#(panam can't be kissed)
sansevierias · 1 year
the real reason why V doesn’t kiss kerry on the balcony in the sun ending is bcs V didn’t brush his fucking teeth.
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iamcuziam · 7 months
I hate that love interests you can't be with turn into overly affectionate besties.
Like with Kerry and Panam, they give off the energy like they're questioning their sexuality femV. Just for Kerry to almost kiss her multiple times. Just for Panam to stop just short of the big "what are we" questions. Like ffs lemme have them. River and Judy aren't my type at all.
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johndhu · 8 months
Black Tie (Panam x MascV)
V waits outside their tent wearing the suit from the Konpeki Plaza job. Ocasional sounds of rustling cloth and struggling come from inside.
V: ...You okay?
Panam: Shit! Working on it!
V: *Smiles and shakes head*
Panam: Uuugh...why are we doing this?
V: This job was your idea.
Panam: Yes! The job was! The method was yours!
V: The only time that corpo bastard let's go of that briefcase is at parties. Only way in is through the front door.
Panam: And we couldn't go in as staff or something!?
V: Even Staff can't get into the back lounge. VIPs only.
Panam: *incoherent grumpy noises*
The tent flap opens, Panam emerges dressed to the 9s in a black dress. V is dumbstruck.
Panam: I fucking hate dresses. *notices his look* What? What is it?
V: *steps forward, takes her hip and kisses her* You look...gorgeous.
Panam: Ahm. *brushes hair, blushing like crazy, grinning ear to ear* ...c'mon. We're gonna be late.
V: Yes ma'am!
Panam: *trying to sound serious, failing* And wipe that grin off your face. You're my heartless bodyguard and assassin tonight, remember?
V: Of course, miss Devereau.
Panam: *grabs his collar, pulls him into a kiss* And if we pull it off, mister Dufrane, I might just get a little scandalous with my loyal hired killer.
V: *grinning like the gonk he kind of is* Now thats what I call motivation.
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pinkyjulien · 9 months
So- I just had my first Phantom Liberty "ending"... 👁👄👁 I had a lot of thoughts, might be messy and long
⚠ Spoilers ahead, obviously!
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Holyshit. HGFHGHFH Where do I even START
I smelled it coming FROM MILES AWAY-- OF COURSE So Mi was somehow- tied to AI, tied to the blackwall, it SMELLED TOO STINKY FROM THE START! Holyshit
Going to share my live reactions that I had in my dev friend's DMS cause those were the raw reactions ghfhgf
I took Reed's side during the Kurt meeting
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Of COURSE it would go to shit tho like- man OF COURSEEE she would know...
The Kurt boss battle made me sweat, that man s'quick! AND THE MUSIC... Always felt like it was tied to the voodoo boys somehow? Tho the vibes makes sense, considering it's kind of theeee Blackwall theme-ish
When Reed talks about getting against MaxTac my jaw dropped like-- ARE YOU FOR REAL RIGHT NOW.......
Also special kudo for this lil thing here I was really happy
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Then came the battle against MaxTac- AND AGAIN... What a battle, I legit can't say right now which big fight I prefered outta the whole EP cause they were all so good
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The game SLOWLY BUT SURELY got more and more spooky, into straight up TERRIFYING, I did NOT expect that at all, holyfuck!
And it worked SO WELL TOO, of COURSE anything tied to the blackwall would be horrifying
I LOVE horror- horror movie, horror games... But I don't like playing them 🤠✋ Because I'm a lil pussy HGFH who jump, who look away, who let go of the mouse when spooky thing happen
So LET ME TELL YOU When I started to grasp where the game was heading, I shat myself full time
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Everything was PERFECT... The vibes, the lights, the set up, the sound design- the music, the different scenes/memories triggering over the place as you progress, just- fucking CHEF KISS
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When I thought it couldn't get any better, any spookier- the game kept on delivering, somehow
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It got really dark, stressful, gory, haunting
I decided to kill So Mi at the end
Seeing moments of So Mi's past, of how she got there- it was hard to not feel for her, even tho I never really trusted her, too many red flags and manipulation, V was just a token in achieving what she wanted, just like Myers was, just like Kurt was. But she didn't deserves to be kept as a pupet, a tool
The ride with Reed made me feel really numb, and so did the talk with Myers. Sittin with Reed and watchin him walk off in the distance....
I feel empty ghfhgf that one ending didn't felt satisfying at all- BUT I don't mean it in a bad way!! I like it, I think this was supposed to feel like this! So Mi is dead, whatever hope you had to deal with the Relic died with her, Reed wanted to save her, Myers NEEDED her alive- it's a miracle V can even walk it off freely even
-bear with me here as I'm gathering my thoughts as I type everything-
Little tidbits now, I didn't played through all of the new gigs either, so I'm going back to do these, as well as try all the other endings!
Sadly as expected, not a lot- if anything- new for us nomads lover 😞 I liked the cameo of Panam and Carol, sending Paco and Babs to the Aldecaldos to get out of DTown felt comfy too, as well as all the dialogue options! It felt nice to get those opportunities to bring our past! And we did get some crumbs of interesting lore
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God and like- what I like the most in games are the Characters, and PL is up there with some amazing peeps! I'll try to rank them from most to least liked
Starting with Alex, probably my favorite of the 5 main! There were a lot of good moment with her, she felt the most... genuine? Might be naive, but I love good hearted, honest characters, and she felt the more "human" out of the bunch even if she did and does horrible things
Second place comes Kurt, man knows what he want and how to get it, can respect that. Wished we could learn more on him actually, maybe I missed a lot of content
Reed was interesting, too secretive for my taste- and that's normal duh he's a spy, but as expected I didn't felt too connected ( and just to be CRYSTAL CLEAR, that doesn't mean he's a bad character! Not vibing with a character doesn't mean they're badly writen or built)
SongBird started off STRONG at the top of my list, but the more she sugarcoated and smooth-talked V into helped her, the more a lot of red flags started to pop. Lot of lines reminded me of similar convo I had IRL with people that turned out to be shitty, so it send off alarms in my head 💀 NOPE...
and finally Myers, who I never trusted and rightfully so
All of them are incredible characters, made me parano on who to trust, who to believe
All of the minor NPCs are so memorable too? I absolutly loved Slider, the voodooboy dude? His design was insane! Loved meeting all of the different peeps during Kurt's party too, and LIZZY'S CONCERT??? AYO... Was simply incredible
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This getting PRETTY LOOOONG I'll stop right here but yeah, raw thoughts after 3 days/nights of non stop playing 😩✋ UGGH...
Fucking love this game man. You can really see CDPR took their time with it, fucking nailed it too... Letting go of the last console gen was a good choice, Dogtown is gorgeous, all the visual effects are breathtaking--
I gotta STOP TALKING LMAO. ALRIGHT Back to it I go
AND. I will definitely rollback to a pre-PL save and continue the vanilla content, cause I feel like doing PL just before meeting Hanako gives a lot of interesting options :3
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nerendus · 7 months
Probably my biggest complaint about Cyberpunk 2077 is the romance system. I really don't want it to be as ~realistic~ as it is, I think all of the romance options should be bisexual (or at least make an exception to V) and not be anywhere near as convoluted as one of them can be—Panam, my love, I love you so dearly even though you don't like women, but please, why are all the requirements to kiss you so strict and annoying.
Female V probably gets the worst cards. I love Judy, she's the light of my life, and I don't know who the dude is other than he's a cop and I don't think I could ever fuck a man like that. Male V gets Panam and a silly little queer dude. More dirt to the wound would be just how...romantic some of the encounters with Panam is even if you can't date her, it's like the universe is purposefully making fun of women who want to date to kick ass nomad.
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corpocookie · 1 year
pls i hunger:
Memories! Love to write them, love to take them away from V xD
🍙 - Goro Takemura:
"Sometimes I wish to become a nomad. To leave this world, forget everything." "Sounds nice, but…" It was her dream, too. To see horizons, blurred with speed and clouds of dust, to ride 'till her optics were bleached by the sun. A bittersweet smile spread V's lips as she realized this dream was nigh unachievable, unfathomable for someone like them. "You can't have this freedom," she thinks. "We've made our beds, Goro." "That is true." They gazed at each other with a silent understanding. "D'you believe in reincarnation, Goro?" "Reincarnation is just as likely to be true as that cat is to be a bakeneko," he glances at the furless cat. It peered at him. "I suppose we can be nomads in our next life then." "You, too, wish to be a nomad?" V lightly nodded, "Realized that after I met Panam. Even though she's scorned her family, they still came to help her. And Goro," she sighs, "should've heard the thunder of an entire clan riding out." "How did it feel?" He asks, surprisingly awe-struck. "Like nothing can stop them."
🚙- Panam Palmer:
"We should take the bikes," Panam says with gritted teeth. Scorpion just died and she won't let that go. V hops over one, relizing how different an Aldecaldo motorcycle is. Her Kusanagi was sleek, made to be fast and nimble, and this... this was a sturdier bike that was built to endure. The engine was still warm, just like their corpses. Before long, they leeave behind contrails of dust. V glanced at Panam. The sun is in her eyes but she does not care, speeding up through the rocky terrain as if it was a flat street. "Scorpion said I would hate Night City." "He knew you that well?" V barely kept up, thanks to some semblance of expertise in riding a motorcycle. "Probably better than I know myself. He said when I'd had enough of the city, we would stock up on canned kibble… Fill a couple of thermoses with coffee and whiskey, and hit the road. He said we would get away from it all." V finds herself wanting the same. The image is like a sour candy on her tongue, but at it's core is a sugary-sweet desire. Perhaps she and Panam had more in common after all.
🔮- Misty Olszewski:
"Well, since you guys picked such a gorgeous deck for me, how about we do a reading?" Jackie leaned on the counter. "I don't need to get a reading from you, 'cause I know we''re The Lovers." Misty chuckles and kisses his forehead to hide her blush. "Alright, alright. What about you, V?" "What kinda reading are we talking about?" "Did you know each person has two governing Major Arcana cards as their birthcards?" "What does that mean?" Misty smiles. "Basically your entire life's vibes." "Whoa, okay. How many of them are there?" "Just two. Ah, crap, I forgot," she devilishly smiles. "When was V's birthday, Jackie?" Jackie straightens up and looks at V, who in turn cocks an eyebrow at her best friend. "Third of July, twenty-fourty-nine." Misty scribbles the numbers on a piece of paper and does some math. "Your cards are..." her face turns sallow. "The Tower and The Chariot." V knew of The Tower, and that it was a shit omen. Figures that her life be dictated by crumbling stones after she got fired. "Know that The Tower's bad, but The Chariot? What's up with that?" Misty searches for the cards and pulls them out side by side, so V can see them. "The Tower isn't truly as bad as they say, just... it's like..." she stumbles, "imagine living your life with a blindfold. All you know is the illusion of darkness it creates. The Tower is the event that removes that blindfold, and it can be scary, traumatizing even. But your life will have improved for it." "Sheesh," Jackie says, a little bit unnerved. "The Chariot," Misty continues, "is a card of choices. A bifurcation of the roads ahead of you. The charioteer steers two sphynxes: they can represent desire, willpower, ambition, but also aggression and indiscipline. To control both is to keep a balanced path, but at times one of the sphynxes pulls harder. It's your choice which one it is, but remember: lose control of it, and the chariot gets sent stumbling."
🥢- Jackie Welles
"That'll be it, Jackie," V heaves. "Just lost control of my life." "I'd say you just got it back," Jackie pulls her into his life.
How wrong he was. The jobs, the shootouts, the grind to live another day. All her implants were gone, netrunner gear fried 'cause it got caught in the crossfire when Arasaka pulled the plugs. Now all she had was a good ol' Desert Eagle to see the night through. The days bled into each other and Jackie seemed none the wiser to her struggle, but perhaps she hid it too well. "Or maybe he knows, and he secretly loves that another corpo got the boot," and intrusive thought bleeds into her despair. "Karma or some shit, for all those 'saka jobs I pulled him into. Think the germans called it Schadenfreude."
It was all downhill from there.
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neon-pink-witch · 2 years
You're the resident Johnnyologist so I'm seeking at your expertise. I'm soooo confused on how V's supposed to feel/see Johnny. Is it like Ryuk from Death Note, where they can easily visualize him anywhere around him but he can't physically do anything to other people? Or is he some kind of ghost that can possess V? He can hurt V by hitting them against glass, but he can't stop them from falling over or from getting robbed during that one braindance mission...
A few things before I answer this. Being called the resident "Johnnyologist" made me extremely happy so thank you so much.
Second, I've never seen Death Note but I know roughly what you mean by that. I know, I know, I would love it, its on my list.
I honestly can't remember if they really explain this fully in canon so if this sounds wrong or off that's why. My theory is V being able to see Johnny is a form of psychosis. The Relic is writing V's brain and just wrecking havoc on their mental state even if V doesn't openly show it. We know from both the game and the anime that too much cyberwear will make you go fucking crazy. However we've also seen that the Relic isn't going to let V just drop dead so easy. When you mind is breaking apart slowly due to it being rewritten to match another person's mind then I wouldn't be surprised that V would be seeing shit.
But that doesn't explain why Johnny was able to touch V. As far as we know he can't touch or interact with anyone other than V(minus that one weird time the little fucker pulled up a chair but I'm chalking that up to V seeing shit as well). One thing I've seen a lot fanfic writer say and use to explain why Johnny can touch V is that he isn't really touching them. Not in a sense of like what you and I can do if touch something. It's more so of V's body responding as if its being touched due to Johnny overwriting everything. V's brain sees Johnny as real. Because of this if Johnny were to bash V's head into the window or passionately kiss them V's body is going to feel it because of the process of the Relic rewriting them. In short, V is slowly going crazy and their body is responding as if Johnny is a flesh and blood person because V's brain views him as such even if V's mind doesn't.
Johnny can't pocess V in the same way a ghost can per say. With ghost possession its an outside force taking over ones body, mind etc. With Johnny he's not an outside but an inside one. However, you could call it possession and I personally wouldn't disagree with that. I don't think Johnny or V , canonly, can really control (without pills) when Johnny can take control. The times we see him take over were during really bad Relic malfunctions where the walls between them start to break down.
When it comes to the braindance thing, the BD headset was spiked and we know from one of the missions with Panam that the Relic is affected by things jolting through V's cyberwear. I think the reason Johnny didn't help V when they got spiked was because he couldn't. It probably affected him too.
I hope this all makes sense XD my husband and I have talked about this a shit load but this is the first time I've ever tried to put this into writing XD
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kharonion · 1 year
For Soren: 🚙 +🩸🙏❕
and for Vikt: 🎤 +✨💕🌊
Ah, thank you! 😭💚 » CP77 TEXT CONVO ASKS «
Panam + 🩸 (hurt/wounded and needs help) — V. Punk. Haven't heard from you in a bit. You know I worry... — Sören? <_missed call_> — I'm... I'm here. Chip just... kicked my ass a bit. Heart's still going haywire, hard to stay awake. But I'm here. — If you aren't busy or nothin'... I, uh. I need a ride. Still super out of it, can't drive for shit. Need to go to sleep... — Where are you? — Pacifica. By the mall. — Hang tight, I'm on my way. And don't you fucking dare conk out before I get there. — No promises, Pan...
Panam + 🙏 (asking a favor) — Hey, Pan. Need a favor. — What now? — ... You know I can see you from here. :P — NO PEEKING! It's a special surprise! — Can you bug Mitch for a wrench or two? Blame me all you want if he nags. — Noted, punk. :* — Thank youuu! It'll be worth it, angel, I promise. :*
Panam + ❕ (your choice of topic) — Miss you, angel. :* — I am LITERALLY only a mile away. — As I said: Miss you, angel. :* — You're ridiculous, and I love you, punk. :*
Kerry + ✨ (celebration text) — Happy anniversary, pretty boy! :*:* — Oh, are we celebrating The Downfall of Seamurai now? — Why not?! It was a great night... in more than one sense. ;) — Not going to argue with that, darling. <3 — How should we honor the occasion? A repeat, perhaps? — VIKT!! Naughty boy... — It's like you read my goddamn mind. :* — Marina at 6? — Marina at 6. <3
Kerry + 💕 (after a spicy night) — Sorry I couldn't stay in. Fuckers scheduled the meeting early as shit. — Ah, the life of the grind. I felt your goodbye kiss this morning... and I REALLY had to stop myself from pulling you in for an encore. ;) — I'm proud that you didn't... as much as I would've loved that. <3 — Couldn't stop dreaming about it, either. Come home sooner, pretty boy! — Mmm, wish I could. Why don't you tell me about those dreams you had in the meantime? Make this meeting more... lively. Give me all the more reason to pounce on you when I get home. :*:* — Well, in that case... ;) :*
Kerry + 🌊 (venting about something) — Hey, Vikt. You busy? — Nah, stopping for coffee between meetings. What's on your mind, darling? — Louise emailed again. I mentioned how you were open to meeting the kids if they wanted to, and she... didn't really like that idea. — Of course she didn't. What did she say? — Nothing I haven't heard before. I guess it's mostly just... realizing how much I fucked up with 'em. I put Samurai before them, chose the band over my family. And now it's biting me in my ass. Too late to fix it. — Maybe she's right. About everything. — I can assure you she isn't. You've fucked up in the past, but what is it you always tell me? The past can't be changed; the future can be shaped. You're molding it into something better. She likes to mold your intentions against you, so, frankly, fuck her opinion. — Never forget that I'm tremendously proud of you. Always. — Have to go do boring manager shit, but we can talk more when I get home, if you need it. And, of course, you're due for a long kiss or two. <3 <3 — Thanks, Vikt. For everything. Love you, pretty boy. :* — And I you, darling. :* Want your usual treat when I get done? — You treat me too damn well... <3 — Never such a thing. Rest, relax, and I'll be home before you know it. <3
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lestatlioncunt · 2 years
is vesper friends with any of the other characters in the game? 👀👀
i'll start with vesper's ult bestie: panam. LISTEN. these two together have sooo much chemistry that (i think i wrote this same thing in a post once) if fenix wasn't a thing. if rogue wasn't a thing. then panam would be The Thing. i just think that they understand each other so well and that they find so much strenght and support in their relationship, like their personalities mix perfectly and that makes me SOB CRY because vesper didn't have any friends growing up and she's been alone a lot so just...the relationship she builds with panam..CHEF KISS. there's a lot of platonic love between them, i just think that having each other makes their life better. doesn't have to be a romantic relationship, they just need each other to be there :3
then there's viktor! i mean he's such a nice guy, a cool little man, just the perfect chill and collected influence that vesper needs in her life. also it's clear that they would form a bond over the fact that they both threw hands as life aspiration so they would often meet up to watch some matches, viktor could even give her a few advices!! also after jackie died they got sooo much closer because both lost such a precious friend and that loss only helped to bring them together even more
while i think of these two as like...you know The Besties it's also worth mentioning that vesper considers judy a close friend too :3 and well ofc jackie too but yea..you know how things went. WE ALL KNOW. also let me mention wakako too because to vesper she's like a grandma and they would meet up to play mahjong together (who says you can't be friends with your local fixer)
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edgepunk · 5 months
We share a very common Problem in the vanilla versions of the games we both like to play. Currently I'm...okay not just currently...but for a since after my first playthrough in CP77, I am still very miffed and beleaguered by the fact that I cannot shag/romance Panam as Fem V...while your current (and also possibly since the first time you played FONV), that you can't shag Benny as Male Courier in the vanilla game of FONV...
I hate how either character can't be bi and I hate how like...in each game...it's pretty apparent that like...they very very very much COULD BE AND SHOULD BE.
I need a drink...
RIGHT I was so upset that I can't kiss Panam as a girl lol she has mad bi energy. They should've given us at least ONE bi option, because of the small number of romances (not counting one time flings like Meredith Stout that you can "romance" regardless of V's gender)
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 years
ah the age old struggle of your brain choosing to fixate on minor npcs that have 0.1% content instead of the options you do have
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arcandoria · 2 years
It feels natural to ask: V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other) for Dante and Panam.
Thanks Ron!
Smut Headcanon Game +18 under the cut
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
Their first exchanged video actually comes from Panam: while fixing the Basilisk after the confrontation with the Raffens, she clears up any trace of their little adventure in the panzer, and can't help herself to save the images. It's not a state of the art BD like Judy can pull off, but it results on a very interesting tape.
She holds on to it for a good while, measuring if she should send it or not, but ultimately does at some high early morning hour (Resulting in Dante almost having to call off the job he was mid-way to because of it. He didn't, he's a professional! But boy that was a... hard night - pun intended).
It's difficult for him to figure out how to retribute that, as he's not that keen of making video recordings of himself solo. He asks Panam if she'd let him do some recording of his own, but that he wanted the result to be a surprise. She agrees, and eventually receives a late night video too:
Dante makes use of his premium implants to show her how's sex like from his point of view: where he looks before holding and kissing, how his eyes linger on the back of her neck and her collarbones, on the lines of her hips and her ass, everything he grabs or bites on - and of course, how he focuses a lot on her bouncing tits and himself disappearing inside her at every thrust if the position permits.
They end up pulling more of these, specially while he's still dealing with the biochip situation and isn't part of the Aldecaldos - but they do find ways to make use of it at the times they are apart.
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elluvians · 3 years
I love the characters in this game so much. I love Johnny with my whole heart. Panam? 10/10 would die for her. I still miss Jackie a lot. Takemura is just *chef's kiss*. And I just met River and went 😍 immediately. Can't wait to meet Kerry!
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johndhu · 5 months
Moar PanJuV thoughts...
So we can infer from their hangout scenes V is an early riser, Panam and Judy both tend to sleep in...
My God, the adorable wrestling that would ensue when V tries to wriggle out from in between then in the morning...
Panam and Judy holding hands across the middle and grumbling unhappily until V just gives up and lies back down, wearing down her will with lil butterfly kisses from both sides until she just can't take it and has to nestle in for another hour or so, Nibbles getting in on the game by curling up on top of the pile...
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"I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you,"
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It was nearing midnight when someone knocked on Severus’ door. He was tempted to just stay in bed and pretend to not be home, but the knocking continued, getting louder by the second. Severus grumbled under his breath, walking to the front door clad in only his panam bottoms.
“What!” Severus shouted as he threw the door open. He froze as he noticed Harry Potter standing at his door. Cheeks flushed with an obvious drunk blush.
“We need to talk,” Harry slurred, pushing past Severus and almost falling over as he did so.
“What do you want Potter?” Severus sighed closing the door and turning to face Potter.
“I can't keep denying this. I can't. I CAN'T!” Harry shouted, running a hand through his hair.
“What are you talking about?”
“I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you,” Harry exclaimed, causing Severus to freeze.
“You're drunk. You don't know what you're saying,” Severus waved off his statement. “Go home and rest Potter,” he dismissed Harry with a wave of his hand, turning to walk back upstairs.
“I'm not as drunk as you think I am,” Harry muttered. Severus paused, turning to face him. Harry held a small vial in his hands, and Severus knew what it was immediately. A sobering potion. “I meant what I said. I can't deny my feelings any longer,” he sighed sitting on Severus’ couch, head in his hands. “Merlin I know it's wrong, but it doesn't feel wrong. Everyone keeps telling me it's just a phase, just a stupid crush and that it will fade, but it's been a year. It's obviously not just a crush,”
Severus growled, stalking over to Harry, gripping his chin and forcing him to look at him. He knew he shouldn't do this, that he should just kick Potter out, but he couldn't. If Potter wasn't going to hide his feelings anymore than why should he?
“You're 25 now Potter, you can't let people tell you how to feel,” Severus growled again, watching as Potter's pupils dilated just a little more.
“Yeah?” He paused, licking his lips. “You're right,” Harry leaned forward, capturing Severus mouth in a list filled kiss. Absentmindedly Severus wondered how Potter- Harry- would feel if he knew that Severus had been doing the same thing, but now wasn't the time for words. Now was the time for action, for taking what was his.
(Thank you @anti-bright-places for this ask. I hope you like it)
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