#(this isn’t me like. mad at them btw. I’m not mad. love that moot to death.
eggs-can-draw · 9 months
Me, immediately after having a stage 4 panic attack: maybe drawing my blorbs as furries will fix me
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yuzukult · 3 years
HAPPY 2K BENCH !! you deserve the whole world yk :( you deserve every single one of those followers + a million more !!!
i got a few questions for you :D it's a lot but <33 <3 <3 they're fun questions i swear </3 i even put a little husna flare to em if you couldn't tell KWHKAJSD
1. if you could live in a fictional world, which one would you live in?
2. it's the zombie apocalypse !! (of course there's gonna be a zombie apocalypse question, thisis me we're asking) which one of my tumblr moots would you want to help you survive? other than me, of course, that'd be cheating.
3. what was your favorite childhood snack?
4. which marvel character is your favorite? talk to me about your fav marvel movie, your least fav marvel movie / show, and what you think about marvel's time traveling concept.
5. what are some of the worst movies you've watched?
6. what do you think is the best thing you've ever written? ik it's hard to choose, all your writing's amazing.
7. what kind of superpower would you want? do you think you'd make a good superhero?
8. what are some deal-breakers for you when it comes to relationships, whether it be romantic or platonic?
9. rant to me about a show you're watching <3
10. any advice for the kids who are pursuing the stem branch? aka me #lolzies
im gonna stop at 10 qs but !!! happy 2k to user @/gyukult aha :fboi:
:( you’re too nice husna even though i hate you and bash on you everyday 
f-fun? i hope so.... or else i’m going into this and crying because your questions stress me out. just kidding or whatever is that how people tell jokes 
i answered them below the read more bc it got long LOL
ask me questions for my 2k q&a!!
1. hm. like based off a movie or whatever? i wanna live in the marvel cinematic universe. do you think bucky or steve will notice me? also, wouldn’t it be so interesting to live in a world where there’s these people that call themselves ‘the Avengers’ and dress in colorful spandex or weird robotic armor? (i hope i answered this right.)
2. hm. can i be honest? the rest of gta are a bunch of weaklings and i don’t think any of them could help me survive. they might kill me first actually and it be by accident. if i had to give an answer, jae.
3. i used to live in an area where there were corner stores, and back in the day, snacks were like 25cents a pop but that’s another story for another time. i used to eat a lot of Little Debbies snacks so I would eat like those oatmeal creme pies, the cosmo brownies and the zebra cakes !!!
4. steve rogers but,, you knew that. class A hottie amirite i honestly feel like i’d have to go back and rewatch all those movies a second time (the last time i did that was before infinity war) but i honestly did really like infinity war & end game? i think watching all those movies throughout all those years and then seeing those two movies it just .... hit different. like i think if you didn’t watch any marvel movies and just watched those two, it wouldn’t feel the same way it hit us??? (remember, peter,,, with,,,, tony....) UGH I HATED CAPTAIN MARVEL !!! DID THEY ONLY MAKE THAT MOVIE JUST TO FULFILL THE “FEMALE EMPOWERMENT” AGENDA AND THEN DIDN’T THINK OF HTE PLOT!?!?!?!??!?! I’ M SO MA D?!!?!/ honestly. i’m not sure. i think i’m not the type to pick out a lot of stuff in films but at the same time...... i notice..... a lot of gaps in between things yet at the same time i never care enough to speak up about it? but maybe i can pick your brain on it another day. :D
5. sierra burgess is a loser. to all the boys i’ve loved 3. f9. wonder woman 1984. captain marvel. the new adaption for mulan. tall girl. i probably had way more honestly because you know how i love watching bad movies to give them the benefit of the doubt then being disappointed.
6. this is hard !! but i’m torn between after midnight and hello. i say after midnight because it’s out of my comfort zone to write anything fwd (it’s honestly kind of hard) but i managed to push through that and made it work! and i say hello because it’s one of my first long length fics and it just. i love the meaning behind it and it always has a place in my heart. :(
7. i think i wouldn’t make a good superhero tbh LOL i’m like an anti-hero or something LMFAO but if i were to have a superpower, probably super strength. no reason. just wanna throw stuff around.
8. i’m really big on honesty and respect. if my feet stinks, please tell me. but also there’s just something about respect from both friends and a significant other that i prioritize!! some things about a person’s personality can’t be forced to change, and that’s fine, but if they can’t be at least honest or respectful towards me, which btw is the bare minimum, consider yourself cut off.
9. !!! i’m only watching kitchen nightmares rn !! LMFAO but honestly i get so mad when people waste gordon’s time or act like he’s here for himself when they’re the ones who asked to be on the show??/ like hello did you forget you wrote into the show so you could be helped??? hello???? also i can’t help but wonder like how much time did he spend away from family bc of shows like these only to have ungrateful bitches out here smfh
10. LOL STEM !! i love stem even though i hate it. i think something to keep in mind is that there’s an end goal to this. throughout the ride, you’re gonna feel discouraged and feel like this isn’t for anything. but remember why you did it in the first place. and is it worth it? because that’s how i felt often but i remember taking those trips to job-site tours to see construction in progress, and i’m like yeah. this is why. i like this. i wanna work in this in the future. and i think it’s easy to forget what you’re working for during the obstacles because your head is only wrapped around that and whatever is in the moment, but just remember to step back, breathe and try to remember what you’re in this for !! 
and even if you’re not 100% solid in what you like, don’t forget to try out different things even if they’re not pertaining to your major. you’re young, you have time to figure things out, and when you discover you don’t like something, great! that scratches off one thing on your list. now you’re one step closer to finding something you like.
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dabistits · 5 years
I’m wanna make my own manga, so what advice can you give me to avoid what Hori is doing. (Btw I’m a boy) I still have to finish school before that but I wanna keep those advice with me
sorry it took so long to get back to you! i hope you will still find this advice useful regardless, even though it’s not incredibly specific. i could give you a bullet-pointed list of what to pay attention to (how much does this female character get to do in the story? would her pose be awkward if replaced by a male character? does she feel like a complex character? does she suffer unduly and in specifically gendered ways e.g. rape?) but i could come up with thousands of questions and it still wouldn’t be very useful for helping you actually learn how to spot misogyny in stories. so i’m going to give you a general list of things to do that will hopefully help you develop your analytical skills to avoid hori’s bs more than just trying to memorize a ton of questions.
consume other media. read widely, watch widely. familiarize yourself with the state of fictional storytelling today. you need a solid foundation upon which to start building your analytical skills, so that you have material to draw from when you think about what works and what doesn’t work.
talk to people. be they man or woman. it’s pretty fun to talk about media imo (otherwise i wouldn’t be running this blog), and it’s a great way to get different perspectives. if you’re in the company of people interested in media criticism, you will learn a lot, about lots of different things, if you’re willing to put yourself and your ideas out there. ask questions! let people help you work out confused feelings! 
read what reviewers are saying, especially women. most of us who talk about media are pretty detailed about why we liked or disliked something (i regularly give specific examples about what bothers me in bnha e.g. why i feel like himiko is sexualized). so, what are those things? why did a lot of women like furiosa from mad max and what messages did they get from the narrative? why was wonder woman’s costuming considered an elevation from traditional women’s costuming in action movies? why is revolutionary girl utena praised for its complex handling of misogyny and patriarchy? on the other hand, why is there a lot of feminist criticism directed at quentin tarantino’s movies? why are so many women burned out on MCU’s “strong female characters”?
reading what reviewers and ordinary bloggers, especially women, are saying is the best way for you to familiarize yourself with the landscape of feminist media criticism. it’ll give you an idea of what our concerns are, our problems with sometimes fairly specific things (like how the cinematographic rule of thirds can be used to objectify women), and also how to do things well.
at some point, you’re gonna have to tackle theory. this is somewhat unavoidable. although much of media criticism has been deferred to popular culture in a way that you can probably grasp the basics through osmosis, i would encourage you to read academics that actually go in-depth into feminist theory in all sorts of media. laura mulvey’s “visual pleasure and narrative cinema” is probably one of the foundational texts in feminist film theory, but i find that most people don’t even know ‘male gaze’ was coined by her. the ‘male gaze’ as a concept originated in film theory! going in-depth into academic writing that painstakingly deconstructs a concept, usually with respect to specific examples, will help you make your own connections and be more confident in your own analytical skills, because they will give you the tools to apply disciplined commentary.
we’re not all going to agree (obviously). that’s one reason why i insist on going with the learning vs memorizing route. you’re going to see dissenting opinions, and you will probably disagree with some opinions and that’s just what happens by virtue of us being a multitude of complex creatures. i see too many people here who need to ask an assumed authority whether they’re “allowed” to do something, and that’s just kind of ridiculous! you can disagree with women. you can disagree with me. women disagree with each other and i disagree with some women. some women think bnha is a feminist masterpiece, and you will probably have to disagree with them. you’ll have to navigate these disagreements and make the best call with all the information and abilities you have at your disposal.
try not to think of a piece of media as “feminist” or “not feminist.” this article explains why asking if something is “feminist” is a moot point, and this post goes into all the issues we encounter when we start asking if something is really “feminist.” to oversimplify and to put those ideas more succinctly, the issue is that narratives can rarely be feminist or anti-feminist unless they’re propaganda pieces specifically made to advance feminist cause. narratives with good female characters can include ‘non-feminist’ elements. we can talk all we want about jennifer’s body being empowering or whatever, but it’s not actually feminist praxis to write a story in which a high school girl gets stabbed to death, even if she comes back as a demon to eat boys. someone could consider it personally empowering, but hopefully you would recognize that there’s nothing “feminist” about killing a girl. and that’s okay. something doesn’t need to be feminist to be enjoyable nor to have interesting things to say about women/womanhood!
pay attention to women of color. please please please keep this one hammered in your head. women of color are so often ignored for the sake of white women, and we get a lot of backlash when we talk about racialized misogyny in media. this happened with orange is the new black, it happened with atomic blonde, where the non-white, female love interests were killed off so white characters could mourn, and when woc pointed this out we got tons of backlash from white women. don’t be like those kinds of people! think about us and read our writings while you go through this list, please. the same goes for the thoughts of men of color (if you’re white), for LBT+ women, mentally ill women, disabled women, fat women... we all have thoughts about the way we’re represented in media and our concerns deserve attention, especially since manga has a bad reputation for being not only misogynistic, but racist, transmisogynistic, and fatphobic.
don’t let being a boy hold you back. this might be a weird piece of advice to hear, but all too often men either think they’re already the best at writing women or they’re so fragile that one piece of criticism from a woman will make him think we’re entitled shrews. don’t fall into either of these mindsets because they will weaken you. go into this with the idea that you can do well, and that you can improve. you can improve by listening to us and taking our advice, but don’t treat us as an authority figure telling you what to do every step of the way. you have your own voice and you’re able to make your own judgments. plenty of men have made good media about women (park chan-wook and the handmaiden, ikuhara kunihiko and revolutionary girl utena, basically all of ghibli’s filmography), so know that you can be outstanding.
i know that i talked about movies a lot, but i still hope this helps you because the basics of constructing a story and characters are the same. manga is also highly visual in the way film is, with respect to actually having images you need to frame and characters you need to pose, so i think a lot of knowledge is transferrable. you might also find critical theory about comic books to be useful, though i personally don’t really follow comics. lastly, if you see this answer after all, feel free to ask questions especially if something isn’t clear!
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shipcestuous · 7 years
Odd and True episode 3: also Revenge of the Shipper (because RotS was the 3rd SW episode and I KNOW that) (Submission)
This one will cover chapters 7 through 14.  Sorry for sending this in before giving you time to even post the second installment!  This review thing has gotten seriously out of hand, but then, I didn’t expect there to be so much freaking content for this family’s relationships.  I came into this expecting a cute but non-canon sisters relationship, something to read over a free weekend or something, but this…  This family is consuming my life.
Anyway, Od and Tru arrive in Chicago, and Od quickly latches onto a ghost-hunting mission.  Tru, for her part, still has some valid concerns.  “My eyes moistened with tears over her belief in me–and yet, I still found myself not believing in her.  I still worried about her sanity, dreadfully.“  They’re attacked by a mugger, but when Tru is threatened, Od wallops the guy.  Protective siblings are another one of my favorite things.
The following scene of Od and Tru taking shelter at a hotel for the night also mirrors the scene of Magnus and Od finding shelter in the previous chapter.  Except that this time, it’s a contrast.  Magnus had just exposed Od to some upsetting truths, and then he brought her to a brothel of all places for shlter.  Here, Od is still shielding Tru from the truth about their parents, and brings her to a nice hotel and ensures she’s well taken care of (even if she is also talking to Tru about ghosts, which make her uncomfortable).
Od also reveals that while she was away from Tru and traveling with the circus, she fell madly in love.  Tru narrates, ”Jealousy stung my heart.  All that time that she’d been gone, I’d pictured her as being as miserable and lonely as I was.“  Od claims she and the person she loved were forcibly separated a year ago, and Od was told they just weren’t meant to be together.  If nothing else, this kind of parallels her and Tru, too.  Also, Tru continues to be so explicitly jealous, and I love it.
Tru then has an upsetting premonition, and Od comforts her, holding her hands and telling her that they can face whatever they need to face, because they’ve already faced worse and ”we’ve done it before, Tru.  We’re lionhearted.  Both of us.“  I love how Od always gets upset on Tru’s behalf whenever Tru claims she’s weak.  I love how, even though she’s Tru’s protector, Od also seems to wholeheartedly believe in her sister’s own strength.
In the next chapter, we’re back in 1896, just after Maria moves with little Od and Tru to Oregon.  Maria has a miscarriage and is rushed to the hospital, and six-year-old Od desperately sends a mental message for Magnus to ”come help us.  I’m still mad at you a bit, but please, please, we need you!“  In Oregon is where Tru gets polio, and Od takes on that protective role toward her sister (“my Tru,” she calls her) even though she’s still so young herself. The girls are taken in by their aunt and her husband during this time.
Next chapter, the present-day (well, the 1909 present-day, haha) Od and Tru reach Philadelphia.  Od runs into a young man she recognizes, and immediately Tru’s heart stops (figuratively, of course) with the fear that this is the “beloved” Od had spoken of. Apparently it’s not, but it is Cy, a boy she mooned over when she was younger in Oregon, so Tru tries to make him leave them alone.  Though Od isn’t really happy to see the guy (she alludes to an incident in the past that left her life “in shambles”, which I presume we’ll learn about later on), even turning her back on him as he’s inviting her to join him on a supernatural adventure because she’s just that upset.
Instead, Od opts to look into this lead with just Tru.  Tru is starting to believe Od about all of this “monsters and magic” stuff by now, which of course pleases Od.  And then the girls visit their mother’s address, although Od fears that Maria will “bring up all sorts of awful things” (probably family-related bc honestly, are any even semi-important characters in here who aren’t part of this family?). Her fears are moot for the moment, since nobody answers the door.  (Turns out she left the house the previous week, according to a neighbor.)
In chapter 10, we get another Od POV flashback–this time it’s from 1905, 4 years before the current plotline of the book.  It’s Tru’s eleventh birthday, and she asks Od to tell the story of her birth again because it’s tradition.  Od notes that she “vowed to never tell her the truth about our father’s absence on the day of her birth, or of the fact that he had kept our mother hidden away in a remote part of the world for more than seven long years while married to another woman.  Tru didn’t need to know that our mother continued to work in the city to pay off debts and that Aunt Vik referred to Mama as ‘immoral’ and ‘sinful’ whenever she spoke of her….  I didn’t know how Mama earned money.  Aunt Vik kept us so sheltered, I wouldn’t have understood it if she ever named our mother’s profession.”
I know I’m just retreading old ground here, but I love how determined Od is to protect her younger sister.  Not just physically, but emotionally.  Even if the truth eats away at her and it would probably feel better for her if she could share it with her closest person, she keeps it from Tru anyway to protect her.  And I. Love. That. So much.  (Even if I also can’t wait for Tru to inevitably find out because I’m always a slut for angst.)
Anyway, that same night when Tru falls asleep (“with a birthday smile lingering on her lips”), Od is startled by banging at the front door.  She sneaks out of the girls’ room to see who is her aunt and uncle’s visitor, and it’s Maria.  She’s worried for Od as her fateful 15th birthday is approaching, and she also asks Viktoria if Magnus has come by because Maria is worried for his safety.  She also comments after a brief exchange with Od that she’s “so much like your uncle Magnus.”
Viktoria shuts the door on Maria (who has been “drunk as a fiddler,” Vik says ,“and running around with strange men”), fearing that she’s going to be a bad influence on the girls.  Maria bangs on the door, crying for her daughter.  When Od returns to the bedroom, Tru is awake and hears the screaming, so Od claims it’s La Llorona, the weeping spirit seeking children, so Tru won’t have to know the truth.  Od tells her something similar to what Magnus told her before she learned about her father: “You’re safe and loved.  Don’t worry.“  And that’s the way the chapter ends.
Back in the present, the sisters eat at a restaurant, and their waiter asks about Tru’s cane.  She’s understandably wary, but then learns the man’s little sister also had polio and just got put into a wheelchair.  Tru and the waiter, Ezra Blue, quickly bond (their surnames are even similar, Grey and Blue) but tbh most of it is over the shared experience between Tru and Ezra’s five-year-old sister Celia.  Tru tells him, “Tell little Celia you met a polio survivor who now hunts monsters.”  (Not super relevant to our shippy interests here, but it’s a powerful and badass moment.  Although Od immediately jumps to the conclusion that the guy has a crush on Tru and vice versa.  If it does turn out to be true, there’s still the Od-and-Ezra and Tru-and-Celia parallel to point out here.)
Back at the hotel, Tru tries to ask Od how she knows Cy, the guy they ran into earlier.  Od keeps trying to change the subject.  She tells Tru, “Let’s stop talking about Cy, please.  This is our journey, not mine and his” and calls Cy the last person in the world she wanted to see.  That night, they fall asleep with Od’s head on Tru’s shoulder.  “I trapped my arms around her and held her close, as if I were the older sister and she my little Odette.”
The next chapter is another Od flashback, this one from two years prior to the present.  After the death of Viktoria’s husband, Od has to get a job where she’ll live under her employers’ roof (“without the warmth of my sister beside me”), and she worries about what will happen to Tru, and to Od’s schooling.  Viktoria (I was wrong, btw; she was the oldest of her siblings, not Maria) says that she stopped attending school at Od’s age when her mother, and it “forced me to grow up and take care of my younger siblings, and I don’t regret a single second of my sacrifices.“  In order to provide for Tru, Od agrees to the job.  She’ll be working for Cy’s family.  I think we’re all getting bad vibes off this situation by now.
In a situation that parallels her parents, Cy tries to seduce the younger hired servant.  But Od instantly responds, "I can’t let anything come between my sister and me."  But eventually she caves because he’s persistent.  It’s not exactly nonconsensual, but it still rubs me the wrong way (as it’s supposed to) because he’s her employer’s kid who therefore has power over her, and she’s also completely ignorant about what sex is and wouldn’t have let him do it if she’d understood what he was doing.
Even when she gives in, Od reflects that ”I should have kept my thoughts on Tru at all times and found relief from my loneliness elsewhere.  But he was there to comfort and hold me, and all my other nights down in that basement hollow had proven so cold and desolate“ compared to how she was used to sleeping beside Tru’s warmth.  In other words, she only did this because she was lonely from Tru’s absence, and here was someone offering her what she hoped would be comfort.
Back in the present, Od decides because of Tru’s wishes that the sisters will join Cy’s hunting party, but even then, Od says it’s because she’d regret missing this chance and she wants to catch the Leeds Devil instead of Cy doing it. When they do join up with Cy and co., he’s obviously trying to win Od over again by being nice to Tru, because it’s that obvious that Tru is the key to her heart. The rest of the posse they join up with want the sisters to stay behind because they’re sexist jerks and because of Tru’s leg, but Od keeps going on about how great Tru is, because of course she does.  But even so, they leave them behind, alone.
In the next chapter, we’re back to Od’s POV from two years ago.  She recalls her uncle Magnus urging her not to "grow up and make the same mistakes as your mother,” referring to Maria’s relationship with her employer Louis.  But now, Od is pregnant, and she loses her job and is sent to a facility for girls pregnant out of wedlock to help them avoid “social ruin.”
When Od writes to Tru, she claims she’s traveling with the circus.  Even in this, she keeps the truth from her sister in order to protect her.  By now, she’s created this entire mythos of magic just to shield Tru. And maybe it’s not completely right of her to do that, but all of it is done out of so much love.
She decides she’ll name the baby Trudie Marie if it’s a girl, for her sister and mother, and Duncan Magnus (no idea about the first name, but the second is clearly for her uncle).  She ends up having a girl, who is born only 4 days after Tru’s 14th birthday.
And that’s where I’m going to leave off this time.  The next installment will probably be the last, but who can say?
I love how close the sisters are and that their relationship continues to be so central to the story and each other. Even though that’s the title, you sometimes never know. They love each other so much.
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