#(remembers how after the cycle's done house will pretend like he wasn't sobbing for it just days before) everything is so awesome right now
marc--chilton · 5 months
mgv house!! okay so what if house is left alone in his & wilson’s apartment while wilson goes to a conference in another state, and something about being away from wilson for a longer period than normal mixed with a bad pain day triggers an early heat. he tries to ignore it for a day or so, since wilson had scheduled this so perfectly to line up with their cycles (which had synced and were due in like a week) BUT eventually he just Cannot Handle It so he calls wilson absolutely RABID with the need to be railed so hard he forgets his own name. cue wilson pacing a hotel room and trying to a) get a plane home asap, like calling around madly trying to find some way to get back to his omega. b) have desperate needy phone sex with house to try and help as much as he can from a distance and c) keep his own rut at bay which is becoming increasingly more difficult since he keeps hearing house whining and begging and pleading and whimpering about how desperately he needs to be knotted 🥰 pls also imagine what both of them would do the SECOND wilson opens the front door to their apartment. thank u for ur time
some omegas cycles aren't so bad, manageable with toys if an alpha isn't available, but house's heats are SO bad. he fevers, he aches, and the stress to his system aggravates his leg until he's in agony. the echo of his Doctor Brain telling him the endorphins will help; his hands shook so bad when he tried to take some vicodin he dropped the bottle out of his nest, and getting out of it when he feels that bad is unfathomable.
he still has the phone at his bedside, though. and even as miserable and stupid as he is, he still manages to call wilson. luckily wilson is his hotel room in vermont when he picks up because house's keening is more than audible to any would-be passerby. he hadn't even had a chance to snarkily greet him before house was whining these awful rattling breaths. it sets off alarms immediately. he knows those noises.
"it's your heat, isn't it?" a meek yeah tinged with pain is his answer.
but when he tries to hang up so he can call cuddy, house sobs. the resolve shatters instantly. so wilson instead calls cuddy with the room's phone with his cell close enough for house to pick up his voice but with his thumb over the speaker to muffle the sounds of an omega in distress.
at first, cuddy simply does not believe him. "he's probably just bored and trying to trick you. there's that saying, 'everyone lies'--"
and it swells something ugly and protective in his gut, just like every other time he has to defend house from her, or the board, or vogler, or tritter, or the fucking hundreds of other people that have the power to make house's life worse.
"you think i don't know my own omega?" he growls without thinking. a challenge is clear in his words, one alpha to another. later wilson would wince at his choice of words and nothing else.
the line crackles with cuddy's sigh after a few seconds of silence -- even house's muffled whining on the cell has dimmed. "dammit, wilson," she huffs wearily. "he's already pulling you down to his level. at this rate you'll be in full rut by tomorrow, just in time for your panel--"
"i know, lisa." wilson has to set his cell down to pinch the bridge of his nose before he snaps again. "but i need you to find me the next flight back. he needs me."
cuddy's tone is laced with something almost sad among the ire. "he always needs you, wilson. you owe me." then she hangs up.
he lets himself have a moment of composure only to realize house has been quiet. cautious, not unlike how he would approach house when he's in the throes of it in person, he puts the cell back up to his ear. house is saying something and sheets are rustling. "house? you still with me? i can't hear you."
the shifting gets louder -- did he drop the phone? -- and suddenly house is panting into the receiver, "yours... 'm yours, always..." and wilson is FLOORED at how he can almost smell the pheromones through the phone, can practically see house's pathetic attempts to grind into the bed when his leg is spasming.
it's so pitiful it makes wilson's heart clench and his slacks tight. "oh, honey...."
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lightininglydia · 4 years
Illicit Affairs - Rafe Cameron
Summary: after months of sneaking around with Rafe it was getting harder and harder for you to do
Based off the song by Taylor Swift
WC: 1.6 k
Warnings: cheating, mentions of sex, slight swearing
Pairing: slight John b x reader, John b x Sarah Cameron, Rafe Cameron x reader
You didn't mean for this to happen.... no one ever means for it to happen but you had noticed how he looked at her.
He looked at her as if she was the only thing in the world.... he used to look at you that way but over the years the sparkle in his eyes every time he looked at you dwindled until it no longer existed.
Sarah Cameron, the kook princess , was the only one he had eyes for. You knew, he knew it... hell everyone knew it. John B just didn't seem to have the heart to break up with you. He soon began lying to you and sneaking off and you had a funny suspicion he was going to see her but you didn't care and you most certainly couldn't be one to judge.... not when there was Rafe.
Rafe Cameron.... you never thought in a million years you would have ended up cheating on your long term boyfriend with him but one night at a kegger you had caught John B holding hands with Sarah and you couldn't bare to stand the sight so you found yourself walking along the beach.
It's born from just one single glance
Your eyes met Rafe's and from there it was nothing but a downward spiral and complete mess if you were being honest.
It had started so beautifully, the two of you confided in each other during your late night hotel visits and everything felt perfect. A part of you felt bad about cheating on John B but then you would remember he was doing the same thing.
Rafe made you feel things no one else ever had. The way he touched you set you body on fire and left you at a loss for words. What was supposed to be a one time thing quickly turned into more and you found yourself consumed by the boy.
It dies and it dies and it dies a million little times
The beauty of the relationship quickly faded however and what had started in beautiful rooms ended with meetings in parking lots... both of you craving one another and needing a quick fix.
You couldn't count how many times you had lied to your friends... using the lame excuse that you were going for a run so they wouldn't question when you came back slightly disheveled and flushed. You used the roads less traveled by so you wouldn't get caught sneaking off to meet Rafe.
You would tell yourself that you didn't need this.... that you wanted it and could stop anytime you wanted but the truth was you couldn't. Rafe was like a drug as he consumed every aspect of your life and always left you wanting more and more. You craved him more than you craved anything and you found yourself purposely doing things to gain his attention.
At parties you would look longingly at him hoping no one would catch you. No one ever did... at least that's what you thought but truth be told a few people had seen the way you looked at Rafe. One of them being Sarah Cameron, she slowly began piecing things together. She saw the stolen stares between the two of you as they revealed the truth of what was going on. She didn't dare say a word to John B.... she couldn't judge you when she had done the same.
The three of you found yourself in a cycle of cheating and secrets. Sarah was cheating on Topper, you were cheating on John B and John B was cheating on you. The three of you were too cowardly to gain up the courage to break things off so you would simply continue these affairs.
That's the thing about illicit affairs
Affairs.... you knew what John B and Sarah had was much more than an affair. You longed for it to be that way for you and Rafe but it wasn't that simple. These clandestine meetings were nothing but sex and therapy for Rafe.... he trusted you and enjoyed how he made you feel but that was it. He could never love you.
You on the other hand had fallen for him... it was so easy to fall for him when he looked at you in the way he did. The sad part of it all was that you knew you weren't special and that Rafe looked at every girl like that. You had seen it first hand at a party months before this all began.
Rafe Cameron gives you this one look and you're putty in his hands. You so desperately wished that you hadn't fallen for him and his tricks as it put you in the position you were in right now. You had gone so far to buy a perfume just for him... you never wore it anywhere else in case one of his friends recognized the scent you had left behind in his car.
Like you don't even exist
You would sneak out of your house, making sure no one saw you leave. Your hood would be up to disguise yourself as you made your way to where you and Rafe normally met up.
You saw his truck parked in a dark corner of the parking lot and made your way over, taking a deep breath as you pulled open the door and climbed in.
You didn't even have a second to breathe as the moment you shut the door his lips were attached to your neck. You fought back a moan as you tried to pull away. You couldn't do this anymore.... you couldn't pretend you weren't in love with him.
A drug that only worked the first few hundred times
You couldn't go on like this... lying to your friends, to John B... to your family. It had to stop and you were the only one that could stop it.
" Rafe " you breathed out trying to get his attention
" we have to hurry " he muttered as he leaned forward again but you just pulled back
" What's with you tonight ( Y/N ) " Rafe huffed as he sat back in his seat feeling frustrated with you
" I can't do this anymore " you whispered
" what do you mean you can't do this anymore? Is it guilt? Do you think John B feels guilty he's fucking my sister behind your back? Do you think he cares about you ? " Rafe spat, the harshness of his words making you cringe
" No... this isn't about John B it's about us Rafe " You sighed
" Us? ( Y/N ) there is no us " he said harshly causing you to scoff
" Then what's this Rafe? What are we doing? " You asked
" hooking up... i mean you're a kid ( Y/N )! You're barely 18 and I'm 21 almost 22.... there is no us " he spat as he looked over at you. He noticed the tears falling down your face and in return his face softened. He didn't mean to make you cry in fact he didn’t ever want to make you cry. While he meant what he said a part of him still cared for you and didn’t want to see you walk out of this hurt.... that however seemed impossible at this point.
" Baby- " he started but you cut him off
" no don't do that Rafe! Don’t call me kid, don't call me baby! I mean look at me! I'm a mess oh my god I cheated on my boyfriend I've been lying to my friends and family just to be some meaningless hook up to you? " you exclaimed as you fought back tears
You showed me colours you know I can't see with anyone else
" ( Y/N ) you knew what you were signing up for! " he shouted feeling frustrated
Don't call me kid, don't call me baby
" Look at this idiotic fool that you made me! I really thought I meant something to you... I'm so fucking stupid " you spat wanting nothing more than to get out of the car and run... run and never ever look back.
" no you know what this is just as much your fault! If you weren't so desperate for attention we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place " he said, voice filled with venom and you broke. You couldn’t stop the sobs from falling from your mouth.... you felt broken and used and like no one truly cared for you. Like you didn’t matter.
Rafe's face softened once again as he looked at you, feeling a pang in his chest knowing what he was doing wasn't right. He knew he was using you for his own selfish needs because he didn't need to put up a front with you. He could be himself and you still wanted him but he didn't want you, not like that at least.
You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else
You didn't know what to do when he reached over and wrapped his arms around you. He whispered apologies in your ears, promising to do better. You knew that was lie... the two of you were stuck in a cycle that neither one of you dared to break. Both replying on each other for something. You also knew that you would never stop.... as long as he was willing to do this you would do it. You would let him string you along for as long as he wanted to... you would let him use you until there was nothing left to use. You knew it and he knew it.
You know damn well for you I would ruin myself
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