook my head.
“Listen Noah, you have worked extremely hard for this, he will be fine and I will text you everything I know when I get to the ER. Now go out there and finish your game and kick some butt!” she said before pulling me into a big hug.
“Good luck, love you sweetie,” she kissed my cheek before pushing me to go back to the bench. I took a deep breath before going back to the bench. I could tell that people were looking at us and talking about what was going on.
“What was that about,” my teammate asked. I shook my head as I muttered nothing.
“Line one,” my coach called, forcing me to take my place on the ice and continue the game as if nothing had happened.
The game passed by in a blur and I was barely there for the rest of it. I tried to play the best I could because I knew the scouts were there, I even managed to get an assist but truthfully my heart wasn’t in it because I was worried about Kai.
The second I got into the locker room I checked my phone only to find no message. I quickly changed out of my game stuff and pulled on the clothes I had brought for myself. When I was finished packing all my stuff I waited for the coach to tell us we were free to go. I hopped up from my bench and started to make my way to the door.
“Matthews” Coach called out as he made his way over to me.
“Yes sir?” I asked, pulling my bag higher up on my shoulder.
“Those scouts are here to talk to you,” he said, causing me to let out a sigh. I checked my phone again and still haven't received a text from my mom.
“Can you just tell them I had to leave for a family emergency?” I asked him as I pulled my Ma’s name up.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk to them? They might not appreciate that,” he warned me. I shook my head as my hand hovered over the call button.
“Sorry please just tell them. I gotta get to the hospital,” I told him as I hit call and started to make my way out of the building.
“Noah,” I heard Papa’s voice answer through the phone. “How was your game?” he asked. I scoffed as I threw my bag into the car and then hopped in.
“Who cares?” I asked and before I could continue he cut me off.
“I care! What did the scouts say?” he continued. I started the car before zeroing in on our conversation.
“I didn’t talk to them.”
“What? Why not? Go back right now and talk to them!”
“No, I'm on my way to the ER. How is Kai?” I asked, my shakiness to my voice giving away how worried I was feeling.
“He’s okay, we're still waiting on the results of the concussion but they are pretty sure he has one. He also has some bruising on his eye. So they are going to test his vision in a bit. Just drive safe okay, I don’t need you ending up in the ER also,” he said sternly causing me to let out a wet laugh. It was no secret that my family hated hospitals so we always tried our best to stay as far away from them as we could.
When I finally arrived I immediately made my way to where they were keeping Noah. As I was on my way to his room I stumbled upon Mitch, Steph, Charlie, Bailey, and Elsa.
“What are you guys doing here?” I asked as I approached them. Elsa and Bailey were playing with the building blocks while Charlie was sitting next to Mitch and Steph. His leg was shaking anxiously.
“Noah!” Elsa exclaimed, standing up and making her way over to me. I smiled as I kneeled down to pull her into a hug.
“Hi Els, are you having fun playing with those blocks?” I asked as I nodded over to where she had been sitting. She smiled cheekily as she nodded her head.
“Mama and Papi are with Kai and Brody. They told me to play with Bailey,” she told me as she grabbed my hand and started to pull me over to the blocks.
“Hey Els that's really cool but I have to go tell Mama and Papi that I’m here,” I explained as I dropped her hand and started to slowly back my way to Kai’s room. She pouted but did nothing to follow me.
I walked down the hall and finally found the room pushing my way in. Ma and Pa were standing next to the bed while Brody was sitting on a chair near the window playing on his ipad. My eyes finally focused on Kai, he was sitting on the bed in one of those hospital gowns and he looked mildly irritated.
“What’s up brother,” I called out as I made my way into the room. I spread my arms out in front of him.
“I know you wanted to impress the scouts but damn. You didn’t need to catch the ball with your face,” I teased as I took in the sight of his bruised face. Ma didn't look impressed by my words but Pa grinned.
“Well you know, I tried my best but I didn’t succeed,” he joked before letting out a wince.
“So what actually happened?” I asked as I walked over so that I was standing on the other side of the bed. Papa had his arm wrapped around Ma’s waist holding her close, her back leaned against his chest. It was obvious that she had been crying.
“He was batting and the pitcher threw it at his face,” Papa answered.
“Wow. Why didn’t you like duck?” I asked him confused as to how he didn’t process that quickly enough.
“Because apparently he was already experiencing concussion symptoms before this happened,” Papa answered angrily. I gaped from Papa to Kai in shock. I knew that Kai was capable of hiding things and having secrets but everytime he did it shocked me. Out of the corner of my eye I caught my Ma rubbing my Papa’s arm in a reassuring manner.
“What?” I asked.
“Oh so you didn’t know?” Papa asked as he glared back at Kai. I shook my head no.
Before anyone else got a chance to talk we heard the door open.
“Hi, sorry to interrupt but I heard that you two were here and I just had to come stop by,” I heard a female voice say as she walked further into the room. It was a doctor with red hair. Mama let out a soft gasp as she pushed herself away from Papa and made her way over to the doctor.
“Dr. Montgomery,” my Ma whispered as she pulled her into a hug. I shared a glance with Kai wondering if he knew who this was. He shrugged his shoulders before closing his eyes. I nudged him hard.
“Ow! What did you do that for?” he hissed as he opened his eyes.
“No sleeping right now, we don’t know what’s wrong with you,” I warned him. He rolled his eyes before letting out a wince.
“Can you give me my phone?” he asked, causing me to roll my eyes.
“You know you're not allowed to go on your phone,” I told him. He was about to argue but we were interrupted by Ma turning to us so she could introduce us to Dr. Montgomery.
“Boys, This is Dr. Montgomery,she's the doctor that helped me get pregnant with you,” Ma said so matter of factly that I couldn't help the tiny sound that left my mouth.
“You know the story of how we struggled. Well she was there through it all and was the biggest help with you Brody,” Ma teared up as she told the three of us. The room fell into a soft silence as we let her words sink in.
“It’s so great to meet all of you and see how much you’ve grown,” Dr. Montgomery grinned as she looked at us all.
“Well I just wanted to stop in and say hi,” she said as she clapped her hands together.
“We have a daughter now,” Ma called out. Dr. Montgomery smiled so happily causing a lot of the tension to dissipate as Ma walked over to her and started to lead her out of the room leaving the four of us alone.
“You okay Pa?” I called out as I took in the uneasy look on his face. He pulled it all together before nodding his head.
“Yeah, just a lot of memories at this hospital,'' he said. I glanced over at Brody as he played on his Ipad oblivious to the world around him.
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” the doctor said, making his way into the room. We all turned our attention to him as he continued talking.
“You had a concussion before the game and getting hit in the face didn’t help. You’ll probably be out for the next two weeks and then we will re-evaluate you. On top of that you have extreme bruising near your eye-socket, it is going to start to look worse by tomorrow. I suggest you ice it as much as you can. Be very careful not to strain your eyes, your vision is fine now but we don’t know if that will change due to the swelling,” the Doctor ranted on, causing us all to stay quiet as we listened.
“Any questions?” the Doctor asked.
“What about sleeping? Does he need to be woken up at any point?” Pa asked. The doctor nodded his head as he started explaining everything he should and shouldn't do. Pa knew most of this already from his history in sports. When the doctor was done Ma finally made her way back into the room and grabbed Pa before leaving the room with him. Brody started talking to Kai and I decided to make my way out of the room to see where my parents had gone.
“Tell me exactly what happened,” Ma said sternly as she pointed her finger at his chest. He reached up and interlaced their hands together.
“He went up to bat and he seemed a bit out of it but then the pitcher threw the ball and he just didn't see it. I don’t think he was really paying attention when he threw it. Thankfully it hit part of his helmet but it was pretty bad. You could hear the sound of it hitting him. He collapsed and then they helped him off the field,” he told her quietly as he pulled her into a hug.
“Did Elsa see?” she questioned him, he shook his head no as he tightened his grip on her.
“I’ve never seen him drop like that,” Pa said as he pulled away from the hug and stared down at her.
“And in the car he was so out of it, but then he just started crying and I haven’t seen either of the twins cry since they were little,” he continued when she didn’t say anything.
“I know Aus, but he’s okay. They all are. Every single one of them, Kai, Noah, Brody, Elsa, all of them,” she said trying to reassure him. Pa relaxed into her hold before gripping her chin with his left hand and guiding her into a kiss. I looked away awkwardly seeing as I didn’t really want to watch my parents make out.
“Mama and Papa are making out in the hallway,” I announced as I walked back into Kai’s hospital room.
“Are you on your phone?” I asked as I walked over to his bed. Kai quickly shoved his phone into the bed and shook his head.
“No,” he promised. I shook my head as I pushed his blanket to the side as I grabbed his phone.
“Noah please,” Kai said before I had a chance to look at the screen.
“Just let me have it for a minute and then I won't go on it again,” he pleaded. I shook my head no as I held his phone in front of me. Just tell me what you need me to do. Kai’s face paled as he stared at me.
“Bucket,” he called out. I quickly grabbed it and he spent the next minute throwing up in it.
“The Marner’s are in the waiting room,” I told him as he continued to throw up. He glanced up when he finished and grabbed his cup of water to gargle his mouth before spitting it in the bucket.
“Oh you should tell them to come in,” he suggested. I let out a laugh as I shook my head.
“I’ll go tell them you're doing okay,” I told him before making my way out of the room.
“Noah,” I heard Papa call out from where he was still with Ma.
“Yeah?” I asked as I turned to face them.
“Can you take Elsa and Brody home?” he asked as he held his keys out to me. I stared at them for a moment before fishing my own out to hand to him.
“Sure,” I agreed easily.
“Alright get them ready for bed for me please,” Ma added, “I’m going to head back soon,” she promised as she reached out to pull me in a hug. I smiled as I hugged her back before pulling away and giving my Papa a quick hug.
“Love you Papi,” I whispered, causing his hold to tighten around me.
“Love you too, get home safe. Text us when you guys are back,” I nodded my head before going back into the room and grabbing Brody. We then quickly made our way over to the Marners to collect Elsa.
“Hey,” I called out when I reached all of them. “Kai is doing okay, he has a concussion so he'll be out about two weeks before being re-evaluated,” I told them as I waved Elsa over to me. She grabbed her bag and quickly walked over to us and started showing Brody something she had made. Charlie looked relieved as he sagged in his chair before glancing over to his parents.
“We're glad to hear everything will be okay,” Mitch said as he pushed himself up from his chair.
“Are you guys heading out?” he asked. I nodded my head as I pushed the smaller two in front of me.
“Yeah Ma wants me to get them home to bed,” I responded. He nodded his head leaving me to wave goodbye and then heading our way outside.
“Elsa, did you brush your teeth?” I asked as I watched her climb into her princess bed.
“I, I didn’t,” she said softly as she climbed into her bed.
“Elsa you need to brush your teeth so you don’t get any cavities,” I told her as I pulled her blankets off. She let out a whine as she pushed her extremely curly brown frizzes away from her face. One of us was going to need to do her hair soon so that it was out of her face. I brushed her hair back and tried my best to do it the way my parents had shown me as she brushed her teeth.
“Where’s Kai?” she asked as she crawled into her bed.
“Kai has a boo boo so Mama and Papi are taking care of him,”  I told her as I tucked her into bed.
“Okay,” she set her head on her pillow and looked up at me.
“Can I tell you a secret,” she whispered as I went to turn off the lamp. I paused my movements as I looked down at her.
“Always,” I told her softly.
“I love you,” she whispered shyly. I felt my heart burst as I stared down at my little sister.
“I love you too. Now get some sleep you little rascal,” I joked as I poked her stomach. She let out a shriek as she moved away giggling.
“Mama wanted me to give you this,” I told her before I started tickling her like crazy. She let out shrieks of laughter as she squirmed. I let out a laugh before finally stopping.
“Alright go to bed,” I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead before getting up and walking to the door.
“Night Elsa,” I said as I slipped the door closed, leaving it open a crack.
“Brody time for bed,” I said as I knocked on his door.
“Is Kai going to be okay?” he asked as he pushed his glasses up his nose.
“Yeah he'll be fine,” I told him as I stood at the door. I was always worried about how close I was to my siblings because I wanted them to feel like they could trust me and come to me. I also knew that I was busy with hockey a lot but I never wanted them to think that I didn’t care about them.
“Mama and Papa were really sad today,” he commented. I let out a sigh as I walked further into the room so I could sit on his bed.
“That hospital causes them a lot of heartache,” I told him truthfully. He glanced up from where he was fiddling with his bedspread.
“I almost died there,” he responded softly. I nodded my head as I looked away.
“Yeah, but you didn’t,” I pointed out. He nodded his head before looking back down.
“Going to that hospital brought up some not so good memories and maybe it didn’t help that Kai wasn't there for a happy reason but I know they would never regret the way things turned out because they are so strong and happy together. Just today I walked in on them kissing like teenagers.”
We both let out a laugh as we turned to look at the sound of his door pushing open.
“Hey boys,” Ma called out as she walked into the room. She walked over to the bed and took a seat between us. She wrapped her arm around us pulling us to her side.
“I’ve had some really amazing memories at that hospital too,” she said after a moment.
“Really?” Brody asked. I held my breath as I waited for her to answer.
“Yes! Like the time I had twins, and the time I had you baby,” she pressed a kiss to both of our cheeks.
“My greatest gifts are you guys. I love you,” she held us for another moment before loosening her grip.
“Alright bedtime both of you,” she demanded, standing up and watching as we both made our way to get ready for bed.
“Noah, go to bed okay? Papa is going to take care of Kai tonight. You need to get your rest so you had a big game,” she told me as she followed me to my room.
“Alright night Ma,” I said as I shut my door.
I've been re-watching Bachelor in Paradise the last week and I'm completely with Ashley I and Jared. Their love story is insane.
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sapphikin · 3 years
Cody :)
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ethnicity: english
age: 19
gender: male
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: he/they
he used to be insecure about the gap in their front teeth but over the years he completely forgot about it (based off of the huge ass birthmark on the side of my neck)
him and gwen have gotten closer after total drama. they've earned to drop their "cool guy" facade around her and be himself and now they're she/they he/they besties with crushes on intelligent know-it-alls (ahem courtney and noah)
he doesn't like sleeping without any light on and gets anxiety if he's in the dark
he confronted duncan and apologized for punching him in the face and duncan apologized for calling them Twiggy McBucktooth behind his back (not canon)
he would watch ridonculous race whenever they were bored and/or if he wanted to see noah on tv. he was always super happy whenever they saw noah and owen together because noah finally had someone that he can trust and open up to, and despite still having a crush on noah, he felt glad to see noah surrounded by friends and his then girlfriend emma.
his love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation because they were often neglected by their parents as a child
he had an emo phase when they were in middle school and lowkey wants to gradually bring it back and with even more pizzazz
he's still mildly dysphoric about having long hair, but they want noah's mullet so he double conditions like gwen does (canon) because they think their hair can grow longer that way
i love my dork
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sofia-td · 3 years
Basically the TDWT characters
Duncan: hey gwen lets make out and cheat on courtney because she doesn't like my mohawk lmao
Alejandro: i love heather but i have a too big of an ego to admit it kiss me bridgette
Gwen: oh no i cheated on my friendish friend kill me now
Chef: i dont know how to fly
Leshawna: sry harold but ur very ugly so imma have to past oh hi alejandro mmmhmmm
Harold: i am a ninja lol no im not i hate myself
Noah: alejandro is a snake but then again my mullet is ugly hetdy owen want to date me
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13tinysocks · 4 years
HHHH The Hunt Is On original concepts that were scrapped and I feel like rambling. For context THIO is Jane/clockwork/Jack x reader currently on Quotev. At first it was just Jack tho. Anyway *shakes my ass* Mild thio spoilerz 
-As I said, THIO at first was supposed to be only a Jack X reader. I understand it would have been a lot more popular if it was but tbh I don’t really care. We thought to ourselves, “Ight Jack’s epic but what if lesbians?” And slapped them in. 
-Also put them in for a better story. Jane vs Jeff is super popular and we wanted to do our own take on it. Jack vs Jeff is interesting but Jack has no emotional attachment to Jeff in this universe. Wouldn’t have been much drive without Jane and the lesbianism xoxo.
-THIOs name was supposed to be linked to YN searching for Jack. We kept the name bc these bitches lookin’ for Jeff and how to stop him. The name kinda bothers me now but it’s sticks well enough.
-In early concepts YN was the host of a popular cyptid hunting/buzzfeed unsovled style webshow. She was still going to be autistic w/ a special interest in the supernatural. 
-She was going to be more driven though. She would do fucking anything to prove that ghosts and/or monsters are real.
-Prob 21/22
-Jack was going to live in some abandoned mall or hospital. Same goth aesthetic but less neat and quieter. A lil more unhinged but still wicked smart.
-Soulmate AU!!!!!
-The writing on your skin shows up on your soulmate’s! YN would get hastily written science notes until she was 19 then it all stopped. Occasionally a random mark that was accidental. 
-They were too driven to really communicate much. They both figured, “Eh I’ll get to it when I’m 30.”
-YN writes her entire routine for the day on her forearm. It’s a habit that she can’t shake.
-Jack’s blind and can’t see it. But if Rake were to catch it he’d point it out prob. If Jack so desired, he could take a (shitty) pic of the text and have it read out to him
-He figures it out way before YN
-Uses it to avoid her when she comes lookin’. She doesn’t get how he keeps giving her the slip.
-When he reveals it to her she’s like MOTHERFUCKER!!!! ! !! !! !! But also, ayo? Hot gray dude with a god complex? Wanna make out?
-When it was just a Jack/reader the plot was gonna go a lil like this:
-YNs crew were going to be her buds. One of them was going to be killed by Jack for munchies pre-story. Later on, YN would use a spirit box and make contact with him (Noah) More on this in a bit
-Noah was going to be punk, loud, annoying, and a skater.
-The group is still in shock and mourning even thought it’s been two months. A few people from their block have gone missing here and there. Something isn’t right. 
-YN and co. were going to film an episode where Jack and rake live. Seedeater was contemplated on being there too but we didn’t really connect with him.
-They catch something black and blurry on camera but only see it when they’re editing. 
-Go back over and over. Nothing.
-YNs like fuck it! Im going alone bc y’all loud.
-Night vision handheld camera like outlast
-Gets a good pic of Jack. It’s unclear, he has his mask on, he’s on all fours.
-Thing is, he like, is faking being a feral animal bc he wants YN to fuck off. 
-Just imagine being smart but crawling around and growling so this girl will go away.
-Doesn’t attack her bc he’s very aware that if too many folks go missing around the area then more people will look. He doesn’t fell like relocating again.
-YN gets in contact w/ Noah via the spirit box.
-Ghosts r real baby!
-He spills on what happened to him. Tells YN that it’s too dangerous.
-His ghost is super duper fucked since Jack got to him when he was STARVING
-YN sort of heed his warning. She’s like ayo!!! Monsters are real that’s so swag but also I’m gonna expose that thing for what it did to you >:
-Noahs like on god literally dont you will die
-No <3
-There’s a big reveal when Jack finally stands up normally and YN is about to piss herself bc the entire time she thought he was a smart dog xoxo
-YN peaces the fuck out
-Goes back a lil later. Scared but determined. No one believes her abt the spirit box and Noah won’t show himself to anyone else.
-YNs upset about Noah but a curious person. Wants to examine Jack from every angle before she exposes his ass.
-Trail and error. Lots of him chasing her off or almost actually fucking killing her. 
-Eventually, there’s like a weird unorthodox interview.
-YN asks him questions from across a tiny table. He’s so fucking tall, he could reach over and snap your neck in an instant. 
-Learn about one another. 
-Bonding. Some frenemy type of shit.
-Jack is YNs 7ft tall lil secret
-Closer. Forgiveness.
-Someone else is like ayo? There’s body parts at (Jack’s place of residence)
-Ruh-roh law enforcement.
-YN and co. saves Jack 
-Friends feel betrayed but they like ight ig, monster fucker lookin ass
-Gets muddied here bc this is where we did an overhaul to the plot where it was more of a character driven, tragic, depressing, hope punk, sort of thing with lesbians and mullet Liu. 
-Note that I’m not going to write this. I’ve found I only enjoy writing polyamory fics instead of solo stuff x.
-THIO is currently ongoing and it is a lot different and very, very plot heavy. The link for the fic is in the thio/ the hunt is on tag. 
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thesimpanions · 5 years
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⭐️ N E W  V I D E O ⭐️The Sims 4 | MAXIS MATCH MALE HAIR COLLECTION | Custom Content Showcase + Links
Go watch the video here: https://youtu.be/WjZLkPg6Loo
CC Links:
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NICE GUY HAIR: https://s-imarillion.tumblr.com/post/186565867840/simarillion-nice-guy-hair-i-really-went-all 20. DANTE HAIR: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release 21. CHASE HAIR: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release 22. JACOB HAIR: https://s4simomo.tumblr.com/post/188148341396/jacob-hair-inspired-by-jacob-seeds-hair-from 23. SUSPECT HAIR: https://s4simomo.tumblr.com/post/188044882336/suspect-hair-ea-mesh-edit-ea-color-palette 24. LEVI HAIR V2: https://wyattssims.tumblr.com/post/167413524806/levi-hair-version-ii-male-version-heres-a 25. BRYCE HAIR: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/164569831566/brycen-hair-bgc-18-ea-colors-some-colors-may-be-a 26. BRETT HAIR: https://zombietrait.tumblr.com/post/181681421765/brett-hair-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmye-ah-male-teen 27. EASTON HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184430789544/easton-remy-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 28. NOAH HAIR: https://wyattssims.tumblr.com/post/165379763721/noah-hair-details-base-game-compatible-male 29. ELIAS HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/186049778634/elias-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom-thumbnail 30. WASTED HAIR: https://amelylina.tumblr.com/post/183671353061/rigel-sims-amelylina-collab-here-are-some 31. OPIE HAIR: https://llazyneiph.tumblr.com/post/186192141516/opie-hair-a-nasty-fuckin-grossboi-mullet-w-shaved 32. EMBER HAIR: https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/187650670186/ember-hair-yes-i-named-this-after-morgyn-info 33. PUPPY DOG HAIR: https://houseofabsurdities.tumblr.com/post/180923613159/heres-two-new-hairs-puppy-dog-is-a-hair-that 34. JOSH HAIR: https://s4simomo.tumblr.com/post/186633529146/1000-followers-gift-pt-4-josh-hairstyle 35. KOJURO HAIR: https://meghewlett.tumblr.com/post/177126385726/jumin-hair-requested-by-nonnienot-actually-looks 36. CUPID HAIR: https://chocolatemuffintop.tumblr.com/post/156908658607/download-cupid-hair-dropbox-mirror-link-download 37. CASEY HAIR: https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/180924410651/casey-hair-casey-frey-voice-can-i-sing-for-u 38. JUMIN HAIR: https://meghewlett.tumblr.com/post/177126385726/jumin-hair-requested-by-nonnienot-actually-looks 39. DIEGO HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/187621959254/diego-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-3-personal 40. RAPHAEL BUN: https://s4simomo.tumblr.com/post/187428401731/2000-followers-gift-%C2%BD-raphael-bun-v1-ea-mesh 41. MAD MOHAWK: https://s4simomo.tumblr.com/post/186603883611/1000-followers-gift-pt-1-mad-mohawk-this 42. SMOOTH AF HAIR: http://modthesims.info/d/567912/smooth-asf-hair.html 43. NASH HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184642988504/mason-nash-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 44. WOLFGANG HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/27834491 45. MARK HAIR: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/175153229576/mark-hair 46. AFONZO HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/185718112395/vevesims-afonzo-hair-full-18-ea-swatches 47. SAMUEL HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184574812004/samuel-edwin-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 48. ROGER HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/185040420319/roger-daniel-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 49. KPOP HAIR ( ADFLY WARNING): https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/150038970673/sulsul-sulsul-kpop-hair-a-new-mesh-for 50. WILLSON HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184390074419/mark-willson-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 51. BRENT HAIR: https://kotcatmeow.tumblr.com/post/171487993938/a-new-hairstyle-brent-for-your-male-sims-i-hope 52. NIKLAUS HAIR: https://grimcookies.com/post/159185260235/niklaus-hair-im-more-impressed-by-the-cute-sim-i 53. BRAXTON HAIR: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/167329634491/braxton-hair-a-less-poofy-version-of-that-hair 54. KIMANI HAIR: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/184745592256/this-hair-mainly-inspired-by-this-picture-i-saw 55. SIMPLE GENTLEMAN HAIR V1: https://s4simomo.tumblr.com/post/187781931636/simple-gentleman-hair-v1-ea-mesh-edit-ea 56. MARK HAIR SHAVED: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/175153229576/mark-hair 57. CANCER KING HAIR: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/181878784381/finally-closer-view-been-working-on-these-for 58. SLEEK & SWEPT HAIR: https://simsationaldesigns.blogspot.com/2016/10/sleek-and-swept-hair-for-guys.html 59. EAGLE HAIR: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/178748585791/unedited-and-without-reshade-preview-hey-guys 60. RICHARD HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/186259999084/richard-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom-thumbnail 61. WUCAN HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wucan-30699375 62. DANIEL HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/185040420319/roger-daniel-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 63. HEART BREAKER HAIR: https://luumiasims.com/post/119407522939/special-thanks-to-niteskkysims-for-making-this 64. MED WAVY PARTED EDIT: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/166423735655/sp01-med-wavy-parted-male-hair-edit-base-game 65. EDWIN HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184574812004/samuel-edwin-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 66. ADONIS HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184804854629/adonis-adonis-v2-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 67. QUIETLY SUMMER HAIR: https://s4simomo.tumblr.com/post/186540192956/quietly-summer-hairstyle-hairstyle-ea-mesh 68. PART SHAVED CONVERSION: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/168925958230/ep04-part-shave-conversion-male-hair-base-game 69. DARIUS HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184713065189/zero-darius-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 70. JAKE HAIR: https://liliili-sims.tumblr.com/post/187798238631/jake-hair-18-swatches-ea-color-hat-compatible 71. SIMPLE GENTLEMAN HAIR V2: https://s4simomo.tumblr.com/post/187781953331/simple-gentleman-hair-v2-ea-mesh-edit-ea 72. PAYTON HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/186117349094/payton-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom-thumbnail 73. GABRIEL HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184926325689/gabriel-gabriel-v2-hair-full-18-ea-swatches 74. LUCIANO HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184535297714/owen-luciano-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 75. PART SHAVED CONVERSION RECOLOR: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/168925958230/ep04-part-shave-conversion-male-hair-base-game 76. EAGLE HAIR RECOLOR: https://intricately-silly.tumblr.com/post/179348873328/eagle-hair-simandy-recolor-11-request 77. MED WAVY PARTED EDIT RECOLOR: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/166423735655/sp01-med-wavy-parted-male-hair-edit-base-game 78. DREADS OF THE WOLF: https://ts4mmcc.tumblr.com/post/171321037065/buckgrunt-dreads-of-the-wolf-male-hair-bgc 79. REMY HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184430789544/easton-remy-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 80. METROPOLITAN SLICK: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/150770015749/unsurprisingly-ive-got-yet-another-hair-for-you 81. PAUL HAIR: https://isjao.tumblr.com/post/175859191176/hello-im-here-to-give-to-you-acess-to-my-and 82. LUIS HAIR: https://isjao.tumblr.com/post/175859191176/hello-im-here-to-give-to-you-acess-to-my-and 83. THE DOUCHEBAG: https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/148686149549/guess-what-its-another-hair-p-i-dont-know-why 84. TKO HAIR V2: https://grimcookies.com/post/171682456335/tko-hairs-not-much-to-say-other-than-i-love-the 85. JONAS HAIR V2: https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/184698036176/jonas-hair-v2-just-a-closer-cropped-version-of 86. JONAS HAIR: https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/183820221841/jonas-hair-shouts-out-to-the-jo-bros-this-ones 87. MED CURLY CONVERSION: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/166490071075/sp07-medium-curly-male-hair-conversion-base-game 88. couldn’t find 89. MEDIUM WAVY EDIT: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/164860626945/male-hair-edits-base-game-compatible-hairs 90. KIAN HAIR: https://ice-creamforbreakfast.tumblr.com/post/186989799890/download-details-basegame-compatible 91. TIGHT CURLS HAIR: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/164894155820/sp12-tight-curls-conversion-male-hair-edit-base 92. HERO HAIR: https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/183143220376/hero-hair-so-after-a-lot-of-thinking-i-decided 93. CAMERON HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/186677982199/cameron-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-3-personal 94. MEDIUM WAVY RECOLOR: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/164860626945/male-hair-edits-base-game-compatible-hairs 95. TIGHT CURLS HAIR RECOLOR: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/164894155820/sp12-tight-curls-conversion-male-hair-edit-base 96. MED CURLY HAIR RECOLOR: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/166490071075/sp07-medium-curly-male-hair-conversion-base-game 97. OWEN HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184535297714/owen-luciano-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 98. ACE HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/186792804694/ace-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-3-personal 99. MATTHEW CURLS: https://s4simomo.tumblr.com/post/186022195111/matthew-curls-ea-mesh-edit-ea-color-palette 100. JAYDEN HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184354319944/jayden-trevor-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 101. ALEX HAIR: https://tekri.tumblr.com/post/185889179104/alexa-or-alex-v2-slight-misunderstanding-led-to 102. GEMINI KING: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/181878784381/finally-closer-view-been-working-on-these-for 103. ROYAL RUMBLE HAIR: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/184606902246/flowy-hey-im-back-now-look-at-my-precious 104. POET HAIR: https://simtric.tumblr.com/post/185158535886/poet-hat-compatible-all-lods-18-ea-swatches-no 105. PRINCESS HAIR: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/princess/id/1446651/ 106. LUCA HAIR: https://zombietrait.tumblr.com/post/187178068149/luca-hair-the-story-behind-sims-who-have-this-hair 107. WOOD’s TWIST DREADS: https://birkschessimsblog.wordpress.com/2019/09/16/woodstwistdreads/ 108. HUGO HAIR: https://zombietrait.tumblr.com/post/186902507404/hugo-hair-put-it-on-your-hugo-villareals-base-game 109. MARK HAIR: https://vevesims.tumblr.com/post/184390074419/mark-willson-hair-full-18-ea-swatches-custom 110. LOVE BUN: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/182817270855/cupidfizz-love-bun-by-cupidfizz-ignore-this 111. AMARU HAIR: https://hellagoodsims.tumblr.com/post/171461416453/amaru-fade-hair-asymmetrical-high-top-fade 112. PEACHY HAIR: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/183356232956/back-with-the-hairs-thought-yall-would-get-rid 113. IMANI HAIR: https://nolan-sims.tumblr.com/post/183797653813/nolan-sims-here-after-seeing-this-picture-on 114. DAMASSO HAIR: https://simmerstesia.tumblr.com/post/182121326831/organic-flavors-hair-dump-4k-followers-gift 115. MIRTILO HAIR: https://simmerstesia.tumblr.com/post/182121326831/organic-flavors-hair-dump-4k-followers-gift 116. FRANKIE FRO 117. MAN BUN: https://simsontherope.tumblr.com/post/109508088301/the-man-bun-haircut-for-the-sims-4-it-must-be-the 118. UNDERCUT PONY: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/175246421928/nemesyms-undercut-pony-ea-mesh-edit-hat 119. NIGHTCRAWLER HAIR 05: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-male/title/nightcrawler_%28c%29am_hair05/id/1306303/ 120. SHORT SWEPT HAIR: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/166456610570/ep01-short-swept-male-hair-edit-base-game 121. SHORT SWEPT HAIR RECOLOR: https://bustedpixels.tumblr.com/post/166456610570/ep01-short-swept-male-hair-edit-base-game 122. SWEETENER HAIRSTLYE: https://simplifiedsimi.tumblr.com/post/175379265844/sweetener-hairstyle 123. BADU BANTU HAIR: https://savvysweet.tumblr.com/post/187702352493/badu-bantu-bgc-hat-compatible-ea-18-swatches 124. BLOSSOM HAIR: https://imvikai.tumblr.com/post/170427911904/blossom-hair-by-vikai-it-feels-like-every-cc-i 125. GALATEA HAIR: https://nolan-sims.tumblr.com/post/150218623858/nolan-sims-here-by-request-quiddity-jones 126. HYPE HAIR: https://qwertysims.tumblr.com/post/183125492704/hype-by-qwertysims-this-hair-is-called-hype 127. WOW HOW EDGY WHAT A ROCKER HAIR: https://qwertysims.tumblr.com/post/186565603809/can-i-start-naming-my-cc-the-way-fall-out-boy 128. TRIP HAIR: https://maxiematch.tumblr.com/post/183549216521/witching-hour-recolour-trip-hair-by-qwertysims 129. HALF UP LOCS: https://pigeonhome.tumblr.com/post/183467372373/half-up-locs-by-pigeonhome-im-still-brand-new-to 130. PIECE HAIR RETEXTURED: https://johnnyzest.tumblr.com/post/182150661877/piece-hair-retextured-mesh-by-redheadsims-cc-is 131. BENJI HAIR: https://stephanine-sims.tumblr.com/post/186212206316/benji-hair-its-been-a-while-since-i 132. JOSHUA HAIR: https://stephanine-sims.tumblr.com/post/186376699405/joshua-hair-two-male-hairs-in-a-row 133. RIZAL HAIR: https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/186749816981/rizal-hair-this-hair-is-named-after-the-filipino 134. ALON HAIR: https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/185886304881/alon-hair-this-has-been-in-my-mods-folder-since 135. JUAN KARLOS HAIR: https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/186223928501/juan-karlos-hair-i-decided-to-try-out-a-new
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krakenbait · 1 year
bragging rights bracket update #4
 gooood evening, bracketeers and happy round 2! i’m currently watching the kraken take on the stars and enjoying the fact that this will be the last time i’ll have to be purposely funny for at least four games (imagine if the panthers swept the leafs... now that would be funny). last night, the devils defeated the rangers in game 7, making me immensely happy and saving the bragging ambitions of several participants. let’s see how the numbers are sitting today.
66 points
Jack I will pay you to get a mullet (@puck--off) - i want to know who put a banana peel on the ice for jack to slip on yesterday
Hughes line is it anyway? (@natashastarkk) - i’m out of lines from the “two-line vocabulary” skit
more hairy men (abby) - yesterday i saw an ad for beard dye (?) with joe thornton. it was weird. 
59 points
Chaos mode (emily) - 🎵it’s the end of the world as we know it and i feel fiiiine🎵
56 points
raise hell or whatever (@dawson-mercer) - 🎵 hey wake it up! hey shake it ouuuut... does anything still move you since you’re educated now? 🎵
you know ;) (@nastybastian) - 🎵 all grown up, and traveled so well. do you still hear the sound of the thunder, while you lie up by yourself? 🎵
GOOD vibrations (ki) - i need to amend my previous statement: your bracket was once toast, but now it is charred and flaming and noah is roasting marshmallows over it
Hold me like a grudge - 🎵 the world is always spinning and i can’t keep up 🎵
53 points
the bringer of chaos (brett) - i think you should get a robe like pk subban
46 points
Djoker’s actual bracket - at this rate i think the “cruel hockey god persona” bracket might be doing better than this one is
hopelessly optimistic bruins fan (@patron-saint-of-boston-hockey) - your bracket also falls into the same “on fire for marshmallow roasting” category as ki’s
43 points
come on and raise up (@andreisvechnikov) - “from now on, we are enemies”
ready 2b dissapointed but not surprised (@morganfrost) - 2b? you sunk my battleship!
the commissioner is not supposed to win (me) - the lyrics in jayc and noah’s comments are from “howl” by the gaslight anthem, aka the devils goal song. i was humming it today.
36 points
battle of the matty b’s (@shea-theodore`) - love to see the kraken up 4-2 after one period
33 points
last season 69 points (@arsonandhockey) - if round two was decided by the mascots fighting, who would win? my bet’s on buoy
the head, the heart, and the himbos (@circle--of--confusion) - that outcome would help you, considering seattle is your lifeline right now
30 points
big advocate for naps (@turbolainen) - canes vs devils for round 2, who are you rooting for?
13 points
if the bruins don’t win don’t talk to m (AJ) - your total points is 38. thirty -ight! that m-ans you can only g-t 25 mor- points at all!
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strangerwriter11607 · 4 years
“Riiiiinnnnngggggg” Friday’s final bell rings and I run to my locker, put my books away and grab my bag. This week has been horrible, all my friends hate me just because of some stupid argument over Stranger Things. But finally, it’s the weekend and my big brother is coming home from filming IT Chapter 2. None of my friends know about my brother Finn except one, my best friend Catherine. Catherine is special she’s always been there for me and it’s not really my fault she met Finn before he was famous and then after Stranger Things she just knew, but my family knows she wouldn’t tell anyone because if anyone found out that Finn Wolfhard was my brother I’d have to go to private school and everyone would start being fake to me. At school, my last name is Jolivet, my mum’s maiden name just so people connect the dots and find out. I step out of the school and see a huge group of people shouting and screaming. “What’s going on?” I ask someone nearby, “It’s Finn WOLFHARD! AHHHH!” they scream in my face causing me to fall to the ground. Everyone around me starts stepping on me and I start to cry. “FINN!” I shout, cry, I bring my knees to my face and just let the tears fall down my face. I hear everything go silent and look up to see Finn by my side. “Oh my god, are you okay?! What’s wrong?!” Finn says giving me a hug, “all of my friends are mad at me and hate me just because of some stupid argument about Stranger Things! I’m sick of it, I’m sick of you being famous and me having to just deal with it!” I shout at him shoving him away and running home. Finn just stands there looking at me with an emotionless face. “Hey Finn, can I get a picture with you?” one of my old friends asks, he obviously takes it. I start to get tired of running and slow down to walking. All I can think about is how I shouted at Finn, I feel sick and just want to go home. Finn’s car rolls up slowly next to me and he sticks his head out of the window. “Look Pip, just get in the car and I’ll drive you home.” he looks at me with sorry eyes and I feel horribly guilty but the anger just boils up inside of me. “Finn piss off! I hate you!” I just finished crying but now I feel ten times worse and the tears just start to run down. Flipping off Finn, I run all the way home and beat Finn to the front door. “Hey Pip, how was school?” mum asks me but I don’t listen, I just run to my room and slam the door. Laying down on my bed I look up and see my poster from my brother’s interview magazine photoshoot. There’s a quiet knock on my door and I get up and open it, coming face to face with Finn. “Can I come in?” he calmly asks, I nod but I am horribly embarrassed about how I yelled at him and practically told everyone in my school that we are related. He walks up to my bed and sits down, I sit next to him. He looks around my room and points to my little area assigned to him, this includes POP figures of Richie and Mike, magazines with him in them and posters. “D-did you make this?” he asks “y-yeah. I like your stuff like your movies and things.” I look down at the ground embarrassed. He walks over to the shrine and looks at the pictures. Finn picks up three framed pictures and brings them to me. “Why these pictures in particular?” he whispers, putting his arm around my shoulders. “I like these ones the most. The first one is funny, I like the thing you’re doing with your fingers like the wolf ears you know? Like Wolf, Wolfhard? I think it’s cool. The second one is from when you were in Calpurnia and dyed your hair reddish-purple, you looked good with that colour. The last one I like is your hat and you have a mullet, you look horrible with it but it’s really funny.” I laugh, “Cool! It was fun when I dyed my hair. Everyone thought that it looked bad but I liked it.” he smiles hugging me. “I’m so sorry about yelling at you. All my friends were arguing about Stranger Things and how season 3 was horrible and Mary and Izzy said Noah was so hot and how you were a bad actor and that you were ugly and your clothing style was gross and that you sucked at singing. I stood
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