#(when you're the one to set up a plot for your muse to get kidnapped but he and his friends kick butt instead LOL
universestreasures · 6 months
Release: Future Force! (Drabble)
(Note: This drabble is a 'canon' event for my Mokuba (both anime and manga wise, though it is written in the context of the manga for this drabble) as well as Tasuku and Gao's Yu-Gi-Oh! verses. What that means is this event might be referred by all three of them during interactions they have in these verses. This, though, as with my other headcanons or elements involving Mokuba and his friend group, can be discussed on the individual level if it is something my writing partner is not comfortable with having occurred for whatever reason)
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Man, he didn't expect to be so busy. While Mokuba expected the disputes between Battle City competitors to be a moderate occurrence, mainly due to the ante rule his brother imposed, he wasn't prepared for just how many he'd have to do back-to-back not too long after the event started. It seemed like left and right he was running into issue upon issue. Did these duelists have no honor?
Regardless of his slight irritation, he does his job well. His elder brother trusted him with this position, and he wasn't about to let him down. Not only that, he felt a sense a pride being able to have such an important part in the tournament despite not being a competitor himself. He was helping make sure his brother's hard work wasn't going to be ruined by some sore losers or cheaters.
Mokuba now finds himself in one of the many alleyways of Domino City, places that he had quickly noticed became somewhat popular dueling spots for duelists looking to cause trouble. After all, being away from the central areas of the city meant there were fewer eyes on them. Well, as far as they knew, anyway. Kaiba Corporation had security cameras placed all throughout the city, something not just for the tournament but also so they could monitor anything in the future since his brother was now the city's official owner.
It doesn't take him long to find more duelists, or rather, a group of them. Weirdly enough, all of them were dressed in what appeared to be black robes, the group giving off a pretty creepy vibe if you asked the kid. That's when it hit him though, the realization that he might have just found who his brother had intended to lure with this tournament in the first place: The Ghouls.
They certainly matched the vibe of what had been reported about them through the media, and looking at their faces, Mokuba didn't recognize any of them from the registration list. He personally reviewed each and every duelist they invited to ensure he could recognize them while in the field. These guys didn't match up at all with anyone he reviewed, and yet, they had duel disks on their arms anyway. Seems like he hit the jackpot.
Mokuba moves then to take out his phone, fully intending to contact his brother that he found who he was looking for. Sadly, his idea is interrupted as soon as the group finally turns around and spots him. Seeing their creepy eyes made the pre-teen groan in disgust, all his instincts telling him it was time to get out of there now.
"Hey isn't that Seto Kaiba's bratty little brother?"
"What's he doing alone out here?"
"Who cares!? That kid's our ticket to one of our biggest targets! We can use him to lure about his brother!"
"Get him boys!!!"
Without delay, the group of five immediately begin to charge forward towards the younger Kaiba, who then starts to give chase himself. As he is running, he attempts to call out for help through Kaiba Corp's security team, knowing even with his recently taught self-defense skills, he wouldn't be able to fight back effectively, especially with a group this big.
Sadly almost before he can exit the alley and go back into the open streets of the city, a few of the men manage to block his view, having managed to pass him. In the shock of being stopped in his tracks, his cell phone drops his hands. Mokuba quickly tries to grab it before the effort is in vain as one of the Ghouls crushes it under his foot. This meant his location could no longer be tracked and he had no way of calling backup.
Oh, he really was in hot water now...or so he thought.
"Hey! Isn't five against one just a little unfair, guys?"
The group, along with Mokuba, then look over in the direction of the voice. The new individual on the scene was seemingly being framed by the harsh sunlight overhead, its light almost overpowering their sight. However, it didn't take the youngest Kaiba long to figure out who it was, for the voice and that silhouette he'd know anywhere by now.
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"Whose this bratt? One of your little friends trying to play hero, huh?"
"Keh...Not quite..."
The confidence brimming off of his friend's voice and his sharp grin was striking, one that reminded the younger kid of his big brother. That confidence of Gao's was soon followed by him starting to remove his jacket, an action that seemed to cause a slight gasp of joy to escape his lips before it turned into a grin of his own. For he knew exactly what was about to go down.
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"Eclipsing the darkness with flames...and brightening the hearts of the mistreated..."
"Oh, you guys are so in it for now..."
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"The Mighty Sun Fighter is here...!!!"
"Now then, why don't I even things up a bit? After all, it wouldn't be fair to expect my pal to fight a whole mess of thugs at once, right?"
Mokuba could see the Ghouls getting no doubt annoyed by his friend's speech and 'theatrics', certainly underestimating him. Well, they were going to be in for a surprise for their foolishness, then. Since it was clear they did not know they were dealing with a martial arts national champion who had competed and won against adults countless times. If they did, they surely would have run off by now.
"Alright, you're asking for it, tough guy!"
That's when two of the five members then carelessly charged forward, preparing to grab Gao and no doubt subdue him. This, of course, the Mighty Fun Sighter saw coming, for he caught both of the men's arms, one in each hand, before flipping them both to the hard concrete ground.
"Nice one, Gao!" Mokuba exclaims as the rest of the creeps looked on in absolute shock. The younger Kaiba decides to take this chance to make his move, setting his sights on the two card hunters in front of him. He remembers what Gao's mother, one of his self-defense senseis, told him about dealing with guys like this. That one must be smart with what they use to attack with and where and when they wish to strike.
He then rushes forward towards one of the two thugs, lashing out his leg to kick him in the most sensitive spot he can think of: the crouch. His hit was hard, so hard that it caused the one Ghoul to stumble and crash into the other one, both falling to the ground. Mokuba smirks a bit in victory before heading over to join his friend, the two standing back to back.
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"Keh. Guess you Ghouls ain't so tough, after all! If you think we're bad, just wait til my big brother finds you guys! He's going to eliminate all of you with his new power!" He then turns his head back towards his friend. "Come on, Gao! Let's get out of here!"
"Don't think you've won so easily, bratts!"
That's when, out of nowhere, a whole horde of Ghouls appeared on the rooftops, causing both kids' eyes to widen in shock. They quickly slide down the walls and surround the gaming duo, the entire group seeming to have tripled in size. Seems like during the commotion the two kids caused, the leader called for backup. Guess they really did speak too soon and should have just made a run for it the second they cleared the way forward.
"Got any bright ideas, Gao?"
"N-Not yet...but don't worry, Mokuba. We just gotta keep our cool and figure out how we can beat these guys!"
As the horde of hunters starts to take steps forward, both boys start to sweat. Mokuba tried to think of a way out of this, but he just couldn't. Not with this many people! Maybe he should have taken his brother's advice to have a bodyguard or two with him.
Suddenly though, as if answering the two kids prayers, the entire alley is cast in an orange barrier, one that seemingly blocked the only exit out of there. The forcefield not only seemingly trapped them all, but also caused all the security cameras to go temporarily offline, so what happened next could not be recorded. Everyone, including the two kids, looked to the sky, confused as to what was going on. Though, it didn't take a certain Buddyfighter too long piece it together.
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"Hey...I know what this is. This is a Buddy Police Barrier!"
"A Buddy Police...Barrier? Then...does that mean-"
"Mind if I step in?"
That's when, as quick as the wind, Tasuku Ryuenji descends from the sky on the green rings from Jack's Buddy Skill, the sight causing the two boys to grin and the Ghouls to grit their teeth in anger. The Buddy Police had been the leading organization investigating the Ghoul's activities for some time now. So, it's only natural they'd show up at some point during the tournament. Mokuba was just surprised it was so soon. He certainly didn't leak his brother's plan to his friend. Did someone on the staff did, or did they figure it out from their own intel?
Speculation on that would have to wait as they had some creeps to deal with. The officer landed in front of the two boys, the Star Pulsar floating near him as well. Mokuba looked at the device with some curiosity, it seemingly having been upgraded since the last time he saw it. Was it because of the collaboration between the Amanosuzu Group and Kaiba Corporation? More questions he'd have to save for later.
"Tasuku Ryuenji...The Buddy Police Boy Wonder...Should have figured you'd show your face around here and use this cheap trick of yours..."
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"My Buddy Police Barrier is no trick. You criminals can't run now." As the foes try and fail to escape the area, he then glances over his shoulder to his friends. He provides them a reassuring nod before looking back at the group's current leader. "As I see it, you Ghouls have two options before you. Surrender yourselves or else...accept my gaming challenge! I'll fight each and every single one of you if I have to!"
The Buddy Cop's words, accompanied by the serious glare of his ruby hues, are met with laughter by the group of Ghouls. Mokuba and Gao, in contrast, could only look at the other in admiration. The youngest Kaiba could feel the raw power of Tasuku's strength in the air, similar to how he could feel his big brother's. It made him wonder what would happen if the two of them clashed in the gaming area.
"You sure are bold Buddy Cop. I'll give you that...but...I think I got another option that's much...much more fun..."
Without any warning, that is when both Mokuba and Gao are grabbed by two pairs of hunters, strong-armed with guns pointed at their heads. Both of them attempted to break free, but the other's grip was just too tight. They made sure especially to be tight on both Gao's arms and Mokuba's legs, the two body parts they used in the earlier fight.
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"Gao!!! Mokuba!!!" Tasuku shouts as he turns around and notices his friends' current conditions, his eyes widening as soon as he sees the weapons in their hands. "You...You bastards! Leave them out of this! Your battle is with me!"
"One of the first rules of gaming is that you should never play by your opponent's rules. Even if you'd stand no chance, we don't have time for you to battle every single one of us! So, be a good little boy and lower that barrier and hand over your Jackknife Dragon, or else these bratt's blood will spill!"
The sound of the gun's trigger being slightly pulled, but not enough to fire, causes Mokuba's heart to race in his ears, his breath increases, and his palms to start to sweat. He remembers that sound, it was the sound Pegasus' men had when he was kidnapped. Being restrained like this by the enemy reminds him of that instance too. It was happening again, he had allowed himself to get foolishly caught off guard and held hostage, but this time...he had no key, no 'saving grace' to prevent him from being kept alive.
He was...in true danger, at gunpoint with no Seto in sight or way to contact him. He was...He was going to...
"I..won't forgive you..."
The youngest Kaiba looks up then, the voice of his friend seemingly overlapping with the voice of his elder brother. It wasn't just his voice that was off. Mokuba can visualize it...visualize Seto's image overlayed with his friend's. Was his mind playing tricks on him because he was so stressed, or was it that Tasuku's strength was truly similar of that to his elder brothers, akin to that of a mighty dragon?
The boy's contemplation, along with the criminal's movements, was paused soon as a strange light noise began emitting from the Star Pulsar. The sounds were akin to that of locks being released, the clicking sharp. Then everyone in the area bore witness to the device slowly changing its appearance, with its inner machinery being revealed.
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"What the..?" Mokuba thought to himself as he watched. "His Core Deck Case...is transforming?"
The green and blue electronic panels that were once hidden beneath the yellow exterior of the Star Pulsar soon began to cast a golden light. The glow not only blinded everyone around them, but also began radiating from Tasuku as well. With squinted eyes, both Gao and Mokuba see what happens next, a sight that seemed...impossible. For Tasuku's hair began to grow long, and his Buddyfight cards turned into light and were now floating around him on their own, similar to how they were in Lady Suzuha's live demonstration of the Core Deck Cases' holographic technology not too long ago. The cards then went back into his deck, as if they had just been shuffled for battle.
Though, as they would all soon find out, this wasn't a mere light show. Instead it was a miraculous power Tasuku has had dormant inside of him, a power hailing from the potential and strength of his future self. He just wasn't ready to awaken it until this moment, the moment he truly needed it to save those he cherished now in the present.
The blinding light begins to wane, and as it does, the Ghouls all stare in shock at the boy's power and change in appearance. They all started mumbling to themselves, wondering what this was, but they soon would have their answer. They would all bear witness to the full capacity of the power the young boy dubbed 'The Boy of Destiny' possesses: The Future Force.
"This...is..." Tasuku goes to draw one of the cards from his deck. The card soon vanishes and becomes replaced by a much larger object. A large halberd sword with a golden hilt manifests before him, along with silver armor for his arms and legs. With the Buddy Cop now equipped with protection, he grabs the blade in both his hands and picks it up with ease. Moving to swipe the sword causes the Ghouls to jump back to dodge, a massive gust of wind being felt with the huge blade's motion. The sight of this elicits shock from everyone around them, but especially Gao and Mokuba who also recognized the weapon itself.
Their friend wasn't using just a random sword. Rather, it was the Buddyfight card...Dragonblade Dragobrave, the item card Gao gave to Tasuku upon the Sun Figher's victory and as thanks for Tasuku giving him his rare and one-of-a-kind Gargantua Punisher impact card.
"Did Tasuku just..."
"Make the cards real? B-But that's impossible! Not even my big brother's Solid Vision technology could do something like this!"
"Then maybe it's not tech at all, Mokuba...Maybe it's...magic."
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That word immediately elicits a flashing image in the boy's mind, of the golden eye of Pegasus had and the blinding light he was exposed to before everything for him went blank. He never quite learned just what had happened to him in between being in the cell and waking up in that room in the castle surrounded by Yugi Muto and his friends, but whatever it was wasn't natural. The same went for when he was put into a capsule by his brother's rival after having lost to him in a game of Capsule Monsters Chess. Could there be a connection somehow?
Tasuku then points his blade at the Ghouls holding the two younger gamers hostage, his teeth gritted intensely. The fierce glare of his ruby hues sends a shiver down the thug's spine, as it should. It felt as if a dragon had descended and was ready to tear them limb from limb.
"H-Hey...! Don't forget we're the ones with the advantage! One wrong step and we pull-"
"I cast, Dragon Crush!!!"
Before the miserable Ghoul holding Mokuba can finish his sentence, Tasuku has already taken another one of the cards and seemingly activated it. A blue dragon manifests from the card and quickly bites the hands holding the guns of both Ghouls one after the other. The humans were unharmed but the same could not be said for their weapons. The guns broke and turned into scrap metal on the cold stone ground, the sight causing the two Ghouls holding the two boys to loosen their grips on them somewhat.
Quick to notice the opportunity for escape, both Gao and Mokuba land kicks on their foes that cause their grip to be fully released. They then run back towards Tasuku, all three of them standing back to back to ensure none of them would be snuck up on again. All of their hearts were racing, since they were not entirely out of the woods just yet.
"You little bratts...! Don't think we're done with you yet!" That's when the kids see all their enemies take out their guns, the size of them seemingly bigger than the small handguns the other two had. They were all pointed right at them, with the sounds indicating they were locked and loaded.
"'When you play with fire, you're gonna get burned'. Seems like it's time someone teaches you that lesson..."
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"Get down!!!"
Tasuku, dropping Dragobrave which makes it vanish into light particles, grabs the shoulders of the two boys and pulls them to the ground. The Star Pulsar flies in front of the eldest, so Tasuku can draw another card he can use here to hopefully end this little charade once and for all, since it's obvious they don't want to fight with cards anymore.
"I cast, Red Dragon Shield!!!"
Just as the bullets are fired, unrelenting in their assault, a card in Tasuku's hand manifests in the form of a giant red shield with a dragon's head on it. The shield is placed over the kids like a dome, protecting them from the blasts. However, that was not the only thing the shield did, for in the game it has another ability than just 'negating an attack'.
Once the bullets hit the shield, they reflect off of it and start heading in the direction of the Ghouls who had no type of protection. Their own dirty weapons, which they unleashed on mere children, were now being used against them, the opposite of what they intended. Some of the stray bullets hit the ground or the walls, causing minor damage. Others hit some of the Ghouls themselves in non-lethal wounds, and were starting to drop to the ground like flies. Served them right for what they did.
"Remember it well, you outlaws. This is the blade of justice that terminates evil!"
After the commotion dies down, the shield dissipates. Gao helps Mokuba stand to his feet, with the two watching over Tasuku who was now standing above their fallen enemies. They all, including the group's head, cowered before him, as if they were frightened animals. Ruby hues with nothing but contempt stared them down as he made his final statement.
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"What was it you were saying about 'playing with fire'? Seems like us 'bratts' just taught you guys that lesson." He then looks to the entire group of them, his anger-filled eyes being clear for all to see. "And just so we're clear. If you or your allies ever go after my friends again, you will regret it."
After his last words had been spoken, the Buddy Police Barrier finally dropped as several helicopters and police cars flooded the scene. The floating Core Gadget then turns off, as does Tasuku's powers, resulting in his physical appearance returning to normal. He then looks over at Gao, his expression having softened since talking to the criminals.
"Gao, get Mokuba out of here and somewhere safe. We'll take things from here."
"You got it, man." Gao nods, understanding his friend's wishes and agreeing it be for the best. "Thanks for saving our hinds."
"Yeah, thanks...We owe you one big time." Mokuba says just before the Buddy Cop starts walking off, which is when he then speaks again to interrupt that motion. "Tasuku, wait! I need to know how you did all that! How did you make the cards-
"It's better you don't know, Mokuba."
Tasuku stops and turns to face the pair again, his eyes conveying his conviction on this matter despite not being fully able to answer the other's questions. He did not exactly have the full information as to how this happened either, but he is certain Jack would be able to provide some answers. The dragon always seemed to have one at times like this.
"Gaming is supposed to be fun. I don't want that to change for the both of you. Besides, you two have been through enough for one day." He pauses then before continuing on, the two kids seemingly understanding they won't get an answer out of him. "Now, please, don't tell anyone what happened here today, and be on guard, especially you, Mokuba. I wouldn't be shocked if more of these Ghouls come after you."
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"I know. I'm going to try and find Seto as soon as possible! With him around, no one will dare try to mess with me!"
"Sounds good. Take care you two. I hope our next meeting will be under better circumstances."
With that done, the boys take their leave. Gao, as Tasuku instructed, guided the younger to the safest location he could think of: Kaiba Corp HQ. It is there that Isano greets Mokuba and his friend, with the VP introducing Gao to his brother's right-hand man for the first time. The Kaiba's broken cell phone was then the topic of conversation, with both boys making up a story of it being accidentally stepped on after having dropped it while in the street. It was enough to be convincing, and Mokuba is provided a new phone right then and there, much to Gao's shock.
Mokuba then bids farewell to his friend, saying they'll hang out sometime after the tournament is over. Gao nods and gives him a high-five before running out to make it in time for his mom's class, something he was reminded of by the woman on the phone. It isn't too long before Mokuba himself heads back out in the city, making sure to grab a snack along with a pocket tazer and pepper spray before heading out. He made sure to bring proper safety equipment this time, even if he was proud of being able to implement some of what he learned from his self-defense classes today.
What transpired that morning would be something the gamer wouldn't ever forget. How could he after how insane it was? Keeping this under wraps from his brother was going to be tough, but knowing about it would just worry him more. He had a tournament to focus on that they both worked so hard into organzizing. Who was he to ruin that right out of the gate?
However, that doesn't mean his mind isn't curious as to the nature of both Tasuku's new ability and why he saw his brother's likeness in him. They would be questions he'd eventually get the answers to, but for now, he vows to continue to do his best as the Battle City Committee Chairmen, a job his brother especially assigned for him and him alone to do.
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
I think you're full of shit! Yuki Tsunoda x Artist! Reader
Plot: You get lost in Japan when your travelling to get inspo when a boy claims he drives really fast cars.
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You were currently lost in Japan, you'd been on your way to an art gallery and studio when you'd taken one wrong turn and ended up in the middle of Tokyo.
You also didn't know enough Japanese to get you out of this situation and you didn't want to be that annoying tourist. So you set yourself up in a public park opposite a huge cherry blossom tree in full bloom that was hanging over the lake there.
Your easel was out facing the direction you intended to paint while all of your tools were rested in your little pop up desk to the side of the easel. You been painting for at least two hours now, only having captures the basics of the landscape.
You were getting hungry but knew you couldn't just leave the art here incase someone tried messing with it or stealing it. So you continued on, some people would come up and gasp when they saw what you were painting, the compliments in Japanese getting more and more common as your painting started to get to the final few steps until it would be done.
"Hello" a voice calls from behind you causing you to flinch a little, the English catching you off guard. Luckily your brushes were no-where near the canvas that had your art on.
"Oh!" you smile looking at the man that was standing behind you gazing from the art to the backdrop that you were using as your muse.
"That's really good!" he smiles stepping next to you, and you now notice that your a little taller than he is, however that was an uncommon thing in Japan with you being on the taller side of women.
"Thank you, I erm wasn't actually supposed to paint here but I'm really glad I did. It's a beautiful location" you admit looking around the other area of the part that the square of your canvas wasn't capturing.
"Where were you supposed to paint?" he asks.
"Erm, some gallery in Shinjuku, but I got lost and I ended up here. I didn't want to look like one of those annoying tourists!" you smile awkwardly.
"Well, I don't know about you still being able to paint in the studio but the gallery should still be open if you want me to take you there?" he offers and you eye him carefully.
"How do I know you aren't going to kidnap me?" you ask crossing your arms.
"I have a reputation that I would heavily damage if i did do that!" he jokes but see's that you still don't look convinced.
"I drive for a living, in really really fast cars" he offers to you, making you cock your head to the side. So he was on TV, and drove cars if he had a reputation.
"So like Top Gear?" you ask.
"Mmm not exactly more competitive than that" he laughs and you look over him again.
"I think your full of shit!" you laugh, not believing this kind and humble man has any ounce of fame behind him.
"Mmm, come find out!" he offers and you look at him like he's crazy.
"Sorry?" you laugh.
"I'm an F1 Driver, I'll get you tickets if your still here for the Grand Prix next week. It's my home race after all" he offers, of course you'd heard of the racing sport but you weren't ever one to pay much attention to it.
"Alright, you've got yourself a deal..." you press wondering his name.
"Yuki, my name's Yuki!" he smiles. You slowly start to pack up, having finished your painting when you were first talking to him.
"I need to take this all back to my hotel first, then can you take me to the gallery?" you ask, making sure all your paints were sealed so they wouldn't spill out into your shoulder bag.
"Sure, where are you staying?" he asks and you show him the address of the hotel on your phone, you both walk back through the streets of Tokyo him pointing out little things you'd missed in your time here. He brought up other places that he thought you'd like to paint and in seconds had you rambling about how you didn't just paint you just preferred to.
You'd got to the hotel in just a 30 minute walk and you placed all your stuff back in your room making sure the canvas wasn't near anything that would make it too hot and run. You grabbed your professional camera knowing having Yuki around he'd find some good places for you to get photos of the city.
In minutes you were back out on the busy streets of Tokyo Centre, as you were going across the Shibuya crossing Yuki grabbed your hand so you wouldn't get lost. With it being the late afternoon, all Japanese office workers were finishing their days up in the office and heading for their commute out of the city.
"It's very busy so you have to stay close!" he yells a little over the loudness of the crowd on the crossing.
"I know, I'm right here" you beam back, watching roughly where the end of the crossing was coming too. You could see the gallery at the end of the road Yuki was starting to head down and you could already tell it was going to be fantastic with the architecture from the outside.
"Oh woah, let me get a picture!" you exclaimed, the way the sun set down the street flickering off the building and the way it light up the graphic design on the back of Yuki's denim jacket.
"Oh sorry! I'm ruining your shot" Yuki says stepping to the side noticing you looking through your camera and kneeling down to get the perfect shot.
"No no stay back where you were facing away. You looked great!" you say looking at his bright smile through the camera making you snap an picture of him facing you and laughing.
"Are you sure your this super fast race car driver not a model?" you shout over to him as he starts to squat in a pose for you.
He comes over wanting to see the work done, the pictures he's been in.
"Woah, you have such an artistic eye." he smiles looking through the pictures you'd caught. Seeing how it made him look exactly like you said ... a model.
You continued to the gallery and walked around with Yuki, taking pictures and checking out the art.
"I really want to be in a gallery like this one day" you sigh looking at a particular group of paintings that had a similar style to yours.
"Mmmm i think you will. You really have an eye for all this!" he smiles.
"Thank you, really!" you smile.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @formula1mount @tinydeskwriter @butterfly-lover @ironmaiden1313
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yanderes-galore · 10 days
Thought of another one, a five finger fillet scenario with javier? A bet of letting darling free if they win. You can choose wether darling wins or looses, or if he even keeps to his word
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Ah, yes, one last gamble to see where you get to go. Made you not part of the gang/the same gang as it would be strange to kidnap a fellow gang member... right? Sorry it's short, I just sort of focused on the idea more than background and aftermath :(
Risk and Reward
Yandere! Javier Escuella Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Sadism, Blood, Five Finger Fillet/Knife game, Post kidnapping plot, Possessive behavior, Isolation, Forced relationship.
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"Just a little game, my love... you wanted freedom, yeah? Wanted to be away from the big scary outlaw?"
Javier's voice is taunting as he taps his knife on the table. You look at him warily, watching as he practices with his knife. You... dread what he plans to do.
"C'mon, baby... you don't have much of a choice either way, right?" Javier grins, stabbing the knife into the table with a shrug. "Just a little game of risk and reward... you ain't got much to lose."
You really didn't have much to lose. You had no horse and Javier kept you in a cabin way out in the middle of nowhere. He had taken you from your home... you only had him.
If you played this game... maybe... just maybe... you can go home?
"Five Finger Fillet... You know how to play, hm?" Javier muses, picking up the knife to start the usual pattern of the game. "How about, since you seem so... reclusive lately, I give you an ultimatum?"
Your eyes watch as he continues the pattern, your heart thumping at each jab of the knife. Javier merely chuckles at the twinkle of hope in your eyes.
"If you win this game, I'll get you a horse and let you go home," Javier begins, flipping the knife a bit as he continues. "If I win... you give up trying to run and stay with me, deal?"
The proposal itself feels like a deal with the devil. You know there's no guarantee he'll keep to his word... or if you'll even win. There's always a chance he's messing with you... but...
You're willing to risk anything to go home and away from the Mexican maniac.
"Deal." You get yourself to say, leaving Javier pleased and with a chuckle.
"Good choice, dear. Been wanting an adrenaline rush recently." Javier chuckles, gripping his knife with his other hand on the table. "Best you give it your all... It's all you've got."
Javier is the one who sets the pace for your game. A game of how many rounds you can do in 30 seconds. You're prepared to risk it all...
Only to see how fast Javier goes.
Your confidence dwindles as you see Javier perform a trick with his knife, keeping a steady pace. You feel yourself shake a little when he finishes his time, jabbing the knife into the table next to you. He grins, nodding over to the blade with laughter.
"Three rounds, dear. Unless you lose this one... think you can beat my time?" Javier coos as he watches you pick up the blade.
You take a deep breath, steadying your hand before starting. You curse yourself when you notice your slow pace. You want to speed up... but you worry. You aren't going to beat his time...
You need to win twice....
"Nice try...." Javier teases once your time is up. You weren't as fast as him, clearly inexperienced. You still tried to keep your hope...
But nothing seemed to get better.
Another round begins and Javier is still faster. The air is tense and blood, from the both of you, begins to show on the blade. You hiss to yourself, feeling incredibly nervous and pained. You try to go faster the next round... yet Javier only seemed to be more amused.
"I pity your poor fingers when you miss..." Javier coos, clicking his tongue when he sees you nick yourself again. "But... I suppose you should go faster, right? Last chance, baby...."
Javier's words don't help as you desperately try to complete your rounds. You're so focused on the game you barely register Javier's voice. Not until he places his hand over the handle and pulls it away.
"Aw, a shame, love." Javier clicks his tongue, watching you with amusement. "Maybe we can try again another time? Perhaps you'll get better...."
"N-No... please? Please, we can try again! I... I just needed practice! Javier, come on...!" You plead, standing up. Your hand stings from cuts but you could care less. You don't wanna stay here....
"Sorry, sweetheart... deal’s a deal." Javier coos, standing in front of you with a predatory grin. "You promise you'd be mine if I win. You wouldn't go back on your word, would you?"
You look like you're on the verge of tears, you want to protest but Javier just cups your face. He holds your wounded hand with one hand as he looks you over with a sigh. It's oddly loving... yet he's still your captor.
"It's alright, my love... I wouldn't keep my word either." Javier whispers, leaning closer as your breath hitches. "You know... You look so beautiful when you cry...."
It's then Javier kisses you and you feel defeat settle in your gut heavily. It's... not like you lost anything, you guess. It's already been months now...
You weren't ever going home...
It was foolish to even have hope.
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wutheringmights · 4 days
I gotta know, did you ever end up reading Captive Prince series. I sooo want to know your review of it
I actually read the first book back in April. I actually did write a very long and very negative review for it, but I made the mistake of posting it to the tag. I got blasted for it, which was fair all things considered. I was really harsh, and it wasn't right of me to put something that negative into the main tag. I ended up deleting the post.
My library refuses to get the rest of the series and I refuse to spend money on this, so I think my experiment is over for now.
...I don't think this post is going to end up in the tags again, so I can quickly summarize my thoughts on the first book in case you're interested.
The things I like about the book begin and end with Laurent. He's really well written, and I enjoyed whenever the limited POV allowed us any glimpse into his machinations. The way Pacat implied his history of sexual abuse was masterfully done.
I also like Nicaise. Super complex set-up, and I was looking forward to seeing where else could take him.
Ok, time for the things I didn't like
The structure of the story is a total mess. If the politics are truly the main drive of the plot, then we needed to see Daimen in his home country, before the cold opening of being kidnapped. It would establish his POV, the worldbuilding, and one of the main antagonists far better than a few quick bathroom musings could.
Because the exposition was cut short, you get the impression that the world building and therefore the politics do not matter and are just set-dressing for the smut
The smut wasn't even sexy, even if you take into account the potential kinky fantasy of the whole thing
Generally, I think Pacat could have saved herself a lot of trouble by renaming "sex slave" to "concubine." What little we learn of how the sex slave system works sounds a lot more like concubines, and using the term "slave" invites the reader to think way too hard about the human rights aspect of this whole thing
Damian really is the weak point of the story for me. He's far too naive for someone expected to take the throne. I saw a few arguments that he's bad at politics because he's supposed to be good at warfare. Which, okay. But this was really basic court drama, and he made a lot of dumb decisions (like trying to escape when the castle would be under alert for a potential murder), and I do not think naivety was an intended character flaw by the author.
Plus, Damian does a lot of inner musings about how the sex slave system is a lot better in his kingdom. Again, because the world building was skipped over, I have no idea if this is him having a warped perspective or if this is the actual text of the book. And I really do not want to a story to tell me there is a humane way to have a slave (which would be avoided IF THEY WERE CALLED CONCUBINES)
The book really did not have a lot of plot going on, and it was mostly Damian being shoved from scene to scene. I know that fans of the series will argue that the book is not meant to be alone, but I'm sorry. I can't accept that. If you sell me a multi-volume story, there has to be something close to a satisfying narrative in each volume. I refuse the walk down the path of letting a story promise me that it'll get better Next Time.
Finally, Pacat's prose is not great. It's really obvious that she has a pedestrian narrative voice. That's fine on its own. All of her attempts to elevate her prose to sound more in-line with a high-concept fantasy led to some really awkward phrasing that was more distracting than helpful.
Honestly, I would read more of the series just to see if it improves as much as it is supposed to. But my library is oddly picky about fulfilling requests. So I guess that's where we're gonna leave it.
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safyresky · 2 years
Dani: reblogs a thing about ask box shenanigans
Me: M Y T I M E H A S C O M E
It's a me. Lurking. About to hop on that art train when I spotted the post. You don't have to do all of them but here are a handful of fanfic titles that I wanna see what your vague ideas about them would be
Happy meal
The footloose sensation
Paranormal piracy
The golden ticket
Four eyes
The shortest day of the year
Anyway, I hope you're doing well my friend and if you aren't I hope it gets better for you! 🤗💕
(cracks knuckles, stretches neck) HERE WE GO
Happy Meal
In which Fino and Fiera's attempt to go buy themselves happy meals goes very, very awry!
They decide to go to a mall to get their micky dee's and get very horribly distracted, and also, they are on fire. This is a normal human mall, btw. The Magical Bureau of Investigation has their work cut OUT for them lmao
The Footloose Sensation
I have never seen Footloose, and after reading the plot page for it I'm like "oh my god I cannot believe this is a real movie based on a real town" so here's THREE IDEAS for you
Footloose the movie craze hits the North Pole. Shenanigans ensue
A hypothetical experiment goes wrong, and now everyone is dancing to the Footloose song and it's really getting in the way of the day's work tbh (or any song. Maybe it's like the SINGING episode of shows, but with DANCING. Jack's like MY TIME HAS COME and single-handedly navigates them all through the final dance number of footloose to break the dancing curse)
A Bad Santa bans dancing. Elfsburg Footloose parody/rip off ensues 😂😂😂
Paranormal Piracy
Well past her days of Piracy, Jacqueline finds herself in WAY over her head when a ship of ghost pirates kidnaps her, hoping the famous Bruexa de la Niege can help them navigate through and onto the perilous, once thought mythical, Endless Winter Island to find the supposed lost treasure that resides there that would surely set them up for the rest of their (after) lives.
Do they know they're dead? I am unsure at this time, but it is somehow FUNNIER if they DON'T. I know for certain though that Jacqueline very much thinks the entire time, holy snowballs, I hope this treasure is real so that when they find it they can move on to the Great Beyond and I can go back to bed.
The Golden Ticket
A teleporting mishap lands teeny-bopper Jacqueline in a secret room of the family home. A secret room that is a treasure trove of magical knowledge. For the briefest of moments, she has her brother back.
Four Eyes
Fino's magic school frenemy gets glasses. Everyone teases the poor orc until he snaps and accidentally makes a magical beast with four eyes that attacks EVERYONE. He and Fino team up to stop the magical beast, and put some bullies in their place!
The Shortest Day of the Year
Winter sleeps through her own birthday 🤦🏻‍♀️.
People keep trying to talk to her. Blaise has to fend off a LOT of people to make sure she gets her rest! winter wakes up, realizes she slept through the entire day, shrugs and goes "Well, I've had thousands of birthdays, and there's plenty more to come, I'm sure." Meanwhile, her hubby looks like he has fought a whole entire second and third war while she slept.
Thanks for sending one in! And for others who are like "tf is this ask box shenanigan?" send me a made up fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write :)
(thoughts and general musings under the cut)
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Meant to post yesterday but got distracted by errands, and today we tackled the Fear Ladder I created to get over a new fear of driving on the highway thanks to the dealer comparing my car to a sick PUPPY that needs to be put down--and yes, they said puppy. IT'S BEEN. AN EXPERIENCE, THIS WEEK! DON'T GO TO DEALERSHIPS IF U CAN AVOID IT. FIND URSELF A GOOD MECHANIC THAT WON'T TUG AT UR HEARTSTRINGS WITH PUPPY METAPHORS.
But yes things are going okay and I think I've got the wedding invites almost ready to go which is a RELIEF ANYWAY, YOU DID NOT ASK FOR MY WEEKEND LIFE STORY AND YET. MY MOUTH IS A MOTORING. AS PROMISED, MUSINGS:
I got stuck on the golden ticket one and had to do a think and a half, lmao, but then it popped into my head yesterday before bed and I was like "oh god the angst. the hurt comfort. holy fuck."
I may actually write some of these up??? ANYWAY the musings I promised:
please someone ask me about Fino's orcish rival I am BEGGING i could go ON (I say that now but in the event someone asked I think I'd be like ... uhh. he exists??? but i love him even tho he is a hazy concept)
y'all don't even KNOW my brain has been PLAGUED with thoughts of Frost kiddos and their SOs, specifically the twins
i have no idea if there is a dance number in footloose, but given the titular song i have to believe there is, y'know? and I HAVE to believe Jack knows it and to defeat the dancing curse they gotta reproduce the number PERFECTLY. Jack's like "MY TIME HAS COME"
Fino and Fiera get HELLA DISTRACTED at the mall and it is chaotic as FUCK. Fino walks by an electronics store and is like "I am going to fiddle and click every button". Fiera keeps running into the little like, hallmark esque shops like "is it magic or not" and BOTH kids meet their doom with clothing, oh my god. they didn't even KNOW they liked nice clothes until the moment they lay eyes on the pretty dress shop! Shame ordibeing clothing isn't usually fireproof ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway they 100% get banned, 3 fire trucks and several casualties later
AND to tug at ur heartstrings: I realized that once Jacqueline found Jack's secret library, she had like ALL of his magical knowledge at her disposal and could KEEP TRAINING PAST THE WINTER MASTERY WINTER KNEW?! So now when she says "I learnt from the best!" she truly does mean it bc even tho he wasn't there she STILL learnt from him
and u bet ur ass when they reunite and he picks up that she learnt from his shit Jack's like "cool! ur form is sloppy and that's not being done right" and helps her refine her skills, yo
i am SOFT for these siblings
anyway ty again for the ask andie! also, LOVE that u love the shenanigans tag lmao. i dont even remember how I came up with that one but my GOD shenanigans is such a fun word
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her outlaw prince • min yoongi
Tumblr media
genre — historical au.
plot — you're a princess, who falls for the outlaw brother of the emperor.
words — 5.8K
"I demand you let me go, I am a Princess! People will be looking for me!" You demanded, simultaneously struggling against the ropes that your hands were bound with and the hands that were holding you tightly but oddly enough not harshly or with intent to hurt. Your panicked mind didn't have time to process that or to make sense or it.
You looked around to take in everything around you, wanting to miss nothing that could help you escape later. You were in a small clearing in the forest, four medium sized tents set up all around you and you were being led to the one that stood on the far end.
"Oh, I'm sure they will." One of the two men - the taller one - holding you snickered as they took you inside the tent. You noticed it was empty.
"Why are you taking me? I have not done anything to offend you." You asked, feeling more than a little offended, not used to such treatment from anyone.
"No, but your fiance offended our leader." The other said, the shorter one - but still taller than you, and you barely resisted the urge to scoff, but you couldn't stop the look of distaste that spread on your face if you tried.
"You don't like him then?" The taller out of the two asked, a boxy grin spreading on his face.
"His Majesty and I will have a wonderful and loving marriage." You dutifully parroted what your mother told you since the moment she informed you about your upcoming marriage to the Dragon Emperor.
"You call your fiance His Majesty?" The one with the boxy grin whistled with raised eyebrows, looking thoroughly amused and you glared at him.
"I do not understand what that has to do with anything." You said, remembering all of your lessons in etiquette, turning your voice sickeningly sweet and overly polite.
"I just think it's interesting, that's all." Boxy Grin said to you, looking over to his friend, who smirked at him.
"What I find interesting," A new voice said, coming from behind you and you felt something inside of you turn into mush. The voice is deep and a little rough, and you had to tense your body in order to stop the shiver that wanted to run down your spine. "-is that you think a marriage to my brother will be loving."
You frowned at the word 'brother' but then the man stepped into your line of vision and you couldn't help the gasp that escaped your lips, eyes widening in shock because this man had the exact same face as your fiance. Sure, his hair was cut short and was ebony in colour while the Dragon Emperor's was long and blonde, but there was no mistaking the face. They even had the exact same scar!
You gaped at the man, looking very undignified, but your mind couldn't comprehend what you were seeing. The sounds you were making were unintelligible and if your mother saw you now, she'd strike your hands purple. Your blood was rushing through your veins, heart beat drumming in your head.
The world spun around you for a few seconds and then everything went black.
It was silent in the tent for a few moments as the three men stared at the unconscious woman until it was broken by an excited voice, "This means I won the bet, right?"
"Jimin." Yoongi sighed, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.
Jimin pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "What? I was the one who said she is going to faint when she sees you."
"Taehyung, take your soulmate and get him out of here."
"Yes, hyung." Taehyung laughed, nodding his head as he slung an arm over Jimin's shoulders - who muttered something about rubbing it in Jeongguk's nose - and pulled him out of the tent with him as he left.
Yoongi looked back at the unconscious form on his floor and walked to her. He picked her up and laid her on his bed. He looked at her young face, feeling a little guilty for what he's doing to someone innocent. He placated himself by reasoning that he wasn't actually planning on killing her.
He just wants his brother to pay for what he's done.
You regained consciousness slowly, eyelids fluttering open as the memories of what caused you to faint in the first place comes rushing back to you. Your body tensed and you sat up on the mattress, looking around and freezing all over again as your eyes landed on the stranger with the familiar face.
"You're not going to pass out again, are you?" He asked warily and you felt a little off kilter. How is it that this man has the same face as the Dragon Emperor? You remembered that he called the Dragon Emperor his brother, which probably meant that they were twins, but it made no sense. There has never, in all of your life, been mentioned that the Emperor has a brother, nevermind a twin.
"I don't know." You admitted honestly, hands fisting in the blankets that were thrown over the straw mattress. It wasn't uncomfortable, by any means, you just weren't used to it. You felt more than a little unsure. Your mind was screaming at you that this man is your kidnapper, that he could hurt you or even kill you if he wanted too. You looked at him warily, "What do you want with me?"
He smiled at you, sharp and a little dangerous, and it made your heart pound. "If you haven't figured it out yet, I've kidnapped you to lure out my brother. I've sent news that I'm willing to give you back, but only if he's coming to meet me. When he does, I'll let you do. All you have to do, is sit and wait until then."
You looked at him, jutting your chin out in defiance, acting brave and hoping he doesn't see though it. "And if I don't?"
"I have no intention of killing you, but if you try to escape, I will make your life harder." He told you matter-of-factly, a warning in his tone that you paid no mind.
"How?" You challenged, feeling that familiar urge to lash out whenever someone tells you what to do. He pulls something from behind his back and your nearly fall of the bed with shock when you see the gun.
"I've always found a gunshot to be an effective way to keep someone from running away." He mused and you felt a shiver climb up your spine, but this one was different from the one when you first heard his voice. This was one of fear.
"You wouldn't." You said with a confidence you didn't feel.
He gave you a sharp smile again, no less dangerous than the first, "Not if you don't try and escape, no, I won't."
"But it will kill me." Your voice trembled and you hated it.
"I know where to shoot to kill, and where to shoot to hurt. A well placed shot in the thigh won't kill you, but it will hurt and even incapacitate you." He told you matter of factly.
"Are you going to kill him? The Emperor, I mean." You blurted, unbelievably curious. What is going on here? What does this man want with his brother?
His eyes hardened and you didn't like it. When he answered, it was with no hesitation. "Yes."
"Because he has to pay." He answered shortly, tone of voice making it clear that this was the end of the questions. You let it go, for now. "You can sleep in here, I'll share with one of the guys for the time being. "
"Thank you." You said sincerely, lowering your head ever so slightly in gratitude towards him because he could have made you share with him, or sleep on the floor or tied you up and made you sleep outside.
He nodded, catching his bottom lip between his teeth as he stared at you silently for a few moments. You looked away, cheeks and ears burning from the intensity, feeling nervous for some reason. His voice, low and deep, caught your attention as he spoke, just like when he entered earlier. "I'm Yoongi, by the way. Figure you'd need to know my name if we're going to spend the next few weeks around each other."
"Weeks?" You all but screeched, head snapping up to him again.
"We're about a week away from the Palace, so that's roughly how long it will take for the letter to reach my brother, add another week for his response, and you're looking at two weeks minimum. Don't worry, Jimin and Taehyung took a suitcase full of clothes for you."
"Why didn't you just leave the letter when you took me? Surely that would have saved time." You told him, a little sour, looking at him expectantly.
"Because we want them to panic a little." Yoongi said with a smirk.
You scoffed, then sighed in resignation. "Princess Y/N of the Eastern Lands."
"Nice to meet you, Princess." He said, the title sounding more mocking than anything else.
You have him an overly polite smile, "I'd say the same, but I was taught not to tell lies."
Yoongi laughed lightly, your stomach fluttering at the sound. "Aren't Princesses supposed to be well mannered?"
"I am well-mannered!" You exclaimed indignantly, rising to your feet.
"Could have fooled me." Yoongi let know over his shoulder as he left the tent.
You opened your mouth, wanting to shout something after him, but realised it would only prove his point. You sat back down on the straw mattress with a huff, your heartbeat out of control.
The first week passed by quickly, but you never left the tent unless it was for washing or relieving yourself. Washing was odd for you - they did it in the river and it made you feel completely exposed. When you complained about this to Yoongi, he just smirked and said, "Outlaws, remember?"
It turned out, Yoongi was quite the gentleman. He never once peaked while you where washing, never came into his own tent, except when he needed a change of clothes and even then, he asked you before he entered, he brought your food everyday, never demanding anything from you. He was soft spoken and gentle in a way that surprised you and while you only spent time together when he escorted you to and from the river, it caused your heart to beat erratically and your stomach to flutter each time. And despite everything, you trust him. You didn't know what to make of these feelings. Part of you liked it - Yoongi was such a kind man, nothing like his brother, but part of you also hated it because he's the man who kidnapped you, who took you from everything you've ever know.
That night, when Yoongi arrived with your dinner, he didn't leave immediately like he normally does, he stopped for a second, looking you in the eyes. He always does that. "We received a response today. My brother is willing to meet. I sent him a date and a time in return. If all goes well, we will meet fourteen days from today and you will be able to go home after that"
"I didn't think he'd agree at all." You told him honestly.
"Well, I maybe have sent the letters to your parents, instead of to him directly." Yoongi confessed, looking a bit sheepish.
You frowned deeply at him, "Why would you do that?"
"Because if it was sent to him directly, he would have ignored it. He wouldn't have even responded, writing your disappearance off as a tragic loss. But if the demands were sent to your parents, a King and a Queen, and was aired out in public court, then he would have no choice but to respond." Yoongi reasoned and you started to see what he meant. This forced Yoonji's hand, forced him to come out in the open and play the part of the devoted fiance.
"It will most likely be a trap for you." You informed him, not sure exactly why you were saying it.
"I know." He nodded.
You swallowed, chest feeling tight. "Doesn't that frighten you?"
"No." Yoongi said with so much confidence, and it made your stomach churn. You didn't like the fact that he didn't seem to value his own life. "Enjoy your meal." He made to leave.
"Yoongi-ssi." You called and stopped in his tracks, turning back to you.
"Yes, Princess?" He asked, the title sounding much softer than it did that first time. It was gentle in a way that made your heart flutter. And you definitely liked that.
"W-would it be alright if I joined you and the others? F-for dinner?" You asked, absolutely hating that you were stuttering, clutching your dinner bowl tightly and not daring to meet his eyes.
Yoongi smiled to himself, thinking that you are too cute. "Of course."
You beamed at him, following him outside, seeing that three other men was sitting around a campfire in the middle of the four tents. Yoongi stopped, clearing his throat and the three other's looked at you. "This is Taehyung, Jimin and Jeongguk. Taehyung never shuts up but he's smart, Jimin is the most devious of all of them but he has a big heart, and Jeonggukie is very shy but good at everything he tries." He pointed at each one as he spoke. Jeongguk flushed and ducked his head when you looked at him. You wanted to coo.
"Look who finally came out of hiding." The one with the boxy grin - Taehyung - was smiling at you unrepentantly.
"You could be excecuted for speaking to me like that, you know." You told him, but he just kept smiling, not looking bothered.
"Well, life's all about taking risks and living on the edge right?" He said, pure mirth in his eyes and you found yourself smiling at him.
You looked at the ground for a few seconds, noticing that it was where they were all sitting before shrugging it off and sitting down. You have never sat on the ground before and it was a little strange, but all together much more pleasant than you would have expected. Yoongi took a seat next to you, only two feet between you, and you ignored the way it made your cheeks burn.
"How old are you?" Jimin asked, looking at you with bright eyes.
"Last winter was my eighteenth." You answered him, starting to eating your food.
"Ah, so you're Jeonggukie's age." Taehyung nodded in realisation, and you looked at Jeongguk again, who was resolutely staring at the fire.
"I suppose." You answered politely and actually meaning it. Being a royal, there was a lot of faking involved, meeting tons of people you don't like or people you will never see again, it was hard to be sincere with all of them, especially when most of them tried to out do you.
"What's it like being a Princess?" Taehyung asked you curiously and there was something about him that just compelled you to tell the truth.
"Not half as glamorous as people make it out to be." You answered honestly and out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Yoongi glance at you. "There is a lot of pressure, but not as much as on my brother, who is the Crown Prince."
The rest of the night passed with pleasant conversation, even Jeongguk joined in, although he never spoke to you. He retired first for the night, followed by Taehyung and Jimin - who, you noticed, went into the same tent - until it was just you and Yoongi, sitting under the stars. The fire had burnt out long ago but you didn't want to go to sleep yet. After a week of just sitting in your tent, you wanted to be free a little longer.
"I hope I didn't scare him off." You said, nodding in the direction of Jeongguk's tent.
"No, you didn't." Yoongi assured you, laughing lowly. The sound made you feel warm inside. "He is really just shy, but I think he kind of likes the idea of having a friend his age, not that you would be actual friends, but I think it would be good for him to spend time with you. We're all older than him."
You huffed at him, "Taehyung and Jimin both called you hyung, which means they are younger than you and if you are the Emperor's twin, then you are the same age and he is only four winters older than me. It's not that much. You are making it seem like you are ancient."
"Still." He insisted and seeing that you weren't getting anywhere, you decided to change the topic.
"I thought you were going to room with one of them." You said, eyes on the tent that Jimin and Taehyung entered together, your mind curious.
"Yes, but Taehyung was kind enough to offer his tent for me."
"Oh." You said, biting your lip, wondering if you should ask. Eventually curiousity got the best of you. "Is he and Jimin-"
"No, they are the very best of friends, they call each other platonic soulmates." Yoongi cut you off with a light laugh. "But many people don't think so. Not that they ever let it bother them."
You nodded, silence settling between you two for a long while. You were the one to break it, "Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah." He looked at you and your nerves spiked.
"Why do you hate your brother so much?" The burning question burst out of you. "I know why I dislike him, he's controlling and dominating and puts on a front that he thinks I can't see past, but that doesn't seem like enough reason for you to hate him and want to kill him." Yoongi didn't answer, but his hands clenched into fists and his face turned cold. It made something inside of you feel awful. "Sorry if I overstepped, you don't have to answer that."
Finally, after a long silence - one that made you think that Yoongi was mad at you and was ignoring you - he spoke up. "Growing up, I was isolated and raised by one of my father's most trusted guard and his wife. My parents kept me a secret because they didn't want a future King who had someone with the exact same face as him. I grew up, knowing nothing about my twin brother, expect that he looks like me and would one day be King and that no one was allowed to see me. The guard and his wife, they had a son who was a little older than me, Seokjin. We grew up as best friends, brother's. He was more my brother than Yoonji was, but I always had this wish to see my twin brother with my own eyes.
"One day, when I went to the market with Seokjin, I finally saw him. He was dueling with someone in the street and it ended with him killing the man, who cut open his eye and gave him the scar. That night when I went home, I took a knife and cut myself the exact same scar. I knew I was destined to never meet him, but if nothing else, I wanted us to keep looking the same. Pathetic, right?" Yoongi gave a bitter chuckle but you were to intrigued by the story to notice.
"What I didn't know, was that Yoonji saw me at the market and it made him furious. Enough so that a few days later when I went to the water well to collect water, he slaughter the guard and his wife who raised me, my brother Seokjin - the only family I've ever had, and our two best friends from next door who had come over, Namjoon and Hoseok. Being the sole survivor, everyone thought it was me, and I've been on the run ever since.
"I was stealing food to survive until I met Jimin and Taehyung pickpocketing nobles in markets, and they taught me. Later on, we found Jeonggukie, who was severely beaten by his father and left in a ditch, so we patched him up asked him if he wanted to come with us and the rest is history." Yoongi shrugged carelessly but from the way his eyes burned, you could tell that he was anything but carefree and calm. He looked at you, words cold and harsh. "Now tell me, is that enough of a reason for me to hate him?"
Your heart pounded, a bit terrified because the man who you are supposed to be marrying, was a man who did all of those horrible, horrible things. You've never liked Yoonji, partly because you were all but forced to marry him, partly because he always talks to you like you are a object or a possession instead of his future wife, but you didn't think he was that cruel and vicious. And yes, you didn't have any reason to believe Yoongi but he has even less of a reason to lie to you. You looked him in the eyes, "I had no idea, I'm sorry."
"Why would you know?" Yoongi raised a brow. You adverted your eyes, not knowing what to say, looking that the cooling embers of the burnt out fire instead.
"So, why are you marrying him? You just said you don't like him." Yoongi spoke again and you wanted to lie, but he'd know immediately. Yoongi had this way of knowing when you are lying and when he looks into your eyes, it feels like he's looking into your soul. It is equal parts terrifying and exhilarating.
"Because I have a responsibility to marry someone of equal standing and someone who could politically and financially benefit my Kingdom." You answered monotonously, repeating what your parents had drilled into your head all your life.
For the first time in his life, Yoongi felt envious of his brother. A girl like this - a princess - would never give him - a outlaw - a second glance. She was destined to marry someone well off, not someone who's always on the run and nothing to his name - no matter how much he wants her too. "Well, if all goes according to plan, then you won't have too."
The blunt words startled you a bit, but you find that you aren't particularly sad about Yoonji's imminent death. Did that make you a bad person? It's not like you are in love with him or even attracted to him, no matter how much your parents have tried to make you fall for the Emperor. You nodded, "No, I guess not."
Yoongi looked at you curiously, "What will you do then?"
"I guess my parents will find another suitable marriage partner for me." You shrugged, feeling dread climb into your heart at the mere thought. "What about you?"
"I don't know." Yoongi said with a slight shrug. "I guess I'll find out." He looks at you, that same intense gaze he's been giving you since the day you met and like always, it makes you nervous.
Suddenly, you remembered how your handmaid would tell you about how she fell in love with her husband, how her heart races when he's nesr, her stomach that flutters and how she get so nervous around him when he looks at her a certain way.
Your eyes widened as your heart skipped a beat. No way. It's not possible.
You could not possibly be falling in love with Yoongi.
In the following days, the realisation slowly settled in your heart. You were falling in love with Yoongi, and you were terrified. You didn't know what to do and in the end, you did nothing. You spent time with him whenever you could, promising yourself that you would always treasure these memories.
You got to know Jimin and Taehyung better, even started talking with Jeongguk, who was actually really funny and just as mischievous as the other two once he got past his shyness. Despite the fact that you were technically kidnapped and being used to lure out your 'fiance', it never felt like you were a hostage. Instead, it felt like you were where you are supposed to be, like all your life you were meant to end up here.
The days passed to quickly for you, and when the time came for you to go back home, you almost didn't want too.
Taehyung gave you a long hug, Jimin cried and Jeongguk also gave you a long hug and when you pulled apart, his eyes were shining, but yours were too, so you didn't say anything. Finally, you stepped to Yoongi, who was standing next to a horse. A horse that you were supposed to ride back to the castle. He gave you directions in a stoic like manner, barely meeting your eyes.
"So, this is it, huh?" You asked as you took the reins of a horse from Yoongi.
He bit on his bottom lip and you used all of your will power not to look. He nodded, "Yeah."
"Can-" You cut youself off, but when a longing pang shot through your heart, you decided to go for it, because this is probably the last time you'll ever see him. "Can I give you a hug?"
Yoongi still didn't meet your eyes, but he gave a nod and you stepped forward, right into his personal space and wrapped your arms around his waist, head resting on his collarbone. He wrapped his arms around your shoulder, hugging you tightly but gentle. Tears finally fell past the rims of your eyes and you fisted his tunic in your hands to stop them from trembling.
You pulled apart after a long time and you both pretended you couldn't see the tear tracks on the others cheeks. You smiled at him, but it was shaky at best. "Have you decided what you'll do yet? After, I mean."
"We'll be leaving the country. I have a boat, anchored at the docks, and we'll see where the wind takes us." Yoongi answered and your heart ached violently because Yoongi would be going out to sea and would probably never return.
But there was something else, something more pressing, worrying you, because the docks were really close to the palace. "Won't that be dangerous? I mean, not a lot of people have seen the Emperor, so you should be relatively safe from people at the docks recognising you, but royal guards will be everywhere to look for you. And they know what the Emperor looks like and they'll definitely find a man with his face suspicious."
"Don't worry. We will lay low for a week, then we will leave from the docks. The boat will depart at noon, when the sun is highest in the sky an people will be to lazy to do much in this heat." Yoongi informed you and you relaxed ever so slightly, glad that Yoongi seems to have planned for every scenario.
"Just be careful." You said and he nodded, corners of his mouth quirking up for a second before it fell again. It was silent for a while, before he blurted out something that made your heart stop.
"You could come with us." Come with me, is what Yoongi didn't say, silently offering his heart.
"What?" You whispered, shocked but also so very tempted by the offer. You really, really wanted to say yes, to take ahold of his hand and never let go. "Yoongi," Your voice cracked, eyes tearing up again, heart hammering in your chest. "I-i can't."
Yoongi swallowed, nodding in resignation, having expected this answer. "Still, the offer is there."
"Thank you." You said, eyes blurring and you blinked furiously, not wanting to cry again.
"Always." He smiled at you, sincere and heartbroken at the same time.
You got on the horse, glancing at Yoongi and the others one last time - Taehyung, Jimin and ever Jeongguk waving at you, you waved back - before taking off in the direction Yoongi told you too, feeling like you were leaving everything behind.
By the time you reached the palace gates five days later, news of the Emperor's demise had spread everywhere.
You were back at the place, people giving you sympathetic glances and you used it to your advantage, that everyone was thinking your were grieving. They were right, you are grieving - for what could have been, for leaving behind your first love, for not choosing Yoongi - they just had the wrong brother. It's been five days, but it's felt five years, everyday without Yoongi. Everything inside of you screaming that there was still time, he was only leaving in two days.
You ignored it.
"We can always find you another man to marry." Your mother was saying, the two mornings later, already over the death of the Emperor, it would seem. She just wanted you to get married and have children, no thought of your feelings spared.
"Yes, you are still young, my dear. Once we're back home, we'll start looking again." Your father said with a stern face, but you didn't want this and it was all to much.
"Did you and mom marry for love, or for convenience?" You asked bluntly for the first time in your eighteen winters.
Your mother looked a little uncomfortable, but your father just smiled, but there was something knowing in his eyes. "For love, my dear."
"So, then you believe that people can marry for love?" You asked, looking at your father.
"Of course we do, but not everyone is that lucky." Your mother quickly answered.
You looked at the sun, realising that Yoongi will be leaving in an hour. Your heart ached fiercely at the thought. Your whole being recoiled at the thought of marrying another man, because you don't want another man, you want Yoongi. You don't care if he's an outlaw, you don't care that you're a princess or that the whole world would be against you. As long as you have him, you are willing to go against anything.
Something inside of you broke.
"I can't do this, I'm sorry." You whispered, tears welling up in your eyes, falling down your cheeks freely. You stood from the breakfast table and turned around, starting to walk out of the room.
"Y/N!" Your mother's voice called. "What's going on?"
You stopped, turning back to them with a teary smile. "Mom, dad, I'm sorry. I love you both, so much, but if I don't follow my heart, I'll regret it for the rest of my life."
You turned again, taking only three steps.
"Y/N!" Your father called, stern voice stopping you and you felt a sense of dread inside of you building up. You looked back once more, but was surprised to see a gentle smile on his face. "Send us a letter now and again, our hearts are old and your brother will worry."
"I will." You promised, knowing that was as much of a blessing you were going to get from your father, eyes blurring and you wondered how much you've cried the last week. More than you've ever cried in your whole life, that much is certain.
"And be happy." He added, and you nodded, a tear escaping it's confines.
"Y/N!" You mother's voice echoed around the room, but you ignored it as your heart leaped. Feeling lighter than you have ever before, you lifted your dressed and took off running.
"She's not coming." Yoongi sighed, disappointed even though he knew that this was the most likely outcome. He is the outlaw, she is the princess - they don't get to have a happy ending.
"Are you sure you don't want to wait a little longer, hyung?" Jimin asked softly. He, Taehyung and Jeongguk looked similarly dejected.
"It's already and hour past the time I told her we would be leaving. She's not coming." He swallowed thickly, looking where the palace lies not to far from the docks, where his heart lies. "We should go." He was walking up the gangway when he heard it.
"Yoongi!" He turned so fast he almost fell over, wanting, needing to see if his ears was deceiving him. His eyes searched frantically, then he saw you, running to him with the brightest smile he's ever seen. You were wearing a purple dress made off expensive material, hair and face done perfectly, looking ethereal and running straight to him.
Yoongi couldn't believe it, couldn't help the smile that spread on his lips either. He walked down the gangway, and got there just in time to pick you up, hugging you tightly to him.
"I was afraid you already left." You said, gasping for air, arms tangled around Yoongi.
"I was about too." He admitted, and felt a sense of dread because what if he had left an hour ago and missed her? Thank Goodness, Jeongguk asked him to wait a bit longer.
"I want to go with you, I want to be with you. I don't care that you're an outlaw and I'm a Princess. I just want you." You rambled, tightening your grip, afraid that if you let go, he'd vanish.
"Then let's go, Princess." Yoongi breathed, gentle setting you down and taking your hand in his, lacing your fingers and squeezing.
You walked up the gangway, hand-in-hand, side-by-side, and unbelievably happy. The other's cheered when they heard you were coming along, and didn't just come for another goodbye, Taehyung hugged you, Jimin squealed and Jeongguk picked you up too, spinning you around.
"You know what I just realised?" Taehyung asked everyone, once the boat was out at sea.
"What?" Jimin asked curiously.
"Yoongi-hyung is technically a Prince." He said, mischievous smile on his lips as he looked at their Captain. Something that you didn't know about Yoongi, but found ridiculously attractive. Really, you should have realised when he told you about the boat, but you didn't and now that you did, well, your cheeks definitely wasn't red because of the heat.
"Oh my God, Taehyung-hyung is actually right for once." Jeongguk gasped, eyes widening.
Taehyung looked offended, arms crossing over his chest. "Yah! I'm always right, you brat."
"The Outlaw Prince." You mused with a smile.
"Your Outlaw Prince." Yoongi muttered just soft enough for you to hear, rosy flush on his cheeks, placing a kiss on your temple.
You hummed happily in agreement, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning your head against his chest, "Mine."
It was silent for a while before Taehyung asked excitedly:
"So, when are you two getting married?"
the end.
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