#(thank you to Tina for that tag and also for the encouragement; I would not get nearly this much done without you! <3)
br1ghtestlight · 1 year
Hi hello, I just wanted to say how much I adore your account because all of your Bob's Burgers opinions are completely correct. Yes. You are wonderful. ALSO, YOU ARE THE AMAZING PERSON WHO WROTE THE GENDERFLUID GENE FANFICTION YES. IT IS SO ADORABLE AND MADE ME SQUEAL, DEFINITELY ONE OF MY FAVORITES.
Thank you for bringing the Autistic Bob headcanon to my attention 👏🏼
Do you perhaps have any headcanons about Autistic Bob, because it makes me absolutely feral 👀
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! :D this actually means a lot bcuz i always feel like im annoying people by posting so much on this account and spamming the tag im just very passionate about. burgers (and thank u for reading my genderfluid gene fanfiction i poured my entire heart and soul into it haha)
he is so bad at talking to ppl its very stressful because he doesn't understand social cues and people always assume he hates them?? bcuz he isnt very expressive and his words get misinterpreted so people he's talked to like once think that he hates them and he's an asshole so they treat him like garbage, but in reality he's a very loving and passionate and kind person he just doesnt express that very well :(
he wasn't very good at making friends when he was in school (and still isnt) like obviously socializing was hard bcuz of the restaurant and his mom but even outside of that he just Didn't understand other kids and they knew something was weird/different about him and treated him badly even if he didnt understand why, he was very trusting as a kid and fell for people's jokes and tricks a lot of the time bcuz he didnt question them which lead to him being pretty cynical as an adult
bob being autistic is 100% a genetic thing he inherented from big bob but neither of them would ever admit this and they both just think its a personality quirk, it is not
his special interest is cooking and he absolutely LOVES talking abt different recipes and ingredients he uses, he's usually good at controlling himself but if you get him talking about cooking he will not ever stop (linda actually loves this and actively encourages it by asking him questions especially when they first started dating bcuz she thought he was cute and otherwise he didnt talk about himself very much)
bob gets stressed out very easily and likes having control of things in his kitchen especially when he first started his restaurant bcuz he had a specific routine for everything, then he had kids and linda running around everywhere and he got a lot better at dealing with last-minute changes and stress LOL he still prefers cooking by himself though and his control freak tendencies tend to come out around the holidays (he definitely tries not to be Like That because he doesnt want to turn out like his father)
sometimes when the restaurant is busy bob will get overwhelmed and linda will tell him to take a break and go to the employee bathroom to calm down while she handles everything, he's very lucky that he married someone who thrives off chaos and craziness bcuz he would not survive without her
bob is the only person in their family who actually reads books its not very often, but he enjoys reading books about the cooking process and memiors written by professional chefs :) linda thinks that its extremely nerdy but she loves him and she thinks its cute when he reads before bed she calls him her little professor
bob doesn't stim very often bcuz he's good at masking (kinda) and he isnt very expressive in general but if he's really excited about something he'll start bouncing on his feet when he talks until he notices what he's doing and then he's embarrassed, he also mostly does vocal stims when he's anxious/upset lots of groaning just like tina and he repeats things somethings (especially recipes that he has memorized)
when bob has meltdowns (not very often) they usually come out as anger and he starts screaming at everybody and just being annoyed by everything and he's kinda awful to be around until he calms down, everyone in his family knows that he didnt mean it and that he was just stressed out and they're more worried about him than anything bcuz he doesn't typically lash out like that
bob learned the napkin trick he used with gene in the laser show episode when he was a kid bcuz he used to get stressed out while working at his dad's restaurant and the loud noise did not help, his dad wasnt totally understanding but he would let bob take a break if he needed it especially during busy days he would typically work in the kitchen
this is just canon but bob is awful with talking to customers which is why linda and the kids are usually the servers LOL he has absolutely no social skills and he feels like he always says the wrong thing and misses social cues and he comes off as cold and antisocial, if a customer comes back often enough like teddy he'll be more open to talking to them bcuz he knows them but otherwise he usually stays in the back of the restaurant and cooks (this is also why tina wasn't allowed to serve the customers when she was younger but after she asked her dad about it he said that she was allowed as long as she didn't try too hard to make conversation with them)
bob sees a lot of his younger self in tina which is something he absolutely refuses to look deeper into but she's a lot more social and confident than he ever was and she has way more friends than he did at her age (this is almost certainly something she got from her mom)
bob is usually okay around linda and the kids bcuz they're his family and he's used to them and doesnt feel as stressed out or anxious when he's around them, but sometimes he just cant deal with anyone and the kids annoy him with constant questions and loud noises so linda takes the kids out for the day and bob gets to relax at home and watch old western movies idk (this was a lot more common when the kids were younger bcuz now he can just ask them to leave him alone and they'll go to their rooms or whatever) but he's always happy when his family comes home <3
linda will occasionally drag bob out to social events or parties (especially when they were younger amd had more energy/no kids) but she also knows his limits and will come up with the perfect excuse to leave right as he's getting overwhelmed, he doesnt mind going to parties with her because of his (except family parties because they are a lot. he usually just stays home with the kids)
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shady-tavern · 1 year
Tag Game
Thanks so much for @those-damn-snippets for tagging me! That was very sweet of you!
1. What motivates you to write?
Alright, this is going to sound super cheesy, but writing just makes me so damn happy. The joy and excitement that new ideas or future scenes bring me is something that drives me forward. I love writing. I feel right when I do it, like all those weird and strange parts of me that never really seem to fit in anywhere else are wanted and needed. So yeah, what motivates me is how much I love writing and how happy it makes me.
And I hope I get to share at least a small spark of that joy with people when they read my stories.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud of; if not, share a line of someone else's work that you love (just be sure to credit).
Oh wow, that’s a hard pick and I don’t know about most proud. I collected a couple of scenes I really liked that I wrote recently and I have to admit that I chose by playing eeny-meeny-miny-moe. I don’t know if that snippet (or any of the snippets really) makes much sense without context, but I really liked the way it turned out.
Warnings ahead for child death as well as vomiting. This one’s not nice folks and it belongs to the novel "Wild Magic" that I’m working on on the side, along with The Shape of a Soul:
Sophie’s hands trembled and then she was vomiting off to the side. The moment she could breathe again she curled up to press her head against Tina’s shoulder, weeping terribly as the summoned werewolf faded, collapsing into itself. She had been too late.
There was no healing death.
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Alright, that’s a mean question. I like talking about pretty much all of my OCs if I’m given the chance. But I suppose one of the OCs that always makes me happy to write is Ziana from "Hearts of Magic".
She’s such a genuinely fun and loyal person who is down for all kinds of mischief and nonsense and will literally poison your abusive parent the second you let her. She’s warm and kind and supportive and protects the people she loves with all she has. She never takes herself too seriously and you can talk with her about anything and she’ll listen and either try to help or offers a hug. Or to go punch the person who upset you.
She is, weirdly enough, a main character who’s more written the way a side-character would be. Which is also part of the fun of getting to explore her personality and actions and how the story is told through her.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Excited scribbling and mashing of keys when I let the story take over. I love it when it all just flows right out of me and onto the page and it actually sounds like I want it to. That’s the best thing and I literally don’t care if I’m writing an action or friendship or romance scene. Just that feeling of getting to upend a large bucket of water, but instead of water it’s just a rushing flow of words.
5. What part of writing do you think you're best at? (Stroke your own ego, it's okay.)
I think I’m pretty good at writing emotions or the emotional state of characters. That and giving characters neither much of a description or names and sometimes even both.
6. What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
I’m usually bad with getting into communities or fandoms and all that and I don’t know if I am a part of the writelbr community, but I really love just how nice and encouraging everyone has been since I started posting stories. You guys are just too sweet and it’s a joy to come up with stories and share them with you.
7. A writing tool/device that help you with writing (i.e. text to speech, a program, etc.).
It’s going to sound super old-school, but it’s notes and notebooks. I have a special notebook for each of my novels I’m working on and I write everything down, from people to quotes to places to monsters or phrases in made-up languages.
8. A piece of world-building that you like in your own story (it could be the magic system, a particular place, a law, etc.).
Oh, that’s another hard one. I love world-building and I do it for every damn piece of writing. I’m going with the first thing that came to mind:
In my novel "Wild Magic" there are demons born out of negative or unwanted emotions when people die. Grief, abandonment, regret, fear, things like that. Those creatures can only be fought and killed by mages, but there is also never going to be an end to them either. There will always be someone who dies unhappy or filled with some fierce or bitter emotion. So part of the story is the characters muddling their way through that world and figuring out what to do.
9. What piece of advice would you give to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
This may sound counterproductive to some people, but go away from your story. Take a walk, go to the toilet and sit down and play on your phone, go sit in the sun or lie on the floor and listen to nothing or to a song or white noise. Did you drink and eat enough today? Go get a glass of water or juice anyway, that’s always a good idea. And what about your medication? Or sleep?
Get some distance to your story if you can’t figure out what bothers you about it or why you are stuck. Clear your head and come back when you’re not filled with frustration or stress.
Aside from that, go back to the point in your writing where you still liked and enjoyed your writing. Try to figure out from there what happened that made it hard for you to continue. 
Do you need to re-write a certain scene? Did you try to force characters to do or say something just to fit an idea in your mind? Do you find the current scene boring or tedious and do you need to shorten or skip it all together, summarizing it with a few words? Is the current emotional state of your characters hard for you to write and do you need to slow down and take it moment by moment?
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters.
I hope you guys don’t mind getting tagged! I really enjoy your writing a lot.
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Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
@tinknevertalks tagged me (thanks!) and I'm going to tag my personal favorites. Nine have been published, one has not (I love it and no one can take that away from me, so it's going here) but it is finished. Some are WIPs, because why not. (If you're all interested in my X-Files/Sanctuary crossover aka my baby, I'll post it, even though I'm deprived of the ending)
1."The Sanctuary Network. It's a global medical group with a facility in London. Mulder is convinced the Helen Magnus from this story is running it today." --The Abnormal X-File (unpublished - Sanctuary/The X-Files - T)
2. "You murdered a man in front of your ten year old daughter, Helen!" --Come Now, Little One... , chapter 2 (WIP - Stargate SG-1/Sanctuary - dark!fic -T)
3. Jack. She could call him Jack in her mind. It didn't seem right to say it to anyone else. --I Drive Your Truck (Stargate SG-1 - Sam/Jack (unrequited) - T)
4. Sam didn't want a man in any way, shape, or form. She just wanted to be....herself. She wanted to be strong and smart and not have anyone use her because of how she looked. --Bird Cage , chapter 6 (WIP - Stargate SG-1/Sanctuary - Sam/Jack (unestablished) - T)
5. Jack had no clue what she was doing, other than she had, with a grin, said it was 'classified'. --Fishing (Stargate SG-1 - Jack & Cassie - G)
6. Jack decided to look at this like a battlefield. Or a minefield. He had one mission, with one expected outcome. --It Happened (Stargate SG-1 - Sam & Cassie - G)
7. Newt released her a moment later and placed his hands beside hers on her stomach. The baby stirred sleepily beneath their hands. --To Love is to Hurt , chapter 9 (WIP - Fantastic Beasts - Newt/Tina - T)
8. A mother was not something that Janet Fraiser had ever set out to become. But once she was, there was nothing that she would rather be. --What Makes a Mother , chapter 4 (Stargate SG-1 - T)
9. Brown met blue. It was fierce competition. One was encouraging the other to stay while one was struggling to even remain open. --Mind Over Matter, chapter 2 (WIP - Stargate SG-1 - M)
10. Daniel often found himself wondering what would happen the day they went too far. The day they went too far for it rest easy on the soul. The day their souls were just shreds clinging inside the outline of a human body. --Pretending (Stargate SG-1 - T)
I tried to find good descriptive lines, but there's dialogue in the middle of these. I tried to vary it, but I've been calling a lot of attention to my Sanctuary stories, so this is what we've got.
tink tagged most of my writer mutuals/follows (and is also one of them), so I can't do ten. Tagging: @lanistas , @amphytrionwrites , @wittywallflower , @jedimastergoat , @theiravshade , @starbuckxcarter , and @captain-sassy-socks
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