#(the drone should get a name after this for its efforts lol)
kaibacorpbros · 1 year
|| @epilvgue
Wormholes. Sure, why not. Traveling through different dimensions wasn't enough, rips in space decided to spring up too. Truthfully, Kaiba hadn't done much with the Space Station in a few years. It's purpose had mostly been completed after all. But he wasn't one for waste, so he rented out most of it to scientists as well as for it to be used in educational programs to get children interested in astrology, aerodynamics, physics, and the like. But space was a smaller interest of his and he was always kept in the know about what research was being conducted and what discovers were made.
And apparently this time they had found a wormhole. He was expecting it to be some big tear in the fabric of reality, a gaping hole with a void of nothingness... but no it looked more like a little scratch in the night sky. So of course lent his intellect in the crusade to figure out what was on the other side.
"If this thing doesn't come back well... that's a few hundred thousand yen down the drain."
A drone, specifically built for this voyage, was released from the station and was piloted remotely by Seto into the wormhole. As a pleasant surprise, very little damage was inflicted upon the robot on its trip through. The live camera feed revealed on the other side of the wormhole was--a desert? It sure didn't look like another planet. More like a desert on Earth.
A long bout of silence washed over the research team as they weren't sure if they should consider this groundbreaking or disappointing.
Interrupting it all was what looked like a humanoid figure down closer to the surface. Promptly Kaiba directed the drone to get closer. And it was just... a guy?
Maybe this wormhole didn't lead to a new, undiscovered area of space and just. Back to Earth. That was the only thing that could make sense, right? There was no way a person was on some faraway planet in space out in the middle of a desert. Right?
Well, no way of knowing but by asking the guy. With a few more key inputs the drone's speakers chimed "Hello" in several of the most common languages at the strange person in red.
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Look What the Cat Dragged In-- Viago (WWDITS) x Reader
Request: "Saw this [comic below] and totally thought it would a good idea for a fic as I could totally see my cat Oliver doing this lol 😆" @minigirl87​
Warnings: none!
Word Count: 1k
Notes: sorry its so short :/ writer’s block has been kicking my ass lately
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      Viago and Deacon had another fight. The latter neglected his share of the flat chores and refused to put in any effort in maintaining the property. It had taken many years for him to widdle Viago down to his last nerve, but he finally snapped. What would have been them bowing up and hissing at each other turned into a bat-fight. Deacon was more scrappy than Viago was, and he often fought dirty. Viago left before things could get any worse. He planned to stay out as long as possible, not wanting to endure the teasing that was bound to happen when he went back home. Viago grew up learning prose, not how to fight, and the others often gave him grief over it. 
      You had never been the type to live in the middle of the city. You loved nature and the sense of peace it provided. Plus, you wanted to have plenty of room for your cat to explore. He was always getting into something. Speak of the devil, he was pawing at the back door, ready to be let inside. "Alright, alright! Calm down, I'm coming," you laughed. When you pulled the door open, you weren't expecting the fat tabby to come trotting inside with a bat in his mouth. You froze for a moment, unsure of how to react. You finally snapped out of your stupor. "Oliver, no! Drop it!" You grabbed the cat and wrangled the poor creature out of his grasp. It didn't appear that Oliver was trying to harm the bat, but he was clearly annoyed that you had taken it away. You tsked, shaking your head. The bat had a few scratches, but nothing that seemed too serious. 
     You found a cardboard box and put a fluffy blanket in the bottom of it, along with a small bowl of water and some fruit slices. After cleaning the bat's wounds, you placed it in the box. "You can stay here tonight, then we'll figure out where to go next." You figured it would be best to leave the box in the bathroom. If the bat escaped, there wouldn't be much for it to destroy, and Oliver wouldn't be able to get a hold of it. 
     You returned to your desk and desperately tried to focus on the droning phone call. Your boss was addressing the team on unimportant matters that could have easily been explained in an email. Propping your head on your hand, you struggled to stay focused. Your eyes fluttered shut. It wouldn't hurt to rest your eyes for a brief moment... if it had only been a brief moment. A loud thud startled you awake. You groaned, realizing that you had been asleep for several hours. The meeting was long over, and you had quite the angry text from your supervisor about not participating in the group calls. It was nearing five in the morning, and you knew that there was no way you'd be able to go back to sleep after such a rude awakening. You pulled yourself from the chair and stretched your back. You figured that it was just Oliver getting into something again. Another loud thud came from inside the bathroom. Your brows knit together. What could the bat possibly be doing to cause such a racket? You slowly pulled the bathroom door open, only to freeze when you saw a man standing inside. He was wearing vastly outdated clothes, including a cloak that was somehow wrapped around the shower curtain rod. Taking a deep breath, you mustered up the courage to snatch the door wide open. "How the hell did you get in here?" you snapped. The man yelped, stumbling backward with wide eyes. He tumbled to the floor and snatched the curtain rod down with him. "You have ten seconds to explain yourself before I call the cops." He quickly waved his hands in the air.
     "You will walk away and remember nothing of me." You scoffed, mimicking his movements.
     "Your Jedi mind tricks do not work on me." 
     "Damn it! I can never get that right when I'm stressed," he mumbled. The man flashed you an apologetic smile. "I hope I did not scare you. I was about to thank you for your hospitality, but as I was changing from my bat form, I-- er, uh-- had a little mishap." He gestured to the cloak-wrapped curtain rod. You pinched the bridge of your nose, beginning to question your sanity.
     "You're saying that you were the bat? What, are you like... some kind of vampire or something?" His face lit up.
     "Exactly!" You crossed your arms.
     "Okay, prove it." The man sat there for a moment, thinking. He finally returned his gaze to you.
     "Well, I have these fangs. See?" He widened his smile, pointing at the elongated teeth. You pursed your lips. There were three possibilities: 1. He was telling the truth, 2. He was lying and actually snuck into your house to murder you, or 3. You were going insane and hallucinating. You decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and hesitantly sat in front of him. You started untangling his cloak from the curtain rod. He quietly watched.
     "So, Mr. Vampire, you got a name?" He sheepishly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
     "Oh! Yes, my apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Viago." You held out a hand as you introduced yourself, and he shook it. When you finally freed his cloak, Viago repeatedly thanked you.
     "Don't thank me yet. You're probably gonna be stuck here for a while. The sun should be coming up any minute... this is the only room without windows, so you should probably stay in here... but I can bring in some pillows and blankets, and you can tell me about the wondrous world of vampires?" Viago smiled, nodding.
     "Yes, I'd quite like that."
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fandomblues · 6 years
Friends Help Each Other [Peter Hale]
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Fandom ; Teen Wolf
Pairings ; Peter Hale x Werewolf!Reader
Summary ; You need a little help with dealing with your heat. Being the stubborn person you are, you refuse to approach any of your friends for help. Good thing you aren’t exactly friends with Peter. 
Warning(s) ; oral sex, unprotected sexual intercourse (wrap it before you tap it, kids!), swearing 
Word Count ; 3.0k+
Author’s Note ; Hello! This is my second piece of writing after a really long time (the first one was posted almost a year ago i think??) and also my first smut, so bear with me; i'm a little new to all of this! I was working on this quite a few months ago before I stopped due to school and I continued this a couple of days before so the back part might be a littttlllleee different. I also only proof read this once so it might be a little crappy lol. Constructive criticism is much appreciated! Enjoy xx
You were trying your best to concentrate on what Harris was droning on about. You screwed your eyes shut, anxiously rubbing your legs together to try and soothe the dull ache between your legs. You could feel the sweat trickling down your forehead. It was a cool day so there should not have been a reason for you to feel so warm, but you were in heat.
You craved attention from a real human being; not just your hand. You had attempted to get yourself off for hours the night before, but nothing worked. After recovering from a high, the ache returned and you were back to feeling displeasured and needy.
Your head shot up and you gazed at your chemistry teacher, disorientated. "Would you be so kind as to tell me the factors that affect the rate of collision between particles?"
You looked back down at your open textbook, which wasn't even on the correct page. You opened your mouth and stuttered out an "uhh" rather unintelligibly. Harris narrowed his eyebrows. "L/N," he yelled. "Tell me the factors that affects the rate of collision between particles," he repeated.
When he realized you were unable to answer, he let out an exaggerated sigh of disappointment. "This is the kind of stupidity I deal with everyday," Harris began as he walked down the aisle of the lab.
"Yo, Y/N, are you alright?" Stiles asked from behind you. You felt his hand touch your shoulder and you immediately tensed up. You had never felt any sort of romantic attraction towards Stiles, yet a simple gesture of concern from the boy left you breathless.
"I need to... n-need to... need to....,"
You stood up, dragging the chair against the floor with an ear-piercing screech. Harris paused in his speech and glared at you indignantly. "Sit down, Miss L/N, before I decide to give you detention for the next week," he snapped.
You ignored your teacher and gathered your things in a hurry before rushing out the class. Behind you, you could hear Stiles calling out your name; though he was silenced by your teacher very quickly.
You ran down the hallway, shoes squeaking against the floor. You had to get home, you made a beeline towards your car, hopping in and immediately speeding back to the loft. You couldn't use your hands, they were not going to be any use in taming the fire in you. You needed someone, a person.
The only question was, who?
Derek was your alpha and by any right, you should be able to approach him for help. But you couldn't, it would feel way too awkward afterwards. You saw him as a brother. And so was Scott, Isaac, Boyd and any other male friend. You growled and whacked the steering wheel in frustration. You needed some sort of relief as soon as possible, and there wasn't much of a choice left. Derek it was.
You reached the loft and rushed in, abandoning your belongings on the floor. "Derek!" You called out.
When there wasn't any response, you called out his name again. You sighed frustratedly and ran your hand through your hair. The ache between your legs was getting increasingly uncomfortable and you shifted from one foot to another and rubbed your thighs together.
That's when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Derek?" You called out. "I really need a favor from you now," you gasped out. "Like, right now."
"No Derek here, sweetheart. Just me."
You stiffened. You knew that voice anywhere. You looked up and prepared to make a snarky remark at Peter Hale, but your breath hitched in your throat. You'd always found the older man attractive and while you spent a lot of time around him during pack meetings and what not, he wasn't someone you would say you were close to. But at that moment, you really wished you were a lot more closer to him, especially in a physical way.
"Cat got your tongue?" He teased, stepping forward. Just his voice alone had you dripping. He had that damn smirk on his face. He knew what he was doing to you, you practically reeked of need, and he was enjoying every second of it.
"I'm looking for Derek. I need his help," you choked out, taking a few steps back reluctantly to maintain the distance between you two. Peter seemed unfazed by your efforts to separate the both of you and continued walking towards you.
"Well, I'm right here, aren't I, Y/N?" he grinned. "And I am very willing to lend a helping hand if you so desperately need one."
You didn't say anything, just kept silent and stared at his beautiful face. To be honest, you were not exactly quite sure how to respond. But then you thought it through.
Peter and you weren't the closest. He could help you with your heat, and both of you could go back to being acquaintances after that. No need for awkward glances or random thoughts about having sex with your close friend who you had no attraction to.
You hadn't even realized Peter was standing right in front of you, and he gently used two fingers to tilt your chin up to meet his eyes. Those damned baby blues could make any creature swoon.
"Just say the word, darling. I'll be happy to help," he drawled.
Fuck it.
You tiptoed up and let your lips meet his. He returned the kiss, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you close.
His tongue made its way into your mouth, exploring its new surroundings. You moaned as his hands caressed your waist. Your skin tingled and you tugged at his hair, silently begging him to do something to appease the wolf inside you. He grinned mischievously and let his hands wander down to your butt, grabbing a handful of flesh and giving it a rough squeeze.
You jerked against him and whimpered, grabbing onto the collar of his shirt. "More," you mumbled against his lips. "Tsk tsk, so impatient," he remarked, letting his lips move down your neck. You tilted your neck to allow him more access to devour you. With that simple movement, he immediately found your sweet spot, and got to work at pleasuring you; nibbling and biting and sucking.
You gasped and clawed at his shirt, letting out a whine. You would have collapsed onto your knees if it weren't for him holding you up. Peter licked a long stripe up from your neck to your jawline, before reuniting both of your lips.
Peter backed you up against the wall and squeezed your thighs, giving you the signal to jump. You did so, and immediately wrapped your legs round his waist. You shifted and rubbed yourself against his jeans, earning a grunt from him as he nibbled on your bottom lip. Your fingers tangled in his hair as he carried you over to the couch, both of you collapsing onto it in a groaning heap. Peter took the chance to snake his hands under your your shirt, fingers tracing along the edge of your bra.
You pulled away with the intention of taking off your shirt, but Peter stopped you and used his claws to rip it apart.
"Hey! You can't just go around ripping people's clo-" Peter cut you off by pressing his lips to yours again. "I'll buy a new shirt for you, darling," he murmured. He lent back and used the claw on his pointer finger to saw through the middle point of your bra. It popped open and freed your breasts, letting Peter immediately lean down and latch his mouth onto your nipple.
You let out a gasp and he nibbled gently, sending shivers down your spine. He released you nipple and kissed down, letting his lips glide along your stomach. You shivered and let out a hum of appreciation. He was almost to where you needed him to be. Peter unbuttoned your jeans and yanked them down, along with your shoes, and you hurriedly kicked them off towards the side and spread your legs eagerly.
Peter removed his shirt, and returned to his place between your legs. "Tell me what you want, darling. I want to hear your words," he purred, pressing kisses up the inside of your thighs. "Please touch me," you whimpered, bucking your hips slightly, silently begging him to do something.
Peter glanced up at you and flashed a cheeky smile. "I'm already touching you. You're going to have to a tad bit more specific, Y/N."
You let a little frustrated grunt. You didn't have time for this. "I need your fingers in my pussy. And your mouth. Please, Peter," you whined.
The older Hale grinned and pressed his fingers over your panties, and you practically let out a sob of relief. He slowly dragged his finger down to your dripping entrance, before dragging it back up again to your clit and applying a little pressure. Fucking tease.
He pulled your panties to the side and latched his mouth onto your clit, making you jolt in surprise and let out a pleased moan. He nibbled gently and dragged his tongue down to your entrance, collecting your juices. He dipped his tongue in and swirled around, making your cry out.
Peter's mouth went back to your needy clit and sucked on it as he brought his fingers to the party. He teased your entrance for a bit before slowly pushing in his finger, your walls immediately welcoming him and clenching down. You moaned and thread your fingers through his brown locks, giving it a little tug. Peter groaned at that, and the vibrations went straight to your core, earning yet another sound of pleasure form you.
Peter added another finger, and that's when he reached up and used the pads of his fingers to rub against that sweet spot of yours. You squealed and bucked your hips and Peter used his free hand to pin you down as he stimulated your G-Spot at a faster pace.
The familiar feeling in your stomach began to build up, and when Peter bit down gently on your clit, you lost it. You cried out his name, your walls clenching round his fingers and releasing your juices.
You expected Peter to resurface from the spot between your legs, but he stayed where he was and continued working his magic with his mouth. He didn't give you time to recover from your previous orgasm, and you immediately felt a second wave of pleasure overcome you as he continued his actions. You whined and let out a few sobs even, from how overstimulated you were.
After your second orgasm, you attempted to push his head away, already oversensitive from cumming twice. "One more time, darling," he crooned, all while using his fingers to pleasure you.
You sobbed. It was way too much, but at the same time you didn't want him to stop. You'd figured Peter would probably be more experienced in bed than most guys your age since he was much older, but my god, was he an absolute beast. You cried out and bucked your hips violently as Peter let his tongue slither into your entrance. He lapped up all your arousal, and you allowed your third orgasm to take over you.
Your body shook violently, and the only sounds that echoed through the loft was Peter's name falling from your tongue and the obscene lapping sounds coming from between your thighs. Peter sat up and pulled his shirt off before looking down at you exhausted self with a shit eating grin on his face.
You panted and struggled to catch your breath, glaring at him tiredly. "Need some time, sweetheart?" he asked wickedly, bringing his soaked fingers to his mouth. You shivered as you watched him lick his fingers clean of your arousal.
For a second, you opened your mouth to tell him to give you a while, your body felt like it was going to combust anytime soon if you came again, but then you felt that ache come back again, and all you could let out was a whine.
That was all Peter needed to hear to know you were more than ready to continue on. He leant back down and reconnected your lips, dipping his tongue in and letting you get the slight aftertaste of yourself. He pulled back once again and skillfully slid down your panties and threw them to a corner, thankfully not destroying them. He unbuckled his belt and yanked his pants and boxers down together, immediately releasing his cock from its confines.
Your face immediately went red. You figured he was big, but not that big. He had to be about 8 or 9 inches with an impressive girth. It didn't look like you would be able to wrap your hand around him fully.
Peter saw your reaction and smirked mischievously. "Women tend to have that reaction when they see me for the first time," he boasted arrogantly. You frowned a little when he said that, but he took no notice and went back to kissing you. How many women had he been with in the first place?
Maybe it was because of your heat, but you didn't like the strange feeling that bubbled inside you after Peter had said that. It made you feel possessive; uneasy that other women have touched your Peter before. You chose to keep quiet, but you let your hands travel to his broad shoulders and sink your nails into him just a tad bit, gripping onto him for dear life.
The older werewolf reached towards the drawer on his night stand, but you hurriedly stopped his hand when you realized he was getting a condom. You shook your head violently. "I'm on the pill."
Peter's pupils dilated even more, if that was even possible, and he slowly took his cock into his hands and drag the head down your dripping entrance. You let out a childish whine and bucked your hips. "Just fuck me already," you complained, eyes screwing shut. Peter stared at you intently, rubbing his length between your folds to slick himself up before he pushed himself into your needy cunt. You moaned loudly, head dropping backwards and exposing your neck, which Peter took as an invitation to start peppering kisses all over and leaving hickeys.
He slowly pulled out, letting you thoroughly feel every inch of his cock dragging through your sensitive walls. You weren't in the mood for teasing though, and you let your claws emerge and dig into his shoulder blades. The older werewolf let out an animalistic growl and he shoved his length back into you again, earning a loud squeal. He pulled out again, and set an inhuman pace as he thrusted in and out of your begging pussy.
The only sounds that echoed through the loft was your gasps and moans as Peter drilled into you, and the sound of his skin slapping against yours every time he thrusted back into you. Peter lent back up and thrusted upwards, hitting your G-Spot perfectly, and you arched your back and let out a cry of pleasure. Peter raised his eyebrows in realization, and continued slamming into that particular spot.
"Ooh, Peter...," you moaned, letting your hands travel down to your clit and rubbing harsh circles around it. He grunted and sped up his pace as he continued his assault on your battered pussy, eyes trained on the parts when you were both joined.
Your stomach began to tighten as you felt your fourth orgasm start to build up. Your breaths became short and you focused on the pleasure that Peter was providing you. The delicious feeling of his cock moving in and out of your hole.
"Are you going to cum, princess?" Peter panted. He was close too. His grip on your hips tightened, which would definitely leave bruises the next day. You nodded feverishly, practically drunk on the immense amount of pleasure as your hands moved back up to his back. Your claws emerged and you let your hands drag down the length of his back, earning a hiss from the older man. One of Peter's hands crawled up your body, and he gave your right nipple a little pinch. That did it for you.
You cried out, you body trembling as you climaxed, coating Peter's cock with your juices when you came as you held onto him for dear life. Peter let out a groan as he thrusted a couple more times before he unloaded inside you. He continued his thrusts for a little longer, dragging out your orgasm.
Peter pulled out slowly, watching as his cock slid out of you and his cum dripped out of your pussy and onto the sheets. He whistled and gave you a wicked grin, leaning down and pressing a rough kiss to your swollen lips, which you returned happily. "You're so fucking hot," he mumbled against your lips.
You blushed as he rolled over to your left and passed you a couple of tissues to clean yourself up. After that, he laid down next to you and turned over, his back facing you, and pulled the covers over both of you loosely.
You frowned a little as you adjusted the covers around your waist, pulling them up to your chest and snuggling into his back. You craved the body heat and attention. The wolf inside of you was calm for now, but it still need comfort and security.
"What are you doing?" Peter asked gruffly, not bothering to look at you. You nuzzled your face into his bare back; which was lightly streaked with red claw marks from your earlier activities. "Cuddling," you murmured. You knew Peter wasn't one for affection, but that didn't stop you from trying to get cosy.
Peter didn't reply and he heard your heartbeat eventually fall to a steady and calm pace. He figured you had gone to sleep after a while, and he had every intention of getting up and leaving you alone in his bed. But no matter how hard he tried to convince himself to stand up, he couldn't seem to move as he got used to the warmth you radiated from your position behind him. He felt oddly comforted and pleased at the thought of being close to you. Eventually, he let sleep overcome himself as well, relishing in the feeling of your small frame curled up behind him.
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momestuck · 6 years
Let’s read Hiveswap Friendsim - volume 3
So we’ve met, and worked out how to ‘befriend’ four trolls, who are various levels of fucked up (due to Alternia being a horrifying dystopia).
Now we have volume 3 - ‘of ladies grey and lusii white’.
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The narration heavily implies that we have befriended at least one of the trolls. So maybe we should assume that we are donating blood to Amisia and chilling with Cirava... and maybe enjoying the meat with Diemen and even being mind controlled by Ardata? Perhaps we are supposed to presume these episodes happen one after the other, and the ‘true’ route is the friendship ending for each one?
So, we continue on our quest to harvest as many friends as possible. Yes. This is reasonable social behaviour.
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This time, two girls. Also I forgot there was a tier of hemospectrum between burgundy and yellow, but yes, Skylla here has bronze blood like Tavros. And Bronya here has jade blood like Kanaya.
Left to right seems to be the intended order perhaps - since our broken arm wasn’t mentioned in Cirava’s route, so maybe it was already healed by Amisia - so let’s continue along that pattern.
Skylla is also written by Aysha U. Farah. We head out of the city, and get a taste of Alternia’s brutal sun.
The music feels very western in this one... acoustic guitars, a fiddle solo, whistling and stuff like that.
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Most trolls except Jade bloods can’t survive the sun, I recall.
The narration mentions our shades, but apparently we left them with Cirava. That confirms the Cirava friendship route is canon (which makes sense, because we straight up died in the other one). The narration also mentions extensive blood loss, so that confirms the Amisia friendship route as well.
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We learn a little about how our frienship-starved protagonist got here: we stole the ship. No word yet on how it travelled between universes to Alternia.
We see a shimmer in the distance and get a choice to go there or not. I’m gonna say... not, on the assumption we’ll just die.
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That’s fair lol.
We meet Skylla. Her typing quirk is that she doubles up her ‘y’s.
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Obviously she’s a cowgirl. Wondering what the twist is, since she actually seems nice.
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We meet her lusus. Who’s a dog that someone’s put through a posterise filter. I, uh... could you have like... drawn one?
Alternian names: grubcake is pancake, boiled tree blood is syrup, and churned milk product is butter. Hope you’re taking notes!
We learn that Skylla’s on the verge of her term of service in the Alternian military, but before we can learn much more, bandits show up. Skylla rushes outside into the sun, and we get a choice of trying to stop her, or help her.
Let’s try helping her first. Recklessness!
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We get an action scene. It has one illustration, and a few lighting effects, but that’s VNs for you. So far only the major troll friend candidates have been illustrated.
Anyway, at this point the (presumably quite bisexual) narrator gets a big crush on Skylla. This can only end badly, I think.
After the fight, she gets us to rest in her recuperacoon to heal from our horrific sunburns. She assures us that taking a bath in a pool of slime is ‘neither a pale nor flushed solicitation’.
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That seems altogether too happy for this game. Seriously. We meet someone nice, fight bandits, and then that’s that, we’re best friends?
But there’s still a branch to check. What happens if we try to stop her going out in the sun?
You succeed in stopping her and the bandits rustle her dog and her herd of lusii.
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So we get a depressing wait for the sun to go down as Skylla despairs.
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That’s real lol.
She gets a ransom text from the kidnappers. Or, lususnappers. A lampshade is hung...
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The narrator continues to be very pushy about the friends thing, wishing Skylla would fall into their arms crying. Because friendship.
Instead she tells us to go, because seeing us reminds her of Lady. Aww.
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(...shouldn’t we still be wearing the clothes we got from Cirava on this route? eh, nevermind)
Let’s say the other route is canon, yes? Eesh.
Bronya is written by Cee L. Kyle.
Without a lot of explanation, we’re in a cave now.
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I’m sure I recognise snatches of this song. Sounds like something from a Ghibli movie? Kiki maybe? Or maybe from the HS soundtrack elsewhere?
So if we know anything about Kanaya and Porrim, it is that Jadebloods are concerned with the physical reproduction of trolls, looking after the Mother Grub in the Brooding Caverns. Also, if we can generalise, they tend to be lesbians.
Bronya mostly doesn’t use a typing quirk, except for being quite formal, but when she exclaims she vV puts her words between v’s Vv.
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Rules are set. Bronya seems to like enumerating lists right after the vVVv thing. She makes another one as we reach the other jadeblood trolls.
Bronya, it turns out, is breaking tradition by trying to treat injured wigglers instead of letting them die.
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Gender gender gendeeeeeer. Reproductive labour, the unacknowledged foundation of society or something.
We get a choice whether to let her treat our broken ribs. Unfortunately, Comic Hijinks ensue and we crush a wiggler.
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So yeah. That must be our early ‘death’ branch. So, let’s go back, and refuse ointment, and help her instead. 
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She strikes this pose whenever she makes a list.
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Ah, that’s what this game was missing - bulbous sphincters!
As we look on at the brooding caverns, one of the Imperial Drones carrying filial pails crushes a few wigglers, causing a lusus to become enraged with grief. Bronya steps up to do the other side of social reproduction... managing conflicts...
Second choice: fight the monster or ‘be a weeny’. Weeny for life, but let’s get crushed by a big bison first.
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This made me giggle.
Unfortunately our efforts to stop the rampaging bison lusus fail so spectacularly that we get crushed and the commotion causes the Imperial Drones to come back and exterminate everybody. Nice going, us.
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The narrator’s major concern is whether this means friendship is off the table.
So... wow this branch is not going easy on us huh! Every choice we make, babies start dying.
Next up... we stay back and don’t help.
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So this is kind of about the same thing as Kanaya’s role as the ‘mum friend’ - emotional and reproductive labour, taking responsibility in impossible ways...
But this time she Learns a Valuable Lesson about letting others - in this case, the jadebloods she trained - do the work and looking after ‘the weakest in the group’. And we start taking care of a wiggler. Which earns her approval.
The wiggler gets a nice bath of sopor slime to help its weak lungs and throat - sorry, bellow sacs and sorrow chute(!), but still has little chance - and we question whether this is how things should be...
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‘1. We are not revolutionaries.’ she declares, insistently. They are there to perpetuate the system - including the Hemospectrum.
(cough... we live in a society(TM), and people have to reproduce that society every day...)
We finish by assuring any would-be eavesdroppers that you harbour no revolutionary ideals.
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And hey, our ribs are getting better!
Hey, I rather liked this episode actually. It feels like it’s starting to have a point to it, rather than just edgy hijinks. Let’s keep going with this...
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