#(this is eventual steddie i promise but it takes a while to get there)
starrystevie · 1 year
omg purgatory purgatory purgatory purga-- [grabby hands, raccoon paws, etc etc]
anything for you lex <33333
Falling to the ground is easy, not only because his legs felt like they’d give out right from underneath him, but because he was tired. That tired laced between muscles and bone that has his shoulders slumped as he melts to the ground one vertebra at a time. The water (was it water?) or blood (it could be blood-) that covered the ground splashed up once more and hit his face, burning his oversensitive skin. There was no way to count time, no way to pass time, so he sat in the deafening silence the surrounding darkness provided. Eddie took in sharp, stuttering breaths as he thought back to the girl with a buzz cut. Who was she? What was she? Why did she have Max cradled in her arms like she was grieving and why was she calling out to Lucas and how did she get there in this same Hell he was in and why couldn’t she hear him and- -and why was Eddie stuck here in the first place?
wip weekend: accepting!
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solarmorrigan · 4 months
39 + 95, ship of your choice
Fanfiction Trope Mashup: 39. Survival/Wilderness Fic + 95. Sleep Intimacy
Hello! So I'm going to be honest with you and say that survival/wilderness stories have always given me anxiety and I've never enjoyed reading them, so the closest I got in writing one was a camping fic. I know it's not the same, but hopefully this is alright <3 (ship of choice was Steddie)
You might not know it to look at him, but Eddie had been an outdoorsy kind of kid.
He’d loved playing outside (he’s still the king of finding cool sticks to use as wizard staffs) and he’d always looked forward to his and Wayne’s annual camping trips. Wayne had taught him a lot about surviving in the wilderness on those long weekends, and Eddie had looked at them as grand adventures.
Eventually, of course, Eddie had gained other interests, and Wayne’s hours at the plant had changed, and the camping trips had petered to a stop. Eddie looks on the memories fondly, but doesn’t necessarily feel the need to go back and relive them (particularly not after the days he spent roughing it during the spring break from Hell). He’s happy to leave the outdoorsy activities to Steve these days. Steve loves going hiking, loves swimming, doesn’t even mind doing yardwork; he’s the one people would look at and assume he’d spent his childhood outdoors, except–
“You’ve never been camping?” Eddie asks, sitting up to look down at Steve where he’s squished in beside Eddie on a pool lounger that is absolutely not meant to fit two people.
Steve shrugs. “I always wanted to go, used to ask my dad a lot, and he used to promise he’d take me when he could get the time off of work,” he says. “I think he got pretty fed up with my asking, though, so I just kinda… stopped.”
Well, damn, if that doesn’t poke at a soft spot in Eddie’s hardened little heart.
“We could go,” Eddie blurts.
Steve blinks up at him. “What?”
“Me and Wayne used to go camping every year. I remember a lot of how it’s done, so… you and I could go,” Eddie offers. “If you want.”
“Yeah?” Steve asks, a smile blooming across his face.
Eddie can’t help his answering smile. “Shit, yeah. Let’s go.”
If it makes Steve this happy, Eddie thinks in between Steve’s excited little kisses of thanks, then even if it goes terribly, Eddie won’t regret offering.
It takes a little bit to finagle their schedules and get time off together, but they manage it on the first nice weekend in spring. They pack Steve’s car up with a tent and sleeping bags and provisions and everything else Eddie can remember them needing (and a few things Wayne helpfully reminds him of), and they set off on their adventure.
The weekend starts off well. They set up the tent with minimal swearing, and manage to get a fire going, and explore the trails surrounding their camp, and spend the first night looking at the stars that shine brighter here than they do over Hawkins, and it’s nice.
It’s nice right up until Midwestern weather rears its unpredictable head while Eddie and Steve are out hiking on Saturday afternoon. The clouds roll in fast, rain-scented wind kicking up and shaking the limbs of the trees above them; they turn around to head back to camp, but they aren’t quick enough to beat the incoming rainstorm.
They’re soaked by the time they reach the tent, running and spluttering and laughing breathlessly, zipping the flap shut behind them and shucking their wet clothes before they can drip all over everything. They leave them in a heap off to the side, hopefully to be line-dried later, and do their best to dry off in the confined space.
“Gonna be hard to warm up without the fire,” Steve comments as he tries to scrub the rainwater out of his hair.
The weather has been nice, but not so nice that standing around damp and in their underwear is particularly comfortable. Even in the close space of the tent, the air isn’t warm, and Eddie eyes the goosebumps texturing the bare expanse of Steve’s tanned skin.
“I have an idea,” Eddie says, and Steve looks up at him expectantly. “C’mere.”
Eddie nods to the little nest they’d made the previous night by zipping two sleeping bags together and covering it with a couple of extra blankets. They don’t bother with dry clothes – isn’t skin-to-skin contact better for warming up, after all? Eddie slides in first and Steve joins him, immediately pressing the line of his body up against Eddie’s, curling an arm around his waist, tangling their legs, and resting his cheek against Eddie’s chest. Eddie tucks the blankets up a little closer around the both of them and settles down, wrapping both arms around Steve’s back.
“How’s this?” he asks.
He can feel Steve’s contented sigh as much as he can hear it, and Steve wiggles a little against Eddie’s front, as if there’s any space left between them to eliminate.
“This is good,” Steve says softly.
And it is, Eddie decides. He presses a kiss to the top of Steve’s head, where the earthy smell of the rain lingers, underscored by the faint, familiar scent of Steve’s shampoo. Rain continues to patter against the roof of their tent, and the soft, dim afternoon light does nothing to discourage either of them from beginning to drift.
If it can always be like this, Eddie doesn’t think he’d mind making camping an annual thing again. He wouldn’t mind at all.
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lexirosewrites · 29 days
Okay, Slick Sunday ask!
This is going to be formulated as I write, so forgive me if it doesn't make sense.
So, I was recently reading a fic from another fandom where the main plot is that cultural differences make a huge misunderstanding (Canadian guy moves to Japan (ify,yk) and feels shocked when one of his classmates is wearing a collar, which is a sign of an Omega being mated, but context clues tell you is bc the Omega has a situation™ not bc of mating, but anyway).
And I was thinking what if the misunderstanding was in fact what was going on (omega guy (a 17y/o) being in a weird toxic relationship with two 30y/o's) but then my brain told me to make it Steddie (otherwise I wouldn't be here, lmao)
OKAY, sorry for the long rant, the ACTUAL idea before I got sidetracked.
Eddie is living his life, living with his uncle in their shitty trailer, having the worst reputation a guy can have in highschool, being a super senior, all the good stuff. His only saving grace is that he somehow presented as an Alpha.
Eventually he manages to graduate and leaves Hawkins to make an attempt of a career in a big city (I'm not American I have no idea where he would go, help), eventually he gets contacted to be informed that his father was convicted with theft and abduction.
This, of course, strikes Eddie as odd, since his father is clearly a thief, but the kind of person who would take someone's freedom.
So Eddie decides to visit his father, for the first time in like, a decade, to figure out what's going on.
Enter Steve Harrington, old King of the Hawkins high hierarchy until he presented as an Omega and lost everything, only to disappear the year he graduated.
Turns out, Steve was actually there by his own will after Al Munson promised him love if they had sex, maybe even mating, and Steve was so starved for any sort of affection he actually did go with it, and the only reason got said charges was because Steve's parents, annoyed that Steve had ruined their plans to sell him off did their best to get rid of the man in question (once they found out, cuz that took a while).
So they meet each other while visiting Al at the same time, and once Eddie learns that Al's imprisonment has rendered Steve practically homeless (or he could return with his parents, which, as Steve himself put it "would rather live on the street until some non-descript loser playing serial killer murdered me than going back there") so Eddie offers to house him until he can stand on his own feet.
The Omega instantly feels enamoured by that simple act of kindness and accepts, so they start living together and eventually develop feelings, but Eddie resists dating the beautiful Omega until steve can become his own person without actually needing him.
And of course eventually they mate and have pups and Steve is a very happy stay at home mom while Eddie has success in whichever career he ends up in.
eddie picking up the broken pieces of steve that his own father left behind because al is a piece of shit who preyed on a young and desperate omega who just wanted to be loved😭💕
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oatmilk-vampire · 5 months
steddie suspense for my lovelies <3 tw: panic attack, mention of death // ~700 words
Steve feels the exact moment the blood drains from his face.
Of course his mind would find a way to ruin this, using an innocent conversation between the two of them against him to prove he will never be okay.
“Did you give ‘em hell, baby?” Eddie had asked with a crooked grin when Steve was talking about the unruly customers he had to deal with earlier.
He bites his cheek hard as the lights flicker and dim around him, as the four walls of his room shift into the cruel expanse of the Upside Down.
He wants to run. He doesn’t have the strength to fight anymore.
“No.” He breaths out, voice just as shaky as his limbs.
“No? That’s okay. Maybe next time.” Eddie shrugs, as if Steve wasn’t struggling to breath.
He has to get away.
“Steve, where are you going?”
Why is he so cold? My God, he’s freezing.
“I gotta go. I gotta go. I can’t be here.”
“Steve, wait!”
He’s using that voice again, the one from earlier that makes Steve squirm. He doesn’t know why, though. Not yet. All he knows is it’s too much. His chest physically aches at the intensity of emotion.
Steve starts breathing fast and shallow.
It’s too much. He’s too cold, and he can’t breathe, dry ice invades his lungs.
The room starts to close in on him. His heartbeat races so fast he’s scared he may die, thinks maybe he already has. His breaths turn ragged as he tries desperately not to suffocate. He doesn’t know how to make it stop. He can’t make it stop. All he can do is reach out for the man in front of him. All he can do is try to get away from him.
“Oh shit. Come on, Stevie. I’m sorry. I was teasing—I didn’t mean to—”
Whatever tone Eddie was using before is gone, instantly replaced by something closer to his normal voice, only maybe a little softer.
“Hey—hey it’s okay. I’ve got you. You’re safe, I’ve got you.” He wraps his arms around Steve, dragging him down, down, down until he’s sitting. Pulled so close he’s practically in Eddie's lap.
Steve feels himself melt into Eddie’s touch, throwing his arms around his waist and gripping the fabric of his shirt in his fists. He buries his face against his chest as he continued struggling to breathe. Steve is horrified to realize it’s warm and sticky, slick with something he doesn’t want to look at. Can’t stand to see.
“Shhh It’s okay. I’ve got you Steve, it’s okay. You’re gonna be okay. I’ve got you.” Eddie murmurs, cradling his head and petting his hair in soothing repetitive motions.
“Try to take some deep breaths, okay? You’re safe here. I’ve got you.”
Steve is still shaking in Eddie’s arms, and may or may not be making pitiful noises as he hyperventilates and cries, but he does try to slow his ragged breaths by matching them to the rise and fall of Eddie’s chest. Being held so tightly, and having the steady rhythms of Eddie’s heartbeat and breathing to focus on helps tremendously. It takes him a while to realize that was the whole point.
“I’ve got you, Steve. You’re doing so good. Keep taking deep breaths with me.”
Eddie’s voice is so gentle, so caring, and his exaggerated breaths are so soothing and easy to follow, Steve almost can’t remember why he’s so scared. Eddie’s here. Eddie’s here with him. Why did that feel so wrong?
It takes a few minutes, but eventually he stops shaking.
Eddie keeps comforting him, whispering soft praise against the top of Steve’s head.
“There you go. Deep breaths. You’re doing so good. Just stay with me. This will end, I promise.”
That’s when the dam breaks.
Steve lifts his head from Eddie’s chest, blinking away his tears.
“You’re not here, you’re not here. You’re not real.” Steve backs away, tries to shield himself, tries to get away.
Eddie follows after him, quick to pull him back into his arms in a tight embrace, preventing Steve from going anywhere.
“You’re okay, Stevie. You’re right here. I’m right here. It’s okay. Whatever you’re seeing isn’t real. Just me. Focus on me.”
Steve shakes his head, a new sob rips through his constricting throat.
“No, Eddie. You’re dead. You died.”
Steve squeezes him tight, knows the moment he lets go reality will come back to him. The false memories and imaginary conversations his consciousness had conjured up will be revealed as exactly that: fake.
He’ll be all alone.
“You’re not real.”
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apomaro-mellow · 5 months
Honestly I was thinking about the end of ofmd s1 and it evolved to this. Steddie; omegaverse
Uhhh, loosely set in the Regency era but not particularly important, trigger warnings for sexual assault, use of date rape drugs
He should have never met Edgar Munson. Society dictated that their paths should never cross. That there would always be at least five degrees of separation between them. But the hands of fate were a stronger force. One that saw fit to have Steve find himself making polite conversation with an alpha below his station. Polite conversation turned to familiarity, which then turned to scandalous flirting, which then became a secret courtship.
Steve received the gifts from his beloved under some sort of cover. No one could know about their relationship. Even the nest offering, the last gift before an official engagement, had to be hidden. Of course they couldn't be publicly wed, not with Steve's family name, not on this continent.
That was how Eddie filled his head with visions of the New World. A place where they could be free and make their own lives. A land where no one knew how different they were.
"Just imagine it", Eddie had said, one morning after a night of lovemaking. "You, me, a pup or two perhaps, and a little corner of our own."
"Mmm, you paint a pretty picture", Steve said while playing with Eddie's hair. And it was a lovely thought. "But how's about three or four? Or maybe even five? I always wanted a big family."
He imagined children frolicking in fields, perfect mixtures of his and Eddie's features. Blissful as they were unaware of the pressures of high society that their dame had come from. Steve would give up the extravagance for all the love Eddie was able to store in this cramped room in a bed that just barely fit them both.
"Whatever my love desires", Eddie kissed him. "Just promise me that you'll run away with me."
"To the ends of the earth", Steve promised, sealing it with a kiss.
As Steve got dressed, Eddie did his damndest to keep him here, where he had eyes laid on him.
"The boat will leave at sunrise tomorrow. You may as well stay."
"If I spend the whole day here, my father will send out a search party. We need to keep suspicion low if I am to be spirited away by you."
"'Spirited away'? By me? That's an odd way of saying you're taking us on a whirlwind trip across the ocean." Considering Steve put up the money for their passage and would be footing most of the bills until they were officially set up with jobs in America, it was more like Steve was taking Eddie on the trip.
"Either way, it would be prudent if I went home and treated today as if it were absolutely average." Meanwhile, an energy would buzz within Steve the whole time.
He was dressed and at the door while Eddie was still in his underthings, holding him tight. Steve was no better, loathe to let him go. How he wished for just one day the hours would pass faster so that they could start their new lives together.
"You have to let me go eventually, love."
"But what if I don't? Steve...my moon and my stars, why part when we will just see each other again?"
"You know why."
"I've got a bad feeling. I've read too many novels where lovers parted with a vow to meet again and they almost never do."
"You know novels rot the mind", Steve said. "And our lives are not fiction. You'll see. I'll go home, have some tea with mother, rebuff Sir Hagan yet again, and get through one last dinner before going off to bed."
Then, under guide of moonlight, he would meet Eddie at the docks just down the street. They could hear the gulls and sailors from here, it was so close they could both taste it.
Eddie's eyes were closed, giving a silent prayer that it would be so. A hope that the only hitch in their plan would be Steve getting seasick. Finally, Steve left and all Eddie had to do was double check what he was packing. There were a few clothes, a couple of items his parents owned before their passing that he was sure his uncle would want to see.
Wayne had gone to the New World just a few years ago, wanting to make the trip before 'his old bones gave out', or so he said. Eddie let out a wistful sigh, getting by as he imagined introducing Steve to his uncle. And hopefully, there would be a bundle of good news on the way. They would be at sea for a few months, after all.
Steve managed to sneak back into his room, no problem, but the moment he did, he could tell something was off. Steve's nest as usually immaculate, but he caught a whiff of something that shouldn't be there. Tossed right onto his pillow was a monogrammed handkerchief that stunk of Tommy.
He let out a scoff of disgust and picked it up, intending to put it away when he noticed one of his drawers was left open and had been rifled through. In a panic, Steve went towards it to confirm what he already knew. Eddie's nest offering had been a simple piece of cloth that he had scented. A small scrap that Steve imagined putting in a quilt one day.
"Ah, there he is, the man of the hour."
Tommy came walking in from Steve's boudoir, right into his bedroom unannounced. Steve was knocked off his axis at the impropriety and even more so as he began to put the pieces together.
"What is this? Wh-why are you here? In my room? I don't understand."
"Don't be so anxious, Stevie. I was bound to find my way in here eventually. Your father was so kind to allow me in so that I could surprise you with my gift."
"My father?", Steve hissed, betrayed. It was all about being proper and following the right customs until doing the opposite suited one, wasn't it? The numerous times his father told him to stay on the straight and narrow, to never allow an alpha to skip steps with him. And now!?
"You haven't even giving me a single courting gift prior. I haven't even given you leave to court me." Then the open drawer came back to his attention. "Have you been going through my things?"
"Found something interesting while I was leaving my gift. Seems somebody snuck in a piece of trash", Tommy pulled Eddie's cloth from his pocket and Steve immediately lunged for it.
Tommy tried to move back but in his desperation Steve overpowered him and took it back, dropping the other handkerchief. Tommy watched as his own favor sat on the ground.
"You really are fucking a peasant, aren't you?"
"I think that's enough, Mr. Hagan", Steve's father, a Mr. Martin Harrington, entered the room.
"How could you let him into my room!?", Steve accused.
"Your room? Now I do believe this house is in my name. And I am within my rights to allow Mr. Hagan into any room I please. As for the courting, I have already given my permission for him to do so. And he has already given you all the gifts required. They're right their in your antechamber. You would have seen them, had you been in your room last night."
Steve held the cloth to his heart. He didn't like where this was going. What the last gift was supposed to mean. "You can't expect me to marry him."
"Oh you will, in about three days time."
"You don't think people will be suspicious about the short engagement?"
"Everyone knows that Mr. Hagan's had his eye on you. And you, of course, have not been entertaining any other suitors", Mr. Harrington's eyes narrowed on what Steve held. "Young love is so passionate these days. I highly doubt anyone will bat an eye at it. It's best you forget about all else and prepare for your wedding. Your mother wants it to be a grand affair."
"Father please-"
"As a matter of fact, I see no reason not to have you both live as newly weds now. Mr. Hagan can stay here until the wedding, where you will be housed in his estate. Keep my Steve out of trouble", he said to Tommy.
Tommy nodded. "Of course."
Steve wanted to cry out but knew it would do him no good. He spent the whole day, trying to plan some sort of escape. But there was always someone with him. That someone was usually Tommy, who looked like he was fine marrying Steve with a broken leg. Night fell and Tommy laid himself in Steve's nest. The one place he had felt safe besides Eddie's arms. Ruined.
Steve opted to sleep in the other room, on a couch most certainly not meant for sleeping. Tommy only urged him a little, seemingly assured that Steve would come around eventually. Steve checked the window and of course there was a man guarding down below. He didn't even have to check the hallway, hearing heavy boots pass over his door every few minutes, making sure no one was coming in or out.
Steve felt his heart clench as the hours pass and the first rays of sun began to shine.
Eddie was waiting. The gangway was right behind him and the crew was ready to shove off. He knew only death would keep Steve from being here. Eddie was dreading something worse than death when he saw Jason Carver of all people stepping out of a carriage, looking smug as always.
"Waiting for someone, freak?"
"Where is Steve?", Eddie demanded, cutting through the bullshit.
"He has other more important things to attend to. Marriage can be quite time consuming business. I'm here to make sure you get on that boat."
"Like hell I'm leaving without him!"
Any fight Eddie put up was tamped down by the two lugs Carver had brought along, muscling him into a tight hold as they tied him up with rope and gagged him. Jason only put his hands on him to procure the boarding passes.
"He'll only be needing one of these", Jason said to the captain as Eddie was carried on board, struggling. "You can untie him once you're a good distance from the shore."
Eddie was screaming his lungs out from the gag in his mouth but it was anyone's guess as to what he was actually saying. The captain shook his head, sympathetic, but not enough to help Eddie out or get involved in any way. About an hour into the voyage, he was released and the first thing he did was try and jump overboard.
"Best to let go of whatever you just left behind", the captain said, patting his shoulder as a couple of sailors held him back from jumping into the sea.
"The love of my life is still there! He needs me! They're gonna...fuck...they're gonna..." Eddie knew what awaited Steve in his family had discovered them. He laid his head against the wood, determined to find his way back to him. He knew the captain wouldn't let him take any of the rowboats, and the crew kept watch on him like they expected him to steal it.
Their plan could still work. It didn't matter if they forced him into marriage, Steve would still love him. Eddie was just getting a headstart on building their new life.
The prospect of marrying Tommy under duress made him sick to his stomach but not knowing Eddie's fate made him feel worse. Steve didn't want to believe that Eddie would leave without him, but the alpha himself had admitted there wasn't anything left for him in this town. With him having an uncle overseas, Steve didn't think Eddie planned to stay much longer, even if they hadn't planned to elope.
But if he was still here, he would have shown his face by now, wouldn't he? He wouldn't leave Steve here all alone. Especially when the wedding announcement went out. Steve held out hope, even as his wedding day came, that Eddie would burst in like a blaze and whisk him away.
As if reading his thoughts, his mother brought it up while preparing him for the day. He had mostly tuned her out. She seemed determined to ignore the breach of courting customs in favor of the fact that her only child was finally being wed. A load off her shoulders apparently. But she started talking about her worries about whoever Steve had been running around with and that brought him back in.
"Well, thank the Lord, Mr. Carver put him on a boat. We won't need to worry about him anymore."
"He what?"
"Shipped him right off. Now you only have to think about keeping Mr. Hagan happy. And all the handsome pups you'll have of course."
Steve was a ghost at his own wedding and if anyone noticed, they didn't say anything. He didn't come back into himself until night fell and Tommy tried to make him perform his wifely duties. Steve smacked him across the face at the first slight and kicked him out of the bedroom.
He kept the cold shoulder up for about a week before both his mother and father reprimanded him. Told him that after marriage, his next task was to let his husband lay his seed and continue the family line. The last thing Steve wanted was Tommy's hands on him, much less his seed in him. But he supposed he could let the man sleep in his own bedroom.
Tommy made his favorite tea as a peace offering, placating Steve with sweet words.
"You are my wife, my partner in everything. I only want you to be happy."
Steve wanted to believe that, he really did. And he was tired of putting up a fight. So he drank the tea. It fogged his mind and the rest of the night seemed like a hazy dream. And not a good one. His suspicions were confirmed when he awoke with an ache in his lower body.
Steve started to pack a bag right then and there. He couldn't stay here. Not if this was to be his life. Tears were streaming down his face at the violation. Tommy was just standing to the side, looking at him like he was a petulant child.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Leaving! Like I should have done in the first place."
"And where the hell are you going to go? A runaway omega with no skills, probably with a pup on the way?"
Steve froze and Tommy grinned, advancing on him from behind. He put his chin on Steve's shoulder and the omega whirled around, trying to put space between them.
"I went in deep last night. I kept you knotted and filled. I know it took. You leave now and you'll have no one to help you with our son."
Steve put a hand to his stomach. He didn't want to imagine trying to make his way and raise a child at the same time. No one would want to take him in, an omega with nothing to his name.
"What would you even do anyway? You've got no skills to speak of. Unless you want to be hired based on your bedroom skills."
Steve was too stunned to speak. He hated agreeing to Tommy, so he stormed out. But out just meant out into another part of the Hagan estate. Just another wing of this gilded cage.
Months passed and Steve's belly grew and he didn't know whether or not he hoped this pup was Eddie's. If there was any doubt about it being Tommy's they might give it away, or worse. It wasn't supposed to be like this. His first child was to be met with nothing but glee in a land as big as their dreams. But now he was dreading every development.
Even as he went into labor, it felt like it was happening to someone else. It wasn't until the baby was in his arms, that he realized what he had to do. Regardless of the true parentage, this child deserved all the love in the world. And considering how Tommy was, it would all have to come from Steve. He gave birth to a beautiful girl, so he was able to escape Tommy trying to name their first child after himself.
And so she was christened Octavia Hagan. And Steve worked his hardest to do right by her. It was never easy, not when his heart was a thousand miles away. But by the time she was two, Steve was sure of it. The big brown eyes and the light curl to her hair was enough proof. She was Eddie's. But it was also just enough to deny any accusations that might come his way, not that there was any.
Steve scrounged what he could and hid the money in a bookcase in Octavia's nursery. He might not be able to guarantee her the best quality of life, but anything was worth freedom. And perhaps they might even find Eddie one day. It was this that had Steve holding out hope.
It took five years, but Eddie returned. he was dressed in clothes much finer than he'd left in, disembarking a vessel in which he had voyaged in first class. Being a musician that sold out venues had its perks. He held the marriage announcement that had come to the shores years ago. The marriage of Thomas and Stephen Munson, nee Harrington, and then later the birth announcement.
Eddie was here to make good on a promise.
Steve was none the wiser. All he knew was that Tommy was taking him out to see a famed violinist Edgar Wainson for his final night before the man took his show to Paris. Tommy was only going for appearances. His opinion on culture was whatever everyone else thought.
Steve had an appreciation for it, remembering how Eddie would play his fiddle both when they were alone and to earn some extra coin on streets and in taverns. He instilled it in Octavia as well, teaching her piano and allowing her to toss some coins to the street musicians they passed when Tommy wasn't around to scold them about it.
So he brought her along. Where he went, his pup went. Even now, Steve thought if he took his eyes off her for too long, something bad would happen.
The show started and the violinist took the stage and Steve's jaw dropped. Like a man possessed, he stood from his seat, then went into the aisle. Eddie's playing slowed as he watched someone approach. He stopped altogether when he saw who it was. He ignored the gasps as he dropped the violin and jumped off the stage to meet Steve who had broke into a run to meet him.
"I'm sorry!", Steve exclaimed the moment their arms went around each other. "I'm sorry I wasn't there I was-"
"I know, I know my love. I'm sorry I wasn't back sooner I was-"
"I know. God in Heaven Eddie, I know. But you're here now."
"And I'm never letting you go", Eddie promised, kissing him so hard, Steve thought his lips might be bruised, but he didn't care.
"GET OFF!!", Tommy bellowed, struggling through the row of people to get to them.
Unbidden thanks to her smile size and thought to go around the other way where there were less people, Octavia ran up to them, grabbing at Steve's pant leg.
"Oh, a little one?", Eddie looked down, clearing his throat.
Steve whispered in Eddie's ear. "Your little one."
Eddie's eyes got big as he looked back and forth between Steve and Octavia. He felt something swell in his chest.
"I'll see you hanged for this, you vagrant!", Tommy yelled, finally at them.
Eddie's eyes narrowed. He could only imagine what he'd put Steve through if he was still like this. He still had a promise to make good on.
"Stevie, my muse, my light, there is a vow I still intend to keep."
The was murmuring from the audience, unsure of what to make of any of this. It was certainly an odd night at the concert hall. Eddie held Steve's hands, then got down on his knees.
"Runaway with me. Tonight, right now, both of you."
They hadn't packed or prepared anything. There was hardly any money on him and wherever they went, there was sure to be a chase, at least for a while. It wouldn't be easy, but Steve had already missed his chance once. He wouldn't miss it again.
"On your feet", he ordered. "You've got to get me to an altar."
Tommy's protests were unheard, even as he chased after the three of them. Eddie took the first carriage they saw, barreling down the road. Steve was surprised when they came upon the Hagan home. But Eddie told him he wouldn't let Steve leave without taking anything important. He wanted a moment to assure Eddie that he was the most important thing, but Tommy would be hot on their heels the moment he got a carriage. Hopefully the confusion of the headliner running off would give them time.
Steve got things for both himself and Octavia, including directing her on where to find his stash of money. They then went right to the docks, finding a boat that was shoving off that night.
"Where are you headed?", Eddie asked.
"Spain", was the answer.
"Perfect", Steve said, giving enough money for all three and also to expedite the departure.
Tommy would either be expecting France or the Americas. Only when they were settled below deck and the shore was a tiny dot in the dark did Steve's nerves settle. Octavia was pressed to his side and he kissed the top of her head. It was probably even more of a whirlwind for her, running off with this man she had never met. Time to change that.
"Sweetheart, this is Eddie. In truth, he is your real father."
"Pleasure to meet you madame", Eddie gave a sweeping bow, making her giggle.
"Are we all going to live together now?", she asked.
"Til the end of our days", Eddie promised.
"What about father?", she asked Steve, referring to Tommy.
"God willing, we'll never see him again."
It took them the whole night, plus a day and a half to get to Spain. The sun was setting, but they managed to find a church. They were wary of how they might be received, but the man who saw to them had a milky eye with a scar over it, so he must've had a well lived life. Octavia was their very willing witness, and so they were wed in a port town that they didn't know the name of.
"Well, it took longer than we planned, but we're finally starting our lives together", Eddie said as they settled in the beds of an inn. Octavia was already deep in her own slumber in her own cot.
Eddie was laying in bed ready to snuff out the light as Steve got in next to him. When he did, only the moon from the window lit their features. Steve grabbed Eddie's face and pulled him in for a kiss. One that was slow and deep as his hand started drifting down.
"Here?", Eddie whispered, apprehensive but doing nothing to stop him. He glanced at the child on the other side of the room.
"She sleeps like the dead. Besides, you owe me a wedding night."
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apuckishwit · 2 years
platonic stobin and/or any flavor of steddie prompt: Robin might be nosy, but at least she isn't getting caught staring with binoculars around her neck, [insert child's name in italics here].
(Dustin was my first thought but I can see any of them. Except maybe Will; I doubt he'd get caught >:)! )
It's a damn near perfect day.
The sun is shining, warm enough to swim without it being too hot. No one is dying, no one's injured, there are no nightmarish beasts bursting out of the Upside Down (there never will be again and isn't that something Robin feared she'd die before she saw?). No, they're actually having a pleasant day at the quarry, just her, Steve, Eddie, Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle.
"Grownups only, shitheads," Steve had announced when Nancy brought up the idea last week at the Hellfire game night being hosted at his house.
"You're not inviting Hopper and Joyce!" Mike had protested.
"I said grownups, not parents. There's a difference," Steve had fired back smoothly.
"I am at least twice as mature as Argyle," Dustin had squawked.
"Cancelled out by the fact that you annoy me at least three times as much," Steve had said, accepting a somewhat off-target fist bump from Argyle and a mumbled, 'righteous, thanks dude.'
Even Max had been unable to wheedle anything more than a promise to host a pool party at his house before the summer weather broke for good. Eventually, the kids had subsided and the six of them spent the next week planning the perfect day out.
Just a chance to really sit back and revel in the fact that they have their lives back. That they made it through the horrors lurking underneath Hawkins, that they've really beaten it. That Vecna/Henry Creel/One is fucking dead and despite his best efforts, he didn't take any of them with him. A chance to celebrate the fact that they can be stupid kids again for a little while before the ordinary, everyday problems of adulthood start creeping in again.
It's been perfect, so far. The quarry is surprisingly deserted, only a few other groups staked out on the thin strip of beach and all of them far enough apart not to bother each other. There's good food, courtesy of Steve, good beer, courtesy of Jonathan, and though Eddie and Argyle haven't said anything, she fully expects there to be good weed later. They've been crashing in and out of the water for a few hours, and now she and Steve are stretched out on the beach blankets they've spread out, shooting the shit about customers they've had to deal with in Family Video lately and sort of idly discussing what they're going to do when Keith inevitably gets tired of them and Robin's parents start making noises about her going to college after her year off to "process the tragedy of the earthquakes."
Steve's answers are getting slower and slower to come, a full belly, the warm sun, and a run of late shifts this week so he could be free in the mornings to take Max to physical therapy all conspiring against him. She's unsurprised when his voice eventually fades to a soft snore, and she glances over at him fondly, reaching over to ruffle one hand through his hair and laughing when he makes a grumpy, discontented noise before settling again.
She's about to dig around in her bag for the book she's been reading when Eddie comes bounding up out of the water, flipping the bird at Jonathan and Argyle, who are laughing hysterically while Nancy watches on, perched on one of the anchored platforms the city had built around the quarry a couple years ago.
Robin tries very hard (and fails very hard) not to notice how good the other girl looks in her purple and green two-piece.
Eddie opens his mouth as if he's going to call out to them, but snaps it shut abruptly when he catches sight of Steve. It's become one of their unspoken rules--you announce yourself loudly when you're coming up behind Nancy; no sudden, quick movements around Eddie; absolutely nothing resembling a clock chime around Max and Lucas. And if Steve's feeling relaxed enough to fall asleep, you do not wake him up unless it's an emergency.
Eddie slows his steps as he approaches, a quiet look of adoration flashing across his expressive face before he seems to remember she's there and quickly schools his features. It's getting harder and harder to pretend she doesn't notice them, doesn't notice the answering way Steve's eyes just follow Eddie whenever he's not looking. She's promised herself she's not going to say anything until Steve does...Eddie had come out to the group soon after they defeated Vecna, but she knows better than anyone that this is something Steve has to figure out for himself. She has a whole stack of pamphlets and articles about bisexuality on standby, but that's as far as she's letting herself go until Steve broaches the topic.
Although, if they don't get their heads out of their asses by Christmas, she may have to reevaluate. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't getting a little impatient.
"Hey," Eddie says softly, dropping down onto the blanket on Steve's other side, far enough away that he won't drip any of the icy quarry water onto Steve's skin.
"Hey yourself," she answers. "Get tired of being drowned every thirty seconds?"
"Argyle's a dirty cheater," Eddie declares hotly. "That chill, super cool vibe is a front I'm telling you, but no one believes me."
"Mmhmm," she says with a smirk, that softens into an affectionate smile when Steve stirs and turns over at the sound of Eddie's voice, curling onto his side facing Eddie, all without ever waking up.
Eddie's face goes soft and adoring again, almost gooey, and Robin is biting her tongue so hard she's tasting blood. She flicks her sunglasses down over her eyes and pretends to be finding the bushes and trees just off to their side very fascinating so she doesn't have to watch the sickening, ridiculous pining going on two feet away from her. Jesus Christ, at this rate she won't even be mad if Steve gets a boyfriend before she gets a girlfriend.
it is as she's pointedly scanning the treeline that she catches a flicker of movement--too obvious and large to be an animal. She freezes for a split-second, adrenaline flooding her system, and she is opening her mouth to yell out a warning, getting ready to leap to her feet, when a flash of color registers and resolves itself into Dustin Henderson's familiar trucker cap.
The little shit ducks further behind a large bush, and Robin narrows her eyes. He's facing her, Eddie, and Steve, and who knows how long he's been there. She turns to face the water again, taking advantage of the sunglasses to keep her eyes on the spot where Henderson's hiding. Sure enough, after a few seconds, his head pops back up cautiously, something raised to his face.
Oh for pity's sake.
"Hey, I'm gonna run up to the cars and grab some more sunscreen," she says, and jumps to her feet without waiting for an answer.
It's takes her several minutes to work her way out of Henderson's sight and then double back around, and her outfit (a bathing suit, a pair of cutoffs she's pretty sure belong to Steve, and flipflops) isn't really the best for tramping around in trees and brush, but it's worth it when she's able to sneak around behind Henderson and clap a hand down on his shoulder.
He jumps about a foot in the air.
He screams like a girl.
And really?
Robin might be nosy, but at least she's not getting caught staring with binoculars around her neck.
"Robin! Hi! Wow, fancy, uh, fancy meeting you here," Dustin says, one hand pressed dramatically to his chest. God, he really might as well be Eddie's child.
"Whatcha doing, Henderson?" she drawls, crossing her arms over her chest.
Dustin sputters for a second before drawing himself up and planting his hands on his hips. "I...am, am birdwatching. Obviously." He sniffs, a bitchy look settling on his face and Robin has to bite the inside of her cheek not to laugh.
He might as well be Steve's child, too.
"Uh huh." She stares at him, unblinkingly.
He holds her gaze for a good thirty seconds before finally cracking. "Ugh, fine. I was just..."
"Spying?" she supplies helpfully.
She raised an eyebrow. "Observing what, exactly?" She's pretty sure she knows, but she's gonna make him say it, damn it.
She likes Dustin. She likes all the kids (well, okay, sometimes Mike Wheeler gets on her nerves, but he's got a good heart under all the teenage angst...and it's not like he doesn't have a shit ton of reasons to be moody. They all do.) but she'll be the first to admit that she doesn't have near the patience for them that Steve does (and he really does, despite his constant bitching about it).
Dustin's face does a weird little scrunch--one that she has frequently observed on her best friend's face when he's trying to articulate something complicated, Jesus Christ--and then his shoulders slump. "I just thought it was weird that Steve didn't want us tagging along. And then El said maybe you guys all just wanted some privacy, and like...I know Nancy and Jonathan called it quits, so Lucas and I were wondering if maybe Steve was gonna shoot one more shot with her, which, I know you know would be a terrible idea. They care about each other, sure, fine, but I mean...we all watched that shitshow in the RV, you know?" He pauses, out of breath, and Robin keeps her face utterly blank.
She and Dustin don't have a great deal in common, but one trait they do is a tendency to overshare in the face of silence.
"I just don't understand why you and Steve won't just give yourselves a chance!" he blurts out finally. "You two are, like, creepily in tune with each other! You'd be so good together!"
Yup. This again.
"You are weirdly invested in Steve's love life, little dude," she says mildly.
"I am not!" Dustin protests.
Robin levels an unimpressed look at the binculars. Dustin blushes. Finally, though, his face falls, something a little vulnerable entering his expression.
"I just want him to be happy," he mumbles, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot. "I mean, you too, obviously...and I know you don't, like, owe him anything if you're not interested. I just...don't understand why you're not interested."
And damn it, sometimes the way this kid and her best friend bicker makes it easy to forget how much they really love each other.
She's still not really ready for the group at large to know about her. She knows in her head that no one will have a problem with it--they'd all accepted Eddie. They've accepted the kind of weird 'we're just seeing what develops' vibe Jonathan and Argyle have going on. If she's not misreading things, Will is going to have something to say soon, and El and Max are already trying to subtly let him know they've got his back. She knows these people are safe. It's just...hard. She's going to tell them. Soon. She just needs a little more time.
"Look, Dustin, that's really sweet. But I need you to understand that Steve and I are just friends, okay? We are never going to be more than friends, and we're both happy with that, okay? You need to butt out."
Dustin nods, but she doesn't miss the slightly mutinous look on his face. He really can't stand not to be right. Oh for...
Oh wait...
Steve will be pissed. But if it gets Dustin off this fixation on her and Steve dating...
And oh, it might even provide the push Steve needs without her having to break her self-imposed promise not to interfere.
Fuck it. She's gonna lose her mind if she has to watch anymore of this pining.
"Besides, Steve's got his eye on someone else," she says, like it's obvious. Like she can't believe Dustin hasn't noticed.
Dustin takes the bait. "What?! Who?! Shit, he's not shooting his shot with Nance again, is he?"
Robin laughs. "No. No, I can definitely assure you he's not looking at Nancy."
"Then who? Ugh, not another random girl from town? I thought he gave up on that."
"Sorry Henderson, best friend secret privileges. Figure it out. He is not being subtle."
And with that, she swings around and starts marching back to the path that will lead her back to the beach.
"Robin! Robin! Come on, you can't just leave me hanging! Who? Robin!"
Ah well...even if Dustin doesn't bull his way into snapping the tension that's been building between Steve and Eddie, it'll still be hilarious to watch. Serves the little shit right for spying.
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rainbow-nerdss · 9 months
Fic Writing review 2023!
I was tagged by: @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @aidaronan @exhuastedpigeon @jamespearce9-1-1 @theotherbuckley @aspecbuddie @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 (And possibly others, i may have missed one or two, sorry if i did!)
I can't believe 2023 is over, honestly. This year has had some ups and downs for sure but overall I'm so proud of what I've achieved. I started the year mainly writing Stranger Things fics, and while I still love that fandom and all of the wonderful people I met there, my inspiration for writing it was beginning to fade.
And along came 9-1-1. I am so happy with where I've ended up, and for all the new friends I've made since I found this show back in April!
Here's an overview of my year in fic:
Words posted to ao3: 235,060
Words written: 250,465
Works posted: 38
Fandoms posted for: 3 (Stranger Things, 9-1-1, MCU/Captain America)
Specifics and tags are under the cut!
Longest fic:
Crawling on Back to You 109k words, 30 chapters Stranger Things, Steve/Eddie, Rated E
Shortest fic:
Keep on Walkin' and don't look back 521 words Stranger Things, Steve/Eddie, Rated T
Top 5 by kudos:
1. Right in front of your eyes
9-1-1, Buddie, 15k
He and Chris, and Buck. They work, they’re a unit. Why should it matter that he’s single? Buck is watching him, like he’s reading every thought on his face. “You’re already planning to lie about the date. Why don’t you just tell her you met someone yourself?” Eddie shrugs and tilts his head to the side, squinting in thought. “She won’t set me up on dates if she thinks I’ve got someone,” he muses. “But she’ll want to meet whoever it is.” “So... Introduce them?” Or: Buck offers to fake-date Eddie so Pepa will stop setting him up on dates.
2. Pinky Promise
9-1-1, Buddie, 1k
Christopher Diaz doesn't mind that his dad's dating someone new. He's not dumb, he knows there's someone. The way his dad has been smiling lately, the way Chris catches him staring at his coffee, daydreaming like he isn't a grown man. The sleepovers Chris is suddenly allowed to go to on almost a weekly basis. Chris is happy for him, really he is. He’s just not planning to let himself get attached to whoever it turns out to be, just in case. He doesn't need a step-parent, because he has Dad, and he has Buck, and that’s enough. Whoever his dad dates, well. They'll probably leave, eventually. Chris doesn’t need to worry about them. Or: Eddie and Buck come to Chris with some news, and he doesn't take it very well at all.
3. Peek-A-Boo
Stranger Things, Steddie, 1k
Eddie tried not to stare. He really tried. He didn't notice at first, too preoccupied with the tub of pringles he'd been making his way through while talking about Corroded Coffin's last gig. Sure, he'd noticed the shorts. The ridiculous amount of leg Steve was showing, the way they hugged his ass, but it wasn't until Steve moved, lifted one foot to rest on the cushion, knees spread, that Eddie noticed another feature of the shorts. Or: Steve puts on a bit of an accidental show.
4. Definition
9-1-1, Buddie, 2k
It keeps happening, time and time again. People get it wrong. Whatever people say, it feels wrong and they don't know how to set the record straight, until Chris takes it into his own hands. or: 5 times people get Buck's role in Chris's life wrong, and 1 time they set the record straight
5. take my hand (knot your fingers through mine)
9-1-1, Buddie, 4k, written with @pock-o-pea
At least Buck’s okay. He’s outside, safe, doing his job. Buck’s okay, which means no matter what happens inside this van, If the crushing weight of the fridge takes him before Buck can get to him, if the van pancakes or flips or any number of likely disasters occur, if Eddie dies in here, alone, and in pain, then… He thinks of Mallory, of Jo. How they’d called out for each other. His eyes shut briefly as Mallory’s words echo in his head. “She’s not my daughter. Jo’s mother was my best friend… she saved me so many times.” Or: what 6x18 could've been
2023 Events I've participated in: AUgust, Fandom Trumps Hate
Current works in progress:
The bodyguard fic (somebody to someone) -One chapter posted, 3 more written and (almost) ready to post!
Steve time travelling in the upside down (of moments and unmoments (of time lost)) -One posted, two more in the drafts 😁
The break-up fic (you were my town) - Two posted, the third almost ready to post
Season 7 fic: 10 chapters, currently being edited to post
and then a bunch of isolated oneshots I've yet to figure out an ending for: 5+1 times Eddie sees buck with kids that aren't his, friends with benefits, secret relationship, Teacher!Buck, Buckley siblings kiss of death, Buck in the stairs (just started this one last night!)
Goals for 2024:
I want to finish posting all of the WIPs which are already on ao3, post my s7 fic before March 14, keep working on all the WIPs I have in my docs and of course write more and keep sharing!
Most of all I want to keep participating in this wonderful fandom I've found on here, I have had *such* a good time over the past year in fandom 🥰🥰
No pressure tags (sorry if you've already done this and I missed it!)
@hellwrites @the-emdash @wildlife4life @disasterbuckdiaz @loserdiaz @jeeyuns @callmenewbie @911-on-abc @bittersweet-in-boston @kwills91 @trenchcoatsandtimetravel @spotsandsocks @devirnis @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @gayhoediaz @mojowitchcraft @wikiangela @steadfastsaturnsrings @sunflowerdiaiz @cardamomsage @velvetjinx
Also tagging anyone else who might want to look back at the year and I've accidentally missed!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
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trensu · 1 year
I wish there was more steddie time travel fics. Where steddie travels back all the way to season one. Maybe both or one of them. Actually both because the comedic potential. Like Steve and Eddie trying to change things and save the day. And anyone who sees them sneaking around thinks they are in a secret gay relationship. Nancy has this whole theory that her boyfriend is gay and sneaking off with Eddie Munson. Reason why he's being distant and hiding things. And on one hand she's not wrong, because steddie has so much unresolved sexual tension that one is oblivious to and the other is to afriad to admit to. But on the other hand is she way way off.
okay tbh, as great as that would be, i don't think everyone would immediately jump to the gay thing. if this is during steve's kingly days, he's got enough sway and popularity that people would bend over backwards to prove he's a Normal Straight American Boy.
what i think would be more likely, considering he throws those parties and is a good athlete, people would assume he's either developing an addiction on something OR taking steroids. nancy would be SO worried about it because omg steve, do you know what drugs do to your brain? how are you going to get into college if you keep doing that stuff??
meanwhile, steve is touched by her concern and also like...just going along with it? What is he supposed to do? That explanation makes WAY more sense than the whole Upside Down nonsense that they're trying to prevent. So now you've got Steve--who can do a mean kegstand but has literally never even considered doing anything harder than that because DUH the hard stuff would fuck up his body and he's an ATHLETE--trying to pretend he's got to get his Drugs so he has to cancel his plans with Nancy and go see Eddie RIGHT NOW. Because of Drugs. No other reason.
But we all know Nancy is a stubborn bastard (affectionate), so she'd definitely use her investigative skills to find out more. She'd track down this Eddie Munson guy and give him a piece of her mind. Now, this Nancy is still pretty mild and is lacking guns because the UD stuff hasn't hit her yet, but Eddie remembers with crystal clarity his Nancy and her weapons proficiency and reacts to past Nancy accordingly. As in, he immediately apologizes for anything and everything and promises not to do it again, please don't hurt him.
Now Nancy is confused as to why this big bad leather and chain wearing drug dealer is practically cowering before her. She starts to suspect other stuff is going on because the pieces aren't adding up. Eventually she figures out what's happening and joins Steve and Eddie because while they're both creative and skilled in their own ways, they're not really that great at the actual investigating bit of the plan-making process.
It's only then, when she's spending more time with the two of them together, does she start to catch on to the way Eddie looks at Steve. She remembers the rumors that go around about Eddie, so she's not too surprised because Steve is stupid hot and really good in bed, like, so good, the things that boy could do with his tongue will stay with her always. What does catch her off guard is the way Steve reacts whenever Eddie does something that edges around flirty (but still has plausible deniability). He doesn't get disgusted, he gets confused and ruminates over it. It's curious (though if nancy were honest to herself, she'd admit that she's never really understood all the romance stuff and it's never particularly appealed to her). If there were more time, she'd probably study them more.
But there are more important things happening, so she's going to leave them to deal with that mess on their own.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
I apologize in advance, but I have a handful of Touched questions I can't stop thinking about. No pressure to answer, I love this universe regardless, but yah know... any additional crumbs are much appreciated. Thank you a million in advance!! xx
I'm confused why Hopper had to call Eddie about Steve's labor- when Alex was beating up Steve, didn't Eddie feel it through the bond and come running? I promise I'm not trying to be rude, I'd just love to understand the difference between those situations.
With Robin now presenting as an alpha, is she growing a penis in the same way that Steve grew a vagina? I love love loved that last scene, but the obvious suggestion of her knotting.. I guess I'm just a little confused. 
I've heard you say in different asks that you've written this Jason as asexual (so amazing) but in another ask you mentioned him eventually presenting as omega. I'm so sorry, I really don't want to take you to task, but I just love this universe, so I'm curious- if Jason is omega, can he physically go through heats while being asexual? Is he asexual while "sober" (I'm sorry, that's for lack of better word), but then still needs help while in heat?
theoretically- would everyone in this gorgeous family eventually present? Steddie obviously started it, Buckingham is next.. are they all going to follow? I'm mostly curious about like Dustin and Lucas who both seem to be with "outsiders".. will it still happen to them? 
If everyone does present, will there be a hierarchy amongst the fam? Like.. because Eddie in particular was the first alpha, will he be the most in charge? (even though we all know that Steve well and truly runs EVERYTHING lololll) 
Of course, I'm always happy to answer questions!🥰💜💞✨️ please be warned for explicit discussions of bodily transformations Alpha/Omega designation specific.
1) the pregnancy interfered with the bond to a strong degree, taking a lot of Steve's energy and limiting their ability to feel over distance. Eddie could, however, tell something was wrong that morning, but Steve just said he was achy/tired.
2) Robin's Alpha designation means for ruts and Chrissy's heats, she can indeed grow her own version of a dick: her clitoris can transform into a fully functioning penis capable of reproduction and knotting. It can revert to something more medium size in between heats and ruts.
3) Jason going through heats is an evolution for him that takes years to find equilibrium. He does become typically desperate to be knotted but he does also learn to use toys and eventually, they get something custom made for him. His relationship with sex and intimacy and falling in love is a beautiful one; complex and sweet and unorthodox and he actually ends up in a deeply loving asexual relationship with someone in the group, though I'm not saying who🥰🥰🥰
4) So, everyone in the family Steve's age and younger will present. The older ones don't. I think i answered this before, but a vague recap of everyone's designation was: Omega: Chrissy, Steve, Nancy, Jason, Eleven, Will & Mike (who end up in an Omega/Omega relationship later on). Alpha: Dustin, Lucas, Max, Eddie, Robin. Jonathan is a Beta, though he still experiences a few changes too.
I wanted to write the Alpha/Omega dynamics a little different in this, especially in terms of "dominance" so the Alphas don't really fight for who is head of the family, only on jest. If anyone is the Alpha of their pack, it's Eddie, but Steve is sort of the Mother Tree, if that makes sense. A matriarchal structure to the pack made a lot more sense to me while I was mapping dynamics.
Ultimately, the Omegaverse will spread across the earth and everyone will be affected, but it all starts in Hawkins💜💞✨️
Hope these were helpful!💜💜💜
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schrijverr · 1 year
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 10
Chapter 10 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
In this chapter, with Starcourt behind them, they try to make it through, which is harder than it seems. Chrissy returns in time for Hopper’s funeral and catches Steve together with Robin, while Steve tries to catch the others.
On AO3.
Ships: eventual steddie and buckingham
Warnings: grief, injury, nightmares, child abuse mention
Chapter 10: The Aftermath
Part of Steve expects to be send away by the Buckley’s the next day, having fulfilled their good Samaritan act for the boy that saved their daughter. However, when he awakes nearly fifteen hours later, it is to Mrs. Buckley – Daisy, sweetie, just Daisy is fine – giving him some soup and asking if he feels up to shower and if he eats anything particular for breakfast, because she still has to go to the store later.
Confused Steve stumbles through an answer, his body still feeling like it has gone through a meat grinder. Daisy gives him a smile and cards a soft hand through his hair, before giving him directions to the shower and telling him to ask Robin if he needs anything.
She leaves to do groceries and is replaced by Robin, who looks way better than Steve. She bounces into the room, sliding onto the couch next to Steve and asks: “How are you feeling, dingus?”
“Confused,” Steve answers. “Your mom is nice.”
“Yeah, she is,” Robin smiles. “I told them your parents are away on business and can’t be reached, but I’m afraid to let you go home by yourself. So, you’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”
“Are you for real?” Steve asks, unable to imagine anyone opening up their home to him without having met him before. It sounds alien.
“I am, promise they’re cool,” Robin tells him with a soft smile. “Now, mom said you felt up to shower and no offense, Stevie, but you smell like sweat, blood and puke, which is like totally not a good smell. You’re excused of course, would be mean not to excuse it, seeing, you know, everything, but shower sounds smart. I’ll show you the buttons.”
She jumps up waiting for Steve to follow. Steve is a little slower, seeing he is more bruise than skin at this point.
The shower itself is painful. The water feels like it is beating down on his skin and the heat makes him lightheaded, but he can’t stand the cold. So, he takes it sitting on the floor of the shower. He washes his hair with Robin’s strawberry shampoo, remembering the smell from when they were tied together in the bunker. It gives him comfort.
Robin has lend him a set of her pajamas, a soft sweater and plaid pajama pants, as well as some fuzzy socks. It takes a bit to get them on, but in the end he feels more human than he has in the last 48 hours.
Dinner should be awkward, but it seems Robin has her rambling from her parents and the three happily fill the silence and let Steve disappear to the background.
With dinner done, the TV is turned on so they can watch the news. Both Robin’s parents protest, but they have to see. Have to be sure the mall is gone. That yesterday truly happened and they didn’t make it up.
So, the TV goes on and the newscaster tells them about the mall that burned down in a firework accident. That many bodies have been recovered, but not all can be identified. Among the confirmed dead are Jim Hopper, hero police chief, and Billy Hargrove.
Steve cries then. Cries for El, who lost her father, who is alone again. Cries for Joyce, who lost the man she could have had something with. Cries for himself and all the thing he never got to tell Hopper and all the things the other never said either. Even cries for Max, who will inevitably grieve for something that wasn’t real and a person who doesn’t deserve it.
Luckily, neither of Robin’s parents say anything about the tears and Robin holds him throughout it all, careful of his injuries.
After that he goes to sleep again on the couch, having gotten used to sleeping at one and not even bothered, despite Daisy’s apologies about it. It is the first night of a week in which he hides away from everyone in the Buckley house, safe with Robin by his side to keep both of them sane.
On the second day there he calls Joyce to check in with her. He told her he was going with the Buckleys that night at the mall, but checks in with her on Saturday anyway.
Quietly they talk about El, who has turned into herself, refusing to speak. How her powers aren’t working anymore and how she isn’t really coping. The poor kid has already been through so much and both Joyce and Steve wonder out loud to the other how they’re going to get her through this.
But after a few minutes neither can continue the topic they’ve been ignoring. It’s Joyce, who mentions it first, saying: “They’re burying Hopper this Tuesday. They- they don’t have a body, but…”
“I know,” Steve says, so she doesn’t have to. “What can I do?”
“They, uhm, they came here also for you,” she tells him. “Hopper wanted- he wanted you to be a pallbearer. You can say no, but-”
“No, no, I’ll do it,” Steve agrees easily. Of course he wants to help in Hopper’s funeral after all he has done for him, of course he wants to fulfill his wishes. “When do I have to be there?”
“At 10:00 AM,” Joyce answer, obviously grateful. “They’re reading his will too, El wants you to be there as well. It’s afterwards. Can you make it?”
“Of course,” Steve promises again, because he’d make all the time in the world for El, to support her after what she’s been through.
“Thank you, Steve,” Joyce sounds haggard and relived. “Bring whoever you want as support, it’s open to the public, so it’s probably going to be big. Lots of people. They wanted me to speak, but I- I can’t.”
Much to Steve’s horror, Joyce starts to cry. He is already bad with comfort and now he can’t even offer a shoulder like he usually does. Steve knows she doesn’t want to burden any of the kids with this, that she would usually go to Hopper about this, that Steve has to take his tasks now, but he’s still pulling a blank.
“It’s- it’s okay, Joyce,” he fumbles. “You don’t have to speak. He- he knows. He knew. You don’t have to say it for everyone.”
The words probably aren’t the best, but it’s what Steve can manage right now. And the words seem to help. A teary Joyce thanks him, before reminding him he’s welcome there any time. It’s a sweet sentiment, but Joyce has her own grief and that of El to deal with. Steve has a place to stay, he’ll be fine. She has to put her focus elsewhere.
So, he assures her he’s fine and to just focus on the people she has at home, before hanging up and going up to Robin’s room, crawling into her bed. He buries his face in her stomach and she plays with his hair as she reads her book, while he tries not to cry.
Robin has become his safe space, as he has become hers.
On the night from Saturday to Sunday he is awoken by Robin, who stands next to the couch, blanket wrapped around her shoulders tremble and she is crying as she softly confesses: “I- I had a nightmare.”
“Want to talk about it?” Steve asks, getting into a seated position, so that she can crawl on the small couch with him.
“I was in the bunker again and you were there, tied- tied to me and I kept calling your name, but this time- this time you didn’t wake up,” Robin is weeping now, burying her face in the crook of Steve’s neck on the less injured side. Her hand is over his heart, so she can feel his heartbeat. “I was tied to your dead body, all alone. I just- I just needed to check.”
“It’s okay, Robbie,” he assures her, nosing the top of her head and planting a kiss there. “I’m alive, I’m okay. We’re okay. We made it out.”
She lets out a shuddery breath and nods, repeating: “We made it out. We made it out.”
“Yeah, we did,” Steve encourages her. “Want to drink some tea or stay here a bit?”
“Some tea, please,” Robin says.
They get up, Steve leading Robin through her own house, where he himself has gotten comfortable in a short amount of time. He parks her on one of the kitchen chairs, but she abandons it in favor of sitting on the counter as Steve starts the kettle, pulling him between her legs as they wait for the water to boil. Just holding him.
Steve can’t remember the last time a person held him this often and tenderly. He melts into her, hugging her back.
The two of them exist like that, intertwined. Robin shuffles along as Steve pours them tea, then shamelessly sits on Steve’s lap as they sip the hot beverage. To distract herself Robin tells him all about this book she has been reading.
When the tea is gone, Steve asks: “Do you feel up to sleeping again, Robs?”
“Probably smart,” Robin says with a yawn, not really answering the question. She clings a bit more to Steve and mumbles: “Just don’t wanna be alone.”
“I- I could come with,” Steve offers, a bit unsure and not wanting to overstep a boundary.
Robin lights up at his offer and says: “You’re a genius, dingus.”
“Your parents won’t mind?” Steve asks, not wanting to get either of them in trouble.
“Nah,” Robin assures him, getting to her feet and grabbing his hand to pull him along.
Her bed is as comfortable at night as it is during the days when he crashed there. He is still injured, only able to sleep on his back and Robin is careful with his injuries, lying next to him and taking his hand. As they lay there together, she says: “I’m glad you’re here with me.”
“Me too,” Steve responds. “Though I hate you got dragged into all the crazy with me.”
“I think it’s worth it,” Robin tells him and Steve gets too choked up to say anything, only able to squeeze her hand and she squeezes back.
It’s quiet for a few seconds, then Robin says: “If we were normal, this is where we’d confess our feelings for each other.”
Steve snorts, making a gagging noise that has Robin giggling as well. They lay there laughing for a bit more and when they try to sleep, thoughts of Russian bunkers are further away than thoughts of companionship and understanding.
Sunday passes in a haze. Steve calls all the kids, checking in on them. Mike hangs up after assuring him he’s fine, a bit in a foul mood, since his parents haven’t let him see the others. Lucas and Erica both talk to Steve a bit, neither of them mentioning the 4th and just talking of wanting to try out for basketball and wanting to learn DnD. Dustin talks with him for an hour, both of them crying. Will only speaks to for a bit. El doesn’t want to come to the phone, but Will assures him she’s okay, just going through a rough patch, which is an understatement. Max only says a few words, before hanging up quickly, a fight going on in the background.
Monday brings a new surprise to the Buckley doorstep. Steve is making lunch since Robin’s parents are off to work, so it is Robin who opens the door.
On the doorstep is Chrissy, looking stressed and haggard. Without preamble she starts: “Do you know where Steve is? Because I just came back from camp and I went by his house, because I heard he was at the mall when it burned down, but he didn’t answer and I’m really worried about him, because he always, always opens the door.”
Robin is about to answer when Steve comes wandering into the hall, asking: “Hey, Rob, do you like syrup on your pancakes or-” He looks up and sees Chrissy, smiling when he does: “Chris! I didn’t know you got back today.”
“Stevie,” Chrissy exclaims in relief, before her eyes grow wide as she takes in the state he’s in. She rushes into the house, brushing past Robin without a care as she cups Steve’s unbruised cheek with a concerned face, asking: “Oh my god, are you okay?”
And it is not the question itself that breaks Steve, it has been asked multiple times these last few days, but it is that it’s Chrissy. Chrissy, who has been nothing but sweet and kind to Steve, who has protected him, cheered him up, made sure he wanted to get to school. And even after Steve kind of brushed her off to hide that he has been kicked out, she is still so concerned for him. She went to Robin’s house to look for him.
Tears fall before he’s even aware of them and he crushes Chrissy in a hug that hurts his own ribs and maybe hers, but he doesn’t care, just happy to hold her again.
Chrissy makes a confused noise, however, she quickly moves to hug him back. Her wiry strength should not be underestimated as she sways them side from side, telling him that it’s all okay and to just let it out.
Robin latches onto his back, surrounding him with warmth from his two closest friends. And he cries, like he has done so much these past few days. He wants to stop, but he can’t, so he rides it out and hopes that Chrissy and Robin won’t let go until he’s done.
They don’t.
The three of them hug until Steve is done crying, ignoring the small wet patch on his back and how Robin also sniffles, before clapping her hands and leading them to the kitchen.
There is some batter left, so Steve makes pancakes for Chrissy as well, who hums appreciatively and says: “Steve, I missed your food. Camp food is terrible.”
“I’m glad you like it,” Steve smiles, the compliment warming him up from the inside.
None of them talk about the breakdown in the hall until the pancakes are gone. They just eat in silence and pile the dishes in the sink. It’s only when they’re sitting on the couch, their bellies full, that Chrissy asks: “What happened?”
Steve and Robin exchange a look, before Steve says: “I- I don’t really know. We were out late and closing up when we heard explosions, I suppose the fireworks, before we really knew it the whole mall was going up in flames around us.”
Robin jumps in, interjecting the made up hero story she told her parents: “We were like stuck in the shop and it was terrible. We couldn’t get out until a part of the front caved in and we could climb out. I got stuck and Steve pulled me out, but like a bunch of rubble fell on him. If he hadn’t had done it, well I- I might’ve-”
It’s getting a little too close to the truth now and Robin chokes up. Steve takes her hand and they smile at each other, a reassurance that they’re okay.
“Chief- Chief Hopper got us out,” Steve builds on the fiction they made. “He went back in to help and he- he didn’t-”
“Oh my god, that’s terrible,” Chrissy gasps, hearing their story with horror.
“The funeral is tomorrow,” Steve whispers. “They asked me to be pallbearer. They don’t have a- a body,” he swallows, “so it’s just going to be the casket. It’s ceremonial.”
“Do you want us to be there?” Chrissy asks and if Steve was straight he would've kissed her for offering so he wouldn’t have to ask.
“If you don’t mind,” he says softly, hoping she doesn’t.
Chrissy bumps her shoulder against his, a familiar move, and smiles: “Of course I don’t mind, Stevie.”
“Thank you,” he smiles back. He appreciates Chrissy so much, all she’s done for him, how she’s here for him without question. He feels bad about how he shut her out after the fight with his father, not telling her that he got kicked out. Another realization hits him and he says: “Fuck, I don’t have anything to wear tomorrow.”
“You don’t have a black suit?” Chrissy frowns.
Steve catches Robin’s wide eyes that ask ‘are you aware what you’re doing’ and he communicates back that he does, before answering: “I do, I just- well, I got kicked out by my parents. They changed the locks.”
“What!” Chrissy exclaims.
“Sorry for not telling you,” Steve says. “I didn’t want to worry you. It happened after graduation, remember that fight?”
“Holy shit, Steve,” Chrissy frowns. “That is terrible, I knew your parents were dicks, but this is a new low. What the hell? I’m going to fight them, I swear to God, I am, Stevie. Not a joke. They can’t just do that!”
Steve is touched by her anger on his behalf, but he is also realistic. He gives her a crooked smile and says: “I am an adult now, Chris. They can do that.”
“And what do you think of that?” Chrissy asks Robin, still full of righteous anger.
Robin looks a bit like a deer in headlights, eyes flitting between Chrissy and Steve. She stammers out: “Uh, I- I think they’re assholes?”
“See,” Chrissy tells Steve.
Steve quirks a brow at Robin, who glares at him in turn, before saying: “I already knew they were assholes, Chris. They just also have every right to kick me out if they want to.”
“I know you know that,” Chrissy huffs. “I’m just not going to let them get away with giving you nothing to wear to Chief Hopper’s funeral.”
“And how do you propose we do that?” Steve asks, curious for her answer, since he has never seen her like this before.
“We’re going to break in,” Chrissy smiles mischievously.
“What?” Steve chokes.
“You can’t be serious,” Robin exclaims, eyes bulging out of her eyes.
“Come on, Stevie, you said yourself we have to try not to care right?” Chrissy pleads. “I’m sure you’ve snuck in from time to time, you must have a route. Everyone does. And it’s not like they’re going to be home to catch us.”
“I don’t know, Chris,” Steve says, even though he would love to grab a few things he forgot in his haste to pack that first time. It’s still risky.
Robin, however, seems to have gotten over her inhibitions and offers: “We can put shrimp in the air conditioning, give them a true surprise to come home to.”
“No,” Steve says. “We’ll break in, but no pranks.”
“Ugh, fine,” Robin rolls her eyes, while Chrissy just squeals in excitement.
So, Steve drives them to his old house in the car the government kindly brought over yesterday. He is technically not cleared to drive yet, but Chrissy doesn’t know that and if Robin heard, she doesn’t mention it.
The house is still looming, cold and dark. Steve can’t imagine how he lived there all those years without it creeping him out.
They sneak into the backyard to get to Steve’s room. His window broke and he never told his parents, afraid to get into trouble, which now works in his favor. He tells the girls about the window and adds: “But I’m too bruised to climb the pipe.”
“Don’t look at me, I’m clumsy,” Robin immediately defends herself, before Steve could even suggest her. He’s seen her run for her life, which had been less than stellar, so he already wasn’t planning on asking her.
Chrissy, however, also looks unsure and apologetically says: “I’ve always been a horrible climber. I have terrible grip.”
“I’m gonna boost you up,” Steve tells her. “Standing on my hands as we practiced. You can easily reach then.”
“Lisa will kill us if she heard we did that without back spotter,” Chrissy points out, though she has a glimmer in her eyes.
“Lisa doesn’t have to know,” Steve grins. “Besides, Robin can catch you if you fall.”
“I most definitely cannot,” Robin protests, but is ignored by the two others, who get into position.
The stunt is one they performed in their final competition, so they feel comfortable doing it without back spotter. Steve puts his hands on Chrissy’s hips and she jumps, giving him the momentum to throw her higher, before catching her on the palms of his hand. From that position, she easily scrambles onto the roof, disappearing into Steve’s old room and appearing a few moments later to unlock the backdoor for them.
“I can’t believe I broke into your house,” she whispers as Robin and Steve enter as well. None of them turning on the lights, because they don’t want to be spotted by neighbors and the afternoon sun is enough, even through the closed curtains.
“It’s okay, I gave you permission, pin it on me,” Steve tells her easily, looking around the room and taking it in.
His parents have left all the furniture without covers, so a light dust coats it, since Steve hasn’t been there to clean. They might get ruined, but his mother will likely redecorate. There are also two cups and plates in the sink with questionable contents, since Steve hasn’t washed their dishes after they left. It makes him both sad and a little vindictive.
He is pulled out of his thoughts by Robin, who is standing by the piano and exclaims: “Wow, this is a really nice piano. Can you play, dingus?”
“I can actually,” Steve replies. It had been part of his education on how to behave like his social standing.
“You can?” Chrissy comments. “I always assumed it was decorative.”
“Yeah, I can,” Steve says, sitting down on the stool and pressing a few keys. It’s not entirely in tune after years of disuse, but it is good enough.
Chrissy goes to sit down next to him and asks: “Can you play We’ll Meet Again? My grandfather used to play it for me whenever I was little.”
“Sure,” Steve says, starting to play the slightly sad song. He only knows it, because his piano teacher had been a nurse during the war and it had been popular then.
When he is done playing, he gets a small applause from Chrissy and Robin and he smiles at them, before closing the piano and saying: “Well, that’s enough for now. I want to get out of here as quickly as possible.”
His room is like he left it, still a mess from when he packed in a hurry. It’s like his parents closed the door and pretended that would make him go away. Likely, they just couldn't be bothered to clean up as they had to leave again soon after.
Steve first folds his suit and neatly packs it into the bottom of one of the bags they brought with them. Then he packs a few more of the other clothes he left there, favorites he forgot, some more underwear, a few warm sweaters for the upcoming winter, two extra pair of jeans that aren’t the most comfortable, but better than nothing.
After that is done, he braves to open a door he hasn’t since he was twelve years old. His father’s study.
The desk still stands there, imposing and sturdy. Steve is momentarily transported to all the times he stood in front of that desk as his father berated him or made him stand there, waiting until he was deemed worthy of attention as his father worked.
He shakes it off and moves behind the desk, putting in the code to the safe that his father had told him for emergencies, praying the man had forgotten to change it.
Steve is in luck, because the safe clicks open. There is ample of money in there and despite his lack of finances, he doesn’t take it. He doesn’t actually want a robbery charge. Instead, he searches under them and gets his birth certificate and other papers. Things that are necessary to have.
With those tucked away, he tells the other two to get out of there. He contemplates grabbing a new key, just to fuck with his parents, but decides against it. Best if no one will ever learn they were there.
So, they return everything as closely to how they found it as they can and sneak back out.
It’s now nearing dinner, so Steve drops of Chrissy at home, hiding so it looks like Robin drove her there. Robin is also the one to walk her to the door, being grilled as Stevie by Chrissy’s mother until she is satisfied.
“Chrissy’s mom is terrifying,” Robin hisses when she gets back to the car.
“I know, glad you survived, Robbie,” Steve tells her with a grin.
“She thinks I’m a cheerleader, Steve,” Robin says. “She asked if being a base was hard with my build. I don’t even know what a base is! I can’t lie. Chrissy stepped on my foot, before I could dig myself into a hole. I nearly died.”
“Well, thank you for your service, drama queen,” Steve rolls his eyes as he continues to drive, luckily all going well, despite the injuries. “But I’m sure you can manage. Cheer isn’t that hard to grasp, though maybe hard for you to do.”
“You know, I get that that was an insult, but I will ignore that, because I am nice,” Robin sniffs, haughtily.
“You aren’t nice.”
“Shut up, dingus,” Robin says, smacking him lightly. “What I meant to say is; you need to tell me more about cheer so that I can pretend to be a cheerleader to Chrissy’s mom and we can all continue to hang out together.”
The shit eating, teasing grin disappears from Steve’s face and he can’t help but sound surprised as he asks: “You want to hear me talk about cheer? You said you hated sports.”
“I mean, I do,” Robin shrugs, looking a bit uncomfortable. “But you like sports. And you’re like my best friend. I wanna know about your sports.”
“That- that is honestly so sweet,” Steve tells her, having to swallow, so he won’t cry.
“Shut up,” Robin says, suspiciously not looking his way.
That evening Steve tells Robin all about cheer, the two of them pointedly not talking about what they did today and what is going to happen tomorrow. Instead going over cheer formations and types of stunts and positions in the team until they’re tired, Steve falling asleep in Robin’s bed again, without either of them commenting on that as well.
On Tuesday 9th of July, they bury Chief Jim Hopper.
Out of all the pallbearers, Steve and Jonathan are the ones that are not police. Steve is walking in the front and then the right, so his injured side doesn’t hit the casket. He is well aware of the large crowd of people staring at his beat up face, the rumors that are going around.
Steve wills himself not to cry, he has done enough of that already and today he needs to be strong for Joyce and El, who have suffered a much greater loss than him. He is aware of how light the casket is, how there is no body and no closure for them. It makes it easier on his bruised body, but he gladly would’ve suffered the pain to give them that.
His suit is from prom and luckily still fits. He looks like he has more money to his name than he does, but he’s not complaining about it. Though, he feels guilty at the thought.
He purposefully doesn’t look at the crowd, not wanting to meet anyone’s gaze. He just stares straight ahead, his face stony.
Once the casket is positioned for burial, Steve lets go and follows Jonathan to where Joyce is standing with El and Will. Joyce falls into Jonathan’s arms and Steve takes El, who had been hiding in Joyce’s side.
The five of them watch the burial like that. Will next to his older brother, who has one arm on Will’s shoulder. Jonathan’s other arm around his mother as she cries silent tears. Joyce holds Steve’s hand tightly and Steve holds it right back. El is under Steve’s other arm and he hugs her as best as he can, ignoring how his ribs twinge.
Throughout the entire ceremony, Steve doesn’t cry. He keeps up his impersonation of a statue and looks ahead. He is their rock now. He is keeping it together.
Only when the grave is filled and the Byers get ready to leave, does Steve turn around, El is still stuck to his side and he just keeps holding her. He spots the Buckleys in the crowd, already coming his way to support him, and catches Chrissy’s eyes, who sends him a sympathetic look, stuck next to her mother.
Daisy kisses his cheek and hugs him tightly, while Thomas, Robin’s dad, claps him on the back a few times. Robin ducks between them to cling to him and El, it’s a little awkward, but he clings right back.
It is when he is hugging Robin that he meets his father’s eyes from over her head. He is standing in an expensive black suit next to his mother in a stylish black dress. They look every part the rich socialites, who have come to show support for the town’s tragedy.
In that moment, Steve hates them more than he ever has before. He hugs Robin even closer and glares at them, before letting go of Robin and asking Jonathan where to meet, since El doesn’t look like she is letting go and they still have to hear the will.
He doesn’t care about his parents. He isn’t going to let them get to him. Especially not today when there are more important people counting on him.
Steve goes by all the kids, who are clumped together, making sure to hug them all and tell them that they’re going to be okay. That they’re going to get through this. Mike tries to talk to El, who is still by Steve’s side, but she just shakes her head, before hiding in Steve’s jacket again. This causes Mike to glare at Steve, which he ignores. Emotions are already running high enough.
As he leaves, he is stopped by Max, who tugs on his sleeve and asks: “Steve?”
“Yeah, Max?” he says kindly, not wanting to trigger an upset reaction when she already looks like she can cry at any moment.
“Uhm, I- I know you didn’t have the best history with- with Billy,” she is stumbling over her words, but valiantly keeping in the tears. “But can you come. Tomorrow. To his funeral?”
“Of course,” he promises. He isn’t going to abandon her, not when she already lost a brother.
After that, he drives to the reading of the will with El, since she hasn’t left his side. He doesn’t know why she is clinging to him, when the two of them haven’t interacted much, but he isn’t going to abandon her when she obviously needs someone to lean on.
The group for the will is much smaller and Steve ends up sitting next to Joyce, with El squished between them. Steve gets a few odd looks, but he ignores it to support El.
Hopper didn’t have much, so most of the things that are in his will are sentimental things that he shared with people. Steve tries to ignore that Hopper must have made this will after their second run in with the Upside Down. How he must have foreseen that it wouldn’t be over and they might not all make it out next time.
That he was right about it.
The big thing he owns is the cabin, which has been paid off already. No one who knew about her is surprised when that goes to El. She is still a minor and Hopper has appointed Joyce as her guardian with her consent, which makes Steve glance at her.
Joyce looks back and he can see in her eyes that she remembers the conversation when Hopper asked her to look after El should something happen clearly now. He reaches over and squeezes her shoulder. No one should go through such a thing, but especially not Joyce.
When it’s all done, Steve asks her: “Have you talked to El about what will happen now?”
Both of them look to El, who is currently with Jonathan after she felt good enough to leave Joyce and Steve’s side for a bit. Then they look at each other and Steve sees some awkwardness in Joyce’s eyes that has him on edge.
“I am planning to move to California,” she tells him softly. “She and Will have been through too much here. I don’t want El to start school here and have everyone know and ask her questions. I haven’t started looking for places, since I wanted to ask if you wanted to come too. I know it’s all suddenly and I don’t expect an answer, but I’ve taken you in and I’m not planning on abandoning you, okay, honey?”
It takes a second for all her words to register.
First, all that plays through Steve’s mind is that the Byers are leaving Hawkins. They’re moving away, which is the only competent adult they have left and the girl with the power and knowledge, though the power has disappeared. Jonathan, who can fight. And Will, well, Will makes the most sense, but Steve knows how the party will miss him. How he holds them together.
If they all go, the party practically halves in numbers and Steve is the only one who is a proper adult. Nancy and Robin are there as well and while Robin is new to this, she can be counted on and Nancy is a powerhouse in her own right, but still. Steve will be the one most of the party turns to when shit hits the fan again.
At this point, Steve is still in the stage where the Upside Down coming back seems like an inevitability, though hopefully that will leave – it might be better to keep the mentality, seeing how it has come back again already, but still.
Then it hits Steve that Joyce is offering him to come with her. That she is giving him a way out of this hellhole to California. California where people are more accepting, where he isn’t tied to the Harrington name and his old reputation as well as new rumors. He can just accept her offer and be free of that.
But he can’t.
Chrissy is still here, unable to leave her mom. They’re friends. They bonded over having horrible parents and how much it sucks to be alone in that. She broke into his house with him. He promised her they could always stunt together. That he would always make her fly.
And what about Robin, his favorite lesbian. The only other queer person, he has met besides Will, and that is still a maybe, and Eddie. But Robin. Robin is his queer friend. She knows him. They give each other hope and safety. He can’t just leave her.
Plus, they got tortured together. They were drugged together. They came out to each other. She has never had to deal with the aftermath of the Upside Down before. She obviously isn’t dealing perfectly and neither is he. And the thought of being away from her pains him.
Then there are the kids. They’re already going to loose two friends, who are moving to Cali and they have lost Hopper, who was as much their safety net as Steve is. He can’t hang them out to dry like it’s nothing. And Billy’s loss has hit Max harder than he thought. He can’t abandon her now, not after that.
His mind also jumps to Eddie, who is here in Hawkins. Eddie, who knows him, who has been kind in the moments he needed it. Eddie, who he likes. Eddie, who he wants to have a chance with. The boy he wanted to kiss when he was being tortured, the boy he still wants to kiss.
Steve shoves that last thought away, the other reasons are more important. Plus, him going would be an extra financial burden Joyce doesn’t need.
He is already shaking his head no, before he even thinks about it more. His voice is a little pained, because he would have loved to say yes, as he says: “I- I can’t. I can’t come with you. Thank you, but- I mean, the kids-”
As he stumbles over the words El pops up between them. It is obvious she has been eavesdropping, because she says: “He can have the cabin.”
Both Joyce and Steve look at her and Joyce immediately tells her that she is very sweet for offering, but she should think about such things and Steve is agreeing with Joyce, telling El that is not necessary at all.
“No,” El says, as stubborn as ever. “Hopper was going to take you in if you had no place to go. He wanted you to have a place. You cannot come with us, so you need a place to stay. He would want you to have a place to stay.”
For the hundredth time today, Steve has to repress the urge to cry, because he knows that he cares about Hopper and he kind of thought the other man cared about him, but the fact that he was willing to take him in confirms it.
He takes her cheeks between his hands and presses a kiss on her forehead, before hugging her close and swaying her from side to side. Squished into his chest, he hears her whisper: “We could have been siblings.”
And Steve remembers her running away to find the other numbers, to find a sibling. A connection out there. Remembers how she came back and decided Hopper was her connection. His heart swells with affection and aches at the same time about how she wanted him to feel included in that.
Still, he can recognize that she is in an emotional state, so he just says: “Thank you, El. You’re really sweet. Let’s talk about this later.”
She nods in his chest, mollified with his reaction. She allows Joyce to take her home, while Steve climbs into his own car and cries like he has wanted to all day. He cries until his tears have run dry, then drives to the Buckley house.
He doesn’t say anything all evening and none of them seem to expect him to, which he is grateful for. He sleeps in Robin’s bed again, holding her close against his chest and knows he made the right choice in saying no.
On Wednesday 10th of July, they bury Billy Hargrove. Steve hates the man, but seeing him die has been horrible and he can respect who he gave his life for and acknowledge who he hurt by dying.
So, he puts his black suit on again like an armor and holds Max throughout the ceremony, watching the distance between her mom and step-dad. An ominous feeling about it hanging in the air. Sees how neither of them look back to Max or check if she’s okay.
After the funeral, he takes her to get a milkshake. Neither of them speak as they drink it in their mourning clothes, everyone giving them a wide berth.
It is a week of many funerals, it seems like everyone has lost someone.
When he brings her home, neither parent had noticed her missing, but she seems happier than when he met her at the graveyard. They’ll just have to be there for her, Steve thinks, making a note to keep an eye on her for a few months.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Okay but what about when puppy!steddie get sick! At first you can't figure out why they're being so dramatic. You're taking good care of them of course. But also making jokes to your friends like 'Apparently hybrid men aren't immune to man-flu' but after a while you start to realize oh shit... they're terrified. They genuinely think they are going to die. It's not until that moment that you start to piece it all together and realize they've probably seen hybrids taken out by the common cold simply because of their horrible hygiene and poor health in general. It takes a lot of convincing and coddling but you eventually manage to make them understand they are better taken care of than those at the shelter and they will be okay. You let them give you lots of kisses to make up for how cold you were (because that's what makes THEM feel better) even though you know it means YOU'RE going to be sick next week.
Poor babies :( they don’t know anything about being sick, except for the fact that hybrids who get sick don’t get better!! They just lay in bed together all day (cuddling each other is the only thing keeping them going) and they’re always teary-eyed or whining or telling you they love you and you’re so confused as to why they’re being such babies - it’s just a cold!! Well Steve mentions something about being ‘gone’ and you realize oh shit.. he thinks he’s gonna die.. you sit down on the bed and run your hands through their hair and pet their ears and tell them that they’re going to get better, that they have medicine and healthcare and that they’re not going to die - I think they’d be reluctant to believe you just because it seems like too easy of a solution for something that killed their hybrid friends but you crawl in bed between them and kiss their cheeks and their heated foreheads and promise them they’ll start feeling better soon, and in turn they take such good care of you when you start feeling gross the next day :(
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jopper-lovechild · 2 years
steddie and ronance rollerskating 🎤
*clears throat and grabs mic*
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— steve rollerskates circles around eddie literally and figuratively. eddie has two left feet and when he’s on the rink, he’s got four
— eddie is the type of guy to hold onto the railing of the skating rink for dear life because he knows that as soon as he lets go, he’s going to fall flat on his face (and probably break his leg)
— meanwhile steve is skating around without a care in the world, like a feather in the wind
— eventually, steve skates up to eddie and coaxes him away from the wall. eddie is skittish and rocky and holds onto steve’s arms like his life depends on it and steve only laughs and promises not to let his boyfriend fall
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— similar to eddie, robin can’t really skate either but she’s not as horrendous as him. she definitely falls down a few times but she always gets back up and tries again
— and, honestly, nancy is in the same boat. wheeler kids are lanky and disproportionate and moving around on wheels doesn’t come easy to any of them
— they’ll be skating around hand-in-hand when robin looses her footing and takes both of them down to the floor
— it’s really not a big deal, no one is hurt or anything, but a worker comes by anyways and offers both of them one of those kiddie walkers to help them from falling down again
— it’s so embarrassing that the girls give up on rollerskating for a while, opting to go for walks in the park instead
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*my requests are open + i write character x reader too :-)
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allyreactions · 5 years
Koi No Yokan : Chapter 2
Suho (EXO) x Jaehyun (NCT) x Fem! Reader
genre : college au, soulmate au, 
word count : 1901
warnings : drinking, strong language
Koi no yokan - japanese (n) the extraordinary sense upon first meeting someone, that you will one day fall in love
- chapter 1  written by @kpoppwriter
- masterlist 
~ A/N : Okay, so I know Max and I started this AU freakin forever ago, and I’ve been the one that hasn’t done my part on writing the next chapter. But I promise that this time, we gon’ do this thing. Anyway, I hope you guys love this chapter, I really just fell in love with the way I portrayed nerdy Junmyeon like ouch my heart. Please remember to go read chapter 1 first and give @kpoppwriter a follow 
~ 7:12 pm 
      You walked into the campus coffee shop. The scent of ground espresso beans and freshly baked muffins burned your nostrils. The smell unbearably strong. You glanced around the small cafe, searching for a brunette boy with large glasses. 
     “Over here!” 
      You turn your head behind you in the direction of the voice. 
      Junmyeon was sitting by himself in the corner of the cafe. A large textbook and two cups of coffee sat on the table in front of him. 
     “I saved us a spot.” Junmyeon said, motioning to the seat next to him. 
     You made your way over to the table, gently setting your purse down on the floor. 
     “I wasn’t sure what kind of coffee you like, so I just ordered you an iced americano.” 
     Junmyeon seemed really eager to work with you. Although he was acting like a total nerd, you still found him endearing. 
     “I normally order a vanilla latte, but this is okay.” You responded politely, tucking your hair behind your ear before taking a sip of the icy drink. 
     “So what did you need help with exactly? I remember that you struggled with the last unit.” Junmyeon opened the textbook in front of him, frantically turned the pages, searching for the right page numbers. 
     “Yeah, um,” You said as you raised your hand.  
     You wanted to place your hand on Junmyeon’s, just to calm him down. He seemed a little nervous. But you refrained. 
     “How about we just look at my quiz and figure out what I did wrong?” You suggested. 
     You reached down into your purse and pulled out your quiz. It was covered in red pen. Blood rushed to your face, your face hot with embarrassment. 
     “Yeah, that’s a good idea. We’ll start there.” He smiled at you. 
~ 8:47 pm 
*vvrrrr vvrrrr* 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
incoming message : Amber 
duuuuuude! the nct frat guys invited us to their party tonight! u comin’ or what??
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
     You flipped your phone over on the table, face down. You admit you were tempted, but you were enjoying your time with Junmyeon. He had actually been really helpful. His explanations were way better than your professors. 
*vvrrrr vvrrrr* 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
incoming message : Amber 
come on, jaehyun’s gonna be there! u know u wanna.... 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     “You can answer that if you wanna. I don’t mind.” Junmyeon said in response to your text messages. 
     “Sorry, excuse me.” 
     You stepped outside and called Amber. 
     “Hello” Amber answered in a sing-song voice. 
     “Amber, I’m kinda busy at the moment.” You said, a little irritated that she interrupted your study session. 
     “Doing what?” Amber questioned jokingly. “What could you possibly be doing that’s more important than an Nu Sigma Tau frat party?” 
     “I’m actually trying to study for once.” You said firmly. 
     Amber chuckled. “You, Y/N, studying?” 
     “Yes, Amber. I’m nearly failing my calculus class.” 
     “Alright alright, if you wanna stay in and study, that’s fine. But just remember that when you get bored of formulas, there’s a particular frat boy that’s awaiting your company.” Amber said tauntingly. 
     “I’ll think about it.”
     “You’ve got all weekend to study. Just take a break!” 
     “Goodbye, Amber.” You said playfully before hanging up on her.
     You walked back in and sat down at the table with Junmyeon. You sipped your coffee and contemplated whether you should attend the party with Amber or spend some more time studying with Junmyeon. 
     You went back and forth in your head. You started thinking about what Amber said, maybe you do deserve a break. And yeah, you’ve got all weekend to study, it’s not like you’ve got a test in the morning you need to cram for. A party might be what you need. You’ve worked hard, now you can play hard. Right? 
     But what about Junmyeon? You didn’t want to just leave him, you’d feel guilty. He’s so sweet. He gave up his time to help you out of the kindness of his nerdy heart. You can’t just tell him your prioritizing a party over him, he’d feel awful. You had to think of what to say. 
     “Y/N, is everything okay?” Junmyeon asked. 
     He looked at you, his head cocked to the side. He could tell something was up. You shook your head, unaware you had been zoned out in your own thoughts. 
     “Yeah, I’m fine. My friend just needed my help with something. I’m sorry.” You replied. 
     “If you need to go, I understand.” 
     Junmyeon was so sweet. You felt guilty at the lies that fell from your mouth. Junmyeon didn’t deserve to be lied to. 
     “Maybe we can pick up another time this weekend? Get brunch tomorrow?” Your guilty conscience led you to make plans with him. 
     “I’d like that.” Junmyeon smiled softly, his eyes shone bright. 
      “I’ll text you in the morning and we’ll figure out a time and place.” You started to pack up your stuff. 
     “Sounds good to me.” Junmyeon replied as he helped you gather your things. 
     “And again,” You threw your purse over your shoulder. “I’m sorry for leaving like this. I wanna make it up to you.” 
     “It’s all good, don’t worry about it.” Junmyeon placed his hand on your shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze.
~ 10:01 pm
     “I’m so glad you listened to me, this party is gonna be sick.” Amber nudged. 
     You both approached the Nu Sigma Tau frat house. The entrance was grand, long white columns that appeared stories high. The carefully crafted image of such an upheld and prestigious building was crumbled by tipsy underage students running across the front lawn. The roar of the music could be heard down the block. Flashing rainbow lights lit up the exterior, creating an inviting aura around the building. 
     “It’s the end of initiation week, and so they’re throwing a huge party to celebrate!” Amber said enthusiastically. 
     “Let’s hope they went all out on the alcohol then. I could really use a few drinks.” You said, letting your body sway side to side. 
     You and Amber crossed the threshold of the house. The foyer was just as full as the rest of the rooms. Sweaty bodies were scattered everywhere. 
     “H-hey hey!” Shouted a burly man with a backwards cap and two red Solo cups in hand. “There’s drinks in the kitchen and a keg out back. Help yourselves!” 
     He sauntered off to the other room, handing off the other cup to one of his friends. You assumed he was a member of the frat, given his ‘warm’ welcome. 
     You and Amber weaved your way through the crowd and eventually found yourselves in the kitchen. You grabbed yourself a bottle of apple ale beer, while Amber decided on the red concoction in the Solo cups. 
     You two headed outside to get some fresh air. The stench of sweat and alcohol was overpowering. After walking around for bit, Amber found a group of girls from her physiology class and went over to talk with them.
     Instead of just standing off to the side, you decided to make your way back in the house and find someone you knew. You wandered around for a while and couldn’t find anyone, so you started to look for a place to sit. Most of the seats were taken, and you didn’t feel like sitting next to a stranger, so you opted for the stairs as a place to rest. You pulled your phone out from your pocket and started typing a text to Amber, letting her know where you can be found. 
     “You look lost” A familiar voice said. 
     You looked up from your phone. A tall boy with caramel locks stared down at you. Jaehyun. 
     “Hey!” You stood up, adjusting your jeans and placing your phone in your back pocket. “Great party.” 
     “Doesn’t look like you’re enjoying it that much.” Jaehyun chuckled. 
     Suddenly you got knocked off your feet and fell backwards on the stairs. 
     “Lucas! Dude, your windmill is gonna cause casualties!” A black haired boy yelled, holding his arms out to keep a safe distance from his friend. 
     “Y/N, are you alright?” Jaehyun reached out his hand to help you back on your feet. 
     Once he knew you had regained your balance he turned towards the black haired boy. 
     “Mark, I’ll handle him. Stay here with her.” Jaehyun said before marching off to the boy dancing wildly in the living room.  
     The black haired boy turned towards you and extended his hand to you. You reciprocated the action and shook his hand. 
     “Hi, I’m Mark. I’m sorry I ran into you, my bad. I hope you’re not hurt.” He slightly giggled, clearly tipsy himself. But he was still polite. 
     “I’m Y/N. And no need, I’m all good. No harm, no foul.” You said. 
     Jaehyun returned, this time with a floppy haired boy. He helped steddy the boy by throwing his arm over his shoulder.  
     “Mark, can you help me get him upstairs? I think he needs to lie down.” Jaehyun said. 
     Mark threw the floppy haired boy’s arm over his shoulder and helped him stumble up the stairs. 
     “Y/N, you’re welcome to follow if you like.” Jaehyun called after making it a few stairs up. 
     You followed the boys up the stairs and opened up the room to the door at the end of the hallway. Jaehyun and Mark slowly made their way over to the bed that was on the left side of the room. They carefully let the boy drop onto the bed behind them. The boy seemed to pass out instantly. Mark took off the boy’s shoes while Jaehyun placed a pillow under his head. 
     “Y/N, can you grab that trash can over there?” Jaehyun pointe to the black, plastic trash can by the desk. “I want to make sure he’s got a place to throw up when he wakes up.” 
     “Mark, you can head back down. I got it under control up here.” Jaehyun said, nodding his head to the bedroom door. 
     “If you need anything, bro, I got you.” Mark said before leaving. 
     The door shut behind Mark, the room settling back to silence. 
     “Guess he drank too much of that red punch.” You giggled. 
     “Yeah, that shit can really mess you up.” Jaehyun laughed, standing up from his seat. 
     “So who’s this?” You asked, gazing down at the floppy haired boy. 
     “This is Lucas. He’s one of the newbies that got initiated this week. Poor guy went a little too hard on his first party.” Jaehyun said looking down at the boy. “I’m in charge of him and Mark tonight. Just to make sure that they’re safe.” 
     “Well that’s awfully sweet.” You said, smiling softly at Jaehyun. 
     “It’s part of being in the frat. We look out for each other, a true brotherhood we got here.” Jaehun grinned, clearly a proud member of the NCT frat. 
     “Is this your room?” You asked, trying to make small talk. 
     You scanned the room. The walls painted a greyish blue, with posters scattered around the room. White, detailed crown molding wrapped around the ceiling. A full size bed on each side of the room. 
     “Nah, this is Lucas and Mark’s room.” Jaehyun replied. “How about we actually go to my room?” 
     Your heart rate spiked. Maybe it was the alcohol clouding your judgment, or maybe it was the look in Jaehyun’s eyes that spoke of danger and excitement, but you couldn’t help but say, 
     “Yeah, let’s go.” 
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writhingcreature · 5 years
if you still need prompts, streddie but hogwarts
Okay so I'm working on other prompts (I'm so sorry haven't done them yet guys, promise I'm still working) BUT LET ME GO OFF ABOUT THIS BECAUSE FUCK YES
- Eddie is a Gryffindor, Richie is a hufflepuff and Stan is a Ravenclaw and that's the tea
- They all start as friends but Richie is an OUTRAGEOUS flirt and Stan and Eddie bond over how irritating he is
- one day Eddie is all "I'm too gay for this I love him and I hate myself for it fUCK"
- Stan is all "so many this is an awkward time to tell you this but I like him too"
- They share a look cause like wow they both fell in love with the same idiot huh? Them? Really? Of ALL PEOPLE?!?!?!
- Eddie and Stan become really honest with each other get closer and Richie is lowkey jealous because there are some things they suddenly won't talk to him about and they have inside jokes and share looks at moments that Tichie can't connect to and he feels so left out please help the poor baby
- Stan and Eddie start dating because they're both way too sure Richie will never like them and you know what they fell for each other too so like fuck it am I right
- Richie pulls away and Steddie panics because wait did they upset him? He has never done this avoiding them shit before what did they do wrong
- They may not be dating him and be reserved to always being friends, but they did that shit because they'd rather just be friend than not have him in their lives and now they still are losing him and AHHHHHHH???
- Richie admits to Bev that he's in love with Stan and Eddie and that it's killing him to see them together and be so separated from them like he didn't go after them because he liked them both and it's not fucking fair to date either of them if he's in love with the other as well, but this... this is just mean and he can't handle it
- FUN FACT: Bev and Stan are ULTRA good friends and they gossip and get advice from each other so she knows what's up and her eyes go wide because this Gryffindor just got SO FUCKING EXCITED HER SHIP IS SAILING
- She sets the three of them up
- It's so fucking hard and stressful bless her patience and determination
- But she does it
- And it's beautiful when these idiots finally get their shit TOGETHER
- And also so fuckin g chaotic
- Pray for the Losers
- Theyre soft and study together though and Richie and Stan give Eddie piggy back rides (sometimes Stan and Richie take turns giving each other piggy back rides it's so cute)
- Stan and Richie are super tall and Eddie is smol and he laments it LOUDLY and CONSTANTLY and Richie and Stan think it's the funniest fucking thing don't @ me
- Everyone at Hogwarts is like O.o for a while until the others Losers are like "FUCK YEAH" at too volume and then it just becomes like "yeah whatever they're cool" and peeps move on (some faster than others, but eventually even the Slytherins get over it because it's not fun to mess with someone when they just ignore you and move the fuck on and you don't get a reaction or anything)
- They mic up each other's clothing all the time
- And people ALWAYS know because suddenly Eddie shows up in a blue tie or Richie shows up with a Gryffindor sweater vest or Stan is wearing Hufflepuff robes and people be side eyeing them and smirking knowingly
- e v e r y o n e teases them, but at this point it's pretty light hearted because that's the only thing that will get a reaction (unless you wanna FIGHT Eddie but that's brutal and leads to so much drama not even Slytherins can handle it) so it's all fun and games
- Richie is a Quiddich announcer this is canon and Stan and Eddiehate goikg to quiddich games because it's so dangerous and gives them heart attacks oh my LORD but they have to be there to support their boyfriend and other friends that are on the teams
- Cuddle puddles where they hold hands and play with each other's hair and sneak into each other's dorm so that Hufflepuffs wake up to a pile of boyfriends and they all try to stay quiet and squeal at the same time because GOD THEYRE SO CUTE!!!
- If they're in the Ravenclaw dorm then there's tame teasing and smirking and quiet laughter and pointed looks and soft giggles and it's the middle between the squealing, sweet Puffs and... the Gryffindors
- When they end up on the Gryffindor dorm... SO MUCH YELLING AND CAT CALLING.
- THEY WAKE UP TO OTHER BOYS S C R E AM I N G and they look at each other like "why do we do thisssssss" before Richie joins them and then Stan and Eddie look at each other like "why did we fall in love with thisssssssss" and it's so fucking hilarious and sweet lordy
- Studying sessions where Stan and Eddie have to work extra hard to keep Richie on task while keeping each other from getting distracted by his antics
- Calm debates that sometimes turn into heated arguments if they go on too long
- Eddie is the smol hot head and Stan is the tol that apologizes for him and Richie is the one in the background yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" and Stan gets exasperated every time
That's all I got for now but if you wanna add or ask for more I'm DOWN FOR THAT
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schrijverr · 1 year
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 11
Chapter 11 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
In this chapter, Steve decides to stay in Hawkins and El insists he takes the cabin to live in. She says her goodbyes to her old home as Steve attempts to make it his own. Max moves too and Steve runs into Eddie again, who offers him to help patch up the cabin.
On AO3.
Ships: steddie and buckingham (yes, they're finally becoming important enough to the plot to not put eventual in front of them, yay)
Warnings: grief, f-slur, homophobia mention, child abuse mention
Chapter 11: The Cabin
Once the emotions of the funeral have lessened slightly, Joyce and Steve sit down with El again to talk about the cabin Hopper left her.
Steve explains that he can find a place to stay and she doesn’t have to give it to him, explains to her property ownership and benefits that he picked up from his father, and that she doesn’t have to feel guilty about Hopper not taking him in, because Steve has other places to stay as well.
Joyce assures her that she isn’t going to sell it or do anything El doesn’t want her to to the property until it can go to El when she turns 18.
However, El stays with her decision stubbornly, insisting that Steve get the cabin. But Steve can’t fully let her do that.
“Okay, how about this,” Steve says. “We’ll draw up a contract that says I get to live in it until you turn 18 or I want to move out. Or even earlier. I am not going to live there forever and I want you to be able to return to it. You’ll be my landlord, you get to decide about the property and I’ll have a place to live. How does that sound?”
El cocks her head to the side in that sweet confused manner she gets sometimes, a small frown on her face and says: “Landlord?”
And Steve remembers that she has no upbringing in corporate America like he has, in fact she doesn’t even have an American upbringing at all. Just a lab one. So, he breaks it down and explains until she understands.
Next to him Joyce gives him huge eyes as he breaks down contracts to El and Steve feels a bit self conscious. He isn’t the smartest of the group and he knows it, but Joyce is looking impressed with him, even though he is just parroting what he heard.
Once El understands, she nods and says: “That is good for me. I want to do that.”
“Then we’re going to make that happen,” Steve smiles at her and she smiles back, the first smile since the 4th of July.
With that decided and promised, El leaves the table again. Joyce had already told him she’s been watching TV all day, as if she is still waiting for Hopper to come home like she used. This poor little girl, who has already been through too much.
However, they don’t talk about that now, instead Joyce says: “I didn’t know you know so much about contracts.”
“I- I don’t really,” Steve tells her, rubbing the back of his head. “I just know stuff from hearing my father talk.”
“You know more than me,” Joyce grins crookedly, chuckling slightly as Steve follows. Then she turns serious and repeats as she has done so often the past few days: “You can always change your mind and come with us, you know that right, honey?”
“Yes, I know,” he promises like he always does, still touched that she is making sure, when she should be glad this is a way out of the feeling of having to pay him back for something she doesn’t have to pay him back for, but she isn’t. Almost makes him believe she means.
“Just making sure,” she says, part of the standard interaction they have about this.
The last time they have that conversation is at the lawyer’s office where they get everything set up, so it goes how they want it to. Steve is officially staying in Hawkins and while he knows he has made the right decision, he can’t help but feel like he has shut down a possible road that might have changed his life forever.
It’s after making it official that they go to the cabin they’ve been ignoring since that night, no one ready to face the empty home where Hopper lived, a Hopper who isn’t coming back.
Steve and Joyce hadn’t been there when the Mind Flayer attacked it, but Steve was preparing himself for the worst. Still, the gaps in the roof made him swallow. He is grateful El refused to let him pay rent, but he doesn’t know how he’s going to live there.
Joyce also grimaces at the damage, but follows El inside. The girl walking through the ruined cabin like it is holy land.
They give her a moment to say goodbye to the place. Today, they’re packing stuff, so she can stay more comfortably with Joyce. Later they’re packing all the other stuff for the move. They wanted her return here to be private.
After a few moments of peace, Joyce gently coaxes her to her room and they pack a few sets of clothes together, while Steve walks around. Despite the mess and lack of space, he can already tell this used to be a home with love in it and his heart aches again for Hopper, who made a little girl feel welcome and at home, how that little girl lost that home too soon.
The worst are the holes in the roof and a few broken windows, all in all, it looks worse than it is and Steve is more confident about being able to restore it.
However, it is not just his place. It’s Hopper’s and, more importantly, it is El’s. So, when she comes out with Joyce, who brings her bag to the car, he asks her: “Is there anything you would like me to keep the same? I can keep your room the same, or maybe the couch or the kitchen?”
“You can change it, except for Hopper’s room,” she tells him in a serious voice. “I-” emotion starts to creep in, “I want him to be able to come home.”
And Steve knows that he should tell her that Hopper isn’t coming home, that he is gone for good and she is going to have to learn to live with that. But he can’t tell her that. They both know she is aware of that, but this is the man that gave her a home and she wants to do the same for him. And Steve isn’t going to be the one to deny her that.
So, he nods and says: “Of course I’ll keep his room the same. Want to see if there is anything you want to take to remember him by?” She looks apprehensive, so he adds: “Something he has to come get?”
At that she nods, a small smile on her lips. Steve puts a gentle hand on her shoulder and leads her to the room. Some day, El is going to break his heart in a way he won’t recover from.
El looks tentative as she steps into the room. A few keepsakes have been recovered for the will, but beyond that, the room is untouched. It is truly like Hopper will return any time and it is clear El seems hesitant to break it.
Steve himself isn’t sure what to do either, but Joyce, god bless her, comes in and opens the door, going through some of the clothes and asking El: “Would you like to bring a few of his warm shirts for the winter?”
That draws El in and soon she is looking for something she can bring with her and can keep safe when she goes. She takes two of his shirts in the end and one of the books he used to read to her when she first came to live with him, as well as the dictionary.
As they do that, Steve brings in the boxes that the others are going to use a few days later to pack the rest of the stuff, before they move away.
When the others pack, Steve can’t be there. He is with Robin, trying to find a new job. The Buckleys have been kind enough to let him stay until he can get his own place in order and he is super thankful, but he doesn’t want to mooch for the time he stays there.
As they get out of the car Robin – who has been judging his CV all the way there – asks: “Did you seriously put coach Miller down as reference?”
“Yeah, why not?” Steve counters. “She’s like super well-respected and she can vouch for me being a hard worker.”
“You’re such a dingus,” Robin complains with a smile.
“Shut up,” Steve pouts, stopping her before they can go in. “Do you think we’ll get the job?”
“Course,” Robin says with confidence. “You have a bruise on your face, same as when you started working for Scoops Ahoy. It’s your good luck charm.”
“Wha-” Steve starts, but Robin has already gone into the store, so he just quickly follows after her as to not get left behind.
Miraculously, Robin manages to talk Keith into giving both of them a job, which is a hundred worries from Steve’s shoulders. He still has quite a bit from when he saved up, but most of that will likely disappear into repairs and he does still need to eat.
Saying goodbye to the Byers, however, is one of the hardest things they’ve ever done. Steve’s life has been intertwined with them for two years, but he’s only gotten to know them two months ago and those have been the best of his life, despite it all.
He hasn’t really found the time to talk with Will, but manages a few words, before he gets into the car. Will is hugging him goodbye and he whispers: “Hey, baby Byers, sorry for brushing you off in the kitchen. It was the reason, but I’m okay now and you’re going to be okay too.”
Will looks at him, Steve sees that it takes a few moments to click. When it does, Will clings to him again and whispers: “Thank you,” before Jonathan is yelling at him to get into the car.
It’s not perfect, it’s not how Steve wanted it to go, but it’s a little bit of hope that he can give Will on his journey to this new place with a clean slate.
A week after the Byers leave, the divorce that’s been hanging in the air since Billy’s death finally goes through and Max moves to the trailer park with her mom.
Susan has to work, but Steve is off that day. He is still figuring out how he can go about his own renovations, so he isn’t missing out on much work time by offering to help. So, it’s just him and Max carrying the boxes that day.
Max has been a little quiet ever since Billy’s death, but she doesn’t look too unhappy with the divorce. Steve might not have known much about how her home life was, but he can’t imagine it had been the best, if he looks at how Billy had been.
However, he isn’t going to mention it, instead enjoying the time he can spend with her. Calling for a break that they enjoy on the steps of her new house and busting out her favorite soda.
It’s during this break that a familiar voice calls out to them. It is Eddie, who exclaims: “I thought I recognized that car. What are you doing out here, Steve? Finally found a place?”
A year ago the words would've been mocking from Eddie’s mouth and to anyone, who doesn’t know them, it might sound like that still, but Steve knows what Eddie knows, so he just smiles and shakes his head. “Nah, helping this squirt move,” he answers, ruffling Max’s hair.
Max bats him away and glares at him, before turning to scowl at Eddie, asking: “What’s it to you anyway?”
“Love the attitude. You’ll fit right in,” Eddie grins, dimples showing again. “Me and my uncle live over there.” He points at one of the trailers across from Max’s. “Come by if you need anything. Me and Stevie here used to go to high school together, you’ll see me there as well.”
At that Max gives him a judgmental one over. Before she can say anything about it, Steve steps in and says: “Thanks, man.”
“Course,” Eddie smiles, sitting down with them as well. He asks: “So, what about you? Still staying at that friend?”
“I’m going to move into Hopper’s old cabin,” Steve tells him. “Still under renovations now and by that I mean that I’m still trying to figure out how to patch a roof and replace windows. But when I figure it out, I’m set. Until then I’m staying at the Buckley’s.”
“Robin’s place?” Eddie asks, looking surprised. “How do you know her?”
“We worked at Scoops together,” Steve explains. “Before the mall burned down.”
“Shit, man, I heard about that, you okay?” Eddie asks with a frown. Steve is glad his face is healed up a bit to make it seem less bad, it wasn’t his intention to make Eddie worry. It wasn’t even his intention to make the mall a topic of conversation after what happened there.
Steve shoots a look to Max, who has turned into herself when the mall was mentioned. He winces at his own stupidity for bringing it up. “Yeah, uhm, it’s fine. Rather not talk about it.”
“Yeah, no, of course,” Eddie says, eyes also flicking to Max, before shooting Steve a questioning look.
He shakes his head and prays Eddie understands that he should stop talking. To divert the subject he says: “Customer service truly bonds people. There is no hell like it. We’re actually working at Family Video now.”
“Do they have better uniforms?” Eddie asks with an evil glint in his eyes. His beautiful, evil eyes.
“Oh shut up,” Steve laughs, inside burning with embarrassment as he remembers facing Eddie in that stupid sailor uniform.
“No, it was cute on you,” Eddie laughs in a way that could be meant or could be a joke. Steve can’t tell which and it sends him reeling.
Before he can do something stupid, however, Max has shaken her own mood and joins forces with Eddie, which is unfair, by the way. “Yeah, Steve, very cute.”
“Don’t turn against me now, Mayfield,” he warns, though it’s partially joking.
She just sticks out her tongue in turn and continues to mock him with Eddie for a few more minutes and he can’t even be mad, because he’s just glad to see her happy again. And seeing Eddie get along with his kids is sweet. It does something to him, sue him.
After a while Eddie gets up and Steve tries not to pout, not sure if he’s successful. Before he can leave, though, Eddie stops and turns around to offer: “I might not be certified, but I know quite a bit about patching up houses. I can come by and check it out, see if I can help.”
“That would be great. Thanks, dude,” Steve jumps on it, not only because spending more time with Eddie sounds amazing, but also because he doesn’t know anyone else with any sort of expertise.
When Eddie is gone, Max says: “He doesn’t look like the usual type you hang out with. He’s at least not much of a cheerleader.”
Steve laughs at the image of Eddie trying to do cheer, before shaking his head: “He’s not. I was kind of a dick to him for a bit there, but he’s cool. He was nice to me.”
“Then he can stay, I guess,” Max says and Steve wants to hug her for that, but knows it won’t be welcome, so instead ruffles her hair again.
He doesn’t care that she knows he’s staying at the Buckley’s. All the kids had figured out something was up after the funeral when they couldn't find Steve at his house when they wanted to check in on him and Will told them where Steve was. But Max knows to keep things to herself.
All of them have yet to comment on it and Steve is trying to keep it like that. So, he doesn’t bring that bit of conversation up to Max as they go back to moving.
When Max is all settled in and her mom back from work with groceries, Steve leaves the two for the evening and drives down to the Buckley’s for dinner. It’s crazy how quickly he has become comfortable in their home, but Daisy and Thomas have an air of non-judgment around them and are a few of the kindest people Steve has ever met.
After dinner, he finds himself on Robin’s bed that is more their bed. It’s kind of tradition. She asks him: “How was moving with Max?”
“Good,” Steve tells her. “Did you know Eddie lives at the trailer camp too? He came up to us when we were taking a break.”
Robin shoots up from where she’d been lying next to him and exclaims: “You talked to him! Like genuinely talked to him? Your crush. Oh my god, how did it go?”
“We talked before,” Steve blushes, not yet having told Robin the extend of it, because he doesn’t want to out Eddie, even if Robin would be cool.
“Him saving you like a damsel once doesn’t count,” Robin argues, poking him in his ribs with her toes. “Come on, spill!”
“Well, he asked if I was moving in, uhm, we kinda ran into each other after I got kicked out,” Steve starts. “I told him no, introduced him to Max. They got along.”
“He knows you got kicked out?” Robin asks.
“I was kind of in shock when I told him. He promised not to tell,” Steve explains. “But I did tell him I was staying here now, but that I was moving into Hopper’s old place. He- he offered to help patch the roof. So, I’ll call him about that tomorrow.”
Steve knows he’s not meeting Robin’s eyes on purpose and so does Robin. She squeals and hits him in the chest, before shaking him. “Holy shit, dingus! You’re going to be hanging out with Eddie, this is huge! I’m so proud of you. After Scoops I was worried you didn’t have any game left from your heyday.”
“Oi, don’t be a bitch, Robs,” Steve scoffs, pushing her over, but he’s grinning too. It’s not a date, that is way too scary, but it’s a foot in the door.
“I get to be a bitch about this,” Robin tells him, also grinning.
“Why?” Steve complains.
“Best friends rights,” she informs him gleefully. “I want all the details, okay? I demand them, in fact, because if I can’t even live vicariously through you then what is the point of finding another queer person in this little shit town?”
“I feel used,” Steve pouts, without meaning it.
“Get used to it, dingus, because I want to know everything,” Robin tells him. “Even if you two do disgusting things together. I want to know.” She pauses for a bit, seeming anxious suddenly. “But also be safe, you hear me? I mean it. Like, Eddie seems cool and all, but don’t do something stupid because you like him. I’ve seen you bruised too often for my liking, okay?”
Steve is touched by her concern. He knows Eddie at least won’t beat him up for being gay, but this might end with him getting his heart broken by pretty eyes and a vibrant personality. Which is a whole different risk.
It’s nice to know he has Robin to catch him if he falls. She feels like his forever person and he chokes up a bit as he promises: “I’ll be safe, Robs. Promise.”
“Good,” Robin nods decisively, before smiling again and grilling him about his not-date and if he has anything good to wear that won’t be too obvious, but also cute, before wondering why he likes Eddie again.
They stay up late together, gossiping. It’s fun and an easy distraction from how hard falling asleep has been recently. Steve wonders how he’s going to sleep again when he moves out of the Buckley house.
He waits until he’s working before calling Eddie, so he has an excuse of work if it gets awkward and he wants to hang up. Robin is keeping a look out for Keith and distracting customers that come in. Chrissy often hangs around Family Video when they work, but is out of town with her mom today, which works in their favor.
Eddie sounds surprised that he even called, which almost makes Steve hang up. However, surprise turns to delight and that soothes Steve’s frazzled nerves enough to stay on the line and explain how he would appreciate help with the roof or windows, if Eddie knows anything about those.
“Roof, I can help with,” Eddie says, his smooth voice so close to Steve’s ear as it comes through the phone speaker. “Do you have something to write down a list of things you need?”
“Yeah, course,” Steve replies, scrambling for a piece of paper, gratefully taking the pen Robin hands him.
After Steve has his list, he tells Eddie how to get to the cabin, since it is quite remote. When he is done Eddie whistles: “Damn, what was he doing all the way out there?”
“Hiding from the government,” Steve says, filter momentarily out the window. Robin whips around as she hears that with a ‘what the fuck, dingus’ look on her face. Steve cringes as he looks back at her, a bit mortified.
Luckily, Eddie just laughs and says: “Sure, Stevie, I’m sure that was what he was doing. Probably liked the peace and quiet.”
“He did,” Steve says softly, glad the crisis is averted and suddenly thinking of Hopper again. His loss still hurts, but Steve is slowly getting used to it. Eddie is quiet at Steve’s tone, so he clears his throat and smiles again, even though Eddie can’t see. “I’ll see you there then.”
“Yeah, see you,” Eddie replies and they both hang up.
“That was only mildly pathetic,” Robin gives an honest review once Steve has hung up, the two of the using the rest of the shift dissecting the phone call, before delving into their usual bickering and arguments.
Steve drives by a shop after work to get everything of the list. The shopkeeper looks surprised at his purchases, so Steve explains: “I’m moving out, but it’s a bit of a fix-her-upper,” which is what he wants to go around, instead of him being kicked out.
The shopkeeper doesn’t look like he fully buys it, but all the stuff must pass some kind of test, because he just nods and says: “Good luck.”
“Thanks,” Steve nods, awkwardly, before hightailing out of there with his stuff.
A few days later, Steve is meeting Eddie at the cabin. He makes sure to be there first, so Eddie won’t have to wait for him. He is sitting on the porch steps when Eddie comes pulling up in his van with loud music coming from the speakers.
The engine and music cut out and Eddie scrambles out the car in an outfit that has Steve’s mouth running dry.
It’s nothing spectacular, just denim shorts that come to his knees and a gray tank top, but Steve has never seen so much skin on Eddie, plus his hair is up in a bun, which is designed to kill Steve, he’s sure of it. All that neck. He wants to bite it. Instead he has to act normal as Eddie greets: “Hey, man.”
“Hey,” he replies in a voice that is a shade away from normal. He swallows, then adds: “Find it all okay? Thanks for coming out, by the way.”
“Course, dude,” Eddie says. “And I found it okay. Just not sure why anyone would live all the way out there, but that will just be a mystery.”
“I think it’s quite peaceful,” Steve tells him, before asking: “So, I have all you told me to get, how do you want to do this?”
“Just get on the roof and get started,” Eddie informs him happily and Steve totally doesn’t look as he hauls a toolkit out of his van, muscles straining under the weight. “My uncle Wayne let me borrow this, so we’re set for tools. You got a ladder?”
“Yup, yes, I do,” Steve fumbles, cursing that he never had the cool others thought he had, his girlfriends just didn’t affect him like Eddie does.
To distract from that fact, he goes and gets the ladder, so they can get on the roof, a miscalculation on his part, since he is now stuck behind Eddie on the ladder, having a view of his ass and back muscles as Eddie hoists what they need onto the roof while Steve hands it to him.
He is already flushed when he gets onto the roof as well and prays that Eddie doesn’t comment on it, because he doesn’t have an excuse ready.
Luckily, Eddie isn’t looking his way, instead busying himself with the stuff they got up there, looking a little flushed from the hauling. He inspects the holes in the roof, before showing Steve how to redo the roof tiles, before moving on to the next hole, while Steve gets the tiles.
Now, Steve realizes, he shouldn’t have counted his blessings so early, because the sun is hotter on the roof. So, when Steve looks up, he sees Eddie in all his sweaty glory.
It feels a bit like a movie scene. It’s almost slow motion. Steve looks up right as Eddie puts in the last nail, arm muscles that are usually hidden by the leather jacket now on display. Then he blows away a piece of hair, one of those strands Steve has always wanted to tuck behind his ear, before lifting his tank top to wipe the sweat off his face. There is a dark patch of hair going down from his bellybutton.
Steve rips his eyes away, before Eddie can look his way, determined not to look up again until they’ve patched all the holes in the roof.
That resolution only lasts for about two seconds, because he looks up when Eddie says: “Curious holes. Wonder how they got here.”
While Steve hadn’t been here when they happened, he can still clearly picture the Mind Flayer as it chased Nancy’s car. All of them crammed in there as Dustin sang with his girlfriend. He shudders, then shakes his head, before shrugging: “I don’t know. They were here when I got it.”
He hopes Eddie stops asking, because Steve will lie to him. He knows better than to say anything, but it has always been easy to talk to Eddie and he does not want to open that can of worms. If he has his way, Eddie will never know of the fucked things that go on in Hawkins.
“Maybe some assholes with fireworks,” Eddie says. “I mean, I won’t claim I was friendly with the Chief, fuck the police and all that, but he always left me off with a warning, which I appreciated, you know?”
Steve smiles a bit sadly at Hopper’s memory, the ache getting easier to deal with, though it never really leaves. He shrugs and says: “Probably.”
Eddie gives him a look, which Steve meets for a second, before looking down at the roof tiles again, not wanting to talk about Hopper more. Eddie seems to sense that, because he drops the conversation and gets back to work, the air a little tense around them now.
However, after a minute or so Eddie starts whistling, then humming some song that Steve doesn’t recognize and that tension dissipates.
They work together for some time. Both of them are sweating under the sun and Steve is starting to regret not taking one of Robin’s hair clips, because he didn’t want to look like a dork in front of Eddie. So, his hair is sweaty and in his face. He pushes said sweaty hair out of his face with a huff and asks: “Break?”
He looks over at Eddie, who is also red from the sun, Steve wonders if he put sunscreen on. Eddie looks surprised, then wipes off that look and replaces it with a grin. “Sure.”
Eddie goes to sit down on the roof. They took a few beers up there, which are no longer cold, but that doesn’t stop Eddie from popping one open with his ring and taking a sip with a sigh. Then he offers one to Steve with a crooked smile that has his heart flipping.
Steve smiles back and hopes his heart gymnastics don’t show on his face as he sits down next to Eddie, accepting the beer. He takes a long sip then sighs.
When he looks back he meets Eddie’s eyes, quirking a brow at him. Eddie goes to pull some hair in front of his face, realizes it’s up, then winces awkwardly and chuckles, taking a swig of his own lukewarm beer.
“Hey, you don’t have to say, man, but I got to wonder,” Eddie breaks the silence, lying back in a highly distracting manner. “How did you get Hopper’s house? Like how did that happen?”
Steve lies down as well, trying not to think of how close they are – almost touching – as he looks up at the trees surrounding the cabin and the clear sky. He sighs, trying to figure out how much he can say and answers: “It’s a long story.”
“I dig long stories,” Eddie tells him and when Steve looks at the sound of movement, Eddie has turned his head to look right at him.
From this nearby he can make out the almost indiscernible freckles that dust Eddie’s nose and cheeks. His dark eyes inquiring, curiosity obvious in them. Steve is reminded of that day in the forest, how Eddie never seemed to run out of questions. Curiosity is baked into his DNA, Steve thinks and hopes that it won’t get him killed one day.
The thought is sobering and he breaks the moment by look back at the sky. He sighs again, before saying: “Hopper wanted to take me in when I got kicked out.”
“What?” Eddie chokes, sounding caught between a surprised squeak and a disbelieving chuckle.
“I know,” Steve replies, lopsided smile on his face. “He was out looking for me that night. Heard what had happened from Joyce, who heard it from Jonathan.”
“Wait, Jonathan Byers?” Eddie asks, frowning. “Didn’t you guys fight two years ago?”
“Jup,” Steve nods, popping the p. “It’s a long story as well. I mean, we never became friends or anything, but, you know, we know each other.”
“Alright,” Eddie says, sounding a bit unsure about the whole thing. Then, still sounding confused, he asks: “So, Hopper wanted to let you stay and then? Put you in his will?”
“Oh, no!” Steve quickly dispels that idea. “No, not that at all. He has a kid. A little girl. She’s super cool and an absolute sweetheart. She went with the Byers to California a few weeks back. Trying to get used to a life without her dad. Fresh start and all that.”
“Jesus H. Christ, man, I didn’t know he had a kid,” Eddie whistles. “Poor girl.”
“Yeah, she’s a tough cookie, but has already gone through so much,” Steve agrees. He likely will never get over the injustice that has been El’s life so far.
“I hate the world sometimes,” Eddie sighs.
“Me too, dude, me too,” Steve agrees, both of them falling into a comfortable silence for a moment, lying on the roof under the summer sun.
After a few seconds, he explains: “She got the house. She wanted to give it to me at first, because she is too sweet for her own good. We made a contract I could live here until she wanted the house back.”
“She sounds like a good egg,” Eddie tells him, tone indicating he heard the fondness Steve holds for El in his voice.
“She is,” Steve smiles, looking back at Eddie, who is still looking at him.
Eddie smiles at him, dimples appearing on his cheeks. Steve kind of wants to lean in and plant a kiss on his nose, see if he scrunches it if he does. But he manages to stop himself.
However, Steve doesn’t know if the intent was on his face, because Eddie raises a brow as he grins and laughs: “What? Have something on my face?”
“No,” Steve quickly says. “Just got lost in thought, you know. I wonder if she is settling in okay. I haven’t really spoken to her. Don’t want to run up the Buckley’s phone bill too much.”
Eddie nods understandingly and Steve truly does get the feeling that Eddie gets it. It’s a little crazy and he tries not to let his brain run wild with the idea of Eddie and him matching so well. He is only just starting to get the know the other boy.
That thought is not helped when Eddie seems to sense he not to ask more about El, instead asking: “So, how’s living with the Buckley’s been?”
“A little insane,” Steve replies honestly. He’s already told Eddie he got kicked out and showed him the shiner his father gave him. “They’re so nice, like all the time. I’m waiting for their hospitality to run out at this point.”
“Fuck, man, I hear you,” Eddie chuckles. “It’s been years and I’m still waiting for the day uncle Wayne gets tired of me.”
Steve has never met Eddie’s uncle, only having seen him once or twice in town. He looked stern then, but he also remembers what Eddie said about his uncle’s habit of taking in strays, seemingly referring to himself. His voice was full of warmth then. Cautiously he asks: “You really think that will happen?”
Eddie looks almost surprised at that, eyes widening, before he laughs that deep laugh Steve adores so much. He shakes his head and sits back up: “Nah, man, I don’t know why, but uncle Wayne and me are in it for the long haul.”
“That’s good,” Steve says, following him up. Their beers have warmed up even more as they laid down and Steve scrunches his nose up in disgust.
“Yeah. Yeah, it is,” Eddie says softly and when Steve looks at him he off staring of into the distance with far away eyes.
“You okay?” Steve asks, daring to nudge Eddie’s foot with his own.
“Hm?” Eddie turns back to him with a soft noise, before he shakes off the melancholic vibe around him with a smile. “Yeah, I am. Just thinking, you know, how lucky I got with my uncle. I mean, my parents never kicked me out for being a fag – didn’t get the chance with police after them – but they would have if they ever did.”
“Damn, dude, that sucks,” Steve tells him, in a manner that is hopefully sympathetic. He has never been the best with comforting.
“Yeah, you can say that,” Eddie laughs, luckily not upset at his attempt, but amused by it. “But it’s okay. They never liked me and I never liked them. It happens sometimes. And uncle Wayne will never kick me out.”
“He won’t?” Steve asks curiously, Eddie sounding very confident about it in his opinion. Maybe a bit too confident. One can never really know.
Eddie looks at him, blowing a piece of hair out of his face again that has Steve’s palms itching, and shakes his head: “No, he won’t. He already knows.”
“What?” Steve feels like his eyes are falling out of his socket and his face must be amusing, because Eddie bursts out in laughter.
After a few chuckles he says: “Yeah, he knows. Some people are cool, Stevie. Mark my words, the world is changing. Not now, not tomorrow, but give it two decades and we’re going to be just fine, I promise.”
“Bold claim,” Steve tells him, slightly skeptic, yet also cheered up. It’s nice to have hope like Eddie does. Nice to know there are parental figures out there who accept their queer kids.
“I’m an idealist, what can I say,” Eddie grins, then chugs his beer, Steve tracking his adam’s apple as he does. Then he gets up with a: “Let’s get these holes filled,” before snorting at how dirty it sounds.
Steve tries not to think of the innuendo in Eddie’s voice and instead gets back to work as well. He wants the roof to be fixed and doesn’t want to seem like a slacker who makes Eddie do all the work or something.
Though, he does take a moment to watch Eddie work with the tools. It’s hot. Eddie is. He is sweating, but he also just looks a bit like one of those gods they read about in history once. The Greek ones.
The image of Eddie sweaty in the sunlight on that roof will be in his mind forever.
They manage to fix the entire roof together and afterwards Steve buys them both a pizza to thank Eddie for his help. They eat it on the porch of the cabin. Eddie talks about the campaign he’s making for his club, not at all concerned or thinking of any of the subjects he has to retake again this year.
Steve envies how easily Eddie shrugs things off and moves on. He doesn’t care that he has to do senior year again. He doesn’t care that people think he’s weird. He doesn’t care what they whisper about him as he passes. He just shrugs it all off and walks on with his head held high. Steve is trying to have a bit of that confidence too, the defiance to be himself.
Still, he doesn’t say that, just tries to follow the best he can with what he knows from the kids rambling to him.
It’s nice to sit like that. The two of them with pizza, beer and the sunset, sweaty from the work, but feeling accomplished. It’s nothing big yet, just one day together, just Eddie helping him out. But it feels like it can be the start of something.
After the pizza they say goodbye. Steve could have sat there for hours more with Eddie, but he doesn’t want to come across as eager and he also doesn’t want to get to the Buckley’s too late and wake them up.
So, he tells Eddie he can always come by and that if he wants to rent a movie, it’s on Steve, before he goes his separate way.
In the evening, Robin forces him to tell her everything again, yelling and slapping when he talks about how hot Eddie looked when sweating, but grinning all the way. This is what he has always wanted to do when he heard the cheerleaders discussing their crushes and now he can.
Okay, but hear me out, Steve feeling the need to fill Hopper’s shoes and not doing it by protecting El for him, but by rebuilding the house he made for El, I’m weeping
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