#(that's a pun with the word shocker - in actuality I know my girlfriend very well)
mechanica1-hands · 1 year
My Life Has Been Irrevocably Changed For The Better
I'm at burger king with my burger queen can I please get a large fry she's vegan please so don't put no cheese with some honey mustard on the side
How This Changed My Life
I did not know that something so world shattering could have been a simple firefox search away (FUCK goodle). my girlfriend started singing this song and I immediately cried WHERE IS THAT BEAUTIFUL MELODY FROM (REAL!! TRUE!!!!). he informed me of its origin. I FERVENTLY typed the search term "burger queen" and landed upon the putrid lands of tiktok, however there it was, the holy grail. I was serenaded by an incredible voice singing the aforementioned song. HUZZAH! I yelled. (get you a guy that says huzzah - my boyfriend).
this is the american experience actually - my girlfriend
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Ty Dye
Tyler Joseph Imagine
Summary: The reader decides to dye her hair to surprise Tyler. When Tyler wakes up from his “nap,” he finds a surprise bigger than he expected.
(A/N): Hope this isn’t too terrible but it probably is. Sorry (not really) about the title being a pun…
Warnings: None.
Tyler x reader (boyfriend x girlfriend)
Josh x reader (best friends)
Word Count: 3,470 (yikes)
When your best friend Josh suggested you dye your hair, you instantly refused. You’ve had your natural hair color since birth and you weren’t changing that anytime soon. Well, that’s that you believed. It was only a day later when you and Josh were driving to the store to pick up Tyler when you actually considered it.
“C'mon, (Y/N) you’d look great with red hair,” Josh nagged, looking towards you and away from the busy road.
“Dun, keep your eyes on the dang road!” you yelled from the passenger’s seat.
Josh scoffed and focused on driving again. A few moments later you noticed him trying to hide a smirk.
“What now?” you pestered.
“If you dye your hair, maybe we could also get Tyler to try it… I mean of course you don’t have to, not like you want to see your boyfriend with firey red hair too, hmm?” Josh looked very smug saying this.
You actually considered what Josh was suggesting. Tyler would look good with vibrant hair, you could imagine it. You’d love to run your fingers through his soft crimson curls. The problem here was the fact that Tyler would refuse to dye his mocha hair every time the topic came up. You wanted to dye your hair even if Tyler wouldn’t, but you still had doubts.
“What if I don’t like it?” you asked Josh.
“Well, maybe we could only dye the ends? That way you can just get your hair cut after a couple of days if you don’t like it,” he pointed out.
“Will my hair end up getting damaged?”
You saw Josh raise his eyebrows.
“Trust me, I’m pretty positive I know which brands are the best. My hair has always been colored ever since you’ve met me anyways.”
Josh pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store.
“Red right?” he asked.
You nodded.
“I’ll go pick up Tyler and then get the stuff we need. Oh and maybe we should keep this a secret from him, I’d love to see his reaction to the both of you with dyed hair,” Josh stepped out of the car before you had the chance to ask how it would be possible to discretely dye Tyler’s hair.
Your thought was interrupted by the car door behind the passenger’s seat being opened. The first thought that came to your mind was Lovely, I’m being abducted but a friendly face greeted you instead. Tyler gave you a small smile.
“Hey Ty,” you returned his smile.
“I passed Josh while walking to the car. He briefly said he had to pick up some stuff too which is shocking since the dude usually pesters me to do that,” Tyler thought out loud.
“Oh, mhm.”
An awkward moment of silence passed between the two of you. You were bad at keeping secrets and whatever Josh had in mind for a plan would probably end up getting to Tyler somehow. Everything and anything happening to you was usually immediately said to Tyler. You felt guilty not being able to tell him about your hair. Even though it was just hair you didn’t want to keep anything from him.
Your uncomfortable situation was saved by Josh unlocking the car that was already unlocked. You were surprised at how quick he was in and out of the store.
“You know, you should lock the car once you leave it. Someone could’ve stolen the car or me,” you scoffed.
Josh made sure to hide the hair products underneath the seat before taking note of what you said.
“Let’s be honest here, if anything was about to happen you, Tyler would smell it- or sense it? Whatever. But he would know from miles away,” he laughed.
“That’s highly possible,” said Tyler.
“But is it plausible?” you asked both of them.
15 minutes later you arrived home back at yours and Tyler’s apartment building. Josh lived in the same complex, a useful factor when Tyler had music ideas or if the three of you just wanted to hang out.
“So what’s in the bag,” Tyler gestured to the flimsy plastic bag Josh was carrying.
Josh froze for a couple seconds, probably trying to decide whether or not to lie to Tyler.
“Hair dye,” he said blankly.
You were surprised when Tyler didn’t question him any further, but it wasn’t unusual for Josh to be buying hair color. After all, his hair hadn’t been its natural color for many years. The three of you made your way towards the front doors and inside the building. You were walking up the second flight of stairs when you stopped.
“Aw, darn, wait I forgot my phone in Josh’s car,” you lied. You felt guilty again for trying to be distant from Tyler.
Josh saw you checking your phone just a couple moments earlier so he took the hint.
“Alright, Tyler why don’t you go up to you guys’ place and do whatever. The car is locked so I’ll go with (Y/N) real quick,” he played along.
“You sure?” Tyler asked.
“Tyler, the car is literally two seconds away, I’ll be fine,” you reassured him.
You patted his back softly and spun around, heading back down the stairs with Josh while Tyler continued ascending. In a couple minutes you were through the lobby and out the front doors.
“So what do you really need?” Josh asked.
“First of all what’s in the bag the bag and how are we going to dye Tyler’s hair secretly?” you crossed your arms.
“I bought four boxes of the hair dye because you’ve got a heck ton of hair and just in case anything goes wrong. Plus we’ve got Tyler’s too. Better be safe than sorry. Oh, and I also got some sleeping medicine because that’ll come in handy later when we dye Tyler’s hair,” Josh said this as if it was no big deal.
You raised your eyebrows at Josh as he showed you the sleeping medicine. It was one of the strongest brands. Soon his plan clicked together.
“We’re going to drug my boyfriend and dye his hair while he sleeps,” you stated.
Josh only grinned and pulled you by your arm back into the building.
“Better hurry up before he gets suspicious, right?”
Tyler was sitting on your living room couch playing video games when you entered the apartment, which didn’t surprise you.
“Hi guys,” he said in a monotone voice without looking away from the TV.
You removed your shoes and walked over to sit next to Tyler on the couch. Josh passed you on his way to the bathroom with the hair dye. He quickly placed a finger to his lips to hint at you to stay quiet.
You leaned your head on Tyler’s shoulder.
“So what do you want to do for the rest of the day, Ty?”
“Dunno, maybe Josh needs help dying his hair or something later. But we can do whatever you want now.” Tyler yawned while pausing his game and placing the controller down.
You were unsure of what to sugguest, but you wanted to be sweet to Tyler considering his hair was going to be dyed without his permission.
“No, it’s alright. Let’s do whatever you want to do Ty,” you pecked a kiss on his cheek.
“Whatever I want to do?”
“On second thought, never mind,” you hit Tyler’s shoulder playfully.
“Oh heck, I’m still here you know. I can hear you two!” Josh yelled from the bathroom.
“How about Josh and I make some lunch? It’s getting late. You stay here, Tyler. Finish your game or something,” you raised your voice while saying “Josh and I” so Josh would get your hint once again.
Sure enough, Josh made his way out of the bathroom and met you in your kitchen. Thankfully, your kitchen had a wall separating it from the living room so Tyler wouldn’t be able to hear your conversation with Josh.
“Now what’s the plan? Keep in mind this is all your idea though,” you laughed softly.
“Well we need Tyler to consume the sleeping medicine so I was thinking we could put it in his drink or something,” Josh removed the medicine from its plastic bag.
You took it from him and unscrewed the lid. To your surprise, the solution was clear and wouldn’t affect the color of whatever Tyler wanted to drink.
“I like your brain, Dun.”
Josh nodded and stepped out of the kitchen momentarily.
“Tyler, what do you want to drink?” he asked.
“Apple juice is fine,” you heard your boyfriend mumble. You chuckled at Tyler’s choice, he acted like such a child at times.
Josh returned to the kitchen.
“So the medicine is grape flavored which is a slight issue. Good he didn’t choose water though yikes- anyways we might have to give him the medicine in two rounds so he doesn’t taste the grape,” he pulled the apple juice out of the refrigerator.
“Tyler’s pretty oblivious to multiple things so he most likely won’t notice the medicine. He’s too focused on his game anyways. You go do that while I make us lunch.”
You two shuffled around the kitchen, you prepared the meal while Josh mixed the medicine into two glasses of juice. Suddenly, you were worried that what you were doing wasn’t safe. Could you mix sleeping medicine into a drink and consume it without somehow being harmed?“
“Josh, is this safe?” you whispered to your friend while fixing up the last sandwich.
“Of course,” he grinned, “I did it to my siblings all the time.”
Josh carried a glass of drugged apple juice to Tyler while you brought a sandwich to him. You weren’t surprised when Tyler was still playing his video game. He saw you two approach and paused it. You and Josh set his food on the coffee table in front of him.
“Oh wow thanks guys. You’re being pleasant today, Josh, that’s a shocker,” Tyler said while picking up his glass.
Josh smiled nervously. You sat down next to Tyler, but held your breath as he took a sip of juice. Both you and Josh were silent.
Tyler continued drinking but looked between you two with a confused expression. You and Josh exchanged a hopeless glance, surely Tyler knew something was up.
He set his glass down.
You finally exhaled and saw Josh do the same. You smiled at Tyler.
“Just eat your food, buddy,” you ruffled your boyfriend’s hair before making your way to the kitchen again. Josh joined you shortly.
You two waited for Tyler to finish his lunch before eating yours. Tyler got up to get more juice but Josh sat him down again, sheepishly passing another drugged glass to him.
You joined Tyler once again while he was finishing his second glass.
“Hey babe,” he slurred
“You tired?” you hopefully asked.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” Tyler mumbled and wrapped his arms around you. He slowly began to lean against you.
“Uh- I can tell I suppose. Why don’t you get some sleep, Ty?”
“This is weird, I’m never tired during the afternoon. Why am I sleepy (Y/N)?”
While remaining quiet, you craned your neck to get a look at Tyler’s face. His eyelids we’re drooping quickly.
“Because you drank a heck load of sleeping medicine sweetie.”
“What? I wouldn’t- how di-” Tyler started but didn’t finish. His body started leaned fully onto yours until you were lying next to Tyler on the couch, his arms still wrapped tightly around yours.
“Josh!” you whisper shouted.
He jogged into the room and frowned but then grinned at your current situation.
“Just move, he’s not going to hear or feel a single thing.”
Sure enough you removed Tyler’s arms from around your waist and stood up. Tyler remained asleep.
“He’s going to kill us when he finds out what we’re about to do to his hair,” you shook your head.
“Better get on with it then,” Josh stated.
It was a strange process– preparing to dye a knocked out person’s hair. Josh wanted to drag Tyler to the bathroom but you argued that he would wake up. Eventually, you two decided to just line part of the couch with plastic bags in a feeble attempt to protect it. Again, Tyler didn’t wake up or even fidget. “Josh… what if… he’s dead,” anxiety filled you.
Josh placed the bags in his hands down slowly and made his way over to Tyler’s sleeping form. He placed two fingers on Tyler’s neck, feeling for his pulse, then looked at you with wide eyes, his mouth parted slightly.
“JOSH!” you dropped everything you were carrying and darted to Tyler.
“There’s a pulse,” he beamed at you.
You smacked Josh’s leg.
“Why am I even friends with you… just dye his fricking hair, Dun.”
Coloring Tyler’s hair looked enjoyable but unusual at the same time, considering that he was fully knocked out. You watched Josh work dye into Tyler’s hair in awe. You wanted to help, but didn’t want to screw up his hair even more than it already would be. Within about 10 minutes, Tyler’s fluffy hair was now damp and fully covered in the red solution. The process of planning and getting Tyler to fall asleep took five times as long as the dyeing.
“This is so evil,” Josh muttered and stood up.
“Like I said, your idea. Not mine. Plus you’re the one who did all the work,” you giggled.
“Yeah, whatever. Anyways it’s time to color yours,” he smirked.
You sighed and shuffled to your bathroom. Josh followed you with a chair from the dining and a couple dark towels. He placed a towel around your neck as you sat down in front of the mirror.
“Just know if you end up screwing up my hair or staining anything in this bathroom- including me and my clothes- I will slather dye on your face,” you warned him.
“I’ll try my best not to, I don’t want to look related to a tomato anytime soon,” Josh chuckled.
Before you knew it, Josh announced he was done dyeing the ends of your hair. You looked at your reflection in the mirror.
“Oh,” you said.
“It’s not going to look red until you wash it out. Wait an hour through,” Josh instructed.
“Yeah, I’m not that dumb Josh. Anyways, we have to wash out Tyler’s hair now don’t we?” 
Josh knocked over a tube of hair color, which was luckily still sealed, and turned towards you. His face began to turn pink.
“I might have forgotten about that part,” Josh groaned, “we need to get Tyler into the bathtub then.”
You and Josh found yourselves in another awkward situation. The living room was located on one side of your apartment while the bathroom was on the other side. Both of you frowned at Tyler’s sleeping form once again.
“He’s not going to wake up, right?” you questioned Josh without looking at him.
“He’s been sleeping for two hours so I don’t really know, I don’t think he will” he mumbled back.
You made your way over to Tyler’s legs while Josh stood by his head. Josh lifted Tyler and shifted him up by pulling him from under his arms then setting him down again. His head and neck lolled off the couch’s arm rest. You burst out laughing at Tyler’s posture while Josh just smiled and shushed you.
“Quiet, he could wake up you know!” he scolded.
You stifled your giggles and grabbed Tyler’s ankles in an attempt to help Josh carry Tyler to the bathroom.
“Lift him on three- one, two, three,” Josh instructed.
You and Josh awkwardly carried Tyler to the bathroom. During the trek, Tyler’s still damp and dyed hair somehow ended up smearing on Josh’s shirt. Josh cursed at Tyler’s limp figure as the dye soaked into his light colored shirt.
Tyler was placed in the bathtub gently on his back. He remained asleep.
“I still think he’s dead,” you scowled.
“If he’s not dead already, he will be soon because we’ll probably drown him on accident,” Josh pointed out.
Reaching into the tub, you bent Tyler’s legs up a little more and pulled him towards the end of the tub as much as you could so he wouldn’t be directly under the stream of water. You let go and both of his legs fell to the side, making his waist twist in an uncomfortable looking way.
“Oh gosh Tyler I’m so sorry,” you reached over to try and fix him again but Josh stopped you.
“Leave him be. Let’s just wash the dang dye out and get this over with.”
Josh slowly turned the knob so there was a slow stream of water. He guided it with his hand towards Tyler’s hair. A trail of tinted red water lead from his hair to the drain. You suddenly realized the two of you didn’t use your brains to its full potential. When you splash water on your face, you feel refreshed and more awake.
You were about to stop Josh when of course, he accidentally splashed water on Tyler’s face. Tyler groaned.
Josh swore and you froze, both of you had your eyes glued to Tyler’s face. The running water suddenly seemed like the loudest noise in the universe as you waited for Tyler to react. Josh shut it off in a hurry.
To your absolute horror, Tyler’s eyelashes slowly fluttered open. His tired eyes made contact with yours and you stared back. This lasted about 20 seconds before Josh abruptly broke the silence.
“Whoops would you look at that! I think it’s time for me to go for a bit, I’m not dying today,” he frantically stood up, hands still dripping with water, and ran out the bathroom door. It slammed close.
You continued to watched Tyler grimly. He shifted around taking in his surroundings.
“(Y/N) why am I wet?” Tyler croaked.
“So, well-”
“Oh my God I’m dying. I’m dying aren’t I?” your boyfriend said as he reached to fix his soaked hair and brought his hand back down. Tyler examined his now red hand in horror and disgust.
“Why am I in the tub? Did I pass out? My head is bleeding. (Y/N)! You have blood on your hair, who did this to you?” Tyler continued to helplessly panic.
A small laugh came from Josh on the other side of the closed door.
“Tyler, baby your head is not bleeding and neither is mine,” you smiled down at Tyler who was still looking at you in shock.
He remained quiet while you turned on the water and finished rinsing out his almost fully washed hair. You washed out yours the best you could as well. To your surprise, he didn’t protest or question you.
“What happened to me?” Tyler timidly asked.
“We dyed your hair buddy!” Josh yelled from the other side of the door.
Tyler bolted up, mouth hanging open. His hands flew to the top of his head.
Before Tyler could get out, you threw a large towel over his face and pushed him back into the still wet tub.
“What did you two do to me?” his words were being muffled by the towel as you dried off his hair.
“Look Ty, I know you’ll be mad but it’ll look great,” you lifted the towel off of Tyler’s face and his concerned brown eyes examined you.
“So uh- Josh and I put sleeping medicine in the apple juice you wanted to drink and then when you were pretty much knocked out we dyed your hair and my ends red but this was all Josh’s idea so you should consult him about this situation,” you spoke very fast.
You leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Tyler’s cold lips before pulling him out of the bath tub. He wobbled a bit but let you pull him over in front of the mirror. Tyler’s hair was still slightly damp but now a deep crimson color. The ends of your hair matched his perfectly. You beamed at your boyfriend who was still soaked with water.
Tyler mirrored (oh that pun) the smile on your face before saying, “now we look extra.”
You frowned and hit Tyler lightly, pulling away from his embrace.
“Hey, I don’t think I deserved that. I was just drugged by my best friend and my girlfriend only to wake up in a tub filled with water and my hair an entirely different color,” Tyler pouted.
“You look great though, really. I’m surprised you’re not upset. But now we can do anything you want- just like I promised earlier,” you wrapped your arms around Tyler’s torso.
“Oh, anything?” Tyler smirked and pressed a kiss on the top of your head.
You pushed Tyler away from you.
“Shut up, Joseph.”
(A/N) I apologize for this being very overdue and awfully written.
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