#(they hug plenty I’m sure its just cute lol)
anadorablekiwi · 2 years
Pregnant sister is making the hugging rounds as she and brother in law prepare to leave
She then hugs her husband (in the middle of the rounds)
Sis, mid hug: ‘wait, you’re not leaving’
(Note her husband did not say anything prior, and just hugged her 🥺😂)
*moves on to youngest sister*
*mid hug* ‘wait I’m the one leaving with him’
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writingwenches · 1 month
Last Line Tag
rules: share the last lines you've written, plotting ideas, or inspiration, then tag some people, and have fun!
tagged by @rainwingmarvel7! Thanks for including me~ Its been a few days since I've written, but the last bit was actually super cute.
I tag @mrs-starkgaryen, if you want to join, no pressure!
I was thinking of making a post with all the HOTD era Cinda Lannister content from my story with Lyn, just to introduce people to my favorite character. LOL. She is Aemond's childhood/forever crush. Everyone in the Red Keep is on Westerosi politics, Cinda's playing world politics. She's either the villain or the hero of the story, depending on which way you look...and Im not talking about Team Green/Team Black hehehe She's a fun mystery~
Also, I'm not the biggest fan of pregnant plots, so there's plenty of characters who won't really want children, and will not get them. LOL. Adoption is always an option LOL just like for me LOL
“Will I have to have babies one day?” Aemond asked, the young prince turned up his noise at the birthing woman wailing, echoing through the stone halls. “Your wife will bare your babes, your heirs, hopefully many,” Cinda replied, and he scoffed. “I mean,” he huffed out, “will she have to? I’m a second born son, why do I need heirs?”  “Every man needs heirs,” Cinda smiled down at him, “…to put something into the world, to have something to pass on when you’re gone, something to remember you.” Aemond had to remind himself every time he wanted to roll his eye, that there would be pain if he indulged himself. So he didn’t this time. Cinda’s words were so boring, and still didn’t answer the core of his question. What if his own wife didn’t want to bare children? What was so wrong with that.  There was a long silence as they walked, the prince wasn't sure why the thought was rattling around in his brain, until he finally spoke it, “Will you have babies? When you are married?”  “Yes, hopefully many,” Lady Cinda responded, not adding anything more.  “Mother says you should marry soon, if you want babies,” he found it hard to search her face, his mother didn’t have many things to say about Cinda, but when she did he listened carefully.   “Yes, many mine own age are married with babes of their own,” she replied with her famous non-answer.  Aemond wanted to tell her that she could marry him. She could have babes if she wanted, or not, he didn’t care. He didn’t need to pass anything down to anyone, he just wanted to follow Cinda wherever she went, and they could not stop her husband from attending the Small Council meetings with her.  “But now,” she stopped, “I have plenty to keep me busy looking after the Queen’s babes.” “I am no babe that needs taking care of,” he huffed out. “I have a dragon!” He was nearly a man, he hadn’t been a babe for years. She pouted her lips and Aemond liked the way her face looked that way.  “Then, I suppose you don’t need your cakes and creams?” she asked with a mocking voice.  This time he did roll his eye, as she hugged him close. Aemond pretends not to lean into her, and it all ended too soon as he was shooed away from the Small Council chamber by the kingsgaurd.
Lady Cinda Lannister is the youngest sibling to Tyland and Jason (and two more older OC brothers Tybolt and Tym), and she currently holds the position in the Red Keep of "Lady of Coin" basically the person in charge of the Castle's expenses, making sure feasts are affordable, making sure the staff have the coin they need to buy things for the castle, making sure the castle has money in reserve for surprise royal/noble visits, deals with staff complains, make sure workers are actually getting paid, she would approve in expansions of staff/departments if needed etc. She reports to the Small Council regularly when she needs to ask for special things or they want to request something special.
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luminnara · 3 years
alpha!erasermic x pregnant!reader | ABO fluff
Request:  Hiya! i’m wondering if you can do an alpha! erasermic x pregnant! omega! reader? maybe when both alphas leave their lunch at home and she goes to bring it to them. the reader and both alphas collectively have custody of hitoshi and eri, and the reader is heavily pregnant. preferably a female reader please, and none of class 1-a have met her. this is my first time requesting stuff so i hope i did okay! 😅
You did wonderfully! I love writing cute fluffy stuff like this, and it’s my first time writing any kind of erasermic thing even though I love them so much, so hopefully I did okay! Idk where exactly this sits timeline-wise, don’t worry about it, it’s omegaverse and I can do what I want lol. I took this prompt and sort of RAN with it, too
*also Mirio has his quirk back in this because it’s fun, and the reader has kind of a dodgy past because i wanted to add a little SPICE*
Warnings: a/b/o, pregnancy, the implications of Aizawa’s scarf and all of its uses
You sighed, resting a hand on your swollen belly. “Those two...”
You had only just gotten Eri out of bed, and, upon heading into the kitchen to fix her some breakfast, you saw two lovingly-prepared bento boxes sitting on the counter. Shota and Hizashi must have forgotten them in their hurry to get to UA earlier that morning, and while you knew they could very easily grab something to eat in the cafeteria, you hated the thought of these meals going to waste.
Besides, your inner omega was a bit miffed that they hadn’t taken your home cooked food to work with them. Was Lunch Rush’s food so much better than yours that your alphas would rather eat at school? You refused to believe that, even if his quirk was cooking. There was no way that he could make your alphas a meal that could compare to the kind you always cooked for them, and maybe it was the pregnancy hormones making you extra bristly about it, but you were determined to march right on over to UA and bring them their proper lunches. 
Even if you were heavily, heavily pregnant. They’d probably have something to say about you leaving the house and waddling around Musutafu with only Eri as company, but you were tough enough to fend for yourself. And besides, it was only a quick train ride to the station outside the school, and if you did get yourself into any kind of trouble, the city was chock full of pro heroes and their sidekicks, many of whom you were on a first name basis with. 
“Eri!” you called, grabbing a bag to carry the boxes in. “Are you dressed yet? We’re going to visit UA!”
You could heard a thump, followed by the sound of little feet thudding as she ran to meet you. When she appeared in the doorway, her eyes were wide with excitement, her long hair falling around her shoulders messily. “Yes!”
“Go brush your hair and then we’ll go,” you laughed, ushering her towards the bathroom. 
“Why are we going?” the little girl called. 
“Hizashi and Shota left their lunches,” you explained. “We’re bringing them so that the food doesn’t go to waste.”
“Can we visit Deku and Togata?”
You paused to think. You hadn’t actually met any of Shota and Hizashi’s students before, your alphas always preferring that you stay home and away from the sometimes dangerous school they taught at. Well, you knew Hitoshi, of course, and since he had yet to move into the dorms on campus, he still lived at home with the rest of the family. At least he had remembered to grab his lunch. Would your adopted son be embarrassed to see you appearing at his school? Hitoshi always carried himself in a very collected manner, and the thought of being able to show up and pinch his cheeks and coo at him made you laugh. 
And you knew that everyone in Class 1-A would be over the moon to see Eri. The little girl that had been rescued from Overhaul was popular amongst the young heroes-in-training, from what you’d heard, and if you were going to go all the way to UA, you’d be damned if you didn’t let her see her friends there. 
“Of course we can,” you said with a smile as she came running back in, her hair significantly less tangled. “Ready?”
“Ready!” she beamed up at you.
“Do me a favor and carry this?” you offered her the tote you’d tucked the bento boxes into and she took it from you eagerly, bouncing towards the door. 
You grabbed your purse, made sure your keys were inside, and followed her out, taking her free hand. Together, the two of you made your way to the nearest train station, a few neighbors waving hello as you passed. There were no villains to be seen or head of, and the pros you saw out on patrol all looked happy and relaxed. They all knew who you were, some of the betas and omegas approaching to chat about your pregnancy and ask how things were going. The alphas hung back, calling greetings or offering waves, none of them wanting to get too close to a pregnant, mated omega and risk the wrath of your alphas if their scents happened to cling to you. 
The journey went smoothly, Eri sticking close to your side the entire way. You were both excited to be going to visit UA--Eri, because she would get to see Deku and Mirio, and you because you hadn’t been to the school in years--and as you stepped off the train and the gates finally came into view, you let out a happy laugh. 
“Ready?” you asked Eri, leading her towards the entrance. 
“Mhm!” she nodded eagerly, pulling you forward. “Let’s go! Let’s go let’s go let’s go--”
“Hang on, hang on,” you waddled after her as quickly as you could, fishing around in your purse. When you finally found what you were looking for, you pulled out an ID card, holding it up towards the sensor atop the UA Barrier gate. “You have your card?”
“Yep!” Eri said, grabbing the card hanging from the lanyard around her neck and mimicking you. 
“Special ID accepted,” a robotic voice chimed. “Welcome to UA High, (y/n) and Eri.”
The gate opened and you led Eri through it, the big school looming just past it. The special ID cards you both had were a result of Shota insisting that you be able to get to UA if you ever needed to. With the upgraded security measures, and so many of the students living in the dorms, it wasn’t easy getting onto the campus without either a student or guest card. You probably technically weren’t even supposed to have one, but no one was going to argue with Aizawa and Yamada when it came to ensuring their omega would be able to get to them in case of emergency.
This wasn’t exactly an emergency, but it was still an important mission, so you had absolutely no qualms about using your special ID privileges today. You just hoped nobody else would be mad about it.
 “Hey, is that Eri I see?” a voice called. 
You turned to see a blond haired, blue eyed boy jogging towards you and recognized him as Togata. He was dressed in a PE uniform, and as he stopped in front of you, you could see that he was panting. 
Eri immediately set the bag down and rushed toward him, running into his open arms. “Lemillion!”
Mirio laughed as he scooped her into a hug. “What are you doing here? Aizawa didn’t mention anything about a visit!”
“Aizawa forgot his lunch today,” you said, nodding towards the bag Eri had dropped. “So we thought we’d bring it and visit.”
Mirio straightened up a bit when he realized you were there. You had to be absolutely covered in your alphas’ scents, and even if they never told any of the students about you, there was no way that Mirio hadn’t figured it out by now. Besides...your bond marks were very big and very visible, one on each side of your neck just below your scent glands. There was no way Mirio didn’t know what that all added up to. 
You had never officially met him, but you’d heard plenty about all of UA’s Big Three, and after he and Deku saved Eri from the Shie Hassaikai, you’d heard even more about him. He was selfless, going so far as to sacrifice his own quirk to keep Eri safe and get her away from Overhaul, and for that, you’d always feel a little indebted to him. He’d luckily been able to get it back, but Aizawa had told you that there had been a long period in which nobody was sure it could even be returned to him. 
“Oh, s-sorry!” he bowed to you. “I don’t think we’ve ever been properly introduced! I’m Togata Mirio, I was there at the Shie Hassaikai raid--”
“I’ve heard plenty about you,” you laughed as he straightened up again. “I’m (y/n). I’m the stay at home omega that keeps Shota and Hizashi from starving all the time.”
Mirio’s laugh was probably one of the most raucously happy sounds you had ever heard. “We’re all grateful for that! As for me, personally, I’m really glad Eri has such a great mom now, too. And you’ve got more on the way!”
“Sure do,” you groaned, a hand on your lower back as you tried to lean and stretch it out some. “Due date’s in just a couple weeks. Can’t wait to get ‘em outta here.”
“Well, at least you already know how to do the parenting part!” Mirio was still all smiles as Eri grabbed for his hand and he took it, picking up the tote bag as well. “Come on, it’s my free period so I’ll take you to 1-A’s classroom.”
“Thank you, Togata,” you said, hand on your belly as you followed him into the school. 
“It’s no problem!” he beamed at you over his shoulder as he led the way. “It’s almost lunch, too. Perfect timing!”
“Is it really?” you glanced up at a clock on the wall, and sure enough, it was nearly noon. “Wow. Guess we took longer than I thought. But...ugh, I didn’t bring any food for myself or Eri...”
“That’s no problem! Lunch Rush always has tons of options in the Grand Mess Hall.” at your slight glare, Mirio added, “...But I’m sure even his best cooking is no substitute for a homemade meal!”
“That’s right,” you growled, waddling along down the hall. 
When the three of you reached the 1-A door, Mirio used his permeation quirk to stick his head straight through it rather than knocking, and judging by the resounding scream of surprise that nearly shattered the windows, he had scared Hizashi half to death.
Mirio pulled back and opened the door, revealing a room full of groaning students, all clutching their ears. Hizashi was the only one who seemed unbothered by the sheer volume of the scream he had let out, clutching his chest instead. 
“Why can’t you knock like a normal person, dumbass?” a blond boy snarled. 
“Bakugou! You shouldn’t swear in front of esteemed upperclassmen!” a black-haired boy with glasses said. 
“It’s not just me you’re swearing in front of!” Mirio said, still smiling, like always. With a nod of his head, he tugged Eri into the room.
Everyone lit up, and you even caught Bakugou’s harsh expression softening some at the sight of her. 
“Eri!” a freckly, green haired boy exclaimed, jumping up from his seat. 
“Deku!” the little girl yelled happily, letting go of Mirio’s hand to run towards him.
You watched as he knelt down to greet her, the rest of the class all getting up, or at the very least leaning over in their seats to say hello. All except Hitoshi, who looked up, made eye contact with you, started to roll his eyes, and then sighed. 
Oh, you were so going to embarrass him today. 
Hizashi was still trying to catch his breath, but now, with the students all distracted by Eri, he finally had a chance to notice you. You could see his nostrils flare as he recognized your scent, his head whipping around to spot you standing there in the door.
“BABE!” he rushed toward you, pulling you into a hug. 
“Hi, Hizashi,” you laughed into his shoulder, clinging to his jacket as he rubbed his scent gland over your hair. 
He immediately pulled back, holding you at arm’s length as he looked you over. “What’re you doing here? Everything okay?”
“I’m fine,” you chuckled. When he glanced down at your swollen belly, you added, “we’re fine.”
He let out a relieved breath. “Okay. Okay, good. Had me worried there for a sec.”
“They came to bring you lunch!” Mirio said, holding up the bag he had carried in for you. “I ran into her and Eri outside while I was out for my daily jog.”
“Togata here was very helpful,” you said. “He even carried that bag for us.”
“Gotta help everyone who needs it, whenever I can!” the teenager gave you a thumbs up. 
“Thanks, Mirio.” Hizashi said, putting an arm around your shoulders and pulling you up against his side. “Means a lot to me that my family stays safe.”
You turned to see all of Class 1-A staring at you. 
Hizashi cleared his throat, the sound practically echoing. “Everybody, this is my mate.”
The room suddenly erupted. 
“Who is she?”
“Is she a pro?”
“Can’t believe anybody would put up with him...”
“Bakugou, quiet! Don’t be rude!”
“But, wait...” Deku said, still kneeling with Eri. “I thought Eri’s been living with Mr. Aizawa..?”
The students all glanced to each other before their eyes swiveled to you and Hizashi. 
“Oh, Hizashi,” you teased. “You never told them?”
“I, uh...” a slight pink tinged his cheeks as he blushed.  
Luckily, before he had the chance to stumble over his words any longer, he was saved by the appearance of a very tired, very disgruntled, Eraserhead. 
“What the hell is going on and why the hell are you screaming in my classroom?” he growled from the doorway. 
Hizashi turned the two of you to face him, and you saw the anger immediately drain from Aizawa’s face. 
“...What are you doing here?” he asked, his bloodshot eyes full of concern. “Everything okay?”
“Hi, Papa!” Eri chimed from her spot next to Deku. 
“...Hello, Eri. Why are you also here?”
“You both forgot your lunches,” you said, practically scolding them. “I worked hard on those!”
“So you came all the way here just to bring us lunch? You realize we have an entire cafeteria here, right?”
“Don’t even think about it,” you growled. 
“You shouldn’t be walking across Musutafu without at least Hitoshi with you. It’s too dangerous.”
At the mention of his name, everyone’s heads swiveled to look at Shinso. He sighed, slumping back in his chair and dragging a hand down his face. 
“You know, if you wouldn’t forget the lunches that I so lovingly put all that hard work into, I wouldn’t even have to go all the way across Musutafu to bring them to you.” you said haughtily, nose up in the air as you stared your alpha down. “And besides...you know better than anyone that I can take care of myself, and Eri, no matter how pregnant I am.”
Aizawa sighed. He knew there was no arguing with you when you got in a mood like this, and besides...you were already there. 
And you were right.
Before he could even come up with something to say, the bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch, and soon, you were walking down the hall between your two alphas, Eri riding on Deku’s shoulders as Class 1-A flooded out along with you. 
You ended up sitting in the mess hall with the students, sandwiched between Hizashi and Shota. Shota didn’t seem entirely pleased with it, mentioning several times that he’d much rather be in the teachers’ lounge where it was quieter, but Eri was far too happy to be with Class 1-A for him to actually tear her away from them. She was across from you, sitting next to Deku and a brown haired girl you learned was named Ochako. Mirio had left to go find his own friends, the other two members of The Big Three, and you could see him just a few tables over, laughing loudly with a blue haired girl with a boy with pointy ears looked like he was trying to will himself out of existence next to them. 
“It’s so exciting that Mr. Aizawa has a whole family!” Ochako said. 
“And with Present Mic, too,” Tsu, the frog girl, said from her spot next to her. 
“How long have you been together?” the pink girl, Mina, asked.
“Don’t ask so many personal questions! We should respect their privacy.” Iida said, in true class rep fashion. 
When Shota only offered a grunt in reply, too focused on his lunch to actually talk with his homeroom class, and with Hizashi already stuffing his face, you took it upon yourself to chat. 
“Oh, I don’t mind the questions!” you said with a good natured laugh. “I met Hizashi and Shota when we all went to school together. Then we lost touch, because I...well, I sort of...chose a different life path than they did.”
“That’s one way to put it,” Hizashi slurped up his soba. 
“Here.” you looked up to see Hitoshi had brought you and Eri each a tray of food, setting them down in front of the two of you. 
“You’re so good to your mother,” you cooed, reaching up to grab his cheek. 
He dodged you expertly, ducking out of the way and going to sit with Bakugou and his friends on Deku’s other side. You narrowed your eyes at him, making sure he knew that he couldn’t run forever, and as Denki watched the exchange, he spoke up. 
“...Wait. You didn’t become a pro hero?” he asked. 
“I took the hero course here at UA.” you explained, grabbing your chopsticks. “I ended up dropping out before graduation. This is actually my first time back since then.”
“So...” Deku seemed nervous. “Were you, uh...”
“A villain?” you asked. 
When he nodded quickly, you laughed and offered a nod of your own. 
“Yeah, I suppose I was. My quirk used to be wild, and hard to control...I got so frustrated when I wasn’t making any progress with it that I decided to just leave school. I was mad at everyone, and I fell in with people who felt the same way. One thing leads to another, and next thing you know, I’m running from the loudest, most obnoxious pro hero in the city.”
Everyone’s eyes turned to Hizashi, who was doing his best not to choke on his lunch. 
“And he never caught me,” you said adoringly, leaning against his shoulder. 
“I never caught you on my own,” he corrected. 
“Made my ears bleed a few times, I think.”
“Yes, and I don’t regret that.” he pressed a cute, fluttery little kiss against the tip of your nose. “You were absolutely going to kill me.”
“Not absolutely!” you protested. 
“I had to rescue him.” Aizawa spoke up, his voice gruff and tired, like always. “Had to cancel your quirk and keep you tied down until the others could get to us.”
You smirked at your first memory of his scarf and what it could do, and as you did so, he realized that he had just admitted to tying you up with it in front of his idiot students.
“And that’s when I fell in looooove,” you grabbed his arm, batting your lashes at him obnoxiously. 
“Not another word.” he growled. 
The students were all staring at you with wide eyes. All except Hitoshi, who was rolling his. 
“I guess you could say I was reformed,” you said, grabbing some noodles. “Then one thing led to another, and...here we are.” You patted your belly. 
“That’s so romantic,” Mina sighed, leaning her chin on her hand. 
“What’s your quirk?” Ochako asked. 
“I could show you!” you said eagerly, moving to stand.
“Absolutely not.” Shota held onto your arm and forced you to sit down again. “You are due in two weeks. No nonsense until after the pups are born.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes now. 
“Fine,” you mumbled with a sigh. “I never get to have fun anymore.”
“But pups are so exciting!” the invisible girl, Hagakure, said. 
“Yeah!” Mina agreed. 
Then, the rest of the girls bombarded you with questions. 
“How many are you having?”
“What day are they coming?!”
“Can we meet them?”
“Mr. Aizawa, please can you bring them in to the dorms??”
“--But Mr. Aizawa, this is the safest place in Japan. There’s no way anything bad would happen to them--”
“--And besides, (y/n) has a super strong quirk, right? She said so!”
“Come on, just let us see the brats when they’re old enough to travel.”
The sound of Bakugou’s voice had everyone staring at the blond boy. 
“...What?” he bristled. “It’s not like I care, I just want the girls to shut up.”
“Uh huh. Sure, Bakugou.” Kirishima snorted. 
“...maybe.” Aizawa relented, eager to shut them all up. 
That was enough for the girls, and they immediately began talking chattering about the cutest baby clothes, the best toys, and then the differences between their own upbringings. You enjoyed listening to them throughout the rest of lunch, and by the time the hour had ended, you were sad to be leaving. 
“Hang on, hang on,” Hizashi said as you took Eri’s hand to leave. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Home,” you furrowed your brow. “Why?”
“We told you,” Shota said, standing with his hands in his pockets. “We don’t want you wandering around the city.”
“And I told you, I’m fine--”
“Just stay here for the rest of the day.”
“We’ll all go home together later.” Hizashi smiled. “You and Eri can hang out in the lounge. I bet Midnight would love to pester you about the bump, too.”
You smiled, walking towards your alphas. “Alright. Alright, yeah. That sounds nice.”
As Class 1-A lingered at the end of the hall, watching for as long as they could get away with, Denki elbowed Hitoshi in the side. 
“Dude, your mom is--”
“Don’t you dare say hot.” Shinso growled. 
“Actually, I was gonna say badass, but that too--”
The purple haired boy glared at him. “Shut up, Denki.”
“What? It’s a compliment!”
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renjuseyo · 3 years
I'm the one that ask about poly. I want to make request now if you're okay with it about male reader jihoon and seungcheol. Seungcheol being jealous when reader babied jihoon even though Seungcheol get it most of the time. While jihoon hate it when reader doing that but only whine and do nothing at all. Reader didn't stop because he know Jihoon enjoy it and also watching Seungcheol pouting and making a fuss is one of his entertainment.
pay attention to me ; s.coups & woozi
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group: seventeen
pairing: choi seungcheol / lee jihoon / reader (male)
synopsis: just because seungcheol’s dating you two doesn’t make him less jealous when you direct your attention to jihoon, even if he always receives your pampering.
genre: fluff
i hope you liked this anon! i think this is a very cute prompt, and i had fun playing with jicheol’s dynamics. i kind of lost inspo if you couldn’t tell though lol... anyways, feedback is always appreciated!! ^^
age order goes as: seungcheol > reader > jihoon
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jihoon: i won’t be home until late, so don’t wait up for me [11:58 PM]
that was sent to you and seungcheol four hours ago. seeing how seungcheol had gotten off work at a decent time (if you consider ten-thirty decent) compared to usual, you had assumed it would be the same for jihoon, too. apparently not.
normally, by the time the clock strikes three am, you would be fast asleep, squished between seungcheol and jihoon. but instead, you’re parking your car outside of the pledis building, with seungcheol struggling to stay awake in the passenger seat. “you know, i could’ve driven here instead,” the older offers, yawning.
you roll your eyes, pushing your door open. “don’t be ridiculous. you can barely keep your eyes open, and you’ve worked all day. driving is the least i could do.”
you two step out of your car. after locking it, you begin walking towards the studio. the dim glow of the lamp posts and the faint twinkle of the stars are your only guides to the entryway, and you’re reminded once again just how late it is when you take in your surroundings. not a single sound can be heard, and the sky above you is blanketed black. what in the world is jihoon doing so late?
(well, there’s only one thing he could be doing this late. but most importantly, why? the members of seventeen are supposed to have the weekend off, so he has plenty of time to finish up any projects.)
once seungcheol unlocks the door, you two trudge inside, yawning. it takes a few minutes for you both to find jihoon’s studio, but it isn’t hard to spot. in the dark hallway, there’s only one room lit up, with a blue, fluorescent light splashing its walls. you glance at the small window, and just as you had suspected, your boyfriend is perched on his chair, hunched over his desktop.
luckily his door isn’t locked, so seungcheol twists the doorknob and pulls it open. the intrusion startles jihoon, evident by the way he flinches in his seat. when he spins around, you frown at the weary look on his face. the bright blue of his room highlights his eye bags, and you can see him struggling to stay awake. “what are you two doing here? you should be asleep,” he says.
you stride towards him, eyebrows furrowed. “that’s what we should be saying. do you have any idea what time it is? you’re supposed to be at home with us.” seungcheol nods in agreement, probably too tired to engage himself in a conversation.
“not until i finish this,” the younger protests, gesturing at his monitor. you peek behind him to look at what’s pulled up, and unsurprisingly, there’s a new project loaded up, probably one of the songs he’s working on for seventeen’s next album. “management said i have to get this done by next week.” he glances at the clock. “plus, it’s only three am. i’ve had less sleep.”
“by less sleep you mean no sleep,” you correct, propping your hands on your hips. you almost look the part of a disappointed parent. “that’s so bad for you, you know.”
“hoon, we have this weekend off. you can work on it then,” seungcheol replies, yawning. “come sleep with us. anyone with a pair of eyes can tell that you’re tired.”
jihoon rolls his eyes, but the yawn that leaves his throat is evidence enough. “i’m just fine. i already downed a whole bottle of soda, anyways.”
you tiredly trudge over to him, tugging at his sleeve. he raises a questioning eyebrow, but he doesn’t say anything as you drag him over to the couch by the wall. “hoonie, you’ve been up since six am. it’s not good for babies to sleep so late.”
he flushes at the implications, frowning. it ends up looking more like a pout, though, further proving your point. “i’m not a baby. you’re acting like one right now,” he protests.
you pull him onto the couch, arms trapping him. “but you’re the youngest, so you’re the baby. right, cheol?”
instead of agreeing with you, the oldest of you three pouts, flopping down beside you. “that’s no fair, (name). both hoonie and i worked today, so why are you only babying him?” he whines. for someone who’s supposed to be the oldest, he sure craves attention like a child.
you wave a dismissive hand, scooting over so seungcheol has more room. this causes you and jihoon to squish even closer together, and as discomforting as it is for all three of you, no one makes any moves to go to a more comfortable area. but then again, you three usually wound up like this more often than not, so you all stopped minding altogether. “hush, cheol. we cuddled for like, an hour when we were home. hoonie hasn’t had anyone to take care of him yet.”
jihoon rolls his eyes, pressed against your chest. “i’m right here, you know.” as much as he dislikes skinship, he’s too tired to move, and your embrace is comforting, though he’d never admit it.
you hum, snuggling closer to him. “lack of sleep makes babies grouchy. you can worry about your project tomorrow.”
“don’t talk back to the adults,” you murmur, dozing off, pressing your forehead against his.
jihoon grumbles, though he doesn’t try to move. “this is crazy. i’m only a year younger than you and seungcheol-hyung. what do you mean don’t talk back to the adults?” he snorts.
when you don’t respond, he can only assume you’ve fallen asleep. he rolls his eyes and cranes his neck to peek at seungcheol. his eyes are also fluttering close, arms firmly wrapped around your waist. sometimes he wonders why you call him the baby when seungcheol is right there, constantly whining for your affection. if anything, he’s the baby of you three.
seeing how he can’t wriggle his way out of here (not that he would. drinking a whole bottle of coke-cola has done nothing to lift his drowsiness), he can do nothing but surrender to your clutches and lay limp in your arms. he closes his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep, but hearing your voice in his head makes it a tad difficult.
you’re the youngest, so you’re the baby~
jihoon huffs, glaring at you, who’s oblivious to his piercing eyes. “says the one who always needs to hug something before he sleeps,” he quietly grumbles, poking your cheek.
to his surprise, the subtle motion is enough to stir you awake, and he feels himself heat up when your eyes flutter open. even when you’re tired, you still manage to look breathtaking. “go to sleep, hoonie,” you remind again before dozing back asleep.
when jihoon glances at the clock, the white, neon digits show him that it’s nearly four am. so this is what he ends up doing, but not because you told him to.
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jihoon knows that despite your constant babying, you recognize that he’s a functioning adult who’s more than capable of handling responsibilities. even more than you, he might argue. you just have an affectionate nature and make it your sole duty to take care of everyone around you, even if they’re older than you, like seungcheol. plus, you just like calling those younger than you babies. if it weren’t for the fact that you’re only a few months older than him, he would’ve thought you were the oldest of you three.
though he claims to despise your affectionate nature, he’s thankful to have your presence, especially around him and seungcheol. he knows that as the leader of one of the biggest boy groups - both metaphorically and physically - the stress is undoubtedly more burdensome than the ones the other members have. he knows that seungcheol spends more time structuring himself as a strong leader and wise oldest member than as a twenty-five-year-old man who likes music and video-games. which is why he’s grateful that you’re around to give him the pampering and leisure he deserves, reminding him that it’s okay to be taken care of sometimes.
he isn’t mad that you direct most of your pampering at seungcheol. if anything, he’s more than happy, because now you’re there to give him the attention he complains about when he can’t. your presence, for a lack of better words, acts as a balance for you three. but there are times where you choose to baby (read: pester) him, simply because he’s the youngest and needs attention once in a while. your words, not his.
now is one of those moments.
jihoon blinks, staring at the shoe box perched on the table before him. he looks at you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. you gesture at the shoe box in a flourish, widely grinning like a child who’s won candy. “ta-da!” you exclaim. seungcheol, who had been immersed with a mobile game, is now looking his way, curiously staring at the box. judging from his expression, he guesses he doesn’t know what the contents are, either.
“and what exactly am i looking at?” he asks.
“open it!” you exclaim.
he does as he’s told, lifting up the lid of the box. to his surprise, they’re a pair of black slide-ons. he remembers eyeing a pair a week ago at a mall he had gone to with you and soonyoung, but had dismissed the thought after seeing the number shopping bags soonyoung had on each arm. he isn’t sure if you remembered or if this is a mere coincidence. either way, he’s surprised you bought him a pair of shoes out of the blue.
“what!” seungcheol exclaims. he throws his phone onto the couch, the device bouncing on the cushions. he walks towards you, instantly wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. “you bought shoes for hoonie, but not for me?”
you roll your eyes. “cheol, you’re the one giving people your credit card information. you’re quite capable of buying your own shoes... actually, you’d buy them, unprompted.”
“but it’s different when it’s a gift,” he whines. “i want you to buy me shoes, too.”
ignoring your whiny boyfriend, you gesture at the sandals. “i saw you looking at them when we were at the mall with soonyoung last week! i know you don’t have a lot of time to go shopping, so i bought them for you,” you explain.
jihoon frowns. he’s the one practically swimming in a pool of money, so he should be the one buying you nice things, not the other way around. “oh... you didn’t have to.”
when he looks up at you, he sees the excitement vanish from your face, being replaced with a pout. seeing you like that makes him wonder why he and seungcheol never try babying you, especially when you have the audacity to look as cute as you do now. “do you not like them? i can always return them and get you something else...”
he practically flies out of his seat, eyes wide. “no!” he blurts. you and seungcheol are startled by the sudden outburst, your eyes mirroring his. “i mean-” he clears his throat, “i like them, i really do. but i should be the one buying you things, not the other way around.”
thankfully, you smile. “don’t worry about it! a baby like you should be bought nice things, even if you probably have better versions of them,” you tease, blowing him an air kiss.
jihoon scoffs. "you know, now that i think about it, you always pay for my things even though you’re the, and i quote, broke college student. what’s up with that?”
“because babies shouldn’t be paying for things.” you size him up, feigning innocence. “are you even allowed to have a debit card?”
seungcheol snorts at your comment, stifling his laughter by burying his head in your shoulder. on the other hand, jihoon’s jaw drops in disbelief. “this is bullying!” he yells, exasperated. “i’m being bullied by my boyfriend. hyung, you can’t be siding with him.”
the older shrugs, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. “when i do it, you always kick me, but you never do anything when it’s him. it’s so fun, seeing you get all flustered.”
he glares at you both. “i actually hate you two. especially you,” he seethes, pointing at you.
you lean over to whisper in seungcheol’s ear, but you’re side-eyeing him, obviously trying to get him to hear you. “has he been fed yet? you know babies get grouchy when they don’t have food in their system.”
“(name) (last name)!!”
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seungcheol knows that like him, you’re usually the oldest in most situations. because of this, taking care of those around you has practically become second nature. making sure everyone around you is healthy and happy has become instinctive, and you’re willing to go through hoops and hurdles just to achieve that. it’s one of the many traits he loves about you.
he’s grateful to have you around to take care of him, but most importantly, he’s glad that there’s someone like you taking care of jihoon. sure, he whines about not being the center of your attention, but he knows that there are times when jihoon needs it more than he does. viewed as the genius producer and leader of the vocal unit of seventeen, there’s no doubt that the pressure he receives to repeatedly produce big hits is unimaginable. though it’s something that the two of them share in common, he knows he would never willingly open up about his thoughts, afraid of burdening the already stressed leader.
thankfully, there’s you, with a warm and loving aura encompassing you. you just have this aura that makes people want to lower their guard, even for those as whole and reserved as jihoon. it undoubtedly helps relieve the tension that the young producer has, even if he claims to hate it.
even if he knows this, though, that doesn’t stop him from wanting all of your attention. you’re the only person jihoon allows to pamper him (even if he denies it), so it’s not surprising that you take every opportunity you get to do so. while it’s fun to see him get riled up, seungcheol can’t help but act bratty when your attention isn’t on him.
on an exceptionally mundane day where the members of seventeen are lounging in the practice room, taking a break after excruciating hours of nonstop dancing, you knock on the door, arms loaded with bags of takeout. a few seconds later, the door swings open, and you’re standing in front of a sweaty chan. “oh, hyung! what brings you here?” he asks, surprised.
“hey chan,” you greet with a smile. he moves to the side, giving you space to enter the room. when you do, you’re greeted by twelve boys who seem equally sweaty and exhausted, who slur their greetings. “i was going to drop off some food for cheol and hoonie, but i figured you guys would be hungry,” you explained, gesturing towards the bags. from the way their eyes light up, you can tell they’re pleased with the surprise. “i have fried chicken, tteokbokki, japchae... just a bit of everything.”
immediately, the thirteen boys gather around you, salivating at the scent wafting out of the bags. “thank you hyung, you didn’t have to do that for us,” dokyeom smiles.
you shrug, seating yourself between seungcheol and jihoon. “it’s the least i could do, don’t worry about it. now eat up! you all are probably starving.”
another chorus of thanks echoes throughout the room, and soon, everyone begins to dig in. as you chat with the other members, catching up on each others’ lives and learning about comeback preparations, you suddenly feel someone pulling you up by the armpits before placing you down on their lap. startled, you crane your neck and see seungcheol, who responds by pecking your forehead. “what was that for?” mingyu asks from across you, voicing your question.
“you haven’t paid attention to me at all,” he murmurs.
you simply hum, leaning forward to stab a piece of fried chicken. you aim the fork at seungcheol’s mouth, who eagerly sweeps in and takes a bite. from the corner of your eye, you can see the other members eyeing you two with disgust. “sometimes i forget this is a three-way relationship, seeing how you both react so differently around (name)-hyung,” seungkwan snorts, scooping more japchae onto his plate. “why can’t you be more like jihoon-hyung? at least he doesn’t whine when (name)-hyung isn’t around every five minutes like you.”
you roll your eyes. “please. hoonie likes it when i baby him, too.” you send him a wink, to which he responds with by rolling his eyes.
“you’re talking nonsense.”
“don’t lie~” you coo, leaning over and ruffling his hair. “our cute baby hoonie~”
above you, seungcheol pouts, resting his chin on your head. “why don’t you ever treat me like that, (name)? this is unfair.”
you add more tteokbokki onto your plate. “it’s fun, seeing both of your reactions. hoonie’s more fun to tease, and it’s fun seeing you get all mopey.” he pouts, though he can’t refute your claims. jihoon does have funnier reactions than he does, and judging by both the amused and unimpressed looks the other members give him, he’s sure that he looks nothing short of glum.
“you know,” wonwoo begins, “i never would’ve imagined that jihoon would’ve gotten together with them. maybe with (name), but not with seungcheol-hyung. you both cling onto him more than to each other, anyways.”
“cheol here just comes to me more because he’s scared of hoonie,” you laugh, patting his thigh. “besides, they have each other when i’m not in the picture.”
“(name), you shouldn’t spoil cheollie so much. he’s already so bratty when you’re not here,” jeonghan sighs. “i’d love to see you tease jihoon more, though. you’re the only person who can get away with it unscathed, anyways.”
both seungcheol and jihoon darken in embarrassment. “shut it, yoon jeonghan,” they snap in unison.
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when seungcheol and jihoon wake up one saturday morning, they don’t expect to be clinging onto each other in bed. they also don’t expect you to be awake already, seeing how you’re usually one of the last people to get up.
“where’s (name)?” jihoon groggily asks, scooting closer to an equally tired seungcheol. though he rarely lets seungcheol hold him, his need for warmth overpowers his disdain for skinship.
the older doesn’t seem to mind his sudden touchiness, wrapping an arm around him. “dunno,” he mumbles.
neither of them further questions your disappearance, cuddling closer to each other. they both begin to drift back asleep when the floorboards of the hallway creak, signalling a new presence. the bedroom dear squeaks open, so when they both turn to face the source, they see you tiptoeing your way in. “oh, morning guys,” you whisper, sheepishly smiling. “sorry for waking you two."
“it’s fine,” jihoon yawns, slowly sitting up. beside him, seungcheol turns to dig his face into his pillow, stretching his limbs. “why are you up so early? it’s-” he pauses to glance at the clock, which reads 11:30 am. “okay, maybe it’s not so early. but what are you doing up?”
you shrug. “cheol elbowed my face earlier, and i couldn’t fall back asleep again, so i decided to get out of bed.”
seungcheol turns around and looks at you with guilty eyes, sitting up. “sorry babe,” he apologizes. he grabs your arm and pulls you onto him. “is your pretty face okay?” he asks, rubbing your cheeks.
you thread your fingers through his hair, untangling the knots as jihoon rolls over. “why don’t you come back to bed and sleep some longer? i know how irritable you can get when you don’t get enough sleep.”
you shake your head at his offer. “it’s okay, but thanks.” you reposition yourself so you’re sandwiched between seungcheol and jihoon, which is when they notice the navy apron hanging around your neck. “i made food not long ago, it should be warm still. come eat with me.” you wriggle your way out of the human sandwich, standing up again. “get up, lazy bums!”
“kiss me first,” seungcheol jeers like the brat he is.
you lean in close until your breath fans his lips. when he looks like he’s going to reciprocate, you move your lips last minute and peck his forehead instead. “brush your teeth first, brat. your breath smells like ass.” before you leave, you swiftly move your head and place a kiss on jihoon’s cheek, running out of the bedroom before either of them can do anything about it.
half an hour later, jihoon steps out of the bedroom and trudges into the kitchen. seungcheol’s still in the bathroom washing up. when he rounds the corner, he nearly screams to see you so close to him. you take this opportunity to wrap your arms around him and lift him up, to which he responds with a yelp. “put me down!” he shrieks.
you pay no mind to his shrieking, walking towards the counter. you plop down on a stool and seat him on your lap. he’s still squirming, but your grip is tight, so his fidgeting proves futile. “good morning, my baby~”
for someone who claims to hate the nickname, he always flushes a pretty red when you or seungcheol use it. even after getting together, he still isn’t used to it. “how many times do i have to tell you to not call me a baby? i’m only a year younger than you.”
“then what should i call you then?” you pucker your lips, which are met with jihoon’s palm. “my liege? my love? which do you prefer?” you flirt.
his blush darkens, and he can only look away in embarrassment. “shut up.”
your laugh is so loud it hurts his ears, but it’s endearing and true, something he never gets tired of listening to. “our baby is so cute when he’s flustered~”
“is today a bully seungcheol or a bully jihoon day, i wonder?” a voice in front of you asks. he cranes his neck as much as he can and sees seungcheol pouting in front of you two, bangs wet. “do i not get this treatment because i’m the oldest?
you stick your tongue out at him before flicking his forehead. “come on, let’s eat! you two took forever.” fortunately, seungcheol pulls out a stool for jihoon to sit on, so he’s all too eager to hop away from your clutches.
you’re sitting across from the duo, who are seated beside each other. the kitchen is mostly silent, save for the clinking of utensils. it isn’t when seungcheol takes a bite from an egg that you notice a band-aid plastered near his chin. “did you hurt yourself?” you ask, aiming your fork at his wound.
he absentmindedly runs a finger against the band-aid. “oh, this? i was shaving earlier and accidentally cut myself,” he explains. he gauges your reaction, from your furrowed eyebrows to worried eyes. just then, he lets out a cry, startling you and jihoon. “oh (name), it hurts~”
you laugh at his silliness, while jihoon snorts. “you’re so embarrassing. gosh (name), this is what happens when you spoil him too much. one single mishap and he comes running to you with fake tears. look at the monster you’ve created.”
you glance at seungcheol, and the mischievous smirk on your lips only spells for disaster. “cheol-ah, you were just fine a moment ago. i think you’re strong enough to handle a tiny cut, aren’t you?”
normally he would never allow for someone to question his strength, but when it comes to you, all he wants is your pampering, even if he makes himself look like a fool in the process. “don’t tease me, (name)~ don’t take jeonghan’s words so seriously!”
you laugh, recalling your friend’s words. you love to indulge your boyfriends, though teasing them is also fun, too. you used to only tease jihoon with your sickening babying, but seeing how seungcheol whines only fuels your mischievous nature. “i think you can handle it, cheol.” changing the topic, you smile at jihoon. “how’s the food? i think i did a good job for someone with abysmal cooking skills.”
“babe~” he whines.
“the food’s good, although your chopping skills could use some work,” jihoon comments, poking at an unevenly cut tomato.
you snort. “i’m cooking for you guys, not gordon ramsay. as long as it tastes good, it should be fine.”
“this is bullying.”
you turn to face seungcheol, who’s still pouting. “why don’t you ask hoonie?”
“because he’s going to say no. or worse, he’ll kick my shins.”
you laugh, getting up to refill your water. before you enter the kitchen, you cup seungcheol’s face and press a chaste kiss on his band-aid. “there. happy?”
the dopey, lovesick look he gives you is answer enough, and as confident and nonchalant as you are when it comes to flirting, you can feel butterflies swarming in your stomach. it never gets less exhilarating, knowing you have him wrapped around your finger. “suddenly, my cut doesn’t hurt anymore.”
jihoon gags. “disgusting.”
“you like it when we’re disgusting,” you mumble, pressing a kiss on his hair. before he can react, you swoop down and squish his cheeks, leaning in to press your lips together. he makes a disgruntled noise, though he doesn’t make any attempts to pry your hands off or to move away. when you pull away, a satisfied smile rests on your lips. “see? i knew you liked it when i babied you.”
you move your hands away from his face and lay them atop his hair. on the other hand, seungcheol squishes your cheeks together and begins peppering kisses on your face, drawing out little giggles from you. below you, jihoon frowns, folding his arms. “you’re so annoying. i could step on your toes if i wanted to.”
“if you wanted to,” you reiterate, turning your head so seungcheol doesn’t muffle your words with his lips. “key word is if, my dear. you would never actually hurt me, our cute baby.”
seungcheol relinquishes his attacks, sitting back onto the stool. “i wonder what would happen if i called him that?” he wonders out loud. suddenly, he squishes jihoon’s cheek, mirroring the fond look you always give them. “our cute baby jihoonie~”
right when he does this, seungcheol decides then that is the first and last time he’ll ever try to baby jihoon again - at least, if he wants to stay unharmed. pampering is more of your forte, anyways.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 4 years
Winter Sunshine
Haley (Stardew Valley) x They/Them Reader
A/N: As far as warnings go, the only thing that may not be your cup of tea are the suggestive themes in the last bit of the fic like, last couple sentences. Nothing explicit. Hope you enjoy! Also I’m adding word counts now because it's even a surprise to me how much I’m actually writing on the tiny screen of my phone lol. Word Count: 1,672
“This better be worth it.” Haley grumbled to herself as she trudged through the slushy snow. Her arms wrapped tightly around herself did nothing to fight back the bone chilling wind that burned her nose and cheeks, relentlessly blowing her hair into a tangled mess and undoing the hour long efforts to make it look nice for her farmer.
“It’s their fault I’m out here in the first place. If they have a problem with my hair, I’ll tackle them to the ground and give them a whitewashing they’ll never forget,” Haley told herself. In previous winters, nothing could make Haley leave the warmth of the home she shared with her sister. The snow while admittedly charming, somewhat romantic, did not impress Haley at all. Not when it meant she would have to freeze her ass off. There was no beach combing or sunflowers in winter, ice cream lost its appeal, and her photography suffered because again, it was too cold! Mittens made her clumsy, Haley would hate to lose her camera in a snowbank. Even with her mittens, her fingers felt frozen. It simply wasn’t worth it. But for her farmer, she would brave the ice and snow just to see their stupid, cute, face.
It was only five in the evening, but the sun was already good as gone. The faint glow of (Y/n)’s porch light helped guide Haley through the frigid fields, her boots finally clomped onto the the solid steps of the porch. She stomped her feet to kick the snow free from her boots, thuds resonated off of the sturdy wood.
The noise stirred movement from inside the house. The front door swung open revealing the farmer, looking, in Haley’s humble opinion, overly enthusiastic.
“Haley, you made it!” (Y/n) grinned, stepping out of the warm house and closing the door behind them much to Haley’s dismay.
“What are you doing? You aren’t even wearing a coat, it’s freezing!” Haley scolded, wrapping her arms around the farmer for no other reason than to keep them warm. No ulterior motives here.
“Don’t worry. It’ll be plenty warm where we’re going. So, you think you can walk a couple dozen more yards?” (Y/n) asked, fixing a couple of Haley’s stray hairs.
“Ugh, if I must.” Haley groaned.
“You don’t have to. We could just head inside right now and have warm tea and cuddles. Far be it from me to tell you what you have to do,” (Y/n) laughed and Haley rolled her eyes.
“Let’s just go already. If I have to stand here any longer I’m going to lose my finger and toes to frostbite.” Haley bounded off down the steps, nearly falling backwards after she hit a patch of ice. Luckily (Y/n) caught her, smiling down at the blonde in their arms, they helped her regain her footing and took her hand.
“This way,” they said. (Y/n) would have loved to tease Haley with some cheesy line about falling in love and the like, but Haley’s patience was already running thin. Best not to comment on the close call and just take it in stride.
(Y/n) guided Haley to the opposite end of the farm, becoming more excited with every step, earning a look from their companion that was equal parts suspicious and amused.
“Where are we even going?” Haley asked.
“You’ll see. Almost there. If you look ahead, you might see it.”
Haley squinted against the darkness and sure enough, she saw a large building looming just ahead.
“I can’t believe it. Did you commission Robin to build another barn?” Haley asked, incredulously.
“Not quite!” (Y/n) chirped.
“You have wayyy to much free time on your hands now that winter is in full swing. Just what have you been up to?”
(Y/n) didn’t answer, instead picking up the pace and tugging Haley closer. Ignoring Haley’s complaints until they stood in front of the large glass building.
“Whoa,” Haley breathed out once she finally caught her breath. “How did you manage this?” She asked, not disguising the awe in her voice.
“Let’s just say I got a little help from some friends,” They shrugged, “Do you like it?”
“You didn’t just drag me further out in the cold to look at the outside of a greenhouse did you?” Haley asked. “Let me in and I’ll think about giving you an answer.”
“Alright, you drive a hard bargain.” (Y/n) nodded. “But could you do something for me first?”
“You’re stalling. It’s winter and I’m dying of cold, and you’re stalling.” Haley stated dramatically. “Hey!”
(Y/n) laughed and pulled Haley’s knitted hat over her eyes. They took Haley’s hands before she could pull it back up and give (Y/n) a piece of her mind.
“Come on, just for a second, I promise.” (Y/n) swore. Haley scoffed and allowed herself to be tugged forward.
Haley heard the door open and she couldn’t help the relieved sigh that escaped her lips as a humid warmth enveloped her body. (Y/n) led her further into the space, then let go of her. They quickly moved behind Haley to shut the door then came back to hug Haley from behind.
“Okay, you can look now.” (Y/n) said. Haley could detect a slight tremor in their voice as they spoke against her ear. Were they nervous? Why?
Haley pushed her hat back and blinked, rubbing her eyes over the harsh brightness of the lights. (Y/n) must have turned them on. Once she regained her sight, Haley’s eyes blew wide at the sight before her.
“(Y/n), oh my Yoba!” Haley gasped.
“Surprise! Do you like them?” (Y/n) asked, wringing their hands.
Haley turned to look at them, her features painted with ecstatic disbelief. “Are you kidding? I love them!” Haley smiled so brightly (Y/n) couldn’t help but match her enthusiasm full heartedly. “I mean, sunflowers, growing in the dead of winter. It’s amazing!”
Haley turned away from (Y/n) again and walked up to the nearest sunflower, growing just as well as it would have on any normal summer or fall day. She touched its petals gingerly and felt its warmth work its way through her very soul. How had she been so lucky to find someone as attentive and endlessly sweet as the farmer behind her?
She felt the arms snake around her again and she eagerly held them to her stomach, anything to show how much this gesture meant to her.
“I’ve been thinking about you and winter a lot lately. You’re right in saying that the season gives me quite a bit of free time.” (Y/n) spoke in a soft tone resting their chin on Haley’s shoulder. “And I thought that maybe, this could give you something to look forward to when the snow and ice have got you down.”
Haley turned in (Y/n)’s arms and wrapped her own over (Y/n)’s shoulders, clasping her hands behind their neck. “I love it, I really do and I love you too, so much. Yoba, how am I ever going to get you something even close to this!” She whined, burying her face in the farmer’s chest.
“Haley, just having you here to share this with is more than enough for me,” (Y/n)’s voice wavered again and Haley looked into their eyes.
“(Y/n), what’s wrong? Why are you so nervous?”
“I also had another idea of how to make winter special for us. Something that would help you have memories to look back on fondly every winter. I’m just-“ they took a deep breath, “man, I was so ready this morning but now that the time is finally here-“
Haley silenced (Y/n) with a kiss. It was chaste, quick, but it helped (Y/n) ground themself.
“Come on, you’ve fought monsters in the deepest, darkest parts of the mines from here to the Calico Desert. You shouldn’t be scared of your own girlfriend.” Haley giggled good naturedly, earning a chuckle from (Y/n) as well.
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” (Y/n) simpered. They stepped out of Haley’s hold and reached into their shirt pocket. Withdrawing their fist, they presented it to Haley who analyzed the closed fingers intently. “Haley, in the dead of winter, where all is cold and dark, will you become my warmth, my light, will you marry me?” (Y/n) opened their clenched fist and Haley’s hands flew to her mouth as the bright blue pendant was revealed.
“(Y/n)!” Haley cried, her voice muffled by her gloved hands. “Yes, I’ll marry you!” She lunged forward, grasping (Y/n)’s back for dear life and buried her face in their neck.
“Really?” (Y/n) sniffled holding Haley just as tightly.
“Of course! Nothing would make me happier!” Haley asserted, pulling away just a hair, “Please help me put it on.” She frantically took off her scarf, mittens, coat, and hat, throwing them off to the side. Then she turned away from (Y/n) and held her tangled hair up, allowing her newly betrothed to slip their hands through her arms and secure the pendant around her neck. Haley turned the shell in her hand and laughed breathlessly. She turned and launched herself back into (Y/n)’s arms for a kiss much more involved than the last.
“I love you,” Haley said again, holding (Y/n)’s face in her hands, a small, mischievous smile gracing her lips. She pulled away from (Y/n) and much to the other’s confusion, she walked backwards into the tall sunflower stalks until (Y/n) couldn’t see her.
“Haley?” (Y/n) called after a moment of silence. Somewhere from the back of the greenhouse, (Y/n) could see a shirt get tossed into the air before fluttering back down into the dense vegetation and they couldn’t help but laugh. “Wouldn’t you rather do this back at the house?”
“We’d have to go outside first, by the time we got back I might not be feeling so generous.” Came the faint reply.
(Y/n) watched as another article of clothing was thrown upward and swallowed thickly. They grabbed Haley’s winter coat from the floor and darted into the crops, following the sound of giggles and rustling leaves.
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vs-redemption · 4 years
I thought of another one sorry lmao. Okok so Dabi got the Cat girl but what if Bakugou got the bunny girl lol. So Bakugou x reader who’s quirk is a bunny! (Ears,tail,cute twitchy nose ahhhh)
From Cindy:  🐱 Anon! At it again with these really great ideas! I did a weird amount of research on rabbit behavior for this, but I like how it turned out. I hope you agree!
Cottontail (Bakugo x Bunny Girl!Reader)
Dating a girl with a bunny quirk was not all cute fuzzy ears and sexy little tails like a lot of people probably expected. Actually, there were a lot of curveballs that could really throw someone off guard if they weren’t careful. Nobody knew that better than Katsuki Bakugo, who had experienced plenty of surprises from the moment he met you until even after he’d asked you to marry him.
“Man, she is so cute!” Denki sighs the first time he sees you working the front desk at the explosion hero’s agency, earning himself a slap to the back of the head.
“Hey, keep your eyes to yourself idiot!” Bakugo warns his visiting friend before checking in with you about any missed calls or schedule changes. You pass on a few memos before watching him drag Denki off to meet the rest of his friends for lunch as he usually did about twice a month.
Bakugo’s professional attitude and respect towards you was something that had drawn you to him right away, but those same traits also made it very hard to express the fact that you had developed a crush on him. For a while, you held back from openly flirting with him or doing anything that might be deemed inappropriate. Unfortunately, denying yourself for too long caused your bunny instincts to kick in and force you into action. You both were just as surprised the day he came over to ask you about some paper work that had been left on his desk only for you to jump up from your chair and punch him twice in the chest.
“What?” He blinked in surprise, trying to understand why you’d attacked him as your face got hot in embarrassment. Thankfully, the hits hadn’t been strong, but it was still a bit humiliating.
“I am SO sorry,” you bow your head over and over again, ears flopping over your face each time. You were too flustered and worried about losing your job to stop your mouth from spilling the truth. “I really couldn’t stop myself, I just think you’re really attractive!”
“What?!” Bakugo repeats, even more confused than before. It was definitely an uncomfortable conversation, but you explained that ‘boxing’ was a courting behavior for rabbits and begged him not to fire you as his cheeks slowly turned pink at the explanation. Thankfully, he was merciful enough to let you remain in your position, but your spunky little display had apparently been enough to peak his interest. The hero kept a closer eye on you for the next few weeks following the incident, giving him time to pick up on a few of your other habits related to your quirk.
“Oi, cottontail,” he leans over your desk with an eyebrow raised. “Why are you chewing up all the pens? If you’re hungry, let me take you out to lunch.”
“Actually, I just chew on things when I’m content or happy,” you couldn’t believe he’d noticed let alone pointed it out. “Don’t worry, that’s why I buy my own pens.”
“I’m not worried,” He shrugs, “I just want to take you on a date. I don’t have to punch you back to get you to say yes, right?” You weren’t sure if you should laugh or feel embarrassed, so instead you opted to be happy that he seemed to be reciprocating your feelings.
Even after dating for a while, Bakugo was still super respectful of you and your rabbit traits. He even asked permission before touching and petting your ears, and you found it extremely endearing the way he blushed and fumbled over his words each time. The first time he invited you over his house to make dinner for you and watch a movie, you found that he’d stocked his refrigerator with your favorite snacks to give you something to munch on and satisfy your urges to chew until the meal was ready. Of course, as soon as Bakugo thought he had you pretty much figured out, there was another shocking turn of events.
“I’m so tired, Katsuki,” You yawn and flop down on his sofa after getting back from a date that had consisted of a rather intense game of paintball. “I don’t think I have the energy to go back home.”
“Then just stay here,” he offers without hesitation. The thought of having you warm and safe by his side as he slept sounded really nice, but his peaceful image went up in smoke when you climbed into his bed and started pulling up his blankets and pushing his sheets around with both hands.
“What did my bed ever do to you?” He asks, half amused and half bewildered.
“Oh jeez,” you groan when you realize what you’d been doing. “That was so rude! I’m so sorry. I just can’t get comfortable or sleep unless things are a certain way.” Bakugo walks up with his hands on his hips as he observes the mess you’d made of his previously perfectly organized bed. Your ears go back and you lower your head in submission, feeling ashamed. Your boyfriend recovers quickly though, and takes the odd behavior in stride.
“Do what you have to do, I guess.” He shakes his head and smirks. “As long as I’m still allowed in here with you.”
“Of course!” You reassure him while pulling his face in and give him a soft kiss. “Having you with me is the most important part.” This is all he really needs to hear to be put back at ease. He was quite particular about how he kept his things as well, but he didn’t mind adjusting if it meant you were feeling comfortable around him. Plus, you were nice enough to remake his bed just the way he liked the next morning.
Bakugo was in for another surprise the first time he’d done something to get on your nerves. He honestly couldn’t even remember what it was that had annoyed you anymore, but he’d never forget the way you’d thumped your large foot at him and twitched your tail, looking ready to charge at him. It was a bit terrifying and he quickly learned how to read your body language to avoid being on the receiving end of any more of your punches.
After moving in together, you still managed to throw Bakugo for a loop every once in a while. There were things that blew his mind, like when you cut your hair and left little locks of it around the house as some sort of spring time nesting behavior.
“It’s only for a week or so Katsuki, I’m sorry!” You always apologized even though he never really got upset over things you couldn’t control. “If I don’t do it like this, I start to pull the hair out myself and leave it around which is much more painful and a lot messier too.”
“Don’t worry about it, cottontail,” He pulls you into a side hug and presses a kiss to the side of your face. Behaviors like this did get tiresome sometimes for Bakugo, but it never bothered him for long. There was no way he could stay upset over things like that, especially when he got to wake up in the mornings to you nuzzling his face as a way to mark him with your scent. He also lived for the moments where he did something that made you happy enough to hop into the air and do an excited little spin, like the day he’d gotten down on his knee and asked you to be with him for the rest of his life.
Being with a girl with a bunny quirk definitely came with its fair share of surprises that ranged from super cute to kind of scary. Thankfully, Bakugo was the type of person who could handle just about anything you threw at him.
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Only Time Makes It Human
Hi, hello I was so excited to write this story you don't understand! I hope you all like it, I'm open to suggestions for part two or even part three hehe, I just like this concept a lot, lol i even made a Spotify playlist to listen to while writing. And I dont do that very often.
Pairing: Levi/ Reader
Summary: he shouldn't have let Hange drag him to that frat party with Petra as his date, not when she knew you'd be there with someone else.
Tags: college au!, Angst, eventual fluff, slightly nsfw
Warnings: mentions of smoking, cheating, drinking and of you squint hard enough there's some nsfw, literally it's a frat party, you know how college students are
Disclaimer: drink responsibility if you are of drinking age, don't smoke, absolutely don't drive while being drunk, also I don't own the characters, but you already know that.
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The deafening sound of pop music abused Levi's ears to the point his head was pulsing. His drink, a ratty cheep lager that was disturbingly common in such parties, stood in a red plastic cup in his hand, not even halfway drank. It was the watery taste he despised; when he wasn't much of an alcohol drinker, he was adamant about bitter tastes in beverages, a preference he hadn't managed to fight in his whole life time.
He shot an ominous glance at Hange and Petra. Stood right in front him, swaying their hips and smiling at each other as they shipped from their makeshift cocktails, they were more than surprised whatever they had dumped on their cups was consumable.
Petra in particular, beamed everytime she looked his way, auburn locks of her grazing the sides of her kind face as she swayed closer to him. The way his eyes never landed on her until it was necessary guilted him more than he wanted to admit. Mainly because Hange had set them up, and also because he shouldn't have been frying his brain with thoughts of someone else when he was with her.
But sometimes he couldn't help himself.
In an attempt to shut his brain down from making generously misery thoughts, he locked his hand around Petra's waist, sipping ever so slightly off his beer in the meantime. He didn't miss the way she lowered her head to smile, the sheer maroon tint on her cheeks. She fidgeted her fingers around her drink, shooting happy stares to Hange, Erwin and Mike as she went to rest get head on Levis shoulder.
Hange softly smiled back, curling her lips on an upward curve then brushing of three long to stare at the couple with ogling eyes. She focused on the conversation Mike and Erwin were having, as if it was something important enough to get lost into.
"I'm just wondering where Nanaba is, she said I'd find her here." Mike spoke with a puzzled voice, bobbing his head around to scout for the familiar blotch of short blonde hair that acostumed the face of his long term lover.
"Ah, she's with (y/n), silly. They're probably somewhere around if you want to say hi." Hange beamed.
Levi's eyes went wide and his hands numb at the sound of your name; he couldn't believe the plastic cup hadn't slipped off his palm. It had been so long since Hange had mentioned you so casually in a shared conversation, at least before him that is. It was more than natural to assume his friends hadn't cut ties with you, in contrast to his previous belief.
It was unlikely they were working against him on this situation, but his mind couldn't stop from running in possible imageries between them and you. Were they going to that cafe near campus with you when he denied their invitation? Did they spent some nights at your new place, drinking and driving you on watching horror parodies, when you despised it?
He shook his head trying to brush bubbling thoughts of you away from his mind. With a quick look at Petra, he decided to gulp down the warmed up lager, in hopes of finding relief in a stronger refill.
He despised the way beer didn't spritz on his tongue in it's warm state, but he refused to cringe at the aftertaste. Meanwhile, on his left, Petra enthusiastically bobbed her weight between her legs at the sound of another well known song. He didn't bother to comply to her moves, his eyes averted bitterly to the emptiness of his cup, yet he couldn't eagerly decide to step out of the comfort of his position.
Strolling around meant that he could come across you and he wasn't sure whether he wanted that or not.
Yet, Hange was adamant about dragging him, through the crowd to the kitchen counter, seeing his need for a refill as an excuse to get a new drink to mix to her cocktail.
Familiar faces fleet the kitchen, strolling around with numerous cups in their hands, heading to all directions. Levi pinched his nose in annoyance; the stench of sweat and smoke numbed his nostrils making him snicker, disgust masking the look on his face.
Setting his goal as to find a closed bottle of whiskey, his hands managed to work fast to their task. Upon discovering a single bottle that was still intact he twist the cap open, skillfully bringing the rim of his cap underneath the bottle's opening. Copper liquid poured in gushes in the red plastic, filling it to its maximum capacity.
The bigger the drink, the more chances he had to get a little drunk, maybe forget about you in the process.
"Are you thinking about her, shorty?"
Hange's voice rang in his blank head for several seconds fighting to elicit an answer out of him. He fought back, merely for a moment. If he knew Hange she would have kept pressuring him to answer her question on front of every one else for the rest of the night. He was trying to fix his mood with at least some alcohol, so he wouldn't let Hange ruin it.
He hesitated to speak loud enough for his voice to reach her eardrums. Admitting to his pain made it real, and he hated still being sentimental when it came to you. At least Hange would keep her mouth shut if she got her rightful answer.
"Well I do, I suppose." He muttered below his breath, gray eyes never averting to her direction.
Hange curious expression immediately transformed into one of pure mischievous excitement that, he had to admit, was pretty unsettling. He knew that look on his friend's face, he couldn't fight it even if he wanted to so naturally he wished he had bit back on his answer. Nevertheless, what was done was done.
"It sucks doesn't it?" Hange spoke, pointer finger stretching to fox her glasses.
"It makes me feel lonely."
"Well don't make your self suffer, shorty." Hange's eyes softened as she threw a playful punch on his bicept, her drink long forgotten on the counter. "You could try to be friends with her."
"It's not that I want to suffer, it keeps me going sometimes. And no, I don't want to."
With squinted eyes and a disappointed gaze Hange shook her head at him and grabbed her drink from the wooden counter. Her mouth formed in a disapproving smirk causing her cheeks to squint and scrunch in an almost too comical manner. Levi knew he should have paid, absolutely, no mind on stressing over it; whether she was right or wrong she wasn't in a place to judge him for any of his choices, especially on the ones on his romantic life. And even more executionally, on ones she had helped him make by setting him up with Petra.
Not that he had anything against Petra.
He actually enjoyed her company. The cute little remarks she'd make for him, the way she cared for anything he did or the way her eyes would ogle at him as if he was a god. She could keep her space clean and she was kind to everyone in the sweetest manner. On top of that she had a girl next door type of beauty, auburn hair parted messily according to any occasion and round hazel eyes. All in all Hange had been right to point out she looked good on him.
Tonight, Petra was shining in her favorite pastel layers. A soft strawberry lilac turtleneck with flared sleeves as a base, topped with a powder blue strappy dress and finally completed with velvet baby pink Vans. Cute sparkly pins were accessorising her hair and numerous necklaces with moon and star charms shone on her neck. The effort she had put to perfect her aesthetic had indeed paid off; she looked like a fairy under the erratic lights of the party. She had achieved her initial goal to stand out from the occasional soft girls around the crowd, signifying she was Levi's girl.
With Levi's popularity amongst ladies, she had to be effortlessly perfect.
And she was, for as long as she was concerned.
Levi shot his eyes to his friends' direction, catching quickly glimpses of the way Petra danced with Hange. Erwin and Mike were nowhere to be found for now, as he assumed they would be searching for Nanaba.
He cringed at the chaotic arrangement of things; Nanaba had distanced her self from the group because she was your childhood friend so her relationship with Mike naturally came second to not forcing you into the same group as Levi. As if Levi wanted to be forced to be in the same group as you.
Fortunately, you had plenty of friends as to not to stick onto his group.
He was gulping a mouthful of his drink, copper whiskey watering down his dry throat as if he hasn't drunk anything in hours, when his eyes met yours in the crowd. His heart immediately skipped a long beat, chest heavying at the sight of your flushed face.
Maybe, on second thought, you hadn't actually noticed him.
You stood outside of the massive glass window proudly downing the shot in your hand after cheering on it with Eren. There was joy written on your makeup accessoried face; with your eyes squinted and your smile spread to your face asour hips moved according to the music engulfed in Eren's palms. Your hair swayed with each one of your movements, (h/c) locks landed messily on your face and shoulders mirroring Eren's to perfection. Levi couldn't help but notice how Eren's man bun was coming undone on the erratic movements his made.
As you slightly squated, attempting to perk your buttocks in the air for your partner to grab, your baggy jeans tightened their hug on your body in perfection. Levi remembered having seeing you in those baggy cargo jeans from afar on a few occasions, always thinking how good they looked on you, always admiring how you could always lull off your desired aesthetic effortlessly.
It was true that had he not seen you flawnting your effortless dark urban style, he would have thought that Petra had been the only girl who could show anyone how dressing aesthetically could be achieved. But you were something different. They way your breasts sat firmly at the bustier bits of your spaghetti strapped top, adorned by the corset like nature of the torso tube looked magnificent paired to your jeans. Your jet black Dr Marten's boots peaked from the flared finish of your jeans, giving the look a 90s grungy edge along with your all natural -be it for your dark maroon lip color.
Looking around, amongst numerous art majors like you he couldn't find someone who could mimick the way you pulled it off.
There fore, on a way he didn't blame Eren's hands as they traveled down your curves and touched tenderly at your torso. Even if the motion pulled any string in his heart that wasn't numbed by his alcoholic beverage.
He loathed you looked so good, and he loathed the way you danced to the loud tune as if no one was around.
With another big gulp on his whiskey, he felt the world slowing down around him.
As your eyes finally met -this time it wasn't just him imagining things- the tune changed, mocking him for gawking at you while taking your side against him. He noticed you mouth the lyrics to him, your head turned to his direction as his eyes struggled to rip away from your form.
Your moves on Eren became more intimate, more suggestive as you scratched the nape of his neck, bringing your mouth close to his ear to whisper words Levi couldn't have known of. Quickly, Eren pulled away with a pouty smile, displeased that he had to pull away from you. It was in that second that Levi's chest tightened dangerously, as Eren's lips brushed chastely on yours, noses bumping on eachother.
In an attempt to shook the image out of his head he turned on his heels, cup squeezed in hand and stomach growling in anxiety as he marched to his group of friends. Smiling faces welcomed him but he paid no mind in reciprocating the slightest glance. Levi wasn't exactly the type to bounce back immediately after having experienced his heart sinking in such horrid way.
Unsurprisingly for him -seeing that he was used to things only going downhill after a shitty event- Mike appeared out of the blue with Nanaba linked on him through their elbows. It wasn't in fact Nanaba that shattered any remain of his, already ruined, mood, but the person that clung into her palm.
More specifically, you.
"Heyy!!" Hange screamed, hands stretching towards your direction, already pulling you in her embrace once you reached her velocity. "I have missed you so much, where have you been these days!"
"Hange we went out for launch yesterday." You giggled through your squished cheek.
"Noo, that was ages ago I miss you everyday."
You shot a judgemental look at Erwin from Hange's back as she began to pull back from your embrace. The lisps and slips of her tongue were starting to become prominent as she poured words before you in an excessively fast paced manner, leaving you unable to come up with a way to respond to her, let alone understand what she had been saying.
Erwin scratched the back of his head an but his lip in response, shoulders rising up in an unbeknownst manner.
"You shouldn't let her drink that much. You know how she gets." You scolded, looking around the faces of your friends, trying your best not to let your faint voice get overlapped by the loud reggaeton beat.
Once again as Levi's eyes locked gazes with yours your breath hitched inside your chest.
His hand strode out to Petra's waist, pulling her closer almost too automatically for anyone not to notice. The commotion caught your eye, but you never flinched, much to your demise. Petra's hair swayed to the right as her smile widened from the sudden affectionate gesture, making you sick to the stomach from how soft and fragile and enchanting she had managed to look.
"Anyways I just came to say hi, I'll go find Eren now-"
Your words were cut short as your aforementioned significant other showed up bouncing in excitement beside you. Mirroring Levi's actions he pulled you close in a swift movement before ensuring he gave soft smiles to everyone. Hange excitedly greeted him back as Nanaba and Mike caught him up in casual conversation.
Levi watched as the brunette whipped his head whenever he flawnted on his achievements, causing Nanaba to shoot him awkward smiles and Mike to shrug him off in the process. You could see the despair in their faces as Eren egoistically carried on the conversation, but you tried to shrug it off for the moment as you conversed with Erwin.
Your mind wouldn't stop ordering your eyes to attach themselves into the picture perfect couple ahead of you, who paid no mind to your mere existence. In a way you blamed yourself for having caused this. Had you uttered a single hello to them you wouldn't have received such treatment. It served you right for knowingly intruding their space with the intention to make your presence known to Levi.
If you knew if the way Levi's eyes fell onto you everytime you looked away, you wouldn't have had yanked Eren's hand in an attempt to gain his attention.
"Ah sweetheart, I'm sorry, Yeagerbombs with your Yeager boy?" Eren blinked his emerald eyes into yours, pride splattered in his smile for his -cringeworthy to anyone else but himself- pun. You couldn't help but let out a nervous snicker of a laugh as he yanked you close to him again, pleading eyes landing into Levi's stormy gaze.
For you, the world seemed to stop in the moment as you took in his dimly lit face and delicate features. The music fell deaf to your ears as you gawked at him, hands trembling and tongue tied in words that you failed to recognize.
That mellow melancholy in his eyes, the adorning eyebags, the way some short coarse hairs on his face tried to mimick his neatly kept undercut, it all seemed unreal to you.
How long had it been since you had been so close to him? Nowadays it seemed the two of you had moved on to whatever. You had tried so much to avoid eachother that your timing never allowed the two of you to meet, not even for a the slightest, in hopes of forgetting about each others existence.
What downed you, though, from your precious pink cherry blossom rainfall bubble was that Petra was wrapped lovingly around him, her aesthetically pleasing image fitting conveniently with your little fairytale background, throwing you out of it.
By faintly excusing yourself from the group you let yourself lose on Eren's grip as he slipped you away from the crowd and towards the kitchen.
Levi didn't want to have to take a trip to the bathroom of a sorority house. In thought it seemed disgusting and unsanitary, but he had so much to drink that his body had been begging and screaming to him for some sort of relief.
He assumed the upstairs bathroom would be clean, supposing there weren't any horny young adults crushing their reproductive organs against eachother as there would normally be at any party of this nature.
With a steady knock that elicited no answer or even a simple grunt from the other side of the door he knew he was good to go. With a movement of his wrist the handle twisted and he slowly let himself in, eager to get through the process as fast as possible.
A few moments later and the fly of his distressed jeans was being zipped up again, tucked neatly under his black crewneck's bottom. He scrunched his sleeves up above his elbows and run his hand under the sink, waiting for the water to warm up.
His face looked tainted in the mirror; puffy eyebags and a deadpan expression while his lips stayed chapped. In an attempt to look presentable he run his now excessively washed hands through his front bangs tagging slightly to form a little volume at the roots.
He hadn't expected to swoon so easily at the sight of you being playfully entangled with Eren. He hadn't expected his heart to sink at the sight of you being explicitly affectionate with anyone before him and he wondered if it was simply due to the fact that he hadn't been accostumed to it. He certainly hadn't expected of Eren to step in and swoop you away before his very eyes; the pain of seeing you next to a friend of his seemed even more devastating for a few seconds.
Nevertheless, the little shit had always had an eye on you, even if he liked to consider himself as a protegee if his.
Levi wondered if you had felt that loathing feeling as well. Petra hadn't been that private about their relationship, with her constant posts on Instagram, her continuous snaps of him on a daily basis. Whereas he hadn't seen you post many things in the course of eight months.
He had brushed off the idea of scrolling through your socials a numerous times before finally agreeing on linking with Petra. Secretly he'd search for your shared photos, hoping they'd appear out of nowhere on your profile. Secretly he'd stare at his archived posts, contemplating on whether he should keep photos of a better time protected or whether he should delete them.
Now with his back against the sink to prevent himself from catching his reflection judging him, he unlocked his phone and tapped the familiar fuchsia icon. As expected, Eren's profile icon flashed in a pink and orange ombre circle before all others, signaling he had posted a story. Not supressing his pulled heartstrings who were set to call the shots tonight, Levi tapped on the icon with such force that a loud tapping sound filled his ears.
The video loaded painfully slow, his data connection giving in to the thick bathroom walls. Eren's face flashed on his screen, sheepish smile adorning his features."There's no hope for us!" He spoked in blurred pronounciation. "Even the anti smoker is smoking!" In a quick sequence the camera angle shifted on you, apathetically taking a drag out of a freshly rolled cigarette while cussing him out in a stern tone.
Silently he scrunched his nose and clicked his tongue in annoyance. Surely you still hadn't learnt from past mistakes. In seldom occasions you'd smoke while mixing your drinks, nothing unusual for people at your age; although Levi knew better than to do it consciously, you sometimes did. He had been strick and unforgiving on you, snapping out on you the following day for not taking good care of yourself. Clearly his short temper had only pushed you to riot now that you were away from him.
When the door shot open, causing him to jump and nearly let his phone slip away from his grip, he couldn't bring himself to realise for how long he'd been sitting in the bathroom, replaying Eren's story.
His eyes quickly recognised you as you shot your arms to pull your hair away from your face. He had seen you from every possible angle, a feeling that once upon a time had made him feel sick and trapped, pushing him to make stressed decisions. Every little detail of yours was curved in the back of his brain, awaiting for moments like this to unleash. It was easy like that to recognize you for miles ago.
As much as he'd like to, he didn't make a move towards you, afraid that maybe if you saw him out of all people in this state you'd jump in fear.
Nonetheless he couldn't help the silent inquiry concerning your condition not slip off his mouth. "You alright there?"
"I'm fine." You gulped, supressing the urge to spill your stomach's insides before the person behind you. "It's just- my ex is here and I- I guess I got stressed and I smoked and I drunk too much and ugh-" you cringed at the way you overshared your personal matters with a stranger, although you momentarily found comfort in the action. No one could judge you if they didn't know you, right?
"You don't say!"
Of course luck wouldn't be on your side. Ever since you laid your eyes on him a few hours ago you knew it in your heart this night would fall in crumbles, but did it really have to be this way?
You jumped, startled at the sight of Levi's familiar face, ignoring the way your heart fell as hard as a rock in your stomach, ignoring the vertigo like feeling to numb the poor organ. Puke hitched in your throat and you ripped your eyes away from his form in a panicked state. Your stomach emptied in the porcelain toilet, leaving atrocious sounds as it burned and scratched on your throat. You feel your whole body go weak with every shot of your stomach. Your hands couldn't keep their grasp on your hair; they quickly fell near your legs.
Levi crouched to your side in a heartbeat, his quick instincts getting the best of him as he grabbed your hair tenderly in order to keep it away from your face.
"Fuck, just how much did you even drink?" He whispered, hand reluctantly reaching to soothe down your back.
"You should know." You barked. "You were staring. How dare you?"
He had grown accustomised to quite make out your mutters by assuming what you were feeling in the moment. Athough, as your excessive vomiting came to an alt, you yanked your hair angrily out of his hands, refusing to associate yourself with him anymore.
As you meticulously washed your hands and mouth you noticed his stretched hand shielded the way to the door, blocking you from exiting. Your dizzy state didn't allow you to be feisty as you fixated your interest in swooning over the way his arms looked with his sleeves rolled up. You took a mental note to scold yourself for that very fact once you were sober enough.
"I have to go to my friends, thanks for helping me."
"You're not going anywhere." You noticed his breath hitched as he spoke. Was he equally as drunk? Wasn't he supposed to handle his alcohol like he had always said? Just how much had he had to drink? "You're not going anywhere until you tell me why you drunk so much."
Your silent thoughts geared up inside your brain, ready to skyrocket out of your mouth the moment you opened it to speak. "It's because you're here and you're with her and seeing the two of you in action is only making it real!"
Levi erratically blinked at your word vomiting. He hadn't expected you to just spill out those words without a notice it a warning, hell, even a little warm up would be nice to help him form a preserved reaction without becoming a drunk stuttering mess.
Without warning your hands wrapped around him, chests pressed against each other in the firmest way possible, sending shivers down his newly sweating spine. Normally, he'd say he hated the way you nuzzled against the crook of his neck, wiggling your nose through his crewneck sweater to coo into his warmth. Normally, he'd pinch himself and wake up and you would disappear, never to been seen laying beside him in such manner again.
Normally his blood wouldn't pump profoundly in his veins in excitement and lust as your touch and your smell.
As the sweet aroma of vanilla and pergamont englulfed his nostrils his arms loosened around him before jumping to the sides of your face, yanking it away from his neck. His next move was crucial; thumbs tenderly stroked on your cheeks as his stormy eyes looked silently into yours. He could only listen to his heartbeat as he crushed his mouth against yours in a feverous manner.
His body pushed against yours in need to pull you into the kiss as you responded with equal effort to your passion. Fortunately for him you had spent minutes trying meticulous wash out any smell or taste away from your mouth with some oral hygiene products you had happened to come across in the cupboards. The fact that he was drunk didn't mean he was inconsiderate of his need for everything to be clean.
All in all, be wasn't sure how the two of you ended up in the backseat of his car, topless with your tongues genuinely battling for dominance.
He must have been in a haze as he pushed past and out of the crowd, erratically trying to remember the general direction in which his car was parked.
As his hands gripped everywhere he could find his eyes didn't dare to shoot open. Existing in this moment, dry humping to your hips from underneath you. Tiny bumps adorned your skin every time he touched you. The freezing air of December had finally brushed its effect on both of you, soft shivers shook your whole form and he couldn't help but notice.
He couldn't think straight, despite wanting to though.
Your lips launched in the soft spot on his neck in an effortless manner. To him it was obvious you hadn't forgotten his own anatomy; all the places that you touched teased him perfectly to submission making him sink into the black industrial seat.
Your hands passionately grabbed the back of his hair, elbows colliding with the skin just under his collarbone.
"I've missed this, I've longed for this."
Your words, whether they were intentional or not, slit through his chest and set fire to the wound, causing another wave of stressful passion to spread from his stomach to his whole body. Chaste kisses were places all over his face, underneath his bangs, on his eyes, even the tenders corners of his jaw.
Your noses crashed, your breaths mingling in the air as your lips found his again.
You moved your lips in perfect synch, as if they were two pieces of a puzzle that were fabricated to fit perfectly on eachother. It hurt you that your bodies were working against your sober wills. You made another note to punish yourself for that as well once you were in your right mind.
His hands wrapped tighter around your back, crashing you impossibly closer next to him. Your chest fought to rise and fall as squirms escaped you, engulfed into his mouth.
"We shouldn't do this here, I'm not up to voyeuring anyone." He remarked, but fell silent as you placed another brushing kiss on his lips before pulling back to slightly nod in agreement.
Before you knew it you were wrapped in his jacket, your top long forgotten in an unseen corner of his car. His own charcoal black crewneck shielded his body from your sight as he hit the pedals of his car almost too closely to the allowed speed limit.
Long forgotten were his friends and date to the first party, long forgotten were any attempts to find excuses for whatever had ignited what was happening.
The trip to his apartment was quicker than what you had expected; maybe it was for the alcohol in your system that left you in a constant vertigo, but your head wasn't getting any better. The warm golden Christmas city lights adorned every single aspect of the streets and captivated your eyes spreading their heat into your whole form. With Christmas around the corner the current situation felt even more alluring to indulge into.
Christmas always meant Levi, in a way.
You swore you only blinked for a second once you entered the apartment building front door but when you opened your eyes you were before his door.
As always, it read 25B.
In a flash you were underneath him in his bed, hair sprawled everywhere around you as his lips angrily assaulted your collarbones. You didn't trust your drunk antics to tell you if the night was still young, but you assumed it could still labor a few more hours of the greediness between two long lost lovers.
"I" he started acting kissed on your lips as his hands came to mingle with the button of your jeans. "Want you to know." Another kiss was placed on your lips. "That" another "I-"
This time you cut him off with your swollen lips on his, sucking all air out of his lungs. "Just kiss me and we'll talk about this afterwards."
Your eyes throbbed as light entered their cavities, reflecting on your irises despite your best wishes. You had only just shot out a hand to shield them from the warm rays of sun when panic stabbed through your chest like a murderous intruder.
They blueyish grey tink to the walls and the futuristic design of the drawers and nightstands were all too familiar to you. They stood there, mocking you on all their dark chocolaty color for being unable to come up with an immediate answer to your whereabouts.
Your head was being occasionally jolted in throbbing hot pain as you decided to look around you in the matress, in hopes of recognising the person to whom the newly sounding grunts belonged to.
To your utter shock and disbelief, Levi shot up from his position on the bed. You watched as his eyes widened at the sight of you, grey orbs slightly shrinking in shock and realisation.
"What did you-" he began but soon his hand shot up to his own throbbing head. "Shit just how much did we have to drink?"
"Okay I have a better question," you added to your shared misery "are you as naked as I am?"
It was on rare occasions that you had seen such irrational panic mask Levi's face, yet this time must have been the most striking one amongst the ones you could recall. His skin had lost at least two shades of color, his lips parted slightly. His forehead was cringled as his eyebrows were skyrocketing away from his eyes.
Although when he opened his mouth in an attempt to confirm the obvious, he was quickly cut off by the sound of his doorbell being rung, along with three stern knocks on his door. Even his phone started ringing from beside him, adding pressure to his momentarily frozen state. He picked the divice in his hands, fingers shakingly making their way to the acceptance button.
"Hey Petra!"
"Hey love!" You heard the cheerful voice fill the air through his speaker. Petra had a really loud voice, you noticed, it was either that or that your head was about to explode from the hangover. "I'm outside, please open up, you left without even saying goodbye and wouldn't pick up your phone. I'm so worried."
"Tch, give me a second I'll get changes and we can have breakfast at that cafe you like." Levi grunted, his thumb reaching to rub soothing circles on the prominent vein in his forehead.
"Can I come inside?"
"Yeah yeah." He spoke as he hit the closing button, his phone being slammed against the bed. His head turned to you, only to reveal a section of his throat that was bruised in lovemarks you had left on him. "Hide, stay silent, I don't know which one, just do it."
After his harsh order, his eyes never had a chance to reach yours as he got up from the bed to sprint to his dresser, hurriedly searching for the only washed black turtleneck he owned. He hadn't even had a chance to look himself in the mirror, but knowing you, you couldn't have held back from munching on the skin in his throat.
Upon his quick discovery, he threw on a pair of gray of sweats that he recover from the hanger behind his door.
You didn't dare speak, hell you didn't even dare move, the fear of being discovered in such pretentious position -as the third person- in a house you once had lived in overtook your natural senses and your irrational thinking. Your heart didn't cease to sink as moments later you heard the door click open, then immediately close.
The familiar buzzing sound of silence filled your ears a few moments later. This time realisation kicked in immediately in hopes of drowning your mind in excessive amounts of overthinking. That's how it was then?
Your head plopped down the pillows, sinking deeper and deeper with each passing second. Your heart skipped essential beats and your breathing hitched in your throat. Only one question stood on top of others.
What had you done?
Tags because yay: @sasageyowrites @levisbrat25 and @ackermans-freedom-inc because I know they were excited for this story and the new addition to my taglist (??) @alrightberries 👉🏻❤️👈🏻
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Argh, I’m not sure if my ask sent but I accidentally dropped my phone and my message disappeared when I grabbed it again, so I’m sorry if I did and you just see a repeated message.😣
Loved your breakdown of the ITS conversation. I think what you pointed out is an essential part that Taekookers and “all of them love each other the same, they’re all on the same friendship level with each other, they’re all soulmates” ARMYs tend to ignore. They’ll post gifs of Taekook being touchy and laughing with each other and go, “See! Their relationship never changed!! They’ve always been close!!! The ITS conversation was just a whole show for views!!!!” without understanding that it’s the emotional connection both Tae and JK felt they missed between each other. I think it’s easier for them to accuse HYBE of orchestrating the whole thing instead of accepting that Taekook realized that they both matured and changed which lead to them struggling to figure out what that meant for their relationship as friends and coworkers.
I was wondering if it ever crossed your mind that the reason they had that period of awkwardness was because of their shippers. I’ve always lowkey thought so, but I could never justify that because I simply cannot find reason to support that. I mean, yeah, Taekookers are annoying and loud, but at one point, Yoonmin shippers were just as loud and spammy as them. Despite that, Yoonmin’s relationship didn’t seem to go the awkward route and, in fact, as the years passed, Yoongi seemed to be more liberal with his compliments for Jimin. Granted, Taekook always had the most shippers, and the support grew even more to the massive community it is today, so perhaps they just saw more of it? Idk. And, assuming Jikook are a couple, that lead me to think maybe Tae felt awkward because Jikook’s relationship was developing, and he didn’t want to be shipped with his best friend’s lover. Or maybe he just had a hard time figuring out where he now stood as their friend. Jimin being the one to trick JK into sitting down with Tae during ITS also supportedwhere my mind was going. But again, I just felt it too crazy and “out there.” What are your thoughts on this? Of course, none of us will ever know the real behind the scenes, but this is just my speculations and thoughts. Thank you!☺️
Hello! Thank you 💜
Short answer, no I don't think it had anything to do with shipping. I think it was just a combination of them naturally growing closer to other members and how their own personalities grew and changed. It's a super natural thing to happen in friendships honestly. Glad you agreed with my perception of things though for the ITS talk.
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Also I'm here giggling over your yoonmin comparisons about their shippers being loud and obnoxious too. 🙈 Yoonmin shippers are tkkrs. There are a few they aren't, but like 80% of yoonminners are tkkrs who are essentially there to "keep jm away from jk." Now it didn't necessarily START that way. Yoonmin gave plenty of reasons to ship them in the early years. I will say he has always been free and open with his compliments with Jimin, he always seemed to feel extra comfortable with Jimin. I think he has become more free with his affection for everyone else now too. Lol in 2013, Yoongi declared Jimin as the one he was closest to by initiating a hug with him at a fansign. The fans asked who he was closest to, and that is how he answered. He once "fought" and fan on Twitter after he posted a picture of sleepy Jimin, the fan said he was so cute and she wanted to keep him. Yoongi replied to her saying she couldn't have him because Jimin was his and only his. Lol he talked often and alot about how much he liked Jimins abs and muscles. They share often about respecting each other and loving each other and working well together. Soooo yeah, it isn't like their shippers came out of no where. Lmao they have their own brand of crazies out there for sure who take it way too far. And the overlap of tkkrs and ynmrs is... bad... but personally, I don't think they let their shippers influence their behavior with each other too much. I hope it stays that way.
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The most we ever saw them engage with their shipper is when they talk about their unit names. (Which is not really anything to do with shipping as much as people want to make it be a shipping thing, it's their unit name, they all came up with it for all of them. Lol taekook saying taekook doesn't mean they are real. Just like Suga and JK introducing themselves as SugaKookie doesn't mean they are real.) Or when Tae literally responded to one telling her to get out of her imagination in 2019. But yeah, i don't think any dynamic shifts in any of their friendships had anything to do with shippers necessarily. Maybe I'm wrong, it's possible. But true dynamic shifts, personally, I don't think so. But that's just me!
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Honestly, I like to call his the Jimin protection squad line. Lmao or sometimes the trouble trio. But honestly, they all love that man so much.
To sum up, shipping culture is weird. They all know about it, they all essentially signed up for it. They know what goes down in the fandom, I'm positive. I don't think they let it influence them too much though.
Thanks for the ask! Hope this made sense and helped a little bit! Totally went off on a bit on a yoonmin tangent there, whoops. Lol I just love them alot. Sorry!
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vampiretickles · 4 years
sk8 t-word headcanons
So,, episode 10 absolutely killed me!! I was in tears, and I’m so happy for them,,, and scared for episode 11.
im a bit embarrassed to post this, but since theres basically no tickling content for them, i guess ill have to make some myself
this ended up being quite a long post haha
- absolute baby
- After hearing him laugh, Reki was definitely obsessed. I can imagine him just straight up asking him if he’s ticklish, and Langa says yes, because he’s oblivious.
- Que Reki tickling the shit outta him. Just taking in his beautiful laughter and cute smile
- Langa doesn’t mind it, as long as its from someone he likes, like Reki, Cherry, Joe, Shadow, or Miya
- gets cheerup tickles from Joe
- It definitely reminds him of good memories of his dad; he might get a bit emotional afterwards, but honestly it only makes him wanna be tickled more
- sides, ribs, armpits, thighs, are all very sensitive, but honestly tickling him anywhere would give him a reaction
- he definitely snorts, and can tolerate a lot of tickling
- As a ler, he probably just stares blankly for the most part, but if someone like Reki gives a cute reaction? God he’ll blush for days, and give a little smile
- laughs along with the lee
- he probably won’t do it too often, but if asked to tickle someone, he would be really chill and do it happily
- not much for teasing, at least not on purpose
- tickles Miya a lot
- gives Reki plenty of kisses when tickling him
- switch
- a walking tickle spot
- absolute sunshine boy
- GOD his smile is precious and sweet, and his laugh sounds like honey, he radiates warmth
- I’d say his feet are the most sensitive, anything there will get him screaming
- he likes to laugh, and be close to people he likes. so yes, he definitely likes it
- loves hugs afterwards, no matter if hes lee or ler
- loves ticklish kisses on his neck from Langa
- soft tummy soft tummy
- raspberries make him go wild
- knees and thighs are totally ticklish
- he miiiight provoke people, puts his feet up, even over peoples laps, wears crop tops and stretches his arms up a lot, so his tshirt rides up and all his spots like armpits, sides, and tummy are right out in the open
- definitely gets tickled a lot by Joe or Cherry, for being silly or just because hes cute
- snorts, wheezes, everything. loud, very loud
- silliest most playful ler
- tickles Langa and Miya the most
- tells them how cute they are
- always laughs a long
- rapidly switches spots to get the lee giggling
- lots of verbal teasing
- total switch
- loves tickle fights
- tickles Miya to put the lil shit in his place
- hes ticklish in a few places
- ya gotta really dig into his sides, to get sweet giggles
- his hips and neck are probably the most ticklish
- has very loud, bright, handsome, but boyish laughter
- cute and sweet smile
- he isn’t opposed to being tickled, but wouldnt provoke or ask for it... most of the time
- very much a dad to Reki, Langa, and Miya, he always tickles them
- he also tickles cherry a lot when they’re throwing insults and bickering
- but also because he loves hearing cherry laugh and struggle beneath him
- tickling his armpits lightly will turn him into a puddle of giggles
- snoorrttts
-  He is definitely more of a ler, and a silly, dadlike, happy ler
-”oh it tickles does it? Here? oh and youre ticklish here as well?! does thiis tickle? wow kid, youre just a bundle of giggles”
- sucker for cute reactions
- stops when hes asked to, mostly
- good at restraining people, because of his strength
- gives the best hugs, in general, but especially after tickling someone
- especially melts when one of the kids disolves into bright, happy, cackles
- gives them a kiss on the forehead or cheek afterward
- pokes everyone, always
- he will find it funny if one of the kids, or  even cherry tries to tickle him
- he lets them, but be prepared to get wrecked after
- he probably lets cherry tickle him the most... because he loves getting the attention from him
- he is veerry ticklish
- he repsonds more to light tickles, harder ones will just hurt
- bratty lee, secretly loves it from Joe, but will never admit that (Joe is already well aware, and thinks its cute af)
- his armpits and belly are most ticklish, but is ticklish everywhere
- restrained, light giggles, until he reaches a certain point, where you get wheezy cackles and belly laughter
- gets very embarrassed when tickled. he also definitely cries of happiness
- kisses/raspberries on his tummy will leave him red, and giggling
- his bellybutton is definitely his worst spot, even blowing on it is enough to send him into hysterics
- he also finds back tickles relaxing, and he’ll giggle a bit. Softly tracing his tummy, is also relaxing, but way more ticklish
- has very ticklish toes
- he definitely provokes Joe to tickle him, by being slightly meaner than usual
- expects a massage and nice meal afterwards lol
- as a ler, he tickles the kids whenever they do something silly or stupid, as punishment
- he might tease them, mainly tells them off. Miya gets tickled for his attitude a lot by him
- he thinks they are adorable, but never shows it. he cares for them deeply :)
- pokes Joe when they bicker, turns into a tickle fight
- he thinks Joe has the sweetest laughter, like music to his ears
- very nimble and precise fingers, absolutely deadly.
- he thinks tickling is foolish, but when he finds out Reki likes it, he starts tickling him a lot more, and secretly thinks its sweet
- always has a small, but kind smile when he tickles people, even if it was as punishment
- although, when he was younger, he would straight up go to Joe, arms in the air, and blush, avoiding eye contact, until Joe figured it out and tickled him
- probs more of a lee
- yeah he’s definitely ticklish, but he doesn’t let people know that
- basically ticklish everywhere
- he saaays he doesn’t like it, but who knows if thats true
-if its one of the kids, he will let them do it for a second, before tickling them to tears
- mean ler
- lots of taunts, like, ‘are you really gonna let me get ya without a fight?’ or ‘you sure are sensitive!’
- he goes right to their worst spot, loves hearing them scream
- If its with a partner, he definitely likes being tickled, and will melt into a blushy mess if he’s tickled
- sides, feet, thighs, knees, and probably shoulders are ticklish
- has a very goofy laughter, and is a bit embarrassed about it
- he probably almost never tickles Joe or Cherry
-if he found out you like being tickled, you will never hear the end of it.
- he will also tickle you a lot
- ler leaning
- Like I’ve mentioned, he always gets tickled for his attitude
- silly childish laugh
- very loud belly laughs, and screams a lot
- gets tickled the most by everyone
- bright and silly smile
- says he hates it, doesn’t really, but he likes playing mean
- ticklish everywhere, especially ribs and feet
- curls into a ball, and hisses like a cat when poked
- he also pokes others a lot
- he’s practically asking for it, 24/7
- loves to provoke people in every way possible
- he doesn’t tickle people much, but likes wrecking his slimes friends every once in a while
- a lee for sure
- expects candy right after being tickled
- mean and teasy
- he finds out Reki likes tickling, and bullies him for it. He isn’t actually mean about it, as he likes it just as much
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bnha-mha-imagines · 4 years
Soulmate au: Denki’s tattoo is covered up by Jirou and you both don’t know your soulmates. Jirou tried dating him but he rejects and says that he likes you.( prob why she did that) He still refuses even after seeing the fake mark lmao!!!!! I’m hating on Jirou rn
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Denki Kaminari x Reader
AU’s: Soulmate tattoo au, college au
Words: 4074
Warnings: Manipulation, loss of friendship, angst on Jirou’s part, fluff on your part :) i didn’t know which character to follow and keep switching lolol
Summary: You and Jirou are best friends, but everything changes when Jirou realizes you and her crush, Kaminari, share soulmate tattoos. She tries her best to keep you apart… 
A/N: Literally I haven’t STOPPED thinking of this request since it came in however long ago. I sat down and wrote it and lowkey didn’t realize how long it got haha. Lol why all the hate on Jirou my dude? XD
You and Jirou have been best friends through thick and thin. From elementary school to U.A, you’ve been together to experience all of life’s biggest moments. You were there when Jirou nailed her first gig, you both took pictures together at all of your homecoming dances, and you’ve taken more road trips together than you’d care to count. 
It was no surprise to either of your families when you decided to dorm together at the same university. Some friends find that when they become roommates that their living habits are incompatible; not you and Jirou. With everything you’ve been through together, you regarded her more of a sister than a friend. 
Jirou trusted you with all of her insecurities, and you trusted her with all of your secret thoughts. You knew that soulmates existed, but never would you have thought you’d be lucky enough to organically find an additional best friend soulmate! You often joked with her about it: “What if we actually secretly have the same tattoo and we never knew?” You’d both laugh, knowing how ridiculous that would be.
Soulmate tattoos only develop after you’ve first interacted with your soulmate, and seeing as you and Jirou have known each other for most of your lives, you both knew that the joke held no weight. However, this did mean that the both of you had a very real chance of never meeting your soulmates or seeing your tattoos develop. It was a sad thought, but a reality that many people face. But you both were still young and in college, and you were hopeful that you had plenty of time.
Even if you did never find your one true soulmate, you knew you at least had a friend like Jirou who you could live your life with. There was no one else in the world you’d rather spend time with, and you knew if and when your actual soulmate came along that they’d have to learn to share.
Truthfully, you were more in love with the idea of soulmates than Jirou. Where you tended to hold what people would call ‘hopelessly romantic fantasies,’ Jirou considered herself a realist and didn’t mind the idea of finding love that wasn’t divinely ordained. It was a growing practice to date without tattoos, and over time the importance of them seemed to lose its touch. Still, you figured it wouldn’t hurt to give your prospective soulmate some time before you give up on it.
The universe, however, always was a lover of irony! Just your luck that Jirou was the one looking to date but you were always the one getting hit on. You knew it frustrated her, though she would never say. You knew, and while you did your best to hide it, you couldn’t help feeling excited each opportunity a tattoo might develop only to feel disappointed when it never showed. You were both luckless in love, but you were luckless together, and that made it a little better. 
That was, until Jirou met some guy majoring in computer science named Denki Kaminari. You’ll never forget her face when she got home that night; she was all grins, and you couldn’t help but tease her about it. You were excited for her, you truly were! She had sat across from you on your bed while she told you all about how they had sat next to each other in a math class. 
You watched her lips twitch up as she described how he cracked jokes at her throughout the class while she struggled to stifle laughs. Finally, she told you that they were going to hang out the following night, and you screamed while giggling as if you were little kids again.
You helped Jirou pick out the right outfit, sitting on your bed while she tried on clothes for you. You helped straighten her hair while she carefully drew on a thin line of eyeliner. And then, like a parent sending their daughter off, you waved her out the door in your sweatpants and slippers. 
Eventually, one hang out turned into many, and Jirou confessed to you that they had become rather good friends. You remember feeling a little disappointed. “Only friends?” you had asked her while she nodded her head. But, she assured you that she was happy about just being friends with Kaminari. And with a warm smile, you believed her.
After a month, stories of the mysterious Denki Kaminari were no longer satisfying. “Jirou!” you practically pounced on her when she came home from her music theory class. “Take me to lunch with you! I wanna meet your friend!”
Jirou looked at you, and though her eyebrows furrowed slightly, she could find no excuse not to agree. Playing with her earlobe, she nodded her head. “Uh, sure! I’m leaving now, though, I just came to drop off my bag. Are you sure you're ready?” 
Hopping away from her, you scrambled to throw on your shoes and fix your hair. “Yeah, yeah, I’m ready!” you reassured her, grabbing your keys and your phone. Looping your elbow around hers, you grinned. “I can’t wait to meet your friend! You talk about him so much.”
Jirou nodded, walking with you across campus to the cafeteria she agreed to meet him at. As you walked, you asked her how her class was; you let her speak even though you had no idea what sort of musical things she was talking about. 
Finally reaching the cafeteria, you followed Jirou in and scanned the tables, trying to pick out Kaminari based on the description Jirou had rehearsed to you all those times. “There,” you heard Jirou say before she stepped past you. You followed her quickly, peeking around her back to finally see with your own eyes who this famous friend was.
Your eyes caught his hair first; it was a golden yellow, a bright color that fit the wide grin on his face. Reaching the table, you couldn’t help but inhale sharply. The boy was devilishly handsome, and Jirou’s words had not done him enough justice. 
“Hey Jirou!” Kaminari drew out his greeting, standing up to give her a sideways hug. You couldn’t help but chuckle as she got embarrassed and shoved him off her. You could tell that in the time they’ve known each other that they’ve gotten close. “Who’s this?” Kaminari was the one to bring you up, and you gasped.
“Oh! Right, sorry,” you apologized, smiling. “I’m (Y/n), Jirou’s friend. Sorry for intruding on your lunch, I hope you don’t mind!” You stuck your hand out to shake his, and when your skin touched you swear the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. 
He held your hand a little longer before letting it go, his smile meeting his eyes. “Not at all!” he said warmly. “Especially not someone as cute as you! Jirou, you should bring your friends along more often!” You laughed, a little bashful, before taking your seat. Jirou only rolled her eyes, choosing to sit across from you next to Kaminari.
“So you can hit on all of them? Yeah, gross, stay away,” Jirou spoke, causing both you and Kaminari to laugh.
“Ouch, didn’t know you were so protective of them,” Kaminari feigned hurt. “I’m not that bad, am I?” His eyes were teasing.
Jirou tched, smirking slightly. “Oh, you’re the worst.” 
Before you could feel too awkward and left out, Kaminari turned back to you. “So (Y/n)! What’s your major?” You told him, and continued the conversation with a few questions of your own. You both got to know each other rather well, and after only a few minutes of talking you realized why Jirou liked hanging around with him so much. 
You were talking so much that your throat was beginning to get dry. You didn’t notice how much time had gone by, talking with Kaminari was just so easy. Suddenly Jirou cut into the conversation. You had almost forgotten she was there. “(Y/n), don’t you have class starting soon?”
You blinked, and a quick glance at your phone had you scrambling to collect your things. “Crap, thanks Jirou!” you said, grabbing your bag from the floor. “Kaminari, it was lovely to meet you! We should all hang out again soon.” 
Kaminari smiled, a look of amusement on his face as you quickly grabbed your keys and phone from the table. “Denki works fine. And totally! Before you go, take my number.” You exchanged contact information, too busy rushing to notice the look Jirou had on her face. Waving goodbye to both of them, you hurried to class. 
Nothing could have prepared you for what happened the next day.
“JIROU!!!!” you screamed from the bathroom. Jirou practically fell out of her bed, reaching the bathroom just as you opened the door. Steam from your shower leaked out from the bathroom into your bedroom. You held a white towel around your body, your hair still coated in shampoo. 
“What, what happened?!” Jirou asked, worried. You had a strange expression on your face, wide eyes and a slight flush to your cheeks. With a trembling hand, you lifted your arm to reveal a small design on your wrist. Jirou’s heart seemed to jolt violently as her eyes traced the tiny outline of a lightning bolt on your skin. “I-Is that…?” she couldn’t seem to finish the question.
“Yes!” you screamed again, laughing. Despite the wet towel covering your body, you gave Jirou a tight hug which she returned. Excitedly jumping together, you gushed for a few moments over the tattoo before Jirou forced you to finish your shower. 
Once she heard the water go back on, Jirou let her face fall. It couldn’t be because you met Denki yesterday, was it? The universe would have to be cruel to pair you with the one person she’d managed to fall in love with. “No,” she reassured herself with a hushed voice. “(Y/n) had a class yesterday where they met tons of new people. With 50 people in there, it’s much more likely that they met their soulmate there.” 
Jirou sat back down on her bed, reasoning with herself as she waited for you to finish showering. She rehearsed that same line over and over in her head so that she could tell you it when you got out again. You met them in your class. You met them in your class.  
That night, Jirou was getting ready to leave. You watched as she threw on a hoodie and slid on the converse she had converted into slip ons. “Where are you off to?” you asked curiously. “Going to see Denki?” Jirou didn’t miss the way your voice raised with interest at his name.
With her back to you, you didn’t see the way she rolled her eyes. “No,” she said casually. “Just going to the music practice room again.” She peeked back to see you nod your head and reimmerse yourself into the Netflix show playing on your laptop. Releasing a small, relieved sigh, Jirou left before you could ask any more questions. It wasn’t that she liked lying to you, but she couldn’t help but feel irritated about how chummy you and Denki have gotten recently. The fact that you developed a soulmate tattoo didn’t help either. Besides, he had texted her specifically to come over, not you. She was excited for some alone time with him.
Walking down the familiar path to his dorm building, Jirou let the cool air calm her worries. Trying to reassure herself, she made her way up to Denki’s room and knocked on the door. She barely finished before the door swung open and he pulled her in. “Denki, what?!” Jirou cried, startled.
“Thank goodness you’re finally here, Jirou! You walk like a grandma!” Kaminari said jokingly as he closed the door.
Jirou snorted, her heart warming. Right now, it felt like it did before she introduced you to Denki. Just the two of them in his room, joking around. “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that,” she said, taking a seat on the beanbag that she’s come to love. “So what’s with the urgent texting?” she prodded, a teasing smile forming on her face. “Forgot the notes in class again?”
Kaminari scoffed, crossing his arms with a smile. “No,” he said. “That was one time… okay maybe two. But, no, I texted you because of this!” Jirou felt her heart shatter before Denki even rolled up his sleeve all the way. No way. There was no way. But, the ink didn’t lie. There, on his wrist, was the same small lightning bolt that Jirou had seen that afternoon on your skin. 
Jirou swallowed the heartbreak in her throat, keeping a calm face. “You got a soulmate tattoo?” she asked softly. Denki nodded his head enthusiastically.
“Can you believe it!? These are like… super rare now! I swear, I thought I was gonna go my whole life without ever meeting my soulmate. But look!” Jirou didn’t want to look. “That means they’re here on campus somewhere. I interacted with them! Can you believe it?” 
Jirou could only manage to nod her head, but it seemed enough for Denki who was dominating the conversation.
“Jirou,” Denki said, his smile audible in his voice. “What do I do? I have no idea what to do!” Jirou’s heartbeat was pounding in her ears. She took a few seconds before she started to answer, willing the tears in her eyes to stay put. 
“Well, Denki…” she started, and at the serious tone in her voice he quieted. “It’s not really popular anymore to have a soulmate.” The venom in her words was hidden perfectly, and he didn’t seem to pick up on it as he slowly spoke.
“What are you saying?” he asked, the excitement gradually dying in his voice. 
Jirou couldn’t help the words coming from her mouth. “It’s out of fashion, Denki. People are going to think you’re shallow if you wave that around.” Seeing the pain spark in his eyes, Jirou swallowed. “Most people just ignore it and date whoever, you know?” 
Denki was silent, tracing one finger over the mark on his wrist gently. “I mean,” Jirou continued, “you could keep it but… I really wouldn’t. Here, let me help you hide it.” Denki still didn’t say anything as Jirou began to dig the foundation out from her bag. 
Bringing the chair closer to Denki’s, Jirou gingerly grabbed his hand and began to blot away the small tattoo. The concealer was slightly off color, but it was enough to do the trick. Satisfied with her work, she tried to calm the pounding of her heart. “S-See?” she spoke, breaking the silence. “Just like normal.”
“Yeah,” Denki mumbled finally. Jirou didn’t like seeing him this dejected, but she knew that it had to be done. She knew she could make him happy if he just… noticed her. 
“I know what’ll cheer you up,” Jirou offered. Denki lifted his head slightly, eyes dull. “I’ll play a movie. You know… like old times!” Getting no yes or no from Denki, Jirou put a movie on while he sat on his couch. Turning off the lights, Jirou grabbed a blanket and plopped down next to him. As the movie played, she noticed how he kept glancing down at the covered tattoo on his wrist. With a dash of annoyance, Jirou curled up closer to him. He’ll forget about it, she knew. He’ll have her, and he’ll forget all about you before he ever got the chance to know you.
After that day, Jirou tried to keep you from Denki as best as she could. She was the only one who knew about both of your tattoos, so as long as neither of you found out, she should be able to get away with it. She’d ask you about different classmates to throw you off. “Did he have the mark?” “No…” “Maybe it was that other classmate then!” And for a while, this seemed to work… on the surface. 
No doubt you were becoming exasperated about finding your soulmate. You retraced your steps many times, but still, you couldn’t find them! As for Denki, Jirou could tell that he was still thinking about his mark. He tried to be present whenever they hung out, but his mind always seemed to drift. The worst part was when you asked about one other. “When will I see Denki again?” “Is (Y/n) gonna be there?” Gosh, it was insufferable! You only met one time and it’s like you’re already in love! 
Having enough of it, Jirou devised a plan. While you were out at class, she walked to your desk and borrowed one of your black sharpies. Carefully with the thin tip, Jirou traced out the delicate shape of a lightning bolt on her wrist. You flaunted it around enough where she had a pretty good mental image of it. 
Satisfied with her work, Jirou capped the pen and rubbed at it to make sure it was set in place. Reaching for her phone, Jirou texted Denki. We need to talk. I’ll be over in 5 minutes. She was already halfway to his place when he finally replied with a simple ‘okay.’ Knocking on his door, Jirou invited herself in the instant it opened. 
“Are you okay?” Denki asked, concerned. Jirou said nothing, only walking to the center of the room before turning to face him.
“Denki,” she said, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry I didn’t reveal it sooner but… I was worried about ruining our friendship.” Silently, she raised her wrist to reveal the forged tattoo. Denki watched, eyes widening as they landed on the small lightning bolt. 
He went to speak but Jirou quickly cut him off. “I know I told you to cover yours up but honestly… I was dumb. I was scared. But I’m not scared anymore and I’m ready to be with you. We’re soulmates, Denki…” Jirou smiled nervously. “We’re meant to be together!”
Denki was speechless, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Ahh, wow, Jirou,” he said finally, an awkward chuckle falling from his lips. “I-I… I don’t know what to say.” Jirou felt her nerves wrack through her.
“You don’t have to say anything. We can just… continue like we were! We were practically dating anyways…” At this, Denki seemed to jump, startled. Jirou’s mouth went dry.
“W-Woah woah woah,” Denki defended himself quickly, waving his hands in front of him. “We weren’t dating before… b-besides, Jirou. I’m flattered, really but… I… I already have a date with (Y/n) in a bit.” 
Jirou stopped breathing for a moment. “W-What?” Jirou had forgotten that you both exchanged numbers… did that mean you both had started to hang out without her? Wait… no. He didn’t know about your tattoo, there was no way. “Can’t you cancel? Denki, look at my wrist!” 
Denki sighed, the nervous smile falling from his face. “Jirou, look. Weren’t you the one who said that soulmates didn’t mean anything anymore? Well… maybe you’re right. The truth is, you’re a good friend! But, soulmate or not, we just don’t… have chemistry like that. I’m sorry. Please don’t make this worse than it has to be.” 
Jirou couldn’t move. Her brain seemed to stop firing completely at his words. After a moment of waiting for a response, Denki sighed. “I’m sorry. But, uh… I actually have to go meet (Y/n) so…” he checked his watch. “I don’t wanna rush you, so just lock the door before you leave? ...text me later. We can talk more later if you need.” 
And then, just like that, he was gone through the door. Jirou’s hands fell limp at her sides, staring where Denki once stood. She felt her knees buckle before she hit the ground, a silent sob rippling through her. Angrily, she scrubbed raw at her wrist, only barely smudging the ink. Her phone buzzed tauntingly, your name lighting up her screen like salt to the wound. Vision blurred with tears, she blocked your call.
“Aww man, Jirou!” you hissed under your breath at the sound of her voicemail, pulling the phone from your ear. With a sigh, you set the phone on your lap, your legs swinging gently off the bench. Right now, you could have used a word or two or encouragement from your friend.
Sure, you knew you hadn’t told her about the date yet, but were you really at fault? Jirou had grown oddly distant recently, and you barely had a chance to speak to her these days. She was always running off to the practice room, though you had a feeling she may have been lying a few times about it.
At first she’d been happy to help you find your soulmate, helping you pick out which guy to investigate. But once you ran out of classmates, she seemed to abandon the search all together! You could only think of one other person… the boy who you were currently waiting to meet on the campus bench. 
You and Denki had been texting ever since you exchanged numbers, though this was going to be the first time you saw each other since your first meeting. It seemed rude to hang out together without Jirou, but by now your curiosity had overcome your sensitivity. All you had to do was look at his wrist. You just had to know… 
“(Y/n)?” you heard a voice call your name, and you looked up to see none other than Denki Kaminari walking towards you. He seemed a little on edge, but one flash of your smile and he seemed to relax completely. 
“Denki! Hey! Good to see you again,” you chirped, standing up to give him a hug. Though this was technically only your second meeting, you felt as though you practically knew him already from all of your late night conversations. 
His arms hung around you for a little longer than an ordinary hug would have lasted, but you liked the way it felt nonetheless. Pulling away, your smile softens a bit. “So…” you start slowly, your voice adopting a tone of apology. “This may seem a little strange or old-fashioned…but I think it’s worth a shot.” 
You watched Denki’s expression carefully, his eyes willing you to continue. You bashfully played with your thumbs. “Do you… do you think I could see your wrist?” You watched his eyes widen, and immediately fear you overstepped a boundary. 
“A-Ah,” you stutter, quickly back-tracking. “I swear I’m not a weirdo, it’s just--!! Here, look.” Without a question, you push up your sleeve and offer your wrist to him, revealing the small thunderbolt tattoo. 
Denki’s breath hitches, and you observe his reaction carefully. “No way,” he mutters breathily. “Thats--” 
“A soulmate tattoo, I know,” you laughed softly, already beginning to drop your wrist. “They’re rare, but I got lucky! Well, not too lucky. I can’t find them anywhere! That’s why I, you know...” Denki didn’t move, and you were beginning to suspect he didn’t have what you were looking for. 
“Sorry for making it weird. I didn’t mean to lead you on, it’s just that… I need to find them. I’m sorry, maybe I should--” 
“No, wait!” Denki cut you off, catching your wrist as you turned to leave. You feel a blush rise to your cheeks as he turns your wrist over to stare at your mark again. After a moment, he wordlessly turns over his own wrist, and with a few hard scrubs… reveals his own hidden tattoo.
You feel a mix of emotion at the sight, gently taking his wrist in both of your trembling hands. “I-It is you…” you gasp. “But you covered it up.” Hearing your voice droop slightly, Denki takes your hands in his own.
“I didn’t want to,” Denki explained quickly. “I think we’ve both been misled.” 
You paused a moment before realization dawned on you. “D-Do you mean that… that Jirou?” Denki nodded, taking you into another tight hug.
Face pressed into his chest, you allow yourself to be washed over by his warmth. He smelled like lemongrass and lavender, and the feeling of his lips pressing against your hair filled you with an indescribable tenderness.
“That doesn’t matter right now,” he said, a choked laugh sounding from his chest. “I found you, (Y/n). I found you.”
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emersonfreepress · 3 years
ok ok in the spirit of community, how would the ros fair in a paintball war?
(referring to this ask! like the zombie au post this ended up making me think a lot 😅)
ohh... interesting, interesting... p sure the only paintball wars i’ve really seen were the ones featured in The League, Peep Show, and Community... but let me wrack my lil head...
ok, i ended up coming at this from multiple angles like the zombie au post 😅 always so much to consider in battle environments! and in the spirit of community, I'll stick with the individual player elimination style paintball match. in the woods with other e prep seniors. last one standing wins bragging rights
Shooting skill | 6/10 - Experience with shooting and practice with Kile ofc
Stealthiness | 8/10 - He's done a fair amount of sneaking around during his after school activities, is super observant (or just paranoid lol), and naturally light on his feet. Good luck ambushing him.
Strategy | 8/10 - Strike deals. Do favors. Form alliances. Shoot 'em in the back once they’ve outlived their usefulness. ...What? It’s just paintball.
How does he win? | Graciously. Gabe likes winning, and especially via strategic manipulation, so it puts a smile on his face. And he's in a good mood so he treats a bunch of you to ice cream or smth 👀
How does he lose? | Slumps in frustration at being outwitted or taken off-guard, sulks about it for a little while. He's not that sore of a loser but needs time to lick his wounds and stop thinking of the different choices he could have made.
Shooting | 9 - The most accurate shooter of the cast and easily one of the best shots at E Prep. Lots of practice + talent
Stealth | 10 - They're stupid good at climbing trees and 100% consider that a valid method of ambushing their classmates. People start having flashbacks to 3rd and 4th grade recess and P.E. Scanning the trees. They just start taking people out with such efficiency it quickly starts ruining the game 😂
Strategy | 0? 10?? - “...Strategy? You just stay out of sight and kill 'em all, right?” (immediately scolded by Gabe for word choice 🙄) They really do mainly stay out of sight and pick people off with max stealth, like 😆 they'd be such a terror, people would need to take them out early for anyone else to stand a chance! They spend a lot of the game staking out the most frequented paths in the area and taking out groups quickly, all at once. Then they'll get around to stalking and picking people off one by one. The real fun...
Winner type | Stoic. Likes winning combat but the stakes were non-existent, so... the win is meaningless! this just infuriates the losers more 😅 such disrespect
Loser type | Sucks their teeth and tosses their paintball gun to the ground. "Y'all suck." (they're over it five mins later tho lol)
Shooting | 3 - This is nothing like shooting light guns... ☹️
Stealth | 5 - Not just due to his size making him an easier target, but homeboy is liable to get distracted by a cute squirrel or some pretty flowers 😂 He's not great at keeping his voice down either so good conversation would make him easy to seek out. He's just out here enjoying a beautiful day 😅
Strategy | 7 - All that movie-watching (and DMing) make him a valuable creative mind for problem-solving, but he needs a cooperative team to be effective. Rescued and recruited by Rupan/Rohan early on in the game ^ ^
Winner type | Disbelief! And everyone’s content and satisfied with him winning. Except Vivian/Vincent, that jealous fool
Loser type | Doesn't mind losing at all! He just hopes he was a good teammate and was glad to have fun ☺️
Shooting | 7 - Comes from a family of hunters, girly knows how to shoot.
Stealth | 6 - Familiar enough with woods and stalking prey to be capable of sneaking around. Having too much fun to not giggle and get overly invested in the developing plot of the game. Even more easily distracted by critters and flora than Jack 😅
Strategy | 5 - Oh, she's just here to have fun. She'll go with whatever the person she's teaming up with decides, but can adapt easily enough.
Winner type | Surprised... then elated! Bouncing and happy and it's completely contagious. No hard feelings about a single thing. Convinces Heidi to invite people to the Emerson Estate—it's a hot day and they have a nice pool
Loser type | Same as Jack! Congratulates the winner with a hug because she's sweet like that 🧁
Shooting | 2 - This... thing is so cumbersome. And ugly. At least it shoots pretty colors.
Stealth | 7 - Small and used to sneaking around different environments and seeking out hiding spots. Their height and frame makes them harder to spot too.
Strategy | 4 - Hide!!! They’re not getting assaulted with paint and pellets!! Especially not after managing to make this ugly jumpsuit look cute?? Waiting it out is perfectly legitimate. Might share snacks if you decide to join them in hiding 😆
Winner type | Falls asleep in an unexpectedly cozy hiding spot and emerges as everyone thought they’d declared the winner. I imagine R and others yelling at them to get their gun while the original winner scrambles to get theirs, just for Rain to win by pure luck of the draw. Won’t stop them bragging about it, though! (I want this spurned runner-up to be Vi bc ofc)
Loser type | "So I can stop holding this thing?" Yawn. "I'm so hungry and bored, we've been at this for hours..."
Shooting | 4 - Ah, shit. These don't shoot anything like light guns.
Stealth | 7 - They sneak out and around town a lot 😂 They just force themself to be careful about how loud grass and bushes are.
Strategy | 7 - They’re treating this shit like an action movie and banding together a ragtag team of misfits to take down the strongest alliances and players. Savvy enough to reject Gabe’s and Curt’s offers to join, not opposed to strategic backstabs. They're very clearly just as focused on having fun as they are on winning—and playing Predator, which honestly works with Kile runnin around. They even brought war paint and borrowed a tactical vest. Is it mostly packed with snacks and weed? Maybe. Does it prove useful for negotiations? Hell yeah.
Winner type | Raucous celebration, just pure joy and adrenaline ☺️ Celebrates with their team, brags a bit, rubs it into Vi's face, makes fun of Curt, the usual. Then invites allies out to get pizza because it's the obvious next step
Loser type | Mostly disappointed they can't keep playing. They're a little sore about being left out of the action, but soon just start chatting with other marked players about how the game went for them. Plenty entertaining on its own, they want all the details
Shooting | 5 - They've got a little bit of shooting experience.
Stealth | 4 - They're overly sensitive and hate being in nature. Their skin is sticky, they keep feeling bugs everywhere, they've gotten dirt all over their pants, it's so hot, they keep WALKING into SPIDERWEBS, [flails about, screaming furiously]
Strategy | 8 - They have good ideas, they're just difficult to execute alone, especially since they're getting sunburnt and getting crankier and can't stop swatting at insects 😅 they're one of the first people to figure out that someone's taking out groups from the trees, so they stay solo and try to find a single person to team up with. Really what they need is someone who's a better shot but easy to boss around. They can probably just owe them for an in-school favor...
Winner type | Barely suppressed gloating. Vi somehow finds a way to be an obnoxious winner almost entirely by the look on their face. Once they're in a smaller group, they're passionately discussing the details of the game and happily boasting about their triumphs (while glossing over all of the whining and and slip-ups lol)
Loser type | Booo, such a sore loser. (Especially in the scenario where Rain wins 🤣) If they're outsmarted or outgunned in a clear, transparent way they'll growl and stomp off, then quietly glower and sulk for way too long. If they're double-crossed or beaten in an underhanded way oh lord —they're fighting it to the end. R can't help but get involved either way, reminding them it was a damn game with literally no prize. "C'mon, Vi, chill. You want ice cream? Let's get you ice cream."
Shooting | 6 - Some shooting experience.
Stealth | 8 - She's very aware of her surroundings and her body. Perceptive yet quiet. Tactical. All residual traits picked up from her many activities over the years.
Strategy | 9 - Most likely to outsmart everyone. The first one to figure out groups are being targeted from the trees. Goes it alone and only open to trading (unless she sees Curt with Jess in which case she puts a quick pin in her plans to rescue her 😂). She also immediately figures out it's Kile, because ofc it is. Keeps close tabs on what groups are doing, knowing that eventually Kile will come down to ground level to pick off individuals and couples. Predator becomes prey 👀
Winner type | Proud but not boasting. She doesn't need to be. Victory looks good on her, natural and fitting. Thanks everyone for a good game then takes the girls for a long ride in the Cadillac 😎 top down on a bright day, baby
Loser type | Damn. She should have won this. Maybe if she'd... She probably could have... Then she snaps out of it, roped in by the celebratory mood of congratulating the winner. She's over any feelings of frustration or regret after getting to discuss the match with the person that took her out/the winner and there's no hard feelings. If anything this was fun as hell, it should be an annual thing. ☺️
Shooting | 8 - Some shooting experience and a natural knack for it. Good reflexes.
Stealth | 8 - Curt likes to say he gets along with the woods around these parts. Sneaking around is second nature to him. Really good hearing too. He's an easy target if you manage to seduce him though, having no issue leaving himself vulnerable if it means that kind of fun 😂
Strategy | 7 - Honestly, he's most interested in seeing how long he can get away with using charm and seduction for both protection and double-crossing 😂 Eventually becomes persona non grata and gets all of his ammo stolen by a vengeful mark, barely getting away in the process. Since that jig is up, he finally starts thinking a win might be nice... and so he teams up with the only competent player who would never betray him and also inspires the least vitriol in others: Jessie. What? Is his back-up plan using her as a human shield? No! 😚 Of course not! 👉👈
Winner type | Insufferable and gloating. Rubs it in a lot of people's faces, specifically Heidi, Rupan/Rohan, and any participants who genuinely don't like him. Brags to Gabe (who is completely disinterested in gassing him up 😂), then promises he'll make things up to Jessie (who didn't mind and had fun lol). Then celebrates by asking whoever he's flirting with these days for a quick date—and a ride in the Ferrari. Makes a scene pulling out of the parking lot. Ass.
Loser type | Doesn't care one bit as long as he had fun! And he always finds a way to have fun, it's why he's so carefree 😅
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ao3-sucks · 4 years
my own ao3 experience was that i got into it when i was in a huge fandom that had a bunch of underage and incestuous pairings and fics. i really started getting into it when i was like fresh into middle school and not soon after that id start reading a bunch of explicit fics. basically pretty sure reading that stuff is what made me feel anxious around my 2 older siblings and like if i showed any kind of affection like even a hug or just laughing at a joke sometimes itd be seen as a sign of attraction. im in my 20s now and it still really affects me. i feel like less valid with my online trauma somehow bc i did it to myself lol.
  Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
I got manipulated by an adult into writing an extremely triggering fic about rape and abuse between two young siblings, and ended up having to draw on my own traumatic experiences for it. I pretended to be okay with it, and let them say it was my fault it was like that, and when I finally got tired of hiding it and publicly called them out on it, multiple people defended them, using that pretense against me. I still haven't fully recovered from that. Sometimes I wonder if it really was my fault. 
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
thank you SO MUCH for this blog, I was groomed into thinking the wildest of things were acceptable by fandom people, and it wasnt until i was about 15 or 16 that i finally wised up and dropped the thinking once and for all. thank you again and have a really good week!
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
I don’t really know how old the post that talked about the experience of one of the mods with ao3 is, but just in case, this is about that post that had mentions of r//pe and @“cest. And damn, I’ve never stopped to think that my aversion to sex maybe came from my early exposure to that kind of stuff, now I know that I’m asexual, but it’s comforting to see that I’m not alone in this, so thank you for sharing your story
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
god this is probably stupid and you dont have to post this if you don't want to, but thank you so much for making this page. ive had similar experiences in online fandom and ive really struggled with classifying any of it as "real" since it was all online. that post talking about your experience with everything was really eye opening for me. thank you for reminding me im not alone.
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
wrt your ao3 essay // thank you for sharing your story about ao3. ive had some similar experiences, but i never interacted with anyone on ao3, just read ff. in around a 1-2 years of consuming that content, i had developed some psychosis relating to sexual trauma, but i never had anything happen to me so i didnt really know what to think. i was just scared. its nice to know that.. it wasnt just random? that more people are talking about this? something like that. thank you. i hope you are well.
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
i just read through your experiences and while i was never really involved with fanfiction during my childhood, i WAS exposed to plenty of other weird interactions on other sites starting probably as early as 11  and just realized that me starting to use the internet more probably coincides with me showing similar things such as starting to hate being touched and consider myself asexual/sex repulsed. it was nothing that i'd considered to be that impactful or big a deal before and there weren't really specific people to blame, but i definitely don't know how to feel about this knowledge now.
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
just read that post abt your ao3 experience and holy fuck, so sorry you had to go through that. but also, thank you. its scary to think tht ive cldve been in the same situation since i was browsing the internet from a v young age. i was huge into roleplaying and thereve been a few times where it became, uuh... not completely sfw (unknowingly to me, i just wanted to rp). but the moment it became too weird, i ghosted n blocked (i had a very anti-internet-stranger policy). again, thanks. take care
Anonymous said to ao3-sucks:
I was 12 when I got my first ship. I got into it because of the cute art online and I never once thought about it being bad. It was pedophilic amongst other things. I just started writing fic, so I wrote for this ship. I was asked to write straight up human AU "porn where xyz is a pedo" by people far older than me. I didn't know any better, I wrote it and every other request like it. It go so bad that I though that pedophilia was OKAY. It took me so long to unlearn that and many other things because of that ship and I still feel bad for ever having shipped it. So when people say things like "fiction doesn't effect reality" it makes me mad. It teaches little kids that things like pedophilia and rape are okay.
I opted to answer these as a group because they are all so similar. It breaks my heart how often I get anons, post replies, and reblogs about my AO3 essay from people saying that my experiences closely mirrored theirs. I hope that everyone who has sent me these messages can forgive themselves for what happened to them, and know that it’s not your fault that other people decided to take advantage of you. I’m working on healing, and I hope you can all do the same.
- Mod Daft
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sincerelybubbles · 4 years
Hi, could I please have a A,G,H,K for Shinsou and a B,R for Ashido? Sorry if that's a lot lol! Only just found your blog but its great!
sorry this took so long!! thanks for the compliment love :) everything’s under the cut bc it got a tad long. i didn’t know if you wanted platonic or romantic for R for mina, so i did both <3
Tumblr media
Hitoshi Shinsou
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Shinsou isn’t a super affectionate guy typically
He definitely isn’t into PDA
He’s not super touchy, but he does tend to stand closer to you then he needs to, just so that you know he’s there
While he won’t reach out and grab your hand, if you reach out for his he won’t let go. He doesn’t mind small things like that, just don’t expect him to initiate it and don’t take it too far. He doesn’t want you to hang off of him, but he does like just simply holding your hand
When you’re hanging out with a smaller group of friends, he tends to relax and appreciate some affection more, so he’ll wrap his arm around you or reach for your hand first
One hundred percent the type of guy to only use his phone with one hand so that his other can be around your shoulders or waist
He doesn’t see any reason to kiss you in public, so he doesn’t. The most he’ll do around others is kiss your forehead.
Alone? He’ll kiss you as much as you want
If it’s just the two of you, Shinsou becomes a cuddle-bug. He prefers playing video games with you beside him, either laying on his shoulder, with your head in his lap, or letting him lay against you
He likes the reassurance that you’re there without having to say anything.
And if you play with his hair? He’s out, he will fall asleep so quickly
Something I whole-heartedly believe? Shinsou likes to dance but only alone w u
I’m talking cheesy slow dancing
But also dance parties where he can just watch you relax and let-loose and pull you close if he wants
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
THE absolute gentlest
Physically, he never does anything that could even possibly hurt you
Because of the kids bullying him when he was little for being a villain, Shinsou has spent a lot of time making sure that he’s not ever rough with people, and that extended into your relationship completely
If he needs to get past you, he does the cute little hand-at-the-small-of-your-back thing where he gently nudges you out of the way
He gently tugs your wrist when he wants your attention
And even in the heat of a fight against a villain (if you fight with him) he’s oh-so-aware of where you are at all times so he can protect you and ensure that nothing happens to you.
Emotionally, he can be distant at times
He’s a great listener and gives the best advice
But, he really isn’t so great at the sharing thing
He wants to open up to you, but doesn’t quite know how
He tries his hardest to be gentle with your feelings and how you’re coping, but will sometimes harden up if you try and approach how he’s feeling
He apologizes if he snaps when you try and talk to him about specific things, he really doesn’t mean to hurt your feelings by being so distant with his own feelings, he just doesn’t know how to talk about them without them consuming him
After a while of bottling things up, he eventually breaks down and tells you everything
And keeps you up all night doing it, oops
But after that final wall is broken down, it’s slightly easier to get him to talk and he feels a bit more comfortable opening up
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs more then he would ever admit 
Shinsou craves your hugs, but doesn’t really know how to initiate them
It doesn’t take too much time for you to realize that he likes your hugs a lot though
When you hug him, he always leans into them and holds you tight, pressing his face into the curve of your neck
His hugs are warm, tight, and lingering 
And when you pull away he always kisses your forehead, without fail
He won’t reject a hug from you if it’s in public, but it’ll be shorter then normal and he’ll pull away first, kissing you briefly before turning away with a slight blush
It’s not that he’s embarrassed to be with you, he just likes the fat that you’re his and your relationship is something he’d rather be private and kept between you two 
Alone? His hugs can last for several minutes
He doesn’t like to talk while he hugs you, but rather sits there and closes his eyes and relaxes
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Shinsou loves kissing
And he’s really good at it
i mean,,,,
He is so gentle at first, taking his time and making you melt before suddenly flipping the switch and leaving you breathless
And he holds you so close while you kiss, his hand on your hip to keep you close, his other hand holding your cheek
He tastes faintly of peppermint and coffee
He loves kissing your forehead or nose, he likes the way you scrunch your nose when he lands a peck just on the tip of it 
Tired Shinsou requires many kisses and you tease him for being sloppy with them, half of the time not even landing on your mouth but slightly below on your chin before he readjusts and kisses you properly 
He absolutely melts when you kiss his collarbones or the corner of his mouth
But, to be fair, this boy just loves your kisses so much that he’ll take them anywhere you wish to give them 
He’s not really a tease when it comes to kissing, he’d rather use his time making you both happy with the kiss rather then leave you both wanting for more 
Even when he has plenty of time, he keeps the teasing to a minimum, favoring kissing you fully and relishing in how he leaves you breathless, trying to avoid keying you into the fact that he’s just as affected
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Mina Ashido
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Mina would one hundred percent approach you first 
She thinks you look cool and wants to talk to you
Even if you’re shy, she wouldn’t be phased, talking enough for the both of you to fill the silence 
And if you match her outgoing energy? Even better
Mina prefers close friendships rather then just people she hangs out with, so she’ll make an actual effort to get to know you
Mina tends to invite herself over to your house or dorm at the beginning of your friendship, but as it develops it’s not even a question if you two will hang out all night on a weekend night. You just do
Mina is the type of protective friend who will absolutely fight for you
She’s a good listener, as long as you treat her the same 
She’s all about supporting you, but wants the same behavior in return 
Also, the crackhead friend
Can and will text you at three am
“Why have there been no recent sightings of the Loch Ness Monster? Do you think he’s okay?”
“Mina, it’s 2:34 in the morning. Go to bed.”
Tends to pick up things for you from the store casually just because she knows you’ll appreciate it and won’t accept excessive “thank you”s for it. She got you the sweater because she knew it’s look cute on you, so put it on and look cute, no need to say thank you
There’s always a fifty fifty chance that she’ll disappear for a few hours and then call you saying that she’s four hours away, lost, but has the best story to tell you about this one guy. . .
Also drags you along on her adventures whenever she can 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) 
The road trip the two of you took on a whim along roller coaster road
You actually came to her and said you wanted to go, so you packed the car within an hour and set off 
Mina made a playlist and you drove and had the wonderful idea to pack the car with blankets so it was cozy
It was just the two of you and you talked for hours 
She loves this memory because it was the first time she really felt that you two were connecting and getting to know each other 
You guys had had sleepovers before, of course, but those were packed with expectations, this was free, spontaneous, and she felt like she could tell you anything and you would just understand
And after that? You two were indubitably best friends, closer then ever before 
Definitely your first date 
You looked so cute and nervous waiting for her to show up, and the endless compliments within the first five minutes were absolutely adorable 
You were so sweet and, luckily, loosened up quite quickly into the date, making it so much more fun with easy banter 
She’ll never forget how surprised she was that she was there with you and it was going well
It wasn’t awkward after the first few minutes and she knew that she wouldn’t rather be anywhere else
You made her feel comfortable, accepted, heard, and happy 
She can’t remember a night where she smiled or laughed more
She spent the night after in her bed, chest feeling light and a smile on her face that she couldn’t loose, not that she was trying
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i-fucking-hate-ppl · 5 years
What about some fluffy dating headcanons of Alastor, Angel and Sir Pentious? Cute things they like to do with their S/O’s, who makes the first move and kisses each other, maybe how would them react if their S/O’s want to have intimate relationships or maybe kids(?? Idk If you’re comfortable with nsfw or not :)) btw sorry for my grammar mistakes
Can do! I hope it's up to standards! Dont worry about spelling btw, I'm just as bad :) Also I do NSFW for anyone wondering, and yes it's kinda in here. Also, Alastor is asexual in my opinion, although I know others may not think so, so I wrote some nsfw for him. Anyway Enjoy!
• His S/o has to make the first few moves. (Handholding, hugs, and eskimo kisses/ butterfly kisses/ cheek kisses)
• After that he'll initiate everything else. (Hand kisses, kisses, make out sessions, etc.)
• Most of the time, he's the first one to kiss you. Sometimes you do surprise him by kissing him first.
• He really likes to kiss the back of your hand. He'll do it whenever he sees you (even if he's in public).
• He also likes when you hold onto his arm, he feels really proud.
• He does cute couple things with you a lot. But it's always behind closed doors.
• He's set Saturday nights to the side all for you. It's usually for going on a date, but if you're not up to it that day he's all for staying home and watching tv or cuddling (or both).
• He'll try to make you breakfast in the morning so you can have it in bed. (Praise him for it, he loves it when you praise him [and his cooking])
• If anyone new comes into the hotel, he'll immediately show you off as his.
• He doesn't need these hopeless sinners hitting on you. You. Are. HIS.
• That being said, you can mingle with them, so long as they keep their filthy hands and thoughts to themselves. (In his mind everyone likes you, fyi.)
• In my opinion, Alastor is asexual and wouldn't have an intimate relationship with you. He'll make out with you, sure. But that's as far as he's wants to go or will let you go.
• In this situation he'd be a bit uncomfortable, and he'd try to explain it to you if you didn't know. He'd probably apologize for not telling you sooner as well.
• Although if you don't think so, I want you to know, Alastor will NOT make the first move.
• No, no, no, no.
• He made some of the other first moves sure, but NOT this one.
• He doesn't want to take things too fast, he doesn't want to make you afraid. He just wants it to be special, and for you to feel special.
• He'll wait for you to take it farther until he does, and even then he'll ask just to be sure.
• Once he's absolutely sure he'll get super excited, like a kid in a candy shop. He'll be all smiles (the sweet smiles btw).
• Alastor is the type to really enjoy foreplay. He'll definitely be giving it more than recieving it.
• Let me tell you, he could do a lot with his tongue and hands.
• It doesn't matter if you're a male or a female. He'll still be able to make you scream and beg for more.
• His more into it for your pleasure, rather than his.
• Although seeing you whimpering and begging for him, is his pleasure so it's not like he's not getting anything out of it.
• If a fun night leads to you being pregnant, (or if you talk to him about kids) he kinda... panics?
• He's not meant to be a father. That's why he's in hell.
• He's 100% sure this baby is going to be fuck up. Mentally and emotionally speaking.
• He'll make sure to be calm around you but all hell is breaking loose on the inside.
• Basically always having a mental breakdown over this.
• Although once his child is born, he calms right the fuck down.
• She's just so cute, how could she do or be anything bad? She was a little angel.
• Instantly regrets those words once she gets older.
• His daughter would be the one to make mischief. Most of the time it's harmless, but it's still a problem.
• Although he'd love her, and honestly? That's him so he can't really yell at her.
• She'd have him wrapped around her little finger.
• "Daddy can I have juice?"
• "What did Mother/Father say?" *already pulling the juice out from the fridge*
• "She/He/They said no, but I knew you'd give it to me! So I came to ask!"
• "You know I can't go behind her/his/their back." *about to put it back*
• "Its okay! I won't tell! It can be a Daddy-Daughter secret!" *grins sweetly with a finger to her lips*
• Any thought of putting it back flew out the window as he handed it to her with a pat of her head.
• He's really soft and caves for his child easily, but if it was serious -like going out with a few friends he doesn't like- he'll be able to say no quite easily.
Angel Dust:
• This boy is glued to your hip and he really tries to do cute couple things.
• He'll give you random sweets, and set up random dates in the hotel.
• They're so random you literally cant figure out when he's going to do these things. No matter how hard you try.
• Although usually when he flirts with you he'll give you a piece of candy. Idk why, he just does.
• We all know how Angel is, so we all know he's always one to make the first move!
• If you feel uncomfortable about whatever move he pulled, let him know and he either won't do it again or wait a little longer, depending on what you say and how you react.
• Although you can never really kiss him first because he's always doing it.
• You wake up and can barely register anything? He's already giving you a kiss of some kind. The moment's romantic and you turn to kiss him? Welp he's already holding your hand, kissing it and then leans over to kiss your cheek.
• Trust me, you have never started anything because he doesn't give you a chance too lol.
• He likes when you hang out with just him. It makes him feel special and like you only need him.
• So many of your dates and couple hangouts are just you and him with no one else around
• If anyone interrupts, oh boy.
• RIP them, you have to start planning a funeral.
• And if anyone hits on you? It's the end of the god damn world. He'll act all big and tough and he'll fuck them up too, but he's pouting about it for a week+
• He'll also double his clinginess and affection so be prepared.
• One day, if you give hints that you're in the mood he'll be ecstatic!
• S/o wants to fuck. With me? Hell fucking yes!
• Unlike Al he's not much into foreplay, so he'll probably keep it short and just get straight to the point.
• It's not that he doesn't like it, he just think there's no need for it.
• You'll feel plenty of pleasure when he's pounding into you. Besides it's more fun and fast paced! Foreplay is just too slow for him.
• He'll also go for more than one round.
• If you end up pregnant, or talking about kids, he's all for it! Full send!
• Immediately regrets it the second he's up all night with the little boy he created.
• Dont get me wrong, he LOVES his boy, but god damn he was not ready.
• Once his child is older and a bit more independent he's -I wouldn't say happier- but less stressed out.
• He tries to keep his son from knowing he was a porn star. Hopefully he'll be one of those teenage boys that dont look up porn or he'll be scared for life.
Sir Pentious:
• Sir Pentious is a gentle men! He'll do plenty of cute couple things and he'll show you off to the public!
• If you're crying or upset he'll put his hat on your head to try and cheer you up.
• He'll hold your hand or give you a hug any moment he can.
• He's usually the one to initiate anything. He'll kiss you first, hold your hand first, and all that.
• But after that, you usually start everything, unless it's a hug or hand holding.
• Sir Pentious is quite the jealous man so try to keep talking with men on the down low.
• He's not going to stop you, but it makes he feel uncomfortable when you'd 'prefer' being with them instead of him.
• He's kinda intimidated by sex so he wouldn't start it.
• He'd definitely wait for you to show signs and even then he's still a nervous wreck.
• Although he manages to rise above and give you a good time regardless of his nerves.
• He'd do a bit of foreplay and a bit of sex. Sometimes it'll be more foreplay, other times it'll be more sex. It honestly depends.
• And if it happens to get you pregnant, or you speak of kids he'll say "aren't the eggs enough for you?"
• But obviously not. So, mostly to make you happy, you guys have a child!
• He actually likes this one though lmao.
• He'll look more like you but act more like Pentious. He's a gentle man and style is everything in his eyes.
• He's always quite the little genius. Always making something (even if it's matching macaroni necklaces for you and Pentious).
• Pentious is really good with him, bc honestly he's dealt with the eggs forever and it's no different to him.
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
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Its a bit too late for that buddy.. She’s probably begun sobbing at this point..
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I was into Undertale! For quite a while actually. If you scroll down far enough, you’ll find plenty of angsty skelebros content. Or you could just find the posts through my archive. :} 
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You know what? If you offered some magnets and some glowing stars to her, she would look cheered up and would want to take them..
But then you’d say its because she’s a hero that you’re giving them to her.
She would pause, and then retract her hand. “Thank you.. but.. I’m no hero..” She’d say. “..not anymore..”
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mmm, yummy tears of anguish.
Anyway, no worries. She’ll get a hug from her hubby if he returns.. If he returns.
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Aw man, the analysis you wrote is so cute! (*´∀`*)
I had fun drawing the little duckies, they look so cute on them! If only I had one for Red Van and everyone else..
And yeah, poor Escort XD His engine is very small and weak, so he’s really hauling aft to keep up with the others. Like, Suburban is, well, a Suburban. Ratchet is an Ambulance and Volvo has a turbo in his engine, all of them are way faster than his hollow little legs.
Volvo and Ratchet make a good duo don’t they? :} Their personalities are very similar and they have a lot in common. The biggest difference between them being their alt modes and their age. Volvo is pretty young compared to Ratchet. So while all of Volvos medical knowledge/training is mostly fresh in his mind, Ratchet has it engraved into his very being.
Since Ratchet is the eldest, knows this planet better than any of them, and has the most medical experience out of them all, he always takes the lead where ever they go.
And yeah! XD Suburban is HUGE ain’t he? Have you seen the height chart yet?
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The black names are my Autobot OCs, the blue names are the real team prime members, and the red names are my Decepticons OCs.
But just LOOK at Suburban! He’s taller than Bulkhead! :O You can compare everyone to each other. How tiny Escort is compared to the other medics, how big, Big Blue really is, how small Red Van is compared to Suburban. How small Volvo is compared to Ratchet.
Man.. I cant imagine the discrimination their kind must face. A lot of us humans are rotten and shame each other for different skin tones. Just LOOK at the Transformers!! All completely different shapes, sizes and especially colors! Man, I don’t even want to think about it.
Anyway, yeah the comic was supposed to be really sad and focused on Red Van, but I’m glad someone pointed out the other aspects of the comic. :}
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That is my guilty addiction lol. And you’re welcome!
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He would be devastated for that poor man. He would be crushed on a whole another level that some poor innocent human experienced the same pain that he did.
After you told him it was just a story, he would relax a little. But boy did you get his spark rate up. He would be thankful that its just a tale.. but he’d just.. look so depressed for the rest of the day. 
You just reminded him of the pain he experienced and is still experiencing.
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Fuuhuhuhuhuu ψ(`∇´)ψ I’m glad!! >:}
No but really, Suburban will be sure to give her all the hugs and kisses if he returns.
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Yeah.. the traditional drawings just.. didn’t get as much love as digital ones. I wanted to be noticed more so.. I kind’a just switched over time. 
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Evil Stanley? Impossible! D:
But for real, sorry, in case you haven’t noticed.. I haven’t drawn Gravity Falls in a looong time and don’t really take requests from series’ I’m not into at the moment..
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*winded* T H A N K S
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In case you missed some or others want to read them, I managed to find some of my headcannon posts.
A sickly sweet headcannon about how Ratchet got his alt form as an ambulance.
A Ratchet headcannon that talks about how he starves himself for the betterment of his team.
Here’s a headcannon type thing about the kids sticking magnets to the Autobots.
Here’s a mini story type thing that is an extension of the magnet headcannon.
Here’s my OCs reacting to those glow in the dark star thingies if it counts. 
I believe there may be more.. but those are the ones I got for now, sorry, XD..
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I.., what??? I don’t know.. wait, hold on.. I found a post by an account that I wont share the name of, but it reads this:
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THIS GUY??? H-How was I supposed to know that?? D:>??
I haven’t watched the Bayverse movies in ages, and don’t remember any of the Decepticons except for Megatron himself!
Okay okay okay, wait. Back to the very first ask.
You said you wanted to send someone from Antarctica to give Suburban and Escort a hug right? But he’s a Decepticon though. Obviously he’s just going to try to kill them.. and Escort unfortunately wouldn’t be much of a challenge.. But Suburban? He’d probably decapitate him for a second time of he tried to “hug” them?? 
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I feel as though I will get to or motivate myself to finish my little series of the crossover I made. So here are some things that would've happened
- Bonnet asking Ironbeard if he's a good captain. Ironbeard lies that he is so that he won't ask him again. Bonnet having an underlying feeling that he was indeed lying.
- ePiC fight scene between Octavia and Sao. Sao wins.
- Fleance trying to flirt with BEN and BEN ends up hurting his feelings with his sass.
- Cletus and Erik playful bantering with each other and might end up being possible frenemies.
- Bonnet and Haggis fist fighting
- Bonnet deciding to let Haggis live after beating the heck out of him. Lol he shouldn't have done that.
- Davy Jones cameo
- Billy and Islay knowing each other from being apart of an old crew, where they were once friends. Sorta implication they liked each other then but Islay was too emotionally closed off to start a relationship.
- Baozhai trying not to be a creep towards Flint so that he could actually like her back
- Flint slowly liking Baozhai as a friend.
- Baozhai and Flint sharing cute moments together
- Flint denying he's in love with Baozhai, even though he kinda is.
- Baozhai sharing her past with Flint. Flint kinda gets uncomfortable after she carefully describes how she murdered two families that ruined her life and mental state.
- Flint sharing a bit of his own past with Baozhai.
- Islay slowly letting herself open up emotionally.
- Islay and Billy having some of their own romantic plot line going on. Baozhai poking fun at Islay.
- "awww did someone get bit by the love bug or are you feeling all of that on your own? 😏" - Baozhai
- "oh shut up!" Islay
- The squad coming across an abandoned village. They see skeletal remains of the villagers that once lives there. Sends chills down some of their spines.
- A large beast attacking the four. Billy gets pretty messed up when trying to fight it. Islay and Flint trying their best to kill the beast. Baozhai is the one to slaughter it if it weren't for the help of her friends.
- Islay patching up Billy and they end up sharing a rather tender moment with each other.
- Baozhai having a mental breakdown about how she hates being insane and wishes she wouldn't have thoughts about wanting to hurt other people. How she misses thinking like a regular person. Flint trying his best to comfort her. It works and she's all okay again.
- Flint and Baozhai cuddling together ლ(◕ω◕ლ)
- Flint worrying he's getting too attached to Baozhai.
- Islay and Billy getting caught making out lmao
- Bonnet sharing with Leonid that he was once apart of a war. After he left said war, he made a promise to himself he wouldn't kill another man ever again. Makes it clear why he couldn't bring himself to kill Haggis in the first place.
- Leonid suggesting he may or may have not been apart of the Russian mafia.
- Erik getting revenge against Leonid for kicking his ass by cutting off his hand.
- Noëmie having to solve puzzle with Sao while they're stuck in some sort of death trap that's causing the room to get smaller. They survive and both swear to never speak of helping each other.
- Baozhai and Flint weirdly acting like a couple. You know like hugging, semi flirting, and laughing
- Archie after spying on Flint and Baozhai, finds out that they're getting too close with each other. He doesn't know what to think so he tells someone about what he saw. Archie telling Cletus about what he saw. Cletus then telling Noëmie, Noëmie then telling Fleance, Fleance than telling Leonid, Leonid telling Ironbeard, and Ironbeard telling Bonnet. It comes off as a rumor which Bonnet doesn't care too much about. He thinks Baozhai isn't truly in love with him and that its just a short-lived crush.
- Haggis on the other hand, hearing through the grapevine goes: >:O
- "One of MY crewmates was caught flirtin' with one of Bonnet's BASTARD crewmates??? Oh I'm gonna teach that boy a lesson alright >:(("
- Baozhai acting less insane and bloodthirsty.
- Her obsessive thoughts of wanting to be with Flint actually turn healthy.
- Baozhai and Flint sharing a tender moment underneath the stars.
- "I know this is going to sound weird but.. when I'm around you.. I feel sane." Which means a LOT coming from Baozhai.
- Baozhai and Flint damn near kissing only to be interrupted by Islay and Billy walking in on them.
- Islay sharing a story about how she was almost killed by Warden.
- Baozhai sharing some of her own stories and pieces about her own personal life.
- Baozhai daydreaming about being married to Flint and sailing the eitherium.
- Flint knowing he's too far in with Baozhai and doesn't know wether to back out or not. Tries to get advice from Billy but he's unfortunately stuck in same situation except it's with Islay.
- They all arrive to the cave that holds the lost treasure of the Paititi. Just as they do, so does everyone else. There's plenty of treasure but not nearly enough for two pirate crews to share it. Everyone starts fighting. Again. For like the third time.
- Bonnet getting his ass beat by Haggis again and this time Haggis almost kills him instead.
- Flint and Baozhai fight even though they don't really want to.
- Baozhai doesn't want to hurt Flint, causing her to confess that she loves him. Everyone gasps in pretty surprised and stop fighting. Flint already knew because it was damn obvious from the start.
- Flint doesn't know what to do. Does he choose a girl he's been with for a few days or possibly getting his ass beaten to death by his captain. As much as he would like to be with her, he knows he can't.
- He ends up stabbing Baozhai in the chest. It doesn't kill her but it's symbolic of him breaking her heart. (I like symbolism ok aksskskkw)
- Haggis's crew wins and take all the treasure for themselves. Bonnet's crew get beat the fuck up and head back to the ship to get their wounds patched up.
- so basically Haggis: 2 Bonnet: 1
- Octavia manages to fix everyone up then save the lives of Baozhai and Bonnet. even her own. (Goddamn she's a great doctor someone give her an award..)
- Baozhai doesn't talk or interact with anyone for a few days. She's very emotionless and empty from what happened.
- "Christ, she's never been this way before. You think she'll be okay?" - Cletus
- "Who knows. That heart break sure must've messed her up real bad, poor thing.." - Noëmie.
- "Well, it was the first time she's ever been in love before. And I guess this makes it her first heartbreak as well." - Octavia
- Bonnet now laying in his bed must of the time because of how fucked up he got by Haggis. Although he does try to be a leader for his crew. Even if it hurts for him to stand up.
- Meanwhile...
- Haggis chuckling and patting Flint on the back. Essentially congratulating him for manipulating that "little harlot" aka Baozhai to get to the treasure.
- Flint getting drunk off his ass to get rid of his guilt for betraying Baozhai.
- Billy not knowing what's the future of his and Islay's relationship going to be.
- When Bonnet about to go to sleep, the twins tell him an eerie prediction.
- "Don't you think an iron plate would go well with your slumber..?" - Liliana
"Yes, to protect oneself from the demons that lurk in the shadows of your room or in your mind?" - Lenny
"It certainly would, especially when the clock hits at twelve." - Liliana.
- "uh.. no..?" - Bonnet
- "You'll bring a dark omen upon this eitherium if you don't." - Lilliana and Lenny.
- Bonnet slowly enters his room, paying no mind to what the twins told him. He never truly believed in their predictions...
- when the clock struck twelve at night, Baozhai entered his room and stabbed him to death.
- In the morning, none of crewmates couldn't find their captain. He wasn't anywhere on the ship or in his office. It wasn't until Baozhai told them of his fate, all while she laughs her ass off with her back turned to them.
- Fleance immediately wants to have Baozhai killed or thrown overboard for betraying their captain. In response, Baozhai punches him and stabs him in the shoulder with a dagger. She holds the same dagger against his neck.
- Fleance ends up getting to have a good look at her face. It's covered in many scars and damn near mutilated.
- Baozhai tells Fleance to never disrespect their captain again or he'll be the one thrown overboard.
- She tells everyone that she's had enough of this crew getting their asses kicked and that things are going to start changing now that she's in charge.
- How they'll overthrow the monarchy and make the eitherium a better place for all..
- Baozhai then demands them to get back to their stations as she walks back to her new office.
- Stunned with this revelation, the crew do as their told to not upset their new captain.
- At night, Islay is on the deck trying to smoke her pipe then Baozhai comes to join her.
- "Islay, just the person I wanted to see. Mind if I smoke with you?" - Baozhai, pulling out a cigarette
- "Um, sure." Islay says uncomfortably.
- "You know I didn't really except for myself to take over the role of captain. It just sort of happened."
- "You stabbing Bonnet to death just sorta happened..?"
- "Yes! It did. After feeling empty for so long, I couldn't help but feel a strange combination of rage and bloodthirst take over that night. I just had to put my hands on something. Anything. And watch the life drain from it's eyes. It could've been Noëmie, Leonid, or even you. Heh, yet I went with Bonnet.. He was a weak link of the crew anyway."
- "I mean I guess he was.."
- "... I just wanted to tell you something."
- "What is it?"
- "You were right. About everything."
- "... About what-"
- "Love. It is truly a terrible thing. First you feel that high of dopamine and the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach then the next.. the guy you like breaks your heart. Quite literally."
- "Bao, I know what I said but don't take that it first awful experience-"
- "First? Heh, you really think I'm going to go through that again???"
- "No, I'm just saying that-"
- it's takes a moment for a Baozhai to calm down but when she does. She laughs for moment before telling Islay goodnight and heading off to sleep.
- Islay was a little shaken up by that. She tries to smoke her pipe to calm down then she sees the twins.
- "This is only the beginning of her madness..." - Liliana and Lenny
- "..."
- "Fuck my life." - Islay
So yeah that's what happens! Pretty sad but I wanted to keep that rivalry of Baozhai and Flint lmao. I wanted to write this stuff out but I never go the energy to do so. I didn't want to leave the series on a cliffhanger so I made this instead. I'm sorry that I couldn't finish it. But maybe I'll end up having the motivation to do so. Someday.
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