#I hope that this answered some questions
The Runes of Maar
Since @innerchorus had asked about more details of the rune system in Maar and I wanted to do a post about it, I have decided to, well, make a post about it lol.
Warning: long post
First, let me give you a general, alphabetic list of all the runes that are used in Maar.
Algiz - shielding
Ansuz - divinity, mental stability, communication and speech
Berkana - birch
Dagaz - new beginnings and transformation
Ehwaz - horse, transport
Eihwaz - death
Fehu - wealth, abundance, livestock and positivity
Gebo - gift, exchange and generosity
Haglaz - hailstorm, cleansing and destruction
Isa - ice, delay, self-control and frigidity
Inguz - home, news and fertility
Jera - harvest
Kenaz - torch, passion, inspiration and creativity
Lagaz - water, river, lake or renewal 
Mannaz - man
Naudit - need or distress
Othala - inheritance
Pertho - luck or fate
Raido - ride, wheel or journey
Sowilo - sun
Tiwaz - sacrifice, fairness, balance
Thurisaz - masculinity, courage and empowerment
Ur - valor, fortitude, strength and stability
Wunjo - joy, satisfaction, goodness and fellowship
All of them are used in the general day-to-day prayers and special rituals. Everyone of these runes represent a deity in the Maaren pantheon (I will probably do a seperate post about that as well). All citizens of Maar have a rune as a necklace around their neck that represents their tutelary god/goddess (for example: Azar's tutelary god is the god of war “Tiw” and her rune is tiwaz). At a certain age (probably around 11-15, sometimes earlier), children have to go through a ritual that lets them meet the gods of the pantheon and the gods decide which of them will be their protector and the one that should be represented by this child. They then get their rune-necklace and are allowed to choose if they want a permanent tattoo of their rune (or something else) or just the necklace. Some do as it is believed to amplify the effect/power of their rune. If you want to give somebody else the powers of your rune or the protection of your own tutelary god to somebody else, you hand them your necklace to wear and say a prayer to your god (no ritual needed, the prayer is enough). The necklace has to be worn at all times normally and if the original rune is not returned, a new ritual has to be made so the effect can be transferred to another rune stone. 
And these are the runes that actually have confirmed magical force (since Maar is a young country not everything is explored and/or researched to the fullest).
Ansuz - communication
Raido - teleportation
Kenaz - produces light
Haglaz - conjures up a Hailstorm
Isa - produces ice 
Ur - makes you physically or mentally stronger for a short time
Thurisaz - generates strong outbursts of power
Algiz - conjures up a shield/barrier for a short time
Ehwaz - summons a horse
Mannaz (or Eihwaz, have yet to decide) - summons the dead and gives them the ability to come back alive for a short time (only works if the dead person feels as if they still have something left unresolved in their life)
Lagaz - conjures up water/rain
healing rune pending
Everyone in the army and navy need to be able to use at least the basic runes to a certain extant aka. communication, teleportation, producing light (not complitelly sure about this one) and healing. They train from a very young age but everyone of all ages can be accepted (if your health is fine in older age you will also be accepted) into the army/navy.
On how the runes work:
I will not say too much here on how they generally work since in chapter 3 the soldier with the scar (Pavle) will explain it for me (could this be considered a spoiler?). 
But what I will talk about is how to multiply the effect or the strength of the effect. (I already made a comment about it under this post but I will just copy-paste it here again.) So if you want the effect to be stronger, you need more of the same rune stone. But one person can only use two to three stones at the same time so if you want to, for example, heal more than one wound in one go or conjure up an actual storm and not a cough of wind you need at least two to three or more people to do so. It depends on skill levels though (so squires and students are not allowed to do that without strict supervision) and only the priests/druids (name pending, suggestions welcome) are actually allowed to use that many or more at the same time since it takes a huge chunk of stamina and energy. Very dangerous in the midst of war and very easy to misuse and abuse for power (only in emergencies allowed for everyone). So Maar is very strict with who and how to use the runes with magic force. That's why they are mainly used for battles and only the teleportation rune is allowed to be used by a tiny selection of merchants (for example, merchants who sell merchandise lthat needs to be kept fresh, for example). That system is the only way so far to keep the abuse of the runes under control and is obviously not really fair. It currently is being researched more by a specific team directly monitored by the King and the highest priest/druid/whatever and new laws are being created, but not passed, left and right. 
Again, Maar is a young country and has to figure shit out on the go - it is probably in its early/mid teenage years, if you will. This issue will probably be resolved in a few thousand years, so my AU doesn’t really touch that much on it (probably will integrate the problem when we are in Gilan). But I love little tid-bits from outside the story that might never come up - it just makes the world feel even more alive and a little bit more real! 
Also: every rune has a small side effect, so that they are not that op, lol. One will be explained in chapter 4 by, again, Pavle.
So, I think that is what I generally wanted to tell about the runes without being too spoilery (if there even was anything to be spoiled lol). If there are any more questions: my inbox is looking very empty so feel free to spam me!
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ping-ski · 2 months
csp mini guide: edge eraser!
@lunasun hihi!! i tried to make an visual and wrote an explanation i hope this makes sense but if not then i failed LOL i hope you don't mind the tag
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Erase Along Edge (Edge Eraser) text version!
1. Sketch or line as normal on one layer. 2. On a separate layer, below the lineart, color as normal. 3. Return to the lineart layer, and set it as the "Reference Layer". (Toggle ON by clicking on the lighthouse icon!) 4. Return to the color layer, select the "Erase Along Edge" tool, and erase the offending overlap! Aaand then you're done! Try stick to the outside of your lineart to avoid accidently erasing what's inside. As long as your brush size is reasonable, it shouldn't erase what's inside too much or at all unless if your cursor is inside of the lineart!
Quick Troubleshoot
"It won't erase properly?" "My lines aren't opaque and/or is too messy." That's OK!! While I do recommend solid lines (few gaps or none) or opaque lines (at 100% opacity), it's NOT necessary! It just makes using the tool easier! Most of the time you can get away with it, so don't worry about having to change your style or anything. If the lines are not solid (have gaps) or aren't opaque (lower than 100% opacity), please refer to the tool properties/settings! You may need to experiment here. Adjust the "Tolerance" and "Area Scaling" settings and repeat the process until you reach your desired result! Please note: If lines intercept (creating small "pockets) or opacity is still an issue you may have to manually erase anyways (sorry lol). By all means, it isn't perfect BUT it is a BIIIGG time saver once you have it down! The creator (pharan) makes more specific points and fixes in their guide that is far more in depth! I just want this to be easy to understand for anyone who's never used it before or is trying it for the first time! :)
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yardsards · 4 months
i needed to express a sentiment in the creative stylings of @dunmeshiminimumwage
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#eliot posts#dunme#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi#sorry to put toshiro in the roll of shitty job interviewer lmao#but he was the best fit for ''guy that wants me to read their mind''#laios being my internal monologue here#i was on my THIRD interview of the day i was Dying#tho since the prev two interviews i had were for similar positions and told me their salaries outright at least i could use that number#(though tbh my work persona is more of a kabru. my customer service voice is unparalleled)#(at my first job even my coworkers thought i was sooo cheerful til i got too comfy and casually made a joke abt wanting to asphyxiate on a#plastic shopping bag like a sea turtle. in front of my sweet elderly coworker. oops!)#(also this job was during quarantine and after weeks of working together i took my mask off in front of one coworker for the first time#and she called like half the department over from their registers to look at how pretty i was??? prettyboy powers unmatched ig)#(also my first interview today went SO well i charmed that interviewer so good despite my lack of qualifications)#(she even complimented my social skills and said i seemed like the type who could get along well and make good conversation with anyone!)#(which is important bc i was interviewing for an elder care position. also old people especially tend to think i am a Delightful Young Lad)#(unless i accidentally make a morbid joke around them ig lmaooo. or. well. some of them like those too. but not that one coworker lol)#(if only that skill transferred over to actually making friends irl. my autistic ass has so few close irl connections)#(i hope my exceedingly short list of character references does not prevent me from getting hired)#AND ALSO my first job asked the same wage question and i said twelve dollars#and they were like all our new employees start at 7.75#the union insists that we pay all new employees a whopping 50 cents above min wage. (we'd pay less if we could)#like dawg why did you ask that then??? if my answer did not matter at all???
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tkachukisms · 4 days
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long time no post... i've had this shit ready to post for like a week. and should've done it then. but uhhh but uhhhh but uuhhhhhhhh. what's the deal with airplane food am i right. | <- omgggg prev
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wellfine · 2 years
HII I love your art so much it's so expressive and it feels like theres so much movement in it! I was wondering if u had any tips or advice to help with that? I practice anatomy and expression so much but it seems like everything I draw on my own is so stiff!! Anyway I hope you have a great week :)) <3
Hi there! Firstly, thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot that you would take the time to tell me!
Second- my advice is to take everything you've learned about anatomy and THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW!!!!!!!
... For now. Just into the front yard so you can keep an eye on it. But I have seen many artists concentrate chiefly on studying anatomy only to feel like their art ends up too stiff. My own experience has been to treat anatomy as a tool best used to correct an image in the later stages of construction rather than as your driving foundation.
If "correct" anatomy (however you choose to define that) is the priority of your undersketches, I find that you end up with a sort of Skeleton Song approach to drawing - y'know, the knee bone's connected to the thigh bone, etc etc. Whatever energy, emotion, or intent you wanted your drawing to convey is getting lost each time you split it into another anatomical segment. By over-focusing on individual parts, you lose sight of your image as a whole.
The key to conveying dynamic movement in motionless art is to ensure every element of your image agrees on and communicates the same action, the key to which is something called the line of action.
A line of action is simply that - an implied "line" with wich you lead the viewer's eye and communicate movement. Think of it as the core of your figure's action, simplified to its rawest form. By knowing this, you know what to emphasise and what to de-emphasise.
Well, art is a visual medium and I am better explaining with drawings than words or I'd never have picked up a pen in the first place, so:
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Images can have multiple lines of action, lines of action can complement and contrast each other, and a line of action isn't always as obvious as something like running. Imagine you're tring to make your art more "aerodynamic" to the eye. Since I draw a lot of One Piece fanart, I assume you're also familiar with it, and you can probably imagine how Oda uses "lines of action" when composing panels of Luffy punching something, Zoro slicing something, Sanji kicking something- etc etc. He's really good at selling the "oomph" of action shots by reducing visual clutter so that the impact of the action is greater.
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(The Monster Trio's abilities are all designed in such a way that allow for REALLY striking lines of action... you can tell Oda loves studying manga fight scenes and wanted to create a world where he could push these concepts to the limit, and it's no wonder One Piece caught the eye of animators even before it was serialised by Toei)
You're probably already noticing how line of action also feeds into composition and silhouette when it comes to conveying movement in an image. Basically put, once you've isolated whatever action it is that you want to convey, the more visual clutter you can streamline away from that action, the stronger an impact that will have on the viewer. A firm line of action, an uncomplicated silhouette for your figure, and a readable overall composition of your image/panel are all ways to minimise visual clutter.
You can also use this information to achieve the opposite effect! Sometimes the ideal action you want to convey is not fast, or powerful, or confident, and you can use the same principles.
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In fact, you can apply line of action to images that don't have any "action" in them at all. You can make a drawing of someone simply standing there feel more lively by applying these same principles to their body language:
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You can develop an eye for how to simplify movement down to its "lines of action" by studying real photos and other people's art. Try simplifying a figure to its silhouette, and then simplify that silhouette further to a stick figure. And honestly, a lot of this could be boiled down to "see your image as a whole and not just a collection of individual pieces". Set anatomy aside during the composition stage and bring it back in when you start building up the sketch.
Moving away from the line of action, my second piece of broad advice is simply to exaggerate more. Lots of artists subconsciously hold themselves back from pushing motion, expression, etc. out of concern that it will look "too much". Well, maybe it will- but you won't know that unless you try! You can always walk it back if you think you took it too far, but I think you'll be surprised by how far you can push your art before you hit that point.
My final piece of advice is to work on line confidence. Even if you follow the rest of this advice, if you have hesitant and scratchy lines, you're undermining the flow and punch of your art. The best way to improve line confidence is simply by practicing! Do a lot of quick, timed studies, and use a permanent medium like a ballpoint pen or marker. Focus on unbroken lines wherever possible even if it makes your studies look like garbo. I find traditional studies are best for improving line confidence, but if you'd really rather stick with digital then just don't let yourself use the eraser tool, and try using a chunky brush with limited pressure sensitivity.
And that's it! Don't stress about it too much though. Loosen up with your art and, like any other skill, you'll improve with practice, time, and analysing what you like about other people's art. Good luck!
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pix-writes · 18 days
"Ford is grateful for your patience and willingness to be involved in his life, especially as he knows he wasn't good at opening up to you when you were starting to become friends let alone a relationship." This is from Stanford HC, and I find it very interesting! How would he act at the beginning of the relationship? What does it take for him to become friends with someone, and that evolves into romance?
My thinking behind this part of my HCs is what Ford has been like through the series, he is shown throughout multiple media in the GF series, that he has continually pushed people away as part of his wound of feeling isolated due to his intellect and polydactly. Through this wound he's actually developed over the course of the series and his time in the portal a lone genius hero archetype that he wants to fit into, to compensate for the hurt he has continually felt from others and being an 'outsider'. (I could go into this in more depth about where this comes from in his childhood and how it affects his outlook when he comes across bill/building the portal, honeslty, but this is the jist of what I want to get across).
(rest under cut)
It's only really once we get to weirdmageddon and post-oddpocalypse, that Ford's arc comes full-circle into healing this wound for good --> as we know Ford has a fair few people in his life who love/care for him, in the past (Bill era) he was unable to see it, but once he exits the portal he begins to care for the twins and value them (and stan, even though he doesn't show it); this makes him take a similar route in trying to defeat Bill still largely on his own, because he doesn't want the people he loves to be in danger and blames himself for Bill's hold on their dimension, thus Ford thinks it's his problem to deal with --> Once they start working together to defeat Bill is the turning point for him to realise that he was wrong and that in order to defeat Bill, you have to work together. [I think he even says that he realises he was foolish for thinking he had to go it alone and that there are people who love him that he can share the buren with, I think in Journal 3 or TBOB (can't remember which rn).] I would argue that it's not until Stanley's great sacrifice in order to save the kids/the world, after screwing up the circle magic thingy, that reality hits him like a ton of bricks and he starts being more open and quickly starts to heal his biggest character wound.
So, considering this in a potential relationship, I think Ford, is generally closed-off, which hasn't helped him in the romance department in his life in the past! Whilst I can see the judgement of others and his outsider status socially would impact this as well, being closed-off and individualistic means that when he does come across someone who would be a good prospective partner, he just... assumes they'd not be interested or overlooks them because he's doing something important and isn't thinking of romance in the moment, so if the other person flirts with him he's not good on picking it up. [I'm finding this all terribly relatable!]
With the insecurity from his wound on top of this, it doesn't make for a good mix, Fiddleford, for example, was not only an assistant but quite a great friend to Ford that he didn't appreciate at the time and due to the added influence of Bill wanting to isolate him from people, Fiddleford ended up having his attempts of deeper connection being thrown back in his face! Whilst a lot of this was unintentionally done on Ford's part, he did tell him when he left that he "didn't need anyone". In the past at Backupsmore Uni, he says that there's not a lot of people he finds 'smart enough' to be on his level to be friends with - which is textbook classic defensiveness to reverse that 'no-one understands me' mentality into something that props up his ego instead. Pushing people away means that he won't have to face the rejection he continually experienced in his childhood, but it means he's potentially pushed away people who could like him as well!
So, I think that in the beginning of a budding friendship/potential relationship, Ford would not be the best at connection or communicating his feelings openly, he'd likely step on other people's toes (metaphorically) in social situations, without realising or meaning to offend someone.
That said, I think it'd be easy for him to become interested in someone who is clearly talented and intelligent, someone who similarly values higher education yet also has a similar love for that which doesn't fit the norm/is bizarre. Perhaps someone who is also deemed a societal 'outsider'. He's been feeling lonely for so long that if you're persistent and kind and can get him to talk on the subjects he loves, he'll start to see you as a friend. I think that being kind and thoughtful with gestures (acts of service) and gifts either to him or his grand-niece/nephew are other things that will make you stand out from the crowd, too, for him to see you as a genuine good person and friend.
However, he will struggle to open up and to let out his natural self (nerdy, passionate, dedicated, 'weird'), so it will take a while to deeply connect to Ford if you're friends, and even longer for him to realise you're interested in him romantically and to act on it.
I think in that stage of 'good friends that are attracted to each other', he would have fallen for you fast; but at the same time he doesn't trust that you are romantically interested in him, even if you have said that you are, part of his mind tells him that it's a trick, a joke. You might think you want to be with him, but you'll leave him soon enough when you realise he's so inexperienced in romance/relationships etc, etc. I think a lot of his old wounded mentality would surface and he's try to push you away, if you get together post-weirdmageddon, or would just shoot you down intentionally/unintentionally if you get together beforehand. Furthermore, he has been a 'loner' for most of his life, particularly after 30 years in the portal, so it's difficult at first in a relationship to share the more mundane things, since he's used to being on his own.
Ford would overthink things to the point of anxiety at the very beginning of a relationship and make it more awkward than if he just relaxed! ^^' He's a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to planning dates, too (reminds me of dipper with the list lol), though it's sweet, cause he cares so much to make it good for you! Once it goes wrong a couple times, you'll both find the humour in it and he'll realise he's being foolish again and relax a little. You'll have to give him reassurance and go at his slow pace in the start of a relationship and he'll find some confidence, probably quicker than either of you anticipated too! He's liked you for a long time by the time you get together, so whether he intends to or not his passionate nature leaks through ;)
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Sorry if you’ve already put this somewhere and I didn’t see, but what’re your favourite ships?? :3
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statementlou · 26 days
Hi💗 I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding your last post. It's probably because i'm too stupid, but do you want to explain a bit more about what you mean? I'm sorry to bother you, but I really want to understand. Lots of love🌞
anon I'm happy to help but I hope you mean the openstage one? If so: OpenStage is a "fan engagement platform built especially for the music industry"; it's a service that artists can pay for and in return they data mine their fanbase to tell the artist where most of their fans are from, their general demographics, what they respond to best, etc, and they send out promo emails and host artist pages with links all in one place (like a band caard kind of thing) and various other useful services like that. It seems great for small artists who don't have management companies to do all this stuff, but also for larger acts' management to streamline and outsource the work. Like LTHQ used to do loads of this stuff themselves, and they ended up repeating efforts a lot it seemed like and having to personally organize a lot of fiddly things like details of the hotspots and stuff; until they found OpenStage. They not only outsourced that work to them, Louis also said, this is a great platform with potential to help small artists and make money, and he invested in it personally. Little start ups getting investors means they can use the money to get bigger and do more stuff, but it also means the bigger they get, the more that investor's shares are worth. So someone gives a company xxxx amount of money in return for owning part of it which if it fails is worth nothing, the money is gone, oh well, but if the gamble that they will do good and grow is right, they will make money. So if a company is worth $100 than buying 4% of it costs $4, but if it then gets so popular that it's now worth $4000 then tada that 4% is now worth $400... anyway I'm not saying OpenStage was tiny when Louis found it, it was probably already pretty big and on the way up, but now they are EVERYWHERE and the fact that 100% of the Oasis reunion traffic is being run through an OpenStage link has to be huge. So what I meant was: it may be indirect, but when OpenStage succeed Louis makes money, so Louis is profiting from this reunion through his investment.
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themeeplord · 10 months
Hey Meep, Meepster, Meeperoni how do you draw scales?
I love your scales, both the prominent and far away ones. I especially love the scales on your cryptid boys.
So how do you do it?! When I try to draw scales it looks like a gravel road and just overall bad. Please share your wisdom, I beg.
In my head this turned into a bigger question than you might have intended pfjfjf, I tried my best to stay relativity simple with my answer!
Let me show you how you can think when figuring out big scales.
First I try to keep it simple and not sketch in all the scales until I've gotten the pose down.
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When I start planning out scales I start with figuring out the direction of the scales and the big shapes (I usually do this in my head, but drawing it can be very useful)
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Once I'm happy with the shapes and directions I start adding the scales one at a time, all overlapping each other like they're huge fish scales.
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Scales don't always have to follow the same 'start at the head and run down the body' idea, you can do the opposite and get some very neat looking shapes. You can mix it up too. Here's some examples!
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There are a lot of different kinds of scales and animals often have more than one kind. Some even do look like gravel!
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I suggest looking at real life animals and fictional creatures for inspiration and reference. It takes a long while to learn how and where to use specific scales, but it'll be easier if you're willing to spend some time looking at and studying scales and the anatomy around them.
Some examples of animals with scales~ (names in alt text)
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scificrows · 1 year
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which non-human entity from the murderbot diaries are you?
i had so much fun with this uquiz by @homosekularnost that i created my own :) [art: cover art from the estonian edition of AC (illustrated by liis roden)]
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starnervefan · 3 months
what does our best guy detective fear like to do for fun? owo
aw! Thank you for the question 🥺💜 Nobody ever asks me things about my AU gdfsfh 🥹😭 /pos
But anyways-
He probably plays a lot of chess and card games given the chance and a worthy opponent. He'd join tournaments, he's not exactly competitive but still likes the feeling of outsmarting his opponents. He reads a lot (horror and thrillers despite his overactive imagination, and… sometimes, trashy romance). He'll happily critique or pick apart trashy movies and admittedly, he's fond of cartoons and silent films.
Even though some "scary" movies amuse him more than scare him, he's interested in criminal psychology in an almost morbid way, keeping himself up late at night reading about horrific crimes.
Socializing heavily isn't really his thing, he's shy, easily overstimulated and keeps to himself. Contrasting with his partner Anger, who's always dragging Fear to noisy gatherings where there's a lot of booze, smoke and jazz music. It's ok though, Fear gets to drag Anger to the theater (where Anger will usually wind up falling asleep from the boredom, if Fear's commentary doesn't keep him awake).
Lately a certain thief lady is on Inspector Fear's mind and he spends an awful lot of time thinking about her and trying to find her, even and especially during his off-hours, though whether it's "fun" is up for debate.
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violinist-rachel · 3 months
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I heard Kasu was ripped... I heard Kasu had a six-pack....
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sirazaroff · 11 months
I have an idea that involves Velvet and i wanted to ask you what you thought of it! :3
A few days after RWBY and Jaune return from the Ever After, Velvet notices that Jaune is keeping his distance from her, and she has no idea why. She asks all of Team RWBY and even Nora, Ren, and Oscar, but they don’t know why he’s doing it either.
She tells Coco about it and she immediately wants to figure it out and the two basically corner Jaune to get him to talk. He relents pretty quickly and says he’s doing it to make sure he doesn’t make Velvet uncomfortable.
Velvet has no idea why he’d make her feel that way, he’s her friend after all, so Jaune explains that soon after returning from Ever After he caught himself reaching to touch her ears out of Habit because he did it with Juniper whenever he was stressed or needed something to ground himself, but he knows that touching a Faunus Trait is a very serious and intimate thing and felt horrible for nearly intruding on her personal space.
Velvet is touched by his thoughtfulness and says she appreciates it immensely, but he doesn’t have to distance himself from his friends, all he had to do was explain from the start and she would understand, and now she does :3
Coco’s still hung up on the fact that Jaune was friends with an honest-to-gods Jackalope LANSKXSBJS
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And after Coco and Vel confront him
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Sorry I just! I love this scene you’ve set up so much that I wanted to see come to life. Jaune’s always treated so strangely in this fandom. He’s really not that bad if you just focus for a sec.
I totally see this scenario being believable. All that trauma from his time in the Everafter. And Juniper was his only stability for so so so long…you don’t forget someone like that. See their ghost in familiar places, in familiar people.
I think it’ll do him good to start being made to process his issues. I haven’t made it to V9 yet but my take on Jaune is he’s just having a bad day constantly. Underdog healer. Being around new company will do him good. Help him process. I think when the trio are alone together they’ll make a lot of progress with that. Unload a lot of that baggage he’s been carrying.
Anyways, boy’s gonna be fine. He’s in good hands and even better company~
Thank you for sending the ask! Here have this for me taking so long.
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Now. Time to play catch up with my inbox.
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loganslowdown4 · 4 months
I’ve never been more excited for anything in my goddamn life HDGSHS
(Barring any setbacks, this should be out NEXT SATURDAY (May 25/24) aaaaahhhhhh)
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I forgot to screen shot it but I also asked if he could do the ‘how are you feeling today (answer only in a song title)’ question 😁😁😁😁😁😆😆😆😆
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bolithesenate · 25 days
I have. So many questions about your version of Tarre but I will try to keep it short
How did the Mando's react when they found out that he was a Jedi?
How did his first Jedi Master die?
Did Tarre manage to finish the tapestry (the one he was trying to finish before the meeting) before the due date or?
Did Tarre one day look up and ask his close circle of Mandos if he was the Mando'alor and said circle had to awkwardly tell him he had been the Mando'alor for a while and they were technically his advisors?
HOW was your Tarre adopted by the Jedi - assuming he has always been a Mando even if he did practice much of the culture? Did he accidentally run away as a toddler and end up in a cargo ship across the galaxy in enemy zone? Did he accidentally set fire at 3 separate houses in the Vizsla Clan and they decided to set him against the Jedi (and did it work even if only for a temple)? Tell me pleaseeee
Also sorry if this is stupid I assume that Tarre has always been a Mando or is he a convert (and if so was it via the god haunting him or was it after he went on the self-imposed exile while everyone thought he was dead)? I'm asking this to make sure I understood everything correctly
okay okay okay. well, let me preface this with saying that I am 1) INCREDIBLY stoked to see someone as invested in cringefail jedi Tarre as I am and 2) I have an incredibly detailed account of Tarre's life in my mind (that I might one day write down in fic form) so you don't know the beast you just unleashed
how did the Mandos react when they found out he was a Jedi?
well, it depends a bit on which Mando. the guy that for a while was his Alor and then became his second in command figured it out on his own after Tarre was a bit too weird about certain things for a bit too long. He mainly was put out that Tarre never trusted him enough to tell him (even tho Tarre himself probably assumed he'd just left the jedi order at that point). Also, it explained just a lot of the general weirdness of the guy, so if anything it cleared things up.
The rest of their inner circle figured it out some time afterward when Fay just appeared in the middle of their dining room, calling him out on his bullshit. I think they were too mortified to see her immediately do a 180° and start a custody war with a literal force-deity to react, really. And again, Tarre being a Jedi explained more questions than it raised (at that point he'd had probably a literal decade of raking up a history of being That Weird Guy TM)
And the rest of Mandalore's populace... I genuinely think many of them might never have known? At least not during their or Tarre's lifetime?
There might have been rumors, sure, but again, Tarre had already collected a lot of weird ass rumors about him by that time, so it kinda was just another one of those? At least this version of Tarre never went out and proclaimed he was a Jedi in some grand sort way. He was way too busy for that. Which I think would explain quite nicely how all subsequent generations of Mandalorians seem to put all emphasis on Tarre being Mand'alor and never really seem to mention his ties to the Order.
2. How did his first Master die?
His first Master, a rodian crèchemaster named Yuumba Doksa, died on a mission where they were supposed to investigate a sudden epidemic amongst settlers on a newly colonized planet. It turned out to be a bioengineered virus commissioned by the Sith, and despite the Force, Tarre had to watch his Master die before an effective treatment could be found. He himself also got infected with it, but because his genetic material was such a wild blend of things, his immune system was a lot more resistent to the virus.
3. Did Tarre finish the tapestry before the meeting?
In retaliation, he just took his loom to all subsequent ones. That was the first in a long list of Weird Things He Just Does I Guess.
4. Did they have to tell him that?
Of course they did.
Actually, and this is getting down into the nitty gritty of my personal headcanons and worldbuilding around Tarre Vizsla, "Tarre Vizsla" started off as two people: Tarre on one side and Marek Vizsla (his alor-turned-second-in-command) on the other. Through a bit of a miscommunication at some point, the spokesperson persona the both were operating under got the name Tarre Vizsla, even though Tarre at that point wasn't a member of aliit Vizsla. House Vizsla yes, but not the Clan. That came later.
So for way too long Tarre just assumed that all these things they were doing, he was doing under a shared name, sure, but they still were two people and Marek was the higher ranking one of them, so naturally he was the one the Mand'alor title actually belonged to.
Until they all had to tell him that 'no, you idiot, you are the one doing all the work here, it's your position. Marek is just here to yell at people and, if necessary, shoot them.'
5. & 6. I'll have to answer together because they share a lot of commonalities
I'm firmly in camp 'Tarre was a convert' (in the end) (kinda).
It's quite possible that one of his parents was a Mando, simply because of the smoothie blend that his genetic are, but they were not around to make decisions when he first exhibited Force powers. So he went through a normal(ish) jedi childhood (minus the truly being bad at jedi-ing) until he went to ilum and came back with an old god as his saber.
But since this was the old republic and things generally were a lot stranger back then, no one - Tarre included (plus, he still was a child back then u know) - really questioned it. Tarre just was one of those Jedi with a weird colored lightsaber. Happens from time to time, right?
(as for why Kad Ha'rangir chose Tarre... who knows what the gods think, right? especially a god that literally is change. The Force works in mysterious ways)
Him properly becoming a Mandalorian was.... well, who can say when exactly it happened. Maybe he was one from birth, just 'temporarily misplaced' due to external circumstances, maybe he became one when a mandalorian god called dibs on him, maybe it happened when an old weaver lady whose backyard he crashed his shuttle in also called dibs of her own, or it's possible it happened when he got his first set of beskar'gam, or when he officially became mand'alor, or when he properly got adopted into Clan Vizsla or perhaps even at some other, small junction of his truly strange life.
Or maybe it never really happened at all? Who knows. I don't think anyone ever made him swear to the resol'nare (if that even existed in that form back then), they just looked at him and said 'yes, this is what peak mandalorian-ness looks like' o( ̄▽ ̄)👍
(half of them were looking at Marek when they said that. that's why the statues look nothing like Tarre)
And I think if you had asked Tarre at the end of his life what he was, he genuinely might have answered with "a Jedi"? Because that's still the thing he grew up with and he only (temporarily) fled from it due to of his own anxieties. Like. All the work he did on Mandalore was because of the things he learned as a Jedi - to help where he can and strive to make a better galaxy for the people around him.
It just so happened that the people around him technically were the Order's mortal enemies.
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hyunpic · 9 months
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hyunjin on bubble: im drawing and i started wondering why i even draw. so i can’t sleep.. staying in that period of transition. the reason why i keep asking these questions and trying to find answers is, i think it’s because i believe that it’s only those who love me, that can help me find an answer or a path. because thinking about and questioning things that you don’t really need to think about and answering those questions is contradicting in itself.. is what i think? (translation source)
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