#(the hogwarts system still sucked tho i hated it even as a little kid)
magentagalaxies · 16 days
hey so i'm not making a DNI because i don't want to (i initially had a longer attempt at articulating a reason and then i realized i don't have to explain more than "i don't want to") but the past few blogs that have followed me are very harry pottter focused and given the actions and rhetoric of jk rowling i'd appreciate it if any blogs who prominently post harry potter themed content would kindly refrain from following me.
you can probably still reblog my posts, not bc of my moral stance but bc honestly i don't really notice who reblogs from me unless they have a huge red flag in their url, but in terms of following my blog i'd prefer it if harry potter bloggers could just not
and i know there's always the excuse of separating the art from the artist (like people who continue to post about harry potter but end every post with "fuck jkr tho"), and not everyone even knows why jkr is a horrible person bc a lot of the discussion is very online (that's the reason this is worded so empathetically, i'm assuming harry potter fans who follow me are in either of these two camps but if you're just an outright terf then go fuck yourself of course). but even if you're entirely dedicated to balancing every harry potter post with a post about hating terfs, the fact that harry potter is still being promoted in a way that's uncritical of the content itself makes me uncomfortable and by making the harry potter brand maintain relevance that's still supporting jkr no matter how many times you put "fuck terfs" on your blog
disagree with me if you want bc i can't control whether people post about one of the largest fandoms in history, but i can make a statement being like "hey if you follow me and your most recent posts are all harry potter gifsets i will be blocking you so honestly for your own convenience please don't put in the effort of following me"
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wizardingbias · 7 years
HP!headcanon - NCT Taeyong
|| WIZARDINGBIAS - where your fave bands live in hakho’s hogwarts au ||
Character Headcanons ↳ NCT Taeyong // Taeyong Skye // Hufflepuff
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okay my soft bebe this is my bias i’m not fucking ready
Taeyong the ultimate hufflepuff 
lemme tell ya it’s the truest truth that exists
Tae doesn’t look like it, but he is a fucking smol bean i will fight you
my biasssssssss fuuuuuuuck
this is really long
more under the cut
He looks so cool and composed until you see him trip over his own two feet 
bc uncoordinated as shit, he is, it true
and everyone at school is so intimidated by his large, dark eyes and his stoic expression when he’s walking down the hallways
werk it tae, werk it, give me sass, give me couture, yass
but all he really wants is friends, okay? 
he’s so
shy shy shy
In my au, Taeyong’s dad is Jaejoong and he was raised by this single, rockstar parent that takes time off from touring to properly raise little tae all on his own alright?
so, imagine little tae, smaller than the rest of the kids his age
clinging on to his father’s neck like a lifeline
at the age of four
tryna make friends but he can’t
bc he’s so shy
and his dad doesn’t pressure him into making friends bc Tae has anxiety from a smol age
so Tae’s best friend is his dad
and he has separation issues, okay? 
don’t imagine clingy, little bebe Tae looking up at his dad with large ass puppy eyes on the verge of fucking tears
it’s not good for your health or mine
and when Tae has to go to Hogwarts, he doesn’t show it bc he doesn’t wanna disappoint his dad but he’s freaking out over not seeing his dad every day anymore
so Jaejoong makes a promise on the condition that t-yong tries his best to get used to being appart
and Jaejoong takes up working as a music teacher at Hogwarts for Tae’s first year
this fucks me up bc i imagine tae crying in gratefulness bc his dad is honestly the best and such a softy and so much respect in those lil 11 y/o eyes
So for Tae’s first year, 
Jaejoong is close by but not next to him 24/7 so lil Tae can get used to being apart
and when some nights get really bad, he knocks on his dad’s quarters in the middle of the night
holding onto his lil elephant plushy he’s had since he was two
and sleeps in his dad’s bed until he’s all better the next morning
in the beginning of the year, it happened a lot
but eventually, Taeyong started sleeping better through out the night
So by second year, 
Taeyong’s able to attend Hogwarts without his dad being at the school
and lil tae comes out of his shell a little
lol also out of the closet
jk jk ;)
makes friends with the new transfer student Yuta Nakamoto
who’s in his Charms class but absolutely sucks at charms
but Tae’s really good at Charms
so Tae shows Yuta how to properly flick his wand
in his awkward lil way
and Yuta beams at him with his too big smile 
which makes lil Tae blush and run away
but they become the best of friends
and eat together at each other’s tables
and they have sleepovers even though Yuta’s in Slytherin and that’s not really allowed
bc the dorm rooms are so close
and sometimes, when Tae feels bad and misses his dad but doesn’t want to bother the headmistress and ask to floo home
tae slides into the slytherin commonrooms
just like he slides into dem dms
and into Yuta’s bed
and at first yuta is so confused, squinting at him like ‘what the merlin are you doing?’
but tae is quiet and just lies there until yuta falls back asleep
and ever since, Tae uses Yuta as a safe haven when things are rough
tradition bro
my heart for these two boysssssss
In year 3
Taeyong starts getting more friends
Taeil, a housemate
thank fuck he has someone in his own house to talk to and not be 100% awkward with
and Hansol, a gryffindor
both are older
and they adore lil Taeyong
especially after they get past the stoic and harsh expression
they’re like ‘he’s the ultimate bean’
i agree
and taeyong smiles so wide every time they great each other in the hallways
bc he has friends
lovely friends
especially yuta
his bestest friend
but sometimes yuta has quidditch practice
and taeyong understands nothing about quidditch
but will spend his afternoons watching yuta practice whilst he does hw on the bleachers
until it gets too cold
then he goes to his common room to hang with taeil
sometimes he picks yuta up and gives him homemade chocomilk bc it’s freezing
and the too-large smile he gets is precious
Taeyong likes taking care of his friends
In year 4
taeyong falls in love with divinations
bc it’s so mysterious
and cool
and can pretty much predict the future
and he loves to drink tea and have cookies during class time
but potion fucking sucks
it’s getting so hard
no fucking dirty thoughts there, my friend, don’t
but Yuta is fucking pro at potions wtf
so they study together a lot
especially during the weekends
bc yuta hates mornings but if he doesn’t wake up early the day is ruined
so tae wakes him the fuck up during the weekends
and helps zombie yuta out of bed
one day Tae sees in Yuta’s teacup something odd
i literally wrote taecup first kpop has ruined me
at the end of year 4, the tea leaves prove themselves true
and Yuta is heartbroken by the fact that Hansol has transfered school
and Tae comforts the shit out of Yuta 
with cuddles
and ice cream
and by distracting his best friend with homework 
and he even goes as far to discuss quidditch strategies with yuta
he fucking hates quidditch
but for his friends? he’ll do anything
smolll beeannnnn
nct caring umma
In the summer between year 4 and 5,
Yuta, the fucking snake, convinces Jaejoong that it would be an amazing idea to bleach Taeyong’s hair
and tae is like ‘uh????? hell no???’
bc he doesn’t like people touching his things
especially his hair
he’s sensitive af
but somehow
definitely not a promise abt a new stereo system by his dad
Jaejoong convinces his son to bleach it
and it turns out amazing
according to yuta at least
taeyong isn’t so sure tbh
he looks even more unapproachable
intimidating af
enough to freak tae out every time he sees himself in the mirror
but yuta’s like
“don’t worry, chicks’ll dig it”
taeyong isn’t really comforted by that idea
on the ride back to school, he promptly freaks out a lil bit after people stared at him wide eyed at Kings Cross
but tae’s come a far away from his 11 y/o tail-between-the-legs puppy
he’s a tail-between-the-legs doggo now
and can kinda take the looks he’s getting
every time Taeyong’s unsure of himself
yuta’s there to give him a too big smile
the feeeelllllssssssss
taeyong’s also appointed prefect
he’s so shocked
“me? keep order? what?”
but Yuta’s like 
*healing smile*
and T-Yong does an amazing job at keeping others in line
it gives him confidence when people respect him
and when his housemates come to him for questions
especially underclassmen
they are so cute
“why are you so obsessed with the smol people?” Yuta asks
“i need to take care of them” 
determination af
but he fucking stutters or drools when he has to scold upperclassmen
they’re so big
tae is still smol
he hasn’t gotten his major growth spurt yet
and he’s upset yuta had his over the summer
whilst tae stays smol
he will always be my smol bean
Taeyong decides to keep his hair tho
even in 6th year
bc he accepts that he looks scary af
bc he’s surer of himself and not as shy
shy shy shy
it might also be bc a certain gryffindor told him it looks cool
tae lowkey obsesses over this lil gryffindor
thats two years younger than him
but so adorable
he finds out the gryffindor’s name is jaehyun
obvs not from yuta bc yuta is a snake and would tease him
but from a lil hufflepuff bebe he helps out with charms homework in exchange for this crucial information
this gryffindor likes quidditch
so tae tries to casually throw in his impressive quidditch knowledge to talk to jaehyun
remember the summer tae spent comforting yuta? 
yea that wasn’t too bad now that tae thinks abt it
jaehyun is kinda into this other dude in slytherin
and no matter what tae does
jaehyun doesn’t look at him like he looks at doyoung
so tae sulks
he probs cries too
so emotional
so soft
so smol
and finally yuta figures out that tae has a serious crush
his first serious crush
Yuta’s all like
“my lil bun”
same yuta same
which isn’t all that much considering some of the other people in his year
cough johnny cough
but he’s so happy abt that so who cares
taeil’s graduation comes
and he cries
like the baby he is
and clutches onto taeil’s robes hard enough to lift the short older boy up
he’s not used to being so big
and almost crushes taeil with his new found strength
yuta thinks he’s weird
Year 7
oh no fuck 
it’s exam time
Tae isn’t too stressed
he’s not really planning on doing anything particularly hard
but he likes the idea of cooking
and opening his own lil restaurant or something
but fuck potions
potions is fucking him the fuck over and even with yuta’s expert potions skills
he’s almost failing
also, fuck
he’s elected HeAD BOY
more like boiiiiiiiii
he’s so honoured
and even though he didn’t really want it
he cries during his speech
bc “thank you so much for trusting me, everyone”
and he takes care of everyone 1000000000000%
so sweet
such mommy
but this year gets better
bc Jaehyun notices him
and stuff happens 
especially after Tae
ever the klutz
accidentally spills fruit punch all over Jaehyun over the christmas break
(he’s staying over bc he feels the responsibility of overseeing the other hufflepuff’s who are staying that they have a nice and cozy christmas too
he organises a gd party and secret santa and games and gives everyone a present and a stocking and gives a long ass speech about love and serenity and shit)
but jaehyun is so nice and laughs it off
but tae helps the gryffindor wash out the stains in the bathroom
and they just click
and Tae goes to every single one of Jaehyun’s games
and cheers for Jaehyun with banners and hats and fireworks
even when he’s facing Yuta
but not when he’s going against Hufflepuff
bc as head boy
tae’s gotta support his family bruv
but he always wears a lil badge with Jaehyun’s jersey number during those games
shit gets serious when Tae suddenly,
like grown ass seventeen year old tae,
climbs into Yuta’s bed in the middle of the night
like he used to do in second year
and Yuta’s so fucking confused
cuz they don’t do impromptu sleep overs anymore
(there was in incident)
but Tae is freeaaaking ouuuttt
“What the fuck, bro?” 
“What happened?”
Yuta’s suddenly all defensive and is in total war mode
bc no one hurts his bebe T-Yong
“Jaehyun just kissed me.”
and cue yuta’s too-big-smile
bc tae is freaking out over his first ever kiss
and this is amazing
and Yuta is so excited and pulls taeyong into the biggest cuddle ever
“i’m older than you”
this is too cute my heart hurts
maybe i’ll do a separate post on jae and tae’s relationship in depth if people want 
and Tae’s never been happier
even though he barely passes his potions N.E.W.T.’s
and graduation is so emotional
his father comes
and performs his latest rock song
bc he’s fucking embarrassing
but taeyong cries
he’s so touched
and yuta also cries
which makes tae cry harder
and younger hufflepuff’s that he’s taken care of cry
they also give him flowers
and good luck on his internship at the hottest wizarding restaurant in London
taeyong sobs
ugly and snotty
and jaehyun just laughs at him so much
and they go all go to Tae’s childhood hosue
and Jaejoong and tae cook for everyone
and it’s so different from all the meals with just him and his dad
he has so many friends
a large, extended family
and so much love
and he cries again chopping the onions
and jaehyun comes to snake his arms around his boyfriend’s waist
“are you crying because you’re t-yongie or because of the onions?” 
“i’m t-yongie” tae sobs
it’s too cute
my heart
and jaehyun laughs at this adorable lil baby
same jaehyun same
I’m emotional
More stuff will probably come later on but this was basically an overview of Taeyong’s life at hogwarts. Feel free to stop by my ask to ask for more :) it can be about anything (hint jaehyun and taeyong’s relationship, or maybe yuta and taeyong moments, or headcanons for other members, whatever you’d like :)))))) )
↳ Taeyong’s official profile
Taeil | Hansol | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | Winwin | Mark | Haechan (will update over time)
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