#(remus is creative  in the the way science has art to it... but none of it's particularly pretty or always intelligible)
Thinking about neurotypes again and about Gymrat!Remus.
Unlike Roman, he never had problems with dyscalculia (or any specific skill associated with that challenge.) In fact he excelled in those arenas - so picking up STEM knowledge was pretty easy for him.
But a few of his challenges that were more of a problem than his brother were...
Alexithymia - he’s shit at properly identifying his (and other people’s) emotional states (especially in the moment) and even though he has more vocab and supportive company to help him out here. It’s kinda like having Kid!Me learn how to finally read analog clocks without getting completely stumped/frustrated (it takes time and probably a bit more processing power than someone who doesn’t have any issues in the numbers arena.)
Which is wrapped up in stuff like his incredibly bad impulse control and interpersonal skills. He’s not a total monster in this AU, but it usually takes the consequences to hit either him or other people to realize he probably fucked up. (See: the whole AXE Body Spray incident in HS - realizing he aggravated the health of kids like Janus with that stunt.)
This also even more exacerbated by the fact that his gifts made him excel enough in coursework to be chronically under-stimulated and bored. He had a longer leash than Roman did just because of the gifted parts being more “conventionally respectable“, but absolutely inadequate help for the rest of his problems.
(And Esteban probably just  thought a lot of this shit was a phase Remus might outgrow, thinking Remus had no excuse whatsoever. Aaand probably some notions that makes it generally harder for AFAB people to get accurately screened for developmental concerns, anyways. He slipped through the cracks.)
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If you’re taking requests, might I suggest Remus who is told by the others that he’s almost certainly neurodivergent (you decide how) and denying it? Maybe Ro’s all “it’s ok I’m the same way” so Remus can try to be “better” than his bro but ultimately crash into burnout
I hope this lives up to expectations!
Different Can Be Beautiful. 
Word Count: 3,363
Remus sat on the couch, trying to focus on the movie Roman had picked. It was an interesting one, he was just restless. He didn’t fiddle with his hands. He didn’t bite his nails. He didn’t wiggle, bounce, flap his hands, or crawl down to the floor and color. He sat there and tried to focus on the activity everyone else was so engaged in. He didn’t know why it was so hard to sit still for long periods of time, it just was.
He looked over at his twin. Roman had no difficulty sitting this long. He didn’t need to have his hands busy or constantly look at something else. He was always good. Remus just didn’t get it. Why did Roman get to be able to be normal while Remus got called weird and creepy. Nobody wanted to be friends with him but everyone wanted to be friends with Roman. It wasn’t fair.
He shook his head slightly, turning his attention back to the movie. Why did his thoughts have to wander off like that? He tried to focus on the television. Focus, focus, focus, focus, focus. Soon, he was focusing on the act of focusing so much that he didn’t notice when their dad, Patton, walked into the room. He only noticed when Roman shook his shoulder, jerking him out of the thought to focus.
“Remus, dinner.” Roman said as he moved into the dining room.
Remus nodded, getting up to go wash his hands first. He noticed the way the light glinted off the mirror and stared at it until Patton came into the bathroom. “Remus, turn off the water. Your food is getting cold.”
Remus looked down to see the water still running. “Sorry, Dad.”
Patton sighed. “It’s alright, kiddo. Let’s just go eat.”
When he got to the table, he noticed it was a baked potato bar with green beans. He groaned. He really hated green beans. He didn’t know why. Maybe it was the way they sounded like rubber while being chewed, maybe it was the slimy feeling of them in his mouth, maybe it was the taste that he couldn’t stand, maybe it was how they were the color of puke. Normally, he found puke funny or interesting, but food should not be puke colored.
He slid into his seat, and, when the other two weren’t looking, tried to slide his green beans onto Roman’s plate. He loved green beans, let him have them. Roman noticed what he was doing before he could get any on the plate. “Remus, eat your own food. I’m not eating it for you.”
Patton looked over at them. “Remus, could we not, tonight?”
Remus sullenly choked down the slimy rubber tubes of death, hating every second of it. He didn’t see why Roman got to get out of eating things he didn’t like, like mushrooms, but Remus had to eat the things he didn’t like.
They went to bed that night, Remus avoiding the itchy set of nightclothes that made him want to scratch his skin off. The next morning, they were off to school. As Patton dropped them off, he called to Roman out the window. “Roman, don’t forget that you have an appointment with Dr. Picani after school.”
Roman held up a hand in acknowledgement as they walked into the building. Remus made a beeline for his locker, meeting up with his best friend, Virgil. They high-fived as they opened their adjacent lockers.
“Anything you wanna talk about?” Virgil asked as he always did at the beginning of the week.
Remus stopped himself from bouncing on his toes in joy at being asked. “Did you know that goats have rectangular pupils?” He proceeded to ramble about the interesting bits of goats for the next few minutes as they walked to their first class together.
During the class, history, Remus tried to pay attention, even took notes. It didn’t matter that it was only middle school and the lecture probably had nothing to do with the reading for the day, he needed his hands busy. He felt better after being able to keep his hands and eyes busy while keeping his ears busy at the same time.
On their way to the next class, Virgil rambled about aliens and spaceships and Remus tried to listen but found his thoughts wandering yet again. He tried to compensate for it by asking questions that summed up whe general idea of what he was saying. 
In math class, Remus wanted to sink through the floor and die. His teacher gave him a sharp look over his glasses. “Remus, I assume this paper is yours. It’s the only one without a name. It also has many problems half finished or not even started. I expected better from you.”
Remus nodded meekly as he took the page from him. “Sorry, Mr. Crofters. I’ll do better, I promise.”
Logan smiled at him, pushing his glasses back in place. “I’m counting on it, Remus.”
Remus sat at his desk and really tried to focus on the next worksheet. He made sure to put his name on it, rewriting it multiple times when it wasn’t legible or just looked wrong. He started the worksheet, not letting himself move on to the next question until the one he was on was done. Before he knew it, the class period was over. Looking down at his page, only half of the front was done. He slipped the paper into his bag, determined to work on it after school.
Remus’ English class was the worst. He forgot whole words and forgot to put in some letters in words in his last essay, making it less than satisfactory. In science, he didn’t understand the instructions from the teacher and none of his classmates would explain it to him. He wanted to cry but he didn’t, knowing he would be labeled a baby and that Roman would yell at him later for messing up his reputation. 
Remus wanted to bounce, to rub his arms, to bite his nails. He didn’t do any of those things, trying to be as still and attentive as possible. He tried to remember the good listening rules he learned in kindergarten. Ears listening, eyes focused on the speaker, hands in your lap, no wandering thoughts, no speaking over the speaker, and no moving his legs. This meant that he couldn’t swing his legs like he wanted to, couldn’t rub his hands on his arms like they itched to, couldn’t do a million other little things. 
Instead, he sat there and ruthlessly pulled his thoughts away from the bunny trails, focusing them on the teacher. By the end of science, he was frustrated. He had no idea what was going on no matter how hard he focused on the instructions, no one was willing to repeat the instructions to him, and the teacher was not having it today. 
By the time lunch rolled around, he was exhausted. He met back up with Virgil, leaning his head on his only friend’s shoulder as they sat at their table. Virgil looked around. “Where’s Roman? Doesn’t he usually at least walk in with you?’
Remus groaned. “Ro’s probably eating with the theater kids..” He sat up, pushing his food around. Virgil nudged him. “How was science?”
Remus groaned and went into another tirade over how stupid the subject was, even though it was usually his favorite, and how mean everyone else in the class is, shoveling bites of food into his mouth when Virgil paused him to ask a question.
Eventually, lunch was over and it was time for art. This was his second favorite subject as he got to play with a bunch of different colored things and let his creativity out. Today, it was painting. He wanted to use his fingers but got scolded the last time he did that so didn’t. Instead, he went for an abstract that represented his mood. It was a turbulent green with reds and purples and some shades of blue thrown in there. He called it ‘Frustration’. His teacher loved it.
While on the high of having done one thing right all day, he went to study hall, where he focused as hard as he could on the math page, determined to finish it before he left. While in study hall, someone was playing music that the teacher was making no effort to stop. Remus groaned as he couldn’t focus due to the noise. 
Suddenly, all the lights were too bright and he could hear them buzzing as if they were flies that were in his ear. The music was too loud. His palms felt like they were on fire, causing him to drop his pencil and move his hands, palm up, into his lap. He felt like crying as everything was suddenly too much to deal with at one. Raising his hand, he asked to go to the bathroom, trying not to sound like he was begging.
The teacher gave him a hall pass and told him to be quick. Almost running to the bathroom, he sat in one of the stalls with his eyes closed, just trying to get everything to go back to the way they were. He knew there was a limited amount of time that he was allowed to be in there but couldn’t remember how long it was. After a while of sitting there, he ran his hands under the faucet, turning the water as hot as he could. It helped just a bit. 
He felt calmer after that and went back to the classroom, focusing so hard on his math he didn’t notice the bell had rung until the teacher came over and told him to leave. He packed his bags, palms still feeling like they were on fire every time something touched them. At least he had managed to get the math sheet done. He would ask his dad to check it later.
As he made his way out, he hugged Virgil goodbye, not knowing if his hands could survive a high five. He slid into the back seat of Patton’s car while Roman hopped into the passenger seat. Patton adjusted the mirror to look at Remus, noticing the pain in his eyes and the way he held his hands at his sides. “Remus, are you doing okay?” His voice was laced with concern but it was too loud and too sudden, causing the preteen to jump.
“Yeah, Dad. I’m fine.” He didn’t see Roman struggling not to cry, didn’t see him cradling burning skin, didn’t see him being anything but his normal self as he regaled Patton with tales of his day.
The drive was silent on Remus’ end as he tried to get a grip on himself, telling himself he needed to follow Roman’s example and be normal. Roman was giddy as he talked about his day, waving his hands animatedly as he talked and bouncing in his seat a little. Before Remus knew it, the car stopped moving as Patton turned the engines off.
“Remus. Remus!” Remus looked up to see his dad’s face turned to look at him. Looking out the window, he saw the doctor’s office instead of the house. Right. Roman’s appointment for something or the other. “You have to get out, Remus. It’s going to be too long to leave you in the car.”
Remus nodded, hopping out to join his brother on the pavement. The trio walked into the building, Remus immediately going to sit in the waiting room and pulling out a book he was supposed to be reading for English. Roman and Patton went up to the front desk, signing in and almost immediately being told that Dr. Picani would be with them shortly. They went to sit on either side of Remus as he tried to concentrate on the book. Honestly, it was really interesting and he had been waiting all semester to read it. But right now, he was exhausted after the day he’d had and the office had too many distracting things.
After a few minutes, the door leading to the back room opened and a pink-haired man in a tan sweater with a white button up shirt and blue tie underneath walked out. He took one look at the almost empty waiting room and smiled. “You should be my last clients of the day. Come on back.”
Patton and the twins stood and followed him back to a toy filled room. Remus looked around a bit before sitting in the corner of the couch, tring to make himself as small as possible with his hands in his lap, still burning.
The pink-haired man sat in the chair opposite the couch as Patton sat between the boys. “So, who am I seeing today?” His eyes were trained on Remus.
Patton patted Roman’s knee. “This one. He’s needing a refill of his ADHD medication.”
The man, Dr. Picani, nodded. “I see, and what does he take?”
“Uh, Adderall.”
The doctor took a note. “I see. Is the other boy here for anything?”
Patton shook his head. ‘Nope, he’s fit as a fiddle.”
The man frowned. “May I speak with you outside for a minute?”
Patton nodded and followed them out. Remus was tempted to swing his legs but noticed that Roman wasn’t and was determined to be better behaved than he was.
The adults talked for a while outside. Remus pulled the book back out and tried to concentrate on it but kept getting distracted by all the toys and figurines in the room. Eventually, they came back in and the man sat back down, looking at Remus. 
“Remus, was it?” He asked, his voice kind. 
Remus nodded. “Yes, sir.” He knew adults liked it when they got a verbal response. 
The man smiled. “My name is Emile Picani. Would you mind coming with me for a bit? I just want you to take a test.”
Remus looked at his dad, who nodded and smiled encouragingly. Roman put a hand toward Remus. “Do you want me to hold your book?”
Remus nodded and handed it over before standing to follow the doctor. The man led him down the hall to a quiet room. He sat him down at a desk and started up the computer in front of it. He clicked through some files, getting to one that read, ‘ADHD test’.
“Okay, Remus, I want you to take this test. There is no rush, feel free to take as long as you need to. I’ll be in the chair over there,” he pointed to a seat across the room, “let me know if you don’t understand anything or need any help, okay?”
Remus nodded. He filled in the slots that asked for his age and gender. He got to one that asked if he was ‘newly diagnosed’ he didn’t know what that meant so hit ‘yes’. He answered as many questions as he could on a scale of ‘never’ to ‘often’. He tried to give an honest answer but some of the questions he had to think about as many of the situations described he was able to hold himself back from doing the activity. He answered honestly, for the situations where he even wanted to do it, he answered as if he did it. 
When he was finished, the screen said to wait while it was loading. He looked over at Dr. Picani, who seemed to be watching him as he took the test. The doctor stood, coming to stand behind Remus’ chair to wait for the results. Remus didn’t know what to make of the numbers and big words in front of him but the doctor sure did as he made a noise.
Remus looked up at him. “Is that good or bad?”
He smiled down at the boy. “That depends on what you define as good or bad. Is it good that these results are positive? Maybe. Is it good that we are now aware of this and capable of helping you with this? Yes.” He held out a hand. “How about we get back to the family while we talk, okay?’
Remus nodded but stared at the hand. He looked down at his own palms. They seemed to have cooled down while he took the test as they didn’t feel like they were on fire anymore. He reached up and took the hand, sliding out of the chair to follow Dr. Picani down the hall. They got back to the room with Patton and Roman in it and Remus went to sit on the couch.
“Mr. Sanders, it appears my suspicions were correct. Remus also has ADHD, just as Roman does.” Dr. Picani said.
Patton put an arm around Remus. “How is that possible? He’s nothing like how Roman was when he was first diagnosed? He’s always been so quiet and calm.”
The doctor nodded. “It seems that your son may have been hiding his symptoms.”
“Why would he do that?”
“I can’t say. You’ll have to ask him later. For now, how about we discuss getting him a starting dose of Adderall, the same as Roman’s.”
The adults talked as Remus looked at his brother. He didn’t know if the medication they were discussing was what helped Roman stay so calm, but he wasn’t sure he wanted it. What if it made him boring and dull? Worse, what if it changed him to the point that Virgil didn’t want to be friends with him anymore? 
“Remus?” He tuned back in to hear the doctor call his name.
“Yes, sir?”
“I just wanted to explain what is going on with you and what the medicine is going to help with. You have something called ADHD. This stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. A fancy way of saying that you have a hard time concentrating on one thing sometimes or can’t stop concentrating on the thing other times. This also means that you have a hard time sitting still when you want to move around. From what your father has told me, you’ve done an amazing job managing to sit still, but you shouldn’t have to do that anymore. You won’t have to force yourself to be still and quiet or force yourself to focus anymore. The medicine will help you with that.
“You also have to realize that this means that some actions you do are part of this and are okay. Sometimes, you might want to make weird noises, or rub your arms, bite something, flap your hands, or spin around a lot. These things are perfectly normal for you and are okay to do. If you aren’t comfortable doing those things in public, your father or I can help you think of other ways to get out the energy. Do you understand?’
Remus nodded as all the pieces fell into place. He wasn’t broken but the way he had been handling it had been bad. “Is that why I felt like crying earlier today? Is that why my palms felt like they were on fire?”
The doctor nodded. “Yes. You experienced sensory overload combined with, probably, a meltdown. This should help with that as well.”
Remus nodded and smiled. “Okay.”
A few months later, Remus was back on the couch watching a movie, only this time, he was coloring while he did it. Roman came out of the kitchen with a glass of water in hand. “Dad, we’re getting low on meds. Might need to make another appointment.”
“Got it, Kiddo.” Their dad called back from the dining room.
Roman sat next to Remus. “Whatcha drawing?”
Remus smiled and held up a picture of his latest hyperfixation: Frogs. “Frogs!” He gleefully shouted.
Roman smiled, picking up a piece of paper to draw boats, his own hyperfixation. They sat there with each other as Aladdin played in the background. They were content, Remus sometimes flapping his hand in pleasure and Roman wiggling when it got to his favorite parts. Patton stopped in the doorway to watch his boys for a minute. He was happy that they were content with their lives and happy that they were healthy.
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lefaystrent · 5 years
Could you write a short story where Virgil is out at a store, Deceit and Remus spot him. Virgil is like F social interaction. Then is only rude because he really didn't feel like being noticed by people who recognize him. (Patton could be another costumer, Roman a cashier who is working there when not acting, Logan getting supplies for a science class at school)
A Storm Rolled into Town
Fandom: Thomas Sanders,Sanders Sides
Pairings: none
Summary: It’s not likeVirgil meant to become famous anyway. It just sorta happened. And now he’sshopping in some small-town mom-and-pop store on a weekday morning. Despitewearing the hood of his jacket up and perhaps looking the more conspicuous forit, he can sense that someone somewhere in this store is watching him.
Word Count: 2150
Virgil Storm was born with eyes inthe back of his head.
Not literally. It was mostly justanxiety and paranoia working in tandem to create a 360° zone of caffeinated caution.A necessary skill when you became part of the famous crowd. All it took was onecrazy person with a knife screaming about how you’re meant to be together, andthen you’re fucking dead.
Not that Virgil had been assaultedby anyone.
He has had experiences witha couple of stalkers before that were quickly handled. It’s amazing how whenmore than a handful of people know your name and can buy your merch, theirsense of entitlement turns you into a thing to be owned.
It’s not like Virgil meant tobecome famous anyway. It just sorta happened.
And now he’s shopping in some small-townmom-and-pop store on a weekday morning. He had to make a pit-stop on his longdrive back home to Florida. Sure, he could have gotten home faster if he’dridden in a plane. He could also set this store on fire or go jump in a lakewhile strapped to an anvil. Doesn’t mean he’s going to.
The point is, Virgil is very awareof how famous he is, and despite wearing the hood of his jacket up and perhapslooking the more conspicuous for it, he can sense that someone somewhere inthis store is watching him.
Virgil glances down the aislebehind him, but there’s nothing. Again.
He lets out a huff of air andcontinues to peruse the candy section. He’s got a craving for something sour,but he’s not looking to get accosted here.
He swipes up a packet of gummy wormsand goes around to the chip rack next. Virgil subtly peeks around the store,noting the two guys manning the register counter. They look young, maybe aroundtwenty. They’re more talking and laughing rather than working. Other than them,there’s this one nerdy looking guy in a tie and glasses over by the stationary.The store seems empty otherwise.
Virgil picks up a large bag of sourcream ‘n onion and nearly screams when there’s a mustached face poking out inthe space left behind.
“Boo!” the man says.
“Fuck off!” Virgil growls andthrows the chip bag right at the face.
A series of snickers come back fromthe candy aisle that Virgil had just vacated. Pissed off and heart racing, hewhips his head around to see some guy in a bowler hat.
“I do believe the phrase ‘got you’fits this scene well,” Bowler Hat says.
“You didn’t ‘get’ anything,” Virgilhisses.
“Oh? So you didn’t just jump likeyou’d seen a ghost?”
“He definitely jumped, Dee! He evenpeed his pants!” Mustached Man cackled, coming out from behind the chip rack.
“I didn’t—” Virgil went to defendhimself but found it pointless. These guys just seemed like assholes. “Justleave me alone.”
“Oh poo, have some fun would you?”
“Now Remus, let’s not annoy him toomuch. Wouldn’t want him to storm out.”
He made it very clear that he knewVirgil’s last name. If the pointed pun didn’t say as much, the smarmy grin onBowler Hat’s face surely did.
Virgil tried not to show how muchthat got to him.
“So what? You know who I am. Bigdeal. Buzz off and let me shop in peace.” If these two kept harassing him orworse, Virgil could always threaten to call the cops. Then again, cops took afew minutes to respond, and it only took less than a second to die.
New plan. Virgil could throw downthe chip rack and then run for his life. And if that didn’t work, he carriedpepper spray on his person for a reason.
“What brings someone such asyourself to our neck of the woods?” Bowler Hat questioned, not leaving Virgilalone in the slightest.
Mustached Man jumped up beside hisfriend, leaning an arm against his shoulder to loudly whisper, “I bet he needsto hide a dead body!”
Virgil’s eye twitched. “Yeah,because that’s the only reasonable explanation, right?”
Mustached Man nodded in agreement. “Nothingelse to do around here.”
“It does get rather dull here,”Bowler Hat mused. He brushed his gloved fingers over his chin.
Seriously, who the hell were theseguys? And were they intentionally being low-key threatening? Perhaps not, butthat’s how they were coming across anyway.
“That’s nice.” Virgil smiled in away that showed his utter contempt. Better than showing his fear. “Now if you’redone bothering me, I’ve got things to buy.”
He would have liked something morethan just the gummy worms, but he no longer felt hungry enough to risk hislife.
Virgil walked away, his stepspicking up speed as he heard Mustached Man barking at him.
He was never stopping anywhere everagain.
Roman sat at the register counter,bored out of his mind.
“Patton, my loyal companion. Remindme why we’re here again?”
“Because we get paid to be here.”
“Ah.” Roman nodded, eyes narrowedin deep understanding.
Then he slumped over with a whimperingwhine. His head banged against the countertop.
“Awww, cheer up Ro-Ro! We’ve only gota few more hours left of our shift!”
“My shackled soul is unmoved byyour comfort. They are but mere words in the face of unforgiving oppression.”
“…so what you’re saying is that youneed a pun, right? Or maybe a hug. A combination of the two? A pug. Oh!Doggy!”
Roman snorted as Patton’s train ofthought derailed. He sat up to stare at his coworker and long-time friend.
He snapped his fingers. “Focus,Puffball.”
“Oh, right,” Patton said,refocusing. His expression became determined. “Go on and get all the angst out,kiddo. I’m all ears.”
“Retail suuuuuucks,” Roman concluded.“My creative spirit yearns for a place I can spread my wings and thrive! I ammeant for bigger and better stages. You see this face? You hear this voice? Alltoo good to be squandered away in Backwoodsville, Tennessee.”
“We don’t live in Tennessee.”
“My point is that I am a work ofart, and yet I am left collecting dust in grandma’s attic. It is a crime! Theuniverse should give me a break already.”
From the stationary aisle, afamiliar voice contributed to the conversation, “Perhaps if you put nearly asmuch effort into publicizing yourself to the entertainment community instead ofwhining, you wouldn’t be stuck where you are now.”
Roman slammed a hand on thecounter. “No one asked you, Microsoft Nerd!”
Logan smirked and resumed hisshopping. They knew each other of course. It was hard not to recognize everyonewhen you worked in one of the only stores in town. Plus all three of them hadgone to high school together.
Patton patted Roman’s shoulder insympathy. “I think what Logan’s trying to say is that you’ve got loads of potentialand I’m sure someone’s going to notice one day.”
“That is not what I said at all,but go off I guess,” Logan stated.
Roman flipped him off. Somehow, despitehis back turned to him, Logan must have sensed it and returned the gesture rightback to him.
Patton swatted at Roman’s hands. “Don’tbe ugly!”
“That’s impossible for someone likeme.” Roman grinned.
Patton sighed. “What am I going todo with you?”
“Love me, of course.”
Patton giggled.
“Hi,” a clipped voice cut in. Romantore his attention away from the agony of his life to regard the customer athis counter.
Roman hopped up from his seat andshifted flawlessly into his customer service spiel. “Hello! Ready to check out?”
“Yeah,” the man nodded, his hoodfalling back a bit at the movement.
Roman smiled. He recognized thejacket brand and was about to compliment the customer’s taste.
Their eyes met briefly and Roman’sheart exploded.
Virgil Storm.
Virgil freaking Storm was standingat his register counter.
No. No it couldn’t—
“That’s it,” Virgil Storm said,tossing a pack of sour gummy worms onto the counter. He briefly glanced overhis shoulder as if to look for something. He wasn’t really paying attention toRoman, so he didn’t catch being ogled.
Oh god, Virgil Storm was standingat his register. No matter how many times Roman looked, Virgil Stormstood there, and all Roman could do was ogle him.
Roman suddenly found the candypacket very interesting.
If he kept his head down, nothingbad would happen, right?
“Uh . . . that’s it,” Virgil saidagain, and Roman realized that he’d been standing there frozen.
Willing his limbs to unthaw, Romanmechanically reached for the candy and ran it over the scanner. A beep sounded,and with a stiff arm, he punched for the total.
“Your total is . . . a number.”
Roman couldn’t even look up farenough to check the screen. How could he? When one of his idols stood beforehim. He owned all of this man’s albums, for God’s sake!
“Yes,” Roman said, as if thatexplained everything.
“Okay . . .” Virgil said. Heshuffled, presumably getting his wallet out or something. Internally, Roman wasscreaming to Patton for help, but sadly his friend had never mastered telepathy.In fact, he had no idea what Patton was doing right now. He wasn’t sayinganything, that was for sure. Did he even recognize the celebrity in their storeright now?
“Here,” Virgil offered a five-dollarbill.
Roman blinked at it. Wasn’t VirgilStorm rich? Why was he using cash when he could use a card?
Carefully, lest he mess up andforever embarrass himself, Roman reached up and took the bill from him. Theirfingers weren’t even close to touching, but Roman still felt like he’d steppedon a live-wire, a shock racing through his system.
Roman had dreamed many a time ofcasually running into his idols. He imagined nearly daily of becoming likethem, of leaving his mark, of impressing those that he looked up to. He wouldbe suave and graceful and witty, a dazzling star in the making who would sweepthem off their feet.
Instead Roman hunched in on himselfand began to cry.
“Oh shit, are you okay?” VirgilStorm asked him, and that somehow made everything worse.
Roman covered his face with hishands and sniffled. “I’m just feeling a little emotional right now.”
How mortifying.
A hand rubbed at his back. “Sorry,he’s having a quarter-life crisis,” he heard Patton explain.
Roman threw up his arms,tear-streaked face be damned. “PATTON! That’s not why I’m crying.”
“It’s okay Ro, it happens to a lotof people. It’s nothing to be ashamed about.”
“I knew retail work was hell, butgeez,” Virgil commented.
Patton nodded in sympathy. “Hereally wants to be on Broadway someday.”
“Patton,” Roman gasped in admonishment.“You can’t just be telling V— telling people about my silly dreams.”
“Why’s it silly?” Patton asked. “You’reso talented! You’ll make it, I know you will. You’ve just gotta keep trying.”
This could not be happening rightnow. Roman wanted to curl up in the employee’s bathroom and die.
“Broadway, huh?” Virgil asked.
Screw going to the bathroom. Roman coulddie on the spot.
“Ridiculous, huh?” Roman tried tolaugh at himself. If he laughed at himself first, it’d hurt less when everyoneelse did.
Virgil shrugged. “Not really.Someone’s got to do it, right?”
No rejection.
Just a practical sense of hope.
Someone’s got to do it, and thatcould be him.
Roman blushed and gazed down at hisfeet. “Thank you . . .”
“No problem. Just uh, feel better Iguess.”
It was clear Virgil found this situationawkward but was trying to be considerate. For that, Roman was extremely grateful.
“Dee! Remus! What are you doing inhere? You know you’re banned!” Patton hollered, moving around the counter. Hehad his stern face on and a broom in hand. The two troublemakers would do wellto run while they still could.
They watched Patton chase Dee andRemus off.
“Does that happen a lot?” Virgilasked Roman.
“Only about every other day.”
Virgil didn’t say anything, soRoman went ahead and finished the transaction.
“Here’s your change,” Roman saidmeekly, handing the correct amount back to him.
“Thanks,” Virgil said, pocketingthe money. He picked up his gummy worms yet hesitated.
“Something else?” Roman wondered.
Virgil scratched the back of hishead. “To be honest, I wanted to get more stuff. But those guys were beingcreepy . . . But they’re gone now, so . . . would it be weird if I went to getmore stuff?”
Roman’s lips twitched up into asmile. “You didn’t judge me, so I’m not going to judge you.”
Virgil smirked. “Thanks.”
General Tag List: @spectralheartt @a-pastel-pan @notalwaysthevillian @rose-gold-roman @ijustrealizedhowdumbmynamewas @katie-the-noble-fangirl @yourroyalydramaticanxiousness @aroundofapplesauce @merlybird500 @beach-fan @jemthebookworm @whats-going-on-kiddos @randomsandersides @gamerfreddie @unring-this-bell @analogicallythinking @lilygold23 @levy-the-b00kw0rm @tacohippy56900 @accio-hufflepuff-power1 @just-another-rainbowblog @georganabanana @grey-says-heck @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @thesynysterunknown @idont-know-what-im-doing @idioticsky @fadingglowcloud @whizzie72 @theinvisiblespoon @greyyy523 @opaque-puppet @just-fic-me-up @wowimsogoddamnoriginal @sos-fandoms @loganeatsbooks @trust-is-overrated @theitalianalchemist @im-crunchie @mourning--star @4amanxiety @hogwarts-my-love @enby-phoenix @justanotherpurplebutterfly @internet-or-sleep @absolutesandersidestrash @seaspider10 @nonasficcollection @satanblessi @an-absolute-failure @analogical-mess @noisyeggpizzapatrol @hamilsandersfam @cefinitely-rolo @thgjclw @knight-shives @no-no-no-no-6 @savingshae @rabbitsartcorner @buddypallady @midnight-tragedyy @007ardra @fandomloverangel @dorkoverse @mirrorz-n-starz @idunnosong
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Note: Fics posted so far that are linked to ao3 are posted in my main account. Future Sanders Sides work will be posted here. 
My Art Masterpost (COMING SOON!)
Format: Title and Tumblr link//ao3 link//pairings//summary
The University Chronicles
ao3 link
Headcanon link
Pairing: Established married Logicality, Platonic Prinxiety, familial Analogical
A collection of oneshots, drabbles and everything in between exploring the lives of Professor Logan Hart, Mr Patton Hart, and Drs. Roman Prince and Virgil Sanders as friends (or maybe something more) and fellow faculty in the same university. Some told from their perspectives and some from others.
Alternatively, the Sanders Sides Academia AU nobody asked for.
ao3 link for the extended version
Pairing: Platonic LAMP, familial Sleepxiety and Thvi
After deciding to take a gap year, Virgil Sanders expected to enter his freshman year of college feeling anxious and out of place. But not if his childhood friends; Patton Hart, Roman Prince and Logan Croft have anything to say about it.
For The Core of Us fanzine on Tumblr.
UPDATE: Read Miles To Go, the remix written by @sparrow-flies-south
Dearly (Nearly) Departed
Pairing: Past Remy/OC and Past Patton/OC. Platonic Anxceit, Familial Sleepxiety and future Familial Moceit
Fear (n.): 1. Defined as an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger.
Virgil Sanders, aged nine, once read this entry in the library. His only response? A brief glance at the not-quite-human-anymore wailing near a bookshelf, (-peeling skin, spindly twitching claws, crawling across carpets-) and an attempt to cover the trembling of his fingers.
As the years pass by, the steady thrum of fear under his skin turn into a constant, albeit annoying, companion. Virgil only got better at hiding trembling fingers and pretending these spirits didn't exist. But after meeting Declan Janus and later, Patton Hart, Virgil would come to realize that maybe, just maybe, he needed to help the dead to help the living.
Or: Virgil inherits the ability to see the dead after the death of one of his fathers. A Mieruko-chan AU.
For the 2020 Ts BigBang
See This Ancient Riverbed
ao3 link
Pairings: Moceit
WARNINGS: Angst, Major character death
“One more time...I just need to do it over one… more time…Hold on everyone. I’ll get it right. I swear I'll get this right.”
They were a different type of friends, Patton knew that. Their time together never leads to everlasting happiness. But rather, to ruin, destruction and despair— to other people, to each other, and in some (many) instances, even the world.
But Patton, selfish as he is, wouldn’t stand to let everything fall into ruin without a fight. Not this time. And even if it takes tens, hundreds, or thousands of times, he’d do it over and over to give his friends the happy ending they deserved.
A Puella Magi Madoka Magica AU.
Old Traditions Bring New Friends
ao3 link
Pairings: Creativitwins, familial Analogical and future Intrulogical
Things are going good for Prince Remus of Himmelstadt. But as his twin would say, it could always be better. And nothing proved it more than when old traditions upheld by his father and their kingdom took a pleasant, surprising turn. The arrival of Princes Virgil and Logan from Fontaine brought something unexpected into his life. The ship from the Bastion of the North had, against all odds, brought him a friend.
For the TSS Fanworks Collective server Secret Santa
Part of the Job Description
ao3 link
Pairings: None. 
“Um. Oh, is it...Is it really okay?” She asked, cautiously. She didn’t think her kinda nerdy science teacher would be the type to be mean or anything but still…
“Of course!” Mr. Sanders smiled, gathering the last of the materials on his desk, “It’s part of my job description as a teacher after all. To make sure every one of my students has what they need. And now that I know that you’re fasting, I want to make sure you’re comfortable. So you’re welcome to stay in my class for however long you want,”
It's Ramadhan, and Zahra found herself receiving support from the most unlikely source. Her sweet but kind of boring science teacher.
Remix of Fangirlwriting’s Career, part of their Creative Trade series
A Failed Escape
Pairings: Anxceit
On an early December day, Janus made sure his husband wouldn’t escape his clutches. 
For the TSS Fanworks Collective server March Ado About Nothing challenge. 
Pairings: Prinxiety
Against all odds,
Roman found himself falling for an impossible boy.
No, scratch that. Roman had fallen in love with a star, in every sense of the word.
For the TSS Fanworks Collective server March Ado About Nothing challenge.
Do You Think the Stars are Lonely Too
Pairings:  Unrequited Thvi, background Thomceit.
WARNING: Angst and unrequited love.
Virgil does the most selfish thing he could think of. He told Thomas that he loved him.
You Should Go (Even If I can’t follow)
ao3 link
Pairings: Platonic Analogical. 
Logan is about to do something that would be the biggest mistake of his life. Virgil intends to do something about it.
Or: One of the many times Virgil pushed his friends towards something greater.
Side story to You Hear What You Want (But You Never Wanted Me)
You Hear What You Want (But You Never Wanted Me)
ao3 link
Pairings: Thvi, unrequited prinxiety, unrequited anxceit, background Roceit
WARNING: Heavy angst, Injury, Major character death, and Unrequited love.
He remembered their eyes. Longing yet so full of doubt that felt so foreign in their expression. The emotion that had felt out of place. That felt so, so wrong. Especially in how it left Logan’s lips bitten raw in a way that made Virgil want to ball his hands into fists. How it had upturned Roman’s eyebrows in a way that made Virgil's heart queasy. How it left Janus’ jaw set hard, and Remus’ manic smile turned into a pensive frown that was so unnerving that Virgil wanted nothing more than to take them by the shoulders and shake some goddamn sense into them.
Because fuck it, doubt was the one thing they never should have had.
Perhaps that’s why Virgil, whose entire personality was the famous G-note personified, who was about as vibrant as a new moon meeting a monochrome rainbow, who had as much potential as a stationary ball, had settled to do the only thing he could. He’d push.
But perhaps it was best if he had realized something sooner.
(If you push too much, don't be surprised if there ends up being distance.)
Or: Underneath concrete and rubble, Virgil Picani-Sanders reflect on his life, his family, and his friends.
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