#(the prize is the excellent content from clicking them)
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For an old pixel daily theme, ‘ritual’. Since I already did a lead figuring from a binding spell for the ‘creepy’ theme, I figured I’d go for a slightly more wholesome (and still creepy) ritual object here.
It’s an anatomical votive offering based on this one currently in the Acropolis Museum (y’know, that place where the Parthenon Marbles should be).
I ended up having to make it look like the column was made of bricks rather than the limestone block that it is because that’s the only way I could get even remotely close to making it look like the face is inside the column rather than resting on its surface.
Info from the Acropolis Museum website:
It was found together with the pillar in 1876 on the south slope of the Acropolis, in the area where the Sanctuary of Asklepios is located.
At the time that archaeologists discovered the pillar there was still an inscription preserved, reading "Praxias dedicated it to Asklepios with prayers for his wife". Clearly, Praxias' wife was suffering from an ailment of the eyes and he offered their image to the god.
There’s something very human about this kind of votive offering and what they reveal - that ancient people worried about their health, and the health of their loved ones in the same way people do today. That sense of worry, of wanting to be able to help is an experience in common. It’s relatable content.
Praxias loved his wife, and his wife was ill. So he dedicated this in hopes that it would help his wife.
Other relatable content: there’s at least one votive offering of hair. Just… hair as if it were arranged on a head. No head. Just the hair. People have apparently always worried about losing their hair. (Absolutely not telling anyone here how they should feel about changes to their own body, but your hair is not your worth, or your beauty, and anyone who mocks you over any part of your appearance can go shit pine cones. Unless you are literally Samson, then it might be an issue).
Anatomical votive offerings are often found in shrines, temples, places associated with healing. Some are figurines of the whole body, but often the votive is a representation of the specific organ/body part that required healing (or perhaps, occasionally, protection - there’s at least one instance of a votive offering of a foot made by someone who was about to start a long journey. Some/lotsof the votives of wombs (yes, there are lots) were probably to keep a pregnancy healthy, others might be in thanks for a healthy pregnancy. Others might be related to fertility issues as well needing healing from all the many ways that pregnancy and childbirth fuck your body up (and which we don’t talk about enough in contemporary society because what happens to the incubator just isn’t important, right? /s)
There are plenty of offerings showing eyes, ears, feet, hands, wombs, breasts and external female genitalia (which is fascinating in that it’s represented here. It’s not exactly something you see represented/talked about in antiquity (or today)). And, of course, there are lots of dicks. Probably related to erectile dysfunction than fertility, given that ancient understandings of fertility mostly thought of it as a problem with the womb rather than the spunk.
I’m kinda fascinated by this one of ‘female viscera’ Currently in the Science Museum in London. You just don’t see that many representations in antiquity of the insides of a body. And it kind of reminds me of the anatomical Venuses (highly recommend Joanna Ebenstein’s Book ‘The Anatomical Venus: Wax, God, Death and the Ecstatic’.
Anyway, check this website to to read more about anatomic votives and to see things such as a ‘Votive left hand, broken at wrist, possibly making a prophylactic gesture’.
Oh. Canvas size is 100x100 pixels.
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zsfsxcfas · 30 days
BDG Win Android App: Revolutionizing the Mobile Gaming Experience
In the dynamic world of mobile gaming, the BDG Win Android App stands out as a premier platform that offers a seamless, engaging, and rewarding experience for gamers of all levels. Whether you're a casual player looking to pass the time or a dedicated gamer seeking competitive thrill, BDG Win delivers with its innovative features and user-friendly interface.
Unmatched Gaming Interface and Experience
The BDG Win Android App is meticulously designed to provide an intuitive and smooth user experience. Upon launching the app, users are greeted with a clean and aesthetically pleasing interface that is easy to navigate. The app's layout ensures that even newcomers can quickly find their way around without any confusion. Games are categorized effectively, allowing users to easily locate their favorites or discover new ones.
One of the standout features of the BDG Win Android App is its high-quality graphics and sound effects. The developers have spared no expense in ensuring that the gaming experience is as immersive as possible. Whether you’re engaging in a high-speed racing game or a strategic puzzle, the visual and auditory elements are top-notch, enhancing overall gameplay.
A Diverse Selection of Games
Diversity in game selection is another area where the BDG Win Android App excels. The app boasts a vast library of games spanning various genres, including action, adventure, puzzle, strategy, and more. This wide range ensures that there is something for everyone, catering to different tastes and preferences.
Furthermore, the app is regularly updated with new games and features, keeping the content fresh and exciting. This commitment to continual improvement and expansion demonstrates BDG Win's dedication to maintaining its position at the forefront of the mobile gaming industry.
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BDG Win sets itself apart with its unique reward system. Players can earn points and rewards through regular gameplay, which can then be redeemed for various prizes. This feature not only enhances the gaming experience but also provides an added incentive for users to engage with the app regularly. Special events and tournaments are frequently organized, offering players the chance to compete for even bigger rewards and recognition.
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In-app purchases and transactions are handled with the utmost security on the BDG Win Android App. The app employs advanced encryption techniques to ensure that all user data and transactions are protected from unauthorized access. This level of security provides peace of mind for users, allowing them to focus on their gaming experience without worrying about the safety of their information.
BDG Win Registration Guide: Your Gateway to Exciting Rewards
Getting started with the BDG Win Android App is a straightforward process that ensures users can quickly dive into the exciting world of mobile gaming. The BDG Win Registration Guide simplifies this process, ensuring a hassle-free experience for new users.
Step-by-Step Registration Process
Download the App: The first step is to download the BDG Win Android App from the Google Play Store. Simply search for "BDG Win" and click on the download button. The app is lightweight, ensuring a quick download and installation process.
Open the App: Once the app is installed, open it. You will be greeted with a welcome screen that prompts you to either log in or register a new account.
Register a New Account: If you do not already have an account, click on the "Register" button. You will be asked to provide some basic information, including your name, email address, and a secure password. Make sure to use a valid email address as it will be used for verification and communication purposes.
Verify Your Email: After entering your details, you will receive a verification email. Open your email and click on the verification link to activate your account. This step is crucial for ensuring the security of your account.
Complete Your Profile: Once your email is verified, return to the BDG Win Android App and complete your profile by adding any additional information required. This may include setting up security questions or linking a payment method for in-app purchases.
Navigating the App
After registration, you can log in to your account and start exploring the app. The home screen provides quick access to popular games, recent updates, and ongoing events. Use the search bar to find specific games or browse through different categories to discover new ones.
The app also features a "My Account" section where you can view and manage your profile, check your rewards balance, and track your progress in various games. Regularly visiting this section ensures you stay updated with your account status and available rewards.
Tips for Maximizing Your BDG Win Experience
Stay Active: Regular gameplay not only improves your skills but also increases your chances of earning more rewards. Participate in daily challenges and events to maximize your earnings.
Join Tournaments: Engaging in tournaments can yield significant rewards. Keep an eye on the "Events" section of the app for upcoming tournaments and register early to secure your spot.
Refer Friends: The BDG Win Android App often runs referral programs where you can earn additional rewards by inviting friends to join the platform. Share your referral code and enjoy the benefits together.
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vrinda · 4 months
Master Social Media Optimization Boost Your Online Presence!
In moment's digital age, social media optimization( SMO) has become consummate for individualities and businesses alike. With millions of druggies engaging on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, learning SMO can significantly boost your online presence, drive business to your website, and enhance brand visibility. This comprehensive companion will claw into the complications of social media optimization, furnishing you with practicable strategies to elevate your online presence effectively. 
Understanding Social Media Optimization 
Social media optimization encompasses colorful ways aimed at optimizing your social media presence to increase brand mindfulness, engage with your followership, and drive website business. It involves casting compelling content, optimizing biographies, using hashtags, and engaging with followers to maximize reach and impact. 
Casting Compelling 
Content Content lies at the heart of social media optimization. Whether it's engaging videos, witching images, or instructional blog posts, creating high- quality content that resonates with your followership is pivotal. From amusing stories to educational tutorials, diversifying your content ensures maximum engagement and shares across social media platforms. 
Optimizing Biographies
Your social media biographies serve as the face of your brand online. Optimizing them with applicable keywords, switching illustrations, and a compelling memoir can significantly enhance your visibility and attract further followers. Use harmonious branding rudiments similar as ensigns, color schemes, and messaging across all platforms to support brand identity. 
Using Hashtags 
Hashtags play a vital part in expanding the reach of your social media posts. Research popular and applicable hashtags within your niche and incorporate them strategically into your content. Also, produce ingrained hashtags to encourage stoner- generated content and foster community engagement. 
Strategies for Social Media Optimization 
To master social media optimization and amplify your online presence, apply the following strategies:
Engage constantly, thickness is crucial when it comes to social media optimization. Maintain a regular advertisement schedule to keep your followership engaged and informed.
Respond instantly to commentary, dispatches, and mentions to foster meaningful relations and make fellowship with your followers. dissect Metrics Track and dissect crucial criteria similar as likes, shares, commentary, and click- through rates to gauge the performance of your social media sweats.
Use perceptivity from analytics tools to identify trends, understand followership preferences, and optimize your strategy consequently. 
Unite with Influencers 
Partnering with influencers in your assiduity can significantly expand your reach and credibility on social media. Identify influencers whose values align with your brand and unite on patronized content, product reviews, or preemption juggernauts to influence their followership and moxie. 
Run Contests and Comps 
Contests and comps are excellent tools for adding engagement and attracting new followers. Encourage stoner participation by offering enticing prizes and incentivizing shares, likes, and commentary. Ensure that contest rules misbehave with platform guidelines to avoid any issues.
Optimize for Each Platform
Each social media platform has its unique features and followership demographics. conform your content and optimization strategies to suit the preferences of each platform. Whether it's visual-heavy posts on Instagram or professional networking on LinkedIn, acclimatize your approach consequently. 
Encourage stoner- Generated Content Empower your followership to produce and partake content related to your brand. 
Stoner- generated content not only fosters a sense of community but also serves as authentic social evidence, impacting others to engage with your brand. 
Point stoner- generated content on your biographies to show appreciation and fidelity.
Learning social media optimization is essential for boosting your online presence and staying competitive in the moment's digital geography. By casting compelling content, optimizing your biographies, and enforcing effective strategies, you can maximize your reach, engage with your followership, and achieve your business objectives. Stay visionary, acclimatize to evolving trends, and influence the power of social media to elevate your brand to new heights.
1. How can social media optimization profit my business? 
Social media optimization can profit your business by adding brand visibility, driving website business, enhancing client engagement, and fostering brand fidelity. 
2. Which social media platforms should I concentrate on for optimization? 
The social media platforms you should concentrate on depend on your target followership and business objects. Still, popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are ideal for utmost businesses. 
3. Is it necessary to post content regularly on social media? 
Yes, maintaining a harmonious advertisement schedule is essential for staying applicable and engaging with your followership on social media. Regular updates keep your followers informed and connected to your brand. 
4. How can I measure the effectiveness of my social media optimization sweats? 
You can measure the effectiveness of your social media optimization by tracking crucial criteria similar as engagement rates, reach, click- through rates, and conversion rates. assaying these criteria provides precious perceptivity into your performance and helps upgrade your strategy. 
5. What part do hashtags play in social media optimization?
Hashtags help classify content and make it discoverable to druggies interested in specific motifs. By using applicable hashtags in your posts, you can increase visibility, reach a broader followership, and enhance engagement on social media. 
6. How can I unite with influencers to boost my online presence? 
To unite with influencers, identify individualities whose followership aligns with your target demographic and brand values. Reach out to them with a substantiated pitch outlining the benefits of cooperation and propose mutually salutary collaborations similar as patronized content or influencer appropriations.
0 notes
Rajasthani Goat Breeds: A Jewel in the Desert
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India, a diverse land of cultures, landscapes, and traditions, is also home to a rich array of indigenous livestock breeds. Among these, the goat breeds in India hold a special place, contributing significantly to the livelihood and economy of rural communities across the country. In the arid regions of Rajasthan, where the harsh climate and limited resources pose challenges for agriculture, Rajasthani goat breeds shine as a resilient and valuable resource. Let's delve into the world of Rajasthani goat breeds and explore how they are a true jewel in the desert.
Diversity of Goat Breeds in India
India boasts an impressive diversity of goat breeds, each adapted to its specific region. These breeds vary in terms of size, coat color, and physical characteristics, all influenced by the local environment and the needs of the communities that raise them. In Rajasthan, these breeds play a pivotal role in the lives of the people, offering milk, meat, and income through the sale of products such as wool and hides.
Rajasthani Goat Breeds: Resilience Amidst Adversity
Rajasthan, known for its scorching summers and limited vegetation, is a challenging environment for agriculture. However, the indigenous goat breeds of this region have adapted remarkably well to the harsh conditions. Some prominent Rajasthani goat breeds include the Marwari, Sirohi, Barbari, and Kutchi.
Marwari Goat: The Marwari goat, a sturdy and medium-sized breed, is well-suited to the arid climate of Rajasthan. With its distinctive red, brown, or black coat, this breed is known for its hardiness and ability to forage for food in the desert terrain.
Sirohi Goat: Sirohi goats are another jewel in the crown of Rajasthan. These goats have a predominantly reddish-brown coat and are cherished for their milk-producing abilities. Their milk is rich in fat content, making it highly sought after in the dairy market.
Barbari Goat: Barbari goats are small to medium-sized, characterized by their white coat with light brown or gray spots. They are known for their high reproductive rate, making them an excellent choice for breeders looking to increase their herd.
Kutchi Goat: Kutchi goats are native to the Kutch region of Gujarat and are often found in the bordering areas of Rajasthan. These goats have a distinctive white coat and are known for their hardiness and adaptability to arid environments.
Click here to know more : -
Contributions of Rajasthani Goat Breeds
The Rajasthani goat breeds are essential to the local communities, contributing in various ways:
Milk Production: The Sirohi and Marwari goats are prized for their milk production. They provide nutritious milk, which is a staple in the diets of many families in the region.
Meat Production: The meat from these goats is tender and flavorful, making it an integral part of the local cuisine. It also serves as a valuable source of income for goat rearers.
Fiber Production: In addition to milk and meat, the goats also produce valuable fibers that are used for making woolen products. This adds another dimension to their economic significance.
Livelihood Support: Goat rearing is a major source of income for many families in Rajasthan, especially those in rural areas. The sale of goats and their products provides financial stability.
Challenges and Conservation Efforts
Despite their resilience, Rajasthani goat breeds face several challenges. The expanding agricultural and urban areas reduce grazing lands, putting pressure on their natural habitat. There is also the risk of crossbreeding with exotic breeds, which can dilute the genetic purity of indigenous goats.
To address these issues, the government and various non-governmental organizations have initiated conservation and breeding programs. These efforts focus on preserving the unique genetic traits of Rajasthani goat breeds and enhancing their productivity. By promoting sustainable practices and educating goat rearers, these programs aim to secure the future of these valuable breeds.
Economic Significance
The Rajasthani goat breeds play a pivotal role in the economic landscape of the region. They provide livelihoods to thousands of families engaged in goat rearing, milk production, and woolen product manufacturing. Additionally, they contribute to the food industry by supplying milk and meat, meeting the dietary needs of both locals and consumers across India.
Cultural Significance
These goats also hold cultural significance in Rajasthan. They are an integral part of local festivities and traditions, often being gifted or sacrificed during religious ceremonies and celebrations.
Tourist Attraction
Interestingly, the goats of Rajasthan have become a tourist attraction in their own right. Visitors to the region are often captivated by the sight of herds of goats wandering through the arid landscapes, offering a glimpse into the unique way of life in the desert state.
In conclusion
The Rajasthani goat breeds stand as a testament to the resilience of nature and the ingenuity of rural communities in adapting to challenging environments. They are a jewel in the desert, sustaining livelihoods, preserving traditions, and contributing to the economy. As we celebrate the diversity of goat breeds in India, let us also recognize and support the efforts to conserve and promote these remarkable animals, ensuring their continued prosperity in the arid lands of Rajasthan.
Read more : - Miniature Breeds: Small Cows Making a Mark in India
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newmusickarl · 9 months
5-9’s Album of the Month Podcast – Episode 8 Out Now!
The August review episode of the 5-9 Album of the Month Podcast is here and as ever I will take a seat alongside 5-9 Editor Andrew Belt and Check This Out’s Kiley Larsen to review five high profile album releases from the past month in music, and ultimately name one as our Album of the Month at the end of the discussion.
For this latest episode, the five albums we discuss are:
WEEDKILLER by Ashnikko
Death Is Nothing To Us by Fiddlehead
STRUGGLER by Genesis Owusu
The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons by The Hives
No Joy by Spanish Love Songs
If you want to listen to the August episode or any previous episodes on Spotify simply click the link below, but also be sure to follow 5-9 Blog on Instagram and Twitter for more news and polls relating to the podcast, along with other great content like film reviews, sports articles and more.
Listen to the August 2023 episode here
Album & EP Recommendations
For That Beautiful Feeling by The Chemical Brothers
It’s time we gave The Chemical Brothers their flowers – like properly.
For the past three decades, the duo of Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons have been a constant - delivering iconic, instantly recognisable dance tracks and some of the best electronic music the world has ever seen. Whilst some guitar bands are often put on a pedestal beyond their worth, The Chemical Brothers by comparison don’t always get the recognition they deserve for their longevity and consistently excellent output. Now 10 albums into their career, the Brothers are aging like fine wine, with this latest opus - titled For That Beautiful Feeling - right up there with their very best work.
As ever, the Brothers have crafted this record as a mesmerising sonic journey, with each track able to stand alone as a magnificent piece of art whilst also seamlessly segueing together to form one mind-altering experience too. It’s a balance that only the best can muster and it seems like the duo have taken the best parts of their 30 year career to forge the inspiration for this new effort. The Weight plays out like Block Rockin’ Beats Version 2.0, a hypnotic blend of hip-hop and pulsating electronica. Skipping Like A Stone is then their latest collaboration with Beck, with it’s choral-like beat ensuring it hits every bit as hard as their previous classic together, Wide Open.
Those two tracks would be enough to recommend this one, but honestly this album is littered with incredible moments. Singles Live Again, No Reason and The Darkness That You Fear sound even better in the context of the whole, with the latter having been reworked to better fit the mould. Feels Like I Am Dreaming is then a heady 7-minute colossus, transporting you across several new dimensions during the song’s duration. Goodbye is then my pick of the whole record, with a gorgeous soul sample immersed wonderfully within transcendent beams of synths at every turn.
This is without a doubt one of the records of the year so far, with the duo building on 2019’s No Geography to deliver yet another late career highlight. Not only are The Chemical Brothers one of the UK’s best live acts, but after this album we should recognise them for what they are – one of our most enduring artists, period.
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Dream Big by Soda Blonde
Back in 2021, Irish indie-pop outfit Soda Blonde emerged out of the ashes of the excellent Little Green Cars, with the four remaining members of that band releasing their debut album under the new Soda Blonde guise. That Soda Blonde debut, titled Small Talk, would finish in my Top 30 Albums of 2021 and even receive a nomination for the Irish Choice Prize (the Irish equivalent of the Mercury Prize). Now with this sophomore outing, they may have even surpassed the predecessor.
Full of confidence, Soda Blonde are sounding more assured in their new skin, with Dream Big presenting a stunning collection of songs full of breathtaking musical variety and killer hooks. The opening run of Midnight Show, Bad Machine, Boys and the title track is particularly mesmerising, as the band guide you through glorious arrangements full of strings, rhythmic guitars and clusters of memorable moments. That’s not to say the back half doesn’t deliver too though as the gorgeous An Accident strips things back for a beautiful moment of vulnerability. After that, My First Name sees frontwoman Faye O’Rourke’s majestic vocals stand out amongst a magnificent collage of strings, bluesy guitars and stomping drums for one of the record’s biggest highlights. Going Out then gives the album the grandstand finish it richly deserves, a towering 7-minute epic that sees every member of the band operating at the highest possible level.
This is a phenomenal record from start to finish and another effort that goes straight towards the top of the pile for 2023 so far. So if you haven’t heard of Soda Blonde before, now is the time to get yourself acquainted.
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All Those Things I Thought I Knew by Emzae
When it comes to up-and-coming pop musicians, there are few that I have come across that are as inspiring as Derby-based singer-songwriter, Emzae. Not just because of the vibrant, synth-soaked personal tales that make up her dazzling debut album, but also the grit, determination and DIY-attitude that went into getting it made.
Diagnosed with M.E. in her teens and having left school at 14, a career in music would simply have been left as a pipedream for anyone else. The fact Emzae’s debut album is now out in the world, is a testament to her unrivalled passion and fortitude. The culmination of 6+ years of graft, her life savings and nothing more than sheer will, it’s even more incredible when you realise the entirety of the record is all entirely of her own making. That’s right, everything was written, recorded, performed, produced – and even promoted – all by Emzae herself. So to have this album at all is a complete triumph, but for it to be this excellent is damn near a miracle.
For fans of CHVRCHES, Lorde and Let’s Eat Grandma, Emzae’s brand of pop is both warmly familiar yet carrying her own unique stamp. The contemplative Overrated is a sublime welcome to Emzae’s world, before the stuttering groove of As This Day Fades To Another and soulful melancholy of New Construction show the diversity of her sound. Around the midway point the album then hits its peak, with the atmospheric heartache of Another Lesson Learnt, the catchy chorus of Some Kind of Cliché and bluesy ambience of Lucid Dreaming three of the album’s finest moments.
That said, the final stretch of the record also packs in the audio splendour too. I Guess, Anyway is a near six-minute mini-epic, with Emzae’s self-motivation and confidence beaming out of the lyrics as the music increasingly swells around her. It’s All Cyclical then takes things up a notch with spoken word passages and a trance-like outro, leading perfectly into the pulsating pop of Extraordinary. As Emzae sings “This is what it feels like to be free” on addictive and uplifting closer Thrive, it’s evident how cathartic the process of making this album has been for her and it radiates out of the music.
By the end of the record, Emzae’s infectious positivity will have fully taken hold, leaving you with just the biggest smile on your face. A truly excellent debut and I already can’t wait for the next one. Take a bow Emzae, you should be nothing but proud.
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Stoned & Supremely Confident by Childe
Sticking with the pop debuts and another impressive first outing so far this month came by way of Childe, whose soulful vocals and catchy hooks make his music impossible to ignore. First discovered at Dot-to-Dot festival in Nottingham earlier this year, Childe’s natural talent was evident from the get-go and I’m pleased to say this vibrant debut really makes it’s mark.
At just 9 songs and 23 minutes long, there’s really no reason not to dive into this one especially when there are so many great moments to be found. Just take a listen to the synth-soaked rush of Chemical Balance, the plucky guitar groove of Better Friends, the raw emotion of Death Wish and the nostalgic charm of My Reply, and I’m sure you’ll want to discover more of Childe’s music.
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Strange Disciple by Nation of Language
“Releasing their first two albums (2020 debut Introduction, Presence and 2021 follow-up A Way Forward) at the peak of the COVID-pandemic, Nation of Language could have easily faded back into obscurity as quickly as they emerged out of it. Yet through seemingly nothing more than word-of-mouth recommendations alone, music fans started to discover the dazzling indie-pop being crafted by the New York-based trio. Quickly building up a cult following of devoted fans, they emerged out of lockdown an unstoppable force, putting on enigmatic live performances whilst boasting an enviable collection of nostalgia-soaked synthpop anthems. Now in just three short years, they have gone from album No.1 to album No.3 and, if Strange Disciple is anything to go by, they are showing no signs of slowing down their momentum.
On this latest opus Nation of Language very much give the fans what they have come to expect from them, which is retro-inspired tunes in the vein of great bands like New Order and OMD. There are no radical sonic direction changes, so if you enjoyed their first two records the good news is you’ll likely love this one as well. This is simply Nation of Language having now mastered their sound, taking it to grand new heights. Some of their finest tracks to date can be found here, songs of romantic adoration and unhealthy infatuations backdropped against playful synth melodies that just make you want to groove.”
Read my full review for HeadStuff here
Listen to the album here
Sea of Mirrors by The Coral
Indie legends The Coral may be best known for their classic early 00s output, but those that have stuck with them will know that in recent years, they’ve very much been delivering the goods as well. Their last outing, tenth album Coral Island, was a highly ambitious double album that struck a chord with fans both old and new, going on to become one of 2021’s most acclaimed projects. Now back with another two projects, released separately this time, the first part Sea of Mirrors has arrived and it sees the Liverpudlian band continue their hot streak.
Full of soaring, cinematic instrumentation, The Coral prove once again they are in incredible form right now. Singles Wild Bird, That’s Where She Belongs and Oceans Apart are wonderfully constructed and sonically impeccable, whilst the string-tinged Child of The Moon and widescreen, Ennio-Morricone-infused North Wind also demand repeat listens. Overall, another fantastic outing from The Coral and I hope they keep delivering albums as stellar as this one.
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Australian Carnage – Live At The Sydney Opera House by Nick Cave & Warren Ellis
Then on the live albums front, seeing Nick Cave & Warren Ellis perform was without a doubt one of the most memorable shows I’ve been lucky enough to see in recent years. Pulling together the best moments from Ghosteen and Carnage, with a few other Bad Seeds classics sprinkled in, it was a powerful, emotionally hard-hitting live performance like few I’ve seen.
Now if like me you wish to relive that show, or indeed hear it for the first time, a new live album from the final performance of the tour at Sydney Opera House is now streaming. Well worth the nearly two hours of your time but please – have the tissues ready!
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Freak Show EP by ALT BLK ERA
And finally on the EPs front, ALT BLK ERA have long been one of the thriving Nottingham music scene’s most promising up-and-coming acts. Now it seems word is finally getting out about this alt-rock sister duo, who fuse mind-melting electronica, heavy rock and razor-sharp bars for a sound that is entirely of their own making. If you are yet to hear their hypnotic genre-defying sound, then this debut EP is the perfect introduction, with the opening trio of I’m Normally Like This, Misfits: SOLAR and the horn-backed title track all well worth checking out.
Listen here
Also worth checking out: HELLMODE by Jeff Rosenstock, Hit Parade by Roisin Murphy, Mid Air by Romy, Playing Robots Into Heaven by James Blake, KILLJOY by Coach Party, This House by Pale Blue Eyes, GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo
Tracks of the Week
Angry by The Rolling Stones
Arguably the biggest music news of September so far, the legendary Rolling Stones announced their first album of original material in 18 years will arrive on the 20th October. Accompanying the news of the release was the album’s opening track Angry, a vintage Stones outing propelled by a stuttering guitar riff, a stellar solo and Jagger’s ageless vocals.
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Only by Sampha
Six long years after his Mercury Prize-winning debut Process, electro-soul singer Sampha is finally back with a new album, Lahai, which also arrives on the 20th October. Spirit 2.0 was a great lead single and now second single Only just adds to the album’s promise, with a smooth groove, Sampha’s soulful vocal tones and exquisite production.
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Wishing Well by Sundara Karma
Also arriving towards the end of October will be the third studio album from Reading rockers Sundara Karma, their first full-length since 2019’s Ulfilas’ Alphabet. After some more experimental and somewhat uneven EPs, the singles so far have suggested a return to form for the band, with the dreamy Wishing Well easily the best of the bunch so far.
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Victim / The Bear by Lonely The Brave
Elsewhere, Cambridge quintet Lonely The Brave are also readying their fourth album due for a November release – their second since the arrival of Jack Bennett as their new vocalist. It’s another record where the signs are promising so far, with this latest double A-side release unveiling two soaring new cuts from the tracklist. Victim sees Bennett’s gravelly vocals surrounded by an impressive wall of noise, whilst closing track The Bear steadily builds to an uplifting, string-tinged crescendo.
Listen to Victim here
Listen to The Bear here
Date Night by Lossline
Off the back of their first two records Fading Affect Bias and When I Look Out I See No Stars, Manchester band Lossline have started to build a decent following across the country. Listening to new single Date Night it’s easy to see why, a wonderfully sparse track that steadily builds into some tremendous swells, drawing shades to local acts like James and Bill Ryder Jones in the process. One to watch!
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Diving (Acoustic) by Bombay Bicycle Club & Holly Humberstone
Without a doubt my most anticipated record for the final quarter of the year, every song off Bombay Bicycle’s forthcoming sixth album My Big Day has been sensational so far. Whilst in recent days they have released their excellent fourth single from the record, Turn The World On, I actually want to recommend this acoustic version of their Holly Humberstone collaboration, Diving. The main track itself is fantastic but when the song is stripped back to just an acoustic guitar and the voices of Jack Steadman and Holly Humberstone, it is truly goosebump-inducingly special.
Watch the live performance here
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Big Shot (Live At Glastonbury) by Fontaines D.C.
And finally this week, Irish post-punk titans Fontaines D.C. have recently released a deluxe version of their highly acclaimed third album, titled Skinty Fia go deo. This new version includes live session performances as well as remixes and interesting covers of both U2 and Whipping Boy. However, the track to dig out if you have not heard it yet is the Glastonbury 2022 performance of Big Shot, which strips the song back to just Grian Chatten, a piano and a string quartet. Utterly sublime, it was one of the performances of the whole festival that year and it’s great to finally have an audio copy to revisit again and again.
Watch the live performance here
Listen here
Also worth checking out: KPR by Yumi Zouma, Cousin by Wilco, Turn The World On by Bombay Bicycle Club
REMINDER: If you use Apple Music, you can also keep up-to-date with all my favourite 2023 tracks through my Best of 2023 playlist. Constantly updated throughout the year with songs I enjoy, it is then finalised into a Top 100 Songs of the Year in December.
Add the playlist to your library here
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hindiblogging · 1 year
RG Gaming Redeeming Code Just in 1 click.
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RG Gaming Redeeming Code: RG Gaming is a well-known platform that provides a diverse range of games and exciting features to its users. A great way for players to elevate their gaming experience on RG Gaming is by utilizing redeeming codes. These special codes have the power to unlock fresh content, unique characters, and valuable in-game items. This article aims to elucidate the process of redeeming codes on RG Gaming through a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to redeem codes and make the most of this feature. RG Gaming redeem codes are comprised of character sequences that enable players to unlock fresh content, characters, and in-game items. These codes can be acquired through a variety of methods, including promotions, giveaways, or by making purchases from the RG Gaming store. If you're curious about the functionality of RG Gaming redeem code in relation to Garena Free Fire, you've landed in the right spot. This article aims to provide an understanding of what RG Gaming redeem codes are, the process of redeeming them, and the potential rewards they offer.
What is RG Gaming Redeem Code?
RG Gaming redeem codes are alphanumeric combinations that players can utilize in Garena Free Fire to acquire exclusive rewards. These codes are generated and provided by RG Gaming, a third-party website dedicated to offering giveaways and contests specifically for Free Fire players.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Redeeming RG Gaming Redeem Codes
Step 1: Access RG Gaming's YouTube Channel or Social Media Channels to Retrieve the Code. Step 2: Launch the Garena Free Fire App on Your Mobile Device. Step 1: Tap on the "Store" Icon Positioned on the Right Side of the Main Menu. Step 4: Scroll Down and Select the "Redeem" Button. Step 5: Input the RG Gaming redeem code into the text field. Step 6: Tap the "Confirm" button to successfully redeem the code.
Cracking the Code: Pro Tips for Redeeming Codes on RG Gaming
Unlocking the Rewards: Essential Tips for Smoothly Redeeming Codes on RG Gaming Error-Proof Redemption: Double-Check Codes for Smooth RG Gaming Rewards Seizing the Opportunity: Redeem Codes on RG Gaming Before They Expire Code Hunting Adventures: Keep an Eye Out for RG Gaming Promotions, Giveaways, and Events Code Compatibility Guide: Consider Platform and Region Restrictions for RG Gaming Redeem Codes
Unlocking the Prizes: Exploring the Rewards of RG Gaming Redeem Codes
Character Transformations: Acquire Exclusive Skins for Your Beloved Characters with RG Gaming Redeem Codes Weapon Customizations: Enhance Your Arsenal with Unique Skins through RG Gaming Redeem Codes. Diamond Delights: RG Gaming Redeem Codes Unlock Free Diamonds for In-Game Shopping Spree Event Token: RG Gaming Redeem Codes Grant Event Tokens for Exciting In-Game Competitions and Additional Prizes Faqs About RG Gaming Redeem Codes What is RG Gamer? Rg Gamer is an emerging popular Youtuber and Booyah streamer of Free Fire. People also know Rajesh Gupta by the name of RG Gamer Live or Angry YouTuber. He is a content creator from India, focusing on the popular battle royale title Garena Free Fire. Is RG Gaming redeem codes free? Yes RG Gaming redeem codes are absolutely free. Are RG Gaming Codes Redeemable Multiple Times? No, you can redeem a code only once. - 2022 में Top 5 Best Gaming Phone Price Under 15000 Rupees - laptop par whatsapp kaise chalaye : हिंदी में 2023 - Amazon ने लांच किया Fire TV जाने क्या है कीमत - Bhim App Se Paise Kaise Kamaye : Kya Hai Bhim App Refferal Program - Digitize India Platform Se Paisa kaise kamaye : Online Data Entry Jobs
RG Gaming redemption codes offer an excellent opportunity to acquire exclusive rewards and items within the immersive world of Garena Free Fire. By adhering to the straightforward instructions we've provided, you can effortlessly redeem your code and gain access to thrilling rewards, including character skins, weapon skins, diamonds, and event tokens. Don't forget to regularly check RG Gaming's website and stay updated on their social media channels to stay informed about the latest redeem codes. This way, you can maximize your rewards in Garena Free Fire and enjoy an enhanced gaming experience. Happy gaming! Read the full article
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icinch · 1 year
How to Build an Email List from Nothing and Get 1,000 Subscribers in Just 7 Days
New Post has been published on https://www.cinchhomebiz.com/how-to-build-an-email-list-from-nothing-and-get-1000-subscribers-in-just-7-days/
How to Build an Email List from Nothing and Get 1,000 Subscribers in Just 7 Days
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Can you pick a topic, build a list of 1,000 and even promote your first product in just 7 days? Yes! Here’s how…
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First of course is to choose your topic or niche. If you want a head start, pick something that will interest your friends – preferably both your friends in real life and your social media friends. Let’s say you’re interested in marketing, and you’ve got some business friends in your hometown as well as more business friends online. This is a good topic choice to hit the ground running.
Next, reach out to those friends you already have a relationship with. Let them know about your new endeavor. In our example case, you might write the following:
Hey George,
Quick question for you: I’m starting a new project where I give out the latest marketing tips for small businesses like yours on how to cheaply get more customers.
Traditional advertising just isn’t cutting it anymore, and we need alternatives that don’t cost a lot and flat out work.
Anyway, thought you might be interested.
I’ll be emailing the latest ‘how-to’ info as I find it.
Want me to include you?
When they reply back, manually add them to your list. Yes, this takes a little effort, but it’s an excellent way to get started. Go through your phone, email and social media contacts and get as many people as you can this way. Don’t stop until you have a bare minimum of 50. 100 is better.
Next step – create a contest for your new subscribers.
Brainstorm a list of 3 to 5 things you could give to the winner of your contest.
Do a quick poll of your list to see which of those 3 to 5 items they would most like.
Put up a giveaway page and announce it to your list. Use one of the contest sites to make this easy. Your goal is to get them to share it with everyone.
In our example, you might write something like:
Thanks for joining me in my new project!
To kick things off, I’m giving away the book, “How to Get More Customers Than You Need.”
In fact, I’m giving away 5 of them!
And since this email is only going out to 100 people, your odds of winning are pretty darn good.
Here’s what you need to do:
Enter the giveaway by clicking here to leave your email address.
Take the special link you get when you register, and share it with your friends to improve your own odds of winning.
For every friend of yours that joins, you get another entry. Good?
Great! Here’s the link.
You might be concerned about the cost of the prize(s). You can either give away something you own or have rights to, or you can get a sponsor who gives their products away in exchange for you promoting them to your growing list. Or you can simply buy them yourself.
The point is, don’t let obstacles get in your way. There’s always going to be something – web hosting, web design, copywriting, etc., that tries to throw up a roadblock to slow you down or even stop you in your tracks. Don’t let it. Just keep moving forward and tackle each bump in the road as you get to it.
The main thing is to always stay focused on your objective. In this case, it’s 1,000 subscribers in 7 days, followed by the immediate promotion of your first product. (And don’t sweat this part, either. If you don’t have a product, I have two work-arounds for you coming up.)
Continue to promote your contest. Let other list owners know, let blogs know, let the world know about your contest. If you get one good list owner to tell their list about your contest, that alone can snowball into a thousand subscribers. Remember, those who enter the contest can then promote their own link for more entries, thus further increasing your list size.
The next step is key: Immediately start building rapport and delivering great content to your list. Give them exactly what you promised and a whole lot more. What you send them is of course going to depend on your niche. Just make sure it is info they can use to solve problems and you will do well.
Also inject humor when you can, write like you’re having a conversation with your best friend and enjoy yourself. If you’re having fun creating content, your list is having fun reading or watching it. That’s right – recording videos for your list is a great idea and can work to build rapport far faster than simply sending emails.
Finally it’s time to promote your first product. If you don’t already have a product of your own that fits this list, don’t worry about it. Choose something that your list wants and be an affiliate for that product. If you don’t know what your list wants, take a poll.
And here’s an even better technique than promoting an affiliate product – sell a product you haven’t even created yet. That’s right. Take a poll to find out exactly what they want. Then sell it to them. Let them know if it’s a book or video series or what. Let them know exactly what’s in it for them. Let them know that if you don’t get “x” amount of orders, you won’t make it. And lastly, let them know that because they are preordering before it’s even made, they get special bonuses and / or a special discount. Make it an offer they cannot refuse.
Just think: If you get 50 sales from your new list for $30 each, that’s $1,500 for a product you haven’t even created yet. Your results will vary.
Things to remember:
Your friends want to help you. Sometimes it’s easier to ask strangers for help than it is your friends and family. But the people who know you are the ones who will join your list first and promote your contest first. They get the ball rolling for you because they want to see you succeed.
Don’t hide. Yes, you can email until you’re blue in the face, and you will get results. You can also pick up the phone and call people to let them know about your new endeavor. Guaranteed, those you call will be far more likely to promote your contest and buy your product.
You might even randomly call people from your list just to thank them for joining. They will be blown away. In fact, send out an email to your list telling them you will call them on Skype for a 2 minute chat if they like – just reply with their Skype ID and you’ll call. Even those who don’t answer will be intrigued that you would do something like that. It shows you are a real person who wants to make real connections. And that counts for a lot.
You can also send private messages to people on your list through Facebook and Gmail if they have a Gmail address. Ask what kind of help they might need and what they want to accomplish.
If you want to make more sales of your first product, wait another week or two before promoting to build more trust with your list. Build rapport. Build a relationship. THEN promote your new product or future new product. Sales will likely double the amount you would make by promoting after just the first week.
Continue to build your list. 1,000 subscribers is a good start. Now go for 3,000. You can do it. In fact, it gets easier and easier as you go. Do lots of guest blogging – it’s a great way to list build.
Create a list-building incentive that drives people wild. This will take some brainstorming, but the perfect incentive is one that people would gladly and eagerly pay for with real money. When you figure out what this is for your niche, your list building will skyrocket.
Don’t get lazy. Building a good list quickly takes effort. Building rapport with that list takes even more effort. But in the end it can pay off big. VERY big.
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flindtholme · 2 years
Facebook Marketing Tips That Everyone Should Know
Facebook is all about communication and it is a fabulous way to keep in touch with your business customers. Social media sites are something that tons of people use because they enjoy using them to socialize. Use this to your advantage and utilize Facebook as a way to introduce your business to the world. Communicate with your fans on a regular basis so you are aware of what they want. Take everything that is posted into consideration. The public has often provided marketing inspiration to numerous businesses. Your fans are the reason for your success, so never make the mistake of ignoring them. Having contests and giveaways can really broaden your Facebook audience, so make sure to take full advantage. You could throw a photo contest, for instance, with customers using your product in unusual ways. Make sure you really do award the prize so you will be viewed as an honest businessperson. It is important that your posts are always professional. The wording can be relaxed, but the content needs to be professional. People will trust and respect your business and what you have to say if you maintain a professional tone. Consider Facebook to be a platform in sharing content. Facebook isn't just about informal chit chat, it's also a major content format. Don't neglect this powerful marketing tool. canlı sohbet can even use Facebook to promote your articles or blog posts. You'll find that Facebook tends to drive a lot of traffic! Try buying Facebook ads. You can customize your ad by having people of a certain age or gender view it. You can work within a certain budget, doing as little or as much as you desire. Finally, you don't have to commit long-term. Your ad can end when you choose. Offer something that is unique when someone "Likes" your Facebook page. Having a lot of likes brings attention to your page. Try to give a way free items if they are going to 'like' your Facebook page. It could be a sweepstakes prize or something offered to everyone. They will click very fast if there is something free in return. A company that only interacts with a client infrequently, like a car dealership or a Realtor, does not require a business page on Facebook. These clients only show up every now and then, so they are not interested in following daily posts. Invest your marketing dollars in a targeted Facebook ad instead. Provide sign-up forms on your business's Facebook page. Make a connection to communicate with visitors by asking them to sign up or register and offering them something in return. Use this to hold sweepstakes or offer coupons. Hiding your content from non-fans is an effective method in converting visitors into followers. When only followers can see certain parts of your page, it will make visitors want to become followers. Just hide a little part of the content, though, since you can lose lots of useful SEO. Put canlı chat towards your Facebook marketing. Facebook is an important marketing tool that deserves a true effort. If you just add posting to Facebook to the job responsibilities of someone who is already overworked, you shouldn't be surprised when you get poor results. Hiring someone may be the best bet. It is of critical importance that you make some serious efforts to keep your audience informed on your Facebook page. This does not mean posting 5 times a day, but it does mean regular updates. Ensure your updates contain excellent information your customers will love. Don't turn off the option that lets others post whatever they want to your page. You may think of this as a way to keep inappropriate content off of your page, but all it will do is convince users that you do not care about what it is they have to say. Make sure you are posting professional photos on your Facebook page. People will get a good sense of your business from these photos. When using personal photography, use a high-quality camera and only post shots which won't offend anyone. It is now clear to see that Facebook is a great way to reach your customers. Social media is hugely popular, which means it is ripe for generating new leads. You can reach more people than ever before by using the advice shared here with you today.
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qualyinvestodigital · 2 years
Cast iron dosa tawa
There area unit several advantages to preparation in forged iron. type of the biggies embody any even heat distribution, stovetop-to-oven preparation, and a faithfully partaking sear. however we’re typically told that forged iron preparation has health advantages — is that this very true? I’ve operated below this assumption for over a decade, ever since a identification of minor anemia; my doctor reviewed my blood work and advised that I begin preparation meals in forged iron with the construct that the iron at intervals the pan would naturally transfer to the food, that I’d then, of course, eat. Click here to order online
I’ve been preparation in forged iron ever since, however recently i would like to wondering: ar the health claims true? ar there real health advantages to preparation in forged iron versus utterly differing types of cookware? Let’s take a glance. thus What precisely Is solid Iron? Before we tend to tend to tend to induce into the science of it all, let’s outline what a forged iron pan truly is. cast-iron implement is formed from iron (shocking, I know). Most forged iron implement is formed by melting a mixture of ore and steel at super-high temperatures (we’re talking at intervals the realm of two,500–3,000 degrees Fahrenheit!). The metals ar secure on and formed with molds, then generally sandblasted to induce eliminate any impurities. These pans ar prized as a results of iron is associate unbelievably dense material — any therefore than metal or copper, as associate degree example — and as a result, have nice heat-retention qualities. For the aim of our discussion lately, once we tend to tend to cite forged iron, we’re talking concerning the vacant alternative. this implies that food has direct contact with the iron pan, and differs from adorned forged iron, that’s lacquered with a food-safe glaze. The glaze makes cleanup easier, and acts as any slippery insurance, although, of course, the glaze isn't product of iron. but will that really matter? ar you gaining health advantages from vacant thereforelid iron? ar you losing them once you utilize adorned solid iron? And why is iron so necessary, anyway? Why Our Bodies would like Iron and thus the means that we tend to tend to tend to apprehend Iron is each a material and a mineral. In its mineral kind, iron aids at intervals the assembly of haemoglobin (necessary for red blood cells), also as hormones. whereas iron is on balance occurring in several foods, some humans ar deficient because of diet, or under-nourishment. Anecdotal proof here: once I received my anemia identification, i used to be intake a eater diet and not paying an excellent deal of attention to replacement the iron i'd have otherwise been intense with meat. There ar 2 forms of iron: pigment and non-heme, and each occur naturally in foods. It’s necessary to notice that pigment iron, that happens in animal molecule, is any at once bioavailable (processed by our bodies). Non-heme iron depends on utterly completely different nutrients, notably alimentation, to help in absorption. This 2001 report on dietary intake of assorted vitamins and minerals is fascinating stuff … if you’re very caffeinated, anyway. thus that’s what iron will, and why we might am passionate about it. house preparation content has United States of America of America believe that the iron at intervals the pan transfers to the food it cooks, that we tend to tend to tend to then eat. as associate degree example, a food naturally low in iron — say, a carrot — may deliver any of the mineral if it picks up the offered iron from the forged iron pan it’s overdone in. Sounds nice, right? Well, on condition that the science is there to form a replica the thought.
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papascoffee · 2 years
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Just how to Acquire a Safe That's Constructed to Last
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When you're preparing to buy a brand-new secure, you'll wish to ensure it's built to last. While the very best safes have solid, thick wall surfaces as well as doors, low-cost ones often have plastic-coated digital brains on the outside. A secure lock is required for a risk-free to be totally secure. Without appropriate base-level steel defense, a risk-free can be easily opened up. Also those safes with a lengthy checklist of attributes typically stop working to satisfy the minimum steel density requirements. 
One of the easiest ways to choose what type of risk-free you want is to examine evaluations online. A number of the prominent brand names, consisting of Wayfair, have thousands of evaluations from delighted customers, so you can see if other individuals have actually had a good experience with their safes. The evaluations can likewise help you decide on a safe's rate and also kind of locking system. If you're trying to find an extra inexpensive secure safe.
 These aren't state-of-the-art military-grade safes, however they're definitely less costly than other brands. Plus, if you remain in a rush to obtain a new risk-free, you can ask other individuals who have actually acquired the risk-free as well as have them respond to any inquiries you could have. Besides, they have a sale taking place currently, which implies you can minimize shipping prices along with the risk-free' One more means to save cash is to purchase a house secure online. Finest Buy offers 51 types of home safes, a lot of them being much less than 1.5 cubic feet and also 12 inches broad. 
You can shop here by choosing the one that fits the design and color of your home best, and you can additionally see images, technical specifications, as well as price. Besides, you can likewise contrast prices, scores, and schedule of various brand names. Besides, a store's price does not necessarily show the high quality of the secure. When picking a risk-free, try to find its Underwriters Laboratories qualification. It is necessary to recognize whether or not the secure has passed extensive screening to ensure the safety and security of your prized possessions. 
The Underwriters Laboratories has a database of safes, and also its examinations consist of temperature level, time, and optimum outside temperature level. A secure that has passed this test is guaranteed to last a very long time, despite the prospective risks it might position. When purchasing a risk-free, see to it to think about the dimension of the contents inside. You do not want to purchase one that's as well little or as well large - it might become a trouble down the road. In addition, take into consideration the amount of prized possessions you wish to safeguard. 
It is additionally an excellent concept to take into consideration the top quality of the warranty offered with your new safe. If you are bothered with its sturdiness, think about a Heritage Protection Products secure. The firm offers an exceptional service warranty on its products. If you do not want to buy a safe online, you can attempt a few other locations. House Depot offers many sorts of safes, as well as its internet site is very easy to navigate. You can conveniently filter results by cost, brand, rating, material, classification, and also dimension. Although it's not as comprehensive as various other on-line stores, Walmart has some safes in supply. The only downside is that their choice of tall weapon safes is limited.
Click here for more details about this service:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe-cracking.
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ulrichlangston1 · 2 years
Know All About Buying CSGO Accounts
The net world has changed rather a lot since Paypal grew to become mainstream and other people have been capable of transfer money over the Internet. Instant gratification, convenience, and the ease of not having to undergo bank checks or lengthy lines of cashiers have made it so that many people prefer to purchase goods on-line fairly than in particular person.
Buy CSGO Smurf Accounts , from the fundamentals to what to look for when shopping for a brand new account.
When it comes to buying a CSGO account, there are some things you could know. On this weblog submit, we’ll outline the basics of shopping for a csgo account, what to look for when buying one, and a few recommendation on how to guard your self when making your purchase. Firstly, ensure that you understand what type of account you’re looking for. Are you planning on taking part in casually with buddies or taking your expertise to the subsequent level? There are various kinds of accounts out there, based in your gaming goals. If you’re just beginning out and want to try out the sport before making an even bigger funding, consider buying an account with primary features. These accounts normally embrace: an avatar, a consumer name, and enough funds (in the vary of $5-$10) to start playing. These accounts are good for individuals who need to check out the sport with out spending an excessive amount of cash. If you’re more serious about your CSGO gaming and wish to compete against others online, you need to purchase an account with premium features. Premium accounts usually include: an extended character title (up to 32 characters), access to personal servers, and particular in
Beginner’s Guide to purchasing CSGO Accounts
If you’re new to the world of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, buying a CSGO account could be a bit of a daunting job. Thankfully, this beginner’s guide will assist you get began. Initially, be sure that that you've an account on Steam. This is the primary platform the place CSGO accounts are bought and registered. Once you have an account, log in and click on on “Account” within the higher proper corner. Here, you’ll discover all of your energetic video games and your stats (together with what number of kills you’ve made). Now that you've got an account and your stats are visible, it’s time to start purchasing round for CSGO accounts. Step one is to find out what sort of account you need. There are three fundamental forms of CSGO accounts: free, premium, and workforce. Free accounts are limited in features however may be played without ever spending any money. Premium accounts give users entry to further features resembling customized avatars and in-game items, but they usually require paying a month-to-month price. Team accounts enable customers to affix professional teams and compete in official tournaments for prizes.
What's a CSGO Account?
A CSGO account is a digital profile for a player within the multiplayer first-individual shooter video recreation Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Players create an account by means of the sport's web site, which then grants them entry to the sport's varied options and servers. Accounts might be bought and bought on numerous marketplaces, and are also used to unlock content material (equivalent to weapons, maps, and characters) that isn't available to gamers who don't have an account.
Forms of CSGO Accounts
If you are fascinated about shopping for a CSGO account, there are four differing kinds to choose from. Starter, Premium, Pro, and Diamond. Starter Accounts: These are the most affordable accounts available on the market, they usually're excellent for new gamers who wish to check out the game before investing in a dearer account kind. They don't have many features, but they're free to make use of. Premium Accounts: These are the most well-liked accounts available on the market. They come with a lot of features, together with premium skins and access to exclusive servers. They're additionally slightly costlier than starter accounts but definitely worth the investment for serious gamers. Pro Accounts: These are the highest high quality accounts accessible. They include all the features of premium accounts plus further advantages resembling priority customer support and access to personal servers. They're also the most expensive possibility obtainable. Diamond Accounts: These are the rarest accounts in the marketplace and reserved for high players only. They include all the options of professional accounts plus extra advantages akin to priority server queues and access to secret servers. Diamond accounts can cost hundreds of dollars!
How to purchase a new CSGO Account
If you're new to the world of CS:GO and haven't got an account, now's the time to get one. Listed here are some tips on how to buy a new account.
The correct Price on your CSGO Account
When it comes to purchasing a CSGO account, there are just a few elements you should consider. In this blog publish, we will go over the totally different costs for CSGO accounts and provide you with some tips on methods to determine which one is best for you. First of all, it is best to decide how a lot you want to spend. There are three main value ranges for CSGO accounts: free, paid, and premium. A free account permits you to play in opposition to different customers but has fewer options than a paid account. A paid account helps you to play against other customers and entry extra features, such as customized badges and skins. Premium accounts offer much more options, comparable to private servers and help from the developer of the game. After you have determined your price range, you can start looking at the several types of accounts. The first kind is an unranked account. An unranked account is sweet for brand new players who don’t wish to compete towards higher-level players yet. They even have fewer features than different accounts, however they're free. Ranked accounts are good for gamers who want to enhance their skills additional. They offer better options than unranked accounts but price more money. The third sort of account is a
CSGO is one among the preferred on-line games out there, and it is simple to see why. The sport is quick-paced, action-packed, and difficult — and that's just the beginning. There are tons of different CSGO accounts accessible available on the market, each with its own set of professionals and cons. In this article, we wish to help you be taught all about buying a CSGO account and give you some tips on how to choose the correct one for you. So read on to find out extra!
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kerrdillon81 · 2 years
Facebook Marketing Tips That Everyone Should Know
Facebook is all about communication and it is a fabulous way to keep in touch with your business customers. Social media sites are something that tons of people use because they enjoy using them to socialize. Use this to your advantage and utilize Facebook as a way to introduce your business to the world. Communicate with your fans on a regular basis so you are aware of what they want. Take everything that is posted into consideration. The public has often provided marketing inspiration to numerous businesses. Your fans are the reason for your success, so never make the mistake of ignoring them. Having contests and giveaways can really broaden your Facebook audience, so make sure to take full advantage. You could throw a photo contest, for instance, with customers using your product in unusual ways. Make sure you really do award the prize so you will be viewed as an honest businessperson. It is important that your posts are always professional. The wording can be relaxed, but the content needs to be professional. People will trust and respect your business and what you have to say if you maintain a professional tone. Consider Facebook to be a platform in sharing content. Facebook isn't just about informal chit chat, it's also a major content format. Don't neglect this powerful marketing tool. You can even use Facebook to promote your articles or blog posts. You'll find that Facebook tends to drive a lot of traffic! Try buying Facebook ads. You can customize your ad by having people of a certain age or gender view it. You can work within a certain budget, doing as little or as much as you desire. Finally, you don't have to commit long-term. Your ad can end when you choose. Offer something that is unique when someone "Likes" your Facebook page. Having a lot of likes brings attention to your page. Try to give a way free items if they are going to 'like' your Facebook page. It could be a sweepstakes prize or something offered to everyone. They will click very fast if there is something free in return. A company that only interacts with a client infrequently, like a car dealership or a Realtor, does not require a business page on Facebook. These clients only show up every now and then, so they are not interested in following daily posts. Invest your marketing dollars in a targeted Facebook ad instead. Provide sign-up forms on your business's Facebook page. Make a connection to communicate with visitors by asking them to sign up or register and offering them something in return. Use this to hold sweepstakes or offer coupons. Hiding your content from non-fans is an effective method in converting visitors into followers. When only followers can see certain parts of your page, it will make visitors want to become followers. Just hide a little part of the content, though, since you can lose lots of useful SEO. Put real resources towards your Facebook marketing. Facebook is an important marketing tool that deserves a true effort. If you just add posting to Facebook to the job responsibilities of someone who is already overworked, you shouldn't be surprised when you get poor results. Hiring someone may be the best bet. It is of critical importance that you make some serious efforts to keep your audience informed on your Facebook page. This does not mean posting 5 times a day, but it does mean regular updates. Ensure your updates contain excellent information your customers will love. Don't turn off the option that lets others post whatever they want to your page. solve capatca may think of this as a way to keep inappropriate content off of your page, but all it will do is convince users that you do not care about what it is they have to say. Make sure you are posting professional photos on your Facebook page. People will get a good sense of your business from these photos. When using personal photography, use a high-quality camera and only post shots which won't offend anyone. It is now clear to see that Facebook is a great way to reach your customers. Social media is hugely popular, which means it is ripe for generating new leads. You can reach more people than ever before by using the advice shared here with you today.
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dmwrites · 2 years
Joe was what the cool kids called an “opportunity sleeper”. Because you’re not a cool kid (get dunked, loser), you probably don’t know what that means. It’s simple: if there is a flat surface and an opportune amount of time to do so, Joe will sleep. This often results in awkward situations where other hermits stumble upon Joe fast asleep in places like the middle of spawn and in the shopping district and in various storage rooms in megabases.
But, as luck would have it, Joe had found himself near his starter haunted house one fine evening, and had collapsed into his bed in the middle of the downstairs room. This was delightful, as Joe woke up in the morning to the birds twittering, sun shining in through the open windows, and his two pet shulkers clicking away peacefully upstairs.
Joe sighed in contentment, stretching and sitting up. He hasn’t even looked around before collapsing into bed. The walls were still a pale yellow, Doc was sitting on top of a chest watching him, the wordle wall needed updating…
“DOC?” Joe yelped, pulling the covers up to her eyes and staring at Doc. “How- what- how long have you been sitting there?”
Doc checked his watch. “Uh, only like four hours.”
“Only?” Joe put a shaking hand to her head. “But why?”
“I am here to hang out with you.” Doc replied promptly, sliding off the box and standing up, arms swinging kind of awkwardly.
“Oh my god, are you okay? Like, are you feeling feverish or something?” Joe asked in real concern, walking over to the creeper man and put a hand to his forehead.
Doc chuckled. “What, can two bros not hang out anymore without question?”
“Bros.” Joe considered this, stroking his beard. “You know what else has three letters if you take the ‘s’ off of bros? Joe and Doc. I can see why you wanted to hang out.”
Doc gave him a look and a moment of silence. “Yep. You cracked it.” He said.
Joe clapped his hands. “Fantastic. What do you want to do? I don’t usually entertain guests, I almost wish you had given me a little bit of a heads up so I could have made some breakfast… what do creepers even eat? Is it shirts? Because you never wear one. Oh my god you’re part goat that’s hilarious! Do you actually eat shirts?”
Doc now shook his head ever so slightly as if trying to clear it. “Joe, please, it’s okay. I’m just… I needed to just kind of be somewhere for a while, somewhere where I’m not the great DocM77 or the goat father or anything. I just want to listen to someone talk, and I know you’ll… you know what I need. You won’t ask…”
“I get it.” Joe said gently, putting a hand on Doc’s arm. “And that is fantastic for me specifically. How do you feel about being the human equivalent of a shulker box for me today? I have a lot of stone and materials to bring over to the pinball machine. I was going to do it all myself, but you’ll be an excellent help.”
“Sure thing man.” Doc smiled. “I’m at your disposal, or should I say Joeposal.”
Joe clapped his hands in delight. “See? You’re getting it! Well, let’s get some stuff from upstairs, come on.”
Joe lead the way upstairs. Doc looked around while Joe began grabbing things.
“I see you still got the shulker pet I gave you.” Doc said, bending down to observe one of them.
“Of course, it’s my most prized possession.” Joe replied, tossing Doc a bunch of stone to put in his inventory.
“Never knew you were a flirt, Joe. You don’t have to flatter me like that.” Doc joked, but there was sincerely in the last part.
“I’m not flirting, I’m telling the truth.” Joe, not understanding the joke, replied. “Now, come on shulkM77, we got some lugging to do.”
They spent the whole day, as it turned out, bringing stone and andesite and all sorts of materials back and forth. But it wasn’t miserable like Joe had thought it would be before Doc came along. Joe talked about his latest poetry and pinball architecture and had a two hour rant about some thing called Amazon. And Doc listened.
As the sun set, Doc set down the last load of stone in the chest nest Joe had created.
“Well, my hardworking friend, you are released of your duties.” Joe told Doc, smiling. “Thanks for all of this.”
Doc looked down at Joe and cracked a smile. “No, thank you my guy. You have no idea… just one of those days, you know?”
“Hey, Doc? Really. I get it. We all have those days. It just happens. I try to help when I can.”
Doc then did something quite unexpected for him, and gave Joe a hug. Joe was taken aback for a moment, and then returned the hug. It was weird and awkward and full of limbs, but, honestly, the intention was all that really mattered.
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
My Star Wars Fix-It AUs Thus Far
(ranging from non-existent to a single outline to drabbles to ficlets to 60,000+ word WIP)
Updated as of July 2022
Read Them All ‘In Order’ Here Desktop: click this link App: check out my ‘my au’ tag
For other excellent content check out my Sideblog (gradually shifting my reblogs over here) (STORMLIGHT ARCHIVE AU MASTERLIST HERE)
On DESKTOP, The Bolded Link at the beginning of the description shows the au in roughly chronological order.
On MOBILE, try the (italicized link in parentheses) at the end of the description for the first post of the au, or scroll down and click on the tag of the au you want to visit.
~ ~ Full List Below The Cut ~ ~
2. Baby Shower AU (*COLLABORATIVE*) - “I feel like there should be an Au where Anakin plans a baby shower for Padme and accidentally kills palpatine in the process” - yodacommittedwarcrimes (complete drabble)
3. Pop Star Wars AU - Time-traveler Obi-Wan becomes a secret pop star in order to save the galaxy. Crack. (Ramblings, song lists, and various drabbles)
4. Kywalkers AU - Young Anakin Skywalker, on Illum to get his very first lightsaber crystal, is shocked when An Asthmatic Sith Lord, A Princess, A Moisture Farmer, and a metric kriffload of crystals fall from the sky. (Outline)
5. Musical AU that I don’t have a satisfying name or plot for yet.
6. Bewilderment AU: In which Ben tells a ‘joke,’ Han tells a ‘lie’ and now Darth Vader actually thinks Luke is his son. Wait, what do you mean— (IV & 3/4 episodes rewritten)
7. General Confusion AU: Deaged Obi-Wan AU. 13-year old Obi-Wan Kenobi has his ‘future’ explained in the worst possible way. (outlines, memes)
8. Turtle Crossing AU - Discworld x Star Wars crossover au for which I have many unwritten thoughts, all extremely gentle. (ficlets)
9. Bad Touch AU - Anakin publicly accuses Palpatine of possibly the only crime he hasn’t committed because that’s easier to explain to the public than the sith stuff. Crack and Angst. sorry. (ficlets)
10. Deception Time AU - Vader realizes they’ve both time traveled. Obi-Wan doesn’t. Vader plays along. (Outline)
11. Moeder Van Vader AU - Shmi appears to be the only one capable of controlling Anakin’s mysterious and terrifying older brother, a powerful Cyborg Sith Lord with unknown motives. (drabbles)
12. Stranded Solos AU - General Anakin Skywalker meets his grandson and son-in-law. Han shoots first. (drabbles)
13. Broken Fight AU - Old Ben and Vader, at the climax of their death star fight, are yeeted 20 years into the past. When they wake up in their younger bodies, much general and personal distress ensues. (outline and drabbles)
14. Entire Armies AU - Winner of my ‘200 followers i’ll write an au for you’ prize. Prompt: “the 212th, 501st, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan travel back in time to when Obi-Wan was a child slave...” (outline/drabbles)
15. *sighs* Sith Macenjar AU - winner of my ‘1500 followers i’ll write an au for you’ prize. Coming—coming soon.
16. Body Swap AU - (*COLLABORATIVE*) Obi-Wan > Cody > Anakin > Padme > Obi-Wan. Confused waking up scene! Hijinks! Gender! Family! Whatever the fuck is going on with Cody in Anakin’s unholy cosmic-powered body! (stone soup fanfics/outline)
17. Sith Obi-Wan AU - Cause everyone’s gotta have one. Time travel fix-it, in the absolute loosest possible sense. Outgrowth of 700 followers celebration. ANGST. (ficlets)
18. Obikin Crisis AU - Canon Obi-Wan and Anakin meet themselves from another timeline. They’re horrified to discover that their bond in this universe is NOT paternal. (ficlets)
19. Lost Luke AU - Luke loses his aunt and uncle, only to find his grandmother. And...his aunt and uncle? And his DAD (And maybe his mom)?? Chaos ensues. (outline/fics/ficlets)
20. Macenjar AU - Inspired by this meme. (fanfic)
21. Amnesia Duo AU - Obi-Wan and Anakin run-afoul of some Sith temple defensive measure and both completely lose their memory. Slapstick. (outline)
22. INFODUMP AU - Ben desperately tries to give his younger self a bunch of future knowledge as fast as possible. (outline(s))
23. Han Sonnow AU - Han is not looking forward to going through puberty again. Everyone on Kashykk is deeply concerned about Chewie’s sudden obsession with his tiny hairless pet. Shenanigans. (outlines/ficlets)
24. Rouge Handed AU - Obi-Wan Kenobi, in universe, gets suckered into playing the lead role of Christian in the hit corellian holomusical, Moulin Rouge. (oneshot)
25. Phantom of the Past AU (*COLLABORATIVE*) - Clone Wars Obi-Wan and Anakin accidentally time travel, utterly ruining the climax of the Phantom Menace. Initially conceived by @willowcrowned​ (connected ficlets)
26. Maul Again AU - The first time Maul died, it was on Tatooine, at the hands of a Jedi Master. Time loop inspired by Purple Days. (ficlet)
27. Suicidal Misunderstanding AU - Ben Kenobi gets high on Tatooine and inexplicably and unknowingly time travels. After taking advantage of what seems to be a very vivid hallucination, he tries to wake up. Panic ensues. Angst with a Happy Ending. (*Legit* Fanfic! (WIP) I , II , (Bonus 2.5)  III , IV , V , VI , VII , VIII , IX , X , XI , XII , XIII , (Bonus 13.5)  XIV , XV , XVI , XVII , XVIII , XIX , XX, XXI , XXII , XXIII , XXIV , XXV , XXVI , XXVII) (Edited version on AO3)
28. Sith Padme AU - Very similar to the prequels, except Padme’s choices really make a lot of sense. Eventual Empress!Padme and Rebel!Anakin. Outgrowth of 700 followers celebration  (outline)
29. Frog Promise AU - Jedi Master Luke Skywalker defeats an outdated droid army only to find out afterwards he is a) on Naboo somehow b) not the only Jedi around and c) several decades in the past. (outines)
30. Manda À Trois AU - Cody inadvertently acquires the darksaber! Polyerotic bandaging of wounds! Satine and Cody friends to political marriage to lovers! Is raw Mandalorian sexual magnetism enough to save Obi-Wan from infinite sadness?? (outline)
31. Invisible Hand Chaos AU - Din, Luke and Grogu derail the climactic fight between Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku on the Invisible Hand. (WIP)
33. Unrestrained AU - From this Ask - ”Imagine Luke and Leia ending up in the clone wars era but all of their force abilities are “what the actual fuck?” levels of bullshit” (outline/drabble)
34. Porn Prophecy AU (*COLLABORATIVE*) - For nearly 700 years, Jedi High Council Members have attempted to decode the mysterious holocron. The key figures are now alive, the time of prophecy is now, and everyone has to fucking deal with that. This, but like, its an obi-wan kink-meme!!! And there’s centuries of academic commentary!! About the porn! Crack. Really funny but only accessible in the chat between willowcrowned and I, and I don’t have the energy to type it up so hopefully she does
35. Chaotic Good Luke AU — time travel au where old Luke dies and wakes up age 18 again. (rotating like a rotisserie chicken in my brain)
36. Cradlerobber AU - Obi-Wan and Cody decide to wait until Cody officially turns 18. The empire falls a little faster. (complete)
37. Gift From The Force AU (*COLLABORATIVE*) - Heartwarming Anakin Mpreg vaguely deriving from an off-hand comment of @willowcrowned and expanding through the honest feels of @phoenixyfriend , @atagotiak , and various anons. (musings)
39. Naked AU - Obi-Wan inexplicably loses all his clothing. Grievous also dies but it’s largely irrelevant to the story. Shenanigans ensue. (not much)
40. Flashburn AU - Old Ben employed a desperate coping mechanism to suppress some of his worst memories. Which might not be so much of a problem if he wasn’t miraculously in the past, trying to fix everything. (ficlets)
41. Just Kill Him AU - Just Go Kill Palpatine. He’s Clearly a Pedophile. You Have a Laser Sword. He’s an Old and Frail Man. This Is the Best Option. It Will Be Easy. (WIP) (also on ao3)
42. Panakin Loop AU - Anakin’s Angst fuels a Revenge of the Sith time loop. It takes...a LOT of tries to get to fix-it (concept/drabbles)
(all of the above aus are tagged ‘my au’)
You can ALSO check out:
my stone soup tag for additions of various sprawl in other people’s aus as well as additions of various sprawl from other people into my au, including dinluke identity porn, leia time traveling and causing conniptions, maul & anakin hunting down Rako Hardeen, and much, much more!
(my branch of the 14-year old Anakin crashes on DC Earth is under the corn boy anakin au tag)
my meta tag for various thoughts, overwhelmingly star wars,
and my writing tag for miscellaneous things I wrote but don’t know where to put
400 followers celebration crack star wars truth-or-dare 
misc song fics for the 700 followers celebration 
Sideblog (gradually shifting my reblogs over here)
answers to asks
and, if you enjoyed this list so much that you feel like buying me a coffee or a cup of tea, or if you want to wistfully throw a coin in the magic fountain to try and nudge me towards a particular au, i’m on ko-fi and currently hoping to raise enough for one bubble tea
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mortemersgf · 3 years
hot couture: hazel nguyen x f!mc (arden moore)
summary: months after paris fashion week, a chance encounter reignites arden’s feelings for her former boss.
warning: suggestive themes.
word count: 2.2k
a/n: happy valentine’s day :D
click here for part two
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Arden strides into Cremona’s, bearing a polite smile as patrons cast discreet glances at her. She slides into her usual table, the one located in the snug corner by the windows. It gives her an excellent view of the whole restaurant, allowing her to pick out who’s a diner and who’s a paparazzi pretending to be a diner.
She peruses the extensive list of dishes Cremona’s has to offer, settling on an order of Cacio e Pepe and a glass of white wine and murmuring a quiet thanks to the waiter as he glides away to prepare her dinner.
Some months ago, her eyes would have bulged at the price of the pasta dish. Now, she only breathes out a quiet sigh, too worn out to be startled.
Arden started her own business after the events of Paris Fashion Week. Her success in the states led to the opening of another branch in Milan. Since then, she’s been spending time in this beautiful city, solely focused on the task of overseeing the whole process. Milan is stunning with its vibrant culture, but Arden is lonely without Luz or Marco by her side.
She feels especially lonely this evening being Valentine’s Day and all. When she takes a gander around the restaurant, she sees couples after couples. A table to her left is sharing a slice of cake waist giggling to themselves. Two tables down, a man watches with adoration as his lover nibbles on her dessert, affection practically oozing out of his lovestruck smile.
Arden exhales slowly and unpockets her phone, swiping through various social media sites to pass time. A small smile dimples her cheeks as she reads positive review after positive review regarding her new collection. Who needs love when you have public validation? … Okay, me, but still. Her designs are being featured on the front covers of a range of fashion magazines. So long was the starry eyed newbie who picked up modeling as a means to work at Hazel Boutique.
Hazel Boutique… That’s a name she hasn’t heard in a while. Arden sets down her phone, fixing her gaze towards the kitchen. She must really miss her former job because she swears she sees Hazel Nguyen seated in the far corner, unbothered and nursing a glass of red wine as the man sitting across from her stomps away.
It’s indeed her. She’s wearing a dark dress that hugs her soft curves at all the right places with a dangerously high slit that teases her leg. Arden always found her tantalizingly beautiful no matter what she wore, but under the dim lighting of Cremona’s where the yellow gleam casts an ethereal glow on her, she looks all the more bewitching.
Arden is moving before she can absorb the absurdity of the situation, a hopeful smile spreading across her face.
“Hazel,” she breathes in greeting, “Hi…”
Hazel Nguyen, just as alluring as Arden had remembered, looks genuinely surprised. Her dark eyes widen. Goosebumps appear on her arms, sending chills down her back, the good kind. The kind you get when you see someone who you’ve been longing to see for the better part of a year.
She sets the wine glass down, eyes moving up and down the length of Arden in careful scrutiny before her gaze finally settles upon her starstruck features. An amused smile blooms on her face.
“Arden,” Hazel finally says, “Hello.”
Arden looks to the empty seat, asking, “May I?”
“Please,” Hazel nods. “How have you been?”
Arden slips into the chair, clasping her hands on her lap to keep her leg from bouncing in elation. “I’ve been good. Haut Monde has been doing well, too.”
“I know. I’ve been following your work.”
“You have?”
“Are you going to tell me you haven’t been following mine?”
“... Touché,” Arden says, recalling the way her eyes widened when images of Hazel’s new designs emerged online. They were fashionably elegant to say the very least, but the real prize was the genuine smile on Hazel’s face in those photos. She was posed among a crowd of local designers in Majorca, completely in her element. It was more than delightful to see her fall in love with creating once again.
Arden glances at the plate of untouched food sitting in front of her and shifts her gaze to the nonchalant woman across the table, mustering a small smile, “So, was that a supplier? An exec? He looked pretty upset.”
“That was my sorry excuse for a date.”
A date. Arden brushes off the strained feeling that washes over her with a small smile, willing herself to not bristle. It’s not as if they were anything more than a flirtation no matter how badly she wanted to be more with Hazel.
“Oh, that’s—that’s good. It’s good to date,” she murmurs, biting back a grimace as those words leave her lips. ‘It’s good to date?’ Really?
“Not so much when he’s an egotistical imbecile,” Hazel says, noting the way Arden’s posture tenses.
She pauses, letting the moment hang for another second before a faint, mischievous smile spreads across her face, adding, “That was Darren, my production manager. I don’t go on dates with just anyone, and I much rather prefer your company anyway.”
A surge of confidence rushes through Arden at the remark. She relaxes into her seat, huffing out a small laugh of relief, “Is that your way of saying you missed me?”
Hazel hums lowly, eyes slightly narrowed as she considers her words. Finally, after a brief pause, she reaches for her wine glass, swirling the dark contents gently. “I did miss your enthusiasm,” she says, “What happened? You look drained.”
Arden fights to keep her composure intact. She wants to slump over the table, truth be told. Running a business is tiring. “I am drained,” she admits, “Been stuck in meetings all day.”
“That sounds all too familiar.”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t know a thing or two about running a fashion empire, would you? Any advice?”
“You have a team, don’t you? Utilize them, don’t pile everything on yourself”—Hazel pauses, noting the earnest look in Arden’s eyes—“Find the balance between leading and creating. Don’t get lost in the system, and don’t lose sight of what’s truly important to you.”
Arden nods, taking in her counsel with the utmost sincerity. “Thank you for that. I’ll remember it.”
As a waiter passes by, Hazel raises a hand, speaking coolly, “Another glass for my friend here, and clear this plate, please.”
“Oh, that’s…” Arden mumbles.
“Scared to share a meal with me?” Hazel questions.
“No, that’s not it,” Arden says. She bites her lip in thought, meeting Hazel's inquiring gaze. Something about her look coaxes Arden to straighten her spine, confidence filling her chest, spurring her on to speak her mind.
“I’m just still processing us, you know?” she says. “You said someday you could be convinced.”
An amused smile plays on Hazel’s face. She leans in and places her index finger below Arden’s chin, tipping the latter’s head upward. Arden swallows and pushes to keep her expression even, though her warming cheeks gives everything away. She catches the familiar scent of jasmine and vanilla wafting from Hazel being in such close proximity with the woman, and her heart drums with anticipation. It brings her back to Paris, back to the balcony.
“I did, didn’t I?” Hazel says, voice sultry.
Arden hasn’t got a clue as to what’s going on in Hazel’s mind. The woman is absolutely unreadable and she loves it, the mystery of it all, the unraveling of her thoughts. Right now, having her lips only a breath away, Arden doesn’t care to figure out Hazel’s intentions. Her legs feel weak. She’s sure she’d stumble if she were standing.
“Have you eaten, Arden?” Hazel asks, moving her hand to Arden’s cheek, grazing her face ever so lightly.
Arden’s face flushes with heat as she struggles to meet Hazel’s intense gaze. Her teasing touch leaves tingles in their wake, sending a thrilling chill down Arden’s spine. What is she suggesting?
“I—no, I didn’t eat yet,” she answers, “but I don’t feel like having dinner right now.”
“I don’t either. Come with me.” Hazel drops her hand, moving to stand. She places several hundred dollar bills on the table.
Arden follows suit and shoots an apologetic look at the waiter who’d just strolled out of the kitchen with her meal. He flashes her an understanding smile as if to say, It’s okay. I get it. It’s Hazel Nguyen.
They leave in a flurry with Arden tripping into the elevator. The ride down is silent, but there’s visible tension in the air. She waits with bated breath for Hazel to move, to push her up against the wall or even spare her a quick look, but the older woman looks straight ahead, face impassive.
Arden follows Hazel out of the restaurant and into the darkening streets of Milan. The cold rushes at her like a swarm of bees, leaving her shivering. She wonders how Hazel is able withstand the chill having only a faux fur shawl wrapped around her shoulders.
“So,” Arden begins, “where are we going?”
“Eager, are we?” Hazel answers, striding down the streets of Milan as if it were a runway, elegance laced in every one of her steps.
“Just wondering is all…”
After walking for another block, Hazel halts. They’ve stopped in the middle of a bridge that overlooks the canal. Arden breathes out a sigh of wonder at the sight of glittering lights reflecting off the water.
The sun is setting, painting the sky in vibrant colors of pink, yellow, and violet. It’s unbridled, bold, and stunning. The colors blend together so well, it tempts Arden to create an outfit, a new line, just something, based off of this sunset. She had been trapped in meetings that always ran long since she landed in Milan, which never gave her the chance to appreciate the simpler things the city has to offer. This scene before her envelopes her in serenity, and she wants to share that feeling.
Arden is inspired, but her trusty sketchbook is currently sitting on her nightstand in her hotel room to her utter luck. She didn’t expect to see such a sight nor did she anticipate running into Hazel, who is observing her carefully.
The sunset reminds Hazel of dusk time in Majorca. Half of the time, she worked in her beach suite with the setting sun as the backdrop. The other half, she was thinking about Arden, checking up on her work via social media whenever she had spare time. Hazel was invested, itching to message her a congratulatory text after her new collection sold out. Is. She is invested in Arden, and being away from the young designer has helped her realize that. Arden Moore is truly something else. She’s not just anyone.
“This is beautiful...” Arden breathes, “I bet I can do something with this color scheme.” She whips out her phone, snapping a couple of photographs at different angles.
“You haven’t changed after all,” Hazel comments. Her eyes trace over Arden’s beaming features before flitting to the water. The faintest smile graces her lips.
“That’s a good thing, right?”
“It is.”
“Does that mean you still like me?”
“You are relentless, aren’t you?”
Arden pockets her phone, looking at Hazel with a playful smile. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Hazel trains her gaze ahead, studying the horizon as she speaks. “I said you couldn’t handle me once. You were inexperienced, new to the fashion world, to this life. That was nearly a year ago, and I see that you’ve grown exponentially as a designer and a businesswoman while retaining your authenticity. That’s certainly invaluable. I admire your passion and drive, Arden”—she finally turns, meeting Arden’s hopeful gaze—“I pushed away all thoughts of starting another relationship after my divorce, but I may have to reconsider that.”
Arden is flushing with her mouth slightly ajar at Hazel’s confession. To think Hazel Nguyen, her ultimate idol and former boss might actually want to pursue a relationship with her is something she didn’t see coming. It’s a delightful surprise to say the least, one that makes her heart soar with glee. She decides to play coy though, just to get back at her for the months of lack of contact.
“Hmph,” she murmurs, “You never did arrange a plane for me to visit you, you know. I could’ve helped you come to that conclusion sooner.”
“You would’ve been a distraction to the creative process,” Hazel simply says, “Being in Majorca, creating and refreshing my perspective, was what I needed to remind myself why I do this in the first place.”
“That makes sense,” Arden agrees. A crooked smile finds its way to her lips as she adds, “But you couldn’t have sent me a text? Maybe a letter?”
“I’m willing to make that up to you.”
“... How so?”
“You’ll find out soon enough...” Hazel says, leaning in so her breath fans over Arden’s ear, adding, “in my hotel room.”
Arden’s face splits into an incredulous grin. “Are you asking me to come home with you?”
“Depends,” Hazel answers easily, the hint of a teasing smile resting on her luscious lips, “Are you accepting my invitation?”
As if Arden needed to be asked twice.
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