#(the meds are the extended release version and are supposed to work for 6-8 hours
tardis--dreams · 8 months
The amount of energy and motivation my adhd meds give me these days is truly unmatched. Would be great if it lasted longer than 2 hours but i sure write a lot of stuff on my to do list when they kick in
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shamelesslymkp · 4 years
so you’re working a twelve-hour shift and you’re adhd as fuck: some tips from someone who’s been there
OK! so I metabolize medications BIZARRELY fast (I take the extended release version of adderall, which allegedly is supposed to have a 12 hour window of effectiveness but in my case only remains effective for about 6 hours* - instant release is even worse, only effective for 3ish hours rather than the expected 6) AND work long shifts (currently 10 hours but have worked 12 in the past) and so I’ve picked up some tricks along the way!
Trick #1: Move the Midpoint
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if you can commute safely without your meds, wait to take them until AFTER you’ve arrived at work. in office jobs*, there tends to be about an hour of wind-up time at the beginning of the day and an hour of wind-down at the end of the day; the longer the shifts, the more true this holds. (fun fact! apparently people get LESS done during a 12-hour shift than they do during an 8-hour shift. who’da thunk?) Take advantage of this! Get your coffee together and your shit set up before taking your meds. Depending on the length of your commute, you’ve just moved your entire efficacy window an hour or two later - the meds aren’t lasting any longer than they normally do, but you’re maximizing the period of effectiveness. 
*in shiftwork, food service, retail, etc. unfortunately this is not really the case and you’re not going to be able to push it forward any further than that, realistically speaking.
Trick #2: Supplement With Other Stimulants
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OK, this one’s pretty self-explanatory and likely something you’re already doing, but seriously. If you can tolerate caffeine, USE IT.** This is going to be most helpful at the end of the day when your meds are still in your system and affecting you but are no longer actually effective. It’s giving you a gestalt of milder stimulants that should, when combined, have the effect of a stronger stimulant.
I personally find energy drinks to be the most effective method, because they’ve got more stimulants in them than just caffeine, but ymmv on what your body will tolerate.
**If you already have a faster heartbeat than normal or any arrhythmias please do not do this or at least not without talking to your doctor first; this hasn’t ever been a problem for me but my brother had to go off of adderall because his resting heart rate increased to like, 90 beats per minute. if you have anxiety, this may make it noticeably worse; you may have trouble falling asleep; etc. etc. standard stimulant warnings
Trick #3: Talk to Your Doctor
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Your mileage will vary here; take into account your doctor’s level of assholery about prescribing adhd meds in the first place and your insurance’s (assuming you have insurance) level of assholery about paying for adhd meds, but if you’re currently taking a short-acting/instant-release version of an adhd med, see if you can get a prescription for a longer-acting/extended-release version, for an additional dose of the short-acting, or for a supplemental med for at the end of the day. Be very clear about the fact that your workday is longer than the generally accepted theraputic interval for the med in question; start the conversation by describing the impact on your job performance and then continue describing the impact to your adls AFTER work. Make sure to KNOW the typical length of efficacy for the medication you’re taking and specifically cite it in addition to the more specific/qualitative description to how long it’s effective for you personally.
Trick #4: I Lied. That’s All I’ve Got, Sorry.
Good luck! ADHD is difficult to manage even with medication, but you’re trying and fuck anyone who says you’re not.
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*nowadays I have an RX for the XR twice a day, but that still only gets me basically through the workday and not much further, and because I am at the non-existent mercy of the american health care system I sometimes make the choice to forego a second dose in case of fuck-ups preventing me from getting my refill on time)
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