#(this is still i wip bc im painting over this B))
vveakfish · 11 months
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str8 boy yaoi (colorized, 2023) | [prev] • [next]
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iraprince · 4 years
hello! do you have any advice for switching from traditional art to digital? (i recently ran out of supplies so im relegated to my computer lol) i hope youre having a good day!
i sure do!
first off i really recommend clip studio paint, but i also recommend u wait for it to go on sale. it goes 50% off a few times a year, so imo it’s worth waiting, but it also is usually on sale for only a few days so u have to stay on top of it. they usually announce on twitter etc. the tools don’t make the artist and obviously it doesn’t Really matter what program u end up settling on, i’ve just been really pleased with CSP and i wanted to recommend it
second: nothing that u can do with digital art programs/tools is cheating and it took me way too long to really internalize + understand that. copy-pasting stuff instead of redrawing it, using symmetry rulers, using transform/ctrl+T to stretch or squash slightly off anatomy instead of starting over -- when i was first getting into digital i A. didn’t know u could do this stuff and B. felt weirdly guilty doing it once i figured it out, as if i was a worse artist for using the tools that are literally built into the software or that it was lazy or dishonest to do so. that, it turns out, is bullshit. any drawing is just a constant series of decision-making and a lot of digital tools just help u make or retract or edit those decisions faster than traditional does. it’s not better or worse, it’s just different, and it’s worth ur time to figure out which of those differences are the most convenient and useful. this stuff exists for a reason! use it! save ur wrists and ur patience and ur time!
figure out file organization early, because it’s something u don’t have to deal with irt traditional art and so it probably won’t come naturally, but it also makes ur life harder to have a desktop swarming with wip files that are all titled “kjsrhrfgdhgj.psd” or whatever. some ppl sort into folders by date; for me it works better to sort by content (i.e. i have folders for tvrn stuff, patreon stuff, different fandoms, dnd/ttrpg stuff, “misc ocs” for characters i don’t draw much and “misc fandoms” for one-off fanart that doesn’t merit its own folder, etc etc; this is what makes it easiest for me to find stuff, but ur system might end up different.) i admittedly still name my files keysmashes if it’s personal stuff rather than work/commissions, but at least it’s all sorted into a category where i can quickly find it again anyway
also, u can hybridize traditional and digital! i frequently like my traditional pencil lines better than what i can do digitally, so i often scan them in, turn them into lineart, and color digitally (here’s a tutorial on how i prep that). but even if u don’t have a scanner, a carefully taken phone photo with high contrast can still be used the same way. i tend to lay my sketchbook flat on the floor in front of a window, squat down and hold my phone as level as i can while i’m taking the pic, and then i blast it in my phone’s built in gallery editor (highlights/shadows and contrast) before sending it to myself and doing the same thing w tone curve/levels in csp. it’s not perfect, but it’s presentable, and it can be a good way to ease urself in if ur feeling frustrated w the learning curve on digital draftsmanship.
oh, and this tip is really small but it’s ended up being rly helpful for me: resist the urge to zoom in way past 100% scale view just bc u can. if there are times where u absolutely need to, sure, whatever, but there’s no point in regularly tweaking tiny things pixel by pixel at 250% zoom bc nobody who looks at ur art is gonna see that and ur just bloating ur own time spent on things and creating unnecessary stress for urself!! if 100% zoom doesn’t give u the control u want, that may just mean u need to work larger to begin with.
set up a comfortable workspace with a Good chair. look up proper posture and try to stick to it. i know we’re all gay and it sucks to sit in a chair properly but otherwise ur gonna hurt urself. take even more frequent breaks than u do when drawing traditionally! screen bad!
also, if ur tablet has a way to calibrate pressure, try that out. a lot of them are set in a way where you have to press really hard to get full line width and over time it can really seriously strain ur wrist; u can’t manually set pressure in traditional tools (besides like. using softer lead i guess lmfao) but u can with tablet pens and u should try it, bc if u can use a lighter touch overall it really goes a long way towards preventing injury in the long term.
this is all the stuff that came to mind immediately; i’m sure there are tons of basics i haven’t covered, depending on how much of a transition this is for u, but there are a lot of tutorials out there written by ppl more patient and more educationally-oriented than myself so you’d be doing a better service to urself seeking those out than if i were to try to clumsily emulate them lol. good luck + have fun!
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
All even? O:
under the cut since it got long
2. Favorite part of writing.
idk. maybe just being able to share a vision while also letting other people imagine things as they want? if that makes sense???
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
mmm….. i guess sometimes i’ll play certain songs/albums?
as in i basically listen to bmc on repeat sometimes when i’m stuck
6. Favorite character you ever created.
:0 i love jaden!!! my son!!! a good boy
other than that, i rly loved writing charlotte and joanne when i wrote countdown even tho they weren’t too prominent since they weren’t the main focus
8. Favorite trope to write.
can i count the new kid in school as a trope
thats a trope tho right
that one
i like it.
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
can i say i’d write a romance book with literally anyone that i’m mutuals w/ that write????
or any book. romance would be the best option imo but i’d be down for anything
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
i dont
i technically bottle them up and they they overflow at fuck me up but
uh. alright so.
whenever i start having self-doubts about writing, sometimes i’ll just kinda… leave my writing alone for a while? like, sometimes i’ll end up taking a step back and basically seek some validation somewhere else maybe talk it out with someone else?
other than that, i’ll either push myself to keep writing since it’ll distract me from my doubts.
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
i was about to say something else but.
countdown. that one rich soulmate fic?
i literally found what would have been the hospital rich was at (it wasn’t a hospital, but it shared the name), figured out how long it would take to get there and back by train, looked up train schedules + ticket prices, and basically how to get to the medical center from one of the train stations there
that’s the first thing that came to mind tbh. i’ve probably done more in the past but idk
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
ok no it’s more of me glimpsing over my writing before posting it
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
kk. from my poly fic:
       A week later and you’re already buried in your work. The contents of your room have practically been shoved into the closet as you invested all your time into each little detail in each costume. You spent your days either working on small details while in different classes, spray painting shoes during drama, or scribbling in answers to homework due the next period (or day, if you were lucky), courtesy of Christine. If you had a chance, you’d crash on the small, cheap couch in the drama room for a bit, and then you were back home and sewing and (rarely) burning your fingers on hot glue.
       It was hell, but it was worth it.
there u go.
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
ok it legit depends. usually my first draft is the draft since almost everything i post on this account is a rough draft tbh (which is also the reason why i get so much writing done tbh)
which sucks because you babes deserve so much better tbh i still dont see why you guys follow me if u want me to be honest
but anyway
i’ll usually rewrite something once or twice if it doesn’t stick the very first time. (aka this is what’s going on with control pt.2)
24. Poetry or prose, and why?
prose. im bad at poetry + im not a huge fan of poetry in general so :/
26. Standalone or series, and why?
probably standalone stuff, but series can be good sometimes. mainly standalone because i don’t have to really consider another part - most of the stuff that i wrote more than one part for i actually didn’t plan for a second part
stuff like Fish Out of Water and Control were things i kinda knew i’d have more than one part once i finished em
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
it’s not a single line but the i love you from michael at the end of Third Wheel
i think about it since it’s such a sweet, simple line tbh?
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
typed bc my handwriting is b a d
36. A spoiler for story _________.
Control Pt.2:
get ready for some shit to haunt you.
also, being sick can honestly build some bonds between ppl. nothing like texting each other complaining about being sick as fuck.
38. Have you shared your outline of your story ________ with someone? If so, what did they think of it?
i’ve shared my christine fic plans with scott!! he found the idea cute
plus i shared a michael fic idea with lucky and they basically pushed me to write it (since i was kinda :/ about writing it??? they basically made me decide to so
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
for my ocs that i don’t rly talk about here: i usually draw their personality, looks, ect. from a single idea. jaden came from me wanting to write a more bookish character. welton came from the idea of me wanting to make a gamer, essentially. sachiyo came from a self insert and evolved from there.
for the ocs that i put in my fics: i don’t really have concrete looks for them - you guys can imagine them however you want! sometimes i might reference them twirling hair around their finger or a tattoo or dimples or something - but for the most part, you guys can legit imagine them however. personality usually draws from what the reader needs, in a sense?
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
i dont even know tbh
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie?
i have a Really old project called To Perdition and Back which follows a man named Carson as he and his team basically saves ppl from a sort of purgatory???
it would basically deal with his personal struggle. he had an affair with ivan, a man at his work who died during one of their expeditions - and the fact his wife is basically never there for him or his kids, which causes a bit of a strain on the family itself.
the tv show would basically follow carson + his team tbh? plus there’d be subtle hints leading toward the fact that (spoiler) ivan isn’t dead.
the plan is that the show also has representation tbh??? i’ll talk more about it if anyone’s curious.
48. Favorite genre to write in.
uhhh romantic shit.
52. How did writing change you?
idk it basically helped me develop a coping mechanism in a way???
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