#(to bodly go into a damn essay of a starter lmao)
kaibacorpbros · 1 year
|| @epilvgue
Wormholes. Sure, why not. Traveling through different dimensions wasn't enough, rips in space decided to spring up too. Truthfully, Kaiba hadn't done much with the Space Station in a few years. It's purpose had mostly been completed after all. But he wasn't one for waste, so he rented out most of it to scientists as well as for it to be used in educational programs to get children interested in astrology, aerodynamics, physics, and the like. But space was a smaller interest of his and he was always kept in the know about what research was being conducted and what discovers were made.
And apparently this time they had found a wormhole. He was expecting it to be some big tear in the fabric of reality, a gaping hole with a void of nothingness... but no it looked more like a little scratch in the night sky. So of course lent his intellect in the crusade to figure out what was on the other side.
"If this thing doesn't come back well... that's a few hundred thousand yen down the drain."
A drone, specifically built for this voyage, was released from the station and was piloted remotely by Seto into the wormhole. As a pleasant surprise, very little damage was inflicted upon the robot on its trip through. The live camera feed revealed on the other side of the wormhole was--a desert? It sure didn't look like another planet. More like a desert on Earth.
A long bout of silence washed over the research team as they weren't sure if they should consider this groundbreaking or disappointing.
Interrupting it all was what looked like a humanoid figure down closer to the surface. Promptly Kaiba directed the drone to get closer. And it was just... a guy?
Maybe this wormhole didn't lead to a new, undiscovered area of space and just. Back to Earth. That was the only thing that could make sense, right? There was no way a person was on some faraway planet in space out in the middle of a desert. Right?
Well, no way of knowing but by asking the guy. With a few more key inputs the drone's speakers chimed "Hello" in several of the most common languages at the strange person in red.
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