#(sibling bonding at its finest)
brb again
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mikkokomori · 2 years
Therapist AU idea: Sunny's first patient is, unintentionally, Mari herself.
The interaction starts off as a regular sibling chat (with Mari, interacting with Sunny through his dreams, discussing how proud she is of Sunny and impressed by his choice of career), before eventually becoming more serious.
It's awkward at first, as Mari's not sure how to start. Eventually though, after Sunny gently explains to her that they need to be more honest, the older sibling finally opens the floodgates.
Mari starts with how she was pressured immensely by the expectations by their parents, before explaining how she regrets pushing those expectations on Sunny, which resulted in the accident.
She then begins crying, apologizing to Sunny how she didn't notice his frustration and pain. After a few moments of silence, Sunny hugs her, saying that although he is still saddened by the accident and what happened, he forgives her.
The rest of the night is spent with the two siblings resting with each other. Eventually, morning comes and Mari is nowhere to be seen. Though Sunny finds a note at his bedside, before smiling warmly. It was a note from Mari, asking if she could open up more often.
Sunny says yes, both siblings hoping that this could repair their relationship.
That final part about the note on the bedside makes me think about the fact that someone pointed out of ghosts being real in the omori universe and now I am staring intensely at this scenario 👀
But this is such a sweet interaction with the both of them I honestly want to cry aushrjfjshhc they definitely do need to open up about to each other despite everything :((
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Visiting my parents house is just:
Sits on the kitchen table
Sits on the floor
Sits on the table
Sits on a different table
Sits on the couch but in strange tangled way
Sits on the counter again
Sits on the kitchen table but now my sisters are siting with me/leaning their entire body weight onto my back watching me play mobile games
“Hey get off the table”
“Why are you sitting on the floor”
“Don’t lay in the middle of the hallway like that”
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Crimson Crown (Pt. 2)
Royal! AU Miguel O'Hara x Princess! Reader
Special thanks to @pinkiemme for this amazing fanart for this fic ❤️✨
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WARNINGS: Historical background, lil bit of research on medieval fertility rites, made up holidays, fluff until angst comes. Tension, arranged married, slow burn, sibling bonding, Peter B. Parker being a lil more serious.
Summary: A hopeful moment gone sour.
Pt. 3
Ever since mankind has had use of reasoning, wars have been waged over the simplest motives. Power display, conquer the prospect of new and better lands, and of course egoistical purposes such as spite, bloodshed, hatred, revenge, and love.
In the far lands of Enethor, war was part of the staple list of things to do if you were part of the land. The four kingdoms that shaped the continent had been long time witness of how entire bloodlines died and rebirthed. How whole kingdoms separated, only to be conquered later by those with enough power to rewrite history at their will.
Enethor was separated by four kingdoms. Erunia, Therelia, Onerim and Arachne.
Erunia, the land of iron and silver. Home of the artisans that had taken the kingdom's warriors abroad in their distinctive red wooden ships. Cradle of silver refinery and alchemy. The ultimate underwater explorers.
Monarchy in Erunia settled with the most recent bloodline, The Fisks, in charge of King Wilson Grant Fisk. A bloodline that had been reigning for the last fifty years, and made the once forsaken by war kingdom into one of the most technology advanced right after Arachne. Even though it's ruler was deemed ruthless, he was more a cautious, cunning and strategic man whose only god was money.
Erunia's economy was based in exportation, silver refinery, iron smithing and of course, private security. Meaning, mercenaries for hire to anyone with enough money to afford them.
The latter of course was a loud secret between the other nations, most acted according their righteous morals, but secretly sent their servants to hire Fisk's services. The little business had earned him the name of 'Kingpin'. He was a feared yet somehow respected king.
Theleria was the smallest of the four. The Land of medicine, arts and gold. Rich soil, perfect for growing a vast array of medicinal plants, and perfect for gold minery. Even though its land was reduced, the bloodline was one of the eldest and purest among the other kingdom's monarchies.
The Blanchards. Settled two houndred years ago, they had watched the fall and rise of nations, in the expense of their own territory. In long forgotten history, Therelia owed half of Erunia's land and Onerim's islands. But as The Rapture War ensued, Onerim's islands were released from The Blanchard's reign.
The Rapture war took place in the Rapture sea, a cemetery of ships and long honored and forgotten warriors, and after another twenty years in war with Erunia's old sovereign, another part of the territory was lost. Theleria had spent the last houndred years trying to recover from the blows the belic conflicts had put the kingdom in.
The Fallen Reign, the other nations called it. The last and final blow that weakened them considerably was the most recent war against Erunia. Fisk had made his intentions of taking over the West Passage for himself, but the prince life was the higher price The Blanchards had to pay to keep it.
The passage role was to connect Erunia and Arachne as well the merchant ships that came from other lands. Without it, a good part of the economy would slowly but surely collapse. Theleria produced the finest aesthets, fabrics and medicines for the continent.
Its festivities had been the reason many people from other lands to come and celebrate and also increase the tourism affluence. Paint Day, would be a day to honor the aesthetic, the fine arts and good taste. Many would give hand crafts to their beloved, as a token of love and appreciation.
Some even had the common belief that if that person gave a token back, meant a good omen for a future together.
Fertility Day honored the future parents. The streets would be dressed up in wreaths of mugwort, mistletoe and seeds of parsley would be the hot sale of the day. Some women would tie a little sprig around their bellies, others would plant the parsley seeds as it was believed that if it sprouted, a child would grow into the woman's womb.
The Festival of Embers was a memorial day, used to honor the memory of those who had fought in the previous wars and also, the prince funeral. People would leave flowers and medicine over their lost ones graves, so the least fortunate could later pick up the elaborated potions. It was a way to heal others, while letting the grieve to follow it's course.
And finally, Winter Day. A holiday used to welcome the first days of the winter season. Warm and comforting food would be served, duvets would be sold cheaper and of course, the pastries would be a staple. It also had a romantic connotation, just like Paint Day. People gave a small sweet bun full of jam to represent their hearts with a clear message "my love is as sweet as the jam, and as dense like the bread".
Onerim on the other hand had just the Independence Day. The land of pearls, where the fawn was as feared as respected through the realm. It wasn't a secret that many considered the kingdom as failed and misbegotten, since its ruler Sergei Kravinoff had taken the throne after killing his father and rebirthed as Kraven.
And still, people around were wise to avoid picking a war with him. His warriors were ruthless and they held no compassion towards their victims. A savage, King Blanchard had called him once. But his prejudice wasn't only skewed as they were opposites, his view from the world only revolved around hunting, the bloodshed.
Onerim's economy was based on controlled fur trades, weapon commerce such as spears, traps and other trinkets perfect for unsuspecting close killing and gold.
The south east area from Enethor was rich in minerals.
And finally, Arachne. The biggest kingdom of the four. Half of the continent was occupied by it. None really know how the curious shape of the realm was created. Mother nature had her secrets after all, but certainly, Arachne was the most prominent; in all sense of the word.
Despite being a relatively new kingdom, with a hundred year mark of existance, Monarchy wasn't settled until sixty years ago, the first ruler Tyler Stone, had ruled under a relatively prosper and steady command. However, the king had died under mysterious circumstances, and a new ruler rose. George O'Hara.
Most speculations turned into the royal family, the rumor of King Tyler being poisoned by his own half brother, George so he could take over wasn't the only unhinged thing people said. But it was denied as George died of heart attack a couple of months later and the queen, Conchata perished two years later, out of sickness. 
Others believed that Kingpin had his fair share of guilt. That there was a complot for Tyler to be dethroned and the lands on the west extension of Arachne to be sieged and won for Erunia.
But whoever the conspirator was, would deeply regret to overlook past one detail. Miguel. Miguel O'Hara. The young and brilliant king that had continued his father's legacy in a way that not many had expected. Clad in black obsidian, iron and red zarconite, Miguel had lead his army into the depths of war. Kraven surely knew bloodshed, but The Battle for the Alchemari sea and its shores declared Miguel as the new King of Sieges.
The foreign army's blood that came with conquering intentions dyed the shore red, just as his eyes. The Red King was born as his message to the others who had the same ideals was clear.
This is my kingdom.
And so it has been for the last seventeen years. Thriving in an alarming rate in technology, the army grew, as many others soldiers from around the world joined him. Miguel had gathered an army of exceptional people with different skills that once trained under his command, would form the completest army a sovereign would only dream of.
Spies, people that excelled in close ranged combat, archery, weaponry and of course intellect. People who were ahead of their time could earn a spot in his army, after a scrutinizing training.
Arachne prospered in many areas, technology, fawn and flora, weaponry; importation and exportation of goods, minery of obsidian, iron and zarconite and of course fishery. The capital, Nueva York, was the main prosperous land, and where Miguel's castle resided.
A fortress in that one would be lost if one didn't know it like the back of a hand.
The world recoiled and guarded itself as much as it could, when the drums of war echoed for Arachne. To kill or to be killed. Red and blue marching behind The Red King. Some died, but would gladly do so, when the king had taken them in and gave them a purpose.
Festivities weren't really a thing, but people celebrated in their own ways. Unlike Theleria, Arachne only counted with three holidays.
New Rain Feast. A celebration to conmemorate Miguel's first battle won at the Alchemari Sea's shores. It was said that after he won over, the rain had washed over any bloodshed. Erasing from history those that had dared to foray his territory and giving hope towards a new future.
Rain was a good omen in the vast kingdom.
The Armistice Day was used to celebrate the memory of those fallen in battle and the successful treaty among international lands.
And the most expected of them all, The Rainbow Festival. It was more like a huge fair for merchants to sell their goods in the capital, that somehow had ended up with music and a new invention for people's amuse. Fireworks.
Only those close to the king knew how much he exerted himself to keep his people safe. He lived and breathed to maintain them all safe. Your arrival however had caused little to no disruption in his routine.
But it was certain that he wasn't looking for a bride. He had got so much more than he actually bargained for. And for your mother to offer you as the last resource only proved not only their good faith and sincerity towards him, but how others saw him. Your parents feared him. Good. Fear kept people in check and prevented then from doing stupid things.
Your surrender was a clear act of desperation. A token, really. A token that would eventually be queen, even without you both getting married. He needed that passageway open for his merchants to not disturb the economy. He could seize your kingdom if he so desired, but he was a man of word, and so far your parents had kept their end of the promise too.
Of course he'd be civil enough so far to keep you comfortable, and when Peter had told him about your concerns regarding him, he knew that sooner or later he'd have to make an approach. Not that he didn't want to. He was just too busy with external affairs that often forgot even about himself.
Peter would often find him sleeping over the documents sent to him, reports, finances from the different main districts through the nation and possible alliances with far lands.
He'd sometimes would have to be dragged off by Jessica to at least eat something. Lyla, one of his advisors often nagged him to look after himself.
And now, you. A new addition to his list of worries.
You were pretty, sure, but love was something he didn't actually consider in a long long time. He had his own concubines, but even those had been neglected to the point of avoiding his chambers. He wasn't precisely gentle with them either.
Gentleness wasn't something that rendered The Red King. He lived up to his image as a cold, irritable yet polite man that would do anything to keep his kingdom safe.
But soon, priorities would have to be rethought as he grew older. One of them awaited for him in the dining hall. Just as he had instructed.
His armor seemed like a staple into his wearing. It was rare when he was without it. His mind prepared psychologically for the events. He was tired, but still. Hungry. The kiss he had given your hand was out of impulse, but said impulse was enough to make you light up and his heart to give a small shimmy at your reaction.
He still could provoke emotions that wasn't fear or a severe longing for death. And that amused him.
You stood up, and bowed your head.
"Please, take a seat."
You obeyed, and were seated to his right. Food was soon brought.
"Hope your staying has been comfortable enough?"
The table was being occupied with different lots of food made out of fish. After all, fish and seafoods were the main protein in the capital. Stews, soups and so many other things you had never seen or tasted before.
"It has been, yes. Thanks to you, your majesty" Your lips curved into a bashful smile as the servants donned your plate with a small soup first.
The silence settled in as he begun eating. And that's where you noticed, the protuding fangs on each side of his mouth, tearing and chomping down the meat. It made you wonder if he was used to eat like this.
The only sounds in the dining hall was him scarfing down the food as you ate yours. He was too deep in his task to actually mind your awed stare his way as he ate.
"Your Majesty?" Your sweet voice made him stop as he was about to devour a stuffed fish. Red eyes darted your way, and the fabric piece of napkin you held before him with a small giggle.
"I didn't know one could have such an appetite"
He gulped and cleared his throat.
"Food is exquisite, my lord. Can understand your urge, I've never tasted something so scrumptious like this."
He drank from his cup, the food soothing his nerves and sudden thoughts.
"Glad you like." His tone although monotonous was genuine, like his words.
You'd think he'd had his fill, but another round was brought. This time you were served a lighter seafood stew. This time he ate with a bit more moderation despite his hunger. Of course a man his size had to keep himself well fed.
"I'm quite happy for you to take considerations in such things like art." You mumbled after finishing the contents of your plate.
"Can't be all bloodshed, right?"
You smiled with a soft nod.
"Do you favor a certain branch of arts, my lord?"
"Painting, sculpting, scripture, smithing?"
He pondered for a minute, doe eyes seized him with keen interest.
"Smithing, perhaps."
"It suits your likings." You nodded, "I mean, I can tell by the way your armor is built."
"And what could your highness tell from it?"
"That you saw its building yourself. That is a special armor for you, cause I know no other king that would put that much of effort into his battle armor."
His lips curved slightly but pleased.
"You favor paintings, that much noted. What else do you like, princesa?" He drank from his cup again as Jessica marched in with a small box with a vial. A green-ish liquid contained in the glass.
He nodded at Jessica as she left. Then gulped down the little flask. Face contorting into a disgusted gesture for a brief moment.
"I do like embroidering and gardening."
"Of course. I was instructed in the arts of holistic medicines back in my kingdom."
"So you're a doctor?"
You giggled and his tiredness slowly felt melting.
"Kind of. Mother wanted me to be the head of our art academy, but father insisted to keep my medicine studies. Somehow both worked. But medicine proved to be more effective. You can't heal injured soldiers with art, after all."
He chuckled and nodded.
"I've heard that you have been visiting the library. Anything you actually need to find?"
"Oh, I apologize if I've come out as a snooper. I just wish to know more about your kingdom."
"Is that so?"
"Don't get me wrong, my lord. I wouldn't want to embarrass you before your council at not knowing a bit more of your culture in case my opinion or input would be asked."
His eyes twinkled in amusement. A wise desicion indeed.
His lips were about to speak when the jumble of familiar voices approached.
" Your Majesty, Prince Gabriel has arrived" Peter announced with a soured expression, one that Miguel knew wasn't a good thing.
Prince Gabriel?
You looked between him and Peter as said Prince barged in behind the commander. Armor similar to Miguel's but his wasn't as opulent, a smaller crown, hip adorned with a black sword, and of course a grail in his hands.
"My king, my lord, my... My Miggy" He hiccuped and approached him slurring his words, careening steps guided his tipsy self closer to where Miguel was, but stopped as his green eyes settled on you.
"And whose this?"
"Gabriel" Miguel warned
"Ohh, a new concubine?! About time!"
Your eyes widened in surprise and your mouth settled in a tight line. Of course he would have concubines. Mostly kings did. Even your father did.
"Gabriel!" His voice froze him in the spot. You stood up, almost abruptly, hands fisted on your dress, heart beating miles per second as your chest grew tighter within.
"Thanks for your time, your majesty. I shall go back."
You bowed and left, Peter trailed after you after Miguel's order. Both just looked where you had disappeared.
Gabriel sat down with a goofy smile that soon vanished. Miguel's glared holes his way
"You're done acting like a fool, Gabriel?"
"You're done playing the horny idiot?"
"Dame paciencia... She's a princess, Gabriel." (Give me patience)
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because" His voice rose and seethed but quickly caught himself, "Fue tan inesperado para mi como lo es para tí" (It was as unexpected for me as is it for you.)
"You're marrying her?"
"Why? We don't need that sort of problems now."
"Thats precisely why I am marrying her. To avoid future troubles."
"What do you mean?"
Gabriel took a mouthful of shrimps as he sat where you had been sitting minutes ago.
"Her kingdom owes the West Passage."
"Wasn't it closed?" He mumbled through a full mouth, Miguel scrunched his nose in disgust as he swallowed.
"Can you not talk for a second?"
"Right, right"
"It was closed due political shit with Erunia."
"He's getting annoying at this point."
"So they closed it because they feared an invasion, I guess."
"Thats why I'm marrying her."
"That's cold, Miggy."
"But necessary."
Gabriel sighed and looked at his older brother. Despite his age, a few white strands protunded from his head due the perpetually stressed state he always seemed to be.
"So, marriage instead of protection."
"Correct. We can't risk our economy to be surpassed by a crime lord as Kingpin or Kraven."
"Why don't just absorb her kingdom as an extension of ours?"
"¿'Tas menso?" (You dumb?)
"What? Just a suggestion"
"No. They just fought a war. The Prince died. There is enough bloodshed as it is."
"That smug and cocky boy?"
"Sounds familiar?"
Gabriel pouted and sighed.
"You're not nice. What if she finds out about it?"
"I'm sure she's well aware of the mess."
Gabriel shrugged and popped another shrimp in his mouth.
"You'll apologize to her."
"Naturally. Enough torment she gets by getting married to you, Miggy."
Gabriel scrambled away with a laugh as Miguel approached him.
"¡Cálmate!" (Chill!)
"Imbécil." He swatted his head, "Any news?" (Dumbass)
"Not good ones, I'm afraid"
A concubine.
"Your Majesty!" Peter trailed after you.
The word had been engraved into your mind.
"I beg your pardon, my lady. Prince Gabriel is-"
"It's fine. You don't have to apologize on behalf of another's ignorance."
Peter gulped and sighed as he walked before you.
"I'm really sorry that this happened, your highness. Prince Gabriel is... quite the card when he's under the effects of mead"
"Well, a drunk's words are sober thoughts aren't they?"
Peter frowned and stepped back.
"I know this is an arranged marriage, ser. I know what it implies. Love isn't into the list. And I respect that. After all, this union was born from the need to keep our people in peace and our countries thriving. Nothing else."
Peter blinked.
"I shall take my studies and meals in my room tomorrow, if that's okay. I don't... wish to be disturbed."
Peter bowed and left you be.
Despite your chambers being warm with the fireplace, you felt cold. Colder as you removed your current clothing into the sleeping ones. Just when you had thought that he was being genuine with you, the hope had been crushed cruelly. But of course you had provoked your own tristful mood by idealizing something you weren't even sure of.
Miguel's frown only deepened as Peter's expression.
"What now?"
"She wishes to not be disturbed for tomorrow"
"Of course she does..."
Miguel rubbed his face and rested his chin on his palm.
"Your brother-"
"I know he messed up, Peter"
"I don't think you're understanding. Miguel."
"I do understand." He pinched his nose bridge.
"I've know you since your father trained us to protect you"
"How long has been that? Eighteen years ago?"
"Twenty for me. I've known you for twenty years, Miguel. And for the first time in your life, you're not being honest with yourself."
Miguel’s brow quirked at him.
"You're making reckless desicions even if they come with good intentions. But in that recklessness you're hurting people without realizing. "
"Can't hear you when you're talking full of yourself"
"Act tough and proud all you want, but I wouldn't be surprised if she just rather go back to her own country-"
"It's arranged, Peter."
"You're such a jerk. It's not... You know what? Whatever."
Peter turned around and prepared to leave.
Peter stopped and grunted, annoyed.
"I hate it when you do that."
"Did she say something?"
"You're underestimating her"
"No. Ask her yourself."
"Must I remind you who are talking to?"
"I'm talking to you as a friend."
Miguel sighed and let him continue.
"I'm not saying be moonstruck with her and forsake the kingdom and damn your responsibilities. But the least you could be doing is keeping your allies close, she might not be what you wanted at all. But she understands her duty as well. Don't take her as a fool."
"I know she isn't a fool"
"I'm telling you this because I'd never want my daughter in the same position as she is. You think this is easy for her?"
"A kingdom isn't ruled on its own, Peter"
"Precisely my point you idiot! You can't rule it all on your own! Unless you pay with your life." Miguel glared at him but Peter just rolled his eyes.
"I've done this alone for the last decade and some more"
"Yeah, and look at you. A mess that is always mistrusting people."
"I've got my own reasons."
"God, to be a brilliant inventor you're such a dumbass sometimes. Just apologize to her, alright? I'm getting tired of being your personal courier."
Peter left him be. Of course he had seen your reaction, he should send Gabriel away another two weeks for scouting for his stupid little act, and of course he hated Peter being right.
This is exactly why he didn't meddled in these sort of things. But he was a man of honor. And certainly he had enjoyed the little talk with you, so he would take Peter's advice at heart. Disrespectful as he was. He'd keep you close.
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@tayleighuh @obi-mom-kenobi @allysunny @nxrdamp @pinkiemme @a--dedicated--fangirl @rin0r1na @queenofroses22 @sofi786 @murnsondock @okayiamkassandra @kimmis-stuff @ceoofmiguel @meeom @handsomeprettytoes @ladymoztaza @chiikasevennn @mxtokko @cheerioeoz @gabrielarose29 @oooof-ifellforyou @minalovesyoubabes @kikisstrawberrie @know-that-its-delicate @aikoya
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lovelylogans · 10 months
the parent trap
the masterpost
“So,” Remus says slowly. “If your Dad is my Dad…”
“...and your Pa is my Papa…”
Remus stares at the seam of the wedding photo, made whole again after more than a decade. His Pa, Patton, familiar with his cowboy-handsome, weather-beaten face and his dimpled grin and his big, calloused hand resting over his new husband’s, even if Remus has never seen him look this smitten ever. 
“And we’re both born on October 11… then, Roman. You and I are… like… brothers.”
And his Dad—Janus—smiling coyly, handsome in the way of magazine models, so completely a stranger to Remus with just this scrap of a photograph to serve as any way to know him, really know him. The way Roman knows him. The way Remus has been dying to know him all his life.
“Remus,” Roman breathes out, disbelieving. “We aren’t just brothers. We’re twins.”
Remus wonders, in a daze, if seeing the opposite life he could have had is as strange for Roman as it is for him… if they’d just been switched at birth, it’s the life Remus could have had, knowing his Dad instead of his Pa, but then…
But then it clicks.
“Roman,” he says, turning to grin at his brother—his brother! “I have a completely perfect, totally awesome idea!”
or: it's a parent trap AU for @tss-storytime with fanart by @tastic-in-its-finest!
warnings: pranks and practical jokes, smoking, drinking, brief mentions of underage drinking (in the context of a child trying a sip of wine), sibling rivalry and bonding, please let me know if i've missed any!
pairings: janus/patton, logan/virgil, brief patton/male oc
word count: 80k
notes: a few notes before we begin: first, thanks so much to morgan for their fanart for this fic!!! it's so cute, please like and reblog and do all that fun stuff!!! second, thanks to the folks over at the big bang for organizing this whole event—i know firsthand how complicated that can get, and you are so appreciated!!! this is technically a '90s au, but a '90s au in terms of the fashion and lack of social media/cell phones, not any of the homophobia. i hope you all enjoy!!!!
chapter one: prologue Across the world from each other, two very different families help two very similar boys pack their bags.
chapter two: welcome to camp walden! Welcome to what we like to think of as the most beautiful spot on God's green earth—Camp Walden.
chapter three: en garde The boys come to blows. (With practice épées, but in their minds, it’s equally as serious.)
chapter four: riposte The boys come to blows. (With words and stitching.)
chapter five: black card The boys come to blows. (With a temporary reversal of gravity, oodles of chocolate sauce, and finally, some semblance of adult interference.)
chapter six: isolation station The boys spend a great deal of their time considering coming to blows. Until suddenly, they don’t want to fight at all anymore.
chapter seven: operation augustus The realization of having an identical twin does quite a bit to spur some out-of-the-box levels of creativity.
chapter eight: let's get down to business! The boys begin to plot. Camp Walden trembles in fear.
chapter nine: to defeat… the family civil divisions of napa and london respectively! The boys plot. The world all over ought to be trembling in fear.
chapter ten: domine dirige nos Remus spends a great deal of time weighing the most British way to say hello. He’s going to have to repress throwing in a what’s all this then, guv’nor? the entire time.
chapter eleven: eureka! Roman spends a great deal of time weighing the most American way to say hello. He thinks he probably shouldn’t come right out of the gate with howdy, y’all!
chapter twelve: a wench in the works This absolutely was not in their multitude of blueprints!
chapter thirteen: riding is magic and friendship is power and love is everything to everyone Roman gets to meet his pony. He should, by all rights, be much more excited about it, but someone had to go and ruin it for him.
chapter fourteen: in which virgil attempts to hold a poker face (and fails miserably) Virgil curses being so observant.
chapter fifteen: all of my change spent on you Remus has a particularly fun run-in. Well. Fun for him.
chapter sixteen: so your sons have swapped places and are in foreign countries This particular subject was not covered in the parenting books.
chapter seventeen: hopped off the plane at lax with a dream of civil reconciliation with my ex-husband Remus plots. Grandfather aids and abets. Janus panics. Logan suffers them all.
chapter eighteen: small world and getting smaller Janus is officially the father of the two most troublesome twins in the galaxy.
chapter nineteen: you got me tripping, stumbling! sinking, fumbling! Patton makes a splash.
chapter twenty: the queen elizabeth the second the second The twins attempt to revive the past. The parents wish to change it.
chapter twenty-one: i said a boom chicka boom! Logan’s swept off his feet. As is Maddox, in an entirely different way.
chapter twenty-two: i said a boom GO TO YOUR ROOM The twins’ plots bear oh-so-satisfying fruit.
chapter twenty-three: where dreams have no end A hello, a goodbye.
chapter twenty-four: the concorde(ance) A goodbye, a hello.
chapter twenty-five: epilogue Two very similar boys help their two very different families assimilate into one.
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couragehopelovefaith · 4 months
I have many contracting emotions about "Wish", but I feel unironically like "At All Costs" is one of the best Disney-songs in years. Not because of the absolutely stunning arrangement, melody and harmonies, but its many layers. Out of context, it's seems like a consoling lullaby that could be associated with so many situations: romantic love, familiar and friendship-bond, the connection between a parent and a child, the siblings.. the list goes on and on. In the context of the movie, at first, Magnifico seems like a guiding and encouraging father figure to Asha, but then his "true colors" start to emerge. The song gets a chilling aspect, when you realize that it also might be a manipulative declaration from the villain to the hero (and duet between those is very rare in these movies, especially in this way). But still, I have my doubts whether the King is the real villain in the movie. The very least, he genuinely seemed to have good intentions and hopes for his people, and I don't like how his ending was resolved. That being said, I can't see Asha purely as a protagonist, either. More like an anti-hero, but she could also fit into the role of villain as well. This movie had so much potential and chances to explore these dynamics, and I'm frustrated that they threw those away in the fear of upsetting the audience. That's why I am so glad about the covers and art the fans make (the Lydia The Bard's cover being the finest example so far).
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
↱ my mother : the successful business woman ↰
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➘ summary : In this story we see how Izuku grows up in the hands of a successful business women, watch as his mother becomes his hero, the hardships they face as a family and how Izuku gains new friends and siblings to come
➘ a/n: story can be found on my quotev blog
➘ Chapter 1: A Guardian Angel
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T H E   I N T R O D U C T I O N : 
In a bustling city filled with skyscrapers and endless possibilities, a young boy named Izuku found himself living a life he could never have imagined. The city's heartbeat pulsed through the streets, and amidst the chaos, a sanctuary of love and compassion awaited him.
Izuku Midoriya was no ordinary child; he possessed dreams of becoming a hero, despite being born without a quirk. His determination to follow in the footsteps of his idol, All Might, was unwavering. But fate had more in store for him than he could ever have imagined.
It all began on a fateful day when tragedy struck. A villainous attack shook the city to its core, leaving destruction and heartache in its wake. Izuku's mother, Inko Midoriya, was a victim of the senseless violence, leaving her young son with a heavy burden of grief.
As the tears flowed and the world felt like a dark and desolate place, a beacon of hope emerged. A woman named (y/n), a successful businesswoman with her own company and immense wealth, was touched by the news of Izuku's plight. Despite her busy schedule and her demanding career, she had a heart that knew no bounds.
"(Y/n)" was no ordinary individual; she possessed a compassionate spirit that drove her to help those in need. She had witnessed firsthand the impact a tragedy could have on a child's life, and she was determined to make a difference in Izuku's life.
Upon learning about Inko's passing, (y/n) took decisive action, offering her support and assistance to Izuku. With her heart of gold, she made it her mission to adopt the grieving boy and provide him with a loving home. Though their backgrounds were worlds apart, their hearts were intertwined by an unbreakable bond.
Izuku moved into (y/n)'s luxurious penthouse, which overlooked the city like a kingdom of dreams. Despite her immense wealth and the countless opportunities at her disposal, (y/n) never let her success cloud her judgment or sense of responsibility. She understood the importance of humility and the need to give back to society.
From the very beginning, (y/n) showed Izuku the warmth of a mother's love. She encouraged his dreams of becoming a hero, never once doubting his potential. Izuku found solace in her presence, and for the first time in his life, he began to believe that he could achieve greatness.
As time passed, Izuku settled into his new life, surrounded by the finest comforts money could buy. However, it wasn't the material possessions that filled his heart; it was the love and care he received from (y/n) that mattered the most. She took the time to listen to his dreams, offering guidance and support as he navigated the world of heroism.
"(Y/n)" became not only Izuku's guardian but also his mentor, imparting valuable life lessons along the way. She taught him the importance of empathy, kindness, and giving back to those less fortunate. Despite her busy schedule, she always made time for him, attending his school events, cheering him on at his hero training, and being there for him through every triumph and setback.
In a way, Izuku saw (y/n) as his guardian angel, a guiding light that had entered his life during its darkest hour. He couldn't help but feel grateful and blessed to have her as his second mother.
As fate would have it, Inko had left behind a will, entrusting (y/n) with the guardianship of her beloved son. (Y/n) honored Inko's wish with unwavering devotion, pouring her heart and soul into ensuring Izuku's well-being and happiness.
Together, they formed an unbreakable family, forged not by blood but by love and the shared desire to make a difference in the world. Izuku knew that he was blessed to have (y/n) in his life, and as he looked to the future with newfound hope, he vowed to become a hero not only for himself but to honor the legacy of his birth mother and the guardian angel who had become his true savior.
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meii-03 · 2 years
random von lycaon headcanons
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A big boy. I imagine Lycaon to be around 6ft4 or so (since dude literally towered over everyone else).
Very tidy. Groom himself almost everyday.
There are multiple scars littered across his skin (fur?) underneath the suit. Though most of them are already fading, it’s still something that he’d rather keep hidden.
And while we are on the topic of “fur”...
Lycaon’s tail is really big. Suuuuper fluffly as well.
If I’m not mistaken, the in-game model has the size of his tail almost equals the size of his two legs combined.
Wooo, something like that is bound to become an obstacle, or at least somewhat slow down his movement in battles. 
But so far, Lycaon puts up with it really well. (king 👑)
Usually trim his tail with a pair of scissors. Corin once helped with this as well (though she then soon realized how time-consuming this process is and somewhat jokingly suggested they use her chainsaw instead?) 
Ended up using the thing for real somehow. Corin got a bit nervous and accidentally cut quite a propotion of his tail.
Felt like crap for it and kept apologizing months afterward even though wolf boy assured her that it’s fine.
Spoiler alert: it’s not.
Lmao anyways—
Lycaon has a rather large walking stride. Corin usually had trouble catching up with him whenever they get paired up together for a commission.
He gives her a piggy back ride when they return since the latter’s legs always end up sore. (sibling bonds at its finest omg 😭)
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I would love to hear about your stranger things pjo au!!! Love both stories, all the better to mix them
well, buckle the FUCK up! /lh
❗ Before we begin, i'd like to give some warnings for abuse (csa, physical, emotional), self-harm/suicide, scars, neglect/abandonment, religion (mention of camps), minor character death, mention of kidnapping, eating disorders❗
this has taken TWO DAYS and it's long and not even finished but i'm tired of looking at it so
🎸 First character: michael wheeler. 🎸
love the kid to death. proud kinnie and apologist.
he's a fucking menace in this au. a mini percy, if you will.
15, genderfluid, he/they/she, boy kisser.
from hawkins indiana, bullied very badly as a kid for being neurodivergent, abusive father that does not know what a boundary is especially when he's drunk.
(that's projection right there - at its finest)
hypersexual for obvious reasons.
convinces a not-aware-of-the-abuse nancy to run away at 12 and 15. leave without any parting words to anyone.
make it to camp half blood where they are quickly claimed and mike is the first to meet percy, who has become a social worker/therapist alongside an oc of mine, chase williams.
he's given the following diagnoses: adhd, dyslexia, autism, cptsd, bpd with severe dissociation, mdd, and gad with panic attacks .
has been on 2 quests in his 3 years at camp. both, he does not talk about.
will becomes his fp basically on sight (i know- i was there. mike told me himself)
so fucking stupid its a wonder they put him against the ares cabin bc his smart mouth is brutal.
visible self-harm scars and will get so pissed if you ask about any of his scars. will tell you to mind your business.
15, trans guy, he/him, queer.
aphrodite bitch that loves looking like he lives in a conservative 80s small town horror movie but like,,, the amount of tan and neutral works somehow? with some golden yellow and rusty oranges that make his green eyes shimmer and pop.
big artist and has hecate's blessing and OH MY GOD will with powers???? illusions???? fuckin CHARMSPEAK????? he's in his magician era lmao /lh /j
from cali. bisexual icon joyce brought her boys to camp early so they're prepared. i say she's the sally of stranger things
has the included adhd and dyslexia but with added cptsd, schizophrenia, and autism. that should be interesting.
has been on 6 quests since age 10, some successful, some not.
i want will to have eyeliner. i want to see him with it so bad. and painted nails. usually pink, yellow, or black.
21, nonbinary man, he/she, queer as hell
willeddie siblings. trans aphrodite kids against the world.
has apollo's blessing. very much a partner in crime to percy, they bond over music taste.
adhd, dyscaulia, bipolar 1, and cptsd
such a chill fucking dude but will ramble for years and years and years if you don't stop him.
very powerful charmspeak and very good at seeing the ties between people. has a celestial bronze dagger essentially named "freak"
sucker for apollo cabin counselor steve harrington
☀️ mr. steven harrington~ ☀️
19, trans man, he/him, bisexual
apollo kid, lover of pop, singer-songwriter.
very laidback, from TN surprisingly. has religious trauma, unsurprisingly, from being in a baptist christian family and being sent to summer camps until he was abandoned at age 16 by his mom and step dad.
adhd, dyslexia, hpd, cptsd, and unspecified dissociative disorder. hypersexual from a few instances of csa as a young child by someone at one of the summer camps he was sent to.
definitely has a knack for swinging blunt objects, of which he has a celestial bronze bat he carries everywhere along with a backup dagger.
thinks kids are fun to work with and teaches archery alongside chiron, which is unexpected but welcomed.
an okay healer. average. knows first aid, cpr, the basics
💜 the badass, nancy wheeler 💜
18, cis female, she/her, lesbian
athena kid through and fucking through. so smart but, like mike, oblivous and super dumb.
spends a lot of time out of the house as a kid until she and mike run away.
works for the camp newspaper, freelance journalist as she attempts college classes.
not the one you want against you in capture the flag.
chooses the gun bc she briefly has "i'm not like other girls" syndrome but finds it actually fits her.
her and annabeth talk all the time. to the point percy complains to mike about it.
robin buckley- love at first sight
18, nonbinary woman, she/they/neos, woman kisser
also a big music person but POETRY. she absolutely loves poetry and symbolism and all that shit.
romance and sci-fi nerd.
dresses like a gay drama professor or gives off young richie tozier vibes, no in-between.
can name each bone in your body as she breaks it. loves her independent gf nancy.
adhd, dyslexia, autism, ptsd, and severe auditory processing issues.
indie music seems like her style but scene queen owns her soul and she'd sell it for ashnikko
thought about being a film major
steve's platonic better half as they should be
comes from an emotionally abusive household
📷 jonny boy 📷
19, trans man, he/him, aceflux demigayromantic
dates a clear-sighted mortal (affectionate)
aphrodite's son that may not be "conventionally attractive", but he has a knack for matchmaking and fashion, which he then neglects because he opts for a camp shirt and jeans with tennis shoes.
mild adhd, dyslexia, AUTISM, cptsd, avpd, gad, generalized depression
so many sensory issues and needs, but tries to be independent, which can lead to bouts of anger, frustration, and, sometimes, crying.
was severely bullied in school and he was physically and emotionally abused by his step dad, who his mom was not married to for very long
works with nancy and takes photographs for the paper sometimes.
🌻 el my beloved 🌻
15, nonbinary, they/them, pan ace, poly
as a kid of demeter, el has always been a plant lover. discovered their powers early
bedroom pop lover and blessed by aphrodite.
would rather rely on their powers than a weapon but does have a small dagger on them at all times.
elmike duo my sweets,,,
adhd, dyslexia, autism, cptsd, system (no amnesia, 2 other alters; jane and 11, who is different from el)
by early i mean she was growing plants at a rapid rate by the time she was 5. the wrong person saw it and she was kidnapped and abused severely until she was ten, when she was rescued by local police chief jim hopper, who later adopted her bc her mortal parent had been in an accident not too long after she was taken and did not make it.
🌸 baby girl chrissy 🌸
19, demigirl, she/they, aroace
daughter of demeter, very sweet
very much a basic pastel stereotype but we love her anyway, she's amazing.
has the following: adhd, dyslexia, bullimia, cptsd, gad with panic attacks
her dad's very much a pushover and her stepmom's heavily emotionally and verbally abusive and makes comments about her weight all the time
she only spends a few weeks of the year at home and it's usually only for her dad.
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Read-Alike Friday: Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano
Someone by Alice McDermott
An ordinary life - its sharp pains and unexpected joys, its bursts of clarity and moments of confusion - lived by an ordinary woman: this is the subject of Someone, Alice McDermott's extraordinary return, seven years after the publication of After This. Scattered recollections - of childhood, adolescence, motherhood, old age - come together in this transformative narrative, stitched into a vibrant whole by McDermott's deft, lyrical voice.
Our first glimpse of Marie is as a child: a girl in glasses waiting on a Brooklyn stoop for her beloved father to come home from work. A seemingly innocuous encounter with a young woman named Pegeen sets the bittersweet tone of this remarkable novel. Pegeen describes herself as an "amadan," a fool; indeed, soon after her chat with Marie, Pegeen tumbles down her own basement stairs. The magic of McDermott's novel lies in how it reveals us all as fools for this or that, in one way or another.
Marie's first heartbreak and her eventual marriage; her brother's brief stint as a Catholic priest, subsequent loss of faith, and eventual breakdown; the Second World War; her parents' deaths; the births and lives of Marie's children; the changing world of her Irish-American enclave in Brooklyn - McDermott sketches all of it with sympathy and insight. This is a novel that speaks of life as it is daily lived; a crowning achievement by one of the finest American writers at work today.
Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson
Darley, the eldest daughter in the well-connected, carefully guarded, old-money Stockton family, followed her heart, trading her job and inheritance for motherhood, sacrificing more of herself than she ever intended. Sasha, middle-class and from New England, has married into the Brooklyn Heights family and finds herself cast as the arriviste outsider, wondering how she might ever understand their WASP-y ways. Georgiana, the baby of the family, has fallen in love with someone she can’t (and really shouldn’t) have and must confront the kind of person she wants to be.
Rife with the indulgent pleasures of life among New York’s one-percenters, Pineapple Street is a smart escapist novel that sparkles with wit. It’s about the peculiar unknowability of someone else’s family, the miles between the haves and have-nots and everything in between, and the insanity of first love.
Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane
How much can a family forgive?
Francis Gleeson and Brian Stanhope, rookie NYPD cops, are neighbors in the suburbs. What happens behind closed doors in both houses—the loneliness of Francis’s wife, Lena, and the instability of Brian’s wife, Anne, sets the stage for the explosive events to come.
In Mary Beth Keane's extraordinary novel, a lifelong friendship and love blossoms between Kate Gleeson and Peter Stanhope, born six months apart. One shocking night their loyalties are divided, and their bond will be tested again and again over the next thirty years. Heartbreaking and redemptive, Ask Again, Yes is a gorgeous and generous portrait of the daily intimacies of marriage and the power of forgiveness.
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
At the end of the Second World War, Cyril Conroy combines luck and a single canny investment to begin an enormous real estate empire, propelling his family from poverty to enormous wealth. His first order of business is to buy the Dutch House, a lavish estate in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia. Meant as a surprise for his wife, the house sets in motion the undoing of everyone he loves.
The story is told by Cyril’s son Danny, as he and his older sister, the brilliantly acerbic and self-assured Maeve, are exiled from the house where they grew up by their stepmother. The two wealthy siblings are thrown back into the poverty their parents had escaped from and find that all they have to count on is one another. It is this unshakable bond between them that both saves their lives and thwarts their futures.
Set over the course of five decades, The Dutch House is a dark fairy tale about two smart people who cannot overcome their past. Despite every outward sign of success, Danny and Maeve are only truly comfortable when they’re together. Throughout their lives, they return to the well-worn story of what they’ve lost with humor and rage. But when at last they’re forced to confront the people who left them behind, the relationship between an indulged brother and his ever-protective sister is finally tested.
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squib-2006 · 2 years
I am going to rewatch one episode of ninjago a day until I ether give up or finish I will put my thoughts down as I watch it and rate each episode out of ten. I missed a day because I was busy all day.
Day 5
Season 1 episode 5 can of worms
All the other ninja have legitimate reasons to be mad at Lloyd. But Kai is just angry over a video game score which I find hilarious.
This is gremlin Lloyd at his finest
Why is Zane so upset at his gi being pink. He literally wore a pink apron back in episode two
Baby Lloyd’s laugh :)
Kai had no problem with nya living with them two episodes ago
Also kai stop being sexist to your sister
He looks so guilty when nya says she can hear him. I guess season 1 & 2 kai dies have a Conscience.
Nya did not hesitate to throw the darts at her brothers head. Sibling bond at its finest. Also revenge.
Jay everyone can see your simping from a mile away.
Why would the elemental alliance put the tombs in the snake shape. It just makes it easier for trouble makers to open the tombs
SIMP. JAY IS SUCH A SIMP. Also post season 8 jays simping has nothing on season ones jays simping
Yes, jive the one thing that can stop the Sneks to your immature students who more times than not mess up and loos what ever they had been guarding.
This is funny because Cole is literally carrying a cars worth of metal on his back.
Mail man :D also what the heck is he saying
Oh yes the plot convenient prophecy on a wall. Could they not just had pythor monologe about the devour instead
Small detail, Cole notices the constrictai burrowing underground first because he is the master of earth
The constrictai are probably my least favorite Snek just because of how boring they are. Like all the other tribes have cool powers but the constrictai just have super strength.
Why is Zane’s vision getting blurry he is literally a nindroid.
Once again coles slash should have literally chopped his head off
Music 10/10
Coles chili must be really bad if everyone hates it
I love the tree climbing
Why does I am only echo not evrey thing else Jay said
That frog is just eww
Best part of this episode kai gets high on venomari venom
Kai is aparently afraid of gingerbread men and elves. I don’t know wether to find that funny or sad.
Butt jokes always make me laugh for some reason
This is why wu should never give the ninja any important thing. They always lose it
High Kai is peek Comedy
Kai’s hand is clipping into jays hand
Samurai x kicking butt since 2012
Zane talks with coles voice
Jays simp-o-meter can simp over nya even in disguise
Kai’s Santa? Makes me loose my crap every time
How do they not notice nyas bracelet. Like come on they have probably scene it like a million times. Kai especially, but I can give him a pass because he is high
Also how does the sleeping gas work on Zane?
Says samurai were the highest class of Warrior and were noble. Literally insults them in the pilots calling them slow and clunky
They look like they are so done with Kai’s crap. I love high kai
Smack. After I first watched this episode any time I would get potstickers with my family I would smack them on my face and laugh and my family would look at me like I had grown two heads
Can of worms roll credits
They don’t blame Lloyd for this or say it wasn’t his fault they just say you can’t change what you did in the past but you can change your actions in the future. I love this because it’s avoiding the we forgive you it’s not you fault trope.
And rip high kai you will be missed. Also the venom just wares off for plot convenience. I wish they would have kept the gag going untill the end of the episode. It would have been hilarious
Small detail, Zane’s spinjitzu changes from white to pink when he changes his clothes
Kai’s scream is hilarious
That is very specific Cole
Our first time seeing ninjago city. And it looks so bad compared to newer Ninjago city.
Kai being smart :)
How not they not see the ninja
This makes me angry that they didn’t notice him
Zane be Indiana Joansing
Bros support bros
Oh zane I’m so proud of you, you are using phrases :D
Jays gonna have a lot of bad frostbite after this
Gremlin Lloyd my son
Final thoughts
This episode was just as enjoyable as I remembered. The jokes were funny and Kai being high was amazing. There was a reason this was my second favorite episode from season one. Over all I give this episode a 9.5/10
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thedojoofintellect · 2 months
Emissary of Auspices
At the age of eleven, Fusajiro Tezuka, a future nuclear physicist, fled wartorn Japan in the late 1940s and settled in Fairfax County, Virginia.
Tezuka was a straight A student and following high school, he graduated from Columbia University egregia cum laude and decided to study abroad at Cambridge University in England. His PhD thesis was rather in-depth in its analysis of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reactions and their implications on a number of scientifically driven twentieth century innovations of highly significant technical pre-eminence.
Fusajiro had a shot at working for RAND corporation, but this was intercepted by his seemingly sudden habitual use of lysergic acid diethylamide after meeting a certain Harvard psychology lecturer turned psychonaut revolutionary.
Meanwhile, Fusajiro’s brother, Gunpei, had just arrived in America eager for a fresh start and unprecedented opportunities. Gunpei was a mathematics prodigy with a somewhat self-righteous disposition and was two years Fusajiro’s senior. Their maternal uncle, Hamato Yamauchi, accompanied Gunpei on his emigration.
Soon enough, Fusajiro kicked his acid habit and was back on the straight and narrow. He may have been subconsciously motivated to do this by the fact that his holier-than-thou brother had just made his way into the States. Their bond was initially strong during early childhood, but they eventually came to almost hate each other in what was indeed a case of sibling rivalry that bordered on resentment. Fusajiro was quite agitated over his elder brother’s claims at superior intelligence, which Gunpei picked up on. The truth was that they were pretty close in terms of intellect, however Fusajiro was maybe five to eight IQ points ahead of Gunpei and was quite a bit more knowledgeable. Uncle Hamato was not anything special when it came to intelligence, but he was very cordial and genuinely cared for his nephews. He loved them as though they were his own children as he had no progeny of his own. The Tezuka brothers’ mother had been killed in the bombing of Nagasaki (Hamato and his nephews were vacationing to Okinawa at the time) and their father died during a Kamikazi mission, leaving none other than Hamato Yamauchi to raise the orphaned children.
Fusajiro Tezuka had fortunately formed alliances with some rather powerful people during his studies at Columbia. His connections were able to pull a few strings for him which led to Fusajiro landing a job at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in the Pentagon. He and 175 of what may very well have been his intellectual equals made the concerted effort at creating a small army of quasi-immortal super-soldiers, who were armed to the teeth with ineffably advanced weaponry and state-of-the-art kevlar. They had peak physical conditioning, with cardiovascular endurance which surpassed that of even the greatest professional athletes. Dr. Fusajiro Tezuka had lent a wealth of expertise and crucial information regarding the augmentations to be made to the inductees of the super-soldier program, who had been recruited from 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-delta and the Naval Special Warfare Development Group. Additionally, a handful of the finest reconnaissance Marines had been selected.
Meanwhile, the 1970s had arrived, and Gunpei had written a number of treatises on social issues as well as pure mathematics, which won a moderate amount of critical acclaim and allowed him to live comfortably. He’d also been giving lectures at state university graduation ceremonies due to his achievements in academia. In 1973, Gunpei and Fusajiro happened to stumble upon one another when Fusajiro had taken a two week vacation from his work for the Department of Defense. At this time, Gunpei had become more humble and the brothers actually struck a conciliatory tone. They decided it would be best if they put their heads together on future projects. Fusajiro had become morally conflicted regarding his work for the government, and upon expressing that to Gunpei, the two agreed that a mind such as Fusajiro’s was best applied to more meaningful purposes than creating a band of state-sponsored killing machines.
While it may have been practically unheard of, the Tezuka brothers, both prominent members of academia, decided to turn to a life of organized crime. They drew up schematics of some of the most prolific cash repositories in the country, and decided to hit the Federal Reserve on July 4, 1976. They’d hired a team of about seventeen mercenaries and career criminals to assist them in their exploits, and the Tezuka brothers were deemed the ringleaders by the district attorney weeks after the job was compromised when the brothers and their accomplices were nearly killed by authorities.
Due to the extremely high profile nature of their crimes, Fusajiro and Gunpei had no trouble whatsoever finding the best legal representation. Their henchmen/underlings had cooperated with the police, signing deals left and right to save themselves from imprisonment.
The trial resulted in a guilty verdict, and the Tezuka brothers were stripped of their citizenship and subsequently deported back to their native Japan. They lived out the remainder of their years in Osaka.
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cfti · 10 months
Rakhi Gifting Redefined: Gift Your Brother Amazing Leather Shoes from CFTI
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Raksha Bandhan, the festival of love and protection between siblings, is the perfect occasion to celebrate the bond that knows no bounds. It's a day when brothers and sisters exchange heartfelt gifts as a symbol of their affection and commitment to each other. This Rakhi, why not surprise your brother with a gift that's not just special but also a timeless symbol of style and sophistication? Enter CFTI – the ultimate B2B footwear platform where you can find the perfect leather shoes to gift your brother.
Unveiling CFTI: Your Gateway to Exquisite Leather Shoes
We believe that exceptional footwear is more than just an accessory; it's an expression of personal style and taste. Our platform is designed to provide a seamless and premium shopping experience for quality leather shoes, making us the ideal choice for your Rakhi gifting needs.
Why Choose Leather Shoes from BCFTI?
Craftsmanship at Its Finest: Our collection of leather shoes is a testament to superior craftsmanship. Each pair is meticulously designed and crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring unmatched quality and durability.
Versatile Selection: Whether your brother prefers classic formal shoes, trendy casuals, or stylish sneakers, we have a wide range of options to suit his unique taste.
Comfort First: We understand the importance of comfort. Our shoes are not only fashionable but also designed to provide all-day comfort, making them the perfect choice for everyday wear.
A Gift of Elegance: Leather shoes exude timeless elegance. By gifting a pair, you're not just offering footwear; you're presenting a symbol of sophistication that will elevate your brother's style.
Ordering Is a Breeze
Shopping for leather shoes on CFTI is a hassle-free experience. Browse our collection online, choose the perfect pair that matches your brother's style, and place your order with a few clicks. We'll take care of the rest, delivering the gift right to your doorstep.
Celebrate Rakhi with Elegance
This Raksha Bandhan, go beyond the ordinary and gift your brother a token of love that he'll cherish for years to come. A pair of leather shoes from CFTI is not just footwear; it's a reflection of your thoughtfulness and the enduring bond you share.Surprise your brother with a gift that speaks volumes about your love and appreciation. Shop now, and let style and sophistication define your Rakhi celebration!
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zeyabykundan · 10 months
The Timeless Gift: Silver Coins for Raksha Bandhan
The bond between siblings is extraordinary, and Raksha Bandhan is a special day dedicated to celebrating that love between siblings. It should be celebrated with much happiness and sharing meaningful moments. To elevate the charm of this day, consider gifting your sister a special silver coin for Rakhi. People have already moved from conventional gift ideas towards things that hold value in themselves, and doubles up as an investment.
Why do Silver Coins Make Best Rakhi Gifts? If you are wondering what to gift your sister on this auspicious day, you must consider a silver coin as a Rakhi gift. Below are some reasons why you must consider coins for this purpose.
A Way to Wish Her the Best in Life: Throughout history, the presence of silver has consistently symbolised prosperity, wealth, and robust well-being. Gift your sister the perfect Rakhi present with an auspicious silver coin. Nothing compares to the joy and significance of this sacred gift. It will strengthen your bond with your sister and hold your place in her heart forever.
Allow Her to Make the Decision: Instead of giving her fancy payals or silver earrings, you can respect her preference by giving her silver bars or coins. She can decide what jewellery she wants to wear and how she wants to wear them. She can make rings and earrings of her choice with the silver bar or coin you would gift her.
Express your Gratitude for Her Being in your Life: If you consider giving your sister a silver coin for Rakhi, that's a good idea. It's a great way to show your gratitude for her presence in your life by giving her these exquisite silver coins. This gift is a meaningful way to acknowledge the difficulties she may have experienced anytime because of you.
A Precious and Valuable Investment: You may gift her chocolates, flowers, or dresses on this auspicious day. However, if you consider silver coins as Rakhi gifting idea, it would be the wisest decision. Your sister may have something valuable and expensive. Silver coins are a great investment that retains its value over time.
These are some reasons why silver coins as a Rakhi gift can be the best decision for your sister on an auspicious occasion like this. This is where you should only trust - Zeya by Kundan
Why Zeya by Kundan? Zeya by Kundan is a trendsetter in jewellery manufacturing companies that sells quality products only. People have trusted them for years because of their guarantees. They provide BIS-hallmarked jewellery, certificates of authenticity, high-quality products, lifetime jewellery cleaning, and stone repair services.
Summing Up If you wish to give your sister a silver coin for rakhi, Kundan Refinery should be where you must head. Rest assured that your sister will receive the finest products on this special day. You can customise silver coins with symbols such as Goddess Feet, Kalpataru tree, Goddess Laxmi, and Lord Ganesha. Let their silver bars and coins be the best gifts you could ever give your loved ones.
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nuzzrii · 10 months
Pure silver rakhi For Brother
"Pure Silver Rakhi for Brother" by Nuzzrii—an exquisite blend of elegance and sentiment. This unique rakhi goes beyond the conventional threads and embellishments, symbolizing the timeless connection shared between siblings. Crafted meticulously from the finest silver, this rakhi holds more than just ornamental value; it encapsulates the profound bond that unites brothers and sisters.
Every facet of this rakhi has been thoughtfully curated to encapsulate the essence of this sacred relationship. The intricate patterns adorning the silver surface elegantly weave together, much like the unbreakable ties that bind siblings. With its delicate craftsmanship, the rakhi mirrors the enduring strength of a brother-sister relationship that withstands the trials of time.
Beyond being a mere wrist accessory, the "Pure Silver Rakhi for Brother" embodies tangible affection, protection, and enduring camaraderie. Its lustrous finish reflects the gleam in a brother's eyes upon receiving this symbol of love from his cherished sister. The rakhi's design reflects Nuzzrii's dedication to honoring tradition while incorporating a touch of contemporary aesthetics.
Amidst a world of mass-produced items, this rakhi emerges as a beacon of authenticity and exclusivity. The skilled artisans at Nuzzrii infuse their craftsmanship and passion into each creation, ensuring that the rakhi is not just an ornament, but a genuine work of art that encapsulates the sincere emotions shared between siblings.
The "Pure Silver Rakhi for Brother" is not merely a customary gift; it's an articulate expression of love, gratitude, and an enduring promise of steadfast support. As siblings come together to celebrate Raksha Bandhan, the exchange of this rakhi becomes a poignant moment, etching memories that will be treasured for a lifetime.
Meticulously designed, affectionately handcrafted, and imbued with the purity of silver, Nuzzrii's "Pure Silver Rakhi for Brother" transcends the ordinary, embodying the exceptional bond that siblings share.
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sri2annapurna · 11 months
Experience the Essence of Raksha Bandhan with Sri Annapurna's Signature Sweets!
Raksha Bandhan, an auspicious festival celebrated in India, is about the cherishable bond between brothers and sisters. It's a day filled with love, emotions, and exchanging gifts. To make this occasion even more delightful, Sri Annapurna's has brought a range of unique and delicious sweets that will satisfy your taste buds and add sweetness to your celebrations. With their unique flavours and traditional recipes, Unique Sweet Corporate Gifts Sri Annapurna's sweets are the perfect choice for this joyous festival.
Sri Annapurna's: A Legacy of Authentic Sweets
Sri Annapurna is well-known for its rich heritage and expertise in creating traditional Indian sweets. With a legacy of over five decades, Sri Annapurna has mastered the art of making mouthwatering delicacies that capture the essence of Indian flavours. Each sweet is carefully prepared using the finest ingredients, ensuring the highest quality and authenticity.
The Art of Making Signature Sweets
Creating Sri Annapurna's signature sweets is an authentic art form that requires precision, skill, and a deep understanding of flavours. The talented artisans at Sri Annapurna blend traditional techniques with modern methods to achieve the perfect balance of taste and texture. Every sweet is handcrafted with the utmost care, reflecting the true spirit of Raksha Bandhan.
As Raksha Bandhan approaches, let's embrace the true essence of this beautiful festival with Sri Annapurna, a renowned Mithai Shop in Varanasi. Allow the flavours to transport you to a world of joy and nostalgia, where traditions are treasured and adorn the bond between siblings. With Sri Annapurna, make this special occasion memorable by indulging in the exquisite range of sweets.
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