#(they also make me feel more social. i really get the urge to talk a lot and then everything crashes and i just wanna hide in my room again)
tardis--dreams · 5 months
The amount of energy and motivation my adhd meds give me these days is truly unmatched. Would be great if it lasted longer than 2 hours but i sure write a lot of stuff on my to do list when they kick in
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azure-cherie · 6 months
What's in your store for January
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Pile 1 -3
Hello love's hope you had a very happy and fruitful new year , I'm praying for the happiness and well being of all of us one more year together I'm so grateful for each one of youuu
Please choose using your intuition and take what resonates
If you'd like a personalized reading for new year
Paid readings , paid readings 2 , masterlist
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Pile 1 :
First of all what are you guys even dealing with good lord The energy is pretty heavy , I will not be surprised if you have prominent Saturn in your charts this month I believe you are dealing with karmic cycles , Things ending in general, you might be a bit shaken up soon something you thought never would happen will happen
I'm sensing career or home sector fights could be there as well as inner conflicts beware and take precautions don't get too caught up about what others have to say rather choose your own story this also indicates you might soon take a stand for yourself its really required something has to come to an end because the time is over now you are to urge for more ! Financially! Abundance is written for you this time your creativity will pay off I know you like you play with fire but remember life moulds you like a clay some fire glazes some melts you gotta choose your own battles why do I feel like I'm talking to myself lol .
You will understand the worth of spontaneous plans soon sometimes you gotta do stuff for the sake of doing it and you just gotta act wild just be careful about the fact that everyone you go out with isn't a friend every co worker doesn't mean good for you learn to see through people's mask ! Theres one video by persephonesmind its perfect she explains it really well , followed by ten of swords some of you might experience a rock bottom moment however it isn't for everyone but with the world be assured you will pick yourself up this might seem like a bad ending but it's a good one or turn out to be good it's a matter of time bae anyone who tries to play you cheat on you will be ashamed themselves because they will see the purity in your heart .towards the end of the month I see some enemies becoming friends.
Pile 2 :
You're a bad bitch period !! This month is about embodying the best version of yourself move on despite the snakes around you ignore the people you're gonna be investing on something that is worth it it's a sign ! Friendships are something you will be blessed this month new and old you will also actively let go of a fear of yours I heart heights and abandonment issues.
If you're looking for commitment from someone it will be given this month like engagements marriage yay social media fame is also written there would be more family functions to attend to I see more active energy in this pile. You will understand the worth of standing alone and work your intuition through difficult situations .Your dreams might be a clear indicator of something also I feel you're making someone cry or someone is making you cry ask advice from someone who's been there in your situation you can also ignore if the situation isn't as important I also feel ignorance energy I guess it's good because you're also healing from abandonment issues .
You'll be doing some course on money management or get advise from your elders on your resources. Sometimes we make our own problems dont get sucked into that take time but let your loved ones know that you need it ! Also you really need that money management advice as you might end up losing something but I also don't think it will he a bad loss ! Sometimes sacrifices are necessary you might understand the worth of small losses now but that will protect from bigger issues later.
Pile 3 :
I don't dress for women I don't dress for men lately I've been dressing for revenge! That's your main mood this January you're gonna show everyone who didn't believe in you what you're capable of you're going new heights reaching new goals making new ways I'm so proud of you
You have struggled a lot to do this actions manifesting you are getting closer to what you want , might fetch yourself a new leadership position this month you're gonna be an example an epitome of grown beside the struggles because you're so ready to work despite all the sneaking going on behind your back you're gonna be doing the thing needed to defeat your enemies you will undergo momentary defeat and might cry for a while because you might feel all forces are against you this is the time to pour into your inter child
When trauma shows up remember to shadow work nothing ever goes away one needs to heal with it don't get swayed away with temptations and fake promises I heard devil is strong but so is the knight know that your emotional strength will lead you through this you have to be more intune with your emotions but also lead with logic it's a hard balance to learn but once you're on it you become undefeated and you will be I'm so sure about that.
Thank you so much for reading
Have a great day/night ahead ❤️
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cameronspecial · 3 months
Neverending Texts
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: Rafe's small crush on his tutor definitely doesn't lead him to text her a little too much.
A/N: Insipred by this post.
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Rafe’s education is not a responsibility Y/N ever expected to have on her plate. However, tutoring seems like a no-brainer for the girl who likes teaching and it is not like she could say no to Ward Cameron. Plus, Ward offered her an insane rate and even though her parents are rich, it is still nice to make her own spending money. Rafe and Y/N’s relationship is odd, to say the least. He always seems to have an interest in her, while she would rather be kept out of his social circle. This dynamic is only intensified by Rafe getting her number to set up tutoring sessions. He’ll often send her random texts that are so out of pocket, but she knows he is trying to invoke a conversation between the two of them. During all hours of the day, she will randomly receive jokes, facts, or gossip from the boy. Her responses were always a single word, not inviting the discussion to go any further. It never deterred him from trying every day though. Her hand shoves the hook through the stitch and the hook grasps onto some yarn to be pulled through. The buzz from her phone freezes her hands. She picks up the device and lets out a breath with a shake of her head. What is your ideal date? Normally, his texts would allow her a one-word answer; however, this one can’t be answered as such and she feels bad if she ignores it. 
She takes a second to think about her reply. Baking pizza with extra mushrooms and a movie night. Maybe watch rom-coms. She sets her phone back on the desk and goes back to her crochet project. 
He is pleasantly surprised she gives a thoughtful answer to the text. It seems his tactic of open-ended questions has worked. It doesn’t shock him that her idea of a prime date is something more intimate. Y/N has always been more reserved, so it makes sense she would prefer one-on-one time with her date. He likes that. That sounds like the perfect date, except for the extra mushrooms. We’ll have to only put it on half of the pizza.
Who said you were invited?
He chuckles at her retort and shakes his head. Why is there someone else you are dying to go out with? He holds his breath at her reply, not wanting her to say what he thinks she might. The little bubble with three dots displays her effort to rejoin. It stops eventually and no new words appear in a new bubble. He bites the corner of his lips as his thumb hovers over the button. He decides to bite the bullet, bringing the phone to his ear. It dials three times before she picks up. “Wow, moving on to phone calls to tell me your random thoughts. You really are getting more persistent, Cameron,” she teases. He can hear something clatter on the other end, “Can you blame a guy for wanting to hear your voice, Teach?” She giggles with a sigh. “What did you need?” she urges. He shrugs, “I told you. I just wanted to hear your voice. I also wanted you to answer my question and to hear if you are lying.” “Why do you care so much?” she questions, rolling her eyes. 
“Because if you don’t have anyone else on your mind, then I was hoping I could be the one to take you on that date.” 
“I have no one else, but why me? What makes me so special in your mind?”
“You just have this je ne sais quoi to you that I can’t get out of my mind. We just click, Teach, and I know you can’t deny it.”
She traces the surface of her desk with her crochet hook as she tries to focus on his words. “I know you can’t deny it.” She would never admit she felt the spark he was talking about. It’s been something she tries to bury deep inside of herself because their personality dynamic would not make sense. Rafe likes all eyes on him and to be as loud as possible, whilst Y/N enjoys a quiet night in. The more she thinks about it, the faster her heart starts to beat, telling her to say yes. Yes to a chance at love. Yes to opening herself up to someone else. Yes to stepping outside of her comfort zone. “Okay, let’s go on a date.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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7ndipity · 9 months
Namjoon x Reader
Summary: Joon gets easily jealous, but do you mind, really?
Warnings: Swearing, Joonie’s kinda possessive, very suggestive
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Sorry it took a few extra days, this month’s been a lot, but we’re finally starting to feel better! This one started off angsty in my drafts but somehow turned out way more suggestive than I planned (At what point should I start a blog for spicy fics? lmk)
Requests are open
It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on in Namjoon’s head that evening, mouth pressed into a hard, thin line as he only half followed the conversation he was currently in the middle of, but you could feel the weight of his eyes constantly tracking you from across the room as you talked with one of the other artists that were at the event Joon had invited you to as his plus one.
You fought the slight urge to roll your own eyes as you caught his hard stare through the crowd, trying your best to ignore him for the moment and keep your focus on your own conversation.
This was starting to become a recurring situation between the two of you; if he saw you getting too close (in his opinion anyway) to another guy, or sometimes anyone at all, his stubborn jealousy would rear its ugly head, turning your normally sweet and understanding boyfriend sour and possessive.
He, of course, vehemently denied that that was what it was, that the other person was just giving him bad vibes and he was just looking out for you, although you couldn’t help wondering if/when he would notice that the those ‘vibes’ he kept picking up on was just their interest in you.
Almost as if on cue, you felt a familiar pair of hands land on your waist, thumbs rubbing soothing patterns against your sides through the fabric of your outfit, though it was unclear whether it was meant to calm you or him.
“Having a good time?” He asked, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. You didn’t miss the way his tone went up at the end in annoyance, despite his rather feeble attempt to mask it.
“I am, what about you?” You replied, tilting your head to look back at him.
“I think I’ve had my fill of socializing for one evening. Shall we go?”
“Do we have to?” You asked.
“I would like to.” He said, leaning closer. “I’ve also had my fill of other people stealing your attention from me.” He whispered in your ear, making you shiver.
The car ride home was unusually quiet. You noticed that he was still tense based on the way he was gripping the steering wheel, but you chose to leave it be, leaving him the responsibility to present the topic to you if there was something truly bothering him.
You barely made it through the door though before he was on you, catching you in a bruising kiss as he pressed you back against the wall.
“You drive me fucking crazy, you know that?” He mumbled against your lips. “Couldn’t stand the way they kept looking at you.”
“They weren’t.” You gasped between kisses.
“You don’t see what I do.” He said, trailing kisses over your jaw and down your neck to your pulse point.
“Who cares?” You replied, hands struggling to find purchase on his shoulders.
“I do.” He practically growled.
“You shouldn’t.”
Your response made his head whip back up to look at you. “Why the fuck not?”
“Because they don’t matter.” You said, cupping his face in your hands, feeling the heat of his skin against your palms. “I only want you, no one else. You believe that, right?”
He sighed, instinctively leaning into your touch. “Of course I do, I just don’t like people thinking that they can take what’s mine.”
“Yours?” You raised your brows at him. ”What, like you own me?”
He shook his head. “Absolutely not! You belong to only yourself. But-” He stopped, unsure of how to continue.
“But?” You urged, catching him off guard as you wound your hands into his hair and gave a quick tug.
His eyes darkened. “But you're mine.” He pressed another hot kiss to your mouth, stealing your breath as he spoke. “You’re mine and I’m yours. Only yours.”
You relented for the moment, letting yourself get lost in the feeling of him as his hands ghosted over your body, making you press even closer to him.
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irb-pascalito-99 · 3 months
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I Can Keep a Secret
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader (no outbreak AU)
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: insecurity, jealousy, smut, p in v sex, oral f!receiving, fingering, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, grief
Summary: The relationship between Joel and Ellie’s older sister is complicated after the two share some tense moments while Ellie is in the hospital. Once Ellie is able to go home the two meet up during their lunch break to discuss where to go from here.
A/N: This is an excerpt from chapter eleven on my fic Always an Angel, Never a God. To read more of this pairing check out my a03.
We eat lunch at a diner nearby. The waitress, a tall woman named Esther with thick brown hair and bright blue eyes, comes by the table frequently. She does her best to flirt with Joel, batting her eyelashes and holding his arm as she refills his coffee cup each time she passes by. I fight the urge to say something, a pit of jealousy growing in my stomach each time she reaches out to grab his arm, but Joel doesn’t seem to notice her attention.
She comes by the table again to top off his cup. I watch her manicured hand grip his bicep as she asks if he needs anything else. He looks over at me, raising his eyebrows to ask if I need anything. When I shake my head he briefly thanks her for the coffee and turns his attention back to me.
“So, sounds like you had a long morning. Is it just about Ellie going back to school?” I take a bite of one of my fries.
“For the most part,” I respond. “I also had this meeting with the social worker this morning so…”
Joel nods, giving me space to continue if I want to but not pushing the conversation in any way. I know I should be opening up more. I’m trying not to fall back into my usual isolation, but I keep the wall there. It’s comfortable on the other side, safe.
He notes my apprehension toward continuing the conversation, so he moves on. I watch him rub the back of his neck again. It must be a nervous habit of his.
“So, I wanted to talk to you about the other night,” Joel says.
I take another bite of a fry, fighting the blush creeping up my neck as the memory resurfaces. My body feels hot as I think about it. His hands on my hips. His moans in my ear.
“I just wanted to clear the air a little. It feels like things have been a little tense lately, with the kiss and then the moment at the party. I know you’ve had a lot going on, and I don’t want to pressure you or anything,” He says his words slowly, as if examining each one before he says it.
Esther watched us from the counter, her eyes skipping from him to me. I feel angry watching her assess the situation, like she’s trying to make a claim to something that’s mine. Except, Joel isn’t mine.
I try to ignore Esther and focus on Joel when he continues. “I completely get it, if it was a heat of the moment, just want to feel something, kind of thing. We can just leave it at that and never talk about it again, but I want to know what it is for you.”
What is it for me, the big question. I knew I’d have to define it soon. It’s been keeping me up at night. I think about it while I paint. Every stroke of brown reminds me of his eyes. The golden light filtering through tree lines reminds me of the warmth of his arms around mine.
“I don’t think,” I try to formulate my thoughts. I like him. I know I do, but I have baggage that he shouldn’t have to deal with no matter how much he claims he can handle it. “It wasn’t just a heat of the moment thing. I mean, the moment gave me the courage to act, but I meant it. I wouldn’t take it back. I think I really like you.”
A smile tugs at the edge of his lips. My heart leaps at the gesture. “Me too.”
I bite my lip and push some of the fries back and forth on my plate. He wants me too. My stomach is doing somersaults. I nearly jump up to yell my triumph across the room at Esther, but I think back to Ellie and the promise I made to Marlene.
Jumping into a relationship right now, with Ellie’s best friend’s dad, would put everything I’m working toward in jeopardy. What if something went wrong and it caused issues between Sarah and Ellie? What if Ellie found out and hated me for it? As much as I like Joel I can’t afford any mistakes right now.
“I can’t give you what you deserve though. I can’t give you the whole relationship thing. I have to be careful though,” I blurt out. Joel places his mug back on the table. “In that meeting with the social worker, she said some things. I really like you, but Ellie comes first. Ellie always has to come first.”
“I understand that, I’m the same with Sarah.” Joel responds. He reaches his hands across the table and I take it in mine. “I’ll take you in whatever way I can have you.”
My heart sinks at his concession. It’s sweet, and every girl’s dream, but I don’t feel deserving of it. Why should he be relegated to stolen moments behind closed doors? It’s selfish to ask that of him.
Just then Esther crosses back over to our table. I pull my hand back from Joel’s grasp as she approaches. She grabs his bicep again and I got my teeth.
“Everything alright over here, sugar?” She asks Joel, completely ignoring me.
He flits his eyes up to her face and smiles back at her politely. Blood rushes through my ears as I watch her grip on his arm tighten. Screw it, I’ll be selfish. I grab Joel’s hand again and turn my attention to Esther.
“I think we’re good, thank you.” I respond with my best fake smile. Esther’s eyes move back to me and then my hand holding Joel’s.
“Alrighty then,” she says. She lets go of his arm and sulks away.
I rush to unlock the door the second Joel texts me to tell me he arrived. Sure enough, he’s standing on the front porch, the glow of the porch light illuminating the waves in his messy brown hair.
We’ve kept things quiet over the last couple days, being careful not to act any different around other people. It seems best to keep things secret for now. We’re not in a relationship, it’s more casual than anything. I’ve waited all week to get my hands on him. There was no good way to sneak in a visit during the school week, but the girls are having a sleepover at my house tonight. I texted him when they finally fell asleep and he came over immediately.
I look at the empty street around him and then grab a hold of the collar of his shirt and pull him into the house. He grips my hips for support as he follows me inside, smiling against my lips when he leans down to kiss me. I’m careful to close the door and lock it as quietly as I can to ensure the girls stay asleep in Ellie’s room upstairs.
There’s an excited energy coursing through me. I’m not sure whether it stems from the newness of this thing with Joel, the building pressure off barely having seen him sided we agreed to see what this is, or the rush of sneaking him around like a secret to be preserved just for me. Whatever it is, my body aches to feel him, to hold him, to be felt by him.
“Somebody’s excited,” Joel chuckles as he pulls my body closer to his. He kisses me again, deeper this time while he holds my hips against his.
“I need you,” I respond when we break away from each other. Joel squeezes my hips tighter, a low moan escaping his chest.
“Say it again,” Joel pleads.
“I need you, now Joel.” I say again. He whimpers at the sound of it. We don’t have a lot of time together tonight. He still has to head home when we’re done so the girls don’t get suspicious, and I can’t wait any longer. I press a quick peck to his lips and then take his hand to drag him up the stairs.
He quickly follows at my heels. I take him to my bedroom and push him back toward my bed. He topples onto the mattress, his hands gripping the sheets at his sides as I climb on top of him. I press my knees on either side of his thighs and lean down to press delicate kisses along the column of his neck.
“Fuck baby, what’re you-“ he gasps when my hands reach down to his belt buckle.
His body is already twitching under my grasp while I slowly undo his belt and throw it behind me on the floor. I lower his jeans next. His hands move from where they had been grasping the sheets to squeeze the sides of my thighs. I make quick work of his shirt next, pulling the buttons open and kissing down his exposed chest.
I press kisses all the way down his body, nipping and licking at the skin from time to time as well. When I reach the waistband of his underwear I press a kiss to his hip and slowly pull the boxers down his thighs as he throws his head back and groans.
His cock springs out at me, hard as a rock already. I’ve felt how large Joel was through his jeans before, when he pressed me down on his lap to grind against him until I came, but to see it is a completely different thing. Joel is huge, his cock easily bigger than any I’ve ever seen before let alone been with. The tip is already leaking a bead of pre-cum which I happily lick into my mouth.
His hips twitch as my lips press against his tip and he makes a quiet hissing sound through his teeth. I take his reaction as encouragement to continue, licking a delicate stripe up the side of his shaft. His hands tangle in my hair as he desperately fights to keep his moans quiet. I take more of him in my mouth and start bobbing my head up and down.
“Yes baby, god,” Joel groans. “Good girl, you’re doing so good.”
I hum appreciatively at his praise, causing his hold body to shiver and his hips to buckn further into my mouth. I choke slightly at first, but quickly adjust to take more of him down my throat.
He’s having a hard time suppressing his noises now. One of his hands adjusts in my hair to hold it in a makeshift ponytail while the other moves to his mouth. He bites down on his hand to muffle his sounds as he watches me through heavy eyes. I pull up for a moment, swirling my tongue around the tip before sinking my mouth back down again.
“Fuuuuccckk,” he moans around his hand. He starts to thrust his hips up, unable to hold back any longer. I welcome his length deeper into my mouth, the tip of his chock brushing against the back of my throat with each thrust. I continue to moan while my eyes water.
I haven’t always enjoyed this part, many of my boyfriends before were so rough with it, and quick to move on once they got what they wanted, but the sight of Joel coming further and further undone as I take him in my mouth makes me clench my thighs to ease the pressure at my core. I could do this all night, enjoying the feeling of him taking what he wants, but suddenly he pulls me off of him.
“Stop, stop,” he says exasperated. He breath comes out in pants while his cock twitches against his stomach.
“I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” I ask. Joel leans down and uses his thumb to wipe my cheeks off the tears that escaped while he fucked my throat.
“No baby, that was so good, but if you didn’t stop I was gonna come.” I stick out my bottom lip and pout.
“Isn’t that the point?” I ask. I reach my hand out to start pumping him again, but he grabs my wrist.
“Not before you it isn’t. I gotta be inside you tonight.” I whimper and he pulls me onto the bed.
Joel adjusts our positions so I’m splayed out on the bed with my head on the pillows. He slowly pulls my old t-shirt over my head, revealing my naked breasts. He groans at the sight of them and quickly lick over one of my nipples. My back arches into him involuntarily. It’s my turn now to muffle my sounds as he sucks on my nipple, releasing it with a pop before moving on to the next one.
When he’s satisfied he lowers his lips to nip at the underside of my boob and moves his hands down to push my sweatpants off and onto the floor. He traces his fingers over the center of my soaked panties.
“You’re so wet for me sweetheart,” he says. He moves his lips up to suck on my neck while he moves his fingers in circles over my panties. “She really been needing me that bad?”
I whimper in response, nodding my head in desperation as I squirm underneath him. He flashes a devilish grin.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll give you what you need.” He promises.
His fingers grip the waistband of my panties and he quickly pulls them off my body as well, leaving me completely bare in front of him. He stands over me, eyes roaming over my figure hungrily.
I move to cover myself, but Joel grabs my wrists and pins them above my head with one hand. His other hand slowly caresses my body while I whimper.
“Don’t you dare cover yourself, you’re too damn gorgeous for that.” He says as his hand moves lower.
He cups my mound and smiles when I buck my hips up for more. He carefully slips one of his fingers through my folds, watching my reaction as I squirm underneath him. I fight to keep my eyes on his face and spread my legs further for him.
His thumb reaches down to gently start making circles on my clit. I throw my head back, panting with my eyes squeezed shut. My back arches and Joel uses one of his hands to pin my hips down.
He slides further down the bed and slips two fingers inside me while his thumb continues to circle my clit. I moan quietly at the new feeling. His fingers are thick. It burns softly as my body stretches to welcome him further, but it’s not enough. I need all of him.
“C’mon baby. C’mon, give it to me.” He says, sending a shock through my whole body as his fingers start to thrust into me harder and faster.
I can feel my climax building. His fingers hurt a spot inside me that causes me to see stars. I bite my lip so hard that I can taste blood. The hands on my hip grips me tighter to keep my ass against the mattress. I climb higher and higher until I break.
I whimper Joel’s name as I come, his eyes never leaving my face while he continues to thrust his fingers in and out of my throbbing pussy. When my orgasm finishes he stops for a brief moment to wrap his arms around my thighs. He pulls his mouth to my core, his breath fanning over my sensitive pussy before he begins licking through my folds.
I thrash underneath him, still sensitive from my orgasm, while he holds me still with his hands on my thighs. He sucks on my clit and then releases it with a pop.
“Knew you’d taste so good,” he groans. He kisses my thigh and immediately goes back to my core.
He thrusts his tongue inside me, swirling his tongue around then going back to sucking on my clit. My fingers card into his hair. One of his hands lets go of my thigh to bring his fingers back to my pussy. I pull on his curls as he slides three fingers inside, immediately finding the spot that makes my toes curl.
He smiles and hums against my clit as my pussy clenches around his fingers. I can already feel my next orgasm building.
“Joel, fuck. Joel.” I chant his name as I feel the edge approach. He moves his fingers faster, his tongue moving in quick motions over my clit as well. When my second orgasm washes over me I rush to cover my mouth to muffle my screams.
He continues lapping my juices as I come down, twitching from the sensitivity. When he’s satisfied he moves back up the bed to my lips and kisses me again. His beard is slick with me and I can taste myself in his tongue.
“You ready for me baby?” He asks when he finally manages to pull his lips off mine. I nod, quickly grabbing a condom out of the nightstand drawer and handing it to him. I need him.
Joel tears the foil open and rolls the condom down his length. Then he reaches down and rubs his cock through my folds. I gasp, tilting my hips against him. He smiles as he rubs the tip against my clit. He notches himself at my entrance and I whimper.
“Please, Joel, I can't wait any longer. I need you, plea-“ he slowly begins to sink into me. “Joel!”
I moan loudly as his cock stretches me open. He moves a hand up to my mouth to stifle my moans, grunting himself as he bottoms out. He is so deep inside me. I’m not sure if I’ve been with anyone as big as Joel before. He pauses once his hips are flush with mine. He reaches down as kisses me as my pussy throbs around him, and then he slowly pulls out almost completely. The breath is forced out of my lungs when he slams back into me.
He sets a steady pace, his cock hitting my g-spot with each thrust. I can already feel the next orgasm building as I focus on his grunts. So good. So good.
Joel moves his thumb down to my clit again. He moves it in small circles as he thrusts into me. My nails rake down his back, sure to leave marks behind, but it just stirs him on.
“That’s it baby, fuck! You gonna come again? You gonna come on my cock?” He asks. I’m dangling over the edge again. I moan out as he thrusts harder.
“Yes Joel, fuck. You feel so good. So fucking good inside me. Fuck! I’m going to come. I’m going to come again.”
My pussy clenches and then I let go, Joel moving his head to bite into my shoulder to keep himself from shouting out while I clench around him. When my orgasm subsides Joel pulls all the way out and flips me around on the bed.
“Hands and knees sweetheart,” he directs. I do as he says, spreading my knees apart for him. He groans as he looks at my glistening folds and then quickly pushes himself back inside me. “Fuck, you’re so good baby. Feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock like that.”
He wraps my hair around his fist and pounds into me hard. Each thrust has his hips slamming into my ass. I’m starting to feel weak after my three orgasms, shaking slightly as my hands try to keep my upper body off the mattress.
A familiar tightening begins in my core. I didn’t know it was possible to orgasm this much in one night, but my next one starts building again. Joel is close too, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he moans more. He leans down to press his chest against my back while continuing his thrusts.
“One more sweet girl,” he whispers in my ear. “Been doing so good for me. Give me one more and then I’ll let go.”
I whimper as I get closer, my fists baking the sheets up tightly as he continues to slam his hips into me. He moves his chest off my back and pulls my hair again which immediately sends me over the edge. My arms collapse and I cry out as the pleasure takes over.
“Good girl, fuck, perfect. You’re perfect.” Joel grunts. He slams his hips into mine once, twice, and then he spills into the condom.
He groans as he lets go, one hand gripping my hips tightly while the other stays tangled in my hair. His body twitches against mine for a couple of minutes until he pulls out, tying the condom and throwing it away. I stay laying on the bed while he slips his boxers on and sneaks across the hall to the bathroom. When he comes back he has a warm washcloth. He gently cleans between my thighs and puts the cloth in the laundry bin before returning to bed.
I immediately wrap a leg around him and put my head on his chest while he lies down. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around me to pull me close.
“If you want to keep this secret I can’t stay all night,” Joel whispers into my hair.
“I know, just a little longer.” I respond. He kisses the top of my head and we rest, listening to the soft sounds of each other's breath until I hear Joel drift into sleep.
I watch the clock with bleary eyes as Joel’s chest rises and lowers under my head. He can’t stay all night, despite how much I want him to, so I stay awake.
I memorize the feeling of his hand on my hip, and the rush waving through my hair with each exhale. I draw patterns on his bare chest with my fingertips, lingering on the raised scar tissue in places. I trace the outlines of his sleeping face in my mind, so tranquil. His usual worry lines fade slightly. They’re still pressed into his skin, inevitably they’ll become wrinkles some day, but they’re faint now.
At 5:30 I wake him up. I say his name softly and press gentle kisses to his skin. He stirs slowly underneath me and blinks while he tries to assess his surroundings. His arms instinctively pull me closer to him, causing my body to melt into his.
“They’ll be up in a couple hours, you gotta go,” Joel groans. He buries his face in my hair. I find myself debating if it really would be that bad if they found out. For all we know Sarah and Ellie could love the idea, but now is probably not the time to test that theory.
He presses a kiss to my forehead before he pulls away and sits up. He stretches out his body, grunting at the effort. I slide off the bed and grab his flannel from the floor. Joel watches me put it on with a big smile on his face.
“What?” I ask, blushing. His eyes moved slowly from his oversized flannel hanging on my shoulders to my bare legs underneath.
“Nothin’” he responds, the twang in his voice more evident when combined with the deep tone of his morning voice. “You just look beautiful is all.”
He slips on his boxers and jeans then pulls his socks and shoes back on as well. Before he walks down the hallway I peek into Ellie’s room. Both her and Sarah are still fast asleep, their heads pressed together as they share Ellie’s bed.
Joel looks in on them over my shoulder and then I quietly close the bedroom door. I hold his hand as I sneak him across the hallway and down the stairs. I feel like a teenager again, sneaking my boyfriend down the stairs before my parents can notice.
He lingers at the front door, gripping my jaw and pulling me in for another kiss. His other hand grips my hip over the top of his flannel and pulls me close to him. I tangle my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck.
When we separate he kisses my forehead one more time and walks out the door. I stay on the doorstep and watch his truck pull away, Joel stopping to wave at me before he makes his way out of the neighborhood.
I try to get some sleep afterward, but I end up just tossing and turning in bed while smiling like an idiot. I look at the click on my nightstand and decide I probably still have a bit of time before Ellie wakes up. I take a deep breath of Joel’s scent in the flannel, taking it off to change into my painting clothes.
I check Ellie’s bedroom door one more time before I slip into our parents’ room. The floor crinkles when I step onto the paper I placed on the hardwood in order to protect it from any paint splatter. I pick up supplies and start a new canvas, absentmindedly stroking my brush across the empty space.
I mix different shades of pink, purple, and blue to create a sunrise, but each color also morphs into the shape of him. The dark brown mountain tops shift into the waves of his hair. The golden peach color of the sky adding highlights to his skin. I lose track of everything but the details of the paint until I hear the sound of a knock at the bedroom door. Shit.
I shift the painting out of view from the door and put my supplies back on the dresser. Ellie is standing at the door when I open it. She looks at me confused before she peers into the room behind me.
“I’m so sorry,” I say. I try to leave the room and close the door, but Ellie grabs it from me and opens it wider.
“What are you?” I stand aside so she can see I haven’t moved any of the furniture. She pinches her eyebrows together and looks at the canvases I have laying around the space.
“Nothing, I’ve just been getting back into painting again and I needed some space,” Ellie walks inside while I stand in the hallway. “I know I should’ve told you first. This was their room and it was off limits. If you’re not comfortable with it I can totally move my stuff out.”
Ellie makes her way around the room, looking at the different paintings I have leaning against the walls. It’s not a large collection, but I’ve managed to get a couple done over the last week. She stops in front of the first painting I completed.
It’s a meadow. Wildflowers bloom in the foreground while two girls play in the distance behind them with the evening sun setting under the mountains. Ellie leans in closer to see the faces of the girls, recognizing them as her and I.
“These are really good,” Ellie says with a smile on her face.
I look at the paintings as well. I don’t like to brag, but I truly do feel like this is some of the best work I’ve ever done. I can visibly see the emotion on every canvas. Each piece tells a story. I’ve painted great art before, but there’s a level of vulnerability to these pieces I’ve never attempted before.
“Thank you,” I respond.
I watch Ellie run her hand across the dresser next. She walks to mom’s closet and holds One of her shirts in her hands as it hangs off the hanger.
“She would’ve loved that you’re painting in here.” Ellie says with her back to me.
Ellie walks back to the painting of her and I. I move to be next to her, both of us focused on the painting. The version of us on the canvas are the girls who don’t yet know tragedy. They dance in a meadow of wildflowers with nothing holding them back. They are girls, they are sisters, they are free to live and love without limits.
“I think it’s okay. This space was meant to be lived in.” Ellie says. I bite my lip and nod. “They’re not coming back.”
Ellie turns to me, my eyes watering a bit as I fight tears. I can’t tell if it was a question, or a statement, but she doesn’t wait for my response.
“It’s time for us to move on I think.” She says. A couple of her own tears slip from her eyes. I reach over and wrap her in a hug. She squeezes me tight as she hugs me back.
“When did you get to be so smart?” I laugh, tears escaping my eyes as well. Ellie’s bedroom door opens and Sarah makes her way across the hall.
Ellie and I both let go, quickly drying our eyes before Sarah can notice. She looks at the art around the room as well.
“Wow, this is so cool! You painted all these?” Sarah asks.
She looks at the one I was just working on. I hold in my breath, hoping she doesn’t notice the similarity to her father. She doesn’t mention anything.
“Yeah, I’ve been getting back into it.” I respond. She moves over to the painting where Ellie and I stand.
“You’re really good.” I thank her. It’s actually kind of exciting to see their reactions to my paintings. It feels as though I’ve regained a piece of me.
The girls look at the different paintings, commenting on the colors I used and debating on what is happening in each one. They both ask me if I can show them how to paint which I happily agree to, it’ll be nice to share something with them the way our mom shared it with me.
When the girls are done assessing my work we go downstairs for breakfast. The girls hurry downstairs to start pulling out the ingredients for blueberry pancakes. I open the bedroom curtains before I go, letting the sunlight enter the room one more. When I leave the room, I keep the door open.
To read more visit a03.
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sserafics · 29 days
VALENTINE — henry h. x fem reader
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use of y/n, reader is rays niece, enemies to lovers? fluff, set in s4-5, 2nd person pov
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (heavily inspired by s3 e1 of game shakers!)
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your eyes scan the room as you stand in the kitchen of the hart’s home, unsure of why you’re even here.
your gaze drifts to your uncle, who is of course, flirting with henry’s mom. oh right, he brought you here, claiming you need to “socialize more and leave the man cave more often.” though it’s obvious he just wanted you to come so he could have an excuse to hit on henry’s mom. since this party is mostly teenagers, it’d be odd if a grown man just showed up alone. so, that’s why you’re here.
you sigh before taking a sip from the cola in your hand, glancing around to see the familiar faces surrounding you. piper, who threw this godforsaken valentine’s day party, charlotte, aaaand… henry. he’s talking to some girl, who you know is named valarie, but that’s about it.
an odd feeling bubbles up in your stomach at the sight of her leaning closer to him, laughing flirtatiously.
you scoff and turn away, trying not to think of the scene unfolding before you, but your gaze keeps moving back to them, the sight making your stomach twist in a way you’re unfamiliar with. you decide after a moment of watching to just leave. it’s not like your uncle is going to notice anyway, he’s too busy flexing his muscles for henry’s mom.
as you walk to the front door, you hear the sound of henry’s laugh ring through the music, making you roll your eyes at the flutter you felt in your stomach after hearing his laugh.
the cool air of the night hits your face as you step outside, grabbing your phone from your bag and opening the uber app, scheduling one. it arrives almost immediately, and you get in the car.
you look up as you settle in the backseat of the car, about to tell the driver where you need to go, but the sight shocks you. no driver? you’re about to speak, when a voice, monotonous and robot like, rings out.
“welcome to your self driving car, what is your destination?”
“oh, uhm.. just take me to junk n’ stuff.” you reply, still a bit weirded out by this car, but still you divert your attention to your phone, still trying to get your mind off of the scene at the party. the car begins driving.
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“yeah, so i’m thinking ‘bout starting a band-“ henry began, talking to another girl who just arrived at the party.
charlotte suddenly rushes to him, her phone in her hand and her eyes wide. “henry! y/n needs help!” she shows him her phone, where a text from you reads that your uber is a self driving car and is out of control. the text also reads to send your uncle, not henry.
he resists the urge to scowl at the last part of your text, before excusing himself from the girl he was talking to and rushing to the front porch, popping a gumball and transforming into kid danger.
“damn it, y/n.” he mumbles before pulling his phone out and scrolling to find your contact, calling you.
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“opening sunroof.” the robotic voice of the car speaks.
“what?- i didn’t even mention the sunroof-“ you blurt out, your voice tinged with panic as the car swerves, narrowly missing an old woman who was for some reason, walking in the middle of the street.
“y/n! just tell me when you’re about to pass swellview junior high!” henry’s voice rings out from your phone, reminding you he’s on the phone.
“what? oh- uh- yeah, i’m about to pass it now-!” you reply, trying your best to look out the windows to see where you are, but the car is speeding too fast to really tell.
a thump on the top of the car makes you yelp, accidentally dropping your phone onto the seat next to yours.
“i’m fine, actually!” you shout when you see henry on top of the car, peeking in through the sunroof to try and make out what’s going on inside. the jealousy from seeing him with valarie earlier bubbling up again.
“oh really? because it looks like your stuck in an out of control car, so.” he retorts sarcastically, sounding equally as annoyed as you do. you scoff but it quickly turns into a gasp when he drops down into the car, landing in the front seat.
“jesus! a warning would be nice next time!” you yell, glaring at the back of his head.
“yeah, okay, i’ll keep that in mind for the next time you get stuck in a self driving car!”
he tries to take control of the car, gripping the steering wheel, but the car jolts to the opposite side.
“don’t touch my wheel.” the car rings out in that same, robot like voice, jerking the car to the side again.
“come on-!” he murmurs, still trying to gain control of the car, but to no avail.
“closing sunroof.”
“what?- i didn’t even mention the sunroof-!” he exclaims, utterly confused.
“she’s obnoxious! just stop the car!!” you shout, holding onto the passenger seat in front of you for dear life, suddenly wondering why you didn’t put your seatbelt on.
he groans and pulls out his phone, scrolling and finding schwoz’s contact, quickly pressing call.
“are you seriously making a call right now-?” you ask, irritation lacing your voice.
“i need absolute silence.” he cuts you off, holding a hand up while he silently prays that schwoz will pick up.
“are you serio-“ you began but cut yourself off when schwoz’s voice spoke from his phone.
henry quickly explains what’s happening, his voice panicked. he puts the phone call on speaker phone, placing the phone on the dashboard.
“open up the front panel,” schwoz deadpans, his voice slightly muffled as if he’s eating on the other line. typical.
henry easily pops open the front panel, using some sort of gadget from the man cave, as usual.
“okay, it’s open- now what?”
“look for a red wire.”
“what?! there’s all kinds of red wires, man-“ henry tries to keep the car steady on the road— while also trying to figure out which red wire he’s supposed to be looking for, but the car suddenly swerves to the left, practically throwing you against the window.
henry’s head snaps back to you, noticing your wide eyes and he realizes he’s not going to be able to stop the car this way. he mumbles something under his breath and then moves to the back seat, sitting next to you.
“protect your eyes!” he tells you, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his laser.
“protect my eyes? what- why?-“ you began, but before you could finish, he pulled you against him and hid your face in his chest, making sure to cover his own face as he used his laser to zap at the front panel repeatedly, effectively short circuiting the car.
immediately after, he lets go of you and leans forward, taking hold of the steering wheel, making sure to guide the car to the side of the road as it slowly stops, letting out a sigh of relief after. he slumps against the back seat, panting.
an awkward silence fills the car as you fiddle with your bag, tracing one of the straps with your finger. the atmosphere feels tense yet oddly serene, the arguments that usually surround you two absent in the moment.
“why’d you come?” you ask after a while, your voice quieter than usual.
a beat passes without an answer.
“ray was too busy hitting on my mom.” he speaks after a while, glancing out the window awkwardly. that’s not the reason, and you both know it.
he transforms back to his regular self, the pop of his bubble gum causing you to turn back to look at him, suddenly becoming acutely aware of how close he’s sitting to you. your arms are brushing against one another, his face now fully exposed without his kid danger mask.
you reach for the door, hoping to get out of this awkward moment, but it doesn’t open. you sigh.
turning back to face him, you finally decide to vocalize the question that’s been lingering in your mind since you saw him at the party earlier.
“who’s valarie?”
he blinks, looking confused before smiling smugly, which makes you groan, turning away and facing the window again.
“we used to go to camp together, years ago.” he replies, though you can practically hear the smirk on his lips. “why? you jealous?”
you scoff and finally realize where you are. outside of his house again. of course, all of this trouble and you’re not even at junk n’ stuff.
the serious tone in his voice makes you turn back to look at him. you opened your mouth to speak, but before you could, he cups your cheek and leans in, pausing just before your lips meet, as if to give you an out if you don’t want this. you meet his gaze before leaning in, your lips connecting in a kiss.
it was a short, sweet kiss, yet it felt like it lasted centuries. he pulls back slowly and you open your eyes to see him already looking at you, forehead pressed against yours gently.
“happy valentines day, y/n.”
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(a/n) ahhh i finally wrote my first fic!! this took me so long but i like how it turned outtt, i feel like the ending might’ve been a little ooc for him and it kinda sucked 😞 but it’s almost midnight so im posting it 🤞🏻anyway thanks for reading!! it was pretty long so sorry abt that 😭
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lymmsweb · 1 year
Hi! I don't know if you're taking requests yet, but I was wondering if you could do headcanons or scenarios about Ghost / Soap / König having a crush on a recruit girl who is a very skilled sniper, but constantly underestimated by other military personnel for being short and deaf / mute
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Simon “Ghost” Riley
John “Soap” Mactavish
Words: 537
Tws: misoginy, bullying
A/N: i only did being short and mute because im pretty sure if you’re deaf you can’t serve in the military!! Also i wrote the muteness to at least allow you to talk because it'd be very dangerous to serve in the military and not able to communicate a bit on comms.
Totally didn't take me 4months to come back and i didn't do Konig cuz i dont know enough about his character
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Simon “Ghost” Riley
When he first met you he underestimated you too, it wasn’t intentional but he just couldn’t help but doubt you and your abilities.
He took you under his wing to make sure you were keeping up with everyone but after you saved his ass multiple times on missions, all his worries quickly went away and he started respecting you a lot more.
After a couple months he started to get closer and closer to you he started noticing how most of the men wouldn’t take you seriously and often pick on you. It upset him quite a bit knowing he was one of these men at one point, so if he was around and men would pick on you he’d give them a stern lecture and give death glares whenever he’d pass them again in the future
He would always bring you along as back up on missions, you were one of the best snipers he could get his hands on and he felt safer knowing you were watching his back. He even grew to enjoy your company, not minding the silence he would always be met with, if anything he found it much more relaxing than anything.
Ghost started noticing that he liked you after he defended you from a man that was saying misogynistic things towards you, he hated the way you looked after receiving the insults and not being able to defend yourself. He didn’t know why he felt the urge to protect you, it was like love was a new emotion being discovered after years of not feeling in love with someone.
John "Soap" MacTavish
He was one of the few men that were nice to you right off the bat. After missions he would always go to find you and give tips on how to improve and what you did wrong.
You grew on him very quickly, often being paired up with him meant that he had all the opportunities to hit you with his corny jokes and you not being able to do much about it.
He would accidentally slip up some jokes about you and your size when drunk, not really caring about how loud he was at the bar. It earned laughs from his men, it felt good at first but when they started slipping sexist comments it sobered him right up.
After the bar incident, he started picking up on how your comrades viewed you. He started to feel disgusted about how they didn't respect you or your strengths or you achievement, in his eyes he started to lose respect towards them.
He started to talk about you to everyone, mentioning how great you are and how people should give you a chance. This started to rub off on people as more and more men started to at the very least stop picking on you.
It was after a couple weeks of a non stop cycle of improving your social status and you saving his life on multiple missions that he finally realized he was crushing on you. However now this meant that he started acting like a lost puppy around you, always by your side one way or another. Someone would have to be blind to not notice his growing crush.
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edensbuttercups · 1 year
Social Battery - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader
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A/N: This has been a wip for so long but it's finally here! I can only hope it's good, but yeah, I hope you enjoy 💕
Words: 4.4k
Your steps echoed on the ground. 
The hangar was empty apart from the man you had been looking for everywhere, and even if you still felt tense, you felt a little bit victorious too. “Can I talk to you?” you spoke to his back, knowing that he had heard you walked in, because how could he not, but not in the mood to walk the extra steps to face him or wait for him to turn around for you. “With me?” he asked, finally turning. He didn’t have to look so cute when he was confused, which was often, for some reason, and yet he always did. Eyebrows scrunched and lips tight, but kind eyes and a hand pointing at his face, to add a visual aid to his extremely complicated question. “Oh, Rooster? Sorry, I was looking for Hangman, the similarity with your eye colour, facial hair and fashion sense is so fucking similar, I must’ve gotten confused.” You spun on your heel, the question you had wanted to ask him bubbling away and leaving its space to anger, or frustration, or whatever the hell you were feeling, but you didn’t get far before he caught up to you, stopping you when his hand gently tugged on your arm. “Hey, hey, hey, sorry. Talk to me, what is it?” He had been lost in thought, and didn’t want to scare you away with his silliness.
He knew you had been looking for him, clear by the urgency with which you’d walked in, but he didn’t think you’d react that way. You contemplated not telling him about how you felt exhausted from people, how you needed a break, how you had almost snapped at Maverick earlier today because he had asked you if you had slept well, but his worried expression was something you couldn’t bear. “I… it’s nothing too serious, actually.” You saw his shoulders relax at your words, but his hold on you didn’t falter, and his expression softened only a bit, still wanting to know what was on your mind. “Serious or not, you came all the way here to talk to me, so c’mon.” he urged gently, a smile tugging softly at his lips. “Okay. Yeah. Okay. So.” Words were sometimes incredibly annoying, and you started to wish that you had thought more about what to say. “I’ve been feeling stressed because I’m always around people and I need time for myself and I was wondering if maybe I could spend a day or two in your dorm room if that doesn’t bother you?” If words barely came before, now they wouldn’t stop, amusing Rooster to no end while you were talking, needing a moment however to understand the mixture of them once you were finished. “My dorm?” “Yep. I know technically it’s not allowed, but if it’s okay with you I’ll sneak in, and I’ll barely make a noise, I promise.” “Oh, that’s not what’s worrying me, don’t worry. I was just wondering… I might sometimes be there.”
The two of you had spent time in his room, it wasn’t uncommon, occasional movie nights or simple evenings spent with a beer and some music, simply talking about life. And you had crashed there before, although it had never really been planned, just an accidental sorry-I-fell-asleep-while-you-were-talking type of thing.  “I mean, yeah, it’s your room.”  “So, when I’m not training, I’ll be there. And it’s Friday tomorrow so I guess tomorrow night I’ll be in later, and you could join us if you’d like, clearly, but-“ You shook your head, both to decline his offer - tomorrow just wouldn’t be a Hard Deck type of night, you were afraid - and to stop his words. “It really doesn’t matter when you get back, Rooster. Again, it’s your room.” “But you said you don’t want to be with people for a bit.” “Yeah, but you don’t count.” He didn’t know how to take that. He didn’t count as people? That felt oddly insulting, but he also sensed that you didn’t say that with any sort of malice. So...? “I… don’t count.” He repeated slowly, trying to get something out of you. “No.” “As people.” “Well, you certainly are a people.” You joked, shoving him lightly with a smile, already feeling better after talking to him. “I don’t think I understand.” He confessed, finally letting go of your arm so that he could scratch behind his neck. “Well… I mean, I don’t feel the need to get away from you.” The simple revelation had your cheeks burning, the words feeling a little too real as you pronounced them, but it was the truth.
You and Rooster had been friends for a while now, and not once had you felt the need to go away, his personality always adapting perfectly to yours and vice versa, easily reading your mood and knowing just when to speak more or less, when to crack more jokes, or cook, or sing you a song and pull you up to dance. It was an effortless friendship, and even in your worst moods he always knew how to pick you up. His expression softened at your words, looking down before meeting your eyes again, happy that you felt comfortable with him just as much as he did with you. “You know me. You get me. And I just feel good when I’m around you.” You added when he didn’t speak, feeling slightly unsure now that all that he was doing was staring at you. 
He nodded, taking in your words and not allowing himself the time to dwell on them, the thoughts that would plague him acting as nothing but a distraction for the rest of the day if he did. He patted your back once before gently pushing you back out of the hangar, walking with you until you were both in the sun, one of your eyes closing as you turned to look at him, the sun shining down way too brightly to properly see him. “Go grab what you need. I’ll be waiting at my place, yeah?” There was a sort of intimacy in the way he asked, a simplicity and a promise to be there for you, any other things he had left to do for the day being swept away in favor of getting you settled in at his place and maybe spending time together, if so you desired. 
-- Your bag had been mostly packed the night before, having already settled on leaving for a little while either way. Plan B would’ve been that of staying at a motel for a few nights, one not too far from here, but staying with Rooster was far better, both because it meant saving on the motel’s fees, and because you’d get to spend time with him while also recharge. You added the last few items in, some skincare products, a notebook, a book, your chargers and devices you had planned on bringing along and zipped your bag up, leaving a note by the door to say goodbye, even if you had already mentioned you’d be away for a few days and closed the door behind you, slowly making your way to Rooster’s place. 
You were thankful when you got to his front door, the weight of your bag slowly starting to hurt your back.
He opened the door with a smile, welcoming you with a small hug.
“So, I’ve got snacks, there’s food in the fridge, so you can just help yourself to whatever. Now, I just was wondering, want me to leave, or…?” He asked, leaning against the couch as his eyes followed you. “No.” You replied with a chuckle, shaking your head as you walked to his bedroom, letting your bag fall to one side and picking out what you needed, leaving some of your products out so that you could place them in the bathroom later, as well as some comfy clothes you could wear around the house. “I might shower, if that’s okay, but then we could watch something together? Or play a board game, if you’d like.” You offered, knowing how much he enjoyed playing them, and even if they could take ages, you still enjoyed them with him, loving how his cheerful smile was contagious as he played and talked, his stories never getting old. “Of course. I left a t-shirt by the bed? Unless… you have your own.” He added with a chuckle, letting himself fall on the couch, not seeing how you put your own shirt to the side, picking his up instead, smiling at the gesture. “This will do! Thank you.” You hummed, grabbing all you needed and making your way to the bathroom, sending him a wink. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be with you!”  He hummed out a sure, one you didn’t hear as you close the door, slipping out of your clothes and into his shower, letting out a breath of relief when the warm water came in contact with your skin, the day’s, or week’s, tensions slipping away. 
And there truly wasn’t anything easier. You put his shirt on, smiling at the comfort it brought you, the softness of it, the smell that was distinctly him, even if it lacked his cologne.  When you stepped out of the bathroom, you found him sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He looked up when he heard you enter, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before he gave you a small smile, looking away quickly before you could see the faint blush on his cheeks.  "Ready to watch something? Or…" he asked, setting his phone down on the coffee table and gesturing towards the small bookshelf he had by the tv, your favourite board games all stashed there.  You nodded, taking a seat beside him on the couch, “movie sounds good,” you hummed. He handed you the remote, letting you choose what to watch. You scrolled through Netflix for a few moments before settling on a comedy, wanting something light to watch, but also not wanting to concentrate on something, just wanting to relax. 
As the movie played, you found yourself glancing over at him every so often, taking in his features. It was easy to be with him, his soft laughter contagious, his eyes looking at you at a particularly funny joke making you smile. You wondered when you’d admit, to yourself and to him, that maybe you wanted more than friendship. 
But you pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the movie and trying to enjoy the moment. You laughed at the jokes, and he laughed with you, his hand brushing against yours on the couch. It was a small gesture, but it sent shivers down your spine.
He opened his eyes, taking in his room as he sighed, picking his phone up to check the time and letting out a silent groan. He turned to look at you when he felt you shift, first to wake and then to stretch, keeping his lips tightly sealed as he took you in. You felt his eyes on you, ignoring them as you allowed your body to catch up with your brain, waking up as his alarm finally went off.  “What?” You finally mumbled when he didn’t say anything, his lips still shut but trying not to show his smile. “Was afraid you’d snap at me if I talked at this ungodly hour.” He whispered, this time not hiding his smile and grinning rather happily at you, a smile that you couldn’t help but mirror.
He looked a little too good for this early in the morning, his eyes looking at you so softly, hair ruffled and skin golden from all the time in the sun, and you couldn’t help but make a mental snapshot of this for future reference, whatever that would be. 
And yeah, Bradley was an attractive man, it was impossible to not notice, but that didn’t change that 7am hadn’t even rolled by yet, and this man already looked that good. “Shut up.” You said after a while, thanking the darkness of the room for covering the blush that had started colouring your cheeks when you noticed just how long you had been staring at him, his smirk just growing, even if he wouldn’t tease you about it. “Okay.” He mimicked a zip closing his mouth, standing from the bed with a little bow. “Okay, no, don’t take that literally. I like your voice.” You muttered, sitting up a little better and rubbing your eyes, letting the revelation fall from your lips with no thought, too busy trying to not crawl back under the covers again. 
You didn’t catch it, but he had given you a smile that held nothing but love at your comment, his cheeks now reddening too as he reached for his clothes, collecting all he needed for the day and placing it in one pile, then grabbing what he’d be wearing and holding on to it. “You know, you don’t have to stay up. Go back to sleep, okay?”  It was nice, not waking up alone, even if he wanted to keep his routine quicker than usual, wanting to leave you your space and not impose. Or get back in bed with you, sleep for a little longer, make that distance between you a little less and maybe even hold you, just for a bit.  It had happened only once or twice, that during movie night you’d end up falling asleep at one point, resting your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping protectively around you, but it hadn’t happened many times, and he knew it couldn’t happen now.  “I’ll wait until you go.” You looked up at him and smiled, one eye closed as you leaned against the wall, eyes still on him.  Rooster nodded quickly, tightening the hold on his clothes. “I’ll go shower and then I’ll leave, yeah?” He said quickly, not even if you had said that he didn’t count with the whole getting exhausted of people, he still didn’t want to be overbearing. “Oh, sure, yeah.” You nodded, sending him a quick smile before he disappeared behind the bathroom door, leaving you to snuggle into his bed, careful not to fall asleep as you shifted lower, moving closer to the centre of the bed now that he had left it, settling your head between your pillow and his, the smell of his cologne clinging to the material and making you close your eyes as you breathed it in, letting your body relax in his bed. 
Out of the shower and already dressed for the day, Rooster couldn’t help but smile when he saw you cuddled up into his bed again, and he had to resist the urge to climb in with you. He knew you wanted space, knew this was about you getting some, but that sentence, I don’t feel the need to get away from you, it just made him want to hold you, even if that was a line he knew he shouldn’t cross, no matter how deeply he wanted to. But, compromising with himself, he walked over, smoothing your hair down and smiling at you once more when you opened your eyes, expression warm as you looked up at him. “I’ll probably come back later, yeah? Before heading out to the Hard Deck?” He hummed, voice low as he spoke. “I’d like that, yeah.” You already knew you wouldn’t be heading out with him, preferring the calmness of being here, maybe picking a good movie or relaxing with a face mask, but you still were happy about the idea of him coming back to hang out with you, even if only for a little while. Rooster had his ways of just fitting well with you, and most times you hated that about him, like  you were right now.  Fingers combing through your hair, voice low to not disturb you, face close as he considered placing a kiss on your forehead. He was careful, and attentive, and funny, and flirty, and teasing, and kind, and it made you wonder how much longer you could go before you’d have to tell him how you felt, your feelings from him having started to shift a while ago now. You could take it, you thought, a simple friendship, if that’s what he wanted, but not knowing what his feelings were while also fitting so comfortably in his arms was proving a harder task each day. “I’ll see you later.” He finally hummed, kissing your forehead gently and moving away before he could spot your reaction, sending you a wave as he picked his things and walked out the door, leaving you alone in his apartment, in his bedroom, in his t-shirt. 
You had ended up spending a few more hours in bed, basking in the sweet feeling of tranquility that washed over you every time you turned in bed, his smell, the softness of the sheets, the relief of not having to deal with other people for the day. By 10am you had gotten up and started making yourself breakfast.  The rest of the day went by easily, between watching series and movies, catching up on reading, resting, playing, and simply doing nothing. The afternoon was slowly winding to an end when you heard footsteps approaching from outside, turning towards the door to greet your new roommate.  “Good day?” You asked when he walked in, his frown softening when he saw you draped over his couch, facing him with a bright smile. It’s not that he had forgotten that you were there, quite the opposite actually, the thought never left his mind, but he hadn’t expected you to be so happy to see him, maybe. Or maybe it was just you. In his home, there for him, and it felt sweet, and domestic, almost. He could get used to this a little too easily, and it scared him. “Long day.” He finally answered, taking his boots off and stretching. “You?” “Oh, very good, yeah.” You replied, smiling at him. “Good. I'm glad to hear that.” He said, walking towards the kitchen to grab a drink. As he passed by you, you couldn't help but catch his scent, a mix of his cologne and the smell of the outdoors. It was intoxicating, and you found yourself wanting to get closer to him. As he rummaged through the fridge, you couldn't help but admire his broad shoulders and muscular arms. He was a handsome man, and you had always found him attractive, but he was your best friend, and that was all. 
As he turned around, drink in hand, he caught you staring at him and raised an eyebrow. You quickly looked away, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. “Everything okay?” He asked, walking over to sit next to you on the couch. “Yeah, sorry. Just zoned out for a second.” You said, trying to play it cool. He chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. “You're cute when you're flustered.” “Oh, shut up.” You chuckled, walking over and playfully slapping his arm, reaching for a glass yourself. “I mean it.” He repeated, smirking. “Shush. So, Hard Deck tonight? Drinks with your sworn enemy Hangman?” you joked, knowing him and Hangman weren’t enemies in the slightest, had solved all their issues a few months ago. 
You stood when you heard the steps approaching the door, a smile on your face, knowing Rooster was bound to come home soon, judging by the 12am rule he had, always wanting to be at home by that time, in bed just a little while later, not wanting to risk messing up his body clock.  “Roos?” You called, opening the door and standing by it, eyes widening when you spotted Hangman holding Rooster up, laughing as they walked, one of them clearly drunker than the other. “Sweetheart!” Hangman called happily when he noticed you, the beers consumed enveloping him in a comfortable buzz, his mind not even questioning why you were at Rooster’s place, or why you hadn’t been around all day, just accepting it with a smile, leading your new roommate back to you. “Good night?” You asked, arm sliding under Rooster’s, holding him up as you tried to support his weight, his arm protectively wrapping around you as his head rested on top of yours, dopey smile only visible by Hangman. “Very good! Rooster here drank a little more than planned, but good.” He said, reaching over to pat Rooster’s shoulder, laughing when he heard the man groan. “I’ll see you around? You’ll make sure he survives the night?” He asked with his signature smirk, hoping his job was done so he could crash on his own bed, having drank more than planned himself, too. “Yep, no worries. Go take care of yourself now, and yeah, see you soon!” You called as he walked down the path, walking slow and calculated steps to his own place, throwing you a thumbs up over his shoulder. You chuckled at the scene, closing the door behind you and Rooster and helping him towards the bed, doubting he’d stand back up if you walked him to the couch instead. He stood in his room, looking at you as you patted his shoulder, pointing to the bed. “Sit. I’ll get you some water.” You muttered, walking towards the kitchen and making quick work of pouring him some fresh water, trying to minimize the damage. “I’m so glad you asked to stay over.” He slurred slightly, letting his weight fall to the bed when you walked back, grabbing the glass of water from your hand and sipping on it, closing his eyes. “Because I take care of you when you’re drunk?” You asked playfully, grabbing the glass back, still half full, from the floor where he had placed it, knowing he’d knock it over if not. “No, ‘cause I love havin’ you around. And ‘cause you’re cute. And it’s nice to wake up next to you, better than I had imagined.” He said with a chuckle, looking up at you with big eyes before blushing, shaking his head at his own words. “Cute?” You asked, even if you were more curious about the waking up by your side part. “Yes. But no, I’ll shut up now.” He chuckled, grin dopey as he looked at you, laying down on the bed and pulling you down with him, his hand resting on your hip. You both were aware, even him, in his drunken state, that this was more than friendly touching, especially paired with his prior words, but neither of you minded it. You nodded, laughing softly and combing your fingers through his hair, pulling some stray strands back and watching amused as his eyes closed and he sighed contently. “I like that.” He whispered, opening his eyes again to look at you, too tired to properly keep them open. “I think it’s bedtime, big boy.” You whispered back, smiling as he closed his eyes, your touch not stopping, set on continuing until he was fast asleep, which didn’t seem would take long. “I can’t wait to wake up next to you again.” He hummed, eyes fluttering open for only one second, closing again when he saw you, as if he needed the certainty that you were still there, still real. “Goodnight.” You whispered, ignoring the blush on your cheeks and the quickening of your heart, fingers threading through his hair, his breathing soft and rhythmical, soon enough signalling his slumber. You peeled away from him, chuckling when he groaned at the loss, tiptoeing around his place until you found everything you could find against his hangover, sure that it would hit him in the morning. 
You opened your eyes when you felt him shift, his groan waking you up more as you turned to look at him, his hand meeting his head as he held it, another pained groan being huffed out. “There’s painkillers and water on the bedside cabinet.” You whispered, closing your eyes again and feeling him move away, finally realizing just how close you were,  just how he was holding you. Legs tangled, one of his hands still holding yours while the other slipped from your waist to stretch towards the side, finding the tablet and letting it fall into his mouth as he opened the bottle, the top of it already opened the night before, trying to make everything as smooth as possible. 
As he swallowed the pill with a gulp of water, he turned back to you, his eyes still bleary from sleep and the remnants of his hangover. But as he looked at you, his expression softened and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Hey," he murmured, his voice raspy from disuse. "Good morning," you replied, returning his smile. You looked at him, the way the soft morning light colored his cheeks, almost unable to look away. He shifted closer to you, his hand still holding yours, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest at the intimate contact.  The tension between you both was palpable, and you knew that something had shifted between you since last night. "I had a good dream," he whispered, his gaze never leaving yours. "Oh?" you asked, curiosity piqued. "Yeah," he said, his thumb stroking over the back of your hand. "We were sitting on a beach, watching the sunset. It was just us, and it felt...perfect." You felt a warmth spread through your chest at his words, and you couldn't help but think that maybe your feelings for him weren't one-sided after all. "I had a dream too," you said softly, biting your lip nervously. "We were dancing, and you were twirling me around. It felt like we were the only two people in the room." It wasn’t a lie, with the way he had been holding you throughout the night it was an easy thing to imagine, to dream. Rooster's smile widened, and he leaned in closer, his breath ghosting over your lips. "Maybe it doesn’t have to be just a dream," he murmured, his hand moving from yours to cup your cheek. And then he kissed you, soft and sweet and tentative at first, but then growing more urgent as the heat between you intensified. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, knowing that all that fear you had held onto, ignoring your feelings for him for who knows what reason, was dissipating in that very moment, his hands holding onto you so carefully.  As you pulled away from the kiss, Rooster's eyes were filled with a newfound intensity, one you already couldn’t get enough of.  You smiled at him, feeling more alive than ever before, and whispered, "Good morning, indeed."
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anthracite-writes · 8 months
Heyyy :) I was just wondering on expanding a bit on the Popular MC thing 👀 I was mainly wondering how the brother would react to MC who was finally burnt out socializing with all the demons wanting their attention and the boys just find MC in their room wanting alone time with each of the brothers 🥺
Obey Me! Brothers X Popular Socially Burnt Out! GN! MC
[Separate] Demon brothers x gn! reader || SFW || TW//CW: LOTTA angst <3, self-isolation, all time low/at the point of being unable to take care of oneself, hints at eating disorders (anorexia) in Beel's part. A//N: for context - check out this imagine :) - Summary: You've already reached the bottom of your social battery from your popularity and this doesn't go unnoticed by the demon brothers. After days of shutting yourself in your room and avoiding everyone and everything, you finally go to them - seeking comfort from your burn out.
Also, apologies for getting this out hella late - I haven't check out my inbox since the last request I've put up. If you did put in a request, I'm working on them - school just got me swamped out of my mind.
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Would notice immediately notice your personality and normal behaviour is off
Will notice that you're setting yourself aside from students in RAD, eating alone both at home and RAD, locking yourself in your room once you get back to HoL and staying in there for hours on end.
Would catch you when you're out late in the night when you think everyone was asleep.
Brings you meals when you don't join them for meal times in the House of Lamentation.
Doesn't question why you're acting this way. He already knows, [he's got a sixth sense when it comes to you - source? Trust me on this]
Keeps his bedroom and study doors open for you, just in case if you want to talk to him
He's not the type to force you to talk to him about you're social exhaustion, he'll wait for you to talk about it to him on your own time.
Would welcome you with open arms into his bedroom/study whenever you need someone - doesn't matter what time it is, he would keep you company.
More often than not, he would stop by your room on his rounds to make sure everyone is where they're supposed to be that they're no where else - making sure you're asleep and all and that you're not up late and whatnot.
"Oh? [Y/N]... you're still awake..." He says, noticing you're awake in your bed. Lucifer makes his way towards your bed and sit on the edge beside you. The demon pulls you into his arms, holding you close to his body, his hand on the back of your head and the other on your back. All Lucifer wants you to know is that he's here for you. "All this attention must be be tiring..." he would coos in a soft tone. "From now on... if you need someone to be with you, it should be me... only, me."
Wouldn't notice till later.
He's still a bit pouty about all the attention that you're getting that
When he notices you've become withdrawn in school, often opting to be alone - that's when he gets worried about your well being.
Sure, he's greedy for your attention but it's important to him that his human is okay.
He is your first pact, remember?
When your alone, he'd often go join you.
He doesn't care if you don't want to talk - he just want to keep you company [Though he would point out some random stuff in your surroundings to try to make you laugh.]
Probably would start getting a bit childish and pouty when he sees your not reacting to anything he's saying.
He really just want to see you smile again - that's all he wants at this point.
Would be the type to try to encourage you to talk about your feelings.
Willing to help you in anyway he can.
If you do tell him what's going on with you and the whole point of being burned out, he starts to tone down his urges to try to get you out.
Cuddle time? anytime, anywhere. Even if you don't ask for it.
Bro's slinking into your bed for cuddles.
He doesn't want you to feel alone during your down time.
Holds you close from behind, spooning you as he talks about whatever to fill the silence.
"Y/N... I know... you don't have to take in everyone's attention..." He mumbles against your head as you two lay in his bed cuddling. "Who needs randos being around you all the time, trying to impress you?" Mammon chuckles, giving you a little squeeze. He gently runs his fingers through your hair, playing with it. "I can give you all the attention you'd ever need, and I know for a fact you won't get fed up like you did with them. They drain you, I on the other hand - oh, I'll make sure you never get like this again." "Just keep you're eyes on me from now on, 'kay? And I'll give you all my attention."
Wouldn't notice at all, he's shut into his room - remember?
But when he notices you've been even more hauled up in you bedroom than him.
Starts worrying even he notices you're not even showing up to any of the classes.
You're not supposed to be the shut-in, that's his job!
You're supposed to be his Player 2 in school, his emotional support.
Starts blowing up your text messages till you respond.
When you do respond and explain to him what's been going on with you, he gets it right away.
He knows how it feels, socializing is overwhelming for him so he can't even imagine what it feels like being in the spotlight
Would set up a private chatroom for the two of you to interact one on one while you recharge your social batteries so you don't feel overwhelmed with fact to face interaction.
Would have movie nights over calls, talks to you over chats and VCs, etc etc.
Love seeing you become more lively over the chats and VCs .
Makes sure to drop off food at your room when he's out of his room - he knows what it's like to forget to eat or drink, and doesn't want your state to worsen physically with malnourishment.
Lets you vent out your frustrations and all - you've done it so much for him, it's time for him to be a good bestie.
Often would try to relate to you by bringing up his experience without trying to make it all about him.
Just tries his best to comfort you even though he's not the best [gold star for Levi for trying]
"I'm glad you told me, Y/N... I was getting a bit worried you've forgotten about me and I'm back to level zero friend-wise. That it was just Henry and I again..." The demon rambled, earning a soft laugh on your end of the voice call and Leviathan responding with his usual whines when he feels flusted. "But anyway... I'm glad we cleared up the misunderstanding between us. I'm just surprised is all, you of all people getting burnt out? I though I was the one with poor social skills and a shut in." "But seriously... I understand how you feel. And... um.. erm..." His voice trails off as he mumbles under his breath. "...and I'm happy I get to help you this time... you've done a lot and I want to do the same for you..."
He has a keen eye, he will notice in a heartbeat.
When you start excusing yourself and walking back to the HoL alone, that's when he decides to take things into his own hands.
VERY confrontational - won't hesitate to even break down your door if you decide to shut yourself in for a couple hours.
Is passively aggressively trying to get you to tell him what's the matter and why you're acting in such a way that is the polar opposite of how you act usually.
Once he figures out that you're burned out - he gets right into action trying to make you feel better.
You're the only person who he can tolerate, but he will not tolerate this burnout slump.
Is more calm in his methods of trying to help you recharge from said burnout slump.
Would often drag you out of the house to go cat watching with him, thinking it would have the same effect on you as on him when he's stressed and whatnot.
Once he connects the dots that maybe his methods aren't working seeing you aren't improving, he's trying other methods he read about.
Would bring you tea and books he thinks you'll enjoy.
Let's you snuggle up with him under the covers as he reads to you.
Stays with you when you eventually fall asleep, hugging you as he rubs your back or strokes your hair to comfort you - letting you know he's still there as your rest.
Satan looks over at you from the pages of the book he was reading too you, seeing you've fallen asleep against him. He lets out a soft sigh and puts aside the book before laying you down on the bed in a more comfortable position, laying down next to you as watching you sleep. "You must be tired, Y/N..." he muttered softly to himself, reaching out and gently stroking your hair in a caring manner. He scoots closer to you as he pulls the covers over the two of you, tucking you two in before wrapping his arms around you in your slumber - pressing you against his body to insure you feel his warmth. "Rest easy, Y/N... I'm not leaving..."
Notice but brushes it off at first but starts worrying when he notices you're refusing his invites out.
When you completely start acting out of it (not even wanting to go out with him and him alone), he's gonna lose it.
He does care for you, and WILL go full on panic mode.
He's checking your temperature, begging you to go see a doctor to check if it was some kind of illness.
Worse case, his mind would wander off to the thought that you're finally sick of him and being around him all the time.
Just sit him down before he starts making up fake scenarios where you ended your friendship with him and explain your social burnout
"...Ohhhhhh - then why didn't you start off with that, hon? You got me all worked up for nothing. Come, you need some R & R. Just the two of us, 'kay?"
Two of you have a complete spa and self-care day, and boy does Asmo go all out.
Face masks, skin care, long soaking in the bath with the best of the best products, doing each other's nails, online shopping sprees etc. etc.
Would give you the juiciest of drama while you are social checked out to cheer you up.
If that isn't your cup of tea, he's more than happy to listen to you with your problems.
Tell him your troubles and he'll try his best to comfort you.
Very handsy and touchy-feely when comforting you - ie. cuddles, caresses, holding your hand, etc.
"Oh, babes... you should of told me you were getting overwhelmed with all the popularity you've been getting you burned out." Asmo cooed as he places a hand on your cheek. "Gems like yourself need time away from people to let yourself shine once more to their fullest potential... Don't be so hard on yourself okay? You just need to tell me these things." "And you wanna know why?" He says with a cheeky grin, booping your nose in a playful manner, "Because you are my favourite person besides myself, and like myself - I'd drop everything to make sure my gem is okay before anything else. I'll reject clubbing invites and such, just to know you're going to be okay., Y/N"
Notices when you started to skip meals to go be alone in your room
Starts getting worried when you either miss meals or offering your portion of your meals
Food is his way to comfort you during your burnout.
When you haul yourself up in your room, he'd often leave your comfort snacks.
If you two bump into each other in the kitchen, he's going to offer to cook for you - especially if you haven't ate anything in the hours.
Will fight tooth and nail not to eat what he's cooking up for you.
Will encourage you to eat, even if it's a couple bites.
After you eat, he'll do the dishes real quick and walk you back to your room so you can rest.
Stays by your bedside while you rest, holding your hand as if you're gonna just disappear again if you let go.
I got a feeling he's good a reading you and how you're feeling.
He already knows without you saying a word. And he'll stay by your side till you're back to your usual self.
"Y/N... I know you're not feeling like yourself and that's okay... you don't have to talk about it with me if you want but I'm here for you of course. I want you to know that" Beel says quietly as he watches you try to rest in your bed, giving your hand a slight squeeze. "Just make sure you eat. It's not good you've been forgetting to give yourself nourishments. I understand your tired and not feeling well, but do understand it's not healthy that your accedentally missing meals." He said, guiding your hand up to his cheek. "And I'll be sure of it. I'll take care of you, I promise you that Y/N"
Wouldn't notice at all. He's asleep 99.9% of the time - canon.
But once he notices you're no longer showing up to any of his napping places to take a break from people after school.
Would sleepy wander around the HoL till he found you hiding in your room as you recharge from your burnout.
Crawls into your bed and just snuggles with you.
He can feel your tired, and not the usual tired - so he's happy to make sure you get the rest you need.
Often leaves and comes back with more pillows and blankets to make sure your comfortable and all.
Not much talking would happen. He just wants you to rest and only rest.
Keeps everything the same, not wanting to change anything that may stress you even more than you are now in your burnout state.
"Y/N, just stay here with me..." Belphie spoken in his groany voice, evident he's just woken up. The young demon squeezed you slightly as he pulled you closer, putting his leg over you to keep you down on the matrass them. "It's important you rest. You need it to function." He murmurs into the crook of your neck. "Being so popular must be draining... so just rest."
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anzulvr · 3 months
hey there how are you doing? :3 may I request Karma and Itona (separately ofc! [I read the request page, hehe] )x reader where reader is kind of awkward in nature? Like reader will stand behind them and internally motivating herself but if they turn around before reader is ready and ask her if she wants something, reader will get flustered and walk away while throwing some mean words like,"Like what makes you think I want something from you?" And moment they are out of sight, she's like 'why I say that?' I know I how have simply mentioned a tsundere reader but they are usually violent but I really need was awkward and a flustered reader,,,, oh well hopefully it isn't confusing much. don't forget to eat your meal and stay positive<3
— Karma / Itona with Akwkard! (Fem, Tsundere) Reader
SO CUTE. So relatable. First Itona one on my page too so pretty fun thank you for the request!
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He’s the type to catch on to your feelings quickly, because he’s so perceptive (and his slight ego) you’re not hiding your feelings from him no matter how many times you deny it.
He pushes it, making fun of you every chance he gets because he knows you’ll give a reaction.
“[Name]? Focus on the board not me, this is why you don’t understand the homework.”
“No one is staring at you! And I actually do understand this one!”
(You were staring and, no you didn’t understand the lesson either.)
Being mean to him on accident is a common occurrence, as a result you get mad at yourself for the rest of the day.
During class you’re all outside practicing knife maneuvers, Karasuma demonstrated earlier but you were “having trouble.”
(You could do it just fine but you wanted an excuse to get Karma to help you)
And he does help you, he grabs your hand a mimics the slashing motion, until:
“Alright [Name]- now try it on your own!”
“I still can’t… can you teach me from the beginning?”
“You just want me to grab your hand again.”
You swung the Anti-Koro Knife at him so fast, without a second thought.
All he had to say was, “So, you can do it?”
He’s aware you can’t bring yourself to confess, but he’s not going easy on you- he finds it more entertaining to see you struggle than just telling you he likes you himself!
He’s going to tease it out of you someday, that’s why you’re his favorite target.
Itona has no idea you like him, he’s the most oblivious person ever.
Especially with the way you act around him, all jumpy and awkward- he thought people only did that when they disliked someone.
He was so blind to your advances until Terasaka and the rest of his friends spelled it out for him.
Maehara was especially encouraging, (as much as he can be in his own way!) “You’ve got a chance with [Name] so take it before I steal her away with my charms!”
(Isogai is always right behind humbling him)
“Take your time Itona, don’t worry there’s no way in hell she’s gonna go for Maehara.”
The concept of relationships always felt far to him (this is also true with Karma but they have different reasons. Itona has been programmed to see relationships as trivial and unimportant while Karma cannot stand the idea of anyone being close enough to exploit his weaknesses.)
You were talking with Terasaka of all people, he was making you laugh so hard tears started to fall from your eyes.
Going as far as to grab onto him for support because your ribs were hurting.
Itona was fighting the urge to prove himself better, but he’s not exactly the most socially conscious or extroverted person, so he shook the unfamiliar feeling off.
Usually, he can fight people to showcase his superiority or strength but this wasn’t the same. He couldn’t fight Terasaka to prove he could make you laugh harder. He was confused as to why he would even want that!
He tries to learn to be more sociable by watching how his classmates interact.
When he finally gathers his resolve to make a joke it comes out of his mouth so unnaturally stiff.
The type of delivery that’s so bad it’s funnier that the joke.
Even if it wasn’t for the reason he intended, you still laughed and in his opinion it was way more genuine than when you were with Terasaka.
Sooo he wins!
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oceisastar · 1 year
hi maybe human/non-spider chubby!reader headcanons with mig? more for when they’re getting to know him at the society? Thanks so much!
hey love!! I’ll write some fluff in this case :^) (gn!reader; super super fluffy)
first time he sees you, he honestly doesn’t notice you much because you’re some random human they brought in for a tech collaboration to improve spider-tech.
he’s not one for socializing—always on a mission and trying to get shit done since everyone else is busy fucking off.
it’s not until you approach him while he’s sitting alone one day and ask to sit w/ him at lunch that he really noticed you. you’re... kinda cute. oh, you just smiled at him. ok, you’re very cute.
and you’re kind. he sees you a lot, taking care of mayday when Peter has to run off and take care of impromptu spider-missions, just chatting to other spider-people and making them smile. you’re so sweet. Miguel hasn’t felt any semblance of romantic attraction in years.
he definitely struggles w/ these feelings at first. never shows that he is, but is more intentional about keeping his distance. you, of course, are hurt because you have no idea what you did to upset him. Peter assures you Miguel is just Like That but you don’t buy it.
so one day you approach him and ask him if you did something wrong. he’s taken aback, but then shakes his head and tries to walk off. you follow closely behind before you gently grab his hand and make him face you. this ache in his chest... it’s so familiar.
he quickly pulls his hand away and walks off. he ignores you for the next few weeks until lyla talks some sense into him. “you’re mad because... theyre nice? I will never understand human romance.”
“no, lyla, I’m not mad because theyre nice. theyre a distraction—one I don’t have time for.”
“pretty sure you do. your schedule is clear for the rest of the day. go talk to them!”
Miguel actually does not, but Peter dumps mayday in Miguel’s arms, talking about how he has to go “take care of something”, only for him to realize that Peter had also told you to look after mayday, so both you and Miguel end up in the same place.
Miguel cant run away, either, because mayday is nestled in his hair. you laugh and gently pluck her into your arms, cradling her as she giggles. she takes Miguel’s pointer finger and squeezes it tight, shaking it back and forth.
Miguel imagines you with gabi, and it fucking kills him inside. but he also imagines that gabi would want him to be happy. so he lets himself stay a little longer and chat w/ u.
he starts paying attention to all the things he didn’t let himself look at before—how soft you look. every part of you—your cheeks, your arms, your stomach, your thighs. you’re precious. he feels the urge to... hug you. to protect you.
you notice he seems to be troubled so you gently place a hand on his—“how about we play a game w/ mayday, Miguel?” and he finds himself nodding.
Miguel strikes me as the type of person who would forget to eat a lot. he’s a busy man and I don’t think he’d really keep track of meals and such.
you, however, are not ok w/ that. you always make him sit down and eat together whenever possible. if Miguel’s on a mission, you’ll cook him a meal and sit and wait for him to come back for hours, sometimes even falling asleep at the table.
when Miguel comes back and sees you asleep, he just lets out a soft sigh and picks you up, trying to bring you back to your shared bed, but you just nuzzle into him and mumble, “did you like it?” and he’s like “I haven’t eaten yet, baby.” and you gently push his chest and whisper, “go eat. I’ll sit w/ u.”
Miguel almost laughs because you’re literally half asleep but he compromises since you’re so insistent and lets you lay down on the couch while he sits beside you and eats. you fall asleep w/ your head on his thigh and him stroking your hair.
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ornii · 10 months
Hi how about an Enid Sinclair x Male! Reader. where both are werewolves and wake up together one morning after a full moon night in the woods[Not with clothes on, of course]. They haven't talked much to each other before but they know each other anyway Enid knows everyone. Throughout the day, both remember what happened and that there was nothing "bad" about it. They talk to each other in the evening, with Enid finally confessing to him that she actually thinks it's a bit of a shame that it didn't happen. The reader just looks at her in amazement while she says with a wink that she feels more for him. He can only grin and says me too when she already pounces on him and wants to catch up on things that didn't happen.
In the Pale Moonlight
Enid Sinclair X Male Werewolf
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It was all a blur at the beginning, the sudden racing of your heartbeat. The heavy breathing you started to do, you couldn’t control this primal urge overcoming you suddenly. Your head began to bound with the sound of your own blood rushing from your heart, your eyes dart upward to the full moon. In that instance you immediately recognized What was transpiring. You attempted to stand up to reach the door, only for your feet to expand out of your favorite pear of slippers. Your body hair growing and in places no body hair should exist. Your only salvation was the wolfing chamber, specifically made for situations like this.
Leaning against the wall, you attempt to make it to the door of your dormitory to get outside, it you could only make a few steps before collapsing, and your mind slowly going blank, the howl of the night was the last thing you could make out before it was over. You had no idea how much time passed before you slowly began to regain control, feeling the dirt in your claws, on your feet.
Finally regaining normal vision you watch your hairy arm slowly revert back, the ill moonlight shining on the forest, slowly you sit up, eventually looking at your surroundings to figure out just where you’re at, your eyes do catch something as well, a hand. Since the moonlight had its own reflection and light, the shadows casted by the darkness hid much but you leaned in to get a closer look, until you were met face to face with a girl. You both keep back with a small scream. She looks down quickly, realizing she’s naked and covers her body. You advert yourself eyes.
“Shit! Im so sorry!” You say, trying not to let the embarrassment stop you from doing the right thing, you felt the cool wind against your back, your spine, and also realize you’re naked. You back into the shadows of a few trees to hide whatever shred of dignity and manhood you had.
“I’m really sorry about that..” you mutter. The girl, also shrouded by a few trees tries to be a bit more pleasant.
“I-it’s fine, I didn’t know I’d wolf out..” she said. When you looked more at her face you recognized the uniqueness of her hair, and the beauty of those teal green eyes, you couldn’t mistake her anywhere else.
“Enid?” You asks, and she slowly nods.
“Yeah, and you’re (Y/n).” She said, Enid was the social butterfly, if you could call her a butterfly of Nevermore so she’s the need to know kind of type of girl. You two stood a bit away from each other, trying not to let hormones and curiosity take over.
“So, first time wolfing out?” You ask, immediately realizing it’s a dumb question, you attempt to take it back but she answers.
“It is.” She says..
“Oh…” you murmur, you looked up to see the moons position and your tracking training kicks in.
“It’s gonna be daylight soon, we should probably get back to our dorms.”
“Yeah..” Enid agrees and you both move out of the moonlight but quickly back in, it was an awkward few tries before you decide to cut it short. “You should just go first.” You say.
“Okay, you aren’t gonna peek or anything will you?”
“Of course not, promise.” You turn around to face a tree and Enid hesitates for a moment, before leaving. You hear the rustling leaves and you think for a second, you decide this might be your only chance and you spoke up.
“Hey, Enid?” You say, she stopped and turned to see you were still staring at the tree.
“Congrats on, wolfing out.” You say, while it was embarrassing to be naked in the forest with a boy you barely knew, his words of encouragement meant more than she expected. She couldn’t help but smile at this.
“Thanks.” She, in a much happier mood, headed back to her dorm before the sun could expose anything, you quickly made haste after she made a good distance away from you.
The sunlight rose on the next day, and you were trying to remember most of your wolfing out. Sitting in class you were staring off into space, trying to remember most of it, it was a haze for the most of it, but you could remember that it was mostly running, howling and, fighting? Mostly just horsing around with Enid. Thankfully you didn’t harm anyone or her. Hopefully this was something you could just shove into the back of your mind and forget, but you couldn’t and you had to confirm your theory. Late In the evening you approached Enids form room and with caution, knocked. Knowing there’s a possibility you could run into her roommate, Wednesday was a nightmare.
“Hey.. uh, Enid? It’s (Y/n).” You say, “Can.. We talk?” You ask. Your hear it unlock and out comes Enid, more casual wear and still had the pink dye in her hair.
“Cmon.” She says and you enters, noticing the split of color and lack of on the other side of the room, definitely Wednesdays side, best for avoid it, might be cursed or something. You take a moment to sit on Enids bed as she approaches.
“There’s, something I’ve been meaning to ask you, I thought a lot about last night, I’m glad I didn’t hurt you or anyone. Do you remember last night?” You ask, she looks more bubbly than before.
“Yeah, it was.. Rough. Not like that kind of rough just, fun.. I really enjoyed it actually. I’ve never wolfed out before and I had someone to wolf out with.” Enid stated, and she looked you dead in the eyes and with the most obvious hint, said “It’s a real shame we couldn’t do anything else~” she winks and a sudden hotness rushes over your face. You blink a few times and put on a smile.
“Well, feelings mutual.” You say, and she takes the opportunity to close in. Sitting on your lap, you feel her palms land softly on your shoulder and her lips close in, reciprocating her feelings, your arms coyly wrap around her lower back and waist and feel her soft breath against your lips. Her eyes closed and you shut yours to feel her lips embrace yours, her soft giggling in your ear hummed. Lying on her bed, it was the perfect time for you two to catch up on the events that could have happened last night
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salty-an-disco · 1 month
(Explore) “What's your name?”
The princess pulls back, looking a bit confused by the question. Then, she squints lightly.
“Why do you need to know?”
Voice of the Hero: Geez, we just asked for her name. No need to go to the defensive.
Voice of the Hero: Uhm. Aren’t you going to keep describing?
There’s not much to describe, the princess is simply looking at you expectantly. Aren’t you going to say something to her?
Hm. Weird. This is usually the part where you’re given the option to say something else– unless… you don’t want to leave this branch of conversation yet?
Voice of the Hero: ……I guess we can keep asking about her name?
“C’mon, I just asked your name! That’s a pretty standard conversation topic, right?”
Voice of the Hero: Oh. It worked!
Huh. Fascinating… a bit bothersome that you can also just interject in the middle of the narration like this, but fascinating nonetheless.
“Well, this isn’t really a standard conversation location, is it?”
Voice of the Hero: OK, she’s got a point there. I guess I also wouldn’t want to just sit around and make small talk while trapped in a basement.
You could tell her your name first. That way, you can build rapport and make her comfortable enough to share her own name. Building rapport and showing your non-threatening nature is a great way to thread a social interaction.
Voice of the Hero: That’s… not a bad idea, actually. Tell our name first, then she might feel better about sharing hers!
Voice of the Hero: Do we…… know our name?
If you’re asking me, the new guy who knows nothing about you except for what’s in this script, then I’m going to go on a wild limb and say you very probably don’t.
Voice of the Hero: But– We have to have a name, right? Everyone has a name!
It is a very useful tool for communication and categorizing civilizations have been using for ages, yes.
Voice of the Hero: So, what does that mean? We hit our head on the way here or something?
“…are you… OK?”
Look, names aren’t always necessary. Sometimes, just your role in the narrative is enough. Take me, for instance, I don’t need any other moniker but my role as ✨The Narrator✨.
“…can you even listen? Is this name thing really that important to you?”
Voice of the Hero: I guess… though not having an actual name to be called by is so weird.
I can start calling you Stanley, if it makes you feel better.
Voice of the Hero: It makes me feel worse, actually.
“OK, fine! I don’t know my name!”
The princess snaps, forcing your attention out of your own head and back to her.
Voice of the Hero: Oh. Oops. My bad.
She looks worked up; her face set in a glare, though there’s some nervousness to how her eyes flick about your face.
Voice of the Hero: We… could tell her we also don’t remember our name?
“If it makes you feel better, I also don’t remember my name.”
The Princess’ features soften. Her posture relaxs as she regards you once again.
“Huh. I wonder what that means.”
Voice of the Hero: Me too. Seems too coincidental that we both wouldn't know our names.
Feels like we’re more like her than anything else. Makes the whole ‘we have to slay her’ business all the more weird, doesn’t it?”
This conversation has been really nice and all, but I must urge you to progress now to progress from this branch. Or else how can the story continue?
Voice of the Hero: Right… Sorry again for losing track of things.
Yes, quite unprofessional of you.
Voice of the Hero: OK, no need to be so condescending.
Not without meaning though, seems like you forged something of a connection with the princess. Wonder how that’ll affect the story……
But anyhow, we dawdled for long enough, it’s nigh time for you to progress the story.
Voice of the Hero: Agreed. I think the princess waited long enough. Time to make your choice.
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rhiezus · 5 months
“ are you going to kiss me again, or do i have to do it myself? “ // bowen x vince
this night like any other night before this one for the past few months had been extraordinary at best. he could almost use the word magical, but he never really liked using other world aspects to describe real feelings because he had to believe this was real and it was happening to him. vince had given up most of his hope of success for his career so this was living in his wildest imagination. sometimes he would still wish for someone to pinch him or drop a bucket of cold water on his head so he could wake up and start facing reality again. this is reality, he would often remind himself. this is reality and it's time to live it all, to its fullest. which means not holding back your feelings anymore 'cause apparently luck is on his side and he is going to cherish it in order of it never letting him go.
he often pops up the question on his mind — while he is getting ready in the morning and then sits up for breakfast in the hotel or gets to the studio on time and waits for the other to arrive — he gets one look at him and thinks if luck is not a superstition but instead a person. could it be him who's been missing in his life this entire time? not just for making this band a real thing, for putting them on every radio, creating a chance for every possible award but for also making his heart alive. the blood in his veins pulsates insanely whenever he gets this feeling as if he is the most brilliant person in that room. he feels his heart race beating along the instrumental of each song, earning for it. this urge to live this dream with him, to make him see the starts that he sees whenever his vision goes blurry when he can finally touch him that night and kiss every surface of his skin that is just as hot as his own. no one has ever craved for someone as much as vince does bowen every night, every morning, and every moment they are together.
tonight after another glorious performance in a foreign city with the certainty that they were made for that state and for those crowds, at least they are almost in their hotel suites for a due rest. although that's pretty much the last damn thing on their minds. they couldn't keep their hands off each other ever since they got off stage, bowen put his finger in the hem of the jeans just slightly to push him towards him which sent vince in a spiral. they still had to take pictures for social media, talk to some famous locals who came to their show, and survive the twenty-minute ride from the venue to the hotel but they made it in one piece, and once they finally had no more eyes on them in the elevator they gave up all decorum and anguish — not that they ever have much. vince wanted to make a run for it, grab his hand, and push him towards his suite without thinking twice. however, he did. his hesitation in doing so didn't go unnoticed by bowen and thank god it didn't because he wasn't ready to spend the night alone. "you know much better than to beg for me to kiss you." vince had his eyes closed when he said that, yet he could still picture every detail from bowen's face and also the expression he would make when he opened his eyes again. this was part of their proximity, knowing so well each other's do's and don't's, it was almost engraved on his mind like a tattoo. bowen was unforgettable if only he knew — if only vince could show him.
he was drenched in so much affection with an air that again felt almost mystical. swearing he didn't touch any alcohol that night, not like on the first night he kissed him, but it always felt as though bowen's presence made him drunk and out of touch with reality. maybe that's why they made so much good music together, they wanted that excitement to be perceived by their listeners thinking perhaps they would be just as lucky as they were. with his confidence back and his core irregularly beating up his soul, he opened his eyes again to find that exact expression he had already projected on bowen's face — a smile, mischievous and devious just as he intended to be. the elevator opened at the same time as he grabbed vince's pulse out of there and instead of making that run for it, he walked them slowly out of it with a newfound trust in his senses. then he grabbed his waist back when he tried to bolt for the door of his suite and forced his attention on his lips without needing to close it with his yet. "whenever you want, yeah. you should do it. kiss me yourself, kiss me anywhere, everywhere, all the time. fuck it, just do it." and then he breathed him in, his glamorous scent and diamond eyes but without doing what vince wanted him most because that was his to take it whenever he wanted and right now seemed as if they wanted more than ever.
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mentally-disabled · 3 months
as an aroace, i dont understand the point or concept of marriage very well. to me its like making a contract with someone to be/live with them for the rest of your life?? if i ever actually got married, even in a queerplatonic way, that aint workin out for me, i would divorce them in less than a year. i need my space and i would just get sick of any partner (platonic or romantic).
also it's funny because when i was younger, i didnt like the idea of being married, even if i did have a crush on anyone. i didnt like the thought of marrying them and being with them for the rest of my life, or even doing things like kissing them or whatever else people do. there was literally one exception, just one, and i only even wanted to like, hug or hold hands.
and after a while i stopped getting crushes or the urge to get to know someone or talk to someone and i was like "why??" and then i sort of realized that the thought of me being with someone just disgusted me in a way that if something like that crosses my mind for no good reason, i visibly cringe. like no.
and as an aroace who isnt out to their family, i am genuinely scared of when and if they'll start saying things like "you'll find someone eventually" when i dont get a partner by the time im in like, college because i know my anxiety aint letting me come out before then. and like, i do not want to have deal with shit like that. it will only make me feel more pressured to come out to them as aroace, and i feel like they have acknowledged (mostly my sister) LGBTQ+ sexualities and saying that they don't really gaf who i get with or marry or something, but they havent really acknowledged the fact that, maybe i dont want to be with someone, and i genuinely feel that they will just be disappointed if decide i dont want anyone. now, i feel like that would be mostly on my mom's part because she has been with so many people and been in so many failed relationships that i feel like she'll just be disappointed that she doesnt see me in a successful relationship. i don't think my sister will really care as much, she'd just be like "hell yeah, don't need someone else to be happy ehehehe."
and like i just dont get it. i dont get why the social norm is to date or marry or even just crush on someone. i dont get the reason and i dont get how people "fall in love" or get the urge to talk to someone attractive. i dont think that aros or aces get a lot of good rep either, and i dont understand why. just because they may not be interested in anyone romantically or intimately doesnt mean they dont have feelings or cant love. i love my family (mostly😐) and my friends, just platonically.
thanks for reading my rant
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emovulture · 6 days
Dear parents.
( this is a rant, but please read it anyways )
If your child is showing or has showed VERY OBVIOUS SIGNS OF A MENTAL ILLNESS, wether that be ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, BPD, whatever - for the love of God, please dont ignore them.
That child is going to grow up, and they're going to realize they're different from everyone else, and it could very well affect them mentally.
I'm not a phycologist, I don't have any degrees, I'm just a teenager going on a rant, I bare with me adults, please. But I've been showing very clear signs of ADHD and also social anxiety my whole life. No, I'm not going to say stuff like "Oh I'm forgetful, I have must ADHD!", or "Ugh, I just hate people, I'm so shy, I must have social anxiety!". I've done research and I've asked people with ADHD what it's like, and I relate very heavily to them (more specifically inattentive ADHD). Plus, my dad said he's gotten diagnosed, and ADHD is hereditary.
Some symptoms I have of ADHD consist of forgetfulness, lack of motivation, daydreaming frequently, easily distracted, appearing withdrawn, I very often blurt out things without thinking beforehand, I'm sensitive, I fidget A LOT, can't seem to stop moving (finger tapping, leg bouncing, etc), my thoughts are an endless stream of words and noises, and there's more. I also struggle socially, and I pick up phrases that I'll say constantly for a few months, I'll get 'obsessions' that last for many months or even years that I can't seem to stop thinking or talking about. It makes my friends annoyed. My interests affect my learning (and life in general), to which gets me in trouble. I get called lazy, or get told I'm "not trying hard enough", or at home I'll often forget to do chores or something and I'll get told that "I'm difficult", or "just need to focus on the right things". I get really frustrated and snappy when people interrupt something I'm doing, such as drawing, playing a video game, or just watching something on my phone. It's a genuine problem, and I know for a fact that I'm not 'normal' like everyone else.
And I'm not sure if I need to be properly diagnosed for me to say I have social anxiety, but I've been "shy" my whole life and I never grew out of it. I'm not shy, I'm scared of people. I need to be by someone's side (my mum or friends) if I'm out in public (either school, or shops), or I'll get upset and really nervous. I don't like talking to strangers, even if it's just my mum's close friends, and I HATE ordering my own food. I hate eating in public, because I feel like everyone is just watching over my shoulder, judging every tiny movement I make. I worry about my looks way to much, and if my hair doesn't look the way I want it to, I'll be insecure the whole day, thinking that everyone also thinks I look terrible, and wonder why I stepped foot out of my house that that. It all makes me want run away and hide from the world.
My fingers look bad because I unintentionally bite off my nails in stressful situations, and rip off my skin until they unfortunately bleed. I excessively pick at my face/pimples until it's red, and my acne gets worse from that. "Just stop it", I can't. I can't help these urges, because once I'm doing it, I can't stop, no matter how much I scold or degrade myself for ruining my face or fingers.
I struggle in many topics in school because they just don't appeal to me, so my mind wanders, and I tend to just stop doing a lot of the work in those classes, all the while telling myself that I'm just lazy or to dumb to understand. I can't raise my hand and ask for help, because otherwise I'll be a bother to the teacher, and since everyone else gets what we're doing, they'll all snicker and make fun of me. At least that's what I tell myself. I've been trying to tell my mum about my worries about mental illnesses I might have, but I can't get the words out of my throat no matter how hard I try, and its like I go mute. (It's also hard to mention my dad having ADHD, because my parents aren't together.)
This has affected my mental health for years now, and I'll be honest, I had to go to a counselor a few years ago because I slipped into depression for a long while. (I'm much better now, thanks to a lot of help from professionals)
So parents/carers, if your child is showing signs of a mental illness, do some research and find ways to help them. It's hard for kids to speak up about this face to face. Even if you for some reason can't get them diagnosed because you don't have enough money (or there's a different problem), please don't call your kid "lazy" or "not enough". None of that jazz. That won't help your kid, and it'll make them feel like they're not good enough, or that they're stupid or something. It's your job as a parent to care about your kids, and make sure they're safe and loved. Mental health is sososo important, especially for kids/teenagers, because if they don't get the help they need if their mental health is declining or they have mental illnesses, it can lead to some really serious stuff down the line.
Please spread awareness about this, reblog and share so it can reach more people. I apologize for rambling, but I need more parents to actually care about and recognize their children's behaviors, because sometimes it can save lives.
Feel free to add onto this, because I don't think I did the best job at listing all of my concerns.
Thank you.
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