#(the feeling are coming in that chapter huehuehue)
The Runes of Maar
Since @innerchorus had asked about more details of the rune system in Maar and I wanted to do a post about it, I have decided to, well, make a post about it lol.
Warning: long post
First, let me give you a general, alphabetic list of all the runes that are used in Maar.
Algiz - shielding
Ansuz - divinity, mental stability, communication and speech
Berkana - birch
Dagaz - new beginnings and transformation
Ehwaz - horse, transport
Eihwaz - death
Fehu - wealth, abundance, livestock and positivity
Gebo - gift, exchange and generosity
Haglaz - hailstorm, cleansing and destruction
Isa - ice, delay, self-control and frigidity
Inguz - home, news and fertility
Jera - harvest
Kenaz - torch, passion, inspiration and creativity
Lagaz - water, river, lake or renewal 
Mannaz - man
Naudit - need or distress
Othala - inheritance
Pertho - luck or fate
Raido - ride, wheel or journey
Sowilo - sun
Tiwaz - sacrifice, fairness, balance
Thurisaz - masculinity, courage and empowerment
Ur - valor, fortitude, strength and stability
Wunjo - joy, satisfaction, goodness and fellowship
All of them are used in the general day-to-day prayers and special rituals. Everyone of these runes represent a deity in the Maaren pantheon (I will probably do a seperate post about that as well). All citizens of Maar have a rune as a necklace around their neck that represents their tutelary god/goddess (for example: Azar's tutelary god is the god of war “Tiw” and her rune is tiwaz). At a certain age (probably around 11-15, sometimes earlier), children have to go through a ritual that lets them meet the gods of the pantheon and the gods decide which of them will be their protector and the one that should be represented by this child. They then get their rune-necklace and are allowed to choose if they want a permanent tattoo of their rune (or something else) or just the necklace. Some do as it is believed to amplify the effect/power of their rune. If you want to give somebody else the powers of your rune or the protection of your own tutelary god to somebody else, you hand them your necklace to wear and say a prayer to your god (no ritual needed, the prayer is enough). The necklace has to be worn at all times normally and if the original rune is not returned, a new ritual has to be made so the effect can be transferred to another rune stone. 
And these are the runes that actually have confirmed magical force (since Maar is a young country not everything is explored and/or researched to the fullest).
Ansuz - communication
Raido - teleportation
Kenaz - produces light
Haglaz - conjures up a Hailstorm
Isa - produces ice 
Ur - makes you physically or mentally stronger for a short time
Thurisaz - generates strong outbursts of power
Algiz - conjures up a shield/barrier for a short time
Ehwaz - summons a horse
Mannaz (or Eihwaz, have yet to decide) - summons the dead and gives them the ability to come back alive for a short time (only works if the dead person feels as if they still have something left unresolved in their life)
Lagaz - conjures up water/rain
healing rune pending
Everyone in the army and navy need to be able to use at least the basic runes to a certain extant aka. communication, teleportation, producing light (not complitelly sure about this one) and healing. They train from a very young age but everyone of all ages can be accepted (if your health is fine in older age you will also be accepted) into the army/navy.
On how the runes work:
I will not say too much here on how they generally work since in chapter 3 the soldier with the scar (Pavle) will explain it for me (could this be considered a spoiler?). 
But what I will talk about is how to multiply the effect or the strength of the effect. (I already made a comment about it under this post but I will just copy-paste it here again.) So if you want the effect to be stronger, you need more of the same rune stone. But one person can only use two to three stones at the same time so if you want to, for example, heal more than one wound in one go or conjure up an actual storm and not a cough of wind you need at least two to three or more people to do so. It depends on skill levels though (so squires and students are not allowed to do that without strict supervision) and only the priests/druids (name pending, suggestions welcome) are actually allowed to use that many or more at the same time since it takes a huge chunk of stamina and energy. Very dangerous in the midst of war and very easy to misuse and abuse for power (only in emergencies allowed for everyone). So Maar is very strict with who and how to use the runes with magic force. That's why they are mainly used for battles and only the teleportation rune is allowed to be used by a tiny selection of merchants (for example, merchants who sell merchandise lthat needs to be kept fresh, for example). That system is the only way so far to keep the abuse of the runes under control and is obviously not really fair. It currently is being researched more by a specific team directly monitored by the King and the highest priest/druid/whatever and new laws are being created, but not passed, left and right. 
Again, Maar is a young country and has to figure shit out on the go - it is probably in its early/mid teenage years, if you will. This issue will probably be resolved in a few thousand years, so my AU doesn’t really touch that much on it (probably will integrate the problem when we are in Gilan). But I love little tid-bits from outside the story that might never come up - it just makes the world feel even more alive and a little bit more real! 
Also: every rune has a small side effect, so that they are not that op, lol. One will be explained in chapter 4 by, again, Pavle.
So, I think that is what I generally wanted to tell about the runes without being too spoilery (if there even was anything to be spoiled lol). If there are any more questions: my inbox is looking very empty so feel free to spam me!
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jasminerva · 14 days
heya, jas~
i have been rereading sakadays, and nagumo's hair looks longer in the early art style compared to the recent one. ever since then, i can't stop thinking about how nagumo would come to us for help in cutting his hair. the bonus comic where rion cut his hair didn't help either haha. he would use it as an excuse to spend time together with us too, and make up lies like 'i don't feel like going to the salon. too noisy there!' when asked why he didn't go to a salon instead.
for him, it could be one of the rare times where he feels more ease. he would chat (and teasing) with you, but i like to imagine him staying silent most of the time to enjoy the rare times he gets to feel peace and safe in your hands. it's just you, him, and the sound of scissors snipping his hair in the background. even if you mess up his hair a little, he wouldn't mind haha.
Yo, Memi~!
It certainly does!!! That's why in ch4 Tenju's comment about how he should get a haircut was a bit of an easter egg XD Maybe he cleaned it up after that huehuehue~
I love rereading SakaDays haha I have a bookmarks folder of all the chapters where Nagumo appears 🙈 FOR RESEARCH! I SWEAR!!!
Omg that bonus / extra was so cute. And showcases how petty Nagumo can be. I can picture it now during their early JCC days.
Thank you for sharing that idea! I loved it so much I wrote something on the fly~
(P.S. I don't know anything about cutting hair. The most I've ever done was cut my own bangs -- badly -- so now I've grown them out lmao.)
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You: A haircut? Didn't Akao give you one a while back? Nagumo: Come on, [f/n]-chan! I need someone more delicate. You: Oh? I see now. You'd rather risk getting your ear cut off than talked off. Nagumo: Ha! You got me there. You: If you want delicate, Tenju's really good. She does all my hair-- Nagumo: No, thanks. With me, I guarantee she'll 'miss' and cut off my head instead. You: Fair enough. (sighs) Fine, what's in it for me though? Nagumo: Brownie points! You: Pass. Nagumo: (pouts) All right, then... a favour! I'll owe you anything! Within reason. You: (narrows eyes) Deal. "Finally, a peaceful haircut," Nagumo muttered under his breath, his body visibly relaxing as your fingers threaded through his hair, the contrasting warmth sending pleasant shivers down his spine. He closed his eyes, leaning back slightly into the chair, allowing you full access. A small sigh escaped Nagumo's lips as he felt your hands working through his hair, the soft snipping of scissors adding to the tranquil atmosphere. He opened his eyes halfway, watching your reflection in the mirror. The sight of your focused expression and the seriousness in your eyes as you concentrated on the task at literal hand stirred something deep within him. As you continued snipping away at his hair, he couldn't resist the urge to tease you. He reached out, his fingers trailing along your wrist. Nagumo retracted his touch as swiftly as he had initiated it, feigning innocence when you shot him a glare through the mirror. Nagumo: (smirks) Careful there, don't wanna end up with bald spots now. You: Don't tempt me. Inwardly, he appreciated that you weren't tempted, instead enjoying the delicate touch of your fingers against his scalp as you worked meticulously.
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End note: Can't guarantee how the hair looked afterwards, nor what the favour you end up cashing in is about. It's all up to your...
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/ P.S. thanks to @dearsecretlover - I imagine / personally like to think that you / the Reader just left Nagumo's hair out in the wilderness of the JCC campus so birds could make a nest out of it.
Sustainability FTW!
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thatonebrazilian · 1 year
Hello Darkness ~ Chapter 12
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… Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13 (coming soon)...
A/N: GUUUYYYSSS, I'M GOING TO THE ERAS TOUR!! I'm so freaking happy and excited that my creativity just bombarded me, and it didn't give a damn that I was supposed to write and article instead of this HUEHEUEE. I can't believe I'm going to see TAYLOR FREAKING SWIFT!!!! I also bought the VIP tickets so I could be really close to her huehuehue I'm so excited!!
I normally write so much angst, but I'm so happy that I couldn't help but writing the fluffiest fluff. Seriously, this is tooth rotting sweet, super adorable. If you know anyone who loves fluff tell them to read this chap as a standalone (if they don't read the fic already), cause this is seriously the best fluff piece I've ever written.
Anyway, happy reading!
Summary: You were happy with Wanda until you found Vision on her bed. You loved her, though, you would have forgiven her eventually, but Natasha couldn’t let you throw away your chance at true happiness like that. So she took matters into her own hands.
Warnings: Cheating, Kidnapping, Gaslighting, non-con sex, non-con drug use, non-con alcohol consumption, Stockholm syndrome, soft!dark!Natasha, synthetic cock, forced pregnancy, breeding kink, praising kink, little bit of mommy kink… I think that’s it, lmk if I need to add more. MINORS DNI. You have been warned.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 5000 +/-
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You left Tony’s lab feeling no different from when you entered, the smirk on his face telling you just how much he supported your decision. Well, of course he did, he was the one to develop the tech and attach it to you.
He was your best friend beside Natasha, and he knew this decision was going to make you happy, so he did it for you.
As you walked towards your room you took notice of everything in the tower. You were going to miss this place, you were going to miss your team. Tony and Loki were the only ones who knew about your early retirement, they made sure you’d have everything you needed in your new home, a home that Natasha bought and refused to tell you the location, she said it was going to be a surprise; you trusted her, and you knew you’d love whatever she came up with.
You opened the door to your room, Yelena was on Natasha’s lap, your fiancée sitting on the bed playing with your daughter. Neither had noticed you there.
“Come on, Malenky, say Mama,” Natasha said, playing with Lena’s hands as the child giggled madly.
“Ma!” Yelena practically yelled out, bouncing animatedly on Nat’s lap.
“Yes, yes my love, I’m your ma, but I want you to say mama” Nat repeated, her smile growing more and more “Your other mother needs some lovin’ too, you know.”
You felt tears pooling in your eyes, your heart swelling in your chest. If you could relive this moment again, and again and again, you’d do so. Natasha was such a wonderful mother, you couldn’t even comprehend what she must’ve gone through in the Red Room for them to make her think she was unfit for motherhood.
“Mmmmma!” Yelena yelled again, giggling right after.
Natasha threw her head back and laughed too, her smile going from ear to ear, her eyes shining against the light that came from the window. She shook her head then and tickled Yelena “Say mama!” she said.
"Ma!" Yelena said, almost as if she was teasing Natasha.
"I think she's messing with you, Nat," you said, making your presence known.
You walked further into the room; upon seeing you Natasha's smile became a beaming one, a shining beacon of happiness, just like Lena's. You didn't know how to process the hurting in your chest. The two people you loved the most were clearly ecstatic to see you, and that alone made you feel so happy, so fulfilled, that you felt your heart almost bursting out of your chest. It hurt, but it was the best thing you've ever felt.
"She is," Natasha confirmed, looking between you and Lena with what you could only describe as heart eyes. "She just loves messing with her ma."
You hummed and climbed the bed, kneeling beside your woman and your baby, leaning in to kiss Natasha.
"Must've gotten it from you," Nat added as you were just a breath away, your lips ghosting hers, her eyes full of mirth.
"Me?!" You said, putting your hand dramatically over your chest as you drew away.
Yelena laughed along with Natasha and you narrowed your eyes.
"Ohh, so you two are ganging up on me now, are you?" You said, crossing your arms, fighting off your own fit of laughter. You cracked your knuckles then, and an exaggerated evil smile crossed your face. "Well, I guess I'll have to deal with this the hard way, then."
You started wiggling your fingers as you drew close again, Natasha tried backing away but her back hit the headboard, Yelena was laughing hysterically even though you hadn't touched her yet.
"No! Please, please, spare us, oh all-powerful mama!" Your Natalia said between barely concealed puffs of laughter, drawing her knees up to try and protect Lena from your wrath.
"You must face your punishment, troublesome duo," you said, still wiggling your fingers, getting ready to pounce on your prey "So prepare for the… tickle attack!"
You dove in.
"Nooooo, mamaaaaa!" Yelena practically yelled between fits of laughter.
Your fingers danced across their bodies. Yelena was especially ticklish on her neck, while your beautiful Natalia couldn't hold it in when you tickled her waistline.
While Lena curved herself into a little ball to try and stop your attack, Natasha practically pinned her arms to her side in a futile attempt to keep you from her waist.
"Do you apologize for ganging up on me?" You asked imperiously, drawing away to think of a way to get the both of them without using your powers.
"Never!" Natasha yelled back, holding in her laughter.
“Oh, really?” you asked, drawing closer again, your arm sneaking around Nat. She nodded, biting her lip while fighting off a smile.
You managed to get your fingers under her arm, tickling her waist with one hand as the other wiggled around Lena’s head to get to the back of her neck, tickling her there. Yelena squealed and trashed around while Natasha tried wiggling away from your hand.
“Ok! Ok! We give up!” your redhead yelled between fits of laughter.
“What do you say, then?” you asked with a huge smile on your face.
“We’re sorry…” she said with a slight pout.
“Owy mama,” Yelena said, her pout a perfect mirror of Natasha’s.
You felt your hands twitching with the desire to squish the both of them, they were entirely too cute for their own good.
"You better be, otherwise I'll tickle you more, you two hear me?" You said, crossing your arms and looking at them through narrowed eyes.
Natasha nodded with a smile on her face, while Yelena threw her hands up and yelled "Yes!"
You laughed out loud and pulled them to you, giving Yelena's cheeks lots of little kisses, then delicately kissing Natasha's nose before resting your forehead against hers.
"Thank you for this, my love," you said, one of your hands caressing her face, "thank you for giving me our little angel, thank you for giving me your heart."
Natasha brushed her nose against yours, one of her hands coming up to rest above yours, "you should know by now that I'd do anything for you."
"Are you sure you don't want to tell anyone else you're leaving?" Tony asked as the last of your luggage got carried to the car.
You smiled up at him, if there was one thing you'd surely miss about this place that would be Tony. Yeah, he's a dick sometimes, and he can be really inconvenient when he wants to be, but he's also one of the funniest people you've ever met, and despite his attempts at hiding it, he's one of the most caring people in the whole wide world.
"Yeah," you answered with a little eye roll, "don't want anyone throwing a fit or meddling in my business. I mean, I'm moving out on the same day as Natasha, they're bound to find out about us."
"And by anyone you mean the wicked witch of the west," Tony teased with a smirk "Why not move on a different day, then? Natasha could go first and then-"
"I'mma stop you right there, Tin-man. I'm not going to leave my woman and my child alone. Also, even if we did move on different days, it'd still be pretty obvious." You said, shaking your head a little, "I mean, we've been living here since forever and neither of us ever said anything about moving, and then suddenly we move out within a couple of days from each other? Everyone would know that's bullshit."
"Yeah, yeah," Tony sighed, "guess I just wanted you to stay a bit more."
You patted his arm and hugged him "We won't be too far, at least that's what Nat said." You chuckled and pulled away, squeezing his arm once more "Besides, I expect you to be visiting quite often. Your goddaughter's gotta be well acquainted with her godfather."
Tony laughed at that and moved his eyes to Lena, who was currently playing with a lock of Natasha's hair while your fianceée said her goodbyes to Loki.
You caught yourself wishing, not for the first time, that your eyes could take pictures. The way the sun illuminated Natasha's hair was magical, the way she tilted her hip slightly to accommodate Lena better, the way your daughter smiled brightly as she played with her mother's hair, you wished you could carry that image with you for the rest of your life.
"I'm really happy for you, you know. She's amazing, she lights up a room," Tony said with a fond smile on his face "and she has this captivating smile. That smile she got from you, it has your toothy grin written all over it. It's amazing how she looks like you, but also like Natasha."
You beamed at him, his eyes shone with love, but also with longing, and that made you realize… "You're thinking about having one, aren't you?" You asked gently, putting your hand on his shoulder.
Tony sighed once more" Yeah. Think that's crazy?"
"No way," you said "I know for a fact you're gonna be a great dad. And Pepper an amazing mom."
Tony's smile came back, and he patted your back a couple times. "I'm gonna miss you, Blue," he said and you used your light blue magic to poke his nose.
"I'mma miss you too, Tin-man." You said then, taking a couple steps towards the car, where Natasha and Yelena were already waiting.
"We're gonna visit soon!" Tony yelled out as you entered the car.
"Maybe sooner than you think!" Loki said.
"We're counting on it!" You and Nat said in unison as she turned the ignition on. You looked at your friends and smiled once more "Don't kill yourselves, you two, and don't do anything I wouldn't!"
You drove away.
"Did Loki tell you that he expects Lena to be taught the art of deceiving?" You asked Nat as you took in the scenery.
You knew this part of the city well, it wasn't far from the compound at all, and it was pretty close to where your family lived.
"Yes, he said there's no one better than me to teach her," Nat answered with a smile on her face. "Did he tell you that since he doesn't intend on having children, he's gonna name Lena as his heiress to the throne?"
You turned to her, her smile had turned into a smirk.
"You're messing with me." You said, shaking your head, your eyes going to the rearview mirror to take a look at Yelena.
"I'm actually not. Not this time." Nat said, taking one of her hands off the steering wheel to interlace her fingers with yours.
"But isn't Thor the next in line?" You asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yes, but he doesn't have any children either, so if anything ever happens to him Loki will be the king."
"... And Yelena a fucking princess." You sigh in a mix of fondness and disbelief "My daughter, a literal princess. Holy fuck."
"Well, you are the queen of my heart, so…"
It was only because your daughter had her eyes on the both of you that you didn't make Natasha stop that car so you could fuck her into oblivion.
Your heart swelled hearing those words. You knew no words were ever necessary to show you how much your Natalia loved you, she had proven it over and over again, but still, you felt so validated, so cared for whenever she said those things. You could only hope to replicate that feeling in her chest.
"Our queendom is mutual then because you're the queen of my heart, body, and soul." You said with one hand over your chest.
Natasha raised a single eyebrow, and her smirk grew bigger "Did you just quote Taylor Swift at me?"
You smiled and fluttered your lashes at her. She laughed out loud and squeezed your hand.
"You're lucky you're so cute." She muttered, regaining her neutral expression, though you could see her fighting off a smile.
"I can't help it, it's like she takes a peek into our lives before writing those songs!" You defended yourself.
"Ake it off, ake it off!" Yelena sang, making you and Nat burst out laughing.
"See, even Lena agrees!" You said, still laughing.
"Ok, ok, I'll have to relent this time," Nat said, and you brought her hand, still intertwined with yours, to your lips, making her smirk once again.
"Well, since you're in a relenting mood, could you relent and tell me where our home will be?" You asked, batting your eyelashes once more.
"Geez, five minutes, detka, five more minutes." She chuckled and shook her head.
"You've been saying five more minutes for fifteen minutes now." You said, pouting.
Natasha didn't say anything back, she just kept that damned smirk on her face. You could tell she was excited, the way her finger tapped the wheel gave her away.
You knew Natasha Romanoff enough to know that she had spent a lot of time searching for the perfect house, and you knew as well that you would love whatever she chose because, one, she certainly had you in mind while doing so, and two, your home was with her, no matter where you lived in.
As she drove, you kept stealing glances at her, your curiosity growing more and more by the minute. "Not even a little hint?" You asked then.
Natasha laughed at that, shook her head, and said, "Calm down, detka, it's a surprise. Just wait and see, we'll be there soon enough."
"Where ma?" Yelena's voice popped up, making you laugh out loud.
"See! Even our kid's curious!" You accused, pointing a finger at Lena.
"Rious!" Yelena yelled out, making you laugh once again.
"Now who's ganging up on who?!" Natasha said, smiling from ear to ear.
You opened your mouth to reply, but Natasha took a turn, and then another, and you found yourself in an area you knew quite well. As you got deeper and deeper into the neighborhood, Nat turned down a quiet street lined with trees. You remembered playing with your siblings not too far from there.
And then Nat pulled up. You gasped in surprise, your heart swelling once more with overwhelming love for this beautiful woman you could call your own. It was a beautiful three-story home, it had a modern layout and you could clearly see how it was brimming with technology. But more than that, it was only a couple blocks away from your parent's house.
"Holy shit, Natasha," you exclaimed, completely forgetting for a moment you shouldn't curse near your very intelligent child "This is perfect!"
You unbuckled your seatbelt and practically jumped from the car, your eyes roamed the area, seeing a huge space for a garden, an enormous garage, a pool in the back as well as a weirdly technological shack.
Natasha took Yelena and got out after you, her eyes shining with what could be only described as pride. "I knew you'd love it," she said, setting Yelena down so the kid could run through the space where the garden would be. "And the best part is the location. We're just a short walk to your parents' house, but the Avengers Tower isn't far either." She said, coming up behind you and wrapping her arms around your waist. "When I took you to my cabin, you told me you missed our friends and your family. This house allows us to be close enough to both."
You turned around in Natasha's embrace, your eyes meeting hers, and as you tried to speak it was as if your voice didn't want to cooperate, you were too emotional, so you only managed to whisper. "I can't believe you did all of this for me. For us."
"Your happiness is my reason for living. I'd do anything to see you smile like that." She said, her eyes looking right at your soul, she cupped your face, caressing your cheek with one hand. "Detka, I love you more than words can say, more than the sun that lights my day, more than the air that fills my lungs. I love you more than life itself. I hope you know that by now."
You nodded, your eyes filling with unshed tears. "I know," you said, kissing her palm "and I love you just as much. You're the one I live for, my everything, my reason to be."
You touched your forehead against hers, your hand caressing her face just as she had done to you.
"Mamaaaa! Look, toys!" You heard Yelena giggle, making you laugh and pull away from your love.
Your heart never felt so full.
It was late in the evening when Yelena finally fell asleep in her own room, you and Nat tucked her in and kissed her forehead, and then she was out like a light.
The moment the door to your kid's room closed, you pushed Natasha against the wall and kissed her. Natasha's hands started traveling your body, but you stopped her as you pulled her with you towards the stairs. You'd go to the first floor, the farthest from Yelena's room, so you could properly christen the house.
As soon as you got to the first floor, Nat pulled you to the kitchen and pushed you against the counters. She kissed your neck and rolled up your camisole so she could feel the curve of your ass. You couldn't help but grind back against her, making her let out a little moan.
"Y/N, my love, you always feel so fucking good," she said low against your ear. You arched against her, shivering a little. Nat's eyes were dark with lust. It drove you wild seeing how crazy you could make her.
"Fuck, Natty" you breathe out.
Natasha squeezed your ass then, unable to keep her hands off of you. "Why are we still wearing clothes, Detka?"
You pulled away with an impish smile on your face. "In the kitchen?" you asked, then, biting your lip. "Really? You know I'm gonna have to bleach everything when we're done, right?" You teased, inching in and pulling her lower lip between your teeth.
"Tell you what, Kotenok, I'll bleach it down myself if you let me bend you right here and right now," she said with a teasing smile, her lips brushing yours.
You pulled away a little and tilted your head a bit to the side, your eyes glowing slightly blue. “What if I want you to bend over for me, Natty baby?” you said as you inched closer again, slipping your hand into her lacy underwear and toying with her lower lips.
"Fuck, Detka," she sighed, bucking her hips against your hand.
Your hand went to her clit, massaging it in slow circles as your forehead came to rest against hers. “I have a little something for you,” you whispered.
The moment your hands left her Natasha let out a little whimper, making your body tremble with desire. You grabbed her shoulders and turned your positions, pinning her to the counter and pressing the little Black Widow insignia on your own body.
The telltale sound you two came to know so well echoed through the kitchen, but this time it didn’t come from her. Natasha’s eyes widened at the realization, your eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitancy. You only found a bit of confusion.
“I asked Tony for it,” you said before she could say anything, your hands tightening on her waist “I wanted to make you feel as good as you make me feel.”
You didn’t wait for her answer, you claimed her mouth with yours once again, your hands exploring her pussy once more. Nat only moaned and buckled against you, pulling you closer by the collar of your camisole.
You lifted her up the counter, her legs automatically wrapping around your waist. Her nipples showed through the shirt she was wearing, your shirt. One of your hands moved to rub over the little nub and Nat arched her back, offering herself up to you in a silver platter.
You kissed her neck down to her collarbone, her scent was intoxicating. Nat clung to you, her arms pulling you impossibly closer as a shivery groan left her mouth. You angled your fingers to rub in the exact way you knew she liked, and pleasure ran through you at the sight of her squirming. Her hips ground against you, the smell of her arousal permeating the room as she rubbed against your hand to the beat of her uneven breaths. Her legs began to shake, wrapping around your waist and gripping you to the point it’d leave bruises. You didn’t care, though, you always thought that dying between her legs would be the best way to go.
“Yes, right there Detka, you’re being so good to me, such a good girl,” she moaned, hips still grinding against your hand.
You groaned and bit your lip “Fuck, Nat, you’re so hot, so fucking hot”.
Her hands twisted the fabric of your camisole so tight it almost rip apart, she had this pleased expression on her face, and you could feel yourself getting more and more aroused just by looking at her.
The more you rubber her clit the tighter her legs wrapped around you, drawing you closer and closer. The handle of the cabinet dug into your tight, but you couldn't really feel it, your attention solely on the redhead squirming against you.
Natasha always looked beautiful; in all the years you’ve known her there wasn’t a single stance where she looked anything less than perfect. Even when bloodied and bruised, even when crying and shouting, your Natalia was the most beautiful sight you have ever laid eyes upon, and yet this was one of her most beautiful facets. The bliss on her face, the slight flush to her cheeks, the silver of forest green in her darkened eyes; it was heaven. She was heaven.
You couldn't take it anymore, you withdrew your hand and ripped her underwear, making her practically growl. The sound soon turned into a sigh when she felt your cock rubbing against her lower lips, and you had to fight off this loud, loud moan you knew could wake your child. You don’t know what exactly Tony did, you didn’t know if this was how an actual man’s cock felt, but the feeling was mind-blowing.
You bucked your hips against hers, your cock grinding against her soaking wet pussy as she let out a wanton, needy sound, rocking her hips right back, clad in nothing more than an oversized shirt of yours.
“So eager, my love,” you panted against her mouth “You want my cock, Natty, is that what you want?”
Natasha’s hands gripped your camisole tighter still, ripping it as she, too, panted against your mouth, nodding almost desperately.
You shook your head and bit your lip. “I want you to answer me, baby. Do you want my cock?”
“Fuck, fuck, yes, Y/N! Yes, I want your cock, goddamn it!” she practically screamed.
You smirked, one of your hands making its way to the back of her head, gripping her hair tightly in a fist. “Where do you want it?” you asked.
Natasha growled this time, and her nails dug into the skin of your back where the fabric had ripped. “Y/N, if you don’t shove your big, fat cock in my pussy right this second I swear to god I’m gonna handcuff you to bed and ride you all night long without letting you cum.”
You shivered. It would be torture, but it would also be bliss. You didn’t know if she was trying to persuade you or dissuade you. You didn’t want to know.
You pushed in.
“Oh my god, oh fuck!” She shivered as you entered her. It was bliss, it was pure bliss. You buried your face against her neck and bit on that sweet spot of hers, making her tighten around you. “Fuck, detka, you feel so good inside me, so good for your mommy!”
“Mommy, mommy,” you mumbled between each thrust, feeling her walls around your cock as if it was actually a part of you. Natasha was tight, so fucking tight and so wet and warm, and, god, you could stay inside of her forever “I wanna make you feel good,” you kept mumbling “I wanna make you feel so fucking good, make you cum on my cock so hard, fuck, I love you, I love you so much.”
"Oh god, Detka, please, please, go deeper,” she groaned and gripped your shoulders tightly. And who were you to deny the love of your life?
You pulled out until only the tip of your cock was inside of her, and using your magic you made it even bigger before thrusting back in again, going deeper and harder than before.
Natasha's eyes widened, she gasped your name again and again as you fucked her silly, as you lost yourself in her.
Fuck, how could she feel so good? She was so tight and warm around you, so much so that every time you pulled back you felt the absence of her. You could spend days with your cock buried inside her tight pussy; you could even see yourself chilling on the sofa, watching a movie as she cockwarmed you. God, that would be heaven.
You were so lost in her, drowning so deliciously in the pleasure she was giving you that you barely paid attention to the murmured praises you were muttering in her ear.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, my Natalia, so ethereal. God, do you know what you do to me?" You muttered, feeling her walls tighten up around you, hearing the needy whine that left her lips. "You’re my whole world, my universe, my everything… So pretty, so beautiful, so perfect… Fuck, you feel so fucking good around me, Mommy, so hot and tight… Never wanna stop, wanna keep fucking you forever… ”
Natasha was moaning and panting like you'd never seen her do before. She was always so controlled, moaning only the dirtiest praises, groaning only at low volume, but now she was singing her pleasure with abandon, holding onto you as if you were the only thing keeping her from falling apart.
Looking at her like that, so free, so blissed out, it hit you once again how much you loved this woman. She really was your everything, you would shatter without her.
Natasha pulled you even closer and tucked her head into that sweet spot on your neck. And then she bit down, hard. You groaned and rutted harder into her as she held you close, keeping her head in your neck almost possessively.
You moaned loudly as you felt her licking the bite, your hand making its way to her breast, where you twisted her nipple in retaliation, your hips working harder and faster as you pounded into her with abandon.
“Yes, fuck, Detka," Natasha pleaded, whorish moans leaving her mouth, "keep fucking me just like that. Fuck, that’s so deep. You're so good to your mommy, baby, fucking me so hard,” she was gasping, her breathing ragged, and you could feel her pussy pulsing around you.
She dragged her nails down your back, ripping your camisole even more.
You put your hands on her stomach, under the shirt.
She tightened around you even more, driving you beyond whatever notion of pleasure you could convince.
You opened your mouth to say something, but the moment you tried to speak, she kissed you hard enough to make you see stars.
And then she was shuddering, squirting all over the counter, tightening so much around you that you couldn't help but explode.
Your hands glowed blue over her stomach.
Your come filled her entirely.
She sagged against you.
"Hey, Natty baby," you said then after catching your breath, your glowing hands retreating from her stomach as you placed them under her tights to pick her up. "How're you feeling? Are you ok? Do you need anything?"
She raised her head to look you in the eyes, her forest green orbs filled with adoration “I don’t feel my legs but… god that was so fucking good, Y/N.” she groaned, lowering her head on your chest once again as you placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Fucking good is an understatement. I think you officially broke me. I won't be able to ever have sex again without wanting to make you squirt.” You joked, walking towards the sofa and gently laying Natasha down.
With a single wave of your hand, a warm damp cloth appeared right in front of you. You took it and delicately wiped Natasha clean, caressing and massaging her body as you went.
Natasha's hands cupped your cheeks, and there was so much love in her eyes you felt like your whole life led you right to that moment.
“I really want to marry you, you know?” she asks, stretching her legs with a dopey, lovesick smile on her face.
With another wave of your hand your clothes were fixed, covering your bodies as if they were never tattered.
After making sure your camisole was right, you leaned over her and brushed your nose against hers.
"I know," you whispered, "I really wanna marry you, too. You know that, right?"
You picked her up once again, cradling her lovingly in your arms as you walked her to your new room in your new home.
“Yeah, I know.”
She wrapped her arms around your neck, tucking her face in your neck and cuddling you while you stroke her hair.
It didn't matter if this started out wrong, Natasha more than made up for it by now. And with this place, you felt like it was all coming together. Like this was the beginning of a new chapter in your lives, and you couldn't wait to see what the future held for the three of you in your beautiful new home.
You hoped nothing would perturb this peaceful serenity you found.
You would hate to have to paint your hands red again.
But you would rejoice in the suffering of whoever dared to break your bubble.
If it was the last thing you do.
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Natasha Romanoff Taglist: @strangegardentaco, @madamevirgo, @Lovelyy-moonlight, @agent99galanzo, @red1culous
HD Taglist: @romanoffsgal, @ministark, @liladoesfanfics, @wandanatvoid, @inlovewithfaberry, @kermy48, @fabgronsky, @natashakink, @strangegardentaco, @im-stilltired, @blinkmuch, @wandanatblogs, @blackwow34, @a-grinch, @proudmorning, @nuianced-tck-enby, @gayformaximoff, @tati3001, @sav06nat, @milfloverslut, @halobaby, @yomama010101, @raqelacevedo, @1uthina, @coxmicbabygirl, @olicity-boo, @screechcat, @savethecookie, @beenicejoy, @simpforflorencepugh1, @watashiwaglr38, @myplaceofsolace, @wildnightuniverse, @limelight111, @whore4nat, @mrsdanversluthorplease, @silveeer-duuust, @natflough04, @kiaranatsslut, @raniellee, @inluvwithfictionalwomen, @lenam07, @officialbriiiisworld, @grxvitye, @natasharomanoffswife17, @rice-wiife, @justagurlwholikes, @daddynatasha,
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I feel kinda guilty whenever I see an au where Kieran is only missing one eye cuz I took them both from him 🥲
My "Kieran "lives"" au MAJOR POINTS under the cut, minor points omitted cuz it would take hours to write out and explain everything and at that point it's just. A fic.
Editing to add I'm old and been in fandoms for a long time and stopped giving a shit a long time ago. I write what brings me catharsis. It's okay if it doesn't appeal to you but please don't yuck my yum. I like wringing the pain out of characters like an old dishrag.
(CW mild suicidal ideation, also SPOILERS)
(still a work in progress as I think and write but yeah idk)
- Both eyes removed
- Feels an absurd amount of grief and pain for leading the O'Driscolls back to camp. He equates this with "talking" and begs anyone to kill him. Says he doesn't want to live like this anyway. Mary-Beth is hurt by this but she refuses to leave his side.
- They get out chapter six. Dutch didn't want to let them go despite Kieran being BLIND and VULNERABLE TO PINKERTONS. Move in to Trelawny's old house in Saint Denis. (He moves because he worries his family has been compromised.) This house is behind a perfumery, where Mary-Beth works while she's writing her book. (Kieran loves how she smells nice.) Mary-Beth worries about Kieran and the stairs every day.
- This is something I'm passionate about when it comes to Kieran, idk how anyone else sees him, but he NEEDS a sense of purpose. Losing his eyes made him feel useless and having to rely on everyone all the time? It really brings him down. Mary-Beth finds him a job at that small horse pasture north of Saint Denis! All he does is brush horses and clean saddles (Branwen lives there and is kinda his seeing-eye horse) and barely makes any money but it's not the money that's important to him, it's the SENSE OF PURPOSE.
- They have a daughter named Delaney. Mary-Beth calls her by her full name, Kieran just calls her Laney. (on the topic of nicknames, Kieran calls Mary-Beth just "Beth") Laney is a daddy's girl who loves horses, going to work with him, and she talks and hums a LOT. Kieran loves this, he always knows where she is. He's brushing a horse in silence and she's talking about how many dandelions are in the field. He's happy.
- When Mary-Beth's books start selling, they move into a better house.
- Depressing shit alert: Kieran is hanged by the Pinkertons just to make a point. They ignored him for being benign, but when the events of rdr1 happen they realize they can use him to set a precedent. No outlaw is safe.
Anyway huehuehue I love him and I love angst and maybe I'm cringe but I'm FREE
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papersong · 1 year
i'm invested in your chicago&tokyo fic and would love to hear literally anything you have to say about it! you could give a whole director's cut, a scene you wanted to expand on, or a snippet of ur fav scene rn and i will look at you with heart eyes <33 ur fics bring incredible joy and the way you write just feels absolutely tender and whole and so visual it definitely is something i strive for in my writing as well
i hope you have a good day and thank you for sharing your work! you've worked hard~
i have an outline of the next chapter up in my discord server eyeball emoji
Meta thoughts: - I started this fic when I was living in Chicago, in a way it's a little memoir/love(?) letter to my city. maybe ill finish it in tokyo :3 - i wish more fandom portrayals of kyojuro reached beyond his Exuberant! personality to think about his exuberance-as-defense-mechanism/traditional-slash-conservative upbringing/general eccentricity—not just as a fun character quirk, but in thinking about "how did he come to be like this" and "what are the consequences of being such a weirdo in daily life" and "why do ppl like him so much" - kny isn't necessarily a fave anime, i write fic for worlds that are interesting, but I also have to see the opportunity for a story beyond what's already there. an imperfect story often creates room for reader characters to make a difference. - the reader character is probs my most perfect character (not as in mary-sue perfect, or writerly perfection, but as in "this is probs one of the most decent, mature, and moral ppl you will ever meet in fiction or life"). This "perfection" is plot important for [MASSIVE SPOILER] reasons. A theme I'm interested in, in this fic but also in general, is strength and courage and power taking different forms than fantasy but esp anime teaches us to expect. It's not fighting. It's not rushing headfirst into battle. It's not being able to kill and destroy. Strength is planning + leading to victory. Courage is being afraid and angry and broken but making the right choice regardless. Power is building people up and healing and growing despite everything.
Fun thought: - Anyone notice Sanemi developing a crush on reader huehuehue, I'm surprised by so many ppl secondary-shipping reader with Hakuji because I see them more as a boss/employee or older/younger sib relationship
Now! What you came for! My plan for the next few chapters below the cut.
Hakuji becomes a hashira (on technicalities. sort of.)
Hashira training arc: Hakuji gets to yell at all the hashira (probs offscreen.) he was the only one who's been an actual teacher. also the hashira suck at teaching.
Swordsmith village arc: Tanjiro + co kill Hatengu + Kaigaku. Muichiro lives! Reader gets kidnapped by Kokushibo.
Infinite castle arc: Reader kills Kokushibo by letting Yoriichi posess her. Screws up the infinite castle with her blood. Then, Muzan captures and eats her.
This is not how the story ends, I don't write sad fics, but I do like a cliffhangers so I'll let y'all guess how reader + co finagle their way out of this ufufufufuf
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WIP Wednesday
I got tagged by @transprincecaspian for WIP Wednesday. My hands are tied. I am legally bound to sharing a WIP huehuehue. I think most of who I know personally has already been tagged so I’m going to tag @salesmain if they’d like to participate and certainly not because I’m dying to know what’s coming next shdgaj
This is a sneak peek of Chapter 3 of Tea Leaves and Sweet Dreams!
Perhaps this was not the best idea, Solas told himself, staring at the little ‘closed’ sign on the door of A New Leaf.
After yesterday, Solas was pretty sure that Kieran would never want to see him again. He wouldn’t, if it were him. The number of negative experiences they had together were now too numerous for Solas to estimate.
And yet, he had to speak with Kieran, despite everything. Solas had been unable to sleep last night thinking about him, his copied notes, and that last, beautifully solved formula. Solas could not help but feel as if by completing it, Kieran had simply replaced it with another, more complicated puzzle, one that he did not even have the most basic variables for. The only way he would get those variables was by talking to Kieran himself.
Between moments of wonder, Solas had been equally burdened with the heavy weight of his guilt. He had assumed a lot about Kieran from the beginning, largely due to his own discomfort and pride. Though Solas was achingly familiar with his own shortcomings, that did not make them easier to bear.
In the end, curiosity and a desire to make amends had compelled him to wake up early that Saturday morning and head towards A New Leaf. He was determine to solve the riddle of Kieran Lavellan.
But as he stood in front of the tea shop, his mind had the audacity to have second doubts. He was in the middle of trying to steel his resolve – what if Kieran was really mad at him? What if he told him to leave? – when the bell above the shop door rang. The sound shot through him like a bolt of lightning, and he was suddenly face-to-face with the very object of his preoccupation.
Kieran was staring at him, his green eyes wide in disbelief and one hand holding the door of A New Leaf ajar. He looked so different in his work uniform than how he did in the lab, that it took Solas a moment to take him all in. His typical flannel shirt had been swapped for a tan crewneck, overlaid with a sage green apron. The outfit was jarringly quaint.
“Solas?” Kieran’s voice was hesitant.
Abruptly, all the words that Solas knew – both in elven and in common – evaporated from his mind. He wasn’t prepared for this. Wait, no, he had prepared for this. He had rehearsed it to himself at least fifteen times before leaving the apartment, and approximately six times on his way here. What was it that he was going to say, again?
“Hello,” was the first word to re-enter his vocabulary.
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
*deepest breath as I collect my strength*
Aaaaaaaah!!!! I can NOT believe that we're here already! Where did the time go? How did we even get here? Tsu'tey! 👀 *hysterically high voice as I scowl at your stupid ass!... however fine it might be*
Oh wow... Predictions... Theories... Thoughts... Wishes... Hopes...
I do, of course, hope that they'll get a happy ending, because, well... we all do, I think lol But other than that, I hope that Tsu'tey will realize what he's done to the reader by allowing Takuk to court her. Tsu'tey is merciless indeed... 💔
I am, very secretly, hoping for an unplanned pregnancy. That flavor of angst and despair is just... absolutely delicious, but I also know that it's not everyone's cup of tea XD
I also love the idea of the reader being honest with Takuk and that they'll perhaps form a closer friendship instead, something Tsu'tey will misinterpret as the courting going well, only for his mood to turn sour and darker the more time passes 😈
Make that boyo squirm good before he comes crawling to the reader asking for forgiveness and a second chance... Huehuehue 😇✨✨
There's so many ways you can make this go and I absolutely can't wait to see what you'll have happen next. I am beyond excited to read the final chapter! Between Mo'at and the reader telling Tsu'tey not to touch her, the angst is seriously high XD I hope you've had so much fun while writing on the last chapter! 🥰✨✨✨
omg thank you for sending this in, i'm in LOVE WITH YOU!!!!♡♡♡
you're def on the right track with these predictions, i am having a lot of fun writing this, esp figuring out how tsu'tey would actually behave. like i love the groveling trope but i don't see him like the exact type to do so, so there's a plot point that turns him around yk? like i need this plot point to make a lot of sense so that the reader doesn't forgive him right away bc she's hurt and she doesn't trust that she could go through that pain again, and she pushes him away instead. and tsu'tey needs to realize that the more he's away from her the more he wants her, and he'll finally come to terms with having developed feelings, he just doesn't know if he can convince her that after telling her non-stop he can't love anyone anymore
oh about the pregnancyyyy, i wanted to go with that route but i know that some people don't like it too, so i decided against it. also i think it might have thrown the reader off bc she'd think tsu'tey is with her bc of the baby. i might write bonus chapters with pregnancy though!
there's def going to be a lot of angsttt but the romantic relief will be even better! i haven't began to write it yet but i'm thinking hard of ways to make it special
send in your unrequited opinions here
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bruhstories · 4 years
Sticky, Saccharine & Sinful
Summary: Professor Jaeger asks his assistant to come over and grade some papers. Pairing: Zeke Jaeger x Fem!Reader (modern AU) Warnings & Content: language, protected sex, fingering, oral sex (female & male receiving), spanking, daddy kink, bossy Zeke, bratty Reader, tying up, bit of an age gap but no underage shit (we don’t do that here) Word Count: 2.5 k
A/N: Huehuehue guess who finally wrote a daddy kink smut? Also I have looped Cherry Cola by Kuwada the entire time i wrote, proofread and formatted this bitch, I think it works with the atmosphere
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"Y/N, I'm gonna need you to help me grade some papers later today." Professor Jaeger pushed his glasses with his index finger as he looked up from his book.
"You got it, boss!" You nodded as you entered the staff lounge room at Stohess Uni, two cups in your hands.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Zeke?" The man sighed. “Or at least call me professor.”
"But I'm your assistant, you're my superior, that makes you my boss, boss." Sarcasm dripping down your tongue as you placed his coffee down the table. "All black, two cubes of sugar."
"Thank you. And yes, technically I am your boss, but you're, what, six years younger than me?"
"Seven and a half." You pouted.
You've been working at Stohess University for a little over a year now as Zeke Jaeger's assistant. He was the best philosophy teacher, as well as head of the department, and you nailed your internship interview, aspiring to be like him one day. He even taught you Ethics during your masters, and currently you were doing your PhD research under his coordination. The man was a genius in his field, and you didn't dare disappoint him, but your personalities always clashed. He was calm and collected, you were bubbly and all over the place. He was nice and polite, you were sarcastic and rude. Zeke knew you'd make a horrible teacher for children, but undergraduate students would adore you.
"How can you drink hot coffee in this heat wave?" You asked him as you fanned someone's epistemology essay to cool yourself off.
"It's actually been proven that warm drinks hydrate better than cold ones during summertime." He inhaled the scent of freshly brewed coffee before taking the essay out of your hand.
"Whatever you say, boss." You shrugged and gulped on your iced tea, a few glistening amber drops dripping from the corners of your mouth, down your chin and your neck. "Ah, shit." You wiped the tea with the back of your hand, not catching Zeke watching you curiously. "Why did the AC have to break down today of all days?"
"Dunno." He shrugged and immersed himself back into his book. "Oh, I hope you don't mind coming to my place to grade the papers? I don't think you'll be able to focus in this heat. Besides, I want to take a look at your latest PhD chapter." Jaeger told you absentmindedly, eyes glued to the pages in front of him.
"Sure thing–"
"Don't say it."
"Jesus Christ..."
You adored pissing your ex-professor off, but deep down, Zeke couldn't deny the fact that he loved the authority he had over you. You were a very alluring woman, after all, and any sane man would kill to be as close to you as he was, let alone boss you around like he did. And he had the strong feeling you acted like a brat around him on purpose. You took your leave after downing the rest of your beverage, going to the library to borrow some books for your own research.
You rang the intercom and waited for Zeke to let you inside the building, dragging your feet down the hallway, tired from carrying so much shit with you – laptop, books, essays, papers, pens and highlighters – you were a walking, talking stationery shop and one could only wonder how someone with such a petite frame was so strong. Zeke waited in the doorway and took some of your things, relieving the weight as you sighed.
"Coffee?" He guided you to his kitchen.
"Water, please." You plopped on a chair and unbuttoned the first three heart-shaped buttons of your lilac shirt, tiny beads of sweat bundled up at your collarbone.
"You sure? I'll be keeping you up all night." Jaeger laughed. He was obviously talking about the papers, but to you, the sentence had a different innuendo — not that you minded, you had your fair share of sinful fantasies with the older man. Come to think of it, you were wondering why he was single. Zeke was undoubtedly an attractive man, he could have any woman he wanted. Yet you’ve never seen him on a date, never seen a picture of a woman when you accidentally glanced at his phone, never heard him talk about a significant other.
"Hey, mind if I smoke?" You asked, noticing the ashtray on his table.
"Not at all, I'll join you." He sat opposite you, mug of coffee in his hand. You pulled out a pack of pink cigarettes from your backpack and placed one between your lips, pocketing your jeans for a lighter. His hand extended over the table, lighter in his hand, and you slightly bent your head forward, eyes glued to his. You inhaled the smoke, not breaking eye contact, and exhaled with a sigh. Something about Zeke lighting up your cigarette made your little cunt tingle.
"Thanks, boss." The corners of your lips turned into a barely visible smirk. You really, really liked to tick him off.
"Don't mention it." He told you before lighting his own cigarette. What, no comeback? No objection? "How's your paper going?"
"It's... going." You shrugged.
"You haven't written anything in your last chapter, have you?"
"No, I have," you half-whined, "it's just that I can't find my words. I think I encountered writer's block."
"'S alright, we'll figure something out." Zeke pulled a stack of papers from his briefcase and dropped it on the table.
"Wow, no shit you need help, that's a lot of papers." You twirled the cigarette between your fingers before taking one final puff and crushing it in the glass ashtray.
"Told you." He picked his resting cigarette back from the ashtray. "You can do the first years."
"I'd rather do something else." You whispered to yourself, eyes almost rolling at the back of your head.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, boss. First years, got it." Your manicured fingers pulled the stack of papers closer to you. The exams were already annotated according to subject and year and you took everything you needed before shoving them back to Zeke.
You were bored out of your mind, fiddling with the red pen in your hand and tapping your fingers on the table with no particular rhythm. It was already dark outside and you barely finished a quarter of your stack while Zeke was halfway through his.
"Could you please stop that?" He asked you without even bothering to look at you.
"It's annoying."
With a groan you rolled your eyes and stopped tapping your fingers, instead opting to fidget your leg, bouncing it up and down under the table. The wooden furniture shook at the movement and Zeke sighed, putting the pen down.
"I understand you're bored, but if you want to be a professor, this is part of the job description."
"I know, I know, but, like, can we take a break? Please? We've been at it for two and a half hours now and I'm just so bored." You looked at him with puppy eyes and a pout on your plump lips.
"Ugh, fine. What do you want to do?"
"I dunno. Got any board games?"
"Only a pack of playing cards." Zeke shrugged.
"Perfect! Literally anything is better than this. I mean look at what this kid wrote: the ship of Theseus ARE a thought experiment. Can you believe it? How can a nineteen-year-old not know proper grammar?"
"Careful, Y/N," he chuckled, "you made a pretty embarrassing error during your masters, too."
"Nooo, don't bring that up!" You got up and walked to the freezer, scanning the contents.
"Why not? It's funny."
"Yeah, for you." You rolled your eyes. "But I still proved my worth." You triumphantly told him, tongue playfully poking out of your mouth from behind the freezer door. Ugh, you were so cute, made to be ravaged. Your eyes settled on the single raspberry popsicle and you picked it up, closing back the door. "Can I have this?" Oh, he knew exactly what you were doing.
"Of course."
With Zeke's approval, you unwrapped the plastic, revealing the rose-tinted dessert, swirling your tongue around its tip. You were a sight for sore eyes, (not so) innocently licking at the popsicle, your gaze on him and his growing bulge. He didn't even bother hiding it, instead relaxing in the chair and drinking you in. It was no mistake that Zeke invited you over, and you weren't stupid enough to believe it was a mistake.
"Do you... want some?" You trailed off as the once cold dessert began melting from your hot lips.
"If you'd be so kind." He patted his lap and you accepted the invitation. His bulge was comfortably uncomfortable against your ass, and you put the popsicle onto his lips, one arm draped around his shoulder. Zeke's tongue moved languidly around the sweet snack and you leaned in, your own tongue licking both the dessert and his lips. It was sticky and saccharine and sinful, and your poor pussy couldn't take it anymore.
"Do you wanna fuck me, daddy?" You naively asked him. He wasn't surprised in the slightest by the name, already suspecting you had daddy issues, in fact counting on it.
"I very much do." His hands were already roaming your body. The popsicle was almost gone, and you deepthroated the last bit, taking the little stick out of your mouth with a pop. Finally, he crushed his lips onto yours and you could tell he had experience. You dropped the stick on the tiled floor, twisting your body to better straddle him. Zeke unbuttoned your shirt as you slowly began grinding your hips against his bulge, earning a groan from him. "Ugh, you bad girl." He threw his head back as you loosened the tie around his neck.
"Are you going to punish me?" You slowly, too slowly unbuttoned his shirt.
"What’s the point of a punishment if you’re going to enjoy it?" He mused, unclasping your bra. You had goosebumps all over your skin and Zeke took one of your nipples in his hot mouth, a hand pinching your other one. You whimpered at the slight stinging sensation
"Does it m-matter if I enjoy it?" His touch became rougher, almost animalistic.
"Of course," he stopped sucking your swollen, oversensitive nipple, "otherwise you won't learn your lesson." You got up and turned around, your back against him, taking your jeans and underwear off, bending down and exposing your cunt to him. "You're going to be the death of me, Y/N." Zeke shook his head, removing his own trousers.
"Allow me." You tucked your fingers behind the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down as you kneeled in front of him. His throbbing cock tapped your face after finally being unleashed from its textile cage.
"I suspected you were big, but this? This is too good." You sneered at his member, mesmerised by its size.
"Just shut up and suck it." Zeke pretty much commanded you and you wet your lips, pressing your tongue against the velvety tip. You worked your way around his shaft, enjoying this more than you should've. You pulled back, a string of saliva and precum attached to your lips as you looked up at him.
"Am I doing good, daddy?"
"So good." He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pushed your head back. You eagerly sucked and slurped until he got bored of your mouth around his cock. Zeke pulled you up, spun you around and bent you over the table. He brought your wrists together and tied them up behind your back with his tie before taking a step back and admiring the view. Ass up, face down, just like he loved it. His foot pushed yours to the side, spreading your legs for him before he gave you a good slap over your ass cheeks. You shot up with a moan but his hand forced you back down against the table.
"I think I know exactly how to punish you." Zeke announced, two fingers spreading your folds as his tongue dove inside of you, lapping at your wet cunt.
"Oh, God!" You groaned in pleasure. No man has ever eaten you out like he did. Most guys did it as a chore. Zeke? He was enjoying every single bit of it, passionately fingering you, his tongue moving in ways you didn't think were possible. "Ah, fuck– so good! Daddy, please! I'm coming!"
The way he venomously laughed told you that no, you were not going to come any time soon. Just as you were about to let loose, Zeke stopped, removing his fingers, another slap on your ass. Tears pooled at your Y/E/C eyes, frustration written all over your face. "No, no, no!"
"I told you, Y/N, you're a bad, bad girl." He bent over and whispered in your ear, his cock pressing against your entrance, his hand in your hair.
"Oh, pleaseee, I need to come! Will you let me come?"
"Hm, it depends." Jaeger straightened his back, hands resting on your hips. "Did you learn your lesson?"
"Yes, yes, daddy, I did! I promise I'll be good!" You tried to turn around to look at him, oblivious to what he was doing behind your back, cheeks crimson, droplets of sweat on your forehead.
"Convincing enough." He shrugged and you heard the condom snap against his cock.  Unexpectedly and without any warning, the man thrusted into your wet cunt and you, again, shot up, but he pinned you back. "Stay fucking put, you little whore." Zeke demanded and you tried, you really tried, but your body had a mind of its own. "I see you refuse to learn."
"No, no, please!" You slammed your face onto the table, squishing your cheek in the process, desperate and helpless.
"That's better." He concluded, sarcasm dripping down his tongue as he rammed his cock deeper into you. The silken walls clenched around his hard member, and he grunted, no other woman pleasing him like your tight pussy did. "You like it when I take you from behind, you filthy slut?"
"Yes– oh my God, YES!" You bucked your hips against his for more pressure and pain.
"What would my students think if they saw you getting fucked like this on their papers?"
"Ah– I don't c-care!"
"What would the headmaster say if she knew you fuck your superior and- ugh- coordinator?" Jaeger thrusted harder and faster.
"Please, Zeke-"
His hand found its way to your neck, tightly squeezing it.
"Wrong name, Y/N."
"Shit, daddy!"
"That's right, I'm your fucking daddy and hell will freeze before someone else fucking touches you!"
"Fuc-k, fuuuck!" You both howled and panted as you climaxed, your entire bodies quivering. Zeke pulled out of you, carefully removing the rubber from his cock and giving you another slap on your perky ass cheeks. You stood up, arms still tied around your back, turned on your heels and pecked him on his cheek, giggling like a schoolgirl, marvelled by the fact that he chose you over anyone else.
"You know what, Y/N? Now that I've found you, I'm never going to let you go." He promised.
"I'm all yours, boss."
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misablr · 4 years
can you keep a secret?
cw: this chapter has mentions of alcohol & weed plus description of being high
wc:590 (not proofread,still bad)
you felt like you inside of a movie. the main character getting out of her friend’s car, about to enter a loud house that was inhabited by a loud player. and perhaps you were, except it was less glamorous.
as soon as you and the boys arrived at the house, all you could hear was music coming from the backyard. atsumu opened the door of bokuto’s nissan serena (it was his moms car, a very old hand me down) and you all got out one by one. you all walked to the gate of the backyard (sumu said “it’s fine he’s cool with it”) and when the gate opened, it really did feel like a movie scene.
people were all over the backyard, cans of beer and wine coolers all over the place and what you could see looked like a smoke circle. atsumu and bokuto bowled over each other running to were the drinks were while osamu went to go see what the “dj” was playing (the computer that hinata had hooked up to his loud speakers). only semi and you remained, standing next to each other not knowing where to go. he reached for your hand and you gave him a confused look.
“come on, let go sit with them”. you glanced where he was looking, where you could see the smoke circle with tons of people you didn’t know. but since you were trying to have a good night out, you placed your hand in his (did his hands always feel this soft?) and let him lead you.
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kenma disliked social gatherings. it wasn’t his vibe and he honestly wanted to be at home. so when his friends pulled up to the curb of the street and climbed out of the car, he knew he had to mentally prepare to be the sober friend. akaashi lightly tapped his back drawing him out of his thoughts, glancing to his friends that were already making their way towards the house.
he sighed and walked to the backyard with akaashi, noticing that the three idiots left the gate open.
what kenma wasn’t expecting was seeing you, trying to pull semi into the pool. he noted that what seemed to be your phone was tossed to the side in the grass, along with he assumed to be semi’s coat and jacket. the ash blonde just kept shaking his head, laughing at the way you pouted when he said something to you. kenma didn’t realize he was smiling at how you were acting before realizing that he didn’t know you were going to be there. his eyes grew wide and looked at akaashi who had a knowing look.
“both bokuto and i figured we all would be here being friends with hinata. go and talk to her, after she is your girlfriend.”
kenma nodded, and was making his way towards you before he stopped after you whispered something to semi, which made him look away and lead you to the pool.
you were happy you had finally gotten semi to agree to get into the pool, your body feeling hot and slightly too aware of every movement your body was doing. you had your arms wrapped around semi’s waist, head on his chest (that now was drenched after you dunked him in the pool) giggling at the stories he was telling you about practice and the band. you had failed to notice kenma standing not too far just watching you and semi.
kenma never liked parties, but he really hated this one.
thirteen- nissan serena
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a/n huehuehue this is gonna be a ride gl guys <3 also yn’s depiction of being high is very much similar to what happens when i get really really stoned so :) everyone has different highs!
taglist! @danianianiani @murkkz @airybnb @halesandy @bakugouswh0r3 @mariishat @hkyuinique @youtuboo @mahitocity @kac-chowsballs @moonlightaangel @mirikusashes @kodzuklutz @theyrehorndogs @cinnitsuki @hrtthrob @linoslino @renhold-nightspear @semhal @ellomei @gothr4y @reina-de-tay @mariachiii @abuliawrites @lucyheartfilias-wife @ifilosemyselfagain @letskidnapsenpai @mistabrainr0t @life-is-sad-lol @saltykoolaid @tsukkisfatsimp @notendoplasm @sunahyejin @delicatetrasheagle @random-fandom-girl-24 @rintarawr @nerdynstoned @idontevenknow129 @shigarakiskitten @akaashis-princess @celestair @calumsfringe
if your name is in bold i cannot tag you!
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arvandus · 3 years
ahh just had a little scene in my head where reader and dabi r riding a motorcycle back from a mission, youve been hit with a truth serum/drunk like quirk, you can still carry yourself well n so u ride in the back hugging onto dabi while rambling on to keep yourself from fallin asleep, so it starts off with the effects of the quirk, then things that looked interesting, then funny stories u had w the other members, and naturally your thoughts spill from the LOV members to him and you confess/outright pour your heart out for him n hes just stuck there not to try n crash the ride LMAO-🐨
omg I love this. 😂 We must share a brain cell because let's just say I've had a similar idea (the drunkenness at least) that may/may not end up in a future chapter of Touch. 👀
(Also, I actually did a NSFW oneshot piece for a friend of mine with Dabi x her OC where her OC gets hit with a truth quirk, huehuehue)
But now I'm thinking of a drunk-effect quirk, and chuckling. Lemme just....
At first, Dabi would be like, "Nah, that's just the quirk talkin'." But then you keep rambling more and more, and his heart pounds harder and hard in his chest until every nerve is singing. He gets hyperfocused on the feeling of your arms around him, clinging tightly, and he has to force himself to pay attention to the road so the two of you don't crash.
But Dabi is great at denial, so he keeps telling himself it's not true, you don't really mean it. Even as you stumble off of the motorcycle and he catches you, giggling as you cling to him, your face buried into his white tee. He helps you up the steps to enter the building and he thinks that's it, that that's the end of it. You'll probably go to bed and crash, sleeping off the effects of the quirk, and forget about the whole thing. You plop onto the couch and fall sideways, and Dabi turns on the TV for you and places a glass of water on the end table.
"Here, idiot. Try not to spill it."
He begins to leave, but your whiny voice stops him in his tracks.
Something about the way you say his name - desperate, cute, needy - makes his nerves dance on end and his hands clench in his pockets. He turns to look back at you, and you're there on the couch, looking up at him, arms reached out, palms open in grabby hands.
"Don't goooo," you beg. "Snuggle me!"
"What the- why?"
"I'm coollldd," you pout. "Pleeeeaasssee?"
Dabi hesitates, frozen on the edge of decision. But the look in your eyes, the pout of your lower lip... He gives a resigned sigh and returns to the couch where you make room for him before curling up against his side with a happy sigh.
"You're a brat." he grumbles.
You look up at him, and he can feel your warm breath on his chin, his lips... it'd be so easy to kiss them right now, to see how you respond - to see if you really meant all those things you said on the ride home.
"Are you mad at me?" you ask softly, eyes wide and innocent; you are oblivious - so oblivious - to the things coming out of your mouth and the way those words tightened around him, putting him in a chokehold, making it hard to breathe.
Dabi forces himself to take a deep breath, to fight off the ache in his chest that you seem to be responsible for. He pries his gaze away from your parted lips to look into your shining eyes, inches from his own.
"No." he finally says.
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vventure · 4 years
Change - Atsumu Miya Must Die, Ch. 1
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Series Mini Mlist: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x fem!reader
Genre: Angst (only lightly this part), Fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none for now
Summary: Atsumu Miya is a player; dating three girls from three different friend groups so they don’t find out. What happens when they do, though? And how does [Y/N] play into their plan for ultimate revenge?
A/N: This is only the first chapter, so it’s a little dull, I’m sorry! Ahh okay, welcome to my little idea that wouldn’t get out of my head. I’m really excited about this project, and I hope you guys will be too! This fic is HEAVILY inspired by the movie John Tucker Must Die, and I just felt like breaking mean ole’ Atsumu’s heart (huehuehue). I’m not sure how many parts there will be for this, but I’ll definitely make a masterlist for it when the time comes.
Taglist: @for-ests​ @writeiolite​ -  message me if you want to be added!
“Atsumu Miya, there’s only one guy out there for me…” Your recorded voice blared from the flat screen in the bar as his college volleyball team and dormitory friends watched intently. 
Heart racing, you frantically ripped your body from Atsumu’s arms and ran to where the TV was plugged in, cutting the power. 
You didn’t make it in time, and those words you’d recorded so many months ago, before your plans were ruined by ‘Tsumu’s affections, made the room fall silent: “...and you are not...”
Whipping around, you locked eyes with the man you’d made fall in love with a fake version of you, and who you thought maybe you actually felt something for.
“What’s this?”
“I can’t believe we really just moved to Hyogo for a man,” your arms were crossed and your jaw was set as you addressed your sister Ami while riding with her to the boyfriend’s apartment. This had been a point of contention for months between the two of you. 
Since the loss of your parents, Ami became your guardian. You were pretty attached to each other, and so when your sister told you that she was planning to move to Hyogo to live with her boyfriend of six months, you felt compelled to move with her. Her decisions surrounding men had always been questionable, and this was no different.
For two months while preparing to move, you’d argue every day over small things and big things alike. You didn’t do the dishes right after finishing dinner? Fight. You wanted Ami to physically meet the man she was moving in with before the move? Fight.
And to make things worse, her resentment for being saddled with a hormonal teenager to take  care of in her early twenties was showing through. It hurt for you to realize her resentment towards you, no matter how much she told you she loved you and that she didn’t resent you.
Could you really blame her? Maybe a little; you were always more of an adult than she was in your shared life, and she probably resented more that she had to be a grounded adult instead of a flighty party girl.
“It’s not like this was out of nowhere, [Y/N],” your sister grumbled, shooting you a glare and pulling you from your thoughts. “Plus, you didn’t have to move, you had a place in Miyagi.”
“That’s a lot of traveling for holidays, and you know I have to keep my eye on you.”
“I’m an adult, I think I’m fine by myself,” Ami said. “You better not cramp our style while you’re staying with us.”
“So sue me for wanting to keep the only family I have left close,” you spat, looking away from your older sister. “I’ll be in the dorms in a week, resent me as much as you want until then, you’re really good at it.”
“Whatever,” she said, her attention completely leaving you as she pulled in front of a tall, sleek apartment building. This was way nicer than the one you’d shared in Miyagi, and your jaw dropped at the sight. What kind of guy was Riku anyway?
A tall man ran from the main door of the apartment building as Ami flung the car into park and jumped out without turning it off. You’d never seen her move this quickly as she ran and leapt into the arms of her boyfriend, his strong grip able to swing her around like a rag doll.
Pulling the keys from the dash, you stepped out and slung your bag over your shoulder. You thought your legs might give out after the long drive, but you willed yourself to stand and give Riku a guarded smile.
“Welcome, welcome!” He boomed, pulling you into a tight hug before picking up your bags and lugging them towards the front door. “I’ve already gotten a lot of the packages you sent, and I made sure to set up [Y/N]’s room so she’d be comfortable.”
“Rikuuu, you sweetheart,” Ami gushed, pulling his body to hers so she could plant a sloppy kiss on his lips. She’d driven the entire way from Miyagi to Hyogo and her exhaustion was showing. “So thoughtful.”
There was only one week until you could move into your dorm. One. Week. You could deal with their infatuation for one week, right?
Riku’s apartment, well-- Ami and Riku’s apartment-- was cozy. Small touches that your sister had sent through the post were littered around the main living area and it brought you a small feeling of comfort and home as you took them in. 
On the coffee table sat the misshapen mug you’d made during high school ceramics. On one of the walls was a picture Ami had taken of the backyard you’d shared during the time your parents were still around. He’d even displayed a picture of you and your sister on high school graduation day. Ami had worked hard to make your life normal during the last two years of high school, and her pride over your accomplishments showed so clearly in the sunny picture.
“This is a really nice apartment,” you said, turning to look at Riku as you spoke. “Thank you for letting me stay for a week.”
“Of course, [Y/N], anyone important to my boobear is important to me.”
His pet name made you want to gag, but you swallowed it and spoke again, “Where will I be sleeping?”
“Down the hall, first door on the right,” he said, handing your bags over. “Rest a little and we’ll get something to eat. I wanna show you guys my favorite restaurant!”
Making your way down the foreign corridor, you came upon an open room that had a small bed, bedside table, and dresser. It was plain, but honestly you didn’t need it to be anything fancy. Most of your things were still stacked in boxes off to the side of the dresser in anticipation of being moved into the dorm with you, but one of the boxes was cut open, and some of its contents had found their way to the dresser top and bedside table.
A framed picture of you, Chikara Ennoshita, Hisashi Kinoshita, Kazuhito Narita, Ryuunosuke Tanaka, and Yuu Nishinoya sat on the dresser. It was taken during their final volleyball game of high school, and even though they were sweaty and emotional they agreed to take a picture with their closest friend who was always there to support them. Next to that was a framed picture of Noya and you swinging in one of the parks near school, faces split by massive smiles as you enjoyed the childish pleasure of weightless glee.
Riku had made good choices for decoration, you’d give the stranger that.
You missed these goofs already; Chikara always checking on how you were doing in college and making sure you were eating healthily and drinking water; Kazuhita texting you to make sure that you weren’t too stressed and you were taking care of yourself mentally; Hisashi coming by to take you out for boba, showing you the latest memes he’d acquired; and Yuu and Ryuu dragging you along to parties, which you always ended up enjoying no matter how much you complained about them. 
Your heart ached at the memories of your friends no longer a short bus ride or walk away. 12 hours was a lot of distance between you all, and it was finally hitting you that this was not Miyagi anymore. What if you didn’t make any friends here? 
It was already your third year of college, and most of the people in your classes would likely already have friend groups. How weird would you look when you moved into a dorm with people who likely knew each other?
With a sigh, you flopped face-first onto the bed and willed the fresh cotton scented bed covering to suffocate you. What if your friends from Miyagi didn’t care about your absence. You let out a half-hearted wail imagining Chikara blocking your number, irrationality taking over your brain.
“[Y/N]?” Ami’s voice drifted through the open door as she looked for you. “We’re gonna go get something to eat now, actually. Riku is hungry and I think I am too.”
She thinks she is? You rolled over and sat up to look at her.
“Y’know, Riku seems really nice. I don’t think you have to, like, change yourself for him or whatever you usually do for the guys you date,” you said while swinging your legs over the edge of the bed to stand.
Ami just rolled her eyes and rejoined Riku in the living room. You were fast on her heels, slipping out of your house shoes and putting on your sneakers.
“Alright!” Riku said with a smile. “Let’s go get onigiri!”
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ee-furoido · 4 years
Hello, Closet-san! (oh geez, that sounds so weird) have you played the new parts of chapter 5? I nearly dropped my device when I heard the new rhythmic featuring Neige and the dwarves. Now that's going to be stuck in my head like the Kinoko song and a picture of Jade's head taped to an origami frog
Ahahaha When I made it a thing on this blog that I was stuffed in Jade’s closet I didn’t think people would try to talk to me or try to call me something. >.< I’ll- I’ll think of something better to call myself. Hopefully something a little less object oriented. I’m not like my friend Piano-san- ahaha. 
For now, maybe just K will be fine.
As for Chapter 5, yes! I played through the whole thing, translating very lazily for a friend on Discord as we flipped through the episodes. Neige’s song is really catchy and does have a very nostalgic feel, so I’ll catch myself humming it from time to time~ I’ve already gone through the rhythmic for it countless times until I finally perfected it too, the song was cute. ......And you just had to mention the Kinoko song again! Now that’ll be in my head, and Jade’ll come after me again. Huehuehue~
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lala-pipo · 4 years
(1/18) *peeks from behind the wall* I hope I am still welcomed here hahaha cricket anon is here! <3 I am very sorry for making you worry last time O.O, for sure no matter what happens to the story, I'm going to be right there to read it! Huehuehue, I literally was not lying when I mentioned that this story is bringing me lots of joy this year :3 Cricket anon is fine now! hahaha my last work place was really bad, kind of black-company-level-bad, and it really took a toll on my mental health…
Dear cricket nony, I already answered one of your non-anonymous asks privately because I was so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of email notifications I got from tumblr and Ao3 that I had to thank you right away, but I still want to do it publically because even after days I’m still overwhelmed that you took so much time to write me a whole essay. I’m still all soft and wobbly and squishy on the inside. Your notifications really made my day, week, probably month – so thanks so much again. It really means so much T___T
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(2) so, I kind of took two months? break from social media and just literally try and figure out my life lol basically quarter-life crisis also happening, but yeah slowly getting better now! I hope you are doing fine as well, sending you lots of hugs and love ~^^~ Firstly though!! I wanted to say sorry too that it took a while for me to reply hahaha… BUT!! Let me tell you omg during my rest of 8 weeks, I have managed to re-read ALL. SEVEN. CHAPTERS!! So many things to share!!
I’m so sorry to hear that your last workplace took such a toll on your mental health and I really hope that you are going to get better. I cross all my fingers for you and send you good vibes only. Please don’t feel pressured to comment at all. I mean everyone loves receiving comments, but it shouldn’t feel like a chore. So if you feel like sharing your thoughts I’m always glad to read them, but if you don’t feel like sharing them, please don’t feel bad about it. <3
(3) However, since my comments were a grand total of 4,000 words lol, I inserted them in AO3 under "cricket anon" in every chapter! :3 You might get confused as you read them because I take notes as I read the chapter lol hahaha I hope my comments might bring some joy <3 Ahh! By the way! These anon messages are partly not anon since anon asks are limited to 10 per hour? I didn’t know that! :( But since I accidentally have revealed myself to you lol I think it should be okay!
I’ll also try to answer your comments on Ao3 in the upcoming days because (if I remember correctly) you had some questions and I hope I can answer some of them. ^^ But I’m impressed that you went through all the chapters again. We’ve reached 150k now, which is quite fascinating to me because there are still quite a few chapters left. I wonder how long the story will be in the end *hides* I didn’t know that either! I’ve been on tumblr for so long and yet this 10 ask limit is new information for me, but it makes sense in some way – if I think about spam accounts or people going around spreading hate or something.
(4) Also, I think I’m going to make my snorts reactions straight onto AO3 from now on, rather than spamming your ask box with 10+ anon messages hahaha but I’ll still come here to share you my overall reactions and analyzations huehuehue and also to possibly warn you about the length of the comment lol something I noticed, from chapter 1 to chapter 7, the comment got longer lol more things to discuss about, I guess!? But yeah!! Let me reply to your reply to my previous ask here!!
LMAO I admire your dedication. Do whatever is most comfortable to you, I will be happy either way ^^ I think it makes sense that someone can comment more on later chapters because the painted picture gets fuller and fuller with details, there is more information about the different characters, the storyline is more developed and so on… ^^
(5) Is the sad scene in chapter 6, you were referring to the conversation that Jong-Taem were having, and then Jong tried to diffuse it into another lighthearted banter, and Taem is just. tired. of. Jong avoiding the conversation? and despite all that, Taem still let Jong come into his room and cuddle to sleep? idk... I find that scene really heartbreaking :( or maybe it was another scene?
For me it was the shower scene tbh. I don’t know, but it always struck something inside of me (is it weird that I’m saying this although I’ve written it?) There is something very fragile about Jonghyun in that scene and Taemin does feel a little helpless and is so caught up in his own thoughts, in his own needs, what he wants (and doesn’t get from Jonghyun) and yeah – it always makes me go :( but yes, the follow up scene is sad as well because you sit there and think – you two are just so damn dumb, which is something most people, who read this story so far – seem to think constantly, because yeah, they are very dumb – each in their own way. ^^
(6) I think I mentioned in the AO3 comment somewhere that even I started to feel like Taem can just leave Jong because Jong is not trying to understand Taem, I mean, nothing to do with his mood swings or his claim that Taem will get bored of him, just that he isn't trying to see things from Taem's perspective whereas Taem is trying! so! hard! and he even tried to ignore the fact that Jong avoid the vital conversations for like the 10th time already :(
Feelings are a very difficult topic – and while chapters 1-9 are very focused on what Taemin does, thinks, wants, needs, wishes etc. the focus does shift a little over to Jonghyun starting from chapter 10. So the reader does get an inside of why Jonghyun might have acted the way he did. If his behavior makes sense is up to the reader (and Taemin as well) to decide – but I think it shines a little more light onto Jonghyun, who the reader doesn’t know much about – feeling wise –, although he’s one of the main characters of the story. ^^ It’s the onion layers that get peeled one by one. ^^
(7) Yeah, re-reading this definitely showed me muCH MORE parallelism in Jong-Key and Taem-Jong dynamics. Even with Taem's mood in a sense? Like how Jong used to be really upset when Key has a new friend, and then suddenly okay when they do sexy times. Before, I only noticed the puppy-love-ness parallel, but then there is more to it, like I said, Taem's mood affected by Jong a lot, just like Jong's by Key, and also the way Jong claims that Key doesn't understand his feelings,
(8) well, it applies to Jong not really wanting to understand Taem's feeling? by just brushing it off as Taem will get bored of him or Taem doesn't know what he is talking about. I mean as a reader, I am also not sure, if it’s either Jong doesn't care or he is scared to show himself or both or maybe there is another reason? Hahaha ^^;;
This is true and done on purpose. ^^ This knowledge doesn’t play a key (haha) part in the storyline, but it is there to show how blinded one can get by one’s own feelings. After adapting to his new life in a dorm Taemin sees through Jonghyun and Kibum’s relationship quite well, but later when it’s about his own relation to Jonghyun he’s completely blindsided and doesn’t see how unhealthy it is at first – him going back and back and back over and over again in the hope that Jonghyun’s behavior towards him might change.
(9) You mentioned that there will be more Jongtae drought, and honestly, I think they need it? I think some space for them to think about things and you know do other things and talk to other people about other things lol maybe it will clear up their heads hopefully? Ahh!! You said the beginning of chapter 5 is for your own sanity lol I totally understand ;), it was a very sweet scene, soft, and kind of endearing compared to what is coming in the next chapters TnT
It depends on how we describe the drought. The hard cut was done in chapter 8. I went in like a warrior and just cut all the strings, not showing any mercy. ^^” I don’t want to spoiler anything, but yeah – the hard drought will continue throughout chapter 9 – soft drought from chapter 10 …… till ….. *closes mouth* 6v6 
Working on chapter 8 made me write two lovey-dovey JongTae oneshots because I couldn’t stand seeing them fight in my own fanfic, in front of my salad. T_T so yeah, the beginning of chapter 5 was for my sanity. While writing chapter 8 I also realized again while I never really write angst, fights – anything dramatic really, because I’m a very chill person in real life, and I like my fanfics to be very chill as well – so writing this was completely out of my comfort zone. For others it’s writing smut for me it’s writing angst lmao. I usually want to wrap up all the characters in fluffy blankets and make them tea, and yet here I am – letting Taemin suffer for so many chapters. I’m a monster T_T
(10) Yeahhh, about the fact that we don't see Key so much since it is in Taemin's point of view, and also the fact that our (the audience)'s perception of Key is very much influenced by how Taem sees Key, right? I think I even mentioned somewhere in the comments, that in a way, a Rashomon effect is present as the readers read the story right, since they are all on accounts of Taem's witnessing, but then also maybe I am just reading too much into this lol
It would be the Rashomon effect if I wrote the same fic out of Jonghyun’s perspective and Minho’s as well for example. In this case Taemin is just a very unreliable narrator and we don’t (well I do :’D) but the reader doesn’t know what’s really going on, if everything Taemin is experiencing is true or if it should be taken with a grain of salt. Considering that everyone in the dorm, except for Taemin, gets along well with Kibum, we might want to believe that Kibum isn’t the bad guy Taemin wants to make him out to be. ^^
(11) Honestly, I could hear my English Lit teacher saying "maybe that is not the author's intention" hahaha xD Yes yes yes!! more chapters for Taem's development!! I am ready for it!! I mean the end of chapter 7 marked the sign of the broken vase, and paired with the JongTae drought, I am looking forward to the next part of the story!! Some character development at this point is perfect I think!! And also!! About the advices, I think I commented a few times on some of the chapters.
(12) I didn't notice that before! And after you pointed it out, I think I made some comments on Minho's, Key's, and Onew's advices to Taem and definitely, based on how the events unfolded, we could argue that the advice was bad - in a way though, I can't seem to tell (yet, maybe?) if the advice giver was genuinely trying to help or do they have ulterior motives? hmmm but either way, I like how you placed a lot of thoughts in the story, even on things such as advice.
(13) Because for sure, in reality, people tend to give bad advices, and act on bad advices. It is true that most fics tend to focus only on the good advice and then the story ends happily ever after. Real life is most definitely not like that :3 your "slice of life" tag is holding up to its name ;) Thank you so much for your hard work!! You added 10,000 words for chapter 7?? omg… huhuhu (insert a bowing LINE sticker)... yeah, for sure, the way the story unfolds in my head,
(14) probably is different to other readers, right? And for sure, very different to you, the author! There are probably a lot more instances, scenes, implications, interpretations? that we as readers are unaware of! Thank you so much for all your hard work TnT, as readers, having more context into the story does give much more clarity on the flow of the story and the feelings of the characters, etc. Thank you for all your hard work! (bow bow bow)
That was something @hwarang-number commented on as well while betaing the story. What if Minho has ulterior motives?!?!?!?!? In Minho’s case it does make sense to give out bad advice to lure in the innocent lamb haha but for example what would Jinki’s or Kibum’s ulterior motives be? Sometimes people want to give out good advice, but in the end it just turns out to be bad advice – unintentionally – humans are just humans after all – and none of us is all knowing, we all perceive things differently, and what might work for one person might not work for the other. I did add 10k to chapter 7 and 25k to chapter 8 – because chapter 8 felt like the most incomplete out of all the chapters in this story. 
I think I’ve mentioned it before but hwarang_number is super attentive while reading and figured most things out that I’ve implied – even smaller details which I thought might get lost in the chapters – which I’m still impressed by, but I also said before that everyone reads stories differently, and some aspects that might not be important to me as the author of the story might be important for the readers and the other way around. For the past chapters I just tried to fill in the gaps that might confuse readers unnecessarily. In the original draft of chapter 8 Taemin is doing the deeds with Minho far more spontaneously because he’s so frustrated with Jonghyun – it made sense like that as well – but I think his frustration got more depth through the added scenes. :)
(15) Ah!! By the way!! Please don't feel like you are forced to reply to all of my messages! Having you read them already makes me happy! I don't want to make it feel like an obligation to you because... well omg my comments like super loooooong hahaha ^^;; And yeah!! Take your time with the next chapter by the way!! I am rooting for the development of the story no matter how it will go :3 I will be waiting for the next update (though no pressure, just want to put it there haha)
Dear cricket nony, if you write me 50 message I will still try to answer all of them ㅎㅅㅎ I might just take a little longer. I hope you will like chapter 8 as well, despite the drought ^^
(16) Next time, this cricket anon will bring some more noise ~ I hope your real-life stuff works out well too :D Once again, thank you for answering all of my messages, and for writing this awesomely written fanfiction! While I wait for the next chapter, I think I'm going to re-read songs of siren hehehe :3 Please stay safe!
Please do! Song of Sirens is definitely a story I would have loved to treat like “Dorm Life” in a sense that it would have turned out better if I had worked on it longer, but I’m still a fan of the big brain energy I had running through my veins when I came up with the mythological aspect of the story…lmao So I hope you will enjoy re-reading it. ^^ Chapter 8 is longer than Song of Sirens (just as a side note haha)
(17) Ah!! I forgot to mention!! After I re-read it, my most favorite literary device that you used in this fanfiction (lol this commentary is beginning to sound like a Literature essay) is the Biblical Allusions? I am not sure if this was your intention, but the juxtapositions of Bible verses or reference to God, in Taemin’s thought reminds me heavily of Taemin’s songs, particularly Heaven? It be a sexy time song if you look at the lyrics, but the composition is that of a choir church song
(18) I find the contrast chilling, and maybe you were trying to invoke that feeling to the readers? Orrr maybe I am perhaps, indeed, reading too much into this hahaha ^^;; but really! I really enjoy reading your fanfictions and coming up with analyzations, it’s very fun, and the fact that I can discuss or ask you questions about it is just makes it even more fun – since in Literature classes we can’t actually ask the author of their true intentions right hahaha okay!! I am done :3 Thank you!! <3
It was my intention and still is, so I’m glad you picked up on that. ^^ I always wanted to write a fanfic in which Taemin’s religion plays a role – even if it’s just on the side – I always make some references to Dante’s circles of Hell (when Taemin is being dramatic again) or I also made a reference to Hieronymus Bosch’s painting The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things in chapter 8. (I’m a big fan of his work – that dude was wild – the way he painted blows my mind every time I look at one of his paintings). So yes, dramatic Taemin talking about religion and throwing around with biblical references is my brain being wild. ^^ 
I would say that ‘Dorm Life’ is not a really deep story, but I did put a lot of thought into it to not make it your regular smut/romance fanfic. I mean it took time, still does – but I’m glad when people, like you dear cricket nony, appreciate it. So thank you so much for your kind words and sending me all your thoughts and interpretations. <3 I hope you will have a lovely December – please stay healthy and please take good care of yourself. <3
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arigatouiris · 5 years
head over heels // b.b — [11]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader [Female pronouns]
Warnings: swearing; angst [a lot of it]; mentions of drugs and drug abuse and explicit sexual references; mentions of anxiety, depressive thoughts, suicide, post-traumatic stress; fluff [in later chapters]
Follows events after Endgame, but Tony, Natasha, Steve, Loki are alive in this universe.
Word count: 1829
Author’s Note: I somehow seem to forget that tumblr exists and I need to update. Huehuehue~ Let me know what you think guys~ 
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11. cry
She was sure that no one could find her if she were here. But when there was a knock against the door, her heart stopped. 
She prayed that it wasn’t Bucky, but at the same time, she hoped that it was. She walked over to the door and peeped from the keyhole; it was only the neighbor. Martha was a very kind old woman who lived next door, who often visited [Name] in the past three months. She made sure the girl ate well, was well-rested, and was the only human face she would see in a day.
She opened the door and met Martha with a sad smile.
    “How are we doing today, Emilia?”
She lied and said her name was Emilia. It was a random choice, there was no harm in letting Martha know her name, but she was done revealing herself. Even when she hadn’t, she had lost people—and there was no hope in her that willed her to make another move.
    “I’m doing better today, Martha. Thank you.”
Martha handed the woman a casserole and waved before asking her to drop by. [Name]’s smile dropped the second Martha was out of view, and she took the casserole inside. It had been close to two days since she had anything to eat, Martha’s casseroles would go uneaten. This was the third in three days, letting Martha know that she was eating them when in reality, she would merely throw the food.
Her heart ached in wasting food, but her body couldn’t eat. She spent her entire day inside, unmoving, staring out the window. Her current apartment was situated on the fourth floor, which allowed her a decent view of the city below. She knew there was no way Bucky would come looking for her, albeit feeling a bit betrayed over how she had given him a chance and he hadn’t done the same for her. Her heart forgave him though, she knew he had his reasons, she knew that every move he made was scary, confusing and terrifying. She knew that the fact that she had gone to prison came as a shock for him—it had to be it, she knew this was the only reason Bucky abruptly ended everything.
He must have seen the tattoo on the nape of her neck. She got it the day she got out of prison; two long years she had survived in there, for a crime she did not commit. But, the second she came out, she had an identity. While giving her her belongings, the guard at the entrance gave her a file—a file with her documents. [Name] [Surname] was printed everywhere, her photo plastered in each document, education qualifications, social security number, everything.
She walked out and felt so alone, yet it felt like a new beginning. Two years she had struggled inside the prison, with women who had no intention of being kind. And all of these documents felt like the fruit of her struggles.
Suddenly, her bank account had enough money for her to last. The guard didn’t ask her where she needed to be dropped, she was dropped at BlueBells’ and that was that. She walked into the cafe, cluelessly and looked around, wondering if that strange man who had burned down the house would come.
Instead, it was another man. A happier looking man, no hat this time, who had merely welcomed her with open arms. [Name], at the time, never smiled, never spoke, barely ate, didn’t bother washing her face or combing her hair. Yet, this man made her believe in life all over again.
    “You’ve got to remember this,” He told her one day, “You’ve got to be kind even if it is the last thing you are.”
She didn’t understand it then and she didn’t understand it now. She was kind to Bucky because the owner of the cafe was kind to her, and what did she get in return? Her eyes filled with tears but she knew she couldn’t cry. Her insides were empty, and the height was tempting. Yet, she knew she wouldn’t move a muscle. She thought of Bucky’s smiles and her heart warmed—her heart warmed at how his smile grew each day. She remembered falling in love with him, she remembered how she actually and genuinely wanted to help him.
How could all of that be worthless?
Her eyes widened when another knock sounded at the door. She was half-sure that it had to be Martha, maybe she had forgotten to give her something. She stood up from her chair and noticed how messy her house was. Her bag was open in the middle of the hall, clothes falling out here and there. There was a pile of clothes on another chair, bottles of water scattered all over the living room. The house smelled of burnt ash and smoke—a habit she had gotten rid of long ago had managed to penetrate her soul once more.
She was afraid to walk over to the door. Somehow, she knew it wasn’t Martha. Her eyes were screaming now, her lip was quivering. If it was who she thought it was, would she have the strength to send him away?
The fact that she did not know what she would do scared her, the tears fell from her face. She couldn’t remember if she had brushed her teeth that day, she couldn’t remember how long it had been since she had last taken a shower; she couldn’t remember what she was wearing, she couldn’t remember how to smile.
She was not the person Bucky was in love with and she was so terrified to show him this side of her. The real side of her.
Yet, the knocking did not cease. She walked over to the door and didn’t bother to look through the keyhole. She placed a shaking hand against the door and waited; she heard a sigh from the other side.
    “Hey,” Her heart almost leaped out of her chest. “Please. Please open the door for me, [Name].”
She shut her eyes and let the tears fall. She slowly placed her forehead against the door and took a deep breath, before her sobs echoed through the tiny house she was in. She knew the voice, and despite it being three months, she knew she would never forget how it sounded.
    “I… I lied to you.” She said, hoping he would fight for her.
    “I know.”
    “You should leave.” She said, in between sobs, but so desperate to open the door and see his face.
    “Doll, I swear I’m never going to leave you again. Please, please open the door for me. I want to see your face.”
He had never heard her cry before. 
He never thought it was possible for [Name] to cry. Considering how happy she looked each time, Bucky believed that was her default state. However, that one time, even though he remembered how her eyes looked sad—a sadness she was hiding from the world, Bucky had forgotten.
When she opened the door, he saw another [Name]—but it was still her.
She had saved him from himself and here he was, faced with the challenge of doing the same.
His hand went up to her cheek and he saw how her eyes filled with tears once again. His heart broke at the sight, the guilt was eating him alive. She was like this the whole time and yet she helped him? What kind of person was Bucky to push her away? Just because she had been to prison?
He didn’t care—even if she had killed innocents, Bucky wasn’t going to leave her side. He would tell Steve he wasn’t going to the tower for missions any time soon. He was going to tell everyone he knew to not contact him. She needed him, just as he once needed her. He was going to return the favor, even if it wasn’t one in the first place.
He held her like she was glass, and let her cry in his chest. He took a good look around her tiny flat, which had a lot of light coming in—every window was open, yet, the rooms were a mess. Bottles everywhere, clothes scattered here and there, Bucky’s heart broke at the sight. Tears filled his eyes when he thought of all that she had done for him and nothing, he had done nothing for her. Pushing her away a bit, he wiped her tears away before taking a good long look at her face.
    “[Name], I am so sorry. I have no excuse for what I did—”
    “This is who I am, Bucky. I am not the woman you thought I was. I’m here, broken and bent, lost and tossed aside. My hands are tainted with a crime I did not commit, I’m not the woman from the cafe, I’m not—”
    “You’re the woman I fell in love with,” Her eyes widened at his words. “And I was an asshole for pushing you away, not realizing how much you were opening up to me. You gave me the world and I tossed you aside. I wouldn’t blame you if you asked me to leave.”
She felt him wipe her tears away as they came, “Would you leave?”
Bucky smiled slightly before shaking his head, “You bet your fine ass I won’t.”
Her lips quivered once more. Bucky shushed her and held her, knowing that was all it took sometimes. He kissed the side of her head and didn’t care about how messy the house was. He pictured her smile and he sure as hell knew he wanted to see it again.
    “I’m sorry, [Name].”
She shook her head, he felt it under his firm grip. “I’m sorry too—”
    “You have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing. Let’s clean this place up first. Is there something you want to do first?”
    “I need to take a shower.”
Bucky nodded before kissing her forehead. “Then you do that, doll.”
He was only able to help her now because she had helped him before. His eyes filled with tears as he thought of her, thought of how she used to be and how she is now. It didn’t matter. He loved her. He would give her the world.
    “Hey,” He grabbed her arm before she looked at him with surprise, “You are never getting rid of me ever again. I am never leaving you. I love you. I love you with my entire life and soul, and this is going to last. I am not leaving, I am not—”
When Bucky saw her cry at that second, he let her. Loud sobs echoed through the walls, and he felt it. He felt the room fill with sadness, the sadness she was keeping within her for all these months, all these years.
    “I love you, [Name]. I’m not letting you go.”
Only she knew how important those words were to her.
series taglist:
@miamua-posts  @yourwonderbelle​​ @kissingg-incars​​ @tanya-diggory​​ @s-0-ldat​​ @iheartsebastianstan​​ @taliarosej00​​ @coraz0ndcristal​​ @vlogsquadbss​​ @azriels-forgotten-shadow​​ @gogoca​​ @undiadeestos​​ @justtrynagetthroughlife​​ @sakurabl0ss0m​​ @twshood​​ @mercurybarnes​​ @elsie2018​​ @tfandtws​​
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marcholasmoth · 4 years
OSRR: 2183
i put a calendar on my wall next to my desk in the yonder to keep track of how much time i have left for my physics. and i have it down to two days a chapter, and if i can keep that up, i'll be done in two fridays. so i'm hoping i can stay focused enough to do that.
anyway, i got to sleep in this morning. when i got up, i sorted through a box of stuff that was in my room and looked through pretty much everything. which proved to be really interesting, if not a little cringe-worthy. i found a journal i kept when i was in middle school. i had a truly horrible crush on one guy in my class named dan and i just. couldn't fuckin shut up about him. it's hilarious but also awful. i remember the day i got over that crush: i woke up one morning and realized the guy was a total dickwad and basically said "fuck it." never thought about him again. incredible.
in my sorting i also came across a ton of things from my time in utah that made it nice. i kept a big photo book and stuck my nice notes in it every week. i wrote a quick summary of important things that happened that week to give context to the notes. the thing was two-thirds full. every week there were new notes. and that's something i often forget about.
i also found in a notebook i had deemed my therapy book that i have been introspective for a long time now, and that church has never really been a help to me. it's always been a hindrance for me figuring out what i actually think, and i pinpointed it out more than five years ago. it's interesting to see how far i've come in some ways and how in others i'm still the floundering twenty-two-year-old i once was. except now i'm 27, have a bachelor's degree, and have friends who i know are there for me and who love me regardless of what i do for them.
i wound up going through most of my old journals, taking a lot of old paperwork i didn't need to keep out, and i ended up layering things back in the box in chronological order, from oldest to newest. so my journal from when i was 6 or something is down there with my journal from when i was 12, which is behind my binder filled with optics notes from my senior year when we took third place in the science olympiad. followed by journals and keepsakes and wedding invitations that i've gathered over the years, finally sticking a single bucket on the top with a few precious things from within the last year.
it was an interesting experience, reliving my life in little ways like that.
after that, i cleaned up the rest of the stuff sitting around. i wound up taking a shower and going out with my mom today - we went to get her some new puzzles, and while she wanted to limit herself to only one, i, ever reasonable, said to her that she'd finish one in four days and she might as well get more. she didn't want to spend a lot of money because it was dad's account and he'd flip, so i offered to buy half. but while my mom was distracted, i paid for all five that we picked out. huehuehue. incredulous at the cash i pulled out of my purse, she eloquently said, "did you steal a bank??"
"no mom, i didn't steal a bank. that would be very difficult."
"that sounded a lot better in my head."
"i know."
after purchasing said puzzles, we went around a little bit for a drive. i now know where i get my "sometimes i need to go for a drive" moods - i get them from her. she just needed a break. which i get.
we ended up stopping for ice cream after driving for a little bit, and we brought some home for pop, too. i went to work on my homework after setting up a new puzzle with mom, and i proceeded to work on not very much material, if i'm totally honest. this stuff is hard to wrap your head around, and while i'm getting it, it requires so much focus and brain power that twenty minutes wipes me out. i'm studying relativity. and while it's absolutely fascinating, i wish my brain didn't give out on me after the literal bare minimum. smh.
anyway, i ended up just chillin for the rest of the night, soundly ignoring everything except for the simultaneous pain from cramps and the horrible sensation of smelling food and wishing to expel the contents of my stomach. so i just stayed there in pain for a while. it ended up passing after a while, so i'm grateful for that because i finally got to eat something about half an hour ago.
so now i'm gonna go to bed, wishing i could stop needing to cram my head with school so i could enjoy my time with joel that comes each week. i'm hoping my tuesday night i'll have another chapter finished along with this one so i can just rest for a bit and watch psych with him without feeling guilty.
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ariadnasdiary · 5 years
Writer Tag (*squee)
*Mun Ari: DKJBUCBJ I’M CONSIDERED AN AUTHOR BY AN AMAZING AUTHOR! I feel special and honored!! Thank you :’D
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Author Name: To be honest I’m used to people calling me “Ari” since well I always present myself as “Mun Ari” so both are ok (It’s my artistic name LOL)
Fandoms you write for: I’m a dishonor because I only write about Arino ^^'. HOWEVER! I’m thinking about trying to write Kino x reader one-shots and MAYBE I’m still thinking about entering in the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom with a new OC (no guarantee)…so yeah for now Diabolik Lovers only~
Where you post: Tumblr!
Most popular one-shot: oh dear…I had to look for it cause’ I had no idea LOL. Ok here we go:
Spanish: Ariadna celosa (*translation: “Ariadna being jelous” - I’m surprised~ I really enjoyed writing this escenario actually *she completly forgot about this escenario*)  and Dirty secret~ (NSFW one-shot - you all thirsty people! xD)
English: The winner takes it all (such a tragic story…I loved writting this piece! I’m so proud!)
Most popular multi-chap: It’s weird for me to write multi-chapter but~
Spanish: Ariadna y Kino: AU dioses griegos (*translation: Ariadna and Kino: Greek gods AU - Did I seriously named it like that!? So plain…*cries embarrassed*  But I love this AU so much!! Still thinking about it!!)
English: Ariadna’s route (yeah…the only multi-chap in English I’ve made…for now~)
Story you were most nervous to post: ALL MY NSFW PIECES ( Dirty secret~  and Halo escarlata - available only in Spanish) ARE THE DEATH FOR ME!! I’m never confident to post them and if I do I hide under my rock until I’m calmed from the adrenaline LOL also each new escenario form Ari’s route makes me nervous.
How you pick your titles: As you can see I didn’t really give them lots of thought at first…now I just wait for inspiration and believe me they all have to do with the theme. So yeah they just come to me LOL (god have mercy of my lack of creativity when it comes for titles ;-;)
Do you outline? (Acording to what slothy said, from what I searched and undertood LOL) YES. I have lots of outlines (drafts) here. Sometimes I get an idea stock in my head and I have to write it down or maybe start it, get stock (again) and come back to it later on :3. It helps, but just don’t forget about them! Check your drafts once in a while, maybe cleaning them or maybe you’ll surprise yourself about such good ideas that you had but forgot (^.^)/. Also for Ariadna’s route I suffer, because I want it to make sense from some asks I’ve answer and to write as accurate as I can Kino’s character…so the escenarios can be on drafts for weeks…I try to keep it slow, you know~?
Complete stories: Hmm…I have lots but spread around in my three blogs >.<: ariadnasdiary: 13 (Ariadna’s route (8) + 5)
eldiariodeariadna: 9
ariadnassecretdiary: 31 (Ariadna’s route (26) + 5) = 53!? Really!? O_o
In progress: 5 (ariadnasdiary: 2 ; ariadnassecretdiary: 3)
Coming soon: Ariadna’s diary is soon to be over, a tiny multi-chap called “the lost lovers”, Ariadna’s (ParaSelene, Zero and CL), rivalry AU (a love tringle AU in which two guys fight for Ariadna’s love huehuehue~), a colaboration with Danny, The Black Swan Lake (AU), Mamma Mia (multi-chap AU inspired by Mamma Mia’s songs!), in the same Mamma Mia multi-chap AU I’m almost finished with “the winner takes it all” P2! and finally some NSFWs 7u7 (still thinking about it…^^')
Prompts: Even though I have some prompts saved on my drafts…I haven’t used them ^^'. Maybe I can try some?
Upcoming story you are most excited for: To be honest I’m pretty excited to finish (finally) Ariadna’s route since many of my upcomming projects depend on it, I’m also excited for the “winner takes it all” P2 (which is almost finished!) and the “the Black Swan Lake” (which I think would be very lovely and I’m thinking it would be ideal for this winter!).
*Mun Ari: As you can see I think a lot, but I don’t work on writting them as much on these ideas LOL >.<. Anyway~ I discovered I actually have work really hard on Arino’s development and such! jajajaja weird~ I want to remind you that most of my writting is in @ariadnassecretdiary​ so you can check it out since it’s a blog solemly for my writting. I also think it’ll be a great idea to do a supreme master list for all this pieces…yeah that sounds like a good idea LOL. It took me a while to search for all this questions >.<, but thank you slothy!!
Five author’s: @sugar-lollipop @mino-diabolik @invampirehellorheaven @supersweetlyuniquebouquetstuff​ @dialover-author-couples @eli-loversblog since are the only authors I know besides slothy ^^' (however, if you’re working on some stories please feel free to do it and tag me to check it out! :3)
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