vvdbvvotv · 6 years
Oh yikes
So, where are you? It’s been a while...
Ha, got ‘em. 
But seriously, I forgot about this account. I have no clue when I updated last or why I even decided to write fanfics? Must’ve been a 2016 me type of thing? I’m not sure what’s going to happen with this account but I’m currently writing another type twenty one pilots fan fiction. One that isn’t... cheesy. Maybe it’ll pop up on here in the future.
Until next time :))
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Hello, I've not posted anything for a couple of weeks. I'll try my best to write something when I can but I return to school very soon so I don't know if I'll have as much free time! I'll try my best!
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Ty Dye
Tyler Joseph Imagine
Summary: The reader decides to dye her hair to surprise Tyler. When Tyler wakes up from his “nap,” he finds a surprise bigger than he expected.
(A/N): Hope this isn’t too terrible but it probably is. Sorry (not really) about the title being a pun…
Warnings: None.
Tyler x reader (boyfriend x girlfriend)
Josh x reader (best friends)
Word Count: 3,470 (yikes)
When your best friend Josh suggested you dye your hair, you instantly refused. You’ve had your natural hair color since birth and you weren’t changing that anytime soon. Well, that’s that you believed. It was only a day later when you and Josh were driving to the store to pick up Tyler when you actually considered it.
“C'mon, (Y/N) you’d look great with red hair,” Josh nagged, looking towards you and away from the busy road.
“Dun, keep your eyes on the dang road!” you yelled from the passenger’s seat.
Josh scoffed and focused on driving again. A few moments later you noticed him trying to hide a smirk.
“What now?” you pestered.
“If you dye your hair, maybe we could also get Tyler to try it… I mean of course you don’t have to, not like you want to see your boyfriend with firey red hair too, hmm?” Josh looked very smug saying this.
You actually considered what Josh was suggesting. Tyler would look good with vibrant hair, you could imagine it. You’d love to run your fingers through his soft crimson curls. The problem here was the fact that Tyler would refuse to dye his mocha hair every time the topic came up. You wanted to dye your hair even if Tyler wouldn’t, but you still had doubts.
“What if I don’t like it?” you asked Josh.
“Well, maybe we could only dye the ends? That way you can just get your hair cut after a couple of days if you don’t like it,” he pointed out.
“Will my hair end up getting damaged?”
You saw Josh raise his eyebrows.
“Trust me, I’m pretty positive I know which brands are the best. My hair has always been colored ever since you’ve met me anyways.”
Josh pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store.
“Red right?” he asked.
You nodded.
“I’ll go pick up Tyler and then get the stuff we need. Oh and maybe we should keep this a secret from him, I’d love to see his reaction to the both of you with dyed hair,” Josh stepped out of the car before you had the chance to ask how it would be possible to discretely dye Tyler’s hair.
Your thought was interrupted by the car door behind the passenger’s seat being opened. The first thought that came to your mind was Lovely, I’m being abducted but a friendly face greeted you instead. Tyler gave you a small smile.
“Hey Ty,” you returned his smile.
“I passed Josh while walking to the car. He briefly said he had to pick up some stuff too which is shocking since the dude usually pesters me to do that,” Tyler thought out loud.
“Oh, mhm.”
An awkward moment of silence passed between the two of you. You were bad at keeping secrets and whatever Josh had in mind for a plan would probably end up getting to Tyler somehow. Everything and anything happening to you was usually immediately said to Tyler. You felt guilty not being able to tell him about your hair. Even though it was just hair you didn’t want to keep anything from him.
Your uncomfortable situation was saved by Josh unlocking the car that was already unlocked. You were surprised at how quick he was in and out of the store.
“You know, you should lock the car once you leave it. Someone could’ve stolen the car or me,” you scoffed.
Josh made sure to hide the hair products underneath the seat before taking note of what you said.
“Let’s be honest here, if anything was about to happen you, Tyler would smell it- or sense it? Whatever. But he would know from miles away,” he laughed.
“That’s highly possible,” said Tyler.
“But is it plausible?” you asked both of them.
15 minutes later you arrived home back at yours and Tyler’s apartment building. Josh lived in the same complex, a useful factor when Tyler had music ideas or if the three of you just wanted to hang out.
“So what’s in the bag,” Tyler gestured to the flimsy plastic bag Josh was carrying.
Josh froze for a couple seconds, probably trying to decide whether or not to lie to Tyler.
“Hair dye,” he said blankly.
You were surprised when Tyler didn’t question him any further, but it wasn’t unusual for Josh to be buying hair color. After all, his hair hadn’t been its natural color for many years. The three of you made your way towards the front doors and inside the building. You were walking up the second flight of stairs when you stopped.
“Aw, darn, wait I forgot my phone in Josh’s car,” you lied. You felt guilty again for trying to be distant from Tyler.
Josh saw you checking your phone just a couple moments earlier so he took the hint.
“Alright, Tyler why don’t you go up to you guys’ place and do whatever. The car is locked so I’ll go with (Y/N) real quick,” he played along.
“You sure?” Tyler asked.
“Tyler, the car is literally two seconds away, I’ll be fine,” you reassured him.
You patted his back softly and spun around, heading back down the stairs with Josh while Tyler continued ascending. In a couple minutes you were through the lobby and out the front doors.
“So what do you really need?” Josh asked.
“First of all what’s in the bag the bag and how are we going to dye Tyler’s hair secretly?” you crossed your arms.
“I bought four boxes of the hair dye because you’ve got a heck ton of hair and just in case anything goes wrong. Plus we’ve got Tyler’s too. Better be safe than sorry. Oh, and I also got some sleeping medicine because that’ll come in handy later when we dye Tyler’s hair,” Josh said this as if it was no big deal.
You raised your eyebrows at Josh as he showed you the sleeping medicine. It was one of the strongest brands. Soon his plan clicked together.
“We’re going to drug my boyfriend and dye his hair while he sleeps,” you stated.
Josh only grinned and pulled you by your arm back into the building.
“Better hurry up before he gets suspicious, right?”
Tyler was sitting on your living room couch playing video games when you entered the apartment, which didn’t surprise you.
“Hi guys,” he said in a monotone voice without looking away from the TV.
You removed your shoes and walked over to sit next to Tyler on the couch. Josh passed you on his way to the bathroom with the hair dye. He quickly placed a finger to his lips to hint at you to stay quiet.
You leaned your head on Tyler’s shoulder.
“So what do you want to do for the rest of the day, Ty?”
“Dunno, maybe Josh needs help dying his hair or something later. But we can do whatever you want now.” Tyler yawned while pausing his game and placing the controller down.
You were unsure of what to sugguest, but you wanted to be sweet to Tyler considering his hair was going to be dyed without his permission.
“No, it’s alright. Let’s do whatever you want to do Ty,” you pecked a kiss on his cheek.
“Whatever I want to do?”
“On second thought, never mind,” you hit Tyler’s shoulder playfully.
“Oh heck, I’m still here you know. I can hear you two!” Josh yelled from the bathroom.
“How about Josh and I make some lunch? It’s getting late. You stay here, Tyler. Finish your game or something,” you raised your voice while saying “Josh and I” so Josh would get your hint once again.
Sure enough, Josh made his way out of the bathroom and met you in your kitchen. Thankfully, your kitchen had a wall separating it from the living room so Tyler wouldn’t be able to hear your conversation with Josh.
“Now what’s the plan? Keep in mind this is all your idea though,” you laughed softly.
“Well we need Tyler to consume the sleeping medicine so I was thinking we could put it in his drink or something,” Josh removed the medicine from its plastic bag.
You took it from him and unscrewed the lid. To your surprise, the solution was clear and wouldn’t affect the color of whatever Tyler wanted to drink.
“I like your brain, Dun.”
Josh nodded and stepped out of the kitchen momentarily.
“Tyler, what do you want to drink?” he asked.
“Apple juice is fine,” you heard your boyfriend mumble. You chuckled at Tyler’s choice, he acted like such a child at times.
Josh returned to the kitchen.
“So the medicine is grape flavored which is a slight issue. Good he didn’t choose water though yikes- anyways we might have to give him the medicine in two rounds so he doesn’t taste the grape,” he pulled the apple juice out of the refrigerator.
“Tyler’s pretty oblivious to multiple things so he most likely won’t notice the medicine. He’s too focused on his game anyways. You go do that while I make us lunch.”
You two shuffled around the kitchen, you prepared the meal while Josh mixed the medicine into two glasses of juice. Suddenly, you were worried that what you were doing wasn’t safe. Could you mix sleeping medicine into a drink and consume it without somehow being harmed?“
“Josh, is this safe?” you whispered to your friend while fixing up the last sandwich.
“Of course,” he grinned, “I did it to my siblings all the time.”
Josh carried a glass of drugged apple juice to Tyler while you brought a sandwich to him. You weren’t surprised when Tyler was still playing his video game. He saw you two approach and paused it. You and Josh set his food on the coffee table in front of him.
“Oh wow thanks guys. You’re being pleasant today, Josh, that’s a shocker,” Tyler said while picking up his glass.
Josh smiled nervously. You sat down next to Tyler, but held your breath as he took a sip of juice. Both you and Josh were silent.
Tyler continued drinking but looked between you two with a confused expression. You and Josh exchanged a hopeless glance, surely Tyler knew something was up.
He set his glass down.
You finally exhaled and saw Josh do the same. You smiled at Tyler.
“Just eat your food, buddy,” you ruffled your boyfriend’s hair before making your way to the kitchen again. Josh joined you shortly.
You two waited for Tyler to finish his lunch before eating yours. Tyler got up to get more juice but Josh sat him down again, sheepishly passing another drugged glass to him.
You joined Tyler once again while he was finishing his second glass.
“Hey babe,” he slurred
“You tired?” you hopefully asked.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” Tyler mumbled and wrapped his arms around you. He slowly began to lean against you.
“Uh- I can tell I suppose. Why don’t you get some sleep, Ty?”
“This is weird, I’m never tired during the afternoon. Why am I sleepy (Y/N)?”
While remaining quiet, you craned your neck to get a look at Tyler’s face. His eyelids we’re drooping quickly.
“Because you drank a heck load of sleeping medicine sweetie.”
“What? I wouldn’t- how di-” Tyler started but didn’t finish. His body started leaned fully onto yours until you were lying next to Tyler on the couch, his arms still wrapped tightly around yours.
“Josh!” you whisper shouted.
He jogged into the room and frowned but then grinned at your current situation.
“Just move, he’s not going to hear or feel a single thing.”
Sure enough you removed Tyler’s arms from around your waist and stood up. Tyler remained asleep.
“He’s going to kill us when he finds out what we’re about to do to his hair,” you shook your head.
“Better get on with it then,” Josh stated.
It was a strange process– preparing to dye a knocked out person’s hair. Josh wanted to drag Tyler to the bathroom but you argued that he would wake up. Eventually, you two decided to just line part of the couch with plastic bags in a feeble attempt to protect it. Again, Tyler didn’t wake up or even fidget. “Josh… what if… he’s dead,” anxiety filled you.
Josh placed the bags in his hands down slowly and made his way over to Tyler’s sleeping form. He placed two fingers on Tyler’s neck, feeling for his pulse, then looked at you with wide eyes, his mouth parted slightly.
“JOSH!” you dropped everything you were carrying and darted to Tyler.
“There’s a pulse,” he beamed at you.
You smacked Josh’s leg.
“Why am I even friends with you… just dye his fricking hair, Dun.”
Coloring Tyler’s hair looked enjoyable but unusual at the same time, considering that he was fully knocked out. You watched Josh work dye into Tyler’s hair in awe. You wanted to help, but didn’t want to screw up his hair even more than it already would be. Within about 10 minutes, Tyler’s fluffy hair was now damp and fully covered in the red solution. The process of planning and getting Tyler to fall asleep took five times as long as the dyeing.
“This is so evil,” Josh muttered and stood up.
“Like I said, your idea. Not mine. Plus you’re the one who did all the work,” you giggled.
“Yeah, whatever. Anyways it’s time to color yours,” he smirked.
You sighed and shuffled to your bathroom. Josh followed you with a chair from the dining and a couple dark towels. He placed a towel around your neck as you sat down in front of the mirror.
“Just know if you end up screwing up my hair or staining anything in this bathroom- including me and my clothes- I will slather dye on your face,” you warned him.
“I’ll try my best not to, I don’t want to look related to a tomato anytime soon,” Josh chuckled.
Before you knew it, Josh announced he was done dyeing the ends of your hair. You looked at your reflection in the mirror.
“Oh,” you said.
“It’s not going to look red until you wash it out. Wait an hour through,” Josh instructed.
“Yeah, I’m not that dumb Josh. Anyways, we have to wash out Tyler’s hair now don’t we?” 
Josh knocked over a tube of hair color, which was luckily still sealed, and turned towards you. His face began to turn pink.
“I might have forgotten about that part,” Josh groaned, “we need to get Tyler into the bathtub then.”
You and Josh found yourselves in another awkward situation. The living room was located on one side of your apartment while the bathroom was on the other side. Both of you frowned at Tyler’s sleeping form once again.
“He’s not going to wake up, right?” you questioned Josh without looking at him.
“He’s been sleeping for two hours so I don’t really know, I don’t think he will” he mumbled back.
You made your way over to Tyler’s legs while Josh stood by his head. Josh lifted Tyler and shifted him up by pulling him from under his arms then setting him down again. His head and neck lolled off the couch’s arm rest. You burst out laughing at Tyler’s posture while Josh just smiled and shushed you.
“Quiet, he could wake up you know!” he scolded.
You stifled your giggles and grabbed Tyler’s ankles in an attempt to help Josh carry Tyler to the bathroom.
“Lift him on three- one, two, three,” Josh instructed.
You and Josh awkwardly carried Tyler to the bathroom. During the trek, Tyler’s still damp and dyed hair somehow ended up smearing on Josh’s shirt. Josh cursed at Tyler’s limp figure as the dye soaked into his light colored shirt.
Tyler was placed in the bathtub gently on his back. He remained asleep.
“I still think he’s dead,” you scowled.
“If he’s not dead already, he will be soon because we’ll probably drown him on accident,” Josh pointed out.
Reaching into the tub, you bent Tyler’s legs up a little more and pulled him towards the end of the tub as much as you could so he wouldn’t be directly under the stream of water. You let go and both of his legs fell to the side, making his waist twist in an uncomfortable looking way.
“Oh gosh Tyler I’m so sorry,” you reached over to try and fix him again but Josh stopped you.
“Leave him be. Let’s just wash the dang dye out and get this over with.”
Josh slowly turned the knob so there was a slow stream of water. He guided it with his hand towards Tyler’s hair. A trail of tinted red water lead from his hair to the drain. You suddenly realized the two of you didn’t use your brains to its full potential. When you splash water on your face, you feel refreshed and more awake.
You were about to stop Josh when of course, he accidentally splashed water on Tyler’s face. Tyler groaned.
Josh swore and you froze, both of you had your eyes glued to Tyler’s face. The running water suddenly seemed like the loudest noise in the universe as you waited for Tyler to react. Josh shut it off in a hurry.
To your absolute horror, Tyler’s eyelashes slowly fluttered open. His tired eyes made contact with yours and you stared back. This lasted about 20 seconds before Josh abruptly broke the silence.
“Whoops would you look at that! I think it’s time for me to go for a bit, I’m not dying today,” he frantically stood up, hands still dripping with water, and ran out the bathroom door. It slammed close.
You continued to watched Tyler grimly. He shifted around taking in his surroundings.
“(Y/N) why am I wet?” Tyler croaked.
“So, well-”
“Oh my God I’m dying. I’m dying aren’t I?” your boyfriend said as he reached to fix his soaked hair and brought his hand back down. Tyler examined his now red hand in horror and disgust.
“Why am I in the tub? Did I pass out? My head is bleeding. (Y/N)! You have blood on your hair, who did this to you?” Tyler continued to helplessly panic.
A small laugh came from Josh on the other side of the closed door.
“Tyler, baby your head is not bleeding and neither is mine,” you smiled down at Tyler who was still looking at you in shock.
He remained quiet while you turned on the water and finished rinsing out his almost fully washed hair. You washed out yours the best you could as well. To your surprise, he didn’t protest or question you.
“What happened to me?” Tyler timidly asked.
“We dyed your hair buddy!” Josh yelled from the other side of the door.
Tyler bolted up, mouth hanging open. His hands flew to the top of his head.
Before Tyler could get out, you threw a large towel over his face and pushed him back into the still wet tub.
“What did you two do to me?” his words were being muffled by the towel as you dried off his hair.
“Look Ty, I know you’ll be mad but it’ll look great,” you lifted the towel off of Tyler’s face and his concerned brown eyes examined you.
“So uh- Josh and I put sleeping medicine in the apple juice you wanted to drink and then when you were pretty much knocked out we dyed your hair and my ends red but this was all Josh’s idea so you should consult him about this situation,” you spoke very fast.
You leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Tyler’s cold lips before pulling him out of the bath tub. He wobbled a bit but let you pull him over in front of the mirror. Tyler’s hair was still slightly damp but now a deep crimson color. The ends of your hair matched his perfectly. You beamed at your boyfriend who was still soaked with water.
Tyler mirrored (oh that pun) the smile on your face before saying, “now we look extra.”
You frowned and hit Tyler lightly, pulling away from his embrace.
“Hey, I don’t think I deserved that. I was just drugged by my best friend and my girlfriend only to wake up in a tub filled with water and my hair an entirely different color,” Tyler pouted.
“You look great though, really. I’m surprised you’re not upset. But now we can do anything you want- just like I promised earlier,” you wrapped your arms around Tyler’s torso.
“Oh, anything?” Tyler smirked and pressed a kiss on the top of your head.
You pushed Tyler away from you.
“Shut up, Joseph.”
(A/N) I apologize for this being very overdue and awfully written.
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Requests are OPEN
Feel free to submit a request for either Tyler Joseph or Josh Dun! I don’t know how long each will take me, considering I’m starting to get very busy again. You can ask me on here, message me, or even DM me on Twitter @ vvdbvvotv.
Keep in mind:
I am currently writing FLUFF only.
Please try to be specific with your request.
Thank you! Have a pleasant rest of your day. :))
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
The Most Beautiful Ones
(A/N): Hope you guys don’t mind a quick poem.
They bloom and blossom wherever you look
On mountaintops, in valleys, a patch of grass down by the seaside
Anywhere and everywhere, they’re there
Thousands, millions, billions of flowers
But it takes something special to be chosen
Something much more than simply being a few petals and a stem
It radiates color and life
A sense of peace
A comforting fragrance
All reasons to be picked
To be snatched and taken away from its home, its sanctuary
Its family too, you could say
The place where it belongs
And one day the cycle of that flower will complete
But in the wrong way
“When you pick flowers, which ones do you take?”
“The most beautiful ones.”
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Tyler Scribble 001
“Punny Tyler”
Tyler Joseph Imagine
Summary:The reader drags Tyler to go grocery shopping with her when Tyler finds a way to entertain himself.
(A/N): Honestly, I really don’t know what this is? I’m sorry in advance (you’ll see).
Warnings: None. Very mild fluff.
Pairing: Tyler x reader (boyfriend and girlfriend)
You hated Tyler. In a good way, that is if it’s possible. The boy could find the perfect ways to annoy you and get on your nerves, but not enough to push you over the edge and get mad at him. He was a blessing and a curse and you loved him dearly. You loved his kind personality and sure maybe you liked his dry sense of humor too.
But today Tyler was a curse and you should’ve known before nagging him to come shopping with you. It should’ve been clear that he had an obnoxious idea in mind as soon as you mentioned that you wouldn’t be shopping for clothes, but instead food. It also should’ve been very crystal clear the moment Tyler stopped acting lazy and uncooperative almost instantly. Of course, you weren’t thinking at the time and you were just happy to have Tyler as company. He even offered to drive and he was sweet the whole time.
Soon the two of you arrived at your local grocery store. Tyler trailed behind you as you walked through the parking lot towards the entrance. You pushed a shopping cart and made your way to the produce section first. Tyler was strangely quiet the whole time which seemed strange after he had been quite cheerful and talkative moments before. He was looking down at his phone intently while you grabbed various items you needed. From time to time, Tyler would scan the area you were in.
“Everything okay, Tyler?” you asked without looking at him.
“Yep, just checking something,” you didn’t hear the laugh escape from his lips as the two of you made your way out of the aisle.
Tyler was now oddly very close to you, bumping into your side at times. The two of you were walking side by side and it was almost like your shoulders and arms were glued to each other.
“You sure there’s nothing wrong with you?” you giggled quietly
“Oh no, I’m doing just fine,” Tyler smirked.
Now at this time, you and Tyler walked into the bakery section of the store. Tyler started grinning in a mischievous way. His hands were resting in his pants pockets and he stood watching your movements. After only a couple seconds you started to get disturbed by Tyler staring and smiling at you in a creepy way.
“Okay Tyler, sweetie, I don’t know what you’re doing but it’s making me slightly uncomfortable,” you smiled at Tyler.
A sad expression crossed his face. He looked down at a pile of bread in front of you.
“Wheat, I’m making you uncomfortable?” Tyler asked.
It took you a short moment to register what Tyler just said. The instant the words left his lips you groaned.
“Tyler if you tagged along with me just to do this, then I am going to strangle you when we get home,” you warned him.
Tyler made no attempt to hide his smile. He slowly walked away while saying, “Looks like I’m toast then.”
You shook your head, trying to look for the items you needed in the section quicker.
“Aww, crumb on. My puns aren’t that crusty today are they?” Tyler wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pressed a kiss on your cheek.
“Tyler please stop it, I’m cringing,” you tried to sound annoyed but a blush creeped it’s way up your face.
“Mmm, okay I know you loaf me though.”
“Oh, crepe you’re getting all heated now. I butter stop soon.”
You shook you head and pushed your cart, desperate to get away from anything related to bread. Tyler followed you like a lost puppy as he continued to throw more puns at you.
Five puns later, you spun around and stormed towards Tyler. A quick glance down the aisle confirmed that you two where alone. You grabbed the front of his shirt and pushed him against a shelf. Tyler looked very scared and startled by your sudden move.
“Yes Tyler, I do loaf you aldough you’ve gotten me all heated up with your crumby puns,” the words you just said made you want to strangle yourself more than Tyler.
“That’s cute, but you cheated. You stole my puns.”
You let go of Tyler, hitting his arm playfully. Dealing with the pun king 24/7 was awful but you loved him and his irritating sense of humor.
(A/N): why did you read this
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
An Emotional Roadshow
Tyler Joseph Imagine
The reader is on tour with Tyler and decides to watch from the seats instead of backstage. Tyler makes a speech about the reader during the middle of the show.
(A/N): Enjoy :) (I changed the title, before it was “I Think We Love Each Other”
Pairing: Tyler x Reader (boyfriend and girlfriend)
Word Count: 1,724
It was another tour night and you were extremely bored. Yes, bored right before at a twenty one pilots concert, something fans really wouldn’t understand. You were waiting backstage with your boyfriend Tyler who was currently applying black paint to his hands, his neck already covered. This was something he did before every show for the past two years. The concert would kick off in about twenty minutes and you were desperately trying to come up with a way to make this one different from the others.
An idea formed in your head and you went to ask Tyler. You wrapped your arms around his middle and placed your chin on his shoulder. Tyler smiled at you from the mirror reflection.
“Hey Ty,” you said timidly.
Tyler kissed the temple of your head softly.
“What’s up?” he asked.
You paused for a moment. You knew the instant you asked this, he would immediately protest. Tyler was very protective and tried to do anything to keep you out of harm’s way.
“Well…” you began, “I was wondering if maybe I could watch the show from up in the seats tonight? It kinda gets boring not being able to see your face properly off stage to the side, you know?”
Tyler stopped what he was doing and stepped away from you. He wore a worried expression on his face.
“But what if you get hurt or something? I won’t be able to keep an eye on you if you’re all the way back there in the seats. Someone could grab you, heck you could get mobbed!” Tyler sighed.
“Please Ty, it gets lame when I can’t see the show properly. I want to see the lighting and all the cool tricks you and Josh do. I want to see the crowd, your fans. Hey - Mark could come sit with me, he’s got enough footage for the video you’re working on, right? Would that make you feel better? I really want to experience your concert again the proper way,” you looked at him hopefully.
Tyler’s face softened and he hugged you once again, carefully pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I suppose that’s fine. Just be careful, alright? If anyone touches you just lemme know somehow and I’ll beat ‘em up, okay?” While smiling at Tyler’s attempt to be tough, you returned his embrace.
Once Tyler was ready, you followed him out of his dressing room to find Mark. It was a short search as you found him waiting with Josh outside his own dressing room. Tyler explained what you wanted to do for the show and thankfully Mark agreed.
You were just starting to walk out when Tyler grabbed your arm.
“Wait,” he muttered before briskly running away from you. Tyler returned holding his black cap. He placed it firmly on your head, tilted down so it covered most of your face.
“So people won’t pay much attention to you,” he said this as if he was the smartest person in the world.
“Geez, Tyler I didn’t know I was that ugly,” you said while grinning at him. Josh snickered, a couple feet away from where you and Tyler were standing.
“Oof, not cool man,” Josh raised his eyebrows at Tyler jokingly.
Tyler looked taken aback at both of these comments.
“I just don’t want people to think ‘Hey! Look it’s (Y/N), Tyler’s girlfriend!’ and rush towards you to just to get pictures. You know how some people can be,” he said.
You nodded at Tyler’s sweet thought for your safety and hugged him one more time before heading out with Mark towards your seats. You looked over your shoulder as you were walking and received a small wave from Tyler. As soon as you emerged from the peace and quiet, you smiled while heard the roused up fans. Tyler and Josh would be up on stage in about five minutes so you and Mark had to hurry before things got too chaotic.
“So where are our seats?” you spoke loudly, trying to make sure Mark heard you over the thousands of people.
“We’re all the way in the back, front row though on second level,” he said. You smiled, realizing you would be level with Tyler when he climbed the tower for “Car Radio.”
The two of you started to walk at a quicker pace and entered the section where your seats were. A wave of admiration for Tyler surged through you as you saw fans of all ages wearing tees with his band logo plastered on the front. It was amazing how much of an impact on people Tyler and Josh created. As soon as you and Mark made it to your seats, the lights started to dim and everyone began to scream. You peered around your area and saw a group of teary eyed girls with their hands up to their faces.
“I can’t believe we’re seeing them in real life,” one of them cried.
You were finally going to experience the show like everyone else and suddenly you felt extremely excited. Then the curtain dropped and there was your sweet Tyler along with Josh, playing the same “Fairly Local” and “Heavydirtysoul” introduction you heard every night. But this time it was better because the lighting looked magnificent. You could finally see Tyler properly- well as close as you could get to properly since he currently had his iconic ski mask on.
The show was going great, you enjoyed it much more in the crowd than being on the sidelines. Even Mark seemed to be having a good time. You assumed he rarely saw what was going on too.
Time seemed to be going in double the pace because it only felt like a couple minutes when they finished playing “We Don’t Believe What’s on TV.” You we’re confused when the stage lights dimmed but turned back on a moment later. There were confused murmurs questioning what was going on from people behind you. You were about to ask Mark, but saw an expression mirroring yours on his face.
All eyes were on stage as Tyler and Josh seemed to be looking through the crowd. You could’ve sworn Josh gestured in your direction. They talked briefly before Tyler returned to the microphone stand, his ukulele still in his hands. Surprisingly, Tyler started to speak. This was strange because he usually saved his speeches for the end of the concert.
“You know,” he began while looking around. People started to scream as Tyler spoke You fondly looked at Tyler as he stared at his feet, trying to fight back a smile. He broke his gaze with the floor and looked around the packed venue.
“You know, I usually save my really emotional speeches and stuff for the end of our set because I like to be dramatic,” Tyler set down his ukulele on its stand.
“But this just one of those rare awkward times when I have to break character for a moment because I’ve got something really important to say. Well I think it’s important.“ More screaming erupted around you.
Tyler continued.
“I don’t know how many of you know this but, ah, I’ve got myself a really special person who came with me on this tour.”
You froze. What if Tyler was talking about you?
“Please don’t tell me my boyfriend is going to put me on the spot or something,” you mumbled to yourself.
Unfortunatly Mark heard and said, “Oh he’s doing just that.” Since you had the whole front row to yourselves, Mark slowly started to shuffle a couple feet away from you.
Tyler pushed his white sunglasses up so they were resting on top of his head. His voice echoed while he spoke. Everyone was focused on Tyler and Tyler only. “Well this one person in particular is who I’d like to talk about right now because all I’ve been thinking about up here on stage is her, my girlfriend,” Tyler finally caved and smiled.
A wave of “aww’s” were emitted from the fans. You felt as if you and your heart were melting on the spot. That happened almost literally a second later as a blinding spotlight was aimed right at you. The girls behind you immediately started screaming about how you were right in front of them. Several others joined in. You brought your hands up to cover your mouth, a blush creeping up your face.
My goodness, he’s so extra, and So that’s why Mark moved away from me were your first thoughts.
You tried to pay attention to Tyler who was staring right at you from a distance away, a huge grin plastered on his face. Josh, who was smiling too, did a quick beat with his drums as if he was talking through them.
“So (Y/N), I just want to say I hope you know I love you, okay? And you seem like you’re having a blast, you look cute up there. I was worried at first that I wouldn’t be able to keep you safe you from all the way over here, but it’s okay because I remembered something. Our concerts are safe places for all of you - they’re home. Oh, and I like being able to look at your face the whole show while you’re there,“ Tyler said innocently. Once again, the whole arena was filled with shrieking.
You were filled with even more admiration for Tyler than earlier. Unsure of what to do, you yelled back a response to Tyler which you instantly regretted due to the fact that you broke the silence that had settled again.
“I love you too Tyler!”
Tyler’s reaction and was one that made you wish you could frame in your mind forever.
“Did you hear that? You heard that right? She said she loves me back, guys, I think we love each other!”
And with that, the lights dimmed and came on once again. Tyler went back into character mode as if nothing even happened, but throughout the show you could feel his protective gaze on you. As Tyler and Josh were taking their final bows, Tyler made a heart shape with his hands and pointed directly at you. Sure, maybe Tyler was cheesy and would embarrass you at times but you still loved the dork very much.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the song titles, all rights go to Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun of twenty one pilots.
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Josh Scribble 001
“Tour de Stress”
Josh Dun Imagine
Summary: Josh is getting nervous about his and Tyler’s upcoming tour, Tour de Columbus. The reader comforts Josh.
(A/N): Since TDC has finally arrived, I thought this would be a quick, appropriate thing to write. Also, this is more of a scribble because I literally wrote this within 30 minutes. Oops.
Pairing: Josh x Reader (boyfriend and girlfriend)
Josh was a wreck the week before the last five shows that would bring a close to the Blurryface era The whole month of June he would be nervous and anxious at times, but the past few days inching closer to “Tour de Columbus” were worse than ever. You could even notice it in your good friend and Josh’s band mate Tyler.
But the days were ticking down quickly. Before you both knew it, it was the night before the first show of the tour. The venue would be at The Basement, where it all started.
Tyler was over at yours and Josh’s place, going over their schedule and set list for what seemed like hundredth time. Both of them were nervous wrecks.
“Wait, wait, so when you do that I’ll-” Josh began to ask Tyler uncertainly.
You shook your head at the two, wondering why they were getting all stressed about the next day. It was a small venue with the capacity of only 300. That was nothing compared to their abundance of 10,000 plus venues they sold out during the Emotional Roadshow. What were they so frightened of?
About an hour later, Tyler went back home, leaving you and Josh alone. You were about to question why Josh was so worried about tomorrow, but felt pity for him as soon as you saw the look on his face. He was sitting on your living room couch in the same position he was in when Tyler was still over. The expression on his face was blank and emotionless.
You sat down next to Josh, scooting closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his torso and leaned against him.
“You alright?” you asked softly.
Josh looked down at you and thought for a moment.
“I don’t really, know. Tyler and I are freaking out a lot. We don’t know how we’re going to put on much of a show in such a confined space. It’s almost like there’s not enough room for both of us and the crowd,” he sighed.
“Hold on a minute,” you let go of Josh and sat up straight, looking at him. What he was saying almost made you burst out laughing.
“You,” you said while pointing at Josh, “are scared that you can’t put on a show because it’s a small venue. And because there are ‘too many people in your band.’”
“Well I didn’t say that exactly but yeah. Why?” Josh asked.
You broke out in a fit of laughter as Josh watched you. He was completely clueless to what you were on about.
“Josh, when you and Tyler weren’t as big, you questioned how you would manage to put on a show with only two people for bigger crowds! And now you’re saying there’s not enough room for the two of you and you don’t know how to put on a show for less than a thousand people,” you giggled.
Josh was silent for a moment. An embarassed blush and smile creeped up on his face.
“Well…” he laughed and began, “I guess Tyler and I have been over thinking this by a landslide. And I thought I was the smart one here.”
You hit Josh’s shoulder playfully and stood up shaking your head again, heading to bed. Before you left the room you turned towards Josh again.
“You should sleep soon, you dummy. You’ve got an exciting but tiring week ahead of you,” you teased.
Josh smiled.
“I can’t wait until our fans see what we’ve got for them. This is going to be a special week.”
No, I am not attending any shows at Tour de Columbus but I am still not mentally prepared for it. This writing probably broke you just because it’s based around the tour and mentions ERS (extra points if you’re reading this after TDC has happened, I’m very sorry). Well now I’m emotional about ERS again. But all I can say about Tour de Columbus is what’s next?
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
I'll Make You Believe
Tyler Joseph Imagine
Part 3
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader (as best friends and maybe a little more)
Request: The reader is suicidal and wants to commit, but doesn’t want to hurt those that care
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, suicidal actions, depression, panic attack, fluff
Word Count: 1,659
Reader’s Point of View
The next few actions you did were clouded over, as if you were watching them unfold from behind a fogged up window. A tweet was sent out to the boy you loved but ran away from. That tweet was soon deleted after regretting what you said. Maybe he didn’t see it. After all, he didn’t save you from yourself when you ran.
Funny how the one you love is the one who breaks you.
“He didn’t break me, it’s my fault. It’s only me and my infested brain. I don’t know what’s wrong but it’s too late to fix it.”
You remember running back towards home again. You were standing in the kitchen of your house. A pencil and a piece paper were clutched in your hand. A note was being scribbled, a note to be found by your angel, your everything. The one person who could save you but couldn’t at the same time. It was placed on the dining room table, a single decorative pebble holding it down.
You were running again. That was all you ever did now anyways. You ran from your family, pushing them away from your life. You ran from your problems, thought that only caused more issues. You always ended up veering towards them again. Most importantly you ran from the person who crossed your mind the most. You didn’t understand why, you didn’t want to run but you did and there was no going back. He didn’t know what you were going to do.
Run little rabbit, run towards the wolf.
Tyler’s Point of View
I ignored the questions being thrown at me as I ran out of my home. Ignored the confused stares my family shot at me as I raced through towards the front door. I ran towards her house, the only place I knew where to look. She wasn’t responding to any calls or texts from either Josh or me. I was blocked out completely from her.
The only thing I could think about was whether or not she was still alive. I tried to push away the thought that I was too late, that a gruesome site would be left for me to discover at her house. I couldn’t get rid of it.
The front door of (Y/N)’s house was unlocked but I was hesitant to open it. I was scared. There could be a variety of things waiting for me behind this door.
I pushed my fears aside and opened it. It was silent and worry consumed me again. The house was too quiet, almost in an eerie sort of way.
“(Y/N)?” I called out. Of course there was no response.
I continued walking into the kitchen. Everything seemed in place, except the reflection of something caught my eye. there was a piece of paper on the dining room table. I frowned and walked closer. It was her handwriting, scribbled all over in a rushed manner.
I’m sorry Tyler I love you I promise I do. Please don’t be sorry because this isn’t your fault, I’m broken I can’t fix myself and neither can you. I’m tired of feeling like this. I don’t want to be trapped anymore. Please remember I love you, I love you, I love you…
Find me in the lake we used to hang around. I’m sorry you have to see me like this. I’m sorry this letter is for you. Tyler please promise me you’ll get over me quickly, I’m sure I never meant much to you anyways.
Tears spilled from my eyes. I didn’t want to forget anything. I should’ve followed her when she ran from me. I should’ve noticed the signs. I should’ve cared more, admitted that I loved her. I took the piece paper and ran out of the house towards the forest, towards the lake and to the unknown.
Reader’s Point of View
It was approximately 1 o'clock pm judging by the sun’s position in the sky. A bad time to do what you were going to do. Night would’ve been a better choice but of course you realized you chose to write that suicide letter to Tyler. If only you could’ve made it longer, time was ticking though. You had a matter of minutes to do what that note said. Tyler was probably discovering the letter right about now.
You didn’t understand why you wanted to do this. It didn’t feel right but at the same time it was the best decision. Like it was the only thing to do and backing out would make you look even more weak.
Quickly, now.
Drowning seemed like the easiest thing to do. It wasn’t quick, but thinking about the sight of any blood made you feel sick. You sat at the edge of the dock, looking at the water and surrounding trees. Rays of sunlight fought through the thick greenery from the forest. The water looked sparkly and glassy in the places where the sun reflected. What a beautiful place to die.
Hurry up, you’re taking too long. Don’t want him to get to you first.
“I got it, you want me gone. So you won. But the joke’s on you because you don’t get to invade my head anymore,” you said to the voice.
You took of your backpack and placed it beside you. You took your shoes and jacket off and stood up. The water looked so luring. It was crystal clear but deep and dark at the same time. You inched closer to the edge of the dock and saw your distorted reflection peering back at you. Suddenly, you were scared. Confused too. Why were you here again?
Don’t do this.
The voice was soft and quiet, unlike the one that frequently invaded your mind. It was very faint, under a whisper. You wanted to listen and back away from the water. It made you want to run away from the lake, away from the forest, and find Tyler. You wanted to run into his safe arms and never let go of him.
“No,” you whispered, “I’m gone, gone too far.”
And finally making up your mind you sat down on the edge of the dock, your feet skimming the surface of the water. Then your feet were immersed and then your ankles. You kept inching yourself down. Suddenly, you heard a loud rustle of leaves and a strangled yell. You had a visitor and a good idea on who it could be.
You pushed yourself off of the dock and your whole body was submerged in water. The cool crisp water engulfed you.
Before you could stop yourself and truly understand what you were doing, the voice spoke one last time
Open your mouth and breath, darling.
You listened and closed your eyes. You began to inhale. Almost instantly, something grabbed your body and pulled you up and out of the lake in one swift movement.
You coughed and sputtered, desperate for air yet also wanting to stop breathing at the same time. It felt as if your lungs had been drenched in gasoline and set on fire.
“Let go of me!” you managed to get out.
You felt lightheaded and nauseous, but tried to push away the person who stopped you. They pinned your arms down and you gasped as they pressed their mouth against yours in an attempt to help you breathe. You relaxed, trying to allow them to help assist you, oxygen slowly filling your lungs again. The person’s grip on you released and their lips parted from yours. You opened your eyes carefully and Tyler’s bloodshot eyes met yours. He rescued you.
You wrapped your arms around Tyler and clung to him, your breathing still shallow and uneven.
“Oh God, please don’t ever do that again (Y/N). Please promise you’ll talk to me, don’t ever leave me. Your note is wrong, I care I really do. I want you in my life, I love you so much,” Tyler whispered. “Breathe, you’re safe here. You’re okay, I’m here and I’m not letting you do go or do anything harmful to yourself ever again.”
You wrapped your drenched arms tighter around Tyler’s middle, clinging to him and his words.
“Hey, you know what I write in this dumb book that I have with me all the time? Well it’s all me talking about you, how I’m too scared to admit that I’ve liked you for a long time. How I’m terrified that it could ruin our friendship or whatever it is we have. But right now I just want you here and it was idiotic of me to be scared because I should’ve told you. I should’ve told you I loved you sooner,” Tyler finished.
You felt him reach for something and then nudge you. You peered up at Tyler and he had a page of his notebook opened up. You scanned the pages as he flipped through. He wasn’t lying, it was about you. There was your name with words of admiration about you jotted in the various entries.
Tyler placed the book down and shifted so your head was on his lap and you were facing him. You closed your eyes and moved closer to Tyler.
He spoke again, “So now I’m going to continue what I was singing to you yesterday because uh- well, I truly put my heart into those words and I want you to believe them.”
Your breathing finally evened and you waited for Tyler’s sweet voice to engulf you.
So you laid there on Tyler’s lap. A perfect end to an imperfect day. Tyler sang and you listened. You listened for him because he truly was your guardian angel. He was your savior and your protector and he made sure you knew he was.
“Won’t you stay alive?”
“I’ll take you on a ride,”
“I will make you believe you are lovely.”
So there’s your conclusion! Pretty short, sorry for that. Hopefully not many people hated the ending (but with my luck possibly everyone despises me now).
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Aisle Nine
Josh Dun Imagine
(Y/F/N) = Your friend’s name
Pairing: Josh Dun x reader
Request: none
Warnings: nothing really, just fluffy stuff
Word Count: 1,310
It was 4:53 pm and you were eager to get off your work shift in a couple hours. You worked at your local grocery store as a shelf and produce stocker. Out of all the jobs you could’ve applied for, of course it had to be the most tiring one. You were 18 and just out of high school and you felt as if working at McDonalds for 12 hours everyday would be a better job than this.
The only thing that kept you from drenching the whole store on gasoline and then proceeding to set it on fire was that your closest friend, (Y/F/N) worked alongside you. You two decided to get a job for the summer and of all the places it had to be a grocery store.
The store itself wasn’t the thing you hated, it was the fact that everything you had to do was annoying. Your position in the store required you to lift, position, and clean up pretty much everything. During the first few days of your job, you didn’t really mind it. Unfortunately, over time you realized how unfit you were for this job- you were out of breath frequently and your feet hurt 99% of the time. Oh and also- people shopping agitated you the most.
If you were trying to unbox items to put on shelves there was someone in the way. People drop stuff all the time, they leave items places where they shouldn’t be (you found a bottle of bleach hidden underneath a pile of watermelon one time), and worst of all, they talked to you. About half of the day consisted of some random dude or lady asking you where this one specific thing was. Sure, as if you had the whole store memorized front to back. You could barely remember what you had for breakfast.
Thankfully, your shift ended soon and you couldn’t wait to go home and get some well deserved rest. (Y/F/N) envied you, as her shift ended an hour after yours. The work schedule was confusing and random, no one really understood it.
You pulled a cart filled with boxes of items out of the storage area of the store. Of course, you forgot what was in them so you asked (Y/F/N) where they were to be placed. She was usually more attentive than you.
“Hey, do you know where these go?” you asked her, nodding your head towards the boxes.
She glanced at them quickly.
“Aisle nine. Hurry up with those though because our manager said we have to restock in the produce section again,” she replied with a scowl.
You sighed while pulling the cart of boxes behind you towards aisle nine. Once you made it, annoyance ran through you as you noticed you had to restock the very middle of the row. You couldn’t bring the cart in with you since there were multiple people going in and out of the aisle every now and then.
“Well this is stupid,” you mumbled, “now I’m going to end up breaking my back trying to carry all of this stuff.”
You started to piled up three boxes in your arms to carry, not really caring that you couldn’t actually see over them. People would move out of the way. Or so you thought.
You suddenly regretted your decision as you slammed into an immobile object. The force from walking too fast managed to push you backwards. The weight of the boxes was too much for you and you lost your balance and tipped over. Cursing, you fell on your back and heard one of the boxes split open as it fell beside you. You helplessly sat up and tried to see what you ran into.
Panic washed over you as you realized you rammed into another human, and his appearance immediately drove you to feel intimidated. The guy was wearing a dark grey snapback hat backwards over his highlighter yellow hair. There was a piercing visible on his nose and on each ear. A bright and colorful tattoo sleeve ran down his right arm and various tattoos were on his left arm. He was also a good height and appeared to be in shape.
Your panic was washed away by relief as you saw he wasn’t enraged by your clumsiness. His brows were furrowed together and his dark brown, earth colored eyes studied you in a concerned yet soft way.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you coming. Here let me give you a hand,” he said quickly while offering his hand to you.
You continued starring at him, then accepted his help and he pulled you to your feet. Shivers went up your spine as he grabbed your hand.
“No, that was my fault. Wasn’t looking, sorry about that,” you uttered while rubbing your neck nervously.
There was an awkward pause between you two before the guy spoke again.
“I suppose I’ll help you out with those,” he gestured toward the spilled items, “I’m Josh by the way.”
“Thanks Josh, but you don’t have to help me out here. I’m sure you’re in a hurry or something,” you said grateful for his offer.
Josh shook his head, bending down to clean up the mess. “It’s alright, I’m in no hurry,” he said smiling.
You nodded and turned around to grab some stuff off the ground when you heard Josh quietly say to himself,
“Not in a hurry anymore that is.”
The two of you cleaned up the products as quickly as you could. Every now and then your hands would brush against each other on accident and you could feel yourself blushing madly. Sometimes out of the corner of your eye you could see Josh smirking too. You two didnt talk much, but in the small comments Josh had, you noticed how nice of a guy he really was. He was the type of person who seemed easygoing and friendly - quite the opposite of his appearance. Once you placed everything on the shelves you turned to Josh again.
“I’ve got more stuff to do, thanks again for your help. Oh and sorry for running into you again,” you smiled at Josh.
“Yeah, hopefully I’ll see you around later or sometime,” he admitted.
You nodded and walked away from Josh, feeling his eyes watching your back as you moved away from him. For some reason, you felt sadness as you went to grab more boxes (only two this time, you learned from your mistake). Unsurprisinly, Josh wasn’t there anymore when you returned which made you even more upset. However, you noticed a piece of paper in the middle of the aisle, where you two had been standing before. You recklessly placed the boxes down to pick up the piece of paper. Inside of the folded up note, there was hastily scribbled writing.
Maybe we could hang out sometime for dinner? Call me :) -J
After that was a series of numbers which was most likely Josh’s phone number. A wide smile grew on your face as you abandoned your job of fixing the shelves. You were eager to find (Y/F/N) and tell her what had happened.
Running down the aisle, you replayed what happened just a few minutes before when suddenly you heard a familiar voice.
“Judging by your smile, I take that as a yes?” It was Josh.
You spun around and saw Josh leaning against some shelves in aisle nine. He mirrored the expression on your face and smiled too.
“Judging by the way you appear to have been waiting for me in a creepy, stalker like way, I say no,” you said.
Josh’s facial expression changed immediately as if he thought you were serious.
“Wait-” he began abruptly.
“Josh!” you exclaimed, “I’m only kidding, of course I will go to dinner with you.”
This was a pretty disappointing imagine. I apologize, it was lame! I suppose I can attempt to make it up by writing the third and final part of “I’ll Make You Believe” instead. ;)
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
I'll Make You Believe
Tyler Joseph Imagine
Part 2
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader (as best friends and maybe a little more)
Request: The reader is suicidal and wants to commit, but doesn’t want to hurt those that care
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, depression, panic attack, suggestive material, fluff
Word Count: 1,682
You woke up in your bed, bundled up in blankets. A couple rays of light shone through your curtains. You closed your eyes again and shifted, turning your head so your nose was pressed against your pillow. As you inhaled, a familiar sent washed over you and filled you with confusion. The pillow smelled like Tyler.
You opened your eyes and bolted upright, looking around the room. This was not your bed, not your curtains, not your pillow. Panic flooded you as you tried to recall what happened the night before. You sensed movement and saw the outline of someone kneeling on the ground, at the edge of the bed.
Silence washed over you and the person, until they finally spoke.
“Hey,” it was Tyler. This was his room.
You continued staring at his outline until he stood up and opened one of his curtains slightly. Soft rays of sunshine illuminated the room.
“Hey, Ty, why am I here? Did um- something happen?” your voice croaked as you asked nervously.
Tyler had a dumbfounded expression on his face until he realized what you were implying. His eyes widened and he started to blush.
Oh! No, uh, nothing like that happened,” Tyler waited for you to respond. 
You nodded, waiting for him to continue.
”I was carrying you home but I don’t think anyone was home when I knocked. I decided not to wake you up and ask for your key because… well, you looked so peaceful sleeping and stuff. Um- I decided to bring you to my house instead of waiting for someone to come home to let you in. My parents were cool with it,” Tyler said while moving to sit on the edge of his bed.
”Thanks, Tyler. I really appreciate that,” you said to him with a small smile.
Tyler returned your smile and nodded. He understood how things were with you. You were an only child and lived with your dad; your mom passed away from a car accident when you were twelve. Ever since, you and your dad were somewhat distant most of the time. He never abused you or anything of the sort, but ever since the tragedy you both stayed out of each other’s way.
Your dad’s work was hectic and required him to do go on a lot of work related road trips and traveling. It wasn’t unusual of him to not tell you. He would usually leave a note to you somewhere around the house before he left.
Tyler stood up and stretched before talking to you again.
”So, I’m gonna go downstairs now to eat or something. You can come down when you’re ready I guess,” Tyler walked towards his bedroom door and stepped out.
You were about to get out of Tyler’s bed, when you saw his head pop back in the room.
”Okay, good. You’re getting up. Don’t want my pillow to smell like you, smelly,” Tyler giggled at himself then turned around to walk back downstairs. You saw him blushing slightly once again.
Lame joke, probably to hide the fact that he doesn’t want you there. The voice in you head echoed once more.
You shook it off while sliding off of the bed and fixing the covers. You grabbed your backpack that Tyler placed next to his bed and checked your phone quickly. The time read 10:53 am. Guilt washed over you, realizing how long you had been at the Josephs’ house. You placed your phone back in your backpack before heading downstairs.
As soon as you started down the first few steps, you could already smell the food set out for breakfast. As you stepped down the last stair, you were greeted by Mrs. Joseph.
“Oh, good morning (Y/N)! Tyler explained to me what happened yesterday. Feel free to stay as long you’d like. For now come and have something to eat, hun,” Tyler’s mom said to you.
You peered over her towards the table. Tyler was sitting at it and looked up at you. His red notebook was lying in his hands.
Ooh look, he’s writing nasty things about you
“Thanks Mrs. Joseph but I think I’ll pass. I’m not really hungry and I’ve got some um- I’m busy today,” you replied unsurely. Unfortunately, after saying that your stomach growled. You blushed, guilt washing over you again. Mrs. Joseph said nothing but smiled back in return.
You turned around and headed towards the Josephs’ front door. Tyler’s younger brother Zack passed you and stopped for a moment. You stopped and saw him look from Tyler and you with a slight smirk on his face. From the corner of your eye, you could see Tyler’s face flushed pink as Zack walked towards him.
You pulled open the front door, wanting to get as far away from Tyler as you could possibly get.
I bet he’s taking advantage of you. Talking about how you slept in the same room, right? Disgusting…
“Nothing happened and you know it,” you mumbled to yourself while walking faster.
You don’t know that. He could’ve done stuff and maybe you don’t know because you were drugged.
“Stop, Tyler isn’t like that. He’s my best friend. He’s too precious to do anything of the sort to anyone.”
Is he? Then explain why is the boy such a mystery to you most of the time. Why does it take him longer to open up to you?
Tears flooded your eyes. You hated the voice that made you question everything. You hated being uncertain all the time. You hated that you even listened to the voice. The voice was your own and you could never help but listen.
You stood on the sidewalk once again, watching the clouds roll by. You fanned your face in an attempt to stop the tears from spilling.
Your “friend” isn’t here to save you. But I bet you like that don’t you? Don’t want him to save you because he sees how gross you are, crying all the time. You’ve got no chance with him.
As if on cue, you heard quick footsteps coming closer. It hadn’t even been three seconds and you knew who was already.
“Hey, (Y/N) I wanted to walk you home-” Tyler began.
You bolted forward, running as fast as you could in the direction of your house. You didn’t want Tyler to see you crying again within 24 hours. You didn’t want him taking you to his house and make you the invader of his personal space. You didn’t want to hear his soft voice or see his lovely face for some twisted up reason even you didn’t understand.
But you did. You wanted to hear his voice, you wanted to be in his warm embrace, you wanted him to tell you everything was going to okay. Instead you kept running. Away from Tyler and all your issues.
The footsteps behind you died and you glanced over your shoulder. Tyler stopped, looking at you with a confused and concerned expression. He slowly turned around and walked back towards his home.
Point proven, you’re on your own.
You arrived at your house. You ran past it. Tyler couldn’t see where you were going, it was fine.
Tyler’s Point of View
She ran and I didn’t understand why. All I did was greet her and offer to walk her home before she sprinted without even lying an eye on me. Did she really hate me that much? I screw up everything honestly, what’s up with me.
I walked back home slowly, hands resting in the pockets of my mustard hoodie. Something made me feel like I should’ve gone after (Y/N). Maybe it was good I didn’t follow her, she might’ve wanted space after seeing my face around so much. I only wanted the best for her.
I felt heat creeping up my face at the thought of last night when I carried (Y/N) to my house. Did she hear what I said while she was falling asleep? I rubbed my arm, wondering if she felt the same about me because what I said was true. I think I did love her.
I arrived at home and immediately went straight to my room. I fished my phone out of my hoodie pocket, eager to text my friend Josh about the issue I was having with (Y/N)
Tyler: josh i need help with something.
Josh: what’s up?
Tyler: (Y/N) was walking home from my house cause remember she stayed the night. i was gonna walk her home and she ran away from me.
Josh: why didn’t you follow her you idiotic rat…
Tyler: …
Tyler: was i supposed to? i figured she wanted to be alone.
Tyler: i mean maybe i could’ve been interfering too much or stuff
Tyler: i think i’ve been around her too much lately
Tyler: josh?
I waited a couple minutes for Josh to reply back, but he didn’t. I started to get even more nervous until finally he read my messages and started to reply back.
Anxiety bubbled inside me as I exited out of messages and tapped on Twitter. My blank blue reflection starred back at me while it was loading. I scrolled through my profile and went to (Y/N)’s profile. Her most recent tweet was posted eight minutes ago. I didn’t understand what Josh was inferring, it was confusing.
I looked at the tweet and tried to read what it said.
“*m *or*y ty**r,
*a*t do th** any***e.
m*ss*d up. **v*d **u”
I copied the tweet and went back to messages so I could ask Josh what it meant. I was welcomed by a text from him.
Josh: tyler fill in the blanks
I pasted the tweet in the message box and re-read it. That’s when it clicked and I felt as if the world had crashed around me.
“im sorry tyler,
cant do this anymore.
messed up, loved you”
Josh: ty?
I threw open my bedroom door and ran.
To be continued…
Ahahaha a cliffhanger, you’re welcome (wow a lot of blushing happened in this part). Anyways, don’t know when I’ll write part three to this. Like I said before, I’m probably going to write a Josh imagine before the conclusion of this (please don’t hurt me I’m sorry)!
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
I'll Make You Believe
Tyler Joseph Imagine
Part 1
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader (as best friends and maybe a little more)
Request: The reader is suicidal and wants to commit, but doesn’t want to hurt those that care
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, depression, panic attack, fluff
Words: 1,833
It was cloudy and cold, a perfect match to describe your mood. You stared out the school bus window as it drove through potholes filled with rain water. You were in 11th grade, on your way home from high school. It was a long and tiring week. Each day dragged on and you were grateful tomorrow was the start of the weekend. High school was a waste for you; you had the attention span of a brick wall and zero concentration or effort. You also lacked in any type of social skills. All of these things combined equaled absolute torture for eight hours straight and five days a week. That’s not even mentioning the other factors that made you even more mentally unstable.
Everyone at school was stupid and annoying in your opinion, including yourself. People in their dumb popularity groups, dumb fads, dumb people using that-one-filter-every-single-living-soul uses on Snapchat. You hated it all. You hated possibly every single person that tried to talk to you. Talking to people was a risk- you didn’t easily trust people. Even your parents didn’t understand you because of how much of a mystery you are to them, but of course they don’t know that. Opening up to them was still as hard as talking to anyone else.
The truth was, even though you despised others who tried to talk to you, you couldn’t be more thankful for one particular person that did. Honestly, you were surprised this person even talked to you in the first place. You stopped staring out the window and turned to the boy sitting next to you. He was looking down at his phone, one hand in the pocket of his favorite yellow hoodie. The dark haired boy was wearing his earbuds, blocking out all the chaos happening from various parts of the bus. He looked up from his phone for a moment, turned his head, and made eye contact with you and smiled before looking down again. You scooted slightly closer to him before getting lost in your thoughts once again.
The boy’s name was Tyler and he was your life saver. Tyler was the one person in the world of seven billion people that you trusted. You met him on your first day of freshman year. Tyler was the new student and out of 2,311 people he decided to ask you where the science wing of your school was. You were grateful for that day, but often felt anxious about how different things would be if he didn’t end up talking to you. Tyler told you everything while you tried to tell him everything too. You were still slightly scared to talk to Tyler about your personal issues sometimes, but whenever you did he made you feel way better. He always comforted you and made you realize you weren’t alone. Even though Tyler didn’t know exactly what you were going through and how you felt, he reassured you that he wouldn’t leave you. He wouldn’t stay during your best moments and fade when you were at your worst. But you still had doubts. There was still that nagging voice in the back of your head spitting harsh yet believable things to you.
He’s pretending.
For two years? Tyler cares. He’s stuck by me for that long.
Oh please, he’s too good for you. Don’t deny it.
That was something you did believe. You snuck a quick glance at Tyler before looking out the window again. Heat was slowly creeping to your face, making it turn a light shade of pink. Tyler was attractive. He had warm brown eyes that made you melt whenever you looked into them, dark brown hair that looked soft to the touch, and full lips. At first glance, yiu would think he was a jock. But Tyler didn’t take advantage of those perks about himself. It was one thing about him that confused you. He never tried to make many friends or talk to any of the other girls. There was a high chance that Tyler could probably date anyone or be part of any group he wanted to, but he didn’t. He didn’t attend any sports events or go to many parties.
Tyler was actually very quiet. He kept to himself and usually wrote in a blood red, hardcover notebook daily. Songs, Tyler would say whenever you asked what he was doing. He would usually only show his friend Josh and you for some reason you didn’t understand. You didn’t really know Josh, but according to Tyler he “played drums and liked kittens.” It made you feel awful that Tyler chose to spend more of his free time with you being emotionally unstable while Josh was all alone. “Don’t worry,” Tyler would normally say, “he’s probably at a pet store or something.”
Tyler nudged your shoulder to remind you that you’d be getting off the bus soon. You hadn’t taken anything out of your backpack, so you waited for Tyler to put away his belongings before following him down the narrow aisle of the bus. As you were walking, you noticed many people eyeing Tyler as he walked by while looking at you in disgust. This made you feel ashamed so you hung your head low and walked faster, eventually bumping into Tyler as you reached the front of the bus. People near you snickered.
“Sorry Ty Guy,” you mumbled a quick apology. “Ty Guy” had been a name you called Tyler within days of meeting him. It stuck ever since.
“No big deal,” Tyler smiled at you once again.
Tyler and you stepped down the bus steps and walked towards your home. You two were only four houses away from each other, which was very convenient. The walk from the bus stop to your house took about 15 minutes.
You trailed a couple paces behind Tyler, pondering about various things. Suddenly, the same voice returned to your head and you had another silent conversation.
He’s not looking back at you, probably ignoring you. It said.
It’s fine, Tyler probably doesn’t realize.
Exactly. He doesn’t care, he’s trying to get rid of you. Explains why he’s walking so fast. He smiled at you because he feels bad for you. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings but really he hates you there’s so much evidence.
You felt your heart drop hearing these things. It’s just your head, it’s not real, you thought. But at the same time it was real because it was inside your head. You were thinking these things and you believed them.
You stopped walking for a couple seconds to see if Tyler would notice. He didn’t. He kept walking and didn’t look back; it was like you didn’t even exist in his world.
Correct once again.
Somehow within only a few minutes or even seconds, the sky and pretty much everything seemed to grow darker. Tyler was now nearly a speck in the distance. The trees casted eerie shadows and the clouds were haunting. You felt panic rising. Your best friend didn’t notice what was happening, he didn’t remember your existence. Was Tyler even your friend? Were the echoes in your messed up mind really true? They knew everything didn’t they.
You felt a feeling that you hadn’t felt in about a week. You felt like everything was trying to suffocate or drown you: the clouds, the air, your own skin. You didn’t understand why a panic attack chose to happen at this random moment, but then it hit you. Tyler. Tyler helped you, Tyler was always there, Tyler’s soothing voice saved you. But now there wasn’t any of him. Now he was gone and you couldn’t see him anymore. You were alone in the dying daylight.
Your heavy backpack made your knees give and you crumpled to the ground. It felt like your heart wasn’t working properly. It was as if you were paralyzed and broken but somehow going to spasm at any given moment. Tears flooded your eyes and you hated yourself for it. You hated being so weak and for crying in the middle of your neighborhood. Your breathing became uneven and you didn’t know how to fix it. You didn’t know how to do anything because you were completely disconnected from the world. Muffled hearing, blurry vision, and nausea struck you.
Suddenly, there was a familiar voice. A familiar sound. You turned your head as best you could and saw the dark haired boy who could fix anything sprinting towards you. And then there he was in front of you dropping his backpack on the sidewalk and crawling towards you with emotion flooding his eyes.
Tyler immediately wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you towards him. You flinched at his touch and your breathing became even more uneven. Tyler sat with his legs out in front of him and pulled the top half of your body onto his lap. You looked up at him, struggling to breathe.
“Ty-” you began.
“Shh, (Y/N) don’t talk just listen, it’s me Tyler. I’m right here. I’m not leaving anytime soon.” Tyler said quietly.
He slowly rocked back and forth with you in his arms.
“Okay,” he continued. “You need to breathe. Look at me- no- don’t close your eyes. Look at me.”
Tyler gently placed his right hand on your stomach while his left arm still supported you. You squirmed at his touch and almost screamed while trying to escape. Tyler pulled you back towards him.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, I just need to make sure you’re breathing evenly. Copy me, I know you can do it. In and out- yeah! That’s good. Keep doing that. Look how easy breathing is,” Tyler said.
You started breathing regularly again, but you were still nauseous and dizzy. It was hard to focus on Tyler’s face that was only inches away from you. Tyler began rocking back and forth again while wrapping his arms tighter around you. His careful embrace made you feel safe once again. You stayed like this. Sitting on the sidewalk with Tyler’s and your belongings scattered everywhere. Tyler kept whispering comforting words to you and rubbed your arm slowly. Eventually, he started to quietly sing one of his songs to you.
…I hear a second voice behind your tongue somehow
Luckily I can read your mind
Flies and cobwebs unwind.
You closed your eyes, clinging onto Tyler and the lyrics he was singing.
They will not take you down
They will not cast you out.
All traces of day had vanished and streetlights became the only source of light. The last thing you remember was being picked up carried home by Tyler.
“Thanks Ty Guy,” you said wearily.
Before you drifted to sleep, you could’ve sworn you heard Tyler say one last thing.
“(Y/N) you’re gonna be alright, okay? I promise… I love you.”
To be continued…
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Listed from oldest to newest
Just so you know, my “scribbles” are quite short and almost like drabbles.
Tyler Joseph
Storm in the Drought
I’ll Make You Believe: Part l Part ll Part lll
An Emotional Roadshow
Tyler Scribble 001
Josh Dun
Aisle Nine
Josh Scribble 001
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Hey :)) I know I already posted a story and I should’ve posted this first. I’m a new account and I will write twenty øne piløts imagines and drabbles. Fluff only at the moment!
Requests are open! I’ll try to write whenever I can.
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Storm in the Drought
Tyler Joseph Imagine
Spring time is a peacemaker. You like the rain. Not the type that brings along streaks of lightning and rolling thunder. The kind in between a drizzle and a storm, the one that softly patters down on your window, making you feel safe and at ease. It was a miracle how this type of rain could be your savior most of the time, protecting you from diving too deep into your thoughts. Silence was a thing to be feared but the rain kept that away. Except it isn’t spring right now, it’s summer. That time of the year where there is nothing but heat and humidity. It’s suffocating and makes you want to fall into a deep sleep forever while at the same time prohibits you from getting any rest. And that’s why you hated summer. Sure summer meant getting away from school but it also meant no rain. The peace you sought in the rain was gone for a whole three months.
You didn’t understand how you survived the past years of basically rainless summers in your life. Two years ago, your life changed forever in the best way possible. When you were 16, you heard rumors from your mom about a family moving in next door. Apparently, the family had children who were around your age too. After hearing the news, you didn’t think much of it. People moved in and out of your neighborhood all the time and it never really phased you. Besides, there was a 99% chance you would never interact with them anyways since you weren’t the social type. That was until the day the mystery people moved in.
A boy was the first person you spotted from your bedroom window. He was helping who appeared to be his three other siblings and parents carry a couple boxes. From what you could see of him, he was an average height and somewhat slim. You watched him and his family unload a truck with boxes and furniture for a while. After getting more curious and heading downstairs to see if you can get a better look at the boy, your mom suggests you help him and his family get settled.
“Mom, they’re fine. There’s six of them,” you remember saying while gesturing to the family.
The look on her face made it clear that you were to introduce yourself to and help the new neighbors right away. Reluctantly, you did and that was probably the best thing your mom ever told you to do. Since you were a very shy person, it took you a lot or nerve to find the strength to talk to the family. Meeting a new person was one thing, but six new people was stressful for you. Finally, after hesitating for several minutes you found the courage to help out the family. During the process, you found out the boy’s name was Tyler. From that day on, you and the dark haired, chocolate eyed boy immediately knew you would be close. It’s been like that ever since that humid day in the middle of June.
Tyler is an understanding person. He’s special to you - the person you trusted the most, the first person you would go to if you needed help, or just needed to see a friendly face. You found comfort and safety simply by being in the presence of Tyler and he became the older-brother-that-you-never had to you. Tyler noticed a lot about you and picked up on your personality quite easily. This was a blessing but a curse at the same time, it was as if he had a sixth sense for knowing when you needed to talk about something or when you were hurt. If you ever did need to talk about anything Tyler knows exactly what to say. He knows how to comfort you, make you feel like you’re not alone, and help you remember what smiling and laughing are.
Tyler picked up on what type of person you were quite quickly. After chatting for a while on the day you met, he would come over to your house every couple of days just to check up on you. Tyler took note of how quiet you got at times when you were “just thinking” but he wanted to make sure you were alright. You worried this would change as soon as school started. Surprisingly, it didn’t and Tyler remained your one and only friend throughout your remaining two years of high school. Tyler was part of the more known and talked about people but that didn’t stop him from hanging out with you. He sat by you at lunch and walked by you in the hallways whenever you two got the chance. You two were in the same history class as well and sat next to each other everyday.
Throughout high school, both of you heard rumors going around about you and Tyler being a thing. This bothered you for a bit since you felt like this would ruin the close friendship you and Tyler had, but Tyler reassured you that it wasn’t a very big deal. He even joked about things like that sometimes. You learned to brush things like these off because of Tyler.
During the rainless months Tyler started coming over to your house daily each night before you went to sleep. He was there whenever you needed a comforting face. Gradually, Tyler started visiting you more. It became sort of a tradition for the both of you after he started to come over each night simply just to talk or sit together.
However, yesterday was the day you thought it all changed. There was an idea that formed in the back of your head that had been there for months but you pushed it away each time it crept back into view. Tyler and you had both graduated recently and you feared that this would be the end of your confusing friendship. Soon he would forget about you and move on just like everyone else. And yesterday your heart shattered as you realized there was a big chance this was true.
Tyler didn’t come over on your first day of being out of high school. He knew you needed him to simply talk to, he knew how important he was to you, he knew how much those daily visits meant to you… Didn’t he?
But clearly Tyler didn’t or never understood. Sure it was only one night and you were overreacting, but Tyler would always inform you if he wouldn’t be able to check on you. He made sure days or even a week or two ahead that you knew he couldn’t come over. So what changed? Did everything you think have to happen and go wrong?
You sat on your bed staring out at the dripping crimson sunset concealed by nothing - a cloudless sky. Another rainless night. You pulled your knees up to your chest and sat there thinking for what felt like hours, in reality it being only a couple of minutes. Slowly drifting off into a light sleep, you suddenly jerked awake when you heard a soft rapping against your bedroom door. You shifted and turned around slowly.
“Come in,” you said in a quiet voice, expecting your mom to be there.
The door opened slightly and you didn’t see your mom, but instead you saw dark brown eyes staring sadly back at you. You recognized those eyes anywhere and immediately relief flooded over you.
“Tyler,” you smiled at him.
Tyler quickly stepped into your room and rushed to explained himself.
“(Y/N) I’m so sorry I didn’t come yesterday, I don’t even think sorry is enough. I haven’t missed a single day without telling you and yesterday I did that, I felt so bad that I didn’t want to text you because I thought you hated me. I regret that so much now oh gosh. Madison’s baseball game was yesterday and we had to leave as soon as I got home, my parents-”
You cut Tyler off by sliding off your bed and drifting towards him. You wrapped your arms around Tyler and sighed. He paused for a couple seconds before engulfing you in the same hug that made you feel secure and protected so many times.
“It’s okay Tyler, you’re here now. That’s all that matters,” you mumbled into his shirt.
Tyler let go of you after that- the humidity in your room due to the heat was overwhelming. Tyler looked at you in a way that was asking if you were sure everything was fine between you two. You smiled slightly and went back to where you were sitting on your bed before Tyler walked in.
“Sit,” you patted a spot on the bed next to you and Tyler came over sat cross legged by your side. Both of you sat in silence for a few moments while watching the sun slowly disappear behind some trees, simply enjoying each other’s presence. You leaned your head on Tyler’s shoulder and felt him look down at you. You gazed out your window. It was dry outside and hadn’t rained for the past 12 days. Your peacemaker had left you once again. That was okay though because you had Tyler. And Tyler was your rain storm during the drought.
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
person: are you okay?
me: yeah i’m cool
me on the inside: tyler joseph and josh dun are such important people i know you probably know that but it’s not been said in this conversation yet so i’m just letting you know they are vital elements in our society I feel sorry for anyone who hasn’t experienced the warm loving embrace of their music they’re so pure let me squish them
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
I hate that time is parallel.
I hate that at this very moment, someone is having the worst time of their life.
I hate that as I write this down, someone has lost the love of their best friend.
I can be the happiest I’ve ever been, and someone out there will still be suicidal.
I can be just finding myself, and at the same moment someone has lost all hope.
But what bothers me most is when I can look back and know that sometime while I was alive, someone I’ve grown to love had hated themselves.
So I keep asking myself: where was I when Tyler shouted “hello” to the trees around him? Was I asleep when he was at his darkest point? Which nights were the ones when Josh couldn’t sleep because of worry, while I was lost in dreams? The lyrics for Save were written before I ever knew about this band, and yet at some point Tyler was writing them while I was alive.
I hate that time is parallel. But it helps a little bit, knowing that as I laid awake and unsure in my bed, someone else was doing the same. When I felt as if I had lost all my purpose, Tyler was just finding his.
I hope that made sense.
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