#(that one is based on me and my boss lollll)
coquelicoq · 4 years
hot take: WWX can't read a room to save his life. Jingyi absolutely can read the room, he just doesn't give a shit.
jingyi speaks truth to power and gets away with it because everybody thinks he’s too oblivious to figure out when he should keep his mouth shut, but actually he just thinks it’s funny when everybody gets all indignant. (secondary theory: he never told anyone, but he LOVES handstands.) also, he has a reputation as a scaredy cat because of his ghost phobia, which leads people to assume that he’s a coward and couldn’t possibly be standing up to terrifying people on purpose, but what everyone forgets is that courage is not the absence of fear but rather the fortitude to face it. so by that metric, professional ghostbuster lan jingyi is actually...the bravest of them all??
i think wei wuxian probably can read a room very well (it would have been a survival instinct he developed from a childhood of neglect and abuse), but he worked very hard to get to the point where he could protect himself and now he takes great pleasure in flouting social conventions at every turn because what are they gonna do? kill him again?? lol okay enjoy being immediately sliced in half by his husband, the buffest dude in the galaxy, good luck surviving that, idiot
#i love it when people come into my asks and leave me little gifts of their own ideas! that's so nice.#coming up with my own ideas is exhausting lol. riffing off someone else's ideas is more fun#i could go like five different directions with jingyi. this is one or maybe two of them.#there's another one (which i've seen in a lot of fic) that jingyi gets away with stuff because it reminds lwj of wwx#there's one where jingyi says whatever he wants because lan xichen thinks it's HILARIOUS#(that one is based on me and my boss lollll)#i think the handstand one is my favorite though.#lqr: that's enough out of you young man! copy the rules 50 times while standing on your hands!#ljy: aw man! grandmaster! handstands are the worrrrst! *turning his back to everyone and pumping his fist* aw yiss#ljy has some kind of condition where he's never really operating at 100% mental capacity unless all his blood is in his head#so doing a handstand is when he feels the most ALIVE#it's like the trolls in discworld being in the cold#the untamed#best boy lan jingyi#i do think wwx's obliviousness is a really interesting trait in light of the kinds of skills he would have developed in his traumatic childh#ood. i can totally understand why he would not think lwj is into him (doesn't feel worthy...most people are using him anyway)#but i think he is very canny in other interpersonal settings. when people truly love & appreciate him though...perception check crit fail#(did i use that right? idk anything about d&d lmao)#asks#anon
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lululawrence · 4 years
Hey! I'm the nonnie who asked about the Zouis and Lilo fics! :) thank you so much for answering, it'd be so great if you could rec some of the fics you have saved, I'd appreciate that! I actually can't quite remember the name of the Zouis fic I've read recently, it was about Zayn moving back to Louis because he broke up with his boyfriend and needed some comfort from his best friend. There doesn't really happen anything between them romantically, it's just hinting at it. Thanks again!! :)
yay!! i’m glad you came! gotta love rare pairs hehe
so it sounds like the one you read is the one that i’ve got at the top of this month’s fic list! wasn’t it amazing?? i loved it so much! @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed was the author of it (driving down a one way road (to something better) by we_are_the_same for those who want to look it up, i highly recommend it) and i thoroughly enjoyed it, so i’m glad you did too!
okay so i’m going to do the rec by pairing, the first one will be zouis and then i’ll do lilo. my one caveat is that i haven’t read all of these, BUT the ones i haven’t are now on my to read list since i’ve found them lollll i’m actually really really excited for some of these lilo ones i haven’t read.
i also wanted to give a shout out to @missytearex as well as her side blog @1drarepairfics! she’s on hiatus right now, but her tagging system is AMAZING and it’s because of her that i found most of these that i haven’t had the chance to read yet. if you have already read most of what i rec OR work your way through this list, then defo give her blogs a try and see what you can find there! okay! 
here we go, let’s have some fun!
Unplanned Circumstances by @haztobegood / haztobegood (9k, Secret Agent Zayn, MPreg Louis, One Night Stand, Part 1! I can’t wait for part 2 lollll, written for @wallsficfest)
When We Hold On (To the Past) by @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld (4k, Fallen Angels, I haven’t read this one yet but Nic is amazing and thus I’m reccing all her Zouis fics hehe, written for @wordplayfics)
Fistiana by @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld (2k, Undercover Bare Knuckle Boxing, she also tagged this homoeroticism and who isn’t here for that??)
sort of like that disney movie the 13th year by kingsoftheimpossible (2k, mermaids!!!, that’s legit all i know about this one, @londonfoginacup recced it though so you know it’s good hehe)
I Wanna Dance With Somebody by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (3k, DJ Zayn, Groomsman Louis, I think, lollll I haven’t read this one either but Tabby’s fics are incredible always)
Make Up Your Heart by @fallinglikethis​ / FallingLikeThis (4k, Canon Compliant, ANGST, sad Louis, Reconciliation, promise it’s a happy ending hehe)
Sugar, Yes Please by @fallinglikethis​ / FallingLikeThis (3k, Fake Relationship, Craigslist, Wedding AU)
Tin Roof Series by @uhohmorshedios / yeah_alright (300, this is a two part series that was written for @wordplayfics and it’s so short but I LOVE IT SO MUCH, she packs so much into those words)
Those Hometown Lights by @louandhazaf​ / YesIsAWorld (3k, friends to lovers, Skype Sex, written for Wankfest, this was so good omg)
I Got the Recipe (And It’s Called Black Magic) by @fallinglikethis​ / FallingLikeThis (10k, Famous/Non-Famous, magic, Pop Star Liam, sad Louis, this fic sounds so amazing lolll)
all pressed up in black and white by @mybfhas27tattoos / HazHas4Nips (15k, friends to lovers, lawyer Liam, journalist Louis, this was one of those fics written for @1drarepairfest that I meant to read and never got to, but now I have remembered I defo need to)
emergence (or, the process of coming into view) by @alakeeffectgirl / Lake (beyond_belief) (27k, written for @onedirectionbigbang round 2, Space Fic, Future Fic, Liam is a botanist on the space station, I’m not sure what Louis does haha, This is another one of those fics where I’m like how... did I miss this?)
Smile Again by @mistresscurvy / mistresscurvy (17k, Holidays, Fake Relationship, Misunderstandings, is there really anything else you need? lol)
i’m never gonna fall (but i’m never hard to catch) by @lovedyouless / carissima (5k, Accidental relationship, everything you need to know is the first line from the summary: TFLN: we were supposed to fuck one time, but ended up fucking for 2 years)
don’t you hear me howling by @foxesmouth / theamazingpeterparker (orphan_account) (14k, Childhood Friends, University, Werewolf Louis, Human Liam, I’M SOLD dunno about you lol)
Second Time’s the Charm by sunshineflying (21k, written for @1dbigbang round 3, University, based on the YouTube “Strangers Kissing” video, I’m so excited because I love that video and so many fics that came from it have been great)
Which One Of Us Is Caving by @apayneinthearse / wasp (19k, Boss Liam, Snarky Assistant Louis, this was described as SLOW BURN and I am here for that hehe)
And that’s it! I do also have two honorable mentions to finish with, though hehe @louandhazaf did a “kisses” challenge and every chapter posted is a different kind of kiss with loads of pairings, and there are Zouis as well as Lilo in there! That’s titled And Let Me Kiss You and they are short and sweet and I highly recommend them. I also did some Drabbles for Harry's Birthday Drive 2019 and one was Zouis, so if you’re interested you can check that out too :D
I hope you like these and that there’s some new ones you hadn’t seen before! Happy reading!
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videostak · 3 years
sooo basically i started playing deltarune abt a week or two ago and am a lil bit in chapter 2 rn and idk im not rockin with it and always had mixed feelings abt undertale.... like the stories cute and i rly like the main 3 in this game alot and i like the improvement w/ graphical animations (i think a bigger team worked on this one or smthn) and the introduction of grazing which is so cool in an rpg setting to get your magic up. i think undertale/deltarune really is like one of the few turn based rpgs(aside from paper mario and mario & luigi series which it obv takes lots of inspiration from) that manages to make the turn-based combat interactive in a way that doesnt feel awkwardly forced and doesnt feel boring after awhile/always feels fresh and exciting(i guess the mother 3 combos also can be added to those two others i mentioned). the bullet hell stuff always feels v fun but at the same time it feels like im more playing a visual novel lolllll ? like the gameplay is fun in that regard but it really does just feel like im watching a story and the gameplay is this lil bonus i guess that has to do more w/ it being easy so far and there not being much bonus content aside from the main story idk... also smthn abt the way u walk on the overworld is weird to me idk it feels v like rpg maker moment which i guess isnt bad but like it doesnt feel v polished maybe this is just a lil nitpicky thing. but since the games gonna be 7 chapters or smthn i think theres obv a lot of improvements that will be made as it progresses especially in difficulty and feeling more big n stuff. but like idk with undertale i think it really does have undoubtedly a very great soundtrack but deltarune doesnt have any songs that  go as hard yet but the music is still p good. like i have more mixed feelings abt undertale and i can agree that alot of the songs are amazing especially dummy, amalgam, the spider boss song, and death by glamour.. but also w/ undertale i do remember having mixed feelings after playing it. i mean i feel like it was a fusion of earthbound and yume nikki but i dont thing it was greater than the sum of its parts at all i dont even think it reached the sum of its parts. tho ill try to talk abt undertale less since deltarune is obv trying to improve alot abt it. i mean the humor in games are always usually p entertaining but it does feel like a story with lil gameplay elements alot of the time as opposed to like a complete game and alot of the times i play i feel like im just watching cutscenes with jokes and bits n stuff. which normally wouldnt mean much but given that its good stuff is so great like its bullet hell turn based combat stuff and soundtrack im just like oh ok.. like i dont feel like its doing much for the medium of rpgs or anything in the way earthbound and yume nikki did it just doesnt have that reach imo... like its a game that i play but maybe ive been really spoiling myself by only playing games that im in love w/ completely. i am sucha  picky person hawnestly... but at the same time ive really been buying games w/o playing them obv i guess ive just been lucky/smart with what ive been buying. im glad deltarune is free tho thats so cool! iKinda feel like i wish it had more polish n stuff particularly undertale and i rly didnt like having to play thru the game three times to experience ‘all of it’ iirc u had to play the game atleast twice to get the true ending or whatever and i thot that was kinda annoying but i have alot of problems with multiple ending games that i dislike but thats my own lil separate rant lol. i mean idk im kinda dumb its hard for me to talk abt an indie game w/o it v quickly becoming me talking abt what i would do if i made a game lollll... i mean undertale/deltarune as a game feels very heavily reliant on its story/comedy then on its gameplay/battle mechanics they just feel there so that it qualifies as a game. lol.
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